~ Behind the Black Cloud... ~
by Ri

Disclaimers: This story was born out of the frustrations of my job, which has nothing to with accounting so my apologies to that fine profession, I already have a Travel Agent as one of my heroines, There should be a reflection of two ladies we all know and love but the story comes from my warped imagination.
This is a Uber tale and there is a relationship between to consenting female adults. If this offends please move on to a general story there are many lovely ones.


Part 8

Pete and Rosie rushed into the emergency room looking for someone to give them information on Robin's condition. Angie was looking out for them and headed them off before they accosted the head nurse with the same questions as she herself had been doing.

"She's ok, Rosie she's ok!" Said Angie grabbing Rosie by the shoulders as the small woman tried to get away to find her love.

"Where is she? Can I see her now? How bad is she hurt?" Rosie anxiously assaulted her friend with questions about her beloved; her face was full of unchecked tears.

"Shh, she's in recovery. Yes, you can see her as soon as they move her to a private room. She was shot in the shoulder…Please calm down Rosie, she's going to be ok." Said Angie quietly pulling her friend into a gentle hug. Her eyes met the angry brown eyes of the police detective.

"What happened out there, Ang?"

Angie pulled out of the hug; she looked Rosie in the eyes to make sure she was ok. Rosie smiled slightly and nodded. "Good girl, Robin is going to be so proud of you." Rosie blushed and Angie winked at her. Then Angie looked right into the angry brown eyes as she said, "We saw that she was leaving her car so we followed from a distance. We really just wanted to see where she was going. We weren't going to confront her. As we walked I was in the lead and Robin whispered she saw a glint of steel out of the corner of her eye. The next thing I know Robin was on top of me knocking me to the ground. When I rolled out from under she was out cold and bleeding very badly. She had been hit in the shoulder but there was so much blood that I couldn't tell where she was hit. I couldn't revive her so I called 911 and stayed with her protecting her till the ambulance came."

"No description of the shooter?"

"No, all I could see was a dark figure. Pete it seemed that they were covered from head to toe I couldn't even see a skin color. It was a thin tall person that's it. None of the suspects fit that description."

"And the suspect?"

"Shit Pete, I was taking care of Robin. She disappeared…"

"I know you were, its just…Shit I should have been there not Robin. I'm the one who should be in there…"

"No I was there I should have been watching out for her not the other way around…"

"Enough you two. This is no time for that," Said Rosie strongly. Her face still full of tears there was strength there too that surprised them both. "First we have to make sure Robin is really ok. Then we get started on those two creeps…"

"Your right little one. Priorities right?"

Rosie nodded.

"Miss O ' Brien?" A surgeon called quietly.

"Yes?" She replied quietly with frightened face.

"Miss Peters is calling for you. Would you follow me please?"

Rosie nodded and followed the man down the long hall. "How is she, Doctor?"

"She is a bit hazy and unfocused but she is ok, Miss O ' Brien. She should be able to go home in 24 to 48 hours as long as there are no complications."

"Thank God," whispered Rosie.

The surgeon nodded and smiled slightly. He opened the door to the private room. Rosie almost started to cry again when she saw how small Robin looked in the large hospital bed. She was hooked up to several tubes and a heart monitor. Her shoulder was bandaged and her hair needed to be brushed out. Slowly red rimmed blue eyes looked up at her and Robin smiled at her. Rosie felt tears pour out of her eyes in relief that her love was alive and well.

"Hi…um." Robin croaked.

"Hi hero," Said Rosie with a loving smile.

"Hero?" asked Robin very surprised.

"Well you took a bullet for Ang didn't you?"

"Did I? I don't remember a thing. All I remember was getting out of the car and following Angie as we tracked the Bitch. The next thing I know is that I'm looking into the Doc's concerned eyes and asking for you."

Rosie looked at the doctor with a frightened expression. "It's not what you're thinking Miss O'brien. Miss Peters probably just suppressed the memory because of the great pain she was in. She is also fuzzy because she hit the ground hard and lost a lot of blood. She knows all the essentials, Her name, where she lives, who you are and what she does for living…"

"Wait! Are you telling me that I have a form of amnesia cause of a gun shot wound?" Robin interrupted her face looking very pissed off at this information.

"Not amnesia, it's a suppressed memory. It's a protective mechanism we all have; your mind is simply protecting you from the memory of all that pain. You really are fine, Miss Peters."

Robin nodded and said, "Thanks Doc, um…could we have a few?" She asked pointing first at Rosie then herself.

"Sure I'll tell the nurse to give you about 10 minutes," He winked at them and then left the room.

As soon as he left the room Robin motioned with her free hand, "Come here my love, I need to touch you."

"I need to touch you too," Said Rosie as she rushed to her loves bedside. She hugged her love gently afraid of hurting her shoulder. Suddenly with her good arm Robin pulled Rosie onto the bed on her uninjured side. "Robin!"

"Shh, they'll kick you out of here and I want to hold you for a while."

"But your shoulder?"

Robin kissed her cheek and whispered, "It doesn't hurt and this is more important. I want to hold you."

Rosie kissed her back and said, "I was so scared…terrified…I…"she burst into tears again.

"Shh, It's ok," Robin whispered back holding her love tight to her. She wiped the tears and looked at the red rimmed green eyes and saying, "I can see you've been crying a lot. Has Pete been taking care of you?"

"We've been all been taking care of each other. I think Angie feels very bad I can tell…"

"But why? I can't remember a damn thing. Damn it!"

"Shh, your ok," cooed Rosie kissing Robin tenderly on the lips. Then she said, "You and Angie were following Planes and then you saw a glint of steel. You dove on top of Angie and saved her. You got shot in the process. From the way that Angie described it she would have been killed her if you hadn't acted when you did."

"Hmm, Why the hell is it all a blank? My mind isn't usually so damn uncooperative…"

"Love, maybe the pain was so great that your mind shut it out to protect you. She said there was so much blood…she wasn't sure…where…um…"Rosie burst into tears again full of pain of what could have happened. Robin pulled her closer to her good side and kiss her gently on each eye, "Shh, its ok….come on Sweetheart I'm ok….really I am…"

Rosie pulled back a bit and said, "We are letting Pete handle this from now on aren't we? She contrived an ambush this is now their territory. Right?"

Robin took one look into the determined green eyes and nodded. "Yes, it's Pete's baby…Um can I?"

Rosie really growled this time, "Can you what?"

"Kiss you like I want to now because they are going to come in here any minute and pull you away."

Rosie face transformed into a bright smile and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

*** *** *** ***

Pete was on his cell talking to someone when Rosie came out of Robin's room. Angie came to her and asked anxiously, "Is she ok?"

"Yeah, she's groggy now cause they gave her a sleeping pill. She's also pissed cause she can't remember what happened after you left the car. That means you're the only witness Angie. She is also pissed because I said its now Pete's case. You can help Ang but she's out of it…"

"What do you mean she can't remember?"

"Shh, she's fine. Her mind suppressed the memory cause of the pain. The doctor says it's a survival mechanism we all have."

Angie nodded now relived that Robin didn't lose her memory. She looked really upset with herself as she said; "I'm not much help Rosie, all I saw is a tall figure in black. The build and height doesn't fit anyone on our suspect list…"

"Well then its probably a friend of hers can't you check it out from that angle Angie?"

Angie smiled slightly and said, "Very good Rosie, My people already are. I started them while I was waiting out here."

Pete joined them and asked quietly, "How is she, little one?"

Rosie smiled and said quietly, "She will be just fine. She just needs rest. Any progress?"

Pete was astonished; Rosie seemed to have instinctively acquired Robin's take charge attitude. "Yep, we have her in custody and are grilling her for the name and location of the shooter."

"Good, I hope you find out who it is and arrest them before Robin gets out of here. It will be hard to keep her still once she's released. She'll want to tear them both to pieces herself."

"I know it. I promise I will get them before she has a chance to try that."

"Pete, that only gives you 24 to 48 hours and if I know my Robin it will be 24 hours."

"So be it. I don't want her out there either, my friend."

Rosie nodded.

*** *** *** ***

The next morning Rosie came into Robin's room carrying a pretty plant and white paper bag. Robin looked much better. All the tubes were gone she was only connected to the heart monitor. Her eyes were clear, she was less pale and her hair was well brushed. She looked very much like she wanted to leave the place right then.

"That plant will not have time to adjust to its new environment because were all going home tonight." Said Robin in a determined voice.

Rosie smiled and shook her head. She put the plant down on a cabinet across from the bed and came over to her love kissing her gently on the lips.

"Can I have a bit more please?" Asked Robin sweetly pulling Rosie closer.

Rosie chuckled and allowed Robin to pull her very close kissing her deeply. When they pulled back Rosie whispered, "Where going to set off your heart monitor."

"We did last night that's why they gave me that damn sleeping pill. I hate those things you wake up with head full of chewing gum in the morning." The tall woman said with a smirk. "So what's in the bag?" She asked as she kissed Rosie along her neckline.

Rosie was enjoying the caress of the warm mouth, "Hmm?"

"The bag in your hand, love?" said Robin with a huge smile as she pulled back slightly. "You're so adorable," She whispered as she went back and pulled the little earlobe into her mouth and began to gently nibble on it.

"Oh….uh….breakfast…"purred the distracted blonde her whole upper body was now on the bed and she was enjoying the loving attention being given to her.

"Really, I thought that's what I was having," purred back the happy brunette with a sexy chuckle as she released the ear and pulled back.

"You are feeling much better aren't you?"

"Oh yeah much, much better. So what do we have here?" Rosie handed her the bag. "Ohhh, a chocolate éclair huh? The staff won't like it."

"Well they won't get any then."

"Good, it's all mine. It's not as good as my desert but it will have to do." Rosie laughed got off the bed and pulled a tray over to her love. Then poured a glass of water and placed it on the tray. She then sat in one of the visitor's chairs while Robin devoured the eclair.

"What progress has Pete made?" Asked Robin with a mouth full.

Rosie chuckled and shook her head again; "He has been questioning her all night. He hopes to have the person by the time your released."


"Robin," growled Rosie.

"Rosie my love I feel fine…"

Yes and I want you to stay that way."


"There are no buts. Just eat your breakfast and be happy you're alive."

Robin looked like a little girl who got her favorite doll taken from her. "If you keep pouting like that then you won't be getting any more of your special desert."

Robin's eyebrows shot up and she looked into the determined green, "You wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Try me."

"Ok, I'll be good," she said as she ate her eclair with gusto. "See no more pouting may I have more of my favorite meal, pretty please?"

Rosie got up and pushed the tray away and crawled into bed with the now smiling woman saying, "Ok since your being so good you can have as much as you like."

"Oh yummy!" Said Robin as she pulled Rosie back for a deep kiss.

Part 9 (Conclusion)

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