~ The Light and the Darkness ~
by Red Hope


Violence ~ This will certainly have violence.

Subtext ~ Yes of course subtext or rather maintext here.

Copyright ~ Lets see, Universal and MCA both own Xena and Gabrielle. The rest of the characters, Manson, Mordred, Sir Williams, Sir Gawain, Sir Percival, Sir Galahad, Sir Marlory, and King Arthur I definitely own and nobody else along with the story line. I will admit however, the movie First Knight and television-movie Merlin influenced me somewhat, love those movies and actors.

Note ~ This is my first shot at my new fourth series. I hope everybody will like the opening story for my immortal series. I plan to keep up with it till I get to modern day. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Started: May 27th 2000 on Saturday

Comments? Questions? Advice? Email me at redhope@redhope.net

Series Four: History is Fickle Story: One

Section 3

~*Part 4*~

The sun beat high over the small army of knights. They all either bobbed up and down on their horses or on foot. Their armor all clanked in unison as they headed north to meet their fate. At the head of this army were four particular knights. In the lead of the four was an internally dark knight with brisk blue eyes. Her partner beside her was her Soulmate that didn’t know distance. And well off to the two female knight’s sides were two male knights, Sir Galahad and Sir Williams. Xena and Gabrielle were prepared to lead this army to its destiny.

This was the second day since they left Camelot and they expected to be running into Mordred’s army today. Well not quite run into Mordred’s army more surprise him and his army.

Xena turned her head left and right scanning the forest around in the rolling hills of Whales.

Gabrielle narrowed her eyes as she saw flashing metal coming towards her. "Xena?"

The warrior gazed ahead to see that flashing metal and a metallic knight appeared on the road coming fast on horseback. Xena’s lips spread into a grin. "Good timing."

The bard nodded. "To say the least." She pulled back her stallion’s reins and looked back to the army. "Halt!" She watched to see the entire army of one hundred knights came to a sudden stop at their commander’s order. Gabrielle turned around back in her saddle as she saw the onward riding knight come up to them. "Greetings!"

The knight slowed his horse so that he came right up to Xena and Gabrielle. He bowed his head a little. "Commanders."

Williams shifted his horse closer to the new comer’s horse.

Xena gave her stern attention to the new comer. "What’s the report?"

The new comer was a scout from the surprise attack. "Mordred’s army is about a half an hours ride ahead." His horse shifted but he continued on. "They’re well armed and walking in four columns of about seventy-five knights deep. It’s a good size army."

Gabrielle thought for a moment. "Three hundred?"

The scout nodded. "Correct." He sighed.

"How fast are they moving?"

The spy turned his attention to Xena again. "A decent speed, moderate."

Galahad shifted the reins in his hands. "Was Mordred there?"

"Yes, Mordred was at the head of the army leading." The spy then glanced back to Xena. "Anything else?"

Xena shook her head. "No. Now is the time to carry the plan out. Join the rest of the force."

The spy nodded his head. "Of course."

The Warrior Princess smiled. "Thank you."

"Anytime." The scout smiled back and kicked his horse to join in with the forces.

Gabrielle glanced up to her Soulmate. "What’s the plan?"

Xena’s lips shaped into a deep grin. "Alright, the plan is plain and simple." She gazed around between her partner, Galahad, and Sir Williams. "Gabrielle, you are taking twenty-five men and you will come down this main road on attack against Mordred’s army." She then gazed over at Williams. "Williams you will be taking the rest of the army and going to the hills on the left side in the forest. Do you understand?"

Williams nodded his head. "Of course."

The warrior nodded. "Good. Now then Galahad and I will be on the right side hills watching Gabrielle battle Mordred. I will give the signal Williams when you are to attack and come bursting over the hill to attack Mordred. Is that clear?"

Williams briskly nodded. "What will the signal be?"

Xena grinned. "A bird call. Listen carefully." Shifting her attention to Gabrielle she spoke. "Gabrielle, after you charge Mordred’s army, make it a good brawl then pretend to retreat."

Gabrielle nodded. "Alright. Then join back up once Williams attacks correct?"

The warrior moved her head in agreement. "Yes." She took a deep breath. "We’ll fight Mordred till either they’re shook up or we get down to fifty men. This is not a slaughter for our men." She gazed over at Galahad. "I need you to remain on the right hillside to watch and sound the real retreat. Can you handle that?"

Galahad didn’t like the duty but he would not go against Xena’s judgement. "I can do that."

The warrior nodded and looked down the dirt road. "Let’s split up now." She kicked Argo off to the right and up the hillside darting through the trees.

Galahad kicked his horse and followed Xena quickly up the hillside and to the top.

Gabrielle gazed back to the army. "Twenty-five men follow me!" She signaled Torqueo to go forward down the road and twenty-five men formed up behind Gabrielle.

Williams glanced back to the remaining seventy-five men. "Follow me!" He steered his horse up the left hillside in the shaded forest. His horse went over the hillside and to the other side. Glimpsing back Williams saw the remaining army following behind him, over the hillside and out of sight.

The bard kept her horse going at a fast walk along the dirt road. She listened to her heart faintly pound in excitement. Lifting her head up to the right she saw Xena riding Argo along the hill’s ridge.

Xena gazed down to her partner and flashed a smile.

Gabrielle smiled back but began to hear the low sound of pounding coming towards her. Turning her head to the road she saw dark flashing armor coming at her, she narrowed her eyes. Looking up to the right ridge she saw Xena nodded and disappear over the hillside as if she was never there. The young woman turned her attention back to the approaching army. Reaching behind she lifted her helmet, put it on with ease, and finally she reached to her side to extract her gleaming sword. She held it high in the air. "Attack!" Kicking Torqueo hard she went flying down the road with her sword low and aimed at Mordred’s army. Her head pounded with anticipation along with the thunder of her twenty-five men behind charging.

Xena hopped off Argo. "Stay here girl."

Galahad came up to Xena’s side. "Crawl?"

"Yes." The Warrior Princess walked a little ways up the hillside and when she came close to the ridge she lowered herself to her belly and crawled up to the ridge’s tip. Gazing down she saw metallic knights racing towards black knights.

Galahad crawled up with his elbows next to Xena. "Here they go." A whisper.

Xena nodded and narrowed her eyes as she saw her Soulmate crash into Mordred’s army. Gradually the warrior turned her head to the right to start estimating the number of Mordred’s knights down there.

Gabrielle kicked one man at her right. She then flipped off Torqueo to land on her feet. One thing all the sparring with Xena had done was increase her strength which only gave her better mobility with her armor. And now she began to fight a dark knight with easy. But something was wrong, she could feel it. Where’s Mordred? The bard began to frantically look around for the man in the fight but couldn’t find him. Her eyes widen as her heart raced. "Shit!" She stabbed her enemy in the stomach and spun around to seek out Mordred and a fear washed over her. Mordred’s not here. This isn’t the main force. Grasping her helmet she tore it off. "Shit!" This isn’t the main force. Xena this isn’t the main force!

Xena’s eyes quickly widen. "That isn’t the main force." She jumped to her feet. "Shit!"

Galahad was up on his feet. "Where’s the main force then?"

The warrior shook her head as she tried to clearly think. "They knew the plan…" Her eyes narrowed and her anger took wild control. She quietly growled out, "Williams. The bastard." Lifting her right hand she whistled to see Argo come galloping up. "Galahad get down there and get to Gabrielle. Help her and start a retreat now." She mounted Argo in a flash.

Galahad unsheathed his sword. "Where you going Xena?"

"To get Williams." She spurred Argo and went racing down the hillside past the fight and up the other hillside. When she came over the ridge, below she saw her seventy-five men swamped by a mass of dark knights. Xena’s small force was completely surrounded. Unsheathing her sword she went crashing down the hillside with her battle cry and to find Williams. Retreating was the only solution now.

Gabrielle spun around to see Galahad. "What going on Galahad?"

The man fought two dark knights. "Somehow the Mordred found out our plan and attacked Williams." He killed one of his enemies and fought his second one. "We need to retreat Gabrielle! It’s going to be a slaughter!"

The small warrior fisted up her right hand a punched one man hard in his face. She spun her sword as another dark knight took her on. She took a deep breath. "Alright, let’s get out of here."

Galahad heard the order and stabbed his enemy. Taking a deep breath he yelled out. "Retreat! Retreat!" He saw another knight coming to him and he took him on.

The bard whistled loudly to see her stallion come pushing through and she easily mounted him. "Retreat!" She went barging through the fight killing as many knights as she could. "Retreat!"


"There you are, you bastard!" Xena reached down with her right hand to grab Williams by the neck. "I’ll kill you." She sheathed her sword with her left hand.

Williams’s eyes widen. "How’d you…!" He tried to bring his sword at Xena.

The warrior simply caught the blade in her left hand and ripped it from the man’s hands. She threw it into the mass of fighting knights. "Don’t bother." Bring her left hand down she punch him unconscious. Then Sir Williams was easily swung over Argo’s rump. Xena then scanned the fight and knew there was no way in hell her army would win. "Retreat!" Racing Argo through the fight of metallic knights against black ones she continued to scream, "Retreat!" As she did this, Xena tried to take out as much dark knights as she could.

"This was a surprise attack on a surprise attack." Mordred crossed his arms against his chest as he laughed. "So stupid." He shook his head while he continued to watch the battle of Arthur’s knights against his own.

"My Lord, what about Williams?"

Mordred turned his head to the right at his real second in command. "He’s served his purpose." An evil grin took his lips. "Williams is on his own."

The second in command laughed. "He won’t live long with Xena."

"I know." Mordred devilishly grinned while he turned his black eyes back to the battle at the bottom of the hill. "Success is so sweet."


Arthur lifted his head up as a knight entered his tent. He smiled at his knight faintly. "Good news I hope Sir Gawain?"

Gawain’s eyes fell. "I am afraid not my Lord."

Arthur shut his eyes as he sat back in his wood chair. "What happened?"

Gawain’s armor reflected the candle’s light inside of the tent. "It seems Mordred knew our plans. The surprise was a failure." He paused. "Sixty men lost and eleven badly injured. I am sorry my Lord."

The king rubbed his right hand against his forehead. "It’s okay Gawain." His eyes sadly opened. "What of our Commanders?"

The knight straightened up a little. "Fortunately Xena, Galahad, and Gabrielle are perfectly fine."

Arthur instantly lifted his eyes to the other man. "What of Sir Williams?"

"I am afraid Sir Williams will not be living long my Lord." He took a long breath as he tried to put it in the best way. "It seems there was a leak in the system. Sir Williams was a traitor and is currently in Xena’s hands."

The king’s head bobbed up and down a few times. "Good, I pray his death is a quick one."

"My Lord?" Gawain had concerned eyes. "I do not believe Williams should be left to Xena’s judgement. That is not our way. He should be tried for his treason in Camelot under the law."

Arthur sat back as he considered. "He will so as long as he lives under Xena’s control." He shook his head. "Otherwise he is little of my concern at this moment." His eyes went to Gawain once more. "Once we meet up with the smaller army and Williams is still alive then we will take him to be tried in Camelot. Leave it at that."

Sir Gawain nodded sadly. "As you wish Arthur." He took a deep breath. "What of our plans?"

"They remain the same." The king sadly smiled. "We will meet up with Galahad, Xena, and Gabrielle tomorrow by midday then the following morning we will commence the attack on Mordred." He turned his head away. "Finally finish this maddening chaos."

The knight nodded his head. "As you wish my king." He took a deep breath. "Try to have pleasant evening."

Arthur nodded. "I will try. Thank you Gawain."

"You’re welcome Arthur." The man turned around and left the king’s tent to head to his own.

Arthur gradually stood from his wood chair and shifted to his tent flap. He stepped out and stood in the moon’s reflecting light. He stared up to the stars in the fire lit camp. "Let us survive this trial."


Gabrielle kicked Sir Williams hard in the back of his knees. She watched him fall to his knees in a grimace. Lifting her eyes to three soldiers she nodded to them. "Shackle him up."

The three soldiers quickly moved with rattling chains and began to chain up Sir Williams around his wrists and ankles.

The small warrior saw Williams shackled and called out her next order. "Strip him of his armor. He has dishonored the light." She watched the scene and to her left Galahad came up.

"He’s going to die." Galahad fisted up his right hand.

The bard took a deep breath. "No Galahad." She shook her head. "That’s for the people of Camelot to decide." Gradually with hooded eyes in the fire lit camp, Gabrielle turned her head to the right. There she saw Xena reappear out of the shadows. Gabrielle knew then that Williams had a small price to pay now. For she knew nobody made a fool of her Soulmate.

The Warrior Princess walked up with a strong gate towards Sir Williams. Her arm and chest armor was gone and only her leg and thigh armor was still on. Her sword dangled from her right side. She came directly up to the kneeling Williams. "You’re lucky Williams."

The man slowly lifted his brown eyes to Xena. "Why?"

Xena squatted down with a mean looking grin. "Because you’re a citizen of Camelot." Her eyes narrowed. "If you were in my army, you would be dead already."

Williams gave a shit grin. "Ashame."

The warrior laughed lowly. "How true… but…" She gave her smirk with twinkling navy eyes. "You’re mine till we meet up with Arthur. Get ready to go on display." She slowly rose up to her full height with her eyes pinned down on the traitor. Without warning she kicked Williams in the stomach and walked away.

Galahad took a deep breath. "I owe him something too. Excuse me."

The warrior bard watched her friend come up to Williams.

"Williams, you’re a lying sack of shit." Galahad gave his own kick to William’s stomach hard. "That’s for Camelot." He whirled around to stalk off to his tent.

Gabrielle took a deep breath now. She studied Sir Williams with cold eyes. How she owed something to Williams as well. With strength in her gate she came up in front of Williams. Doing as Xena did, Gabrielle squatted down to be eye level with the heavy breathing Williams. "Look at me Williams." Her voice was light.

The knight lifted his head up as he still tried to stop the pain in his stomach. "Are you going to kick me as well?"

Gabrielle gave an evil smile. "No." She reached out with her right hand to carefully touch the man’s chin. "Explain why? I’d like to know why you chose Mordred over Arthur."

Williams laughed in sarcasm. "It’s because Camelot is fake Gabrielle." He shook his head. "I despise Camelot and Arthur’s dreams. They never could be, it’s all crock."

"Mmm." Gabrielle gradually lowered her hand again. "You see though Williams, the only reason such dreams are… crock are because people like you make them out to be crock." She still had that evil smile on her lips. "I still have yet to understand why."

"Then you never will Gabrielle because you’re living in a fantasy if you think something like Arthur’s dream should be for the world." He shook his head. "Not everybody will ever agree."

The bard nodded a few times. "Very true." A deep breath. "First Lancelot then you Williams." A pause. "It must be something about that seat in the Round Table." Her smile was gone now as her eyes took on a sparkle. "But do you know what you did do today other then betray Arthur?"

"Nnno. Enlighten me Gabrielle." Williams gave a snicker.

Gabrielle laughed back at the man with her evil smile again. "You fucked with my Soulmate." She pulled back her right hand and made an armored fist. With speed her fist slammed hard into Williams’s face.

Williams’s head snapped at the hard blow as blood flew in the air. "Bitch!"

The bard quietly laughed and stood up again to see the bloody nose Williams glare up. "Well I said I wouldn’t kick you." She strolled away and saw the three knights still standing. "Lock him up for the night and stand guard."

The three knights quickly nodded and briskly stepped forward to take the bleeding Sir Williams away.


Xena lifted her head when she saw her Soulmate duck into her tent. She rapidly stood up from her bed with warm eyes.

Gabrielle smiled to her partner as she stood in her full armor. "I’m sorry Xena."

The warrior shook her head. "Not your fault. Neither of us had any idea."

"Yeah." The warrior bard sadly nodded and crossed her arms against her tightly fit breastplate. "What about Williams?"

"He’ll be having a lllong walk tomorrow." The tall woman sighed unhappily. "I should have known." A shake of the head and Xena lifted her eyes to Gabrielle. "I think I am getting to old for this job."

The bard raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt that." She uncrossed her arms to hold her hands up. "It caught you off guard Xena."

"It shouldn’t have." Xena growled in frustration and ran her right hand through her hair.

The young woman stepped up to her partner. "Xena, you’re not perfect." Gabrielle slowly took her metal gloves off her hands to throw them on the bed behind Xena.

"It does not matter Gabrielle. We all could have been killed today." The warrior pointed her left hand towards the tent flap. "They depend on my judgement Gabrielle. If I screw up then these men are screwed."

Gabrielle quickly reached up with both hands to her Soulmate’s shoulders. "Xena… it’s not your fault." She squeezed her knight’s shoulders. "It is much as mine as it would be anybody else’s. Besides… it’s over with you can’t do anything about it now. Be thankful it wasn’t worse."

The Warrior Princess took a long breath while keeping her eyes closed.

"Bad luck Xena for once, Arthur hasn’t lost the war."

Xena let her breath out in contentment and her eyes opened to show warmness in them again.

Gabrielle smiled to her partner. "I love you."

The older woman brought her right hand behind her Soulmate’s head and leaned in to take her lips.

The smaller warrior disappeared into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Xena’s waist.

Xena brought her lips down to Gabrielle’s neck. "Sorry I wasn’t there for you."

Gabrielle’s head fell into her warrior’s neck as she moaned from the warm lips. "Nnno, you’re… always with me." She shut her eyes. "Xena, if you don’t stop… there’s no going back."

The tall woman lifted her head up to kiss her Soulmate gently on the lips to calm Gabrielle down.

Gabrielle took a deep breath to let her passion settle down.

Xena pressed her lips to the top of Gabrielle’s forehead in love. She knew they needed to talk. "Sit down."

The small knight nodded as she reluctantly moved out of her Soulmate’s arms and sat on the bed with a sigh.

The older woman grabbed a wood chair spun it around so the back faced Gabrielle. She sat down in it with a flop and propped her arms up on the top of the chair. Leaning forward, Xena rested her chin on her arms.

"So what’s the plan now for the army?"

The warrior took a deep breath. "Get them to Arthur. That’s all we can do." She let out a sigh. "Mordred hurt us bad."

Gabrielle nodded with sadness. "Yeah, I am sure Arthur knows what’s happen."

"Yes, as soon as we retreated I sent a messenger to Arthur."

The small warrior moved her head in understanding. "Good." Lifting her eyes to Xena she asked her next question in a whisper. "What about us?"

Xena straightened up and went very serious. "We’re leaving when the battle begins."

"When will the battle begin?"

"In two days I believe at sunrise."

Gabrielle reached over to grab her gloves and place them into her lap. "Are we going to watch the battle at least?"

Xena was about to respond but she saw Sir Galahad step in with burning eyes and angry look.

"What’s going on?" Sir Galahad quickly reached to his sword’s hilt getting ready to draw it.

The warrior was about to react but she wasn’t as fast as Gabrielle.

For the bard was in front of Galahad with her hand falling to his right hand which held the sword. "Don’t Galahad."

Xena was standing tense and her eyes pinned on Galahad.

Sir Galahad stared into Gabrielle’s rich emerald eyes. "I heard what you two said. You’re not fighting in the battle. I can’t believe you two are traitors to Camelot as well."

"We’re not Galahad." Gabrielle squeezed the man’s hand gently. "Please believe me Galahad." She took a deep breath. "Xena and I will try to explain as best as possible but it’s not what you think. Please trust me." She kept her eyes locked with Galahad’s flashing amber eyes.

Sir Galahad breathed deeply and studied his friend’s eyes and saw a plea for trust in them. He also saw a love in them that was deeply hidden. Very slowly his right hand slipped free of the sword’s hilt and he felt Gabriele squeeze his hand again.

"Thank you." The small warrior smiled to the knight.

Galahad nodded sternly and dropped his hand to his side. "Start explaining." His eyes went to Xena. "The both of you."

"Alright we will." Gabrielle backed away and sat down on Xena’s bed. "Sit down Galahad."

The knight shook his head. "I prefer to stand for this one." His arms went against his chest.

Xena sighed and sat back down in her chair.

The younger woman took a deep breath and gazed up to her friend. "Galahad, it’s complicated about why Xena and I can’t fight in the battle."

The knight shrugged his shoulders. "I have all night."

Gabrielle sighed and dropped her head in frustration.

The Warrior Princess quickly took over. "Look Galahad, Gabrielle and myself would love to tell you why but we can not. As Gabrielle said, it’s complicated."

"And why is it so complicated?" Galahad looked between the two women.

"It just is Galahad." The smaller woman’s head whipped up with burning eyes. "Don’t you think I want to fight in this battle Galahad? I love Camelot and Arthur as much as you do. So does Xena. We would not be here if we did not." She shook her head. "You just have to trust us on this. We can not fight in the battle because it will mess a lot of things up."

Galahad shook his head with narrow eyes. "You both are cheap for friends then." He lifted his right hand to point at Gabrielle. "You’re asking me to trust you? How can I trust you when you won’t even trust me to tell me what’s going on?" He narrowed his eyes. "I am not here to play games with people like you."

"Fine." Gabrielle jumped to her feet and unsheathed her sword. She spun it. "This is why." Her sword came towards her stomach.

Xena quickly stood up with her hands on the chair’s head.

"No Gabrielle!" Galahad jumped forward but was too late as his hands wrapped around Gabrielle’s hands.

The sword went cutting through Gabrielle’s stomach and out her back, she never flinched.

Galahad’s eyes widen. "Gabrielle?" He frantically pulled the sword back out. "No… no."

Gabrielle helped Galahad and pushed the sword out of her stomach and right between the chain mail. Once the blade came out she held it up and straightened her back out.

The knight’s eyes were pinned directly on Gabrielle’s blade. "Oh my god." He was now quite beyond baffled as he stared at the bloodless sword. "But… but." His eyes fell to Gabrielle’s stomach and with a shake hand he touched where the sword had entered. He felt no blood. "How… how…" He glanced back at Xena then back to Gabrielle.

The warrior faintly grinned to her Soulmate. "You get to explain this on your own Gabrielle."

The bard gave a smirk. "No problem."

The tall woman inwardly chuckled and sat back down with an amused look.

The small knight’s eyes went back to Galahad. "So wanna sit down now?"

Galahad blinked and peeped out, "Yeah."

Xena quietly laughed and reached to her left to grab a chair and she swung it towards Galahad.

The man took a stepped away and took the chair, he set it down and fell into the chair. "Who are you both?"

Gabrielle took a deep breath and sheathed her sword easily. She then sat back down. "That’s the really interesting part."

"I am starting to think so." Galahad slightly grinned as he began to get over his shock. "I was ready to have you fall dead in my arms. Thank god you didn’t."

The small knight smiled a little at that but went serious. "You see Galahad, Xena and I are not quite… well from this time period." She stopped as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Well we are but we’re not… Awe Hades."

Galahad arched an eyebrow. "Well you’re definitely Greek if you’re saying Hades but I know Greece is into Catholic religion and not Greek mythology."

"It’s not mythology Galahad." Xena’s lips creased into a large grin. "It was real and was forgotten."

Sir Galahad crossed his arms in his lap and sat back in his chair. "And how would either of you know this?" He looked between Gabrielle and Xena. "And why did that sword not kill her?"

Gabrielle sighed knowing it was over due for the truth. "Galahad, Xena and I are immortal."


Sir Galahad’s head then began to very slowly bob up and down as he came to an understanding. "Right on." He laughed out of shock and ran his right hand through his curly hair. "Well that would explain a lot of things." His hand fell to his lap.

Gabrielle closed her eyes and whispered out, "Sorry." She opened her eyes. "We wanted to tell you Galahad but there are risks in telling people."

The man nodded a few times. "It’s okay. I wouldn’t tell anybody either if I could live forever." He furrowed his eyebrows. "So why not fight against Mordred? You’d be such a great asset."

"Because we can not… fiddle with history to much Galahad." Xena sighed unhappily. "We’re immortal and we can not let people catch on by history."

The knight gave a small grin. "But… history is never on key."

"True." Gabrielle shook her head. "But we can not take the risk. Xena and I could be hunted for being immortal."

Sir Galahad sighed unhappily. "That’s true. People would either become scared of such a thing or so amazed they’d like to poke and probe you till they understood." Now Galahad began to understand something himself. "That’s why you both left Greece. Because everybody you knew was passing away while you still were alive."

Xena turned her head to Galahad. "That is mainly why we left."

The knight shook his head at that idea. "I am sorry. I am sure it’s hard." He gave a smile of apology to Gabrielle and Xena. "Thank you for trusting me… even though I sort of forced it on."

The bard quietly laughed at her friend. "It’s alright." She took a deep breath. "Now that it’s in the open between us Galahad I assume you know to keep it to yourself."

"Of course." Galahad smiled very warmly. "It is not in my nature to tell secrets." He chuckled. "Secrets are fun between certain people." But he lost his smile. "So where do you both plan to go?"

"We don’t know yet." Xena stretched her legs out.

The man crossed his legs at the ankle. "You both can’t stay in England, that’s for sure."

"No." Gabrielle shook her head. "We’ll probably go back to Europe."

Galahad lifted his eyes to the small knight. "To Greece?"

"Not for a long time Galahad." Xena had her eyes locked with Galahad’s. "Who knows where we’ll go."

Sir Galahad let his breath out. "Well… they say Spain is a beautiful country."

"Maybe we’ll find out." Gabrielle gave a small grin but let it slip as she thought about leaving. For the first time she really didn’t want to leave England and that only was because of Galahad.

The knight nodded a few times and he sighed sadly. "Well wherever you both go… I know it won’t be easy on my part."

"Nor ours." Xena flashed a sad smile to her friend. "This is never the fun part."

"I can imagine." The man switched his crossed legs. "I still feel like I’ve known you both for a real long time." He quietly laughed.

Gabrielle and Xena both joined in the laugh. If only Galahad knew, if only.

Gabrielle gradually stood up. "Well… either way Galahad. I’ve loved these past days with you. Good memories… despite the small Mordred problem."

Galahad’s lips shaped into a grin. "Agreed." He stood up with his grin going into a smile.

The bard pulled her friend in for a strong hug and she buried her head into Galahad’s shoulder.

The knight held the small woman tightly for he felt like this was not just a friend but a person he held a sisterly bond with forever.

Gabrielle carefully pulled back with her warm smile and her eyes stung but she held back easily. "I better head back to my tent."

Galahad nodded. "I need to as well." He turned to the warrior. "Xena?"

With a smile, Xena stood up and held her right hand out. "Galahad."

The knight laughed and took the other knight’s hand briskly. He shook hard. "Always enjoyed your fighting skills."

"Thanks." The tall woman grinned but gave a hard pulled to bring Galahad in. She wrapped her free arm around the man and hugged him strongly.

Galahad chuckled and hugged back as he felt his arm locked between bodies. Slowly he pulled back. "Don’t change Xena."

"Nah." Xena released the man and crossed her arms against her chest.

Sir Galahad turned to Gabrielle. "I’ll walk you to your tent."

"Thanks." The small warrior tucked her gloves under her arm and turned her attention to Xena. "I’ll be back."

The warrior devilishly grinned. "I know."

"Right on ladies." Galahad quickly turned to head out of the tent flap.

Gabrielle laughed while Xena snickered. The warrior winked to her Soulmate and Gabrielle smiled back as she ducked out of the tent.


The smaller knight buried her head more under Xena’s chin and closed her eyes.

The warrior smiled as she let her fingertips glide up and down her Soulmate’s smooth back. She had her bare body tightly pressed against Gabrielle’s own nude body. They’d been amazingly quiet. "You were rather dramatic earlier."

The younger woman snickered. "With the sword?"

"Uh huh." Xena shut her eyes with ease. "You could have just cut your hand."

"You know me Xen. I had to get the point across."

"More like the point through." Xena followed that with a low laugh.

"Hardy har har warrior." Gabrielle squeezed her Soulmate’s waist tightly and loosened her hold again. "I need to go back to my own tent."

"Mmm." The tall woman’s long fingers still went up and down the bard’s back. "In minute."

Gabrielle grinned against her partner’s skin. "Sounds good." Taking a long breath she let it out slowly. "We’re suppose to meet up with Arthur tomorrow?"

"Yesss… around the afternoon or so." Xena brought her hand all the way up Gabrielle’s back to her short hair and began to massage Gabrielle’s head.

The small warrior moaned faintly in reaction to the massage. "Where… where you think we should go?"

"I don’t know yet." Xena nuzzled her Soulmate. "Any thoughts?"

"What about that new country uh… France."

The warrior considered the idea and the country. "That was Gaul."

"Yeah." Gabrielle lifted her head. "If we go there you know what that means?"

Xena rolled her eyes. "Another language to learn."

The small knight snickered and lowered her head down to peer into blue eyes. "French… I heard it’s suppose to be romantic."

The tall woman slowly arched an eyebrow. "Romantic… how is that?"

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me." She quietly laughed. "Far as I am concerned Greek is just fine." Then her eyebrows furrowed. "Why you complaining anyway Xena?" A small grin now. "You’re the one that likes languages and learns them faster."

Xena gave her own grin. "True. Buttt in my vast knowledge of languages I have little space for yet another language."

The bard laughed and let her lips go into a smile. "You’ll live."

"Understatement love."

"I know." Gabrielle leaned in to take her Soulmate’s lips. "Just immortal."

The warrior didn’t waste time and let her hands slip down to Gabrielle’s stomach and pressed hard against the muscular stomach.

Gabrielle pulled back from the kiss and shut her eyes and let the sensation of Xena’s hands slide up her stomach to her breasts take her over. "Oh gods."

Xena grinned. "God."

The smaller woman’s eyes flew open with a sparkle. "Whatever." She quickly rolled to find herself on top of Xena. Her hips straddled directly over Xena’s hips. "When’s sunrise?"

The older woman’s lips went into a cat grin. "Five hours." Her large hands came up to grasp Gabrielle’s upper thighs and let her thumbs rub against the smaller woman’s lower abdomen.

"Good." Gabrielle bent forward feeling Xena’s hands slide along her stomach. Her body turned into a blaze of fire. "Plenty of time." Her lips quickly took Xena’s into a wild fire kiss.

The warrior moaned deeply and slid her hands to Gabrielle’s ass and began to push the bard.

~*Part 5*~

Gabrielle lifted her helmet and attached it to her saddle. She then patted Torqueo on the rump.

Torqueo turned his head and whined to his owner. He seemed to smile.

The bard smiled right back. "How are you boy?"

The stallion’s head bobbed up and down with a nicker.

"Good." The bard strolled up to her horse’s front and carefully grasped his head. Leaning forward she placed a soft kiss to the center of Torqueo’s face. Raising her head up again, she patted Torqueo. "Love you boy." After that she heard a small tinning on her shoulders, metal hitting metal.

"What about me?"

Gabrielle closed her eyes at hearing her Soulmate’s voice. "Oh, that’s just another area in itself." She opened her eyes, turned around, and she felt her partner’s hand leave her shoulders.

Xena smiled warmly. "Sleep well last night?"

The smaller warrior quietly laughed. "After I left? Yes… one hour was great."

"Agreed." The tall woman lifted her gaze to scan the camp seeing everybody almost ready to go. "Let’s step out of the camp for a moment." Her eyes came down to Gabrielle again.

The smaller woman nodded and started walking beside her partner out of the camp. "What’s up?"

The warrior gazed forward as she felt warm inside of her armor.

Gabrielle peered up to her Soulmate knowing she wasn’t going to get a response. And that’s how she knew her warrior was in need of her physically. It only made her grin while she gazed forward again. The physical was hardly spoken between them only shown.

Xena took a long breath once she felt safe out of the camp. Turning her head to Gabrielle she stopped walking. "Williams is to walk." Her right hand came up to her hilt to rest there. "I’ll be in charge of him."

The small warrior nodded and crossed her arms against her armored chest. "Anything else?"

"Yes." The tall woman quickly closed in to take Gabrielle into a fury kiss.

The younger woman disappeared into the kiss as she stepped back once and leaned against a tree.

Xena broke the kiss and leaned her head against her partner’s forehead. "Oh God."

Gabrielle smiled warmly. "After affects of last night?"

The warrior quietly laughed. "Yesss." She brought her lips down again to steal Gabrielle into passion. And when she pulled back her head leaned against her Soulmate’s neck.

The small knight brought her hands to her friend’s waist. "Ssssh." She gently kissed her warrior’s forehead. "You’re driving me crazy too."

Xena chuckled deeply and pressed her lips against her friend’s neck lightly. Lifting her head again she kissed Gabrielle lovingly this time. This kiss wasn’t just loving but also long and sensual.

The Soulmates became lost into their kiss that they didn’t hear the quiet movement from behind at first.

But then both warriors knew that somebody was coming towards them. Quickly they pulled away from each other.

The Warrior Princess quickly turned around in a fluent motion with her sword coming out.

Gabrielle stepped up to her partner’s side with her sword coming out.


Xena now had a huge grin.

Gabrielle though broke down laughing while lowering her sword. "Oh god… sorry Galahad."

Galahad lowered his hands. "Sorry myself."

The warrior sheathed her sword. "It’s alright."

The warrior bard shook her head and stopped laughing. Her sword’s tip dug into the ground and she leaned against it. "So, why did you came looking for us?"

Galahad raised an eyebrow. "You’re kidding right?" His mouth had a grin. "The army is ready to go."

Gabrielle gazed up to her partner. "Oops."

Xena chuckled and placed her hand on the bard’s closes shoulder. "Got a little carried away."

The man’s eyes widen. "Don’t tell me." He sighed with a shake of his head. "Ludicrous."

The tall woman raised an eyebrow, she turned her head to Gabrielle. "Ludicrous."

Gabrielle nodded and sheathed her sword. "Ludicrous huh?" She turned to Xena with her left arm going around her Soulmate’s shoulder

"Yessss." Xena was grasping Gabrielle at her waist.

"I doubt that." Gabrielle grinned and waited for Xena to take the rest.

The warrior leaned down to kiss her partner gently on the lips.

Galahad closed his eyes as a warm blush took over. His eyes open again to see the Soulmate slowly pull back with their eyes locked. "Right on ladies." He turned his back on them and started walking with a grin. "Time to go… Soulmates."

The Soulmates laughed together at their friend’s reaction. They finally decided to head back to the army after releasing each other. And once Xena entered into the camp her smile fell and her eyes went cold. She went straight to Williams with her evil grin.


"Gabrielle?" The warrior sat high in her saddle as she walked at the head of the army. She’d called in a yell for her Soulmate.

The small warrior kicked Torqueo to come cantering from the back of the army to the front. She came up to Xena’s right side. On the left side walked Sir Williams with his hands tied tightly. "Yes?"

The Warrior Princess never looked away from the road. "Ride ahead and meet up with Arthur. Find out where he wants to camp then come back."

Gabrielle nodded. "Right away." She was about to spur Torqueo but stopped from her partner’s movement and words.

"And Gabrielle…" Xena turned her head to her Soulmate with a serious look. "Be careful." She gave a warm smile.

The bard wink. "Definitely." After her words she mouthed, ‘I love you.’

The tall woman’s smile went from warm to loving. "I know." Now she mouth, ‘I love you too.’

The small knight took a deep breath with her smile. "Be back." She kicked Torqueo and went racing down the road.

Xena kept her eyes pinned on her Soulmate down the road in the woods. She took a very deep breath.

Galahad came up to Xena’s side now. "She headed to Arthur?"

"Yess." The Warrior Princess turned her head to the knight. "How you feel?"

"After this morning… not to bad."

Xena quietly laughed but went very serious. "You’re not angry about it?"

"No no." Galahad quietly laughed with a smile. "Not at all. It’s all the same." He chuckled.

"Good." The tall woman smiled and looked forward again.

The man gazed across to Sir Williams. "How you doing back there Williams?" His voice was cold.

Sir Williams slowly lifted his hooded eyes to Galahad, he glared.

Xena glimpsed back to the traitor with a cat smile. "He’s fine." She reached to her saddle horn and jerked hard the rope to Williams.

The traitor almost went stumbling to his face but just kept his footfall.

The warrior deeply laughed and turned her attention to Galahad again. "I am being to nice to him."

"Really?" Galahad wasn’t sarcastic but his voice filled with wonderment.

"Yes." Xena took a long breath and swayed in her saddle. "I use to kill people for less."

The man dropped his eyes and lifted them back to the woman. "Were you always a fighter for the light?"

"No." The tall knight took a long breath as she remember her far past. "A long time ago I was a warlord."

"Warlord?" Galahad furrowed his eyebrows. "You mean like a commander of an army?"

"Something like that." Xena sighed. "Except the only thing warlords do is create war and bloodshed, never peace."

The knight’s head moved up and down. "How… how do you ended up becoming a warlord?"

The warrior’s sad eyes moved to Galahad. "Because I wanted to protect my village. But… eventually I left home and fell into darkness." Her head bobbed up and down as she talked now out of thought. "But that’s far in the past."

Galahad sighed and shifted in his saddle. "True." He gave a very sad smile. "But I know the past can still come back to haunt."

"It can." Xena now gave a grin. "Yet after a few centuries it can get a little hard."

The knight quietly laughed. "I can imagine." He paused while he thought of another question. "How did you get out of the darkness?"

"Wasn’t easy." The Warrior Princess’s eyes went to the road ahead. "I didn’t ask to leave it but it sort of just happened." She paused figuring the right words. "An old friend of mine made me look through a different perspective but there was no way I could have made the perspective mine or even believe it."

"Then… Gabrielle must have had something to do with it."

The tall woman nodded. "She had a lot of something to do with it. I met her directly after leaving my army and we slowly became friends. She always…." Xena paused trying to find the perfect words. "Gabrielle… she has a rare ability to take everything bad or evil and make it good." She smiled warmly to Galahad. "She’s filled with a lot of love and never ending hope."

The man smiled. "I can feel that." He sad smiled a little. "But she’s changed since the first days huh?"

"Yes." Xena looked away. "She has over time." She turned her head to Galahad again with a smile. "Although Gabrielle always manages to retain her core deep inside safely. Its never been tapped to be infected by darkness."

The knight had his own smile. "She seems very amazing."

"She is." Xena gave a warm smile and gazed ahead again.


Sir Williams felt his feet come out from under him and he went to his knees. Lifting his brown eyes, he gazed up at an older man.

"I’m glad you didn’t kill him."

Xena gave her cat grin. "He’s lucky." She crossed her arms against her armor-clad chest as she stood behind Williams.

Arthur nodded and lowered his eyes to Williams again. "Williams, I would have never imagined."

The traitor shot a grin. "You’ve been getting surprised a lot lately Arthur. I hope that scares you." Suddenly he felt a deep pain to the back of his neck that shot down his back. He sucked in a breath.

The warrior bent forward close the man’s right ear. "And we both know your death will be soon. I hope that scares you."

Williams closed his eyes.

Xena slowly rose back up and gazed at the king. "My Lord?"

Arthur nodded to his knight.

The Warrior Princess quickly shot her hands down to unlock the pressure points. Reaching down with both hands she hauled Williams’s to his feet. "Guards."

The three guards that had been watching over Williams last night came up quickly.

"Take him away."

One knight nodded and grabbed Williams giving him a push towards the center of the camp. The traitor and his guards disappeared.

Arthur took a long breath. "He’ll be tried in Camelot."

Xena moved her head in understanding. "I know." She took a long breath. "How are the men doing?"

The king nodded his head to his tent. "Come inside." He turned towards his tent in went inside.

The warrior followed in behind. "I take it not good."

The king took a long breath and sighed it out. "No, they’re shaken up I am afraid Xena."

"Because of the failure of the surprise attack I assume?"

"Yes." Arthur took a step back and sat in his wood chair. "They believe tomorrow will be a failure and hundreds will be slaughtered."

The tall woman’s head moved up and down. "It won’t." She sadly smiled to Arthur. "Just worry about keeping them in order. Once they’re in the heat of the battle they’ll give everything they have."

"I hope so Xena." Arthur’s arms went against his chest. "But, I am glad you, Gabrielle, and Galahad made it here safely."

"Yes." The warrior nodded. "We are as well."

"Good." Arthur stood up. "Right now, I believe it is a good idea to check on the men."

"Yes of course." Xena smiled. "I believe I will find my partner."

"I saw her earlier with her horse."

The tall female nodded. "Figures."

The king quietly laughed. "I take it she has a bond with the horse."

"Oh yes." Xena grinned and moved to the tent flap. She ducked outside.

Arthur came up beside the woman.

The warrior took a deep breath and gazed seriously to the king of Camelot. "I’m sorry Arthur."

The king looked up quickly. "Xena, you had no idea about Williams." He shook his head. "I should be the one apologizing for embracing Williams with open arms and not testing him first."

Xena’s lips formed into a sad smile. "Few can embrace with open arms Arthur. That’s one reason why Gabrielle and I came to Camelot."

Arthur had his own sad smile. "Thank you." He shook his head faintly. "Well I’ll leave you off to search out your friend."

"Thank you." The warrior smiled and walked off in the dusk sunlight. Soon she found herself on the opposite of the camp where they horses were held. She quickly found her Soulmate finishing with a grooming with Torqueo. Xena grinned and came up beside Gabrielle. "Not even Argo gets this much love from me."

Gabrielle quietly laughed and turned her head to Xena. "No? Poor Argo."

The older woman smirked. "She’ll live."

"Right." The small warrior grinned and gazed back to Torqueo. "I’ll only have so long to spoil him."

Xena sighed unhappily and reached forward to pet the stallion. "True."

A small silence hung in the air for a small time.

But Gabrielle was the one to break that silence. "How was Arthur?"

"Worried." The warrior’s attention went to Gabrielle now. "The men are scared."

The small knight shook her head. "Damn." She ran her right hand through her hair. "Think there’s anything we can do?"

"No." Xena gazed back to Torqueo. "That’s… the way it needs to be Gabrielle."

"I know." The bard looked away and petted her horse’s face. She began to notice how hot she was getting in her armor now. "Tomorrow won’t be easy."

"It won’t." The older woman’s voice was in a whisper. Only a whisper because if it were any louder it would shatter her love for Arthur and Camelot. Shatter her love she held for Galahad. Not just her love but also her Soulmate’s. So this could only be ushered in low whispers.

So there was a whispered response from Gabrielle. "I… don’t know if I’ll be able to… watch tomorrow Xena." The warrior bard gazed up with guilt in her eyes. "It’ll be to hard."

"I know." Xena shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes again she retorted back with an usher. "We can’t get involved and that’s all there is to it."

"Yeah." Gabrielle gave a small unassured nod. Slowly her eyes rest back on Xena. "Let’s go?"

Xena nodded and turned away from the horse.

The bard leaned forward and gave her horse a kiss on the forehead and shifted to walk beside Xena.

The Soulmates went directly into the camp again. They kept going until they were in the bard’s tent and way from the world.

Once inside, the bard began to take her armor off.

Xena for a moment let a grin slip across her lips. With an amused sigh she shifted to stand behind Gabrielle. She began to help remove the armor.

"Thanks." Gabrielle grasped the armor on her arms and began to remove it.

"Anytime." The warrior continued unhooking the metallic armor.

"So Williams is going to be tried in Camelot… right?"

The chest armor fell off and Xena caught it. "Yes." She removed the armor from Gabrielle’s body and threw it to the bed. Her large hands then went to the other woman’s right arm to unhook the armor there. "Should be interesting to see what happens to him."

"Yeah." Gabrielle threw her armor from her right arm to her bed. It slightly hit the chest armor and clanked. "I hope he gets stuck in a cell for life."

"I’d rather see him die." Xena pulled off the armor and tossed it to the bed as well.

The small warrior turned around to face her Soulmate. "That’s being to nice then."

The taller woman arched an eyebrow. "How?"

"Easy way out." The younger woman gave a small grin. "Being stuck in a cell for life can get rather boring."

Xena quietly laughed. "How true." She leaned down to kiss her partner lightly.

"Mmm." Gabrielle’s hands went to her friend’s armored waist. "Get this armor off."

The warrior laughed in the kiss and pulled back with a warm smile. She reached down to begin to take her armor apart.

The smaller knight soon joined in, helping remove the armor quickly.

After most of the armor was gone, Gabrielle soon found herself in her Soulmate’s arms.

Xena nuzzled her partner’s head and sighed. "What you think?"

"I think I am really angry." The bard let out a sigh of frustration.

"Same here." The warrior tightened her arms around her Soulmate’s warm body. "But we can’t do anything."

"You really think people would remember?" Gabrielle lifted her head to lock eyes with Xena.

For a time Xena considered it. Whether people today would remember who they were and what they did. Would they ever? If they did would they ever figure out she and Gabrielle were immortal? But do the answers to these questions even really matter? The answers hardly matter what did matter was the fact there was questions. Questions meant risks and Xena was not prepared to risk her immortal life let alone Gabrielle’s. Xena did not want Gabrielle and herself to spend eternity being hunted or persecuted for their immortality. Because she knew it would happen, man’s awes and misunderstandings. Nor shall they tamper with man’s destiny so that the bad things are averted so much as is the good things. "They will Gabrielle."

The bard lowered her head down against the other female’s shoulder and shut her eyes slowly. "If I’d know this would be so hard I would have never agreed with Zeus."

The warrior’s right hand came up to carefully run through Gabrielle’s short hair. "There’s good things and bad things to this."

The smaller woman chuckled. "True." She rolled her head to let her lips press against Xena’s shoulder. After that she rested the side of her head against the shoulder again. "I like watching how things change through time."

Xena grinned and responded. "Things don’t change, people change which makes things change."

Gabrielle lifted her head and shook her head. "I thought I was the bard?"

The warrior laughed and leaned forward to place a kiss on Gabrielle’s head. "You are, I just give a little… Xena-ism once in a few."

The younger woman broke out laughing and leaned against her knight. "Xena-ism? Gods, I gotta remember that one."

"Well…" Xena slipped her hands up Gabrielle’s light shirt. "It’s never good as your Gabrielle-ism."

"Right." Gabrielle lifted her head again with a smug look. "Is that something like bard-ism and warrior-ism."

"If I recall right Gabrielle, you are a warrior too."

The small warrior’s expression became filled with selfish pride and a smirk to add. "I know, I have many skills."

"So I’ve noticed." The Warrior Princess leaned in to take her Soulmate’s lips strongly. Her hands under Gabrielle’s shirt began to move again.

Gabrielle dropped her head back and closed her eyes. Slowly her hands moved to Xena’s and held hers. Lifted her head while opening her eyes she gave an evil grin. "Let me show you one now Xena." Her eyes sparkled as she leaned towards Xena and kissed her passionately.

Xena gave the same force into her returning kiss. "I love this skill." She continued to fall into Gabrielle.

And Gabrielle easily took Xena.


The small warrior reached down to the ground as she sat on it. She could feel the heat from the campfire in front of her. Her small fingers lifted a little pebble. Her eyes came up to see Galahad sitting on the other side of the fire. Turning her head to the right, she studied her Soulmate.

Xena sat on the ground cross-legged with a content look. She was listening to something Galahad was saying with nods here and there.

Gabrielle moved the small rock between her fingers and grinned at the armor still on Xena’s legs. Switching the pebble to her right hand, she looked up to Galahad.

Sir Galahad continued talking to Xena with a huge grin.

The warrior bard grinned herself at seeing that familiar grin on Galahad’s lips. She also noticed the deep gleam to Galahad’s eyes. All she wanted for Galahad was happiness and all she could do was hope for happiness. With a sigh Gabrielle turned her head to Xena again. Biting her lower lip, the bard tossed the small pebble at the warrior to hit her armor.

Galahad stopped talking at hearing the small ping of metal. His eyes shifted over to Gabrielle with a raised eyebrow.

Xena ran her tongue across her back molars and turned her head to Gabrielle. She found her small Soulmate looking everywhere but at her. With a grin, Xena picked up the same pebble and tossed it at Gabrielle.

As soon as the small rock hit the bard’s armor, she broke out laughing. Gabrielle laughed for a few more seconds and turned her head to Xena with a grin. "Sorry, it sort of… flew from my fingers on its own."

"Right." The warrior’s eyes twinkled. "Same thing happened to me. Damn pebbles."

Sir Galahad laughed at the two women and smiled warmly. "Was I that boring Gabrielle?"

"Nope." The bard smiled to her friend. "You never are Galahad." She took a long breath and lowered her eyes to the ground. "Will you stay with Arthur Galahad?"

The knight moved his head up and down. "Yes." He warmly smiled. "That’s where I belong."

Gabrielle sadly nodded in answer.

Xena studied her partner with worried eyes. But slowly she shifted her attention to Galahad. "Is that where you want to be Galahad?"

"Of definitely." Sir Galahad warmly smiled to Xena. "I don’t think I’d be happier anywhere else."

The small warrior lifted her attention to the man. "Good." Her own lips went into a smile. "That’s important."

Galahad nodded and shifted a little as he sat on the log. "What about you both?" He narrowed his eyes. "You can’t tell me constantly moving is a good thing." He shook his head. "I don’t understand why you don’t stay in Camelot."

"Believe me, we would love to Galahad." Gabrielle shook her head and lowered her voice. "But people will notice the fact Xena and I do not age. And the fact will stand true that we won’t fight tomorrow and we can not return to Camelot as cowards."

"But we know that’s not true." Galahad fisted up his right hand. "You just can’t pick up and go."

"We have to Galahad." Xena gazed over to her Soulmate but back to the knight. "We may know it’s not true but nobody else here does." Xena placed her hands to her knees. "I wish we could stay but it is to risky for us."

The man sadly nodded and ran his right hand through his curly locks. "If there was only some way around it."

"There isn’t." Gabrielle sighed unhappily. "I wish there was." The frustration came to life inside of her again and it made her lower her head and shut her eyes.

The warrior felt the frustration as well but held it down. "That’s the way it is Galahad. We have to do it even though we don’t like it."

The knight lowered his amber eyes to the fire and said nothing more.

Xena carefully reached over in the darkness of the night to Gabrielle and grasped her hand, squeezing.

Gabrielle lifted her eyes to Xena with sadness.

The warrior smiled reassuringly.

The bard only gave a sad smile and squeezed back for dear life.

Xena released her friend’s hand and gazed back to Galahad. "Have you ever thought of a family Galahad?"

The man smiled at the question. "Oh yes." He looked away in shyness. "I just have trouble find that person I want to create a family with."

Gabrielle’s lips took on a grin. "You will in time. It’ll be worth the wait."

"I know." The knight took a long breath. "I would love to have a son." He gave a small grin. "Teach him honor and how to be a knight."

The warrior quietly chuckled with her sympathetic smile. "You’d be a perfect father."

"Thank you." Galahad lowered his eyes to the ground. "Will... you both return to England some time?" His eyes came back up.

Gabrielle turned her head to her Soulmate as Xena did the same. The pair studied each other’s eyes in communication. It was decided. So Gabrielle looked back to Galahad. "Some day." Some day… a long day away.

"I hope so." The knight had a smile. "I would love to see you both again."

"Definitely." Gabrielle smiled but inside she was hurting. She knew the truth, always has. "Well…" She gave her attention to her partner. "I think we better head to our tents." Her eyes shifted to Galahad.

The man nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, it’s getting late. It’ll be a hard day tomorrow."

How right Sir Galahad is with such words.

"It will be." Xena gradually stood with her right hand resting on her sword’s hilt.

Gabrielle also stood up with her arms against her chest.

Galahad sat up and walked around the fire to his friends. "You both sleep well."

"Of course." The warrior faintly nodded.

The man took a deep breath. "Please make sure you both see me before you leave."

A smile took Gabrielle. "We will, promise." She took a step forward to hug her friend.

When they pulled back, Galahad’s eyes were stinging. "Goodnight Gabrielle." His eyes went to Xena. "Goodnight Xena."

"Goodnight Galahad." Xena warmly smiled.

Gabrielle wrapped her arms over her stomach. "Sleep well Galahad."

"I will, thank you." Galahad gave one last smile and lowered his head to go to his tent.

The small warrior turned to her best friend. "Time to hit the old hay."

Xena quietly laughed in response. "Come on."

The Soulmates left the campfire and walked through the dark camp towards the tents. They came first to the warrior’s tent.

The tall woman stood by the tent flap and turned her head to Gabrielle. "Sleep well huh?"

A quiet response. "Yeah." The younger woman still had her arms over her stomach.

The Warrior Princess straightened up and turned to her Soulmate. Bending forward she placed a gentle kiss to Gabrielle’s forehead. "Come on." She went inside and heard Gabrielle follow in behind. She walked glanced up to Gabrielle while her hands went to her sword’s belt. "Sit down on the bed."

Gabrielle nodded and walked over to the bed, she still had her sword on and her leg armor.

Xena placed her sword on the small desk and walked over to Gabrielle. Bending down to one knee she reached forward to unhook the sword’s belt. Xena had her own leg armor still on. After she took the sword off she placed it on the ground by the bed. Next with ease, she climbed onto the bed behind her Soulmate to lay. "Come here."

Gabrielle turned on the bed and laid down into her Soulmate’s arms. She felt strong protective arms enclose her.

The warrior tangled her legs up with Gabrielle’s and it created a small clank from the armor. It made Xena chuckle.

The warrior bard laughed lightly and dug her head under Xena’s chin. "Thanks Xena."

"Sshhh." She pulled Gabrielle in closer. "Try to go to sleep."

"Xena-" Gabrielle was cut off from her protest.

"Don’t worry." Xena brushed back some of her partner’s hair. "I want to sleep with you tonight."

The younger woman smiled against her best friend’s neck. "Same here."

"I know." The tall female kissed the top of her Soulmate’s head. "Go to sleep."

"Yeah." Gabrielle closed her eyes and kissed her warrior’s neck gently. "I love you."

"I love you Gabrielle." Xena shut her eyes with a small smile and let sleep take her and Gabrielle away.

~*Part 6*~

Xena petted Argo along the neck. "Not a nice morning girl."

Argo threw her head up and down in agreement. She stamped her right hoof.

"Yeah I agree." The warrior sighed and lifted the reins over her mare’s head. "Well it could be worse huh?"

The warhorse nickered.

The tall woman then heard the clip clop of a horse’s hooves coming up from behind. She turned around to see her Soulmate and Torqueo. "Hey."

Gabrielle smiled to her Soulmate. "Hey." She gazed back at Torqueo. "We’re ready."

"Argo is almost ready." Xena glanced back to her horse. "Where’s Galahad?"

"I’m not sure. I saw him earlier but I don’t know where he is now."

"Mmm." The warrior’s head bobbed up and down. "Probably getting ready."

"Yeah, that’s what I thought."

Xena turned around to completely face her partner. "We’re going to have to go back to Camelot before we can leave England."

The small female sighed. "That’s what I figured. We need out stuff and money."

"Yes." The older woman’s eyes darted away but back to her friend. "We’ll have to sneak into the city. It won’t be fun."

"But we need to do it." Gabrielle now had a grin. "I am not leaving my leathers or sais in Camelot."

The knight laughed with an amused smile. "And I don’t want to leave my chakram in Camelot."

"Oh don’t I know."

Xena turned back to her horse and proceeded to mount the mare.

Gabrielle decided to do the same and was up on Torqueo as soon as Xena was on Argo.

"Excited about going on a ship back to Europe?"

The bard rolled her eyes. "Thrilled."

The Warrior Princess laughed and tapped Argo’s sides to walk beside Torqueo. "At least you won’t get sick."

"No… I’ll feel sick but never threw up. Wish I could for once." Gabrielle sighed with a shake of the head.

The taller female laughed a little and stopped as she saw herself coming close to Arthur and his knights.

"Here we go." Gabrielle straightened up and went serious.

"Yup." The warrior did the same.


"My lord, they’re just on the other side of the open hill." The scout pointed to the hill a few lengths ahead.

Arthur lifted his eyes to the hill. "How large is the army?"

The scout sighed sadly. "Large my Lord, around five hundred."

The king nodded and gazed back to his scout. "Thank you."

The scout smiled. "Welcome." He then ran off to join into the force.

"What you think my Lord?"

Arthur turned his head to Sir Galahad. "It’s time to snub Mordred out."

Galahad nodded his head. "Agreed immensely."

The king shifted in his saddle and gazed around at his ten Knights of the Round Table. "Alright, we’re going to charge over that hill. Once we do we are to attack in rage." Arthur glanced around at his knights. "Is that clear?" His knights nodded quickly and he continued on. "The battle will not end until Mordred is dead. Is that clear too?" Ten movements from the knights in understanding. "Good." He paused while shifting his attention to the large hill again. "There’s no going back." Reaching to his sword, he extracted Excalibur.

The Knights of the Round Table unsheathed their swords and placed the tip in front of Arthur.

The King of Camelot placed the tip of Excalibur down on the collection of swords. "To protect the light!"

"To protect the light!" The knights all yelled in unison. Without no other words or commands the ten knights all split up. Two knights went to the left side of the army, two on the right side of the army. Then two other knights went into the center of the army. Galahad, Gabrielle, and Xena rode to the back of the army.

Then there was Gawain that stayed beside his king. "Ready my Lord?"

"For war? Never." The king raised his sword. "Attack!" He broke his horse out into a gallop for the hills.

Gawain spurred his horse into a gallop right beside the king of Camelot.

The air filled with the din of yells, shouts, and unsheathing of swords. A massive charge began.


"Halt!" The second in command saw the large army stopped and he turned to his commander. "My Lord?"

"Sssh." Mordred had an evil grin and his eyes shifted to the hill. "Hear that?"

The second in command shifted his sights to the hill. He listened carefully to hear a low of yells and movement of people. "Arthur?"

"Yesss." Mordred laughed evilly. "Get ready." He reached down to unsheathe his sword while retrieving his dark helmet that was in a design of a dragon’s head. "They’re coming from the hill."

The second in command nodded and unsheathed his sword. Turning towards the army he called out his orders. "Face the hills men and prepare yourself. Arthur is coming from there."

The only sound heard was the unsheathing of swords and pings of metal as helmet visors were shut. Then things went dead silent as in a dream. The wind seemed to blow but never made a noise from the ruffling of the tree leaves or grass.

Mordred kept his eyes pinned on the hills while he steadied his horse. "Come on Arthur." His face became gleeful as he saw at the ridge of the hill a horse appear. The rider waved his white sword and charged down the hill with a yell. Following behind him was a mass of men that crashed down the hill towards Mordred’s army.

Another evil laugh escaped Mordred as he spurred his horse towards Arthur. "Attack!" He kept his grin while galloping ahead. "It’s your time… father."


Gabrielle punched hard at her enemy and saw him stumble back in reaction. "Come on!"

The dark knight growled and narrowed his eyes, he’d lost his helmet. He tried to attack again but lost his battle. Soon he found himself skewered by the metallic knight’s sword.

Xena scanned the edge of the battlefield to find her partner. Time to go. She ran through the fight to her Soulmate’s side. "Gabrielle?"

The bard whirled around with her sword having not seen Xena through her helmet.

The warrior grinned at her partner’s reaction. "Ready?"

Gabrielle sighed. "Not really but…" She turned her eyes to the right and saw her friend. "Galahad?"

The knight instantly killed his enemy and came racing up to his friends. "You have to leave?"

"Yes." The small warrior’s eyes then widen and she raced forward with her sword to stop a dark knight from attacking Galahad from behind.

Xena turned her attention to the knight. "Galahad, be careful in this battle."

"I will Xena." The man race forward to take an opening in Gabrielle’s enemy. He killed the dark knight. Galahad ripped his helmet off and turned to Gabrielle.

The small knight did the same with her helmet and tossed it to the ground. "Don’t get yourself killed Galahad."

"No worries." Galahad gave a small grin.

The Warrior Princess narrowed her eyes and lifted her sword behind herself to stop a blade coming at her. Whirling around she took on her enemy.

Galahad peaked over to Xena then back to the bard. "Gabrielle, you have to come back to England."

"We’ll try Galahad." Gabrielle sighed sadly. "But no guarantees."

"Please try." The knight sadly smiled. "I’ll miss you."

"I’ll miss you too Galahad." Gabrielle went in for a hug in the middle of a battle. She held the man tightly and felt emotions wash over. Pulling back, she placed a kiss to the man’s forehead. "Always take care of yourself."

"I will." The knight gave his grin. "Don’t forget me."

"Never." Gabrielle smiled lovingly. She turned towards Xena and raced over there. She took on Xena’s enemy. "Talk to Galahad."

The warrior nodded, threw off her helmet, and came up to Galahad.

"This is a bit crazy."

Xena laughed at the man. "We are in a middle of a battle."

"True." Sir Galahad gave a grin. "Thank you Xena for trusting me. For some reason I know you don’t trust people easily."

"Nope." The Warrior Princess had a smile now. "You’re a good man Galahad." She paused. "You’ll find your soulmate and you’ll know who they are, trust me."

"I do." Galahad stepped forward and hugged his friend. "I’ll miss your fighting Xena."

"I’ll miss your descriptions Galahad." Xena hugged back tightly and tried to not let her emotions get to her. This is Ephiny, her friend she’d considered her sister she never had. Pulling back she had a sad smile. "Don’t get yourself killed, it would be a great loss."

"Thanks." Galahad quietly laughed and saw off to his left a dark knight coming. "Get out of here Xena."

Xena’s eyes shifted to the dark knight coming and understood. "Good luck Galahad."

The knight nodded with a wink, he turned to his new enemy to take him on. "Let’s dance."

The dark knight yelled and brought his sword at Sir Galahad.

The warrior watched for a moment but raced up to Gabrielle’s opponent. She came up by the dark knight in a blur of motion to ram her sword in the dark knight’s side.

The enemy coughed blood out and felt the sword jerk in his side. He fell off the blade and then met the ground.

Gabrielle lifted her eyes to Xena. "Thanks."

"No problem." The warrior took a deep breath. "Let’s go."

The bard nodded and gazed over to Galahad. "Galahad, don’t forget us."

"Never!" Galahad stopped his enemy’s sword. He glanced back. "I’ll see you both in the future."

Gabrielle smiled lovingly to the knight. "Count on it!"

The knight killed his opponent and turned to his friends. "Go!"

Xena nodded and carefully grabbed her Soulmate’s arm. "Come on."

"Yeah." Gabrielle started power walking off the battlefield with Xena. She turned her head back to see Galahad fight another knight.

The warrior glimpsed back as well and studied Galahad for a moment. "It’s destiny’s job now."

The smaller warrior nodded sadly and turned her head away. She broke off running into the woods.

Xena followed behind as she sheathed her sword.

The Soulmates found their horses tucked away in the near woods. They mounted their horses and kicked them into trots. The pair climbed that same hill and came to the ridge. The Soulmates sat on the horses and watched the battle of light and darkness below as the wind caressed them.

The tall woman scanned the battle to seek out Arthur and quickly found the king. She gazed over at Gabrielle and then back to the battle. "There." She pointed to the king of Camelot in the center of the battlefield fighting Mordred.

The younger woman turned her attention to watch Arthur and Mordred fight each other. She noticed the pair evenly matched. It was a fight that nobody could guess which would come out alive.

"Mordred is evil and Arthur is good."

"You mean like… cancel each other out?"

"Yes… It sounds weird but I can’t help wonder if they’re suppose to kill each other."

Gabrielle sighed at her past conversation with her Soulmate. But she continued to only hope Arthur would win. She shifted her eyes through the battle and found Galahad fighting two dark knights. She stiffened up.

Xena herself was watching Galahad with bit worried eyes.

Suddenly the small warrior was grasping her saddle’s horn as she saw a third dark knight come up behind Galahad. "No."

"Gabrielle don’t." Xena held her hand out to Gabrielle. "We can’t now."

The bard’s eyes were wide as she saw the dark knight closing in. "No… no Xena." She reached down to her sword’s hilt.

"It is Ephiny’s destiny Gabrielle!" The warrior looked over with a tear-streaked face. "We can not." Her voice was in a whisper.

Gabrielle looked away from Xena to Galahad and saw the dark knight come right up behind Galahad raising his sword. She knew her friend had no clue about the knight behind him. "Please no." She took a shaky breath while tears came down her cheeks as she watched. The sword came down yet it never sliced through Galahad for the dark knight’s eyes rolled up into his head. He was dead. Gabrielle held her breath and saw the dark knight fall to the ground and there stood Sir Gawain staring at the dead knight. "Thank the gods." The small bard let out her breath. "Thank you Gawain."

Xena smiled at the scene and felt utter relief Galahad was safe. Now she shifted her attention back to the king of Camelot again. And that’s when it all happened in a blur.

Arthur’s sword went into Mordred’s chest.

Mordred cried out and tore his helmet from his head. His eyes fell to his chest to see the blood seeping out and onto Arthur’s blade. He gazed back up to his father.

Arthur stood there with the sword in Mordred’s chest. His eyes filled with horror.

Gabrielle sat stunned in her saddle, she couldn’t believe it. She saw Arthur step back and extract his sword from Mordred’s chest. Mordred still held his sword and felt his strength fading, his legs shaky. Yet he took one last chance and stabbed forward to catch Arthur in the stomach with his dark blade. Mordred grinned at Arthur as blood seeped out of his lips. He laughed and fell to his knees and then onto his face in the green grass. The bard became stunned at seeing the sword in her king’s stomach. "Oh my god."

The warrior narrowed her eyes and tried to not react with anger of what has happened. It had to be. She slowly watched Arthur pull the sword from his stomach. He slowly collapsed to his back with Excalibur rolling from his right hand.

Gabrielle shut her eyes, she didn’t want to believe. Once she opened her eyes again all she saw was a slowly dying Arthur. Remorse filled her to no depth.

The older female then noticed a small mist appear in the battlefield and Merlin appeared.

The smaller warrior saw this too. "How’d he…?"

"Magic." Xena grinned over to her partner.

For a moment the younger woman chuckled but was lost as she saw Merlin came up to Arthur.

Merlin gazed down at his king for a moment. He said something.

Arthur said something back and closed his eyes with his hands going over his wound.

The magician bent down to his knee and picked up Excalibur and slipped it in his belt around his waist. He then carefully reached forward to pick up the king of light into his arms. Raising back up, he held Arthur close.

Gabrielle furrowed her eyebrows. "What’s he doing?"

"Taking Arthur." Xena shifted the reins in her saddle and watched Merlin dropped his head back with closed eyes. He seemed to pray. The warrior turned her head in confusion for it seemed nobody noticed that Arthur and Mordred were dead or that Merlin was there.

The magician lowered his head again to open his eyes at the dying Arthur. He leaned his head forward close to Arthur and whispered something.

The king whispered back and very gradually shut his eyes, his body went limp.

Merlin shut his eyes tightly and a mist appeared around him and he was gone.

Both the Soulmates watched to see that once Merlin with Arthur was gone that all the knights in the battle went into deep confusion. They all realized Arthur was gone and Mordred was dead. But the battle did rage on between the remains of sparkles of light and dark.

Xena turned her attention to Gabrielle. "It’s over."

"Camelot and Arthur are dead." The bard lowered her head and pulled Torqueo’s left rein to turn her back on the battlefield.

The warrior signaled Argo to turn around. "Let’s go, his legend will leave hope."

"Yeah." The warrior bard sadly smiled and kicked Torqueo into a gallop down the hill.

The older woman sighed and spurred Argo into a gallop behind her Soulmate to catch up.

The Soulmates went directly onto a dirt road and galloped down the winding never ending road.

~*Part 7*~

Gabrielle sat at the end of the dock with her legs propped on a ladder that goes into the water. She stared down into the water in the harbor. She was still in her armor since she left the battlefield the other morning. Now it was following day since the battle and she was preparing to travel on a merchant ship with Xena to France. All she could think about was Galahad and wondering if her friend was alive.

Xena walked along the dock, her boots clanking on the wood boards. She glanced across the harbor to a huge merchant ship docked on the opposite pier. With a sigh her eyes came back to her partner sitting on the dock. She came up beside Gabrielle and sat down beside her, she felt a little warm in her armor.

"Are we set?"

"Yes." The warrior smiled lightly to her friend sitting beside her. "The captain of the merchant ship said it’ll take around a week to make it to France since we have to go around the isles."

The bard nodded and lifted her eyes to her Soulmate. "Then we go through the English Channel?"

"Yes." Xena nodded a few times. "Then we’ll be in France."

"Good." Gabrielle gazed back to the clear water. "I guess Argo and Torqueo are being loaded on."

"Yeah and our stuff is on already." The older woman’s face had a small grin. "Only thing that is missing is us."

The small female quietly laughed and smiled to her partner. "Well, let’s go." She stood up with her right hand resting on her sword’s hilt. "I’m ready to leave."

The warrior nodded and stood up slowly herself. "One last thing."

"Yeah?" Gabrielle raised an eyebrow.

Xena gave a loving smile and pulled her Soulmate in tightly for a long hug. She whispered, "He’s fine."

"I hope so." A whispered retort. Gabrielle held tight to her Soulmate with love.

Slowly the warrior released her partner. "Let’s go."

"Yeah." Gabrielle smiled and walked along beside her best friend. "Time for a change."

"Oh yeah." Xena quietly laughed. "Time to learn a new language."

"Ha!" The bard bumped her partner. "You have it easy warrior. At least you know Latin."

The older woman got a laugh out of that. "Well…"

"Yeah yeah. You know how helpful that Latin is." Gabrielle smirked up to her Soulmate.

"Well… let me know if you want to learn." Xena devilishly grinned down to Gabrielle.

"Never!" The bard laughed loudly. "I like challenges." She started power walking down the dock to head to the other one. Her armor’s clanking was match by Xena’s own.

The Soulmates soon found themselves boarding the merchant ship set for France. The merchant ship set for another tale in history.

~*Part 8*~

The large wood door gradually opened and in stepped a tired and bruised man. He took a long breath and shifted his eyes around in his room. He now hated this place because it held no meaning. The meaning died when Arthur died. Yet his eyes scanned in hopes for new dreams, maybe someday.

Then he noticed it, on the foot of his bed. Slowly he walked to his bed and reached down to lift up the scroll. He untied the string and unrolled the old scroll to read the letter.


I pray that you will be reading this letter someday. I pray that you made it back from the battle and that you’re alive. I apologize immensely for not taking on a friendship with you sooner, I will always wish I had. But I will forever remain thankfully that I had days with you at all because those few days of our friendship were grand. Thank you for giving me new memories to hold on dearly to. Memories to survive my days with, to fight time with. These days I have miles to walk on this road, things to do, and I’ll never rest. Xena and I will never rest. Knowing we had time with you only makes the fighting a little softer.

Please never forget us, we will not of you. Please find that special person in your life and create that family you so want. I know you would be so happy to have a family and you’d be smiling forever. Chase that dream and you’ll catch it. Always look after yourself because I wish I could be there to watch over you. But as we both know I may not and I apologize. I promise though, Xena and I will see you again… someday. Xena and I will always hold you inside because you are family to us. Keep searching for your own light Galahad.

Love you,


Sir Galahad lifted his eyes from the scroll and rolled the scroll back up. He carefully tied it as tears rolled down his cheeks. Closing his eyes he lifted the scroll to his lips and pressed his lips to the top of the scroll. He felt the water droplets roll down and down and down while his throat filled with a lump. Yet he felt a deep light fill him.


Gabrielle shut her eyes and listened to the sound of the ship crashing into the water. Opening her eyes again she stared up at the stars in the night sky. The scent of the sea air filled her life. Slowly warm arms circled around her waist to pull her in close. The bard dropped her head back against her Soulmate’s chest.

Xena held her partner tightly while she swayed with the bobbing of the ship. She knew what her Soulmate was thinking about, she was thinking about the same person as well.

The small warrior held her friend’s hands. "He’s alive."

"He is." The older woman smiled and continued to study the water that reflected the night sky.

"He’s safe too."

Xena smiled in the darkness and responded. "Ephiny is safe."

That smile was caught on Gabrielle now. "She is." She squeezed Xena’s hand for a moment and relaxed again. Her thoughts were surrounded around Ephiny and Galahad, around Galahad and Ephiny. Her closes friend she’d ever have, a person she would call her sister or brother. The remaining thought she had was I love you Ephiny. She’d see Ephiny again… someday. Someday in the past of the future.

But now, only now in this time the Soulmates had quests to complete. The Soulmates continued their immortal lives as the greatest good to alter destiny. To alter destiny?

The End

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive