~ To Find a Heritage ~
by Ri

Disclaimer: This came out suddenly as a crossover story much to my own surprise. I didn't know I was going in that direction till I wrote the words and saw it in front of me. This is a cross over between Relic Hunter and Xena so I just want to say that I am not infringing on anyone's rights I'm just borrowing them to play with. There is no sex and no graphic violence. It's just a fun little jaunt J

The lecture hall was filled with nervous fresh faces of first year students for their first day of College. A good-looking Englishman entered and sat in the back of the huge amphitheater like classroom with an amused expression on his face.

From the back of the class to the lecture podium in the front strode the tall beautiful instructor. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the sea of nervous unsure face looking up at her with a mixture of fear and awe.

"Welcome to Introduction to Ancient Studies. This will be a comprehensive ten-week course. It will mostly be lecture but I expect full participation and I don't just mean in the lab work I will give you. I want you to really understand how the societies we cover truly lived. You will not just be listening to me jabber on and on, so?"

Suddenly the lights dimmed and spotlight lit a spot to the right of podium where several dancers in Native American garb flooded the stage. They all represented different tribes and periods of those tribes. The students were silent and their eyes were huge as one dancer in particular seemed to take center stage. She was dressed and masked as an Aztec Goddess and she held the room spellbound, as she seemed to dance with her whole soul.

When the music stopped the dancer took off her mask and gasps of disbelieve were heard through out the large classroom. It was Sydney with a rakish grin on her face. "That should keep your eyes and minds open for a bit. My Teaching assistant Nigel Bailey will pass out your schedules and the class syllabus. See you next class."

She smiled at her friend and assistant who shook his head and smiled back. He loved it when she took that mask off it was like the first time he met her. It was such a shock that such brains could be contained in that beautiful body.

He stood up and handed out the paper work to each of the students. One of the young students waited so she was the last one in line to get the instructions from the older man.

"Um, Sir may I ask you a question?"

He smiled at the shy young woman and said, "Call me Nigel please. What would you like to ask me about?"

"Would it be possible to speak with Dr. Fox?"

"Of course, she has regular office hours at?"

"Um?Nigel?It's about a relic?."


Sydney sat at her desk working on a new paper on her last relic hunt. She was deeply into her notes. She heard Nigel talking in the outer office she started talking with out looking up sounding very relieved that he was there.

"Oh Nige I am so glad your back. I can't find the notes you made and this paper is due?"

She looked up into wide scared green eyes and blinked. "Oh? I'm sorry I thought I heard Nigel out there."

"You did Syd. This is Jenny and I think you will really will like to hear what she has to say." Said Nigel standing behind Jenny with an excited smile.

Sydney smiled up at the young woman taking off her glasses putting the earpiece into her mouth, which was habit she had when she was thinking or excited. From the look on her friends face she was now becoming both as she said, "Hi Jenny. It's nice to meet you." She held out her hand and shook hands with the shy young woman. Then she asked, "What is that I will want to hear about?"

"Um?well it's something I inherited from my Grandmother. It's been passed down from generation to generation. It's this ring and this scroll. My Grandmother says it's somehow linked to the Amazons of Ancient Greece but she wasn't sure how exactly. Can?uh, are you able to read it?"

Sydney looked at the scroll that the young girl handed to her. She read it and blinked. She handed it to Nigel and looked up at the girl. "May I examine the ring please?"

Jenny nodded sliding the ring off her finger and handing it to Syd. Sydney noticed that the ring fit her index finger perfectly like it was made for the young woman. She looked at the beautiful ring of Ancient Greek descent.

"This was not found in Turkey where the known home of the Amazons were. The nation did become quite large at one time and was through out the Mediterranean Region. This appears to be a signature ring of Greek origin. Do you know what that is Jenny?"

"No Ma'am?"

"Sydney please?um, Nige does that scroll mean what I think it does?"

"Yes it does look like it?Jenny; Did your Grandmother tell you anything about what this scroll was about?"

Jenny nodded, "Yes, she said that the ring means that I am an Amazon Princess by right of caste through her. The scroll is suppose to say where the mask of the Queen of the Greek Amazons is hidden."

"Sort of?It is in the form of riddle. It is meant to be done in concert with that ring. A signature ring like that was used in ancient times to sign contracts or important documents usually worn by a ruler or a person of importance. It fell out of favor as more and more people became literate and we actually signed documents?"

"According to that scroll Jenny, your ring is the key to last known location of Queen's mask." Sydney took Jenny's hand and slid the ring back on and smiled at her. "And since you are the bearer of the ring you're as important as it is." She said with sparkling eyes winking at the nervous young woman.

Nigel smiled and asked quietly, "Shall I call to reschedule your presentation of your paper?"



The small blonde felt like she had been hit by a tidal wave. She had no idea what she was letting herself in for when she went to see the famous Relic Hunter.

After discussing the scroll and pulling out a map of ancient Greece. Sydney looked at her and asked, "Do you have a Passport?"


"Is it current?"

"Yes but?."

"Great, would you like to come with us to look for your heritage?"

"Oh? Can I come?"

"Well to be honest, Jenny I think we won't be able to find the mask with out you. The key is your ring and it fits you like it was made for you. So it would help us a lot if you would come with us." Sydney said with a sweet hopeful smile.

"Wow! Ok?."

*** ***

Now she was sitting on a bed in a nice hotel in Athens with the two Relic Hunters. She watched fascinated as Sydney and Nigel went through the clues on the scroll bouncing ideas off each other as they went through every line.

"No Nige, I mean look at the syntax here they were pretty specific?"

"But that puts us near ancient Thesasally. Why would the nation have a settlement so close to that kingdom?"

"Why not? Each of the City-States were Feudal Kingdoms. They were always at war with each other. They were all close and fighting over borders and silly disputes like we do today. The only time of peace was the Olympics even the Spartans competed and didn't fight or break a truce during that period."

"Well they were very religious. So your theory is its here in this forest." Syd nodded. "What do you think the lovers rock means?"

"I haven't the faintest idea but I guess we'll all figure it out."

"Um Sydney?I never?I don't know?"

She turned away holding her stomach. Syd walked over and sat down next to her on the bed. She put an arm around her shoulder and turned her head gently toward her with a finger smiling sweetly. "Jenny I think you'll be fine. You'll see this is going to be a lot of fun. Don't you want to see the mask? Won't it be wonderful to see it in a museum?"

Jenny nodded but replied quietly, "Thank you so much but I'm not talking about that at all. I'm talking about me going with you two on this hunt. I really don't think that I'm capable of this."

"Yes you are." Syd said firmly. She didn't know why but she really liked this girl and wanted her with them. She knew that she was the key to this hunt and she also felt that this was what her confidence needed, an adventure like this. "I know you can do this. I feel it. Nigel, tell Jenny about the first time we went out on a hunt. You had doubts about yourself in this life too didn't you?"

Nigel looked at Sydney shyly and cleared his throat. Sydney looked at him with a pleading look and then glanced at Jenny.

He closed his eyes and then opened them again and smiled at Jenny. "I?um?.well let's just say I was even more scared then you are. I was here on a work permit. It was my first time here in this country and my first job doing what I wanted to do. On my second day of work we were in Nepal looking for the Buddha's bowl. It was very?challenging?"

"But,"prompted Sydney.

"But I found I was up to that challenge?"

"And," Syd prompted him again rolling her eyes.

"And it was worth it. Jenny, really if I can do this you can."

The smaller woman was between them and they seemed to believe in her more then she did herself. "Ok, thanks for believing in me."

Syd smiled and hugged her. "That was easy kiddo, How about believing in yourself."


They were in forest glen outside the ancient site of Thessally. Nigel had the scroll and he was reading from it out loud.

"By the river though the Cave of Cyanne you will reach the lovers rock" He looked around in a circle and then looked at the girls. "I guess our first task would be to find the right cave."

"Hmmm, the Cave of Cyanne? Cyanne was in legend the name of the Queen so that makes sense?"

"I know but how on earth are we going to distinguish the Queen's cave?"

Jenny listened to the two expert's debate while she looked over the surrounding woods. Sydney was in her usual work clothes, Black top, black thick pants, Leather vest, hiking boots with her knife in its sheath attached to her boot. Syd was carefully looking along the river as she debated with Nigel.

Nigel was in comfortable hiking clothes and sturdy hiking shoes. He was carefully studying the scrolls trying to find a clue where the cave might be hidden. Jenny was wearing Jeans and a blue tee shirt with some hiking boots she had bought in a hurry they were hurting her a little cause they hadn't been worn in yet.

Syd looked at her and said, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah?my feet hurt a little these boots?"

"Oh take them off I will look at your feet I know a few remedies that might help."

Jenny looked surprised because Syd gave every indication that she was in a big hurry but Syd lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head and Jenny nodded. She sat on a fallen log and carefully removed the boots and her socks.

Sydney sucked in a breath and said, "Nige do you have that ointment I made up in your bag or is it mine?"

"It's in yours," Said Nigel looking at the red swollen feet in sympathy. "Jenny why didn't you say anything? We would have stopped."

"I?"she looked away as she felt the tears well up.

Sydney and Nigel exchanged glances they both understood completely. Sydney gently began rubbing Jenny's foot with the lotion and she spoke quietly. "We would not think less of you because you hurt. We both know you have never done this before there is no rush and no reason for you to be in pain. Now give me your other foot but keep that one elevated."

Jenny did what she was told surprised that they were both so understanding. She looked from one face to the other. "I just didn't want you to be sorry you asked me to come with you."

Sydney shook her head as she pulled the ace bandage carefully around the foot. "Why would we be? Because you bought new shoes and they hurt? Do either of us seem that unreasonable to you?"

Compassionate eyes met Jenny's and she shook her head no, Syd smiled and said, "Well thank Heaven for that. Ok, now hand me your socks so I can make sure we don't undo all my efforts here." Syd then carefully put the socks on around the bandages and then sat down next to Jenny on the log. "Ok, Kiddo we'll rest here for a bit before I put your boots back on we need to find the cave anyway."

Jenny nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you."

Syd winked at her and said, "No charge."

Jenny looked at the surrounding forest admiring its beauty and heard a bird sing. She looked up toward the sound and her eyes widened.

"Sydney, Look at the strange tree formation up there."

Sydney looked up and her face broke out into a beautiful smile, "Good girl. Hey Nige look up there see the way those trees come together. Wouldn't you say that looked like a cave opening befitting the Queen of the Amazons?"

"Hmm, Cyanne's Cave is in a tree?"

"Why not, they had a reputation for being great up there why not hide their treasures in one." She put a gentle hand on Jenny's arm and asked, "Do you have any fear of heights?"

"Um no, I don't think so. I have never climbed a tree before though?"

Syd chuckled and said; "Well there is a first time for everything, right?"

Jenny shrugged and nodded.

Sydney got up and pulling out her trusty crossbow and took a bolt and attached a rope to it. Then she pulled to make sure it was sturdy. She looked at Nigel and said, "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Jenny, I'm not fond of heights," He said with a smile.

Syd shrugged as she gently put Jenny's boots on her feet and replied. "You've done it many times." She looked up at Jenny and winked saying, "You'll both be great!" Then she stood up and offered Jenny a hand to help her up.

Jenny smiled and gave the tall woman her hand she was astonished at how strong the professor was.

"You always say that," Nigel said with his back to them as he looked up at the tree.

Sydney put an arm around Jenny and led her to the place they would start the climb and then carefully tied the rope around the smaller woman's waist as she said quietly, "Well it's true. You are always great at what you think you can't do and so will Jenny." She shot a second and third line up tying the one rope to herself and watching as Nigel tied his around his waist making sure it was sturdy knot. Then she shot up a fourth rope as a towline and pulled it hard to make it sure it was nice and sound for all three of them to use.

"You two ready?"

Jenny and Nigel looked at each other and shrugged.

"I guess," Said Jenny very uncertain.

"Sure," Nigel said as if it was inevitable.

"Ok, Here we go," Said Syd with a wicked smile.

Syd used the towline and climbed straight up the tree effortlessly. Nigel shook his head as he Jenny followed her copying her movements as closly as they could. Nigel was in the rear making sure their young friend made it up safely behind the agile Relic Hunter. Syd had told him earlier that they had to be careful when helping Jenny they had to allow her to make her own accomplishments while keeping the uncertain girl safe.

When Nigel pulled himself over the ledge behind the two girls, he shook his head as he looked down the path of entwined trees. "It does look like cave."

"Yep it sure does," replied Syd smiling as she handed Jenny a canteen. "Pull out our flash lights Nige, we still have a lot to do."

Nigel pulled out the three high-powered flashlights as Syd untied the rope around Jenny's waist and gathered it and hers attaching them to her pack. They stood at the opening staring down the path. Syd took some air in between her teeth and then said, "Ok Jenny stay close to me, Nige stay in the rear and protect our flank. We move very slowly and cautiously because a find of this significance is sure to be protected?"


"Booby trapped most likely," replied Nigel quietly.

"Oh God!" Jenny froze full of fear.

Syd immediately pulled her into a hug and gently stroking her hair and said soothingly, "Shh, It's going to be ok. It's normal for the ancients to protect things like this. Nigel and I run into all the time. We will go very slow and watch where we step. We'll all be fine."


Syd pulled back and looked into the teary eyes drying them with her fingers she said, "Do you trust me, Jenny?"

The small blonde looked into the sincere confident eyes and nodded. Syd smiled and brushed the blonde bangs out of the still tear filled eyes, "Well please believe me we're going to be just fine. I will make certain of that. You just follow my lead and you will be safe. Nigel and I do this all the time."

Jenny smiled and nodded.

"Good girl," She kept the little hand as she separated and led her down the path. "Come on Nige, mustn't dawdle."

"Me dawdle?"

"Nige, I was kidding."

"I know?but I don't dawdle I may be overtly cautious?"

"Come on already," said Syd rolling her eyes and then winking at Jenny causing the smaller woman to giggle.

They slowly moved down the path of entwined trees carefully looking at the walls and floor for any kind of booby trap. When she reached a point, she stopped dead causing her friends to whack right into her back.

"I told you two to go slow," whispered Syd rolling her eyes. "Nige, come closer I need the light from both lights so we can sweep this area carefully.

"What's wrong?" Asked Nigel quietly as he carefully shined his flashlight on the floor as Syd looked over the walls and the merged tree trunks above that formed the ceiling. Jenny was looking at the walls with hers but she wasn't really sure what the two Relic Hunters were looking for.

"See the rocks on the floor? They seem to be in a formation like a half moon. That is a sign of Artemis their patron Goddess. Now look at the ceiling it's a matching moon but in the opposite direction. If there is a trap here this is where we will find it."

"Well we just have to figure out which moon is the true key." Said Nigel carefully studying both.

"Um?Did you guys notice those weird little formations?"

Syd's eyes narrowed and nodded, "Good work Jenny, and they are birds which were sacred to the Amazons. In fact, the masks they wore were in the form of a bird. I believe that what we have to do is to watch for spaces that have neither the birds nor the moon. If we do not step on a sacred object we should be able to pass safely."

"We hope but Syd, they are really close together," Said Nigel studying the layout of the floor carefully.

"We will go very slowly all of us. Just stop when I stop and don't barrel into me again."

Jenny and Nigel nodded nervously. They all started to move down the path carefully only stepping on unmarked stones. When Syd got to other side, she turned toward her friends and waited.

Jenny made it safely to Syd. She pulled her close and waited worried about Nigel who had bigger feet and was having a hard time. Just as he was about to reach safety his heal stepped on a bird's beak and the floor opened up underneath him.

Syd grabbed him just before he fell down 50 feet to the floor of the glen. "Jenny hold on to my pants so I can pull Nige up!" She called.

Jenny held tight to Syd's belt as Syd holding onto Nigel's jacket and praying it would not rip when she pulled the man to safety. The three of them fell on the floor panting heavily.

Jenny and Nigel looked down the chasm then to a calm Sydney who was already trying to figure out where they went from there.

"Um, Sydney do you think there is another way back?"

"Don't worry it will reset itself by the time we come back. And our friend Nigel will walk a bit more carefully on the way back won't you?" She said looking at her friend with wicked smile.

"Syd! I didn't?"


"Well I didn't do anything?"

"Well watch those big feet of yours next time," She enjoyed watching his him quiver with outraged male pride and then chuckled, "Come on lets go find the Lovers Rock."


They carefully walked down the narrow tunnel created by the bent trees. Sydney marveled at the work those woman had done to create such a unique hiding place. At the end of the tunnel were two large rocks. The formations seemed to be of two women kissing.

"Interesting," Said Nigel with a grin tilting his head as he studied the rocks.

"Nigel, stop that! What's the first rule of Ancient Studies?"

"Um, history lies?"

Uh, yes well the second rule then don't judge by our own standards and morals. We are from a Puritan country with those beliefs beat into us from our own history. Remember the art of this period? The naked form was celebrated and all forms of love were honored in the different feudal societies?"

"I know all that. I wasn't judging them Syd; I was admiring their work?"

"You're such a typical guy?"

"I beg to differ?"

"Well don't?"

"Excuse me?" Said Jenny louder then they expected, they both looked at her with shocked expressions. She smiled and shrugged, "Instead of arguing about it shouldn't we be trying to figure out our clues?"

Syd's smiled brightly and nodded. She nudged Nigel gently in the ribs and said, "She's right. Bring out the scroll, Nigel."

Nigel took the scroll out of his bag and they both examined it.

"At lovers rock we meet through true affection. You will seek out our Queen once love is proved itself in stone, that alone will reveal the throne." Recited Syd slowly shaking her head in confusion.

"Bad poetry." Said Nigel with a small smile.

"Nigel!" Said Sydney frustrated that she didn't get it.

Jenny looked confused, "What on earth do they expect us to do? Kiss a rock?"

Syd shook her head no and circled the rock formation looking at it from every angle. "No I don't think so?Jenny, Let me see your ring again."

Jenny slipped it off and handed it to the tall professor. Sydney studied the ring closely. The cartoushe did appear as a bird but if you turned it to the correct angle, the bird's lips seemed to be kissing something. She smiled suddenly when she got an idea; "Jenny put this back on and come with me."

She led the small woman to the formation and then looked carefully for a place it might fit like a key. She saw a tiny notch where the rocks met and her smile widened. "Jenny put the face of the ring into this notch."

The girl looked doubtful but she did what she was told to do. She pushed the face of the ring into the hole till she heard a tiny click. The ring had fit perfectly. There was a loud moaning sound above them and something was happening very fast.

"Jenny let go of the ring!" Yelled Sydney.

"I can't!" Cried the girl.

Syd threw her body between the smaller woman and the falling rocks. Syd had been hit on the shoulder and Jenny finger ached but they were both ok.

The large rocks above them had opened like a flower revealing a pedestal in the shape of a thrown.

Nigel had already checked Jenny her finger was bruised but not broken. Syd had a nasty gash in her arm that he was carefully bandaging up.

"Do you think that was supposed to be that violent?"

"No Nigel, I doubt that it was. I think it was because it wasn't used for such a long time it just exploded when it was triggered. Go look over that edge and see if you see Jenny's mask."

Nigel looked over the rim and nodded, "Wow, Here is it! It's in perfect condition." He said admiring the ancient mask the feather seemed to be blowing in a strange breeze that he didn't feel against his own skin. "How did they do this?"

"I have no idea, Can you reach it?"

"Yes?" He reached over and got the mask gently pulling it toward him.

"Stand Down Mortal or I will Kill you where you stand!" Said a powerful booming female voice that echoed through out the chamber. Three shocked heads looked around the chamber looking for the source of the booming voice. Nigel pulled the mask close to him and backed up near his friends.

"Who are you?" Asked Sydney calmly.

"I believe it is I who need an introduction here. You invaded my secret and sacred place, Mortal."

"My name is Sydney Fox; This young lady is here with me to find her heritage. She is the rightful heir to the mask of the Queen of the Amazons."

"Does the child have the ring?"

"Yes, she does. It has gone from mother to child for generations. She received it from her Mother's Mother."

"Does the ring fit perfectly?"

"Yes, like it was made for her."

"Does the child speak?" Asked the strong woman's voice filled with amusement for the first time.

"Are you scared Little One?"


A musical laugh filled the chamber and a beautiful women with auburn hair and dressed as an ancient Greek Huntress appeared before them. "My Child I am the Mother to your people you need not fear me."

"Who are you?" Asked Jenny petrified she held Sydney's hand very tightly as she backed up even closer to her friends. Sydney pulled her closer still and as she her arm around her shoulders rubbing her back comfortingly.

"My name is Artemis."

Eyes grew wide with shock as the looked each other unable to utter a word. Syd recovering first asked very quietly, "The Artemis?"

"Is there another?" Asked the great Huntress calmly looking over the three human specimens before her. Slowly she approached Jenny like she would a frightened fawn, "What is your name Little One?"

"Jenny?.um, Ma'am?."

Artemis smiled and said, "Jenny? It is a strange but pretty name. You are as pretty as your name my child."

Jenny backed away from the Goddess and closer to Syd and Nigel. Artemis met Syd's eyes and saw the protectiveness in them. "Are you with this Child?"

"I am her friend, we both are."

The Goddess nodded her head and said, "Yes, I do see that. You two are the Queen's protectors. I believe that you are her champion though, Are you not?"

"Champion?" Syd asked confused.

Nigel was behind them and said quietly, "In the legends of the Amazon's Queen it was said she would select a favorite among her warriors to be her champion. It was her special job to be the Queens protector in all sitatutions."

"You are a very wise young man I see. Yes, that is partially true. But the Champion was more then a bodyguard. The Champion was a friend, a companion and an advisor as well as her protector. She was the Queen's best friend the person she could trust most in the world. It is the most important post in the village.

"We don't live that way anymore. Amazons are just a precious memory they don't exist any more. Jenny wanted to find her heritage and then bring it home so we could share the wonders of it with the world. We wanted to learn from our great heroines of our past?."

"I see?so the Amazon's no longer exist? Then what are you my child? I see before me a sterling example of a fine warrior. An Amazon in the greatest tradition of the word."

Syd smiled shyly then lifted her eyes and met Nigel's sparkling gaze. She could see her friend agreed with the Goddess. "You were named Queen when you won the golden Amazon Belt?" Nigel said with a smirk.

"I thought there were no Amazon's anymore?"

"They weren't believe me. They were wanabees. They stole an Amazon artifact and killed a good friend of mine in the process. They kidnapped Nigel and would have killed him if I hadn't shown up?"

"Yes we had rogue warriors in my day as well. So you are a Warrior then?"

"I'm a Relic Hunter and Teacher of Ancient Studies. Nigel is my assistant and Jenny is a student of ours. That's how we met her."

Goddess nodded and looked at the shy woman standing close to the Relic Hunters. "Sydney could you convey to Jenny I have no wish to harm to her? I only wish to touch the descendent of my favorite."

"Why do you want to touch her?" Asked Sydney cautiously. She was unsure if she trusted this powerful being.

"I believe she is the last Amazon I will ever meet. I will soon fade away. That is what happens to us if no one loves us. All I wanted to do was to hug her before I never got to hug another Amazon again."

Jenny felt tears suddenly fill her eyes and she broke away from her friends to hug the Goddess. The room filled with a golden light then the three of them were all alone.

Jenny looked at her finger and bent it. It didn't hurt anymore. Syd removed the bandage and was shocked to see that not only did her shoulder feel better but it wasn't even injured anymore.

The mask, the ring and the two scrolls were on the floor in front of them.

Jenny took her ring and put it on smiling at the warm feeling she got from it. Syd picked up the two scrolls. She handed one to Nigel and kept one she had never seen before for herself.

Nigel looked at the other two with a sweet smile and said, "This is the map we followed at the bottom below the riddle it says, "The ring and the Mask are yours my young Queen. Please keep both with love from your Goddess. You are as compassionate and as loving as my long lost favorite the sweet Gabrielle.""

Syd shook her head and held the other scroll up so the others could read it over her shoulder. "Well this one is to me personally. It says, "You may not call your self a warrior but you are. You have the mind of a great general and the skill of true warrior but as a champion, you shine because you have a loving heart. Your young charge is very naive please protect her. You have a noble heritage and as such I have left you a piece of the My Favorite's Champions Legacy. Use it well."

"But you told her you weren't a warrior, or soldier or even Jenny's champion."

Syd shrugged and said, "I guess she sees that in me."

Jenny was staring at an object she found beside the mask. "Hey, Syd and Nigel come here. Look at this. What do you think it is?"

Syd got down on her hands and knees and examined it. It was a copper and silver ring about the size of Frisbee and there was zigzag handle along the inside of it. "I have no idea what it is but it is beautiful." Syd sat down and picked it up by the handle staring at it as if mesmerized.

"Let's go you two it will be dark soon."

"Huh?" Syd asked still distracted by the beautiful weapon.

"Syd we need to leave here it will be dark soon."

"Oh? Yeah, You're right. Come on lets go home."

Jenny took the mask and her ring. Nigel took the map; Syd took her scroll and the large ornate ring as they slowly left the special chamber.

********** ***

The mask and the large ornate ring were placed on display in the University museum in the section devoted to Ancient Greece. Syd place them beside the Amazon belt she had won in combat she wanted to get more Relics of the Amazons there was still much to learn about that forgotten culture.

Jenny kept her signature ring and the scroll with the map. She felt very connected to both now and was pleased when Sydney told her that she could keep those private. Sydney kept her scroll too at home in a special document case in her den. She was thinking of having it framed it meant so much to her but she really didn't want anyone other then Jenny and Nigel to see it.

Syd stood in front of the ornate ring in the display at the school's museum. She was in awe of it. She had no idea what it did but she felt in her soul she should. She was drawn to it so strongly that it scared her a little. She really wanted to touch it to use it but till she knew what it was for she would leave it where it was. She felt a time would come that she would be able to reclaim it but she just wasn't ready quite yet. She wondered what it was the Goddess saw in her that she couldn't see in herself.


"Hi Jenny," said Syd turning to look at her shy young friend. "How did you do with your finals?"

"Ok, I passed all of them?.um, your still trying to figure that thing out, huh?"

"Yep, I have no idea but I feel I do. I know its deep inside me but I need to give it time to come out." She smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

Jenny smiled and said, "Oh I know you will figure it out your brilliant." Syd actually felt her cheeks warm up from the deep blush.


"I got good news; I have you next semester for ancient studies. Would you have any openings for a Teacher's aide? Nigel said you and he were discussing it and I ?"

Sydney smile became huge and she nodded her head, "We'd love it if you have time. How did you like Introduction to Ancient Studies?"

"It turned out to be the best and most important class of my first year."

Sydney turned slightly as she felt her face became bright red. "Um?good. Come on, Nigel and I are eating Pizza, I know we have a large one coming. He is going to help me prepare for a paper I have to deliver, would you like to eat and help me?"

"Yes, thanks! I'd love that!"

"Good so would I. Come on."

They left walking side by side and the Chakram twinkled in delight.

The End

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive