~ Forever ~
by planetsolin
For disclaimers see part one
The pounding on the door and the bark of her name rousted the young woman from her slumber. As she sat up intense blue eyes scanned the familiar surroundings of her bedroom at the Inn that her mother owned.
"Xena, Cortez and his army are approaching the outer perimeters of the village," Lyceus exclaimed as he bounded into her sleeping chamber. The dark haired girl turned and looked at the brother who was her closest friend. She could see the excitement on his youthful features.
"We must hurry," the boy prodded.
Xena nodded and hastily swung her legs over the edge her eyes catching sight of the stool on which her sword lay wrapped in its sheaf. On the floor next to it was the little pile of armour and leathers she had been able to secure.
"We don't know what to do," the boy was practically bouncing on his feet as he urged his sister to move faster.
They had trained hard for this moment, preparing the entire village to fight the army that was coming to destroy them. Their friends and neighbours were waiting for the leadership that she was to give. In spite of her tender age she was by far the strongest and best swordsman in the town.
She nodded her dark head and stood up hastily moving across the room to where her battle gear waited, slipping into it. She paused staring down at the weapon that fit so perfectly in her hand. When she moved it became an extension of her arm. She grabbed the sword and then hurried out of the room bounding down the steps into the main room of the Inn.
Her mother Cyrene was sitting on a bench on the far side of the empty tavern. There was an expression of sadness on her face. Xena paused at the door, stopping so suddenly that the smaller lad slammed into her back. But she barely felt the impact as the boy bounced backwards.
"Lyceus I want you to stay here and protect mother," she said without knowing why. They had trained together for this day and had agreed to back each other up but for some reason she felt strongly that her brother should not be with her this day.
"No!" the boy protested. He saw this opportunity to fight as a grand adventure. He wanted to ride into battle next to his beloved sister. He did not want to be thought of as a coward who remained behind with the women and children.
"Yes." Xena shook her head. She glanced across at her mother. Cyrene was not in agreement with having the townsfolk fight. There would be deaths that would affect friends and neighbours; deaths that were needless and a waste.
The younger woman looked back at her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You have many summers ahead and there will be other chances to test your skills. I don't want you with me Lyceus. I want you here with mother. I need you to protect her in case we fail."
The boy made to protest but the look in his sisters blue eyes told him that he would never win this argument. He did not understand what had come over his sister. They had trained together Xena, Toris and him, intent on standing together in defense of their home. They had promised each other their support.
"Please Lyceus, if you love me, stay here," the taller woman pleaded and finally the boy nodded.
Xena sighed, feeling an immense relief. She affectionately ruffled his curly brown hair before turning on her heel and striding out of the Inn. The smell of battle greeted her first breath as she stepped from the porch of the tavern onto the courtyard of the village. There were people running everywhere. In the distance she could hear the sounds of the clash of swords. Suddenly out of nowhere Toris appeared on his horse, holding the reins to a tanned coloured mount. He brought the creatures to a halt, tossing the leather reins at his sister.
"The battle has begun and we are not doing well," the man informed her.
Xena nodded and jumped onto the back of her horse, clicking her heels against its flanks and turning it so they headed towards the village gates. The air was warm and the sky clear. It was a good day to fight.
They galloped out of the village and headed towards the lines where the two opponents were engaged in combat. She pulled on the reins and drew her mount to a halt. In her hand she could feel the weight of her sword. Her heart began to pound sending her blood pulsing through her veins. Her nostrils flared as the sounds and feel of battle invaded her senses.
"Ayyyyyyiiiiiiieeeee," she screamed raising her sword as she clicked her heels and charged into the fray.
She had been gifted with unusual skill and easily dispatched the first few soldiers who dared to challenge her. She felt like an animal, a panther stocking a prey before pouncing and slaying her foe. Her blue eyes paled and her face formed a sneer that changed her features and put terror into the hearts of those she faced.
She shouted encouragement to those who fought at her side as she cut a swath through the invading army, riding up and down the front lines swinging her sword in accurate and deadly strikes. Blood spurted from severed limbs and sprayed her skin and clothes; but she was beyond caring, intent only in letting the beast within exhaust itself.
When the fight seemed too easy she slipped off her horse and waded into the battle on foot, slashing and hacking as she went. It was her practiced sword that turned the tide of the battle. The sight of the intensity of the young woman who was leading them, gave the villagers more strength and courage to continue to fight. It was late in the afternoon when Cortez called for his army to retreat.
Back at the Inn Lyceus paced impatiently, wondering how the battle was going. It had been many candle marks since Xena had left the tavern and he was anxious to know what was happening. The sound of the retreat horn made him realize that the battle was over. Without waiting to know who had won, he spun around and raced out of the Inn, hoping that he might yet get the chance to fight.
By the time he reached the meadow outside the village the invading army was in full retreat with the villagers chasing. Caught up in the excitement of victory he joined in the rout, running alongside those of his friends and neighbours who had spent the day in battle.
Xena paused to watch her victorious army chase Cortez and his soldiers. She felt a strong sense of power and a bloodlust that fueled her strength. There was an odd soldier that paused in retreat to face one last challenge and an occasional arrow still reined down from the sky but the battle was over and the victory was hers.
She watched her brother Toris move up and down the line of villagers sharing their victory and helping those who had been wounded. The meadow was littered with those who had not survived the encounter and tonight there would be many households who would be in mourning. She knew that over the next few days their time would be consumed with burying the dead.
"I can handle this," she said to herself, a wicked smile decorating her face but than out of the corner she saw a familiar flash of armour. She spun on her heel and watched in horror as Lyceus sprinted after a small group of retreating soldiers.
"No!" She screamed, her body already moving in the direction of the boy. But no matter how fast she moved, she would never be quick enough to catch him.
Time slowed and for an instant Xena felt as if she was watching the scene enfold from a place outside her body. She watched as one of the retreating soldiers stopped and turned to confront the boy who was chasing him.
Lyceus was no challenge for the more experienced soldier and the older mans sword easily penetrated his defenses before sliding into his young body and slicing his stomach open. He laughed as the lad dropped his sword to clutch his stomach and then slump to his knees. He raised his sword for one final strike.
"No!" Xena screamed jumping in to defend her wounded brother. Her face was filled with fury as something inside her snapped in anger. In two bruising thrusts she had the man on his knees and with one more swing his head popped off his shoulders and rolled out across the grass. The headless torso slumped on to the ground.
Xena dropped her sword and slumped to her knees beside her mortally wounded brother, tears streaming down her face. She gently rolled him over onto his back, careful not to hurt him anymore then he already was.
"Lyceus?" she called to the young man but there was no response. The blue eyes were open but unseeing and the face frozen in an expression of pain. She put her hand over his and felt his life blood, spilled now on the ground around them.
Some will be the same and other things different. The strange mantra seemed to come into her head from some invisible voice.
"Why?" Xena lifted her face to the sky and called out in anguish.
"You did your best," the vision of Artemis appeared before her. "It was his destiny, his choice to make."
"But he is too young," the girl cried.
"You did all you could, you gave him a chance that he never had before," the Goddess said before disappearing again.
"No!" Xena shouted, angry at the Gods.
She leaned forward and lifted her slender brother into her arms before rising to her feet. She walked back towards the village, her heart breaking over the fact that she would have to bring her brother home like this to their mother. She saw nothing, lost in her own pain, the black hole opening in front of her and threatening to overwhelm her.
Cyrene looked up when the door to the tavern opened. It had been quiet for almost a candle mark and she knew that the battle was over. She waited as many other mothers in the village did, praying to the Gods for the safe return of all her children. As her daughter stepped into the Inn she knew that her prayers had not been answered and tears formed quickly in her eyes.
Xena laid Lyceus carefully on one of the tables, tenderly combing the brown hair off his face before stepping back. She could not look at her mother.
Cyrene slowly rose and walked on shaking legs across the room to the table where her youngest child had been laid out in death. There was blood everywhere, caking his clothes and his small slender hands. It had only been fourteen summers since she had held him in her arms for the very first time. Neither woman noticed when Toris stepped into the Inn.
"I'm so sorry," Xena tried to apologize even though she knew that it would do no good. It had been her idea to form the villagers into an army to defend against Cortez and his soldiers.
Cyrene looked up at her daughter. She could see the blood on the girl's hands and all over her body. Tear tracks streaked down her cheeks, evidence of the pain that she felt at her brother's loss.
"It was your fault," the older woman said in a distracted voice as she turned her attention once more to her son. "Because of your desire to fight The Fates choose this to be his end. He adored you and you should have known that he would follow you. Now you must accept blame for his death."
"No," Xena cried in anguish and spun on her heels and ran out of the tavern, tears continuing to stream down her face. She ran until she could run no more, collapsing in a heap on the ground far from the village.
Toris was torn between his duty to his mother and the need to follow and comfort his sister. He looked at the silent form of his younger brother. Lyceus had been such a happy child, and wherever he was you knew that Xena was someplace nearby. He had adored his older sister and she had returned the affection. He knew her grief would be inconsolable.
By the time she returned to the Inn Lyceus' body had been cleaned and dressed in garments not stained with his blood. He was lying in the darkness of the tavern, the only light coming from the fire burning in the grate of the fireplace.
"Xena," the voice of her brother Toris came out of the darkness and her blue eyes found him sitting alone by the door.
"There is nothing to say," the tall girl shook her dark hair. She strolled to the stairs and rested her hand on the barrister. "Tomorrow I am going after Cortez."
"Killing him won't bring Lyceus back," the young man said quietly.
"No, but it will make me feel better," Xena hissed in a harsh voice.
"But will that be enough?" Toris asked. "Will it end with their death or will it just be the beginning of something else? When his death will be avenged, whose else's will be next?"
"No one!" the girl barked.
"You say that now," the young man sighed and rose to his feet, hoping that he could get through to his sister. But it seemed her desire for revenge was clouding her judgment. "Perhaps Cortez started by gathering an army to avenge someone's death but it lead to his realization that he could be all powerful and that he could control peoples lives through terror. Is that what you want to become?"
Xena stood silently, unable to give an answer. She knew that he brother was right but the pain was so fresh and it was hard not to hate. That night she lay tossing and turning in her bed, slumber strangely illusive regardless of how exhausted she was. When she finally rolled out of her cot at dawn she was surprised to see more than a dozen men and women waiting for her in the tavern.
She glanced around the room. Her mother was sitting on a stool next to Lyceus' body, while Toris was sitting in another stool only a few feet away. There was an unearthly silence.
"We wish to speak with you." Loris said. He was a young man near her age and good with a sword. It was obvious that the others had chosen him to be their spokesman.
Xena nodded and out of respect to her mother she led the group out of the tavern. Outside was perhaps another dozen villagers, all still dressed in their battle gear. She turned to face the older man, knowing what he was about to say.
"We want to go after Cortez," Loris explained. "We want to bring revenge to him and his soldiers for the deaths they caused to our friends and family, and we want you to lead us."
Xena was silent as she slowly allowed her blue eyes to scan the group. Though they had all washed, the smell of battle still hung over them. It was the smell of blood and death. She took a couple of deep breaths before speaking.
"We all have lost many friends and family members," she spoke with a wisdom beyond her seventeen summers. "I think we should concentrate on burying our dead before we decide what to do next."
"But they will get away," a man from the group protested.
"Do not worry," the tall girl shook her head. "It will not be hard to find them. Now go home and be with your families."
There was allot of grumbling but slowly one by one the villagers turned and wandered back to their homes. Only once they were all gone did she turn back to enter the tavern. She was surprised to see Toris standing just outside the door.
"So you are going to go after them aren't you?"
"They can't be allowed to keep rampaging about the countryside, killing innocent people," she replied her face without expression.
"We did what we had set out to do," Toris shook his head.
Xena said nothing merely stepping passed her older brother and into the Inn.
The wail of the lyre and the singing of funeral songs could be heard from morning to night as the people of Amphipolis buried their dead. Finally it came time for the family to intern Lyceus in their family crypt in the nearby mountain.
They walked solemnly behind the horse and wagon that carried his body with only the sound of the creaking wheels to disturb the silence. It was a slow march but they finally reached his final resting place. As Toris and five friends moved the body from the wagon to the crypt, Xena broke out into the haunting funeral song that had been sung at all the other funerals. It's clear and forlorn melody carried by the wind out onto the valley and across the meadow where he had been killed.
Her voice grew quiet and than faded away as they gently placed the body into the stone crypt. One last goodbye and the heavy stone lid was moved, sealing his body in place for all eternity. The only thing that could be heard was the gentle weeping of Cyrene who mourned the loss of her child.
When it was over Toris put his arm about his mothers bent shoulders and guided her out to the wagon, leaving Xena alone. A shiver ran down her spine and goosebumps covered her skin. For the first time she felt the chill of the cavern.
Jomas, the village chief, was waiting at the tavern with several of the town counselors when Cyrene and Toris returned from burying Lyceus. The pair could see the lines of concern on the other men's faces and graciously Cyrene invited them in.
"We have come here to offer our condolences on the death of Lyceus. He was a good lad willing to help all those who needed it. He will be sadly missed by everyone in the village." Jomas said once they were all seated around a table.
"I thank you but my loss is no different than any of the other people in the village," Cyrene was no fool. She knew that the town council was here for more reasons than to offer condolences. "Why have you come, Jomas?"
The man glanced at his companions and than looked straight at the woman. They had known each other all their lives and he had defended her when she had killed her husband. No one had blamed her for killing a man who was intent on murdering a child.
"There is much talk around the village that Xena is intending to form an army to follow Cortez and his army," the man stated what was on many of their minds.
"It is not solely her idea," the woman defended her absent daughter. "There are others who are prodding her to do as you speak."
"Yes," the men acknowledged the truth. "However, it is Xena who holds the power. Without her they are nothing more than dissenting voices. If she were to tell them the idea is absurd than they would all go back to their families."
"And if she doesn't?"
"Than we will have no choice but to banish her from the village," Jomas was direct. "Many of the less enlightened blame her for the deaths of their children. There have been men like Cortez and his army for as long as they have lived and for them raids are a fact of life."
"How can they be so harsh when they are enjoying the benefits of her intervention?" Cyrene allowed her anger to show.
"It is true," the man acknowledged again. "But what they only see is that their sons or husbands are dead. Many will suffer financially because of that. They can not afford to have their remaining children running off leaving them as well."
"I do not understand what it is you want me to do?"
"We want you to talk to Xena, tell her of how the village feels; persuade her that this mission to avenge the village is needless."
Cyrene wondered if these men knew what they were truly asking. None of them knew Xena as she did and it would not be as easy asking her to change her plans. But she agreed nonetheless for she did not want to see her daughter banished from the village. In truth she did not want to see Xena go off again to do battle.
For a long time Xena stood alone, staring at the stone tomb. She could feel the haunting sadness of grief but she refused to give in to it. She preferred to remain angry at the man responsible for her brother's death. It was easier than accepting his loss and the part she played in it.
"I will avenge your death," she promised in a harsh voice before turning on her heel and marching back to the Inn.
Word soon went around the village that Xena was getting ready to ride out after Cortez and the remainder of his army. It didn't take long for a small crowd of men and women; all who wanted to join in the hunt, gathered outside the tavern. They all had family that they wanted to avenge.
Cyrene watched with sadness as her tall daughter strapped the leathers and armour on her body, before settling her sword in its sheaf across her back. Outside her horse Argo waited, saddled and ready. The older woman wanted to stop her daughter but she doubted that the girl would listen.
"Xena," the woman's soft voice brought the tall girl out of her revere. She looked up across the room to the doorway where her mother stood. "I don't want you to do this. Lyceus wouldn't want you to do this."
"Yes he would," the tall woman disagreed. "And if it had been me lying in the crypt, he would be the one strapping on the armour with the intention of avenging my death."
"No, he wouldn't," Cyrene shook her head. "Lyceus would mourn the loss and know that you had all done your duty. You have not suffered anymore than everyone else in this village whose lost someone they loved."
"No, that is why a crowd gathers outside the Inn to join me in my quest," Xena wanted her mother to understand. "We managed to protect ourselves but what of other villages not as well organized. Cortez and his rabble will pillage them and make their women slaves."
"That is not your concern."
"Protecting my fellow countrymen is my concern," the dark haired girl remained adamant. "If I can save one life than this will be all worth it."
Cyrene looked intently at her daughter. Xena had always been stronger and more stubborn than any of her other children. She had grown tall and developed into more than a competent swordsman and there was no one in the village who could match her skill. She knew her daughters personality and combined with the leadership she was being given by her neighbours, Cyrene feared what would happen. She feared the girl would become like the man that they had just defeated.
"Xena if you leave here to go after Cortez and his army, you are not welcome back in my home."
A dark head snapped to attention and blue eyes narrowed as they continued to stare at the older woman. For a moment she wondered if her mother were threatening her or merely trying to impose her will. Well, she was old enough to make her own decisions.
"I am going mother," she said bluntly.
"Do you think that all the other villagers support you?"
"They are waiting for me in the courtyard."
"They are only the village hotheads and others who have nothing better to do," the older woman chided her daughter. "The others want no part of any more fighting. They have lost enough and if you insist on taking away more of their son's and daughters than you will not be welcome back to Amphipolis."
Xena knew that she was being given an ultimatum. She felt her anger begin to stir. She had organized and trained the villagers to protect themselves and for a reward they were ready to banish her from her home.
"I will not give in to sorcery."
"I am not trying to coercer you," Cyrene shook her head sadly aware that her daughter was not about to give in. "I am merely telling you what the rest of the people are saying. Many have lost husbands and sons and they don't want to lose any more of their family."
"Than they can stay home," Xena said defiantly. "I am forcing no one to join me."
"No but they look up to you and respect you," the older woman said. "If you were to call this insane adventure off they would understand. They chose you to lead them because of your skills, now be a true leader and send them all home."
"I can't do that," the girl said flatly. "I made a promise to Lyceus to avenge his death and I will not fail."
Cyrene sighed. She knew that she was losing the battle. With every argument she could see her daughter grow more defiant. She had hoped that she could reason with her child but it seemed that the girl had inherited her stubbornness from her father; a man who had tried to kill her as a child. Now she wondered whether it would not have been better to let her husband murder her daughter. She had a strong impression that the honourable cause that Xena would fight for would quickly be lost under the lure of riches and power.
"Than I am sorry," the older woman said in a tired voice. "But know that if you ride out of Amphipolis today after Cortez, you will not longer be welcome back."
With that the woman was gone and for a long time Xena stared at the open doorway where her mother had stood only seconds earlier. She had lived in Amphipolis for all seventeen of her summers. She knew everyone in the village and everyone knew her. It was her home and the thought that she would not be welcome back hurt. But at the same time the threat solidified her resolve. She would allow no one to rule her life.
She finished gathering up her few belonging and glanced one last time around her bed chamber. If she would not be welcome back than this would be the last time she would see this place. She committed everything to memory and when she stepped through the door she left her childhood behind.
Cyrene was no where around but Toris was standing outside the Inn. For a long moment blue eyes met and held. Though he was older then his sister, she had always been better than him at almost everything. That grudge now grew stronger as he looked at her. Ideally it should have been him leading the village. Ideally it should be him going in search of justice.
Xena could see the conflict in her brother's eyes and her heart hardened against him. He had always been jealous of her prowess with the horse and the sword. He had been hurt when the villagers had asked her to lead them in the battle against Cortez. He had been supportive but it had always been grudgingly given.
Neither said a word as the girl turned and strolled down to where her horse waited. With a jump she was on the creatures back and with a click of her heels they were off. She did not ask anyone to follow her, nor did she try to dissuade them. It was their choice to make just as she had made her own.
In total there were almost two dozen of them who rode out of Amphipolis that morning. They rode through the village gates and passed the meadows where their loved ones had fallen. They rode from their pasts to their future and destiny.
It was three days before they were able to pick up the track of Cortez and the remnants of his army. Than it was not hard for them to follow the path of burnt farms as the defeated army retreated towards a place where they could regroup and replenish themselves. Xena knew that it was important for them to catch up to them before that happened.
It was late in the afternoon when they came across a displaced family on the road. The couple and their two children had lost everything to the marauders several days earlier and were eager to join the party that was seeking revenge. Since starting out the group for Amphipolis had grown as other displaced persons joined their ranks.
"They were headed east," the farmer told Xena when questioned. He pointed in the opposite direction of the sun. "There were about two handfuls of men in their party."
Xena looked where the man pointed. "Is there anything of significance in that direction?"
"No," the man shook his head. "There is only a small farming village by the name of Potedaia a days ride from here."
The tall girl nodded her head. It was reasonable to expect the Warlord to head to another village and a peaceful place such as the village of Potedaia would be an easy target. If she guessed right it would be the perfect place for the man to start rebuilding his army.
"Let's go then." She said slicking her heels in the direction.
Gabrielle had just finished placing the pots of flowers she had picked from near the river around the dais. She paused, resting her hands on her hips as she glanced around her surroundings, pleased by what she had accomplished. Tomorrow the courtyard would be filled with people coming to celebrate the successful gathering of the harvest.
She glanced around the town square again. Most of the women were down by the river washing their finest clothes in preparation for the next day's festivities. There was so much more to do before the morrow and she turned and hurried down to join her mother and sister at the river.
Cortez halted his army in a forest at the edge of the village. He sat on his horse watching the village women laughing and chatting as they did their laundry. There were no men about to guard their presence and the Warlord knew that they had not heard of his rampage. A grim smile broke across his face.
His scouts had earlier returned from scouring the area and from their descriptions it would be an ideal place for them to take slaves and recoup some of the losses they had taken by being defeated in Amphipolis. Even though his army have been severely depleted they would be easily be able to take the village. The scouts had assured him that the village was a peaceful one with no defense force, and they had never been wrong before.
"Now!" He motioned to his men and in mass they galloped out of the forest and surrounded the women by the river. With no men there to protect them the women had no choice but to surrender peacefully, though a small girl managed to escape and sound the alarm in the village. By the time the townsmen gathered and responded to the emergency the women and their captors were gone.
They had been hastily bound together by chain and thick rope before being marched late into the evening. No one knew their destination but they could discern by the direction that they were heading for the sea. It was only when they came to a small shed that the slavers called a halt for the night. All the women were herded into the small one room windowless shack and the door was locked.
Gabrielle sat quietly in the corner of the shed room marveling how differently she had felt several candle marks earlier. She glanced around the cramped space, seeing the expressions of worry and fear on the other women who had been incarcerated.
She had just gone to find her mother and sister down by the river where they were washing clothes when the marauders had appeared. Some women had tried to run but they had been surrounded and there was no chance for them to escape. Now she like the others was a prisoner and ahead of them loomed a life of slavery.
"No!" the determined blond decided that she didn't want that future. She was young and some day she wanted to marry and have a family. She tested the bindings on her wrists and realized that with some effort she might be able to wriggle her hands free.
"Gabrielle, what are you doing?" Hercuba, her mother asked crossly, irritated by her daughter's struggles.
"I am getting out of here and than I am going to go get help and rescue all of you." The small blond replied earnestly.
"How are you going to do that?" the older woman asked thinking that this was another of her eldest child's fantasies. Gabrielle was always making up stories of various adventures.
"Like this," the girl pronounced with glee as she managed to finally slip her hands free of their bindings.
"Gabrielle!" The older woman was shocked and more than a little worried about what her daughter planned.
"Now, I am going to work one of these boards loose and then crawl outside," the little blond replied as she carefully checked the boards that made up the outer shell of the building. It was a few minutes before she found one loose enough that she would be about to work free.
"It's too dangerous," the older woman was filled with concern. "Let someone else go."
"I am the only one old enough and small enough to get between these boards," the girl replied and than paused to look at her mother seeing the worry in the older hazel eyes. "I promise to be careful."
The assurance did not relieve the older woman's worry and so when the board was loose enough to provide an opening she could do nothing but hug her daughter and send her off with a prayer to the Gods of Mt. Olympus.
Gabrielle carefully stuck her head through the opening and glanced through the darkness checking to see if there were any of their captors nearby. A short distance away was a campfire which was surrounded by the slavers. She was in the shadows and knew that she would not be spotted.
Soundlessly she slipped through the opening and than crawled hastily across the grass and into the row of trees where the slavers horses were tied. She was careful not to disturb the huge beasts frightened that the noise they would make would give away her escape. Only once she was a good distance away from the campsite did she stand up and begin to run.
Xena and her makeshift army rode late into the night, stopping only when their horses needed the rest. She did not know why but a sense of urgency had driven her along, and the next morning they were on the road again candle marks before the dawn. She knew that Cortez and his men had several days head start but she hoped that he would not be in a rush. The Warlord would not suspect that anyone would be hunting him and his army.
They reached the outskirts of Potedaia the previous afternoon and after speaking with the village men learned that their women and children had been captured by raiders. After scouring the tracks down by the river they had set out after the army, confident that they were not far behind.
After a few short candle marks they were once again on their way and traveling down a narrow track when a small disheveled figure stumbled out of the forest ahead of them. With a click of their heels they hurried to intercept the lone individual.
Gabrielle paused for a brief moment as she emerged from the darkness of the forest. For the first time she knew where she was and almost immediately she recognized a group of horseman heading in her direction. For an instant she felt a moment of panic but than realized that they would be able to hunt her down before she got too far. She hoped that they were friend and not a foe.
The lead rider was a tall dark haired woman with dark leathers and a sword in the sheaf on her back. She was riding a tanned coloured horse with a white mane. The woman was striking in her appearance and for a long moment Gabrielle was speechless as her frightened green eyes met intense blue ones. In the next instance she felt a sense of safety and security.
"Are you from Potedaia?" The tall dark haired woman asked.
"Yes, and I just escaped from the slavers camp," the girl babbled.
"Can you show us where they are?" Xena asked and watched as the blond head bobbed.
"Show us," the woman instructed with authority and held out her hand.
Gabrielle stood for a long moment staring at the extended appendage aware of her fear of horses but she knew that she would be a safe. She took the hand and than felt herself being easily lifted into the back of the horse.
"Which way do we go?"
All the small blond could do was point and hang on to the tall woman's waist as they took off in the direction from which Gabrielle had come. It wasn't long before they reached the small clearing where the raiders had set up camp.
Xena did a quick reconnaissance of the area. She wasn't surprised to find only a few guards on duty while most of the others were still sleeping around the campfire that had burnt down to white ash. She saw the shed where the village woman where locked. It was well past dawn but the raiders seemed in no hurry to move on. It was obvious that they were not expecting anyone to come after them.
"You stay here," Xena instructed the small blond woman.
"But..." Gabrielle was about to protest but the stern expression that crossed the older girls face made her close her mouth.
"It is too dangerous for those who have no experience in battle," the dark haired warrior said and then turned to her rag tag army. "Mount up; we will be able to take them by surprise if we attack now."
The others nodded. So quickly they had fallen under the girl's leadership, believing in her as they had believed in no one else. There was a charm and charisma to the tall, dark haired beauty that seduced all those who came into contact with her. No one thought to challenge her authority or decisions, believing in everything she said
"Aiyyyeeee," the now familiar scream penetrated the air. It was the signal for them to attack and they charged out of the forest into the clearing catching the raiders by surprise.
Though they had the advantage of surprise they did not easily overpower their enemy. The soldiers of Cortez's army hastily shook themselves awake and grabbed their swords.
The battle was intense and bloody but it didn't last long. Xena and her companions were able to overwhelm the unsuspecting army and those who did not fall under the sword, tossed their weapons aside and raised their hands in surrender.
"Round them up," the tall dark haired girl commanded those around her. The thrill was victory felt sweet and she felt the bloodlust coursing through her veins. It was intoxicating and empowering. "Has anyone seen Cortez?"
Her blue eyes scanned the campsite and paused when the man in question stepped out from behind the shed, one arm wrapped around the waist of the small blond woman who had escaped and summoned their help. His other hand held a sword which was positioned against the girl's throat.
Gabrielle struggled to free herself but she was too weak against her captors grip. She knew that she should have listened to the older girl but she was not someone to idly sit by. With the soldiers all occupied she had scrambled from her hiding place in the forest and gone to the shed intent on freeing the women. She had just about gotten the door lock undone when she had been grabbed from behind. Now she found herself in a more tenuous position than she had ever faced in her life.
The battle was nearly over when Xena noticed the warlord dragging a hostage towards where their horses were tied. She galloped towards him, coming to a halt nearby, she slipped from the back of her mount and walked towards the man. She could see the wildness in the black of his eyes.
"Who are you?" the man wanted to know. No one had pursued him before and he needed to know who this strange warrior was.
"I am Xena of Amphipolis, and I have come to take you back to our town to face charges of murder."
The man laughed incredulously which belied the caged feeling that was beginning to overwhelm his senses.
"Let the girl go," Xena instructed. "Fight me and if you win you can go on about your way and if not, than you can come back to Amphipolis with me."
"I will not go to any prison," Cortez sneered and than unceremoniously dropped his hostage on the ground.
Gabrielle hastily scrambled out of the way as the two warriors stared at each other. Xena was totally focused on the man who confronted her, as all else melted away. She knew that this would be the toughest battle of her tender life and she had no intention of losing. She felt to strongly the desire to live.
The battle was intense as each thrust was greeted by a defensive parry. The clanging of metal and steel upon each other was loud and echoed through the forest. It was as everything had stopped moving for this moment in time.
The two warriors fought with strength and endurance and it was only by a mistake that one would be defeated. It came when the warlord stumbled as he stepped backwards. Xena used the opportunity to pounce, driving forward with a momentum that kept the man off balance. Finally he was unable to counter her thrusts and the tip of her sword penetrated his defenses and sliced open his torso, sending his blood and guts spilling on to the ground beneath him.
Dark eyes looked at her with amazement. He had thought that she was too young to know the intricacies of hand to hand combat but he had been proven wrong. She had shown a skill and strength that was unusual in someone so young and untried. He slumped to his knees and than toppled forward onto his face.
Xena stood over him, her heart pounding erratically in her breast as she stared at the results of her victory. She had accomplished her goal of avenging Lyceus death but she also knew that there were other men out there gathering armies to lead against unarmed countrymen. She physically jumped when she felt the warmth of a hand on her arm, her sword rising to strike.
Her dark head snapped around and for a long moment she caught the startled and horrified expression in a pair of green eyes. In an instance the animal inside her shrunk back into its cage and her hand lowered the sword. The bloodlust that had been coursing through her body was suddenly stilled.
"Thank you," the girl said softly.
"I told you to stay behind, you could have gotten killed. Next time listen when someone tells you something," Xena barked with irritation. She was angry that this girl had almost gotten herself killed. Without another word she turned and started to walk away her thoughts already on her next move.
"Gabrielle." The girl called at the receding back.
Gabrielle. The simply spoken word penetrated through her thoughts. Some things will be the same and some will be different, that invisible voice again whispered in her head. She paused and turned to look back at the blond girl.
"What did you say?"
The small blond swallowed. "I said my name is Gabrielle."
Xena sat perched on a rock at the far end of the lake. She had remembered this place from her childhood and when the heat of the morning had become too much she had slipped away from the others, intent on enjoying a quiet, relaxing few candle marks away from all her responsibilities.
She sighed and stretched her long muscular body out, feeling the warm rays of the sun dry the tiny droplets of water still clinging to her smooth skin. It had been a long time since she had been able to let her guard down and relax without someone watching her. A long time since she had last enjoyed the simple pleasures she had taken for granted as a child.
Her thoughts abruptly ended at the sound of rustling grass. She rolled swiftly off the rock and stared keenly in the direction of the sound. A feral grin stretched across her lips. Perhaps today was going to turn out to be more pleasant then first assumed, she thought, reaching for the sword that was leaning up against a rock next to her leathers and chakram.
A young girl strolled carefully through the long grass placing her pouch down on the ground at the edge of the lake before beginning to disrobe. It was hot and already her body was anticipating the refreshing delights of the waters embrace.
She shed her clothes and then her boots before wading into the lake. She dunked her head beneath the surface and then popped out and slowly began to stroke her way to the middle of the clear, cool pool.
"Now, Gabrielle, what tales shall you tell tonight?" she mused out loud to herself in thoughtful leisure. Then without hesitation she launched into a recitation of Hercules and the Cyclops.
Xena sat back on her heels and the grip on the hilt of her sword eased as she stared with unabashed interest as the woman stripped down and then walked into the water. The prevailing stillness of the forest was soon broken by the gentle splash of water and then the warm tones of a soft voice. She stretched back out and listened to the tale of the mighty hero and the Cyclops. She found herself enthralled by the timbre of the voice which spoke the words and instantly found herself relaxing.
Suddenly the quiet atmosphere was broken by the sound of branches breaking and Xena felt a swift surge of anger towards the intruders. She had been enjoying herself and the story.
She glanced towards the edge of the forest, her senses once again on alert as six horsemen emerged from the trees. With one swift look she assessed the danger, sizing the men up with cold calculation. From their ill fitting and dirty clothing she knew that they were common thieves who roamed the countryside preying on helpless individuals. Their weapons were old and unkempt. She knew that she could handle them easily yet decided to wait and see how the situation unfolded.
Her eyes strayed to the woman who was now treading water in the middle of the lake. The girl sensibly stayed out in the water and even across the distance Xena could see that her eyes were wide and round though there was no fear in their green depths. For an instant she was mesmerized and suddenly she saw nothing but the young woman as her heart began to pound unevenly.
Clovis reigned in his horse as he neared the waters edge. His eyes narrowed as he spotted first the articles on the ground and then the girl paddling quietly out in the water. A cruel smile tipped the corners of his lips. They had been riding for days without crossing paths with any travelers and the few farms they had come across had hardly been worth the effort they had used to pillage them. His men were tired and as cranky as himself and in need of some entertainment. It looked like they had just found it.
He turned his gaze back out to the girl. She was young but pretty, not that it mattered on either accounts. The mood they were in it wouldn't have mattered what she looked like. But it definitely would make it more enjoyable.
"I think we'll take a break here," he turned and said to the others a smirk on his face. "This seems like a pleasant enough place for a wash and some entertainment."
The men laughed in understanding as they dismounted, tethering their horses nearby before wandering down to the edge of the lake. They bent and picked up the pouch, dumping its contents on the ground before casually sorting through the items. There was nothing of value among the girl's possessions.
"Can I help you?" Gabrielle called breaking the silence between them, annoyed that they were pawing through her stuff.
"Perhaps we can help you," Clovis responded with a grin and the others laughed, dropping her things back on the ground. "What's a wee thing like you doing alone out here?"
Xena suddenly snapped out of the trance that had descended over her mind. She heard the trace of infliction in the man's voice and knew that they were about to have some fun with the young woman.
"I'm on my way to Amphipolis," Gabrielle replied. "I am a friend of General Rufus."
It was a silly idea, she knew, but she hoped that the mention of the General's name and her association with the man might in some way intimidate these strangers. The men only laughed obviously unimpressed, knowing she was biding her time hoping that some unexpected rescue would stumble her way, but there would be no reprieve for they had not seen any one else in days.
"Perhaps we could accompany you and make certain no one troubles you," Clovis laughed and winked at his companions. "I'm sure the General would be pleased to know that we took care of you for him."
"I would be pleased for the company," Gabrielle replied.
"Of course we would need some reward for that favour," Clovis continued as he began to loosen the belt that was wrapped around his tunic.
"I can tell you a story," she offered silently swimming backwards and in spite of the circumstances continued to show no fear even though these men looked hungry and dangerous. "I am a bard and I travel around entertaining people."
"I bet you entertain people," the man smiled. "Come out and entertain us."
Gabrielle opened her mouth to answer but the corner of her eye caught sight of something moving swiftly along the tree line completely unobserved by the men. She watched fascinated as a tall, lithe, raven haired creature unfurrowed itself from the forest and moved stealthily towards the gang of thieves. She watched silently as the woman came to a halt behind the men, casually folding her arms across her chest and waiting until she was finally noticed.
"Come on missy, we need entertaining too," the men laughed.
"She said she's a bard and I don't think her type of entertainment is what you have in mind," Xena interrupted the ribaldry, bored at waiting for them to realize her presence. The men turned as one and six pair of startled eyes glanced over her body. Clovis smiled not realizing the danger that stood before him.
"So you have a friend," he snorted in glee as his mind raced with the possibilities. The woman who stood before him was armed like a warrior but he had rarely seen a woman who could fight. He had no fear as he took several steps towards this new arrival. He would enjoy taking this woman. He spoke his thoughts out loud.
Xena allowed a grin to play across her lips as her eyes grew dark and cold. She watched as their gazes met and the man paused, suddenly not so certain of his thoughts. He checked himself, there were six of them and only one of her. He completely discounted the girl in the lake aware she had no weapons.
"Then come and take me," the dark haired woman offered with a seductive smile.
The man moved without warning, rushing towards her but Xena was prepared, anticipating his actions. She deftly sidestepped his attack, laughing with amusement as he stumbled passed her. Seeing their leader tumble to the ground, spurred the others into action and they rushed all at once but the tall woman guessed their tactics and drew her sword in one swift motion.
The sound of steel on steel echoed through the still forest as the men thrust towards the woman warrior. Xena only laughed easily parrying and blocking their moves. She was toying with them like a cat plays with a mouse before moving in for the final kill. They were no match for her skill and she soon tired of this game. She dispatched the first man with ease, blocking his thrust before dropping to her knee and bringing her sword across his arm and cutting it open. He immediately dropped his sword and clutched his wound.
Clovis knew almost immediately that he had underestimated his opponent. There was something familiar in the way this warrior moved and it nagged at his brain. He heard the thunder of horse hooves. A sideways glance told him that there were six mounted warriors heading their way. By the familiar uniforms on their backs he knew that they belonged to the local militia.
"Retreat," he bellowed glancing back at the woman warrior. Suddenly he knew why the woman was familiar.
The others needed no further encouragement as they turned and raced to where their horses were tied, mounting on the run and riding hard out of the clearing into the forest. Xena was about to give chase when she noticed the mounted horsemen bearing down on her. She cursed Hades as she recognized them.
"Are you all right?" the soldier in charge asked and than waited for the tall woman to nod in the affirmative. He saw her gaze turn from him to the lake and for the first time he noticed the young woman, who was now hastily scrambling into her clothes.
"Than we will be off, we have been looking for those men since they broke into the store rooms in Larius," the soldier said with a knowing smile and with a wave motioned the others to follow him.
Xena watched as the small militia of riders hurried after the robbers.
"Thank you," Gabrielle offered with undisguised relief.
Xena turned to see that the woman was now fully dressed. Earlier she had caught a brief glimpse of the slender yet muscular body with droplets of moisture running own its curvy length. It was a pleasant sight and she felt a thread of desire run through her body.
"Don't you know it's dangerous out here," the taller woman growled gruffly.
"It's dangerous just walking through your own village at night," the girl retorted with an impish flash of green eyes.
"You were lucky I happened along. They would have taken their pleasure and then killed you."
"Nah, I knew you would save me."
"You did, did you?" A dark eye brow went up questioningly. "How did you know I was here?"
"Come on Xena, after fifteen years together I can feel when you are around," Gabrielle said. "And when you are around I know nothing bad will happen."
"I won't always be there Gabrielle," the taller woman tried to caution her mate but the smaller woman only ignored her entreaties and encircled her waist with her arms giving her a hug.
"Yes, you will," the small blond replied before planting a kiss on the other woman's skin at the base of the neck. "You promised to remain with me for now and forever at our joining ceremony ten summers ago."
"Yeah well I didn't know that I would spend the rest of my life getting you out of scrapes," Xena groused but Gabrielle only laughed rising on her tiptoes to plant a warm kiss on the taller woman's lips.
"You are in a frisky mood," Xena said catching her breath, aware of how the smaller woman's action had caused her pulse rate to increase.
"I am happy we are soon going to be home," Gabrielle replied thinking of the small cottage on the outskirts of Amphipolis that they had built several summer earlier. "I miss Cyrene's nutbread."
Xena laughed, amused that her companion was always thinking of her appetite.
"Mother will be surprised by how the children have grown," she commented thinking of the three orphaned children that they had adopted over the course of their travels.
"Yes, and we have to take them to Potedaia to see their aunt Lila and my parents," Gabrielle reminded her lover.
A grimace crossed the taller woman's face. Though their children were loved by Hercuba and Herodatus, the man had still not forgiven her for taking his daughter away fifteen summers earlier. He had not understood the friendship and love that had grown up between them so quickly and certainly hadn't understood there desire to travel across the land helping those in need.
"Maybe in the new moon," Xena conceded and Gabrielle went up on her tiptoes and placed another kiss on her lips. Neither could remember a time when the other hadn't been in their life.
"Okay, now that that is settled we should get back to the caravan," the small blond said bending to collect her pouch. "I left little Lila with the trader Salomenous and I believe by now she probably has talked his ear off."
Xena laughed and caught her lover's hand, drawing it to her lips for a quick kiss before turning and falling into step beside her. Theirs was a good life and no matter what situation they found themselves in they always seemed to come out for the better. They had little money and few possessions but they were happy and that was what was important. It was as if they were being watched and cared for by the Gods.
I special thank you to all my readers for without your support this story would have never gone beyond a few simple lines. THANK YOU. planetsolin