~ A Trip in Time ~
by Ri

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. No copyright infringement is meant to either Renpics and the owners of Xena Warrior Princess and all characters of the show, or Paramount and the owners of Star Trek: The Next Generation. This is a work of alternative fiction, so if that isn't your cup of tea, please try some of the general stories. There are alot of good ones out there!

Send comments to: sarrabi@hotmail.com

Jean Luc Picard walked around the great lion statue studying for the third time. He didn?t know why he felt so drawn to it, but he felt drawn to the protector of Amphipolis. He and Dr. Beverly Crusher had been in Thrace for two days when an old college chum, Professor Tom Jensen called to say he just had to see the Protector of Amphipolis. It was said that the Great Lion was erected after a battle to save the small town from invasion as the only thank you the General of the battle would accept.

Picard had read of the Lion of Amphipolis, had read some good papers on the statue but to see it had made such an emotional impact it was overwhelming the Captain?s sense of self.

"I thought I?d find you out here, Jean Luc. Really, you know you can?t bring her to life."


"Yes, her," Beverly smiled at his astonished expression. "I just get a feeling it?s a she. You know a mother lion protecting her young?"

"But the mane, Beverly?" Picard was startled by Beverly?s words because they rang true inside him and gave him a feeling that he knew who the protector was,?That?s ridiculous, no one knows.? He thought berating his own foolishness.

"So she was carved by a man in his image, I know what I feel from her. Are you going to come in to dinner? Tom?s worried about you."

"In a bit, Beverly, I?m just so drawn to...her. I ...uh need to stay a little longer."

Beverly smiled at the ?her?, "Ok, but do come in soon so I can eat."


"I?m not going to eat alone again...so hurry up, I?m hungry!" She said with a smile gently slapping his arm and walked to dining room tent a few yards away.

Picard watched her shaking his head, ?Damn, she knows me too well.? He mused as he started to circle the statue again. His foot accidentally hit an edge of the base in a downward angle and loud creak rang through out the archaeology base. He nervously looked about but everyone else was in the dining tent and there was some loud music playing so no one else heard the noise. He looked down and there before him was an ancient ceramic tube.

He studied enough archeology to know he should get Tom, but his curiosity and the pull of that tube was overwhelming. He bent down on his knees to see a smaller tube with in the ancient cylinder. He gasped and gently pulled the smaller tube out of the larger one. He almost started again for the dining tent when some in inner force stopped him. Some instinct called to him to see what was inside this cylinder himself.

He gently opened the clay object and to his astonishment found and ancient parchment rolled neatly inside. He gently nudged the larger cylinder back into the base of the statue and went to his private tent with his treasure. Dinner would have to wait.

* * * * * *

Beverly found him later surrounded by text books deeply engrossed.

"Where the hell have you been, Jean Luc?"

"Here," he answered while scribbling not bothering to look up.

"Well, I?ve been waiting to eat with you and I?m starved!"

"Oh, I am sorry, Beverly." He looked like a small boy who was caught doing something wrong and his face was full of sorrow. She smiled inwardly ?I love it, when the Starship Captain goes away and the real, Jean Luc appears.? She thought to her self as he scrambled to his feet and shuffled them a bit trying to find the words to explain.

"Um, please sit down. You must hear this. I?ve only been able to translate a few lines but it's fascinating."

"Translated a few lines of what?"

"This," He answered holding up the scroll.

"What is it?" Curious, her hunger was forgotten for the moment.

"Listen," He started to read from his notes, "I sing the song of The Warrior Princess, Protector of Amphipolis and the kindest, bravest person the world has ever known. After a fierce battle against the Gods themselves to save her home town, this statue was begun to thank her. The Warrior Princess..." He looked up from his notes and shrugged, "Thats all I?ve gotten so far. Beverly, your instincts were right. The lion is a woman. I...it the part about the Gods themselves...."

"Where did you find that?"

Picard looked embarrassed as he explained, "I kind of tripped over something and it popped out..."

Beverly started to laugh hysterically almost falling out of the chair she was sitting in.

"Beverly, its not funny I..."

Beverly was doubled over she was laughing so hard, "You...you...tripped over such...a find....Oh Jean Luc....thats...thats priceless, wait till I tell Deanna and Will..."

"Beverly, " He growled, "don?t you dare."

"Oh, ok." She tried to make her face serious but only succeeded in making an amused smirk. "So what do you make of it, oh great scholar?"

Picard felt even more foolish and said, "Oh, I don?t know....I think I want to try to translate the rest...I know I?m not a scholar. But I...I feel compelled to find out who this "Warrior Princess" was...I have never read of such a woman."

"Neither have I, But I sure as hell would like to. Well let's get cracking."

* * * * *

They worked the rest of the night and all morning. They had gotten further in the scroll but not to the end of it.

"Read it as far as we were able to get, Beverly." Picard said grimacing. He felt like he was getting no where in his quest.

"Jean Luc, neither of us are scholars. I think were doing ok, don?t you?"

"I guess you're right. Read it please..."

Beverly smiled and read the scroll thus far; "I sing the song of the Warrior Princess, Protector of Amphipolis and the kindest, bravest person the world has ever known. After fierce battle against the Gods themselves to save her home town, this statue was begun to thank her. The Warrior Princess saved the town, her child and the future by her clever manipulation of Ares, and his passions. She set up Ares and Athena against one another knowing that Ares would keep his promise even if was during a moment of..." Beverly smiled at the growling Captain of the Enterprise, "Nice place to get stuck in, huh?"

"A very frustrating place, Beverly. This must be fiction. The Gods and Goddess?s of war were Greek myths. Maybe this Warrior Princess was a myth too."

Beverly smiled and shook her head, "Well Jean Luc, we are in a rather privileged position. I mean we have a way to find out the truth if we want to."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the time loop that Captain Kirk and Captain Spock discovered..."

Picard nodded his head.


"Beverly, I can?t and won?t take the Enterprise on a wild goose chase."

"No, but we could take the shuttle."

"Beverly," He growled.

"Will and Deanna would love to go..."


"It would be a legitimate research project, this is quite a find."

"It would..."

"See, I knew you?d agree, lets go to Athens so we can get to the transport station. The sooner we get to the ship sooner we will find out who the Warrior Princess was, Myth or Legend."


"Come on time is fleeting."

Picard rolled his eyes and followed the good doctor out of his tent.

* * * * *

The shuttle Explorer left dry dock and Commander Will Riker was piloting her with Captain Picard beside him.

"Get that smirk off your face, Commander."

"What smirk?"

"Will." Picard growled.

"Sorry, I just love to see Bev in action."

Picard looked over at where the two other officers were talking behind him.

"Yes, she is quite persuasive."

"So did you calculate the time table per Captain Spock?s logs on the subject?" Will asked thinking it would be best to get to a safe subject.

"Very subtle, Will." Said the Captain, but he smiled putting his second in command and friend at ease." And yes I have, here." He said as he handed his first officer the disk with the calculations on it.

"Thanks, this will be a great job, Captain,"

"Ok, ok Number One, I?ll stop being grumpy. Stop trying to distract me."

"Who, me, Captain, Sir?"

Picard shook his head in frustration and studied the information being fed into the navigation system. "Get ready to enter the time loop." He warned the two officers behind him.

Deanna and Beverly sat up and Beverly smiled at the Captain with a barely contained smile, "Yes, sir."

Deanna turned her face away slightly to hide the wide grin on her face.

Picard shook his head and faced forward. ?Women.? He thought to himself. He would never say such a thing out loud but he felt in the privacy of his own mind he could voice thoughts any other guy in Starfleet would have at this moment. Glancing at Will he thought if he was going through this amused manipulation he would probably say it out loud, ?So I at least have a little more control.?

Deanna felt all these emotions despite the fact that her personal shields were up. She also felt that the Captain was excited and amused. ?This will be good for him. He needs this distraction from duty. Bev was right to talk him into it.? She sighed and readied herself for the strange internal imbalance that a time warp puts on the human body.

"In five, four, three...."

* * * * *

Xena and Gabrielle were sitting outside Xena?s Mother?s inn. It was the night after the Battle of Amphipolis. They were on the back porch trying to be normal again. Xena was sharpening her sword and Gabrielle was struggling over a scroll of the battle. Xena knew they were both shook up from the events of the past few days. Eve was safe. That?s all that mattered. She and Gabrielle would protect their child and now she knew she had surprisingly the support of the village. This made her feel a little better. She would not feel safe till the twilight was complete though. Her daughter would be a constant target till then. Xena knew that the Goddess of War would not give up. Athena would be back. Suddenly her eyes caught a shooting star in the nights sky. Gabrielle was caught by it too.

"That was a large one, wasn?t it Xena? Do you think it was a meteor?"

Xena?s head cocked to one side, "Could be, I guess. I don?t know alot about forecasting the stars. It was big though."

Gabrielle smiled at how sweet Xena looked, with her head in that position just like a little kid, ?Xena, doesn?t know something. Wow!? She thought with a smirk she asked, "You mean it isn?t among your many skills?"

Xena smiled back at best friend and nodded her head, "Well I really don?t need that skill, do I Gabrielle? I know where I am by the stars and thats all I really need. I don?t move among them so I really don?t need to know why they move and what they?re made of..."

"Xena, wouldn?t that be wonderful? To fly among the stars?"

Xena smiled affectingly at the dreamer beside her and draped an arm over the Bard?s bare shoulders, "If we learn to fly someday, Gabrielle then I?ll learn that skill, till then I?ll just learn what I know as a Captain of a ship so we never get lost at night, ok?"

Gabrielle smiled and leaned her head on the taller woman?s shoulder, "Ok ."

* * * * *

Xena was up very early in the morning. After ritual excersize and Tai chi, she began a hunting trip for her family's breakfast. She knew that Gabrielle was sick of rabbit, so she decided to get a nice game bird for her Bard. She suddenly felt eyes on her. She quietly turned toward an opening the forest. She jumped straight up into a tree and tried to see who was watching her. ?Its not a God, but who can remain invisible like this? A sorcerer? Hmmm, well lets see if I can smoke out my watchers.? She thought through several viable plans and then nodded to herself as she decided on a plan of action.

* * * * *

The four officers had set up an encampment outside the village of Amphipolis. They put up an invisibility shield and were all astonished when a tall woman from the village headed straight for them.

"Deanna, can you feel who that woman is sh...?" He stopped in the middle of question as he watched the remarkable woman jump straight up into a tree.

"Wow." said Will.

"I?d say so." replied Beverly astonished.

Deana?s eyes widened but she concentrated on the woman?s feelings.

"She?s a warrior, a mother, a best friend , a daughter...She is going to protect her family no matter what. Oh my God, she knows we?re here...she has an extraordinary ability with her senses,Captain. She has ESP and she definately senses us. That's why she went up into that tree to try to get a better look. She is positive someone is watching her. She is not scared, she is cautious and angry and very protective of her family and village...Xena...her name is Xena."

* * * * *

Xena approached the clearing with caution. She knew there was someone there even if she couldn?t see them. She could feel them. She sat on her haunches and said in her most commanding voice, " Ok, come on out."

Silence greeted her, "You really don?t want to get to me mad, people. Come out of there peacefully." Still silence. She shook her head and said "Ok, you asked for it," She threw her chakram right at the invisibly shield. It went right through instead of deflecting off like it should have. The chakram hit Deanna in the leg and she fell over in great pain half in and half out of the shield.

Xena saw half a woman fall to the ground as she retrieved her chakram from the air. She jumped down and gently pulled Deanna all the way out of the enclosure. She looked at her leg and said sympathetically, "Got you good didn?t I?"

Big brown eyes in a beautiful face nodded her head. "Well I better get you back to my Mother?s Inn so I can fix that up. Are there any others in there?" She asked as she helped the pale woman up and headed toward the village. When the woman didn?t answer she just kept walking and Xena thought to herself, ? Oh great, a mute.?

* * * * *

Picard was holding Will back, "We can?t Will, that woman said she was going to fix Deanna up. So I assume she knows simple first aide. As soon as she is able Deanna will come back on her own..."

"What if she kills her, Captain you saw strong she is; she just picked her up as she was nothing..."

"If she was going to kill her Will she would of done it here in the clearing. No Deanna said she?s a Warrior I think she would of killed her right away if thought it was necessary. I think she was just taking her home where her supplies are. Wouldn?t you do that, Beverly?

Beverly nodded mutely, still in shock by what had happened so fast.

* * * * *

Deanna sensed that this woman was just protecting her family.She also knew she meant no harm to herself or the landing party. She looked at the beautiful woman with the striking profile. The warrior had not said a word since trying to communicate in the clearing. She could feel the woman?s curiosity especially about Deana?s strange clothing and the fact that the landing party was behind a wall of invisibility. ?This is a brilliant mind, she not at all primitive. She speaks and reads several languages, and knows how to heal. Damn, I wonder if she?s...?

They came to a building and Xena kicked the door with her foot. A small blonde woman opened the door talking even before the door was opened.

"Well it about time, Xena, I?m star..." She stopped mid word.

Xena smiled at the shocked look on her friend's face. "Get my medical pouch and clear the table."

Gabrielle mutely nodded and set about her tasks.

Deanna liked this woman the moment she laid eyes on her. She could feel her goodness, strength and her love for Xena and her devotion to their family. ?Her sweetness hides her strength she is a good balance for the warrior.? She could also sense the deep love and affection between the two woman tending her. ?These are bright, strong independent woman. Wow, they both would of done well in our time.? Thought Deanna as she was gently set down on the table and her trouser leg was cut in half by the warrior?s bare hands.

"It?s not too bad," Xena said to Deanna she smiled at the injured woman and Deanna noticed how it transformed her face. It made her look kind and friendly instead of just fierce and powerful.

The blonde ran over with the medical pouch and smiled sweetly at the patient, "She knows what she?s doing, there is no reason for you to be scared."

"I?m not."

"Well you can talk. I was beginning to wonder." Xena said with a chuckle as she set about cleaning the wounded area of the leg.

"Yes, I can talk. I was just stunned, what is that thing?" Deanna said pointing toward the Chakram on Xena?s hip.

Xena grinned at Gabrielle and winked, then to Deanna she asked, "Where did you get these clothes and how were you able to create that wall of invisibility. You're not a God, so how?"

?Very intelligent,? Thought Deanna grimly. "I can?t tell you any of that."

"Sorry, no free information. Just medical service. Gabrielle give her some sleeping herbs to ease the pain from the stitching I have to do here..."

"No please, I can?t sleep..."

"Afraid you?ll talk in your sleep?"Xena asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile.

"Something like that, yes"

"That will hurt like Hades without something to kill the pain."

"How about some wine?" Gabrielle suggested.

Deanna nodded that would be fine.

"Fine, Mom has some behind the bar in a red bottle, could you get it quickly Gabrielle? We have to get started on this soon or she may develop an infection." Gabrielle streaked out of the kitchen to the bar and Xena smiled inwardly to herself, "That stuff in the red bottle is stronger then the sleeping herbs.?

* * * *

Deanna woke up a few hours later in a room upstairs. She looked down and realized she was in a bed.

"Don?t worry you didn?t talk in your sleep." Said Xena with a grin.

Deanna looked into clear blue eyes and was amazed at the compassion she saw within them.

Gabrielle entered with Eve and said with smile, "She?s hungry, Mama."

"Oh, is she?" Xena said with a bright smile for her best friend and their child.

Deanna was amazed by the transformation on the warrior's face. "OK, my love, its lunch time. Gabrielle would you watch over our guest while I feed the baby?" Gabrielle nodded and smiled, her eyes never leaving the mother and child till they left the room.

"She?s like another woman with you and that baby."

Gabrielle shrugged,"Well I?m her best friend and that?s her daughter. She?s in a different mode of relationship when we're involved. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thank you. Is she a doctor?"

Gabrielle smiled and asked, "A doctor?"

"Um, a healer?"

"Yes, she?s a gifted healer as well as a warrior. She has many skills." Gabrielle said with a smirk.

"And you?"

"I?m a bard and ...uh....a warrior."

"You seem awfully gentle for a warrior..."

"So?s Xena....we fight only when we have to which unfortunately is all the time. She could be a healer, a ship's captain, a ruler of a country...she could be many things but what she is , well...is a warrior. She protects the innocent. If it wasn?t for her...well many people would be dead..."


"Deanna, she is a great warrior."

"What?s your name?"

"Gabrielle. Who are you and what do you do?"

"Um, I?m a healer of the mind and other then that I can?t..."

"Good girl, Gabrielle. You got more out of her then I could, but then you always can." Xena said with a smile of appreciation toward her friend. Xena entered through another door with Eve in her arms. "Here take the baby to mother," Gabrielle smiled back, took the baby, kissed her and quietly left the room.

"A healer of the mind? In strange clothes and who?s able to make herself invisible? Very interesting." Xena said with a smirk as she sat back down in a chair by the window. "Are you a touch healer or do you use healing points like they do in Chin?"

"I?m only a healer of the mind, really Xena, I?m not allowed to tell you more."

"Not allowed?"

"Its a ...military order..."

"You work for a warlord," Suspicion enter those blue eyes again.

"No...I ...we're peaceful Xena. We must remain secret...I...."

Xena rolled her eyes at such an idea. Yet she did believe the beautiful, dark haired, woman. She was in a protective mode and she couldn?t let up yet, "You what? You're spying on Amphipolis. Why? Spying is not a peaceful act, Deanna."

"We were not spying we were observing. We're non-aggressive."

Xena smiled grimly and crossed her arms, "I have much knowledge of armies and believe me Deanna there is no such thing as a non-aggressive military force."

Deanna grimaced internally, ?In your time that is true, my friend.? She thought. "Well lets just say that we are an exception to your rule. We have actually have laws of non-interference."

"Spying isn?t interfering?"

"We're not spying we were observing!"


"Curiosity. The need to learn."

"Did you ever hear of knocking and asking?"

"Um ...well..."

"Never mind, get some rest. Are you hungry?"

Deanna nodded.

"Ok, I?ll get my Mother to make you something."

* * * *

"Will, what do you expect us to do? Storm the village? Demand they release our crewman? What about the prime directive?" Beverly asked the nervously pacing man reasonably.

"Of course not. We?ve got to do something though...Captain?" Will was pleading with his eyes to his friend and commanding officer.

Picard stood up and clamped a hand on his first officer?s shoulder. "We are going to do something, Will. But couldn?t you see that this woman was not a savage. She was...remarkable, compassionate. I know she won?t hurt Deanna, I feel that strongly. But we do need get her back before something slips out."

* * * * *

Deanna was enjoying the food that Cyrene brought her. She was amazed at the taste. She had never in her life tasted food that was so delicious. ?There is something to be said about real food cooked by a talented hand instead of simulated food that is dispensed on a starship. I really do like this. I wish..." Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Gabrielle with large plate full of chocolate cake in her hand. Deanna?s eyes widened and a delighted grin crossed her features.

Gabrielle smiled, ?Xena was right, again.? as she brought the plate and spoon to the injured woman.

"Thank you." Said Deanna as she eagerly took a bite.

"You're welcome. So your people like chocolate too?"

"Oh yes, of course we do. I..." She looked up and gave Gabrielle an ironic smile. "My we are clever, aren?t we? Not bad to catch a healer of the mind off guard like that. Points to you, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle shrugged, "I don?t get the credit. It was Xena?s idea. Most women, Xena and I included, love chocolate so we just thought..."

"It would loosen my tongue a little?" She asked with a chuckle and a huge bite of chocolate. "Where is the great tactician?" She asked as soon as she swallowed.

"She?s feeding Eve, she?ll be up in a minute."

"That's a beautiful little girl. She must be very proud of her."

Gabrielle smiled proudly and then answered a little sadly, "She is beautiful and we are proud of her. We hope she grows up to be a special woman...Like her mother."

"Both of her mothers." Said Xena with a smile toward Gabrielle. She entered the room alone and leaned on the arch of the door.

"Do you always eavesdrop when when you enter a room or do you do it just with me, Xena?" Deanna asked as she gulped another mouthful of chocolate cake.

Xena smiled wickedly and then shrugged her shoulders and answered her honestly, "I learned to do that as a warlord. It was always best to know what's being discussed before you enter a room. It makes it easier to handle the unexpected."

"You were a warlord?"

"She was, was, being the operative word," Interrupted Gabrielle frustrated that Xena even brought that up.

Xena smiled lovingly at her best friend?s protectiveness, "Yes, Gabrielle is right. I have been trying to redeem myself through the greater good..."

"And succeeding."

"Too well," She said with an ironic lift of an elegant eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, Deana. could you enlighten us a little?"

"About what?"

"Who you are?"

"You know who I am, Xena. I?m a healer of the mind and my name is Deanna."

"Yes, a healer named Deanna who wears strange clothes in a fabric I?ve never seen and I used to deal in it when I was a pirate so I know fabric from all over the known world. And who fell through a wall of invisibility at my feet. Call me crazy, but I get the feeling that you're not from around here..."

"Shes not." Said a deep and unfortunately familiar male voice.

Three heads swirled to stare at the man in leather by the window. Deanna dropped the plate in shock, Ares smiled at her sympathetically and said, "Now we can?t have that, Commander....here you go." He waved his hand and the plate was back in her hand with the cake and spoon balanced.

"How did you know..."

"Your title, "He smiled at Xena and said while looking at the warrior, "I have many skills."

Xena rolled her eyes and said, "Can?t even be original, huh Ares?"

"Hey, I?ve got no reason to be original, I?m the God of War. Besides do you know how long I?ve wanted to say that line of yours?"

"Damn it Ares, what the hell do you want?"

"Just trying to help an old friend out. The Commander here isn?t going to furnish any information so I thought I?d help out.

Her name is Commander Deanna Troi of the Starship Enterprise. Her position is ship's counselor which is as she said a healer of the mind. In case you didn?t get it she?s from the future. They have a law about interfering and she does have companions here." He smiled wickedly at Deanna.

"How do you know all this?" She couldn?t seem to read him, but he read her right through her shields.

"No Deanna, your empathic powers have no affect on a God. But I can read you like an open book. Your friends are on their way here by the way, to delicately negotiate for your release. I?d hold out for the galaxy if I were you Xena..."

Xena had enough, this was Ares at his most annoying. Even though she did believe him, she really didn?t want him to attract the other Gods back on her home and her family. "Enough! Ares get the hell out of here!

I don?t need the other God?s, especially your sister Athena...."

"Don?t worry about, sis. She is in mourning and that gives us enough time..."

"Ares, never! Ever! Not in this or any life time!! Go!" Xena yelled, angry beyond endurance at his continued seduction.

Gabrielle stayed quietly seated,her eyes on Xena. She just couldn?t deal with any of the Gods right now. They all had enough of them for a very long while.

"Ok,ok I?m going, but don?t forget my offer."

"Ares." Xena growled.

"Bye, I?ll be back. Count on it." A flash and the God of War was gone.

"I sincerely hope not, " Said Xena.

"Me too." Said Gabrielle meeting the blue eyes and they smiled at each other in complete understanding.

* * * *

After dark Picard, Beverly and Riker headed for town to try to find their missing crewman. Alerted by Ares words, Xena spotted them easily and walked over to intercept them.

"Your friend is this way," She said calmly to Picard.

Captain Picard was momentarily surprised, but then he realized that their clothes gave them away. "Is she all right?"

"Of course. Why wouldn?t she be?" She asked innocently as she led them back to her mother's inn. She had her back to them so her smirk was well hidden as she opened the door and led them up the back stairs.

"Well your greeting was..."

"Appropriate. You were spying on us after all." She answered the captain quietly.

?Oh dear God, what did Deanna say?? He thought to himself. Outwardly he was calm and asked the warrior casually, "What do you mean?"

"We?ll go into that upstairs in private." She fell silent as they walked up the stairs.

* * * * *

Deanna sat bolt upright in her bed as Xena led her crewmates into the room.

"Deanna, are you okay?" Riker asked giving her a heartfelt hug and then looking at the leg that was above her blanket.

Beverly discreetly used a small tricoder to check Deanna?s leg. Xena?s eyes and ears were too sharp for the instrument and she knew the Doctor had something hidden in her hand.

"You did a good job," Beverly said to Xena with a sweet smile.

"What does that thing do?"

"What thing?"

"The thing that made the buzzing noise that is hidden in your palm?"

"You heard that...but that?s impossible..."

"Xena has excellent hearing," Deanna said smiling up at her healer.

Xena smiled back and nodded, "Yep."

"We?ve been discovered, Captain." Deanna told her commanding officer calmly.

Picard?s eyes slid over toward Xena, "No Sir, Xena knows but it wasn?t her that discovered who we are, It was..." Deanna stopped and she didn?t know how to say it. How do you tell a modern person that a Greek Myth was real?

"Ares, told us." Xena finished the sentence for Deanna without any such problem of conscience.

"Ares is named after the God of War?"

"No, I am the God of War, Captain."

"Shit Ares! I told you to leave us alone!" Growled Xena.

"Hey I wanted to meet the future. Do you mind?"

"Yes, I do. Get out!"

"Ok, Picard we?ll talk later." And the God of War vanished.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Riker.

"The God of War." Answered Deanna simply.

"What?" Asked Picard .

"Captain, I can?t read him but he can read me. He is a powerful being. You just saw him, he?s ...well... a God. Can you come up with a different explanation, sir?"

"No, but its...remarkable."

"Captain Kirk reported meeting the God Apollo, so why not?" Beverly asked reasonably.

"So you don?t believe in the Gods in the future?" Asked Xena thoughtfully. She had been forgotten by the crewmembers during they?re debate.

"He is a myth...Xena, is it?" He asked with a charming smile.

Xena nodded, ?So the Twilight of the Gods is a fact. The Fates are right. My baby is the key.? " This is a very dangerous time you entered Captain. We are in the middle of a war with the Gods. We just had a huge battle here. Ares was actually helping us but.....I really don?t trust him. You must all go home before you get hurt." Xena said succinctly in a very commanding tone which showed Picard more then she wanted.

"And you were the general against them?"

"I protected my home and family, Captain."

"You did say you were a warrior Xena, who fights for the greater good, right?" Deanna pointed out gently feeling Xena?s worry and agitation.

"I am, but I am not a general....I?m merely an ex-warlord and I?m trying to do what?s right. I am protecting my child...I..."

Gabrielle had come in during the halting speech and she saw her stoic friend who was losing this war with herself. "You are the best and bravest person in the known world. And I will fight to the death anyone who says otherwise."

Xena smiled at her friend who was leaning against the doorway, "Even me, huh?"

Gabrielle smiled back,"Well, not to the death, but I would find any way I could to change that brilliant mind of yours."

Xena shook her head in affectionate defeat, "You always do, my friend, you always do."

"Well aren?t you two just too much?" Aphrodite asked with a sweet smile.

"Aphrodite, you two are going to bring the rest of the Gods down on us again! Don't you..."

"Hey, I am here to help you know! Yeash. Now listen, Ares wants to use the Captain here to escape the Twilight. I thought it was really nice of me to let you know. You don?t have to be so Bitchy Xena." Aphrodite pouted.

Xena growled, then she took a breath and realized that the Goddess was right.

"You're right. Sorry Aphrodite. But..."

The Goddess smiled and winked at the Warrior, "I?m out of here. I?ll keep an eye on little bro, see ya!" She vanished in a flash of sparkles.

Picard and Riker's eyes met in mutual shock. Deanna looked triumphant and Beverly simply looked amused, "She wasn?t like I read about at all."

Gabrielle?s eyes sparkled with curiosity, "Oh my, you mean you read about the God?s in the future even though they are gone."

Beverly nodded, "Yes, there are many legends of the Greek God?s from this time period." She said to the curious young woman. She felt no qualms since the Gods had already broken the prime directive for them.

"Xena, how can Ares use me to break this Twilight of the Gods?"

Xena?s cool blue eyes met his and she answered him quietly, "He has many ways. He is a powerful and ingenious. He can be very charming and clever. He will try to find a way out of here to escape the Twilight," She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess he believes you're his way out."

"What is this Twilight?"

Xena?s gaze got even more intense and Picard had to blink in pure reaction. Slowly she took a breath and smiled, "I?ll tell you after dinner. In fact I?ll have Gabrielle tell you. She?s the bard in the family after all. Come on, Gabrielle lets give these people some privacy while we get ready for dinner and take care of Eve."

* * * * *

Xena was tucking Eve in and her expression was thoughtful. "Well my love, " She cooed to her little girl, "It seems you are a powerful person in your own right. But don?t worry Mommy and Mommy Gabrielle will protect you. No matter what, we will do anything in our power to protect you...I will die to protect you, sweetheart."

"Just like any Mother." Cyrene said from behind her daughter.

Xena looked at her mother with a sad smile on her face, "Mother will you watch the baby while Gabrielle and I take care of our guests?"

"Of course, darling. Don?t worry, everything will be ok." Cyrene enfolded her daughter in an embrace.

Xena relished the comfort from her mother?s arms and said quietly, "Does it ever end, Mom? I mean do you ever stop worrying about your children??

"Nope, thats the blessing and the curse of becoming a parent, darling. Xena you are my little girl. Even when you're old and gray, you will be my baby. So will Eve. She will be your darling little girl forever even when she is old and gray, that I know for a fact. You and Gabrielle will worry and protect her to the best of your abilities as long as you live, forever."

"Forever." Repeated Xena. Though she said it in barely above a whisper it was a commitment from parent to child.

* * * *

Xena, Cyrene and Gabrielle set up a delicious dinner in the kitchen for their special guests. Xena felt it was best to keep curious eyes away from the strangers wearing such weird clothing.

They were eating dinner when Picard made the decision to find out about the Lion of Amphipolis.

"Xena, this your hometown, right?"

Xena?s head snapped up and she looked at Gabrielle and then her mother then her gaze finally fixed on Picard, "I was brought up here, yes." She answered quietly.

Picard nodded, "Do you know of a legend of something called 'The Lion of Amphipololis?' "

Gabrielle?s eyes widened and she stuck a large spoonful of potato?s into her mouth.

Xena?s eyebrow?s rose into her bangs and she gazed at her mother, "No, have you, Mom?"

Cyrene shook her head , "No, I haven?t. Why Captain?"

Picard was confused, he was sure it dated to this time frame. "In my time period there is evidence of such a legend." He replied simply.

Gabrielle?s face paled and she added more potatoes to her already full mouth.

Deanna felt Gabrielle?s distress and watched with amusement and curiosity as the young woman stuffed food into her mouth.?I wonder what Gabrielle knows about this and why she?s acting so guilty?? She thought as she watched the young woman continue to stuff food in her already full mouth.

"What kind of evidence?" Xena asked with much curiosity. She didn?t notice Gabrielle?s strange reaction since she was concentrating on the man across the table from her.

"I found a scroll that alludes to..."

Suddenly there was a choking sound and the scraping of Gabrielle?s chair. She was bending over so the potato?s didn?t spit all over the table. Before anyone could see the warrior move Xena was by her side. She gently rubbed her back and brought a goblet of water to her lips. "Here drink this." She whispered while helping her hold it in her shaking hands. Gabrielle swallowed the water and breathed deeply.

Her face was flushed from the choking and shame. The warrior brushed sweaty bangs from her bard's eyes and asked quietly, "Are you ok?"

"Yes, I?m sorry Xena. Thank you."

Xena smiled at her friend and said, "Mom could you take Gabrielle to our room to lay down?"

"No, I?m fine. Xena, really."

"You sure?"

The blonde nodded and smiled.

Xena turned back to Picard as Gabrielle sat back down. She sat down again in her own chair and asked, "What exactly does this scroll say?"

Picard took the piece of paper out with his notes, "It says, "I sing of the Warrior Princess..."

"What!?!"Xena?s eyes flashed and she looked at her best friend who was very pale again. "Excuse me, Captain. Gabrielle I want to see you in private. Now!"

* * * * *

Xena was sitting in their room reading the original scroll that Picard had given her. It was so precious to him that he kept it in the inside pocket of his uniform jacket in a special plastic protection unit.

Xena had explained that she was the Warrior Princess mentioned in his scroll and that she suspected that the author was her best friend who kept chronicles of their life together. Picard then gladly volunteered the original and asked that she translate it for him. Xena smiled and said she would have the author do it.

The said author stayed as far away from her best friend as she could. She kept busy cleaning up in the tavern then the kitchen to give Xena time to cool off. Then she launched into a few tales of Hercules since Xena?s tales were a little sensitive at the moment.

Quietly she entered their room. She found the warrior standing looking out the window. Xena didn?t turn around but she said, "Get ready for bed, Love." Her voice was very gentle and quiet.

"Is the baby,ok?"

"Yes, she is fed, bathed and fast asleep."

"Our guests?"

"They?re the same as the baby." Xena replied turning with a slight smile on her face.

Gabrielle didn?t smile back. She swallowed and replied, "Oh."

"Change your clothes. Then I think we need to have a little chat."

Gabrielle nodded and did as she was told. She knew that Xena was upset and she had no intention of making it worse then it already was. Xena had already changed into her sleeping shift and was sitting on the window seat looking out the window waiting patiently for the bard to change.

Gabrielle changed and sat quietly on the bed preparing herself for the yelling to begin.

"Gabrielle, I?m not going to yell at you. Calm down." Xena said quietly, still looking out the window. She could feel her love's tension from across the room. She looked at the bard then patted her lap, "Come here, Love."

Gabrielle was a little surprised but she happily obeyed. She sat down on Xena?s lap feeling the long strong arms pulling her closer to her. Xena gently kissed her neck and asked quietly," Do you want to know what does upset me about this scroll of Picard?s?"


"That you are completely absent from it."

Gabrielle looked up into Xena?s eyes shocked to the core, "What?"

Xena nodded her head and continued, "According to this I did everything all on my own. I saved Eve and the village single handedly. Oh, you do mention Mom, but for heavens sake Gabrielle, there is not a single mention of yourself. We planned this battle together. You and I. I really needed you. I couldn?t have done this with out you, My love. Yet in your scroll it sounds like you weren?t even present; that you got all your information after the fact. The writer of this is a distant observer not a participant. Why?" Xena had tears of frustration in her eyes, she was very upset.

Gabrielle was stunned and she had to catch her breath before she answered. Just as Xena was about to ask again a very quiet reply came from the bard?s lips.

"You know how hard it has been for me to write since I became a warrior, Xena. I really needed to, though and I have for a long time. I needed to get it all out and so I just...well the only way I seemed able to make it flow was an observer. I have done it before and you didn?t get this upset."

"But this time you were an essential part of it..."

"I know, Xena....I love you and Eve and Cyrene so much. I have such love for this town. Its home. I?d do anything for you all....I...I?m sorry..." Tears started to spill from confused green eyes.

Xena hugged her even tighter and kissed her cheek. "Don?t be sorry, Love. I know how...we?ve had a rough patch...I...Oh Gabrielle, I love you so..." She picked up the smaller woman and carried her to their bed.

Once on the bed she kissed her passionately and deeply. Then when they came up for air, Xena said, "My Bard, I just want credit to go where it is due. You are everything to me. You and Eve are my whole life. I just wish you could reflect that in your writing." She hugged her again and felt kisses on her throat and a gentle nibble on her ear turning the warrior to mush.

"Where on Earth did you get this....um...Lion...stuff frommmmmm?" She moaned as she became overwhelmed by the bard?s attentions.

"Observation, my warrior," As Gabrielle replied she happily took the warrior to the bliss she deserved.

* * * * *

The next morning after a period of delightful cuddling Gabrielle asked quietly, "You know what's weird?"


"I never finished that scroll. Its sitting in my pack unfinished. Uh, how can they have something that I have?"

Xena shrugged and kissed the bard's neck, "Time travel is not one of my many skills..."

"Hey, it is mine." Said a smirking Ares.

Xena?s face which had been tranquil and peaceful a moment before transformed into one of pure rage, and she would have jumped out of bed naked if Gabrielle hadn?t tightened her hold on the blanket and the warrior.

"Ares, get the hell out of our room!"

"Hey, I really didn?t want to interrupt your little intimate moment, but I need...."

"I really don?t give a damn what you need! GET OUT!" Xena was furious. So was Gabrielle, but she knew she couldn?t lose it or Xena would. She kept rubbing Xena?s back and whispering calming things into the warrior's ear.

Xena would have jumped out of bed and physically thrown Ares out if that wouldn?t have exposed Gabrielle?s naked body to the God of War.

"I just want a private moment of your..."

"GET OUT!!!!!"

"Ok,ok. I?m getting out. Yeesh calm down." The God of War vanished.

"I am going to kick his ass till..."

"Love, come here."Gabrielle said bringing the now rising Xena back into her arms.

"I want to..."

Gabrielle was kissing a line of butterfly kisses down her neck to the warrior's breast. Xena, feeling a different kind of heat, was slowly calming down "You want to what, Xena?"

The bard had now reached a breast and was gently sucking it, "I want to... I ....ummm....I....." Xena closed her eyes and gave herself to the bard.

Gabrielle smiled as she kissed her way over to the other waiting breast to give it the same treatment. ?First things first.? Thought Gabrielle as she watched her love transform from warrior back to her lover again.

* * * *

Xena was in her Mother's barn as she slowly began her katas. She was still angry as hell at Ares. So she slowly went through each motion of her Tai Chi routine trying to focus her mind on each movement instead of wringing Are's neck. She was going to focus so she could be calm when she went back in to her loved ones and her guests, there were decisions to be made.

She slowly went though each practiced motion slowly her mind focused and her heart calmed. She was almost ready to deal with the problems that faced her.

"You do know you look beautiful when you do that?"Ares asked leaning against the stall that Argo was in.

Xena spun around and there was fire in her eyes, "Ares, I could knock you on your God damned ass!!!"

"My, my, we are a bit miffed, aren't we? You know you're beautiful when you're angry."

"Miffed, I'll show you miffed! How dare you interrupt a private..."

"Hey, you were just cuddling..."

"I don't care! My private time with Gabrielle is sacred and I..."

"Sacred....Um, wrong terminology. Come on, Xena you were just talking. After all I didn't interrupt anything more...Uh, active...."

"If you had, even Gabrielle wouldn't have kept me from kicking your ass into the next Galaxy!"

"Ah, just the subject I want to chat with you about..."

"Forget it Ares, I'm not inflicting you on the future. You're just going to have to adjust to being mortal."

"Fine, I'll just talk to Picard directly then!" An angry flash in the God's eyes was followed by an angry flash of light as the God of War disappeared.

"Good." Xena said and then stormed over to her horse deciding maybe a ride on her beloved palomino would ease the new tension that Ares just blithely heaped on her.

* * * *

Gabrielle was helping Cyrene with breakfast when Xena bursts into the kitchen. Xena's mood appeared to be worse than before she left the inn.

"Whats wrong?"

"Gabrielle, are you still in the middle of helping Mom with breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm still helping. Um...Cyrene, do you need me anymore?"

"No Dear...Xena, whats wrong?"

"I can't talk about it yet, Mom. Can you be patient till I calm down? I'll tell you then, ok?"

"Of course, Darling. I'll wait till your ready."

Xena smiled gratefully at her Mom, "Thanks Mom. Come on Gabrielle, we're going for a little ride. Mom, we'll be back in a couple of hours.  Can you handle both the baby and our guests till we get back? I'll be back in time for Eve's next feeding." Xena said in a one breath as she grabbed Gabrielle's arm and headed back toward the door, she was in such a hurry to get out of there.

Cyrene smiled sweetly and nodded at her daughter, she was concerned but she trusted Xena's judgment, "Its no problem. Besides it will give me a chance to be alone with my Granddaughter. I would never turn that down."

Xena chuckled lightly and nodded, "Come on." She said to Gabrielle as she tugged her out the door and toward some temporary freedom.

* * * *

Xena brought Argo to a stop at a crest of a hill. It was the entrance to one of her favorite private spots. The glade had a small stream and when her younger brother was alive, they use to practice their fishing skills there for hours. After he was killed, this was the place she came to plan out her revenge. It was here that the Warrior Princess was born in a way, at least the path was begun here at the time. Now she chose this spot to ease her frayed nerves with the person she loved most in the world.

"Its beautiful, Xena."

Xena nodded her head and gently put her arm around Gabrielle's shoulders, "Yes, this is one of my favorite private places."

Gabrielle's smile brightened, "I'm so honored, thank you."

Xena looked at the bard confused, "Honored?"

"You are such a private person, Xena. You bringing me to one of your treasured spots is very special. Thank you."

Xena embraced the bard and kissed her cheek. "I would never have thought of it in that way. You're very welcome. To me, you are such an essential part of my life, there is nothing in it that's off limits to you. I love you," she replied sincerely.

Sparkling green eyes met luminous blue and Gabrielle said quietly, "I love you too." She kissed Xena deeply and Xena picked the bard up and carried her to the stream still kissing her love. When they separated she smiled and said, "Come on, lets soak our feet and relax for awhile.

They settled down and took their boots off putting their feet in the cool stream. Xena sat with a tall tree against her back and Gabrielle between her legs. The bard was secure in the embrace of her warrior and they were at peace, finally.

After a couple of minutes Xena's voice floated into Gabrielle's ear. "This is nice."

"I wish it could be this way all the time. Why can't we just take Eve out of Greece?"

"I don't thing that would do a thing, Love."

"Then what are we going to do?"

"I wish I had a clue. I want to keep us safe. I think we will have to leave the village as soon our guests leave. I don't want to endanger them further, you know that the Gods will be back."

Gabrielle nodded and leaned against a strong shoulder as she said quietly, "Aphrodite will warn us."

Xena nodded and kissed the top of the blonde head beneath her chin, "Yeah, despite our differences she is a good friend."

"Xena, you just said that a God was our friend."Gabrielle said with a pleased smile on her face.

Xena smiled and snuggled even closer, "Well, of late she is the only God I would say that about."

"Thanks, Warrior Babe," said a very familiar voice on the embankment next to them.

Neither Xena or Gabrielle were surprised by the voice of the Goddess. They kind of expected it.

"You're welcome," Xena replied quietly.

"Well I have good news and bad news, " Said the Goddess as she put her own feet delicately in the stream beside the warrior and the bard. "This is nice. You human's do know how to live."

"Mmm" mumbled Xena, as she gently placed her head at the crook of her beloved's neck to gather comfort from the close contact. "What's the bad news?"

"My brothers and sisters are getting all heated up about this Twilight thing. And my dear sister is getting them all organized.  They will probably attack in about a week."

Gabrielle nestled close to her beloved and stroked her arm comfortingly. "Aphrodite, what could possibly be the good news?"

"Ares is in as much trouble as you guys and he's shunned by the whole crowd up there."

Xena and Gabrielle pulled back and locked eyes and then Xena glanced at the Goddess. "Thats not good news. Now he is trying to travel into the future with his powers intact by traveling in time with our guests from the futur,." replied Xena quietly.

"That's my Bro! Always a plan!  Hey, you two want me to run interference for you?"

"Won't you get yourself into trouble too? "Asked Gabrielle concerned. The Goddess was goin to be sticking her neck out for them.

"Nah, they never take me seriously up there. So they never pay any attention of me . I'm as free as bird to move as I see fit, I like you guys... actually I love you pains in the ass, and your cute little muchinkin. I'm going to do my best for you."  There were tears in her eyes as she dropped her head and looked out toward the stream.

The two women were stunned, Gabrielle knew that the Goddess cared a bit more than Xena did, but she never suspected it was at this level. Xena cleared her throat and looked at the Goddess as she said, "Well you heard me before, I think of you as a friend, you're ok."

Aphrodite's head came up and she locked eyes with the warrior and there was a slight smile on her face as she replied quietly. " Wow, from you that's declaration of undying devotion."

Xena smiled back and rolled her eyes.

"Well I better get, If I am going to keep an eye on little Bro. See ya." And the Goddess was gone in flash of sparkles.

They were both quiet for a few minutes and then Xena quietly said, "We underestimate her too."

"I know."

"I won't anymore."




"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Um...putting up with me. Loving me. Despite all my problems and flaws. And most important, not leaving me. I want you to hear the words. I am so grateful to you. I am. You know that I usually just let my actions speak for me but this time its not good enough. Thank you." She pulled Gabrielle to her and kissed her passionately.

When they pulled back for air Gabrielle caressed her cheek "You know that I don't need you to say that, but I appreciate it so much. I know that was very hard for you. Just that you made this effort makes all that we have gone through worth it, I love you so much." She brought there lips together to seal their love with a salty and passionate kiss.

* * * *

Cyrene had her Grandchild in her arms and she was cooing to the beautiful child on the porch of the Tavern.

Picard approached her and said, "Good Morning, Ma'am."

Cyrene smiled and said, "Good Morning, Captain."

"Call me Jean Luc."

"Thank you, Jean Luc."

Picard nodded his head beside the owner of the Tavern and the beautiful child in her arms. Cyrene smiled warmly and nodded.

Picard sat down and asked, "May I ask what 'Warrior Princess' means?"

Cyrenes smile disappeared and she put her head against Eve's cheek. "Xena, went through a very dark period. I lost her for a long time. It wasn't till Gabrielle came into my Little One's life that I got her back. It is very difficult to talk about."

Picard began to get up, "No please, Jean Luc, sit. Xena lost her baby brother during a battle to protect our home. When she lost my son she lost a piece of her own soul. She took the blame for his death. She decided no one would ever threaten her home and family again. She targeted any town that opposed us which led her to becoming a pirate...and...then Caesar got to my baby and she was lost, gone...lets just say he buried any goodness that was left in her deep, deep inside."

"Julius Caesar?"

"Yes, horrible man. I'm so glad he's dead for what he's done to my Little One...anyway, she became Ares favorite warrior. She was beautiful and ruthless and he found himself intrigued, to hear Gabrielle tell it. He won't let her go since his brother turned her path back to the right one..."

"Who is his brother?"


"The legendary Hercules?"


"How...how did he change her?"

"He pointed me in the right direction and the rest was taken up by my best friend," said the Warrior Princess herself from behind them.

She and Gabrielle had just come back and Xena had her arms crossed and she was tapping her foot with true agitation. Not a good sign. Her glare was not directed toward Picard though. No, those piercing blue eyes were connected with similar gray blue eyes in the older woman's face.

"Don't be mad, Little One. I'm so proud of you and all you have accomplished since you overcame your horrible past. Its inspirational.

Xena shook her head reaching her arms own out for her beloved child. Cyrene gently put Eve in her Mother's arms.

"Come on, Eve, before she starts telling you about the birds and bees." Said Xena stomping into the tavern with her child softly nestled in her arms.

Cyrene turned toward Gabrielle, "How mad is she?"

"Pretty mad, Mom."

"Should I let her cool off before I try and talk to her?"

"Yep. Eve will help calm her of course. Wait till she's been with the baby for a while and then go up to her." Gabrielle smiled sweetly at her mother-in-law and offered a hug which the older woman took gratefully.

"Thank you, Sweetheart."

"No problem. Uh, Captain, come take a walk with me. I'll tell you the tale of Ares and Xena. You'll need to know about him; he is going to target you and with this God knowledge is protection." She held out her hand and gently guided the older man toward the fields, spinning the tale of the Warrior Princess and the God of War.

* * * *

Xena had just finished breast feeding Eve and now she was cuddling her little girl. "Your Grandmother just doesn't know when to shut up. Why does everyone, including strangers from another time period, have to know about Mommies past..."

"Because that's why we are here" said Deanna as she quietly entered the room. She gracefully sat down in a chair across from mother and daughter.

"What?" Xena asked her face a mixture of anger and confusion.

Deanna smiled sweetly and nodded, "Captain Picard found Gabrielle's scroll and it fascinated him enough to come here and do a little research. Of course, we never expected to meet the Warrior Princess, especially not the way we did meet you, in action."

Xena grinned wickedly, "Yeah, I did ruin your plans to quietly observe me, didn't I?"

Deanna's smile broadened and she nodded again. They smiled at each other for a minute as they thought about the irony of it all. "You know Xena, in my world it's part of my job to help the crew with their personal problems...I could...."

"No...thanks, Deanna, but I work out my own problems. I appreciate the offer. It took me a long time to open up to Gabrielle and I trust her completely. I...I just can't...Well not to a complete stranger..."  She buried her face into Eve's neck trying to hide the tears that were flowing from her eyes.

"Ok, but the offer stands if you need me. Anytime that you want me, I'm here for you, Ok?"  Deanna said as she got up and left the mother and child in peace.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Xena replied to the empty room.

* * * *

Picard and Gabrielle walked silently after Gabrielle had finished her tales of Ares.

"How does Ares think I can help him get out of this time?"

"I'm a God, remember?" Ares replied with a huge smile on his face leaning against a
tree slightly ahead of them.

"Ares, would you just..." Gabrielle started as her face flushed with anger.

"Gabrielle, would you mind your own damn business. I want to speak with the Captain alone..."

"This IS my business..."

"No, it is not..."

"Excuse me," interrupted the Captain of the Enterprise. The two verbal combatants looked at the Captain as if startled that he was there. "I believe I'm the one you wish to speak with Ares? Let me explain something to you. I am not going to interfere anymore then I already have accidentally done so. I certainly will not remove a being from this time period. And that includes so called Gods. If you are a God as you claim, why can't you just put your self into the future?"

Ares face showed several fleeting emotions. "I am a God. There are rules even for us. I...Oh forget it!" He said angrily and vanished in display of angry sparks.

"Gladly," said Gabrielle as she led the Captain back to the inn. "Let's get back to Xena before he changes his mind."

* * * *

Deanna was standing on the back porch her arms resting on the back of chair, as she reflected on the conversation she just had with Xena.


Deanna turned to see Riker leaning against the door to the porch.

"Hi yourself." She replied in a sad little voice.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Why? What should be up?"

"Deanna, you can't hide stuff from me. Remember me? I think I know you way too well for that, huh? What's wrong?"

"It will sound childish."

"I highly doubt that. What?"

"I want to help Xena and she won't let me."

Riker smiled. He understood the Warrior very well. He was the same way. There were very few people he would open up to. Deanna was one of his chosen few. "You are not Gabrielle..."

"No, I'm not. I am a trained therapist and I thought that maybe she liked me enough to trust me..."

"I think she does like you, Deanna. She is a military person. We are a rather different breed you know. We pick and choose who we trust with our hearts. Xena has already chosen Gabrielle its just as simple as that."

Deanna looked at Riker surprised. "Do you still choose me?"

"Yes, Imzadi and I always will."

"Imzadi, huh?" Deanna asked with a small smile. Riker nodded as he slowly walked toward her. He enfolded her in his arms and gave her a deep passionate kiss. Deanna was surprised but found herself falling into the kiss with equal passion. She still loved him and needed him so she let herself go...

* * * *

Eve was bathed and in her bed. Xena was rocking in chair and singing a sweet sad song. She was in a sad mood. She wanted Gabrielle, and she wanted her right now.

"Hi." Said a quiet Cyrene.

Xena looked up through her bangs and replied quietly, "Hello Mother."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No...Why is my past so important to everyone? I've tried so hard to bury it...to make up for it. Will Eve have to always suffer because of me?" Silent unwanted tears slowly fell from Xena's eyes.

Cyrene went to her child and embraced her, stroking her hair and said softly in the Xena's ear, "Darling, I'm so proud of you. You haven't buried your past, you have overcome it. I wish you could see your life the way I see it. Xena I am so proud of all you and Gabrielle have achieved...."

"Really?" Xena asked like a little girl who just got her first compliment from her Mother.

"Of course, I've told you that before. You and Gabrielle have been an inspiration to so many. You're both so special..."

"We think you're special too." Said Gabrielle quietly from the doorway. She was all alone and there was a sweet smile on her face. She crossed the room and put an arm around each woman's shoulders. "We love you too, you have been so supportive of us all these years."

"Thank you," said Cyrene her voice choked from emotion.

They were silent for a while as they hugged each other in love and support. Gabrielle took a breath and looked at her love, "Xena, you know how special you are. Why do you suddenly need reassurance?"

Xena shrugged, "I guess with all that's been happening lately I'm feeling... alone. Gabrielle, I need to speak to you." She had a look in her eyes that the bard knew well.

"I need to discuss something first. Ares interrupted my talk with Captain Picard; he may try something. Picard seemed to kind of insult him and he's very angry."

Xena rolled her eyes. "Great. That's just great. That's all we need is a pissed off God of War."

* * * *

Beverly was bored, she was tired of waiting for Picard to come back from his walk. She walked onto the back porch and into a romantic clinch between Deanna and Riker. Surprised and pleased she decided retreat would be the best reaction on her part. Riker heard the intrusion and kept Deanna protectively behind him as he turned to face the person who was interrupting such a personal moment. Suddenly his posture relaxed and he smiled sheepishly when he saw it was just Bev.


Deanna peeped over Rikers shoulder and said, "Um?Hi Bev."

An amused smile flashed across Bev's face as she bit her cheeks to keep from laughing out right, "Hi you two."

"Um we?.I?we're?Um?"Riker was trying to explain the obvious and Bev decided to just laugh, as it was hurting her cheeks to keep biting them like this.

"Well that was comprehensive," she said breathily, she was also laughing really hard. Riker and Deanna looked at Bev and then at each other and started to laugh too.

Riker shook his head and sat down on a swing and patted it to indicate that Deanna should sit next to him, "Where's the Captain?"

Deanna looked at Bev, whose only expression was amused acceptance and sat down next Riker on the swing. He smiled at her and put an arm around her shoulder, which she happily snuggled into.

Bev smiled widened and she looked affectionately at the young couple. "I haven't seen Jean Luc.  I was coming out to see if you've seen him."

Riker looked surprised, "No, he hasn't come back from his walk with Gabrielle yet."

Now Bev looked suddenly concerned, "Gabrielle came back a while ago and said he wanted to walk a little more and he would be back in a bit. It's been a half hour and he still hasn't come back yet."

Riker stood up, suddenly worried, "Come on you two lets go find our Captain."

* * * * *

Gabrielle sat on the bed and watched as Xena paced back and forth. Cyrene had left a while ago and she and Xena were planning what to do about a certain God of War and his temper tantrum.

Xena suddenly turned as a thought crossed her mind, "Do you think he'll try to get the Captain alone?"

Gabrielle shrugged," You know as well as I do how unpredictable Ares is?I have no idea what his next move will be."

Xena had a grimace on her face, "Come on, Love. Let's go find the Captain"

* * * * *

Picard was strolling through the beautiful forest trying to sort out all the thoughts rushing through his mind. He was trying to figure out if he broke the prime directive and the effect it would have on history.

"A millennium of history," he said grimly himself as he turned and walked up the open path toward an incline.

He was cresting the little hill when a figure suddenly appeared he knew before the God materialized that it was Ares.

"Awww, so I finally get you all to myself. You're a really popular guy, did you know that?"

Picard tried to walk around him saying, "We have nothing to discuss."

"Oh, I think we do, Jean Luc."

Picard stopped and twirled, "Listen, I don't know what you think I can do, Ares but?"

"You can help me preserve my Godhood, If you don't, Xena might not live to her full life expectancy?."

"What the hell are you talking about?.?"

"I'm her and her daughters only ally. And as much as we fight, I truly care about the warrior, the battling bard and the brat. I don't want my brothers and sisters to kill them. The fates told me I will lose my godhood and that they will not last till end of the year. If you care for them you'd save me so I can save them?"

"That is the biggest pack of bull you have spouted, Ares," said a very familiar voice from behind them.

Ares whirled, "The fates said that you will cease to exist in this time period?Xena that means you and Gabrielle will die again?I don't want that, I can prevent it with Picard's help?"

Xena smiled ferally and shrugged, "Is that a reason to inflict the God of War on the future? I don't think so?"

"What about Eve?"

"You harm one hair on my little ones head and you will lose more then your Godhood?"

"Not me, Xena. I don't want to hurt your baby you know what I want?"

"Forget it Ares,"said Gabrielle from the other side of the clearing.

"Listen, you jealous little harpy. I'm talking about creating a God, not flopping around with a little Amazon?"

Gabrielle was becoming enraged and almost threw her sai at Ares. She was instantly stopped by Xena who put firm, but gentle hands around her from behind. "I don't want to hear it any more, Ares. I love Gabrielle. I will protect my own daughter, Now be a good little War God and go home."

Ares was fuming he was about to make a grab for the Captain, when three more bodies got between him and his goal, "Don't even think about, War God." said Riker from protectively in front of the Captain.

"Oh for?well my sake. Ok, fine, I'll leave but this isn't over people," there was a blinding flash of light and the God was gone.

Xena smirked and looked at Picard, "Well at least now we know what he wants."

* * * * *

Gabrielle and Xena were alone in their room. Gabrielle was brushing Xena's beautiful black hair, and it was very relaxing to the tense warrior. She loved to feel her loves soft touch as she brushed through the tangles in her hair. She also found it very arousing for some reason.

Gabrielle smiled as she watched the tension slowly drop from the warrior's shoulders. They had a long discussion with the Enterprise crew when they came back to the inn. Xena and Picard led the discussion and it was decided to try and contact Aphrodite and see if she would run interference with her persistent brother.

Xena and Gabrielle went up to their room to get some sleep since it had been a long day, and they were sure that tomorrow would be as long. Xena was so worked up that she couldn't even sit down, so Gabrielle had suggested brushing the warrior's hair. Xena smiled, she just loved how her bard took care of her. Xena grabbed the little wrist on the next stroke through her hair and brought the smaller woman into her lap with one movement. Gabrielle, brush still in hand looked up into passion-filled blue eyes and melted. The brush fell from her fingers, lips met and bodies merged.

When they parted breathless from the kiss they stared deeply into each other's eyes and Xena smiled sweetly. She brushed soft bangs from Gabrielle's eyes and said, "This makes me feel so much better, thank you?"

"Its not hurting me any either, my love" Gabrielle replied with smile.

Xena rubbed noses with the smaller woman, "I'm very glad to hear that, "She kissed her mate again and began slowly to remove her top.

"Mmmm," Gabrielle moaned and pulled back. "No fair, Xena you're still completely dressed."

In a blink of an eye Xena's clothes were lying next to them on the floor. "Better?" she asked with a smirk, as she gently nibbled a tasty earlobe and deftly removed Gabrielle's skirt.

"Ohhh, yeah, much," said the prone woman as she caressed the warrior's strong beautiful back.

Xena was now gently caressing Gabrielle's breasts, the soft skin eased her tension and filled the void that had left her so sad earlier in the day. "Gods," she purred as she brought the smaller body as close to her as physically possible. They slowly merged with each other building to a peak till they both shattered and happily went over the edge?.

Cuddled into each other's arms the lovers finally allowed themselves some time to relax with each other.

"Thank you," said Xena very quietly.

"My pleasure," the bard purred back and snuggled closer.

Xena chuckled, "I think I am very lucky. I have a beautiful mate who loves me, an absolutely perfect child that is a joy to our lives and family who cares for all of us. I guess you don't think of that if all the Gods on Olympus want to kill you."

"It does tend to blind you to the good things in life, huh?" She gently kissed the warrior on the neck and grinned.

"Yep," she brought Gabrielle's lips to her own for loving kiss. "You do know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me, don't you? I know I should say it more often but?"

"I know. Words are not your thing. You are more into action. You know, you show me you love me all the time. Every day, every look, every touch communicates volumes, I just had to train myself to listen to them. You don't have to say it."

Xena smiled and kissed Gabrielle deeply and passionately she was determined to show her love just how right she was.

* * * *

Gabrielle and Cyrene were alone in the kitchen making breakfast. They worked well together, working in a rhythm from a long acquaintance. They seemed to sense each other's movements as much as Gabrielle did with Xena when setting up their camp.

"When is my baby and her baby coming down stairs?"

"As soon as she finishes feeding Eve. I don't think baby is a very accurate description of your Daughter, Cyrene," said Gabrielle with a smirk.

Cyrene looked up from her batter with an answering smirk, "She's my baby, Gabrielle."

"Mother," said the amused low voice that was the topic of conversation at the moment. Xena entered the kitchen with Eve cradled in her arms. She bent down so her mouth was to the side of her babies ear and whispered in a strage whisper, "Don't worry Sweetheart, I won't embarrass you in front of your friends and loved ones like some one who shall remain nameless." She then looked up at her mother with amused eyes and a huge lopsided grin.

"You know Xena that daughters grow up almost exactly like their mothers and believe me, my beloved child, that paybacks are a bitch."

Two sets of eyebrows shot up in reaction to that one. "I always thought that you were a little angel Mom, Grandma always said you were perfect." Xena replied trying to keep her face stoic but failing miserably since she wanted to laugh so hard her teeth hurt.

"Well, Sweetheart, I think my mother exaggerated a bit. I was...a little head strong and opioniated." Cyrene smiled and shook her head, "Honey we are a lot alike. In a lot of ways our determination and intelligence. Unfortunately we are also alike in our pig headedness. With you it came back ten fold though I tried to guide you.  I couldn't fight fate. I have this feeling Eve will be both of us put together, you're both going to need a lot of patience."

Gabrielle looked at the sweet innocent child nestled in her mother's arms and then looked at her mother and grandmother and rolled her eyes, "Oh boy."

"That's one hell of a revenge you want Mom. Especially if you consider who I was before I met Gabrielle, "Xena said with a suddenly serious and worried face as she cuddled her baby even closer in love and protection.

"I don't want it, Xena I'm just telling you how it is. I was a terror and you were worse. Poor little Eve inherited all that determination, intelligence and slyness. She also will have your physical strength too, we will just have to very gently discipline her and keep a motherly eye on our little one..."

"Man, you sure will," said Aphrodite from behind them.

"Aphrodite, could you please give us a little warning!" said a startled Gabrielle.

"Did you do something about Ares?" Asked Xena as she gently passed their child to Gabrielle and then walked to the Goddess with her arms crossed and her eyes impatient.

"Yep, the Enterprise crew won't be bothered," replied the goddess proudly.

"How did you do that?" asked Gabrielle amazed.

"Unfortunately I had to start a little conflict...OK Xena war, but I got him to hightail right to Sparta."

"What did you do?" asked Xena annoyed, she was tapping her foot and trying very hard to keep her temper in check. "I just wanted..."

"...My big brother out of the way. I did that. A certain Spartan Princess has disappeared so her father and fiancee are bit miffed, and the war wagons are circling. I am just giving the Enterprise crew enough time to get out of here then love and peace will be restored. I promise...Xena..I.."

Xena shrugged, "As long as no one gets hurt, that's good. Well-done Aphrodite, good job..."

Riker came in with a scroll in hand," Sorry to interrupt....um...This guy who delivered this said it was urgent Xena."

Xena rolled her eyes, "They always are, thanks Commander." She said as she took the scroll with a smile. "Mother, how would you like to take a little trip with us?" She asked as she handed the scroll to Gabrielle and took Eve back into her arms to allow the bard the chance to read it.

"Really? I would love to go with you. I will write Torris and ask him to watch the tavern."

"Good, Riker, tell the Captain he can leave any time. Ares has been temporally diverted from you. I think you better leave today though."

Riker looked surprised but nodded and left to tell the others to get ready.

"Xena how will we get to Alexandria on time?" Gabrielle asked after reading the scroll.

Xena smiled looking right at Aphrodite, "With a little help from a certain Goddess."

"Who, little me?"

"How would like to help save Egypt, Aphrodite?"


* * * *

The Enterprise crew was gathered alone with Xena and Gabrielle in the clearing where Xena first encountered them.

"I'd really like to say thank you for the all kindness you have shown us, I really appreciate it as I'm sure my officers do too," said Picard with a big lopsided grin as he shook first the Warrior's hand, and then the Bards.

"It was our pleasure, Captain. It is nice to know the future is in such honorable and capable hands," replied Xena with a charming smile in return.

"Captain, I would be pleased to have you keep this scroll as a present and a keepsake," said Gabrielle pressing the scroll back into Picards large hand. She also slipped a second scroll into his hand saying, "Here is another one I thought you might enjoy."

Picard's eyes widened and his voice was horse as he replied in a crackling staccato, "Thank you, Gabrielle. I will cherish them both, my friend."

The Enterprise crew and the two women all exchanged hugs. Xena and Deanna stared at each other for a minute. Deanna smiled and said quietly, "To quote from an old movie, 'I think I will miss you most of all.' " Deanna had tears falling down her cheeks and a slight smirk on her face.

Xena gently wiped a tear and asked quietly, "What's a movie?"

Deanna smiled and said, "It's like a play."

"Which movie? " Asked Riker.

"The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy said it to the scarecrow as she was about to leave her friends and go back to her own world. Pretty similar huh?" Deanna asked with a tilt of her head. Riker nodded in understanding.

"You have talking scarecrows in the future?" Gabrielle asked a bit confused.

Deanna laughed, "No my friend, it's a fantasy."

"Oh, I wish I could see it. It sounds better than our plays," said Gabrielle sadly.

Picard looked paternally at the two brave young woman and said, "I think your lives are exciting enough without movies, believe me. Thank you both for helping us and protecting us." Then Picard looked at his own people and said, "Come on."

They all disappeared as they walked through invisible security shield that surrounded their shuttle.

Xena and Gabrielle looked at each other with surprised wide eyes. "Human's do get advanced, don't they?" asked Aphrodite from behind them.

Xena looked up at the tree where the goddess was perched, "Yeah, so it would appear. So will you be able to send our family to Alexandria so I can help Cleopatra?"

"No prob, Warrior Babe."

Xena rolled her eyes, "Could you please lay off the Warrior Babe stuff?"

"Sorry, I'll see you at the tavern. Your brother should be there soon."

Gabrielle and Xena watched the Goddess vanish, "Everyone gets to disappear except us, we always have to walk," said Gabrielle with a smile and twinkling eyes.

"I like to walk. It gives us a chance to talk and hold hands, It's the only bit of privacy we get each day."

"Speaking of privacy, why did you ask your Mother to come?"

"I have a feeling that this is going to get really ugly and I want our baby well away from us and the action. I'm going to send Mom and Eve on a tour of Egypt while we do what we have to do. Cleopatra will provide them with protection and they will be well away from the action. I want them safe."

"What about Ares?"

"Oh, he will get in our faces again and he'll be mad. He'll find some new way to be annoying, you know that's just his way." Xena replied with smirk.

They walked in silence for a while holding hands enjoying the quiet privacy of their walk. "I love you, Gabrielle." Said Xena suddenly, not stopping but not going very fast either as they headed back toward town.

"I love you too. Why the sudden announcement?  I know you do."

Xena shrugged, "I want to say it as much as possible. This is only going to get tougher as we battle against the Gods. That means I will have to get tougher so I want to keep saying it over and over so you will never doubt my deep and undying love for you, my bard."

"I could never doubt it, I know it...Xena, how could you possibly get tougher then you already are?" Asked Gabrielle stopping and putting her free hand on her hip. Her head was tilted to one side looking so cute that Xena almost kissed her right there in public.

Xena just shrugged, "I don't know. I do know that the obstacles we encounter can distract me and I want to make sure you know you are everything to me before anything happens to distract me." Xena thought, Oh the neighbors be damned.  She stepped closer to her love and lowered her head kissing the light of her life with all the love and passion that was sweeping through her soul. The result was that she picked up the bard and ran to the tavern and up the back steps. There was still time before Torris arrived to allow actions to speak louder then words.

The End

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive