~ Behind the Black Cloud... ~
by Ri

Disclaimers: This story was born out of the frustrations of my job, which has nothing to with accounting so my apologies to that fine profession, I already have a Travel Agent as one of my heroines, There should be a reflection of two ladies we all know and love but the story comes from my warped imagination.
This is a Uber tale and there is a relationship between to consenting female adults. If this offends please move on to a general story there are many lovely ones.


Part 5

The people who were going to battle the enemy were all gathered in Robin's office. Rosie was sitting next to the doctor on the couch. Lt. Pete Collins was in a guest chair across the way from the woman who headed Robin's investigative service Angela Falk who sat in the other one. Robin was pacing in front of the group like a caged tiger protecting her little cub.

Rosie watched the anxious woman with worried eyes. She glanced at the doctor who patted her gently on the arm. Stan and Rosie were already on friendly terms before Robin came home from Asia. In fact Stan had gotten the distraught young woman to open up to him so he could guide her on how to handle the way her associates were treating her. He was happily relived when his friend and boss returned home and had taken the young woman under her protective wing. He was overjoyed when he realized that his friend had fallen in love with the sweet young woman. His old pal had been alone far too long as far as he was concerned.

"Robin sit. You are making Rosie anxious," Stan said quietly to the angrily pacing woman. They were waiting for a phone call from one of Angela's operatives and Robin wanted to hear from them right now so she knew that her suspects were being watched and that Rosie was protected.

Robin stopped in her tracks and walked quickly to Rosie's side. "Am I?" She asked as she sunk to her knees by Rosie's side. Rosie looked up into concerned blue eyes and she nodded quietly saying, "Don't get yourself sick because of me. Please. Sit down next to me and wait. It would make me feel better. Okay?"

Robin nodded and asked Stan with her eyes to move over. He smiled and slid over allowing tall woman to sit down next to the pretty blonde. Robin sighed as she put her arm around Rosie's shoulders and her head comfortably in the crook of Rosie's neck.

Stan took in his friends exhausted appearance and asked quietly, "Robin, Have you gotten any sleep at all?"

Not moving she answered with her eyes closed as she felt gentle fingers softly stoke her hair. "Not much," She said very quietly.

"Then after we get things in motion I think you should get some shut eye." Said Stan looking over at Pete who lifted his hands and shook his head in reaction.

"Robby, you are so damn stubborn. You can't be everywhere. You need to let your people do their jobs. We'll get who ever is doing this but you need to relax a little. We know what we're doing, " Said Pete in scolding voice he was really concerned for his tired friend.

Tired blue eyes met his and the sight broke his heart, "You simply don't understand, Pete. I love Rosie and I can't let anyone hurt her."

Rosie brought her arms around Robin and gently brought the woman she loved closer. Robin lifted her head and kissed the smaller woman's cheek and then nuzzled her head against the soft shoulder. Rosie kissed the top of her head and rubbed the tired woman's back comfortingly.

"I do understand, Robby. Stan and I are so happy that you finally found someone to love but you have to let us do our jobs! Do you really think we'd let anyone hurt Rosie? Do you think Angie will? Come on old girl go home and get some damn sleep."

"I am letting you do your jobs. Why the hell do you think you're here?" Robin said lifting her head her eyes blazing toward her friend.

Pete shook his head and waggled his finger at his friend, "I mean all the way. You need to sleep at night. Stop planning and going over employee profiles. Rosie, When were done here I want you to take the pain in the ass home and put her to sleep. Even if you have to slip her some knock out drops!"

Rosie brought Robin's head up to look her in the eye and shook her head as worried green eyes met the sheepish blue ones, "I had no idea she wasn't sleeping when I was. I promise she will tonight though. Won't you?" She asked the woman who was looking deeply into her own eyes with a sweet and loving expression.

"Yes, I guess I will since your so upset."

"Good," Said Rosie kissing her on the nose. "Don't worry Lieutenant, she will sleep tonight."

"Pete, Rosie please call me Pete. She's a good little actress so don't feel bad that you didn't know. Look at those gorgeous blues have you ever seen red in them like that before?"

"No Pete, I haven't."

"That is the best way…"

"Hey you two I am here you know." Said Robin amused and pissed at the same time.

"Good then maybe you'll listen and make it easier on Rosie."

Robin rolled her eyes and leaned back down against Rosie's shoulder again. When Angie's cell rang she almost jumped to the ceiling bringing Rosie with her. Rosie soothed the shocked executive. "Shh, its ok sweetheart." She whispered quietly.

"Damn it! Angie do you have to have that ringer on so damn loud?"

"Calm down Boss, I'm getting the info," Said Angela as she listened to the phone. She listened for a few minutes, "Ok begin phase 2" She hung up and looked at Robin. "The suspects are on 24 and 7, Robin."

"What does that mean?" Asked Rosie quietly.

Robin lifted her head again and said smiling, "That means that they won't be able to make a move with out Angie knowing about it." She rubbed noses with Rosie and then kissed her gently. She pulled back to find her friends giving her approving looks much to her amusement and Rosie's embarrassment. Rosie blushingly put her head against Robin's shoulder.

"Ok you three cupids go on and do your tasks, we do have some work we need to…"

"Oh no you don't! Rosie, I'm assigning you the task of taking Madam Legree home and make sure she gets some sleep." Said Stan with a smirk.

Surprised green eyes met amused blue eyes, Robin winked at Rosie and Rosie smiled brightly back.

"It will be a pleasure Doctor." Said Rosie looking deeply into beloved blue eyes.

"It will be my pleasure too, " Said Robin as she broke the gaze got up taking Rosie's hand she led the younger woman out of her office.

As Pete watched his friend leave he shook his head at how regal Robin looked considering how tired she was. "Talk about odd couples."

Stan smiled and shook his head at the detective, "No, not odd. They fit. Like a perfect match. Did you ever put a puzzle together? When you put all the pieces on the table they don't look like they will all fit together but they always do. Well soul mates are like that and that's what we have the privilege of watching, Pete. The merging of two soul mates."

Angela looked at the two men with mirth filled eyes as she said in a quiet business like voice, "Well one of those soul mates will kick our asses if we don't get to work. So Gentlemen, after you," She said gesturing toward the door. After the two men left she said quietly to the empty office, "Good luck Robin." She then locked the office and set the special alarm.

*** *** *** ****

Rosie had gotten Robin to their room and to sleep by promising to lay down with her. It was too early for her to sleep since she had slept the night before. She couldn't believe that Robin hadn't slept, How blind can someone be? She thought berating herself.

She watched as her beloved slept fitfully next to her. Her head was going from side to side and she was clutching the pillow tightly to her chest. Suddenly there were tears rolling down her cheeks and she sat up straight screaming, "No!"

Rosie was right there she gathered Robin in her arms and cooed into her ear gently, "It's all right, Love. It's all right."

When Robin realized she was awake and that she was holding her little one she brought her closer in a desperate bear hug. "Don't leave me. Please…please…don't leave me…"

"Sweetie, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise, I promise."

Robin slowly came to herself and loosened her grip, "Oh My God, Did I hurt you?" She asked worried.

"No Sweetie, I'm fine…Are you?"

Robin nodded and gently put some blonde hair behind a little ear. Once she had gotten herself under control she said in a whisper, "I had a very scary nightmare." She took a deep breath and pulled Rosie into her lap, holding her lovingly in her arms she started to recount the dream to her love.

"I don't know where or when we were but we were in a rough sort of hospital. You were badly injured and died in my arms. I was desperately trying to bring you back. I was giving you CPR and crying because you were gone, no pulse or anything. I lost you and everyone kept telling me to let you rest in peace. I wouldn't though I kept breathing for you and between breaths begging you not to leave me. I was sure I lost you when I yelled no but just as I woke up you opened your eyes. I thought I had lost you forever." Tears were flowing down both their cheeks and they gently dried each other's eyes.

Robin held Rosie to her again and whispered in her ear, "I was never so terrified or relieved in my whole life. It was only a dream but…Do you think it was a warning?" She pulled back and looked at Rosie so she could see her reaction to her question.

Rosie shrugged her shoulder with tears still falling gently, "I don't know… You said after you yelled no that I opened my eyes, was I a ghost?"

Robin smiled despite still recovering from the terrors of her dream, "No Sweetheart, You were alive. I guess I must have actually screamed no in reality, huh?" Rosie nodded her head. "Well after you opened your pretty eyes you were breathing deeply….Do you think it was telling me never to give up?"

Rosie nodded and pulling Robin closer still; "Do you think I'm in mortal danger?"

Robin took a deep breath and kissed her love gently and reassuringly and then said, "No, I don't think so. I promise you this, I will never, ever let anything happen to you. I'd rather die then lose you…"

"No! I don't want either of us to die…"

"Shhh, Ok my love, ok. We won't die. Were fine, shhh." She kissed Rosie again. She pulled back and mussed her hair and suggested, "Come on love lets go raid the ice box. I have a feeling I won't be able to sleep for a while after that dream."

Rosie nodded and reached toward the end of the bed and grabbing both robes and handing Robin hers. "Chocolate ice cream?"

Robin smiled brightly and said, "With hot fudge."


Robin laughed as she took Rosie's hand in hers and led the smaller woman out of the bedroom. "So much for Doctor Stan's prescription."

"You do have to sleep, Robin."

"I know, Sweetheart. I just don't think I could take…another nightmare like that."

"Maybe Pete and Angela will have a clue tomorrow."

"They better or they won't like my solution to their lack of one," Robin said with a look that left Rosie in no doubt that she was very serious.

*** *** *** ***

Two women were alone in the huge kitchen eating ice cream and fudge with bottle of maraschino cherries. Robin kept dropping them into Rosie's dish knowing that the pretty woman couldn't resist their sweet taste.

"If you don't stop that I will become as big as a house."

Robin laughed and dropped one in her own mouth. She replied with her mouth full of the bright red cherry, "Don't worry Sweetie, I'll keep you far too active to gain any weight."

Rosie giggled as she took a huge glob of fudge and playfully lodged it on the other woman's nose.

Robin crossed her eyes to look at it and asked laughing, "Now what on Earth am I to do? I can't reach it with my tongue and were out of napkins? Do you have any ideas?" She asked with an innocent sounding voice though her eyes betrayed her as they waited for the expected solution to her little problem.

Rosie shook her head and tilted it to the side, "Why I don't I have an idea in my little head. I just guess you will have to stay that way forever. It does look awfully silly." She replied with a smirk.

Robin scooted her chair closer and said with a beseeching look, "Can't think of any solutions at all, Little one?"

Rosie couldn't resist the urge any more she leaned over and licked the fudge off the pretty nose. Then she lowered her mouth to reach Robin's impatiently waiting lips. The kiss suddenly deepened as Robin brought Rosie into her lap and began to explore her loves mouth with total abandon.

Robin was very tempted to clear the dishes off the table with her arm and make love to her Little One on the kitchen table. She inwardly smirked at the idea, thinking their beloved housekeeper would not appreciate the mess. She pulled back and gently nuzzled her cheek against Rosie's, "Shall we continue this in a more comfortable place?"

"I'm very comfortable," Said Rosie who was untying Robin's robe with very busy little fingers.

Robin picked the smaller woman up leaving the robe where it fell and the dishes on the table. She figured Louise could clean it in the morning and if she didn't get Rosie in their bedroom they would reinterpret the scene in The Postman Always Rings twice. Rosie was busy kissing every inch of her neck and when she reached their bed she fell backwards on to it surrendering to the assault saying, "I'm all yours."

Rosie smiled as she continued down the woman's body, "Yes, I know every delicious inch of you…"

"Why My Rosie, The things you say."

"Well, I…Its what you bring out in me…I'm…"She suddenly sat up realizing what it was she did say.

Robin sat up and rolled over so she was now on top of Rosie, She reached down and kissed her deeply till the smaller woman almost forgot what it was she had said. She kept kissing her down her neck to her breast as she said breathlessly; "I know that. I love that I bring it out in you and believe me my love I am very happy when you bring it out in me. I love your passion and I'm proud I bring it out in you. I want you to say things like you just said and I want you to tease me. I love you." She lifted her head till she met dark green eyes filled with the passion they had just built.

In a hot whispery breath she said, "Thank you I'm so relieved. I like to tease you and I love you so much I can hardly believe it."

Robin smiled and then continued to the breast she licked the nipple and said, "Believe it." Then she began to suckle it determined to enjoy every second of their built up passion.

To Be Continued...

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