~ The Pirate's Princess ~
by Ri

Disclaimer: This is yet another challenge for Facts of Life group. This was one was really fun for me since it took the girls completely out of their normal surroundings. I am only borrowing the girls for this little exercise in play. I hope you enjoy it, Ri J

Jo came home from a very long day; two really hard tests and then a long 6 hours at the motorcycle shop where she worked part time. Tootie and Nat were sitting in front of the TV hypnotized by some old Technicolor movie.

"What has you two so hypnotized?" Jo asked as she took off her leather jacket and hung it up in the closet.

"Captain Blood. It's an old Errol Flynn flick."

"Come on Jo, sit with us, it's a tape so we can start it from the beginning for you."

"Nah, I wouldn't want you to have to watch it all over just for me?"

"Um, truthfully I don't mind watching it again. Errol Flynn is so damn handsome he makes most men today look plain," Said Tootie with a giggle.

Jo's eyebrows shot up and she shook her head at her young friend, "You're something else, Tootie, can you two wait till I shower and change? I love his movies too."

"Sure Jo, go ahead, we'll wait for you."

Jo's face broke out in a happy smile, "Great! Thanks I won't be long."

Nat looked at Tootie; "You want to help me make some popcorn and snacks?"

"Sure, sounds great."

*** *** *** ***

Blair, dressed to kill, came downstairs to wait for her date. She stood behind her friends and cleared her throat. She rolled her eyes when her three best friends seemed to be more interested in the movie than in her new dress.

"Eh, hem." Blair cleared her throat right behind them only to be ignored. The three girls were fascinated by the battle between the pirates and the King's men.

"Hey you guys. Am I here or a figment?"

"A figment," said Jo with a smirk as she glanced up at her annoyed friend.

"Jo," growled Blair.

"Yes?" Asked the brunette innocently.

"Could you stop that stupid movie for a minute?"

"Hey it's not stupid!" cried Tootie she was really enjoying the old flick. "Blair you really should sit and watch this. It is so exciting?"

"What? A bunch of guys jumping around in tights?"

"Well they look good in them and at the moment they're fighting for a lady."

Jo smiled and said, "Yeah a princess, Princess."

"Yeah sure. Pirates fight for treasure not?"

"Well not in this movie?"

"Yeah, Yeah. So how do I look?"

"Beautiful," said Nat sweetly.

"Great," replied Tootie with a big smile.

"Ok," said Jo with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. She smiled inwardly knowing that the simple reply would drive her friend nuts and she was right.

"Ok? Ok! What do you mean ok?" cried Blair, really annoyed. She wanted Jo of all people to think she looked beautiful. She didn't know exactly why but she did.

"Yeah, what's wrong with ok? It's better than sucks, doesn't it?"

"Jo!" Blair was about to launch into a full steam rebuke when the doorbell rang.

Jo watched as Blair smiled and flirted with the older man at the door. She shook her head sadly and went back to watching the movie. She was really enjoying the movie, but a full day of both school and work took it toll, and she slowly nodded off. Her eyes slowly closed on Captain Blood trying to convince the Princess he wasn't going to harm her?

*** *** *** ***

The tall figure strode down from the Captain's cabin to stand beside the ship's Second Mate at the bow of the ship. The Pirate Captain held out a large elegant hand with a spyglass to get a better view of their very foolish target.

"She's coming straight at us Captain. Our colors are flying. Do you approve?"

The sharp blue eyes peered through the glass and a smile graced the beautiful face of the tall woman who ruled the ship with an iron fist. She looked at her kid brother, Bobbie who was her Second Mate and nodded.

Bobbie smiled up at his sister then turned toward their men and signaled they should be ready for attack.

She stayed at the bow for a minute more thinking, 'Yes I do believe the King's Captain is issuing us an invitation.' The tall woman turned and headed for the ship's wheel. She was dressed in leather leggings and tall boots. She wore a silk white blouse with a leather vest. She had a gun on each hip and a sharp cutlass hanging low on her belt. Her long black hair was pulled away from her face by a silver barrette forged for her in Jamaica. In each boot was throwing knife. She was ready for battle. In fact she was itching for it. It had been too peaceful for her lately, and she craved some adventure. This nice fat King's ship would do nicely, especially since the fool was heading right for her.

She shook her head at the stupidity of the man. The skull and cross bones were brightly showing on the yardarm and yet the fool kept coming. "Well if he is asking for a fight, he's found one." She said quietly to herself as she readied the ship to ram the King's finest.

*** **** **** ***

The beautiful princess paced as she listened to the battle rage above her head. She was enraged that the man her father had hired to bring her safely to Jamaica would deliver her right into the hands of notorious pirates. As much as she didn't want to go to Jamaica she also didn't want to become a slave or die.

The Captain had warned her to stay in her cabin before he went up to defend his ship. She shook her head and grimaced, "As if I would have gone right in the middle of people fighting. I'm not stupid."

She looked through the porthole and couldn't catch her breath. She stood transfixed watching a tall figure fight the Captain of the ship. The pirate appeared to be a tall beautiful woman, an incredibly powerful woman with the agility of a cat. She had her cutlass locked in battle with the big man though she looked quite calm and no worse for wear. She simply couldn't believe how strong the woman appeared to be. "Remarkable," she mumbled to herself.

*** *** *** ***

The Pirate Captain was amused as she fought the big man. She was really enjoying playing with him. It was way too easy for her, but she took her pleasure where she could. He was letting all her taunting get to him. As she used her cutless to tear his clothes off, she lashed off with several verbal thrust as well. He was infuriated that she was fighting him with one hand, while the other was covering a yawn or fixing a button. She smiled wickedly as he once again attacked straight on. She blocked it easily and yawned again.

"You know you could really use some lessons," she said casually as she finally disarmed him finally, She now held the cutlass to his throat and said in soft purr, "I do believe the ship is mine."

The First Mate was carrying the struggling Princess over his shoulder up to the top deck so he could claim her. She was fighting him like a wild cat. The viscous man had already tried to touch her where no one had ever laid a hand before.

The Pirate Captain had just finished tying up the King's Captain when she saw the poor woman struggling.

"Pickford, put her down!"

"But Captain, she is part of the ships treasure and I found her. So I want to claim her?"

"My crew does not harm women. If you can not abide by my rules, then you know the penalty. Now put her down on her own feet." The angry Pirate said storming over toward the little man.

It was true that the Captain did have such a rule. The First Mate knew it. If caught the violator would get lashings from the Captain's whip. Which were usually given by the First Mate. After awhile of handing out the punishment, he felt he was above it.

He looked at the Blonde and practically droole; she was just too luscious to ignore. "Come on Cap, look at her."

Blue eyes met angry brown and widened. The tall woman swallowed a couple of times she couldn't believe her eyes. This was the woman of her dreams. She now knew that she not only had to protect her from her First Mate; she had to get her off her ship, because she could so easily fall under this woman's spell that distance was the only answer.

The brown eyes met eyes of icy blue that suddenly became warm and devoured her whole. She was stunned she felt like she knew the tall pirate.

They stared at each other for several minutes then the Captain cleared her throat again and said to the First Mate clearly, "Captain's Privilege."


"Do you want the lashings, Pickford?"

"No, but?"

"I said release her!!"

The shocked man put the blonde down on her own feet. The Captain then yelled, "Higgins!"

The sweet-faced man ran up to his Captain smiling, "Yes Cap?"

"Escort the young lady to my quarters and stay with her. Make sure no harm comes to her."

"Yes Cap. This way Missy," He said bowing slightly and indicating she should go ahead of him to the small dingy that will take them to the pirate ship.

The brown eyes met blue, and gratefully smiled and nodded. The Captain nodded her head slightly and then went back to instructing her First Mate. "Have the men take what they will. Put their crew on that small strip of an island and then sink the ship. I'll send a pigeon to let the authorities know they're stranded after we set sail. Then come to my cabin Pickford we need to talk."

With that the Captain strode off the captured vessel back to her launch to go to her own ship.

*** *** *** ***

The Princess nervously paced in the Captain's cabin. She was both scared and fascinated by the Pirate Captain. Higgins watched the poor woman pace a hole in the Cap's floor, and finally decided to ease her mind a bit.

"Lass, The Cap is a woman of her word. She will not harm you. She don't hurt no innocents, that's why she was so mad at her First Mate."

The Princess stopped and nodded saying, "Yes, I did see that. It's just I have never been a captive before I don't know what to expect?"

"Fair and honest treatment," said a rich warm voice from behind them. The Princess turned to find the Captain leaning against the doorpost of her cabin. "At least, that's what you will get on my ship, if my crew knows what's good for them. Higgins, Thank you. You can return to your duties, I will take care of our guest."

"Aye Cap, No problem. Nice talkin' with ya Lass," The man said with a wink toward the Princess and then left without another word.

"What are your plans for me, Captain?"

The tall woman smiled and shrugged, "My plans are simple. I want to get you to a safe port. Once we've dropped you off though you are on your own I'm afraid."

"You mean your really not?Um, you aren't going?"

"No. I don't do anything that the stories say. I don't buy and sell women. I don't hold women captive for money. I don't use them, and make them into prostutes. I became a pirate to right a wrong that was made by the King's men against my family. I am not a cruel person and I don't enjoy hurting people. I only fight against the people who hurt us?"

"What was the wrong?"

"The King's Navy destroyed my beloved Father, so my brothers and I seek the only revenge we can. We hit them at their purse strings."


The Captain sighed and took off her weapons putting them on a table. Then she crossed to a sea chest and pulled out some cleaning supplies placing them next to the weapons as she said, "Sit down on that chair and be comfortable; it's a long story." Then she took off her vest placing it on her bed. She stretched and sat on the opposite side of the table and began to gently clean her gun as she told the beautiful woman the story of youth and how it led her to a life as a Pirate on the high seas.

*** *** ***

"I grew up with my doting Father and four brothers. I was the apple of my Father's eye, which meant I could get away with a lot of mischief. I was just another son to my Dad; he taught me to fight like he did the boys. I had no interest in women's work, and my Father encouraged that. My brothers encouraged my antics too. We competed for everything. We had a lot of fun, and I do admit I would outsmart the lot of them and get my way with a lot of tomfoolery, which helped make me happy too." The Pirate lifted her head to meet fascinated brown eyes and the Captain smiled and shrugged.

Then she lowered her head back to her task and continued, "My Dad was a fine ship builder. The Royal Navy used his work to capture pirates. One Admiral kept coming back to Dad with stranger and stranger designs. My Dad tried to oblige him but sometimes his requests were not feasible, and he had to refuse. Most of the time this man got exactly what he wanted and better than he thought he could have it."

The Pirate turned her head and wiped her eyes quickly, and the Princess realized that the beautiful woman was crying. The tall woman went back to her task and continued with a suddenly angry and hoarse sounding voice, "Then one day it all changed. The Admiralty had suddenly gone sour on my Dad's ships. He didn't know why and they wouldn't tell him. Once the Navy pulled out then Dad lost everyone else 'cause it was rumored there was a serious flaw in his work. Soon my poor, sweet, honest Father lost everything. It killed him."

The Pirate suddenly got up and walked to her wash basin to wash her face, and the Princes realized she must have been crying the whole time she was speaking. Slowly the tall beauty turned and sat down and began to sharpen her cutlass. "My Dad was a kind and generous man whom everyone liked. A good friend of his, another builder gave him a job as a manger of his yard. He did the best he could, but his heart was broken, and he just started to get very sick." She looked up and met the compassionate brown eyes saying, "You see when Dad lost his greatest love, his yard, it broke his heart and he died inside. He was a strong man and it took his body a while to catch up with his soul. He died of heart failure, but I knew what it was. At his funeral I vowed to find out why the Navy did this to my sweet Dad." When her eyes lifted from the cutlass that was now gleaming she noticed that the Princess cheeks were wet.

"Why did they do it?"

"One man, that Admiral who wanted these strange, impossible additions didn't like being turned down one too many times. It didn't look good for his precious reputation. He started a rumor campaign amongst the Admiralty and within a few weeks my poor Dad lost everything including his life. I found out that the bastard; his name is Admiral Gordon, was in charge of destroying the privateers. I decided to become one and hurt his reputation for real. I talked my brothers into joining me and they are here too among my crew. It wasn't hard, their hearts were broken by Dad's death too. So we have been delivering as many blows to the son of a bitch as we could ever since."

The Princess looked like she was struck by a thunderbolt. "My Father knows that man. He's been over to our estate. He is a horrible man, and my Father wants?well he wants?"

The Pirate stood up and kneeled by the Princess she took her hand and asked gently, "What does your Father want?"

"I was being sent to Jamaica to marry Admiral Bernard Gordon whether I want to or not?and I don't. I can't stand him. I fought with my father for weeks but we need money, and the miserable lout promised my Father a huge dowry for me." Then the beautiful woman burst into tears that she had been holding back for a long time.

The Pirate gathered the sobbing woman into her arms, "Shh. You don't have to go to that bastard. Do you have any relatives that are kind that I could take you to?" Asked the tall woman sweetly.

"No?I?"The girl put her head against the strong shoulder and finally fell apart. She'd been trying to be strong, since she left the small principality she was born in. Now here she was on a Pirate ship and she felt doomed.

"Shh. Please stop crying. We'll figure something out. I promise; I promise," She said looking into the sad brown eyes trying to give the poor girl some hope. She pulled her close and whispered, "What's your first name?"

"Blair. Um may I ask what??"

"It's Joanna, but my brothers all call me Jo." She pulled back and when she looked into the deep brown eyes she felt that connection again. She would keep her promise. This poor girl wasn't going to marry that toad. She'd see to that.

*** *** *** ***

One small cabin was set aside for meetings with the Captain and her brothers,
The only person she didn't invite to the meeting who usuall attended was the First Mate. He was now restricted to quarters, and she was going to see that he never assaulted another woman on her ship. She'd sent word to his guard that she would see him after the meeting.

She left the Princess in her cabin with Higgins. He was an honorable man that she could trust to protect the young woman.

"Your kidding Jo, that old fart wanted to marry that young girl?" asked her youngest brother stunned.

The Captain sat at the head of the table nodding her head and then looked at her brothers as she sipped some ale. She then asked quietly, "The question is what are we going to do about it?"

The oldest, Ross, looked at his sister's grim but determined face and decided to lend some reality to the conversation. "Jo, what the hell are we suppose to do? He can't touch her if she's safely with relatives. All we need to concern ourselves with is getting her to them. Hopefully once the old fart figures out he's lost her to us he will fixate on someone else."

"That is my point exactly Ross, I don't want him getting his dirty hands on some young girl to go and do what he will with her. And Princess Blair has no relatives to stay with. They are all in desperate need of money, and she was the sacrifice for it."

"Son of a Bitch!" Said Bobby in angry roar. "Those Bastards!"

Jo smiled affectionately at her baby brother. They always thought alike. "Yep, I don't want anyone to win this little game except the Princess. Her victory will be her freedom."

"So what do you propose we do to help her win?" asked Ross calmly he was always the practical one.

"Set a trap."

"What kind of trap?" Asked Bobby quietly, "What would be the bait?"

She looked around the table at all her brothers with a wicked smile and said, "Me."

*** **** *** ***

She knocked briskly on the cabin in front of her and the door opened immediately. She looked at the man with angry icy eyes. He moved back into the room quickly. She followed and closed the door.

"Sit down," said the tall woman. He sat down quickly and looked up at her with frightened eyes.

"To be in the position of First Mate on my ship is a matter of trust. I have to completely trust in you and your judgment to follow the rules. Today you violated a very important one. I will not ask you if you have done it before, but I have a bad feeling that you have. This is my dilemma; I no longer trust you. So I have a proposition for you. We will be in Kingston tomorrow you can disembark and join another crew. If you decide to stay here, you will have to take a step down to Second Mate. My brother, Bobby, will now be First Mate no matter what you choose, because I trust him totally." Her eyes were white like ice. They made him shiver, and he noticed that one hand was resting on her cutlass. He knew she was more than a match for him.

"Why would you do this to me over one woman?"

"In case you have never noticed it I am a woman. I chose you as First Mate because you were loyal in battle and my crew respected you. You have not only lost my trust because of this crime, but the admiration of my crew as well. They will not follow someone like you, and have told me so. You are the cause of your present circumstances not I. So what do you choose?"

"I'll leave at Kingston."

"Very well.You are to remain in your quarters. Consider yourself restricted." She left the cabin banging the door close her rage at the man was boiling inside. She could feel his hatred, as eyes bored into her back, and knew it wasn't a tenth of the anger she felt toward him for violating her trust in him.

*** *** *** ***

She had walked the decks for an hour to calm her nerves. She didn't want to upset the Princess with her anger, and she knew the sea would help her deal with it. She entered her cabin to find Higgins and the Princes in the middle of friendly game of Gin Rummy. She grinned and asked quietly, "Who's winning?"

"I am," said the Princess with a smile in return. When she saw the Captain's pained expression her smile changed to concern, "You look?um, tired."

Jo's grin became the lopsided one that the Princess admired as she replied, "I am, very tired. Higgins you can return to your duties. You will need plenty of rest for you new position."

"What new position, Cap?"

"Second Mate."

"But Bobby is the Second Mate."

"Well now he's the First Mate."

Higgins looked stunned, "What about??"

"He has chosen to leave tomorrow."

The man whistled and shook his head; "You is one fast worker, Cap."

Jo sighed and leaned against the wardrobe, she looked at Higgins honestly and replied quietly, "My men follow me with loyalty and honor or they do not follow me." She once again removed her weapons.

"That be true enough, Nite Cap. Nite Highness?."
"I told you to call me Blair?"

"Well I?"

Jo was very amused and said, "Could you two debate this important issue tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

Higgins nodded toward his Captain; bowed to the Princess, and then winked at her, which caused her to smile then he left.

The Captain chuckled and shook her head at the departing man. She sat down on the bed and removed her boots. The Princess then realized that there was no where for her to get ready for bed. She looked around the room for a screen in a panic and saw none.

"Blair, aren't you going to take off that dress? I'd think that corset would be very uncomfortable to sleep in."

Blair blushed and shook her head no.

Jo stared at her for a minute before it dawned on her what the young woman's problem was. "See that big rug? Pull it down. There's a screen under it. I don't need it but it belonged to my late mother so I'm sentimental." She reached into a sea chest under the bed and threw Blair a nightshirt. "Here this will float on you but it should do."

"Thank you Jo, um? What about?.um?well??"

"Well if you feel safer, you can sleep on the floor, but I think you'll feel more comfortable in the bed. It's big enough for all my brothers and me." The Pirate said with that lopsided grin again.

Blair smiled shyly and walked behind the screen to take off her clothes and put on the comfortable sleep shirt. "I didn't want to crowd you out of your own bed. This is your room."

"It's only for tonight. I mean tomorrow night you will have a nice big hotel room all by yourself?"

Two hurt brown eyes peered over the top of the screen and a quiet voice replied, "Ok Jo. It will be good that you won't be bothered with me too long?"

Shocked by the sad eyes and the words the now half dressed pirate said, "That is not the case at all, Blair. I intend to personally take care of your problem, and I want you safe and sound while I do it."

Blair couldn't reply right away. She was trying to get her mind around her reaction to those long beautiful legs barley covered by the silk tunic the Pirate still wore.

"Um?Jo what do you mean take care of my problem?"

"I'm setting a trap for Admiral Gordon so he won't ever hurt you or your family again."

"How are you going to do that?"

Jo, for the first time in her life, was embarrassed enough to turn around and begin to undo the button hooks on her tunic as explained her plan. "I'm going to set a trap so you can be free to do what you want with your life."

"How are you going to do that?" Asked Blair who had gone back behind the screen to remove her corset and stockings.

Jo had changed into her nightshirt, and slid into bed waiting for the blonde beauty to join her so she could douse the light. "Simple I will entice him with a tasty bit of bait, then get rid of him once and for all."

"What's the bait?"

"I am."

Blair now changed, came around the screen with an outraged expression on her face her hands on her hips. "What?" She looked at the Pirate and had to shake her head again. From the tough scary Pirate to sweet and sexy woman in less then three minutes was almost more then Blair could take.

Jo looked up at the Princess in her nightshirt and grinned impishly. She felt her heart rate rev up and a buzzing in her ears. She scooted over in bed so Blair would have plenty of room. Once Blair shyly slid into bed beside her Jo doused the lantern by the bed.

"Good Nite Blair."

"Good Nite Jo," said Blair as she settled back against the pillow. They were both silent as their bodies reacted violently to being so close to each other. Finally Blair took a deep breath and said quietly, "You can't be serious. Why on earth would you set yourself up like that? That fiend could hurt you."

Jo shrugged looking up at the ceiling with a wistful face she said, "He can't hurt me 'cause I can take care of myself. The reason why is?" She felt her heart rate jump, and she felt very warm as she turned away from the Princess facing the wall, then in a very soft voice she said, "'Cause I want to."

*** *** *** ***

Jo woke up the next morning with the welcome feeling of warmth surrounding her. It was a new experience for her, and she relished it. She felt like this was how she was supposed to feel complete and loved.

She opened her eyes to see a pale arm firmly in place around her waist the beautiful head resting on her chest. She looked at the soft blonde hair and longed to touch it. She closed her eyes as she breathed in the enchanting smell of Jasmine she felt like she was floating on a cloud from the pleasure of it.

No longer able to control her hand it gently began stroke the soft hair enjoying the feel of each tendril as it wrapped around her long fingers.

'I'm going to miss her so much,' she thought to herself sadly. She shook her head and leaned back against the pillows. 'That's silly. How can I miss her? I don't even really know her.' She sighed and let go of the soft hair staring at the bulkhead. 'This is what I really want, and if this woman of royal blood knew that, she'd run to jump overboard screaming her head off.' Jo looked out through the porthole at Kingston Harbor. They were already anchored and the lady would leave her ship and forget all about her. 'I won't forget her though, ever.'

"Jo, what are you staring at out there?"

"Your temporary home."

Blair's head turned and she looked out the porthole, "Oh."

She looked deeply into Jo's pale blue eyes and said quietly, "Please don't get yourself killed because of me."

"I won't," said Jo with a smile, "This is not about you, my friend. You were just a catalyst. It gave me a reason to act."

They were now with in a breath of each other and Jo was overwhelmed with an urge she couldn't stop. Very slowly her lips met Blair's and they kissed tenderly. It was sweet and soft. The Pirate Captain allowed herself to sink into the kiss with a passion she didn't even realize that she had.

Suddenly there was a loud knocking on the door and very distant voice calling, "Jo?JO?."

*** *** *** ****

"Jo?Hey Jo, come on wake up."

Jo's eyes slowly blinked open to see Blair sitting on the edge of the couch next to her with a concerned look on her face.

"Um Blair?What time is it?" She asked as she tried to clear her dry throat.

"Midnight. Jo are you ok? You were moaning in your sleep."

Jo was stretching, she stopped and stared at her friend, "I was? Oh?It was nothing just a really strange dream. Did you have a nice date tonight?"

Blair shrugged and sat back against the big soft cushions saying, "It was ok. He's a Graduate Student. Actually he's kind of a jerk. So full of himself?"

Jo leaned against the cushions on the other side of the sofa. "Sorry to hear about that. You were looking forward to it. I hate to see you disappointed," she said with a sweet smile.

Blair shrugged again and replied, "Gordon is a creep, but he's a rich creep. He took me out to use me as window dressing. So after I chose the most expensive dinner on the menu and ate every bite. I made him take me right home. What a bore."

"His name is Gordon?" Jo's face looked confused.

"Yeah, I told you about him. Don't you ever listen to me? Gordon Matrick is a British Graduate Student. I pointed him out to you at the library and you said he looked like a toad."

Jo chuckled and said, "Yeah I did. Didn't I?"

Blair laughed and stood up, "You sure did. Are you coming up to bed now?"

Jo stood and stretched again looking around the living room. She lifted an eyebrow, "I think I better clean this up before Mrs. G. sees this mess."

"Hmm. I'll go up and change so I can help you."

"Blair you don't have to do that?"

"Jo, I want to?"

They looked at each other for a full minute and something passed between them that shocked them both. Blair blinked and said quietly, "Um, I'll put on my sweats and come right back."

"Thanks Blair."

Blair smiled back and said, "Anytime."

Jo looked at the TV and walked over to the box of the tape with Captain Blood thinking, Could that of?How could I?Ah, come on Jo you're being so goofy! She then looked at the picture of Errol Flynn with affection and said out loud, "Thanks Errol, I think owe you big for this."

The End

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