~ The Auction ~
by Ri

Feedback to: sarrabi@hotmail.com.
The audience was seated and facing a small podium in the small area that was once Edna's Eatables. The auctioneer walked to the podium and adjusted the mike casually he smiled at the audience and said, "All right Shall we begin? You all have your brochures, so please turn to page 4; we will begin with the furniture listed. Please ready your paddles."

The CEO of Warner Inc., Blair Warner was seated in the front row. Now that her father had passed away and her mother was incapable of making any choices since his death she was now the sole person in charge of the Warner fortune. She was elegantly dressed in a casual white dress with matching pumps. She had a very determined look in her beautiful brown eyes. She wasn't going to allow the closest she ever had to a real mother to lose her livelihood.

Mrs. G., Nat and Tootie were peeking out the kitchen door all with fingers crossed that Blair would be able to pull this off and she wouldn't be outbid. The auction became hot and heavy very quickly for this first lot. Blair noticed that whenever she was outbid, a mysterious person in the back would outbid her competition and then she would pick up the bid from the person in the back. Every time she glanced that way all she saw was a hand on a paddle.

When the hammer came down, the paddle in the back was the winner. The auctioneer asked for the paddle number, because he couldn't quite see it. Blair felt her face flush as a familiar voice replied softly, "Paddle 113."

Blair heard Mrs. G. squeak so she turned and saw a beautiful sleek woman dressed impeccably in silk suit. Blair's eyebrows shot up into her bangs. She would of never have recognized the woman if it wasn't for that familiar voice.

Mrs. G. ran out of the kitchen and hugged the beautiful brunette in the elegant gray silk suit. The woman smiled and was even more recognizable as she hugged Mrs. G. back tenderly. Pale blue eyes met shocked soft brown ones and she nodded.

"Jo!" Cried Mrs. G. happily.

"Heya Mrs. G."

*** **** **** ***

Blair was in the kitchen pacing. There was now a break in the bidding, Mrs. G and the other girls were in the living room pawing over Jo. Jo walked in and smiled at Blair, saying quietly, "Hi Blair."

There was no smile on Blair's face as she replied, "Hello Jo."

They just stood there staring at each other for several moments.



"You look incredible, Jo."

"Thanks?um, you look as beautiful as ever. You always have. Um?.Blair we should work together to save Mrs. G?"

"Interesting. Since you disappeared off the face of the planet with out a simple good bye. Now all of the sudden you want to work with me, huh???" Big angry brown eyes glared into sad pale blue ones.

Jo closed her eyes and sighed. She slowly opened them and walked to the table and sat down. "Blair there was a reason?"

"Oh yeah! A reason! You said goodbye to everyone else in school but me!"

"Shh Sit down please." Blair glared at her but sat down across from her in a huff. "Yes, there was a very good reason."

Blair bristled she crossed her arms across her chest and waited glaring at the beautiful brunette.

Jo sighed and closed her eyes again trying to figure out how to explain why she had to suddenly flee the only home she had ever known and not even say good bye to her very best friend.


Jo opened her eyes and met the angry brown ones sadly. "I had to leave, Blair. I was?.I was going through a very difficult period and I realized why I was so upset and?.I?.Blair?"

Blair suddenly recognized the pain in the sad blue eyes and she reached out gently putting her hand over her friends, "What?"

"I love you?."

"So, I love you too?Why?."

Jo pulled her hand out from under Blair's and crossed the kitchen to the other side by the door. When she turned back there were tears pouring from her eyes, "You don't understand!"

"What? Jo, damn it just tell me!"

"Fine?I'm in love with you!"

Shocked brown eyes met hers, Jo lowered her head. She stared at her hands clutching them together, "I always have been. It just got harder and harder to hide it from you. It got to the point that every time you touched me you melted my heart. Every time I saw you with a date I would burn with jealously. I had to leave before I did something seriously stupid."

The room was now silent. Jo still was closely studying her hands. She could hear Blair cross the room so she was not going to look up until she left. She would just wait 'til she heard the kitchen door close then she would help Mrs. G. and leave again forever. Self-banishment was better then this kind of pain.

Instead of the door closing she suddenly felt a very close presence and soft fingers under her chin lifting her head up. Her eyes met Blair's and she was astonished to see no anger in them. In fact the eyes she had seen in her dreams for the last 6 years were full of love.

"I am, and I always have been in love with you too. Why do you think I was so mad when you left with out even saying good bye? You broke my heart."

Before Jo could answer she felt warm soft lips against her own and strong arms encircling her waist pulling her close. Jo felt such bliss she could hardly think. Just kissing Blair was dream so she didn't question this; she just enjoyed it. She gently deepened the kiss and sunk happily into the depth of emotion.

*** *** *** ***

The gong sounded saying that the break was over. Two breathless women looked at each other and smiled shyly.

"We have a lot to talk about, but now we have to help Mrs. G."

Blair nodded and grabbed Jo's hand; "We work as team from now on, right?"

"Blair if it were up to me we'd be a team from now on?."

Blair kissed the back of the hand in hers and said as she pulled her toward the door, "It's up to us, and as far as I'm concerned your dream has come true."

*** *** *** ***

Between the manipulations of the two friends they succeeded in saving Mrs. G. by buying every lot between them. A very angry, disgruntled man had a shouting match with Blair outside the back door until Jo came out told him to act like a grown up.

"Who was that?" Jo asked quietly as they re-entered the kitchen.

"Jonathan Maxwell and his son Peter they are cruel spoiled people who wanted this place just because I turned the twit Peter down," Said Blair still seething.

"Shhh, they didn't. You won. Come on let's go?"

Mrs. G. came into the kitchen and squealed when she saw them hugging them both and saying "Thank you," Over and over again. She kissed and hugged both girls gratefully and said, "Come into the living room." She ushered them into the living room asking. "Please stay here girls. Nat and Tootie are."

Jo and Blair looked at each other and nodded. Jo grinned at her older friend and said quietly, "Ok, Mrs. G."

The girls were all seated in the living room as Mrs. G. finally let loose with the entire question she had for Jo "So Jo, How did you know? Where did you come from? How on earth did you get all that money? Why haven't you ever called us? Are you going to stay in touch?"

"Shhh Ok, ok?" She sighed and leaned back in the leather chair that she and Blair were sharing. Blair was on the arm of the chair, Jo took her friend's hand and smiled at them all shyly "When I left here I went to law school. I had a natural ability and got through very quickly; I got a good job in a big firm in New York City. I was very successful. I was the one who helped the David's against the Goliath's and actually won. I became the best associate in the corporate section and became a junior partner and then a partner. I still protect the individual, but now the individuals are as rich as Blair," she said with a lopsided grin looking up at her friend with wink. Blair rolled her eyes and shook her head. She looked at the rest of her friends, who looked at her with mouths hanging open. Jo shrugged and continued explaining, "I stopped this huge dot com company from trying take over a successful site of a small individually-owned TV station. I do that sort of thing every day,"

Her friends still looked shocked, and Jo sighed looking up at Blair who looked proud, causing Jo to smile. She took a deep breath and continued, "Anyway, I have kept an eye on all you guys. I hired a clipping service and I got a copy of the local paper every day in New York. I kept up on everything that way. Nat when you won that big writing contest and you got that mysterious box of chocolates congratulating you. Tootie, you would get two dozen roses on every opening night." She looked up at Blair and had tears in her eyes as she said quietly; "When you lost your Dad and you received that white rose floral display that was me too."

Eyes widened around the room and Blair threw her arms around Jo and she kissed her on the cheek saying, "You're something else; you know that?"

Jo smiled, dried Blair's eyes, and kissed her back on the cheek. She hugged her, bringing her down onto the seat of the chair. Putting her arm around her shoulders she continued, "That's how I found out about Mrs. G. being in trouble. When I read about the auction I was determined to come up here and help anyway I could."

"Thank you so much Jo. I missed you," said Mrs. G. sweetly.

"I missed you all too. I wasn't ?well ?ready to come back here until now?.I?."

"I'm so glad you're back," said Blair significantly.

"So am I," said Jo looking only at Blair.

Mrs. G. and the girls all looked at each other in confusion and but then they shrugged and smiled.

*** *** *** ****

Mrs. G. had changed the house since the girls left. The back room and the girls' old dorm room had two double beds and new antique furniture. Mrs. G. put Tootie and Nat in their old dorm room and Blair and Jo in what was once the back room. Jo stayed down stairs to have a talk with Mrs. G. about some ideas on how she could stay afloat since Edna's Edibles no longer existed.

Jo nervously entered the room she was sharing with Blair. Blair was at the dressing table brushing her hair; she was wearing a nightgown and robe Jo had to sit down on the edge of the bed in reaction to how beautiful Blair looked. Blair smirked at how much she affected the beautiful woman; it made her feel lightheaded. She decided to say something that would steady them both, "So what happened to my favorite grease monkey? No more bike?"

Jo smiled and shook her head saying, "No, I still have my hog. She's in my garage in my place in Northern New Jersey. I usually tinker with it and ride it on the weekends. I like to take it on vacation?"

"Did you bring it here?" asked Blair curiously.

"Not in this outfit," replied Jo with a huge smile. "I came straight from my place in the city. and I had to file a brief at court, so I rushed up here after I spoke to the judge?Um?I drive a Lexus," she said slightly embarrassed looking down at her hands.

Blair stood up and said, "You, a Lexus!"She said louder then she meant to she was so shocked.

Jo shrugged looking at Blair through her long eyelashes, "Yes. It didn't inspire confidence for me to visit high powered clients driving up in my old Chevy."

Blair sat back down and nodded saying quietly, "I suppose not, it's weird Jo when I talk to you I'm still speaking with my old friend. And yet you're not. You lead this incredible life and you're so sleek and sophisticated-looking. Yet, you still act like the old Jo at least with us. I know that it doesn't sound too flattering but?"

"I'm still me. I just learned how to make a living, and I learned to live the part in public." She smiled at Blair and tilted her head to a side as she continued carefully watching the blonde for her reaction to what she was about to say. "I learned a lot from you Blair. I learned how to make an impression, and how to make my points while keeping them smiling. I think you would be shocked how often you came to my mind in the last 6 years."

"Oh no I wouldn't?I missed you so much. I love the girls, but they are not?well?my equals I hide it really well, but I do have a brain, and I really missed having someone around that made me use it constantly. Jo I missed you in so many ways ?I?"

"Me too," said Jo tears pouring down her cheeks. Blair had the same reaction and some how they seemed to arrive within each other's warm loving embrace. "I love you so much, Blair Warner."

"I love you too, Jo Polniaczek."

They were involved in a very deep, passionate kiss before they even realized that their lips had connected. Jo found herself on her back with Blair on top of her. Busy fingers released Jo from her silk blouse and skirt and underwear. Jo got Blair's robe off and gently took the silk nightgown off. Every nerve tingled as she felt her skin meet Blair's soft skin. They were lost in each other's mouths. When they needed a breath and parted Jo put a gentle hand on each cheek as she looked deeply into Blair's eyes.

"Are you sure, Blair?"

"Yes," replied Blair "I've waited long enough," she said passionately. She captured her lips in heart-stopping, searing kiss that made Jo's heart beat so fast she thought it was going to burst out of her chest. Jo's hands now reached very erect breasts as Blair grabbed Jo's ass in a sensual assault.

They're minds were whirling their bodies were throbbing and they were just about to fulfill their deepest desire when a loud banging came. They both jumped.

"What in the hell!" Growled Jo.

The knocking came again it was Nat and Tootie. Tootie called, "Jo! Blair! Come on, unlock the door!"

"Shit!" growled Jo. Blair soothingly hugged her love and kissed her cheek. "Shh. It will be ok Darling." She put on her robe and pointed Jo toward the bathroom so she could put on a robe she saw hanging on a hook in there. "Go put on a robe and we'll continue this later."

A grumpy Jo nodded and went to the bathroom. Blair unlocked and opened the door to find two smiling women looking like naughty children. "Are you two regressing? Why on earth are you banging on the door?"

"We wanted to go down to the kitchen and raid the refrigerator and gab like we did when we were kids," replied Nat with a giggle. Tootie nodded giggling as well.

Blair rolled her eyes and shook her head. She looked at the mussed up brunette as she came out of the bathroom. She looked very much like the Jo of her youth at the moment, which made Blair smile.

"They want us to raid the kitchen like we use to."

Jo was beside Blair and whispered in her ear, "I'm so pissed I could raid another country."

"Come on. How can we turn them down? Look at them. What's a few hours?" Blair whispered back soothingly rubbing the angry woman's back.

Jo looked at the hopeful faces and then at Blair's understanding one and shrugged saying very quietly, "Ok."

Blair smiled and said, "You are such a sweetie."

"Hey, I'm a tough corporate attorney, and I have no heart," replied Jo with smirk.

"Yeah right. Ok girls lets go and indulge." Blair said as she led Jo toward their friends. The four women went downstairs to eat and chat about their new lives unaware of the trouble brewing just a few feet away from them in the back yard of the house.

*** *** *** ***

The girls surrounded the kitchen table sharing different cartons of ice cream and chatting about the past and their current lives. They were all having a good laugh about some of their misadventures when Jo heard a noise from outside the house. She got up telling the girls she was going to make sure the house was secure, and went to the back door and peeked out.

She could see two black-clad figures fumbling about in the back yard. She put her coat on over her robe and stepped out. The two men were fighting over the handles of a gasoline can, pulling it in two different directions. Jo heard the muffled curses as they each tried to pull the can out of the other's hand.

The floodlights suddenly came on and the back yard was lit like a baseball field. The can flew out of both hands and landed harmlessly closed on the grass as the two figures spun toward the back door of the house. Jo recognized both of them as kids she knew when she lived here.

Obviously neither of these two idiots ever grew up, she thought to herself as she walked out onto the back porch shaking her head. "Some things just never change," she said to the two men sarcastically.

The voice penetrated the silence and suddenly one of the two men recognized her. "Jo?Jo, what the hell are you doing here?"

She took a step off the porch as she casually replied, "I'm about to kick your asses. That hasn't changed either," An evil smirk crossed her face making the two men take a step back in pure reaction.

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her, "Blair get back inside. Now! I'll take care of this." She never turned her attention from the intruders, but she could feel Blair take a step closer to her, making her feel anxious for the first time. "Blair get in the house and stay there?Please," she whispered in a begging voice.

"No," replied Blair stubbornly.

"Blair," She growled.

"No, I'm not leaving you all alone," said Blair very angrily.

"Hey Jo, don't send your pretty friend away we could all party," said the other man with a leer.

"Lizard, stick your eyes back in your head; she's way out of your league!" She strode forward toward them, determined to get this over with quickly and was highly amused when they stepped back again. She stopped in front of them with her hands on her hips and said in her best angry growl, "Ok boys, whose dirty work is this? I know it's not your own idea because you're incapable of thought. So who's paying you?"

"We ain't tellin you nothin Jo!"

Jo laughed and shook her head. It was a wicked laugh that Blair hadn't heard in a long time. She felt a chill go down her back and she wasn't afraid of the formidable brunette. They should be shaking in their boots now, if they're not then they're bigger fools than I thought they were a second ago, thought Blair as she watched the two men eye Jo and then each other.

"Really Johnny? Well I'm sure the police would love to hear about your current activities."

"Hey you can't do that and beat us up?"

"Like hell I couldn't. All we have here in this house is defenseless woman and you?"

"You ain't defenseless Jo!"

"I know" she laughed that same laugh again and put her hands in her coat pockets nonchalantly. "The Police don't know that though. Do they? And who do you think they will believe Johnny, old boy? A highly paid attorney from the city, or two losers who never grew up?" she gave them a few minutes so their puny little minds could work it out and glanced over at Blair. She was still on the porch she had an expression of amazement on her face. She winked at her and then turned to the two lowlifes, "Ok boys who the hell is paying you for this?"

"Um, This creepy rich dude named Peter Maxwell. He was pissed at one of those dames and he?"

"Why that no good son of a?. I oughta tear his little?.I could?"Blair's face was beet red, and she was sputtering angrily.

Jo recognizing the signs, she decided to end this now so she could take care of her love. "You boys blow, and never come back, and I won't tell the police. Oh and you can tell that Twit of a Bastard that hired you, that I'm staying here now, and he better call me, or I'm going straight to the police, and make sure he fries! You got that?"

They both nodded and ran as fast as they could. As soon as they were gone she tenderly gathered a distraught Blair in her arms and took her in the house. Once she got the door locked she brought her close and kissed her sweetly.

"Shhh. It will be ok. I promise I will take care of this jerk. He won't bother any of you ever again." She cooed into her ear running her finger through the soft locks as she tried to comfort the now crying woman.

Blair nuzzled Jo's long swan like neck and whispered back hoarsely, "How?"

"Oh I have several interesting scenarios running in my devious little mind." Blair pulled back and looked into twinkling blue eyes.

"You can take the girl out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of the girl, huh?"

"Yep, thank God." Jo said with a smirk as kissed her on the nose.

"Come on lets get back to the girls before they overdose on ice cream."

*** *** *** ****

"Hey, you two! What was going on out there?" Asked Tootie, as she and Nat looked up from their cartons of ice cream curious about what their friends were up to. Nat smirked and said, "Yeah it sounded like the old Jo out there."

Jo snorted as she and Blair retook their seats and said to Nat, "I am the old Jo."

Blair smiled and nodded, "Yes she sure was. It was really fascinating."


"Sure, all the veneer of civilization was temporally stripped away and the street kid was back full force. I thought it was exciting to watch."

Jo's eyebrow crept up and she had a very amused look on her face, "Exciting, huh? We will have to discuss that further, later on in our room," Jo said looking only at Blair with a twinkle in her slightly darkened blue eyes.

"Oh I will look forward to it I assure you," replied the blonde with sparkling brown eyes.

Nat and Tootie could feel the sparks flying around the room. Tootie's assumption was that they were back at it like old times but Nat's eyes narrowed and she suspected something far more interesting.

"Somethings never change, huh girls?" Said Tootie with a smirk and went back to her ice cream.

"Oh I don't know I think something has definitely changed," Nat said with a knowing look to her two friends across the table. Jo and Blair glanced at each other stunned and then back at their old friend. Nat winked and shrugged and then went back to her ice cream."

*** *** *** ***

When they got back to their room Blair took a deep breath and leaned against the door. "Well I guess that's one person we won't have to tell."

Jo smiled at her and held out her arms for the love of her of life, "Sweetheart, come here, so we can actually tell them something interesting tomorrow."

Blair looked up as tears suddenly stung her eyes; "Did you call me Sweetheart?"

Jo brought the other woman even closer and gently kissed the tears away, "You've been my Sweetheart deep inside my heart for many years." she said very quietly.

Blair closed her eyes and enjoyed each gentle kiss, "Really?" she asked hoarsely.

"Really," purred Jo as she gently picked her up and carried her to one of the beds. She gently laid the beautiful woman down against the pillows and kissed her deeply. She pulled back and caressed her cheek looking deeply into her brown eyes, "You are so beautiful?I'm overwhelmed by it."

"You're pretty gorgeous yourself you know? I was so stunned when I saw you I never thought of you as glamorous until I saw you in that doorway."

"Did it turn you on?" Jo asked as she took the robe off the woman beneath her, and gazed at the creamy soft skin with admiration.

It had just gotten a lot harder for Blair to breath but she answered softly, "Oh yeah. You have no idea." She removed Jo's robe and was startled at the sculptured body beneath it. She looked like a Goddess, "Jo You don't need any clothes?you're so?"

"Muscular?" she asked and shrugged her shoulders as she nibbled a little ear.

"Yeah," she answered breathlessly as her hands stroked the strong shoulders and back. "Wow."

Jo chuckled and then kissed her way down to Blair's throat kissing and sucking each sensitive spot until Blair felt like her head was spinning. "God, you taste good."

"You feel good too, Jo, it's like you belong here." Blair replied as she felt herself going limp in reaction to each caress.

"I hope so," she replied as she kissed her way to Blair's already erect breasts and lavished them with such loving attention that she was now moaning incoherently.

Jo looked up toward Blair's face. She was about to move south to the piece de resistance, and she wanted to savor each moment of bliss. Blair's eyes were closed; her head was moving from side to side, and she was pushing Jo's shoulder down toward her need none too gently. Jo smiled and kissed her way down toward the apex and smelled the delicate scent that was purely her love's nectar. She kissed her gently at the entrance and Blair moaned, "Please Jo now please."

"Yes Sweetheart, now, "she whispered as she entered bliss sending the blonde screaming her name over the edge, and bringing Jo right along with her joyfully. Slowly after she recovered, she crawled up her love's body and held the still trembling woman close to her.

Blair's brown eyes opened to meet blue ones filled with pure love, "My Darling Jo," she said kissing the soft lips with a deep passion. When they parted she caressed her cheek and said, "I never felt like that before it was not only amazing I felt like I was connected to you." She whispered as she nibbled hungrily on Jo's beautiful earlobe.

Jo purred in reaction and replied; "I felt the same way. It was like I knew?well exactly what you wanted. It never happened for me like that before either."

Blair licked the rim of her ear and whispered, "I know exactly what you want now."

"Mmm. So do I. I want you, Sweetheart." Jo replied stretching her neck out as she felt sweet butterfly kisses against it.

"That's good because you have me," Blair replied smiling as her hands massaged Jo's aching breasts. Jo actually held her breath as she felt the soft kisses going all way down to her apex. She let out loud moan as she felt the soft tongue taste her juices. Blair brought her to a bliss she didn't know existed before, she stiffened as a climax beyond belief ripped through her body, dragging a scream from deep within, and calling out the name of the person who gave her this gift. That person was falling over the edge with her; Jo's scream aroused her to the point that she fell over willingly too.

Breathlessly two women moved until they were cuddled into a sweet embrace. Jo smiled into the most beautiful eyes she had ever known, "I think we broke some of Mrs. G's windows, Love."

Blair chuckled and kissed Jo on the nose, "That's ok my Darling. We'll just buy her some new ones. She won't mind."

Jo laughed and kissed her sweetly, she gently brushed some hair out of Blair's face as she said, "Um? I don't think we will have to tell anyone now."

Blair leaned into Jo's gentle caress and said with a chuckle, "Oh I think we will. These rooms are sound proofed."


"The last renovation, I was the one that helped Mrs. G. do all the planning."

"You are so sweet."

"You are too?Jo?Um?Please don't leave me again. I don't think I could take it."

Jo pulled back and looked into tear filled eyes. She tilted her head and dried the tears as she said softly, "I couldn't do that?I ?not even if I wanted to I couldn't and don't. Blair all I ever wanted was to be with you."

"Me too. All I ever wanted was to be with you forever. You broke my heart when you left like that?I'm so glad you're not going."

"Good," said Jo, kissing away the tears, and then kissing her deeply as if to seal their pact. "So am I," she said when she pulled back.

Blair caressed her cheek and brushed the bangs away from her face, "What about your job?"

Jo hugged Blair tightly to her and said, "I'll quit."


"Yep. Do you need a good attorney Miss Warner?"

Blair began to tear up again Jo shook her head and asked quietly, "Why are you crying?"

"You'd give up everything you worked so hard for just for me?"

"You're everything to me, Sweetheart. Besides I'm not giving up anything I'll miss. I want to be with you. I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I love you, My Jo."

"I love you too, with all my heart."

*** *** *** ***

The next morning there was a banging on the door that made Jo and Blair sit straight up in bed.

Jo said in her crankiest voice, "What!?!"

"Breakfast!" called Tootie through the door cheerfully.

"To hell with breakfast you two kept us up all night!"

Jo pulled Blair close to her and lay back against the pillows and looked deeply into the beautiful brown eyes and smiled, "See some things never change."

Blair laughed and shook her head; "I know that. You do remember how determined they are? They will be back."

"Oh I do know that but I wanted a little cuddle time with you."


"Yep," She brought the sweet lips closer to her and kissed her deeply.

Bang, bang, bang went the eager hands against the door, "Hey you guys we're hungry come on down and eat!" Yelled Nat through the door.

"Nat it's Saturday morning so give us a break!" Jo yelled back while covering Blair's ears. She had an amused smirk on her face.

"Ten minutes!" Nat yelled back as she went back downstairs with a knowing look on her face.

Blair chuckled as she caressed a soft cheek. "They will be back in about two minutes. We might as well get up."

Jo groaned but got up and held out her hand, which Blair accepted. Jo kissed the palm, and then led her to the bathroom and locked the door getting more privacy in the process. Jo turned on the water and then looked at Blair only to find appraising eyes inspecting every inch of her flesh. Jo felt her cheeks get warm from blushing as an eyebrow lifted as she asked, "You didn't miss anything last night did you?"

Blair smiled a sexy smile that made Jo's blush deepen a bit more as she replied, "No. I just like to look. I mean Jo you're so beautiful, like a statue. I'm compelled to keep looking, and what I'm really tempted to do is touch the surface to see if what I'm seeing is real."

Jo's voice was very rough as she asked quietly, "Are you only tempted to touch?"

"Mmm. Much more then tempted. I want to touch every inch of you."

"Good. Come on you're about to get your wish," Jo handed Blair a wash cloth as they entered the shower. They began by actually washing each other, but soon found other more imaginative ways to take care of each other. Caressing and kissing and tasting each other until they almost forgot about the water beating against their backs. Jo found that she had Blair against the wall of the shower, and she was tenderly making love to her. Blair came to a climax screaming Jo's name, until she was afraid that the glass in the shower door might shatter.

Blair leaned up against Jo catching her breath feeling soft hands caressing her back. Blair looked deeply into soft blue eyes and said, "Um, we seem to keep doing that."

"Yep," Jo replied as she pulled her back to her and kissed her passionately. "Can't get enough I'm afraid."

"Mmm. Neither can I," said Blair as her hands came to the wetness between the dark woman's legs and slowly began to explore it. Jo leaned back against a seat in the shower, her legs spreading wider her eyes closing in ecstasy. Blair smiled seductively as she descended down, exploring her apex until Jo's head was thrown back falling over the edge with her hands in the blonde's hair. Jo screamed her love's name it echoed around the bathroom bringing back to them their passion.

Blair looked up into darkened blue eyes and sat down on her lap. Jo smiled at her as her breathing came back to normal. She caressed the soft skin around her waist bringing her closer still.

Blair leaned her head against Jo's chest and asked, "Do you even feel the water?"

"Not really. I think I'm beyond feeling anything but your touch?Blair as much as I'm enjoying this, I think we should finish showering and get down there. Pretty soon the girls will be storming in here with the extra key demanding that we go down to breakfast. I think that would be a little embarrassing."

Blair blushed and stood up soaping up her hands. Jo smiled and did the same they washed themselves knowing that if they tried to wash each other again they might never get out of the shower again.

*** *** *** ***

Jo came down to the kitchen wearing jeans and T-shirt with hiking boots, very much in the mode of Jo from the old days. The only difference was that with her sophistication, posture and natural presence she looked like a fashion model. Nat and Tootie looked at each other and shook their heads in wonder.

Jo saw the reaction and didn't even realize she was making any impression at all. "What?" she asked, as she went to the stove and got her scrambled eggs and bacon. She sat down to dig in with a healthy relish.

"It's amazing, you're dressed exactly like you used to be when you lived here and yet?You?"Tootie was suddenly at a loss for words.

"You look like a damned model Jo. You look like a fashion lay out in Town and Country. It really is amazing you look so damn perfect?"

Jo laughed and shook her head as she ate her eggs with her mouth open on purpose just to show them she was still her old self. "Nat, you know me. I am not perfect; I never was and never will be. I'm still the same old Jo. Now eat your God damned food before it gets cold," Nat met Jo's eyes and smiled.

"Ok, ok you're still the same but?"


Blair came in wearing jeans and T-shirt too. She looked very sophisticated but casual too. It was the way she always looked, so she paid no attention to the stares she was getting from Nat and Tootie.

"Wow, you two are meant to be together aren't you?" Tootie asked giggling from behind her orange juice making silly faces at Nat.

The older two women stared at Tootie in astonishment and then looked accusingly at Nat.

"Nat!" scolded Blair angrily.

Nat shrugged and stuffed some toast in her mouth mumbling; "Well she kept asking what was taking you so long?so I told her." Two sets of eyes narrowed and Nat swallowed and said shrinking in her chair, "Well she is my best friend!"

Jo laughed and looked at Blair with an endearing look, "We were going to tell them anyway it saves us from trying to figure out how."

Blair laughed and nodded as she sat down next to Jo, "Yes, you're right. That just leaves Mrs. G."

"You two have a reprieve because Mrs. G. is visiting her sister. She's taking care of her nieces and nephews for her."

"That's ok. Jo's not going anywhere." Blair said as she sipped her coffee and smiled over her cup into sparkling blue eyes.

Nat and Tootie looked at Jo hopefully, Tootie asking, "Really Jo?"

Jo smiled broadly and nodded her head, "Yes, really you two. You're stuck with me. I'm going to sell my place in New Jersey and sublet my apartment in New York. I am going to move back here lock, stock and barrel."

Nat beamed and said happily, "That's fantastic! But Jo what about your job? You sounded like you loved it."

"I'm quitting. Meet the new corporate attorney at Warner Enterprises, Inc."

Blair's eyes were sparkling and she was blushing as she added, "She will be moving into my place on?"

The phone interrupted Blair. Nat got up and answered it and then she looked at Jo with an odd expression. "It's a man for you, he sounds really mad."

"Good, I hope he's boiling," said Jo holding her hand out for the phone. "Hello?" She listened coolly, meeting Blair's anxious eyes with a smile and wink. "Yes, your message was quite correct. Yes, I think that would be an excellent idea. Please do bring your attorney. I assure you, you will definitely need his advice. Yes he is an excellent man; I have had a couple of encounters with him and he is such an admirable loser." She was silent listening to the man on the other end and taking a sip of her coffee with a smirk. "We will discuss all that when we meet. Fine 1PM at the Olympian Gardens. Yes Goodbye." She hung up the phone and said, "I can't believe you ever went out with that sleaze ball."

"It was my Mother's idea, and I dumped him that night."

"That's why he's so pissed. Well my dear Watson, the game is afoot."

"Why do you look like the cat that swallowed the entire fish bowl?"

"Because that creep doesn't know who he's dealing with this is going to be such a fun lunch," She said as she rubbed her hands together and sat back down to eat her breakfast.


"Sweetheart, I promised you didn't I?


"Have I ever broken a promise?"


"So eat," said Jo as she took a fork full of eggs and playfully pushed it into Blair's mouth. Blair swallowed and shook her head in amusement.

"Jo did you call Blair, Sweetheart?" asked Nat in shock.

Jo looked Nat in they eye and said in a growl, "Eat your damned breakfast."

Nat took a forkful of hashbrowns and muttered, "Yes ma'am."

*** *** *** ***

Jo and Blair were already in the booth at the Olympian Garden Restaurant waiting for the others sipping water. Jo looked exactly as she had for the last 6 years a deadly corporate shark. She had on a black Armani suit, a cream silk blouse with a pearl necklace and earrings. She was also wearing a pair of glasses, and her hair was pulled back in a French twist she looked sleek, intelligent and very sharp.

Blair was impressed at how elegantly Jo dressed. She admired her corporate look, and was really looking forward to seeing her in the office every day. Blair had on a pale green coatdress with no jewelry. Her hair was pulled back with antique combs. She looked sophisticated and very much like old money.

Jo could see that behind the facade she was incredibly nervous. She gently put her hand on top of Blair's which at that moment was playing with a salad fork.

"Calm down, Sweetheart. I promise that it will be ok."

Blair nodded; she swallowed her lower lip and still looked nervous.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course," said Blair surprised.

"Then please don't worry I tell you we are in the drivers seat here."

Jo was gently stroking the top of Blair's hand smiling sweetly at her and looking deeply into her eyes until she saw that Blair believed her.

"So since when have you worn glasses?"

"Three years ago. I only need them for reading, because I'm far sighted but they are very effective for playing a part. When I have to be an intellectual sharpy they work out really well in court."

"I had no idea how theatrical the law was."

Jo chuckled, "Sure it is look at all the televised cases that you have seen some great lawyer playing his part like a Perry Mason. Johnny Cochran comes to mind when he was doing the OJ case. It's the same in corporate law for the civil suits that were waged against the cigarette companies. It's one of the parts I learned from you. You make them believe it and you play it."

"You learned all that from me?"

"Yeah you're a brilliant teacher."

"You're just brilliant."

Jo shook her head; "I'm not in your league."

"My love, you're in a league of your own."

"Do you know that if we weren't in public right now I'd be kissing you 'til you fell over in a dead faint."

"Can I look forward to that later?"

"Count on it," Jo replied with wink.

The Headwaiter came next to Blair and said discreetly, "Miss Warner, the rest of your party is here."

"Thanks Patrick. Please have the jerk and his guest come on over."

Patrick smirked and said, "Yes, ma'am." He bowed and smiled warmly to the two women and went to collect the men.

The two men followed the Headwaiter to the table, which gave Jo a chance to appraise them. She knew her colleague. Charles Kelly was an excellent lawyer in litigation, but if she was a CEO of a corporation and had to face a jury trial of some type, she would never have old Charlie as her attorney. He was too low key and boring for a judge, let alone a jury full of TV savvy jurors. He would be torn to little pieces by a lawyer like Jo, who thrived on that kind of challenge. She had several occasions in which she did just that, and yet they had a very respectful relationship. They were very good friends outside of the courts, and she thought he was a really good guy. She smiled at him and nodded which he returned in kind.

The man behind him was another story entirely. The arrogant man strode up to the table like he owned the place. Jo looked at Blair and lifted an eyebrow in question as she smirked at her love. Blair shrugged and smiled slightly embarrassed. Jo put her hand on Blair's knee and squeezed gently making the blonde feel better immediately. Jo could tell that this was "a Mrs. Warner set up" with only his financial assets, being her sole concern in the so-called relationship. I'll never understand that woman! thought Jo violently to herself, as she softly rubbed her hand against the soft knee.

Peter sat down next his lawyer nodding to Blair and saying in acidy voice to Jo, "Counselor, you asked that I bring my attorney. He is here. So what are you accusing me of?"

"Oh you don't even want us to order drinks first, huh?" asked Jo sweetly, Blair and Charley immediately knew that Jo's sweetness was an act. Peter didn't have that insight.

"Listen little girl just lay what ever cards you might have on the table?"

"Oh boy, Peter?" Charlie tried to save his client, but the arrogant man said, "No, I want to hear what this woman has to say."

"I'd be happy to. I intend to introduce two witnesses to local police who will testify that you hired them to commit arson as an act of revenge against Miss Warner. Now Blair, what would you like to eat?" Jo asked switching suddenly from cold as ice to sweet as candy in a second.

"Wait! How do you know that I hired anyone?.?"

"Because the clumsy idiots were caught by me red handed. They told me in order to escape full culpability. And the mere question you pose incriminates you further. Hey Charlie, the fish here is really good, and I'd order a glass of champagne on your client if I were you." Jo said to her colleague with a smile and a wink.

Blair was catching on as to what her love was doing and was now completely at ease and highly amused.

"Yes Mr. Kelly, the seafood here is excellent." Blair said charmingly.

"Charlie smiled back at Blair, and then cleared his throat and said to Peter professionally, "Peter maybe we should order first and then listened to?"

"NO! I want to know what the hell you want now!"

Jo lowered her menu and looked the man in the eye. She leaned back against her chair and said quietly, "Very well. If you ever threaten Blair or anyone she loves again, in anyway, I will personally see that you are put in jail until you're old and gray."

"You can't!"

"Oh but I assure I can, I could, and I would. Now this is the end of this discussion. I know you understand that I mean business, and I am hungry. Charlie don't you like Orange Roughie? They have an excellent one here. Oh Blair, I know what you're going to get, the lobster right?" Jo asked as she picked up the menu and started to study it again.

The man across from her was changing colors right before them and looked like he was about to explode.

She guiltlessly enjoyed every moment of it as she looked up at the waiter with a huge smile and ordered lunch for her and Blair.

*** *** *** ***

Blair was flying high with what Jo had just accomplished at lunch. They were in the car on the way home as Blair said, "We have got to something to celebrate!"

Jo was amused by Blair's enthusiasm, "Like?"

"I don't know. Other than falling in love with you, I haven't really done much that you could call exciting."

Jo laughed and pulled Blair's Mercedes into the driveway. She turned to her
and pulled her close kissing her deeply. She pulled back and looked deeply into the warm brown eyes and said, "If the delivery I've been expecting arrived today we'll be able to do something that might fill your need for excitement."

Jo then got out of the car and went quickly to the other side and handed Blair out, kissing her hand in the process. "How gallant you are today."

Jo blushed and said murmured, "My pleasure," She then led Blair into the house. She looked at Nat who was reading a book and asked, "Did my delivery arrive today?"


"Cool, Thanks Nat. Ok Sweetheart, we need to change our clothes to get ready to celebrate."

"Oh? Something sexy?"

"No, Something warm"

*** *** *** ***

Blair came down stairs from changing, Much to her annoyance the brunette stayed down stairs and changed in the bathroom in the den, into some clothes that were also delivered. So Blair wasn't able to use her feminine wiles on the smart brunette to find out what the surprise was.

She came into the kitchen and found the girls busy making dinner for Mrs. G., since she would be arriving back around that time. The two of them wanted to make a feast for her on her arrival and were busily preparing it.

"Where's Jo?"

"She's waiting for you outside in Mrs. G.'s garage."

"The garage? Why?" She asked very confused. "Well ok, the garage it is then," she answered herself muttering much to the girls amusement.

"Wait 'til she sees what Jo had delivered," giggled Nat to Tootie, giving her a wink. She was sad that soon she was going to go back to her own hum drum life and away from all her friends. She shrugged her shoulders and helped Tootie mix the batter for the fried chicken.

Blair entered the garage and found Jo leaning against her Lexus with a huge grin on her face. She was dressed in tight Levis with a black sweater and her old leather jacket. On her feet were biker boots and her hair was pulled back like the old days in a ponytail.

Blair leaned against the door and caught her breath; "You look so hot in that!"

Jo's grin grew into a huge smile as she strode over pulled her into an embrace and kissed her so deeply that Blair's head felt like it was spinning. Then she pulled back and leaned her forehead against Blonde's, "Thank you. You look classy and casual how do you do that?"

"Inborn talent," purred Blair as she brought Jo's lips back to hers for a sweet kiss. Jo stepped a little back so she could take a look at Blair at arm's length still tightly holding her hands. She inspected her love with an approving light in her pale blue eyes.

Blair had on jeans, a turtle neck sweater, a warm coat and pair of fashionable boots. She smiled and shook her head saying with a smirk, "You look like you just stepped out 'Town and Country' but it will do. Here, sorry about messing up your beautiful hair." She said picking up a helmet that was hidden behind her car on a bench.

The brown eyes widened and said, "Oh no. I'm not!"

Jo had a highly mischievous expression on her face as she leaned against her car and said, "Well you did say you wanted to do something exciting that you had never done before. This is the safest one I could think of for you to try. Unless you wanted to something neither of has ever tried, like sky diving?" She asked her eyes dancing at the expressions that crossed the blonde's face.

"Um no, I think your motorcycle is more my speed. Where do you have it hidden?"

"Behind my car. Come here and meet your only competition for my love." She said as she beckoned her over to look at her baby with a smirk. "Isn't she a beauty?"

"Well not a beauty like you are Darling, but for a piece of transportation she quite lovely."

Jo gently hit Blair's arm and said, "Hey she was my steady until you came back in my life."

"And now?"

"She's our play thing," she said with a wink as she gently took the bright red helmet out of Blair's hand and put it on her head. She kissed her tenderly on the lips and then closed the visor. She picked up her black helmet off her bike and put it on and then helped Blair sit on the bike. She then got on behind her.

"Um Jo, why am in front?"

"You said you wanted excitement."

"Oh dear God?."

"Don't worry, Sweetheart. You will love every minute of this."

*** *** *** ***

They pulled back into the garage after their ride. Blair felt like she was still flying; it was so wonderful. She was so warm and protected and free and wild. It was so different then she expected. Her heart was still pounding and her face felt warm to the touch.

Jo had her place her feet on the chrome highway pegs that came out from the front of the frame; the angle caused her to lean back against Jo's chest. She felt Jo's hands take hers and place them on the outside of her thighs where at first she gripped with a Herculean strength. When Jo's gloved hands took control of the handles bars she felt strong arms brace her on either side of her body. As they took off down the street strong legs flexed alongside of hers as Jo changed gears and managed the rear brake. She marveled at how Jo and the bike moved as one.

Blair felt like she had flown those blocks and that Jo was right there with her, it was the most wonderful feeling she had ever known. She was still leaning against Jo after the bike stopped; Jo leaned close and whispered in her ear, "We're back, Sweetheart."


"Blair honey, your scaring me a little?Hey, are you ok?" Jo's voice was getting louder and more worried.

Blair finally came out of her stupor, took off the helmet and turned in Jo's arms. There was a wild look in her eyes as she threw her arms around Jo and kissed her fiercely. Jo enjoyed the kiss, but she was still worried. She pulled back and gently lifted Blair off the bike. Then she secured the kickstand and locked her helmet to the bike. She took her extra helmet that Blair had dropped when she kissed her, and put it on the bench next to the bike. All the while Blair was just standing there staring out into space.

Jo walked back over to Blair and put her arms around her saying quietly, "Please talk to me I'm worried."

Blair blinked and looked into the concerned blue eyes and suddenly smiled. "Oh Jo I'm sorry. I was just reliving it all in my head. It was so wonderful! Darling when can we go again?"

Jo laughed she was so relieved and hugged her tightly to her. She gently pulled her toward the house and said, "Anytime you want to?"


"No, not now because we do have to offer some help in fixing Mrs. G.'s dinner. We also have to figure the best way to tell her everything?"

"Oh?Oh! I forgot all about that?"

"I know," Jo said sweetly kissing her nose. "You are so cute."

"Hey! I'm formidable!"

"Yes, you are indeed. You are also adorable and cute and lovable?Come on before I forget our promise to the girls. You know they will bellyache us to death if we don't help them." Jo laughed gently, pulling Blair to the kitchen behind her.

"Yeah I do but Jo can we??"

"Like I said anytime." Jo said pleased her present went over so well.

*** *** *** ***

They all had decided on lasagna with a tossed salad and Tootie's special lemonade, followed by a desert of ice cream. Blair and Jo were both happily brought into tasks to get the meal going. Jo tossed and chilled the salad while Blair set the dining room table. Nat was doing the major cooking since it was her Grandmother's recipe.

Blair noticed that Jo and Nat were deep in conversation when she came back in the kitchen. After a few minutes Jo went to Blair putting her arms around her waist and pulling her close as she gently kissed her neck.

"Mmm, that's nice."

Jo continued to kiss along the soft neck until she reached her ear and whispered softly, "Well this is all we can do right now with the two snoops right here with us hmm?"

Blair chuckled and turned in loving arms and kissed her love on the nose, "Very true."

Tootie was busy mixing her Lemonade now that it was closer to dinner and shaking her head. She muttered, "I'm very happy, that you're happy but I really don't get this at all."

Nat was sitting at the kitchen table with a far off look on her face as she said quietly to her friend, "It doesn't matter if you get it as long as you support them. They are our friends and they always supported us, so it's about time we did the same."

Tootie came with a glass of her lemonade and replying, "Oh I know all that and I do. Here taste."

"Mmm, Hey that is really good!"

"It's my secret recipe handed down through the generations."

"How on Earth can lemonade be a secret recipe?" asked Jo who was leaning her head against Blair's shoulder?

"Hey that's my secret. If you knew then you could make it!"

The other three women groaned and Tootie smiled triumphantly. She then took the pitcher and gently placed in the refrigerator next to salad and the dressing.

"Well it will all be ready when Mrs. G. comes home."

Nat nodded looking at her watch saying, "Yep and that should be any minute now.

Jo looked at her friends and said, "Excuse us for a second" Then proceeded to pull Blair into the living room.

Jo looked into Blair's eyes and kissed her gently. Then she pulled back and said, "Sorry I couldn't resist."

"Why are you apologizing? you want to?"

"No, no, no?I um, I really need to talk to you."Jo looked a little nervous.

Blair was suddenly concerned, "You can talk to me about anything you know that."

Jo nodded, "Um, in the position you created for me do I have the ability to hire staff?"

Blair breathed out some air she didn't even know she was holding. "Oh God is that all? Of course you can."

Jo looked confused, "What did you think?"

"That you had second thoughts about staying here or moving in with me."

Jo shook her head and kissed her deeply again. When she pulled back she rubbed her nose and kissed it, "No I don't think I have ever been happier about a decision than I was about the one I made last night about you. I love you and want to be with you forever."

Blair leaned her head against Jo's shoulder and took in some air saying. "Oh I'm so glad?.Um, whom do you want to hire?"


Blair's eyes widened in surprise, "Nat? But I thought she loved her job as a reporter in Buffalo, and it gave her lots of time for her writing."

"She misses all of us," replied Jo bluntly.

"Mmm I really missed her too, and I know Tootie does. What position were you thinking of?"

"Well the only one on my staff she would qualify for would be my administrative assistant."

"How about I hire her as my personal assistant. She'd make more money and I don't think Legal would suit her as well as working for me. What do you think?"

"That you're the kindest, sweetest most wonderful woman on the planet," She then brought her closer and kissed her deeply. She and Blair both forgot about everything for few minutes while they explored each other.

"Um?Mrs. G's car just drove up!" called Tootie.

Jo pulled back and caressed Blair's cheek looking only at Blair she answered Tootie, "We'll be there in a second."

Once Tootie left she said quietly, "You are a living doll did you know that?"

"As long as you think so."

Nat came out and found them staring deeply into each other's eyes. Shaking her head she said, "Did you guys hear Tootie? Mrs. G. is home."

"Hmmm, Oh yeah sure," said Jo absently. Then she blinked and came to herself turning toward Nat smiling. "Nat meet your new boss, Blair is going to make you her personal assistant."

"Oh my God!" She yelled hugging both her friends tightly to her crying in delight.

Tootie came out shook her head and said, "Well if you can't lick them join them," as she joined the group hug.

Mrs. G. came in the front door finding the girls in a group hug with tears in their eyes she worriedly asked, "Did something else go wrong?"

They pulled back and Jo pulled Mrs. G. into the hug starting all the girls crying happily all over again. "No Mrs. G. a whole lot of good stuff has happened."

*** *** *** ***

They were all gathered around the dinning room table as Jo explained what happened to the older woman. It was taking longer because her friends kept trying to help her out with little tidbits, which dragged the explanation out till they were almost done with their lasagna.

When she was all done she brought up nervous appraising blue eyes to meet
the steady kind eyes of the older woman. Jo was holding Blair's hand under the table and Blair was gently stroking the top of Jo's reassuringly.

Mrs. G. looked at the two women with an unreadable expression and slowly smiled at the two girls she watched grow up into these fine young women. "It was about damn time too!"

Four mouths dropped open causing her to laugh at their shocked expressions. "I always suspected it when you were in college. I knew you figured it out the night before I left, Why do you think I put you in the same room?"

"You only have two guest rooms," said Blair in complete shock.

"Well I could have put Jo in the den very comfortably."

"True," said Jo with a smirk. "You are way too smart Mrs. G."

"That's very true so when are you two moving in together?"

Jo suddenly thought of something and asked, "Um, Blair may I see you in the living room for a moment?"

*** *** *** ****

Blair looked at Jo in concern, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She smiled and kissed her cheek and dropped to her knee. She held out a presentation box and said shyly, "There was something else very special in that delivery I received. This was my Mother's ring, and I couldn't think of anything she would be more delighted by than my using it to propose to the woman I love more than life itself. Blair Warner will you marry me?"

Tears poured down Blair's cheeks as she sunk to her own knees and accepted the ring. She kissed Jo tenderly whispering, "Yes?yes."

Nat, Tootie and Mrs. G. watched the happy moment from a crack in the doorway of the kitchen. They all had huge smiles and tears pouring from happy eyes.

"Well I guess I didn't miss all the good stuff, huh?" She looked at the two women who were kissing deeply and crying. She felt full of happiness for her friends.

"Come on girls lets eat our ice cream it looks like we'll all be together for a very long time to come."

The End

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