~ The Conqueror of The Conqueror ~
by Red Hope

Disclaimer & Notices
Copyright: I don't own Xena, Gabrielle, and some other characters. The plot line is my idea solely.
Violence: Yes, there is violence in this section forward.
Subtext: There is maintext lesbian content. Rock on!

Summary: Gabrielle and Xena go to the Conqueror's realm to visit both Queen Gabrielle and the Conqueror, they find almost everything improving. However after their departure, Queen Gabrielle is kidnapped and the Conqueror seeks out Gabrielle and Xena for their help to save Queen Gabrielle from slavery and fight the Conqueror's enemies.
Feedback: redhope@redhope.net
Website: http://www.redhope.net

Started: December 29th 2000, Friday
Mini-Series One: The Reflection of the Mirror - Story #2

Section 5


Xena and Varia scanned the town in search of the wives.

"They should be easy to spot," mentioned Callisto quietly.

"You would think," stated the queen.

The Warrior Princess shook her head then said, "Let's go to the market. That's where I'd be if I were them."

The others agreed and followed behind the warrior to the town's market.

After about ten minutes of searching through the large market, they finally spotted three familiar women by a stall.

"That's Eboni and Eshe," whispered Varia. "Come on." She quickly went to the wives, Callisto and Xena tailing behind her. "Eboni, Eshe," she greeted to them.

Eboni and Eshe and the third wife all turned to the Amazon.

"Varia!" squealed Eshe. "How are you? You made it?"

"I'm doing good and yes… we made it."

The wives then quickly noticed the two other women.

"Oh gods wow," whispered Eshe.

"What's happening?" interrupted Eboni.

"We are going back with you into the compound," answered the Warrior Princess.

Eboni glanced at the warrior and grinned at the answer. "That means were getting out of there?"

"You sure are," replied the Amazon queen happily.

"Oh thank the gods," uttered Adonia, who stood behind Eshe and Eboni.

Xena quickly then said, "Look, us three need to switch places with three others that are with you."

Eboni reached out and grabbed the Warrior Princess's arm. "Not a problem, come with us." She quickly hurried off. "We haven't much time before we have to leave town."

The group quickly followed Eboni through the market.


The two guards at the gates of the compound ordered the cart to a halt. They approached the drivers of the cart, which were two of Gurkhan's guards and then there were five others surrounding the cart. "Delivering the wives back?"

"Yes," replied a guard.

The gate guard did a quick head count of the wives and found all of them there. "Looks like you're good, go ahead."

The guard nodded then snapped the reins for the horses to continue into the fortress.

Varia sighed in relief after hearing that. She then felt the cart come to a halt once it was in front of a stable.

"Here you go, ladies. Time to unload," ordered a guard.

Another guard came around the back and lowered the flap of the cart.

The wives carefully slipped out of the cart but they made sure to keep Varia, Xena, and Callisto huddled into the back so they would take less notice of them. They then quickly made their way inside of the nearest building towards all the wives rooms.

"We have to hurry," whispered Eboni, she led the group. "The dinner will be starting soon so we have to catch the other wives before they go."

"I'm sure glad you suggested to the wives to wear veil robes today," whispered Varia.

Eboni grinned. "I had a feeling you would show up with help at the market."

The queen just mirrored the grin back.

Eboni continue leading everybody down the hall to the wives' rooms. "The only wife we might have a problem with is the head wife. Her room is further away from the rest of us. She's closer to Gurkhan's room."

"That's fine," stated Xena. "I have to take care of something anyway down there, so I will get her."

"I'll tell you where her room is, Xena."

The warrior shifted through the group and power walked along side Eboni. "Where is it?"

"You follow down this hall the rest of the way." She then came to a stop and then announced. "Ladies, get the other wives while I talk to Xena." She then focused on the warrior again. "Continue down this hallway." She pointed behind Xena. "Then make a right at the end, if you go to the very end of that hall you'll come to the head wife's room. Gurkhan's room is to the right of hers. You can't miss them."

"Alright, thank you."

"You're welcome," replied Eboni. "Don't take too long. It will not be long before Gurkhan notices his wives missing from dinner. He may even still be in his own room preparing for dinner."

"I'm counting on it," whispered the warrior evilly. She then whirled around and raced down the corridor. She tore off her veil from around her face and threw her cape behind herself.

Varia knocked first on Gabrielle's door but didn't wait as she opened it. "Queen Gabrielle she called into the room?"

The Queen rushed to the door at hearing the new voice. "Who… what…"

"I'm Queen Varia, I'm here with Xena, Cyane, and Eve to get you and the wives out. Its time to go."

The Queen stared at the Amazon for a second but then shook her head. "Oh gods, okay." She rushed back into her room and grabbed a small dagger off the nightstand by her bed. She slipped it down between her skin and her dress, letting the handle stick up. "Where are the other wives?"

"We're getting them now." The queen stepped out of the way to let Gabrielle out.

The Amazon Queen looked and saw all of the wives gathering into the hallway. She then also saw one other woman she didn't recognized but decided to ask questions later. "Wait, where's Xena?"

"She's gone to get the head wife and I think… kill Gurkhan if she can," answered Eboni from across the large group.

"Kill Gurkhan?"

"Yes," answered Eboni.

"Hades," growled the bard. She turned to Eve and Cyane. "Get these wives out of here. I have to go get Xena."

"She can handle herself, Gabrielle," stated Eve. "Don't worry."

"No, you don't understand, I have to stop her." The bard started weaving her way through the group.

Eve grabbed the Queen's arm. "Don't, she'll be fine."

"You don't understand, Eve," growled the Amazon Queen in warning. "Please, just get these wives out of here, now. The guards will be here any minute."

"Alright, be careful."

"I will. You too." Gabrielle did an about face and went sprinting down the hall.

Eve sighed and turned to Varia. "We better get out of here now."

"Alright." Varia reached between her cape and pulled out a sword. "Catch!" she threw the sword to Eve.

The princess caught it.

Callisto grinned and held out a sword to Cyane. "You might need this, Amazon."

"Thanks." Cyane gave it a quick whirl happy to feel her sword in her hands again.

"Lead the way, Eve," called the queen.

"Right through the gates?" asked the princess while she pushed her way through the wives.

Varia nodded. "We're going to make a dash for the gates."

"Alright, let's go then." Eve twirled the sword like she always did before any fights. And she prayed to God that she would not have to use it at all on this day.

Queen Gabrielle came to the end of the hall and raced into the open door of Gurkhan's room. "Hades," she growled. Once inside of the room, she saw Gurkhan fighting Xena in sword combat. "No, Xena wait!"

The Warrior Princess surpassingly looked to the Queen and was caught off guard briefly. Her right arm got caught on the slaver's blade. She hissed and jumped back but gave a feral grin to her enemy. She whirled her sword then continued fighting him.

"What the Hades?" yelled a woman's voice.

Gabrielle had heard the head wife come out of her room.

The head wife saw her husband's attacker and opened her mouth about to call for the guards.

"No," growled the bard. She reached for her dagger and sprung for the wide. She instantly brought the dagger tip to the wife's throat. "Don't you dare yell for them," she snarled.

The head wife closed her mouth and lowered her eyes towards the dagger. "Who are you?" Her eyes lifted back up to the smaller woman. "I am the Queen of the Amazons from Greece."

The head wife's eyes widened.

"And we're being rescued by the Conqueror. So pick a side."

The head wife whispered, "I'm on your side."

"Good choice." Gabrielle lowered her dagger just in time to see Xena knock Gurkhan unconscious. She quickly ran for the warrior when she saw Xena bringing her sword up.

"Xena, wait!" yelled the bard. She leapt for her friend.

The Warrior Princess dropped her sword at the unexpected leap for herself. She instead caught herself from tripping and held up her friend. "Gabrielle, what is wrong?" she whispered hotly.

"You can't, Xena," rasped the bard. "He knows about Lila."

"Your sister?"

"Yes, I thought she was dead but I've never been sure. I think she was one of his wives at one time." Gabrielle glanced at him then back at her friend. "He's the only one that knows for sure and who she sold her to."

"Great," grumbled the warrior. "Alright." She quickly reformulated her plan. "Let's tie him up and hide him so that we can get him for later use." She quickly gazed about the room for some type of rope. She went straight to the drapes by the window and ripped the drapes' ropes off. She then hastily tired up Gurkhan.

"I have a large closet in my room," offered the head wife, she pushed the door to her room open more.

Xena nodded and dragged the slaver through the one room and into the head wife's room. She then shoved him into the rather large closet, closed the door then used another lashing from the head wife's drapes to tie the closet closed. "We need to get out of here," she said while stepping out of the room into the hall.

"Where are the others headed?" inquired Queen Gabrielle.

"The gates." Xena narrowed her eyes. "We need to hurry, they'll need our help."

Gabrielle immediately started down the hall. "Let's go," she called.

Xena faintly grinned and hurried after her friend. She heard the first wife following. She then noticed the sound of footfall, boots at that. She knew right away they belonged to guards but they were walking. She quickly rushed ahead of Gabrielle spun her sword, and saw the two guards round the bend.

The guards saw the women and instantly pulled out their swords. "Halt!" called one man.

Xena sighed and rushed them with her sword out.

The two guards readied themselves but she suddenly stopped in front of them.

The Warrior Princess kicked at the closest one and sent him smashing in the wall behind himself. She then grinned at the other guard and spun her sword.

The guard held up his sword some but didn't move.

"Come on," coaxed the warrior.

The guard stepped back, dropped his sword then ran off.

"Well… that was easy."

Gabrielle laughed and said, "Come on."

The warrior agreed and ran along side her friend. Behind her, she could hear the first wife's shoes clanging along.

Just outside the wives, Varia, Eve, Callisto, and Cyane stepped into the courtyard of the compound. Immediately five guards sprung into action, yelling and screaming for the other men to join.

"Get behind us," ordered Eve.

The wives huddled into the middle as the four warriors all surrounded them to protect them. They all watched as the women fought the guards. But then several other guards appeared out of the buildings to help, the odds were looking bad.

"Right out here." Gabrielle slammed into the door, forcing it to burst open. She saw the wives encircled but the guards were overpowering them.

Xena growled and ran faster, she grabbed at her chakram and threw it.

The chakram spun towards a guard, slicing him in the legs then it circled around, hitting another guard in the chest and finally coming back around but not without hitting yet a third guard. It then neatly came towards Xena.

The warrior caught her weapon, spun her sword and came right at a guard.

"Nice of you to join us, mother," called Eve. She held up her sword to stop the guard's blade, she then kicked him in the side.

"Not a problem," teased back the Warrior Princess. She stood still when she saw her enemy was down, unconscious. She looked around and saw all the guards were out cold. "Let's get the Hades out of here."

Eve nodded and waved everybody forward. She went to the large wood doors, which were sealed shut.

Xena hurried up and caught up to her daughter. "I'm going to get a door open."

Eve simply nodded. She looked on as her mother sprinted ahead and started pulling a door open on her own. By the time they came up, Xena pretty much had the door opened and the group rushed out.

The warrior swung around outside and looked into the compound, she saw several soldiers getting up and others coming out of the building. She cursed and began closing the door again just to slow them down. Once it was sealed, she spun around and saw Torrid at the top of the hill, the group almost to him, and the Conqueror's army behind him. She simply grinned and hurried off.

After Callisto became in command again, she ordered the army to attack Gurkhan's compound. Xena and the Amazons however took care of the wives, checking on them and then finding them a safe place to rest. As they were sitting there, Xena was overlooking the fighting in the compound.

"What's going on down there?" inquired Gabrielle. She stood up from the rock and came over to her friend.

Xena folded her arms then replied, "Looks like Callisto has it under control."

"Yeah?" The Amazon Queen stood there, visually inspecting the on goings in the compound. "Looks like they're rounding up the soldiers that are still alive."

"Mmmm," agreed Xena. She then noticed her daughter accompanied them.

"Thank god that didn't take her long," complained the princess.

The Warrior Princess shifted her weight onto her right side. "I don't like this," she whispered.

"What you mean?" inquired Gabrielle.

"They're lining up Gurkhan's men… like they're going to be executed," explained Eve.

"I think they are," stated Xena.

Gabrielle shook her head and said, "We can't let her do that… they're prisoners."

Xena felt her shoulders drop slightly as she turned her attention to Gabrielle. "There's not much we can do, Gabrielle. The Conqueror gave her specific orders to destroy everything."

"What? Why?"

"Because they had you," simply answered the warrior. She turned her head away and now saw two of Callisto's men escorting a man outside. "Damn it," she growled.

"Its Gurkhan," whispered the bard. "Oh gods, if she kills him… I'll never be able to find my sister." She suddenly took of racing for the compound.

"Damn it," repeated Xena. She also took off.

Eve looked back at the Amazons and wives. "Stay here."

"What's going on?" inquired Varia.

"It's not good… just stay here," ordered Eve. She followed after her mother and the Amazon Queen.

"Callisto," yelled Gabrielle. She approached the naval captain and grabbed her arm. "What are you planning to do with Gurkhan?"

Callisto turned her head to the Amazon Queen, first though her cold eyes rested on the woman's hand.

Gabrielle sensed the annoyance and she released Callisto's arm.

The naval captain finally looked at Gabrielle. "I plan to kill him with the rest of his men then burn Magador to the ground."

"You can't kill Gurkhan, Callisto."

Callisto grinned and said, "I have orders to destroy anything and anybody here." She turned her attention away but without noticing Eve and Xena had came up to Gabrielle's side.

"No," growled Gabrielle suddenly. "I'm ordering you not to kill him, Callisto."

The naval captain quickly turned back to Gabrielle. "You order me?" she hissed. She fully turned to the Amazon Queen and lowered her head down. "You do not order me. You are the Queen of Amazons… not of me." She suddenly walked away and unsheathed her sword, she was heading right for Gurkhan.

"No!" yelled the angry bard. She chased after Callisto and grabbed her by the arm and swung her around. "I need him to find my sister," she yelled.

Callisto became full of anger at that point and brought her blade up to Gabrielle's throat. "Your head would look nice beside Gurkhan's," she whispered as a grin crept along her expression.

"Don't you dare," growled Xena, she already had her sword out.

Eve had her hand on her hilt, prepared to draw it out.

"Oh dear Xena…." Callisto lifted her golden, wild eyes to the warrior. "You're much softer than the Conqueror. I kinda like it."

The Warrior Princess narrowed her eyes. "And do you think the Conqueror will like you killing her?"

"Oh I don't know," teased the naval captain, "she might not, and that could be a lot of fun." She had a toothy grin as her attention lowered back to the bard. "But… maybe I'll save it for another day." She lowered her sword. "On a rainy day, how's that sound?"

"You fuc-"

"Ah ah aaah, don't say things that'll come to haunt you, Queen Gabrielle," warned Callisto. She started to walk away, towards Gurkhan, but already heard Gabrielle moving after her. "Stop her," she ordered to several of her men.

The soldiers quickly rushed forward and blocked Gabrielle away from Callisto.

"You'll enjoy watching this, Queen Gabrielle." The naval captain spun her sword and slowly closed in on the bounded slaver.

"No!" yelled the bard.

A soldier quickly moved to grab a hold of Gabrielle, immobilizing her. The other soldiers then unsheathed their swords and stepped up to Xena and Eve.

Xena gritted her teeth as she calculated everything but knew there was nothing she could do.

Gabrielle struggled against the solider but she suddenly stopped when she saw Callisto thrust her sword forward.

Gurkhan let out a quiet cry, as he became motionless on the blade. He then fell over when Callisto extracted her sword.

Callisto spun around with a happy grin and held up the bloody sword. "Who's next?"

Gabrielle looked away and lowered her head. "Oh gods…."

~*Part 18*~

Eponin turned around when she heard her friend come into the room. "How you doing, Teresa?"

"I'm okay." Teresa closed the door and leaned back against it. "Trying to get use to this big place."

"You do after awhile," promised the weapons master.

"Yeah? You have huh?"

The Amazon grinned back at Teresa. "Not really."

Teresa laughed crossed one leg over the other as she let all of her weight press against the door. "Its not a bad place. The Conqueror has style."

"She thinks… big," joked the weapons master.

"Hey, you have to give her some credit."

The weapons master sat down on her bed and looked at Teresa. "How you figure that?"

"Well… think about it from a warrior's stand point. She's conquered a better part of the known-world."

Eponin slowly nodded. "She has from a warrior's stand point."

"I mean… it is impressive, you have to admit." Teresa grinned. "How many people you know can do what she's done?"

"Only one," replied Eponin.

"Who's that?" questioned Teresa.

Eponin stood up while saying, "The Conqueror." She walked around the bed a peered out of the window, she was overlooking the market area.

"So… when's dinner around here?"

Eponin shrugged as she noted the long shadow the castle was setting over the market place. "I think whenever we want it."

"How about what's for dinner?"

"I think that's also whatever we want," replied the weapons master.

Teresa laughed and added, "I could really get use to this place."

"Wait until you see the bath." The weapons master turned around with a sly grin.

The Amazon straightened up off the door. "I can't wait, let's go now."

Eponin laughed and came over. "Alright… go outside and make a right."

Teresa didn't waste any time and swung open the door.

Eponin followed behind and shut the door. "Oh and I won't mention this to Amarice."

"Ep, you know she'll kill us both if she finds out we knew and didn't tell her."

"I know, isn't it great?" teased the weapons master.

Teresa chuckled and smiled at her friend. "Definitely."


"When do you think we'll attack?" quietly asked the warrior-bard.

The Conqueror considered her friend's question as she sat down in a chair next to a table. She stared up at the hut's ceiling as she thought about the plans. "Maybe later this week."

"You think we're close to the mining shaft?"

The Conqueror slowly nodded, her eyes followed the Amazon as she sat down on the foot of her bed. "How are your Amazons looking?"

"I think pretty well set. Do you think it's still too early to head over to Sinteres's?"

"Yes. Give it another day or two… depending." She was about to add more but faltered as she realized something. "Hades," she growled.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to wait until the scout ship arrives with word about Queen Gabrielle."

"Conqueror, I don't think that'll matter. I mean, she is there and Sinteres is here."

The Conqueror shook her head and stated, "It will matter. As soon as word gets out I attacked one of my head slavers, Gurkhan will hold Gabrielle over my head."

"Wait, wait." The warrior-bard held up her hands momentarily then lowered them back down. "How the Hades can anybody sure that… well the Amazon Queen is of any importance to you."

"Word is already out, Gabrielle," reminded the Conqueror. "Plenty of people have seen her and I together, talking. They all know and I have no doubt Sinteres helped get the information around."

The Amazon Queen sighed, as she knew her friend was right. "So we wait then."

"That's all we can do until then."

Gabrielle sadly nodded but looked up from the floor to the ruler. "By now, I'd say Xena has Queen Gabrielle out of Gurkhan's hands."

The Conqueror sighed as she actually sat back into the chair. "I hope so, Gabrielle." She let her eyes lower down, she just stared at the floor. "I will run Gurkhan through myself if he's done anything to her."

"I didn't think you worried about her," quietly mentioned Gabrielle. She felt blue eyes lift up to her with question in them. "Are you worrying now, Conqueror?"

Xena huffed then muttered, "I have a treaty to up hold."

"Oh." Gabrielle stood up and crossed over to Xena. She bent down to her and grinned at her. "Didn't know the treaty entailed saving the Queen and destroying her enemies."

"Gabrielle, don't-"

"I wasn't," cut off Gabrielle, "I was just… pointing some facts out, my liege." She patted the woman's knee then stood up. She sat in a chair that accompanied the desk. "Worrying isn't always a bad thing, you know."

The Conqueror didn't say anything, she remained silent.


The Warrior Princess returned her attention to her friend.

"Do me a favour huh?"

"What is that?"

Gabrielle put her words together in her head right then spoke them. "If she smiles at you and you feel your knees weak for just a moment then don't let her leave your life."

The ruler only lowered her eyes again and didn't say anything back to her.

Gabrielle knew though her words were sinking in with her friend. She stood up and offered, "Dinner here tonight?"

"That would be nice," replied the Conqueror. She stood up and accompanied the warrior-bard to the dining hut.

~*Part 19*~

"Wait, wait," stated the Amazon Queen. "You're telling me she has to send a scout ship ahead to let the Conqueror know I'm safe?"

"Yes," replied Xena. "Why?"

Gabrielle stood up from her chair in Cleopatra's guestroom. "To Hades with that, I'll go on the scout ship."

The warrior grinned and said, "That's fine but let some of us go with you."

"There's not much room on a scout ship," reminded Gabrielle.

"I know, so Eve and I can go with you." Xena stood up from her own chair and came over to her friend. "I think its best the Amazons stay with the wives, to watch over them."

"I agree." Gabrielle paused when she grabbed the door handle. "I guess we need to talk to Callisto huh?"

"Yeah, afraid so."

The Amazon Queen bit her lower lip but turned to the door. "Here goes." She flung open the door. "Go get Eve and I'll talk to Callisto."

"Gabrielle, are you sure?" asked the concerned warrior.

"I'm positive. I can handle her." Gabrielle shrugged then added, "I have to some time."

"Just holler if you need help. Alright?"

The Amazon Queen nodded then watched the warrior disappear down at the other end of the long hallway. She then faced the other end and slowly walked down to Callisto's room. After a deep, long breath she finally knocked on the door. She heard the naval captain order for her to come inside the room. She opened the door and stepped into her room. "Callisto, I need to talk with you."

Callisto reappeared out of the wash room, wearing just her leathers. "Oh Queen Gabrielle, how can I help you?" She grinned and put her hands on her hips.

"I heard you have to send a scout ship to give the Conqueror word of what's happening."

"Yes, I do. Why?"

Gabrielle pressed her now folded arms against her chest. "I'd like to return to Greece on the scout ship with Eve and Xena."

The naval captain thought about it for a few minutes. Suddenly a large grin appeared in her expression. "That's fine but the ship leaves in about half a candlemark from now. So I suggest you hurry, Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle nodded and started to leave but called, "Thank you."

"Oh you're quite welcome," taunted Callisto. She saw the Amazon leave and she laughed to herself.

The bard rushed down the hallway in search of Xena and Eve. "Xena?" she yelled. She heard the room two doors up open immediately.

"What's wrong?" asked Xena, she stepped out of the room.

"The ship leaves in half a candlemark."

"Alright, wait there. Eve and I are coming. I just have to finish up my conversation with Varia."

Gabrielle nodded and remained standing there until Xena and her daughter came out. The three women then quickly went to the docks to board the ship just in time.

~*Part 20*~

The Conqueror slipped into the tent and received a smile from the warrior-bard. "Hey," she greeted. "How are things?"

"Not bad," replied the Amazon Queen. Gabrielle sat down in her chair next to the foot of her bed. "All the Amazons have been positioned in the area."

"Have they been shown their various tasks during the battle?"

The warrior-bard slowly nodded and said, "Solari and Ephiny are handling that now."

"And you're not helping?" The Conqueror had a slight grin as she folded her arms over her chest.

"No… to be honest, I needed a break." The small warrior sighed and lowered her head. "I'm worried about the others."

"I am myself," confessed the Conqueror very quietly.

The Amazon Queen lifted her head again and saw the honest look in the ruler's face. "I'm sure they're okay," she promised.

The Conqueror only nodded but did not voice her opinion.

"How is the mining shaft going over there?"

"Its coming along." Xena's eyes flickered to the floor then back at her friend. "I expect to hit the shaft by tonight."

"That soon?"

The Conqueror grinned evilly. "Yes that soon. I've had men working on it non stop."

"That figures." Gabrielle just gave a grin back but she then went serious. "Do you think we'll be able to stop them?"

"We'll crush them," simply replied the ruler. "I don't plan on letting them walk away."

The small warrior sighed at her friend's words. She hung her head low. Then a question came to her and she looked back up. "Are you this angry because you want to be? Or you this angry because of what they did to Gabrielle?"

The ruler's jaw tightened and loosened several times. "Draco betrayed me and went behind my back. Sinteres supports him."

"That's really why?"

The Conqueror's arm fell from her chest and walked over to the opposite side of the tent. She spun around to face her friend. "What do you want, Gabrielle huh?" She shook her head and angrily asked, "You want me to fall in love with her huh? Is this what's it about?"

Gabrielle slowly rose up and stated, "You're already in love, my liege. You just don't want to face it." She paused and suddenly got angry too. "Screw your dark side, you will not find any balance without her. And you're too scared to admit that to yourself." She shook her head and went to the tent flap. "You'll be ten times stronger with her than without her." She disappeared out of the tent.

The Conqueror stood there angry than before and suddenly rushed out of the tent after the Amazon Queen. She quickly found her and grabbed her by the arm. She spun her around and brought her face into Gabrielle's. "Do not question my power in this world. I am stronger without her."

The warrior-bard narrowed her eyes and hotly whispered, "Then why are you so intent on killing her persecutors and bringing her home? Let me know when you figure that out, Plato." She jerked her arm free and walked off.

The Conqueror stared at her back and then realized her men and a few Amazons were staring at her. She growled and disappeared as well into the late afternoon.

~*Part 21*~

The Amazon Queen jumped onto the dock and waited for her two friends to follow. "Hurry," she ordered. It been a three day trip from Egypt, well more of two and half days and it was about midday now.

Xena and Eve were on the dock now and trying to hurry after the bard.

"Gabrielle, wait up," called the Warrior Princess.

The bard sighed and stopped at the end of the dock. "I need to know what's happening."

"We know, but sprinting down a dock is not going to help much," interjected Eve.

"Queen Gabrielle?" suddenly yelled a voice.

"Eponin?" The Queen had spun around to see her weapons master at the end of the dock. "Ep!" She smiled happily and rushed to her friend.

The Amazon laughed as she was taken into a big hug. "Oh gods, welcome home, my Queen." She squeezed the Queen as hard as she could.

Gabrielle pulled back from the hug and smiled at her Amazon. "How are you?"

"I was about to ask you that."

The bard giggled and said, "I'm fine."

"I'm glad."

"I was so worried about you and Palamon and Ephiny."

Eponin smiled warmly and reached up to brush back her Queen's hair from her face. "We're fine. Ephiny made it to the Conqueror fine. The Conqueror was able to get Palamon and I out of the compound."

The bard smiled so happily at the news but then she got a confused look. "Why are you here?"

The weapons master sighed and replied, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later. I'm here with Amarice and Teresa too."

The bard looked past her Amazon and now saw the two young Amazons coming out of the castle towards the pier.

Eponin finally took a step back and greeted Xena and Eve. "Glad you two are back. Where are the others?"

"We came on the scout ship," explained Xena, "The others will be here soon enough."

"My Queen!" squealed Teresa. She pushed past the weapons master and grabbed the Queen in a hug.

Gabrielle laughed and hugged her back tightly. She then went to Amarice and saw the Amazon smile shyly at her. "Come here, Reece."

The Amazon chuckled at the nickname and hugged her Queen. "Its good to have you back, my Queen."

The bard pulled back and smiled at her three Amazons.

"Have you heard word from the Conqueror?" inquired Xena.

Eponin peered up at the warrior. "Well Gabrielle sent word that everything was prepared. As soon as they heard word that Queen Gabrielle was okay, they planned to attack."

"What was the plan?" urged Xena.

Eve was listening to the weapons master explaining the attack plan but she now saw a soldier approaching them. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw a scroll in his hands. "I think we're about to find out the most recent news."

Eponin fell short on her words when she followed Eve's eyes. She saw the messenger approach her. "Soldier," she greeted.

"Regent." The messenger bowed his head and handed the scroll over. "This is from the Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle."

Eponin took the scroll and quickly unrolled it.

Gabrielle shifted to stand beside her friend and read the scroll as well. After she finished it, she looked up with fearful eyes. "They've been taken by surprise."

"What?" growled Xena.

"Sinteres and Draco attacked them," explained Eponin, "They must have known."

"How were things before you left?" hastily asked Gabrielle to the messenger.

"They were not well, Queen Gabrielle." The soldier sighed then further explained, "The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle were taken surprise as you said. When I left, they were just starting to get organized and retaliate."

"Are many dead?"

"Mostly the Conqueror's men," replied the soldier, "Very few Amazons."

"The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle are okay?"

"Yes of course, Queen Gabrielle," answered the soldier. "So is the regent."

Gabrielle briskly nodded then asked, "Did the odds look bad?"

"They were improving some when I left but at first, not at all. Neither the Conqueror or Queen Gabrielle expected them to attack."

The Queen sighed and looked to Xena and Eve. "We better get to them."

"We will go too," offered Eponin.

"No, no wait." The Queen held up her hand. "I need you three to stay." She turned to her weapons master and grasped her shoulders. "Callisto will return soon with the others. If you're not here to hold down the Conqueror's role then she'll assume it. And right now, I do not like that woman."

"That is wise," agreed the soldier.

The bard's eyes flicked over to the messenger then back to Eponin. She was even more sure now that it'd come from the soldier's mouth.

"Of course, my Queen," agreed the weapons master.

Gabrielle softly smiled and released her shoulders. "Are there enough men for us to take to the battle?"

"There should be," cut in Teresa. "I've been keeping head counts."

"How many?" inquired Queen Gabrielle.

"Five hundred plus," replied Teresa.

The bard sighed and peered over at Xena and Eve. "How many?"

Eve looked at her mother. "A hundred and fifty," she stated."

"Two hundred," countered Xena.

"We should leave over three hundred here," protested Eve. "Just to make sure Callisto does not get any ideas."

The Warrior Princess thought about it then said, "A hundred and seventy-five."

Eve grinned at her mother's amount, she turned to Gabrielle. "A hundred and seventy-five."

Eponin looked to the soldier, "Take care of it."

"Yes of course." The soldier hurried off.

Gabrielle then returned her attention to her weapons master. "When Varia, Cyane, and the others come here have them stay with you. I think it's the wises choice right now."

"I will, my Queen."

Xena came up beside the bard and grasped her shoulder lightly. "We should get ready to move."

"Travel tonight?" offered Eve.

"Yes, we'll be closer." Xena squeezed the bard's shoulder and let go.

"Let's go then," ordered Gabrielle. She hurried off with her friends all following suit.

~*Part 22*~

Gabrielle stayed mounted on the horse and to either side of her was Xena and Eve. Behind Gabrielle though was trailing a hundred and seventy five men all prepared to die for the Conqueror. She too was prepared to die for the Conqueror. She could only hope her Amazons were fighting with every last bit of strength to stop Sinteres and Draco.

"I think we're close," quietly spoke Eve.

"We are," agreed Xena, she was now ridged in her saddle. Her eyes were darting each way and her head dropped to one side.

"What is it?" whispered the Queen.

"I can hear the fighting," quietly replied the Warrior Princess. "Eve?"

The daughter had her eyes closed and she was trying to focus on it as well. It was often she used her skills but she had them despite how long it had been. "Yeah, I hear them too."

"How much longer until we're there then?"

"About ten minutes tops," replied Xena.

"Should I prepared the men?" quietly asked the bard.

Eve faintly nodded.

Gabrielle held up her hand and came to a halt. She heard all of the Conqueror's soldiers stop and there was finally silence instead of armour clanking. She turned her horse around to face the troops. "We are close to the battle. Prepare yourselves." For a response, she heard the loud din of swords scraping out of sheaths. "Remember, do not fail your liege as I never would either."

The soldiers raised their swords and cheered as well whistled.

"Let's stop they bastards," she hotly whispered and turned her mare around. She tapped the horse's side and hurried into a trot.

Eve and Xena tapped their horses' sides and followed behind.

The soldiers all yelled in unison and jogged behind with their swords at the ready.

The three women came through a large grouping of woods and all they could hear now was a mix of fighting, yelling, and screaming just ahead. Once they were through the huge grouping of trees, they found a huge mix of Amazons, soldiers, and warriors fighting in front of the gates of Sinteres's compound.

Gabrielle growled and spun her horse around. She pointed at the battle and yelled to the soldiers, "Attack!"

The soldiers all yelled and raged past the three women then flooded into the battlefield.

The Conqueror suddenly heard the sounds of a wave of soldiers crashing into the battle. She frantically tried to figure out where this wave came from since she didn't command it. She growled and lunged at her attacker because of her frustration.

"I have to find Gabrielle, the Conqueror, or Ephiny," announced Gabrielle.

"I'll go with you," promised Eve.


The warrior unsheathed her sword. "Go ahead. I'm going to help out."

"Be careful, mother," warned Eve.

The warrior saw her daughter's look and nodded. "You too. I'll see you after the battle."

Eve nodded and watched her mother disappear into the battle with her mare. Her eyes then flickered up to the trees. "There are Amazons in the trees," she whispered.

The Queen lifted her eyes and saw all the Amazons.

Eve dismounted her horse suddenly said, "Come on. I think we'll be able to find them faster from the trees."

The bard quickly agreed and dismounted her horse as well. She approached a tree and with Eve's help, jumped up into the tree. She quickly looked around from the treetops and saw her Amazons shooting their arrows at various enemies. She then scanned around for Ephiny or the Conqueror or Gabrielle.

"Wait, there's Ephiny," spoke up Eve. She pointed off to her right. "And there's Gabrielle."

The Amazon Queen saw Gabrielle was too far away while Ephiny was much closer. "Let's get to Ephiny first."

Eve nodded her head. She took her friend's hand and asked, "Ready?"

The bard faintly nodded then followed Eve through the trees. She wasn't very good at jumping from branch to branch but it was an art she was starting to learn now.

"Can you land okay?"

"Yes," replied the bard. For a demonstration, she jumped off the branch and landed neatly beside her regent.

Eve chuckled and also leapt to the ground.

"Gabrielle!" yelled the regent, her face suddenly went happy. She then had fearful eyes and swung her staff around. "Duck!"

The Amazon Queen dropped down as the staff went over her head and smashed into one of Draco's men.

Eve quickly moved and punched the man several times and watched him collapsed.

Gabrielle laughed and stood back up. "Miss me?" she teased.

"Sweet Artemis, yes." Ephiny laughed and was about to hug her friend but didn't because of the battle going on. She saw an enemy coming up from behind her Queen. "Take this." She threw the staff at the bard.

The Queen neatly caught it and spun it while turning around. "Hey, this is my staff."

Ephiny laughed while extracting her sword from her back. "Yup, I thought you might show up and want it." She grinned at her opponent off to the right. She glanced over at Eve who was sword playing with another bad guy.

Gabrielle grinned at her enemy. She hadn't used her staff in awhile but she knew her body hadn't forgotten how to use her staff. She suddenly attacked her enemy but not without talking to her regent. "How are things?"

"They're getting better," called back the regent. "Did you bring in the calvary?"

Gabrielle laughed and yelled, "Yeah, we brought some men with us."

"Us?" yelled Ephiny.

"Xena, Eve and I," answered the bard. She struck her enemy across the face then brought her staff back around to give him several blows to his stomach and legs. "What is the plan?"

"What the plan was to surprise attack Sinteres and Draco but they actually ended up taking our idea."

Gabrielle chuckled to herself as she gave one last hard blow to the guy's stomach, sending him onto his back. "What's the plan now?"

"To try and fix our plans," called Ephiny. She suddenly stabbed forward and was able to penetrate her enemy's defenses and run her sword through him. "The Conqueror should be showing up soon."

"What you mean, showing up soon?" yelled the bard. She was already engaged in another fight but with two soldiers this time.

"She'll be opening the gates to the compound soon," answered the regent. "Hopefully with Draco and Sinteres running out screaming."

"I got to get to the Conqueror," called the bard.

"It won't matter, Gabrielle. She has her plans in motion."

"I know that," yelled the bard as she growled at her two attackers. She struck one across the side of his head knocking him out then she went for her other enemy. "I just need to know she's okay."

Ephiny sighed as she jumped to her right and her enemy from front and behind ran each other through with their own swords. "Alright, let's see if we can break for it." She then noted Eve had been silent so she yelled, "Eve, you still with us?"

The princess laughed and replied, "Of course. We better make a run for it now if we're going to get near those gates."

"Alright." Ephiny went to the tree quickly and jumped up into the branches.

Gabrielle sighed and threw her staff up to her regent.

Ephiny caught it and saw her Queen jump up but almost lost her balance. She caught her by the shoulder and said, "Steady." She then had a huge grin and said, "Nice clothes by the way."

Gabrielle groaned as she realized she was still in her slave clothes.

Eve chuckled and saw two enemies coming at her. She grinned and said, "Come on, boys." She waited to the last minute then jumped up. Below, she heard them smash into one another.

"There are the gates." Ephiny pointed straight ahead. "Gabrielle is over there too."

"Great, maybe we can help her out."

Ephiny nodded at her Queen's words.

"What is the plan anyway?" inquired Eve.

The regent sighed. "Once the Conqueror flushes out the rest of the men from the compound, we're to encircle them then squeeze."

Eve fainlty nodded and said, "And now?"

"Still the same." Ephiny then looked over at the warrior-bard fighting alone. "Let's go." She leaped from branch to branch with Eve and Gabrielle following behind her.

The Queen then realized as she was making her way to the gates, her Amazons were realizing she was with them. The Amazons were suddenly whistle at her or cheer to her and then fight even harder against their enemies, a renewed strength in them.

"They're happy you're home," whispered Ephiny, a huge grin on her face.

Gabrielle chuckled as she stood beside her regent just under the warrior-bard. She was still waiting for Eve to catch up to them. She then held her hand out when she saw Eve join them.

Ephiny handed over the staff. "Let's be careful."

The bard nodded and jumped down to the ground.

The warrior-bard had just knocked out her enemy and spun around when she heard the person behind her. She held up her sais in defense, ready to attack. She then lowered her sais at seeing Queen Gabrielle before her. "Gabrielle?"

The bard smiled happily.

The warrior-bard laughed happily and jumped at her friend.

The bard found herself caught up in a huge hug and she couldn't help but return it. She closed her eyes and squeezed tightly. Around her, she could hear Ephiny and Eve landing on an enemies to stop him from attacking them.

The warrior-bard pulled back finally and asked, "You're okay?"

"Perfectly," reassured the bard. "You?"

"Never better now." Gabrielle hadn't lost her smile. "The Conqueror will be here soon."

"That's what Eph said too." The bard then noted that several of Draco's men were closing in on them. "Well, we better not keep them waiting."

The warrior-bard grinned back and spun her sais while turning around.

"By the way," called the bard, "Xena is here."

"I kind of thought so since Eve is here."

Eve laughed between her fighting and yelled, "Mother should show up soon."

"I think she already has." The warrior-bard had caught sight from the corner of her eye her soulmate pressing through the battle and still on Argo.

Just as Xena approached the group, the gates of the compound flung open with Draco and Sinteres both on horseback and about fifty men rushing behind them to get out of the compound.

Suddenly a woman's deep voice boomed through the battle, yelling, "Kill them all!"

"Guess who?" muttered the bard. She looked over at the warrior-bard and called, "I need to get to the Conqueror."

Gabrielle looked between the bard and her opponent. She then realized her soulmate had joined into the group. "Xena," she yelled.

The warrior smiled at her partner but knew she needed something. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Can you get Gabrielle to the Conqueror?"

For a response, the Warrior Princess urged her mare to the bard's side and she held her hand down.

The Amazon Queen took out her opponent then spun her staff. She turned around and took the offered help, she easily mounted Argo.

Xena took a deep breath, spun her sword and turned Argo around. She urged Argo into a gallop and headed for the gates, slashing her way through. It took about two minutes to press through the battle and get to the Conqueror.

Once they were there, Gabrielle didn't wait a second and slipped out of the saddle. "Conqueror!" she yelled.

The ruler had just finished off her enemy and spun around at hearing her name. Her eyes widened when she saw Gabrielle just ahead of her. She saw the bard was rushing to her and not paying attention to anything. She saw one of Draco's men charging the Amazon Queen and she growled at this. She grabbed her chakram and brought it up then threw it.

The bard didn't even notice the chakram but did hear the enemy yell when the chakram rammed into his chest. She came right up to the ruler and smiled at her.

"Be more careful," growled the Conqueror. She motioned to the enemy on his back with a chakram sticking from his chest.

"Good to see you too," teased the Amazon Queen.

The ruler just glared at the small woman but before she could do any more lecturing, she was pulled into a hug. The Conqueror stood there surprised yet she wrapped her free arm around the bard. She felt as if so much of her anger drained out. She then lifted her eyes in time to see a warrior coming at them. The only thing she could do was pull Gabrielle in tighter and spun around to put her back to him. She buried her head into Gabrielle more when she felt the blade slash at her back but that was it.

Xena had stepped in after flipping off her saddle. She'd stopped the soldier's sword with her own blade. She suddenly kicked at him and pushed him further from the Conqueror and the bard.

"Are you okay?" hastily asked the Amazon Queen, a worried expression on her face.

"I'm fine," reassured the ruler. "How about you?"

"I'm okay," replied the bard. "I'm so sor-"

"Its okay," cut off the ruler. "I just want this fight over with."

Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows at that total change in the Conqueror's attitude.

The Conqueror sighed and whispered, "I want to go home."

The Amazon Queen nodded faintly and turned around when she'd seen that look in the ruler's face. She raised her staff up, and stopped the blade that was coming at her from behind.

The ruler growled and took on the other enemy that was at her back. At certain points, she'd take a quick look at the Amazon Queen to make sure she was okay. She was starting to realize just how good Gabrielle was with her staff. She also started surveying the battle and noted they were now winning and crushing Draco's men. It would not be long before this battle was finally over for them.


The Conqueror stared at the two men locked in the jail wagon. They were both on opposite ends of the wagon, their eyes closed, and trying to forget today's lost. The fire light from around the camp was reflecting off their face, she could see all of the blood and scars on their faces.

After shaking her head a few times, she turned around and walked back into camp. In the background, she could hear the two jail guards talking again. She stopped about midway into the camp and scanned all of the Amazons and her soldiers. Everybody was busy cleaning up or taking care of his or her wounds. Her healers along with two Amazon healers were shifting through everybody, checking on them.

The Conqueror turned her attention away from them and looked across the camp to one tent. She saw the firelight inside of the tent flickering and a shadow moving back and forth inside of the tent. Slowly she took in a long breath then made her way to the tent. Once she neared it, she paused but went inside of it.

The bard looked up in surprise when the ruler entered.

The Conqueror instantly realized the Amazon Queen was changing out of her clothes. "Excuse me," she apologized and turned her back to Gabrielle. She felt rather embarrassed now for barging in without thinking.

"Its okay," countered the bard. "I could actually use your help."

The Conqueror kept her back to the younger woman but asked, "With?"

Gabrielle returned to taking her small top off that she'd received while at Gurkhan's. "I have a wound on my back."

Immediately the Warrior Princess turned around in worry. She then realized Gabrielle was topless. "Hades," she growled and turned back around.

Gabrielle laughed and said, "Hey we're both women."

"Yes, I know this, Queen Gabrielle but…." She was lost for words. "Its just not polite," she finished.

"Alright… let me sit down on the cot with my back to you. On the bed is a medical kit if you can help to clean it for me. I can't see it let alone reach it."

"Tell me when you're ready."

The bard quietly shifted to the bed and sat down on the edge, her back directly to the ruler. "Its okay."

Xena slowly turned around and approached her. She decided to sit down behind the young woman. She reached over to grab the medical kit, which was next to the Queen's Amazon attire. "You found your clothes?"

"Yes, Ephiny was kind enough to bring them."

The Conqueror licked her lips as she picked through the kit, looking for a cloth. "I saw she brought you your staff as well."

"Yes," confirmed the bard. She then realized they would need some water to better clean the wound. "Over there on the chair is some clean water."

"Thank you." The Conqueror got up and went over to pick up the bowl of water that was near the other end of the cot.

Gabrielle knew she was about to turn around and see her topless again. She quickly lifted her arms and crossed them over her breasts just before the ruler turned around.

The Conqueror paused for a second but then quickly moved back to her spot behind the young woman. "Thanks," she whispered.

"For?" quietly asked the bard.

The ruler chuckled while placing the bowl in her lap. "For the water." Her voice was in a teasing tone.

The bard faintly grunted because she knew why the ruler was really thanking her. She then sensed a large hand grasping her shoulder and then a wet cloth pressing into her back.

Xena carefully dabbed the bard's back cleaning up the wound. "How'd you get this?" she asked quietly.

"I'm not sure really." Gabrielle shrugged then added, "I just realized it not long after we got back into camp."

"Mmmm." The Conqueror continued patting the wound clean. She then lowered both of her hands into the bowl with the cloth and thoroughly cleaned it. "Hurt at all?"

"Not really… I'm sure it will when you put that salve on."

"Most likely," agreed the Conqueror. She clasped her hand on the bard's shoulder again and carefully cleaned the wound a second time. "How did things go at Gurkhan's?"

"There wasn't really any problems."

The Conqueror raised an eyebrow at the word 'any.' "So there were some problems?"

The Queen was about to blurt out what happened between her and Callisto but stopped herself just as quickly. She knew it wasn't the right time to discuss it but she knew she would have to sooner or later. "Well… the only major problem was I almost ended up bedding Gurkhan." She shook her head. "But I was lucky."

"Oh?" Xena put the cloth down in the bowl and picked up the bowl. She placed it on the floor. "What happened?"

"Varia showed up and stopped us before it happened."

The Conqueror let out a breath. She started milling through the kit again, looking for salve. "I take it you came on the scout ship?"

"Yes," answered the bard. "I was… concerned."

"About? The battle?" suggested the ruler. She opened the container of balm and spread some of her two right fingers.

"Well, that too," agreed the bard. She hissed and straightened her back out when the salve touched her wound. "Hades that stuff stings."

The ruler grinned some but continued to apply the ointment. "The battle huh?"

"I was worried about you," confessed the bard. "I mean I was about my Amazons, the battle, and Gabrielle… but you too."

The Warrior Princess slowly raised an eyebrow at her submission.

"I can see that eyebrow up," joked Gabrielle.

Xena huffed. "Everything else was okay?" she persisted, "No problems with Cleopatra or Callisto?"

"No… no," half lied the bard. "All of Gurkhan's wives are coming back too."

"And what do you suggest we do with them?" The Conqueror put on a little more salve then stopped. She closed up the lid and slipped it away.

"I was planning to offer them to join my Nation… if that's alright by you, my liege."

"I think its perfect," agreed the ruler.

Gabrielle was surprised by the agreement so she started to turn around.

The ruler was about to stop her but soft green eyes caught her. She tried to keep her attention fully above Gabrielle's neck.


Xena swallowed and slowly nodded. "I agree with you. I think you need more Amazons," she whispered.

"Thank you."

The Conqueror could only simply nod again as she reached over without moving her head a fraction. Xena's right hand scurried for Gabrielle's top.

Gabrielle chuckled when she found the top in her hands. "Thanks."

"No problem." The dark ruler sprung up from the bed and walked off towards the tent flap.

The Queen already had her top on and buckled in the back. "Thank you for taking care of the wound."

The Conqueror stopped in front of the flap and turned around, relieved to see Gabrielle's top on now. "You're welcome. Get some rest tonight."

"I will, you too, my liege."

The ruler moved her head in acknowledgement then silently left.

The Amazon Queen groaned and fell back into her cot. "Gooooddsss," she moaned.

The Conqueror hadn't walked off that far when she heard Gabrielle's noises. She felt a small grin tug at her lips as she strolled through the camp to her own hut.

The warrior-bard was still holding onto her soulmate.

Xena finally lifted her head after this long hug and whispered, "You want to lay down?"

Gabrielle sighed and squeezed her partner tighter. "In a moment."

The warrior kissed her partner's temple. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Xena." The small warrior finally forced herself to released her partner. "Know what though?"


"I am a little hungry."

The Warrior Princess corked an eyebrow at that. "How about you sit down and I'll hunt some food down for us."

"Are you sure? I can co-"

"Its okay," cut off the warrior. "Just take it easy huh? I'll be back shortly." She left the tent in hopes to find her and Gabrielle some kind of food. As she was milling through the camp, looking for some signs of a mess tent. She then caught the Conqueror in the corner of her eye, she hastily made her way to the ruler.

"Hi, Xena," greeted the ruler.

"Conqueror." Xena held out her arm.

The Conqueror smiled and briskly shook arms with the warrior. "Nice job today."

"You didn't do bad yourself," commented the warrior. She finally released the strong arm.

"How is Gabrielle?" inquired the ruler.

"She is fine… exhausted but fine."

The Conqueror shifted her weight to her right foot. "Things were rather stressful for her."

"I know," whispered the warrior.

"She will be fine," reassured the ruler, "especially since you're back."

Xena nodded at the Conqueror's word. "How is the Queen?"

"I was just there," confessed the ruler, "she only has a small wound on her back. Otherwise she is fine."

"Glad to hear it." Xena was about to move away but stopped when she thought to ask the ruler about the mess tent. "Where can I find some food? Gabrielle is pretty hungry."

"Mmmm." The Conqueror was about to tell her but instead decided to show her. "This way." She made a beeline for the food tent. "I think the Queen will want something as well."

"Mmmm," agreed Xena, "lions to feed."

The ruler chuckled deeply in agreement.

Together the pair found the food tent and went inside to begin the food selection. The Conqueror made sure to get one of everything since she was completely unsure what the Queen would want anyway. After both women had their trays of food, they separated and each went to a Gabrielle's tent.

"Can I come in?" called a deep voice.

Gabrielle sat up from her bed and realized it was the Conqueror. "Yeah of course." She giggled some at the fact the ruler was now asking to come into the tent.

"I brought you something… thought you might be hungry."

The bard smiled at the tray of food. "Gee… you must have gotten one of everything."

"Pretty much… I wasn't sure what you liked."

Gabrielle laughed as the covered tray lowered onto the bed between them both. "All of it."

"I did good then."

"Well except for the olives," confessed the Queen.

"Not a problem." The ruler grabbed the small bowl of olives and started popping them into her mouth.

Gabrielle laughed and shook her head. She picked up a piece of bread and decided to start there. "Have you seen anybody?"

"You mean as in Xena or Gabrielle?"


"I just spoke with Xena." The ruler sat back some while chewing on the last olive. "She said Gabrielle is fine."

"That's good to hear." The bard picked up the small mug of soup. "I was thinking of going over to see them but thought I shouldn't. They probably want to be alone… plus I'm just too exhausted," confessed the bard.

Xena slightly grinned and said, "So is Gabrielle."

The Queen nodded then lifted up a spoon to start her soup. "How you feel?"

"Tired myself," honestly answered the ruler.

"Kind of thought so." Gabrielle took a few spoonfuls of the soup then quietly said, "Thank you for sparing Draco and Sinteres."

"I wouldn't have done it otherwise."

"I know." Gabrielle still recalled the ruler almost gutting both men when she'd finally cornered them. Fortunately she'd been there at the time and was able to stop the ruler. "I think we can come up with better ways to ruin their lives."

The Conqueror laughed some because she knew of a few ideas already.

Through the rest of the evening, the pair quietly talked about their past weeks while they were apart. Sometimes though there were long moments of silence, neither sure what to say like there was something else they were suppose to be discussing. Yet Gabrielle always hastily came up with some kind of topic for them to get around the main question that was between them both.

The following day, the Amazons and the army broke camp deciding it were time to go home. First the Amazon Nation was escorted back to their village just to the northwest. Yet it was Ephiny, Solari, and Queen Gabrielle that decided to join the rest to travel to Athens. Also they made sure to separate the three groups of Amazons between Velasca's, Queen Gabrielle, and Varia's Amazons. Gabrielle took command of Varia's Amazons and had them travel to Athens with them.

Together, the huge traveling group slowly made their way to Athens. They also estimated that by the time they arrived that Callisto would have returned by then, at least they hoped.

Eponin was standing on the balcony that came out over the main portion of the city. She was about to return go back inside but faltered when she saw several glints of metal just outside of the city. "By Artemis, let that be them," she whispered. She stepped closer and grasped the rail. She squeezed the rail so tightly as she waited in anticipation. As glints began to emerge into people, she knew it was the Conqueror with her army and she also was now able to pick out several Amazons. A happy smile broke out across her expression as she raced back inside to find her friends.

It wasn't long before everybody was reunited by the following morning. Callisto and her fleet arrived the next morning at first light with a very tired group of women. All of the Amazons celebrated with several hugs and laughs. Queen Gabrielle offered to the Gurkhan's former wives if they'd like to join her Nation and none of them refused.

By the late afternoon, Xena and Gabrielle decided it was best for her and Queen Varia's Amazons to return back home. The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle knew it'd be a long adventure for all of them and Queen Gabrielle thanked Gabrielle, Xena, Eve, and Queen Varia numerous times for their help and support. She also then promised her, Ephiny, Solari, Eponin, Amarice, Teresa, and the wives would escort them to the cave just outside of Stagira so they could return to their world.

Gradually the traveling group organized and met at the gates, rather worn out from all of the events plus the traveling. Everybody was rather eager to return back to their homes.

Xena had mounted her mare and saw her partner had just gotten on her stallion. Just off to her right was Queen Gabrielle forcing herself to mount a horse.

Gabrielle quietly chuckled at the Queen's persistence to ride a horse. "She has more spirit then me when I was her age."

Xena gave a grin to her soulmate. "She tries harder."

"I wouldn't say that," called Gabrielle, "It's the fact I don't feel like walking the distance."

Both Xena and the warrior-bard laughed together.

Ephiny came up along the other side of her Queen.

"Are we ready?" inquired the Queen.

"Yes," replied the regent.

"Good, I'm ready to get home."

"Gabrielle, you do not have to come with us," persisted the warrior-bard.

The Amazon Queen shook her head at her friend's words. "I want to make sure you and the Amazons get back safely to your world."

The warrior-bard nodded then said, "Thank you."

Gabrielle smiled at the older woman but then looked at Ephiny. "Okay, let's get moving."

The regent nodded and was about to order everybody out but stopped when Gabrielle's hand grasped her leg. "What is it?"

The bard signaled with her head at the Conqueror.

Ephiny looked over at the ruler standing at the gates of the city, just watching them carefully. "It's your call," whispered the regent.

Gabrielle bit her lower lip. "I'll be back," she promised. She slipped out of the saddle. "Just going to thank her and say bye."

"Okay, we'll be here." Ephiny watched her Queen weave through all of the Amazons and came up to the ruler.

The Conqueror lifted herself off the gate and smiled some at the Queen. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you soon."

"You will." Gabrielle went a little closer but kept a certain distance away from her. "I just wanted to thank you for all of the help."

"I had a treaty to uphold," reminded the ruler.

Gabrielle lowered her head at the mention of the treaty. She slowly lifted her head. "Well… whether it was the treaty or well something else, I appreciate it either way." She paused and quietly added, "I know you didn't have to do all that you did."

"And I appreciate your continuing support, Queen Gabrielle… despite our pasts."

The small woman sighed at the mention of what had happened between them from the start. "The past is the past… my legs have healed just like my anger. Sometimes I don't even remember it."

"I know… and that's what makes you such an amazing woman," whispered the ruler. She took a deep breath and took one step closer. "You can return whenever you see fit." Slowly a crooked grin appeared in her expression. "I still expect an invite to your Nation… and especially to your hot springs bath."

The bard blushed as she realized there wasn't quite a hot springs bath just yet. "Well… when we have them ready, I'll be sure to invite you."

Xena nodded as her grin faded away. "Safe travels, Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle tapped her staff on the ground and said, "We'll talk soon." She turned around and took a step away.

The Conqueror noticed she wasn't going any further but instead turned back around.

"To Hades with the formality." Gabrielle quickly moved in closer.

Xena wasn't sure what to expect as she put up her guard but suddenly found herself in a hug. She stood there frozen for the second time and tried to debate what to do. She gave a heavy sigh and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman. "This is really bad for my image, you know that right, Queen Gabrielle?"

"Then don't hug me," countered the bard.

Although a part of the ruler was prepared to just that she faltered and instead squeezed the Queen tighter. "Please be careful, I do not feel like repeating this."

Gabrielle laughed softly and finally let go of the Conqueror. "Of course, my liege." She smiled warmly up at the woman.

"Go on," urged Xena, "Your Amazons wait for you."

The Queen solemnly nodded and stepped back a few times. "Bye, my liege."

The ruler bowed her head some while saying, "Goodbye, Queen Gabrielle." She lifted her head to watch Gabrielle quickly spin around and power walk off to the group of Amazons.

The Conqueror sighed deeply and went back to her position against the gates.

Gabrielle mounted her horse again and signaled to Ephiny. While her regent took care of the Amazons, she went about lashing her staff down.

The regent ordered the group to push down the road. She then started her horse into a walk but kept her attention on her best friend. "Everything okay?" she whispered.

"Yes," replied the bard.

"Nothing went wrong?" urged the regent.

"No," promised the rather quiet Queen.

Xena and her warrior-bard had noticed the shift in Queen Gabrielle's attitude. Neither of them spoke up because they knew Ephiny would handle it well.

"Then why are you… so down?" whispered the worried regent.

Gabrielle shook her head as she stared at the ground passing underneath her horse. "I feel like this is so one-sided," she confessed.

"What is?"

The bard looked at her regent, she just stared then finally answered, "My emotions."

Ephiny wasn't quite sure what to say but she half turned in her saddle and looked back at the Conqueror. The ruler was still staring at them and Ephiny knew her gaze was mainly on Gabrielle. She shifted back normal into her saddle. "Did you even try?"

"Its not worth it, Ephiny." Gabrielle shook her head. "She doesn't want me."

"I think that's for her to decide." Ephiny almost laughed in disbelief at her own words, she couldn't believe she was sitting here trying to urge her best friend to be with the Conqueror. It was such an outrageous and crazy idea so she knew it had to be the right thing. "Well… I guess since you decided for her, you don't have to worry." She shrugged and stared ahead but not without adding, "Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all."

The bard sighed as she slumped in her saddle.

Xena peered across to her soulmate, Gabrielle shook her head in protest.

Xena grumbled and tried to remain quiet.

The Amazon Queen suddenly growled, "Hades." She haltered her mare and jumped off.

"Gabrielle?" called Ephiny in worry. She got no answer but she ordered everybody to stop.

Gabrielle came racing up to the Conqueror, completely out of breath.

The ruler stood up from the side of the gates and asked, "What's wr…." She stopped when the young woman held up a hand.

The bard took two gigantic breaths then straightened up to her full height. She had to move a little to try and relax herself some more before she said what she had to say. She now stood between the gates so that her back was directly against the opposite gate from Xena. "Look, I have to say this… if I don't get it off my chest, I'll just never be able to sleep."

The Conqueror slowly lifted an eyebrow in question. "Go on."

Gabrielle stared down at her feet while taking several deep breaths. She then looked up to the ruler. "I kept worrying about you while we were separated, I kept hoping you were okay and that you wouldn't give up." She paused then continued with her speech. "When I finally saw you on the battlefield, I never felt so… so just peaceful and happy. I mean we were in a middle of battle and I was happy." She laughed at herself. "And then that night in the tent together, I don't think I could have gotten enough of her attention if I tried." She stopped as she tried to see if it was affecting the ruler, she wasn't getting any real response. "Conqueror, I missed you, I honestly did." She stopped and took a few steps closer and whispered, "And gods, I hope my life doesn't end when I tell you this but… I think I'm falling in love with you."

The Conqueror lowered her eyebrow at the submission. She pressed her lips together then folded her arms over her chest.

Gabrielle waited for something to happen or for her to say something. She tried so hard to read Xena's eyes but they were too emotionless and hollow. She suddenly felt her heart sink down and her life drain out from her body. She closed her eyes and took two steps back. "Oh gods," she moaned. Her back hit the gate and she slid down it until she was sitting in the dirt. "I just made a fool of myself," she growled at herself.

Ephiny was about to move when she saw her Queen on the ground.

"Don't," urged the warrior-bard.

"What? Why?" countered the regent.

"Just… have some faith." Gabrielle looked back to the two pair in the gateway.

The Conqueror stared down at the Queen that was about to break down crying. She ran her tongue along the front of her teeth as she considered everything. She took a deep breath and realized her knees were a bit shaky. She unfolded her arms and gradually bent down until her right knee pressed into the ground. She let her hands rest on either of her legs. "Looks like you've really fallen for me," she whispered but her tone held a taunt.

Gabrielle lifted her head and dropped it against the gate. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

The Conqueror blinked at the out right apology.

"I won't make it present anymore. I'm sorry, Conqueror." Gabrielle lowered her head again.

Xena shook her head some and asked, "I guess I don't have a say huh? That's it huh?"

The Queen looked up again after those questions. "Conqueror, I didn't mea-"

The ruler suddenly leaned forward, which cut her short on her words. Her dark blue eyes locked onto the woman and she whispered, "Sometimes you just need to be quiet, Queen Gabrielle."

The bard swallowed as her stomach dropped even more today. She felt like everything was about to end for her.

The Conqueror grinned suddenly and leaned in the rest of the way.

Gabrielle found her lips against the ruler's and she closed her eyes. She started to reach out with her right hand to grab onto the ruler.

Xena had her left hand out to also grab the young woman but her hand met halfway with Gabrielle's. She laced their hands together then returned her focus to the kiss. She slowly pushed her tongue into the bard's mouth.

Gabrielle moaned softly and squeezed the larger hand tighter when her body tingled with heat.

The Conqueror let the kiss go on, their tongues running against each other and bringing the bard's own into her mouth. She then knew they had to separate instead of continuing this in public. She slowly pulled back and her eyes gradually opened.

Gabrielle smiled warmly at the ruler.

Xena for the first time gave a very happy smile. "That's my response to your love." She unlaced their hands and started to stand up while saying, "And I never said you had to leave Athens."

The bard dropped her head back against the gate and laughed nervously at herself. "By the gods…."

"No, it wasn't the gods," insisted the Warrior Princess.

Ephiny slid out of her saddle deciding it was time to interject. She went to the pair but didn't look at the ruler as she knelt beside her Queen. "Gabrielle?"

The bard opened her sparkling spring eyes and looked at her regent. "Yes?"

The regent almost laughed at the response but asked, "Are there a change of plans, my Queen?"

Gabrielle looked away from Ephiny and looked up at Xena, the Conqueror. She had a warm smile that the Conqueror mirrored back and for the first time, she saw the softest set of warm blue eyes. "Yes… there's certainly a change of plans."

The End

Section 5


Xena and Varia scanned the town in search of the wives.

"They should be easy to spot," mentioned Callisto quietly.

"You would think," stated the queen.

The Warrior Princess shook her head then said, "Let's go to the market. That's where I'd be if I were them."

The others agreed and followed behind the warrior to the town's market.

After about ten minutes of searching through the large market, they finally spotted three familiar women by a stall.

"That's Eboni and Eshe," whispered Varia. "Come on." She quickly went to the wives, Callisto and Xena tailing behind her. "Eboni, Eshe," she greeted to them.

Eboni and Eshe and the third wife all turned to the Amazon.

"Varia!" squealed Eshe. "How are you? You made it?"

"I'm doing good and yes… we made it."

The wives then quickly noticed the two other women.

"Oh gods wow," whispered Eshe.

"What's happening?" interrupted Eboni.

"We are going back with you into the compound," answered the Warrior Princess.

Eboni glanced at the warrior and grinned at the answer. "That means were getting out of there?"

"You sure are," replied the Amazon queen happily.

"Oh thank the gods," uttered Adonia, who stood behind Eshe and Eboni.

Xena quickly then said, "Look, us three need to switch places with three others that are with you."

Eboni reached out and grabbed the Warrior Princess's arm. "Not a problem, come with us." She quickly hurried off. "We haven't much time before we have to leave town."

The group quickly followed Eboni through the market.


The two guards at the gates of the compound ordered the cart to a halt. They approached the drivers of the cart, which were two of Gurkhan's guards and then there were five others surrounding the cart. "Delivering the wives back?"

"Yes," replied a guard.

The gate guard did a quick head count of the wives and found all of them there. "Looks like you're good, go ahead."

The guard nodded then snapped the reins for the horses to continue into the fortress.

Varia sighed in relief after hearing that. She then felt the cart come to a halt once it was in front of a stable.

"Here you go, ladies. Time to unload," ordered a guard.

Another guard came around the back and lowered the flap of the cart.

The wives carefully slipped out of the cart but they made sure to keep Varia, Xena, and Callisto huddled into the back so they would take less notice of them. They then quickly made their way inside of the nearest building towards all the wives rooms.

"We have to hurry," whispered Eboni, she led the group. "The dinner will be starting soon so we have to catch the other wives before they go."

"I'm sure glad you suggested to the wives to wear veil robes today," whispered Varia.

Eboni grinned. "I had a feeling you would show up with help at the market."

The queen just mirrored the grin back.

Eboni continue leading everybody down the hall to the wives' rooms. "The only wife we might have a problem with is the head wife. Her room is further away from the rest of us. She's closer to Gurkhan's room."

"That's fine," stated Xena. "I have to take care of something anyway down there, so I will get her."

"I'll tell you where her room is, Xena."

The warrior shifted through the group and power walked along side Eboni. "Where is it?"

"You follow down this hall the rest of the way." She then came to a stop and then announced. "Ladies, get the other wives while I talk to Xena." She then focused on the warrior again. "Continue down this hallway." She pointed behind Xena. "Then make a right at the end, if you go to the very end of that hall you'll come to the head wife's room. Gurkhan's room is to the right of hers. You can't miss them."

"Alright, thank you."

"You're welcome," replied Eboni. "Don't take too long. It will not be long before Gurkhan notices his wives missing from dinner. He may even still be in his own room preparing for dinner."

"I'm counting on it," whispered the warrior evilly. She then whirled around and raced down the corridor. She tore off her veil from around her face and threw her cape behind herself.

Varia knocked first on Gabrielle's door but didn't wait as she opened it. "Queen Gabrielle she called into the room?"

The Queen rushed to the door at hearing the new voice. "Who… what…"

"I'm Queen Varia, I'm here with Xena, Cyane, and Eve to get you and the wives out. Its time to go."

The Queen stared at the Amazon for a second but then shook her head. "Oh gods, okay." She rushed back into her room and grabbed a small dagger off the nightstand by her bed. She slipped it down between her skin and her dress, letting the handle stick up. "Where are the other wives?"

"We're getting them now." The queen stepped out of the way to let Gabrielle out.

The Amazon Queen looked and saw all of the wives gathering into the hallway. She then also saw one other woman she didn't recognized but decided to ask questions later. "Wait, where's Xena?"

"She's gone to get the head wife and I think… kill Gurkhan if she can," answered Eboni from across the large group.

"Kill Gurkhan?"

"Yes," answered Eboni.

"Hades," growled the bard. She turned to Eve and Cyane. "Get these wives out of here. I have to go get Xena."

"She can handle herself, Gabrielle," stated Eve. "Don't worry."

"No, you don't understand, I have to stop her." The bard started weaving her way through the group.

Eve grabbed the Queen's arm. "Don't, she'll be fine."

"You don't understand, Eve," growled the Amazon Queen in warning. "Please, just get these wives out of here, now. The guards will be here any minute."

"Alright, be careful."

"I will. You too." Gabrielle did an about face and went sprinting down the hall.

Eve sighed and turned to Varia. "We better get out of here now."

"Alright." Varia reached between her cape and pulled out a sword. "Catch!" she threw the sword to Eve.

The princess caught it.

Callisto grinned and held out a sword to Cyane. "You might need this, Amazon."

"Thanks." Cyane gave it a quick whirl happy to feel her sword in her hands again.

"Lead the way, Eve," called the queen.

"Right through the gates?" asked the princess while she pushed her way through the wives.

Varia nodded. "We're going to make a dash for the gates."

"Alright, let's go then." Eve twirled the sword like she always did before any fights. And she prayed to God that she would not have to use it at all on this day.

Queen Gabrielle came to the end of the hall and raced into the open door of Gurkhan's room. "Hades," she growled. Once inside of the room, she saw Gurkhan fighting Xena in sword combat. "No, Xena wait!"

The Warrior Princess surpassingly looked to the Queen and was caught off guard briefly. Her right arm got caught on the slaver's blade. She hissed and jumped back but gave a feral grin to her enemy. She whirled her sword then continued fighting him.

"What the Hades?" yelled a woman's voice.

Gabrielle had heard the head wife come out of her room.

The head wife saw her husband's attacker and opened her mouth about to call for the guards.

"No," growled the bard. She reached for her dagger and sprung for the wide. She instantly brought the dagger tip to the wife's throat. "Don't you dare yell for them," she snarled.

The head wife closed her mouth and lowered her eyes towards the dagger. "Who are you?" Her eyes lifted back up to the smaller woman. "I am the Queen of the Amazons from Greece."

The head wife's eyes widened.

"And we're being rescued by the Conqueror. So pick a side."

The head wife whispered, "I'm on your side."

"Good choice." Gabrielle lowered her dagger just in time to see Xena knock Gurkhan unconscious. She quickly ran for the warrior when she saw Xena bringing her sword up.

"Xena, wait!" yelled the bard. She leapt for her friend.

The Warrior Princess dropped her sword at the unexpected leap for herself. She instead caught herself from tripping and held up her friend. "Gabrielle, what is wrong?" she whispered hotly.

"You can't, Xena," rasped the bard. "He knows about Lila."

"Your sister?"

"Yes, I thought she was dead but I've never been sure. I think she was one of his wives at one time." Gabrielle glanced at him then back at her friend. "He's the only one that knows for sure and who she sold her to."

"Great," grumbled the warrior. "Alright." She quickly reformulated her plan. "Let's tie him up and hide him so that we can get him for later use." She quickly gazed about the room for some type of rope. She went straight to the drapes by the window and ripped the drapes' ropes off. She then hastily tired up Gurkhan.

"I have a large closet in my room," offered the head wife, she pushed the door to her room open more.

Xena nodded and dragged the slaver through the one room and into the head wife's room. She then shoved him into the rather large closet, closed the door then used another lashing from the head wife's drapes to tie the closet closed. "We need to get out of here," she said while stepping out of the room into the hall.

"Where are the others headed?" inquired Queen Gabrielle.

"The gates." Xena narrowed her eyes. "We need to hurry, they'll need our help."

Gabrielle immediately started down the hall. "Let's go," she called.

Xena faintly grinned and hurried after her friend. She heard the first wife following. She then noticed the sound of footfall, boots at that. She knew right away they belonged to guards but they were walking. She quickly rushed ahead of Gabrielle spun her sword, and saw the two guards round the bend.

The guards saw the women and instantly pulled out their swords. "Halt!" called one man.

Xena sighed and rushed them with her sword out.

The two guards readied themselves but she suddenly stopped in front of them.

The Warrior Princess kicked at the closest one and sent him smashing in the wall behind himself. She then grinned at the other guard and spun her sword.

The guard held up his sword some but didn't move.

"Come on," coaxed the warrior.

The guard stepped back, dropped his sword then ran off.

"Well… that was easy."

Gabrielle laughed and said, "Come on."

The warrior agreed and ran along side her friend. Behind her, she could hear the first wife's shoes clanging along.

Just outside the wives, Varia, Eve, Callisto, and Cyane stepped into the courtyard of the compound. Immediately five guards sprung into action, yelling and screaming for the other men to join.

"Get behind us," ordered Eve.

The wives huddled into the middle as the four warriors all surrounded them to protect them. They all watched as the women fought the guards. But then several other guards appeared out of the buildings to help, the odds were looking bad.

"Right out here." Gabrielle slammed into the door, forcing it to burst open. She saw the wives encircled but the guards were overpowering them.

Xena growled and ran faster, she grabbed at her chakram and threw it.

The chakram spun towards a guard, slicing him in the legs then it circled around, hitting another guard in the chest and finally coming back around but not without hitting yet a third guard. It then neatly came towards Xena.

The warrior caught her weapon, spun her sword and came right at a guard.

"Nice of you to join us, mother," called Eve. She held up her sword to stop the guard's blade, she then kicked him in the side.

"Not a problem," teased back the Warrior Princess. She stood still when she saw her enemy was down, unconscious. She looked around and saw all the guards were out cold. "Let's get the Hades out of here."

Eve nodded and waved everybody forward. She went to the large wood doors, which were sealed shut.

Xena hurried up and caught up to her daughter. "I'm going to get a door open."

Eve simply nodded. She looked on as her mother sprinted ahead and started pulling a door open on her own. By the time they came up, Xena pretty much had the door opened and the group rushed out.

The warrior swung around outside and looked into the compound, she saw several soldiers getting up and others coming out of the building. She cursed and began closing the door again just to slow them down. Once it was sealed, she spun around and saw Torrid at the top of the hill, the group almost to him, and the Conqueror's army behind him. She simply grinned and hurried off.

After Callisto became in command again, she ordered the army to attack Gurkhan's compound. Xena and the Amazons however took care of the wives, checking on them and then finding them a safe place to rest. As they were sitting there, Xena was overlooking the fighting in the compound.

"What's going on down there?" inquired Gabrielle. She stood up from the rock and came over to her friend.

Xena folded her arms then replied, "Looks like Callisto has it under control."

"Yeah?" The Amazon Queen stood there, visually inspecting the on goings in the compound. "Looks like they're rounding up the soldiers that are still alive."

"Mmmm," agreed Xena. She then noticed her daughter accompanied them.

"Thank god that didn't take her long," complained the princess.

The Warrior Princess shifted her weight onto her right side. "I don't like this," she whispered.

"What you mean?" inquired Gabrielle.

"They're lining up Gurkhan's men… like they're going to be executed," explained Eve.

"I think they are," stated Xena.

Gabrielle shook her head and said, "We can't let her do that… they're prisoners."

Xena felt her shoulders drop slightly as she turned her attention to Gabrielle. "There's not much we can do, Gabrielle. The Conqueror gave her specific orders to destroy everything."

"What? Why?"

"Because they had you," simply answered the warrior. She turned her head away and now saw two of Callisto's men escorting a man outside. "Damn it," she growled.

"Its Gurkhan," whispered the bard. "Oh gods, if she kills him… I'll never be able to find my sister." She suddenly took of racing for the compound.

"Damn it," repeated Xena. She also took off.

Eve looked back at the Amazons and wives. "Stay here."

"What's going on?" inquired Varia.

"It's not good… just stay here," ordered Eve. She followed after her mother and the Amazon Queen.

"Callisto," yelled Gabrielle. She approached the naval captain and grabbed her arm. "What are you planning to do with Gurkhan?"

Callisto turned her head to the Amazon Queen, first though her cold eyes rested on the woman's hand.

Gabrielle sensed the annoyance and she released Callisto's arm.

The naval captain finally looked at Gabrielle. "I plan to kill him with the rest of his men then burn Magador to the ground."

"You can't kill Gurkhan, Callisto."

Callisto grinned and said, "I have orders to destroy anything and anybody here." She turned her attention away but without noticing Eve and Xena had came up to Gabrielle's side.

"No," growled Gabrielle suddenly. "I'm ordering you not to kill him, Callisto."

The naval captain quickly turned back to Gabrielle. "You order me?" she hissed. She fully turned to the Amazon Queen and lowered her head down. "You do not order me. You are the Queen of Amazons… not of me." She suddenly walked away and unsheathed her sword, she was heading right for Gurkhan.

"No!" yelled the angry bard. She chased after Callisto and grabbed her by the arm and swung her around. "I need him to find my sister," she yelled.

Callisto became full of anger at that point and brought her blade up to Gabrielle's throat. "Your head would look nice beside Gurkhan's," she whispered as a grin crept along her expression.

"Don't you dare," growled Xena, she already had her sword out.

Eve had her hand on her hilt, prepared to draw it out.

"Oh dear Xena…." Callisto lifted her golden, wild eyes to the warrior. "You're much softer than the Conqueror. I kinda like it."

The Warrior Princess narrowed her eyes. "And do you think the Conqueror will like you killing her?"

"Oh I don't know," teased the naval captain, "she might not, and that could be a lot of fun." She had a toothy grin as her attention lowered back to the bard. "But… maybe I'll save it for another day." She lowered her sword. "On a rainy day, how's that sound?"

"You fuc-"

"Ah ah aaah, don't say things that'll come to haunt you, Queen Gabrielle," warned Callisto. She started to walk away, towards Gurkhan, but already heard Gabrielle moving after her. "Stop her," she ordered to several of her men.

The soldiers quickly rushed forward and blocked Gabrielle away from Callisto.

"You'll enjoy watching this, Queen Gabrielle." The naval captain spun her sword and slowly closed in on the bounded slaver.

"No!" yelled the bard.

A soldier quickly moved to grab a hold of Gabrielle, immobilizing her. The other soldiers then unsheathed their swords and stepped up to Xena and Eve.

Xena gritted her teeth as she calculated everything but knew there was nothing she could do.

Gabrielle struggled against the solider but she suddenly stopped when she saw Callisto thrust her sword forward.

Gurkhan let out a quiet cry, as he became motionless on the blade. He then fell over when Callisto extracted her sword.

Callisto spun around with a happy grin and held up the bloody sword. "Who's next?"

Gabrielle looked away and lowered her head. "Oh gods…."

~*Part 18*~

Eponin turned around when she heard her friend come into the room. "How you doing, Teresa?"

"I'm okay." Teresa closed the door and leaned back against it. "Trying to get use to this big place."

"You do after awhile," promised the weapons master.

"Yeah? You have huh?"

The Amazon grinned back at Teresa. "Not really."

Teresa laughed crossed one leg over the other as she let all of her weight press against the door. "Its not a bad place. The Conqueror has style."

"She thinks… big," joked the weapons master.

"Hey, you have to give her some credit."

The weapons master sat down on her bed and looked at Teresa. "How you figure that?"

"Well… think about it from a warrior's stand point. She's conquered a better part of the known-world."

Eponin slowly nodded. "She has from a warrior's stand point."

"I mean… it is impressive, you have to admit." Teresa grinned. "How many people you know can do what she's done?"

"Only one," replied Eponin.

"Who's that?" questioned Teresa.

Eponin stood up while saying, "The Conqueror." She walked around the bed a peered out of the window, she was overlooking the market area.

"So… when's dinner around here?"

Eponin shrugged as she noted the long shadow the castle was setting over the market place. "I think whenever we want it."

"How about what's for dinner?"

"I think that's also whatever we want," replied the weapons master.

Teresa laughed and added, "I could really get use to this place."

"Wait until you see the bath." The weapons master turned around with a sly grin.

The Amazon straightened up off the door. "I can't wait, let's go now."

Eponin laughed and came over. "Alright… go outside and make a right."

Teresa didn't waste any time and swung open the door.

Eponin followed behind and shut the door. "Oh and I won't mention this to Amarice."

"Ep, you know she'll kill us both if she finds out we knew and didn't tell her."

"I know, isn't it great?" teased the weapons master.

Teresa chuckled and smiled at her friend. "Definitely."


"When do you think we'll attack?" quietly asked the warrior-bard.

The Conqueror considered her friend's question as she sat down in a chair next to a table. She stared up at the hut's ceiling as she thought about the plans. "Maybe later this week."

"You think we're close to the mining shaft?"

The Conqueror slowly nodded, her eyes followed the Amazon as she sat down on the foot of her bed. "How are your Amazons looking?"

"I think pretty well set. Do you think it's still too early to head over to Sinteres's?"

"Yes. Give it another day or two… depending." She was about to add more but faltered as she realized something. "Hades," she growled.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to wait until the scout ship arrives with word about Queen Gabrielle."

"Conqueror, I don't think that'll matter. I mean, she is there and Sinteres is here."

The Conqueror shook her head and stated, "It will matter. As soon as word gets out I attacked one of my head slavers, Gurkhan will hold Gabrielle over my head."

"Wait, wait." The warrior-bard held up her hands momentarily then lowered them back down. "How the Hades can anybody sure that… well the Amazon Queen is of any importance to you."

"Word is already out, Gabrielle," reminded the Conqueror. "Plenty of people have seen her and I together, talking. They all know and I have no doubt Sinteres helped get the information around."

The Amazon Queen sighed, as she knew her friend was right. "So we wait then."

"That's all we can do until then."

Gabrielle sadly nodded but looked up from the floor to the ruler. "By now, I'd say Xena has Queen Gabrielle out of Gurkhan's hands."

The Conqueror sighed as she actually sat back into the chair. "I hope so, Gabrielle." She let her eyes lower down, she just stared at the floor. "I will run Gurkhan through myself if he's done anything to her."

"I didn't think you worried about her," quietly mentioned Gabrielle. She felt blue eyes lift up to her with question in them. "Are you worrying now, Conqueror?"

Xena huffed then muttered, "I have a treaty to up hold."

"Oh." Gabrielle stood up and crossed over to Xena. She bent down to her and grinned at her. "Didn't know the treaty entailed saving the Queen and destroying her enemies."

"Gabrielle, don't-"

"I wasn't," cut off Gabrielle, "I was just… pointing some facts out, my liege." She patted the woman's knee then stood up. She sat in a chair that accompanied the desk. "Worrying isn't always a bad thing, you know."

The Conqueror didn't say anything, she remained silent.


The Warrior Princess returned her attention to her friend.

"Do me a favour huh?"

"What is that?"

Gabrielle put her words together in her head right then spoke them. "If she smiles at you and you feel your knees weak for just a moment then don't let her leave your life."

The ruler only lowered her eyes again and didn't say anything back to her.

Gabrielle knew though her words were sinking in with her friend. She stood up and offered, "Dinner here tonight?"

"That would be nice," replied the Conqueror. She stood up and accompanied the warrior-bard to the dining hut.

~*Part 19*~

"Wait, wait," stated the Amazon Queen. "You're telling me she has to send a scout ship ahead to let the Conqueror know I'm safe?"

"Yes," replied Xena. "Why?"

Gabrielle stood up from her chair in Cleopatra's guestroom. "To Hades with that, I'll go on the scout ship."

The warrior grinned and said, "That's fine but let some of us go with you."

"There's not much room on a scout ship," reminded Gabrielle.

"I know, so Eve and I can go with you." Xena stood up from her own chair and came over to her friend. "I think its best the Amazons stay with the wives, to watch over them."

"I agree." Gabrielle paused when she grabbed the door handle. "I guess we need to talk to Callisto huh?"

"Yeah, afraid so."

The Amazon Queen bit her lower lip but turned to the door. "Here goes." She flung open the door. "Go get Eve and I'll talk to Callisto."

"Gabrielle, are you sure?" asked the concerned warrior.

"I'm positive. I can handle her." Gabrielle shrugged then added, "I have to some time."

"Just holler if you need help. Alright?"

The Amazon Queen nodded then watched the warrior disappear down at the other end of the long hallway. She then faced the other end and slowly walked down to Callisto's room. After a deep, long breath she finally knocked on the door. She heard the naval captain order for her to come inside the room. She opened the door and stepped into her room. "Callisto, I need to talk with you."

Callisto reappeared out of the wash room, wearing just her leathers. "Oh Queen Gabrielle, how can I help you?" She grinned and put her hands on her hips.

"I heard you have to send a scout ship to give the Conqueror word of what's happening."

"Yes, I do. Why?"

Gabrielle pressed her now folded arms against her chest. "I'd like to return to Greece on the scout ship with Eve and Xena."

The naval captain thought about it for a few minutes. Suddenly a large grin appeared in her expression. "That's fine but the ship leaves in about half a candlemark from now. So I suggest you hurry, Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle nodded and started to leave but called, "Thank you."

"Oh you're quite welcome," taunted Callisto. She saw the Amazon leave and she laughed to herself.

The bard rushed down the hallway in search of Xena and Eve. "Xena?" she yelled. She heard the room two doors up open immediately.

"What's wrong?" asked Xena, she stepped out of the room.

"The ship leaves in half a candlemark."

"Alright, wait there. Eve and I are coming. I just have to finish up my conversation with Varia."

Gabrielle nodded and remained standing there until Xena and her daughter came out. The three women then quickly went to the docks to board the ship just in time.

~*Part 20*~

The Conqueror slipped into the tent and received a smile from the warrior-bard. "Hey," she greeted. "How are things?"

"Not bad," replied the Amazon Queen. Gabrielle sat down in her chair next to the foot of her bed. "All the Amazons have been positioned in the area."

"Have they been shown their various tasks during the battle?"

The warrior-bard slowly nodded and said, "Solari and Ephiny are handling that now."

"And you're not helping?" The Conqueror had a slight grin as she folded her arms over her chest.

"No… to be honest, I needed a break." The small warrior sighed and lowered her head. "I'm worried about the others."

"I am myself," confessed the Conqueror very quietly.

The Amazon Queen lifted her head again and saw the honest look in the ruler's face. "I'm sure they're okay," she promised.

The Conqueror only nodded but did not voice her opinion.

"How is the mining shaft going over there?"

"Its coming along." Xena's eyes flickered to the floor then back at her friend. "I expect to hit the shaft by tonight."

"That soon?"

The Conqueror grinned evilly. "Yes that soon. I've had men working on it non stop."

"That figures." Gabrielle just gave a grin back but she then went serious. "Do you think we'll be able to stop them?"

"We'll crush them," simply replied the ruler. "I don't plan on letting them walk away."

The small warrior sighed at her friend's words. She hung her head low. Then a question came to her and she looked back up. "Are you this angry because you want to be? Or you this angry because of what they did to Gabrielle?"

The ruler's jaw tightened and loosened several times. "Draco betrayed me and went behind my back. Sinteres supports him."

"That's really why?"

The Conqueror's arm fell from her chest and walked over to the opposite side of the tent. She spun around to face her friend. "What do you want, Gabrielle huh?" She shook her head and angrily asked, "You want me to fall in love with her huh? Is this what's it about?"

Gabrielle slowly rose up and stated, "You're already in love, my liege. You just don't want to face it." She paused and suddenly got angry too. "Screw your dark side, you will not find any balance without her. And you're too scared to admit that to yourself." She shook her head and went to the tent flap. "You'll be ten times stronger with her than without her." She disappeared out of the tent.

The Conqueror stood there angry than before and suddenly rushed out of the tent after the Amazon Queen. She quickly found her and grabbed her by the arm. She spun her around and brought her face into Gabrielle's. "Do not question my power in this world. I am stronger without her."

The warrior-bard narrowed her eyes and hotly whispered, "Then why are you so intent on killing her persecutors and bringing her home? Let me know when you figure that out, Plato." She jerked her arm free and walked off.

The Conqueror stared at her back and then realized her men and a few Amazons were staring at her. She growled and disappeared as well into the late afternoon.

~*Part 21*~

The Amazon Queen jumped onto the dock and waited for her two friends to follow. "Hurry," she ordered. It been a three day trip from Egypt, well more of two and half days and it was about midday now.

Xena and Eve were on the dock now and trying to hurry after the bard.

"Gabrielle, wait up," called the Warrior Princess.

The bard sighed and stopped at the end of the dock. "I need to know what's happening."

"We know, but sprinting down a dock is not going to help much," interjected Eve.

"Queen Gabrielle?" suddenly yelled a voice.

"Eponin?" The Queen had spun around to see her weapons master at the end of the dock. "Ep!" She smiled happily and rushed to her friend.

The Amazon laughed as she was taken into a big hug. "Oh gods, welcome home, my Queen." She squeezed the Queen as hard as she could.

Gabrielle pulled back from the hug and smiled at her Amazon. "How are you?"

"I was about to ask you that."

The bard giggled and said, "I'm fine."

"I'm glad."

"I was so worried about you and Palamon and Ephiny."

Eponin smiled warmly and reached up to brush back her Queen's hair from her face. "We're fine. Ephiny made it to the Conqueror fine. The Conqueror was able to get Palamon and I out of the compound."

The bard smiled so happily at the news but then she got a confused look. "Why are you here?"

The weapons master sighed and replied, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later. I'm here with Amarice and Teresa too."

The bard looked past her Amazon and now saw the two young Amazons coming out of the castle towards the pier.

Eponin finally took a step back and greeted Xena and Eve. "Glad you two are back. Where are the others?"

"We came on the scout ship," explained Xena, "The others will be here soon enough."

"My Queen!" squealed Teresa. She pushed past the weapons master and grabbed the Queen in a hug.

Gabrielle laughed and hugged her back tightly. She then went to Amarice and saw the Amazon smile shyly at her. "Come here, Reece."

The Amazon chuckled at the nickname and hugged her Queen. "Its good to have you back, my Queen."

The bard pulled back and smiled at her three Amazons.

"Have you heard word from the Conqueror?" inquired Xena.

Eponin peered up at the warrior. "Well Gabrielle sent word that everything was prepared. As soon as they heard word that Queen Gabrielle was okay, they planned to attack."

"What was the plan?" urged Xena.

Eve was listening to the weapons master explaining the attack plan but she now saw a soldier approaching them. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw a scroll in his hands. "I think we're about to find out the most recent news."

Eponin fell short on her words when she followed Eve's eyes. She saw the messenger approach her. "Soldier," she greeted.

"Regent." The messenger bowed his head and handed the scroll over. "This is from the Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle."

Eponin took the scroll and quickly unrolled it.

Gabrielle shifted to stand beside her friend and read the scroll as well. After she finished it, she looked up with fearful eyes. "They've been taken by surprise."

"What?" growled Xena.

"Sinteres and Draco attacked them," explained Eponin, "They must have known."

"How were things before you left?" hastily asked Gabrielle to the messenger.

"They were not well, Queen Gabrielle." The soldier sighed then further explained, "The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle were taken surprise as you said. When I left, they were just starting to get organized and retaliate."

"Are many dead?"

"Mostly the Conqueror's men," replied the soldier, "Very few Amazons."

"The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle are okay?"

"Yes of course, Queen Gabrielle," answered the soldier. "So is the regent."

Gabrielle briskly nodded then asked, "Did the odds look bad?"

"They were improving some when I left but at first, not at all. Neither the Conqueror or Queen Gabrielle expected them to attack."

The Queen sighed and looked to Xena and Eve. "We better get to them."

"We will go too," offered Eponin.

"No, no wait." The Queen held up her hand. "I need you three to stay." She turned to her weapons master and grasped her shoulders. "Callisto will return soon with the others. If you're not here to hold down the Conqueror's role then she'll assume it. And right now, I do not like that woman."

"That is wise," agreed the soldier.

The bard's eyes flicked over to the messenger then back to Eponin. She was even more sure now that it'd come from the soldier's mouth.

"Of course, my Queen," agreed the weapons master.

Gabrielle softly smiled and released her shoulders. "Are there enough men for us to take to the battle?"

"There should be," cut in Teresa. "I've been keeping head counts."

"How many?" inquired Queen Gabrielle.

"Five hundred plus," replied Teresa.

The bard sighed and peered over at Xena and Eve. "How many?"

Eve looked at her mother. "A hundred and fifty," she stated."

"Two hundred," countered Xena.

"We should leave over three hundred here," protested Eve. "Just to make sure Callisto does not get any ideas."

The Warrior Princess thought about it then said, "A hundred and seventy-five."

Eve grinned at her mother's amount, she turned to Gabrielle. "A hundred and seventy-five."

Eponin looked to the soldier, "Take care of it."

"Yes of course." The soldier hurried off.

Gabrielle then returned her attention to her weapons master. "When Varia, Cyane, and the others come here have them stay with you. I think it's the wises choice right now."

"I will, my Queen."

Xena came up beside the bard and grasped her shoulder lightly. "We should get ready to move."

"Travel tonight?" offered Eve.

"Yes, we'll be closer." Xena squeezed the bard's shoulder and let go.

"Let's go then," ordered Gabrielle. She hurried off with her friends all following suit.

~*Part 22*~

Gabrielle stayed mounted on the horse and to either side of her was Xena and Eve. Behind Gabrielle though was trailing a hundred and seventy five men all prepared to die for the Conqueror. She too was prepared to die for the Conqueror. She could only hope her Amazons were fighting with every last bit of strength to stop Sinteres and Draco.

"I think we're close," quietly spoke Eve.

"We are," agreed Xena, she was now ridged in her saddle. Her eyes were darting each way and her head dropped to one side.

"What is it?" whispered the Queen.

"I can hear the fighting," quietly replied the Warrior Princess. "Eve?"

The daughter had her eyes closed and she was trying to focus on it as well. It was often she used her skills but she had them despite how long it had been. "Yeah, I hear them too."

"How much longer until we're there then?"

"About ten minutes tops," replied Xena.

"Should I prepared the men?" quietly asked the bard.

Eve faintly nodded.

Gabrielle held up her hand and came to a halt. She heard all of the Conqueror's soldiers stop and there was finally silence instead of armour clanking. She turned her horse around to face the troops. "We are close to the battle. Prepare yourselves." For a response, she heard the loud din of swords scraping out of sheaths. "Remember, do not fail your liege as I never would either."

The soldiers raised their swords and cheered as well whistled.

"Let's stop they bastards," she hotly whispered and turned her mare around. She tapped the horse's side and hurried into a trot.

Eve and Xena tapped their horses' sides and followed behind.

The soldiers all yelled in unison and jogged behind with their swords at the ready.

The three women came through a large grouping of woods and all they could hear now was a mix of fighting, yelling, and screaming just ahead. Once they were through the huge grouping of trees, they found a huge mix of Amazons, soldiers, and warriors fighting in front of the gates of Sinteres's compound.

Gabrielle growled and spun her horse around. She pointed at the battle and yelled to the soldiers, "Attack!"

The soldiers all yelled and raged past the three women then flooded into the battlefield.

The Conqueror suddenly heard the sounds of a wave of soldiers crashing into the battle. She frantically tried to figure out where this wave came from since she didn't command it. She growled and lunged at her attacker because of her frustration.

"I have to find Gabrielle, the Conqueror, or Ephiny," announced Gabrielle.

"I'll go with you," promised Eve.


The warrior unsheathed her sword. "Go ahead. I'm going to help out."

"Be careful, mother," warned Eve.

The warrior saw her daughter's look and nodded. "You too. I'll see you after the battle."

Eve nodded and watched her mother disappear into the battle with her mare. Her eyes then flickered up to the trees. "There are Amazons in the trees," she whispered.

The Queen lifted her eyes and saw all the Amazons.

Eve dismounted her horse suddenly said, "Come on. I think we'll be able to find them faster from the trees."

The bard quickly agreed and dismounted her horse as well. She approached a tree and with Eve's help, jumped up into the tree. She quickly looked around from the treetops and saw her Amazons shooting their arrows at various enemies. She then scanned around for Ephiny or the Conqueror or Gabrielle.

"Wait, there's Ephiny," spoke up Eve. She pointed off to her right. "And there's Gabrielle."

The Amazon Queen saw Gabrielle was too far away while Ephiny was much closer. "Let's get to Ephiny first."

Eve nodded her head. She took her friend's hand and asked, "Ready?"

The bard faintly nodded then followed Eve through the trees. She wasn't very good at jumping from branch to branch but it was an art she was starting to learn now.

"Can you land okay?"

"Yes," replied the bard. For a demonstration, she jumped off the branch and landed neatly beside her regent.

Eve chuckled and also leapt to the ground.

"Gabrielle!" yelled the regent, her face suddenly went happy. She then had fearful eyes and swung her staff around. "Duck!"

The Amazon Queen dropped down as the staff went over her head and smashed into one of Draco's men.

Eve quickly moved and punched the man several times and watched him collapsed.

Gabrielle laughed and stood back up. "Miss me?" she teased.

"Sweet Artemis, yes." Ephiny laughed and was about to hug her friend but didn't because of the battle going on. She saw an enemy coming up from behind her Queen. "Take this." She threw the staff at the bard.

The Queen neatly caught it and spun it while turning around. "Hey, this is my staff."

Ephiny laughed while extracting her sword from her back. "Yup, I thought you might show up and want it." She grinned at her opponent off to the right. She glanced over at Eve who was sword playing with another bad guy.

Gabrielle grinned at her enemy. She hadn't used her staff in awhile but she knew her body hadn't forgotten how to use her staff. She suddenly attacked her enemy but not without talking to her regent. "How are things?"

"They're getting better," called back the regent. "Did you bring in the calvary?"

Gabrielle laughed and yelled, "Yeah, we brought some men with us."

"Us?" yelled Ephiny.

"Xena, Eve and I," answered the bard. She struck her enemy across the face then brought her staff back around to give him several blows to his stomach and legs. "What is the plan?"

"What the plan was to surprise attack Sinteres and Draco but they actually ended up taking our idea."

Gabrielle chuckled to herself as she gave one last hard blow to the guy's stomach, sending him onto his back. "What's the plan now?"

"To try and fix our plans," called Ephiny. She suddenly stabbed forward and was able to penetrate her enemy's defenses and run her sword through him. "The Conqueror should be showing up soon."

"What you mean, showing up soon?" yelled the bard. She was already engaged in another fight but with two soldiers this time.

"She'll be opening the gates to the compound soon," answered the regent. "Hopefully with Draco and Sinteres running out screaming."

"I got to get to the Conqueror," called the bard.

"It won't matter, Gabrielle. She has her plans in motion."

"I know that," yelled the bard as she growled at her two attackers. She struck one across the side of his head knocking him out then she went for her other enemy. "I just need to know she's okay."

Ephiny sighed as she jumped to her right and her enemy from front and behind ran each other through with their own swords. "Alright, let's see if we can break for it." She then noted Eve had been silent so she yelled, "Eve, you still with us?"

The princess laughed and replied, "Of course. We better make a run for it now if we're going to get near those gates."

"Alright." Ephiny went to the tree quickly and jumped up into the branches.

Gabrielle sighed and threw her staff up to her regent.

Ephiny caught it and saw her Queen jump up but almost lost her balance. She caught her by the shoulder and said, "Steady." She then had a huge grin and said, "Nice clothes by the way."

Gabrielle groaned as she realized she was still in her slave clothes.

Eve chuckled and saw two enemies coming at her. She grinned and said, "Come on, boys." She waited to the last minute then jumped up. Below, she heard them smash into one another.

"There are the gates." Ephiny pointed straight ahead. "Gabrielle is over there too."

"Great, maybe we can help her out."

Ephiny nodded at her Queen's words.

"What is the plan anyway?" inquired Eve.

The regent sighed. "Once the Conqueror flushes out the rest of the men from the compound, we're to encircle them then squeeze."

Eve fainlty nodded and said, "And now?"

"Still the same." Ephiny then looked over at the warrior-bard fighting alone. "Let's go." She leaped from branch to branch with Eve and Gabrielle following behind her.

The Queen then realized as she was making her way to the gates, her Amazons were realizing she was with them. The Amazons were suddenly whistle at her or cheer to her and then fight even harder against their enemies, a renewed strength in them.

"They're happy you're home," whispered Ephiny, a huge grin on her face.

Gabrielle chuckled as she stood beside her regent just under the warrior-bard. She was still waiting for Eve to catch up to them. She then held her hand out when she saw Eve join them.

Ephiny handed over the staff. "Let's be careful."

The bard nodded and jumped down to the ground.

The warrior-bard had just knocked out her enemy and spun around when she heard the person behind her. She held up her sais in defense, ready to attack. She then lowered her sais at seeing Queen Gabrielle before her. "Gabrielle?"

The bard smiled happily.

The warrior-bard laughed happily and jumped at her friend.

The bard found herself caught up in a huge hug and she couldn't help but return it. She closed her eyes and squeezed tightly. Around her, she could hear Ephiny and Eve landing on an enemies to stop him from attacking them.

The warrior-bard pulled back finally and asked, "You're okay?"

"Perfectly," reassured the bard. "You?"

"Never better now." Gabrielle hadn't lost her smile. "The Conqueror will be here soon."

"That's what Eph said too." The bard then noted that several of Draco's men were closing in on them. "Well, we better not keep them waiting."

The warrior-bard grinned back and spun her sais while turning around.

"By the way," called the bard, "Xena is here."

"I kind of thought so since Eve is here."

Eve laughed between her fighting and yelled, "Mother should show up soon."

"I think she already has." The warrior-bard had caught sight from the corner of her eye her soulmate pressing through the battle and still on Argo.

Just as Xena approached the group, the gates of the compound flung open with Draco and Sinteres both on horseback and about fifty men rushing behind them to get out of the compound.

Suddenly a woman's deep voice boomed through the battle, yelling, "Kill them all!"

"Guess who?" muttered the bard. She looked over at the warrior-bard and called, "I need to get to the Conqueror."

Gabrielle looked between the bard and her opponent. She then realized her soulmate had joined into the group. "Xena," she yelled.

The warrior smiled at her partner but knew she needed something. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Can you get Gabrielle to the Conqueror?"

For a response, the Warrior Princess urged her mare to the bard's side and she held her hand down.

The Amazon Queen took out her opponent then spun her staff. She turned around and took the offered help, she easily mounted Argo.

Xena took a deep breath, spun her sword and turned Argo around. She urged Argo into a gallop and headed for the gates, slashing her way through. It took about two minutes to press through the battle and get to the Conqueror.

Once they were there, Gabrielle didn't wait a second and slipped out of the saddle. "Conqueror!" she yelled.

The ruler had just finished off her enemy and spun around at hearing her name. Her eyes widened when she saw Gabrielle just ahead of her. She saw the bard was rushing to her and not paying attention to anything. She saw one of Draco's men charging the Amazon Queen and she growled at this. She grabbed her chakram and brought it up then threw it.

The bard didn't even notice the chakram but did hear the enemy yell when the chakram rammed into his chest. She came right up to the ruler and smiled at her.

"Be more careful," growled the Conqueror. She motioned to the enemy on his back with a chakram sticking from his chest.

"Good to see you too," teased the Amazon Queen.

The ruler just glared at the small woman but before she could do any more lecturing, she was pulled into a hug. The Conqueror stood there surprised yet she wrapped her free arm around the bard. She felt as if so much of her anger drained out. She then lifted her eyes in time to see a warrior coming at them. The only thing she could do was pull Gabrielle in tighter and spun around to put her back to him. She buried her head into Gabrielle more when she felt the blade slash at her back but that was it.

Xena had stepped in after flipping off her saddle. She'd stopped the soldier's sword with her own blade. She suddenly kicked at him and pushed him further from the Conqueror and the bard.

"Are you okay?" hastily asked the Amazon Queen, a worried expression on her face.

"I'm fine," reassured the ruler. "How about you?"

"I'm okay," replied the bard. "I'm so sor-"

"Its okay," cut off the ruler. "I just want this fight over with."

Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows at that total change in the Conqueror's attitude.

The Conqueror sighed and whispered, "I want to go home."

The Amazon Queen nodded faintly and turned around when she'd seen that look in the ruler's face. She raised her staff up, and stopped the blade that was coming at her from behind.

The ruler growled and took on the other enemy that was at her back. At certain points, she'd take a quick look at the Amazon Queen to make sure she was okay. She was starting to realize just how good Gabrielle was with her staff. She also started surveying the battle and noted they were now winning and crushing Draco's men. It would not be long before this battle was finally over for them.


The Conqueror stared at the two men locked in the jail wagon. They were both on opposite ends of the wagon, their eyes closed, and trying to forget today's lost. The fire light from around the camp was reflecting off their face, she could see all of the blood and scars on their faces.

After shaking her head a few times, she turned around and walked back into camp. In the background, she could hear the two jail guards talking again. She stopped about midway into the camp and scanned all of the Amazons and her soldiers. Everybody was busy cleaning up or taking care of his or her wounds. Her healers along with two Amazon healers were shifting through everybody, checking on them.

The Conqueror turned her attention away from them and looked across the camp to one tent. She saw the firelight inside of the tent flickering and a shadow moving back and forth inside of the tent. Slowly she took in a long breath then made her way to the tent. Once she neared it, she paused but went inside of it.

The bard looked up in surprise when the ruler entered.

The Conqueror instantly realized the Amazon Queen was changing out of her clothes. "Excuse me," she apologized and turned her back to Gabrielle. She felt rather embarrassed now for barging in without thinking.

"Its okay," countered the bard. "I could actually use your help."

The Conqueror kept her back to the younger woman but asked, "With?"

Gabrielle returned to taking her small top off that she'd received while at Gurkhan's. "I have a wound on my back."

Immediately the Warrior Princess turned around in worry. She then realized Gabrielle was topless. "Hades," she growled and turned back around.

Gabrielle laughed and said, "Hey we're both women."

"Yes, I know this, Queen Gabrielle but…." She was lost for words. "Its just not polite," she finished.

"Alright… let me sit down on the cot with my back to you. On the bed is a medical kit if you can help to clean it for me. I can't see it let alone reach it."

"Tell me when you're ready."

The bard quietly shifted to the bed and sat down on the edge, her back directly to the ruler. "Its okay."

Xena slowly turned around and approached her. She decided to sit down behind the young woman. She reached over to grab the medical kit, which was next to the Queen's Amazon attire. "You found your clothes?"

"Yes, Ephiny was kind enough to bring them."

The Conqueror licked her lips as she picked through the kit, looking for a cloth. "I saw she brought you your staff as well."

"Yes," confirmed the bard. She then realized they would need some water to better clean the wound. "Over there on the chair is some clean water."

"Thank you." The Conqueror got up and went over to pick up the bowl of water that was near the other end of the cot.

Gabrielle knew she was about to turn around and see her topless again. She quickly lifted her arms and crossed them over her breasts just before the ruler turned around.

The Conqueror paused for a second but then quickly moved back to her spot behind the young woman. "Thanks," she whispered.

"For?" quietly asked the bard.

The ruler chuckled while placing the bowl in her lap. "For the water." Her voice was in a teasing tone.

The bard faintly grunted because she knew why the ruler was really thanking her. She then sensed a large hand grasping her shoulder and then a wet cloth pressing into her back.

Xena carefully dabbed the bard's back cleaning up the wound. "How'd you get this?" she asked quietly.

"I'm not sure really." Gabrielle shrugged then added, "I just realized it not long after we got back into camp."

"Mmmm." The Conqueror continued patting the wound clean. She then lowered both of her hands into the bowl with the cloth and thoroughly cleaned it. "Hurt at all?"

"Not really… I'm sure it will when you put that salve on."

"Most likely," agreed the Conqueror. She clasped her hand on the bard's shoulder again and carefully cleaned the wound a second time. "How did things go at Gurkhan's?"

"There wasn't really any problems."

The Conqueror raised an eyebrow at the word 'any.' "So there were some problems?"

The Queen was about to blurt out what happened between her and Callisto but stopped herself just as quickly. She knew it wasn't the right time to discuss it but she knew she would have to sooner or later. "Well… the only major problem was I almost ended up bedding Gurkhan." She shook her head. "But I was lucky."

"Oh?" Xena put the cloth down in the bowl and picked up the bowl. She placed it on the floor. "What happened?"

"Varia showed up and stopped us before it happened."

The Conqueror let out a breath. She started milling through the kit again, looking for salve. "I take it you came on the scout ship?"

"Yes," answered the bard. "I was… concerned."

"About? The battle?" suggested the ruler. She opened the container of balm and spread some of her two right fingers.

"Well, that too," agreed the bard. She hissed and straightened her back out when the salve touched her wound. "Hades that stuff stings."

The ruler grinned some but continued to apply the ointment. "The battle huh?"

"I was worried about you," confessed the bard. "I mean I was about my Amazons, the battle, and Gabrielle… but you too."

The Warrior Princess slowly raised an eyebrow at her submission.

"I can see that eyebrow up," joked Gabrielle.

Xena huffed. "Everything else was okay?" she persisted, "No problems with Cleopatra or Callisto?"

"No… no," half lied the bard. "All of Gurkhan's wives are coming back too."

"And what do you suggest we do with them?" The Conqueror put on a little more salve then stopped. She closed up the lid and slipped it away.

"I was planning to offer them to join my Nation… if that's alright by you, my liege."

"I think its perfect," agreed the ruler.

Gabrielle was surprised by the agreement so she started to turn around.

The ruler was about to stop her but soft green eyes caught her. She tried to keep her attention fully above Gabrielle's neck.


Xena swallowed and slowly nodded. "I agree with you. I think you need more Amazons," she whispered.

"Thank you."

The Conqueror could only simply nod again as she reached over without moving her head a fraction. Xena's right hand scurried for Gabrielle's top.

Gabrielle chuckled when she found the top in her hands. "Thanks."

"No problem." The dark ruler sprung up from the bed and walked off towards the tent flap.

The Queen already had her top on and buckled in the back. "Thank you for taking care of the wound."

The Conqueror stopped in front of the flap and turned around, relieved to see Gabrielle's top on now. "You're welcome. Get some rest tonight."

"I will, you too, my liege."

The ruler moved her head in acknowledgement then silently left.

The Amazon Queen groaned and fell back into her cot. "Gooooddsss," she moaned.

The Conqueror hadn't walked off that far when she heard Gabrielle's noises. She felt a small grin tug at her lips as she strolled through the camp to her own hut.

The warrior-bard was still holding onto her soulmate.

Xena finally lifted her head after this long hug and whispered, "You want to lay down?"

Gabrielle sighed and squeezed her partner tighter. "In a moment."

The warrior kissed her partner's temple. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Xena." The small warrior finally forced herself to released her partner. "Know what though?"


"I am a little hungry."

The Warrior Princess corked an eyebrow at that. "How about you sit down and I'll hunt some food down for us."

"Are you sure? I can co-"

"Its okay," cut off the warrior. "Just take it easy huh? I'll be back shortly." She left the tent in hopes to find her and Gabrielle some kind of food. As she was milling through the camp, looking for some signs of a mess tent. She then caught the Conqueror in the corner of her eye, she hastily made her way to the ruler.

"Hi, Xena," greeted the ruler.

"Conqueror." Xena held out her arm.

The Conqueror smiled and briskly shook arms with the warrior. "Nice job today."

"You didn't do bad yourself," commented the warrior. She finally released the strong arm.

"How is Gabrielle?" inquired the ruler.

"She is fine… exhausted but fine."

The Conqueror shifted her weight to her right foot. "Things were rather stressful for her."

"I know," whispered the warrior.

"She will be fine," reassured the ruler, "especially since you're back."

Xena nodded at the Conqueror's word. "How is the Queen?"

"I was just there," confessed the ruler, "she only has a small wound on her back. Otherwise she is fine."

"Glad to hear it." Xena was about to move away but stopped when she thought to ask the ruler about the mess tent. "Where can I find some food? Gabrielle is pretty hungry."

"Mmmm." The Conqueror was about to tell her but instead decided to show her. "This way." She made a beeline for the food tent. "I think the Queen will want something as well."

"Mmmm," agreed Xena, "lions to feed."

The ruler chuckled deeply in agreement.

Together the pair found the food tent and went inside to begin the food selection. The Conqueror made sure to get one of everything since she was completely unsure what the Queen would want anyway. After both women had their trays of food, they separated and each went to a Gabrielle's tent.

"Can I come in?" called a deep voice.

Gabrielle sat up from her bed and realized it was the Conqueror. "Yeah of course." She giggled some at the fact the ruler was now asking to come into the tent.

"I brought you something… thought you might be hungry."

The bard smiled at the tray of food. "Gee… you must have gotten one of everything."

"Pretty much… I wasn't sure what you liked."

Gabrielle laughed as the covered tray lowered onto the bed between them both. "All of it."

"I did good then."

"Well except for the olives," confessed the Queen.

"Not a problem." The ruler grabbed the small bowl of olives and started popping them into her mouth.

Gabrielle laughed and shook her head. She picked up a piece of bread and decided to start there. "Have you seen anybody?"

"You mean as in Xena or Gabrielle?"


"I just spoke with Xena." The ruler sat back some while chewing on the last olive. "She said Gabrielle is fine."

"That's good to hear." The bard picked up the small mug of soup. "I was thinking of going over to see them but thought I shouldn't. They probably want to be alone… plus I'm just too exhausted," confessed the bard.

Xena slightly grinned and said, "So is Gabrielle."

The Queen nodded then lifted up a spoon to start her soup. "How you feel?"

"Tired myself," honestly answered the ruler.

"Kind of thought so." Gabrielle took a few spoonfuls of the soup then quietly said, "Thank you for sparing Draco and Sinteres."

"I wouldn't have done it otherwise."

"I know." Gabrielle still recalled the ruler almost gutting both men when she'd finally cornered them. Fortunately she'd been there at the time and was able to stop the ruler. "I think we can come up with better ways to ruin their lives."

The Conqueror laughed some because she knew of a few ideas already.

Through the rest of the evening, the pair quietly talked about their past weeks while they were apart. Sometimes though there were long moments of silence, neither sure what to say like there was something else they were suppose to be discussing. Yet Gabrielle always hastily came up with some kind of topic for them to get around the main question that was between them both.

The following day, the Amazons and the army broke camp deciding it were time to go home. First the Amazon Nation was escorted back to their village just to the northwest. Yet it was Ephiny, Solari, and Queen Gabrielle that decided to join the rest to travel to Athens. Also they made sure to separate the three groups of Amazons between Velasca's, Queen Gabrielle, and Varia's Amazons. Gabrielle took command of Varia's Amazons and had them travel to Athens with them.

Together, the huge traveling group slowly made their way to Athens. They also estimated that by the time they arrived that Callisto would have returned by then, at least they hoped.

Eponin was standing on the balcony that came out over the main portion of the city. She was about to return go back inside but faltered when she saw several glints of metal just outside of the city. "By Artemis, let that be them," she whispered. She stepped closer and grasped the rail. She squeezed the rail so tightly as she waited in anticipation. As glints began to emerge into people, she knew it was the Conqueror with her army and she also was now able to pick out several Amazons. A happy smile broke out across her expression as she raced back inside to find her friends.

It wasn't long before everybody was reunited by the following morning. Callisto and her fleet arrived the next morning at first light with a very tired group of women. All of the Amazons celebrated with several hugs and laughs. Queen Gabrielle offered to the Gurkhan's former wives if they'd like to join her Nation and none of them refused.

By the late afternoon, Xena and Gabrielle decided it was best for her and Queen Varia's Amazons to return back home. The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle knew it'd be a long adventure for all of them and Queen Gabrielle thanked Gabrielle, Xena, Eve, and Queen Varia numerous times for their help and support. She also then promised her, Ephiny, Solari, Eponin, Amarice, Teresa, and the wives would escort them to the cave just outside of Stagira so they could return to their world.

Gradually the traveling group organized and met at the gates, rather worn out from all of the events plus the traveling. Everybody was rather eager to return back to their homes.

Xena had mounted her mare and saw her partner had just gotten on her stallion. Just off to her right was Queen Gabrielle forcing herself to mount a horse.

Gabrielle quietly chuckled at the Queen's persistence to ride a horse. "She has more spirit then me when I was her age."

Xena gave a grin to her soulmate. "She tries harder."

"I wouldn't say that," called Gabrielle, "It's the fact I don't feel like walking the distance."

Both Xena and the warrior-bard laughed together.

Ephiny came up along the other side of her Queen.

"Are we ready?" inquired the Queen.

"Yes," replied the regent.

"Good, I'm ready to get home."

"Gabrielle, you do not have to come with us," persisted the warrior-bard.

The Amazon Queen shook her head at her friend's words. "I want to make sure you and the Amazons get back safely to your world."

The warrior-bard nodded then said, "Thank you."

Gabrielle smiled at the older woman but then looked at Ephiny. "Okay, let's get moving."

The regent nodded and was about to order everybody out but stopped when Gabrielle's hand grasped her leg. "What is it?"

The bard signaled with her head at the Conqueror.

Ephiny looked over at the ruler standing at the gates of the city, just watching them carefully. "It's your call," whispered the regent.

Gabrielle bit her lower lip. "I'll be back," she promised. She slipped out of the saddle. "Just going to thank her and say bye."

"Okay, we'll be here." Ephiny watched her Queen weave through all of the Amazons and came up to the ruler.

The Conqueror lifted herself off the gate and smiled some at the Queen. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you soon."

"You will." Gabrielle went a little closer but kept a certain distance away from her. "I just wanted to thank you for all of the help."

"I had a treaty to uphold," reminded the ruler.

Gabrielle lowered her head at the mention of the treaty. She slowly lifted her head. "Well… whether it was the treaty or well something else, I appreciate it either way." She paused and quietly added, "I know you didn't have to do all that you did."

"And I appreciate your continuing support, Queen Gabrielle… despite our pasts."

The small woman sighed at the mention of what had happened between them from the start. "The past is the past… my legs have healed just like my anger. Sometimes I don't even remember it."

"I know… and that's what makes you such an amazing woman," whispered the ruler. She took a deep breath and took one step closer. "You can return whenever you see fit." Slowly a crooked grin appeared in her expression. "I still expect an invite to your Nation… and especially to your hot springs bath."

The bard blushed as she realized there wasn't quite a hot springs bath just yet. "Well… when we have them ready, I'll be sure to invite you."

Xena nodded as her grin faded away. "Safe travels, Queen Gabrielle."

Gabrielle tapped her staff on the ground and said, "We'll talk soon." She turned around and took a step away.

The Conqueror noticed she wasn't going any further but instead turned back around.

"To Hades with the formality." Gabrielle quickly moved in closer.

Xena wasn't sure what to expect as she put up her guard but suddenly found herself in a hug. She stood there frozen for the second time and tried to debate what to do. She gave a heavy sigh and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman. "This is really bad for my image, you know that right, Queen Gabrielle?"

"Then don't hug me," countered the bard.

Although a part of the ruler was prepared to just that she faltered and instead squeezed the Queen tighter. "Please be careful, I do not feel like repeating this."

Gabrielle laughed softly and finally let go of the Conqueror. "Of course, my liege." She smiled warmly up at the woman.

"Go on," urged Xena, "Your Amazons wait for you."

The Queen solemnly nodded and stepped back a few times. "Bye, my liege."

The ruler bowed her head some while saying, "Goodbye, Queen Gabrielle." She lifted her head to watch Gabrielle quickly spin around and power walk off to the group of Amazons.

The Conqueror sighed deeply and went back to her position against the gates.

Gabrielle mounted her horse again and signaled to Ephiny. While her regent took care of the Amazons, she went about lashing her staff down.

The regent ordered the group to push down the road. She then started her horse into a walk but kept her attention on her best friend. "Everything okay?" she whispered.

"Yes," replied the bard.

"Nothing went wrong?" urged the regent.

"No," promised the rather quiet Queen.

Xena and her warrior-bard had noticed the shift in Queen Gabrielle's attitude. Neither of them spoke up because they knew Ephiny would handle it well.

"Then why are you… so down?" whispered the worried regent.

Gabrielle shook her head as she stared at the ground passing underneath her horse. "I feel like this is so one-sided," she confessed.

"What is?"

The bard looked at her regent, she just stared then finally answered, "My emotions."

Ephiny wasn't quite sure what to say but she half turned in her saddle and looked back at the Conqueror. The ruler was still staring at them and Ephiny knew her gaze was mainly on Gabrielle. She shifted back normal into her saddle. "Did you even try?"

"Its not worth it, Ephiny." Gabrielle shook her head. "She doesn't want me."

"I think that's for her to decide." Ephiny almost laughed in disbelief at her own words, she couldn't believe she was sitting here trying to urge her best friend to be with the Conqueror. It was such an outrageous and crazy idea so she knew it had to be the right thing. "Well… I guess since you decided for her, you don't have to worry." She shrugged and stared ahead but not without adding, "Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all."

The bard sighed as she slumped in her saddle.

Xena peered across to her soulmate, Gabrielle shook her head in protest.

Xena grumbled and tried to remain quiet.

The Amazon Queen suddenly growled, "Hades." She haltered her mare and jumped off.

"Gabrielle?" called Ephiny in worry. She got no answer but she ordered everybody to stop.

Gabrielle came racing up to the Conqueror, completely out of breath.

The ruler stood up from the side of the gates and asked, "What's wr…." She stopped when the young woman held up a hand.

The bard took two gigantic breaths then straightened up to her full height. She had to move a little to try and relax herself some more before she said what she had to say. She now stood between the gates so that her back was directly against the opposite gate from Xena. "Look, I have to say this… if I don't get it off my chest, I'll just never be able to sleep."

The Conqueror slowly lifted an eyebrow in question. "Go on."

Gabrielle stared down at her feet while taking several deep breaths. She then looked up to the ruler. "I kept worrying about you while we were separated, I kept hoping you were okay and that you wouldn't give up." She paused then continued with her speech. "When I finally saw you on the battlefield, I never felt so… so just peaceful and happy. I mean we were in a middle of battle and I was happy." She laughed at herself. "And then that night in the tent together, I don't think I could have gotten enough of her attention if I tried." She stopped as she tried to see if it was affecting the ruler, she wasn't getting any real response. "Conqueror, I missed you, I honestly did." She stopped and took a few steps closer and whispered, "And gods, I hope my life doesn't end when I tell you this but… I think I'm falling in love with you."

The Conqueror lowered her eyebrow at the submission. She pressed her lips together then folded her arms over her chest.

Gabrielle waited for something to happen or for her to say something. She tried so hard to read Xena's eyes but they were too emotionless and hollow. She suddenly felt her heart sink down and her life drain out from her body. She closed her eyes and took two steps back. "Oh gods," she moaned. Her back hit the gate and she slid down it until she was sitting in the dirt. "I just made a fool of myself," she growled at herself.

Ephiny was about to move when she saw her Queen on the ground.

"Don't," urged the warrior-bard.

"What? Why?" countered the regent.

"Just… have some faith." Gabrielle looked back to the two pair in the gateway.

The Conqueror stared down at the Queen that was about to break down crying. She ran her tongue along the front of her teeth as she considered everything. She took a deep breath and realized her knees were a bit shaky. She unfolded her arms and gradually bent down until her right knee pressed into the ground. She let her hands rest on either of her legs. "Looks like you've really fallen for me," she whispered but her tone held a taunt.

Gabrielle lifted her head and dropped it against the gate. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

The Conqueror blinked at the out right apology.

"I won't make it present anymore. I'm sorry, Conqueror." Gabrielle lowered her head again.

Xena shook her head some and asked, "I guess I don't have a say huh? That's it huh?"

The Queen looked up again after those questions. "Conqueror, I didn't mea-"

The ruler suddenly leaned forward, which cut her short on her words. Her dark blue eyes locked onto the woman and she whispered, "Sometimes you just need to be quiet, Queen Gabrielle."

The bard swallowed as her stomach dropped even more today. She felt like everything was about to end for her.

The Conqueror grinned suddenly and leaned in the rest of the way.

Gabrielle found her lips against the ruler's and she closed her eyes. She started to reach out with her right hand to grab onto the ruler.

Xena had her left hand out to also grab the young woman but her hand met halfway with Gabrielle's. She laced their hands together then returned her focus to the kiss. She slowly pushed her tongue into the bard's mouth.

Gabrielle moaned softly and squeezed the larger hand tighter when her body tingled with heat.

The Conqueror let the kiss go on, their tongues running against each other and bringing the bard's own into her mouth. She then knew they had to separate instead of continuing this in public. She slowly pulled back and her eyes gradually opened.

Gabrielle smiled warmly at the ruler.

Xena for the first time gave a very happy smile. "That's my response to your love." She unlaced their hands and started to stand up while saying, "And I never said you had to leave Athens."

The bard dropped her head back against the gate and laughed nervously at herself. "By the gods…."

"No, it wasn't the gods," insisted the Warrior Princess.

Ephiny slid out of her saddle deciding it was time to interject. She went to the pair but didn't look at the ruler as she knelt beside her Queen. "Gabrielle?"

The bard opened her sparkling spring eyes and looked at her regent. "Yes?"

The regent almost laughed at the response but asked, "Are there a change of plans, my Queen?"

Gabrielle looked away from Ephiny and looked up at Xena, the Conqueror. She had a warm smile that the Conqueror mirrored back and for the first time, she saw the softest set of warm blue eyes. "Yes… there's certainly a change of plans."

The End

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