~ Dangerous Games ~
by Psyk

Disclaimers: See Part 1. Nothing's changed since then (well, actually, quite a lot has...oh, just read it, you'll see...). If you haven't read the first exciting installment, you're gonna be very, very confused...

Comments and criticisms to Dopam@aol.com. Flames will be returned; chocolate will not.

Part2: Communion

Alex knocked at Jen's door, hearing footsteps on the stairs almost immediately. She smiled a little to herself, and when the door was thrown open she felt the smile broaden all by itself. The younger woman was wearing a pair of black combat pants that just rode her hips and a khaki green tank top that clung to her figure, skimming the top of her navel. Alex glanced down at her own black jeans, black leather jacket and black skinny-rib tank top, then raised an eyebrow.

' Are we going out or going into battle? '

Jen laughed. ' Fashion, huh? C'mon up, I just need to grab my coat. '

Alex followed her up into the small flat, breathing in the hint of perfume in her wake. It was light and spicy - Armani, she thought - and suited her personality.

Upstairs Jen scooped up her full-length leather coat, her one true bargain which she had spotted in a charity shop and bought for a fiver. She suspected that it was a genuine relic from the seventies, based on the state of its worn lining and the width of the lapels, and she loved the thought that it had now seen two generations of fashion. She threw it on, then grabbed her purse and her keys, dumping them into the pockets.

' Ready? ' she asked, flipping her hair out from her collar.

Alex nodded. ' Anywhere in particular you want to go? '

Jen raised an eyebrow. ' I was thinking Canal Street perhaps...you okay with that? '

Canal Street was the center of Manchester's gay village. Alex was a little surprised by Jen's choice, but just nodded. ' Sure...it'll be quiet enough, being mid week. '

Aha, Jen gave herself a mental pat on the back, so she has been before...hmmm. But then again, so have you, dummy. A lot of 'straight' people have the odd night out in the village - it's a great place to bar-hop.

They parked up a few streets away and walked in. For once the rain had stopped and a waning moon was just climbing through the sky. For a while they just strode side by side, then Alex glanced at her shorter companion.

' You come down here a lot? '

' A few times. I have a couple of gay friends who introduced me to the village a couple of years back. ' She shrugged. ' Great place to come when you don't want to be hassled by guys. '

Alex pursed her lips. ' Never get hassled by women? '

She laughed. ' Women tend to be less...obnoxious. They tend to listen when you say 'no'. '

Alex nodded, and Jen felt like kicking herself. Damn, damn, damn.....wrong message to send. She cleared her throat.

' So..how about you? You come down here? '

' Oh, sure, from time to time. ' She smiled to herself, thinking of her last trip down here when she'd just had the urge one night to go out and pick someone up. What was the woman's name?....Erica? Elaine....no, Erin. Oh yeah, had she been a mistake. Alex had just come through her first major homicide with the Greater Manchester force, was buzzing with the need to blow off some energy. So, she'd ended up in one of the clubs, downed a few Jack Daniels with some leggy red head, and wound up coming round the next morning tangled in strange bed sheets with red hair fanned out across her breast, desperately trying to remember the woman's name.

As it turned out, the woman took every opportunity to remind her. Alex had been stupid enough to tell her she worked at Chester House, and for the next couple of weeks she found herself bombarded with phone calls and gifts at the office...

She shivered lightly, remembering how embarrassing it had all got before she finally bit the bullet and threatened to have a restraining order taken out against the woman. So, y'see, Jen, she mused wryly to herself, some women do have a problem with 'no'.....

They strolled into Chaplin's, grabbed a couple of beers at the bar, and found a table near the window from where they could watch the comings and goings along the street.

' So, ' Alex said after a long swallow of her Budvaar, ' you manage to get another story for me? '

Jen nodded, wriggling out of her coat. ' Mmm. It was a little confusing - a battle, some politics - I got the feeling I was reading it out of sequence - that I'd missed the beginning.'

Alex frowned. ' I thought you indexed the scrolls? '

' I did...I was going to check on that tomorrow, ' she grinned, ' even I make mistakes sometimes, y'know. '

' I find that hard to believe. ' Alex smiled. ' Where your work is concerned, you seem more than dedicated. '

Jen laughed. ' When it comes to the Xena scrolls, try obsessed. '

' Oh, right, I forgot....' she tilted her bottle towards the researcher, ' ...your life's ambition. ' She widened her eyes theatrically. ' God, Jen, now you have the scrolls....you need a new ambition! '

I think I already have that covered, Jen found herself musing, but she merely smiled and lowered her gaze to her own lager, clutched in her hand. ' So.....you have any more crazy movie days planned? '

Alex smiled, shaking her head. ' No. I love the guys, but en masse they can be a little too much to cope with. Besides, they all have busy lives these days - you know, there's only Richie who hasn't gotten serious with someone. '

' Really? ' Jen's eyebrow's shot up, ' they all have girlfriends who let them come and hang out with you? '

The tall woman shrugged. ' The girlfriends are always invited. It's their choice not to come along. '

' More fool them then. ' Jen said stubbornly, tilting her chin to meet Alex's gaze. Something almost tangible passed between them, and she found herself turning her gaze to the window, watching the street life on this dark January night.

' C'mon, ' Alex tipped her beer back, draining the bottle in long swallows, ' let's go to Saffy's - we can get a table by the fire, warm you up. '

Jen glanced down at the goose flesh on her arms, chose not to mention the fact that it wasn't the cold draft coming from the door that had caused it. Instead she finished her own beer, bringing the empty bottle back down to the table then reaching for her coat once again.

' Lead on, McDuff. '

In the more traditional pub-style surroundings of the lesbian bar, they settled into seats at the table closest to the fire, both nursing a bottle. Jen wasn't unaware of the attention the tall form beside her got as they stood at the bar, or of the several pairs of appreciative eyes which followed them to their seats. Once settled, with her coat folded onto the spare chair at the table, she allowed herself a look around the room. There were several women in, a mixture of couples and groups, most just seemingly intent on enjoying a quiet mid-week drink. When Jen's gaze finally came back to Alex, she found the other woman's piercing blue eyes studying her thoughtfully. She held the gaze whilst she took a sip from her beer, then leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand. '

So...' she twirled the beer bottle around on the table top, ' what next with the investigation? '

Alex shrugged her shoulders. ' To be honest...I'm waiting for you to finish translating the scrolls. My guess is that's our next clue. '

Jen's eyes widened. ' Alex! You should've said - I would have stayed home and worked on them-'

Alex held up a hand. ' No, Jen, you needed a break, ' she smiled briefly, ' and besides, I was dying for another tale of the warrior princess. '

Jen lowered her gaze, recollections of her dream sweeping over her. When she eventually raised her eyes, she smiled apologetically at the tall woman seated across the small table. ' Sorry to let you down - I'd hate to tell half a story, especially if it's the second half. '

' It doesn't matter. ' Alex shook her head. ' I can wait. ' She slipped her arms out of her leather jacket, then half-turned to drape it over the back of her chair. Jen noted the subtle play of muscle beneath the smooth olive skin of her arm and the way the black tank top clung to her.

' You're very beautiful, Alex. '

The words were out before Jen had the chance to swallow them. Both women froze, then Alex slowly let her eyes meet those of the woman opposite her, who was blushing crimson from the chest up.

' Um...' Jen blinked, licked her suddenly dry lips ' did I really just say that? I can't believe I just said that...' she lowered her gaze to her lap.

Alex studied her, felt her own emotions boiling pretty close to the surface. Closer than they had been for a long, long time. ' Jen, ' she reached across the table top and laid her hand over the blonde's, ' hey...'

' Oh God, Alex, I'm sorry...how embarrassing...you must think...'

' Jen, ' her voice was more insistent now, fingers curling about the smaller, pale hand beneath them. ' Look at me...'

Jen finally managed to lift her gaze to Alex's face. Blue eyes found and held green, and for a moment the world spun on without them as something that seemed to come from beyond them, beyond memory, locked into place. Both saw it reflected in the other's eyes.

' What's happening here? ' Jen whispered.

Alex shook her head. ' I have no idea. Well..' her lips twitched at the corners, '...that's not entirely true. I think, on at lest one level, we both know what's going on.' She let her voice trail off, waiting for confirmation from the other woman. Jen nodded, then released a long breath.

' Can we get out of here? '

Alex nodded, slid her hand back across the table. Both women quickly donned their coats then Alex nodded for Jen to lead the way.

They left the pub without another word, both acutely aware of the other's physical presence close by. Jen, her mind reeling, made to step from the curb into the road. She never saw or heard the car that came screeching around the nearby corner, would have been under the wheels before both feet hit the tarmac had it not been for the hand that snagged her by the arm from behind, whirling her around and back onto the pavement. Somehow she ended up facing her saviour, pressed against the front of her leather jacket, staring up into fathomless blue. Alex's right hand still clutched her arm, long fingers circling just above her elbow. Her left hand came up to brush a strand of blonde from the startled face before her. Jen was surprised to feel the slight tremor in that strong hand as it grazed her face. She was breathing hard, her heart knocking against her ribs. Alex's fingers were like live wires against her cheek, aftershocks tingling in their wake. She watched in almost detached fascination as her own right hand came up to cover the hand at her face, holding it there. She closed her eyes briefly, leaned into the touch, then looked once again into the shining blue gaze that held her. Then, infinitely slowly, Alex lowered her mouth to hers. The first brief, gentle graze of their lips made them both startle back slightly in shock. Then Jen was sliding her fingers into long dark hair, pulling the other woman closer as her body told her mind to shut up and calmly took control of the situation. She felt strong arms circle her, felt long-fingered hands splay against her back, pressing her into the warmth of Alex's body as they kissed. Time didn't stop, it fell away, leaving them standing in a place that was everywhere and always. A cool stone room, dim and quiet, the walls alive with carved figures, a moonlit glade beneath the stars, smelling of spring and wood smoke and leather, the darkness of a blackout, explosions loud outside flimsy shelter, on a ship, salt breezes lifting their hair, tangling it together against the backdrop of a sun setting over strange lands...the times and places shifted, merged, blended, all different and yet all achingly familiar, but in the end it was just them, standing together on a winter street, sharing a kiss that spanned millennia. At last they broke apart, and their eyes found each other once again. Jen's fingers remained tangled in midnight hair, and she finally found her voice.

' I've never felt...'

Alex shook her head. ' Me either. ' She released her hold on the smaller woman, stepping back slightly so that Jen's arms fell back to her sides. Alex let the fingers of her right hand tangle with those of Jen's left. ' Come on, ' she said softly, ' I'll drive you home. '

The short drive back to Jen's flat was an agony of silent looks and glances. As Alex steered the Discovery around the corner and into Jen's street, a strange panic gripped the younger woman and she reached for Alex blindly, her hand gripping a leather clad wrist with surprising strength.

' Alex...do we need to...you're not going to..'

Alex pulled the four wheel drive into the space in front of the door which led up to Jen's flat and killed the engine, then turned to the younger woman and covered her hand with her own.

' Yes, we need to talk about this, and no, I'm not just going to run out and disappear or pretend this never happened. ' She lowered her gaze a moment, took a deep breath, then looked back into the misty green eyes before her and laughed shakily. ' Truth is, I don't think I could if I wanted to. '

Jen felt warmth flood her inside, and she managed a smile. Then her breath caught in her throat as Alex's eyes darkened, flickering over her face hungrily. She leaned in, tugging the taller woman towards her, but when they were only inches apart Alex pulled back, smiling ruefully and shaking her head. Jen frowned, hurt and confusion blossoming in her chest, but Alex inclined her head towards the rear-view mirror.

' Don't want to give Manchester's finest a show they won't forget, do we? '

The surveillance team...Jen closed her eyes in embarrassment. ' Oops...I forgot. '

' It's okay. '

She hesitated, then asked, ' Come in for a while? '

Alex nodded. ' All right. I think...we need to talk. '

Inside the flat Jen quickly made coffee, moving around her small kitchen with speed. But her fingers were shaking - her whole body was shaking, truth be told - and she managed to upend the sugar bowl, spilling demerara across the counter top.

' Damn...' she murmured, turning to move to the sink for a cloth and running straight into Alex's black tank top. She felt strong arms come around her as her own lifted to circle the long neck above her, felt their bodies crush together as their lips met, heat sparking between them. Alex crushed her against the cupboards, desire making her body hum like a generator. Jen could feel her heat, searing through their thin clothes, burning into her, lighting fires deep in her groin. She felt Alex's hands move to her waist and take hold, then she was lifted; her ass slid onto the work top, spilled sugar crunching beneath her, but she didn't care, wrapped her legs around the hips in front of her, pulled herself forward slightly so that Alex's hips were cradled between her legs. She felt the other woman growl low in her throat at the contact then her lips were released and a hot mouth blazed a trail of fire down her neck. She closed her eyes, tipping her head back, her hands tangling in the soft dark hair spilling around her. Long fingers circled her left breast, then closed on it, and she moaned aloud.

' Alex...'

' Mmm? ' she hummed against soft pale flesh, tasting the pulse point beneath her lips.

' I never...I've never....'

The dark head rao cover her face as she blushed, ' Alex, I've never been with a woman before...I don't know what to do. '

Alex took hold of Jen's hands and gently drew them down. She leaned in and brushed a kiss across her brow.

' It's okay, ' she murmured against her hairline, ' You'll be fine. '

Jen placed her hands against Alex's shoulders, then let them slide down her long arms, reveling in the feel of soft skin and hard muscle beneath. She breathed in the other woman's smell deep into her lungs, then slowly raised her head and placed a small kiss against her jaw. Another kiss, then another, and her hands were moving of their own accord, smoothing over prominent collar bones, then down. As her palms flattened against Alex's breasts her fingers opened to accommodate their swell and Alex's breath hissed out, ruffling Jen's fringe.

' Ohhh...you're doing just fine...' Alex breathed, grinning slightly. Jen chuckled, let her hands slip lower to Alex's waist. She gave her a brief squeeze, then slid her palms beneath the cotton of the tank top and ran them up over taut abdominal muscles. They flinched beneath her touch, and Jen heard a low rumble in Alex's chest, and grinned. She flicked her tongue against a tempting earlobe, circling the diamond stud.

' Ticklish, huh? '

' Hmm....don't you tell a soul. '

Jen bit down on the earlobe as her fingers skimmed the underside of a bare breast. Alex growled, yanked her head around and kissed her forcefully, pressing her back against the wall. Her own hands began tugging insistently at Jen's top, but small hands stopped her, and the younger woman pulled back, her breath coming in ragged pants.

' Maybe...we should move this somewhere a little more comfortable...'

Alex watched the green eyes before her darkening even further, and nodded.

' That's probably a good idea. '


When Jen awoke the next morning Alex was already gone. A quick glance at the alarm clock told her why - it was after ten. Grinning to herself, Jen turned and slid her hand across the space beside her, breathing deeply as the smell of Alex's perfume came up off the sheets, mingled with the smell of their bodies. She grabbed the pillow beside her own, pulling it to her face, burying her nose in the scent of Alex's hair. Holding the pillow to her chest she rolled again to crack an eye open at the window. Grey light shone through the crack in the curtains, and she could hear the whoosh of tyres on wet asphalt outside. Rain...she grinned again, then slid out of bed, finally giving up the pillow, and made her way to the small bathroom. She had a mouth full of toothpaste lather when the phone began to ring. Spitting most of it out quickly, she ran through to the living room and snatched up the receiver.

' Hello? '

' So, you're finally up then. '

Jen found herself grinning again at the sound of the low voice murmuring in her ear. 'Yeah...you could've woke me. '

A chuckle. ' Not without gunpowder and a fuse. You sleep like the dead. '

' I guess I was tired. '

' I hope you're not blaming me for that. ' There was a pause, and Jen could hear the sound of Alex's steady breathing. ' Jen, are you...do you feel okay about this? '

' Alex, ' she pushed her badly knotted hair back from her face, ' I've never felt more okay about anything in my life. ' She smiled, but then a thought flitted through her mind and she found herself gripping the phone cable. ' You're not having second thoughts, are you? '

' No! God, no, I was just...I suppose I was worried about you. This kind of relationship isn't always easy, Jen, you should think about that before we take it any further. '

A sudden flash back to the night before had the blonde woman smiling into the receiver. ' How much further can we take it, exactly? ' She chuckled.

Alex laughed. ' All right. But...you know what I mean. Think about it, Jen. Take some time and just...think it over. I'm not going anywhere. '

Jen hesitated. It made sense...there were things to consider. ' Okay. But I will call you tonight. '

' I'll look forward to it. Have a good day. '

' You too. 'Bye, Alex. '


For Alex the day passed in a blur of conversations she'd never remember and memories she couldn't forget. The depth of her feelings for the young research student left her staggered, totally at a loss to explain her own irrational behaviour. Yes, she was attracted to her - who wouldn't be? - and what they had shared the previous night had been incredible. But sex was, after all, just sex, and yet with Jen there had been a sense of connection that went beyond the physical, went way beyond anything she had felt before. Was it love? She smiled to herself, lowered her chin into her hand. She'd felt love before, knew without doubt that she was falling in love with her. But there was more to it than that, a sense of something so deep, she didn't know whether there were words to describe it. It was a feeling of...coming home, almost, of finding something that she hadn't realised was lost to her, until now.

She glanced at the phone, wondering whether to call her again, then gave herself a mental shake. Come on, Alex, she has work to do, you have work to do. Get a grip on yourself. She turned her attention back to the screen before her, began pulling up another file from the database. Besides, she consoled herself, it's after four. A few more hours and you'll be home, and she promised to ring you tonight...

On her way home she stopped for supplies at the Sainsburys on Regent Road. Standing at the deli counter, waiting for the assistant to finish weighing a portion of black olives, she smelled a familiar cologne, then a warm hand descended on her shoulder. Without looking round, she grinned.

' Hey, Geoff. '

A laugh, and she turned to find her superior shaking his head at her. ' How do you do that? '

Alex smiled enigmatically. ' Spider sense. Works every time. '

' Yeah. I'll just bet it does. ' He glanced down into her basket. ' Tsaziki, houmous, feta, pitta bread and..' he glanced at the tub now sitting on the counter top, '..olives. You going native on me, girl? '

Alex shrugged. ' Dad was from London - given the choice between Greek appetisers or jellied eels, which would you go for? '

He grimaced. ' Point taken. ' He peered into the basket again. ' I don't see any jumbo cans of dog food in there - don't tell me you finally got rid of that walking rug you call a dog? '

She smiled. ' You think I raise my boy on that poison? He eats real food. '

Geoff nodded absently, his hands digging in his pockets. After a moment's silence, Alex raised an eyebrow.

' Whatever it is, you should tell me before you shake something up in there besides your loose change. '

He sighed, then rubbed his temples wearily with one hand. ' There is something I need to discuss with you - actually, I'm glad I caught you outside work. ' He glanced about them. ' How about you meet me in the cafe for a quick coffee? '

' Sure. '

They sat opposite each other, both nursing the lukewarm sludge that the supermarket served to weary shoppers under the name of coffee. After a minute's silence, Geoff finally spoke.

' Look, Alex, I heard something this afternoon.....it's nothing more than rumor at the moment, but...'

She kept her gaze level, her expression neutral. ' About Jen? '

' Yeah...' he released a long breath, ' about Jen. Some folks are saying that you and she are...that you two...' he shifted uncomfortably.

' That I'm sleeping with her. '

His gray eyes met hers, a slight blush colouring his cheeks. ' Look, you know how these things get blown all out of proportion - hell, people used to say that about the two of us - but I heard that there are some who think you brought her in on this because you're trying to get her publication material and -'

' That's preposterous! '

' I know, I know, but...' he sighed, ' Alex, I heard from the surveillance guys that you spent the night at her place last night. Now, I'm sure that there's a perfectly viable explanation for that, and I know it's none of my business -'

' You're right; it is none of your business. '

His eyes softened. ' C'mon, Alex, help me out here. You know I have to ask, don't make this difficult for us both. '

For a long, difficult moment she held his gaze, her own eyes blazing with anger. Eventually she sighed wearily, letting her head fall into her hand, gently massaging her forehead. ' Geoff, ' she began, ' you've known me for some time now. Do you really think I'd pull something like that to score points with a girlfriend? '

' Course not. ' He reached across, touched her free hand. ' But, Alex, you know you gotta declare any relationship you have with someone working the same case as you. It's the rules, babe. I can't change that. '

' I know. ' She looked up at him, then a thought hit her that made her laugh softly. 'God, why couldn't you have asked me this yesterday? ' She groaned.

His eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help the quick grin that flashed across his face. ' Oh, you've got to be kidding me...'

Alex shook her head ruefully. ' 'Fraid not. '

' Was it...' he cleared his throat. ' I mean...do you think it....' He shifted in his seat, then threw up his hands. ' Okay, what I'm trying to ask, in my usual tactful manner, is whether it was a one-off or whether there's more to it. '

She placed both hands around her coffee cup, turning it slowly in its saucer. ' Geoff, all I can tell you is that I've only known her a few weeks, and that I feel more for her than I have done for anyone I ever met. ' She looked up at him, cringing slightly. ' If that sounds trite, I don't mean it to be. But...it's the truth. As for where this is going, I have no idea. But I can reassure you that I brought Jen in on this case for professional reasons, and you have to admit, she's given us more to work on than the forensics report turned up. '

He leaned back in his chair, knitting his hands together in his lap. ' I know that, Alex. And I really am sorry for having to ask you about this. I appreciate your honesty. '

She sighed, feeling some of the tension ebb away. ' Geoff, you may be my immediate superior but you're also a pretty good friend. I wouldn't have kept this from you - I know the rules. But, please, for Jen's sake more than mine, keep a lid on it if you can. I don't give a rat's ass what they think about me, but I know it would hurt her if she thought she'd been brought in for anything other than her expertise. '

' Alex, ' he smiled, ' I like her too, y'know. She's easy to like. '

' Yeah...' her face darkened slightly, almost dangerously, and not for the first time Geoff Barrett found himself wondering exactly what it was she once did for the Royal Navy. He knew what was written in her records, but somehow he'd never quite swallowed the official line. '...pity some of our esteemed colleagues don't feel the same way. ' She growled. The cold fire in her eyes actually sent a shiver down his spine. But as fast as it came, the look was gone, replaced with one far less threatening. ' So, where do we go from here? Is Jen off the case, or can we carry on as normal? '

Geoff shook his head. ' I have no problem with maintaining things as they are for now, Alex. But...just be careful, okay? You know the police force isn't exactly the most tolerant of institutions; there are some bastards around who wouldn't think twice about filing some jumped-up charge against you based solely on the fact that they don't approve of who you date. '

' I can handle that, ' she responded, ' it's Jen I'm concerned for. She doesn't need that kind of shit. Blakely gave her a hard enough time as things were, and that wasn't personal.'

' All right. For the record, Alex, I bent a few ears today over these rumours. ' He flashed her a quick smile. ' I think I managed to convince a few of just how dangerous slander can turn out to be. '

Alex returned the smile. ' Thanks. ' She nodded, then reached for her coffee. After a tentative sip she grimaced. ' Yuck! They call that coffee? Tastes like wallpaper paste. '

' Really? ' Geoff looked surprised. ' Wouldn't know. We only use Douwe Egberts. '

She set the cup back in its saucer, reaching for her bags of food as she stood. ' Very funny, copper. I have to go. The beast needs food and a walk. '

' Give him my love. ' He said dryly. ' And tell him he can stop growing now. '

Alex smiled, then patted his shoulder. ' See you tomorrow. '


Eight thirty. Alex stared at the telephone, trying not to wait for it to ring. She was considering putting a video on to take her mind of it when, out of the blue, it did. She snatched it up, almost breathless.

' Hello? '

' Hey, sis. How's things? '

She released a long, tension-filled breath. ' Nik. Hi, hon. I'm good. How are you? '

' Oh...not bad. We've won a couple of big cases this week already, hired a new paralegal, taken a lease on a second office in Bury, changed our brand of coffee...'

Alex chewed on her thumb nail. ' Really? That's good...'

A pause, then a short laugh. ' You didn't hear a word of that, did you? '

She frowned into the phone. ' Huh? '

' Alex, I said we took a lease on new premises - that second office we're always saying we're gonna open? We're doing it. '

She cringed. ' Nik, I'm sorry, that's great, really. I'm thrilled for you. Tell Rem I said so. '

' Thanks. You still on that big case? '

' Yeah. Not much happening though right now. '

' Ah, it'll break. With you on side, the good guys will come through in the end. ' He chuckled. ' My sister, the hero. '

She smiled. ' My brother, the schmuck. '

' Thanks! '

' You're entirely welcome. '

Another pause, then: ' I heard from Mum yesterday. '

Her heart did a little flip-flop in her chest. ' She okay? '

' Yeah, she's good. She wants Briony and I to go to Athens with her for Easter. '

' You should go. Bri would love it. '

' I know. She was asking after you - said you haven't rung her in ages. She wanted to come the other weekend but she had work. '

Alex chuckled. ' When doesn't she? '

' Tell me about it. Did I ever thank you for introducing me to her? '

' Only a few thousand times. Just remember, bro', she was my friend before she was your partner. You ever hurt her, I'll break your face. '

' Don't I know it. Seriously though, Alex, give her a call, okay? She worries about you.'

' You can tell her I'm fine, but I will call, okay? '

' Thanks. Actually, you can do better. That's why I was ringing - we're having a party on Saturday night, to celebrate our expansion of the firm. Can you make it? '

' I'll try, Nik. No promises though. '

' Okay. You can bring someone along - that friend of yours, Jen, ask her too. She was great. '

She laughed. ' Yeah. Anyone who likes Star Wars and Monty Python qualifies as 'great' in your eyes. '

' C'mon, sis, seriously, she's lovely. ' A pause. ' So...you seeing anyone at the moment?'

' Ooh, talk about a loaded question - ' she looked up as headlights swept the wall. 'Nik, I'll have to go, someone just drove up. I'll call you tomorrow, okay? '

' You'd better. '

' I will. Bye. ' She hung up, getting to her feet. As the first knock sounded she was reaching for the door handle. She swung the door open and Jen nearly fell inside, her hand still raised to knock again.

' Whoa! ' she laughed, ' Too fast!'

Alex caught her arm, grinning widely. ' I saw the headlights - you okay? '

' Yeah..' she smiled, a little embarrassed. ' I know I said I'd ring, but I thought...I mean, I wanted...'

They looked at one another for long moments, then Alex blinked. ' Come on inside. '

They went through to the lounge, and Jen stood awkwardly by the fire. After a moment she turned to face the woman standing across the room from her.

' I'm sorry to just turn up, ' she began, ' but I really wanted to see you. There's something I need to tell you, Alex..' she twisted her hands together as she searched for the right words. Alex felt her insides knotting like rope. This is it, she thought, realisation crashing down upon her, this is where she says it was all some terrible mistake...

' I had to tell you, ' she continued, her gaze dropping to the rug, ' how...' her shoulders heaved as she drew a ragged breath, ' ...I don't know how to say this, Alex, but...I think I'm falling in love with you. I know how ridiculous that sounds - I mean we've only known each other a short time - but I've never once felt anything like this.' The words were rushing from her now, ' It's as if I've known you my whole life, longer even, and when I'm with you I feel like...' she laughed shortly, ' ...like a part of me I didn't even know was missing has come back to me. I know it's insane - I know I sound like some daft teenager, but -'

She was cut off by gentle fingers raising her chin. The other woman had crossed the distance between them and was standing before her, her eyes bright with emotion.

' Jen, you don't have to say it, ' she said softly, ' I know, because I feel the same way.'

The blonde stared at her. ' You do? '

' Yes, ' Alex nodded, ' I do. ' She leaned in, capturing the soft lips in front of her in a tender kiss. Jen sighed into her mouth, wrapping her arms about her neck, the wool of her coat itching her exposed flesh. As the kiss deepened, Alex reluctantly drew back.

' If you're staying,' she said huskily, 'I'd better call the surveillance team and send 'em home for the night. And if you're not...' she smiled, ' we'd better stop this right here, before I'm no longer accountable for my actions. '

Jen threaded her fingers through soft midnight hair, then reached up on tiptoe and brushed her lips across the pulse-point at Alex's throat. ' Call the cops, ' she murmured, nuzzling the warm flesh, ' I think I'm about to lose control myself...'

Alex turned her face to capture her mouth again, this time pulling the shorter woman closer, pressing her against the length of her body. Her hands sought the contours of her waist through the bulk of her thick coat, eventually moving to the buttons at its front. Only when the coat was on the floor and Jen's shirt was unbuttoned and hanging loose from her jeans did she pull back from the kiss, both of them breathing hard.

' Maybe I should be calling the fire brigade,' she quipped, the heat between them almost palpable.

Jen grinned, pushing her towards the phone. ' Go on, ring them. '

Alex made the call, then turned back to the woman still waiting by the fire, its light bathing her in a halo of warm gold. ' You are so beautiful. ' She found herself saying.

Jen blinked, then slowly approached her. She stopped bare inches away, reaching for her hand.

' Take me to bed, Alex. ' She whispered, her eyes dark with desire, her voice thick with it.

Alex raised their entwined hands to her lips, kissed the pale fingers clasped in her own, then turned and led her towards the stairs.

In the afterglow of their lovemaking they lay in the rumpled bed, their limbs tangled, their bodies pressed together like pieces of a jigsaw. Alex quietly told her of her conversation with Geoff, and of her concerns for Jen in further dealings with the officers based at the HQ. Jen was thoughtful for a moment, then shook her head.

' I really don't give a damn, Alex, ' she said sincerely, her hand toying with a lock of dark hair that had fallen across her arm. Green eyes came up to meet with startling blue. ' As far as I'm concerned they can take pictures and post them on the notice boards - I'll even autograph copies if they ask. '

Alex stared at her for a long moment, then laughed aloud, pulling her in for a hug. 'God, what did I ever do to deserve bumping into you that day, huh? '

Jen chuckled. ' Uh...we met before that, if I recall...'

' Yeah...' she released her hold slightly, propping herself up on one elbow, ' ...but I didn't even get your name. '

' You would have. ' Jen said softly. ' Something tells me that we would have met again anyway. '

Alex nodded, her right hand smoothing tangled blond hair against a warm shoulder. 'Oh...Nik called me tonight. He and Rem are throwing a party on Saturday - they're expanding the practice. He asked me to invite you. ' She smiled. ' I think you were a hit with the guys.'

' They were fun. ' Jen grinned. ' And I'd love to come. '

Alex's hand slid downwards, caressing the dip of Jen's smooth waist. She leaned in and nuzzled her neck. ' You just did, ' she murmured, her breath tickling a sensitive ear, making the smaller woman laugh. Then her lips moved to capture hers, cutting the laugh short as desire flared between them again. When her hand moved from the swell of a hip to slide between soft thighs and into the welcoming warmth she was rewarded with a soft moan against her mouth. She leaned back, watching the play of mounting passion move across the face beneath her, then dipped her head and kissed the arch of exposed throat. Her mouth continued down, finding one hardened nipple, her tongue teasing it relentlessly. She shifted position, sliding herself between Jen's thighs, her mouth traveling across pronounced ribs, a taut abdomen, pausing to dip into tease her navel. Jen sucked in her breath, lifting her head slightly to watch her lover's progress, mesmerised by the dark hair which fanned out across her pale flesh. Finally Alex's lips moved over coarse curls, and she raised her head slightly, blue eyes glittering in the darkness of the room. When her tongue reached its destination, Jen moaned aloud, her body arching up off the bed, her head crashing back into the pillows. The orgasm built rapidly, her flesh already sensitised beyond endurance, and when she felt long fingers slide inside her she felt as though her whole body were clamping down on them. She went over the edge screaming Alex's name, her hands clutching at the dark hair spread across her belly, her body spasming. Soft kisses against her inner thigh brought her back to earth and she shivered, reaching out to draw the dark haired woman back up over her body like a blanket, seeking her lips, tasting herself in her mouth. At last she fell back into the pillows, smiling and sated.

' I won't be able to walk tomorrow, ' she murmured, stroking back dark hair from the face above her.

Alex raised an eyebrow. ' You saying you've had enough? '

' For now...' a wicked gleam lit her eyes, ' ...besides, I'm not done with you yet...'

Alex dreamed. Bright sunlight fell across her body, dancing on the waves of the ocean before her. She led a tall horse along the beach, the soft sand warm beneath her bare feet. She smelled the ocean and seaweed and leather, the latter coming from the dress she wore. Over it was buckled intricately designed armour, curving up from her waist to shield her breasts. She felt its solid weight at her back, saw the same designs overlaying the leather bracers that protected her forearms and the thick armbands which fitted snugly over her biceps. Her hair whipped about her face in the sea breeze and she pushed it back, scanning the beach ahead of her. At last she was there, her slender form appearing over a sand dune at the edge of the beach. She paused on the rise, silhouetted against impossibly blue sky, her staff held in one hand, the other raised to push back the blond hair flying in her face. They both stood still for a moment, each drinking in the sight of the other until, at some unspoken signal, they began to move, drawn toward each other. She released the reins she was holding, her steps gaining pace until she was running across the sand. The blond laughed, dropping her staff as she ran, arms reaching for her, and she lifted the smaller woman off the ground, crushing her against her, afraid to let go. They were both laughing and crying, and she kissed the crown of gold hair, kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, every square inch of her face until their lips met and she was lost in the kiss, the opposite side of her soul sliding home once again. They fell to their knees, still locked together, hands searching over each other, reassurance that they were there, whole, together once more. At last they broke apart, and she cradled the face before her with loving fingers.

' It's done, love, ' she murmured, ' it's over. '

The blond nodded, tears sliding down her face. ' Thank the gods. ' She whispered. 'Promise me, Xena, swear to me you'll never leave me again. '

She caressed sun-warmed cheeks, her fingers tracing the tracks of joyful tears. ' I promise, Gabrielle. I swear it. ' She leaned in again, pressed another kiss against that beloved mouth, remembering how thoughts of her kisses had brought her through the worst battle she had ever witnessed, given her the strength to defeat the tyrannical war lord who had plundered a hundred villages across Greece. She had stopped him finally in the fields outside her home village of Amphipolis, leading a small army of men she had gathered together and trained herself. Somewhere along the way she had been joined by a contingent of Amazons, word of her plan having reached them from Gabrielle, who had returned to Potadeia to be with her dying father. The warrior women had been the force that finally brought Tegris' army to its knees, sweeping in from the rear in a surprise attack that rallied Xena's men and broke the will of the renegades. Tegris, realising that he was finally defeated, had turned from the field, spurring his horse for the forest, but Xena had followed. Knowing the forest, she had outridden him through the trees, ambushing him in a small clearing. The fight had been long and hard, her body flagging from the battle already fought, but thoughts of Gabrielle, of seeing her lover again, had brought renewed strength to tired limbs, and she had finally overpowered him, managing to wrench his sword from his grasp. On his knees he begged her for his life, and she had sheathed her sword, reaching for the rope in Argo's saddlebags to tie him, intending to take him to trial. In a swift move he was on his feet, a knife in his hand, and he managed to slash the back of her arm before she retaliated with an unconscious maneuver that pulled him over her shoulder and slammed him onto the ground, his neck broken before his body hit the dirt. She touched the blood dripping from the wound, saw Gabrielle's face swimming before her. So close, love, she had thought, so damned close...

That face was before her now. It was a sight she never intended to stop looking at for the rest of her days.

' Never again, love, ' she whispered, ' never again. '


Alex sighed, glancing at the clock. Friday, and the god damned chief superintendent calls a meeting for four thirty. She had been listening to Tom Blakely droning on about some bogus 'witness' report they had taken, wondering why he was even bothering relating it to the group. When his gaze shifted to her, she felt the stirring of suspicion in her gut.

' ...as it turned out, ' he continued, ' the 'witness' was actually a student from UMIST who, when we applied a little pressure, finally confessed that he's a reporter with the student rag, and that he came in to see what he could get out of us. Apparently someone has been spreading it about the campuses that there's a mad man out there targeting students. I wondered whether Dr. Perry could enlighten us as to how this rumour got started. '

She stared at him incredulously. ' What? '

' Well, ' he sat back, his hands lacing across his spreading waist line. ' Your little 'expert' is a student at the university. How sure can we be that she's not been talking about this, telling her friends about the exciting work she's been doing for you? '

Alex's eyes narrowed dangerously. ' Because she gave me her word, that's how. And I trust her. '

He sniggered. ' So I've heard. '

She slammed her hand down on the tabletop, anger blazing through her. ' Listen, Sergeant Blakely, ' she spat, ' Ms. Gordon hasn't been talking to anyone about this case who isn't directly involved in it. '

' You don't know that-'

' Yes, I do. And as for the start of the rumours, perhaps you should be looking a little closer to home. '

He frowned. ' What do you mean? '

' I mean, Sergeant, that the rumours were already rife before I brought Ms. Gordon onto this case. She already knew about it, as did the majority of the student body. How do you think that happened, Sergeant Blakely? There were no witnesses, there was no press release, the family were asked to keep it quiet. ' She leaned forward slightly. ' How many of your uniforms have a relative at one of the local colleges, Sergeant? A son, a daughter, sister, cousin? How many? '

He stared at her, his jaw muscle twitching. She held him under her gaze, her face impassive. Eventually Geoff broke the stand-off.

' All right, it's the stable-door scenario here, folks. Not much we can do about it now.' He looked at Blakely. ' Although a few words wouldn't go amiss, Tom, if you wouldn't mind. '

A terse nod was all he got.

' And Alex...you should've told me about this. '

She looked at him and shrugged. ' What good would it have done? '

' Not much. But we could have looked into it sooner. And it would have saved Tom from jumping to erroneous conclusions. '

She conceded the point with a nod. ' Okay. My apologies for not mentioning it sooner.'

Geoff sighed. ' Okay. This is going nowhere today. Let's have us a weekend and come back at it fresh on Monday. Thanks, everyone, for showing. '

She watched them all file out, waiting until Geoff had finished talking with the Chief Super before moving over to him.

' That man, ' she muttered, ' is going to push me too far one of these days...'

Geoff shook his head. ' Don't let him get to you, Alex. He's not worth the hassle. ' He cracked a smile. ' So...any plans for the weekend? And if they don't involve a certain gorgeous blonde, I'm not interested. '

She released a long-held breath, and smiled slowly. ' Yeah, as a matter of fact, I'm going to a party my brother and his partner are having - they're expanding their firm. '

' Ahh...the big lawyers, right? ' He nodded. ' Should be fun - lots of lawyers in one place at the same time...sounds like a riot. ' He grinned. ' So, you got a date for this shindig? '

Alex shook her head at him, pursing her lips in mock disapproval. ' You have to stop this vicarious thrill-seeking and get a life of your own, Geoff, ' she said in her best therapist voice. He laughed, holding up his hands.

' Okay, okay, I get the message - don't play head games with a shrink. '

' I'm not a -'

' Yeah, I know, you're a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. ' He nudged her elbow. 'Geez, sometimes it's too easy though. '

She shook her head at him. ' Cheap digs and vicarious thrill seeking? I may have to order you into some of my therapy sessions, Inspector Bennett. '

' Not in this lifetime, Dr. Perry. ' He grinned. ' Go on, get out of here, try and have some fun for a change. '

She gathered her bag and briefcase, then arched an eyebrow suggestively at him.

' Don't worry, I intend to. '

She drove straight to the university to pick up Jen. Both women had traveled in together that morning, leaving Jen's car parked outside Alex's house. Neither of them had suggested that Jen was staying over another night - it was simply understood. Alex parked in her usual spot, pulling on her long dark gray mac against the bitter wind as she exited the Discovery. She crossed the quad quickly, ducking inside the first door she came to, anxious to be out of the chill.

' God damned British weather, ' she cursed under her breath as she hurried up the stairs. In an unfamiliar part of the building, she made a couple of wrong turns, but eventually found her way to the door of Jen's office. A quick peek through the security glass on the door indicated that the young woman was alone so she leaned on the handle and pushed open the door.

Jen looked up from the computer she was working at, green eyes brightening above the wire-framed glasses that were perched on the end of her nose.

' Hey there, ' she smiled.

Alex grinned. ' Cute bins. '

Jen laughed, pulling the glasses from her face, dropping them unceremoniously on the desk as she stood.

' No, they're hideous, but I can't afford to replace them just yet. ' She stepped towards the taller woman. ' You're later than I expected. '

' Sorry, ' Alex reached out and placed her hands on Jen's shoulders, ' impromptu late-afternoon meeting, courtesy of the Chief Super. '

Jen nodded. ' Okay. I'll forgive you if you kiss me. '

The taller woman smiled slowly. ' Thought you'd never ask...' she dipped her head, capturing Jen's lips with her own, felt small hands slide around her neck almost immediately. Her own hands slid into soft blond hair as the kiss progressed, until a sound at the still open door broke them apart.

Claire, Jen's office-mate, stood in the doorway, blushing profusely. ' Sorry, ' she squeaked, ' I forgot my disk...'

Jen had to smile, despite her own embarrassment, at the other woman's unease. 'Claire, I think you already met Alex, didn't you? '

She blinked at the tall woman. ' Um...yes...'

Alex stepped forwards, extending her hand. ' Not properly though. Alex Perry. '

Claire took the hand and shook it, surprised at the strong grip. ' Claire Simmons. ' She chanced a look up into the woman's stunning face, found herself captured by the most beautiful blue eyes she'd ever seen. ' I'll just grab my disk and be on my way...' she murmured.

Alex glanced at Jen. ' We were just leaving ourselves - you ready? '

' Almost...' Jen shut down the word document, switched off the machine, then grabbed up her bag and coat. '..am now. '

Alex turned to the slender red head who was still standing frozen in position. ' Can we give you a lift home, Claire? ' She asked.

Dark hazel eyes wandered between the two women. Alex, six feet of expensive rain mac, nylon-clad legs and tailored Donna Karan suit, black hair flawlessly collected in a chignon, her face inscrutable despite having just been caught in a passionate embrace. And Jen, her studious friend, old blue jeans frayed at the knees, a thick cotton shirt two sizes two big hanging off her slender frame, scuffed, snow-stained blue suede DMs on her feet and a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat's gracing her fine-featured face, framed by loose tendrils of blond hair escaping from a messy French braid. Some match...

She nodded, and smiled, hurriedly moving to her computer, thinking this was something she had to see.

Claire rode in the back seat of the spacious jeep, chatting easily as the dark wet streets rolled by. She shared a house in Didsbury with five other post-grad students and entertained Alex and Jen with tales of their antics as they struggled through the rush-hour traffic leaving the city. As the Discovery rolled up to the old Victorian terrace she began to wish she'd talked less and asked more questions, intrigued by the dark haired woman sitting behind the wheel. Suddenly an idea popped into her mind, and she leaned forward between the two front seats.

' Hey, we're having a party next Friday. You guys wanna come? '

Alex looked at Jen, who shrugged. ' Um...yeah, sure. What's the occasion? '

Claire's mind raced. ' It's our...er...late, late Christmas party. ' She grinned, pleased with her own innovation, then another thought quickly sprung to mind and was tumbling from her lips before she had chance to think about it. ' It's fancy dress. '

Jen bit her lip, desperately trying not to laugh at the look of horror etched across her lover's face. ' Oh. Okay, fine. '

' Great! ' Claire wrestled open the door, hopping from the warmth of the car into the icy wind with a grimace. ' Thanks for the ride, Alex. See ya! ' She slammed the door shut, and raced up the steps to the front door. When she was gone both women looked at each other, eyes wide.

' Fancy dress? ' Alex breathed. ' Oh lord, what have I let myself in for? '

Jen smirked. ' C'mon, it'll be fun. Besides, you have a week to think of something to wear. '

She shook her head, and shifted the gear stick into first, pulling back out into the road.

Claire shut the heavy front door with a bang, leaning back against it for a moment before heading rapidly for the large living room. Inside the eclectically decorated and furnished room she found three of her housemates sprawled on the furniture, watching Neighbours and drinking tea.

' Hola, amigos! ' she breezed, dumping her bag in the nearest available seat and unzipping her jacket. There were assorted grunts, but all eyes remained firmly fixed on the box. ' Where's Naz and Lilly? '

Simon, her one-time lover and all-time best drinking partner, looked up from his seat closest to the telly. ' Nazmin's running a late lab session and Lilly's gone round to Marcus's place for the night. Why - whassup? '

She flopped down in the seat, forgetting it was already occupied by her book-filled bag. With a grunt she shifted to one side, tugging the offending satchel from beneath her and dropping it onto the floor. ' We have plans to make, ' she said, ' we're having a party next Friday. '

Three heads turned to regard her with horror.

' Claire, ' Martin said eventually, ' our landlord freaked after the last party we had - the whole street complained about the noise. '

' Not to mention the damage, ' Darren muttered. ' Have you forgotten what it cost us to replace those windows and the back door someone saw fit to put their boot through? '

' Guys, guys, relax, ' she smiled beatifically. ' This time is different. This time it's gonna be much more classy; a grown-up party, with a theme. '

They frowned in unison, not liking the direction of this at all. ' A theme? '

' Yeah...' she sat back, the smile widening even further. ' ...this time it's gonna be...fancy dress. '

A moments contemplation, then all three spoke at once.

' No. '

' No way. '

' Not a fucking chance. '

Claire just looked at them, and kept on smiling.


Saturday was a bright but cold day. Most of the snow had melted, and in the morning Alex decided to go for a run with Gaeled, her first in almost a fortnight. Jen spent the time soaking in Alex's huge claw-foot bath, listening to Nina Simone singing the blues on the stereo in the living room. By the time Alex returned, sweating and muddy, Jen was banging about in the kitchen preparing a substantial lunch.

' Figured we'd be skipping dinner if we're going to this party tonight, ' she reasoned, whisking eggs for a Spanish omelet. Alex took in the huge bowl of salad, and the smell of garlic and butter coming from the oven, and grinned.

' I like the way your mind works. '

Jen flipped damp hair back over her shoulder, then eyed the panting and filthy hound sitting in the middle of the floor. ' Think you could get him in the shower with you? '

' No...' Alex grabbed her from behind, her arms wrapping around her waist. ' ...but I reckon you'd fit. '

Jen turned in the circle of her arms, and immediately wrinkled her nose. ' Phew! You smell as bad as you look - where did you run, through a farm yard? '

' Among other places, ' Alex grinned and leaned in, kissing her lips hungrily. When she stepped back Jen's eyes were heavy lidded and dark, her cheeks slightly flushed. She smiled lazily at her, raising one eyebrow. ' Sure you won't join me? '

Jen remembered to breathe again, and chuckled, giving her a push towards the door. 'Go, shower, don't come back until you're clean. '

She watched her disappear, then turned to the dog, her hands coming to rest on her hips. ' Now then, what are we going to do with you, huh? '

Gaeled laid back his ears, and thumped his tail against the floor hesitantly, big brown eyes fixing her with a look of pleading. She rolled her eyes and sighed, then looked around for a bucket and an old cloth.

' Okay, all right, warm water it is...'


After lunch Jen drove home to Prestwich in order to get ready for the party that night. She felt a little nervous, knowing how deficient her wardrobe was of dressy clothes, despite Alex's assurances that it wouldn't be a formal occasion. After spending the better part of an hour pulling out skirts, blouses and trousers that just weren't right, she bit the bullet and reached for her cheque book, praying that the sales were still on in Manchester and that two hours would be sufficient time to find something suitable to wear.

She was home in less time than that, pleasantly surprised by her good fortune. In Wallis, the first shop she tried, she found a dress on the sale rack that was perfect. The shoes she bought in Ravel cost more than the dress, but she was on a roll. After a quick stop in La Senza for much needed new underwear, she was headed back to her car, bags rustling at her sides. The splurge had made a dent in her finances, but she would manage, and it had felt good, she was forced to admit, to be a little frivolous for once.

She took her time getting ready, sipping a glass of left-over Merlot and getting in the mood with some music. Damon Albarn was wailing out the lyrics to 'Girls and Boys' when the intercom buzzed, and she smiled as she pressed the door release, listening for Alex's footstep on the stairs. When the knock came, she was threading earrings through her lobes, and she yelled out ' come in!' over the din. The door swung open, and Alex stepped inside, just as Jen turned to greet her. She froze at the sight of the woman standing in her living room, the music becoming background noise, secondary to the thumping of her heart. She looked staggeringly beautiful, clad in a deep purple simple silk dress that hung from thin shoulder straps and hugged her body right down to the hemline, resting several inches above her knees. Those long, shapely legs were encased in sheer black nylons, and on her feet were suede shoes that matched the colour of her dress and fastened with straps that criss-crossed her ankles. Her hair was loose, cascading over smooth shoulders, and diamond studs glittered in her ears. She wore minimal make-up, just a hint of dark eyeshadow and a plum coloured lipstick that Jen found herself wanting to taste very, very badly.

' You look...gorgeous, ' she finally managed to husk, her throat tight with emotion and desire.

Alex stared at her, speechless. The petite girl who normally lived in old jeans and baggy shirts had disappeared, to be replaced by a stunning young woman. She wore a long black velvet dress, inch-wide straps meeting a squared-off neckline, a tight bodice showing off her slender waist. The skirt was cut to follow the line of her legs, and was split up one side to the thigh. She wore high heeled black suede shoes, no more than a complex series of straps that spanned her feet and ankles. In her ears and at her throat were a matching set of jet beads, an heirloom from her great-grandmother. Like Alex she wore little make up, just a smudge of gray eyeshadow which brought out the green of her eyes and deep red lipstick. Her fine blond hair was parted to one side, spilling across one shoulder, just a hint of curl making it ripple in gentle waves.

' Jen, ' Alex breathed, ' you are stunning. '

They looked at each other for another long moment, then both laughed softly. Alex crossed the distance that separated them, taking Jen's hand and raising it to her lips.

' Daren't kiss your mouth, ' she murmured, ' I don't think we'd be going anywhere if I did. '

' Ain't that the truth. ' Jen looked up into her face, falling into endless blue. ' Come on, let's go give the surveillance boys an eyeful and get out of here. '

The party was at the house Nik shared with his girlfriend, Briony. It was a large converted barn, set out in the hills near Smithills. Although only a few miles from Alex's home, the countryside here was much more gentle, with rolling fields and copses of ancient horse chestnut and birch. The approach to the house had been built in a long, curved gravel driveway, and when they arrived there were already several expensive looking cars parked outside. Jen was beginning to feel a sense of dread, but the sight of Martin's beat-up old Renault parked nose-to-tail with Nik's gleaming new Z3 was somehow reassuring. At the door Alex placed a hand in the small of Jen's back, glancing down at her before ringing the bell.

' Okay? ' she asked.

Jen nodded, letting out a long breath. ' Okay. '

Smiling, Alex dipped her head and placed a quick kiss on her lips. ' It's just a party, ' she murmured, ' and you are, without doubt, the most beautiful thing here. '

Jen quirked an eyebrow at her. ' Alex, we haven't even gotten inside, yet. '

' I don't need to. ' She rubbed her back gently, then pressed the bell. After a moment the door swung back, and they were assailed by the sounds of laughter and talking, and faint background music. A young man in domestic uniform smiled at them, stepping aside to let them in. As they entered, Jen saw Martin, standing in the large, high-ceilinged reception area. He spotted them immediately, a large grin breaking across his face. He said something brief to the middle aged man he was standing beside, and hurried over to them.

' Alex, Jen! Thank God you're here. This party is rapidly turning into a moot court! '

He kissed Alex on the cheek, then Jen. Alex inclined her head back over her shoulder.

' I see bro saw fit to hire domestic staff this time. '

' Uh..actually, I think it was B's idea. After the last fiasco, she swore she'd never uncork another bottle of wine as long as she lived. '

Alex laughed. ' Very practical. That girl thinks of everything. '

' Alex! '

They turned to see a tall woman heading down the stairs. She had shoulder length dark hair, cut in a sleek bob which fell over one eye. She wore a stunning dark red dress which accentuated a softly curved figure, cut well above the knee to show off the most wonderfully proportioned legs Jen had ever seen. She rushed to Alex, pulling her into a gentle embrace, then stepped back, holding her at arm's length.

' My God, ' she breathed, ' you just get better looking, you bitch. '

Alex smiled, shaking her head. ' And you, you old slapper, are as lovely as ever. ' She turned to Jen. ' Bri, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Jen Gordon. Jen, meet Briony Richards. '

Jen found herself looking into warm, dark eyes. The other woman was taller than herself, but a few inches shorter than Alex. She smiled, then leaned in and kissed her cheek softly.

' Nice to meet you, Jen. ', she said, her voice lilting musically, a faint hint of a Welsh accent just about discernible.

Jen smiled. ' Likewise. '

' So, ' Alex said, her hand still at Jen's back, ' Did the rest of the witches make it, or is it just us? '

' What - you and I against a house full of lawyers? No fear - I threatened all sorts of cyber mischief if they didn't show. Roish is in the living room, talking shop and boring the pants off poor old Ben, and Karnie has yet to show. '

Alex chuckled. ' She's never early, Bri. If you'd wanted her here on time, you should've told her it started at six. '

The woman shook her dark head. ' Doesn't work anymore. And anyway, I can't call anyone for being fashionably late. '

Alex smiled at Jen. ' Briony, Rebekah, Karen and I shared a house when we were at university. Bri and Karen used to try and outdo one another in being latest for lectures without getting chewed out. It's a habit that stuck, I'm afraid. '

Jen laughed. ' I think I could have given you both a run for your money there. My Dad always says I'll be late for my own funeral. '

Bri nodded. ' Oh, definitely one of us. Come on, ' she linked her arm through Jen's. 'I'll introduce you to Roish - I mean Rebekah. ' She steered her away from Alex, threading through the crowds of overdressed people. Jen found herself lead into a huge living room, the ceiling way above them criss-crossed with beams. Around two walls a balcony flanked the first floor landing, polished wood gleaming in the light from the huge fire blazing in the walk-in stone fireplace.

' What a gorgeous house, ' she commented.

Bri looked at her, frowning slightly. ' You really think so? '

' Yes. It's beautiful. '

She smiled. ' Thank you. I designed it - Nik and I bought this place as a shell three years back. ' She laughed softly. ' We lived in a caravan in the grounds for ten months whilst it was converted - we nearly killed each other. '

Jen chuckled. ' I can imagine. ' She looked around with more interest. ' You an architect? '

' No - heavens, no. I'm a systems analyst. ' She laughed. ' Well, that's what I'm trained to do. I'm paid to be a senior VP of a software house in Manchester. '

Jen gaped at her. ' Wow! And I thought all VPs were crusty old men in pin-stripe suits. '

Bri laughed, shaking her head. ' Not in my business. So, what do you do, Jen? '

She shrugged. ' Actually I'm just finishing up my Ph.D.'

' Ooh, a brain! Not another psychologist? '

' No - nothing so useful. Ancient Greek bardic works are my thing. ' She grinned. 'I'm destined to spend my life lecturing to undergrads whilst they catch up on their sleep. '

' Oh - you have to talk to Karen, she's a big fan of the classics. All that myth and legend...'

' Yeah...it kind of grabs you...'

' It does...ah, there she is. ' She steered her towards the large French windows, and a group of people standing talking there. As she approached she guided Jen to the side of another tall woman - are all Alex's friends Amazons?, Jen wondered absently - and laid a hand on her arm.

' Sorry to interrupt, chaps. Roish, I have to introduce you to Jen, a friend of Alex's. Jen, this is Rebekah, another boring lawyer-type. '

The woman before her smiled warmly, pale blue eyes shining in a classically beautiful face framed by glossy caramel-coloured hair.

' Pleased to meet you, Jen, ' she said, extending a hand.

Jen shook it, smiling back at her. ' Hi there. '

Rebekah turned and placed a hand on the arm of the tall, fair-haired man standing to her left. ' This is my husband, Ben. '

She shook hands again, was introduced to the rest of the group, then promptly swept up in a conversation about her work. As she spoke she found herself relaxing, eased by the open warmth displayed by Alex's friends.

Alex, standing by the doorway to the living room talking to Nik, kept one eye on her lover. She seemed to be losing her initial nervousness, and was soon engaged in an animated conversation with the group she stood with. She watched as the low light played over her face and hair, making her glow, and felt her heart constrict in her chest. God, she's so beautiful, she mused, so full of life and warmth...

' Alex? '

She turned, blinked at her brother. ' Sorry, Nik, I phased out there for a minute. '

He grinned, looking over towards the group by the window. ' Yeah, I noticed. ' His eyes found hers again. ' She is lovely. '

Alex smiled. ' Yes, she is. '

' I take it things have...progressed between you two? '

Her eyes widened, and she laughed. ' Nik! '

' C'mon, sis, it's written all over you - both of you. ' He leaned in as if to scrutinise her face. ' You're in love...'

Alex actually felt herself starting to blush. She looked down into the glass of champagne she was holding. ' I know, ' she said softly, ' I still can't quite believe it - I've known her for such a short time, and yet I feel-'

' Like you've known her all you life? ' He smiled gently as she nodded. ' Alex, that's exactly how I felt when you introduced me to Bri. Sometimes it's just...right. ' Nik shrugged. ' Can't fight the fates. '

' No...' her gaze wandered to the shining figure in black velvet again, and she smiled, ' I suppose you can't. '

A commotion in the reception drew both their gazes. Standing beneath the gothic wrought-iron chandelier was a petite woman wearing a long, impossibly tight blood-red dress, her long dark curls spilling down to her waist. She was handing a black wrap to one of the domestic staff, giving strict instructions for it not to be hung up.

' Flat! ' she insisted, ' lay it on something flat. '

Nik rolled his eyes and grinned at his sister. ' Oh God, ' he groaned, ' the fourth witch has arrived. '

Alex smiled, putting her glass down on a passing waiter's tray, before heading towards her.

' You're late, ' she chastised.

The head whipped around, and her face broke into a huge smile.

' Alex! ' She shrieked, throwing herself at the taller woman. After a quick, intense hug, she stepped back, her eyes wandering appreciatively over her friend. ' Hells bells, woman, you've still got it, and then some! '

Alex laughed. ' You are the most irrepressible flirt, Karen. '

A sculpted dark brow lifted in amusement. ' Hey, if I can't flirt with my best friends...speaking of whom, where are the rest of the coven? '

Alex inclined her head backwards. ' In there. Come on, there's someone I have to rescue from them anyway. '

On the way through Karen grabbed Nik and planted a kiss firmly on his lips. ' Still gorgeous! ' she sighed dramatically.

He swatted at her, grinning broadly. ' Don't you four dare monopolise my party - no singing tonight! '

She feigned surprise. ' Who, us? Never happen. ' She grabbed Alex's arm. ' Come on, I have so much gossip. '

As they made their way into the room, Alex paused, looking behind her. ' Where's Helen? ' She asked, her eyes scanning the room behind them for Karen's partner's telltale red hair.

' Oh, she's on duty at the hospital. Silly woman refuses to give up the E.R. for a more sensible job. We surgeons get to work civilised hours. ' She leaned in, her eyes sparkling. ' What's this I hear about you finally falling in love? '

Alex gasped. ' What?! Who told you...' she trailed off, shaking her head, ' Bri. I'm gonna kill that brother of mine. '

Karen looked ahead of them, spotting her friends' group. Her gaze fell on the petite blonde, laughing at something Ben had just recounted. ' Wow....that her? '

Alex nodded. ' Yeah...it is. '

Eyes the colour of midnight turned to look up to her. ' She's stunning. '

' Isn't she. ' Alex smiled. ' Come on, I'll introduce you. '


Much later, when most of the guests had departed, those who remained sat together in a large conservatory at the back of the house, overlooking the large, wild gardens. Jen felt much more at home now, flanked by Nik's friends whom she already knew, and the three women Alex had studied with. Alex sat beside her on a padded wicker sofa, her arm draped across the back of the seat, circling her in warmth. She listened to them telling tales of their exploits over the years, the champagne and good company making their laughter and conversation uninhibited. Karen told a particularly bawdy story, in which the four women had lured a particularly philandering male acquaintance of theirs to their house, staging a 'four-in-a-bed' scenario for him to walk in on. They had talked him into relieving himself of all his clothes, then, with promises of a little bondage fun, had bound and blindfolded him, bundled him into Bri's car, driven at break-neck speed onto campus, and dumped him in front of the Union bar, just before it closed for the evening. Jen was laughing so hard she felt tears coursing down her cheeks. Wiping at them with one hand, she sniffed.

' Oh my God...that poor guy! '

'Ha!' Briony snorted. ' He'd been trying it on with each of us for the better part of two years. He'd left a trail of broken beds right across campus, and all the time the bastard had a long-term girlfriend working her arse off to help support his studies.'

' You're joking! ' She shook her head. ' What happened to him? '

Alex smoothed down her skirt. ' He married her; they have a four year old son now. I think he lectures at Edinburgh. '

Karen smiled fondly. ' Funny thing is, he was hard to dislike. The kind of guy I could have really gone for...'

' Yeah, ' Rebekah nodded somberly, ' if you weren't sleeping with your supervisor...what was her name? '

' Alright, alright, I was a slut, I admit it. ' She pouted, but her dark eyes danced with merriment. She glanced sidelong at Nik. ' Say, girls, feel like a sing-song? '

There were assorted groans from the males present. Jen looked around, curious, but she felt long fingers gently touch her shoulder.

' Not tonight for me, I'm afraid.' Alex said. ' It's been a bitch of a week. ' She glanced at Jen. ' Ready to make a move? '

The look in her eyes made her insides do a slow flip. ' Um...sure. '

They said their good-byes, and were once again alone in the cold night air. Alex looked at Jen with an apologetic smile. ' I'm sorry, I should have warned you about them. I forget how intense it can get when we're all together. '

She reached out, smoothed back a wind-whipped tendril of midnight hair. ' They were great, Alex. And I had a ball - I haven't laughed that much in ages. ' She smiled slowly, then took her lover's hand, turning towards the car. ' So, tell me all about this outfit you wore that night you all seduced that poor man...'

Alex cringed with embarrassment, but told her anyway.

The next day they had arranged to meet up with everyone in Manchester for brunch before the friends were once again scattered to the corners of the country. They spent a leisurely hour or so browsing through Waterstones, taking advantage of the free coffee and croissants as they scanned the shelves before heading across the road to Sticky Fingers. Nik and Briony were already there, along with Rebekah, Ben and Karen. They had just ordered coffees when Martin arrived with David and their respective partners, Sandra and Sarah. Jen looked around with a frown.

' Where's Rich? '

Nik snorted. ' He'll be along. He beats both Bri and Karen in the late stakes. '

Sure enough, they were starting on their food when the tall, lanky man pulled up a chair and sat down, shaking a dusting of rain from his hair.

' Weather's turning bad again. ' He noted.

Karen chortled. ' Serves you guys right for living in the rainiest city in England. Come to York next time - we have a much kinder climate. '

' Hmph..' he turned and waved over a waitress, gave her a rapid list of items from the menu. Karen wrinkled her nose at him.

' I swear, one of these days, laddie, you're gonna wake up weighing forty stone.' She waved her knife at him. ' It'll happen, mark my words. '

He rolled his eyes. ' Oh, thus spoke the great lady oracle. '

She raised an eyebrow, but he just smiled disarmingly and swiped a cherry tomato from her plate, stuffing it into his mouth before she could protest.

Jen glanced out of the window, noticed the groups of people walking down Deansgate, their scarves and tops a splash of colour in the gray morning. ' Looks like there's a match on. ' She commented.

Alex nodded. ' United are playing Chelsea at home. '

Briony sighed. ' Football. Such a great spectator sport. '

Alex laughed, knowing just what it was that her friend found so appealing about the game. Nik met her gaze knowingly.

' You know, she got Sky Sports on the pretense of it being for my entertainment. It had nothing what so ever to do with her wanting to ogle David Seaman's legs. '

The dark haired woman sighed again. ' And what fine legs they are...'

Jen grinned, lifting a forkful of wild mushroom stroganoff to her lips, her eyes wandering to the window again. Suddenly, in mid chew, she froze, then dropped her cutlery and bent to retrieve her bag from the floor. Alex frowned.

' What's up? '

' My purse...I think I left it in Waterstones...damn! '

Alex snatched up the black and gold bag containing Jen's new book purchases from the floor and peered inside. ' Not here. ' She looked up expectantly, but Jen's search of her cluttered old shoulder bag turned up nothing. She sighed, pushing her chair back.

' Excuse me, guys, ' she said, getting to her feet, ' I'll be back in a minute. '

Alex made to get up also, but she placed a hand on her shoulder.

' It's okay, ' she smiled, ' stay. It's only across the road. '

Alex watched her quickly don her jacket and head out into the drizzle. Karen, seated to her right, nudged her elbow.

' Alex...I never got the chance to ask you last night; how did you two meet? '

She turned her attention back to the table, found ten pairs of eyes looking at her expectantly.

' Well, ' she began, ' the first time we met was rather...peculiar....'

Jen navigated her way through the huge bookshop with practiced ease. Since moving to the city she had spent many a Sunday afternoon happily losing herself in her favourite past time, browsing the shelves of books. The staff were laid back and friendly, and were accustomed to seeing people sitting cross-legged on the floor, poring over pages of text, never hassling anyone to buy before they read. Jen soon made her way to the desk in the history section, and as she approached one of the clerks spotted her and reached beneath the counter, then straightened, holding aloft her battered old weather-proof wallet. She grinned with relief.

' Thanks a lot, ' she breathed, taking the purse from his hand.

He smiled. ' Not a problem. When we saw it I came after you, but you were already gone. '

She cringed, embarrassed. ' I left it on the counter, didn't I? '

He nodded. ' Yup. Don't sweat it - happens all the time. ' He frowned a little at her. 'You come in here a lot, don't you? '

' Yeah...not as much as I used to though. '

' That's right. ' He smiled, held out his hand. ' Jim, by the way. '

She shook the proffered hand. ' Jen. And thanks, Jim. '

' No worries. Oh, and tell your friend, that book she asked about? I had a look on our system for her but it's out of print. We can try and order it from some of our clearing houses, but it may take some time. If she's interested, have her give me a ring. '

Curious, Jen nodded. ' Okay. I'll do that. ' She smiled. ' Well, thanks again, Jim. '

' Any time. '

She made her way back down the stairs and into the cold street. As she crossed the road she could hear shouting and laughter, and when she reached the corner of Kendals department store she ran straight into a group of four blue and white clad football fans. She stepped back a little, to allow them room to get by, but they closed around her instantly, leering down at her.

' Well, looky here, fellas, ' one drawled. She smelled alcohol, saw the looks on their faces, and began to feel uneasy, despite being in the middle of a crowded street. They looked mean, shaved heads and tattoos adding to the air of menace that surrounded them. Obviously not your run of the mill fan, she mused to herself. More than likely here to pick a fight...

' Hey, darlin' ' another grinned, reaching out to finger her hair, ' feel like a bit of fun?'

She lifted her face to meet his stare. ' No, thanks, I'm in a hurry. '

' Oooh, a busy lady, ' the first crooned in a thick London accent, his hand reaching for her arm. She knocked it away, glaring at him.

' Look, just let me through..'

Alex sipped her coffee, listening to Rebekah and Nik engage in a discussion of some point of law. She glanced at her watch - Jen had been gone for almost fifteen minutes now. What was taking so long? She turned her head to peer through the window, and caught sight of the backs of a group of Chelsea fans standing on the corner by Kendals. They were gathered in a tight knot, looking down at someone. Something tightened in her belly, and she set down her cup. When one of them staggered back a pace, she saw a flash of blond hair before he moved in again, his hand reaching for something.

Her chair fell back as she shot to her feet. The conversation at the table stopped.

' Alex? '

She shot a glance at Karen who was frowning at her.

' Jen. ' Was all she said, before moving for the door.

The others at the table looked at one another for a stunned moment, then as one body they rose and headed after their friend. At the door Ben turned to look at their alarmed waiter.

' Be right back. '

Jen was scared. The look of leering interest on the face of the man she had pushed had changed into one of rapidly building rage. She quickly realised that these men were here for a fight, nothing more, and that she had inadvertently become the focus of their frustration.

' Come on, ' she said, trying to keep her voice soothing, ' just let me pass - you don't want trouble in the middle of the street, and I have friends waiting for me. '

' Yeah? ' he sneered. ' Your little boyfriend somewhere about, is he? ' He made a show of looking about himself. ' I don't see him, love...' he grinned menacingly at her again. ' Looks like you're all alone, just you and us. '

' I don't think so. '

The calm voice from behind him made him turn sharply. Standing bare inches away from his back was a tall woman with piercing blue eyes. Her face was impassive.

' Step aside, gentlemen, let the lady through. '

His friend laughed. ' Come on, sweetheart, we're just havin' a little fun here...'

She ignored him, looked at Jen. ' You okay? '

She nodded, eyes wide.

The man Jen had pushed narrowed his eyes at Alex. ' She's with us. '

She looked at him for a long moment, then, to Jen's absolute amazement, she smiled. It wasn't the usual facial gesture of amusement or affection that she had come to associate with her lover. This smile never made it to the burning blue eyes that still held the man before her. It brought images of wild animals in dark forests, and raised goose flesh on Jen's arms, despite her thick jacket. Alex, however, standing in only the short sleeved black shell, leggings and long boots she had worn inside the restaurant, didn't seem to feel the icy wind that whipped her dark hair about her face and shoulders. She leaned in a little, getting right up into the man's face.

' I said, let her pass. '

Feeling more than a little unnerved by this strange woman's reaction to him, Barry Davies was, however, also aware of the curious looks of his mates. If he backed down from this, from a woman, he'd never hear the last of it....

The sneer was back on his face, renewed confidence in his own ability to cause fear and, in some cases, pain, bolstering his ego.

' Why? Whatcha gonna do, honey? Hit me? '

His friends sniggered. Alex shook her head. ' No. I'm going to break your arms. Now, I'll say it again, just in case you didn't understand. ' She bared her teeth. 'Let-her-through.'

Jen was aware of a crowd forming around them, curious as to the disturbance. Frantically she scanned the faces, wondering why no one was stepping in to help Alex. And just where were their friends?

Barry, terror of the home fans and undisputed leader of the unofficial 'blue army', made his second big mistake of the day. He snarled at the woman before him, reached up a meaty, heavily ringed hand to shove her out of the way. Alex grabbed his wrist so fast he never saw her arm move. Incredibly, despite his bulk, she blocked his movement, pinning him there.

' You don't want to get into this, ' she purred, ' trust me. '

He blinked, struggling to throw her grip, but her fingers were like a vice about his wrist. He could see the muscles of her arm standing out through smooth, tanned flesh.

' Jen, get out of here, ' she said softly, her eyes never leaving his.

Jen slipped by him, relieved to see the rest of their group standing by the door to the restaurant. She hurried over to them, eyes wide.

' Help her! ' she gasped, grabbing Nik by the shirt front.

Karen, her face set in anger, started forward, but Richie grabbed her arm.

' It's okay. ' he said quickly. She shot him a look that would melt steel, but he shook his head. ' She'll be fine. '

' But there's four of them! ' Jen yelled. ' Jesus, come on! ' She turned to move back to her lover, but Nik pulled her back.

' Jen, trust me, it's better to stay out of her way, let her handle it. '

She turned to watch as the big man, one wrist still gripped in Alex's right hand, yelled some obscenity at her, then brought his right fist up, aiming for her face. In a blur her left arm moved through the air, deflecting the blow, knocking his arm aside, then drew back and landed a punch squarely in his throat. He collapsed like a deck of cards, clutching his neck, wheezing for air. His mates stared at him, stunned, then brought their gazes up to the woman still standing before them.

' You bitch! ' One of them screamed, lunging for her blindly. What happened next seemed to take place in slow motion. Jen could only watch as Alex calmly stepped back, giving herself room, then spun around and landed a round-house kick to the man's solar plexus, dropping him almost on top of his still prostrate friend. The other two moved as one, coming at her together. She jabbed a quick kick at one, winding him, and whipped her right hand out at the other, fingers stabbing into the side of his neck. He too fell to the pavement, seemingly unconscious. The last man standing, albeit doubled over, looked up at her from beneath knitted brows.

' Lady, ' he gasped, ' you're dead. '

Alex shrugged, then casually smacked him in the nose, sending him into oblivion.

There was a stunned silence for a minute or two, then the doors to Kendals flew open and a woman in a blue tailored suit hurried outside, her eyes flickering over the pile of bodies before her to the tall, dark haired woman standing calmly beside them.

' What happened here? ' She asked.

Alex pushed her hair back behind her ears. ' These boys decided to bite off more than they could chew, ' she said smoothly. ' Call Chester House, tell them Alex Perry just apprehended four trouble makers. They'll send a van for them. '

The woman looked down at the still forms on the pavement. ' But...what do I do with them until they arrive? '

Alex glanced down at them, then shrugged. ' They're not going anywhere, ' she said, then turned and walked back to her friends.

As she drew level with the small crowd outside the restaurant, Alex's eyes sought Jen. She reached out a hand to her, lightly touching her face. ' You all right? '

' Yeah...Alex, that was incredibly stupid. They could've hurt you. '

Nik chuckled. ' What, those four? I doubt it. ' He held the door open for them. 'Come on let's finish our meal. '

They trooped back inside, but Jen grabbed Alex's arm, holding her back until the door swung shut again.

' Alex...' she began, staring up into clear blue eyes, ' where the hell did you learn to fight like that? '

The taller woman looked at her for a long moment, then sighed. ' Later, okay? ' She raised an eyebrow, and when Jen nodded she smiled, then leaned down and placed a brief kiss on her lips. ' Come on, your food is getting cold. '

Jen lasted until they were once again seated alone in Alex's car, on their way back down the motorway.

' All right, ' she said, breaking the heavy silence that had hung between them since the fight, ' talk to me, Alex. '

The dark haired woman glanced at her. ' I was in the military after Oxford. That, and I used to practice Karate. '

' Uh-uh, ' Jen folded her arms, ' I took Karate classes for four years - they were not Karate moves. And my cousin Bill is in the army - there's no way that is standard military training. ' She fixed her lover with a hard stare. ' The truth, Alex. '

Alex accelerated past a Saab, then leaned back in her seat with a sigh. ' No, it's not standard training. I spent three years as an operative in the SBS. '

Jen's eyes widened. ' Special Boat Service? Holy shit, Alex...why didn't you -'

' Tell you? ' She flashed her a grin. ' I'm not supposed to tell anyone. Nik and Richie know, as does my mother. Now you do. '

' But...your friends..'

' Never needed to know...' Her knuckles tightened on the wheel. ' Jen, when I was with the service there were things I did, things I'm not proud of...it's complicated. '

' Did you ever kill anyone? '

The quietly posed question brought her head around faster than a shot. She met curious green eyes for a moment before returning her attention to the road. ' Yes. ' She said eventually, her voice not much more than a whisper. ' I've killed. '

Jen sat back, letting the information sink in. It was a lot to swallow in one sitting, but what disturbed her more than anything, what had kept flashing through her mind as they finished their meal, was the look on Alex's face as she faced up to the four louts. There had been no fear - there hadn't even been any adrenaline induced excitement. Those chiseled, breathtaking features had radiated a deadly calm, tinged by a darkness that Jen suspected she would never, ever comprehend. It had scared her more than the situation she had been in, rocked her to the core. And that feral smile...she shuddered, closing her eyes briefly, trying to banish its memory from her mind. What had this woman seen, been through, to blight her soul that way?

Alex chanced a glance at the woman beside her, saw the fixed expression on her face. She turned her eyes back to the road, her heart clenching in her chest. Oh God, please don't let my past fuck this up, she silently prayed to whichever gods chose to listen. Please, let me have this....

She stepped on the gas a little harder, not caring about the 70 m.p.h. speed limit, easing the Discovery to just under 90. A quick glance in the rear view mirror showed her that the Saab she had recently overtaken had pulled out into the outside lane, was now just two cars behind. She eased off the gas, pulled in to the middle lane, letting the cars trailing her glide past. The Saab, however, also slowed, pulling in behind her. She frowned, accelerated again, pulling out once more. When the car followed she chewed her lip.

' Jen...'

The blond head came up, ' Hm? '

' Pick up the cell phone and dial this number.' She rattled off the digits as Jen pressed them into the handset. When the connection was made, Alex stabbed a button on the dash, activating the hands-fee mic and speakers.

' This is Alex Perry. Put me through to whoever is on vehicle reg. ' There was a click, then a clipped female voice came back.

' Sergeant Harris. '

' Sally, it's Alex. Get me a trace on a number plate. '

' Sure...okay, shoot. '

' S471 LVT '

A brief silence, punctuated by the rapid fire of keys being depressed, then the voice came back.

' Nothing, Alex. Plate doesn't exist. What's the model? '

' Saab 900, gunmetal gray. '

' You got anything else to go on - chassis number, engine number? '

' Not right now. We're currently doing 80 on the motorway. '

A rueful chuckle. ' Sorry. Didn't realise. '

' No problem. Log it, will ya? '

' Sure thing. '

' Thanks. ' She punched the button again, then glanced at Jen, who replaced the hand set. 'It's following us, ' she said calmly, ' has been for the last couple of minutes. Could be nothing, but at the moment I don't want to take the risk. '

Jen nodded mutely, resisting the urge to turn her head and look. ' What...what shall we do? '

' Nothing. Let's see how far he goes. '

The car left them as she took the turning for the A666, speeding off down the other junction slip road towards the M61. Alex watched it go, then looked at Jen. The younger woman's face was set, her eyes staring straight ahead. Probably wondering what the hell she's got herself mixed up in, Alex mused to herself. I should end this now, let her get on with her life, have a chance at something, at someone, less damaged....

With a heavy sigh, she stepped on the gas pedal again, turning the car for home.

Once back at the house, Jen paced the living room, chewing on a thumb nail. Alex, out in the garden with Gaeled, felt her heart fill with dread at the thought of what was to come, what was now, surely, inevitable. No one could afford to take on everything that she was. And someone as loving and gentle as the woman standing in her home right now was no exception. She cursed herself for letting it get this far, letting herself become involved, to care for her, to fall in love...

Gaeled loped past her, heading for the open front door. With a sigh, she trudged in after him.

Jen stopped pacing as the tall figure of Alex filled the doorway. She turned to look at her, her arms falling loosely to her sides.

' I don't know what to say, ' she eventually said. ' I don't know what to think. '

Alex stepped a little closer, stopping three feet away. ' I understand, ' she said softly, ' I...it's not easy for me to live with it, Jen. I can't expect you to. If you want to end it... '

Green eyes widened slightly, and she stepped in. closing the distance, her hand reaching for Alex's arm. ' No...Alex, no. ' She smiled a little. ' I don't want that. I was just...surprised, a little shocked..'

Alex arched an eyebrow. ' Shocked? You mean horrified. '

Jen sighed, then raised her other hand to place it against a smooth cheek. ' Okay, yes, horrified. It's a part of you, though, Alex, and...' her fingers caressed warm skin, ' ...I love you. All of you. I guess I'll have to learn to accept it. '

A look of wonder swept across Alex's face, then she pulled the smaller woman to her, crushing her against her body. For long minutes they remained there, in each other's arms, Alex's face nestled in warm blond hair. Eventually she kissed the top of Jen's head, then stepped back a little. Jen was surprised to see tears shining in her eyes.

' I love you too, ' she murmured, gazing deeply into her face.

The shrill ringing of the phone jarred them both from the moment. Alex stepped away, rubbing her eyes as she moved for the receiver.

' Hello? '

Jen saw her back stiffen, felt the hairs on her arms stand up as Alex conducted a brief, clipped phone conversation. After barely a minute she hung up and turned to Jen, her eyes dark in her face.

' They found another body. '

' Oh my God...where? '

' The new Marks and Spencer's building in Manchester. Workmen found it an hour ago, up on the top floor. ' She reached for her car keys. ' I have to go...'

' I'm coming with you. '

Alex stopped, whirled on her. ' Jen...this isn't something you need to see. '

She lifted her chin, met the blue gaze steadily. ' I'm a part of this now, Alex. I'm coming with you. '


When they arrived at the site they found themselves negotiating their way through a barrage of uniforms. A crowd had gathered around the entrance to the building site, and a coroner's van was just pulling up. Alex got them through, past the seven-foot high wooden boards that fenced off the site and into the open concrete and steel structure that was to be the replacement of the store destroyed by an IRA bomb blast three years ago. The new construction was huge, and as they stepped over building materials and tools Jen wondered how on earth they were to get up onto the fifth floor, eyeing rickety-looking wooden ladders placed here and there with deep suspicion. As they walked, she saw a familiar figure approaching, waving his hands.

' Alex! ' he glanced briefly at Jen, then gave the taller woman a questioning look. Alex shrugged.

' Jen was with me when you called - she asked to come. '

He looked at Jen. ' You sure you want to see this? '

' Yes. '

' Well, okay...come on. ' He shepherded them through the maze of bare concrete and breeze-block walls. At what Jen assumed was the center of the building they came to a wooden lift, the steel-pillar shaft extending up into the building. There was no door, so as they stepped inside she leaned against Alex. Geoff reached over and grabbed a dusty black box hanging from a cable and pressed one of two buttons on it. With a lurch and a groan the lift began to ascend, rocking alarmingly for a moment before leveling out.

' A male, ' Geoff said, ' early to mid thirties. No ID yet. Two workmen found him a short while back. He's...a mess. '

Alex looked at him. ' What happened? '

He sighed, rubbed his free hand through his hair. ' Crucified. Fucking bastard nailed him to a cross, broke his legs and sliced his stomach open. '

Jen felt her own stomach clench. Alex pressed a hand against the small of her back.

' Any idea when? '

' Must have been last night - the last shift came down around five, the two guys who found him were the first up there since then. '

The lift shuddered to a stop, and they silently followed Geoff out. Jen could feel the difference in the air up here; there was less smell of traffic fumes, and the wind was much keener, whipping through the open structure and chilling her to the bone. They followed Geoff towards one side of the building and as the rounded a corner she stopped.

' OhmyGod...'

The cross was X shaped, the dead man spread-eagled on it. Thick silver bolts jutted from his hands and bare feet, encrusted with dark blood. He wore a navy suit, white shirt and tie, the classic uniform of a business man. But the jacket hung open, and the shirt was stained red with his blood which had soaked through from the ten inch slice that bisected his abdomen. His trousers were also stained darker, and Jen could see, despite his pose, the unnatural set of his legs. On his right thigh, half way between groin and knee, the trouser leg was torn, and something jagged and pale poked through the rent in the fabric. But it was his face which was the worst horror of all. Not a mark, not a blemish marred the smooth-shaved, lightly tanned features; not a single hair was out of place on the well-groomed head. But his mouth was frozen for ever in a silent scream that spoke of raw agony, his eyes wide open with terror. Jen found herself mesmerised by it, unable to tear her gaze from that last expression of fear and pain. She stood, rooted, until gentle hands gripped her arms and something, someone obscured the grisly tableau.

' Jen? '

She blinked, focused. Alex stood before her, frowning slightly.

' Want to go back down? '

She sucked in cold air, fighting back the sudden urge to throw up. ' No...I'll be fine. '

Alex held her gaze. ' I have to go take a look...want to wait here? '

She nodded, watched as Alex and Geoff approached the body, now flanked by people in white paper suits - forensics, she realised - pausing to stand mere feet away.

' Jesus Christ..' Alex breathed, taking in the carnage. Her eyes skimmed over the man's battered form, coming to rest on the wound in his belly. ' That's not so deep...it would have been slow...someone must have heard him screaming. '

Geoff shook his head. ' His tongue was cut out. '

She peered up into the dead man's face. ' No blood...Jesus, he must have cleaned it off him. Why? '

' That's your field. ' Geoff glanced at the tight knot of detectives standing off to the right.

' Where is it? '

He looked back to the tall woman. ' Huh? '

' The tongue - where is it? '

' I..I don't know. ' He turned to the nearest forensic officer. ' Anyone find the tongue?'

A shake of the head. Alex chewed her lip.

' Trophy? ' Geoff asked.

She shook her head. ' No....I don't think so...' her eyes raked over the body suspended above her, and she felt something, some recognition, resonating deep within herself. Gooseflesh peppered her skin beneath her jacket, and she shuddered.

' Alex? '

She turned to find Jen had approached them, was now standing only a few feet back from the scene. The wind caught her hair, whipped it in front of her face. She shoved it back, tucking it behind her ears.

' What is it? '

' This...' Jen waved her hand at the man fixed to the crude cross. ' Do you know what this is? '

She frowned slightly. ' No...do you? '

The blond head nodded. ' Yes. I think I do. '

They sat in Ronnies on St. Annes Square, just a short walk from the looming new structure, each nursing a hot cup of tea. Alex had requested a large brandy to be poured into Jens, noting the pallor of her skin. The younger woman hadn't commented, just sipped at the warming drink gratefully. In the uncrowded cafe bar, with the noise of music and conversations around them, they talked freely.

' It's old, ' Jen said, her hands warming around her cup, ' the method....Caesar used it on thousands. Run away slaves, captured enemies, those who betrayed him. They nailed them to crosses, usually on a beach, but anywhere would do, always facing east. First they broke their legs with a club, then gutted them. Depending on the...the offense, they either cut deep, to end it swiftly, or shallow so that they suffered, sometimes for hours. '

Alex leaned in, laid her hand on the other woman's arm. ' Jen, did they ever cut out the tongue? '

Jen frowned a little. ' No...not that I know of. Sometimes slaves had their tongues cut out, but only to silence them in case they escaped. I've never read of it in conjunction with a...an execution before. '

Alex glanced at Geoff, who shrugged lightly.

' The scrolls I've read, ' Jen continued, ' they mentioned that Caesar crucified Xena. She escaped, and some believe that it played a big part in her becoming the Destroyer.'

Alex whipped around to look at her, an inexplicable choking sensation suddenly filling her throat. Even in the dim light of the bar, Geoff could see how pale she had suddenly become.

' Alex? You all right? '

She blinked, throwing off the uneasy feeling. ' Yeah....fine. Geoff, we need background on this guy. Is someone checking on missing persons? '

He nodded. ' We can only pray that he has someone to report him missing. If he lived alone, chances are it'll take time before anyone realises. '

She scratched a fingernail against the thickly varnished table top. He decided a change of topic might be in order.

' So...I heard you two had a little excitement this morning. ' He said casually. Jen looked questioningly at Alex, who shrugged.

' Yeah....I take it our friends from the south were picked up then? '

He sipped his tea, nodding. ' Uh-huh. Want to tell me what happened? '

Alex raised one sculpted eyebrow. ' You mean they didn't? '

' Not really - I only got some vague story about some improbable ninja-woman going berserk. '

She laughed aloud at that. ' Ninja? Oh, that's a new one...'

Geoff set his cup carefully back in its saucer. ' So what's the real story? '

' They were threatening me. ' Jen stated quietly. Geoff turned his attention to her.

' And? '

After a glance at Alex, who nodded her assent, Jen quickly told him what had happened. When she was through, Geoff turned to Alex again.

' You also turned in a report on a car following you home - think it's connected? '

' Maybe...but not to the goons from this morning. '

Geoff's concern showed all over his face. ' Alex, maybe we should talk about getting you off the case - '

' No! ' She shook her head vehemently. ' No...you need us. And besides, it's too late for that. '

' Okay...then how about we move you and Jen to a safe house? '

' Geoff, I'm safer at home than anywhere you could put me. '

He frowned. ' You're miles away from anything, stuck up there in the middle of nowhere!'

' Precisely - I can hear anyone coming in by car, and Gaeled hears anything that moves outside the house. '

' Okay, but what about Jen? '

' I have my surveillance guys...'

Geoff looked at Alex, who sighed and looked at the table. ' They'll be taking them off the case tomorrow - standard procedure. '

Jen's eyes widened. Having two police officers following her around had seemed like a bind. Now she felt a pang of fear at the thought of losing the security they offered. Geoff saw the look of anguish flit across her features and decided to offer the best solution.

' Why don't you stay with Alex until this is over? '

The two women looked at each other. After a moment Alex shrugged, smiling slightly.

' Might as well. You've practically moved in anyway. '

Jen found herself grinning despite the situation. ' You complaining? '

' No. Just stating a fact. '

Geoff cleared his throat. ' Good. Well, at least that's settled. But I'll be a whole lot happier if you'll let us fix up some security systems, Alex. '

' Sure. '

He drained the remnants of his tea, then pushed his chair back. ' Okay, I have work to do. I'll be scheduling a meeting for tomorrow - I'd like you both there. '

They nodded, and after saying their good-byes, Geoff left them alone in the bar. For a minute neither spoke, then both began at once.

' Are you sure you want to-'

' Are you okay with this-'

They grinned at each other, then Alex reached out and took Jen's hand across the table.

' Look, ' she said softly, ' let's just get through this case, okay? We can worry about the rest afterwards. '

Jen nodded, the gave the fingers clasped in her own a gentle squeeze.

' I'll need to pick up some things. '

' No problem. ' She released Jen's hand, and stood up. ' Come on, let's get out of here. '


It was Tuesday morning before they found out who the dead man was. Tony Carruthers, a marketing executive with a city firm. No family, no girlfriend, the man lived alone in one of the converted warehouse buildings down by the canal. It was only after he'd missed an important appointment on Monday with a big client that his firm had tried to track him down, his worried PA eventually calling the police on Monday night. Whilst Geoff had someone do the background on the guy, Alex went to the firm to interview some of his colleagues. No-one had a bad word to say about him - he was conscientious, talented, intelligent. His distraught PA, who had had the unfortunate honour of identifying his body, cried with genuine grief. They had left out the more gruesome aspects of the murder - all that was released was that his body had been found on a building site, and that he had been stabbed. Ms. Wilson, an attractive young West Indian woman, had only seen his face, the rest of his body being concealed beneath a thick sheet. Still, nothing would erase the look of absolute terror and agony she had witnessed etched across his frozen face. As she talked to Alex, she was shaking visibly, her hand clenching and unclenching around a creased linen handkerchief.

' He was...so sweet, ' she said, shaking her head sadly, ' so considerate...'

' Alice...' Alex leaned forward, placing a calming hand on the woman's forearm. 'we're going to need a list of all Tony's business associates, including his clients. Is that possible? '

' Yeah...I can run a copy off the database for you. ' She wiped her eyes again, then sighed, lifting her shoulders slightly. ' Want me to get it now? '

' Later will be fine. ' Alex sat back. ' But I'd appreciate a chance to look around his office. '

' Sure, ' she got to her feet. ' Come on. '

Alice lead her through a connecting door. Tony Carruthers' office was a larger version of that of his PA, having a good view of the cathedral from the large picture window on the east wall. There were framed poster-ads on the walls for various consumer goods, a couple of three-drawer presses, bookshelves stuffed with magazines and papers, and a large pale-wood desk and swivel leather chair in the center of the room. She stepped toward the desk, looking for something - anything - personal in nature. It was orderly; in one corner a ceramic pot held various pens and pencils, a stone paperweight sitting beside it. The other corner of the desk was occupied by a Mac computer, the screen dead. Beside the keyboard was a black set of filing trays, the 'In' and 'Out' sections both half full. Her eyes quickly scanned the topmost item, but it was an in-house memo, so she passed on, her gaze moving to the desk blotter. It was a large pad, one side adorned with the company logo, the rest left blank for scribbling phone messages and doodles. One particular doodle near the margin caught her eye; it was a crude rendition of a glyph she recognised, one of the many carved into the back of the young woman found in Smithfield market. The black-ink etching stood out against the pale green of the pad, screaming out to her. She swallowed.

' Alice,' she said, keeping her voice neutral, ' think you could get that list for me whilst I have a look around? '

The PA assented, ducking back out of the office into her own, thankfully closing the door behind her. Alex shot forward to the pad, her eyes scanning it now for further signs of a connection. There was nothing else of note there, however, but she intended on getting Geoff to follow up on the phone numbers scrawled in various places. She ripped the sheet off, folding it carefully and slipping it into her bag. As she did so her eyes flickered across the paperweight again, and her breath caught in her throat.

The stone was round and smooth, the black surface gleaming faintly in the office lights. It looked old - very old - as though years of handling had polished the mineral to the high-gloss finish it had now. But it was the faint carving in its surface which drew her gaze, raising her pulse a notch.

The Helica.

The door opened behind her, and she turned to see Alice holding out an A4 manila envelope.

' That's everything we have. He may have more on his PC at home. '

Alex took the envelope, nodding. ' Thanks. Alice...do you have any idea where Tony got that paperweight? '

A small frown creased the young woman's brow. ' Um....not really. I think one of his clients gave it to him. It appeared last year - summer time, I think. '

' He never mentioned it? '

' No...why? '

Alex feigned a smile. ' Oh...nothing important. I was just admiring it. '

As soon as she was in her car, she dialed Geoff's number. They were going to need a full forensics sweep of the office, she guessed, as well as a full search of his flat. After ringing off, she dialed a second number, tapping her fingers against the wheel as she listened to the ringing tone. After three there was an answer.

' Research bods. '

Alex smiled to herself. ' Hi, Claire, it's Alex. '

' Oh! Hiya! You after Jen? '

' Yeah...she in? '

' Just a sec - ' there was a muffled sound, then another voice.

' Hi. '

Alex felt herself smiling wider. ' Hi yourself. Everything okay? '

' Yeah...I've been lecturing all morning. My life is too exciting for words. '

She chuckled. ' Come on, it's good practice for when they pay you the big money. '

There was a pause on the other end. Alex's smile froze.

' Jen? What's wrong? '

' I...I had a phone call earlier. It's a job I applied for a few weeks back - a lecturing position. They want to interview me. '

' That's great, Jen. ' She chewed on her lip. ' Where? '

' Southampton. '

Alex felt her stomach twist alarmingly. God, the other end of the damned country.....

' Alex? '

' Yeah? '

' Can we talk about this tonight? I have a tutorial in five minutes. '

She released a long breath. ' Sure, hon. I'll see you tonight. '

Geoff was bouncing when she got back to the office. They had turned up a bank account, held in Carruthers' name, with nearly one hundred thousand pounds stashed away in it. There had been no withdrawals, only irregular deposits, always in cash, being made since it was opened the previous May.

' What did you manage to get on background? ' Alex asked.

' All there - ' he shoved a sheet of paper under her nose. Quickly she scanned the contents. Born April 1965, raised in Bradford. A degree in business and marketing from Hull, followed by an MBA at Birmingham. Started his career in the Midlands, then moved to Manchester five years ago where he'd remained. Never married, no kids they could find in any records, no previous offenses, nothing.

' Too good to be true...' Alex mused.

Geoff grunted. ' Ain't that the truth. But someone was paying him large sums of cash for something, Alex. And that stuff you found in his office was no coincidence. '

' I agree. But just what was he being paid for? '

' And why was he killed? Outlived his use? '

She shook her head, staring at the life portrayed before her. ' No...too ritualistic. Maybe he betrayed his employer. ' Her head snapped up. ' Shit....Geoff, can we find out whether he did any traveling recently? '

' Yeah....hang on. ' He rummaged through the papers strewn across his desk, came up with bank statements and credit card transactions. He tossed one sheaf to Alex, and she began to scan through the information. It was a run off of his banking transactions for the previous three months. Her eyes danced down the list, skipping over the usual, petrol, mortgage, utilities, shops. When she reached a date just a few weeks previous, she felt her stomach clench.

' Geoff...'

' Huh? '

' Call British Airways. Looks like he bought a ticket to some place. '

He was reaching for the phone. ' When? '

She gave him the date, listened to the conversation as he was put through. After a few minutes silence, he thanked the person at the other end and replaced the receiver, his eyes coming up to meet hers.

' Return ticket to Athens. '

Alex closed her eyes briefly, letting the information, and all it implied, sink in.

' It was him. ' She said eventually. ' He sent those scrolls to Jen, and it cost him his life. '

Geoff frowned. ' How could he have? Alex, no one but us knows that Jen is working this case.'

' He knew. ' Her eyes darkened. ' The question is, how? '

The DCI ran a hand through his hair, huffing slightly. ' Okay, let's assume he did. So why send her the scrolls? '

' He wanted out. He wanted this person - his employer - to get caught. And for some reason he thought that the scrolls would allow us to do just that. '

' She finish translating them yet? '

Alex shook her head. ' There's nearly two hundred pages of text, Geoff. '

He nodded. ' Then maybe it's time she had a little help. '

Alex worried over the questions they had raised all the way home. What concerned her more than anything was the fact that the killer somehow had access to their investigation, and that he must now know that Jen was in possession of the scrolls. She found herself thankful that Geoff had ordered security systems to be installed in and around her home. The workmen had arrived as she was leaving that morning; she just hoped they had finished.

Jen's polo was already parked in the driveway as she pulled up, and the lights were shining through the windows of the house. She also noted the red glow of a security camera positioned on the outside wall just over the doorway, its lens focused on the driveway and the garden in front of the house. There was a similar one mounted on the wall of the garage, facing the front of the house itself. Too obvious, she thought to herself as she crossed to the front door, far too easy...

The door opened as she approached, and Jen stood framed in the light of the hallway. The smell of garlic and basil wafted out to greet her, and she smiled.

' That dinner I smell? '

' Yeah...just spag bol, nothing fancy. '

She closed the door behind her, trying to shrug out of her long mac and disentangle herself from Gaeled's enthusiastic greeting at the same time. Eventually Jen took the coat from her and hung it on the coat rack, freeing her arms to pet the bouncing dog. Once satisfied, Gaeled trotted back toward the kitchen, and the bowl of lamb mince and rice that Jen had put down for him. Alex shook her head, grinning.

' He's never going to grow up. '

' I hope not, ' Jen replied, moving closer to wrap her arms about the taller woman, ' I think he's great just the way he is. '

Alex dipped her head to steal a kiss, then rested her forehead against Jen's, releasing a long sigh.

' Bad day? ' Jen asked softly, her hands absently stroking Alex's back through the fabric of her linen shirt.

' Hmmm. ' Alex stepped from the embrace, snagging Jen's hand and leading her through to the lounge. ' Come on, I'll tell you about it. '

She filled the younger woman in on what they had found out about Tony Carruthers, and her own suspicions that he was the one who had mailed Jen the Xena Scrolls. Jen listened in silence, her eyes flicking to the bank of screens and indicators now installed in one corner of the room, suddenly grateful for their reassuring presence. They discussed it over dinner, and she found herself agreeing with Alex's suggestion that there had to be someone on the inside who was feeding information back to the killer. The thought chilled her to the bone. As Alex loaded up the dishwasher, she took the remains of the bottle of wine they'd shared and her glass through to the lounge, sinking down into one of the sofas, her mind whirling. Christ, it could be anyone. There were dozens of officers who'd had contact with the case by now, dozens more who could just as easily have looked up the information through office resources and gossip. How the hell could they find out who it was?

Alex joined her in silence on the sofa, staring into the flames of the fire. After long minutes she sipped at her wine.

' So...tell me about this job. '

' Uh..' Jen blinked, her mind shifting gear. ' It's in the history department - classics. Three year contract, the usual stuff. ' She rested her wine glass on the arm of the sofa, watching the play of firelight through the rich ruby claret, her fingers playing against the smooth stem.

' You don't sound too enthusiastic. ' Alex's voice was quiet, almost flat. Jen turned her head to look at her, found pale blue eyes fixed on her face.

' I'm not. ' She said simply. ' I was when I applied - it seemed perfect. But now...' her gaze fell to her lap, ' ...well, it's different now. '

' Hey, ' gentle fingers lifted her chin. Alex smiled slightly. ' Jen, this is your career, your life. You've worked hard for this. '

' I know, Alex, I know, it's just...' she sighed. ' The thought of leaving you, it...I don't think I could do it. '

Alex reached for the glass still held in her fingers, set both it and her own down on the floor, then took Jen into her arms, breathing in the scent of her hair.

' I know..' she murmured, ' I feel the same way. '

Long minutes passed, only the crackle of the fire and the steady tick of the clock in the corner disturbing the silence. Eventually Alex pulled back a little, kissing the top of Jen's head.

' Look, at least go for the interview, ' she said, ' you need the experience. We can think about the rest if and when they offer you the job. '

Jen looked up at her. ' And if they do? '

Alex shrugged. ' We'll figure something out. '


Continued in Part3

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive