Subtext ~ Isn't subtext here, it's the real thing here. All maintext. If you can't handle that sorta thing, I feel sorry for you. Just go check out another one of them stories that's general.
Emotional ~ I'll tell y'all this is planned to be emotional. Don't think it'll be like Titanic thing, but it's doing the whole emotional thing.
Copyright ~ Lets see, Universal and MCA both own Xena, Gabrielle, Argo, Dahak, Hope, Joxer, Ephiny, Amarice other Amazons. But I own Masika, Gabrielle's horse Torqueo, Teresa, Aster, Logos, and Rodhiya. So don't take my characters or story line, otherwise you'll have a life worth of bad luck.
Note ~ This is fast forward in the seasons compare to the rest of my stories. I think everybody can figure out relatively where I set it. The only thing is, there's two… three differences to the season I'm on. I think you'll be able to figure them out too, real fast.
Started: March 12th 2000 on Sunday
Series: The Binding of the Soulmates of Time Story: Seven
If anybody has comments about my story please let me know at:
Part 5
Section 5
~*Part 12*~
The small warrior crossed her arms against her chest to keep warm. She had her cloak totally button up to keep her warm, but she felt a little cold on the inside. Gabrielle took a deep breath, she saw her breathe visible in the early morning air.
Turning to her head to the left, Xena came up beside her with a mug of hot tea. She smiled and took the offered mug. "Thanks Xena."
The warrior smiled. "No problem." She also had her cloak on. She lifted her mug to sip from it. Gazing ahead she watched as numerous Amazons were chopping away at trees, mostly pine. The pine scent actually filled the air around them.
"It's coming along."
Xena nodded in agreement at Gabrielle's words. "It's coming. Good thing we got an early start."
The Amazon Queen nodded. "Yeah." She lifted her mug to drink from it. She kept watch of her Amazons cutting down the trees to make the camp. Once they get the area cleared, Gabrielle had plans for tents to be pitched for the arriving Amazons.
Yesterday had been relaxing for the most part. After the Soulmates had marked the trees with the dagger, they left to spar together before dinner. The rest of the evening had been a good one, to say the least. Now though, they had gotten up early to confront this cold day. Gabrielle and Ephiny had organized a large amount of Amazons to start chopping trees down for the camp and the sparring fields. Her and Xena supervising while the regent ran between the sparring fields in the village to the woods clearing. Ephiny had elected herself to make sure Solari took care of fixing up the sparring fields with a few Amazons.
Overall, things were running smoothly. Everybody would be rather tired by the afternoon but it would be worth the effort. Gabrielle and the regent both were confident that the site would be cleared of the trees by tomorrow afternoon.
The Amazon Queen took a sip of her tea, she then looked up to Xena. "I think I'm going to go find Eph."
Xena turned her attention to her partner. "I'll stay here."
Gabrielle nodded with a smile. "Thanks, be right back." She then turned around and marched off at a fast pace into the village.
The warrior turned around to watch her Soulmate leave, she smiled to herself and then turned back around to the Amazons cutting the trees. Sighing, she lifted her mug and drank from it.
"Ephiny, we better have enough."
The regent sighed. "I'm pretty sure we do, I have somebody double checking on it now. But I'm sure we do Gabrielle."
The small warrior slowly released her breath. "We better have the tents Eph. We can't afford not to."
"I think we're fine Gabrielle."
Gabrielle nodded her head. "I hope you're right." She lifted her mug and drank from it. Her eyes then averted back to the sparring fields. "They look better."
The Amazon nodded. "Yeah, Solari is doing a nice job of cleaning this place up."
"Is that where she widen it?" The Queen lifted her right arm to point to the area of the right half of the two sparring fields.
"Yeah, there and over here." Ephiny pointed to the far back side of the sparring fields.
"Okay." Gabrielle nodded a few times. "Where's Solari now?"
"Solari and her group went to go get breakfast then they're headed down to the trees to help with getting them down."
The small warrior nodded. "Good." She took a long breath. "I am going to head back to the forest. You coming?"
Ephiny nodded. "Yeah I want to see how it's going."
Gabrielle smiled. "It's moving fast." The two women began to stroll through the village towards the gates. Gabrielle lifted her mug to drink from it, the tea warming her body.
"It looks like you and Xena are doing well." A statement.
"We are." The Queen smiled and glimpsed to the Amazon. "It's… well I can't really describe how wonderful it is to be with Xena again."
Ephiny nodded with a smile. "You two held out a lot longer then I thought."
Gabrielle sighed, she drank the little bit of tea she had. "I never thought we'd be together again."
The regent grinned. "I knew you two would be together again." She sighed and gazed ahead. "I can't imagine you both surviving without each other."
Gabrielle nodded. "We both were hanging in by just a thread." She paused. "I thought I was going to die after… well after Solan's death."
"Gabrielle." The regent stopped walking, so did Gabrielle. Ephiny reached up to Gabrielle's closes shoulder. "I thought the same thing when you came to us." She dropped her head then looked back up to her small friend. "But in the back of my mind I knew you and Xena would survive. It was just a matter of time." A pause. "Just don't let yourself or Xena be stuck in the past okay?" She then smiled.
Gabrielle smiled back. "We won't." She then pulled Ephiny in for a hug. "Thanks Eph."
The Amazon hugged back tightly then released Gabrielle. "Anytime. I'm always around if you need me Gabrielle."
The Amazon Queen nodded. "I know, that means a lot."
Ephiny kept her warm smile. "Come on." They began to trek again towards the forest, they passed the gates.
The warrior felt herself go warm and not because of her tea. She knew why, so she turned to her side and smiled to the source of her warmth.
Gabrielle smiled warmly back to her Soulmate. She kept her eyes locked with the warrior all the way down the path to Xena's side. Then coming up to the warrior's side, she hugged Xena with one arm. Once she released Xena, she stood beside her.
"How the sparring fields look?"
The small warrior looked up to Xena. "Real good." She then averted her sights back to the forest. A crash was heard as the three women watched two trees come crashing to the ground.
Xena first heard somebody walking up behind them, then Gabrielle and Ephiny turned around to spot Solari and twenty Amazons coming out of the village.
The second in command walked up to close to Ephiny but stopped and turned around to the Amazons following behind her. "Go help out the others with the trees." Some Amazons responded others nodded. Solari then turned back around and stepped up to stand beside Ephiny. She tugged her cloak closer against her body and smiled to Ephiny.
"Glad you could join us Solari."
The second in command grinned at the regent. "I thought I should."
Ephiny chuckled. "Of course."
Solari then looked down to her Queen. "Gabrielle, are we setting up any of the tents today?"
Gabrielle gazed at Ephiny first and cleared her throat suggestively. She then looked to Solari. "Depends."
The second in command arched her eyebrow. "On what?" She peered towards the regent then to Gabrielle again.
"Why don't you ask your regent?" Gabrielle then grinned.
Ephiny looked to Solari to see her arching an eyebrow. The regent sighed. "We might be short on tents."
Solari nodded a few times. "That would be a problem." She then grinned and turned her head to the small warrior. "I don't think we are though Gabrielle. At least the last time I checked."
Xena then grinned. "We're going to have too."
Gabrielle looked up to her Soulmate with furrowed brows. But the warrior was staring in a certain direction. So the small warrior gazed in that same direction, there she saw one of her Amazons on horseback riding in at a full gallop. "Not already. Hades." The Queen took a step forward turned to her left for a moment to bend down and place her mug on the ground beside Xena's. She then straightened back up and jogged towards the Amazon on horseback.
The Amazon riding came up to the Queen and pulled back on their reins and stopped. "Queen Gabrielle."
Gabrielle smiled. "How are you Leon?"
The Amazon smiled. "Quite well." She gathered the horse's reins into one hand. "Queen Caitriona is coming soon."
Gabrielle nodded. "West Nation?"
"Yes. I was sent ahead to make sure she and her Amazons are allowed into our Nation now."
"When they expecting to be here?"
Leon reflected for a moment then responded. "I'd say by this afternoon or so. They're traveling slow, most of her Amazons are on foot."
"Okay, ride back to Queen Caitriona and tell her she's definitely welcomed here. Tell her there's no rush but we are right now clearing an area in the forest for all the Queens' Amazons to stay. Okay?"
Leon nodded. "I'll deliver the message. Anything else?"
Gabrielle smiled. "No that'll cover it. Make sure you stay with them Leon till they arrive safely here."
The Amazon smiled. "Of course. Bye Gabrielle."
"Bye Leon."
The Amazon nodded then turned her horse around. She then spurred her horse into a gallop and took off the same direction she came.
Gabrielle watched the Amazon disappear, she turned around and made her way back to her friends.
"What was that about?"
The Queen shifted her attention to her regent. "Queen Caitriona is coming this afternoon."
The second in command then spoke up. "Then why was Leon riding ahead?"
"Queen Caitriona wanted to make sure it was okay to come in." Gabrielle crossed her arms against her chest. She then looked up to her regent. "Eph, we need to figure out how to split this camp up."
The regent nodded. "Yeah, we can't have the arguing Nations near each other."
Gabrielle nodded and took a few more steps and then turned around to face the woods. "Okay so it's the southern Nations… and the Northwest…"
"West Nation."
The Queen nodded at Ephiny's words. "So that's five Nations there we have to keep separated."
Xena crossed her arms against her chest. "Place the west Nation to the far right side and the northwest to the far left."
Gabrielle nodded. "That leaves us with the three southern nations."
"Well going from left to right, we could place the south Nation, the north Nation, then the southwest Nation, then the east Nation, next the southeastern Nation, the northeast, last the far east."
The Queen crossed her arms against her chest, she tried to picture Ephiny's plan. "What about Mairead and her south Nation? They're a hard bunch Eph?"
"They are." Gabrielle looked up to her partner and Xena kept her eyes on the woods as she spoke. "It should be from left to right; northwest, southwest, north, Yakut's far east, south, northeast, east, southeast and then west."
The small warrior repeated the combination in heard head again and looked to the woods where the Amazons worked. "Mairead in the middle?"
The warrior nodded. "Yes, keep her far from the other two southern tribes."
"I agree." Gabrielle stared at the slowly appearing cleared land. "You don't think Yakut will have a problem with Mairead?"
Xena shook her head then grinned. "Not Yakut, she's smart."
The Queen nodded, she then turned to Ephiny and Solari. "How's that sound to you two?"
Both Amazons looked to the Gabrielle, Solari nodded but Ephiny responded. "Sure." She grinned. "Whatever the Queen want's she gets."
The small warrior sighed and shook her head. "Right." She studied the woods and her Amazons cutting the trees down. "Now if I can just remember the order."
Xena grinned and looked to her Soulmate. "Don't worry, I remember."
"Good." Gabrielle smiled up to Xena. "I can't." She chuckled.
The warrior smiled then winked and gaze back to the forest.
~*Part 13*~
For the rest of the day Gabrielle and Xena watched over the clearing job of the woods while Ephiny and Solari went about finding the tents, counting then organizing them. By the afternoon the Amazons had chopped all the trees down in the area of where the camps for the Nations would be. In turn, Gabrielle had her Amazons stop chopping trees. All the Amazons then took a break.
After that break, Gabrielle's Nation went about pitching the tents through the camp area they cleared. The started on the far left side and worked to their left. They knew Caitriona would arrive soon and that meant that her Amazons would need the space on the far right. Midway through the process, Caitriona and her Amazons showed up.
Gabrielle looked after helping to pitch a tent. She'd heard the sounds of people moving through the woods. She looked to her left at her Soulmate.
Xena was looking in the direction she heard the sounds. She turned her head to Gabrielle and nodded.
The Queen shifted her sights to the Amazon that had been helping her put the tent up. "Go ahead and keep working on these." The Amazon nodded back. Gabrielle then looked to her partner again and nodded.
The two Soulmates left the camp area and walked into the woods again to see numerous Amazons coming their way. Some were on horseback some were on foot. In the front was an Amazon riding tall with her mask over her head and Gabrielle's two messengers riding beside her. That's when Solari and the regent came up to Gabrielle and Xena's side to welcome the west Nation and her Queen.
The west Nation kept coming towards Gabrielle and then stopped once the lead rider was in talking distance. The lead ride with her mask looked down to the four women on the ground. "Which of you is Queen Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle took a step forward towards the rider. "I am her."
The lead rider smiled down to Gabrielle. "I am Queen Caitriona of the West Nation. I received your challenge letter and found it quite the pressing business."
Gabrielle nodded with a smile. "It is, thank you for coming so quickly." She then glanced back to Xena, Solari and Ephiny. The three women all stepped up beside Gabrielle. "I'd like you to meet my consort Xena." Gabrielle then looked to Ephiny. "This is my regent, Ephiny and then my second in command, Solari." Gazing up to Caitriona, Gabrielle smiled. "If there are any sort of problems while you're here you can discuss that with me or either of these three."
Caitriona nodded her head. "Thank you. I have to say your messengers were great in making sure we arrived here. I thank you for that as well." Caitriona then looked behind herself and nodded to two Amazons on horseback. The two riders moved their horses forward some, one Amazon was old while the other rather young. "This is my head Council Member, Lisa." Queen Caitriona held her hand out to the older Amazon, she then shifted her out stretched arm towards the younger Amazon. "And this is my second in command, Liz." Caitriona then dropped her arm.
"Nice to meet you both."
The second in command, Liz, nodded while Lisa smiled to Gabrielle. "We've heard much about you Queen Gabrielle."
"That's what I keep hearing Lisa." Gabrielle then placed her right hand on her hip. "But while you are here in my Nation all of you will be treated as guests and nobody is allowed to call me Queen Gabrielle. Gabrielle will do fine." She took a deep breath. "Queen Caitriona, we have a hut for you to sleep in during your stay while your Amazons can stay here in these tents."
The West Nation Queen nodded her head. "That'll be great." She then looked to her second in command. "Liz, make sure everybody knows what's going on."
Liz nodded her head in response and turned in her saddle to all the Amazons. "Amazons dismount!"
All of Caitriona's Amazons dismounted, as did Caitriona herself. She then walked up to Gabrielle with her horse in tow.
Gabrielle looked to Ephiny and Solari. "Help Caitriona's Amazon get settled in." Ephiny nodded and Gabrielle averted her attention back to Caitriona, smiled. "Just follow me."
Queen Caitriona nodded and walked beside Gabrielle, Xena walked on Gabrielle's other side.
The small warrior looked to the West Queen. "You must have left early."
Caitriona nodded. "We left soon as we received your message."
"I'm glad, we don't have much time for these challenges."
Caitriona nodded in response. The three women passed through the gates, Caitriona looked to Xena. "You are the Warrior Princess?"
Xena shifted her eyes to the West Queen. "Some call me that."
Queen Caitriona nodded. "Now are you an Amazon?"
"She is." Gabrielle looked to the West Queen. "Has been for a couple of years now."
The Amazon Queen smiled. "It's about damn time too."
The warrior grinned a little. "So you're one of them who thought I should be."
"No, I knew you should be." Caitriona looked back ahead. "We're losing to many good Amazons these days."
Gabrielle let out a long sigh. "We are." She then looked to her right towards the stables. "Here are the stables." The three females made a beeline to the stables and went inside. Gabrielle walked up to her horse with a smile. "Hey there boy."
Torqueo bobbed his head up and down and nudged at Gabrielle's right hand as she petted him.
The small warrior smiled then kept moving past a few stalls then stopped at a freed one. "Here we go."
Caitriona smiled and opened the stall to place her horse inside. She then went about removing her tack.
Ephiny had told all to many times to Gabrielle how personal Amazons are about tacking and untacking their own horses. Very rarely they allowed another to do it. All Amazons cherished their horses and created strong bonds with their horses.
Gabrielle watched Caitriona for a moment, she then looked up to her Soulmate with a smile.
Xena smiled back and reached to her left towards the small warrior's closes hand. She grasped the smaller hand and squeezed for a moment, she then released Gabrielle's hand.
The small warrior smiled to the warrior then looked back to the stall to see the West Nation Queen come out of the stall with her saddlebags.
The three women in silence left the stables and Gabrielle led the way to the hut she had prepared for Caitriona. They all passed by several huts, the main guest huts in the back of the village.
Gabrielle turned her head to Caitriona on her left. "Was the ride safe?"
"Yes it was." Queen Caitriona smiled to the other Queen. "Your messengers seem to know where to go."
"They do, that's one of the things we train here."
Gabrielle nodded. "Yes, I have my Amazons just not focus on the physical but the mental too." She took a deep breath. "Quite important."
Caitriona grinned. "It is." She then looked ahead, she spotted a hut straight ahead.
They walked up to the hut. Gabrielle opened the door. "I hope this is qualified hut for you."
The West Queen chuckled. "I'm sure it is." She walked in and went to the bed, dropping her saddlebag there. Then turning around to face Gabrielle and Xena.
The small warrior smiled. "We always have dinner here at sunset."
Caitriona nodded. "Wonderful." She then walked back up to Gabrielle. "Tomorrow if you'd wish I can have my Amazons help with the clearing in the woods."
The small warrior smiled. "We could use the extra help." A pause. "But your Amazons might be to tired after the trip."
"They should be fine, I'll just have them start late in the morning."
"That's great."
Queen Caitriona nodded again. "Now are you expecting any other Queens to arrive today?"
"It's possible. Maybe one more nation today."
"East Nation?"
Gabrielle crossed her arms against her chest. "I'm not sure."
Caitriona nodded. "Well they're the next closes to here." She then smiled. "Thank you for the hospitality."
"Of course." Gabrielle then uncrossed her arms. "And Xena and I are going to go check on things."
The West Queen nodded. "I'll be there in a while. Thank you again."
"Bye Queen Caitriona."
"Bye Gabrielle and Xena." She nodded her head to the warrior.
Xena smiled a little. "Goodbye Queen Caitriona."
The Soulmates then turned around and started walking back to the other end of the village again, they heard the hut's door close.
Gabrielle looked up to her partner. "What you think?"
The Amazon Queen nodded. "That's what I thought of her too."
Xena then grinned. "It's a good thing to use against somebody when you're fighting them."
"I know." Gabrielle nodded with the same grin. "Just take the control from them and it'll drive them crazy."
The small female chuckled. "Gods, we're bad."
"Nah, just have to know who you're fighting."
"Right." Gabrielle then sighed. "I feel like we've been here for to long but we haven't even started the challenges yet."
The warrior nodded a few times. "I know, I feel the same way."
The Queen grinned and took a step closer to Xena to bump her then she walked normally again. "So you wanna run off tonight?"
Xena chuckled. "I'm gamed."
"Hmmm." Gabrielle looked up to her partner with a devilish grin. "I wonder how Eph would handle all this on her own."
The older woman grinned. "She'd kill you for it."
"I know." The Queen groaned while dropping her head some. "Gods, I feel like leaving."
The warrior looked to her Soulmate. "We can." It was whispered and extremely truthful.
Gabrielle lifted her head up to her partner, searching her eyes. She then averted her gaze back ahead still walking. "We can't Xena."
"I know." Xena sighed. "Just an option."
The small warrior smiled. "Thanks for it."
The Warrior Princess nodded. "You always have that option." Say promise from so long ago but said and understood differently.
Gabrielle smiled to herself. "So do you Xena." She then looked up to her Soulmate. "We've gotten that far huh?"
Xena looked to Gabrielle then smiled. "We have. I've missed it."
Gabrielle nodded. "Same here." She stopped walking causing Xena to stop walking as well. The small woman took a step to Xena and hugged her tightly, not letting go.
Xena smiled and dropped her head on top of her Soulmate's head after enveloping the smaller warrior in a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes then Xena whispered something. "Feels good to be home."
The Queen smiled warmly as she pulled back in the warrior's arms. "I know." A pause. "Come on."
They released each other and the pair continued on their walk to outside the gates. They walked to the makeshift camp for the Amazon Nations. Gabrielle's Amazons finished putting up the tents. Gabrielle then found Ephiny and Solari whom reported that Caitriona's Amazons were all settled into their tents in the far right section of the camp area.
For the rest of the day, Gabrielle's Amazons took the day off. They mingled with some of Caitriona's Amazons getting to know them. Gabrielle, Xena, Solari, and Ephiny on the other hand kept working on the preparations for the other arriving Amazons.
But by late dusk another Queen had arrive surprisingly. Queen Mairead of the Southeastern Nation. Gabrielle, Xena, Ephiny, and Solari greeted them and told Mairead's Amazons to settle in the section of the camp just left of the Caitriona's Amazons, they did. Gabrielle and Xena escorted Mairead into the village then to her own personal hut.
Gabrielle then quickly found out just how tough Mairead's leathers were. In a way Mairead seemed like Xena when she'd first met Xena. Tough, hard, cold, and powerful. The only difference mentally between Mairead and Xena is Mairead is stupid. Quite a large difference. That's when Gabrielle knew Mairead had won her right of caste as Queen by fighting and not by brains. Gabrielle and Xena both made a mental note of that, especially Gabrielle for when she would have her challenge against Mairead.
The night came and so did the huge dinner for three Nations. Gabrielle midway through dinner snuck back into the kitchen to thank her cooks for the hard work. She knew how hard such a thing could be. After the long dinner, everybody was beat. All the Nations went back to their appropriate areas and settled in for the night. Xena and Gabrielle well they were walking back to their hut together, discussing the dinner.
"It went real well."
Xena showed her agreement. "It did." She paused. "You thanked the cooks huh?"
Gabrielle grinned up to the warrior. "Yes, they did a lot."
"They did." Xena's gaze went back ahead.
"So far the Nations seem to mix well."
"They are, let's hope it stays that way."
Gabrielle sighed. "You think the south nations will have problems?" She looked up to her Soulmate.
"Maybe at first, have to talk to them."
The smaller woman grinned. "I'll let you do that."
The Warrior Princess arched an eyebrow as she looked down to her partner. "Oh?"
Gabrielle nodded. "Oh yeah, definitely. I know you'll have them shaking in their leathers and feathers. Then they wouldn't even dare to think about fighting with each other."
The warrior laughed. "Be careful with that."
"Ohh, is that a warning?" Gabrielle stepped closer to her Soulmate.
"Mmm, I might scare off the nations."
The Queen chuckled. "Sure sure." She grinned up to the taller woman. "You wish."
Xena arched an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"
The smaller woman still had her grin. "Yes."
The warrior grinned and peered back ahead as she saw them coming to their hut. "Good." She opened the door and went inside with her Soulmate following behind.
Once they were inside, Xena turned around to look to her partner. "I have an idea."
Gabrielle arched an eyebrow. "And it is?"
The older woman crossed her arms against her chest. "And I'll show you." She grinned. She shifted to the door again. "Come on."
The Queen grinned and shook her head, she went outside into the cool night beside Xena.
The warrior turned around to face the hut seeing how the roof slanted down some on an angel. She took steps back as she studied things. Her eyes shifted to Gabrielle. "Come here." She smiled warmly.
Gabrielle raised an eyebrow and stepped up to face her Soulmate. "This is interesting."
"You'll love it." Xena then looked away from the roof back to her partner. She then reached forward as she kneeled some. Her hands went around Gabrielle's back and under her knees as she lifted the younger woman.
"What are you planning?"
"You'll see." Xena took another step back as she sensed Gabrielle's left arm wrapping back behind her neck. The warrior then ran forward and leaped. The pair went soaring through the air and flipped to land nicely on the roof. Xena then released her Soulmate.
Gabrielle arched her eyebrows at her Soulmate. "You're not?"
The warrior chuckled. "I am."
"Oh you're good Xena." The small woman grinned.
"I know." The warrior then laughed and leaped backwards to fly off the roof and land back down on the ground facing the door to the hut.
Gabrielle looked down to see the warrior go inside of the hut for a minute or two. She saw Xena come back out with a bedroll and fur, Gabrielle chuckled to herself. She then took a step back as she witnessed the Warrior Princess jumping back up onto the roof right in front of her.
Xena then went to the center of the roof and laid the bedroll down with the fur next to the bedroll and stood back up. "Figured you've missed the stars."
"I have." Gabrielle leaned down to remove her sais and placed them near the bedroll.
Xena followed her example and removed her sword and chakram, placing them beside the sais. She then lay down on her back on the bedroll.
Gabrielle grinned and then carefully lowered herself to lay on top of her Soulmate. She could then feel strong arms wrap around her stomach. Her head slowly lowered down onto Xena's chest as her eyes became fixed on the stars above.
The warrior sighed. "No clouds."
The Queen chuckled. "To say the least, it's crystal clear out tonight." She smiled because she couldn't remember the last time she'd slept under the stars in her Soulmate's arms. Then again, she couldn't recall the last time she slept on a roof. That made her start to giggle.
"What's so funny?"
The small warrior took a deep breath. "The fact we're up here sleeping on the roof."
Xena chuckled now. "Well I thought this would be the best spot. Out of view."
"True, I don't think anybody will look for us up here."
The older woman smiled. "Mmm. Good." She then began to idly run her fingertips up and down Gabrielle's bare stomach.
The smaller warrior closed her eyes at the feeling. She then brought her hands up to lace her fingers with Xena's. "When was the last time we did this?"
"Sleep on a roof? Never."
Gabrielle chuckled. "No you know what I mean."
The warrior sighed contently as she thought. "After… after the temple."
The Queen slowly opened her eyes as she remembered that night after Dahak's temple. Yeah that was the last time but it wasn't the last peaceful time. That time had been the night Gabrielle cried candlemarks on end in Xena's arms. "No… it was before then."
The other woman squeezed her hands with Gabrielle's. "To long either way."
"It was." She sighed and stared up to the stars. She then noticed one specific set of stars. She smiled. "There's my favorite constellation."
Xena looked up to the stars and smiled as she recognized which one Gabrielle spoke of. The warrior constellation. "Never seems to leave."
"Not at all." Gabrielle picked up on all that double meaning that Xena had said. "It never will."
"It won't love."
The smaller Soulmate smiled to herself. "I know." She'd whispered it.
Xena still smiled and she slowly let her hands slip from Gabrielle's hands, to slide down the small woman's stomach to Gabrielle's lower center stomach. Her fingers then slid under Gabrielle's leather belt to touch the skin at her very lower hips.
Gabrielle closed her eyes at the feel and let a small moan escape. She then turned over and dropped her head back down under Xena's chin, her eyes still closed. Gabrielle tried to control her body's reactions.
Xena grinned at her Soulmate and slowly removed her hands from between their bodies. Now she grasped Gabrielle's sides.
The smaller woman looked down into Xena's eyes. "Dangerous."
The warrior grinned. "I know."
Gabrielle lowered her head to kiss her Soulmate deeply. First one kiss, then it was two. By the end of the second one Gabrielle pulled back.
Xena smiled and reached up with her right hand to push the younger woman's head back down on her chest. She could feel Gabrielle breathing heavy. Xena herself was breathing heavy but not quite as much as Gabrielle.
Slowly the smaller warrior opened her eyes to stare across the village in the darkness. She brought in a deep breath then slowly released it. "You think I'll be able to defeat these other Queens?"
The older woman didn't answer at first, she'd just lifted her right hand up to Gabrielle's back. Letting her finger tips glide up and down the small woman's smooth back. "Truthfully, yes."
Gabrielle sighed. "I don't feel like I could."
"You haven't even met them all yet Gabrielle."
"I know." The small woman then shifted her shoulders some and settled back down. "What about Mairead? She really seems tough."
"Like you said Gabrielle, she's stupid."
Gabrielle chuckled. "I didn't say that. I said she's got all the brawns and no brains."
The warrior grinned. "Well you were just putting it nicely. I don't."
"So I noticed." The Queen then lifted her head to gaze down into her Soulmate's eyes. "Somebody has to be blunt."
Xena chuckled. "Uh huh. And bluntly you can beat all the other Queens… if you want to."
The small warrior sighed and dropped her head back down on Xena's chest. "That's just it. I don't know if I want to."
Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. "Just a lot of work Xena. We both know it."
The warrior had to agree to that one. "It would be. But you could handle it."
"I'm just worried it would take away from us Xena."
Xena sighed. She brought her right hand up to gently run through the other woman's short hair. "Gabrielle?"
The Queen raised her head and looked to Xena.
Xena smiled warmly. "We'd be doing it together." Her smile dropped as she went serious. "I'm your consort and I need to start acting like it."
"Gabrielle." The warrior stopped the protest. "We should be sharing the caste together and I have not done anything." A pause. "I'm sorry for that."
Gabrielle reflected about that then let a smile slip into place. "Thank you Xena." Her smile now dropped. "But I know I've never asked you for your help." She then grinned. "So will you help me?"
The warrior smiled. "Love to." She then brought Gabrielle's head down to kiss her. Once they pulled back, Xena still had her smile. "Let's get some sleep."
The smaller woman nodded in agreement. "Long day." She lowered her head back down on the other woman's chest. "Sleep well Xen."
"You to love." Xena reached to her left to the fur. She lifted it then placed the fur over her and Gabrielle's bodies. Her arms then snaked under the fur to wrap around Gabrielle tightly.
Randomly Gabrielle started to chuckle.
Xena opened her eyes some. "What?"
The Queen took a deep breath. "The roof part."
The warrior grinned. "Something different."
"To say the least." The younger woman started to chuckle again.
Xena sighed. "Goodnight Gabrielle." She closed her eyes.
"Night Xena." Gabrielle took a deep breath and let her body relax.
Sleep, well that took them from this world within minutes. The stars above and the darkness around protected them from the troubles of the world as they slept. What kept them safe beyond that were each other as they slept in each other's arms and dreams.
~*Part 15*~
The sun slowly began to creep up and over the horizon. It's light already filtering through the trees of this area. But this sunrise had two particular onlookers this apparent morning. Onlookers on a rather odd spot.
Soulmates that were sitting on the roof of a hut. Xena sitting with her legs propped up. Gabrielle resting into the warrior's body between Xena's legs with the warrior's arms wrapped around her. Gabrielle had her own arms and hands resting on top of her Soulmate's.
They then knew by that beautiful sunrise that the weather would be perfect. There were clouds but only the feather kind that swept across the crystal blue sky. It made the day worth going through.
Beside them to their right rested the fur rolled up with the rolled up bedroll and their weapons. They'd woken up right when the sun peaked into this world. So the pair decided to stay on the roof of their hut to watch the sunrise. It was something rather beautiful on this brisk morning. The Soulmates could feel the heat of the sun slowly creep up their bodies as it came over the trees.
That's when they heard it, footsteps. They couldn't see whom they belonged to since the person was under the roof's hang.
Gabrielle turned her head sidelong to Xena. "Who you think it is?"
"Eph. Who else?"
The young woman grinned. "Probably right."
Somebody knocked at the door to their hut. Then the regent's voice filled the air. "Gabrielle? Xena?" Then there was a sigh and the Amazon opening the door.
Xena bent her head forward to Gabrielle's neck. "I'll take care of her." Her lips came down to place a gentle kiss to Gabrielle's neck. The warrior then stood up, releasing her Soulmate. She took her weapons hooking them to their appropriate spots. Xena then walked close to the roof's edge and bent her knees to jump and quietly land on the ground. Looking in through the open door to their hut, she saw Ephiny. She grinned. "Morning Ephiny."
The regent spun around on her heals with her hands up, she was breathing hard. "Hades, Xena. Gods I don't need a heart attack." She took a deep breath and padded out of the hut to stand in front of Xena. "Where's Gabrielle?"
"Right here Eph." Gabrielle was on the roof's edge. Her sais in her boots as she was bending down staring down at her Soulmate and regent.
The Amazon looked around. "Gabrielle?" She furrowed her brows at Xena.
Xena grinned and looked up to the roof.
Ephiny followed her gaze to see her small friend on the roof. "What it Tartarus are you doing up there?"
Gabrielle grinned. "Nothing." She then turned to her right to grab the bedroll and fur.
The warrior saw this and took a step back. She caught the flying bedroll and fur that had been tossed to her.
The regent arched an eyebrow. "You two didn't." A pause. "Did you?"
Xena grinned and sidestepped Ephiny to throw the bedroll and fur on their bed in the hut. She then closed the door and turned around to Ephiny. "We did."
The Amazon groaned. "Oh gods."
The Warrior Princess chuckled and took a few steps back to see her Soulmate up on the roof. "Ready?"
"No." Gabrielle grinned. "There's only." She jumped off the roof in the direction of Xena. "Go." Gabrielle landed neatly in the warrior's arms.
Xena grinned down at her Soulmate in her arms. "Good jump."
"I've had plenty of practice." Gabrielle grinned. "Good catch."
"I've had plenty of practice." Xena then leaned down to capture her Soulmate's lips in a gentle kiss.
The Soulmates then heard a cough from behind.
The Queen chuckled and ended the kiss, she quickly turned around to Ephiny. "What's up Eph?" She grinned.
The regent coughed again with a knowing grin. She then went serious. "Right." She paused. "Another Queen should be here relatively soon."
Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows. "Which Queen?"
"Gloria of the East Nation."
The small woman nodded. "When is she going to be here?"
"Around half of a candlemark."
"Okay great. Have we started working on the sparring fields?"
"Yes, Solari is on it right now." Ephiny then smiled. "Caitriona and Mairead's Amazons are helping. It shouldn't take long to cut the trees down then clear the area."
Gabrielle smiled. "Perfect." She then reflected for a moment then went on. "Xena and I are going to go get something to eat. Then we'll head down to the camp."
The regent nodded. "Sounds good. I'll stay down there to keep a look out for Gloria and her Amazons."
"Great. Thanks Eph, see you down there."
The Amazon smiled and then walked off heading towards the gates of the village.
Gabrielle turned around to her Soulmate. "Hungry?"
Xena grinned. "Definitely."
The smaller woman raised an eyebrow while a grin fell into place. "Same here." She then brought her right hand up to Xena's closes arm. "Come on." She smiled.
The warrior smiled back and the pair started walking to the dinning hut. Once they were there, only a few Amazons were inside eating breakfast. The Soulmates had quickly gathered their food together and sat down to eat.
Gabrielle was working on a bowl of fruit when she lifted her head to Xena. "How many Queens you think will come today."
Xena looked up. "Three… maybe four."
The small woman nodded and her gaze went back to the bowl of fruit. She still has yet to feel hungry. "The rest will probably come in tomorrow."
"Yakut my guess will be here in three days, take or give."
Gabrielle nodded. "Good, we need to get these challenges done with quickly."
"We will before winter."
The Queen raised her head again with a smile. Xena looked up and smiled back.
After the Soulmates ate, they headed right to the camp. As soon as they arrived Ephiny came up to their side. Gloria and her Amazons were coming any minute. So Gabrielle and Xena greeted the Queen and her Amazons. Yet again Xena and Gabrielle escorted the Amazon Queen to her hut.
And well, Gloria they both found out to be nice, sort of the opposite of Mairead. She seemed to be a respectful Queen and person in general. Her Amazons were all close and mingled with the other Nations very slowly. Gloria herself seemed to represent her East Nation with pride and honor. Gabrielle and Xena both liked the East Nation Queen.
By early afternoon another Queen had arrived. The Northwest Nation with their Queen Parvulus. Queen Parvulus seemed rather boring to Gabrielle as well as deathly quiet. Xena though didn't like the Queen what so ever. For the Queen's hawk like eyes bothered the warrior. In a way Queen Parvulus reminded Xena of Callisto. Tall, almost white hair with small body frame and scrawny. Parvulus also had a consort whose name was Eilee and seemed rather sweet also young at that. That also bother Xena, tensed her body up but yet the warrior remained respectful of it.
Around the time Parvulus had arrived the two new sparring fields were created. The trees gone and the ground cleared for the challenges. Gabrielle decided that all the basic challenges would take place on those sparring fields. Once the more serious challenges began they would be held inside of the village.
All day Xena and her Soulmate went about the Nations, meeting the different Nation's second in commands and head council members. Then Gabrielle had been pulled away from all the chitchat by late afternoon as yet another Queen entered in with her Amazons.
This Queen is of the North Nation, Queen Laetus. Queen Laetus seemed to be a rather happy Queen, constantly smiling and talkative. She was also very young, younger then Gabrielle. Gabrielle figured that more then likely Queen Laetus is a new Queen to the North Nation. And Xena had asked about it.
"So did you recently take the thrown?"
Laetus turned her head to the warrior. "I did. Over a year ago, still fairly new to this Queen-ship." She smiled warmly.
Gabrielle knew how that felt. "How'd you take the caste?"
The North Nation Queen sighed. "The Queen before me passed away from a disease that had been going through the village. The huge disease actually killed a number of my Amazons but we're coming back thankfully."
"That's good to hear. We've always been lucky here with diseases here, never seem to get any." Gabrielle looked back ahead as she saw the hut she picked out for Queen Laetus to stay in.
"You're lucky. We never had one till those two years ago. Did a number unfortunately." Laetus sighed.
That conversation had been rerouted later on. While the rest of the day rolled on. Now the Nations totaled to five excluding Gabrielle's Nation. There was a massive amount of Amazons in this one small area. Dinner had been moved outside where there was more space, there certainly wasn't enough inside of the dinning hut.
After dinner, the Soulmates left early. Feeling the huge need to be alone after the socializing day. There are just some points when a person can handle some many people at a time. This was certainly true for the Soulmates, they have their limits.
The warrior went into the hut first and walked over to the table, she slowly took her heavy cloak off.
Gabrielle though when she'd closed the door. She leaned against it, sighed, and closed her eyes.
Xena dropped her cloak on the chair by the table and turned around to see her partner leaning against the door to the hut. The warrior felt the same way. She gradually walked up to Gabrielle. Her large hands going inside of the other woman's cloak and to Gabrielle's sides.
"I know I like to talk." The younger woman opened her eyes. "But gods."
Xena smiled some. "I know." She then leaned in to kiss her Soulmate. After the kiss she slowly brought her left cheek to rub against Gabrielle's cheek. "But it's just us now."
The Queen smiled. "Just the way I like it." She lifted herself off the door and sensed her larger Soulmate straightening back up. Gabrielle looked up to Xena.
The older woman gazed down with a warm smile. Her eyes twinkled deeply as her they seemed to go a shade darker.
Gabrielle grinned. "Come here." Her right hand came up to the back of Xena's neck, pulling the warrior's head down. Their lips met in a passionate kiss.
Xena slowly pulled back from the kiss. Her hands came up from Gabrielle's sides and carefully removed the leather and white wool cloak from her body. She then threw it to the chair where her own dark cloak was.
The smaller woman grinned and came back up for a deep kiss. As she did her hands came up to Xena's shoulders to work the clasps. "Great armor but…" Gabrielle chuckled in the middle of the kiss.
The warrior grinned and brought her hands up to help with the armor clasps.
Soon that armor was off and so were all their clothes. They were in the bed. But sleep was not top priority of course that only came later on.
A loud bang was heard at the door. Gabrielle sat up in the bed quickly to hear another knock, she groaned. Looking out the window she found it to be still dark out. "You've gotta be kidding me." She rolled out of the bed. Then she began to frantically search for her clothes. Another bang at the door. "I'm coming!" A mumble under her breath. "This is ridiculous." Gabrielle found her top, put it on followed by her skirt. She raced to the door and opened it to find her regent at the door with a cloak on. "What's going on?"
Ephiny smiled guiltily. "Queen Nyx is coming."
Gabrielle narrowed her eyes. "Ephiny?" It was low.
The regent smiled. "Meet you down there Gabrielle." She quickly turned around and ran off to the camp outside the village.
The Queen quietly closed the door with a long sigh. "Great." Looking to the bed she found her Soulmate sitting up in the bed.
"There goes your good mood huh?"
Gabrielle nodded. Her tongue ran across her back molars. "Oh yeah." She shifted over to her boots and began to put them on.
Xena rolled out of the bed and found her leathers, putting them on proceeded by her armor and boots. As she put her last item on, her chakram, she turned to Gabrielle.
The small woman rose back up after tying her boots. "I'm gonna kill this Queen." In her right hand was one of her sais.
The warrior grinned and shifted to her partner. "We'll live." She moved her hand to grasp Gabrielle's right hand with the sai.
"And she won't."
The older woman chuckled. "Yes she will." Xena leaned in to kiss her smaller warrior. She then could feel Gabrielle releasing the sai and so Xena took it. After the kiss, she bent down to one knee to insert the sai back into Gabrielle's right boot.
"Mmm?" Xena stood back up and smiled to her Soulmate.
"You do all the talking. I'll be too busy controlling my temper."
The Warrior Princess grinned. "I can handle that." She then smiled warmly. "Come on. Let's get this over with."
Gabrielle sighed and turned to the door, her right hand grasping the handle. She turned her head to see her partner getting their cloaks. "What time you think it is anyway?"
Xena shrugged her shoulders as she came up to the Queen's side. "Five or four candlemarks before dawn."
The younger woman groaned and opened the door, she went outside. "Why this early? That's all I wanna know." She turned around and watched Xena put her cloak on and close the door.
The warrior then held out Gabrielle's cloak and the small warrior stepped up to put the warm cloak on. The pair then walked through the sleeping village to go outside the gates to meet Queen Nyx.
The door to the hut slammed closed. Gabrielle stalked across the room and plopped down on the end of the bed. She took a huge breath to calm her temper. "That… that…" She closed her eyes to calm down.
Xena took off her cloak and dropped it on the bed beside her Soulmate. She then shifted to stand in front of Gabrielle. "I know."
"She's on my hit list Xena." Gabrielle opened her eyes again. "Not only does she come here in the middle of the night but she was so damn snarky and rude to you." She then lifted her right hand showing her index finger close to her thumb, leaving a small space. "I was that close to reaching down to my sais." She growled and dropped her back into the bed, her hands covering her face.
"Gabrielle she was probably tired from the trip." Xena crossed her arms against her chest.
The small woman shot up from lying on the bed. "I don't care. She had no right to act like that." She stood up from the bed. "Did she see her?" Gabrielle walked near the door and whirled around. "Well this looks like an okay hut." Her voice was high pitched in a fake tone. "It's a bit small compared to the one's in my Nation. We build castle size huts with hot tubs, two rooms, and dinning room…" Her voice was filling with frustration. "…. And a grand ballroom for my fifty thousands guests that come." Gabrielle groaned and rolled her eyes from her impersonation of Queen Nyx.
The warrior stood there grinning at her Soulmate, despite herself.
"Oh do you know what my favorite part was Xena?" The Queen strolled up to Xena.
Xena raised an eyebrow in question.
Gabrielle shook her head. "My favorite part was when she came up to you when she first arrive." She cleared her throat and did the high pitch voice again. "Oh dear, you're an Amazon? I didn't know the Warrior Princess turned into an Amazon now. I would think your Queen would have appropriately dressed you in Amazon attire. You have no feathers or Amazon sword, how awful. And you're surprisingly tall and dark for an Amazon. Blah blah" Gabrielle spun around and stalked back over to the door. "I'm gonna kill her Xena." She turned around to the warrior with her dark green eyes.
Xena sighed and walked to her Soulmate with her arms still crossed. "It doesn't matter."
"I know." Gabrielle sighed. "She just… urked me. Really rubbed me the wrong way." Her shoulders dropped. "And I love you tall and dark."
The older woman grinned. "And I love you small and not busting with muscles."
The small warrior sighed and rolled her eyes. "Gods I heard that comment too."
"I thought you did." Xena took a step back. She brought her hands up to pulled her hair together and she brought her dark hair up over her head. She dropped her right hand down as her left hand held her hair up in bun on top of her head. "I've heard so much about your Queen." Xena had her voice high pitched now, something rather different to be heard. "I would have thought Queen Gabrielle would be a bit taller with all these muscles." She grasped a leather string from her skirt part of her leathers. Xena started twirling it with her right hand. "I've just heard so much about Queen Gabrielle. Heard she is suppose to be a great Queen, young, nice person, and strong." Now the warrior started to walk around in the hut, strutting all the while twirling part of her skirt and holding her hair up with her high pitched voice. "I just didn't imagine Gabrielle would be so small and not look so tough. She seems so quiet and… and well narrow minded." Xena sighed and dropped her act quickly with a grin.
Gabrielle though, she was bending forward laughing. Her arms over her stomach.
Xena started to laugh a little herself. She took in a deep breath and walked over to Gabrielle.
The Queen closed her eyes and straightened back up as she calmed down. "You win Xena, that was the best impersonation."
"A little blown out of proportion though." She grinned.
Gabrielle sighed. "Maybe… maybe not." She then smiled. "Thanks for the laugh."
"Thought you might want one." Xena then smiled warmly. "Lets get some sleep huh?"
"Yeah I've had enough fun." She walked over to the bed and lifted one leg at a time untying her boots.
Xena did the same but over to a chair untying her boots. Then next came her armor, as she was setting it down, Gabrielle came up beside her and placed her sais on the table. Now Xena only stood in her leathers and she looked to her small Soulmate.
Gabrielle glanced up and smiled, she felt tired again. She leaned against the warrior. "It's official, we get to sleep in."
Xena grinned as she brought her left arm to drape around Gabrielle's shoulders. "Queen's orders?"
"Oh yeah." The small woman sighed.
"Come on." Xena released her partner and walked over to the bed, she climbed in.
Gabrielle sighed and came up to the foot of the bed, she crawled in and came about halfway to the middle of the bed. She stopped there and fell into the bed with a sigh.
The Warrior Princess chuckled and reached down and pulled Gabrielle up and against her body. She had her arms tightly wrapped around the small warrior.
The younger woman opened her eyes. "Thanks."
Xena grinned. "No problem. Go to sleep."
"No problem there." She closed her eyes again and let her body relax.
The warrior also closed her eyes and pair were asleep again.
~*Part 16*~
Well by that morning, late morning at that. The Soulmates had risen from bed and quickly found out two other Queens were coming by midday.
Queen Aureus of the South Nation and Queen Zahra of the Southwest Nation. Thankfully Gabrielle was in a good mood during their arrivals. Both Queens seemed rather nice with the same old tough as leather attitudes. Then again they are southern tribes, she knew they would be tough. None the less, that only left one other Nation to arrive, Yakut and her Amazons. And Xena mentioned that they wouldn't arrive for another day to three days.
Gabrielle had sighed at that answer and the warrior knew why. The small warrior wanted to get out of the Amazon village as much as Xena wanted to. Not because they didn't want to be there but more because they wanted to be alone together.
Unfortunately all the other eight Amazon Nations found out that it was going to take Yakut awhile to arrive and that sent all the Queens into a tizzy. In the end that led to a meeting between Gabrielle, Xena, and the eight Queens that day.
"We'll wait till Yakut arrives."
"Hades, I think we should start without her and her nation." Mairead had said that with a tough tone.
"I agree. Besides that Yakut and her Nation are hardly apart of the Amazons. Look at the Far East Nation, they're a totally different Nation compared to the rest of us. Why should we wait?" That was the Queen Nyx's opinion.
Queen Zahra brought her right hand up to the table. "Yes, there is no reason to wait. We-" She was quickly cut off.
Xena had placed her hands on the table, she'd been standing beside Gabrielle's seat. The warrior leaned forward with her eyes pinned on Queen Zahra. "We will wait." It had came out low and hard.
Gabrielle decided to say nothing. She knew this was her Soulmate's turn to force the Queens to listen. And for four years Gabrielle has learned if she can't do it then her partner can. So she let Xena take this one. Besides, this is her consort.
"And why Xena?" Queen Aureus of the South Nation's question.
"Because Queen Gabrielle says so." The Warrior Princess's eyes went to slits with her eyes cold. "And because I said so. If either eight of you Queens have a problem with it then you can take it up with me." She rose back up. "Yakut and her Nation are Amazons. We will wait for their arrival to begin the challenges. We will treat her and her Nation with the same respect as we treat all Amazons. Their Nation was created for the same reason all the other Nations were created for. Don't forget that."
Some of the Queens nodded. The three Southern Queens all seem to get a bit angry with that but didn't respond.
"Look everybody, we can wait out two days for Yakut to arrive. That'll give all of you ample time to practice for the challenges and catch up on sleep from the traveling. If I were you all I'd be grateful for that because Yakut won't have that pleasure." Gabrielle then crossed her arms against her chest.
Now all the Queens seemed to show their agreement.
The small warrior then stood up beside Xena. "Good. Now I think we all have things to attend to. This meeting is excused and another will be held when Yakut and her Nation arrives."
All the Queens stood up and left the hut.
Gabrielle slowly released her breath and then lifted her head up to Xena.
The warrior flashed her a smile.
The small Queen chuckled. "That was interesting."
Xena arched an eyebrow. "Which part?"
"The part on how you handled this." Gabrielle now smirked.
"You liked it?"
"Mmm very much Xen. Glad you're on my side." The small warrior then chuckled.
The older woman smiled. "Me too." She leaned down slowly to lightly place a kiss to her partner's soft lips. "Four candlemarks till dusk."
Gabrielle gazed up to her Soulmate thinking about that statement about time. "Walk?" She grinned.
The Warrior Princess smiled. "I was just thinking that."
"Uh huh. Come on." Gabrielle strolled out of the hut with Xena beside her.
The pair made their way through the village rather quickly in hopes they wouldn't get caught. They came to the gates thinking they'd make it out safely.
The small warrior froze where she stepped and closed her eyes. "Hades."
Xena chuckled and went serious as she saw Ephiny coming to them. "It's your regent."
"I know." Gabrielle turned to the regent. "What's up Eph?"
The regent came up to Gabrielle. "Wanted to see where you were sneaking off to in such a rush."
The Queen grinned. "Somewhere."
"Mind telling me where incase I need to find you." Ephiny then placed her hands on her hips.
"Um." Gabrielle looked up to her Soulmate. "Eph… ask Xena. She's the one who knows where." She turned her head back to the regent with a devilishly grin.
The Amazon dropped her expression and looked up to Xena.
The warrior crossed her arms against her chest and narrowed her eyes coldly to the Amazon.
"Right." Ephiny's gaze went back to her Queen. "Have a nice walk. Bye." Turned on her heals and jogged off.
The Amazon Queen laughed a few times. "Oh I've gotta do that more often."
Xena grinned. "Come on." She started to walk again.
Gabrielle nodded and walked beside her partner. They went outside of the village and detoured around the Amazon Nations camp and into the woods.
"Thanks." The small woman smiled to her warrior.
"Anytime." Xena smiled back and then gazed ahead of herself.
The young woman let out a long breath. She'd missed walking beside her Soulmate like this on the road. Well they weren't on a road headed to some random place in Greece, but this was close enough. "Xena can we do some training for these challenges?"
The older woman thought for a moment then retorted. "What sort of training?"
"I don't know, just a lot of practice. And teach me the most affective way to use my sais."
Xena nodded a few times. "I don't know sais very well Gabrielle. But I'm sure I can come up with a few surprise moves you can use." She grinned.
Gabrielle peered up to see that grin, she mirrored it herself. "Great." Her eyes went back to the trail she followed in the woods. "I need a few."
"Mmm, I wouldn't say that. You've got the hang of those sais within a few days."
The small warrior crossed her arms against her chest. "I know." A pause. "That part scares me some too."
The warrior quickly looked to her partner.
Gabrielle sadly smiled up to Xena. "Sorry. I just never imagined I'd be a warrior like this." She turned her eyes away.
"Does that bother you?"
The small woman thought about that question. Questioned herself with that question. Does it bother her? "No. It's my way Xena… to be your protector." She smiled. That is it, she is Xena's protector. Xena may say she never needs one but in one sense, even Xena does. Xena does have emotions that need protecting along with her body.
"Thank you." Xena smiled warmly to her Soulmate. "Never had one."
Gabrielle studied her Soulmate's eyes then she smiled warmly back. "Anytime." She turned her gaze away. "Everybody needs a protector."
The older woman still had her smile and she reached out with her right hand to grasp her partner's closes hand. "I'm yours."
The Queen squeezed her warrior's hand for a moment. "I know. You have been since our souls were created."
That's when that killing urge hit Xena. That urge she always has but it erupted now. That urge to become one with Gabrielle. And that urge seemed to enter into the smaller warrior, because Gabrielle stopped walking and quickly pulled her Soulmate in for a tight hug.
"Don't think about it Xena."
The warrior closed her eyes and lowered her head. She knew what her partner meant, so she tried hard to slow the urge. Xena knew Gabrielle was feeling the same urge now and it was tearing her up as well. The urge, the need, the pulling of something so grand and strong.
Gabrielle took a deep breath as she felt the need slowly lower back down inside of herself. "Wanna do that again?"
The warrior chuckled. "Is it getting that strong?" Xena lifted her head.
The small warrior also raised her head up to gaze up into the other woman's eyes. "Yes." She smiled.
"Perfect." Xena lowered her head to capture her partner's lips in a strong kiss. Then as she pulled back her eyes slowly opened again. "We better keep moving."
Gabrielle nodded quickly. "Definitely." She shifted out of her Soulmate's embrace.
The warrior grinned and began on her trek again with Gabrielle. "So you like how I handled the Queens?"
The small woman started to snicker. "Oh yeah. For now on you can run the meetings."
"Well I don't think I have them quite shaking in their leather and feathers… yet."
The Queen raised an eyebrow at the warrior. "Oh I have no doubt that you will."
Xena chuckled. "Maybe."
Gabrielle turned her eyes back to the path in the woods. She had a grin on her lips. Her grin spread across her lips more as an idea entered her mind. Her pace picked up and now Gabrielle walked in front of her Soulmate. A dying desire to tease her warrior took control of the small woman.
Xena arched an eyebrow at her friend's back. "Gabrielle?"
With no warning or anything, Gabrielle stopped fast in her tracks. She'd dug the heals of her boots deep in the ground to stable herself for when Xena rammed into her.
Xena did exactly that and peered down at Gabrielle. "Gabrielle?" It was low.
"Oh gods did you see that Xena?" The small warrior tried to keep the teasing tone out of her voice.
"No… what did I miss?"
"Nothing… I just thought I saw something." The small warrior started to walk again.
The warrior still had her eyebrow raised. Then it lowered and a very evil grin took over her lips. She watched her Soulmate keep pacing on then she bent her knees.
Gabrielle took another step then stopped, she hadn't heard Xena walking. Turning around she couldn't find Xena. "Xena?" She searched around in the space around, her arms going against her chest. Her eyes narrowed as a smirked came to her. Gabrielle slowly ambled over to the spot she last knew her Soulmate stood. She found footprints there and they stopped. Her head dropped back as she looked straight up to the trees. "Oh she's good."
The small woman then felt her body tingle. She closed her eyes and honed in on the feeling, on the direction. Gabrielle pinned pointed it and quickly dropped down to grab a sai. She bounced back up with a whirl to face the other direction. Her sai left her hand and went speeding through the air.
Xena instantly reached up to grab her Soulmate's sai that was close to embedding into the tree beside her head. She grinned down at Gabrielle. "Not bad. Little slow."
Gabrielle placed her hands on her hips and smirked. "Come down here and I'll show you slow."
The warrior crossed her arms against her chest and leaned against the trunk on the tree branch. "Come up here and show me."
The small warrior licked her lips. She'd watched Xena do this jumping and flipping stuff countless times. Why couldn't she? Hades why not try? Gabrielle took a step back then broke off running. She leapt as she neared the tree and hit one branch under Xena. She bounced off it to back flip and land on the one Xena stood on. Her balance was shaky.
The warrior quickly stepped forward and grabbed her Soulmate. "Work on the balancing part."
"Right." Gabrielle chuckled. "Sort of important huh?"
"A little." Xena held her partner by her leather belt on her maroon skirt. Without any warning she suddenly jerked Gabrielle's body against her's.
"Hi." Gabrielle sheepishly smiled.
"Hi." The warrior grinned and leaned into take her Queen's lips in a strong kiss.
The younger woman grinned as she pulled back from the kiss. She then pushed the other female back a step to be against the tree's trunk. She went in for another kiss. "This is a pleasant walk."
Xena started to laugh in the middle of the kiss. "Great walk." She moaned in the middle of the new third kiss. "Not slow."
"Good." Gabrielle ended the third kiss with a grin. "Let's see…" She took a step back then jumped up to do a back flip and landed neatly on the ground below. She'd bent down to one knee and looked up to her Soulmate.
The warrior chuckled. "Not bad. But…" Xena jumped up backwards to let her feet hit the trunk of the tree. She pushed off the tree and went soaring through the air downwards and landed beside her Soulmate standing tall.
The Queen grinned as she stood up. "Glad you made it down." She was then handed her sai back. A chuckled and the small warrior inserted her sai back in its home. "Now where were we headed?"
"Come on." The warrior grinned and continued along her trek. "So where'd you learned that?"
Gabrielle peered up to her partner. "The flip?"
"You, where else?"
"But I didn't teach you."
The Queen nodded. "No, I taught myself a second ago and watched." She grinned. "For over four years I've seen you do flips. You'd think I'd know."
Xena chuckled. "There's a difference between watching and learning."
"True, I'm a quick learner."
The warrior looked to the other woman. "Don't start that."
"What? The, 'Slow learner Xena.'"
Gabrielle chuckled. "No, I'm the slow learner, four years." She sighed.
The warrior stepped closer to her Soulmate. "No, you just don't like heights."
"True, heights aren't as bad as they were." She then laughed. "Must be 'cause I'm short."
"Maybe that's it." Xena smiled then peered ahead to see the gates to the village. They had pretty much done a loop back around.
The Queen sighed. "AQ mode."
Xena sighed. "AC mode."
Gabrielle laughed and lightly glared up to her partner. "Amazon Consort mode? Is it that bad?"
The warrior smirked. "With your Amazons, yes."
"Oh oh, wait if I remember right you're one of my Amazons."
"True." A smile now from Xena.
The younger woman smiled back and looked forward. She sighed and felt herself go serious. "Want to turn around and start running to Amphipolis?"
Gabrielle chuckled. "Don't tempt me." She grinned. "I'd probably get my caste taken away then." A chuckle escaped her lips.
Xena smiled. "Come on."
The pair walked into the village. The rest of the day strolled by and a long day at that.
The following two days later kept moving as well. They weren't long nor short, moderate. Most the time Xena and Gabrielle work on Gabrielle's fighting techniques for the challenges. And as the candlemarks faded by coming closer and closer to the day the challenges would begin Xena became worried. She didn't know why she was worried but she was and there is some reason. One thing she noticed was her Soulmate was slightly slow in her reaction time. Normally Gabrielle reacted in a flash but something was not quite right with Gabrielle's fighting. And she had no idea why either.
So this led her to ask now as she walked beside her partner to their hut after dinner. "Why are you fighting slow?" It was blunt and pulled out from a blind corner.
The small warrior blinked and furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up to Xena. "What you mean?"
The warrior sighed. "Gabrielle, I've noticed your reaction time isn't quite as fast as it use to be."
The Queen nodded she turned her head to their hut as she opened the door. "I don't know." She stepped into the hut to hear Xena close the door behind. Gabrielle shifted to sit at a chair by the table. "Maybe it's because I haven't used a weapon for about a year."
Xena shook her head. "No that shouldn't affect anything." She came over to Gabrielle and bent down to one knee to be eye level with her best friend. "Is there something physically going on? I know you're not eating right either."
The small woman sighed. "I really don't know Xena. Maybe there is but I feel fine and I don't feel quite as hungry as I use to."
The warrior's eyes fell. "I'm worried." She looked back up.
"I know Xena." She smiled sadly. "I'll be fine, promise. Maybe my body is going through a short funk."
"Well this is a real bad time for your body to go through a funk."
Gabrielle chuckled. "Tell me about it." She then went serious. "I'll be fine."
The older woman slowly let out a deep breath. "I'm not just worried about that. But also about the fact if your body isn't a hundred percent then you can't protect yourself Gabrielle. Some of those Queens will try to take you out in those challenges… maybe even kill."
"Xena they-"
"Yes they would Gabrielle." Xena was now very serious. "They know your Amazons support you strongly unlike their own. And they know what position they could gain by winning these challenges. They may kill you for it, don't underestimate." A pause. "Especially Mairead out of all this is her sort of thing."
Gabrielle nodded her head. "I'll just have to be prepared."
The warrior's eyes narrow. "You won't be the only one."
"Xena wait don't even think-" Another cut off.
"Don't ask me not to Gabrielle. I will stop anybody who has any sort of intentions to kill you." She lifted her right hand to grasp her partner's closes knee. "Don't ask me to stand aside Gabrielle, please."
Gabrielle closed her eyes then opened them again. "You know what that would mean Xena? Treason to the Amazons for both of us."
"I know nor do I care."
Gabrielle smiled to her Soulmate. "Thank you."
Xena smiled back. "Anytime."
The Queen chuckled. "Really? I gotta remember that for later."
"Uh huh." The warrior stood up. "Ready to get some sleep?"
The small woman stood up. "Yeah, I'm beat after all that sparring. And tomorrow Yakut should be here huh?"
"She should."
The Soulmates now went about changing and then made their way to bed. Curling up into each other's arms to meet the other in their dreamscape together.
~*Part 17*~
The sun had rose up with the Soulmates. The pair slowly ambled out of their beds and then out of their hut. The day was cold but clear which in turn led to the Soulmates putting their cloaks on to stay warm. They'd eaten in the morning followed by sparring again in the late morning. But midday that's when the final Nation arrive, the Far East Nation of Chin, Yakut.
Xena smiled and took a step forward. "It's good to see you Yakut." She hugged her Amazon friend.
The small Amazon Queen smiled as she hugged the warrior. "Never thought I'd see you again Xena." Slowly she released Xena and took a step back with the same smile.
"Glad you made it." Xena turned to her right where her partner stood. "Yakut I want you to meet my Soulmate, Gabrielle."
Yakut turned her brown eyes to Gabrielle. "It's great to finally meet the woman Xena was searching the ends of the earth for and beyond."
The small warrior sadly smiled. "I heard about that. Thank you Yakut for helping Xena."
The Amazon shook her head. "It is not me whom needs thanking, it is your partner. For if it was not her whom came to Chin our ancestors would have never been able to pass over."
Gabrielle simply nodded. "You'll have to tell me that story sometime. I never got the details." Her eyes then averted up to Xena.
The warrior grinned. "Never asked."
The small warrior huffed then responded. "Right." Gabrielle turned her attention back to Yakut. "My regent and second in command will help your Amazons settle in. And we have a hut for you."
Yukut nodded. "Thank you."
Gabrielle turned around in the middle of the woods as did the other two women. They all began to walk into the village.
"So I assume the challenges will begin tomorrow."
Gabrielle nodded at Yakut. "They will… and I believe tonight we'll have a meeting with the Queens." She peered up to her partner questionably.
Xena nodded in agreement.
"Was your trip safe?" The small warrior turned her attention to the Far East Queen.
Yakut nodded. "Yes it was and your messengers were great."
"Have things settled for you Yakut?" The warrior then turned her head to gaze at her Amazon friend.
Yakut smiled. "Things have settled since you last left. The Nation has become stronger since as well as more Amazons with us."
Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows at the other Queen. "Now I heard your Amazons do not believe in Artemis."
"I'm afraid not Gabrielle. Ever since my Nation has come to Chin we have believed in more a spiritual existence. That is the way of Chin so it was integrated into our ancestors so long ago and ever since."
The small warrior's head bobbed up and down. "Sounds very interesting. I would love to learn of this."
Yakut smiled. "I believe that the spiritual part of my Nation is what has kept us alive and together since we first migrated to Chin. We have been quite lucky. I would be honored to show you anything of our culture."
"I would. I know most of the Greek Nations are alike but none are like the Chin Amazons."
Yakut nodded her head with a sigh. "Yes we're quite different."
Gabrielle nodded once then glanced ahead to see the hut for Yakut. She led the Amazon there and let her inside. Afterwards Xena and Gabrielle went to search out Ephiny.
Xena's eyes narrowed and she walked away from the door to stand where her partner sat at the head of the long wood table. "Everybody is here."
Gabrielle nodded and then slowly stood up from her seat. Standing to her right was her regent. "Silence."
All nine of the Queens in the council room fell silent at hearing Gabrielle's hard voice. They turned their attention to Gabrielle.
Gabrielle smiled. "Now then, as we all know, we are here for the same reasons. Tomorrow will begin the challenges between the ten Amazon Nation Queens. We are not sure how long this will take exactly but between a time span of three to six days. Hopefully we can get this done and quickly as we know winter will set in soon." She paused for a moment noticing she still held everybody's attention. "After the challenges and we find out whom will be the Queen of all the Amazons then the Nations are expected to stay. After these challenges the Queen will need to figure out how to rule this new Nation but that is later on." The small warrior leaned forward with her hands on the table. "We all know the normal rules for a challenge, they've been changed for this time."
Now there was a commotion of murmurs and whispers.
Gabrielle let it go on for a few seconds then she spoke loudly. "Are there any problems with this?"
All the Queens looked to Gabrielle but it was Queen Mairead that had something to say. "What sort of changes?"
The small warrior grinned and responded. "A few. One, consorts and champions may no be allowed to fight in the challenges. I believe that to be quite unfair. Second rule is the Queens are to personally choose their own weapon. Then the third final rule is nobody may kill their opponent in these challenges. Is that agreed upon by all?"
Most of the Queens nodded at that but not all.
Parvulus spoke up. "Why not at least consorts? They are considered our other halves." Now there was a din of agreement in the room. It would be Parvulus to ask since she had a consort.
Gabrielle grinned evilly. "Consorts huh?" She stood up from leaning forward on the table. "Well that'll be fine with me. Would you all like to meet my consort?" The small warrior turned her attention to Xena. "Xena the Warrior Princess."
Xena almost wanted to laugh at her Soulmate's words, Gabrielle gets her way. So the warrior went with it, crossing her arms against her chest and letting her eyes go cold.
There were a few clearing of the throats and chuckles.
Queen Parvulus of the Northwest Nation shook her head with a sheepish smile. "Maybe not consorts either."
Gabrielle grinned and turned her sights back to the Queens. "That was my figuring too." She now brought her arms against her chest. "So are the three rules agreed upon?"
All the Queens of the nine Nations nodded their heads.
Yakut though decided to cut in. "What about the weapons? Is there a limit on how many?"
Gabrielle nodded. "True. I believe one major weapon of choice would be fine and a dagger, something small."
Again the Queens nodded their heads.
The small warrior turned her head to her regent. "Your turn."
Ephiny grinned and looked to all the Queens. "I will be the person in charge of the challenges. I will be keeping track of who has won, lost, and who fights whom at what points. Tomorrow all of us are expected to come to the two sparring fields at the camp by early morning. Then I will set each of you up with your challenger and the challenges will go on till the afternoon. Is there a problem with this?"
Everybody shook their heads.
Gabrielle's regent smiled. "Great."
The small warrior though gave her attention to Xena. "Anything you'd like to say?"
The warrior grinned and glanced back to the nine Queens with a serious face. "Keep in mind all of you the purpose behind these challenges. This is not for revenge or past arguments and if you think it is then get it out of your head right now. I know I am not here to screw around with something petty as that. These challenges are serious and so is the dream of bringing the Nations together. Remember what is at risk here." She turned her head to Gabrielle and nodded lightly.
Gabrielle looked to the Queens. "That is all we have to say. If anybody else as anything to speak about then so do it now." She paused waiting for any voices to arise but none came. "Great, this meeting is over. Everybody get plenty to eat and rest for tomorrow's challenges. Good luck." She smiled.
The Queens of the different Nations slowly shuffled out of the hut into the late afternoon. Each going about to do varies things.
After the last Queen left Gabrielle sighed. "Here we go."
The regent turned to her friend. "You're doing well Gabrielle."
"Thanks Eph. Just hope this works out as planned."
"It will." Ephiny smiled. "You'll see." A sigh. "I have to run. I'll catch up with you both later." The regent looked up to Xena and smiled.
The warrior nodded. "See you Eph."
The Amazon shifted to the door. "Bye Xena and Gabrielle."
Gabrielle smiled to her friend. "Bye Eph and thanks."
Ephiny smiled then went out the door quickly.
"You sure you don't want the consorts fighting?"
The small woman chuckled at her Soulmate. "Yeah, they seemed to like that huh?" Gabrielle peered up to her best friend.
Xena grinned. "They liked it up till they found whom your consort is."
"Yeah I know, I don't understand that one Xena." The Queen started to chuckle.
The warrior still had her grin. "Uh huh."
The young woman sighed again and shifted from standing behind the table to the other side of her partner. "So what's our plan now?"
Xena shrugged her shoulders. "What you feel like doing? We should do some more sparring."
"Oh gods, you gotta be kidding me Xena." Gabrielle now fell into the taller woman's side. "I've been sparrized."
The warrior grinned. "Sorry." She grasped her friend's sides and pulled her into her arms. "But you do need to prepare."
The Amazon Queen let out her breath slowly. "I know." She leaned more into Xena and closed her eyes.
The older woman lowered her head to let her cheek nuzzle against Gabrielle's. "How about a compromise?"
"What's that?"
"We'll do a little sparring for a candlemark or less then we'll get an early dinner."
Gabrielle grinned. "What about the evening?"
"We'll have some… time together in our hut… alone."
The small woman chuckled in her Soulmate's arms. "I like the compromise."
"I figured you would." Xena lightly let her lips brush against her partner's neck.
The small warrior shivered in reaction. "Xen?"
"I love you."
The warrior grinned and lifted her head, she carefully turned her Soulmate around. "I love Gabrielle." She slowly ducked down to kiss Gabrielle lovingly.
They slowly pulled back as if in a dream. The Soulmates then left the hut to go to the sparring fields to practice yet again. The evening came and the Soulmate went. Went to their hut to be together before things became chaotic for the next few days. The days of the challenges that would shape the new Amazon Nation.