Subtext ~ Isn't subtext here, it's the real thing here. All maintext. If you can't handle that sorta thing, I feel sorry for you. Just go check out another one of them stories that's general.
Emotional ~ I'll tell y'all this is planned to be emotional. Don't think it'll be like Titanic thing, but it's doing the whole emotional thing.
Copyright ~ Lets see, Universal and MCA both own Xena, Gabrielle, Argo, Dahak, Hope, Joxer, Ephiny, Amarice other Amazons. But I own Masika, Gabrielle's horse Torqueo, Teresa, Aster, Logos, and Rodhiya. So don't take my characters or story line, otherwise you'll have a life worth of bad luck.
Note ~ This is fast forward in the seasons compare to the rest of my stories. I think everybody can figure out relatively where I set it. The only thing is, there's two… three differences to the season I'm on. I think you'll be able to figure them out too, real fast.
Started: March 12th 2000 on Sunday
Series: The Binding of the Soulmates of Time Story: Seven
If anybody has comments about my story please let me know at:
Part 7
Section 7
~*Part 22*~
The warrior lifted her arms to cross them over her chest. She nodded. "She's asleep now." Slowly Xena leaned back against the hut's wall.
"Good. But that internal bleeding shouldn't be bad." Eilis then smiled as she sat at her desk with a few scrolls surrounding her.
"It shouldn't as long as she rests."
Eilis chuckled. "Very true." A seriousness took over and she locked eyes with the warrior. "I couldn't help but noticed what you said to Gabrielle."
Xena raised an eyebrow. "Which part was that?"
"The part where you called her 'love.' Are you both together again?" Eilis moved her arms off the table to sit back in her wood chair.
"We are."
The healer smiled warmly. "That's wonderful." Her arms went against her chest. "When did this happen if I may ask?"
The warrior let a smile take her lips. "Eleven days ago."
"Ah, that makes sense then."
Once again Xena raised an eyebrow in question.
The healer quietly laughed. "I noticed a change in the relationship between you and Gabrielle." A nod. "I'm glad to hear it."
The Warrior Princess stood up from the wall and uncrossed her arms. "It was to long."
Eilis nodded. "Might have been longer. Things seem pretty perfect now except…"
"Speaking of which." The warrior moved to the door. "I need to go check on the Queen."
A small chuckle came from Eilis. "Quite." She went stern. "I'll come by tomorrow morning to check on her."
Xena nodded. "Great. Thanks again Eilis."
"Quite welcome Xena. Take care."
The warrior opened the door still gazing over at the healer. "We both will." She smiled. "Take care yourself. Bye." With that said she stepped out the door and closed it behind. Slowly Xena's boot stamped down the steps of the healer's hut to meet the ground. She went at a slow walk heading to her hut, her mind filled with thoughts.
Then it suddenly hit her causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Xena brought her arms over her stomach and shut her eyes as a bad pain came like a cramp. Her eyes flew open. "Hades." She broke out running to the hut with full intent to burst through the door, which she did. As soon as Xena came in she saw Gabrielle sitting up arms around her stomach head bent forward crying in pain. The door was closed and Xena raced to her saddlebags for the medical kit. "Hang in there Gabrielle." She frantically milled through her medicines.
"Xena… I don't need medicines." Slowly the young woman opened her eyes to gaze at her friend. "Just you… please." All her words came out in a rasp of pain.
Xena stopped for a moment. Her mind raced to consider that a smart idea or not. But her soul only knew one answer. Her soul had the greater strength and it led her to stand up and quickly move to the bed, forgetting about the medicine. The warrior got onto the bed behind Gabrielle and wrapped her arms around her Soulmate and pressed her body against her small back.
The Queen took a long breath and she reached to her partner's large hands. Her eyes were still shut against the pain but she took Xena's hands. Gabrielle then brought her Soulmate's hands to her lower stomach to rest there. She continued to take deep breaths to relax her body.
Xena let her fingertips slid under the younger woman's leather belt right to where she knew the pain to be.
Gabrielle took one last deep breath and felt the pain disappear. "Oh gods." She sighed in relief and let her body relax back into Xena.
The warrior nuzzled her partner's neck. "Better?"
The small warrior nodded. "A lot."
"What happened?"
Gabrielle closed her eyes. "I woke up with the pain." Her eyes slowly opened.
The warrior lifted her hands slowly from under the leather belt, she wrapped her left arm around her partner's lower stomach. With her right hand she reached behind to unhook her sheath and sword. They fell the ground and soon the chakram did as well. "Think you can move back?"
The Queen nodded. "Yeah."
Xena wrapped both her arms around Gabrielle's stomach again. Slowly and carefully she pushed back till her back was against the headboard.
The younger woman shut her eyes as the pain started to come fizzing up again. "Xena."
"I got you." Xena quickly moved her hands down to where the pain was in Gabrielle. "Relax."
The pain slowly dissipated to nothingness and the small warrior dropped her head back against her Soulmate's right shoulder. "Thank you Xena."
"Sorry I wasn't here."
Gabrielle shook her head. "You couldn't have known." She lifted her hands from her thighs and brought them up to lace through her Soulmate's fingers.
Now both Soulmate's hands stay resting on Gabrielle's internally damaged abdomen.
The young woman then knitted her eyebrows. "How'd you know I was in pain anyway? You came bursting into the door like you knew."
The older woman grinned. "Let's say I felt the effects."
Gabrielle chuckled. "Oh I see. You got caught with some bad cramps huh?"
"Pretty much." Xena brought her lips down to place a gentle kiss to her partner's neck. "I guess we'll be staying like this for awhile."
The smaller woman quietly chuckled. "And you don't mind?"
"Oh no." Xena rubbed her thumb over Gabrielle's for a second.
"Did you find Eph?"
The warrior nodded. "I did."
"What'd she say?"
"She's worried about you. But right now you have three by's before technically having a challenge."
"And what did you say Xena?"
Xena sighed. "Basically you'd be there if you can be."
Gabrielle nodded. "Maybe I'll be lucky."
The warrior let her breath out slowly. "Let's take it a day at a time." She paused. "By the way, Eilis is happy about us."
The young woman looked sidelong at Xena. "Eilis? Us? Hold on what you mean?"
Xena let a chuckle escape. "She knows we're together."
"Because I called you love earlier."
Gabrielle groaned. "And you talk about me flashing rings. You just right out say it."
"Remember I'm the blunt one."
The Queen snickered. "Right." She let a smirk take her lips. "That's why you had to kiss me in a dreamscape thingy instead of just telling me you're in-love with me."
A laugh came from Xena. "Well I didn't want to… overwhelm you."
Gabrielle started to laugh a little. "Overwhelm me Hades. Overwhelm yourself you mean."
Xena grinned and brought her lips close to her partner's ear. "Overwhelm us maybe."
"Mmm, sounds right." The Queen turned her head sidelong so that she could place a kiss to her Soulmate's left cheek and then nuzzle the warrior's neck. She let the side of her face stay resting against Xena's neck. "So what did Eilis have to say?"
"That she was really glad." The warrior closed her eyes as she let her head rest against Gabrielle's. "She'll be here tomorrow morning to check on you."
"She's not going to do that stomach pushing like you did… right?"
The warrior chuckled. "You're the Queen."
"Hades that doesn't mean a darn thing when it comes to a healer."
Xena grinned. "True." She then smiled as her voice came out in defense. "I'll take care of her."
"Good." Gabrielle's eyes drifted shut. "You tell Eph to come by?"
"Nah, I just assumed she would."
Gabrielle grinned. "Ephiny, oh yeah she will. That mother hen." A knock at the door came. So she grinned and spoke more louder. "I'll bet my life on it that's her."
"But I already own that."
The Queen grinned. "Definitely." She then sighed as another knock came and she still talked in a loud voice. "Think we should answer?"
"Yesss." Xena opened her eyes and gazed across to the door. "Come in." Her voice was louder.
The door opened and Ephiny came stomping in. Outside the setting sun's rays filter through into the hut till the door was closed behind.
Gabrielle grinned devilishly at her regent. "Nice to see you here."
"I heard what you two said earlier." Ephiny placed her hands on her hips with a glare.
The warrior grinned at the Amazon. "And?"
"And I'm not a mother hen." The regent looked directly at Gabrielle and cleared her throat.
Gabrielle chuckled. "Denial Eph."
The regent sighed and shook her head she ambled over to the table and picked up a chair. She swung it around to face the Soulmates. Ephiny sat down in it with a flop. "So how are you feeling?" She was gazing at Gabrielle.
The small warrior nodded. "A lot better." She felt a tint of oddness for sitting like this in her partner's arms in front of her friend. But Hades if she was going to move out of her Soulmate's arms.
"Good. That was pretty scary." The regent relaxed back in the chair and crossed her right leg over her left.
The Queen grinned. "Trust me I know." Her expression went serious. "What's going on with the challenges?"
Ephiny reached down to her left side to untied a scroll and she handed up to Gabrielle. "We still need to do some primary challenges before we can do the final one's."
Gabrielle nodded as she unrolled the scroll and peered down at it.
Mairead Southeast
Wins: Aureus - Zahra - Parvulus - Gloria - Leatus - Yakut - Nyx - Gabrielle TOTAL: 8
Losses: Caitriona TOTAL: 1
Gabrielle Central
Wins: Parvulus - Yakut - Gloria - Nyx - Zahra - Leatus - Aureus - Caitriona TOTAL: 8
Losses: Mairead TOTAL: 1
Caitriona West
Wins: Gloria - Yakut - Aureus - Nyx - Leatus - Zahra - Mairead TOTAL: 7
Losses: Parvulus - Gabrielle TOTAL: 2
Aureus South
Wins: Zahra - Laetus - Yakut - Gloria - Nyx TOTAL: 4
Losses: Mairead - Caitriona - Gabrielle - Parvulus TOTAL: 4
Zahra Southwest
Wins: Nyx - Yakut - Leatus - Gloria TOTAL: 4
Losses: Aureus - Mairead - Gabrielle - Parvulus - Caitriona TOTAL: 5
Nyx Northest
Wins: Laetus - Gloria - Yukut - Parvulus TOTAL: 4
Losses: Zahra - Gabrielle - Caitriona - Mairead - Aureus TOTAL: 5
Gabrielle gazed up to her partner. "Nyx?"
The warrior still stared down at the scroll. "Yeah probably."
The small warrior rolled the scroll up and handed it to Ephiny. "So there's going to be challenges between Nyx, Zahra, and Aureus?"
The regent had taken the scroll and was tying it onto her side again. "Yes." She lifted her head to the Soulmate's again. "Whichever Queen comes out winning will be in the finals as well."
"Ssso that's going to be in the course of two days?"
Ephiny nodded at Gabrielle's question then responded. "Yes then we'll all take a day off before the finals." She then sighed. "Gabrielle I'll try to have you last as possible but if you can't fight you'll have to forfeit. It's Amazon tradition."
The Queen closed her eyes and turned her head away. "Alright." She gave her attention to Ephiny again. "Whatever happens, happens I guess."
"There's nothing you can do Eph?"
The Amazon averted her eyes to Xena. "No Xena, it can't be changed." Her head lowered and she sighed while raising her head. "I tried to think of something but I can't come up with anything. Your only chance is to heal in three days."
Gabrielle laughed low and sarcastically. "Fat chance."
Xena though felt an idea take her but she didn't voice it. This wasn't the time so she gazed to the regent again. "Do the Queens know?"
The regent shook her head. "I won't say anything till I'm sure Gabrielle can't fight."
The Queen turned her head back and forth. "They'll know. Mairead and Caitriona will know what's happened." She sighed.
Ephiny released her breath slow. "Just worry about what's going on with your body Gabrielle. That's most important then these challenges." She smiled. "You're more important."
The small warrior sadly smiled. "Thanks."
"Anytime." The regent then stood. "I need to head down to dinner."
Gabrielle let a warmer smile take shape. "Thanks for coming by."
"No problem. Get plenty of rest."
"Plan to."
The regent then glanced over at the warrior. "You'll be down at dinner?"
Xena nodded. "For a second or two to grab some food."
Ephiny grinned. "I could have somebody bring some up for you both…"
A grin creased the Queen's lips. "Really?"
The Amazon chuckled. "Definitely my Queen. I'll have it sent." She ambled over to the door. "Bye."
"Bye Eph." Gabrielle watched her friend leave. "So Xena what's this idea of yours?"
The warrior knitted her eyebrows. "How did…"
The younger woman grinned. "I just know you Xena. You changed the subject quickly so I knew you had something in mind."
"You're good."
"I know." Gabrielle let her hands lace with Xena's again. "So?"
Xena smiled. "Well it's going to have to deal with a lot of together time."
A small laugh came from the Queen. "I'm liking this plan already."
The warrior though went stoic as she decided to explain her idea or rather hopes. "I have a feeling if we're… well together then you'll heal faster."
Gabrielle didn't respond right away, she considered the idea. "You mean close together?" She paused. "Hold on… so you're saying if… if we're close then I'll be able to heal faster because we're Soulmates?"
The warrior didn't say anything instantly as she reflected on it. "Yes, I have a funny feeling it might work."
The Queen let her breath out slowly and relaxed into her partner's arms. "Good plan."
Xena quietly laughed. "Shouldn't be… to stressful."
"Room services." The Amazon grinned as she closed the door behind with her free hand while her other hand held a tray of food. "Or rather hut services I should say."
Gabrielle groaned at her friend. "Thanks Amarice."
The warrior slowly ambled out of the wash room. "What took you Amarice?"
Amarice coolly turned her head towards the Warrior Princess. "Deal Xena."
Xena quietly laughed and finally let an appreciative smile take form. "Thanks Amarice."
"No problem." The Amazon flashed a smile then strolled over to the table placing the tray of food there. Turning to Gabrielle she frowned. "I heard what happened. Letting to many of those dumb Queens get you."
The small warrior sighed as she sat on the bed. "I'm afraid they're the smarter ones Amarice. They broke my defenses and good."
The Amazon crossed her arms over her chest. "I still say they're stupid to mess with you from what I've seen."
"Thanks." Gabrielle shook her head. "But maybe I'll be up and about soon." She let her hands shift in her lap and her shoulders shifting some against the headboard of the bed.
Xena moved to sit down on the foot of the bed gazing over at Amarice with Gabrielle in the corner of her eye.
Amarice knitted her eyebrows. "So exactly what's… the injury? I mean you look fine."
"My lower organs are internally bruised."
The Amazon flinched for a moment. "How long will that take to heal?"
That's when the warrior cut in. "Maybe a week Amarice."
"Oh gods." Amarice turned her head to Xena. "The longest?"
Xena turned her head to Gabrielle. "Two and half weeks." She averted her eyes back to Amarice.
"Then that means you can't fight… right?" The Amazon questioned the Queen with a worried tone.
"Yes Amarice." The small warrior added her arms going against her chest. "Nothing can be done really."
Amarice huffed. "Well centaur shit if I am gonna be an Amazon if somebody like Mairead becomes the head Queen. I am not going to be apart of that."
Gabrielle's eyes quickly harden. "Amarice you will give Mairead a chance if she does become the Queen."
The Amazon raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry Gabrielle but I am not even going to give her the time of day." Amarice quickly noticed her Queen's eyes narrowing so Amarice explained herself. "Gabrielle I'm not the only one that feels like that. All your Amazons won't have anything to do with this new Nation if Mairead is the head Queen. Nobody wants to be reigned under her control. Mairead can only think about fighting, wars, and battles. We all want you for the head Queen."
The small warrior sighed and dropped her gaze. "It's probably not going to happen now Amarice." She glanced back up. "So start liking the idea that Mairead will be Queen. She might just be."
Amarice sighed and rolled her eyes while dropping her arms. "She's going to have a really small Nation then. That piece of a centaur-"
"Amarice." The Queen's voice had came out in low warning.
The Amazon sheepishly smiled. "Sorry… well I'll just hope that Caitriona becomes Queen."
"Thank you Amarice."
Amarice let herself quietly laugh. "Sure. I still say you belong as Queen."
Gabrielle raised an eyebrow. "Well maybe if I can't fight in the challenges then I'll try to challenge the head Queen later on."
The Amazon's face brightened. "You have to Gabrielle if Mairead becomes Queen. You can't let her be the head Queen, she'll destroy the Amazons."
The small warrior sighed. "We'll see." She paused. "Thanks for bringing the food."
Amarice smiled. "Anytime. Ah I better go so you two can eat." She walked over to the door and gazed back at the Soulmates on the bed. "I got you something light Gabrielle." Her eyes then drifted to Xena. "And Eph said you don't eat any sort of red meat."
The warrior grinned. "Trying to quit."
The Amazon chuckled. "No cow huh?"
Xena lifted her arms to cross over her chest. "No, cow butt doesn't interest me."
"But chicken butt does?" Amarice then started to laugh.
"Bye Amarice." Gabrielle had a smug look on her face after she said that to her Amazon.
Amarice stopped and went serious. "I can take a hint. See if I visit you two ever again."
"You will Amarice." The warrior shot a smirk to the Amazon.
The Amazon huffed and opened the door. "Maybe. Well enjoy the food. Bye."
"Bye Amarice and thank you."
Xena smiled and also spoke up. "Thanks Amarice. Be good too."
Amarice rolled her eyes. "Right. Bye." She then left closing the door quietly behind.
Gabrielle sighed after she heard the door shut. She gazed over at Xena. "She's a mess."
The warrior grinned. "Tell me about it." She stood up from the bed and padded over to the bed to the tray. "Let's see what we got here." Xena studied the food deciding what would best settle with Gabrielle's stomach. "Think you can handle some soup?"
"What kind?"
"It's just chicken. Shouldn't be to hard to digest." Xena glanced sidelong at her Soulmate.
Gabrielle nodded. "Yeah sure. What else is there?"
"A little white rice too. Let's start with the soup." The warrior turned around with the bowl of soup and a spoon. She took two steps over to the bed and handed it carefully to Gabrielle.
The Queen took the bowl and smelled the aroma of the soup invade her senses. She actually felt herself go hungry. "Thanks."
Xena nodded and turned back to the tray and lifted a plate with grilled chicken with an olive sauce and broccoli with corn. She picked up a knife and fork then sat on the side of the bed to face her partner. "How is that?"
Gabrielle gazed up and let a grin take her lips. "Bland but it's settling."
"Good." The warrior settled the plate into her lap and began to eat the food on her plate.
"So think I can have some milk later with all of this?" The small woman was grinning as she glanced over at her Soulmate.
The older woman slowly raised her hand at Gabrielle. "If you want to throw it up later sure."
The small warrior chuckled. "Wellll maybe after I get better."
"Good idea." Xena grinned and went back to eating her food.
The pair ate in relative silence as they always did. It was one of the few times they stayed silent but they always enjoyed the silence. It was almost like a tradition to be silent at their dinners.
After they ate Gabrielle peered over at her warrior whom was by the fire stocking it. "Think I can try getting out of bed?"
Xena just lit the fire and turned to her Soulmate. "Yeah." She moved across the floor to her partner's side.
Gabrielle waited for her Soulmate not wanting to stand till she was by her side. Slowly the young woman swung her bare feet out of the bed to the wood floor. She stood up at a slow rate beside her partner. But she was shaky and so she grasped her warrior's closes shoulder.
"Take your time." Xena held her Queen. "You have no energy since you pretty much emptied your stomach today."
The young woman nodded. "I'd say so." She took a deep breath. "Okay, I think I'll be alright." Slowly she released Xena and began to walk around.
Xena watched her and saw how her Soulmate moved slowly. This was a bit unnerving for Xena. But she could only let time heal Gabrielle.
The small warrior then walked into the washroom deciding she really wanted to clean up.
The warrior though went to the saddlebags and pulled out one of her shifts. "Feel like getting out of your leathers."
"Yeah." Gabrielle had called back from the washroom.
Xena rose up and tossed the shift to the bed and turned towards the washroom's entrance. She saw her Soulmate come out slowly with her eyes closed tight.
Gabrielle leaned against the doorway and wrapped her arms over her stomach. She sucked in a deep breath.
The Warrior Princess's eyes widen and she took two large steps to be near Gabrielle. Her large hands came down to the younger woman's lower abdomen. "It's okay, I got you."
The Amazon Queen nodded and leaned into Xena instead of the doorway. Her arms wrapped around the warrior while she let her face sink into Xena's shoulder.
Xena held her Soulmate around the stomach area feeling Gabrielle's breathing slow down. "Is it leaving?"
The small warrior took a long breath and raised her head. "Yeah thanks."
The older woman smiled. "Anytime." She then took a step off to the side to stand beside her friend. Xena's right arm snaked around Gabrielle's back. "Come on."
Gabrielle nodded and moved through the hut gradually. Xena helped her to sit at the foot of the bed next to the night shift.
Xena then smiled after releasing the other woman. "Lets get you out of your leathers."
Gabrielle nodded. "Right simple enough." She began to take her top off.
"Let me do it. You relax."
"Xena, don't be an Ephiny."
The warrior's lips formed into a grin. "No, I'm just being your Soulmate."
Gabrielle let a warm smile crease her lips. "Thank you."
Xena nodded. "I love you." She reached forward to carefully pull Gabrielle's leather top off. She then reached to her right picking up the shift and slipping it over Gabrielle.
The young woman shrugged it over her body letting it stay just over her hips since she still had yet to take her skirt off.
The warrior grasped her Soulmate's leather belt attached to the skirt and she carefully pulled them off. She didn't want to be fast or hard about it since the leather belt would brush past Gabrielle's lower stomach. After taking them off she placed the skirt by the leather top.
Slowly the Amazon Queen stood up and let her partner's shift slid over her body. It felt good to have on something loose. Gabrielle padded over to a window closes to her. She stared outside into the darkness and let her eyes drift up to the star lit sky.
After placing her Soulmate's leathers away, Xena turned towards Gabrielle's back. Xena quietly made her way over to Gabrielle. She wrapped her arms around the Queen's stomach and gazed out of the window as well.
"I hope my stomach will heal over soon."
Xena was silent for a moment. She wished she could just correct the problem with a wave of her hand. But she couldn't. But maybe, just maybe she could will it to happen. "Give yourself time."
Gabrielle sighed. "That's about all I can do huh?"
Carefully the warrior moved her hands to her partner's sides. She forced Gabrielle to turn around and face her.
Gabrielle stared deep up into her Soulmate's eyes and she saw a certain promise in them.
And Xena soon spoke that promise. "Do you want your stomach to heal in three days Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle nodded. "Yes."
Xena's lips shaped in a very warm and trusting smile. "Then we will have it heal in three days." Carefully Xena leaned down to capture her Soulmate's lips in a love filled intense kiss.
~*Part 23*~
The three days rolled in and rolled away. The days for the Amazons were nothing but fighting and deciding on the fourth Queen to be in the finals. The end result of these last challenges was Nyx who defeated the other two Queens. But the third day was a day of rest for all the Amazons, especially the Queens.
For the Soulmates these three days were nothing but rest and relaxation. They spent time together in the hut hardly doing anything but resting in each other's arms. Gabrielle had begun her healing process and fast at that. By the third day's morning only her lower abdomen hurt faintly. So that had led them to finally leave the hut in the late morning going for a walk together though the woods.
The Queen smiled while walking down the trail. "Gods, it's so nice to finally be out of that hut."
The warrior chuckled and gazed over at her Soulmate. "Was it all that bad?"
"No." Gabrielle grinned up to her partner. "Two days with you alone? I'd do it again in a heartbeat." She then gazed ahead. "It's just nice to stretch my legs though."
Xena nodded. "Felt a little cramp in that small hut."
The Queen quietly laughed. "Well maybe you did since you're tall."
"Ohhh?" The older woman arched an eyebrow down at her smaller warrior.
Gabrielle nodded. "Yeah, you know." She stepped closer to Xena to bump against her.
Xena chuckled and wrapped an arm around behind her Soulmate's shoulders pulling her in close. She took a deep breath and gazed ahead thoughtfully. "Your body might be able to handle fighting tomorrow."
"You really think so?" Gabrielle peered up to Xena with a hopeful look.
"Maybe." Xena sighed. "We should talk to Ephiny and see how she's going to work these finals." She looked down at Gabrielle. "If she's doing a fight a day we should have Mairead, Caitriona, and Nyx fight tomorrow."
"So then that would leave me another day to recover huh?"
Xena nodded. "Exactly." She was gazing down at Gabrielle with serious eyes. "I don't want you fighting when you haven't had a chance to practice first."
The Queen nodded in agreement. "You're right. I wouldn't stand a chance then after three and half days of laying around."
The warrior looked up as she kept walking. "My thoughts exactly." She sighed unhappily then. "We better head back."
The smaller woman smirked. "You don't sound to happy about that."
Xena turned her head to Gabrielle. "Oh no."
Gabrielle chuckled and stopped walking. "Yeah I agree, this is dragging out huh?"
The older woman had stopped walking in the forest. She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe."
The Queen raised an eyebrow. "You know it is."
Xena flashed a knowing grin.
Gabrielle chuckled and her lips shaped into a warm smile. She took a step closer to Xena and wrapped her arms around her Soulmate.
Xena enveloped her arms around Gabrielle holding her tight. Her head lowered down to rest against Gabrielle's while her eyes closed.
"Thanks Xena for your help." The small warrior rested her head against her Soulmate's chest as she held her partner.
The warrior kissed the top of Gabrielle's head and dropped her head back down. "You know I would."
"Yeah I know. It's just… sometimes it hits me hard just how lucky I am to have you."
Xena smiled. "The feeling is mutual."
Gabrielle laughed lightly. "Good." She lifted her head knowing Xena would lower hers.
Their lips had met and created a strong kiss that lasted for a time. After they broke the kiss and released each other they started walking back to the Amazon village to find Ephiny.
Ephiny sat down in her chair by her desk and soon as she did a knock was heard. She sighed and gazed over to the door. "Come in!"
The door opened and the pair of Soulmates came in with warm smiles.
The regent smiled back. "So you both are up and about huh?"
Gabrielle grinned and padded across the hut to sit down. She heard Xena shut the door and move to sit down in a chair next to Gabrielle. "Yeah, Xena and I just got back from a stroll in the woods."
"Really?" The Amazon turned her head to Xena. "I didn't think warriors took strolls but I guess I'm wrong."
The Warrior Princess raised an eyebrow at the regent. She then was serious. "I didn't think regents fell in-love with their second in commands but guess I'm wrong."
Ephiny chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's just a myth."
Xena grinned devilishly. "Just a myth huh? I've seen different."
The Amazon opened her mouth to say something but was cut off as Gabrielle coughed to get her attention. Ephiny closed her mouth and turned her attention to her Queen. "Yes my Queen?"
Gabrielle snickered. "That's better." Now she went serious. "What's going on with the finals?"
The regent sighed. "Well as you know it's Nyx, Mairead, Caitriona, and you in the finals. So far I'm planning to have one final a day. I figured it would be a good idea, give you an extra day to rest."
The Amazon Queen smiled. "Perfect. That's mainly why Xena and I came by."
The regent nodded. "Well right now the plan is for Mairead to fight Caitriona tomorrow. The following day is suppose to be you and Nyx." She let her breath out slowly. "You think you can fight by then or not?"
The small warrior turned her gaze from Ephiny to her Soulmate in question.
Xena looked at her partner then to Ephiny. "We think so Eph. Gabrielle's stomach is almost healed."
The regent's eyes widen. "Gods really?" She gazed over to Gabrielle for conformation.
The Queen nodded her head in agreement. "Almost."
The Amazon smiled. "That's great. Gods… it's amazing." She chuckled. "How'd you manage that?"
Gabrielle grinned. "It's called a lot of TLC."
The regent let a grin take her lips as well. "Oh… I see now."
The smaller warrior groaned and peered up to Xena.
The warrior grinned. "Your regent."
Gabrielle sighed and glanced back to Ephiny. "Anyway." She grinned. "What happens the third day of the finals?"
"Whoever wins the two challenges the other two days will then fight. And whichever Queen wins will be the head Queen of the Nations."
The small warrior furrowed her eyebrows. "A live or die situation you're using huh?"
Ephiny nodded. "Yeah I figured it would be the best way. I pretty much matched up each opponent that is evenly matched."
Gabrielle nodded. "Good idea, we don't have much more time."
The regent nodded her head. "No not much. I give it another week or two before winter hits."
The Amazon Queen groaned and leaned back in her seat. "That's not good."
"Don't worry Gabrielle, we have plenty of fire wood for the winter."
Gabrielle chuckled but only for a moment. "That's not my concern. I'm worried if the Queens will have enough time to get back to their Nations." She then let her next words come out in a whisper. "Especially Yakut."
Ephiny shook her head. "I think we'll be fine."
Xena nodded and gazed over at Gabrielle. "We'll be fine Gabrielle. We'll just make it by the skin of our teeth."
The small warrior nodded. "I hope the weather holds out till then." She then sighed after gazing down at the floor. "How are all the Amazons dealing with each other?" Her eyes lifted up to Ephiny.
Ephiny smiled. "Things are fine. No fights or bickering. Everybody is pretty involved with the challenges."
Gabrielle nodded. "Good." She then gazed over at Xena. "I think we'll go." Her eyes averted back to Ephiny. "This is your day to catch your breath."
The regent nodded. "Yeah, been a busy week."
The Queen nodded. "Tell me about it." She stood up slowly with her Soulmate. "Get Solari to give you some TLC today Eph."
Ephiny laughed and stood up from her chair. "I don't know what you're talking about my Queen."
"Right AR."
The Amazon's lips took on a grin. She stepped forward and hugged Gabrielle. "Glad you're doing better. I've been worried."
A smile came from Gabrielle. "Thanks Eph. And thanks for sending Amarice practically every candlemark with food."
Ephiny snickered. "I thought you would like that."
"Oh she's great entertainment. She keeps me posted on the gossip."
The regent nodded. "Oh yeah, Amarice is part of the G force in this Nation. She knows all the gossip."
"So I've notice." Gabrielle sighed. "Okay, I'll see you later. Have a good day Eph."
"You too Gabrielle." Ephiny then smiled to Xena. "Xena, I'm surprised you haven't caused any mayhem in the village yet."
The warrior grinned. "I don't know what you're talking about Ephiny."
The regent laughed. "Right. Bye Xena."
Xena smiled. "See you Eph." She ambled over to the door and opened it.
Gabrielle followed behind. "See you Eph."
"Bye you two." Ephiny watched the door to her hut close and she sighed.
The afternoon of that day had quickly come and the Soulmates for a candlemark before dusk did some light sparring. They'd left the village to go to a clearing in the Amazon Forest to practice.
"I want you to take this slow okay?"
Gabrielle nodded at her Soulmate as she stood up with her sais.
Xena smiled. "Good." She took a step back and unsheathed her sword. "And if your stomach starts hurting at all then tell me."
The Queen nodded only again. "I think you'll know if it is bothering me." She grinned as she flipped her sais placing the blades under her wrists.
The warrior arched an eyebrow. "Sometimes you're good about hiding it."
Gabrielle smirked. "Well monkey see monkey do."
Xena gave her partner a semi-drop dead look for that comment. "Funny Gabrielle." A small grin now.
The smaller warrior chuckled then let her grin go a little devilish. "So you going to fight or give me looks all day?"
The Warrior Princess twisted her wrist to flip her sword and now her own grin swept across her lips. And that certain twinkle came to her crystal blue eyes.
Gabrielle took a deep breath. "Oh boy." As soon as she said that Xena's sword came at her and Gabrielle just parried it. Afterwards Gabrielle jumped back. "Not bad Xena. But you seem still a little off."
Xena laughed. "You're full of all sorts of jokes today Gabrielle."
"Oh yeah." Gabrielle quickly lunged forward with her sais to get at Xena's stomach. "Just trying to keep you distracted."
The warrior grinned after stopping the sais. "You're going to need a lot of jokes then love."
The Queen pulled back to come at Xena's feet. "Oh I don't need jokes to distract you."
Xena had done a back flip to get away from the sais coming at her feet. She landed and flipped her sword while speaking. "Don't I know."
The Soulmate's sparring practice went on for that planned candlemark. Gabrielle was slower then normal and a bit weak but she wasn't stupid about her fighting. Xena figured that by tomorrow she would be fine and ready for the fight against Nyx.
"No you shouldn't have any problems." The warrior then sat down on the log after speaking. She reached behind with her sword sheathing it.
Gabrielle walked over to the log and propped one boot up at a time sheathing her sais. Then she sat down with a flop beside Xena on the log. "You think so huh?"
Xena nodded. "Yeah. Just get plenty of sleep tonight and tomorrow night."
"And plenty of food." Gabrielle chuckled after her own words.
"And plenty of food will help Gabrielle." The warrior gazed over at her partner with seriousness.
The Queen nodded. "I know." She took in a long breath. "I'm actually hungry now."
The older woman smiled. "It's good to hear that again." She reached over with her left arm and wrapped it behind Gabrielle's shoulders. She pulled her smaller Soulmate against her.
Gabrielle smiled as she dropped her head against Xena's shoulder. "So we're going to practice tomorrow too?"
Xena nodded. "Yeah. All day sound good?"
"Let me think." Gabrielle grinned. "I guess so." A light laugh escaped her lips.
The warrior smiled to herself. "Good."
Gabrielle sighed contently. She felt the cool afternoon's air begin to take her. She then knew her body was cooling down from the sparring. "You know it'll be nice to see Cyrene."
Xena stared off into the dusk woods. "It will. If I know Mother, she's worried about us."
"Gods, you realize Xena we're going to have a time explaining everything to her?"
The warrior chuckled. "Oh yes." She sighed with a grin. "As soon as we come into Amphipolis I can promise you Mother will come out and grab me by my ear. Drag me into the tavern and yell at me for separating with you."
The Queen lifted her head off Xena's shoulder. "You really think so?"
"Yesss." Xena gazed over at her partner.
"She didn't the other two times."
Xena shrugged her shoulders. "Because she knew I wouldn't talk about it then."
Gabrielle grinned and dropped her head back down on the warrior's shoulder. "Well, she'll just have to yell at me too."
The warrior didn't say anything. Instead she kiss the top of Gabrielle's head then rest her own against Gabrielle's head. After that she felt her small partner wrap an arm around her mid back. They both closed their eyes and let their bodies become lost in their soul.
"We better go before it gets dark. I don't feel like getting lost in the woods like last time."
Xena chuckled and opened her eyes. "Don't feel like doing a flip with me?"
Gabrielle slowly opened her emerald eyes. "No, just don't feel like tripping to fall on my face."
The warrior's lips took the shape of a grin. "Don't feel like having me catch you again?"
"Welll." The small warrior chuckled. "There are exceptions." She raised her head off Xena's shoulder once the wariror lifted her head.
The older woman chuckled and slowly stood up. "That's what I figured." She watched to see Gabrielle stand and that made her smile warmly. Carefully Xena pressed her warm hands against Gabrielle's stomach. "How's it feel?"
Gabrielle smiled back and let her hands come up to rest on Xena's over her own stomach. "So much better."
Xena let her hands then glide across her partner's stomach to her sides. "Good. That was a good scare."
The small warrior nodded. "It was." Her hands now shifted to rest on her tall Soulmate's hips. "I'm just glad you've been here to take care of me."
The warrior's smile went deep into warmth. "Always." She leaned down to kiss her Soulmate soundly.
Once they pulled back from the kiss they found it to almost be dark.
Gabrielle groaned. "Oh great."
Xena grinned and reached down to grasped her partner's hand. "Come on. We've made it through the darkness before."
The Queen nodded with a smile. "To say the least."
The warrior started walking through the darkening woods with Gabrielle right beside her. This time though, the pair made it directly through the darkness without any problem. They hit nothing, didn't fall because of anything, and didn't lose each other.
~*Part 24*~
The following day brought about a lot of work and sparring for Gabrielle. She and Xena had risen late morning and made their way to eat a huge breakfast. After that, well they left the village taking a long walk into the woods to find a clearing far away from the village. And there they practice till late morning.
Gabrielle's fighting in the morning was a little lethargic but quickly picked up as she went along and when she was fully awake. By that early afternoon before the Soulmates broke for lunch she was going all out. Gabrielle's moves had sped back up to lightening quick reflexes. Her blows held their normal strength and Gabrielle's focus was perfectly there. The only small thing that lack was her endurance and tone.
"I guess three plus days of doing nothing finally caught up with me."
Xena flashed a grin then went stoic. "It did some." She took a deep breath. "But you'll be more then prepared by tomorrow."
Gabrielle nodded. Her fork came down to pierce a few cut carrots. "Thank the gods for that." She then grinned.
The warrior arched an eyebrow in question. "What's the grin about?"
The Queen shook her head. "I think I should be saying thank Xena for that."
Xena chuckled as she watched an Amazon pass by their table in the food hut. "We both healed your stomach."
Gabrielle nodded. "I know. I'm just glad it worked." She sighed. "I still cant' believe it did."
The Warrior Princess grinned evilly. "Neither can I nor will the rest of the Amazons."
The smaller warrior snickered. "I can't wait to see everybody's looks tomorrow when I walk onto the sparring field to fight Nyx."
Xena let a laugh leave her lips. "Neither can I." She ate the last bit of her lunch and gazed at Gabrielle. "Ready to go back out?"
Gabrielle nodded and stood up with her plate. "Just go."
The older woman chuckled and stood up with her own plate. The Soulmates rid of their dishes and started walking to the trail to leave the village again. As they ambled down the trail in the woods an idea seem to take Gabrielle.
Gabrielle then gazed up to her partner after stopping to walk. "So I'm lacking tone right?"
Xena stopped walking and nodded. "Yes."
The Queen nodded and grinned. "How about a little toning excersise Xena?"
The warrior placed her hands on her hips. "What you have in mind?"
"A run to the clearing? How's that sound?"
"Think you can handle it?" Xena hadn't asked in a teasing tone but in concern.
Gabrielle nodded. "I think so."
The tall woman nodded and smiled. "Let's try it out."
Gabrielle smiled back and turned towards the trail again and first started out jogging. She couldn't remember the last time she'd done any running. She knew this would help out a lot, it always seemed to.
Xena jogged right along beside her Soulmate. First it started out as a jog for them then it sped up. Gabrielle controlled the speed they went at considering she was the one injured not to long ago. When they were rather close to the clearing they'd been at early Gabrielle was at a sprint. She felt good, it was a bit tiring when it shouldn't have been but it didn't leave her dying for air.
Once they made it to the clearing Xena made her Soulmate stretch her muscles to make sure she wouldn't pull them or have them stiff. Afterwards came the sparring for three candlemarks or so. And the entire time Gabrielle never felt such a determination to get back into shape. To prepare herself to fight.
Xena had saw this and it made her smile. The warrior herself became quite involved with the sparring trying to tone her body back up. She hadn't slashed with a sword in to long nor done a back flip. Now became the best time to practice her fighting skills with her partner. By the end of the sparring in the late afternoon both Soulmates were tired from the none stop sparring.
Gabrielle took a deep breath as she brought her right arm over her head and pulled on it with her left hand. She felt the muscles in her left arm begin to stretch out.
Xena had just finished stretching her body and slowly came up behind Gabrielle. She watched her Soulmate switch arms over her head and Xena came directly up behind Gabrielle. Slowly Xena snaked her arms around the Queen's stomach and lowered her lips to the small warrior's neck.
Gabrielle moaned and dropped her arms and leaned her head back into Xena. "You're starting something."
"Mmm I know." Xena let her hands come up to slide across Gabrielle's ribs and directly under her leather top.
The small warrior turned around and quickly captured the other woman's lips in a strong kiss.
Xena grinned in the middle of the kiss. Her hands came gliding down and she let her finger tips go in between Gabrielle's belt and skin while her thumbs rubbed against the soft muscular stomach.
Gabrielle's hands came up to press against Xena's stomach as she kissed her warrior strongly. Then she ended the kiss to only let her lips graze across the warrior's neck and down to her chest.
The small warrior chuckled and placed one last light kiss and rested her head against Xena's chest. "And I thought you wanted to start something."
The warrior grinned. "I do but for later."
The Queen's lips released a small laugh. "It's a date then."
Xena laughed. "Good. I'll see you in the hut after dinner for the… date."
Gabrielle started to laugh as she relaxed against her Soulmate's body. "Oh count on it."
"Mmm, lets head back to the hut and get our cloaks. I don't want your muscles to get sore or stiff."
The Queen sighed and lifted her head. "Or you for that matter." Another soft kiss was placed on Xena's chest then Gabrielle stepped back feeling Xena remove her hands.
The pair started trekking back to the Amazon Village in the late afternoon. They made it to their hut right around dusk. Inside they grabbed their cloaks for the cold night to come. They'd quickly left the hut and went down to the Amazon Camp for dinner.
Gabrielle enjoyed being back out with her Amazons and talking away with them. The entire time Xena stood aside and watched with a smile. Every now and again she would cut in to tease her small Soulmate which she would receive a glare with grin. And by that night they were falling into each other's love to bring on a long and deep sleep.
~*Part 25*~
The sun had creeped into the Soulmate's hut easily awaking them. They'd both slid out of bed and put their clothes on. Gabrielle for her part felt invigorated to have her final against Nyx and she knew she was going to beat the Queen. She felt it deep down inside of herself.
Xena smiled down to her Soulmate as she stood in the mass crowd of Amazons. "Be careful Gabrielle."
The Queen nodded. "Promise."
The warrior nodded back and placed her right hand on Gabrielle's left arm. "If anything, protect your stomach. If you get another good two blows there it'll be worse then before. You won't be able to move for at least a month."
Gabrielle sighed and stared at the ground, slowly she lifted her head up. "That's the reality of it huh?"
Xena let her breath slowly. "Yes it is." Now her voice came out so serious. "We both know you can take out Nyx, but don't do it under a high cost." She paused. "For me?" She squeezed Gabrielle's arm for a moment then released.
Gabrielle smiled lovingly and placed her right hand up against the left side of Xena's chest. "For you? Always love." She then winked at Xena as she dropped her hand and turned to slowly walk onto the sparring field.
Xena watched her go with a small smile to her lips.
Gabrielle stepped into the center of the sparring field as Nyx turned to her. "Ready Queen Nyx?"
Nyx was laughing as she turned around but suddenly her expression dropped. "How'd you…? When'd you…? You're…"
The small warrior grinned. "Healed… I know. Let's just say I have many skills."
Nyx raised an eyebrow as she reached behind to unsheathe her sword. "Well then, I must say I might have been wrong about earlier."
"Oh? And what was that about?" Gabrielle placed her hands on her hips.
"Maybe you do have a lot of muscles then."
The Central Queen laughed. "You have no idea." She took a step back and lifted her hands in front of her body.
Nyx shook her head and shifted her body into fighting stance. "I still believe you need to dress your consort better Queen Gabrielle."
Suddenly Gabrielle lunged forward with a kick to Nyx's chest. Nyx went stumbling back with a shocked expression.
Gabrielle smirked. "Have any other comments about my consort and me you'd like to express?"
Nyx narrowed her eyes. "Well I can see you're still narrow minded." She came at Gabrielle with a swipe of her sword.
The small warrior jumped out of the way of the blade. "Takes one to know one Queen Nyx."
The Northeast Queen growled and brought her sword down over Gabrielle.
Gabrielle simply crossed her wrists at her bracelets and lifted her arms up. She watched as Nyx's blade stopped right between Gabrielle's bracelets. "Well Queen Nyx, I'm glad you don't have anymore opinions."
Nyx laugh lowly. "Oh I have loads of them about you and your consort." She stepped back with her sword twirling it.
Gabrielle smiled sarcastically. "Oh please share Queen Nyx." She lowered her hands after uncrossing her wrists. "I'd love to hear."
The Northeast Queen grinned and quickly tried to do a quick kick at Gabrielle.
Instead of receiving the blow, Gabrielle literally caught Nyx's foot by the boot. "Queen Nyx, weren't you taught how to kick right?" Gabrielle then abruptly let a cat grin take her lips.
Queen Nyx's expression in reaction went into fear as she saw Queen Gabrielle start to twist her leg fast. Her body was then tossed to the ground in a heap because of Gabrielle's quick move.
The Northeast Queen growled as she wiped away the dirt from her face. Her hand went back down to the ground to lift up a hand full of dirt. She quickly looked up. "My last comment about you and your consort." Her next words came out in a sneer. "You're both are pathetic for Soulmates." Without warning Queen Nyx threw the dust up at Gabrielle.
The small warrior was completely caught off guard by this and the dust blurred her vision. She frantically worked to get the dust from her eyes.
Xena from the sidelines saw this. Her eyes widen as she watched her Soulmate rubbing at her eyes in the middle of the small dust cloud. Then she saw Queen Nyx instantly jump to her feet and kick Gabrielle hard in the chest. The warrior's right hand slipped down to her chakram. Oh she was ready to hurl her chakram at the Northeast Queen in a heartbeat.
Gabrielle had went reeling backwards onto her back on the ground. Fortunately though her vision was pretty much back. She knew Nyx would bring her sword at her if she didn't move. So she propped her feet up and unsheathed her sais and flipped up to her feet with her sais up. "Now that wasn't nice Queen Nyx."
Nyx grinned and started to circle with Gabrielle doing the same. "I don't play nice when it comes to the role of Queen."
The Central Queen shook her head. "Then you're not worthy enough to be the Queen of all the Amazons."
Queen Nyx laughed and started on attack at Gabrielle. She did a number of thrusts and swipes not making any headway in Gabrielle's defense. After her try Queen Nyx jumped back trying to catch her breath. "You actually have a decent defense."
The small warrior laughed with sparkling eyes. "I know." She smirked. Gods, how Gabrielle had picked up so many things from Xena. "By the way Queen Nyx, your defense from my last experience… well lets say it was good as centaur shit." Now Gabrielle saw Queen Nyx's brown eyes flash with anger.
Immediately the Northeast Queen came at Gabrielle. She did nothing but rapid thrusts, punches, and kicks but she couldn't break through Gabrielle's defense. By the end of her attacks Queen Nyx lost much energy and had to back off.
Gabrielle on the other hand had just a knowingly smiled at this. She flipped her sais out blades forward. "Let's see if your defense is still good as centaur shit." The small warrior attacked Queen Nyx not breaking through the other Queen's defense. But she kept moving, kept chipping away. Then she saw her opening at Nyx's right shoulder and struck there. Gabrielle pierced the other woman's shoulder, leaving a bleeding wound.
Queen Nyx stepped back to gaze at her right shoulder seeing the blood trickle down her arm. She tossed her sword to her left hand knowing now she couldn't win. She was dominant with her right hand when it came to her sword. So when she lifted her brown eyes to Gabrielle they held a fear.
Gabrielle smirked at the other Queen. She then lunged forward to go after Queen Nyx to finish the challenge. Gabrielle did just this. Near the end she'd swiped the Northeast Queen's feet out from under her. After Nyx crashed to the ground Gabrielle bent down to one knee and pressed her left sai against the Amazon's throat. "Don't breathe my name or my consort's again."
Nyx blinked with no other response.
The small warrior lowered her head down closer to Nyx's, she let her eyes flash. "And next time you label somebody narrow minded make sure you know the definition first." Gabrielle briskly removed her sai from the Queen's throat and stood up and strolled off the sparring field.
Xena had released her chakram when she saw her partner winning the challenge. Now she had her arms crossed against her chest. Off to her right she saw the regent wedging through the Amazons to come up to her side.
"What in Hades was that all about Xena?" Ephiny looked to her right to see Gabrielle coming towards them.
The warrior shrugged her shoulders. "They just had some words."
The regent huffed. "To say the least." Now Gabrielle came up to her and Xena. "Gabrielle what was that about?"
Gabrielle placed her left sai into her right hand with her other one. "What you mean Eph?"
Ephiny crossed her arms against her chest. "You and Nyx were talking none stop out there."
The Queen grinned. "Yes well… we just had some words."
The regent gazed up to Xena, who was staring at Gabrielle. She then looked back to Gabrielle, whom was staring at Xena. She shook her head. "Right. Let me know if you ever care to share someday." She grinned. "I'll see you both later."
Gabrielle turned her head to see Ephiny walking off. "Bye Eph."
"Uh huh. Bye Gabrielle." Ephiny was ambling away and had waved then kept going.
Xena let a smile sweep across her lips. "You are getting cocky out there Gabrielle."
Gabrielle slowly lifted her head up towards Xena with a cool look. "I know." She grinned with confidence.
The warrior chuckled. "I like it."
The smaller warrior still had her grin. "Same here. I think I picked it up from somebody I know."
The Warrior Princess laughed. "I wonder who."
"Mmm, you have one guest and the first doesn't count." Gabrielle chuckled and bent down to one knee to sheath her sais on the sides of her boots. Slowly she rose back up. She was about to say something but was cut off as she heard her name.
The Queen looked over at her second in command and weapons master. "Hey Solari and Ep."
Solari smiled. "That was impressive there against Queen Nyx."
Epinion narrowed her eyes. "She isn't too honorable either."
Solari sighed and gazed at the weapons master. "Understatement."
Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. "Ah, she paid for it."
The second in command chuckled. "So we saw." She then smiled warmly. "Good job Gabrielle."
"Thank you."
"So you're fighting Mairead tomorrow then huh?" The weapons master then crossed her arms against her chest after her words.
The Queen nodded. "Afraid so."
Solari placed her hands on her hips. "We heard what Caitriona and Mairead did to your stomach."
The small warrior shook her head. "Well it wasn't just them." She sighed. "Before Xena and I got here we'd saved a village from some raiders. One of them had knocked me unconscious then kicked me rather hard in my lower abdomen."
Xena took a step closer to her partner, placing a hand on her right shoulder. "Oh don't forget the small detail Gabrielle of the fact you'd jumped off a barn. Then took the raider off his horse before he could attack me from behind."
Solari quietly laughed while Epinion just grinned.
Gabrielle huffed. "You had to."
The warrior grinned. "Yup."
Solari smiled. "Well I think your Amazons know how amazing you are Queen Gabrielle." A grin took her lips now. "You have nothing to prove."
Gabrielle sighed and glanced up to her partner. "See what you did?"
Xena smirked. "Me? You did." She then bent her head down close to Gabrielle's and whispered to her. "Maybe they'll start calling you the Warrior Queen."
That's when Gabrielle bursted out laughing.
Solari and Epinion looked to each other in question and shrugged their shoulders.
Solari leaned towards Epinion. "It's one of those jokes we'll never know."
The weapons master nodded. "I know." She then gazed back to the Soulmates to see Gabrielle settled down. "I think Solari and I need to head out."
Gabrielle nodded and took a deep breath. "Have to find somebody Epinion?" She arched an eyebrow in suspicions.
Epinion's face took on a tint of red. "No."
The Queen grinned. "Tell Teresa I said, 'hi.'"
The weapons master nodded. "Um… right." She gazed at the second in command with a look.
Solari snickered. "See you Gabrielle." She looked up to Xena. "Bye Xena."
The warrior smiled. "Bye Solari." Her eyes averted to Epinion. "Bye Ep."
"Bye Xena." Epinion then nodded at Solari to go.
Solari started walking with Epinion. The two Amazons mingled through the slowly dispersing crowd of Amazons.
Gabrielle sighed and lifted her attention to Xena. "Warrior Queen? Where'd you come up with that?"
Xena grinned. "Warrior Princess."
The Queen shook her head. "No no, there's a difference between you and I with fighting."
The older woman cross her arms over her chest. "Is there really?"
Gabrielle stared up Xena for a moment. "Really? I don't know."
Xena smiled and placed her left hand down to Gabrielle's back. "Come on."
The challenge between Queen Nyx and Queen Gabrielle had been during the early afternoon. It had ended by the late afternoon to leave the Amazons with time to relax. Tomorrow would be the day of the final challenge. It would be a challenge between Gabrielle and Mairead to see which one would become Queen of all the Amazons and Nations.
By the time this sunk into Gabrielle's mind, she was a nervous ball. But she was able to fool everybody making them think she wasn't nervous what so ever. Well, not quite everybody. For her Soulmate certainly knew by just gazing into her eyes not to mention Xena was a nervous wreck herself. And she knew this was because Gabrielle was very nervous.
All day the Soulmates mingled with all the Amazons. Gabrielle really hadn't been with them since her injury and she didn't want to seem like she was hiding. So Xena and Gabrielle were not alone till after a late dinner when they'd made it back to their hut.
Xena stood by the table and was removing her sword and chakram as she heard Gabrielle close the door. They'd walked back to the hut in silence. The warrior turned to her Soulmate and walked over to her.
Gabrielle lifted her head up to Xena with a look of nervousness. Her walls had fell.
The warrior's lips took on a loving smile. She lifted her left hand to Gabrielle's right cheek. Leaning down she carefully kissed Gabrielle. After doing so, Xena brought her hands down to grasp Gabrielle's hands. She didn't say anything and started to walk backwards the bed.
Gabrielle followed Xena's lead and saw Xena sit down on the foot of the bed.
Xena still had her loving smile and she pulled Gabrielle onto the bed and into her lap. She released her partner's hands and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman while pushing Gabrielle's head under hers.
The Queen sighed in relief as she wrapped her legs around her Soulmate's waist. Her arms wrapped around the older woman and she closed her eyes. She felt the perfect safety from Xena.
The warrior kissed her friend's forehead then lowered her head back down on Gabrielle's. She kept a hold of her smaller warrior till she felt safe from world around.
A half of a candlemark passed by and that's when Gabrielle opened her eyes and nuzzled her warrior's neck. "Thanks Xena."
A warm smile broke across Xena's lips. "Anytime." She brought her right hand down to lift Gabrielle's head. "Don't let yourself get so nervous."
The young woman sighed. "I know. It's just… you know it's a big thing."
"I know it is." Xena brought her hand up to run through Gabrielle's short hair. "But you'll be perfect."
Gabrielle smiled sadly and her eyes seem to go unfocus. "I'm just worried she'll tear me up like last time." She shook her head while her eyes focused back on Xena. "I don't want to do that again."
Xena's expression became very serious at that point as she locked eyes with her Soulmate. "Listen to me okay?" Gabrielle nodded and Xena continued on. "I will be there with you. All you have to do is release me inside of you. Alright?" A smile broke across Xena's lips now.
"Yeah." Gabrielle reflected the smile back. "Been slowly doing it these past years."
"Let it all come out tomorrow." Xena leaned in to take her Soulmate's lips. "I'm always there to protect you."
Gabrielle's smiled in the middle of the kiss and she began to push Xena back. They two Soulmates went falling back into the bed with laughs.
Xena stopped laughing as she felt her partner's legs twine with hers. "Mmm, I need to distract you from thinking about the challenge tomorrow." She brought her lips to Gabrielle's neck while her hands came up to the leather straps of Gabrielle's top.
The younger woman grinned. "You're doing a good job of it."
"Good." Xena's voice was deep now as she slipped the leather straps down Gabrielle's arms.
Gabrielle though dropped her head down while closing her eyes. Her body's reactions began to wash over her soul.
~*Part 26*~
Gabrielle lifted her left arm with the ivy-designed dagger. It twinkled up to her in protection. She smiled slightly at it then her attention went back to tying her boots. After she tied them she placed her sais into her boots and turned around.
Xena was leaning against the door holding Gabrielle's cloak in her arms. "How you feel?"
The small warrior nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm handling this." She grinned up to her partner.
The warrior lifted herself off the door and strolled over to her Soulmate. She walked behind Gabrielle and started to put the cloak on her as she spoke. "Think you can eat?"
The Queen nodded. "Oh yeah, I need to feed this thing." Gabrielle placed her hands over her stomach to refer to the "thing." She felt the cloak on with Xena's arms coming around her waist to rest her hands over Gabrielle's hands.
"That hungry huh?"
Gabrielle's lips took on a grin. "After last night? Yes."
Xena laughed and pulled her friend more against her body. "Was a… wild night huh?"
The small warrior started to laugh hard while closing her eyes. "That's one… interesting way to put it."
The older woman grinned as well and nuzzled her partner's neck. "I thought so too."
"Mmm." Gabrielle turned around in her Soulmate's arms. She placed her right hand behind Xena's head and brought the warrior's lips down to hers.
The kiss lasted for numerous seconds on end. After it broke, the pair left their hut and went for breakfast. The breakfast was long and the Soulmates sat alone in the corner of the food hut. Gabrielle and Xena both wanted to be left alone together. Just being near Xena alone caused the Queen to be calm and stoic and that was something she needed right now.
By the time they finished breakfast it was late morning. They had a slow walk down to the sparring fields within the village. Once they got there, the area was packed with Amazons. Everybody knew this was the final challenge to find out the Queen of all Amazons. And the weather above seem to know as well for it was a crystal clear day with the sky a perfect blue.
Right now, Gabrielle tore her eyes from the blue sky to take a deep breath and focus on what was at hand. She stood in the middle of the sparring field. In front of her was Mairead. Xena stood to her right and Ephiny stood to her left.
Ephiny smiled to her Queen and Queen Mairead. Then she went stern as she spoke to the two Queens. "As you both know, this is the last challenge. Whomever comes out of this as the winner is the Queen of all the Amazons and Nations." The regent paused. "If there are any suspicions of dishonor by either of you then the challenge will be thrown out. The Queen who was dishonorable will be banded and another challenge will take place between the honorable Queen and Queen Caitriona." Again Ephiny paused and studied the two Queens. In the background she could hear all the Amazons of the different nations talking. "Is this understood by you both?"
Gabrielle nodded to Ephiny.
The regent looked to Mairead who also nodded in response.
Ephiny turned her attention to both Queens again. "Okay if there is nothing else. Good luck to you both and do not forget the rules." She smiled to Gabrielle then to Mairead.
Gabrielle turned her to Xena. "Xena?"
The warrior nodded and started walking a little ways away from Mairead and Ephiny.
Gabrielle came up to her side and took a deep breath. "Well here it goes." She began to take her cloak off and once it was removed she handed it to Xena.
The warrior took it, her eyes lifted back up to Gabrielle. She brought both her hands to her Soulmate's shoulders. "I want you to be careful Gabrielle. I can guarantee you Mairead will try to kill you. Don't risk your life." She squeezed her partner's shoulders. "Have I made myself clear?"
Gabrielle grinned. "Uhh no. You're a little fuzzy around the edges, so you keep trying, you'll get there."
Xena closed her eyes, bit her lower lip, and let a grin take her lips. She tried so hard not to laugh but she couldn't help but let a small chuckle. Slowly her eyes opened again. She was glad Gabrielle was a little more relax since she was throwing jokes around.
The Queen loss her grin. "Seriously, I will Xena." Her eyes looked away then came back to Xena. "Just watch over me."
Xena's face lit with a loving smile. "You know I will. I promise you, you'll be walking off that sparring field and into my arms. Alright?"
Gabrielle nodded. "I know." She mirrored her own warm smile.
The warrior squeezed her Soulmate's shoulders then dropped her hands. "Good luck." She paused for an instant. "I love you Gabrielle."
"I love you too Xena." Gabrielle kept her smile then turned towards where Mairead and Ephiny stood. She walked over to them.
Xena watched her go. Slowly the warrior straightened her back out with protective eyes. She stood there waiting on the sparring field.
Ephiny looked to Mairead. "Are you ready Queen Mairead?"
Mairead grinned. "Yes."
The regent turned to Gabrielle. "My Queen?"
Gabrielle nodded. "Definitely." She let a smile control her lips. Inside she felt that nervous come but she quickly grabbed it and choked it. For it was not the emotion she wanted right now. Instead she pulled out her cockiness from yesterday, a portion that is of Xena.
Ephiny nodded. "Again, good luck and fight honorable for the fate of the Amazons." Ephiny then walked off towards Xena.
Xena and Ephiny walked to the edge of the sparring fields. Xena crossed her arms over her chest with Gabrielle's cloak in her arms. Ephiny stood to Xena's right and watched the beginnings of the final challenge.
Gabrielle lifted her hands in fighting stance.
Mairead lifted her hands in fighting stance.
The two Queens began to circle each other. Their eyes were locked.
Mairead's lips broke out into a cat grin. "Remember what I did to you last time Queen Gabrielle?"
Gabrielle smiled sarcastically. "How can I forget? Every time I puked I thought of you."
Mairead narrowed her eyes briefly then laughed deeply. "Well as they say, history repeats itself."
"Maybe so, but history is fickle."
Suddenly Mairead lunge forward with her hands.
Gabrielle jumped out of the way and felt the other female breeze past her.
Mairead whirled around with her same grin. She was a big built Amazon with a lot of muscles. "So do you really believe that you should be Queen of all the Amazons?"
The small warrior grinned intensely. "Well I know for certain you don't belong as the Queen."
The Southeast Queen bounded forward again to grab Gabrielle's wrists. She squeezed Gabrielle's wrists tightly right below her bracelets. "Caught in a small pickle Queen Gabrielle?"
The Central Queen closed her eyes against the pain. Quickly her mind worked on how to get out of this but she wasn't quick enough.
Mairead had sharply brought her right knee up to hit Gabrielle's stomach.
Gabrielle fell to the ground and started coughing. Thankfully she tasted no blood in her mouth. Slowly she lifted her head to see Mairead smirking down at her.
Mairead reached behind to unsheathe her sword. "Gods don't tell me it will be this easy."
The small warrior saw the sword coming at her and she rolled away as it landed in the dust. She bounced to her feet. "No it won't be." She did a quick round house kick and sent Mairead stumbling back.
The Amazon shook her head and readjusted her grip on her sword. In front of her she saw Gabrielle standing with a smirk and her hands on her hips. "Don't get so cocky Queen Gabrielle."
"Why shouldn't I be Mairead? I just know you are a hulking Amazon with no brains." To add to her statement Gabrielle smirked knowing she was right.
Mairead's eyes narrowed and she swiped at Gabrielle with her sword and clearly missing her. Mairead then tried to stab at Gabrielle's stomach but the other Queen had jumped back. She then tried to come at Gabrielle's left side.
The Central Queen however dropped to her feet and rolled away. She was on one knee and she unsheathed her sais and bounced to her feet. Now Gabrielle went on attack against Mairead trying to break her defense.
Then at one point Mairead caught Gabrielle's sais in her swords blade and locked them. The Southeast Queen grinned evilly at Gabrielle. Her fist pulled back and came forward to connect with Gabrielle's face.
The small warrior's head snapped with the blow. Then she felt her feet taken out from under her and she crashed hard onto her back.
Mairead took a step back and then kicked Gabrielle hard in the sides of her left ribs. After doing that Mairead turned around then whirled around to gaze down and see Gabrielle curling up in pain. "Come on Queen Gabrielle, is that all you really have?"
Xena dropped her Soulmate's cloak to the ground and began to take a step onto the sparring field. But a hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist.
"Xena don't."
The warrior gazed back at the regent. "Ephiny don't you-"
"Xena, she can handle it." Ephiny paused for a moment. "Go to her in another way."
Xena stared at her Amazon friend then turned her head back to her Soulmate laying in the dust of the sparring field. Oh gods how she just wanted to rush out there and take her into her arms. But yet she knew Ephiny had a point. So she took a deep breath and relaxed back after Ephiny released her. Xena closed her eyes and tried to focus on her Soulmate.
Gabrielle saw Mairead walking towards her again. She tightened her arms over her body more in protection as her eyes shut. All you have to do is release me inside of you. I'm always there to protect you. Xena's voice filled her head.
Mairead shook her head and bent down to one knee near Gabrielle. "You don't belong as the Amazon Queen, you're to weak." She stood back up and kicked Gabrielle again in the ribs hard.
The small warrior's body shot full of pain from the blow. "Oh gods." Her body curled more up.
The other Queen bent down again. "Come on Gabrielle. You can stop this, all you have to do is yield to me."
Gabrielle shut her eyes tightly. "I won't Mairead."
Mairead's eyes flashed after hearing that. She then reached to her boot to unsheathe a dagger and placed it against Gabrielle's throat. "Then I'll help you Queen Gabrielle. Do you really want to leave this world over something like this?"
Gabrielle blocked out Mairead's voice. She felt a darkness enter inside of her, it was a darkness she knew. It was Xena's darkness. Gabrielle then carefully let herself slip into that darkness and soon as she did she felt safe and protected. Just as she did those minutes Xena's soul took control of her body so many years ago.
"Queen Gabrielle, if you don't yield soon you'll never have the chance to breath again."
Slowly Gabrielle's eyes opened again. "Mairead, my answer stays the same. I won't yield." In a flash Gabrielle's hands wrapped around Mairead's wrists. She began to push the other Queen's hand back, which held the dagger.
The Southeast Queen's eyes widen in surprise and she tried to push back. "How in Hades?"
The Central Queen felt a great burst of strength and used it to push Mairead's hand back and punch Mairead with her own hand.
Mairead fell back on her butt and dropped her dagger.
Gabrielle grabbed her sais out of the dust of the sparring field and flipped up to her feet. She watched to see Mairead stand up with her sword.
"Queen Gabrielle, you keep surprising me."
The small warrior smirked. "I have many skills."
Mairead narrowed her eyes and locked hers with Gabrielle's. That's when she noticed something different in the other Queen's eyes. Gabrielle's eyes were no longer just green. They were still emerald yet as Gabrielle shifted her body her eyes would flash a sky blue. All the while her eyes sparkled and twinkled at Mairead with power and anger. The air around Gabrielle was no longer light, it was more a combination of dark and light. It actually sent a chill down Mairead's back.
Xena slowly opened her eyes as a feral grin took over her lips. Her eyes flashed an emerald shade with her sky blue with her certain deep twinkle and now a sparkle was in her eyes.
The Central Queen flipped her sais out. "I know people like to stare at me Mairead but you take the cake."
The Amazon shook her head and came at Gabrielle.
The small warrior laughed evilly and once she saw Mairead close enough she did a back flip over Mairead's head. Once she landed she kicked behind to send the other large Amazon flying. Gabrielle spun around while flipping the blades of her sais out.
Queen Mairead jumped to her feet and twisted her sword in her right hand. "Come on!"
"If you insist Mairead." Gabrielle then came at the Amazon. She tried a number of attacks but only got parried every time.
The Southeast Queen then brought her free hand forward to grab the smaller Queen by the throat and began to slowly choke her.
Gabrielle closed her eyes as her air started to leave her body. She sense her body being lifted off the ground as she started to gasp.
Xena's eyes narrowed. Her right hand slipped down to her chakram.
Ephiny heard a small ching and she looked to her left to see Xena's chakram out of its clip and in Xena's hand. Her eyes lifted to Xena to see how much protection and love were in them. The regent's eyes gazed back out to the scene of her Queen being choked by another Queen. Her eyes narrowed now. This is her Queen, this is her closes friend, this is the chosen of Artemis. Ephiny's right hand came up to her sword's hilt and she slowly pulled it out of its sheath and brought it forward. Her body quickly went into fighting stance and her senses came to life.
Solari looked across the sparring field to see her regent with her sword out and Xena with her chakram out. She locked eyes with Ephiny and saw why Ephiny unsheathed her sword. So now Solari reached behind her back to unsheathe her sword.
Epinion stood beside the second in command and gazed at Solari then to Ephiny and the Warrior Princess. She understood and unsheathed her sword.
Amarice and Rodhiya saw what happened. Knew who was out there in the sparring field. Their swords became unsheathed. After theirs sword came unsheathed so did Teresa's, Logos's, Masika's, Leon's, Aster's, and Eilis's swords all unsheathed with a scrape. The next thing to happen can only be described as the sparring field filling with a din of swords being unsheathed.
Gabrielle's lips took on a grin. "Hear that Mairead?" She gradually opened her eyes to whisper her words out. "Those are my Amazons." She then narrowed her eyes and growled. Quickly Gabrielle brought her feet up to kick the other female in the face and pushed herself off Mairead to fly through the air and land on the ground. Gabrielle stayed down on one knee as she glared up to the other Queen while taking deep breaths.
Mairead reached up with her left hand to her jaw. She grasped her jaw tightly and jerked it to the left, a snap was heard. Her jaw went back into its socket. "Not bad Queen Gabrielle."
The small warrior rose up with her sais and smirk. "Sorry, I was a little rusty there. I promise I'll make up for it."
"Oh goody." Mairead came at Gabrielle with her sword. She began to do numerous attacks. But she got no where, for Gabrielle's defenses seem to be better then before. So the Southeast Queen put her strength all into her last attack. She rapidly brought her sword down over Gabrielle.
The small warrior was so prepared for this, she was hoping for it. She lifted her sais up and saw the blade go between her sais' forks. She jerked one sai to the right and the other to the left.
Queen Mairead lost her grip on her sword and watched as it went sky high. Then it landed off to the right on the sparring field. She then stepped away from Gabrielle and came up with an idea to even the score. Reaching to her sides she removed two daggers and threw them at the other Queen.
Gabrielle's eyes widen and she dropped her sais. She lifted bother her hands and caught the two daggers coming at her by the blades. But before she could rid them the Amazon had came at her and did a high kick. Gabrielle dropped the two daggers while her head snapped back from the blow. She quickly recovered and stepped back with her hands up.
Mairead had her own hands up and in her right hand was another dagger.
The small warrior grinned. "You have quite a dagger supply Queen Mairead."
"One can never have enough."
Gabrielle's eyes dropped down to her sais on the ground then back up to the other woman. "Yes well I'd say that's a little against the rules huh?"
Mairead had saw the other Queen's eye movement. "I don't think anybody else will notice." She saw Gabrielle move down to grab her sais. But Mairead stopped her by swiping at her with her dagger.
The small warrior jumped back and saw Mairead take a few steps closer to put the sais behind her body now. She then smirked and abruptly kicked at Mairead's hand that held the dagger. The dagger went flying. "Lost your dagger Mairead?" After speaking that Gabrielle did a roundhouse kick and sent the other Queen rolling on the ground to the right. The Central Queen then raced to her sais and lifted them up and whirled around to Mairead's direction.
The Southeast Queen was already on her feet though and kicked Gabrielle in the chest as she rose up. She watched Gabrielle fall on her back with the sais skidding across the sparring fields.
The small warrior gazed up and quickly realized she'd kicked Mairead in the direction of her sword.
Mairead sighed with a grin. "This has been fun but really…" She brought down her sword at Gabrielle.
Gabrielle's eyes narrowed in anger. She raised her hands and caught the blade of the sword between her hands. Her hands wrapped around the blade after she stopped it and she jerked the sword out of Mairead's hands.
The sword landed far away and Mairead was staring off in surprise.
Gabrielle growled and leaped to her feet. She pulled back her right hand and punched Mairead in the face. Then she did a hard kick to the other Queen's stomach. The small warrior stopped and took a step back, her breath was heavy.
Mairead was dazed and stared at Gabrielle. She quietly whispered, "You don't belong as Queen." What happened next Mairead was never sure of.
Gabrielle had almost seem to disappear in a blur of motion. Her right hand came up to unsheathe her dagger and she kicked Mairead's feet from under her. Her right hand came down with the dagger to press hard against Mairead's throat.
Mairead opened her eyes and stared up into dark flashing emerald-sapphire eyes.
Gabrielle's lips took on a cat grin. "Mairead, I am the Queen of the Amazons."
The Southeast Queen closed her eyes again and then opened as her vision finally unblurred. "You are the chosen." Mairead's eyes seem to fill with a respect and sort of fear for challenging Artemis's chosen.
Gabrielle narrowed her eyes. "Don't ever forget that either." Slowly Gabrielle rose back up to sheath her dagger. Her eyes were down, pinned on the other Queen.
Mairead though coughed and got up to one knee and bowed her head down to Gabrielle with her hands on one knee.
Gabrielle raised her head to the massive crowd of Amazons.
A cheer broke out through the Amazon Village that probably could be heard for leagues around.
Queen Gabrielle of the Central Nation let a smile sweep across her lips. Her eyes then seem to warm and become just a shade of sparkling emerald. She watched as her Amazons cheered and threw their hands up with the swords. The other Amazons of the other Nations were cheering right along.
For once Queen Gabrielle couldn't hear her own breathing after a fight because of the loud din of cheering. And ever so slowly the Queen's eyes searched through the crowds of Amazons for one person.
Gabrielle's eyes fell on her Soulmate and her smile went from warm to loving.
Xena stood there with that same smile and her arms crossed against her chest. Her head was bobbing up and down slightly.
Gabrielle then suddenly broke out running towards Xena.
Xena laughed and uncrossed her arms.
Gabrielle came near Xena and jumped to wrap her legs and arms around her Soulmate.
Xena automatically wrapped her arms around her Soulmate to support her.
Gabrielle moved her right hand up behind her Soulmate's head and captured her Soulmate's lips in a powerful kiss.
The cheering of Amazons only became louder at seeing this display.