~ The Stranger of My Heart ~
by Red Hope

Disclaimer & Notices
Copyright: I do not own the Xena concept and certain characters but the plot is all mine.
Violence: There is violence.
Subtext: Yes, this where subtext is maintext.

Summary: The sequel to A Stranger in my Family and A Strange Interlude: I Had a Strange Dream. The Conqueror's dreams about her time in Chin, Japa, and India suddenly play an important role in freeing a heroic warrior's locked soul. Meanwhile the realm wages deeper into war against the Britanni, but Gabrielle stumbles across information that the rebellion may be a diversion for something far more evil. Time becomes increasingly precious though, and the Conqueror must find the answers before everything is undone.

Feedback: redhope@redhope.net
Homepage: http://www.redhope.net
Write a Review: http://www.redhope.net/xena/review/series8-form.html

Started: June 25, 2007
Series 8: I, Stranger - Story #4

Chapter 2 - Only Armor Deep

Gabrielle smiled at the golden mare and grabbed up the reins. She ran her hand over Argo's face then softly mentioned, "This is going to be really weird, but she's just like Xena." She grumbled at her words and explained, "She's Xena, but she's not, girl." Then an afterthought came to her, and she muttered, "She seems taller too."

Argo snorted and turned her head to the crazy bard.

"I know... I know." Gabrielle sighed and opened the stall door. "You'll see what I mean." She guided the mare out of the stall and through the stable. "We have to go see Eve first."

Argo shook her mane all about, but she whined happily when she stepped out into the bright sunlight. She flickered her tail happily, then she took in the familiar smell that was her master. She turned her head to the right and took in the warrior's dark posture. Maybe the blond wasn't so crazy?

Gabrielle patted Argo's side again, then she stiffened when the Conqueror approached.

The ruler checked over the mare's length, and she noticed a difference. "This isn't Argo." Although the likeness was almost exact.

The bard was inwardly impressed, but she explained, "This is Argo's daughter." She rubbed Argo in a comforting motion. "Joxer breed Argo with... it's just a long, complicated story." She noted the ruler's arched eyebrow and how her soulmate could do the same.

The Conqueror was surprised to hear Joxer's name, but she didn't comment on it. She inquired, "Where are we headed again?"

Gabrielle hadn't mentioned it at all during the boat trip back to Greece. She finally answered, "Towards the north.." She shifted to Argo's saddlebags and checked over the supplies, which they needed to get before they left the small port town.

"What's in the north?" The ruler's tone showed she was thinning on patiences.

The bard debated about how much to tell, and she simply replied, "There's a young woman in those parts that I need to meet up with." She hesitated for a beat. "Her name is Eve."

"I think meeting up with your friends can wait," the Conqueror hotly stated. "We have more important circumstance to deal with right now."

Gabrielle lost her patience before the Conqueror. She quickly spun around. "Look, I need to see Eve and make sure she's okay," she hotly insisted. She came back to Argo's side after she jerked the saddlebag flap closed.

"And I'd like to get back to my own world," the Conqueror snapped. She wasn't sure how much she could take of this Gabrielle. This world's Gabrielle was far different than her lover.

Gabrielle was not at all deterred by the ruler's furious attitude. She stepped up to the ruler until she was toe to toe. "I have to speak to Eve. She has to know what's happened to Xena... before rumor reaches her."

The Conqueror grew angrier and snarled, "And who in Hades is this Eve?"

The smaller warrior held her tongue, yet she finally whispered, "Xena's daughter." She didn't wait for a response, grabbed the mare's reins, and walked off.

The Conqueror finally breathed after several beats. She fully digested the bard's words and realized this world, this Gabrielle, and this Xena were nothing like hers. She pushed back her bangs, which flopped back, and she followed the bard.

The warrior sensed the ruler by her again, but she refused to acknowledge the dark woman. She couldn't imagine how her alternate self got along with this arrogant, controlling ruler. Of course her soulmate had these qualities, but the Conqueror was just in excess of those qualities. Gabrielle prayed she could find the patience and understanding to work through this mystery.

The silent duo entered the busy market, and Gabrielle quickly bartered for food supplies, feed, and new waterskins. She then packed them away and trekked towards the large town's gates. She sensed the ruler's curious eyes on her.

"You've been here before?"

Gabrielle glimpsed at the ruler. "I've been to many places."

"Hmmm." The Conqueror scanned the local area and started to mentally map out her location. If it was one thing she knew well, it was Greece's lands. She'd spent too many seasons journeying and conquering the lands not to know. "We're in Pydna."

The warrior didn't reply and decided silence was better. She glanced at Argo, who wouldn't walk near the dark ruler. She didn't much blame the mare. Gabrielle knew she'd most likely be spending a lot of time with the Conqueror, and she needed to get along with her. She recalled the days when it was much easier for her to talk to strangers, yet this was so far different. She mentally grumbled and gave up.

"So have you always worn that much gold?"

The Conqueror knew small talk when she heard it. She smirked and darkly replied, "Only fit for a ruler like me."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes.

The Conqueror saw it, and she bit back her laugh. She could tell Gabrielle had some set stereotypes about her, and Xena intended to play all of them. "I take it Xena doesn't bother with the finer things?"

"No." Gabrielle ticked off a molar. "She's a little more down to earth than that."

The ruler shot a smug smile at the bard and coolly reminded, "Her and I aren't that far different."

"Please," the bard muttered under her breath. She then raised her voice and stated, "Xena followed your path, but she's changed a lot over the years."

The Conqueror didn't have an exact idea how much a year was, but she could estimate. She tilted her head and coldly reminded, "Obviously her... changes didn't account for much." She'd been told by Gabrielle why Xena was now dead.

Gabrielle suddenly stopped and turned to the ruler. She was on fire, and her voice dropped to a dangerous level. "Actually it's obvious they did because if those souls were depending on you to sacrifice your soul for them, you wouldn't have done it." She stepped closer and coldly snapped, "I may not be from your world, but I know what you had to do to conqueror and rule what you have today. I can see it in your eyes." She pointed a finger at the ruler. "Don't you ever compare her to you again because she's more than you'll ever be."

Gabrielle lowered her hand and bore her anger into the ruler through their eye contact. She didn't move though and held her chilled stare for several heartbeats. Gabrielle eventually realized she'd managed to cut the ruler, and it showed in those blue eyes.

The bard stepped away from the ruler suddenly, and she tossed Argo's reins over the mare's head. She put her boot into the stirrup and hopped into the saddle. She adjusted her feet in the stirrups then urged Argo into a gallop. Gabrielle desperately needed space from the dark counterpart of her soulmate.

The Conqueror swallowed and turned her head sidelong. She watched the horse and bard disappear down the road. She lifted her chin and shoved away her earlier pain. She didn't expect the bard's words to affect her, but they had done so. Xena quietly continued down the road.

A candlemark later, the Conqueror spotted the golden mare and the fair haired rider upon it. Awhile ago she'd detected Gabrielle's presence because of Argo's smell flowing on the breeze. The Conqueror silently caught up to the mare and bard, and for the umpteenth time, the Conqueror absorbed the unusual tattoo on the woman's back.

Gabrielle had ridden Argo hard and went a league or so away from the Conqueror before she came back around. She hated how she reacted to the Conqueror's comparison, and she wondered why it bothered her so. For years, she has lived with Xena's dark past and fully accepted it. Yet here was a woman that looked and sounded like her soulmate and claimed to rule the largest empire in an alternate world. The reality that her soulmate was fated for such a life in another world almost made her sick. Or was it the simple fact that she knew, her alternate self, may just accept this dark ruler?

The bard softly sighed and peered down at the ruler. "I thought we'd stop early tonight."

"Methone?" the ruler inquired.

Gabrielle was silent for a beat and debated whether to stay in the small town of Methone. She then figured it'd give her a chance to ask around about Eve or the Elijans. She finally nodded, then her stomach became apparent to her. It was noon high after all.

The Conqueror didn't expect the small warrior to suddenly veer off the road. At first, she thought something was wrong, but Gabrielle merely guided Argo into the woods at a casual pace.

The bard discovered a small clearing and figured it was enough for a lunch break. She swung her feet out of stirrups and hopped out of the saddle. She noted the Conqueror's curious stare. "I'm hungry." She went to the saddlebags.

The bemused ruler hid her grin and walked into the clearing. She folded her arms over her chest and decided it was a quiet spot for a needed break. She hated to admit it, but she wasn't use to the walking. She'd spent too many candlemarks at her desk lately.

"Here." Gabrielle tossed a waterskin at the ruler, who turned just in time. She carried the other waterskin in one hand and a cloth of cheese and fruit in her right hand. She set them down on a tree stump and prepared to unwrap the cloth, yet she hesitated.

The Conqueror narrowed her eyes when she noted how Gabrielle's shoulder muscles tensed and showed.

Gabrielle released the waterskin, which fell to the ground near the stump. She slowly slipped her hands to her sais' handles. She swiftly unsheathed them, spun around, and walked into the center of the clearing. "I can feel you." She turned in a circle and scanned her surroundings.

The ruler grabbed her sword's handle, unsheathed it, and look about for trouble that she didn't hear or feel. She wondered if the bard was a bit nutty.

"Like totally chill, Gabs."

The small warrior spun on her boots' heels and smirked. "Aphrodite." She had her sais' tips out, which she quickly flipped around so they hid under her wrists.

Bright pink sprinkles showered in front of the bard and slowly formed into a human. There stood a very proud blond goddess.

The Conqueror kept her sword pointed at the mysterious woman that just appeared in front of the bard. She felt her skin crawl at the power that poured off the pink, blond woman.

Aphrodite beamed a smile at her mortal friend. "How's it shakin', Gabs?"

The bard lowered her arms to her sides. "I thought I'd see you sooner." She knelt and quickly sheathed her weapons.

"Well, I've been... kinda busy."

"I bet." Gabrielle pointed at the ruler. "That wouldn't happen to be taking up your time?"

Aphrodite suddenly pouted and replied, "Gabs, you know me too well."

"Mmmhmmm." Gabrielle folded her arms, but she locked the goddess in place with her darkened eyes. "Please tell me you took the urn."

"Urn?" Aphrodite dipped her head and just before Gabrielle melted down, she brightly replied, "Oh yeah. I had to take it to Hathy. It's totally cool, Gabs." The Goddess of Love turned her head to the left and scanned over the Conqueror's entire form. She then focused on the sword's tip that was directed at her. She smiled sweetly and inquired, "Like are you gonna stand there all day with that thing?"

Gabrielle was calmer now that she knew what'd happened to her soulmate's urn. She wasn't happy that the goddess had just taken it, but she'd lecture the goddess later. She now focused on the ruler, who was completely unsure about the goddess. She simply explained, "This is Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love."

"And Virgin Termination," the goddess quipped. She smirked back at her mortal friend. "That's totally my specialty."

The bard snorted a small laugh.

The Conqueror though remained dubious about the goddess. She tilted her head and asked, "You're a god?"

Aphrodite turned to the dark ruler, sashayed up, and pressed her index finger against the warrior's blade tip. She easily pushed it aside as she closed in on the Conqueror. "Oh, Conqueror babe I am more than just a god." She displayed a wild, smug smile and warmly whispered, "I'm thee goddess." She winked, leaned in, and kissed the ruler on the cheek.

The Conqueror was too off-guard to do anything but accept the kiss. She felt some strange pull from the kiss that surged through her body. She blinked once it faded away.

Aphrodite pulled back and honestly murmur, "I know she's in your heart." She slowly withdrew and sashayed back to Gabrielle. "Like where was I?"

The Conqueror broke from her daze and realized it was true. She shook her head and sheathed her sword after a moment. She focused back on the present and quickly questioned, "Why am I here?"

"Like somethings don't change between worlds," the goddess joked. She sighed once she saw both warrior and ruler wanted some answers, now. "Alright. Fine." She put her hands on her pink sides and stuck out her right hip. "I switched you and the warrior babe."

"What?" the bard instantly demanded. "Aphrodite, Xena is-"

"Not anymore," the goddess proudly stated. She had a bright smile directed at the bard, but she quickly realized Gabrielle wasn't smiling back. "Gabs, like come on."

"She's suppose to stay dead, Aphrodite. All those souls-"

"Depend on her staying dead. Yadda yadda." The goddess waved her hand around at the bard. "Like that's totally bogus. It's bad enough you're gullible but Xena too?" She giggled but quickly stopped at Gabrielle's annoyed face.

Gabrielle crossed her arms. "That's what Xena expl-"

"Yea, yea but who told Xena this?" Aphrodite fully faced the mortal warrior.

"Akemi, I assume," Gabrielle replied.

"Akemi?" the Conqueror echoed. She then had Gabrielle and Aphrodite looking at her. "I haven't heard that bitch's name in a long time."

"You know her?" Gabrielle walked closer to the ruler.

"Like duh," Aphrodite answered for the ruler. "The Conqueror babe has much of the same past as the warrior babe."

"That's why you brought me here," the Conqueror summarized. She stepped closer to the pair. "This has to do with Akemi and the souls from Higuchi."

Gabrielle peered up at the goddess, but she turned her head back to the ruler.

"You got it, Conqueror babe." Aphrodite slyly smiled and informed, "But that's only part of it."

"What's the rest?" Gabrielle encouraged. "And where's Xena?"

The goddess softly sighed and urged, "Cool your leathers, bardie. You remember what you did for Hathor?"

"Of course." Gabrielle considered it, then it dawned on her. "Why did she do it?"

"She brought Xena back, and I switched them," the goddess explained. "Hathy and I know what you're feeling about Xena's death. We want to make it right."

The bard lowered her head some and covered her face with her right hand. "Aphrodite-"

"Like you don't have to say it," the giddy goddess cut in. "We're totally rad goddess, aren't we?"

Gabrielle softly groaned then removed her hand. She met the goddess's face. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Aphrodite but I don't think there's a way to fix this one. Not this time."

"Gabs, you really don't believe that, do you?" Aphrodite's bright expression melted away into worry.

"Aphrodite," Gabrielle started in a dangerous voice, "Xena's not coming back this time. I'm having a hard enough time trying to accept this as it is." She fisted her hands and coldly added, "Those souls are dependent on hers, and I respect Xena's choice."

"But you hate it," the goddess bluntly stated.

Gabrielle pointed a finger at her blond friend. She opened her mouth to continue the fight, but the Conqueror's voice stopped her.

"The death of those people were my fault... were her fault." The Conqueror found Gabrielle's upset features centered on her now. So she quickly explained, "I set Higuchi ablaze and all those people died. Akemi's father had became Lord Yodoshi, and he swallowed all of the souls from Higuchi."

The bard was stricken at the similar story she'd heard from her soulmate. She came closer to the ruler and softly asked, "Then what happened?"

The Conqueror's eyes hazed over as her hidden past slowly surfaced. She softly told her story.

Xena, younger now, returned back to Chin after her short visit in the Land of the Rising Sun. She never wanted to return to that place and those memories. She felt broken inside, and she'd lost something in Japa, but she had no idea what was lost.

Xena wandered through Chin for an unknown time, and she didn't know where she was headed. She'd forgotten about Borias and the army back in Japa. She didn't care. She didn't eat. And she didn't sleep. Finally the young warrior collapsed in a wooded area between the cold and lack of energy. She wanted to give up, and the world darkened.

The warlord tried to imagine what Tartarus looked like and even felt. She would be there soon, but she never made it to riverboat for her ride. Instead she felt slightly lighter, and then she opened her eyes to a beautiful sight.

"How do you feel?"

Xena stretched out her hand and touched the soft face above hers. "Lao Ma," she murmured.

Lao Ma covered the warlord's dirty and cut up hand. She sadly smiled and replied, "It's me."

The warlord was clearly confused, and she scanned her surroundings as best as she could from her horizontal position. "I'm in Lao?"

"Yes, you were found a candlemark from my home."

Xena was still perplexed about how she arrived in the Lao Kingdom. She'd been forbidden to return to the Lao or Ming kingdoms after her and Borias's escapade. That's why they'd traveled to Japa to try fresh soils.

Lao Ma stepped back some as Xena worked to sit up. She helped the bruised and weakened warrior. "You must bathe and eat." She found hollow blue eyes upon her, and it made her ache. It'd only been six moons ago that she'd outlawed Borias and Xena from the kingdoms after she assumed both the Lao and Ming thrones.

Lao Ma had promised she'd kill the warlords on the spot if they ever returned to Chin. For the first time, she went back on her word and welcomed the warlord into her home. She just hoped it wouldn't become her second mistake, yet she knew something had happened to the warlord. There was a different aura about Xena this time.

The Chin ruler helped the warlord out of the bed. She guided Xena to the bathing room where there was a tub of warm water. She signaled her servants to also assist her and Xena. The warlord was soon soaked in a bath that seemed to ease her pain. She almost drifted back to sleep, but Lao Ma's voice brought her back.

"I see Japa has been your darker fate."

Xena lifted her head and met the ruler's deep brown gaze. She held her stare for a few beats, then she lowered her head back down. "Chin broke my heart, but Japa broke my spirit."

Lao Ma tilted her head and softly urged, "Tell me." She now shifted until she was seated on the stone tub.

And Xena did tell the Chin ruler about her time in Japa. She revealed every detail and her plans to ransom Akemi to her wealthy father. Xena stole the sacred katana, and the plans changed when Akemi ultimately betrayed the warlord. Eventually, Xena found herself stumbling drunk in Higuchi where she accidentally burned the village down. Akemi's ashes were lost, and Lord Yodoshi was born.

After the story, Lao Ma remained silent and thoughtfully went over the story again in her head. Then after a long silence, she finally spoke four simply words. "You must go back."

The warlord peered up at the ruler and hotly remarked, "You're crazy if you think I'll go back there." She shook her head then prepared to stand up, but a soft hand on her shoulder halted her attempt.

"You will go back," Lao Ma whispered, "to avenge those souls."

Xena was silent and captivated by the power in Lao Ma's eyes.

"Only you can avenge them and stop Akemi and her father."

"Akemi?" The warlord stiffened and argued, "Akemi stopped her father from doing..."

"What?" the ruler murmured.

Xena slightly darkened when she didn't know exactly what crimes her father had performed. She just heard Akemi's claims that he was a dark, evil man and that she had to avenge her family.

"Remember," Lao Ma whispered, "tigers do not breed dogs." She could tell her words struck hard against the warlord's invisible armor. "You must eat and rest more. Come." She signaled her handmaidens to help again.

Xena was soon back in bed after being cleaned, wounds checked, and stomach filled. She slept restless that night though, and she was haunted by Akemi's spirit. She'd never had anybody creep past her defenses and stab her heart; not even Lao Ma.

By the morning, the weary warrior arose to the sunrise, and she donned her Chin robe that Lao Ma had given her. She went through the palace until she finally found Lao Ma, who was knelt before a statue in a prayer position. Xena had seen this statue in the past when she'd stayed in Lao Ma's home. She'd never barged into the woman's religion though.

"Xena," the ruler whispered, "sit with me."

The dark ruler debated the idea because she was never much for religion, yet Lao Ma had invited her. She gave in though and took a seated position next to her mentor. She positioned her legs the same way Lao Ma had them, she rested her hands on her knees, and closed her eyes.

Lao Ma remained silent and still, and Xena followed her example. After a deep peace, she finally turned her head and opened her eyes to find a blue gaze directed at her. "Today we will take a long trip."

Xena furrowed her brow, but she didn't argue.

"There is a temple that is far, and we must reach it before nightfall."

"What's at the temple?"

Lao Ma touched the warlord's closest knee and softly revealed, "Something you can use to defeat Lord Yodoshi."

Xena gritted her teeth and hotly argued, "I won't go back there."

"You must," Lao Ma softly spoke. "Those forty thousand souls must be freed."

"It's not my problem," the warlord snapped.

"But it is because you destroyed that village."

"It was an accident," Xena emotionally fought. "I was drunk and stupid."

Lao Ma tilted her head and argued, "You may become drunk, but you'll never become stupid." She held her silence for a moment then spoke again. "That's why you'll go back to Japa. The longer you wait the harder it will be to kill Lord Yodoshi."

"Why me?" the warrior murmured.

"Because you're the only one that can save them." Lao Ma then slowly stood up. "And you must save your face before it's too late."

Xena climbed to her feet. She recalled the lessons about face in the eastern nations. She could have cared less, but Lao Ma's words now made her fear for the worst. For the first time, she knew what she had to do.

Lao Ma first grasped the red triangular charm on her neck, she tucked it in her robe, and slipped past the warlord. "We must hurry."

The warrior quickly followed. Soon she and Lao Ma left the palace, and they began their trip through the kingdom to some remote region. They were accompanied by several guards, whether to guard Xena or protect Lao Ma, Xena was never sure. A candlemark before sunset, they arrived at a temple that was nestled on a hill's ridge. They made the short climb to the top and paused at the closed doors.

Lao Ma ordered her soldiers to remain by the temple. She promised not to be long. She then climbed the stone steps and waited at the closed doors.

Xena slowly followed up the steps and took Lao Ma's side. She observed the strange door handles, which were round and had a unique design. The right one was a silver tone that had a gold design. The left handle was similar except it was a dark, tarnished silver and a different golden design.

Lao Ma grabbed the right handle and pulled the heavy door. She slipped through the opening and waited for Xena. Once the warlord was by her side, she glided through the large temple and went towards the alter.

From behind a white curtain, a hooded monk appeared. His yellow hood hid his face well and around the edges of his sleeves were the matching gold design like that of the door. He stood behind the round alter and bowed his head deeper when Lao Ma stopped by the alter.

Xena looked away from the monk and focused on the stone alter in front of her. She held her breath and became captivated by the alter.

The alter was soft stone color, but the top was quite unique. It was circular and displayed a black and white symbol that Xena had often seen in Chin. The Chin people called it the Taijitu and sometimes Xena had seen the similar symbol but made by a tiger and dragon. Yet what truly captivated the warlord's attention were the two obvious weapons held at the eye of each curved teardrop.

"This is the Temple of the Chakrams," Lao Ma quietly explained.

Xena blinked away her daze and focused on the ruler's words. "Chakrams?"

"Yes." Lao Ma held out her hands at the round weapons at either end that were almost alike copies except for their coloring. "They are sacred weapons of my religion." She studied the weapons that'd taken a lot of meaning in her religion over the seasons. She first held out her hand to the right. "This is the Chakram of Light." She then directed at the left chakram. "The Chakram of Darkness."

Xena quickly pieced together that each chakram were just like the Taijitu, which modeled good and evil, light and dark, and every balance in the world. The chakrams were another example of such a balance.

Lao Ma turned her hand over so that her palm faced the chakrams. She lowered her hand closer and closer still, but she hesitated from actually touching the Chakram of Darkness. She floated her hand back to the right where the Taijitu was white. She traced her fingertips over the Chakram of Light, and the chakram glowed brighter.

The monk stood motionless and quiet. His head was bowed still.

Lao Ma removed her hand then peered up at the warlord. "Lord Yodoshi cannot be stop by the sacred katana." She referred back to Xena's earlier debate on the journey to the temple. The warlord believed if she retrieved the katana that she could stop Lord Yodoshi. Lao Ma now revealed, "It is the same weapon that made him Lord Yodoshi." She slipped her hands into the wide sleeves of her robes. "The sacred katana is a weapon of evil, and that is why Akemi sought it. I have heard many dark stories about the katana, but I never thought it truly existed."

"Oh it does," Xena murmured.

"So it would seem." Lao Ma turned to the warlord. "In this world, it is a sin to kill much less kill somebody from your family. There is no shrine able to clean one's soul for their crimes. They must redeem themselves." She felt the deep emotions well hidden in the warlord. "Akemi and her father knew that and feared to be locked in the Chamber of Avici forever. The sacred katana merged it's evil with his and saved him from his fate."

The warlord turned her head away for a moment, but soon showed her darker side to Lao Ma. "Only temporarily."

This time Lao Ma wasn't afraid of the fire that was rekindled in Xena's eyes. In fact, she felt a peace to see it again despite it would later shake the world. Lao Ma slightly nodded at Xena's promise, and she held out her hand to the left chakram. "To fight poison, you must have poison."

Xena studied the wise ruler then she lowered her eyes to the Chakram of Darkness. She raised her left hand and let her fingertips hover over the weapon. Her heartbeat was wild and the blood pounded in her veins, but she slowly lowered her hand the rest of the way.

The dark warlord brushed her fingers over the Chakram of Darkness. She then finally clenched it and easily lifted it from its home. She'd never felt a surge of dark power like she did now. She raised the chakram higher until it was level with her face. She stared at the dim weapon that matched her darkest desires.

Lao Ma bowed her head deeper. She could not watch how the blackness claimed the woman she believed could become good. She truly accepted the fact that Xena was meant for this darkness, and it broke Lao Ma's heart.

"So," cut in Gabrielle, "Lao Ma gave you the Chakram of Darkness?" She pointed at the weapon hooked to the Conqueror's side. "That chakram?"

The ruler broke from her story and unhooked her prized weapon. She lifted it up for display. "Yes." She returned it to its home.

Aphrodite stepped over to a large rock, and she sunk down onto it. "How totally dark and sad." She slightly perked up and claimed, "I knew it had something to do with the chakrams though. I love it when I'm right."

"Wait, wait." Gabrielle held up her hands and took a deep breath. She lowered her hands and focused on the dark ruler. "So you killed Lord Yodoshi with the Chakram of Darkness?"

"Yes, it was the only way to stop him and Akemi."

The small warrior shook her head because it didn't make sense. "The sacred katana is evil?" Her voice was low and in disbelief.

Aphrodite crossed her legs and mentioned, "Like I even knew that, Gabs. Duh."

Gabrielle glared over at the goddess. "You're really not helping."

The goddess sputtered, "As if. Who brought back your warrior babe?"

"Don't you mean who switched her with..." Gabrielle glanced at the Conqueror and finished, "Taller and darker?"

The Conqueror slotted her eyes at the remark. She set it aside and steered the topic back on track. "So I have to stop Lord Yodoshi here too, I take it?"

"Then the Conqueror and Xena can switch back?" Gabrielle prompted.

Aprhodite widened her eyes and held up her hands. "Like I ain't got a clue." She put her hands onto her knees and explained, "I just know those souls in Fry-a-Guchi have to be helped then I can switch the Xenas around." She stood up and shrugged. "Do what you gotta do to fix it, but 'til then I'll do some snooping."

Gabrielle stepped closer to her friend and inquired, "Does Xena know what's going on?"

The Conqueror carefully listened to because it could be news about her lover too.

"Yes, I just came from the Conqueror's world."Aphrodite stepped closer then gently mentioned, "Xena says she's sorry about Japa, Gabs."

The bard slightly softened then something occurred to her, and she narrowed her eyes at the goddess. "No she didn't." She patted the goddess's arm. "Thanks for trying though."

The Goddess of Love sighed dramatically and muttered, "I have got to work on this lying thing." She then focused on the ruler. "Your Gabrielle did send a message." She grinned at the Conqueror's raised eyebrow so she repeated the message. "Gabby said 'she'll be waiting.' How totally cute." She crinkled up her nose and briefly gushed then stopped. "Okay, time to sparkle off." She lifted her right hand and a few pink sparkles started.

Gabrielle touched the goddess's arm. "Thank you, Dity."

Aphrodite halted her disappearing act for a moment. She leaned over, kissed the bard on the cheek, and promised, "Anytime, bardie." She then disappeared in her pink sparkles.

The bard waited until the goddess was completely gone, then she silently regarded the Conqueror. Aphrodite's earlier words about the message from Gabrielle rocked her. She finally asked, "You're... together?" She thought she'd almost choke on her last word.

The Conqueror fisted her hands at her sides and watched the small warrior go over to the golden mare. She carefully approached Gabrielle and remarked, "What is it about me that you hate so much?" She tilted her head and mentioned, "Or can't you get over the fact that your alternate self accepts me?"

Gabrielle was facing the saddlebags and paused from digging through them. She look at the dark ruler and stared for a moment. She thought back from long ago when she first met Xena and how much darker Xena was in the beginning. The memories of the horde certainly replayed in her head. She sighed and turned her head away.

"Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way," the bard muttered. She bit her lower lip then closed her eyes.

"And how are you looking at it?"

Gabrielle opened her eyes and mindlessly stared at the saddlebags. She met the ruler's eye contact and finally answered the question. "I'm not giving you a chance." She hesitated but explained, "Xena's dark side has never been something I'm a hundred percent comfortable with. I accept and understand it, yet I fear it on some level. I know what it can do to her... and our relationship."

The Conqueror now idly petted the golden mare that was quite familiar; the only thing familiar to her in this world. "It's no different for Gabrielle and I." She shifted to the front of the mare and carefully worked the tack free from the horse. "I... we struggle with it everyday."

The bard jerked the saddlebags free from Argo's back. She paused then honestly offered, "Long ago, I realized that Xena needs her darkness as much as her light. It's a constant balance she maintains." She walked away and went to the stone that Aphrodite had occupied earlier.

The Conqueror hung the track by its crown then patted the horse. She felt more at ease around the bard compared to these past several days. They'd been on edge during the entire trip across the Mediterranean and the conversations were cordial at best. Now she detected some of the bard's guard had fallen, and Xena planned to take the opportunity.

The Conqueror knelt beside the bard, who reorganized the lunch food. She accepted the cheese, bread, and fruit that Gabrielle spread between them. She ate some bread then ordered, "Tell me everything that happened in Japa." She found wistful green eyes on her. "Everything," she emphasized.

Gabrielle fell into her bard mode and started by telling her soulmate's past in Japa. She was surprised to find the ruler quite attentive to her every detail. She answered the several questions that the ruler posed. By the end, Gabrielle felt some weight lift from her shoulders because she'd finally talked to somebody about what'd happened in Japa. She found it ironic that she first told the story to her soulmate's darker counterpart.

The lunch turned out to take longer than expected, but Gabrielle was confident they could still make it to Methone. She at fist struggled inwardly about whether to offer the ruler a ride on Argo so they could cover ground quicker. She only gave in when she considered the nice, warm bed that would greet her in Methone.

Soon enough, the Conqueror was mounted on the golden mare. She then helped the small warrior into the saddle behind her. Xena was remotely surprised to feel the slight difference between her Gabrielle's body and this one's. She already imagine this Gabrielle was a far more competent fighter. It wasn't so much that her Gabrielle wasn't a competent fighter, but it was the simple fact that the former rebel leader preferred her words before her staff. This Gabrielle, however, seemed to have a balance of the two.

Close to sunset, the Conqueror slowed Argo from a gallop to a walk because they were nearing the small gates of Methone. She slightly glanced back at the blond warrior and found she was fine. She focused back on the ride and considered whether that small inn was here in this Methone like it was in hers.

"There should be," both women started at the same time. Their words fell apart, and there was a soft laugh from the bard.

"Sorry, "Gabrielle offered. "You were saying?"

The Conqueror had a distant grin but answered, "There's an inn on the other side of town."

The warrior smirked because she was thinking the same. "Good food too."

"Mmmm," the ruler simply agreed.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes because she recalled when Xena use to be like that at the start. She couldn't fathom repeating those days here with the Conqueror. She held her tongue and instead scanned the busy village they started to enter.

They dismounted once they were through the gates. Xena took Argo's reins and started the trek across the village. She noticed that people were obviously talking about them, and the villagers dared to point at them. She was quite use to this, but what caught her off guard was the fact that the villagers were all smiles.

Gabrielle softly smiled at the fact that her and Xena were welcomed into the village. It seemed word that her and Xena were in fact alive, after twenty-five years, had spread throughout Greece. She then saddened when she realized this wasn't the Warrior Princess by her side. She peered up at the woman, and Gabrielle could pick out that the Conqueror wasn't use to this type of greeting.

Then a village child was quite brave, and he broke away from his mother. He raced over to the famous heroes that were known all over. He caused Gabrielle and the Conqueror to stop. "Are you really Xena and Gabrielle?"

The bard had stopped walking, like the Conqueror, and she smiled at the boy. "Yes, we are." She offered a warm smile and asked, "What's your name?"

The boy returned the smile and replied, "Nicodemus." He then regarded the Conqueror and her unusual dress style. He mentioned, "Everybody says you're tall, but I think you're taller than the stories tell."

The Conqueror gradually raised her eyebrow at the comment.

Nicodemus put his hands on his hips. "I hope I grow as tall as you."

Gabrielle considered whether to step into the conversation, but she stopped herself and let the ruler handle it.

The ruler could no longer hide her soft smile. She coolly remarked, "Most of the time it's an advantage." She released Argo's reins and slowly knelt down until she was more eye level with the child.

"Are you from Amphipolis?"

"Yes, I am." Xena slightly inclined her head. "Have you ever been there?"

"I've been there a few times," Nicodemus claimed happily, "my uncle is from there." He put his hands on his hips. "He says he knew your mother... that she ran a taverna."

The Conqueror noted the past tense, but didn't falter in her reply. "The best taverna too."

Nicodemus grinned and nodded several times. "That's what my uncle says too."

The ruler mirrored the grin, and she stood up but made sure to ruffle the boy's hair.

Nicodemus then focused on the small, blond warrior that was Xena's longtime partner. "Are you telling a story tonight in the inn?"

Gabrielle fumbled for the right response, and she realized the Conqueror had caught onto her. She finally replied, "I might be if I'm not too tired after dinner."

"I sure hope so," the excited boy proclaimed. He then glanced at his waiting mother and hastily said, "Well I have to go. See you later, Xena and Gabrielle." He dashed off to his mother.

The Conqueror had a twisted face because she wasn't use to being called by her first name by anybody but her family. She grabbed the mare's reins then continued the trek across town.

Gabrielle had a slight smirk at how the ruler handled the situation. She realized the dark ruler would have a taste of her soulmate's opposite lifestyle. Part of her looked forward to seeing how it would affect the ruler.

The Conqueror continued through the village, and she tried not to show any outward reaction towards the people's warm welcome. She glimpsed at Gabrielle, who acted natural to the entire scene. Xena shrugged it off and continued. She was relieved to duck under the stable's overhang and went to an empty stall.

The warrior followed the horse and ruler into the stall. She retrieved the saddlebags and her scroll satchel, but she let the ruler handle the horse. Gabrielle then picked out faint footsteps, and she warmly smiled at the stable owner.

"Hello, Gabrielle." The stable owner smiled at the bard. He then turned his smile to the Conqueror. "Welcome, Xena."

The Conqueror glanced at the bemused bard, and she tried to remain passive with the stable owner. "Thank you."

"How much is it to keep our horse here?" Gabrielle positioned the saddlebags over her shoulder.

"Nothing at all," the owner replied. He stepped closer and softly instructed, "Just don't spread word about it."

"No, we really can't," the bard started to reach up for the dinar pouch in the saddlebags. "How much-"

"It's okay," the owner insisted. He smiled and touched the bard's arm to stop her. "For all that you've both done, I think a free stall and feed is nothing in comparison."

"And I believe in paying for any service," Gabrielle debated.

The stable owner sighed and asked, "There is one way you can pay."

The Conqueror came out of the stall and carefully listened.

"We're hoping you'll tell a story tonight at the inn," the owner implored.

The petite warrior dropped her arm from her saddlebags and finally gave in to the villagers' wants. "Alright, but I have to warn it's been awhile since I've performed."

"Any performance from the Battling Bard will be wonderful." The stable owner smiled then started to move down the stable. "See you in the inn later."

Gabrielle smiled at the man's kindness, and she peered up at the silent ruler. "Come on." She had her scroll satchel in her left hand, which she suddenly slammed into the ruler's chest.

The Conqueror grabbed the satchel's strap and held it. She stood still, but Gabrielle went ahead of her. She tilted her head and stole a moment to appreciate the small warrior's shapely and muscular body. It was so much like her lovers, yet foreign too. And that dragon tattoo, she needed to discuss it with Gabrielle later because Xena had only heard that Akemi gave it to her.

Gabrielle made it into the small inn. She was none too surprised to find out that the inn owner refused to let her pay. She hotly debated to pay, but the inn keeper said a few stories would be a perfect exchange. Gabrielle did at least get to pay for the dinners.

The bard stole away into the shared bedroom first, and she ran through the saddlebags. She needed to clean up first before she ate anything, but she was looking forward to a good meal.

The Conqueror scanned about the small room, however, the single bed was what caught her attention. She raised an eyebrow and glanced at the washroom where the bard was located. She decided not to think about the future predicament and instead she took a seat near the table.

Gabrielle strolled out with damp bangs, and she stood in front of the ruler. She folded her arms over her chest and silently regarded the ruler.

The Conqueror crossed her legs and reclined her neck some. She found the green in Gabrielle's eyes matched her lover's. She found a hardness in the bard that wasn't in her Gabrielle's heart. She couldn't imagine what'd caused it, and she wondered if Gabrielle had always been this way.

"I do have one question," Gabrielle prompted after a moment.


The bard held back her smirk then honestly questioned, "Can you really fight with a cape?"

The ruler detected the mockery in the bard's tone. She slotted her bright blue eyes and dangerously replied, "Would you like to find out?" She expected the bard to stand down or joke back.

Gabrielle finger her lover's chakram at her waist, and she seriously debated the challenge.

The Conqueror gradually arched an eyebrow and her muscles tensed.

The warrior removed her hand and walked away to the door. "When we leave the village." She opened the door and left the ruler alone.

The Conqueror slightly grinned and huffed. She climbed to her feet and followed out of the open door. She tightly closed the door then marched down the hallway. She found Gabrielle had taken a seat at a table in a corner so she joined the bard.

Gabrielle already occupied the seat that gave a full view of the tavern. She'd learned that lesson from her partner so many years ago, and now it was her duty. She stretched out her worn legs after the Conqueror took the other chair. "I believe it's mutton tonight."

"My favorite," the ruler muttered.

The bard softly grunted, but she straightened up when the barmaid appeared. "I'll take a cider, and Xena would like a port."

The barmaid smiled at the pair, then she hurried off to fill the orders.

Gabrielle remained cool despite the ruler's curious stare. She went more serious and asked, "You stopped Yodoshi with the chakram? You couldn't use the katana?"

"No." The Conqueror leaned closer to the table then rolled into her explanation about the evil katana. "It was because of the katana that made him so evil."

The bard shook her head and became perplexed. "That doesn't make sense. Xena and I were told that he was just naturally evil, and it was because of his evil that the Underworld didn't want him."

"It's half right." The ruler recalled her past from Japa and Chin. "He was quite evil, but not to the point that the Underworld wouldn't take him." She sighed and dimmed at her memories about what'd happened. "When Akemi severed her father's head with the katana it merged his evil spirit with the evil of the katana."

"That would explain why Akemi had the katana," the warrior whispered.

"Did you notice whether Akemi was obsessed with Xena?"

Gabrielle opened her mouth, yet she lost her words when the barmaid came with their drinks. She thanked the barmaid, who promised the dinners would be out soon. She then focused back on the Conqueror. "Yes, actually. I was constantly on edge when I met Akemi... her spirit or whatever." She fisted her hand on the table and harshly whispered, "I don't know why I didn't say something."

"Always follow your gut instinct, Gabrielle... it's typically right ninety-nine percent of the time."

The bard brushed her short, blond hair back then shook her head. "It still doesn't make sense because Akemi tried to fight Yodoshi."

The Conqueror stretched out her hand across the table, but she didn't touch Gabrielle. "Listen to me, Gabrielle this Akemi is nothing but conniving. I thought too that she was a lost soul in the middle of it all, but I found out otherwise. She played you and Xena because she's obsessed with two things."

Gabrielle racked her mind about what the two things could be, and she had a few good guesses.

"She's obsessed with power... and obsessed with Xena. She doesn't know which she rather have more, but I'm betting it's Xena's soul with hers for eternity."

"Then what Akemi told Xena about her having to remain dead is... is Centaur shit?" Gabrielle slumped back in her chair.

"I don't think so," the ruler replied. She relaxed back in her chair and observed the angry bard. "It's true, and Akemi set up Xena just as she set me up." She slipped her hand around the mug's hand. "Akemi knew her soul couldn't be redeemed, but she planned to keep me with her for eternity." Xena started to pick up venom in her cold words. "She asked me to take her ashes to Higuchi because she knew that the people would forbid her ashes to be taken to the shrine. Those people heard how evil her spirit was, and they wouldn't allow me to do it. Akemi was counting on my anger and hatred to react, and I would kill those people. That gave her father all those souls, and I was held responsible for their deaths."

Gabrielle had her jaw clenched, and her anger was at the brim. She was close to exploding, but she had to get a grip. She knew it. She closed her eyes and mentally recited a very old poem that was her favorite. It was Elysian Fields that Xena had long ago told her to repeat if she ever felt angry.

The Conqueror was just as angry yet from her past. Despite she'd stopped Akemi and Lord Yodoshi several Helical Risings ago, she always carried the bitter anger behind her chest.

The barmaid appeared at the quiet table, and she handed out the plates of food. Gabrielle did her best to thank the barmaid, then she and the Conqueror silently ate their meals. After the plates were clean of any food, Gabrielle felt her temper had mostly drained for now. She needed to go up on stage, however, she wasn't sure what story she could tell that wouldn't break her heart tonight.

The Conqueror sensed the bard was distraught by a mix of emotions. She wasn't sure how to handle the situation because Gabrielle was far different than her lover. She didn't know what were Gabrielle's bounds, and it'd taken the Conqueror long enough just to learn her lover's. She peered into her almost empty mug then quietly voiced, "You have an audience that awaits you."

Gabrielle focused on the ruler after she lifted her head.

The Conqueror met the bard's stare. "I wouldn't keep your fans waiting anymore."

Gabrielle sadly smiled at the ruler's attempt to prompt her. She gathered herself and whispered, "Thanks." She stood up and walked towards the front of the other side of the tavern. She noted that the patrons were growing quiet with each step she made towards the large table that inn keeper left open for her.

Gabrielle approached the table, turned, and she slightly grinned. There in the front was little Nicodemus with his mother. Her grin went more crooked when Nicodemus waved at her, and Gabrielle found her bard spirit that'd she casted away after Xena's death.

The inn keeper was behind the bar, he smiled, and started to clap. "Welcome the Battling Bard from Potidaea, Gabrielle!"

The bard felt a flush start at her cheeks then gradually it spread over her face when the audience cheered and clapped for her. She cleared her throat then stepped back twice until she was able to sit on the table. She kept her body still with her right foot on the floor, and she let her left foot dangle in the air.

"Thank you everybody. Thank you." Gabrielle show a warm smile and waited until everybody settled down. She spotted more patrons coming through the door, and they started to line the walls. She hadn't been before such a large audience in many moons. "I'm sure you all know my partner, Xena." She pointed to the Conqueror in the back.

The crowd's heads turned in unison to the dark ruler in the corner, and they hollered Xena's name. They greatly praised the deeds of the Warrior Princess.

The Conqueror was dumbfounded, and all she could do was smile and wave back. She felt silly one way yet so pleased too. She wouldn't have mind a dark shadow to hide in though.

Take that, Conqueror thought the bard, who smirked. Gabrielle decided to take the attention off the uncomfortable ruler. "Thank you again, everybody for the warm welcome to Methone." She folded her hands in her red lap. "It's been awhile since Xena and I have passed through here, but we'll have to do it more often."

A collection of agreements passed through the tavern along with a few cheers.

"Well," Gabrielle continued, "I promised a young man a story tonight." She smiled down at Nicodemus, who waved at her again. She raised her head up and met the audience's curious looks. "I wasn't quite sure where to start." She hesitated still, but she could tell her audience wanted a story. She then met the Conqueror's gaze, and Gabrielle knew where to begin. "We're always told the beginning is the best place to start." She unlaced her hands and pushed herself back on the table more. "In this case, the ending was the beginning for a dark, angry warrior. She was known throughout the lands as the Destroyer of Nations and a ruthless warlord. She sought to conqueror these very lands you walk on each day, and any cost would not deter her. Everybody said she had no heart, and that she could only talk with her sword. She was infamous for her tactics as a warlord and her kills as a warrior. The people had believed she was the daughter of Ares, but she was never born that way. The Destroyer of Nations was molded into the dark warlord, and she planned to conqueror the entire world piece by piece. She just never planned to have her heart conquered." Gabrielle stopped and let her audience absorb the opening of her familiar story that many had heard, but still loved to hear again and again.

The bard searched her audiences' faces, and she saw she'd already captivated them. Just maybe she hadn't lost her edge as a bard. She then honed in on the Conqueror's dark glow in the backdrop. She could see the most intrigued audience member was the Conqueror herself. Gabrielle shifted her hands and rested them on the chakram. She inhaled deeply then loudly told, "This is a story about the death of the Destroyer of Nations and the birth of the Warrior Princess."


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