~ Stranger in a Strange Time ~
by Red Hope

Disclaimer: See Part 1.
Feedback: I love it because it is so rare these days. redhope@redhope.net
Mailing List: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/SiaST/
Homepage: http://www.redhope.net

Started: September 23, 2006
Other Fanfictions            Story Number: 66

Chapter 6 - Preparations

Janice woke up with a startle but her rapid heartbeat eased again when she recalled where she was now. Her eyes adjusted and she finally took in the simply bedroom thanks to the light streaming through the window from the opposite side. Melpomene was no longer wrapped in her arms and Gabrielle wasn't in her bed on the other side.

The archeologist stretched then rolled her body out of bed. She put on her boots first but it seemed like a long process since she had to yawn in between it. She strapped her gun back into its home on her right boot then she put the sword in scarab on her back. Janice straightened out the bed quickly but left her cloak on the foot deciding she wouldn't need it right now.

Gabrielle heard the footfall descending the stairs so she directed her smile at the sleepy form of her descendant. "How'd you sleep?"

The stranger let out a grumble of complaint, came to the table, and flopped in the empty chair by her ancestor.

The rebel smirked and patted Janice's closest knee. "That well huh?"

"The damn beds are so hard," whined the archeologist.

Gabrielle stared at her then stated, "Our beds are relatively soft compared to some."

The archeologist opened her mouth to refute it but she decided it just wasn't worth arguing about this morning. Instead she turned her head to the bright face of a young girl. "Good morning, Mel."

"Hi, Janice," greeted the chipper girl. "I slept really well."

The archeologist grunted, stifled a yawn, and then remarked, "That's because you were sleeping on me."

Gabrielle had a wide grin then teased, "That was nice of you."

Janice's tongue ticked one of her back molars.

The bard knew it was best to change topics and hastily at that. She wasn't a much better morning person. "Cyrene is making breakfast already."

Janice gazed into the kitchen and saw indeed that the woman was doing just that. "I have fabulous timing," she muttered.

It wasn't long before the group was happily eating a wonderful, light breakfast. Cyrene joined them as well however Perdicus wasn't there as he'd left some time in the early morning just before dawn. At the end of breakfast, Janice informed everybody that she and Melpomene would be taking a walk down to the market to get some items. Gabrielle insisted they wait until a guard arrived to escort them. At first Janice refused but under Gabrielle's formable tongue, she caved in and conceded. After breakfast Janice was leaning against the table, drumming her fingers on the table, listening to Cyrene and Gabrielle talk, and impatiently waiting for this guard to show up.

Cyrene's right hand suddenly shot out across the table and captured Janice's drumming fingers.

Janice jumped at the fast movement and she flushed at Cyrene's obvious annoyance. "Sorry," she mumbled.

Cyrene gave an assuring grin then continued chatting away with Gabrielle.

The archeologist let out a gigantic sigh and this time she was smacked on the knee by Gabrielle. "Jesus Christ!" she bellowed and shot up from the chair in frustration. "I'm gonna get my cloak." She stomped over to the steps but hotly stated, "And if this damn guard isn't here when I come down then I'm going." She loudly proceeded up the steps.

Cyrene carefully watched the strange then she grinned at Gabrielle. "She's your descendant huh?"

"I'm starting to wonder too," joked the bard, who was still absorbing that idea anyway. "So he was confident that everybody would show this afternoon for the meeting?"

Cyrene first nodded then stated, "He'll deliver the message to everybody then come here around noon high to let you know. Rhodes may not make it though."

"That's understandable," murmured the rebel leader. She peered around when Janice came stomping back down the steps. She shook her head while watching the archeologist swing on her cloak and began clasping it.

"Well it looks like I'm guardless," mentioned the brass archeologist. "Ready to go, Mel?"

The girl smiled happily because she was tired too of listening to the chitchat. She slipped out of the chair.

Cyrene narrowed her eyes at Janice and coldly stated, "Neither of you are leaving until a guard arrives."

Janice stilled in the middle of closing her clasp. She held Cyrene's stoic gaze and she half heartedly smiled while muttering, "I was joking anyway."

Cyrene became smug and returned her attention to Gabrielle yet before she could say what was on her mind, a knock interrupted her. She picked out the unique knock so she rose up and went to the door.

"Good morning, Cyrene." The young man dipped his head in respect then slipped into the warm house.

"How are you this morning, Joxer?"

Janice's head shot up just when she finished with her clasp. She stared at the spitting image of Jack Kleinman but he actually seemed a bit more handsome. Jack's ancestor also had a rougher and worn appearance about him with a scar down the right side of his temple that trailed to his right cheek. He wore a pair of light brown leather pants, a loose white shirt, and a black cloak to keep him warm. Then poking through at his right hip was the hilt of his sword.

Joxer smiled as he turned his attention to Gabrielle. "Good morning, G... a… b…." His eyebrows knitted together and he stared, mystified by the woman behind Gabrielle.

The bard thoroughly enjoyed Joxer's confusion, which made her chuckle. She cleared her throat then said, "Joxer, this is my descendant." Her tone was highly amused now but she finished her introduction. "This is Janice."

The archeologist glowered at her ancestor, who was getting too much pleasure from this.

Joxer remained still and even more bewildered as his eyes flickered between Gabrielle and Janice as if evaluating how similar they truly were. He half expected it to be a joke and that Janice would rip off a mask.

"Sit down, Joxer… I'll explain," offered the bard.

Janice rolled her eyes because that meant it'd require another solid thirty minutes before she and Melpomene could leave. She grabbed a chair and tugged Melpomene along with her but she hefted the girl into her lap.

Melpomene cuddled right into the welcoming warmth of her friend. She twisted her head up and asked, "Why are we going to the market?"

Janice lifted her right hand and poked the small nose. "To get you some new clothes then when we get back we'll take bathes."

"We'll need you at the meeting today, Janice," mentioned Cyrene, who was sitting beside the stranger.

The archeologist quickly nodded then promise, "We'll be there." She then glanced over at Gabrielle and Joxer. She noted how Joxer would keep looking at her then back at Gabrielle then back at her and then... well it was getting annoying to Janice. She let out a frustrated sigh then hotly announced, "Mel and I are leaving while you two rattle on about me."

Melpomene easily slipped out of Janice's lap and became excited about leaving.

The archeologist started for the door but she hestitated when a presence came up behind her. It made her grin and she opened the door.

"We'll see you this afternoon, Janice," called the rebel leader.

"Yea, yea," mumbled the stranger, and she was gone.

Gabrielle's body shook with a silent laugh while watching Melpomene, Janice, and Joxer leave together. She started shaking her head and lowered her gaze to Cyrene.

Melpomene took on the duty of leading the group to the market since she knew the city so well.

Joxer walked on Janice's left side while Melpomene was on the other side. Joxer adjusted his cloak for no real reason then quietly asked, "So you're really from the future?"

Janice gave a wild grin, reached up, and pulled her hood over her face as they stepped out onto the street from the alleyway. "I sure am."

"Hmmm." Joxer kept turning this over in his head despite he'd heard the story from Gabrielle.

"How long have you known Gabrielle and Cyrene for?" quietly asked the archeologist.

The guard gave an idle shrug then reported, "For more seasons than I care to count."

"You don't sound so happy about that," commented Janice.

Joxer suddenly smiled then replied, "I'm honored to be in the faction." He hesitated as his smile fell from old, hard memories. "This has been a better life than my previous one."

"You were in the Conqueror's army?"

"For twenty seasons," confirmed the guard. "It was through Perdicus that I became apart of the faction."

Janice found this interesting but she couldn't ask more since they were coming upon the market. "Mel, we need to find a shop for clothes that'll fit you. Do you know where to look?"

"Yes, it's this way." Melpomene bounced then tugged her friend along.

Janice yelped as the surprisingly strong child hauled her off to a sharp left.

Joxer was chuckling but he hurried right along.

The archeologist came to a quick stop in front of a clothing stand. She nodded her approval of the garments while the child dove right into them. She folded her arms and carefully watched Melpomene inspected the clothes for something she liked.

Melpomene suddenly called to Janice in an excited voice.

The archeologist had a huge grin as she neared the girl and she bent forward.

"Do you like them?" The girl held them out.

Janice wasn't the best on taste considering she typically wore the same thing day in and day out when on digs. Yet she took in the selected brown skirt and white blouse with a cute dark blue design sewn in it. "I like it." She smiled then asked, "Are there any boots?"

Melpomene lowered her arms with the articles but she peered down at her worn boots. "My boots are fine."

The archeologist chuckled and now squatted down so she had a closer inspection of the boots in question. "I don't think so, Mel." She pointed at the right boot that was developing a small hole. "They're almost shot."

"Leather boots cost a lot," muttered the concerned child.

Janice had a lopsided grin as she played with Melpomene's hair. "And you're priceless." She rose up, held her hand out, and whispered, "Come on."

Melpomene laced her hand into the warmer hand. She was guided to the end of the merchant's stand. There at the corner was a selection of boots. "That's my size." She pointed at the boots near the end of the line.

"You sure?" questioned Janice.

"Positive." Melpomene also bobbed her head for further confirmation.

Janice grinned, picked up the boots, took the clothes from Melpomene, and turned to the merchant.

The merchant had been at the other end of the table but he hurried down at the prospect of customers. "How can I help you… ladies?" He stated after seeing the lean, beautiful form hidden under the cloak.

"How much are these?" Janice signaled to the clothes and boots in her hands.

"Twenty dinars," replied the man.

The archeologist almost blew up right there. "Holy shit, man that is expensive. Try three dinars."

"I mind as well give them to you for free," shot back the merchant.

Janice smirked. "Since you mentioned it."

"Seventeen," snapped the vendor, "nothing less."

"Seven dinars," argued the archeologist. "You'd be lucky to get this junk for five."

"I could get it for at least fifteen," challenged the merchant.

Janice laughed and glanced back at Joxer, "Hey Joxer, wasn't that other merchant selling this same stuff for cheaper on the other street?"

Joxer was mute for a second then he caught on quickly. "Yes, he was offering ten dinars."

The merchant growled in annoyance then hotly stated, "Twelve and that's my final offer."

Janice sighed and acted like she was really weighing this one way or the other.

"Eleven," gave in the vendor.

Janice suddenly smiled and huffed out, "Okay… okay." She handed the items to Melpomene, which freed both her hands. She worked the money out of her small pouch at her side in her cloak. She handed over the money then thanked the grumbling merchant. She then peered down at the girl. "Do you know where we can get a leather bag or pack, Mel?"

Joxer joined the pair and took the items from Melpomene to help her.

"There's a good one this way." Melpomene held out her hand then once she had Janice's hands, she took off.

Janice almost stumbled yet she held tight while being steer through the busy market. Soon Janice had a new well tanned leather pack and she placed Melpomene's items in them. She knew later she'd need the pack for other things to help her out.

After seeing the tanner merchant, Janice knelt down before Melpomene and gently asked, "You remember, Mel you told me about that cave?"

"You mean the one to-"

"Yes, that one," cut off Janice, who was concerned somebody would over hear. "Will you show it to me?"

Joxer was perplexed as he tried to understand what they were whispering. He knew they were suppose to be returning back to Cyrene's home.

"I'll show you," proudly offered the girl.

"Will it take us long?" inquired the archeologist.

Melpomene tapped her chin with her right index finger, her eyes fuzzy for a heartbeat. "Maybe a few candlemarks."

Janice had no clue how long that meant but she really didn't care. She was far too interested by this mysterious cave that Melpomene had discovered. "Take me to it, Mel." She adjusted the pack on her back then stood up.

"Follow me." Melpomene hurried Janice along through the street.

Joxer hesitated then he quickly followed the pair. He noticed they were going in the opposite direction of Cyrene's home, which worried him. He came up to Janice's side and asked, "Where are we going?"

Janice grinned wildly and joked, "For a walk on the beach."

"What?" Joxer shook his head then added, "We need to return to Cyrene's house."

"We will… but later," promised the archeologist.

Joxer suddenly became frustrated because he had no idea what was going on so he grabbed Janice's arm roughly.

The archeologist came to an abrupt stopped and tugged Melpomene slightly behind her. She pushed Joxer off to the side of the sidewalk so they were out of the flow of traffic. "There's something I need Mel to show me on the beach."

"Whatever it is it can wait," stated the guard.

"Look soldier boy," growled Janice as she got into his face. "You can go back but I need to do something." She poked him in the chest. "So either you can come or you can go."

Joxer's eyes narrowed. "Gabrielle will-"

"Have to suck it up and deal," chided the archeologist. "She'll be pissed at you either way. At least if you come she'll only be half pissed since you didn't leave Mel and me alone."

Joxer could see by the fire in Janice's eyes there was no way he'd talk her out of it. He also knew he'd be seeing that same fiery green when he saw Gabrielle again but Janice was right too. He let out a long sigh then relented. "Fine."

Janice smiled broadly then teased, "Green-eyed blondes are so convincing, aren't they?" Not waiting or wanting an answer, she continued the journey down the street.

It was about noon high when the group turned into beachcombers on the Aegean Sea side of the peninsula. Janice was trying desperately not to complain about the sand developing in her boots since she brought up this idea. She kept scanning the small cliff side to her left but she wasn't seeing anything resembling cavern entrances.

Melpomene came to a quick halt then pointed straight ahead. "There it is."

The archeologist narrowed her eyes at the small hole in the cliff wall that actually allowed the Aegean waters flow in and out of it. She almost cursed aloud now that she realized the cavern entrance was in fact mostly underwater. "Mel, how'd you get in there?"

The girl turned to her friend and explained, "I found it at low tide… at the new moon."

Janice ripped her hood back and wanted to smack her forehead. Of course it was at the new moon cycle that the tide would be low and Melpomene would just stumble across it.

"Well that was a waste of time," remarked Joxer, a smug expression.

Janice release the girl's hand, swung off her pack, and slammed it hard into Joxer's chest.

The guard gasped for air then he gaped when he saw Janice taking her cloak off too. "You're not going to…."

"I don't have much choice," offered the archeologist.

"What's so important about this cave?" urged the man.

Janice knelt down and started unhooking her gun. She knew that the salty water of the sea could easily rust out her gun, which she certainly didn't want happening. "Just stay here and watch Mel for me." She rammed the gun into her satchel that Joxer held. "And if I'm not back in half an hour, worry."

"Half an… hour?"

Janice sighed as she yanked off her now unlaced boots. The time issue was getting on the archeologist's nerves. "If I'm not back in a reasonable time then get back to Cyrene's."

Joxer opened his mouth to argue.

"Just do it," snapped Janice and she didn't wait for another word. She adjusted her sword on her back and started for the stream that broke the beach in half.

Melpomene sadly watched her friend go but she took two steps towards Janice's direction. "Be careful, Janice!" she called over the din of the crashing waves.

Janice flashed a brilliant smile then took several running steps. She jumped, dove into the deep stream, and swam for the dark opening of the cave. She could only pray she'd make it especially because it'd been years since her last swim. She kept her eyes open against the sting of the salt water and she desperately searched for safety. Her eyes strained against the pitch black water then a dim light exposed itself up ahead.

Janice clenched her teeth when her lungs began to burn and her heart's beat was slowing down. She forced her legs and arms to go faster to shoot her body through the brisk water. The archeologist followed the only light, her eyes aching, and her chest on fire but she suddenly erupted at the top.

The cavern pool filled with a loud gasp from Janice's frantic intake of air. She brushed her wet bangs out of her face and hastily scanned the dark cavern for any signs of life. Her feet lightly skimmed over the bottom of the cave but she dared not touch her feet to the bottom incase of sharp rocks. She swam for the rock shoreline and hauled herself up onto the somewhat slimy edge.

The archeologist finished her last large gulp of needed air. Then she picked out a silhouette of something on the cavern wall so she went to it. With her hands and eyes, she figured out it was a torch yet she had nothing to light it. Janice could only wonder so she knelt down and her hands scanned over the hard surface then she came up with two interesting, rough rocks. She took a chance and banged the rocks over the torch and was rewarded by sparks setting the torch on fire.

Janice watched in amazement as stalactites suddenly formed above her from the light of the torch. Her eyes widened at the beauty of the yellow teeth that bore down at her. She released an unknown held breath then she moved forward through the cave for some time. She carefully watched her footing incase there was anything sharp on the cavern floor. Along the way, she observed other torches anchored to the walls that were scattered here and there. It was confirming her suspicions that this may lead to the Conqueror's fortress.

Janice was never positive how long she traveled for in the beautiful cave but she came around a sharp turn then before her was a heavy wood. Behind the door, she heard a hushed voice followed by some sharp noise then another stifled voice. The door blocked her from going forward and when Janice knelt down after seeing the keyhole, she peered through it carefully.

A warm air breathed through the keyhole onto Janice's face and she inhaled a foul, dying stench that turned her stomach. Gradually the archeologist's keen eye for detail sharpened to the small yet plentiful image through the keyhole. The image filled her vision suddenly and it almost made Janice gasp loudly but her hand muffled the cry.

The man behind the bars dropped his head back again and screamed when the whip hit his back. His head fell forward as he dangled from the chains around his bloody wrists. He kept crying and taking the punishment that he could not refuse anyway. His red back was mutilated by ravishing whip marks.

Janice quickly turned her head away with her eyes slammed shut yet the whip's crack then the man's scream filtered through the keyhole into her left ear. She hastily climbed to her feet then stumbled back a few feet, her hand still over her mouth. She tried to control her upset stomach as much as the images but she lost it.

The archeologist was hunched over in a corner, her breakfast emptied from her stomach, and her legs shaking. The only thing that kept her up right was her left hand pressed against the cavern wall. She forced her legs to lifted her back up and she turned the torch back on the black wood door that kept her away from what she believed was the Conqueror's very own Tartarus on earth.

She shook her head at the door and murmured, "I hope Mel never witnessed that." At the thought of the child it made her realize that most likely Melpomene would be in that such position like that tortured man. The idea stirred Janice's deepest anger and made her realize just how this ruler was blackening her very heart each day.

Janice gripped the torch in her right hand harder. Her thoughts about Melpomene reminded her that she needed to get back before it was any later. She turned back and hurried down the cave but stayed vigilant about her steps. She stopped at the cavern pool, bent over, and extinguished the torch in the cold water. After she returned to the torch to its home, she slipped into the chilled water then swam close to where the cave's wall touched the water. She took three big breathes then dropped into the water with every intent to make it back safely.

The archeologist pushed forward and quickly through the biting water as she followed the tunnel of light. She glimpsed below her body and caught the sight of the hungry teeth of stalagmites grinning up at her. She knew she was safe as she exploded to the surface in the stream between the beaches.

"Janice!" cried a familiar voice. Melpomene jumped up from sitting on a washed up, worn tree stump.

Joxer had been leaning against the cliff side with a worried face. He smiled at seeing his charge still alive.

Melpomene helped her friend get out of the stream and onto the beach again.

Janice shivered against the sea breeze brushing against her already chilled skin.

"Here." Joxer held out the archeologist's cloak.

Janice happily received it and wrapped it around her body to block the breeze.

"Are you okay?" asked the worried girl.

Janice knelt down in front of the girl and she tried to ignore her need to wipe at her stinging eyes. "Mel, did you find that door at the end of the cave?"

Melpomene stared at Janice with puzzled features.

Janice abruptly grabbed the girl's arms and fiercely demanded, "Mel, did you find that door?"

The child was shaken by Janice's sudden aggressiveness but she hastily shook her head. "N-n-no… I didn't find any door."

"You swear?" urged the archeologist.

Joxer stepped closer because he could tell that the girl was frightened some. He held back when green eyes flashed a warning at him.

"I swear I didn't," promised the child.

Janice exhaled all her frustrations then realized how she was acting. She wanted to give the girl a hug but she couldn't with being so soaked. She released her tension then tried to smile at Melpomene. "I'm sorry," she murmured, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Melpomene slowly smiled now then whispered, "Its okay." She enjoyed the returned tenderness when Janice's fingers fixed her disarrayed hair from the sea breeze.

"How about we get back and get our warm baths?"

The young girl showed her beautiful smile. "Yes, since you really need one now. You smell like seaweed."

The archeologist laughed but leaned in and growled, "What'd you say?" Her hands slipped down to the child's side.

Melpomene suddenly screamed in protest when sneaky fingers found her most ticklish spots at her side and tummy. She stumbled back to get away from her attacker but she bumped into Joxer. She peered up at Joxer and demanded, "Don't let her tickle me!"

Janice smirked up at the man then her glowing eyes lowered to her young friend. "He's a sissy, Mel. You better pick a better protector."

Melpomene folded her arms against her chest and proudly stated, "Joxer isn't a sissy."

The archeologist inwardly chuckled at this display. Her hooded eyes lifted to Joxer, who was puffing out his chest in pride too.

"I'm not, Melpomene… thank you."

Melpomene smiled up at him then gave a brisk nod at Janice.

The archeologist relented with a soft laugh as she rose up. She efficiently clasped her cloak together with her feather pin. She stepped up to Joxer, slapped her right hand against his chest, and muttered, "Your decadent is the biggest sissy I know." She smirked then before there was any protest, she went to her pack, scooped it up, and began the walk back to the city. As she went along she worked out her gun from the satchel then paused to slip it into its holster on her right boot.

Melpomene was horrified and she gasped. "She is so mean, Joxer."

The guard chuckled at the girl's teasing words. "That's okay, Melpomene." He held down his hand to collect hers. Although before he started walking, he bent down and cleverly stated, "At least I don't act like her and try to be tough when I'm really sweet on the inside."

Melpomene giggled at his words. "She really is mushy," she exclaimed.

"I heard that!" yelled Janice from ahead.

Joxer and Melpomene laughed together at Janice's reaction, which they fully intended to get from her. The pair hurriedly followed Janice and eventually caught up to her. When Joxer was close enough to Janice, he quietly inquired, "What'd you find in the cave?"

The stranger bit her lower lip and she debated how to answer because Melpomene was so near. Her glistened eyes met Joxer's and she softly answered, "The door to Tartarus."

The guard understood what Janice meant and he shook his head. "Nobody in the faction knew of that cave."

"No, I suppose not." Janice smirked then her husky voice teased, "Instead a homeless child discovered it."

Joxer grunted and glimpsed at the girl in discussion. He slightly smiled then asked, "How did you befriend her?"

"The Conqueror's soldiers were going to haul her away for stealing flatbread."

Joxer's features darkened. "I hate the sentries in the city. They're as ruthless as the Conqueror."

"She makes them that way," summarized the disgusted archeologist.

The guard slowly nodded. "You are right, Janice."

The small party made it back onto the streets of Corinth and by that time it was mid afternoon. Joxer instructed them that they would need to hurry so they could make it to the meeting. Janice insisted her and Melpomene needed quick baths before going to the meeting. Joxer gave in even though he knew they'd be late but he knew that a long time ago when they first started this adventure.

They arrived at Cyrene's home yet the house was empty of anybody. Joxer knew the meeting was going to start soon, which meant Gabrielle and Cyrene were headed there. He directed Janice and Melpomene to the bathing room that was connected to Cyrene's room. He briefed Janice on how it worked then he left them alone.

It didn't take long for Janice and Melpomene to get cleaned up, dried, and into clean clothes except for Janice. She merely got back into her leathers that had a slight salty scent from her sea but she didn't mind it really. The salt and leather mix was slightly appealing and it mingled with her now not so appealing flowery scent. She really disliked flowery or feminine scents on her body but she couldn't overly complain. Finally she spotted little Melpomene coming out of the bathing room all cleaned up and into her new clothes.

Melpomene straightened out her skirt and gazed up with questioning features.

Janice chuckled at the child. "You're beautiful, Mel."

Melpomene smiled at this then her smile twitched into a grin. "I wasn't before?"

Janice laughed and stepped up to the girl. She bent forward with a grin. "You were but I can see it all better now that the dirt is gone."

Melpomene stuck her tongue out then teased back, "You don't smell like seaweed now."

Janice chuckled then quickly ruffled the girl's neat hair. She made a hasty retreat when Melpomene yelped in protest.

Melpomene growled while she fixed her hair. She marched out of Cyrene's room and glowered at the archeologist that stood by Joxer. "You're so mean."

Joxer was amused as he watched the stare down between the woman and the girl but to him Janice was the girl and Melpomene was the woman. He licked his lips and bit back his laughter then he innocently asked Janice, "Are you ready, kiddo?"

Janice's head whipped around and she reacted by punching him in the arm. "I'm ready, sissy boy." She tossed him a leering look before going to the door.

"Ow," complained Joxer and he rubbed his right arm where Janice had punched him.

Melpomene shook her head at their supposed guard. "You are being a sissy, Joxer." She stomped past him and went up to Janice, who was holding out her hand.

Joxer was clearly offended by the two females. He brushed it off though and approached the pair. "Women… I swear."

The archeologist had the front door open but she displayed a warning look at her new keeper. "Watch it, Joxer." She wagged her index finger at him then without another word, she pulled her hood over her face and slipped into the alleyway.

They entered into the now quieting streets as the merchants and customers were preparing to pack up for the day. Some people were already heading out for early dinners. But Janice, Melpomene, and Joxer had other plans, which led them five blocks away.

Joxer guided them safely through the streets. When he knew they were close, he slowed down and came to Janice's side. "We are almost there." He then picked out familiar faces that passed by him and he decided to mention it to Janice. "That man that just went by…." At Janice's nod he continued. "He's one of the faction guards."

The archeologist was stunned. "What was he doing?"

Joxer shifted in closer so he could speak quietly. "When there is a faction meeting, the guards patrol the nearby streets… make sure there isn't any trouble."

"Wouldn't they stay in the meeting room to protect them?"

"Only one does," answered Joxer, "but the fasts way to avoid trouble is to see it in advance."

The strange appreciated that idea completely.

"Down here," instructed Joxer. He directed them to another wood door where he gave a specific type of knock. The door was opened by what Janice assumed to be one of the elite faction guards. The three of them slipped into the room, which wasn't very big beyond the large table in the center of the room with a handful of people at the table.

Janice spotted Gabrielle at the head of the one end of the table and Cyrene was at the other end. She almost went to remove her hood but stopped when she realized it was probably not the right time. Instead she listened to the chatter between the council members because they were in some heated discussion.

Joxer stepped to the right of the door while the other guard kept to the left.

Janice and Melpomene stepped closer to the arguing table but they kept away and silent.

"This is impossible, Gabrielle," shouted one man. "There is no way we can assassinate the Conqueror."

"Even with Rhode's abilities to get us into the Conqueror's fortress there is a high probability of death."

"What about Rhode's life?" challenged another councilor. "If the Conqueror discovers that one of her advisors is in the rebel faction she won't think twice about slitting his throat."

Rhodes slightly paled at the mental image but he shook it away because he didn't take on his position in the faction to lose courage now. "Gabrielle has a point that we must try."

The councilors settled down when the very man that was closest to the Conqueror spoke.

"Rhodes, this could mean your life," reminded a concerned member.

Rhodes sighed but he shook his head. "I wouldn't have volunteered to join the rebel faction if I'd originally been worried about my own life." He leaned forward and captured all of the member's eyes. "This is dangerous for all of us… we could be exposed and the Conqueror will hunt each of us down. We didn't start this faction just to cower under the Conqueror when there is a solution in our grasp." His steely eyes turned to his right where Gabrielle sat next to him.

Gabrielle nodded in appreciation for the man's words.

"Why should we take this risk when it most likely will fail?" tried a council member. "We should wait it out until a more solid plan arises."

Rhodes opened his mouth to retaliate yet Gabrielle asked him to hold back.

Gabrielle grabbed her walking stick, which rested against her chair. She loudly slammed it on the table in front of her and that grabbed everybody's attention solely on her. "I started this rebel faction seasons ago so that one day I could stop the Conqueror. I started this rebel faction so that the people could have hope again." Her dark green eyes scanned the faces of her members. "I, Gabrielle of Potidaea, stood up before the Conqueror." She closed her eyes and willed all of her inner strength to her legs. She gradually rose up and the pain flashed up and down her legs.

Rhodes inhaled sharply and tried to move to help but Gabrielle waved him off.

Gabrielle clenched her teeth yet she continued to rise up, her back lifting up as her legs straightened up to her once forgotten height. Her brow was coated in sweat and her body throbbed with tearing pain. Her eyes slowly open as she proudly stood before her council and she demanded, "And now we will all stand as one against the Conqueror."

There was a brief, stunned silence in the room by the amazing display of the rebel leader. The leader remained poised before her followers with all of her faith and determination that held her up on her once shattered legs.

Cyrene, the Conqueror's mother, stood up from her chair. "I, Cyrene of Amphipolis, stand against the Conqueror."

Rhodes pushed his chair back then stood. "I, Rhodes of Corinth, stand against the Conqueror."

Another chair scrapped across the wood floor. "I, Argus of Athens, stand against the Conqueror."

"I, Althea of Tripolis, stand against the Conqueror."

The din of wood scraping against wood grew louder and the chorus of united rebellion rang in the meeting room. Finally the entire council stood in unison and harmony for one purpose beyond any fears. The leader could no longer contain her smile of appreciation and she ordered, "Please be seated, everybody." She waited until each person was seated then she slowly and painfully returned to her own chair.

Rhodes brought up the question on every councilor's mind. "Who is the man to assassinate the Conqueror?"

Janice took her cue as she released Melpomene, stepped forward, and ripped her hood back. "I am the man."

There was heartbeat of silence then a loud commotion of questions, demands, and pure confusion engulfed the meeting room.

Gabrielle bowed her head as her ears were hit by all the mangled voices. When the silence finally returned she lifted her head and revealed a growing grin at her members' clear state of perplexity. If she pulled another surprise on them during this meeting she was almost convinced they'd all probably kick her out of the faction.

Janice was absolutely smug, arms over her chest, and a broad grin. She listened to her ancestor weave the tale about her seeming identical twin, which left every member breathless. She then sensed a small hand touched her right hand so she peered down at her young, innocent friend.

Melpomene offered a warm smile and she received back a wink from Janice.

The archeologist lifted her head though when the council started talking about the plan to assassinate the Conqueror. She carefully listened roughly worked out plans, which she was relieved to hear the council agreeing to mostly. She picked up on everybody's largest concern, which was how Janice was going to get into the Conqueror's undetected. Rhodes was the first to try a suggestion but it was too risky for him and Janice.

Janice took her opening when there was a mostly quietness. "I found a way into the Conqueror's."

The councilors went silent and some had to twist around to glimpse at Gabrielle's double.

Janice squeezed Melpomene's hand then guided her to Gabrielle. She stood next to Gabrielle so that everybody had a better view of her. "Actually, I didn't find it… it was my friend, Melpomene, here that discovered it."

The councilors peered down at the young girl, who suddenly became shy from the attention. She tucked herself between Janice and Janice's cloak.

The archeologist cleared her throat then explained, "There is a hidden cave on the Aegean side that leads to the Conqueror's."

"How can you be sure?" inquired Gabrielle, her head twisted and studying her descendant.

The archeologist dazzled a smile. "I followed it today." She saw the narrowing of Gabrielle's eyes so Gabrielle now knew why Janice was fashionably late to the meeting. Janice ignored the look though and before she said anymore about what she found, she covered Melpomene's ears. "There was a locked door at the end of the cave's tunnel. When I peered through the keyhole I realized it was looking into a dungeon."

"It's an escape route," concluded Rhodes, "I never realized the Conqueror had such."

"Well she does," stated Janice, "and it's perfect route to get into her fortress." She finally removed her hands from covering Melpomene's ears but she rested her hands on the girl's shoulders. "I think it's the easiest way into there."

Rhodes thought this out then he perked up. "Some of the guards in the dungeon that we've bribed could help."

"Do you think you can find out who has a key to that door?" inquired the leader.

Rhodes leaned towards Gabrielle. "Of course, Gabrielle… I am the Conqueror's advisor of state."

Several people chuckled at the deceptive man.

The bard smirked. "Make it happen, Rhodes."

Rhodes dipped his head in agreement.

"What then?" urged Councilor Argus.

"We need to pull the Conqueror's attention away from the fortress," suggested Cyrene.

Gabrielle considered this idea. "Perhaps we need to stir up trouble in the city."

"We could start some minor riots," suggested a prominent councilor.

As Janice listened to them go on, she scanned over the various council members. She was astonished to find such a mix among the members as they were males and females, wealthy and poor, artists to politicians, Greek to Gaelic, and old to young. The cruelest tyrant had managed to destroy social restrictions and bring together these people in one purpose.

The meeting started to wind down when the members all began agreeing on certain terms and plans. When the meeting was almost to a close, the main door flew open before the guards could react.

"There's trouble!" called a man as he rushed into the room.

Joxer slammed the door shut after resheathing his sword.

Janice turned her head to see Perdicus breathing heavily, probably from running.

"What's happened?" demanded Gabrielle.

"The Conqueror has discovered you're not dead, Gabrielle." Perdicus hurried over to the leader. "Alti called in for your cross and when… the Conqueror is furious."

Rhodes stood up. "What is she doing?"

Perdicus gulped for air then hastily answered, "The Conqueror has ordered her sentry squads to storm every building in the city until she finds Gabrielle. They're searching every place and asking everybody." His frantic features lowered to Gabrielle. "I have already executed the escape plans, Gabrielle. We must get you out of here."

The rebel leader was pale but her mind caught up with the reeling information. "I can't leave when the plans for the assassination are beginning."

"There will be no plans if you die," hotly reminded Perdicus.

"You must escape, Gabrielle," agreed Rhodes. "If she finds you...." He couldn't bring himself to finish his own words.

"I have survived her death once already," argued the frustrated bard.

Janice grasped her ancestor's shoulder. "You will not live this time if you do not leave, Gabrielle." Her eyes captured Gabrielle's and held her. "You must survive for this to work."

"What about you?" whispered the worried bard.

"I will be fine," promise the archeologist.

Joxer stepped away from the door to join in the conversation. "I will protect her, Gabrielle… with my sword and my life."

The archeologist was stunned by the gesture from the man she hadn't considered much of a friend back in her time. It warmed her to some degree.

Gabrielle turned her worried eyes to Cyrene.

Cyeren stood up and definitively stated, "We must go, Gabrielle before the Conqueror locks down the gates."

"The cart will be here any moment," interrupted Perdicus. He lifted his head to the council. "You all must hurry back to your homes before the sentries show."

"I need to get my ass to the Conqueror's fortress," hissed Rhodes and he started to move along with the rest of the council.

Gabrielle snatched up her stick and stood up.

Janice faced her ancestor. "Where will you go?"

"I don't know," confessed the bard, "but away from here. Perdicus and two other guards will go with us. We may return to Amphipolis until its safe again."

"No," cut in Janice, "you won't be safe there." At seeing Gabrielle's protest, she grabbed her ancestor's shoulders. "Trust me on this."

"Where should we go then?" tried Cyrene.

The archeologist's gaze flickered between Cyrene and Gabrielle then she answered, "To the Amazons."

"The Amazons?" echoed Perdicus. "They will not help us."

"Yes they will," fought back Janice, her burning eyes on the guard. She turned back to her ancestor. "Ask for Ephiny… tell her you met me and that I asked her to help you. If she doesn't believe you then tell her that…." She paused and faintly grinned despite things. "Tell her that Janny sent you."

Gabrielle's nose crinkled at the nickname but she dared not to ask.

Joxer had unknowingly left the meeting hunt when all the members had filtered out earlier. He returned and announced, "The cart is here, Gabrielle."

"Let's go," ordered Perdicus.

The group hurried out of the meeting room and into the alleyway. Janice was the last out because she had to scoop up the frightened Melpomene. Janice spied the cart at the end of the alleyway with two guards in it already and waiting for Cyrene and Gabrielle. Janice's emotions surged up as she realized what she had to do now.

"Gabrielle, you must take Melpomene with you."

Cyrene quickly moved over and grabbed the child's waist. When she tried to lift Melpomene from Janice's grasp it was impossible.

"No," cried Melpomene, who clung tightly to Janice. "I won't go!"

"Ssssh, sssh." Janice shifted away from Cyrene, bent down, and lowered the girl to the ground. "Its okay, Mel."

Melpomene's eyes suddenly started to sting and her cheeks became wet. "I won't go… I won't leave you."

"Ooo god." Janice wiped the girl's tears away but she couldn't stop them. "You have to go, Mel. You could get hurt… or worse if you stay with me."

"No," rasped the emotional child. Her vise grip on Janice's two cloak sleeves weren't loosening. "I saw the Conqueror kill my first sister… she won't take you too!" She frantically shook her head. "I won't let her," she whispered then threw herself into Janice's body.

Janice enveloped the desperate, crying girl. "I have to do this, Mel.," she whispered. Her dammed emotions broke and her tears trickled down her hot cheeks. How could that ruler be so heartless and cold to kill this innocent child's sister? Janice's anger raged along side her passionate heart.

"No you don't," whimpered the girl, "you'll die if you do."

"No I won't," promised Janice, "you'll see me again."

Melpomene cried out, "No I won't!"

"Sssh, ssssh it's okay." Janice pulled her head back and wiped the soaked bangs from the child's forehead. "If you stay, Mel I won't be able to do this right." She searched the girls terrified yet loving eyes. "I'll be too worried about you then I could be killed."

"No," sobbed the girl, "please, Janice."

Janice wiped the wet crystals still pouring down the child's face. "Listen, okay?" When Melpomene nodded her head she whispered, "I promise you, Mel that I will be fine and that I'll see you afterwards. I swear." She then freed her right hand and placed it over the Melpomene's chest. "Do you have faith?"

Melpomene was still crying but she wasn't shaking her head anymore. She freed her right hand too then placed it against Janice's chest, just over her heart. "I have faith." She felt the steady heartbeat under her small hand.

Janice scooped the girl back into her arms and placed a kiss to her cheek while standing back up. She stepped up to Cyrene and held out the girl.

Cyrene carefully pulled Melpomene into her arms.

Melpomene buried her face into Cyrene's neck so that her cries would be muffled.

Janice's hand trailed down Melpomene's back one last time then she stepped back. Her teeth were gritted against her emotions. "Now go before it's too late."

"Come on," whispered Perdicus, who was in agreement with Janice.

Cyrene turned and jogged down the alley with her precious bundle.

Perdicus stepped up to Gabrielle. "I'm sorry, Gabrielle but we have to move."

The bard grasped her guard's shoulder to make him pause. "Do not fail that little girl, Janice." Her feelings caved in finally and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Keep her safe," rasped Janice.

"With my life," promised Gabrielle. "Please be safe."

"You too. Now please go." Janice stepped back until she was next to Joxer.

Perdicus bent then neatly picked up the rebel leader into his arms. He adjusted her for the heartbeat then after a brisk nod to Joxer, he hurried down the alleyway to the waiting cart.

The archeologist stood motionless except for the tears trickling down her red cheeks. Her chest was heaving against her emotions. All she could do was watch as Gabrielle, Cyrene, and Melpomene were hidden under heavy blankets to obscure their forms.

Perdicus gave a shout to the driver.

The cart lurched forward into the street.

Melpomene's head popped out from under the blankets. Her loving eyes held Janice's until finally the cart rounded a corner and was gone.

Janice closed her eyes and furiously wiped her tears away. She fought her feelings back down again in hopes she'd get some clarity. When it did come something else filled her ears and it was the sounds of yelling and screaming. She turned the opposite way and faced the screams that floated through the city.

Joxer swallowed and murmured, "It has begun… the hunt is on."

"Where will we go?" answered the archeologist.

"Back to the beach." The guard shifted closer then whispered, "I've made arrangements for supplies to be brought to us later. We must go now though." He checked his sword then ordered, "Listen to everything I tell you. Stay close. And don't look back."

Janice bit the inside of her mouth roughly but she nodded and pulled her hood over. When Joxer took off at a run her adrenaline broke free and pushed her forward with amazing speed. She reached into her deepest strength to help her survive this trial.


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