~ Resident Evil: Phoenix ~
by Red Hope

Disclaimer & Notices

Copyright: Capcom owns the Resident Evil franchise, not me.

Notices: This story contains violence and sexual content. Additionally, this story will contain grammatical or other errors. If you're feverish over the errors, feel free to privately message me about what you find and help me improve.

Summary: Immediately after the events of Resident Evil: Afterlife, Alice and Claire are faced with an attack led by Umbrella's special agent Jill Valentine. After freeing Jill, Alice learns Angela Ashford's fate and is blamed for it by Jill. Alice is plagued by what happened to the young girl after the Raccoon City incident and vows to make it right again. But Alice fears her own inner demons until she finds faith from Claire Redfield.

Feedback: redhope@redhope.net

Homepage: http://www.redhope.net

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Started: August 1, 2011

Series: One Shot

Chapter 20

"Should we split up?" Claire lifted her eyes from the tablet's map to her partner's stern features. "Leon and I can secure the entrance to the subway while you and Jill get Angie out." She shifted on her bent legs. She was knelt down in the middle of the team, who was working out the last of the plans to get Angie out. They were as close as possible to the new sector and would have to leave the utility tunnels.

Alice stared hard at the map on the tablet. Like the others, she felt in luck once they discovered the entrance to the former subway neighbored the new sector that Umbrella had dug out. She finally shook her head at Claire's idea. "I don't like it." What she really didn't like was leaving Claire's life in Leon's hands. "We stick together."

Claire lifted her watch on her belt loop and reported, "It's just after five o'clock." They'd spent much of their time planting bombs in the utility tunnels. It'd taken time because the team had to cautiously move about and not trigger any alarms. But now, Claire felt the last hours pressing hard on them. She focused on Alice. "It'll probably take us an hour to clear the subway tunnel down to the airport... if we're lucky."

"We have two and half hours," Jill agreed with the team. "How long are the explosives set for?" She'd already been told once, but she wanted to confirm it.

"Thirty minutes," Alice softly replied. She folded her muscular arms and was glad to be out of the soldier's monkey suit. She continued studying their location relative to Angie's holding cell.

Claire had the tablet resting on her right knee while her left touched the cool, damp floor. She'd long ago switched from the scientist's lab coat to her red vest. She felt more comfortable with her guns now. "What's the plan then?" Claire peered up at her partner on her right.

"If we split up it will save time," Leon argued. He hoped for the team to split apart.

Jill shook her head and adjusted her headlamp so it didn't shine directly on the tablet. "I agree with Alice that it's not a good idea." She found Leon's disappointed glance. She focused on Alice, who was the leader of the team. She could only guess what was going through Alice's head.

Claire patiently waited for Alice even though she was on edge. They'd worked up a few scenarios for rescuing Angie, but they hadn't planned on Angie's remote location. Now they had to improvise and make it work.

"Jill, do you recall what kind of door was between you and Angie?"

"At the holding cell?" Jill checked. After Alice's nod, she jogged her memory and quietly answered, "It was metal... no windows and an electric lock, I think."

Alice gazed past Claire and met Jill's curious stare. "Do you think it was thick?"

Jill seriously considered it, and her brow furrowed after the details returned to her. "Yes, actually." She shook her head because she wasn't sure why Umbrella thought they needed such thick walls to lock up Angie Ashford. "I didn't see it open... but I'm betting it's at least a half an inch to an inch thick." She didn't expect Alice to grin at her.

"Perfect," Alice purred.

Claire narrowed her eyes at her partner. "What are you thinking?"

Alice climbed to her feet after squatting too long. She retrieved her favored revolver and stated, "I'm tired of this covert shit." She watched Leon and Jill stand up too.

Claire popped up and lowered the bright tablet to her side. "You can't be serious, Alice." She knew exactly what Alice had in mind.

Alice took a step away and shook her head. "We're close enough to the holding cell to make it safely."

Claire parted her lips but her blood partner was moving down the tunnel. "Shit," she hissed and shut off the tablet. She swung off her pack while she chased after her fast moving partner. She shoved the tablet away.

"You know how many soldiers are in this goddamn facility?" Jill hotly argued with Alice. Like the others, she was following after Alice.

"Yes," Alice answered. "And shortly they'll all be dead."

"How the Hell will we get from the holding cell to the subway?" Leon fought. "There will be soldiers swarming us once they see us."

Alice smirked, but she picked up the pace into a jog. She didn't want to waste anymore time, especially on overdone plans or longwinded conversations. "You leave that to me." She followed her mental map down the corridor that would take them close to the dugout underground loaded with holding cells.

Claire slowed down when Alice approached the stairwells that wrapped up to the main level. She studied the soft lights coming from the stairwell. She couldn't control the knot balling up in her lower stomach.

Alice faced the team, and she hastily explained, "Jill and Leon, I want you two to cover our backside. Use any hand grenades you have." She knew Jill had several of them. She caught Jill's low nod. "Claire and I will handle the front. Stay close as possible to each other. The less space between us the better I can protect us."

Claire took a deep breath and prepared to do it Alice's way. She prayed it wasn't their undoing, but she trusted Alice's call.

Alice touched her blood partner's tense shoulder and gently squeezed her. She held Claire's unease features and offered her a thin smile. She then reached behind and swung off the carbine that she'd taken off the Umbrella soldier. "Can you operate this?"

Claire accepted the M4 and flashed a grin after gathering her confidence. "Point and shoot, right?"

Alice smirked now. "Fast learner." She lifted her eyes after hearing Leon and Jill drawing their guns in preparation for their assault. "Lock and load."

Claire watched how the blue glow entered Alice's eyes as Alice turned towards the steps again. She adjusted her backwards ball cap then regripped the carbine with both hands. She blew out a nervous breath before bolting up the steps two by two behind Alice.

Alice only had her revolver in her left hand, for backup. She grew viciously excited with each step she ascended in the stairwell. She already imagined the chaos that would ensue once they entered the facility's lights. How she craved to tear through the soldiers that'd been guarding Angie Ashford for month after month.

Jill sprinted up the steps and covered the rear of the team. She'd already counted her eight hand grenades but planned to spare one for any emergency in the subway. Despite her uneasiness about Alice's crude plan, she had faith in the fact that Alice was Hell bent to get Angie out, like Jill.

At the top of the stairs, Alice was confronted by a well locked door, but it shuddered and collapsed after Alice's boot struck it with such power. Every wired instinct in her placed her on the edge, and the viruses screamed with war. Alice rushed into the hallway and knew to go to her right to the underground holding cells.

Claire followed in her blood partner's wake, which was electric and charged by Alice's powers. She felt her body enter a protected void that made all her skin goosebump, but it also made Claire calm and focused. She switched the carbine's safety off and immediately fired on the three stunned soldiers on her left.

Leon and Jill instantly entered the hall and took aim at the oncoming soldiers behind Alice and Claire. Jill quickly pressed Leon down the hall so they were close to Alice. Leon fired over her right shoulder and took out any that Jill missed. She gave out a laugh when the soldiers started crying out and barking orders. She even made out the soldiers radioing for backup.

Alice walked at a fast pace down the hall. Her stride was confident despite four soldiers were charging towards her. She raised her right hand, which started sparking.

The two soldiers in the lead dropped to their knees and raised their rifles. The two standing fired first and were stunned when the bullets ricocheted halfway down the hall. One standing soldier took a bullet to his shoulder and tumbled down. But his bullet wound wasn't as painful once high volts of electricity entered his body. He and his comrades wailed in pain until their brains were fried. He collapsed to the rugged floor and steam rolled off his body.

Alice marched forward and once she approached the fallen soldiers, she used her telekinesis to lift and throw the fried carcasses aside. She stepped through the opening and went past an intersection of another hallway. She noted that soldiers were coming from the intersecting hallway on both the right and left. But she decided to dedicate her attention to the next oncoming flood of soldiers.

Claire slipped around the dead soldiers and halted in the intersection. She turned on the balls of her feet and faced the right hallway. She calmly raised her M4 carbine, relieved the safety, and pulled the trigger. She rained bullets down on the handful of soldiers, who dropped like bowling pins. But behind her she fully ignored the other soldiers that'd taken aim at her back. None of their bullets made their mark and instead bounced off an invisible shield several feet away from Claire.

Alice darkly smiled at the large group of soldiers that were lining up where the finished hallway met the rough, stony mouth of the underground for holding cells. She heard the sergeant hollering for the soldiers to take aim.

Claire had wiped out all the soldiers in both intersection hallways. She released the trigger and noted all the bloodshed thanks to the carbine. She didn't think about it further and instead twisted her head to the right. She hastily counted the soldiers in Alice's path.

"Move!" Jill sharply ordered Leon. She instinctively ducked when a whistling bullet came at her head, but it deflected from her within a yard. She let out a breath and couldn't help but send a silent thank you for Alice's powers.

Leon hurried back and noticed that Claire was approaching Alice. He realized that they were close to the underground holding cell.

Jill glanced over her shoulder and was relieved because Angie's cell was straight ahead before the underground branched off to the left. But her attention returned forward to the hallway. She let out a sigh at all the soldiers charging after them. She decided it was time to really slow them down. She yanked out a long, black grenade from her utility belt.

"Shit," Leon hissed. He stumbled backwards then turned away after Jill tossed the pin-free grenade.

Alice briefly couldn't control her eyes rolling up after the grenade explosion tested her protective sphere that she had around the team. She had to protect Jill and Leon from the explosion while keeping her and Claire safe from the onslaught of bullets. But Claire's soft touch at her lower back caused her to sharply refocus on the soldiers in her way.

Claire pointed the carbine's barrel past Alice and started shooting at the soldiers. She waited for her partner to recover.

Alice let out a breath then created a psionic blast that rippled down the hallway and uprooted the floor or wrinkled the walls. He ears rang with the soldier's yells then their fresh blood drifted under her nose. She was pleased and continued forward. She knew she was so close to Angie's cell.

Claire lowered the rifle and took in the brief silence around them. She knew in seconds more soldiers would arrive, but they'd make it to the cell by then. She hastily followed her partner and weeded through the large group of fallen, helmeted soldiers.

Leon was approaching the pool of bloody soldiers. He faltered slightly and was glad he could only see a few faces. Most likely their helmets had been broken from Alice's blast.

Alice went another few steps but paused and turned her head sidelong.

Claire had just made it through the soldier mound. However, Alice's increased fear made her raise her carbine despite she didn't know what'd triggered Alice's worry. But then she heard the movement at her back.

Alice hollered at her blood partner. She was swept by a dreadful déjà-vu after she spotted a surviving soldier stand up behind Claire and aim at Claire's upper back. There was no way her shield could protect Claire now that the soldier was inadvertently in it too. Well honed skills naturally took over Alice, and she lined her revolver's sight on the soldier's head.

Claire shut her eyes after a shot echoed in her ears. She bowed her head in relief after the soldier's helmet burst then glass showered on the floor. Claire half turned and watched the blood ooze out of the soldier's forehead. Once he fell down, she let out a fearful breath and met her blood partner's worried stare.

Alice lowered her smoking revolver and peace briefly settled over her after protecting Claire.

Jill broke the lock between Alice and Claire by growling and shoving Leon forward. "Good job watching Claire's back."

Leon tripped one step but shot a dark glare at Jill. "Goddamn it, Jill. Alice was faster than me."

Jill was obviously pissed that Leon hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings and risked Claire's life. "Alice was doing your job is more like it."

Claire was surprised by Jill's venom in Leon's direction. She broke their argument by ordering, "Let's keep moving." She neared Alice and softly thanked her for saving her, again.

Alice fought to move forward despite her desire to check on Claire. She settled her fears then faced the underground. She picked out voices yelling back and forth. Alice increased the pace and struggled against the nervousness creeping up her spine at seeing Angie after so many years. She hoped that Angie was indeed alive like Jill believed so much.

Claire spotted a windowed, steel door on her right. She knew it wasn't Angie's door after Jill mentioned it had no window. But Claire's curiosity was high, and she quickly stole a glance through the window. She sucked in a breath and couldn't believe her eyes. She swore she was entering the afterlife.

Leon stole Claire's side and peered through the window. "Oh... my god." His eyes were filled by the beautiful greenery beyond the window. "Is that real?" he whispered.

Claire didn't hear him because she was so entranced by the beautiful green field. Then her jaw slackened when a cow meandered by with her head in the grass. It was so breathtaking to Claire, and she stole away to the past when she use to drive through the countryside where grazing cows were once common. But Jill's strong touch jarred her from her daydream.

"Keep moving," Jill echoed Claire's earlier order.

Claire let out the breath she'd held the entire time. She nodded once, stared another second, and looked at her waiting partner. Claire put one foot in front of the other as her aged memories faded into the past again.

Leon shook his head after the cow move beyond the viewing window. He followed Claire and Alice after raising his guns.

Alice had waited for the team and continued into the underground. She was surprised by the lack of resistance until she spotted the guarded door ahead of them.

"That's the cell," Jill called to Alice. She had checked with a glance despite she already knew their location. She continued protecting the team's back and was thankful for the brief reprieve, yet she knew more soldiers would be here any moment.

Alice counted only three soldiers guarding the door. What really caught her ear were the soldiers' VHF radio's blasting with people's alarmed voices. She imagined the guards couldn't handle all the yelling in their headsets any longer.

"Stop!" the middle soldier ordered the enemy team. "You are in violation of..." He lost his speech after he saw exactly who was drawing closer to him. "Ready your guns!" he ordered his comrades.

Alice smirked and instantly her telekinesis charged to life.

The three soldiers hollered after their rifles were torn from their hands and tossed down the hallway. They had little time to react. They were suddenly lifted off the floor and thrown through the left hallway like play toys. They groaned in unison and struggled to get up.

Alice halted a few feet in front of the door. She faced the fallen soldiers and used a psionic blast that sent the soldiers further down the hall that was filled with holding cells. She relaxed after they slumped against the stone floor.

Claire quickly went to the door and touched the keypad for the electric lock. "Shit," she muttered. But Alice had her step aside. She grinned when Alice placed her electrified hand against the keypad. After a few sparks, the electric bolt released and the keypad was left burnt and dark.

Jill took a step away from the team and surveyed the running soldiers. There were countless black, glossy heads streaming towards them. "Get that damn door open!" Behind her, she heard the steel hinges loudly protesting, and it excited Jill. "Move, move!" she snapped at everybody. "Go!" She dug out a hand grenade so that she could buy them time.

Alice had entered first and was surprised to find it so dark. She didn't have time to find any light switch and instead jerked Claire inside for safety.

Leon rushed in next and skidded to a stop once he realized there was no light in the cell. He shifted closer to Claire and hesitantly scanned the darkness, but he didn't see a damn thing. Then a foul scent slipped under his nose.

Jill tossed the grenade after pulling the pin. She jumped into the holding cell and was swallowed by pure darkness after Alice slammed the door shut in time. Her boots trembled against the ground after the explosion rocked the air around them.

"Hold the door for me," Alice demanded everybody. She had her left shoulder pressed against the door. She knew in a minute several soldiers would be fighting against the thick door.

The team hurried forward and pushed their bodies into the door so it couldn't be opened. They dug their boots into the gritty stone when pressure built up on the other side.

"Alice," Claire pleaded. But she couldn't get the rest of her words out.

Alice was hastily working and used the electricity from her hands to melt the steel door to the doorframe. Her electrified hands were moving down the gap between the door and frame. She increased the electrical current in hopes it'd melt then weld the metal faster. Her blue eyes reflected the intense white coming from her hand.

Claire and Jill were forced to turn their heads away. Claire closed her eyes after it became too bright for her. Then the heat caused a thin sheen of sweat to coat her body, but she held her ground against the door.

Just as quickly as the sparks were flying, they died out and left the team in utter darkness in the musky cell. Jill was the first to retrieve her headlamp from her pack's bungee. However, she didn't put it on and merely pushed the switch.

Alice shifted to Claire's side. She resolved the darkness problem by reigniting the sparks on her hands, which lit up the area around them. She glanced once at Claire, who seemed apprehensive about their new surroundings. Like the humans, she too smelled the stomach twisting stench in the air.

Claire clenched her jaw and softly whispered, "Is there anybody else here?"

Alice sifted through the various scents until she picked out one that was familiar yet twisted too. She clenched her jaw briefly then whispered, "Yes." She gathered her strength despite what she didn't want to face now. Her instincts told her to back away and leave the cell, but Alice went forward anyway.

Jill and Claire took either side of Alice and followed her deeper into the cell. They couldn't truly determine how big the cell was, but after a glance upwards they knew it was high. Leon trailed behind them and kept his gun at the ready. He faltered after a low growl resounded off the stone walls.

Claire couldn't get any closer to Alice due to the electricity. She noticed the awful smell was getting stronger, and she hoped she wouldn't be sick. She knew what undead smelled like. The carbine's grip became slippery thanks to her sweating palms.

Jill shook her head once and murmured, "This isn't right." Yet her humming blood told her that Angie was indeed here.

Alice didn't comment and pressed deeper into the cell. Her steps were slow and cautious while her light source stretched ahead of them.

Jill heard movement in front of them so she gathered her courage and called, "Angie?" She flexed her fingers on her Glock's grip. "Angie?" she tempted again. She shifted closer to Alice after she barely saw something scurry past the light followed by mental brushing over stone. Jill hastily lifted her headlamp and aimed the beam in that direction.

"Oh my god," Claire gasped and faltered in her next step.

Alice stopped too after Jill's beam locked on the slim figure just beyond their circle of light.

Jill went weak and dropped the headlamp. "No."

Alice decided to add more light by intensifying the electricity dancing on her hands. She stretched out her arms and watched the light creep out further until it slowly inched over the prisoner of the holding cell.

Claire went wide eye and covered her mouth after getting a glimpse of the prisoner. She shut her eyes and wished it was only a nightmare. But the stomach cutting stench reminded her how real it was.

Alice stared in horror at the disfigured, mutated female that once was Angie Ashford. Her mind went numb for a second until the creature turned her elongated, grey head to her. Alice stared at the six tentacles flaying about in the air from the creature's head.

Jill started shaking and whispered, "No... n-n-no... please." She sunk to her knees and fought against tears.

Claire painfully looked at the creature that once was Angie Ashford. She could barely make out if the creature had eyes on her lumpy head. Claire looked lower and noted the tattered, dirty clothes then the manacles and shackles that restricted the creature. She suspected the creature was chained to the floor somehow since the chain snaked off into the dark.

Alice felt her hearts pounding against her chest. She hadn't foreseen this despite she knew from Jill's memories that Angie had been badly experimented on. She didn't want to believe that it'd done anything to Angie. But the creature in front of her cut deep into her, and Alice felt the weight of her mistakes crush her shoulders. If only she'd gone after Angie and Jill years ago.

The creature continued snapping her tentacles around in the air. She seemed to be studying the humans in interest. She took a step closer, but the chain behind her wrenched sharply. She gave a piercing whine that was magnified by the prison's stone walls. She struggled further against the chain, but her efforts were worthless. She dropped her shackled wrists in failure. The creature's tentacles stretched out towards the humans then her strangled voice fought against her lips.

Alice was shaken by the creature's attempts to come to them. She took a hesitant step forward with her boot scraping over the stone.

"Alice," Claire murmured in worry. She gingerly touched her partner's elbow. She feared her partner's interest in the creature.

The creature whined again as if incited by Claire voicing a familiar name. She jerked on the chains again then her voice broke free. "Aaall... ice."

Jill clenched her jaw and stared in surprise at the creature. She made out Angie's voice under the abrasive tone. She climbed to her feet but left her headlamp on the ground.

Alice was drawn forward once Claire's hand slipped away. She didn't sense any threat from the creature and lowered her electrified hands to her side.

Claire curled her fingers into a fist and fought not to pull back Alice. She instead waited with the carbine ready, just in case.

Alice carefully entered the creature's reaching space. Instantly the tentacles caressed her face, but she wasn't disgusted and instead lifted her hands in welcome. Gradually the electricity started to recede from her hands as the creature lifted her hands.

Claire tensed as the darkness began crawling towards her and Jill. But the headlamp on the ground kept some at bay. She held her breath when the electricity faded from Alice's hand then the creature's chained hands slid into Alice's.

A sudden surge of energy rippled through the entire holding cell, and all the darkness vanished around them. Jill and Claire both shielded their eyes because the whiteness was so intense at first. Jill was the first to blink away the spots and look back at Alice and the creature. She stared in awe and took a step towards Alice.

Claire wiped her eyes once and finally could see clearly after the air calmed again. She focused on Alice, who was holding a perfectly human girl's smaller hands. There was no threat, Claire realized and swung the carbine onto her back then adjusted the strap as she approached the partner.

Alice smiled warmly at Angie Ashford's restored features. She held Angie's chained hands tighter and shut her eyes in pure relief.

Jill glanced at Claire, who was staring too. She first put her handgun away then headed towards Alice and Angie and sensed Claire was right behind her.

"Hello, Alice," Angie kindly greeted in her distinct British accent. She found green eyes on her. "It's good to see you again."

Alice freed her right hand and gently touched the teen's freckled cheek. "It's good..." She faltered against the choke in her voice. "To see you too," she managed. She then took the shackle's chain in her hands and whispered, "Let's get these off you." It was so simple to break the shackle's clamp then remove them from Angie's petite wrists.

Angie briefly rubbed her wrists then bowed her head when Alice knelt down. She smiled after Alice broke the manacle's clamps too and librated her from Umbrella.

Alice slowly stood back up, and she glanced at Claire on her left then Jill on her right. She noticed how Angie sadly smiled at Jill Valentine.

"Angie," Jill emotionally whispered. She didn't believe it was her young friend that'd become her only family after the outbreak.

Angie was free and able to jump into Jill, who instantly hugged her so happily.

Jill held the teen tightly and kissed her temple. She let her anger drain from her tired mind.

"I missed you so much," Angie whispered into Jill's ear.

Jill increased her hold on the beautiful girl and murmured, "I missed you too." She tangled her fingers in Angie's sandy blond hair. She wasn't sure she could release Angie after everything that'd happened to them.

Behind the reunited friends, Leon Kennedy watched in shock from his silent loction. He remained in the darkness and couldn't fathom what was wrong with the three women. They were locked in a prison with a mutated creature that was full of the virus and God knows what else. But when Jill Valentine furiously hugged the creature, he filled with dread and watched the creature's tentacles and arms wrap around Jill. He wondered if they'd lost their minds.

Leon swallowed hard and quietly inched forward towards Jill Valentine's forgotten headlamp. He'd already switch on his own, but he needed Jill's too. Occasionally his eyes flickered to the group, especially when they spoke, because the women talked perfect English but the creature spoke in a gravelly voice. He couldn't understand how they were communicating with the creature. It was as if they were all in a trance.

Jill struggled to let go of Angie, but she managed it after a long minute. She had a sad smile and watched Angie shift to Claire. She peered over at her friend, who was absorbing Angie's beautiful features.

"Hello, Claire Redfield," Angie greeted in her proper voice. She held out her hand too.

Claire's eyebrows slightly hiked up after the teen spoke her full name.

Alice too was surprised, but Claire beat her to the question.

"How do you know me?" Claire was shaking the teen's hand but curiously eyed her too.

Angie chuckled and shrugged after they released hands. "I know a lot about you." Yet she repeated the shrug and corrected, "Actually the future you."

"Angie," Alice softly cut in. "How do you know Claire?"

Angie grew serious and looked up at Alice, who had grown taller since Angie last saw her. "The name, Claire Redfield, is as famous as Project Alice. Just the face isn't as famous, yet." Angie had a thin frown and knew they still didn't understand her. "It's my fault though."

"What are you talking about?" Alice gently coaxed the teen.

Angie shifted her stare from Alice to Claire and softly explained, "Their experiments caused me to see the future." She peered up at Alice and added, "They know what will come." She swallowed hard and fought against her upset. "I tried not telling them what I saw." A frantic tone entered her voice as her eyes darted between the three women. "But they put something in my head... forced me to tell them."

Jill touched the distraught teen's shoulder and assured, "It's okay, honey." She and Alice could related to Umbrella's control. "It wasn't your fault."

But Angie was still upset and looked at Claire Redfield. "I'm so sorry."

Claire gave a tender smile, and her features were soft. "Jill is right. It wasn't your fault." So much sympathy bubbled up in Claire for Angie. She couldn't imagine what Angie went through after Umbrella reanimated her. But Claire couldn't hold down the desire to avenge Angie, Jill, and Alice for what Umbrella had done. Each day became more personal for Claire. No longer was it simply about surviving against the T-virus. Now she wanted to truly cleanse the Earth, of Umbrella.

Angie shifted a step closer to Claire and took Claire's hands into hers. "You are Umbrella's greatest fear." She laced their fingers together.

Claire peered down at their linked hands and a tingle started in her fingers. She quickly looked at the teen and asked, "What do you know about me?"

Now Angie smiled, brightly and caused her eyes to glow in admiration. "You and Alice will build a resistance... on an island. Pure humans will flee to you and pledge to you." She squeezed Claire's hands tighter. "Alice will lead an army."

Claire looked up at her blood partner after Angie's words. She read the wonder in Alice's eyes, but she focused on Angie again. "Will we defeat Umbrella?"

Angie bowed her head and admitted, "I do not know." She sadly looked at Claire again. "My visions come and go at random... I have no control over it."

Claire tried staying clear minded despite the warmth spreading up her arms. "Umbrella knows all this?"

"Yes," Angie replied. She sighed but promised, "You will be a great leader."

"Did they know we were coming?" Alice hastily checked. There was concern crossing her features.

Angie instantly shook her head. "Sometimes they do not ask the right questions."

Claire realized that Angie had played Umbrella's game and had some wins. She felt Angie's hands slip from hers. The warm burn absorbed into her body and left her slightly disjointed.

"Thank you for coming for me," Angie sincerely offered to her rescuers.

Jill combed her hair back, and she managed a shaky voice. "We're going to get you out of here."

Angie turned her sad smile onto Jill. "I can't-"

"Yes you can," Jill fought. She wouldn't accept that Angie was the creature she'd saw earlier.

Alice shut her eyes because reality started nipping at their heels again. She gritted her teeth and insisted, "We didn't come this far to leave you behind." Her green eyes glinted at Angie in warning.

"And where do I belong?" Angie murmured. She lifted her hands slightly and reminded, "This is an illusion."

Claire scanned about their surroundings, which was all white and peaceful. She knew that Angie's features were really a beast that was created by experiments. An idea occurred to her, and she insisted, "Maybe we can find a cure."

Angie shook her head at Claire. "No." She seemed to understand that the experiments rendered her permanently deformed. There was no cure or reversal for her condition.

"Then what will you do?" Jill fought. There was an edge to her tone that she didn't mean, but she was scared for Angie.

Angie Ashford took one step back then another. "I wish to see my father again."

Jill filled with horror once she saw the black pit that formed behind Angie. Every fiber in her told her that the pit was no illusion. "No!" She sprung forward and latched onto Angie's left arm. Her powerful word rang out loudly in the stone holding cell.

Alice had reacted with her telekinesis and used it to pull Angie away from the pit. Her eyes flared up with blue fire. But she discovered how difficult it was to get a grasp on Angie, and the teen's bare feet scraped across the ground.

Angie wasn't surprised by the reaction and calmly ordered, "Please let me go."

"Alice," Claire murmured. She gingerly touched her lover's hand and was relieved when Alice instantly released Angie.

Jill had also relinquished Angie, but she pleaded, "Don't do this." She was shaking her head. "There has to be a way."

Angie remained calm, but her eyes glistened when she spoke to Jill. "This is the way." Her lower lip trembled from her rise of emotions. "I will never be human again."

"Nor will I," Jill furiously argued.

Angie came closer to Jill and quietly granted, "Your blood is no longer pure." She touched Jill's cheek. "But all the rest of you is human."

Jill bowed her head and touched their foreheads. She weakly muttered, "Don't leave me alone, Angie."

Angie drew the older woman into her arms. "You're not alone." She didn't need to remind Jill about being reunited with friends like Claire, Chris, and Leon. She lifted her head but held onto Jill's hips. "I just wish to have peace now.... please, Jill."

Jill reached up and wiped the tears from Angie's eyes. She struggled with Angie's choice, and her own needs to keep Angie in her life. She shut her eyes once she realized she had to find her own way now. Jill looked at Angie again then slowly nodded.

Angie hugged her friend, tighter than last time. She whispered, "Forgive yourself... forgive Alice." She knew all the anger that troubled Jill Valentine so badly.

Jill's lower jaw trouble after Angie's whisper. She vaguely nodded her promise then kissed Angie's temple and whispered, "I love you."

Angie tightened her eyes, but the tears slipped through anyway. She fought not to be weak or scared, yet she become upset at leaving her friends. "I love you too." She clutched Jill more and rasped, "Thank you for coming for me."

Jill couldn't respond and only released Angie after their hug started weakening. She straightened up then used all her will to stay in place.

"I will see you again," Angie hoarsely promised. She continued backing up towards the pit.

Claire was staring and shook her head at how wrong this was to her. She held onto Alice's hand until Alice released her. She watched how quickly her blood partner covered the distance and made it to Angie before the stepped off the ledge.

"Angie," Alice started, "please..." She faltered when Angie's serious features met hers.

Angie was poised on the edge, but she remained there. "You know... you understand, Alice."

Alice's strength was draining from her after Angie's words. It was true that she understood what torment it was for Angie to remain alive as the distorted, mutated creature that Umbrella made her. There was nothing that Alice could do or say that changed the truth. And Alice was furious that she'd caused such pain to Angie.

"If I had not done what..." Alice's voice broke. Her eyes burned but not from her powers. A sharp pressure entered her chest and twisted her stomach.

"You were never to blame," Angie insisted. She grabbed Alice's hands and softly reminded, "Umbrella used you... just as they've used me and Jill." She increased her grip on Alice's hands. "How can you not see that?"

"Your blood is on my hands," Alice bitterly stated.

Angie grew sadder at Alice's self hatred and shook her head. She held Alice's reddened eyes and whispered, "I forgave you, Alice."

Angie's words crushed Alice's hearts and destroyed her strength. Alice fell to her knees in front of the only person to relieve her of her mistakes. She began crying after years of shame and loathing since the outbreak. When Angie's arms circled around her, she leaned into Angie's solid body and wept for what'd been taken from Angie.

Jill Valentine couldn't control the tears again once she heard Alice's raw whimpers. She walked away and went to Claire, who had her arms crossed and softly crying for Alice. Jill wrapped her arm across Claire's chest and brought left arm around Claire's lower back.

At first, Claire didn't return the hug but slowly her arms enfolded Jill's waist. She rested her forehead against Jill's shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut. Nothing warded off Alice's agony that flooded Claire.

Jill lifted her head from Claire's shoulder and Leon Kennedy several yards away caught her eye. She had forgotten about him. A furrow started forming on her brow as she watched how Leon moved like he was in the darkness. Jill realized he wasn't in the illusion like her, Claire, and Alice. But what captured Jill's fascination was that Leon had Jill's headlamp and struggled to open the battery door. What in God's name was he doing, Jill mused to herself.

Angie tangled her right hand into Alice's charcoal black strands while her left arm stayed secured across Alice's back. She leaned forward until her brow touched the top of Alice's head. Her increased sense of smell allowed her to dissect what'd been done to Alice's blood through the years.

Alice had hid her face into Angie's neck and held securely to her. Despite the illusion of a teenage girl, Alice's skin warmed around her face and neck after Angie's tentacles snaked around her. Alice didn't reject it and actually sensed her mind beginning to ease after so much guilt had drowned her. She gulped a breath of air that calmed her right heart then the left one. She lifted her head and studied Angie's eyes, which shined a brilliant luster of purple. Alice gingerly touched Angie's freckled cheek once she was certain that the G-virus was in Angie too.

Angie revealed a smile despite her damp cheeks. "You were chosen." She pressed her lips against Alice's forehead.

Alice shuddered under her friend's tender affection that left her free. She lifted her head after Angie withdrew. She hoarsely whispered, "I won't forget you."

"I know." Angie still had her smile. She straightened up and softly declared, "I always knew you would save me from Umbrella." She brushed her fingertips across Alice's defined cheek. "Thank you."

Alice swallowed against a thick lump in her throat. She hesitantly released her friend then had to grip the stony floor so she wouldn't stop Angie again.

Jill withdrew from Claire once she noticed how the darkness was reemerging all around them. She twisted around and took a step until Claire gripped her arm. She forced herself to watch Angie's final seconds. But the white illusion slipped away like a sheet being swept off by wind.

Angie's darkened into a grey then her tentacles started forming above her long head. Her left foot scraped over the ledge as she lifted her other leg. She shut her three eyes then spread her arms once she leaned towards the pit. Her last thoughts went out to Claire Redfield.

Thank you for protecting us, Claire.

Claire flinched and touched her temple after hearing Angie's thought. She understood what Angie meant and also felt Angie's emotions. Despite Claire knew that us meant Jill, Alice, Angie, and even others like Casey, she was left wondering just how many were us. Her brief consideration drift away after Alice's upset reclaimed her.

Alice felt the illusion brush across her senses then become swallowed by the pit. The prison's black death began winning again. She barred her teeth yet an aching moan escaped her as Angie's mutated body drift into the pit's mouth. At first Angie seemed to glide above the pit then began a peaceful descent to be with her father.

Jill was rasping and crying for Angie. She thought of different ways she could have changed Angie's mind. But reality was crueler and broke Jill's heart.

Alice lowered her head after Angie vanished in the black pit. Then built up sorrow for Angela Ashford clawed up Alice's stomach, past her chest, burned her throat, and exploded past her lips. Her furious cry shook the stones and chains on the ground then left an remorseful shudder in Claire and Jill.

Claire slipped past Jill and carefully followed her senses through the darkness. Her bond allowed her to see Alice without any light. She knelt down beside Alice, gingerly took her hand, and whispered, "You didn't fail Angie." Soft blue eyes glowed up at her now. "You saved her from Umbrella's torment." She squeezed Alice's hand after their fingers laced together. "She has peace finally."

Alice sighed in relief at the truth. Gradually the viruses returned her strength, but it was Claire that helped her stand again.

"Come on," Claire murmured. "We don't have much time left."

Alice rose to her full height and faced Claire while her freehand began to brighten from her powers. However, her source was abruptly outmatched by overhead florescent lights coming to life row by row. Alice narrowed her eyes, which dilated against the sharpness of the white lights.

Claire briefly glanced up, but she had to look away until her eyes quickly adjusted to the intensity. Now her ears picked out the renewed rumble at the holding cell's door. But it was a throatier boom than earlier. "We're out of time," she muttered in annoyance.

Jill had reached for her headlamp initially but remembered that Leon had it. The glaring lights caused her to cringe, but she spotted Leon, who was blinking several times because of the brightness. She started towards him until Leon pulled out a slim device from his utility belt. Jill was confused and watched him open the device's bottom, which caused two batteries to fall out. The dead batteries bounced on the stone floor twice then came to a rest beside Leon's boot tip.

"What..." Jill wasn't sure what he had, yet her gut told her it wasn't good. She quickly started for him until an explosion from the prison's entrance made her drop to her knee.

Alice grabbed her partner, who nearly tumbled down after the ground shook under her feet. Alice held her breath as the heavy door was launched for a few feet then slammed onto the floor. "Shit," she growled. She released Claire then dug the detonator from out of her utility belt.

Claire saw the tiny detonator in her lover's hand and felt the thin indecision in Alice. "Do it," she ordered.

Alice silenced her worries about their safety and instead flicked off the cover that protected the red button. Her thumb pressed it in and immediately the tiny screen above lit up with blue LEDs. For a second it remained at thirty minutes then counted down to twenty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds. She let out a strained breath then looked up as the holding cell was flooded by soldiers.

Leon Kennedy took a step away from the holding cell door. He shook his head a few times and barred his teeth. He hastily snapped the device's battery door into place and took note of a tiny lit red LED. Relief flooded him, and he held it tighter. Finally, he mused in triumph. He lifted the device towards his lips, pressed the single button on it, and softly ordered, "Program Kill Jill activated."


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