~ Digging Up the Amazons ~
by Red Hope


Violence: I will try to make this as violent free for my readers as possible.

Sex/Subtext: No doubt, nothing but the best. Sex though… well we all will find out huh? Sex just happens sometimes eh? *laugh*

Copyright: And as we all know Universal and MCA always own Janice and Melinda as jealous as I am. There’s a "but" though. But I own the story line along with characters, Doctor Nathan Johnson, Starling, Emily, Cliona, Maired, Masika, and Ashley. They are mine and are very attached to me. *Laugh*

Note: To understand most of this story correctly you would have needed to read certain ones of my stories all the way back from Series One. This is a branching from the Janice and Mel stories from my first series. But that won’t mean you can’t understand what’s happening. I try to keep it clear as possible.

Comments? Questions? Advice? Email me at redhope@redhope.net

Started: June 29th 2000 on Thursday

Series Five: The Rebirth Story: One

Section 4

~*Part 8*~

Janice tightened her arms around her Soulmate’s body.

Mel gradually opened her eyes and smiled. "Morning." She lifted her head to kiss the top of the archeologist’s head.

The Queen slept on top of her Soulmate in the pure nude… not that Mel wasn’t nude as well. Janice lifted her head with groggy and half-opened eyes. "Morning." She gave a long content sigh while placing her head back down. "How’d you sleep Mel?"

"Real well."

The small woman gave a little laugh. "I hear you on that one." Now her arms came up with her head. She crossed her arms over Mel’s chest and rested her chin there. "We should head back to Columbia soon."

"Definitely." The translator let a small smile crease her lips while her fingertips glided up and down her friend’s smooth back. "Maybe even tomorrow."

"That early?" Janice arched an eyebrow.

"It is a long flight."

"True." The small woman gradually closed her eyes. "Let’s just get through this meeting… we’re playing this by ear."

The southerner gave a faint nodded while continuing her caress along Janice’s back. "This is odd."

The archeologist ever so slowly opened her eyes. "It is." She had her eyes locked with Mel’s. "I’ve never… felt so…"

"Perfect." The southerner smiled warmly. "Despite the fact you’re… letting me be more in control."

Janice laughed turned her head to rest her cheek on her arms. "Nnooo, I’m just getting real soft… like Gabrielle."

"Love… Gabrielle wasn’t soft."

The archeologist quickly lifted her head with a high eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yess… you know that."

Covington let a grin control her lips. "Only around Xena she was."

"Yup." The translator found her own grin covering her mouth. But that grin disappeared, as she became serious. "Are you scared about this change?"

Janice truly considered while her eyes went unfocused. "It’s different." Her eyes refocused on Mel. "Maybe a little scared because Janice Covington is not the same person everybody knows."

"But I know you."

"Yes." The archeologist smiled warmly. "But see even now… I don’t act like the same person you met Mel."

"Do I act the same as I was when we first met?"

The Queen quietly laughed. "Definitely not… no accent either."

The southerner corked an eyebrow. Now her eyes twinkled while her voice came out light. "We’ll if y’all want my accent back I can do dat wid no problem. ‘Cause right now I feel like uh split personality."

Janice laughed with a shake of her head. "That was interesting." Suddenly Janice dropped her smile and her face swept over with a death look. "But fuck that, I am an archeologist with the best rep for screwing up a dig sites if I you let me. Otherwise I’ll sell your mother for just a little stash of moolah."

The translator gave an innocent look. "Now Doctor Covington what would uh lady like yo do wid uh lot of money? Definitely considering yo are duh daughter of Harry Covington."

"Hell!" Janice rolled her eyes. "I’d buy myself a nice revolver first with some cigs, get my self drunk as shit, and I’d finish my goddamn night with fucking a bitch of a hooker." She had her eyes narrowed but they were sparkling deeply. "You know what the hell I’d really do with that goddamn money?"

"What iz dat Doctor Covington?"

"I’d fucken burn it all ‘cause I got everything I want right here." That hard as nails look dissolved from the Queen’s face and was now a warm smile on her lips. Janice leaned in to take Mel’s lips. "Right here."

The tall woman moaned into the kiss while shifting her right hand behind her partner’s head to deepen the kiss.

Janice grinned while kissing this other beautiful woman. When she pulled back she nuzzled her face against Mel’s neck. "I love you Mel."

"I love you too Janice." Mel encircled her Soulmate’s body.

The archeologist started to quietly laugh.

"What are you chuckling about?"

Janice took a deep breath. "Did I really use to talk like that?"

"Pretty much." The belle smiled to herself while shutting her eyes. "Not quite so many cuss words though."

The small woman quietly snickered. "Sorry, slip of the lips."

"Right." A grin creased Melinda’s lips. "Mmm, we need to get up."

"Yeah." Janice was thinking about getting up.

Mel was thinking about getting up too.

However it just was not happening between the two women.

"Okay… this plan ain’t working." The translator opened her eyes again.

"That’s because this is perfect." Janice gave a happy sigh.

"True." The southerner took a deep breath. "But we need to get up before the Amazons start thinking bad thoughts about us."

"Who cares?"

Silence for a few seconds.

Mel gave a low laugh. "Guess neither of us. Well… I’ll just come up with another plan." Slowly her warm hands slid down to Janice’s sides while her eyes opened again.

The archeologist knew what was about to happen. "Don’t even think about it Mel."

"About what?" The southerner gave an innocent looked and she quickly began to tickle the small woman. And now came the first time Mel heard her Soulmate squeal uncontrollable so this only led to Mel falling into a bundle of laughter.

Janice took a deep breath as she controlled her body again. She glared down at her laughing partner. "Mel." Her voice was hard.

The aristocrat took a deep breath while her laughter stopped, she gave a warm smile. "Sorry… but I’ve never heard you-"

"Mel." The archeologist growled her Soulmate’s name and rolled off her partner to stand up.

Melinda stared at Janice’s back, she sighed, and hopped out of the bed. Her arms came around the small woman and she drew Janice in. Her lips came down to brush over the archeologist’s ear. "Sorry."

The Queen gave a sad sigh and she relaxed into her friend’s embrace. "It’s alright." She lifted her head up some to peer up into warm sky swept eyes. "I guess that was Janice coming out." A corked grin was on her lips.

The southerner let a warm smile take over and she felt two small hands had grasped hers. "I know…guess Xena and Janice don’t mix."

The archeologist quietly laughed with her grin forming into a smile. "They need to." She lifted her right hand to pull Mel’s head down. She gently kissed the taller woman.

Melinda smiled after the kiss broke.

Janice turned fully to the belle now and rest her head against the other female’s chest. Her eyes shut and she felt herself fall into her side that was Gabrielle.

Mel soon was being filled with the side of her that is Xena. She felt that strong instinct to protect her Soulmate from the world around.

The Queen now shivered in her partner’s arms.

The translator peeked down at her partner. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Janice glimpsed up to the other woman. "Just… felt my stomach curl up from this feeling."

"Good feeling?" A lopsided smile was on Mel’s lips.

"Definitely." The archeologist took a deep breath with a serious expression coming over her. "We should do this more often."

"Ohh?" The southerner grinned from ear to ear. "Snuggle?"

Janice laughed. "Don’t call it that or I won’t want too."

The aristocrat snickered low. "Well… spend time together?"

"Exactly… and yes." Clan Gabrielle let out a huff. "We better get this meeting started. I’m sure they’re waiting for us."

Melinda nodded in agreement.


"We’re not leaving tomorrow?" Emily quietly whined while falling back into her seat.

"I agree." Ashley sighed and slumped into her seat. "I’m not ready to go back to work."

Cliona smirked over at her partner. "Come on Ash, America Air Born is the best."

The copilot huffed. "Keep saying it, maybe I’ll buy it one day."

The princess snickered low.

"Let’s be serious here." Radclyffe leaned towards the table. "This is a serious matter with our Nation."

The Queen nodded at that in agreement. "I agree." Janice reached up to remove her hat and settled it into her lap. "We all need to help in making the plans for the Nation."

Starling now spoke in. "Janice, Mel, and I have already came up with some ideas."

Everybody’s attention went to the regent in wonderment. But Starling glanced over to her Queen and nodded.

Janice nodded back up and took her cue. "Two small ideas. First I’d like to take all the English scrolls and have them published. Second is with all the gold and jewelry, I think we should buy these lands and the rest of the money to rebuild as well as help any Amazon in finical debt."

"I like that." Constance smiled warmly. "I know a few Amazons in England that could use the money after this war."

"That’s what I figured." Janice nodded.

"What about publishing these scrolls?" Hellanes held out her right hand. "What’s that going to do? We’re not going to publish them publicly." Her hand grasped the table.

"No." The Queen shook her head. "We publish them and hand them out personally to each Amazon." She grinned. "They’re only for the Amazons to understand what it was like during Gabrielle’s time."

Cliona gave a smirk. "Well, I guess we can’t call those books the Amazon books."

"We’ll call them the Amazon Knowledge books." Radclyffe had a smug look.

Cliona shot a mock glare to the head council member.

Radclyffe quietly laughed and shook her head.

"Why don’t we just call them the Amazing Amazon books?"

Everybody at the table chuckled at Sylvia’s joke.

"No." Janice shook her head and went serious. "I like Rad’s idea. Amazon Knowledge books is fine." She took a deep breath. "Now that we decided on that pressing matter let’s move on."

"Hold on, are we planning to buy all of the Amazon lands?"

Melinda shook her head. "No Emily, just Gabrielle’s original lands. That’s to much land and as Star said to much money being waved around."

Leukos evilly grinned. "Jus’ have to know how to wave it around right?"

A huge grin took over the aristocrat’s lips. "Exactly."

"So does this make you our treasurer of the Amazons?" Sylvia smirked to the translator.

"It does." The archeologist crossed her arms against her chest with a smug look.

The second in command’s mouth dropped because of the simple agreement.

Janice quietly laughed but went stern. "We need to figure out how to bring the Amazons together."

"Only by word of mouth." Starling took a deep breath. "That’s how the last meeting happened."

"But you said only five hundred Amazon showed up for that one?"

"Yes." The regent nodded at her Queen’s words. "So we need to give more time to let more word to get around." She took a deep breath. "The Amazon are resourceful and very loyal. Word will spread fast but there are some Amazons that are hard to get too."

"Well…" Constance’s let a grin come over her expression "We’ll just make sure to spread with the word that our Queen is the Chosen."

"Exactly." Starling gave serious nod. "That’ll make sure that more Amazons come. If we’re real lucky maybe all will show."

"But that’s not likely is it?"

Starling turned her head to Emily. "No Ems, out of the nine hundred plus we may only get… six hundred. It depends on time, location, money… everything."

Janice was in deep thought over her regent’s words. "Cliona?"

The pilot gazed over to the Queen. "Yeah?"

The archeologist lifted her eyes to the princess. "Would you feel like flying around the world to pick up some Amazons? Just incase some can not afford to make it to Greece."

Cliona Smith gradually corked an eyebrow. With a tiny grin crossing her lips she glanced at her copilot. "What you say Ash?"

Ashley quietly laughed. "Hell yeah." She grinned over to Janice. "I think America Air Born can shove it up their-"

"I think they can too Sprite."

Ashley started to laugh hard at Sylvia’s interjection.

"Quite a mouth she has on her hands." Sylvia shook her head but focused her attention on Janice. "What about the Amazons Cliona and Sprite can’t make it too?"

The Queen’s lips creased with a fine grin. "Then we can just pay for it. We do have enough money… now."

The Amazons chuckled together.

"When we have this meeting we should probably have the Amazon fill out forms." Constance’s eyes flickered between all the other women. "A form on where they live, what clan, age… things like that."

"Good idea." Janice nodded and took a deep breath. "I’d like to figure out a way to gain better control over this small… communication gap. We can not keep relying on word of mouth."

"We could do what Gabrielle did." Cliona straightened up. "Use the lieutenants."

"How?" Janice crossed her arms against her chest.

"Well…" The princess thought for a moment.

"You’re saying having the lieutenants monitor sectors like in Gabrielle’s nation?"

Cliona glanced over to the translator. "Yeah… sort of."

Mel nodded and turned her head to the Queen. "If we take the lieutenants and make them in charge of certain Amazons in certain areas of the world, we could keep better tabs on what’s going on."

Janice nodded and was about to answer but didn’t.

"That’s it." The princess smiled. "Each lieutenant can be in charge of a certain sector of the world with those surrounding Amazons."

"Then it would be simple if those Amazons checked in with that lieutenant on how they’re doing."

Emily nodded in agreement with Sylvia’s words. "Also if say Janice has an order we could have it dispersed to the lieutenants and then the lieutenants would tell their Amazons in that sector. It would be perfect."

"My only problem is with the lieutenants themselves." Janice straightened up. "They are all over the world and I have very little control over them." She saw the looks of hurt written over her Amazons. "And I am not saying they will be disloyal. I am saying something could easily happen to my lieutenants and it may be months before I know which would endanger those Amazons in that sector." She shook her head. "Once it gets public of our people the Amazons will be poked and probed with questions. We all know this and we can only hide ourselves for so long." She narrowed her eyes faintly. "We need to be cautious of the outside world especially with today and with men. They will not take lightly to knowing their wife is an Amazon. A woman that is independent and only allows other women into her family."

"We’ll have to change that."

The women turned their heads to the head council member.

"Truly." Radclyffe straightened up. "The Amazons will need to make a small shift to be able to integrate right with modern day." She shook her head. "As we all know we can not come together here in Greece, throw on leathers, strap swords on our backs, and masquerade with feathers on." A deep breath. "It’s not realistic." A pause while she collected her thoughts. "The forties Amazons will have to adjust by knowing a family can include men…" A huge smirk covered her lips. "It’s just men are not always wearing the pants, that’s all."

Constance raised her eyebrow at her friend. "So you’re saying Rad that when we go back to England and my betrothed returns from war I should tell him I am an Amazon?" The priestess shook her head. "I will if I want to break the engagement."


The priestess turned her head to the Queen in question.

"I think what Rad is trying to say is the Amazons of the forties need a different mind set." Janice took a deep breath. "Meaning for example, you can not walk around thinking you’re an Amazon so you do not need a man. Rad’s point is we need to walk around remembering we’re apart of great tribe of women that stand for a family not difference between sexes."

The head council member nodded in agreement at that explanation. "Thank you."

Janice’s eyes flickered over to Radclyffe Hale and a small smile creased her lips. Her attention went back to all the Amazons. "Does everybody understand what is the new frame of mind?"

Each Amazon nodded in agreement.

The Queen sat back in her seat with her hands resting on top of her hat. "And since each of you are officers." Her eyes settled on Emily. "With the exception of our good doctor." She focused on the women again. "I’d like for you eight to set this example with my Amazons."

The Amazons nodded in unison, even Mel and Emily.

"Thank you." Janice gave a warm smile but lost it due to her seriousness. "Let’s set a date on this meeting."

Starling sat up. "Currently it is January tenth… nineteen forty-three."

"What time is it too Star?" Janice gave a huge evil grin.

"Funny my Queen." The regent narrowed her eyes with a grin.

The archeologist chuckled. "Okay now that we all know today’s date, we need one for when this grand get together is to happen."

"How about in six months?"

Mel shook her head at Emily suggestion. "No, that’s to early." Her eyes shifted to Starling. "Do you know how much time was between the announcement of the meeting and meeting last time?"

"I have no idea." The regent glanced down to the head council member. "You know right Rad?"

Clan Masika nodded and gazed over to Janice. "Your mother put a time space of about five months."

The Queen sighed. "And that was in the middle of World War One… Christ this is bad."

"We should make it a year." Mel turned her head towards her Soulmate. "Hopefully the war won’t be to bad."

Janice’s right hand went through her hair in frustration. "Damn war." She took a calm deep breath. "We have Amazons in Germany, France, Austria, and Italy huh?" Her eyes were focused on Starling.

The regent faintly nodded. "Afraid so."

"Christ." Janice Covington went silent with the rest of the women.

Starling slowly lifted her eyes up from the table to lock on her Queen. "Amazons are resourceful."

Sylvia now locked her eyes on her Queen. "The Amazing Amazon." She said it with a straight face.

"They’ll be here." Radclyffe crossed her arms against her chest. "Or I am not the oldest clan."

Janice sighed and gave a faint sad smile. "Let’s hope so."

"So… is it decided? A year?" asked the regent.

"Yess." Janice gave her nod of approval. "January tenth… nineteen forty-four." A grin came into play. "Let’s get word around."

"Don’t you think Janice it would be a good idea to hand out the… Amazon Knowledge books at that time?"

The archeologist turned her head to the priestess. "Good idea." She turned her head towards her Soulmate. "That means we’ll have to take the English scrolls with us back to Columbia."

Mel nodded and spoke her idea. "I think I can get them published privately."

Janice grinned. "I know."

The translator winked.

The small archeologist chuckled and gazed back to the women. "Anybody else have questions… suggestions?"

"What about the weapons?" Hellanes finished her question with a grin.

The Queen evilly grinned at her weapons master. "Just don’t break them Nes."

The weapons master laughed low and nodded. "Yes of course my Queen."

"And the money?" Cliona shook her head. "We really can’t leave it here."

"We could… technically."

"Ash, we should put it to use." The princess shook her head again at her partner. "It’s been sitting there for to long as it is."

"Then we’ll take it back to America." Janice cut in before a debate came about. "Mel and I will take care of the money." She took a deep breath. "As soon as we get the money in order we’ll buy these lands."

"How are we going to work that?" Sylvia shook her head. "Only Hellanes or myself could buy the land since we’re Greek."

"Well… get ready to be purchasing a hunk of land."

The second in command arched an eyebrow at her Queen. "You’re kidding?"

Janice quietly laughed. "I am." She went serious and gazed at her Soulmate. "Your explanation Mel."

The translator nodded and gave her full attention to the Amazons. "It’s simple, we’ll make the Amazons quote, a legal partnership, unquote."

"So basically we’ll be an organization?" The regent nodded. "The Amazon Organization."

"Yes, we’ll legally be a organization... club." The aristocrat shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you fancy to call it." She gave a sigh. "Non-the-less, once we legally make this group and say it resides in Greece then we’ll be able to purchase land… or whatever else." She paused and remembered one small detail. "The only thing is, once we do this our name will be public… the government will want to know what’s our purpose."

"Hell." The Queen shook her head. "Forgot about that part."

The aristocrat grinned to her Soulmate. "I can pull strings."

The archeologist corked an eyebrow. "Excuse me."

Melinda laughed and reached down to grasp her partner’s hand.

"We need to figure out a source of income Janice." Radclyffe sat up in her seat. "There may be that gold but it won’t last forever."

"The mines." The doctor brightened up. "If we could find out if the Amazon Mountains still holds ore. We could do mining and sell the ores." She sheepishly smiled. "Just an idea."

Janice was in deep thought again, considering the idea.

"Yeah and what? Call it Amazon Jewelry?" The second in command snickered. "The Amazon Jewelry Company."

The archeologist turned her head to her translator and whispered, "Can we do something like that?"

"Yes," was the southerner’s response. "That’s only if there is anything still in those mountains."

Janice nodded and sighed. "We may have too." She gazed up to her friends "Rad is right, we do need an income." She sighed again. "Let Mel and I look into it. Right now fortunately we have enough gold to supply us… for now."

"Mmm, I have another idea…" Mel grinned. "Let’s try my father’s trick." She sat up and glanced around. "We could take some of the money and buy stock… good stock. That way we’ll always have income."

Everybody nodded together.

"You think that’s wise Mel?" The Queen gazed at her lover. "If the stock market crashes…"

"We’ll be fine." The aristocrat sat back with a grin. "I do have the best stockbrokers."

Janice quietly laughed. "Okay, so that’s another idea." She took a deep breath. "But right now the plan is to get the Amazons together here in Greece, buy the lands here, and get those English scrolls published."

"Are we going to do anything with Gabrielle’s scrolls?"

"I’m not quite sure yet Ems." The archeologist crossed her legs at the ankle under the table. "We’ll worry about that later but Mel and I are taking the Greek versions back to Columbia." Another small sigh. "Anything else?"

"I may have a solution to the sector problem."

The Queen along with the rest of the Amazons gazed at the eldest Amazon.

Radclyffe took a deep breath. "I am not quite sure of this but supposedly Gabrielle had an overseer of her lieutenants. Now the overseer’s job was to check on these lieutenants along with the Amazons in that area just to make sure things were okay." Her eyes focused on the Queen. "I’m sure you could find out whom this overseer is and have them doing this job again."

Janice’s head was bobbing up and down as her mind considered the idea and possibilities. "Not a bad idea Rad."

The head council member nodded. "It’s your best option I believe Janice."

"It may just be." The Queen smiled and glimpsed around. "I think that covers everything."

"Are we leaving tomorrow Janice?" Ashley had a pouting look.

The archeologist quietly laughed. "I’m afraid so Ash." She took a long breath. "We’ve been playing Amazons to long."

The group laughed together.

"So, tomorrow we’ll leave and head first to England and to…" Janice turned her head to her Soulmate. "Columbia?"

Mel squeezed her partner’s hand. "Or New York?"

Janice whispered out, "I don’t know." But her eyes averted away. "Starling, we’ll leave the truck with you."

The regent nodded. "Thank you, will be nice to have a source of… transportation."

Sylvia and Hellanes huffed together and said in unison, "About time."

A few Amazons snickered while the others had grins.

Janice squeezed her Soulmate’s hand and let go, that hand went to grasp her hat. She lowered her head and put the hat on while standing up. She lifted her head and dropped her hand, her eyes were dark now. "Everybody, get some rest and relaxation before tomorrow since we’re flying out of here." Her eyes switched over to her regent. "With the exception of the guardians."

Starling Miller huffed and slumped in her seat. "Whoopee."

The second in command evilly grinned at Clan Ephiny. "Don’t worry, things will be more… entertaining now."

The regent arched an eyebrow at her friend.

"Oh wonderful." The weapons master sighed and sat back in her seat.

"Don’t worry Nes." Sylvia Carter rested her hand on her friend’s knee. "We’ll include you."

"Hell no." The weapons master stood and her eyes flashed at the second in command. "I do not need to be that… close to the most ordering people in the world."

Starling and Sylvia laughed as they watched Hellanes amble off with a grin.

Janice shook her head and gazed down to her Soulmate.

Mel lifted her eyes up and gave a warm smile. She read her partner’s eyes and stood up herself while taking the smaller hand offered.

Without a word the Soulmates left the hut.

Emily glanced back to the closing door and back to the group. "I don’t want to know what they’re up too."

"No you don’t" Starling quickly stood and glanced over to her second in command. "Nor what Sylvia and I are up too."

The second in command could take a hint and stood up to disappear with Starling.

"Gee, we must be slacking ourselves Ash."

The third in command gazed at the princess. "You’re talking… crap Cliona."

The pilot laughed and rested more back into her seat. "Darn, you can even let me through out some subtext around here."

Radclyffe raised an eyebrow. "That’s because you don’t know how to do it right Cliona."

"Oh?" The princess crossed her arms against her chest. "Can you do better?"

Emily looked from one end of the table to the other watching with a smirk.

"Oh course." The head council member turned her head to the priestess. "Come here… honey."

Constance quietly laughed and leaned towards her friend. "Yes… sweetie pie?"

Radclyffe held back her laugh and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on Constance’s cheek.

"Sweetie… I am engaged."

Clan Masika winked. "And he is at war."

Constance laughed and sat back in her seat. "Rocking the cradle."

Hale quietly laughed and took a deep breath while gazing at Cliona.

The princess shook her head and sighed. "That’s nothing Rad." She turned to her copilot.

Ashley raised an eyebrow in question.

"Which you prefer Ash… honey dumpling or sexy momma?"

The third in command just laughed and shook her head. "How about neither?"

"Not an option." Cliona carefully lifted her right hand to her copilot’s cheek and leaned in to just lightly brush her lips against Ashley’s. When she pulled back she saw the huge blush on Ashley’s face that was only getting redder.

Radclyffe cleared her throat. "Well… maybe that does take the cake." She laughed then gave a sigh.

Emily quickly stood. "It’s getting way to… friendly for me around here." She chuckled and left the hut in a hurry. Walking at a slow pace the good doctor made it to the dig site and glanced around for the Soulmates.

The archeologist walked out of the supply tent and spotted her friend. "Hey Ems."

Emily strolled up to her Queen. "What you and Mel up to?"

"We’re getting the scrolls together and the money."

The doctor nodded and caught sight of Mel now coming out of the tent. "Want company?"

Janice chuckled. "Of course, get a lamp and we’ll meet you down there."

"Alright." Leukos went into the tent after the southerner shifted out of the way.

Mel and Janice made their way into the trench with lamps and four large bags.


"Janice, I’d like to know how we’re gonna get all of this money out of here."

The archeologist stared at the pile of gold and jewels. "You’ve have a point." She sighed.

"Well… do you real need all this gold to buy the lands?" The doctor glanced between the women.

"Nope." Melinda took a deep breath. "Maybe about… one tenth."

Janice chuckled. "Probably right." She lifted her eyes up to her Soulmate. "So what you say one bag load?"

The translator glanced back to the pile. "Yeah… sounds good." She grinned to her partner.

The archeologist again chuckled and took one of her bags to collect the some of the wealth.

The southerner bent down to help her friend load it in.

"Hey Ems." The Queen lifted her head up to her friend. "Why don’t you start getting the Amazon Knowledge scrolls?" She threw her second canvas bag at the doctor.

Leukos caught the bag as it smacked into her. "Sure my Queen." She smirked and strolled out of the room with the bag and a lamp.

Janice turned her head towards the doorway. "The English ones Emily!"

"I know!"

The archeologist laughed and went back to gathering the money. "She’s great."

"She is." Mel smiled up and kept lifting the gold in. She lifted up a small diamond. "My… what a beauty." She turned it in the light to see it glisten to her.

"Yeah." The archeologist looked up and wrinkled her nose. "If you like compressed charcoal."

Slowly the belle’s eyes averted to her Soulmate. "Compressed charcoal is worth a lot these days."

"Yup." Janice looked away and kept lifting handfuls into the bag. "But… worth nothing when it comes to you."

Clan Xena smiled to herself and dropped the diamond into the bag as if it were nothing. "Dido."

The archeologist’s eyes flickered up with warmth and she smiled. She took a deep breath and put one last handful into the bag seeing it at its limit.

Mel closed pulled the string at the top and put the flap over and tied it shut. "I’ll carry it."

The Queen chuckled. "Yeah, to heavy for me." Janice stood up with two canvas bags that were Mel’s along with the two lamps.

The aristocrat grasped the bag and lifted it up finding it mildly heavy. She slung it onto her back with a rattle.

Janice lifted her eyes to the large gold statue. "That’s something else."

Pappas turned towards the statue of Artemis. "It’s beautiful." She gave a sigh. "It must have been in their temple to Artemis."

"I’m sure it was." The small woman studied it for a few more moments and huffed. "Wanna go get Gabrielle’s scrolls?"

"Yeah." Mel smiled warmly. "Come on." She headed out of the room and walked into the next room that held the ‘Chosen’s Tales.’ There Mel settled her bag down onto the ground and took a lamp along with a bag.

Janice walked over to the Greek side with her companion. With Mel, Janice began to place the scrolls carefully into the canvas bag. She slipped one in and suddenly stopped in mid-action because something invaded her body. She rose back up and glanced to Mel. "I wanna check something, you got these?"

"Yeah." Mel smiled and saw out of the corner of her eyes her Soulmate walk to the English side. The southerner’s eyes shut as a feeling wash over her. She opened her eyes again and stared at the scrolls.

Janice walked up to the English scrolls, studied them, her right hand came up, and began to brush along the scrolls. She felt herself searching for one particular scroll and she had no idea why. Suddenly she grasped one and her fingers wrapped around the scroll.

Mel kept pulling out the Greek scrolls and settling them into the bag. Her hand grasped the next one and she was hesitant about putting it into the bag, she began to unroll the scroll.

The archeologist pulled the scroll from its home and began to unroll it. She quickly realized the scroll was blank but when it was completely unrolled she found a ring resting in the middle that sparkled and twinkled up to her. Her eyes became fixed on the ring and she smiled warmly. Carefully she lifted the ring and turned the band ring and saw an inscription that was in Greek. She didn’t need a translator to tell her what it read, she knew it said My soulmate forever. Janice quickly slipped the ring into her pant’s pocket.

The translator was not shocked about the unwritten scroll and was actually expecting it from this scroll she held. For what lay in the middle of the scroll was more important. She carefully lifted the two rings that greeted her in twinkles and sparkles as if she were an old friend. The southerner smiled warmly at them and lifted the rings to kiss them lightly. She now slipped them into her pant’s pockets and heard her archeologist shift across the floor. Mel quickly rolled up the blank scroll and placed it into the bag and reminding herself to take it out of the bag at first chance. "Find what you were looking for?"

Janice lifted her eyes to her partner. "Yeah." She came up to the Greek side and bent down to collect the rest of the bottom scrolls. "It’ll be nice to get back to the old grind of archeology when we get home."

"So Columbia?"

The Queen sighed and stood after depositing the scrolls into the bag. "I think so Mel. We need to get moving with the plans."

"I agree." The southerner gave a small nod and leaned down to lightly kiss her partner. "Ssso… we get to play translator and archeologist soon."

Janice laughed and gave a nod. "Yup… I like playing Queen but… archeology I was born for."

"True." The translator lowered her head close to Janice’s. "But your soul was born for Amazon Queen."

"Nnno." Janice grinned up and placed on hand on her Soulmate’s hip. "My half soul was born for you."

Melinda warmly smiled and took her partner’s lips in a powerful kiss.

"Hey Mel and Janice?"

The Soulmates groaned together at hearing Emily’s voice.

"What’s up Ems?" Janice released her partner at seeing the doctor come to the doorway.

"I need another bag." Emily realized how close the two women were to each other. "Oh… I’m… really sorry." She blushed slightly.

The archeologist laughed and grabbed her last empty bag and thew it at her Amazon. "We’ll be there in a second."

"Yeah… don’t mind me." Emily rushed out of there. "These Amazon are to friendly for me!"

The Soulmates laughed together at Emily’s echoed words.

The archeologist sighed slightly. "Yup… back to the old grind."

Mel’s lips shaped into a grin. "Thank god we’re partners."

"Tell me about it." Covington leaned up to kiss Mel lightly again. "We better go."

"Mmm yeah." Mel stepped back and tied the bag.

The archeologist reached down to take the bag with her lamp.

The belle walked over to the moneybag, lifted that to her back, and grabbed her lamp.

The pair left the room and walked down the corridor to the main room.

"Slight problem." The doctor turned her head at the pair entering. "I can’t reach the high ones."

Melinda sighed. "Vertically challenged people."

"Hey!" Janice narrowed her sparkling eyes.

"How I love them." The southerner gave a devilish grin.

Janice arched an eyebrow not totally convinced.

The translator dropped her bag to the ground and lifted her left hand to graze past Janice’s cheek.

The archeologist couldn’t hold back the blush.

Mel winked and walked over to Emily with her lamp. She placed her lamp down and turned to the English wall.

The Amazon opened her bag up more and held it with both hands.

The Queen came up beside Emily and watched as Mel took the high scrolls to place them into the bag.

But even Mel’s height became limited compared to some of the high scrolls. So she improvised and climbed up the wall carefully and took the highest scrolls out.

Janice took the scrolls handed to her and placed them into the canvas bag gingerly.

Within a minute or two the women had all the English scrolls in the bag.

The Queen doubled checked the wall and saw even the two very bottom scrolls were gone. She smiled to her friends. "I think that’s it."

"Are we really flying back tomorrow?" Emily lifted her eyes to Janice while she bent forward tying the bag.

"Yeah Ems… sorry."

Melinda walked over to her gold bag to carry it again. "Don’t miss Columbia huh?"

The doctor chuckled and lifted her own bag. "Ain’t that… it’s jus’ I feel at home here."

"Me too." Janice smiled warmly. "But we need to head back."

"I reckon so." The southern Leukos sighed and glanced over to the other bag with the scrolls. "How are we going to-"

"Got it." Melinda walked over to the canvas bag and lifted it up in her right hand. "Janice, can you get my lamp?"

"Sure, no problem." Janice collected her Soulmate’s lamp and glanced over to see Emily getting her lamp too. "Ready?"

"Yup," responded Emily. She walked over to the steps and began to climb up them.

The Queen glanced over to her partner. "Thanks Mel."

The aristocrat smiled. "No reason to thank me." She shifted the pack on her bag. "Come on, let’s go."

Janice’s lips creased with a warm smile and she walked up the steps to the trench.


"Woo." Hellanes jumped to the door of the hut and swung it open. "You three have a load there."

The Queen laughed. "Thanks Nes." She walked into the hut with her bag.

Melinda followed behind with Emily behind her.

The weapons master chuckled to herself and spun her sword to sheath it behind. She walked into the hut and closed the door behind. "What’s in those bags?"

The three women settled the four bags over in the corner of the hut.

"The scrolls," answer Janice. She straightened up. "And money."

Clan Eponin nodded. "Good."

~*Part 9*~

"I’m going to sabotage the truck," huffed Ashley.

"Ash, it could be worse." Cliona came up behind her friend and rested her hands on the Amazon’s shoulders.

The third in command turned around to her partner. "I really don’t wanna go back to America Air Born."

"We don’t have much choice." The princess sighed sadly and in the background she heard the door to the hut open. In the corner of her eyes she saw her Queen come outside with the bags.

"Yes we do."

"No we don’t." Clan Amarice looked away in frustration.

"We do have a choice Cliona… why we have to stay with this stupid company?"

"We have too stay okay?"

"No we don’t." Ashley narrowed her eyes a little.

Cliona opened her mouth to respond but was cut off.

"Neither of you don’t."

Both Amazon turned their heads to see Mel standing there with a serious look.

"How you figure Mel?" Cliona released her copilot and crossed her arms against her chest.

"I reckon I can help out Cliona." The southerner smiled warmly. "I know some people in the airplane business… I’m sure I can get you both hired to another company."

"Really?" Ashley’s eyes brightened up. "Mel, I can’t stand America Air Born."

"I know." The aristocrat sighed. "I’ve heard bad stuff about them."

"Yeah… they’re pretty bad." Cliona sighed and shook her head. "A bunch of jackass jerks are partners… about five partners."

"I heard." Mel shifted her weight to her other foot. "Think you can deal with the company for another month or so? I’ll have some strings pulled by then."

"Definitely." The third in command jumped to hug the tall woman. "Thanks Mel."

"Hey… don’t thank me till I pull the connections."

Smith grinned at seeing her copilot happy now. She then went in for a hug from Mel after Ashley.

"What’s all the hugging about?" Sylvia stepped up to the small group. "You guys still have an eight hour flight together and you’re hugging?" She sighed as if in pain. "You should be hugging me here… I feel out of the circle here."

The third in command laughed and stepped over to the second in command to hug her tightly. "Sorry Sylvi."

"It’s alright Sprite." The second in command hugged her friend tightly. "I’ll miss you cutie."

"Hey, no hitting on my girlfriend." The princess put her hands on her hips.

"Which girlfriend Cliona?" Slyvia pulled back from Ashley but still holding her by the hips. "You mean this one?" She leaned in to kiss Ashley on the cheek gently.

The third in command blushed to her roots and coughed. "Thanks Sylvia."

The second in command winked. "No problem Sprite." She released her friend.

Ashley turned to Cliona. "And you… you wish I was your girlfriend." She smacked the princess’s stomach and strolled away.

"For a partner… she’s got you whipped I’m afraid Cliona."

The princess coughed and straightened up. "Really Mel?" She crossed her arms against her chest. "And Janice doesn’t have you whipped?"

The archeologist heard her name and came up to the group. "What’s going on?"

The southerner glanced down to her partner. "Cliona thinks you have me whipped."

Janice laughed low and turned her attention to her princess. "Me have Mel whipped? Oh Hell yeah." She started walking away.


The archeologist spun around and came back up quickly to Mel’s side. "You rang Mel?"

Both Sylvia and Cliona fell over laughing at the scene.

The two soulmates stared into each other’s eyes.

Melinda winked at her partner.

Janice still heard her Amazons laughing. "Mel?"


"Kiss me."

The southerner faced her partner and bent down to take her partner’s lips in a sensual kiss.

The Amazons immediately stopped laughing and looked to each other.

Cliona shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe they have each other whipped."

Mel slowly pulled back but had her eyes locked with her Soulmate’s. "Got that right." She turned her twinkling eyes to the other women.

"This is where we leave." Sylvia grabbed Cliona’s arm. "Before we really get whipped."

The two Amazon scurried away to help with loading the truck.

Mel turned her head to her partner. "Thanks."

A grin masked over the archeologist’s lips. "Nothing to thank me for… you do have me whipped." She gave her own wink.

The tall female laughed and leaned down closer. "Don’t we have each other whipped?"

"Very much." Janice finished the distance to kiss her partner warmly.

"Damn Soulmates." Starling sighed and shook her head.

"Well… they are cute."

The regent turned her head to Emily. "Thanks… peanut gallery." She furrowed her eyebrows. "And they are not cute."

"Yes they are." Emily glanced over to see the Soulmates pulling away slowly. "They’re really cute… especially Janice."

"Oh give me a break." Starling sighed. "She’s an archeologist… not a fluffy bunny Ems!"

The doctor laughed and patted her regent’s shoulder. "Sure… sure." She strolled off.

"They’re not cute Emily!" The regent narrowed her eyes at the Amazons back.

Leukos turned around and kept walking backwards. "Like I said… sure sure." She grinned and turned away to keep walking.

Clan Ephiny groaned and leaned against the truck’s hood. "I can’t believe it."

"What’s that?" Hellanes came up to her commander.

"Emily thinks Janice and Mel are… cute." The regent turned her head to her weapons master.

"Well… I have to agree." Hellanes shrugged her shoulders. "Love is cute in its own way." She grinned a little. "Definitely our Queen… she’s precious."

Starling’s eyes widen. "There is nothing cute about Janice Covington!" She cringed realizing she’d just yelled that out.

Hellanes Kallen’s eyes flickered over in the woods to see Janice coming with her Soulmate. "They are, you better have a damn good explanation for them, and I am out of here." She rushed off.

Janice came up to her regent and crossed her arms against her chest. She ran her tongue across her molars.

Mel glanced down at her Soulmate. "Don’t kill her… tiger."

The Queen’s hooded eyes peered up to Mel then over to Starling. "I couldn’t help but hear you say something a little on the… loud side."

Starling sheepishly grinned to her Queen. "Yeah… well I was… defending you."

"Really?" Janice took a step closer. "I’m not cute?"

"Nnooo." The regent pressed hardier against the hood.

"Why is that may I ask?" The archeologist reached inside of her jacket to extract her revolver, she opened the barrel. "What could possible make you think I am not cute?" She lifted her head with an innocent look. "Don’t I look cute?" Her revolver went back inside of her jacket and she pulled out a cigar. "What makes you think I am not cute Star?"

"Well…" Starling rubbed the back of her neck. "I don’t know… really… a few things."

The Queen lit her cigar. "Like what? My gun… my hat?" She sighed and threw the match to the ground and began to smoke her cigar. "Maybe it’s my cigars?" She pulled out of her mouth. "Or maybe my goddamn cussing?"

"Really my Queen… it’s just you don’t remind me of a-"

"Of a fluffy bunny?" Janice sighed and took a drag on her cigar, she turned back to Mel. "And you don’t think Mel’s cute?"

"Well… Mel maybe is a little cute."

"Really?" Janice held her left hand back to her partner with the cigar. "Mel’s cute but I am not?"

The aristocrat reached forward to take her Soulmate’s cigar and placed it into her mouth. She took a few drags on the cigar and let the smoke slowly escape her lips.

Starling’s eyes flickered back to Melinda and she bit her lower lip as she felt the laughter bubble to the top. "Mel’s very cute as long as she doesn’t smoke a cigar."

"So it’s my cigar huh?" The Queen sighed. "Fuck, I should have known it was my cigar Mel." Janice glanced back to her Soulmate.

"I told you love." The southerner pulled the cigar from her mouth. "It’s the cigar… don’t make you cute."

The archeologist grinned and turned her head back to Starling. "So am I cute now?"

"Uh… not really Janice."

Janice’s face dropped. "But my cigar is gone." She put her hands on her hips. "Maybe it’s because I am just not cute huh?" Her eyes sparkled as they narrowed. "Maybe that’s it huh?"

"I think that may be it my Queen." Starling gave a fake smile.

Without warning the Queen pulled her regent down to her level by her shirt. Their faces mere inches. Her voice growled out, "I think that’s it… don’t you?"

"Definitely my Queen." Starling’s eyes were wide by her friend’s actions and not at all expecting them.

The Queen smiled very warmly now and pulled her regent in for a tight hug. "Thanks for defending me."

Miller sighed in relief. "No problem my Queen."

Janice pulled back. "Who thinks I am cute?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Just look for the Amazons who look like they want to pinch your cheeks."

The archeologist laughed. "Good idea." She sighed while saying, "I better go see if the tents are down."

"Yeah, I think Radclyffe, Constance, and Emily are doing it."

"Great." The small woman sighed and turned to her Soulmate whom stood with the cigar in her mouth.

"Do I look like you Janice?" Mel raised her eyebrow as smoke floated from her lips.

"Definitely… not." The archeologist wrapped an arm around her partner’s waist. She started walking.

The southerner removed the cigar from her lips and handed it down to her Soulmate. She encircled her partner’s shoulders. "Darn… I’ll never be like you." She found her lips with an evil grin

The archeologist grinned up to her Soulmate. "Don’t want to be hun." Janice took the cigar and began to smoke it again.

Starling crossed her arms against her chest and starred at the Soulmate’s backs. "Maybe… they are cute."

"Starling!" growled Janice loudly.

"Or maybe not." The regent quickly walked to the back of the truck.


Janice hugged her second in command tightly. "Take care Sylvi."

"You too Janice." Sylvia released her Queen and smiled sadly. "When will you be back?"

The archeologist’s eyes dropped to the forest floor.

"Soon Sylvia." Melinda smiled warmly. "We promise."

Janice glanced up to her partner.

Melinda looked down and her eyes spoke volumes to her partner.

The Queen turned her head to her second in command and weapons master. "Definitely soon."

Sylvia put her hands on her hips. "The last I heard, soon is quite related to saying the weather is seasonal."

Janice laughed. "Fine, we won’t come at all."

"Not that I don’t like seasonal weather my Queen."

The archeologist laughed and nodded. "Thought so." She walked over to the passenger’s side with her Soulmate. She hopped in and just remembered she was riding with her Soulmate, and Starling. She sighed inside and scouted over closer to her regent.

Melinda came in next and sat beside her partner.

Starling rolled down the driver’s window and gazed sternly at her second in command and Hellanes. "Make sure this place is in order when I get back." She turned the key and started the truck.

Sylvia shook her head. "Sure sure."

"I’m serious."

The second in command corked an eyebrow. "Yes Regent Starling." She batted her eyes. "I’ll have your bed made up and waiting just for you." She winked.

Starling laughed and gave an evil grin. "Make sure you warm the bed for me."

Hellanes groaned. "Great… just great."

Janice glimpsed to her weapons master. "Sorry Nes!"

"I can deal."

"That’s it, I’m sending you back to the states." Starling glared at her Queen and hit the truck in reverse.

The archeologist laughed and sat back in her seat.

The regent turned the truck around on the road and drove off.

The truck kicked up dust as it went down the road in the green forest.

Sylvia sighed and stepped closer to Hellanes. "I’ll miss them."

Ashley quickly stood up in the truck. "Bye Sylvia!" She waved with a warm smile.

"Bye Sprite!" The second in command waved back with her warm smile.

"See you soon Nes!" The copilot waved to the weapons master.

Hellanes smiled and waved back. "Take care Ash!"

Cliona now stood up too and started waving. "Bye Sylvia and Nes!"

The two remaining Amazons laughed together and waved while saying in unison, "Be good Cliona!"

The princess’s mouth dropped.

Emily stood up and waved. "See y’all later!"

Constance and the head council member stood now and started waving.

Sylvia felt her eyes sting. "I’m gonna cry Nes."

The weapons master sighed and wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulders. "Lean on me."

The second in command sniffed. "Got a tissue?" She kept waving.

"You can use my leathers."

"Thanks." Sylvia mocked glared and glanced back to her waving friends.

Janice turned to her Soulmate. "Give them a kiss for me Mel."

"No problem." Melinda poked her head out the window and smiled back to Sylvia and Hellanes. She kissed her hand and blew it at the two Amazons. "That’s from your Queen and me!"

Hellanes laughed. "Thanks Mel! Tell Janice we’ll miss her cuteness!"

The southerner winked. "I’ll definitely will tell her!" She waved with a warm smile. She ducked back into the truck.

"What you suppose to definitely tell me?"

The translator turned her head with a grin. "Nes said, tell Jaice we’ll miss her cuteness."

"Now, I know one of the cute thinkers." Janice narrowed her eyes. "Gotta get her back."

The tall female snickered and sat back into her seat.


Sylvia sighed. "That was fun huh Nes?"

"Yup." The weapons master patted her friend’s arm. "How you feel?"

"Very alone." The second in command gave a pout.

"Don’t you worry… Star will be back."

"Now that’s a good thought." Sylvia brightened up and felt her friend drop her arm. "You now, this family just keeps getting bigger."

"Sure does." Hellanes turned towards the hut. "Let’s see there’s… ten of us now." Her head bobbed up and down. "Not bad." She stopped walking and turned her head to the other Amazon. "Just think, in a year we’ll have nine hundred Amazons right here in this forest."

Sylvia’s eyes widen. "What? We’re not having nine hundred Amazons."

The weapons master furrowed her eyebrows and put one hand on her hip. "Sylvia where were you during the meeting? There’s going to be nine hundred Amazons right here."

"I know there’s going to be a lot… but nine hundred?" The second in command’s mouth dropped. "Holy… sugars!" She laughed. "That’s one big family."

"No kidding." Hellanes started walking again.

Clan Solari shook her head and laughed. "Hey, maybe Janice will let us have one of those wild Amazon parties. Your mother ever tell you about those?"

"Definitely." Clan Eponin evilly grinned. "Nothing but partying, drinking, music, dancing, and…"

"Sex." Sylvia laughed. "That’s my type of bash!" She laughed and walked with a bounce. "God, that would be grand if we could have a party like that next year."

The weapons master sighed and shook her head while opening the door. "Star doesn’t know what kind of trouble she has on her hands."

"What you saying Nes?" Sylvia came in next with a half-confused look.

"Star doesn’t know you are such a big… player."


Cliona brushed her hand through her hair in hopes to keep control of it in the wind. Her eyes settled on Radclyffe. "God…" Her voice came out in disgust. "I can’t believe I have to ride in the same truck with you…"

The head council member narrowed her eyes at the princess.

The pilot rolled her eyes. "Ride with…. Raddy." She sighed disgustedly.

Radclyffe raise an eyebrow and she leaned towards the princess. "You know what Cliona?"

The princess leaned towards Clan Masika. "What… Raddy?"

"Shove it up your-"

"Now ladies." Emily broke in with a bright smile. "Let’s act respectful around here… y’all only have to deal with each other for eight plus hours."

The head council member grinned and eyes came back to Cliona. "Thank god you’ll be in the cockpit flying so I don’t have to look at your ugly mug."

The pilot rolled her eyes. "Oh oh… I feel the pain Raddy." She laughed. "At least my mug doesn’t look like my ass."

Ashley hit her partner’s arm. "What’s wrong with you?"

Clan Amarice turned her head to her friend. "Raddy is just so annoying even more when you have to sit here and look at her."

"Lord." Radclyffe rolled her eyes. "I’d rather look at a pile of shit then you Cliona."

Constance sat there shaking her head with a smug look.

Cliona turned her head towards the oldest Amazon again. "Well at least I don’t smell like pile of shit like you Raddy."

"Would you two ladies please be quiet." The good doctor had flashing eyes and she gritted her teeth. "I really don’t want to hear you pair all duh way to the airport."

"Fine." Cliona closed her eyes. "Now I won’t have to look at Raddy."

"You know you want to look at me Cliona."

The princess gave a smug look with her eyes till closed. "You just want me looking at you Raddy."

The council member huffed. "Not your pig eyes."

Ashley cut in before anything else was said. "If one of you two doesn’t stop, I’ll shove one of you in the glove compartment."

Cliona opened her eyes and locked them with Radclyffe.

The head council member suddenly broke out laughed and falling into Constance.

The princess was also laughing hard and leaned against her copilot.

Ashley sighed and shook her head. "Ha, ha… you two are a bundle of laughs."

Constance patted her friend’s back. "Rad, you really can’t fool me."

Radclyffe sat up again with a smile. "Ah I know Constance." She brought hand arm behind her friend’s back. "This will be a long flight."

"Yup." Cliona sighed. "But you only have the best pilots."

The older Amazon nodded. "True." She smiled warmly to the princess.

Cliona smiled back warmly as she bobbed along in the truck.


"Don’t do anything I would do Star."

"Always the comedian my Queen." Starling pulled back from the hug. "Take care of yourself huh?"

"I will." Janice smiled warmly. "You have still have my number and address?

"Definitely." The regent smiled. "I’ll give you a buzz soon."


Starling turned to Mel. "Mel?" She took a deep breath. "Keep the Queen in line huh?"

"I’ll try Star."

Janice groaned as her Soulmate and regent hugged. "And she calls me the comedian."

Clan Ephiny sighed sadly and crossed her arms against her chest. "Well… I’ll miss you both. Thanks for everything."

"No problem Star." Janice smiled warmly.

Starling felt her eyes begin to sting. "Seriously, be careful Janice and Mel… you’re our Chosen… and well… you’re like my sisters." A few tears trickled down her cheeks and she brushed back her curly hair. "Take care of each other huh?"

"Oh god, come here." The archeologist pulled in her friend tightly and buried her head into Starling’s hair. She felt her own emotions come to the top and escape as tears. She pulled back with a weak smile. "You’ve always been a sister to me Starling." She kept her smile and glanced up to Mel.

The belle smiled to Starling and gave her another but longer hug. She quietly whispered into the regent’s ear, "Take care… my sister."

The regent pulled back with a loving smile. "Get on the plane you damn Soulmates."

Janice laughed and ambled over to the steps with her partner. She took a deep breath while her first foot went on the first step. "Mel… I’m not sure if I can leave."

"We’ll be back love. I promise."

"I know." The archeologist hung her head and climbed up the steps with her Soulmate.

Mel went into the plane and sat down while she let her lover close the door.

Ashley came up beside her Queen and unhooked the steps. "Ready my Queen?"

"No…" Janice turned her head to her third in command. "But we have to go."

The copilot sighed. "I know the feeling." She pushed the steps away from the DC-3 and waved to Starling. "Bye Star, miss you!"

Starling waved and crossed her left arm over her stomach. "Bye Ash! Take care of yourself and Cliona!"

"I will!" Ashley turned her head to her Queen. "You have the door?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Janice smiled and watched her third in command disappear to the cockpit.

The archeologist gazed down to Starling and locked eyes with her. "It’s our past lives Starling."

"It is Janice… it is." The regent heard the plane start with the props spinning and she took steps back till she came to the truck. "I’ll miss you Janice!"

"Miss you to Starling!" Janice yelled over the roar of the plane. She grasped the sides of the door and smiled confidently to her regent.

Starling gave a sad smile and waved.

The Queen winked to her and her lips spread into a rich smile and she closed the door shut. When she had the door shut and the latch down, Janice leaned her head against the door and sighed. "Oh god… where’s Mel?" She lifted herself from the door and walked into the main body of the plane to find her Soulmate.

Mel smiled up to her best friend. "Come here," she whispered. She was sitting lengthwise in the two seats

Janice crawled into her partner’s arms and settled there with a sigh.

Starling looked up at the DC-3 plane seeing it begin to wheel away along the runway. She looked up to the windows to see Emily Leukos. She waved up to the good doctor.

Emily waved back with a warm smile.

The regent watched the plane go down to the runway and sit there to pick up speed. Her hair blew back and Starling faced the plane while her hand rested against the truck. "Good luck to you my friends," she quietly whispered. "That’s a big family." She laughed to herself and saw the plane soar down the runway to pick up speed and lift up from the ground and rise up into the sky. She sighed sadly and hopped into the truck and started the engine.

~*Part 10*~

"Who’s going to cry with me?" Cliona sniffed low.

Radclyffe rolled her eyes. "You’ll live without me Cliona."

"Oh I know that." The princess laughed. "I’ll be having a party now that you’re gone Raddy."

"Good, I couldn’t stand you to begin with Cliony."

The pilot huffed and rolled her eyes.

Janice sighed. "Damn Amazons."

"Remember… you’re one too." Cliona smirked to her Queen.

"No, I’m the Chosen not just an Amazon." The archeologist winked. "Get it straight."

"My mistake." Cliona chuckled but sighed sadly. "Well…" She turned the head council member and priestess. "I guess this is the end of the line for you two. I hope you enjoyed the flight here to England."

"It was perfect Cliona." Constance smiled.

"Not bad pilots." Radclyffe grinned.

"Y’all will be able to get a ride back into London fine?"

Constance glanced over to Mel. "We hope so… otherwise we’re walking."

"Let’s hope not," Emily responded.

"Don’t worry, we have a friend that should be able to pick us up." The head council member shrugged her shoulders. "Or we’re walking as Constance said… it’ll be a nice walk."

The priestess sighed. "I can’t wait. You better hope your friend picks us up."

Clan Masika gave a serious expression. "She will… no worries." She turned back to the other Amazons. "Everybody… take care because it was a huge learning experience for me."

"That’s good." The Queen grinned. "Did we scare off Raddy?"

The head council member’s expression dropped. "Don’t speak about Raddy… she’s my evil side."

Janice laughed. "Trust me, I know what you mean." She sighed happily. "It was nice getting you to lighten up Rad."

"Wasn’t it?" The head council member chuckled. "I feel younger too."

"Scary isn’t it?" Constance glanced up warmly.

"Very." Radclyffe glanced back and suddenly heard the roar of a car coming onto the airport pad. "That must be our ride Constance."

"Thank god." O’ Henry shifted first to Janice. "Talk to you soon my Queen."

Now the Amazons made their rounds of hugging and saying good-bye.

Janice, Mel, Emily, Ashley, and Cliona stood in front of the DC-3 watching Constance and Radclyffe walking to the car with their bags.

"And the plane begins to empty." The third in command sighed.

Janice suddenly realized about the little thing with communication. "Wait!"

Constance and Radclyffe stopped in mid-stride and gazed back.

The Queen laughed. "Everybody has each other’s number and address?"

"Yes." Cliona grinned. "I am planning to call Raddy every week!"

"You better not Cliona!" Radclyffe pointed her finger at the princess. "I’ll hang up on you!" She walked over to the trunk of the car and put her bag in followed by priestess.

"I’m serious, everybody has numbers and addresses?" Janice laughed. "I don’t want use playing the game of word of mouth."

"We’ve got each others numbers." The priestess smiled. "Don’t worry my Queen."

The Queen shook her head. "I am. Somebody is bound to call me asking for somebody’s number." She grinned.

Radclyffe opened the car door. "You’re stressing yourself out Janice." She grinned. "Take care you five." Her eyes then shifted directly to Melinda. "Mel, next time… we’ll try getting a long."

The southerner nodded. "Next time Radclyffe, take care till then."

"Definitely." The head council member smiled. "My Queen, I’m sorry for my insults."

Janice shrugged her shoulders. "No hard feelings."

Radclyffe nodded and climbed into the car.

Constance smiled to her friends. "See you ladies in the future. That was great adventure and I’m ready for next year."

Cliona smirked. "Do some preachen for us Constance."

"Smartass!" Constance shook her head. "I will have to pray for you soul Cliona."

"Christ." The pilot rolled her eyes. "Take care Constance."

"You too princess." The priestess’s smile went directly to Janice. "It was great meeting the Chosen, take care my Queen."

"See you soon Constance." Janice nodded.

Constance nodded back. "Bye Mel, Ash, and Emily."

The three women called back as they saw Constance go into the car and closing the door behind. The group watched the car roll away with Constance and Radclyffe.

"I think I am going to really cry." Cliona shook her head. "This is getting depressing."

Janice sighed. "I hear you."

The pilot took a deep breath and gazed at her Queen. "So… New York or Columbia?" She turned her head sidelong to see them finish fueling the plane.

Janice took a deep breath. "Columbia here we go."

The princess chuckled. "Then let’s fly out of this crazed country."

The small group of Amazons all climbed onto the plane together.

~*Part 11*~

Janice peered out the window to see the airport coming closer. She looked up to her Soulmate. "We’re back in Columbia."

The southerner grinned and spoke with a light voice. "Welcome back home tuh Columbia South Carolina Doctor Covington."

The archeologist’s lips creased with a loving smile. "I was home all along Mel." She leaned up to kiss her Soulmate deeply.

Melinda melted into her Soulmate’s touch as the plane touched down.

The End

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive