Subtext/Sex: t'll have subtext that becomes maintext. Sex… mmm could be… won't say no.
Violence: Yes there will be but nothing that will make you toss your cookies. But it is Xena Warrior Princess eh? None of that flowery stuff.
Comments or questions, things like that you can email to me at,redhope@redhope.netStarted: August 19th 2000 on Saturday
Series Three: Putting the Puzzle Together Story: Eleven
Section 2
~*Part 4*~
abrielle slowly came up behind her partner. Her free left hand came up to rest on her soulmate's mid back. "Xena, you're not riding Argo alone."The warrior jerked down a strap on the saddle then slowly turned her head to Gabrielle. "Don't want to stay on the ground with the boys?" She corked an eyebrow with her stoic expression.
"No," growled the bard, smiling innocently.
Xena chuckled as a smile broke out. "Alright." She lifted her eyes to glance back at where the camp use to be. "You ready boys?"
Both Hercules and Iolaus came strolling up in the morning sun.
"Yup," Iolaus replied.
Xena nodded, turned to Argo, and mounted. After her boots slipped into the stirrups, she held her hand down to her bard.
The Amazon Queen handed over the staff first and watched her soulmate place it back with the saddlebags. Then she was offered another hand and she easily took it. Gabrielle then found herself hauled up and sitting in front of Xena. She glimpsed back at her friend and asked, "The front?"
The tall woman just grinned. She slipped one arm around her soulmate's waist and in the other hand she took the reins. "Let's go."
Iolaus shook his head as he watched the mare head down the road. He peered up to the demi-god. "Why does she always act like the leader?"
"Maybe 'cause she ran an army." Hercules looked down as an evil smirk came across his lips.
The small man huffed. "Thanks." He jogged ahead.
The large man chuckled a little and went jogging ahead to catch up.
Xena dismounted Argo then helped her bard down. She strolled up to her mare's head and grabbed the reins.
"Argo doesn't like bridges?"
The warrior glanced over to Hercules. "She's not fond of narrow ones… especially over deep gorges like this."
The demi-god nodded. "She'll be fine?"
"Yup." Xena started walking towards the bridge with her soulmate.
The boys followed behind.
The air was filled with the roar of the large river far, far below them.
Gabrielle suddenly felt the urge to walk over to Argo's bags and get her staff. She then came back up to her friend's sides. "I hate this."
Quickly the warrior glanced down and knew what she meant. "You'll be okay?"
"Yeah," replied the bard quietly. "Just as long as I'm not hanging over this gorge by a rope."
The older woman stepped closer to her partner and gave Gabrielle's shoulder a tight squeeze.
The bard peeked up with a smile. "Thanks."
Xena smiled warmly then gazed ahead. Within a few seconds they passed over the bridge and were on the opposite side of the gorge.
The Amazon Queen breathed a sigh of relief.
The group soon began to enter into the woods again by way of the road but soon found themselves slowing down and coming to a stop.
The warrior narrowed her eyes and walked back to her mare's saddlebags. Reaching in she pulled out her whip to tie on her side.
Hercules came up to his friend's side. "Do you know what that is?"
The tall woman shook her head as she listened to the low sound of scraping that echoed through the forest. "No, I was hoping you did."
"Nope." The demi-god was tense. "It's coming towards us."
"Uh huh." Xena patted her mare's rump. "Go on girl."
Argo whined a little and trotted off into the woods far from the approaching sound.
Gabrielle took a few steps back as the scraping came closer. "Xena… what is that?" She raised her staff.
"I don't know." The warrior reached behind to unsheathe her sword.
Iolaus followed suit and unsheathed the sword at his side.
Slowly the group turned their heads to the right towards the forest. Once they did a huge ugly head popped out of the forest. The monster opened its mouth and screeched at the group.
"Great," mumbled the warrior, "a hydra." She glared up at the demi-god.
Hercules shrugged. "A little entertainment."
Suddenly the hydra snapped its head forward, sending the small group scattering. Xena and Gabrielle jumped one way and the boys the other.
Xena glanced over to the men. "We can use that gorge."
Hercules nodded. "Let's go." He turned to the hydra and waved his hand. "Come on you ugly sucker. Come and get me." He started to run back to the gorge.
The hydra roared and slithered down the road following after the demi-god.
The warrior, Iolaus, and Amazon Queen followed behind. As soon as they came up from behind they found Hercules fighting the hydra bare handed. So they joined in with the fight.
Xena came up to Hercules's side. "So, you wanna throw it in the gorge?" She smirked.
The large man sighed, ducked from a hydra attack, then bounced up again. "Yup."
"So what's the plan?" Iolaus asked, ducking an attack beside them.
"Herc is going…" Xena slashed forward with her sword to stop the hydra from attacking them. "To throw him in the gorge."
The small man chuckled. "Good luck big guy."
"Thanks." Hercules sighed, punched forward hitting the hydra hard in the face.
The hydra's head snapped up causing it to become angry. It whipped its head towards the bard. It's mouth slowly opened in a sneer.
"Xena!" Gabrielle raised her staff as she saw the hydra start an attack.
"Gabrielle!" The warrior went running ahead, but she was too late. For the first time her running wasn't fast enough and she watched her bard get hit by the hydra's head. She stopped dead in her tracks and went frantic when Gabrielle went flying over the ledge into the gorge. "No, Gabrielle!" She went running towards the ledge and leaped off.
"Xena!" Iolaus turned towards the ledge to see both the warrior and bard gone. "No," he whispered.
"Iolaus, I need your help," Hercules yelled, punching forward to strike the hydra. "Iolaus!" He jumped away as the hydra lunged. "They'll be fine, I need your help."
The small man shook his head out a daze and turned to help fight the hydra.
The warrior grabbed her whip as she went diving down the cliff side and snapped it towards her soulmate.
Gabrielle franticly reached up to clench the end of the whip.
When she saw her partner's hands closed over the end, Xena reached out with her free hand to swipe franticly at the cliff side.
They fell faster and faster towards the roaring river. Their head's pounded and their bodies screamed at the nearing death. The air whipped by leaving them gasping for air.
The Warrior Princess's hand suddenly became entangled in a handful of vines. She came to a jerking stop and swayed back and forth on the vines.
The bard held tightly to the end of the whip. She glanced down at the river, it was a lot larger than what it had been earlier. She shut her eyes tightly and dug her head into her arms as she dangled in the air.
Xena rammed her heels into the side of the cliff and glanced down to her partner. She breathed heavily. "Gabrielle?"
The young woman didn't look up. Her memories of the lava pit were flashing through her mind leaving her shaking and scared.
The warrior had wide eyes as she tried to figure out what to do. "Come on Gabrielle, I need you." She held tightly to the whip. "Gabrielle, I'm going to sway you towards the cliff so you can grab it. Alright?"
Gabrielle shook her head and closed her eyes tighter. "Xena," she whispered in fear.
Xena closed her eyes. "You can do this Gabrielle. I am not leaving you like this; we're not going to fall." Her eyes locked with emerald ones. "You'll be fine," she whispered.
The small woman took a deep breath as she forced the memories away. "Alright," she finally said.
The warrior smiled reassuringly. "Here we go." She carefully began to swing the whip back and forth. She watched her partner while listening to the roar of the river below.
Gabrielle reached out and easily found herself holding onto the cliff side and drove her boots into small crevasses.
"Now climb up a little and tie the whip around your waist. Got me?"
The small woman slowly nodded and silently climbed up the cliff until she reached a small ledge. She then stopped to tie the whip around her waist.
"Can you make it up to me?" Xena jerked her hand a little on the vines to get a better grasp.
The bard nodded faintly and slowly climbed up the cliff side with a quivering body.
"There you go, you got it Gabrielle," coached the warrior. "Take your time. We'll let the boys have fun with the hydra," she grinned.
Gabrielle peered up with a small smile at the joke. She took a deep breath and continued up the cliff.
"You're almost here." The warrior watched tensely, ready to spring into action if her soulmate fell.
The young woman made it up beside Xena only cling to the cliff side in fear. "That was not fun," she whispered.
"I know." Xena moved to face the cliff instead of overlooking the gorge. "How you feel?"
The bard shook her head and closed her eyes.
"It's alright." The warrior leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her bard's temple. Xena tied the end of her whip around her waist. "At least we didn't hit the water huh?" Another grin took her lips.
"Yeah." Gabrielle chuckled a little and glanced at her partner. "Would have been one mean belly flop."
The tall woman laughed quietly then shifted closer to her friend. "Alright, climb onto me, and wrap your legs and arms around me."
"Xena, I can-"
"No you can't." The warrior sighed. "Your body is shook up." She sadly smiled. "Let me at least get us half way up the cliff."
Slowly the bard nodded and moved to grasp her soulmate. Her arms went around Xena's breasts while her legs tangled around the warrior's waist.
"Here we go." Xena took a deep breath, shifted away from the vines, and began to climb.
Gabrielle lowered her head towards the river.
"Whatever you do don't look…" The tall woman sighed as she felt Gabrielle's head dig into her neck. "Look down." Another dramatic sigh came from her.
Gabrielle chuckled a little while holding tightly. "Sorry," she whispered.
"It's… alright." The warrior gritted her teeth while climbing up the cliff side. She could feel her muscles straining.
The bard breathed deeply then released the breath in a sigh. "Heights… I hate heights." She lifted her eyes up to see how far up they had to go. "First it's Argo, then the lava pit, and now this gorge." A small laugh escaped her lips. "I think somebody is trying to get me over my fear of heights."
"You're probably right," Xena chuckled.
The Amazon Queen's expression dropped. "Xena, where's my staff? If it's floating down that river Ephiny will kill me."
The tall woman took a deep breath while fumbling to find another handhold. "It's up on the ledge, don't worry."
Gabrielle nodded slowly. She then leaned her head into her soulmate's neck. "Once we get to the top we'll still have the hydra to deal with."
"That's not in my schedule." Xena sucked in a breath and pulled herself up. Her body soon became coated with a layer of sweat. "Hercules and Iolaus better take care of it."
"Yeah," the young woman laughed quietly. "Fighting hydras isn't in our job description."
The warrior laughed and stopped climbing for a second. "But bacchae, dryads, and crazed gods are?"
"Yup." The small woman snickered.
Xena shook her head with a grin and continued with the climb. "I'm still trying to understand why I always carry you up things. First it was the well, next the lava pit, and now it’s a cliff side."
"Are you really complaining?"
The Warrior Princess corked an eyebrow and glanced up to see the top coming closer. "Complaining about your body against mine… never."
A small laugh came from the small woman. "Good." She took a deep breath and said, "I think I can climb now."
"You sure?" Xena stopped, pressing her body against the cliff.
"Yeah, I know you can handle it but I don't want to-"
"Hey." The warrior's voice was quiet. "I love carrying you up."
"I know," Gabrielle chuckled and began to shift. She soon found herself clinging to the cliff side instead of her warrior.
"Okay?" The older woman glanced at her partner.
The short female simply nodded and started climbing up the cliff.
The warrior followed along side. "Watch your footing."
"Yes ma'am." Gabrielle smirked at her partner.
"Ha ha." The warrior rolled her eyes and hauled herself up the cliff side.
The roar of the river below wasn't quite as loud now. Soon the sound of the hydra's screaming filtered to them.
Xena lifted herself up and growled, "They better throw that hydra over."
The bard chuckled briefly but stopped as she scaled the cliff side. "You know we'll have to do it." She smirked to her partner. "Men can never do anything right."
The tall woman laughed. "Uh huh, then explain to me why we're climbing a cliff side?"
The Amazon Queen laughed and stopped climbing. "Good point."
"I know." Xena stopped for a breather. "How you doing?"
Gabrielle breathed deeply. "I'm fine." She looked up to see how far they had to go. "I might make it." She sighed dramatically at the distance.
"Well… let's make it before nightfall." The Warrior Princess continued climbing. "Next time you need to find a smaller gorge to be thrown into."
"Oh that's so funny." The young woman mock glared and started climbing again. "I'll remember that for the future."
"Good." The older woman smirked momentarily. "At least it was a river instead of a lava pit."
Gabrielle partially huffed. "Glad my dire straights are a little more satisfactory." She saw the ledge coming into better view.
"Uh huh." Xena grinned for a moment and stopped while waiting for Gabrielle to catch up.
The short woman came up beside her partner.
Suddenly the pair heard a, "Look out below!" A loud screeching scream followed.
"Xena!" Gabrielle's eyes widened as she saw the hydra on the ledge above them.
The warrior lifted her right hand to press Gabrielle hard against the cliff. "Kiss the cliff." She pressed her body hard against the rocks herself.
The hydra's head flew back from the force of a blow, and it tumbled over the side of the cliff with an ear-piercing cry.
Gabrielle was hit by the hydra on her side. She lost her hold with one hand and slipped. "Xena!"
The warrior's right arm instantly wrapped around her soulmate's waist to hold her. "Grab the cliff."
"This is just not… my day," grumbled the small woman as she clamped her hands on the handholds. She came up beside Xena.
Xena sighed. "You okay?"
"Uh huh." Gabrielle shivered. "I think I felt its slobber on my back."
The dark woman laughed but glanced up to the ledge. "Come on, let's go."
"Yeah," groaned the Amazon Queen.
Together they started to climb again.
"How's the weather down there ladies?" Hercules smirked while waving.
"Why don’t you come down here and find out?" Xena yelled with a glare.
The demi-god put his hands to his hips. "No that's alright."
Iolaus came up beside his friend and peered down at the two women climbing the cliff side. "You guys want a rope?"
"No… no." Xena lifted herself up and yelled, "We're good."
Hercules shrugged. "Suit yourself. We'll wait for you."
"How considerate gentlemen." The warrior smirked up to the men.
The large man chuckled while crossing his arms against his chest. "We did offer a rope." He shrugged. "Call if you need help." He strolled off.
Iolaus smirked.
The Warrior Princess narrowed her eyes at the small man. "I can't wait to wipe that smile off your face Iolaus."
The small man laughed and responded, "You have to get up here first."
"Oh we will Iolaus." The bard shot a smug look. "We promise that."
"Herc and I will be waiting." Iolaus strutted off to join Hercules.
The Amazon Queen sighed dramatically. "Men." She concentrated on her climbing.
"Yup." Xena tilted her head while hauling herself up. "Gotta love them."
"Yeah if you want kids." Gabrielle laughed with her partner.
Gabrielle fell to the ground and propped up her knees while breathing heavily. "That was fun."
Xena reached to her side to untie the whip. "Good exercise."
"Right." The bard untied the end of the whip then glanced to her right to see Hercules and Iolaus sitting on the ground talking. "This is the last time we travel with them." She peered up to her partner. "They don't even greet us."
The warrior laughed quietly while coiling up the whip. "That's alright." She lowered her eyes to her bard. "You okay?"
"Yeah." The small woman nodded a little and glimpsed up to her partner. "How 'bout you?"
"Wonderful." The older woman grinned. "Think you can travel?"
"On Argo?" Gabrielle grinned. "Sure."
Xena laughed and held her hand out. "Come on."
The young woman took the hand and was helped to her feet. She then searched out her staff and joined the group.
Soon the four friends were back on the road with Argo. The boys told their story to the girls about how they stopped the hydra. Gabrielle was rolling her eyes thinking how much better she and Xena could have done. Xena had that mutual feeling with her soulmate even though they'd been on the cliff side. Eventually they all came to a fork in the road, one went south the other branched east.
"Well boys, this is where we split." Xena put her hands to her hips.
Hercules nodded slowly. "Was great seeing you both."
"I wish the feeling was mutual." The warrior smirked.
The demi-god laughed for a moment. "You'll never forgive me for the hydra huh?"
"Nope." The tall woman shifted to hug the large man.
Gabrielle was soon exchanging hugs with Iolaus and Hercules.
Oddly enough, the Warrior Princess gave a hug to Iolaus as well. She was glad that she could finally give one to the small man after their past history.
Afterwards they split, the soulmates headed east while the boys went south to Delphi.
"That was nice." Gabrielle gazed down the road.
The warrior slowly nodded. "Was a surprise."
"Yeah." The Amazon Queen chuckled. "Well, we can put hydras in our book of creatures we've fought."
"Try cliffs," the tall woman smirked. "We never really fought that hydra."
The young woman laughed then slowly nodded. "True." She became serious. "Thank you for saving me."
Xena smiled briefly then grinned. "In my job description."
"No doubt," mumbled the bard. "One of your many skills."
"Really." The warrior sighed dramatically. "It is a skill to save you." She received a playful slap to her stomach.
"That was so funny I forgot to laugh," Gabrielle glared but grinned.
The older woman snickered but sighed contently. "Well, we should be in Amphipolis in about half of a candlemark."
"Good." Gabrielle's free hand cover her stomach. "Right in time for dinner."
Xena laughed and wrapped an arm around her soulmate's shoulders. She kissed her bard's temple and whispered, "I love you."
The young woman smiled warmly and responded, "I love you too."
The warm exchange of greetings, hugs, and stories had been done by the late night. Cyrene was more than happy to see her daughter and best friend. She loved company and outside news along with the bard's stories. So the entire evening Gabrielle was in bard mode while her partner listened carefully. Cyrene for her part had been worried for Gabrielle after hearing the rumors of her daughter's death. She wasn't even sure if her daughter had truly been killed. Part of her said no and now as she sat there listening to the story of what happened, it left her smiling. Smiling because she knew the real reason why her daughter fought to come back to life. She could even see it in the bard's eyes.
Later that evening the soulmates finally made their way to Xena's old bedroom.
Gabrielle sat on the bed with a scroll and quill.
Xena came out of the washroom and wearing only her leathers. She crawled into the opposite side of the bed and slowly stalked over to her soulmate.
The bard pretended not to notice and kept trying to write.
The warrior came right up to her partner and nuzzled her neck. She glanced over her bard's shoulder to peer down at the familiar handwriting. She grinned and then slid her arms around Gabrielle's waist.
"Hey, I'm trying to write here," the young woman complained, grinning evilly at her friend.
"Oh?" The dark woman pressed her lips into her bard's neck. "I didn't notice."
"Then what did you notice?" whispered the Amazon Queen.
The tall woman grinned while kissing her soulmate's neck. "Just an incredibly beautiful woman."
"Mmm, good answer."
Xena grinned while leaning down to kiss the young woman gently. She lifted her head with a smile and circled her legs around Gabrielle. "How long are you going to write?"
"How long do you want me to write?" Gabrielle grinned.
"However long you want to." The warrior brought her arms up onto her soulmate's shoulders and reached down to the scroll. She completely unrolled it to see how long it was. "Mmm, how stocked is your scroll supply?"
"Not bad." The young woman sighed and relaxed back into Xena. She then reached forward to take the scroll and began to roll it up. "I'll write later."
"Uh huh." Gabrielle placed her stuff on the floor. She turned in her soulmate's arms to snuggle into Xena's warm body. "Gods, I love you Xena."
"And I love you my bard." Xena kissed her partner's forehead and lay back on the bed, taking her partner with her.
The young woman smiled as she lay on top of her soulmate. She pushed back her lover's bangs with a smile. Her fingertips then traveled down to brush over smooth lips. Slowly her fingers went over her warrior's neck and then to the top of her chest.
The warrior watched intently as her hands carefully held Gabrielle at the sides.
Gabrielle was immersed in what she was doing. Soon her small hands came up to the leather straps and she began to carefully pull them off. Her eyes flickered to Xena's eyes for authority.
Xena smiled warmly in response while bringing her hands up to clasp her partner's. Slowly she helped her soulmate pull the straps down.
The bard had slid down her warrior's body a little and saw as the rim of the leathers peeled back to reveal large breasts. "What happened to the breast dagger?"
The older woman quietly laughed. "It's with the other weapons," she grinned.
The Amazon Queen grinned but lost it as she went serious. She was a bit unsure about things now.
"Just do what feels right," whispered the warrior.
Gabrielle considered that and kissed her soulmate warmly before her lips came closer to her warrior's right breast.
Xena could feel the warm breath touching her breasts and then felt the warm lips take her breast. She moaned softly while keeping her arms around her bard.
Gabrielle started with a gentle sucking and then tried licking. After a few moments her right hand came up to knead the other breasts.
The warrior tried to remain still as the bard learned of her breasts. She felt the instinct to arch her back into Gabrielle, but she stopped herself. One thing at a time. But she kept with the low moans and whimpers. When she felt teeth close over her nipple her eyes shut and a strong desire shot through her. "Be careful," she whispered.
The bard understood the warning. She left the breast and went to the other one. She switched it up. She mainly repeated the process and when she finally ended her learning she found her soulmate breathing heavy.
The warrior kept her eyes closed while trying to even her breathing.
"You okay?" The bard asked with concern.
The older woman grinned while her eyes drifted open. "Perfect." She took a deep breath and felt more in control. "You?"
Gabrielle quietly laughed. "Real good." She leaned down to kiss her partner. When she lifted her head she began to pull the straps back up.
Xena still was grinning.
"What's the grin?" The bard corked an eyebrow, crossed her arms over her friend's chest, and settled her chin on her arms.
"Would you like to try something… different?"
Ever so slowly the young woman lifted an eyebrow. "It… depends." A small grin creased her lips.
"Let's try sleeping in the nude."
Gabrielle's eyes widen. "What, so we can see who can take it the longest?"
The Warrior Princess shrugged. "Not exactly but if you can't handle it… that's alright." She patted her partner's shoulder.
The short woman narrowed her eyes. "Alright, you got me."
"I knew that."
The bard huffed with a grin. She rolled off her warrior and stood up.
Xena did the same and saw Gabrielle starting to unlace her top. She grinned.
The young woman raised an eyebrow and began to take the top off after unlacing it.
The taller female slipped off her leather straps and started to slide out of her leathers. She watched Gabrielle's newly formed muscles intently. After her leathers were off, they joined Gabrielle's clothes on the chair.
The Amazon Queen took a shaky breath and peered up at her partner.
The warrior smiled warmly and took a step closer. "We don't have to."
The small woman quietly laughed with a sigh. "It's just different huh?"
"Yeah." Xena lowered her head. "Just remember you're gorgeous, so there's nothing to worry about."
Gabrielle nodded a little as she took a step to hug her partner. She felt all of her body press into Xena's warm and smooth body. She chuckled a little. "Skin on skin."
"Uh huh."
The bard smiled after she pulled away. She started to grin evilly and took a step back to act like she was examining her partner's body for quality.
The Warrior Princess sighed dramatically with a grin. She held out her arms and began to turn in a circle. "How's this look?" She came back to face her partner.
Gabrielle shrugged and nodded a little. "Not too bad for an old warrior."
Xena narrowed her eyes and quickly moved to lift her soulmate. "Right." She carried her partner into the bed and settled into the middle. She pulled Gabrielle on top of her body. "Old warrior?"
A small laugh escaped the small woman. "Okay, the young and sexy warrior. How's that?"
"You're helping my confidence now." The warrior kissed the top of her bard's forehead.
The blond grinned, then went serious. "Really though, you're perfect Xena." She smiled warmly. "You're beautiful, powerful, gentle, perfect blue eyes, amazing smile…"
Xena chuckled with a contented look.
Gabrielle grinned. "And just unbelievably sexy." She lowered her head close to Xena's. "And I get you."
"Everything." The warrior smiled warmly.
The bard closed the distance and kissed her warrior. When she pulled back she had a huge smile. "Hades, I'm lucky."
The Warrior Princess grinned while pushing her partner's head down on her chest. "Go to sleep."
"Try you mean." Gabrielle tucked her head under her soulmate's chin. She closed her eyes.
"Sleep well." The warrior kissed her partner's forehead and closed her eyes.
"Night Xen." The bard quickly found sleep like her soulmate.
~*Part 5*~
Gabrielle stepped out onto the porch of the tavern. She lifted her hands over her head and stretched. As she did this, her eyes scanned the empty village in the early morning. Her eyes slipped shut while she stretched a little more with her stomach arching out.
Xena came up from behind and slipped her arms around her bard's stomach. "Morning."
The Amazon Queen smiled while lowering her arms. "Good morning." She reached behind to pull her soulmate's head down.
The warrior responded with a gentle kiss. Once the kiss finished, she straightened, with her arms still around her bard.
"So, what's the plan?"
The Warrior Princess shrugged. "I think I may do some sparring. A little rusty."
"Right," was the sardonic response. Gabrielle tilted her head as she studied the village. "I think I may take a walk. It's nice out."
"Won't be for long."
"I know." The bard leaned into her partner. "Not with the winter coming."
Gabrielle peered up at Xena. "Let me know if you want a sparring buddy later."
Xena's lips tweaked with a grin. "Of course."
"Okay." The bard chuckled while turning her attention to Amphipolis. "I think I'm going to go for that walk… wake myself up."
"Let's hope so."
"Hey." The small woman jabbed her partner's stomach lightly. "I was up before you."
Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "Never get any credit around here."
Xena chuckled while lowering her head. "But you're right, you were up before me."
"Maybe because I was sleeping on top of you." She grinned, straightening up. "You're going to spar?" She turned around in Xena's arms.
"Yeah a little later. When you get back, come find me."
"Definitely." Gabrielle got up on her tiptoes to kiss her soulmate. She smiled warmly and shifted out of Xena's arms.
"Don't forget your staff."
"Oh Hades." The bard laughed while walking into the tavern to get her staff.
Xena watched as her partner came back out with her staff. She grinned. "Be careful."
"Xena, I'll be right in the area. You'd be able to hear me scream."
"I know but you always manage to find trouble."
Gabrielle walked down the steps and glanced back up. "No, trouble finds me." She smirked and started walking off.
The older woman quietly laughed with a contented smile. "I love you," she called.
The Amazon Queen spun around and smiled. "Love you too Xen." She winked and turned forward again to head through the village.
The dark warrior grinned to herself and watched her soulmate disappear, heading out of the village. She sighed heavily and she went into her mother's tavern.
Gabrielle came up along side the stream. She stopped and peered down into the water. She watched the water trickle by and through the small rocks. She glanced up to stare across the stream. She looked harder because she noticed hoof prints on the other side. She tilted her head a little. "That's a lot of hoof prints." She narrowed her eyes, looking for a way to cross the stream. Soon she spotted some small stepping stones.
The Amazon Queen knelt down beside the horse hoof prints and touched them with her free hand. She noticed how considerably deep they were. She looked down at the stream's edge and began to realize just how many hoof prints there were in the ground. Her eyes widened as the realization dawned. "An army," she whispered.
"Brilliant deduction," growled a woman.
Gabrielle looked up in a flash only to have her forehead slammed by the butt end of a sword. She went crashing to the ground, the image of tall redheaded warrior locked in her mind.
Gabrielle lifted her right hand to her forehead. She heard a rattle that resulted from the movement of her hand. She also sensed the heavy weight on her arms. She touched her forehead and pulled her hand back as warm liquid coated her fingertips. Slowly she opened her eyes. Blood. She then gazed over her body to see her wrists and ankles shackled to a post in a tent. "Oh great," she grumbled.
"Isn't it?"
Gabrielle peered up to see the woman who had knocked her out. Tall, dark expression, leathers, large built, and with flaming straight red hair. "Who are you?" the bard asked.
"The more important question here, is who are you?" The warrior knelt down in front of Gabrielle.
The bard raised an eyebrow. "Gabrielle."
Slowly an evil grin creased the woman's lips.
Gabrielle instantly regretted in telling this woman her name. Sometimes she forgot how much her name was attached to Xena's. It could cost her dearly.
"Perfect." The redhead warrior reached forward with her free hand to cup Gabrielle's chin. "Then you have Xena's body. Do you not?"
If only she knew, thought the young woman. "Xena?"
The woman stuck Gabrielle's head, ramming it back against the wood pole.
"Don't play games, Gabrielle," she said, narrowing her hazel eyes. "We both know who we're talking about. She was recently killed, and her body is worth a lot of money to some people." She tilted her head a little. "Then again I think you know that."
"Why do you want her body?" Gabrielle asked, opening her eyes once more.
"For the money of course. You can't run an army without money. Can you?" she sneered. Her expression suddenly brightened. "I am Semele… warlord of this grand army." She grinned now. "And you are Gabrielle the newly Amazon Queen and partner to the once Warrior Princess." She leaned towards Gabrielle. "I know you have her body and I know you brought her here to be buried." She narrowed her eyes as her temper rose. "You will live longer if you tell me where her body is."
"And if I don't?"
"Then you and Amphipolis will be destroyed," she shrugged. "And I will find Xena's body anyway." She rose up to her great height. "You have four candlemarks to decided your fate and the town's." She turned on her heels and left the tent.
The bard dropped her head against the post. "Wonderful." She sighed deeply. "Why didn't I take Xena with me on the walk?"
"Why didn't I go with her on that walk?" Xena twirled her sword while jumping back to do a few sword drills. As she did this she continued to mumble under her breath. "I know I hate walks but…" she lunged forward. "I love being with Gabrielle." She stopped practicing when she noticed her mothering coming around the corner.
"A little practice dear?"
Xena nodded, sheathing her sword. "A little rusty."
Cyrene raised an eyebrow. "Depends on your definition of rusty I believe."
The daughter laughed. "True."
The mother smiled for a moment but lost it as her hands went to her hips. "Where's Gabrielle?"
"She went for a walk."
"And you didn't go with her?"
The warrior shook her head with a sigh. "Probably should have." She folded her arms.
Cyrene nodded in agreement. "Probably." A grin creased her lips.
The tall woman sighed very dramatically. "Is this a guilt trip mother?"
"Mmm." The innkeeper turned around. "It's whatever you want it to be dear." She walked back towards the tavern.
The Warrior Princess quietly laughed. She started walking off in the direction Gabrielle had left the village. Once outside of the village she found her soulmate's tracks with the staff marks. She easily followed them at a jog and they led to a stream with stepping-stones. She took the steps across. On the other side, she spotted all the hoof tracks. Her eyes narrowed instantly as her defenses came to life. "What'd you get yourself into now, Gabrielle?" she whispered quietly while kneeling. She studied the ground and saw her partner had been kneeling. She then noticed impressions on the ground as if a struggle or fall had happened. "Hades," she growled and stood in a flash.
Xena slowly knelt down and leaned back against the tree's trunk. She had a perfect view of the army's camp from high up in the treetops. She memorized the layout of the camp. And she realized just how big of an army this was. Gazing over to her right she noticed a tent with two guards.
"Stay alert!" the order was yelled across the camp.
The two guards at the camp straightened up into attention.
Slowly the warrior sought out the owner's voice. Her eyes rested on a tall redhead woman. She studied the warlord with interest as a plan came into mind. Carefully she reached up between her breasts to extract a small tube. She popped the top off and covered the top with her index finger. She turned the vile upside down as a thick red liquid cover her finger.
Xena then brought the tube up right. Her right finger came up to smear across her lips to leave her lips tainted a deep red. She placed the cap over the tube again and slipped it into a small slit in her leathers at the waist. She straightened up and jumped from the tree, landing on the ground neatly. Her eyes filtered into a crystal blue at knowing what she was about to do to get Gabrielle back.
The Warrior Princess strolled right into the camp with a huge grin. "Nice day huh?" She smiled to the man walking by.
The man watched her walk by and stopped as his mouth dropped.
Xena wanted to laugh but kept walking through the camp towards the warlord.
Every last man in the army stopped to watch Xena walk through, mouths gaping.
"Semele, look."
The warlord sighed dramatically and slowly turned around. Her eyes widened at seeing the tall dark warrior coming towards her. But as Xena neared she began to grin. "Back from Tartarus, are we?"
The Warrior Princess smirked while stepping up to the warlord. "Hades couldn't control me. So he sent me back." She shifted her weight to her right foot. "I do believe you have something that is mine." She narrowed her eyes. "I'd like her back with no scratches."
"I'm afraid I can't deliver on the no scratches." The warlord glanced up and down Xena's length. "She was a little… uncooperative."
"Well, let's hope you're a little more cooperative than she was." The warrior took a menacing step. "I get angry when the things that belong to me are harmed."
"She's fine." Semele folded her arms.
Xena lowered her head and began to circle the warlord.
Semele pivoted in place to stay facing Xena.
"I want her back." The warrior narrowed her eyes. "So, what do you want?"
"I want you." Semele tilted her head with a grin. "However, trying to kill you would be asking for my own death."
"Very good." Xena continued circling the tall woman. "What is your price?" She raised an eyebrow. "Nothing is ever free."
The warlord chuckled. "Very true Xena." Her hands went to her hips. "I still want you." She smirked to the other tall woman. "I want something out of this," she said deeply then took a step closer to the warrior. "That would be you," she said quietly and let her fingers travel over Xena's lips.
"I figured as much." Xena stepped back. "Let's make… arrangements then."
"Agreed." Semele spun around on her heels to start walking through the camp. "Follow me."
The Warrior Princess's eyes went dark as she followed behind. She ducked into the tent that was located in almost the center of the camp. "And your ideal arrangement is?"
"You want the bard." Semele slowly turned back around with glistening eyes. "And I want you." She shrugged. "It's simple as that. You'll have your bard after I have you."
"Then it's agreed?" Xena raised her hand with a corked eyebrow.
"Agreed." Semele took the large hand with a strong grip.
The two women shook harshly.
The warrior suddenly stopped shaking but didn't let go. She gave a hard jerk to Semele's arm.
The warlord was smashed into the other woman's body. She narrowed her eyes with a grin.
A cat grin creased along Xena's expression. She leaned forward to capture the other woman's lips roughly. She let go of the warlord's hand and snaked it around her waist.
The redhead pulled away from the rough kiss. She brought her right hand behind Xena's head and pulled her head in to kiss with her own strength.
Xena moaned faintly and ended the kiss. Her head dropped back a little as warm lips pressed into her neck and started for her breasts. Large hands began working her armor's clasps. Her eyes slipped closed as the dark passion came to life after so many years.
Gabrielle looked up when the tall woman entered. Her eyes went forest green. "I still have time."
"On the contrary, you do not." Semele shifted to the right with her arms against her chest.
The bard narrowed her eyes wondering what was happening. Her eyes flickered and saw a tall dark woman enter in. She straightened up when she realized it was her soulmate. "Xena?" she whispered.
Xena smiled faintly and glanced over to Semele. "Our arrangement?"
"Of course." Semele snapped her fingers.
Two guards entered into the tent. One of them stepped forward with a key and unlocked Gabrielle's manacles.
The Amazon Queen stood, rubbing her wrists. "Arrangement?" She glanced between the two tall women with a menacing look. She knew this was an "arrangement" she was not going to be happy about.
"We'll discuss it later." The Warrior Princess turned her attention to Semele. "We leave unharmed."
"Of course." The warlord bowed her head. "It is part of the agreement." She watched her two guards leave the tent.
"And her staff?" Xena narrowed her eyes.
Semele turned to her right to pluck the staff from the wall. She tossed it to the Amazon Queen.
Gabrielle easily caught it.
Semele walked out of the tent, Xena behind, and Gabrielle following.
The redhead turned to Xena as she exited the tent. "Remember my offer Xena, if you ever get bored of this lifestyle." She stepped closer to the warrior.
The tall dark woman's blue eyes went to slits. "Forget it, Semele."
"I won't forget you, however." The warlord leaned forward to kiss Xena warmly on the lips.
The Warrior Princess froze in place, not wanting to show anything in front of her soulmate. Besides that, the agreement was finished.
Gabrielle's eyes narrowed, her breathing quickened, and she raised her staff.
Semele pulled back a little but whispered, "I've never had better in bed."
It was loud enough for Gabrielle. "You bitch," Gabrielle growled and lunged suddenly forward with her staff.
Xena moved instantly to grab her soulmate's staff and held her back. "Don't Gabrielle."
The warlord chuckled deeply with a smug look. She turned her head towards Gabrielle. "She's very good, Gabrielle."
"Semele, I'll kill you," yelled the bard. She pushed against Xena.
"Gabrielle, stop."
The Amazon Queen jerked her staff free while still breathing heavily.
Semele just watched intently with her hands on her hips. Her grin never left her lips.
Xena held her hands up. "Just walk away Gabrielle." She shook her head. "We're walking out of here, it's done with."
Gabrielle's upper lip twitched. Her teeth were clamped tightly as she tried to calm her anger. Slowly she began to gain control. She took a shaky breath, lowered her staff, and turned away. She walked off.
The Warrior Princess lowered her hands.
"Goodbye Xena."
The warrior peered over to Semele. "Enjoy the rest of your life." Because it'll be short lived, added the warrior mentally. She walked off to catch up with her partner.
Semele watched the tall dark woman power walk out of the camp and out of her life. A sad sigh left her lips as she dropped her head forward.
Gabrielle kept walking briskly, filled with rage. Her breathing was still fast.
Xena left the camp and headed into the forest. She broke into a jog to catch up to her partner. "Gabrielle?"
The bard ignored her and kept walking ahead. Her head was down. She didn't know whether to cry at this point or scream.
The Warrior Princess caught up and grasped her soulmate's shoulder to stop her. "Gabrielle?"
The Amazon Queen spun around with ice green eyes. "Don't… touch me," she threatened.
"I didn't have a choice." Xena dropped her hand. "You need to understand-"
"You need to understand something yourself, Xena!" Gabrielle took a menacing step. "Never feed me promises and go back on them. Everything you have said to me in the past few days has been a crock of shit." She paused to calm down. "Don't play games with me." She turned to walk away.
The tall woman stood stunned. She pushed her bangs back with her right hand. "I did it to save you."
"I know there were a number of other ways to go about saving me." Gabrielle stopped and turned back around. She threw up her free hand. "What…" She shook her head. "What happen to your promise that you are mine?" She held up her hand waiting for an answer as she let tears roll. "That was such shit." A shaking of her head. "You're mine, what a load of shit, Xena." Her right hand went through her bangs as she tried to control her emotions. "Just… just leave me alone." She turned away and walked off with her emotions surging and tears running down her face.
Xena stood still in the silent forest. She watched her soulmate keep walking and walking and walking till she disappeared.
Cyrene lifted her eyes after wiping the table. She saw her daughter stumbling into the tavern. "Xena?" She briskly walked up to her daughter, frantic with concern. She saw Xena's red eyes and damp cheeks. "What's going on?" She grasped her daughter's hand.
The warrior closed her eyes against the pain.
"What happened, Xena?" The innkeeper guided the warrior to a seat. She bent down with her hands in Xena's lap. "Honey, you're going to be worse off if you don't tell your mother what happened."
The Warrior Princess chuckled slightly. She raised her right elbow to the table and leaned into her hand. "Just a bad day."
"I can tell." Cyrene collected the other woman's large hand. "What's going on?"
"I'm trying to figure that out myself." The tall woman shook her head then rested back in her seat. "Oooh gods," she sighed. She stared up at the wood ceiling, trying to gain control over her emotions.
The warrior peered down with a sad smile. "I know, it's good to tell mothers stuff. They give good motherly advice."
"Exactly." Cyrene grinned for a second but went stern. "This has to do with you and Gabrielle, correct?"
The dark woman nodded faintly.
The innkeeper straightened up and pulled a chair forward to sit. "Something went wrong in the relationship?" Cyrene patted her daughter's knee. "I'm good at love relationships."
Xena instantly looked up.
The tavern owner quietly laughed. "Nobody comes back from the dead to fight for good. Not even Hercules himself." She raised an eyebrow in suggestion.
The warrior chuckled, then sighed. Taking a deep breath she began to tell her tale of the past week.
Cyrene silently and carefully listened to everything. When Xena was finished, she to one suggestion, "Go find her."
The daughter shook her head. "No, she wants me to leave her alone."
"That's the last thing you should do," Cyrene said sternly. "Do not be stubborn. Go find her." She had a pleading look. "Xena, she does need you right now." She patted Xena's hand on the table. "Anger never out wins love." She stood and strolled off towards the kitchen going in.
The Warrior Princess sighed, dropping her head back against the chair. Finally, she stood up and made her way out of the tavern.
Gabrielle was back beside the stream again. Her staff was already tossed to the ground. She sat on a rock with her arms propped on her elbows. Her head was buried her arms. She took a shaky breath and lifted her head to rest her chin on her arms. Tears continued their mission.
The only thing her mind could do was torment her with images of Xena and Semele sleeping together. In turn only pain arose in Gabrielle. She lifted her legs a little to better hug herself. She felt alone.
The bard buried her head in her arms again. Her body rocked with more emotions. She lost the fury and was now in such pain that she only needed the right comfort from it. But she wasn't finding it. With ragged breaths she tried to calm down. Within a minute she heard somebody coming towards her. She waited a moment and slowly lifted her head to stare at the newcomer with blurred vision.
Xena stood emotionless. Her right knee bent forward with her weight on her left leg. Her arms hung at her sides as she stared at her soulmate. She showed no emotion in her expression. However, her red eyes told another story.
Gabrielle stared at her warrior, her vision clearing a little.
The warrior didn't flinch and stood as a statue would.
The small woman locked eyes with her soulmate. She started to cry again when her right hand pulled her bangs back. Slowly she stood up with her arms over her stomach and she faced Xena.
The older woman bit her lower lip to keep from saying anything.
The Amazon Queen lowered her head and took steps closer to her partner. She lifted her head up once more as the droplets came down her cheeks again. "Xena?" she whispered in fear.
"I'm right here for you," uttered the warrior.
Gabrielle quickly moved to wrap her arms around her soulmate. She buried her head into Xena's breasts and cried extremely hard.
Xena pulled her bard in tightly while shaking. Her head lowered onto Gabrielle's while she started to cry herself.
The young woman rested the side of her head against her partner's chest. She stared across the stream as the last few tears came.
The tall woman held her soulmate tightly. She kissed her bard's.
Slowly the soulmate's bodies began to sway back in forth where they stood. Each of them collected their thoughts and emotions. They only had one more thing to do.
After a little time passed, the Amazon Queen pressed her lips against her soulmate's chest. She lifted her head with a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Xena." Her right hand came up to brush back dark bangs. "I shouldn't be angry about it. You were trying to save me." She shook her head a little. "I guess I'm a little possessive."
The warrior grinned briefly but instantly lost the grin. "I probably could have found a better way to get you out."
"Xena, it was an army. Gods only know how many men were there." The bard shook her head. "It would have been suicidal."
The Warrior Princess sighed deeply. "There's always another way."
"You chose the best."
"Gabrielle, I could have simply snuck you out."
"Xena-" The Amazon Queen was cut off by the two fingers over her lips.
"We could be at this all day." The warrior raised an eyebrow in suggestion. "Agreed?" Her fingers slipped away.
Gabrielle nodded a little. "We both agree about disagreeing, huh?"
"Just stubborn." The tall woman smirked.
The small woman shrugged. "Nothing wrong with that." Her right hand came up behind her soulmate's head.
"Not at all." The warrior grinned while lowering her head.
"Nope." The bard finished the distance to kiss her partner in apology.
The older woman pulled back with a bit of a smile. She gazed around the area. "Let's get out of here."
"Yeah," whispered the small woman. She shifted out of Xena's arms to get her staff. She came back up beside her partner. "I'm never going on another walk again."
Xena laughed while walking along side her companion. "Not even if I come?"
"Welll, that's different." Gabrielle reached over with her right hand to clasp her warrior's hand.
The dark woman laughed deeply. "Good," she whispered.
Xena slowly knelt down in front of her soulmate.
Gabrielle peered down into warm blue eyes as she sat on the bed. She saw Xena's hands come into her lap. She reached forward to twine their fingers together.
The older woman looked away then back up to Gabrielle. "This isn't easy."
The bard squeezed her partner's hands. "It's over, Xena."
"Not yet." The warrior stopped talking for an instant. "Semele… she won't live much longer."
"What?" whispered the small woman with a confused look.
Xena waited a moment the explained. "I placed hemlock poison on my lips."
The bard tilted her head as she started to understand. "How long does she have?"
"Not much longer." The Warrior Princess took a heavy breath. "I didn't want to tell you, but I didn't want to hide anything." She narrowed her eyes. "Semele had a price to pay for taking you."
"Don't ask me to apologize for that." The warrior shook her head. "That's the last thing I will do. She had her own price to pay."
"But death?" quietly questioned the small woman.
The tall woman shrugged. "She may survive the hemlock or she may not. That's for the fates." She lowered her eyes.
Gabrielle sat mystified by her partner's actions. On one hand she thought to be angry again, but that wasn't what was being asked. No, she felt protected by her warrior's actions… her warrior's protection. Besides, it was too late for Semele, Semele a warlord. Leaning forward now, Gabrielle gently kiss her soulmate. "Thank you," she whispered after finishing the kiss.
Xena instantly had a questioning look.
"For protecting me," Gabrielle smiled sadly. "You're good at that."
The older woman laughed quietly. "Job description as well."
"Gee, thanks." Gabrielle smirked. "But that's why you got the job."
A grin creased the dark woman's lips. But she sighed while dropping her head. She looked back up with a serious expression. "I am sorry for sleeping with Semele." Her eyes glossed over in thought. "I wanted to spill as little blood as possible." Her eyes focused back up on her partner. "I wasn't thinking about your reaction." She smiled sadly. "I'll be more careful from now on."
"Its okay." The Amazon Queen squeezed the large warm hands. "I wasn't thinking either." She smiled with truth. "You are mine. And when I say that, I want to see you come out at the end into my arms." She leaned forward to kiss her soulmate's forehead. "You've always been mine."
The Warrior Princess was smiling broadly. She stood up and grasped her partner's waist.
The small woman started scooting back into the center of the bed.
Xena came crawling after her with a grin.
The bard chuckled and stopped moving steal a kiss from her soulmate.
The older woman moaned deeply, leaning into her bard.
Gabrielle smiled with love, and her eyes sparkled at the end of the kiss. "Together in the end, that's all that matters."
The End