~ Resident Evil: Phoenix ~
by Red Hope

Disclaimer & Notices

Copyright: Capcom owns the Resident Evil franchise, not me.

Notices: This story contains violence and sexual content. Additionally, this story will contain grammatical or other errors. If you're feverish over the errors, feel free to privately message me about what you find and help me improve.

Summary: Immediately after the events of Resident Evil: Afterlife, Alice and Claire are faced with an attack led by Umbrella's special agent Jill Valentine. After freeing Jill, Alice learns Angela Ashford's fate and is blamed for it by Jill. Alice is plagued by what happened to the young girl after the Raccoon City incident and vows to make it right again. But Alice fears her own inner demons until she finds faith from Claire Redfield.

Feedback: redhope@redhope.net

Homepage: http://www.redhope.net

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Started: August 1, 2011

Series: One Shot

Chapter 25

K-Mart jumped back before the sai caught her, but she went on offense with the Roman style sword that been renewed with life. She moved fast and with new ferocity that wasn't in her before the events in Houston.

Casey had made that mistake once before, by not being ready for K-Mart's surge of attacks. She'd paid a price and still had the remnants of a scar on her left arm. But now she blocked K-Mart's attacks and stayed focused on the sparring. Today though the sparring was becoming too intense. Casey was concerned by K-Mart's unwavering determination to defeat her opponent and not stay aware of the simple fact that they were sparring.

A low cry escaped K-Mart just before she landed a solid kick to Casey's stomach. She moved with incredible speed and brought the blade down towards her fallen opponent.

Casey was a second faster and rolled away, which caused her duster to whip through the air. She popped onto her boots and reversed with her sais up. "K-Mart," she warned her friend. She cursed when the sword came right at her head, but her left sai snared the blade. "Let's stop," she snapped at the teen.

But K-Mart brought her sword around and continued her feverish attack on her opponent. Their clashing blades echoed across the Arcadia's deck like low thunder. K-Mart had insisted that Casey teach her to wield the sword properly. However, Casey was reconsidering her choice to make K-Mart her student.

Casey moved faster than the human and locked the blade between both her sais. She leaned in closer to K-Mart and for the first time saw the faint blue halo around K-Mart's eyes. That was certainly new and caught Casey off guard. Her falter earned her a harsh blow to the stomach from K-Mart's knee.

K-Mart dropped down and took Casey's feet out from under her. She straightened up but spun her sword until the blade tip pointed down. She stood over Casey and had a feral grin not normal to her.

Casey growled and abruptly her pupils dilated as she yelled, "Enough!" Her psionic blast sent K-Mart reeling a few yards before hitting the deck with a soft boom. She remained sitting up and watched the damn sword clatter far off to the left. Casey could sense K-Mart was shaken out of her high so she dropped her head against the deck.

K-Mart gasped for air then the burn in her eyes cooled. A low groan eased from her lips as she rolled onto her side. She gingerly touched her forehead.

Casey shifted into a knelt position, sheathed her sais against her boots, and finally got up. She carefully approached K-Mart, who was still catching her breath. She squatted beside the teen and worriedly asked, "Are you alright?"

K-Mart merely nodded then started getting up too.

Casey frowned but helped K-Mart stand again. She noted the blue halo was gone and that ugly feral look seemed like a hallucination.

"I'm sorry," K-Mart murmured. She moved a few strands out of her face that'd been caught by the breeze.

Casey gripped her friend's shoulder and gave a soft squeeze. "Come on." She guided K-Mart across the deck. "I think we could do with showers before dinner." She and K-Mart approached the sword, but she used her telekinesis to lift it up. She scooped it out of the air then handed it to K-Mart.

Hesitantly K-Mart took the blade then sheathed it at her side before she moved closer to Casey again. She couldn't look at her friend though.

Casey wanted to talk about it, but she wasn't sure how to approach it with K-Mart. She relented for now and instead brought her arm across K-Mart's shoulders. She was relieved when her friend moved in closer then K-Mart's arm wrapped around her waist. Once they were below deck, they retired to their shared quarters and each took a shower. Casey was done first and K-Mart insisted Casey go to dinner now. Casey only agreed because she could tell that K-Mart wanted the personal space.

In the dining hall, Alice and Claire were already sitting down to a meal with Chris. Claire had yet to feel caught up with her brother despite they'd returned to the Arcadia four days ago. Chris learned everything that'd happened to the team, and he tried hiding his distraught about Jill Valentine. Claire had easily picked up on it and spoke to him later about it when they had time alone. Jill was the only reason the Arcadia hadn't set sail for Hawaii yet.

Alice broke away from the conversation between the siblings after Casey sat down. From a single glance, she knew something was bothering Casey a great deal. She restrained from being blunt and quietly asked, "How was sparring?"

Casey peered up from her plate then shrugged. She was sitting across from Alice and next to Claire. "K-Mart learns quickly."

Claire had finished talking to Chris, especially after hearing about her sister. She noticed that K-Mart hadn't accompanied Casey to the dining hall, which was quite strange. "What's wrong?"

Alice huffed at the leader's blunt tactic that she'd refrained from earlier.

Casey met Claire's inquisitive features and softly sighed after Doctor Green's warnings echoed in her mind. "Elisa was right."

"Damn," Claire murmured. She leaned against the table once she pushed the empty plate forward. "What you've noticed?"

Casey wasn't sure she could eat now so she toyed with her food. "She's changing, Claire." She shook her head and thought about how the T-virus had affected her friend so far. "When we're practicing, she... she can't seem to control herself. We're not sparring anymore." She shook her head and stared down at the food. "We're fighting."

"It has to be the damn T-virus," Claire hypothesized.

Alice certainly agreed with her partner. "Have you noticed anything physical?" She and Claire hadn't picked up anything, but Casey was around K-Mart a lot more.

Casey nodded. "She had a blue ring around her eyes." She caught Claire hanging her head down for a moment. "That's all I've noticed so far."

"Let's hope that's it," Claire murmured.

"If there were going to be any dangerous side effects then they would have asserted themselves by now," Alice assured her partner. She considered K-Mart's situation along with her own and even Claire's circumstances. She tilted her head and suggested, "I think K-Mart needs to learn control."

"It is new to her," Claire agreed.

"Is that something you can teach her?" Chris asked Alice.

Alice seriously considered it then nodded.

"Let me talk to her first," Claire insisted. She appreciated her partner's concern and offer to help K-Mart.

Casey was relieved to have the support and hoped Claire could make headway. She picked up her fork after setting it down earlier. But she still couldn't eat just yet. "She's become so determined to learn how to fight."

"That's probably from what happened in Houston," Chris suggested.

Casey nodded in agreement, but her eyes cut over to the entrance when she sensed K-Mart coming through it a second later. She could tell from K-Mart's features that the shower had eased K-Mart's earlier mood. At least there were ways to calm the T-virus's symptoms.

"I'll talk to her after dinner," Claire softly promised the clone.

"Thank you," Casey sincerely replied. She was calmed by Claire's smile and was able to eat dinner finally.

K-Mart shortly joined the table and still had damp locks from the warm shower. She chatted with everybody but wasn't her normal, light hearted self. She expected to go back to her quarters with Casey, but instead Claire remained at the table with her last. Shortly she and Claire were traveling through the decks of the Arcadia and headed to K-Mart's quarters.

"Casey mentioned you're doing well with the training," Claire commented after she entered the quarters behind K-Mart. Lately she had noticed that K-Mart regularly wore the Civil War era sword, much like Alice carried her kukris. Tonight K-Mart indeed had the sheathed blade hooked on her left hip.

"She's a good teacher." K-Mart sat down on the foot of her bed. She now shared the quarters with Casey after Erica opted to trade with another roommate. It had worked out well enough because Casey wasn't comfortable with anybody else.

Claire sat down beside her sister and carefully studied K-Mart's faraway look. "She's also concerned about you."

K-Mart nodded then murmured, "I figured she'd say something." She stared at her boot tips but asked, "Did she tell you what happened today?"

"More or less." Claire didn't need the finer details to know the problem.

"I want to learn, Claire." K-Mart peered up at her sister. "I'm sick of being the hostage... the weak point."

Claire touched her friend's knee and squeezed gently. "Trust me, I understand how you feel." She kept her hand there while she continued to talk to K-Mart. "I watch how Alice fights and wonder why the Hell I can't do that." She and K-Mart traded sad smiles because they could relate. "I want to be Alice's equal."

"She sees you that way," K-Mart argued.

Claire canted her head and honestly informed, "And Casey sees you as her equal." She drew her hand away then folded her hands in her lap. "How are you and Casey doing?" Lately there'd been a subtle shift between the pair that Claire and Alice had noticed after they left Nevada.

K-Mart shook her head a few times then softly answered, "We're okay but..."

Claire patiently waited for her sister to finished her thoughts.

"It's just not the same anymore, Claire."

The leader worked her fingers through her hair then gave off a low sigh. She propped up her left leg on the footboard then rest her arm against her knee. "I think the T-virus has changed you a little."

"I know it has," K-Mart sadly admitted. She bit her bottom lip then revealed, "I have a hot temper now." She looked at Claire. "I was never like that before." She lowered her eyes and confessed, "I get frustrated quickly too and sometimes want to react violently."

Claire shut her eyes for a moment as she recalled similar troubles at the beginning after Alice's blood mixed with hers. She was still learning self-control and often Alice talked her out of irrational reactions. When they'd first returned to the Arcadia, Luther West had been all too cheery to see Alice, in Claire's opinion. It'd taken some convincing from Alice to keep Claire from punching Luther's lights out. She could be naturally jealous, but she rarely ever reacted violently until now.

"I know, K." Claire composed her next words carefully so she wouldn't insult her sister by accident. "Alice would like to help you with it, if you're interested."

K-Mart was surprised by this news and quickly looked at Claire. "How can she do that?"

"She's been living with the virus the longest... out of all of us." Claire could tell that K-Mart agreed with her. "She knows self-control and how to handle the T-virus."

K-Mart seriously considered it and actually felt both relief and hope at gaining control over the T-virus's effects on her. They were too automatic and often upset K-Mart once she realized what she did without knowing it at the time. But her long string of thoughts were cut off by Claire touching her knee again.

"You should try talking to Casey about it," Claire softly insisted. "She's been living with T-virus for awhile too."

K-Mart dipped her head and considered her current relationship with Casey. Lately things had been off between them. Before the bite, K-Mart and Casey had grown close rather quickly. K-Mart had kept a certain space between them because she sensed that Casey was interested in more than just friendship. K-Mart just hadn't been ready to go down that path. But now the T-virus was making itself apparent in small ways, which forced K-Mart to reconsider how she saw the world.

"What is it?" Claire squeezed her sister's thigh to get the lost glaze out of K-Mart's eyes.

"Casey is attracted to me." K-Mart met the leader's curious features. "Isn't she?"

Claire sighed and lowered her leg back down then patted the muscular thigh under her hand. "Yes." Briefly a recent memory with Alice surfaced, and she'd promised Alice that she'd talk to K-Mart about Casey's interests. "She's highly attracted to your blood."

K-Mart's features twisted, slightly as she considered her sister's words. She shook her head and muttered, "My blood isn't the same anymore."

Claire nearly argued it, but instead a sigh came out first. She couldn't deny that K-Mart's blood hadn't been altered by the T-virus. "No it's not." She shifted some and faced K-Mart better. "But Casey's attraction is still the same."

K-Mart shook her head but wasn't really sure what to say.

"Have you talked to her about it?" Claire canted her head. "At all?"

"No," K-Mart softly confessed. She grumbled and tried making herself talk about it to Claire, if anything. "I just.. after the changes started happening I haven't felt quite..."

"Ready," Claire finished.

K-Mart nodded then whispered, "I'm changing." She peered up at Claire. "What if she doesn't..."

Claire quickly pieced it all together and felt badly for her sister. "She's closest to you, K-Mart... not me, not Janus, and not even Alice." She pushed her finger into K-Mart's stomach. "It's you that she spends the most time with." She cupped her hands in her lap.

"But I can tell she's withdrawn," K-Mart argued.

"Maybe that's because you withdrew first," Claire explained. She shrugged and noted the realization in K-Mart's eyes. "She may be respecting your need for space." A slight frown came over her. "But I can tell you she's damned worried about you."

K-Mart bowed her head because Claire was definitely right. Normally Casey was upbeat and cracking jokes about anything available, but not in the past week. Each day Casey became quieter and more reserved, just like Alice. K-Mart now felt bad for being the cause of it. She shut her eyes and struggled with her worries.

"Talk to her, K," Claire softly insisted.

K-Mart took a deep breath and moved her head in agreement. A nervous sensation rippled through her stomach, but she would make herself talk to Casey, tonight.

Claire saw the uneasiness in her sister so she mentioned, "K, you have the easiest one to talk to... in my opinion." She indicated Casey's empty bed next to theirs. "That one is way easier to talk to than Janus or Alice." She dropped her hand onto the bed. "Casey is more open than Janus. And Alice... well..."

K-Mart had a small grin now as she waited for the leader to finish.

"Well, let's just say Alice requires some squeezing to get an emotional conversation out." Claire sighed at K-Mart's low chuckle.

"She's not perfect?" K-Mart teased.

Claire rolled her eyes and joked, "No... she can't get me pregnant."

K-Mart gaped at her sister and flushed once laughter broke out in the quarters.

Claire could barely stop laughing and thoroughly enjoyed K-Mart's shock. She cleared her throat then brushed loose strands behind her right ear. She wished she had her damn ball cap, but it was probably long burned up somewhere in Texas.

"Wooo," K-Mart murmured as the surprise wore off. "God." She hooked the back of her neck and asked, "Is that even possible?" She crinkled her brow and further ventured on the topic. "Can she even get pregnant? What would the baby be like?"

Claire shook her head several times and muttered, "Let's not go there."

K-Mart dropped her arm and second Claire's statement. "She'd be a badass mother though."

Claire laughed again and had to agree, completely. But she went serious after K-Mart seemed to want to ask something.

"What's it like?" K-Mart softly questioned. "The bond between you and Alice."

Claire took a deep breath and slowly released it as she seriously thought about it. There wasn't any easy way to explain it to K-Mart. "You ever hear about soul mates and how they have a deep connection to each other?" After her sister's nod, she grinned and simply revealed, "Multiply that by ten and that's what Alice and I share." That wasn't the most accurate way to do it, but Claire decided it was enough.

K-Mart was trying to grasp that idea.

"Like right now," Claire explained, "I know she's on the upper deck... with Casey." But K-Mart's doubtful glance made her grin. She held up a finger then unclipped the VHF radio on her right hip.

K-Mart laughed once she realized what the leader planned to do. She folded her arms and curiously waited to see how it played out.

Claire hailed her partner on the radio after she turned the volume up louder.

"This is Alice. Go ahead, Claire."

Claire cleared her throat some then hit the mic button. "Where are you located?" She felt her partner's confusion thanks to the seeming odd question.

"I'm above deck... near the bow," Alice radioed back.

Claire decided to take it a step further. "Anybody with you?" A sliver of annoyance filtered through their connection.

"Yes," Alice drew out. A second passed then she radioed, "You know I'm with Casey."

Claire remained charming and replied, "Thanks. Claire out." She didn't expect a response from her partner so she lowered the volume then rehooked the VHF to her belt.

"That was luck," K-Mart debated. But even to her ears there was doubt in her voice.

Claire shrugged and left it alone. They both knew that Claire and Alice shared something far deeper than what humans could accomplish.

"How did you... bond?" K-Mart queried after some silence. She didn't expect the flush on Claire's cheeks.

"Well..." Claire bit her bottom lip then finally answered, "You'll have to talk to Casey about it."

"Claire," K-Mart whined. "Come on. It's girl talk."

Claire shook her head and argued, "I don't bond and tell." She grinned at K-Mart's laugh. She became serious and did reveal, "I will say, we repeat the bonding some times."

"Do you have to?" K-Mart checked.

Claire shook her head then gave a grin. "We enjoy it. It's... the closest we can be to each other." She wasn't sure how to explain it correctly if K-Mart hadn't experienced it herself.

K-Mart nodded and realized a lot of it would remain a mystery to her unless she bonded with Casey. She was visibly relaxed after a nice talk with Claire. It was easy to forget how to laugh and be human.

"You really need to talk to her about it," Claire seriously insisted. "It could be different for you and her than it was for Alice and me." Then her brow furrowed slightly from an important consideration. "But, if you do decide to bond... it's permanent. You can't undo it."

K-Mart hadn't realized that part, and she sat rather still other than her low breaths. She nibbled on her lower lip then whispered, "How did you know you wanted to bond?"

Claire thought it was a good question and knew the answer was important to K-Mart. She carefully put together her response after several memories replayed in her mind. She met K-Mart's curious gaze and honestly confessed what'd led to her decision that night. "I wholly trust Alice."

K-Mart raised her eyebrows because she expected Claire to tell her it was about love. If it was about trust and not love then she wanted to understand it better. It must have been obvious because Claire started explaining it.

"I've cared for people. I've loved them. I've helped them." Claire hesitated as she tried thinking how to tell K-Mart what guided her to Alice. "But I've never trusted somebody so wholly as I do Alice." There were too many betrayals in her past that she didn't wish to count. She stared down at her lap for a moment. "I've had feelings for her for awhile, but without having that trust first I couldn't fall for her." Overtime, Claire had grown too guarded from people for love at first sight to work on her. True love was a delicate process for Claire Redfield, but she trusted that it was possible with Alice that night they bonded together. There wasn't any regret, and it was the best decision that Claire made in her life.

"But," Claire quietly mentioned, "My reason probably wouldn't be your reason." She caught K-Mart's faint nod. She smiled at K-Mart. "If you go that direction, you'll be far different than what that T-virus in you can ever manage." She grew distant but murmured, "All there is for me is Alice."

K-Mart realized it was a huge decision. She also suspected she could carry on a relationship with Casey and never go through the bonding if she so desired. But it was a topic that couldn't be approached right now. First, K-Mart had to try talking to Casey about their skittish friendship. All the rest would have to wait in line.

Claire patted her sister's leg then stood up. "I need to go." She checked that the Glock was still in her waistband. "Alice is waiting on me and Casey will be here in a second."

K-Mart slid off the bed but didn't comment on Claire's intuition about Casey's pending arrival. She followed Claire to the door. "Thank you."

Claire faced her sister and smiled at her. "You're welcome, K." She shifted closer to the teen and mentioned, "You can still come talk to me." There were times in the convoy that K-Mart went to Claire upset about certain things. Claire always helped K-Mart resolve the problems or simply listened if that was all K-Mart needed from her.

"I know." K-Mart felt guilty for not going to her sister. She then moved in for a warm hug.

Claire happily sighed and held her sister tightly. She kissed K-Mart's temple and murmured, "I love you, K."

"I love you too." K-Mart squeezed tighter then let go. "See you in the morning."

Claire winked then opened the door while she spoke. "Sleep well." She slipped out of the room, shut the door, and started down the hall. She smiled when she saw Casey coming towards her.

"Hey," Casey greeted. Her flowing duster stilled behind her. "How'd it go?"

"Good." Claire was satisfied that her sister would talk to Casey soon if not tonight. "I think she's just overwhelmed by the changes from the T-virus."

Casey sympathized and knew it'd been hard for K-Mart lately. "Thank you for talking to her."

Claire could tell that Alice's twin had been unsure what to do. She'd learned that Alice wasn't usually the one to open a sensitive conversation and most likely Casey was the same way. But Claire could tell that Casey probably handled them well once the ball was rolling.

"She does want to talk to you so..." Claire offered a smile.

"I know." Casey returned the smile. "I better..."

Claire's smile shifted into a grin. "Goodnight, Casey." She squeezed the clone's forearm as she brushed by.

Casey turned on her heels and watched the leader continue down to the stairwell's entrance. She couldn't help her own grin but mostly because she'd had a talk with Alice about Claire. She silently wished her twin sister good luck tonight and continued to her shared quarters.

Claire arrived above deck within minutes and easily sought out her partner after she passed a guard, who was doing a regular check. She tucked her arms behind her back as she approached her partner from behind.

Alice stood on the bow of the Arcadia and kept a careful eye on the stars. She sensed her partner joining her. "How'd it go?"

Claire chuckled at the exact same question that Casey asked only moments ago. She found inquisitive eyes on her so she seriously replied, "K-Mart is just shaken by the T-virus effects." She shifted closer to her partner. "I also think she's hesitant about Casey."

"Their relationship," Alice clarified. After Claire's nod, she returned to the ocean and stars around them. "I told Casey she needs to talk to K-Mart about it."

"I said the same thing to K-Mart." Claire folded her arms and wished she'd brought a jacket first. Tonight's breeze was cool despite summer was approaching them. "They'll talk about it."

Alice was confident of that too. "Did you talk to her about the blood bond?"

"Yes." Claire peered up at her partner's calm profile. "I explained a little bit about it." She shifted her gaze back to the ocean. "But Casey really needs to go over it with her." She considered something and turned to Alice. "Do you think it'll be any different than how you and I were?"

Alice finally looked at her partner. "Most likely... yes." She folded her arms and explained, "We were bonding through the G-virus."

"They would through the T-virus," Claire murmured. She blew out a low breath as she kept thinking about it. But her head would hurt if she kept going over all the different variations that Casey and K-Mart might face.

"Their bond will probably be different than ours," Alice mentioned.

Claire rubbed her brow. "I'm starting to think so too." She dropped her hand and tightened her arms after the chill caused goosebumps on her arms.

Alice looked at her partner and a grin curled over her lips. She shifted behind Claire then encircled Claire under her arms.

Claire was relieved because Alice was so much warmer than her. She closed her eyes after the warmth blanketed her and kept the chill away. She rested her head against Alice's shoulder and looked up at the stars. "Beautiful night." She admired the half moon in the western sky.

"It's incredible," Alice murmured near her partner's ear.

"At least the nightsky is left untouched." Claire loved nature and its beauty, but there wasn't much left of it thanks to Umbrella's virus. But the moon, stars, and comets were left untarnished and that still gave humans light in the darkness.

"Are you thinking about leaving soon?" Alice quietly checked.

Claire sighed and didn't want to face that decision. "She could still be alive."

Alice knew it was hard for Claire to make a choose when it came to Jill Valentine. They could have left the coast days ago, but Claire insisted on waiting for several days to see if Jill would show up. But each day that passed without Jill's arrival made hope fade away.

"I don't know," the leader finally admitted.

Alice nuzzled her partner's cheek and made the choice for Claire. "Wait longer," she murmured.

Claire shut her eyes and nodded at her partner's suggestion. They owed this much to Jill after everything. Gradually she gazed upon the stars and thought about Jill, her friend and former girlfriend from high school. She ruefully smiled at memories from a previous life.

"I can still go." Alice brought up her idea again after offering it when they flew from Nevada to the Arcadia.

"No," Claire murmured. She knew Alice was reiterating her offer to search for Jill. But that didn't settle well in Claire's stomach. "Even if she's alive, she may not want to rejoin us."

"We can't be sure of that."

Claire slightly turned her head and nuzzled her partner's warm neck. "Thank you." She heard Alice's heavy sigh at Claire's polite refusal, again. It surprised her that Alice was more than willing to track down Jill.

Alice finally relented and remained quiet. She enjoyed the peaceful evening after several days of chaos with Umbrella. She tried imagining what it'd be like in Hawaii, but it was out of her grasp.

"You really think Janus, Elisa, and Heather will be safe?"

Alice and Claire had discussed this before, but she knew it truly worried Claire. Once they were in Hawaii it would be incredibly hard for them to protect the Nevada facility. The fact that Wesker had arrived at the facility didn't bolster well either.

"Janus can handle it," Alice softly promised. A strong hand gripped Alice's forearm.

Claire nibbled on her lower lip for a second then murmured, "I want them moved as soon as we get settled in Hawaii." There was nothing to like about the team being trapped down in the Nevada facility. It made Claire's skin crawl all over. But Alice's arms tightened across her waist in silent assurance.

"We will," Alice swore. She lowered her head and leaned her temple against Claire's. "Can business wait until tomorrow?" She'd had enough talks today about future plans.

Claire smirked because lately Alice was referring to the battle against Umbrella as work. She poked Alice in the side and received a dramatic sigh. "Janus is your sister."

"Brooding sister," Alice joked.

Claire laughed and leaned her head to the side so she could see a bit of Alice's profile. "And like you don't?"

Alice pretended to be offended and argued, "I have you. How can I brood?"

Claire smirked, but it melted into a smile. "You do have a romantic bone after all." She expected a smirk or grin and not a nervous rise in Alice. But as quickly as it came in their bond, it was also gone. Claire couldn't help turning in her partner's arms and inquisitively studied Alice's stoic features.

"I don't do roses and chocolates, Claire." Alice drew her partner in closer.

Claire chuckled and slowly relaxed now that the humor was back. "That's alright." She encircled Alice's neck with her arms then rested her link hands behind Alice's neck. "I'm more of a bolts and washers kind of gal."

Alice couldn't control her laugh this time or hide the beautiful smile afterwards. She lowered her head until their foreheads met. Briefly their lips brushed, but they didn't encourage a kiss and instead shut their eyes together. A blue glow started behind Alice's eyelids.

Claire began feeling weightless, and the air cooled further around them. She didn't need to open her eyes to know they were rising up towards the nightsky. Instead her right hand moved up and tangled in Alice's midnight hair. Finally she claimed her partner's full lips for a slow kiss.

A soft moan escaped Alice once her tongue met Claire's, and she tasted what made Claire perfect. She struggled to withdrew from the kiss and gently bit Claire's bottom lip. A low whimper vibrated from deep in Claire's chest and made Alice grin. She lifted her head and revealed her bright blue eyes.

Claire trembled after several shocks sparked in her lower stomach. She took a deep breath then attempted distracting herself by gazing over her shoulder. She smiled at how much brighter the stars were now. After a minute, she couldn't help looking down and saw how far the Arcadia was below them. Yet once she peered up at her partner, she noted how serious Alice was all of a sudden.

"Why did you choose me?" Alice whispered. Her question seemed vague and yet Claire smiled at her in understanding. Maybe Alice already knew the answer, but it was still laid out before them.

"You came back for me," Claire murmured. She ran her thumb across the back of Alice's neck. "I don't remember much in Alaska." She tilted her head. "It was just a bad nightmare I couldn't wake up from... until you saved me from it."

"But I left you, Claire."

A half shrug came from Claire and weakened any hardness behind Alice's words. "I understood what you had to do." Claire sadly smiled on those memories from in Nevada. "But you came back... you came back," she softly repeated.

Alice swallowed hard then bowed her head closer. "After I destroyed the Umbrella headquarters, all I could think about was you." She trailed her lips across Claire's forehead and murmured, "It took me six months, and you were guiding me back." She lifted her head and saw the glossy emotions in Claire's eyes. "After we bonded, I started thinking about whether we feel this way because of our blood or has there always been something between us."

Claire slightly grinned and posed, "The chicken or egg question."

Alice mirrored her partner's grin then went serious again. "Sort of." She freed her hand and caressed her partner's cheek.

"Have you found your answer?" Claire already knew, but she waited for Alice to voice it.

Alice smiled now and murmured, "I have." She ran her thumb over cool lips that were silky. "Our bond is simply enhancing what's been there from the start."

Claire smiled, tenderly. She fully agreed with her partner and had found that same answer not long ago. She believed, with or without the bond, they would have become entangled with each other.

Alice traced her partner's cheek then leaned down for a tender kiss. Her lips moved across Claire's once their tongues began dancing together. She moaned after their tongues separated, and Alice slightly withdrew. She cupped her partner's cheek and smiled at the glow coming off Claire.

An affectionate smile crept along Claire's features, and she covered Alice's hand with her own. She was amazed by how their affections were mingling in their bond that they couldn't tell where they began or ended. She slightly turned her head and kissed Alice's palm before hooking her fingers through Alice's longer ones.

Alice caressed Claire's lips with hers then lifted her head some. She softly breathed, "I love you."

Instantly Claire's pulse quickened, and she squeezed Alice's hand slightly. She smiled, shyly and a soft blush colored her cheeks. "I love you too." There had never been any doubt for their feelings for each other. But it was the first time that Alice really voiced them to Claire. Somehow the undercurrent of apprehension from waiting for this moment made Claire let out a relieved breath then a small laugh.

Alice grinned, widely at Claire's rare timid manners. She didn't view Claire Redfield as a shy individual, but Alice suspected Claire was cautious with feelings, like Alice. There was some kind of relief after they shared what they'd been holding back for awhile.

Claire lowered their linked hands between them. She cleared her throat to break her anxious moment then carefully noted the moist beads forming along Alice's strained brow. It only took a second for her to realize what was causing it. "We should go back down." She squeezed Alice's hand.

Damn, Alice inwardly cursed after she felt rather see-through in front of Claire. But what was she to expect from her blood partner otherwise. She shook her head and argued, "I'm okay." A doubtful look from Claire made her sigh. "Honestly."

Claire ran her thumb across her partner's knuckles. She knew what kind of strain it was on Alice to keep them aloft in the sky about five hundred feet above the Arcadia.

"I want to show you something," Alice insisted. She drew her partner into her body.

Claire found it strange to take a step and walk on an invisible ground that didn't exist other than in Alice's mind. She was slowly turned around until Alice's front neatly molded to her back. Strong arms circled her upper chest and stomach. Claire wasn't sure what Alice had planned, but a gasp escaped her when they tilted forward until they were parallel with the ocean.

Alice needed strong focus with her telekinesis as she started flying them through the air above the Pacific Ocean. She hoped Claire stayed warm enough against her body as she increased their airspeed that approached fifty miles per hour. She knew how much Claire loved to fly.

Claire gave a low cry from surprise, but she laughed and grasped Alice's hand over her chest. She imagined her heart was pounding against Alice's palm. "Oh... my god!"

Alice grinned briefly but stayed focused on her task to safely maneuver them. She didn't want to stray too far from the Arcadia or shoreline in case her powers failed her. She performed a gentle bank at a thirty degree angle and slowed down to half the airspeed. Quickly they started descending closer to the calm ocean that glittered in the moonlight.

Claire gripped Alice's hand tightly in mild apprehension until they leveled out about a foot above the water. She detected her partner's suggestion and encouragement so she stretched out her right hand. Gently she and Alice inched lower to the water, and Claire's fingertips grazed over the water. The light spray caused the salty air to drift around Claire.

For several long seconds, Claire was in awe from the experience and only broke from her surreal moment when her damp fingers were pulled away from the ocean. She gripped Alice's upper arm once they started lifting into the air again.

Alice spotted the Arcadia's stern just ahead of them. She increased their airspeed because she could feel the strain growing by leaps and bounds than the normal subtle pull against her head. She clenched her teeth slightly but the bright blue weakened in her eyes.

Claire remained calm despite she detected her partner's telekinesis weakening. She hadn't entrusted her life in Alice's hand some time ago without first knowing how much Alice gave a damn about her. She had every bit of faith in her partner.

Alice lifted them another fifty feet just to be sure they'd make it over the stern's side. She estimated the ship's distance and started tilting their bodies back up so they could easily land on their feet. Suddenly the hundred feet to the Arcadia felt like a mile, but Alice forced her mind to fight the weariness. Just as their boots passed over the chains, her telekinesis released them, and they landed neatly on the metal deck behind the superstructure.

Claire let out a breath, but she stiffened after Alice's right hand slammed into the metal wall of the superstructure. She quickly turned and supported Alice's weight before they both collapsed to the deck.

Alice held onto Claire's hip while her right hand remained pressed against the cold steel. She was breathing hard, and the blue faded away from her eyes.

"You over did it," Claire brought up.

Alice weakly grinned because there was a twinge of lecture in her partner's voice. "But it was worth it," she huskily argued. She welcomed the cool air against her damp brow.

Claire shook her head but seriously whispered, "Thank you." She smiled briefly before she let out an excited breath. "That was pretty amazing."

Alice's grin grew in strength. "It was, wasn't it?" She and Claire both learned how to fly aircrafts in their past, but not being surrounded by metal or wings was freeing and beautiful.

Claire chuckled at how they felt like kids. She was relieved when the tension subsided greatly from her partner's features.

Alice straightened up and took Claire's hand into hers. After a last deep breath, she started around the superstructure.

"You think if you keep practicing then you can fly for longer periods?" Claire posed.

"It's possible," Alice replied. She wondered to if she'd be able to increase her airspeed too. She was still cautious when she flew because she'd only done it a few times so far. But once they made it to Hawaii then she could practice more openly. Right now on the Arcadia with a ship full of cautious survivors wasn't the best spot.

Claire guided them around the superstructure until they were on the main deck. They went directly to the steel door that'd take them below so they could go to their quarters. Claire was worn out from a long day that included a few meetings about the future. There were so many ideas floating around, and Claire had a lot to consider. Thankfully Alice was at her side and offered invaluable advice on every topic.

Alice was glad to be in their quarters after spending most of the day with others. She and Claire quickly prepared for bed, and Alice expected to find sleep within minutes. But much to her surprise, Claire sought her out for a suggestive kiss that led them to their bond. Alice wouldn't deny her lover and soon they were skin against skin for a few hours until Claire was completely spent.

By the next morning, Claire was stretching against her lover's muscular form. A warm hand caressed her flat stomach and made Claire smile. She twisted her head around and kissed her partner's cheek.

Alice murmured something sweet into her partner's ear and earned a low chuckle. Alice devilishly grinned and nipped at Claire's shoulder. But Alice lowered her left hand slightly lower, closer to Claire's hip bone.

Claire cursed once she figured out her partner's plan. She latched onto Alice's wrist and halted her attempt. "Don't you dare," she warned.

Alice smirked and tightened her right arm across her lover's breasts. "What you talking about, Claire?"

"I got your number," the leader replied. "Don't even think about it."

Alice grazed her devilish grin over her lover's soft skin. But she was able to inch her arm slightly forward through Claire's grasp. She hastily danced her fingertips over sensitive skin.

"Alice!" Claire growled. She jerked forward and went nowhere thanks to Alice's locked arm. "I'm seriously gonna make you... walk the plank or something." She groaned after Alice's husky laugh near her ear.

"You'd go crazy without me," Alice taunted. Her fingers near Claire's hip danced in the air, but she didn't touch.

Claire huffed and muttered, "Don't inflate your ego too much."

Alice gently bit her lover's shoulder and earned a low hiss. She then ran her tongue over the same spot before saying, "I don't have to." She lightly touched her lover's hip bone.

Claire stiffened, significantly against Alice's larger body. "I'm gonna scream." She rolled her eyes after Alice chuckled at her weak threat.

"They'll just think we're having sex again."

Claire couldn't argue that point and slumped her shoulders. What other damn cards did she have to play on Alice? But everything was cut off by Alice tickling her most sensitive spot. "Alice!" she yelled, and her hips jumped away from Alice.

But Alice easily remedied Claire's near escape by wrapping her long leg over Claire's lower body. She drew Claire back against her body then locked Claire into place with her much stronger leg.

"I don't think so," Alice's voice rumbled in Claire's ear. Then the assault started again, and Claire screamed a bit louder. She fought against her captor, but she couldn't do anything about it or the fit of laughter.

"Alice... Alice," Claire begged between the laughter and gasps. "Please... Alice." She gritted her teeth for a few seconds, which forced tears from her eyes. She cussed several times and started laughing again. "Please!" she pleaded loudly.

Alice abruptly relented because she could sense her partner's limit coming close. She let out her own breath once Claire was freed from her.

Claire gasped for air but grabbed the pillow and smacked Alice in the chest with it. "Jerk," she hissed but with a playful grin in place. She slammed the pillow back on the bed and rolled onto her stomach. She was hot all over and heart rate up.

Alice had a nice smirk after getting her partner. She'd only learned the super sensitive spot after thoroughly exploring Claire's body their first night together. After a minute, Alice pushed the messy bedsheets away and was greeted by her lover's nude body.

Claire turned her head towards Alice and glowered at her for good measure. She muttered, "Ruin my morning first thing."

Alice didn't feel guilty a single bit. She instead inched over then climbed over top of her partner's back. Her hands pressed into the bed on either side of Claire's shoulders so that her weight was safely off Claire. She lowered her head until her lips brushed Claire's ear.

"Let's see if I can make up for it," Alice huskily purred.

Claire shut her eyes and muttered, "I doubt it." But it was hard to ignore her lover's sensual body over top of hers.

Alice loved a challenge when she had one. She brushed her lips over the crest of her lover's ear. "We'll see." She nipped the soft ear and enjoyed the low moan. She shifted her weight all onto her left hand and was able to ran her other hand along Claire's curvy figure. "You're so beautiful."

Claire bit down a groan and realized that Alice had already made up for the tickling with those three words. However, she wasn't about to let on and wanted her lover to work for it. She grinned into the pillow.

Nearly two hours later, Claire and Alice emerged from the quarters and decided on breakfast despite lunch wasn't that far off. It'd been the first day in awhile they'd had a late morning to themselves. What pleased Claire was catching Casey and K-Mart in the galley and eating with them. Claire immediately sensed the positive changes between the pair, and it relieved her. From her bond, she could tell that Alice was pleased too. Most likely K-Mart and Casey had talked last night and worked out several issues. Their friendship was developing a strong foundation for a relationship later, if K-Mart became settled with it. But a quick glance at K-Mart told Claire that K-Mart was definitely interested in Casey. Claire remembered giving similar looks to Alice at the beginning. It was just a matter of time.

Claire had called a meeting, which included Chris, Alice, Luther, Casey, and K-Mart. Recently Claire had given K-Mart more responsibility after Alice's suggestion during the mission. At first it seemed a little hard, but Alice was right that they could trust K-Mart, fully. But what'd started out as a perfect morning soon unraveled into a frustrating afternoon due to the long meeting in the wheelhouse. Claire was especially getting moody with Luther West, again.

"Can we really accomplish that?" Luther debated. He looked around at the group and saw that only Chris was concerned, like him.

Claire had been straining to get a few things through Luther's head, with little luck. But this time he did have a point, and she sighed. She finally relented, some. "We'll just have to take it a day at a time... to start."

Luther folded his arms, which caused his muscles to stand out. He nodded, more in relief than anything. He freed his right hand for a second and mentioned, "I think the council idea is good."

Claire held down from rolling her eyes because she prayed that Luther didn't want to be on the council. However, with her damn luck he'd be the first on the list.

"But what happens if the survivors change their mind about you?" Luther tempted. He was treading dangerous ground.

"Some of these survivors have been following Claire since the start of the outbreak," K-Mart spoke up from her quiet spot. She was seated next to Casey on a stool. She shifted her boot onto the stool's step, which caused her sword's sheath to stand out more. "Myself included."

"I know," Luther agreed. "But the concern isn't Claire's leadership abilities." He looked from K-Mart to Claire, who was blatantly close to Alice. "I've talked to a lot of survivors while you were gone on the mission." He leaned his hip against the surface touch-screen table. "Some are concerned about your relationship with Alice... and how it affects your leadership."

Claire bowed her head and struggled not to blow up. She remembered Alice's lesson on containing the G-virus's dangerous effects on her emotions.

"Are you kidding me?" K-Mart snapped.

"K," Claire warned her sister. She raised an eyebrow in silent reminder about the virus's influence on K-Mart's mind.

K-Mart turned her head away after she realized her own mistake. She let out a breath then Casey's gentle touch on her thigh made her cool off faster. She use to think counting to ten was a useless idea, but now she utilized it now until Alice could help her later.

Claire cleared her throat then looked at her brother. "Have you heard the same thing?"

Chris pursed his lips and hesitated but finally nodded. He carefully explained, "I think the survivors are just concerned about how Alice will impact your leadership." He seriously mulled it over then added, "They don't totally understand what's happened to Alice, and I think they're trying to grasp how that'll influence you."

K-Mart looked at the leader and reminded, "It's just like how the convoy reacted to Alice's powers."

"I remember," Claire murmured. She'd forced herself to keep a distance from Alice at that time just so the convoy didn't think she'd gotten too attached to the lone warrior. But now she didn't give a damn, almost.

"It's going to take time, Claire," Chris insisted. He carefully considered their future and suggested, "Once we get to Hawaii, everybody will be so concerned about settling down and starting a new life."

Luther fully agreed then reminded, "Nobody really likes change... and you're changing, Claire."

There weren't any arguments on Claire's part. She gave a heavy sigh and peered up at her partner for help. Alice grasped her shoulder and held tightly.

"We need to give them time to adjust," Alice softly advised her partner.

Claire couldn't blame the survivor's worries. She relaxed after Alice massaged her tense muscle. She straightened up once Alice's hand slipped away. "Luther, do you think you can get a list started on potential council members?"

"Of course," Luther agreed. He didn't rekindle the earlier topic.

"K-Mart, how are your mechanical skills still?" Claire grinned at her sister.

K-Mart exhaled then replied, "Not as good as yours but..." She shrugged at what she felt was mediocre work.

Claire was more confident in her sister's skills. She'd seen K-Mart fix a few trucks in the convoy when Claire didn't have the time for it. "I think I want you in charge of rounding up and repairing any equipment on the islands."

K-Mart's eyes widened and checked, "By myself?"

"No, we'll get a team together," Claire promised. She slightly leaned forward and had a better view of Casey. "You think you can help Alice with the clean up?"

Casey nodded and replied, "It'll go faster if we do it together." Plus she could protect Alice's back if there were any undead on the islands.

Claire was pleased and shifted her weight to her right. She nearly spoke except the VHF radio in the wheelhouse cut her off.

"Claire, Claire this is Jonathan."

The leader had her VHF radio hooked on her belt at her back. She reached around, yanked it free, and hit the mic button. "This is Claire."

"There is... something you need to see," the skipper radioed back.

Claire was concerned and quickly replied, "Where are you?"

"On the starboard deck," Jonathan reported. "You may want to hurry."

"On my way," the leader sharply answered. She was headed to the door with Alice on her heels.

Alice grabbed the door first and held it for Claire. "After you, my queen." She traded a slight grin with Claire before she hurried out. She sensed the rest of the group in their wake.

Claire was at a fast walk, but she couldn't help breaking into a run. Some part of her filled with dread that something was terribly wrong. Alice took pace beside her. When they approached a door, Alice used her telekinesis to open it for them.

Within a minute, Claire was bursting outside into the mid afternoon sunlight and immediately spotted the crowd of survivors drawn to the starboard side of the ship. "Damn," she muttered in worry. She and Alice rushed across the deck and easily found the skipper.

Jonathan reassuringly touched the leader's forearm after her demand for what was happening. He pointed off the ship towards the shoreline of San Diego. "Look there..." He indicated further north of the destroyed pier that Alice, Claire, and Jill had used to escape from the infested city.

"Oh my god," Claire breathed. She couldn't count all the undead that were trudging north on the beach that ran along the shore. "What the..."

Jonathan handed over his binoculars to the leader.

Claire hastily focused them on what had the undead's attention. But it was Alice who determined what'd attracted all the undead.

"It's Jill." Alice was able to clearly see the tall blond jogging down the shoreline only a snail's pace ahead of the snarling undead.

"I believe she's trying to get our attention," the skipper presumed.

"She's got it," Alice murmured.

Claire lowered the binoculars and sensed her brother's presence.

Casey arrived at Alice's side and held the post near her. She grinned at Jill Valentine's return.

Alice gazed down at her partner and lifted an eyebrow. "I can get her," she suggested.

Claire grasped her partner's wrist and halted any attempt. She didn't want Alice flying to shore to get Jill. With the audience they had it was just too much for the survivors. "We'll get in the boat. It'll be faster than starting up an Osprey."

"It's tied up on the port side," Jonathan informed. He started pushing through people and led Claire across the deck.

"Alice, Casey you're going with me," Claire ordered them. She hastened to the ladder then stepped over the chain rail. She descended to the runabout and hopped into the bouncy boat.

"After you, sister." Casey held out her hand properly.

Alice rolled her eyes but quickly joined Claire. She sensed Casey right above her on the ladder.

Casey jumped off the third to last rung then gazed up at the skipper.

"Catch," Jonathan hollered. He tossed the coiled line down to Casey.

Casey easily snared the boat's painter before it went into the water. Behind her, she heard the engine roar to life then everything started moving under her feet. She grabbed the handrail and dropped the rope on the bow for later.

Alice stood beside Claire at the center console.

Claire maneuvered the boat around the stern of the Arcadia then she slammed the throttle full. She had the boat up on plane within seconds and the wind whipped by them. As they approached the shore, Claire had a better idea on how many undead were interested in Jill Valentine.

"How many you think there are?" the leader asked Alice.

Alice shrugged and replied, "A few more than a few." She grinned when Claire shot her a glare.

"More than you can handle?" Claire teased. She reached up and yanked a several red strands from her face.

Alice acted offended until Claire chuckled at her. She looked over the bow and noted they'd be there in a minute. She touched her partner's bare arm and loudly explained, "Just pull up to the beach. Casey and I will take care of the undead." After Claire's nod, she carefully approached Casey's side.

Casey ran her fingers through her wild hair then gave a half smile to her sister. She didn't need to ask what the plan was because she figured it out as the boat lurched after the engine's noise lowered. Off to her right she enjoyed Jill Valentine's dramatic eye-catching call for attention that was better than using flares.

Alice stepped up onto the bow as her eyes flared blue. Energy wildly danced around her and made the air tense.

Claire cut off the engine once close enough so that it wouldn't suck in any sand. She steered the boat straight ahead until it ran up onto the beach from a wave's push. She was thankful it was a calm day or else they'd wouldn't get off the beach later.

Casey scooped up the boat's painter then jumped off the bow with perfect accuracy. She neatly landed in the sand and hauled the boat ashore closer. But a loud explosion jerked her head to the left.

A wave of heavy groans boomed and undead were strewn across the beach. That gave Jill Valentine the chance to get much further ahead of the undead masses. She was relieved to see her ride and increased her speed. She slowed once she came upon Casey Abernathy.

"Need a ride?" Casey inquired with good nature.

"I would love one." Jill grinned after Casey nodded at the bow. She stepped up to the bow, which was high up, but she climbed up once a hand was offered to her. She came face to face with Alice, and Jill traded a thin smile with Alice.

Alice instantly sensed the changes in Jill Valentine, and that was a relief to Alice. The darkness in Jill's eyes had vanished and left a calmer air around her.

"Nice to see you, Jill." Claire was casually leaning against the center console with her arms folded.

Jill shifted closer to her friend after adjusting the worn pack that hung from her shoulders. "I was afraid I missed the slow boat to Hawaii." She flinched though because another eruption went off that was a combination of undead and sand.

"We were waiting for you," the leader admitted. She was behind the steering wheel once she felt Casey pushing them off the beach. She hastily twisted the ignition key, which restarted the engine. She jerked the shifter into reverse before the next wave pushed them back to shore.

Casey was pulled onboard with Alice's help and set the rope back down. She and Alice joined the other two near the center console. Casey wiped her hands clean of some sand then mentioned, "You made it after all." She glanced at the beach where very upset undead were hungrily protesting about their meat leaving them.

Jill slightly bent her knees after waves bounced the boat. She held onto the center console for support. "I took care of a few loose ends."

"Alfred Ashford?" Alice had to speak louder after Claire put the engine into forward gear. She shoved her midnight hair out of the way as the boat swung around.

"Dead," Jill coolly answered.

"Couldn't happen to a better man," Casey remarked.

Jill pulled blond locks out of her eyes then explained, "Problem is that his twin sister won't be too happy."

Claire slightly cringed and guessed, "They were close."

"Extremely," Jill insisted.

Claire shook her head a few times. She knew that Alexia Ashford was the head researcher for Umbrella and seemed rather dedicated to it. That didn't settle well in Claire's stomach.

"Do you know where they fled to after the facility blew up?"

Jill focused on Alice and replied, "Miami." She glanced at Claire, who was intently listening too. "I don't think we'll have any problems with them on the west coast anymore."

"It's a far reach," Casey agreed.

Jill nodded but then her curiosity peeked. "How the Hell did you two make it out?" She looked between Alice and Claire. "You forgot your damn parachutes."

Claire gave a low grunt but raised an eyebrow at her partner.

Alice shrugged and smartly commented, "Claire bounces like a ball."

"Hey!" Claire snapped at her partner.

But Jill was laughing and enjoyed the mental picture.

"You prefer when we fight?" Alice checked with the leader.

"I think I do," Claire remarked. She relented with a small grin. But she shifted her attention to the Arcadia, which had grown quite large again. She steered around the stern and approached the ladder.

Casey went to the bow, collected the line, and coiled it tightly then dropped her head back. She gauged the distance to Jonathan, who was patiently waiting for them. Just as she tossed the rope, her eyes dilated sharply, and the rope continued flying higher than possible.

The skipper grabbed it once it came into range. He cleated the line tightly and went to the ladder after pushing through a few people.

"Go first, Claire," Alice softly instructed. She wanted to be sure her partner made it safely before she went up.

Jill followed second and behind her was Casey. Alice was the last up after she made sure everything was secure on the boat. Once on the Arcadia's deck, they were surrounded by excitement from the welcome party.

Jill exchanged a warm greeting with K-Mart and Luther West. What she didn't expect was a hug from Chris Redfield. She softened into his arms and returned his hug that warmed her. She was glad she came back to the Arcadia.

Chris withdrew with a huge smile in place. He usually stayed fairly impassive, but he was quite happy to see Jill again. "You made it," he softly stated. He still held his friend's shoulders tightly.

"Ye of little faith," Jill teased.

Chris squeezed Jill's shoulders and grinned. "I had faith." He finally released her after Claire came over.

Jill smiled at her friend and sincerely offered, "Thank you for waiting." She then held up her hand after Claire was about to say something. "I brought a thank you gift actually." She swung off her pack after she freed her right shoulder.

Claire had a deep furrow in her brow and curiously waited to see what Jill had for her. She hoped it wasn't Alfred Ashford's damn head. She inwardly trembled just at the idea.

Alice felt a smile draw across her lips once she saw the dirty white hat emerging from the black pack.

Claire stared in shock at her ball cap. "Jill..." She was speechless that her friend had gone to great lengths to bring it back to her.

Jill held out the ball cap. "And I didn't wash it." She grinned at Claire's eyes rolling dramatically.

Alice folded her arms as all of Claire's emotions flooded her. She couldn't hide her smile and watched those emotions play across Claire's features.

Claire took a steady breath then happily accepted her ball cap that'd been her deceased sister's once upon a time. There was a slight tremble to her hand, but she easily put it on and soaked in the familiarity. In old habit, she ran her thumb and index fingers down the frayed brim. She felt right again. Without wasting another second, Claire quickly gathered Jill into a warm hug.

Jill held her friend close and sincerely murmured, "Thank you, RC."

Claire squeezed tighter and hid her face in Jill's warm neck. She choked down a few tears but hoarsely whispered, "Welcome home, Jill."


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