~ The Gathering ~
by Ri

Disclaimer; Another Facts of Life story from a challenge. This is a separate tale based on my own thoughts of how the girls might grow up to become. There is a loving same sex relationship and I expect nothing from this story but some nice feedbackJ Feedback to: sarrabi@hotmail.com.
It was a small crowd gathered quietly around the priest as he performed the dignified service. It was snowing and cold all the friends and family were close together both from grief and trying to keep warm from body heat. Several were trying to console the dark-haired woman standing next to the priest. She was looking stoically down into the freshly dug grave.

A blonde woman arrived late; she saw the group across the cemetery and quickly got out of her Mercedes. She walked toward her friends, her eyes firmly centered on the dark bent head.

Tear-filled pale blue eyes lifted and met concerned hazel eyes across the cemetery. A tiny smile came onto the beautiful face and she nodded to her friend. Blair walked over to stand beside her grieving friend, "Hi Jo," she said quietly as she stretched up to give her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Blair. It was nice of you to come," replied the Jo quietly as a fresh supply of tears fell out of the red rimmed eyes.

"Of course I came, you're one of my best friends. Where's your Mom?"

"She couldn't take it. She's in the limo that Mrs. G. hired for us."

"Shall I go over and keep her company?"

Jo reached out and took Blair's hand. "Would you mind staying here with me 'til they're done?" she asked her friend very quietly her eyes went back down toward the grave as she listened the priest's voice drone on and on.

"Of course not. I want to help you any way I can," replied Blair and she gently squeezed her friend's cold hand with her warm one.

After the priest had finished all the friends hugged and comforted each other. Tootie, Nat, Mrs. G and Blair all quietly supported Jo as she hugged and accepted the good wishes of her family and her Dad's friends. Then they headed back for the cars. Jo and Blair walked side by side and slightly behind the others. Jo turned to Blair and asked, "How's your firm doing?"

"Good, I'm not crazy about staying in Philadelphia though. I miss New York and my friends."

Jo nodded and kept her thoughts to herself. Blair could see her friend struggle with some thought and asked quietly, "How is your new shop doing?"

"Great actually, I hired a staff of eight and I still get to teach night courses two nights a week."

"I always knew you would find a way to balance the two things you love most. Teaching and those monsters you sell. Do you still restore the motorcycles for yourself or only your customers now?"

Jo really smiled for the first time since her Dad died. "Both."

"That's my grease monkey."

Jo looked down and swallowed hard as a thought went through her head. In a slightly roughened voice she asked quietly, "So anyone in your life since you got rid of Jerko?"

Blair smiled at Jo's name for her ex-husband. She was treated like an old car by him that needed to be traded for a younger snazzier model. She had moved to Philadelphia solely to please her husband and to be honest she wanted desperately to come home. She wasn't sure how she could do it or if she could. "No, I just go to work and go home."

Jo nodded, "Sounds like me except I just work at my shop all night if I don't want to face my empty apartment. Kind of lonely, huh?"

"Very," replied Blair in a choked voice.

Jo was tormented she wanted desperately to talk to Blair but this wasn't the proper time or place. They came to the limo and Jo looked at Blair with tired, sad red rimmed eyes and asked quietly, "Can you come over to my Mom's?" She nodded her head toward the car where they could see Rose curled in a ball asleep.

"I'd like to, if you want me there, Jo?"

"Yes I want you to come very much." Jo answered her big honest blue eyes looked at her hopefully.

Blair blinked then nodded, "Then I'll see you there."

*** *** *** ***

Mrs. Garrett was trying to console the upset young woman and her mother by saying that he was out of pain now. Tootie and Nat were there too, each holding one of Jo's hands. Jo appreciated all the effort on her behalf and knew her Mom did too, but she felt like nothing they could say would really ease this loss.

Blair arrived carrying two clear boxes with beautiful orchids in them. She handed one to each of the seated woman with a sweet smile.

Rose looked at Blair and smiled at her with red rimmed green eyes, "Blair honey, shouldn't you be giving this one to his widow?"

"No, I don't know her. I do know you though; I care about you, and I wanted to do something nice for you and Jo," said Blair quietly kissing the older woman on the cheek affectionately.

Jo smiled a bit at the sweet exchange. When Blair pulled back she looked at Jo and saw the slight smile, It made her feel good that she was able to do that for her friend. "Do you like your orchid?"

Jo nodded.

"Good, I thought of you when I saw them."

"Blair, an orchid made you think of me?" Jo's voice was full of amused surprise by the comparison.

"Yep. It's a unique flower that is so beautiful only one blooms at a time."

"Wow! That's beautiful Blair," said Tootie surprised.

"Very poetic," nodded Nat approvingly.

Jo didn't say anything, but Blair could see a tiny flicker of emotion in those tired blue eyes.

*** *** *** ***

Jo and Blair were taking a walk outside of Rose's apartment.

"Thank you for coming. I know how busy you are."

Blair shrugged, "I care about you, and I miss you."

"Why don't?never mind," Jo interrupted herself and looked across the street at a candy store she used to go to all the time.

"Why don't I what?" Asked Blair hoping she was right with what she saw flicker in those eyes before they quickly turned away again.


"Come on, Jo tell me please," asked Blair turning Jo by her shoulders so they faced each other. Jo kept her head down and replied quietly, "Can't you just come home? We all miss you so much here."

Blair felt her heart thump faster; she tried, but couldn't get Jo to meet her eyes, "I miss you too Jo."

Jo slowly brought her head up and met Blair's eyes, "Really?"

"Yes, really," Something quietly passed between them at that moment but they were both to scared of rejection to say anything to each other.

*** **** *** ****

Blair lay in bed in her bedroom at her mother's penthouse in the city. What she really wanted to do today was to grab Jo and just kiss her. Kiss her and never, ever let her go again.

"Why did I marry Jerko?" She whispered to herself in the dark, "I allowed myself to be sucked into my mother's dream, and in doing that I lost myself. God, I am such an idiot. I allowed them to talk me into that stupid royal joining. The princess of one business empire marrying the prince of another business empire. I sacrificed my future on a corporate pyre for which I had no respect; I was more than an idiot; I was a fool. In the fairy tale the prince didn't dump his princess for the chambermaid, did he? Nope, but mine did."

She curled around her pillow and moaned. "I should have followed my instincts and went on with my career that I worked so hard for." She sighed as she remembered the huge argument she had with Jo about her plans for marriage.

"Why for God's sake? I don't get it. Why are you marrying Bozo?! You have so much more to offer this world than to become Mrs. Bozo!"

"Philip, his name is Philip. And I don't have any choice in this?"

"Yes, you do!! You don't need your parent's money, and you know it. You have the money from your Grandmother, and you can earn your own. You have talent and drive and most of the time brains; use them and see that this is wrong."

"I know all that Jo. That's one thing that I have learned from you that I can make it on my own. It's not the money?it's an obligation to my family."

"Your parents do not have the right to give you away and destroy your future."

"They feel that they are giving me a good future. It's a future suitable for a Warner."

"Bull Shit Blair! What the hell is wrong with being a teacher and an artist? You're so damned talented, that you could be something incredible. I think you're very talented, and it's waste that you will give it all up."

"You think I'm talented? You never said that before."

"Well I never had to; you always did."

"It would have been nice to hear it from you."

Jo blushed and then said loudly, "Don't change the damn subject!"

"You know you're awfully cute when you blush."



*** *** *** ***

Blair screamed into her pillow and then threw it across the room.

"Damn it! I should have told her right then. It was the perfect time. I am a total idiot!"

*** *** *** ***

Jo was working on a Harley for a client at her shop. She couldn't go home; she was way too upset. She already missed her Dad.

"It's weird I was so mad at him for so long but I loved him at the same time. I forgave him for leaving us, and we all came to an understanding even when he remarried." She said to the bike as she finally succeeded in attaching the restored engine. She grunted as she got up and stretched from the battle she had just waged to get the engine in its proper place.

She smiled as she thought about the wonderful Zen of working on a motorcycle. She always felt it so calming to work on one of her bikes.

"It beats sitting like a pretzel going 'ohm'," She said to herself with a small snort.

When she picked up a bottle of water her smile disappeared, "Shit, I almost let it slip tonight. It all almost came pouring out twice?.God, I wish she lived here again. I can't understand why she is staying in Philadelphia. I know she doesn't know a soul there and I know she hates that. She's lonely can't she see that?" She said out loud as she rolled the new tires to the bike in the center of her private workroom in the back.

She remembered Blair's wedding day. Even though she despised the man she was marrying she still stood up for her best friend. She even allowed herself to be put in the stupid Maid of Honor dress that Blair had chosen for her. She was the only bridesmaid without flowers in her hair.

After the ceremony Blair came to her table while Tootie and Nat were dancing. Mrs. G. was chatting to Blair's Mom, and "I sat and brooded," thought Jo with a smirk as she began to polish the bike.

*** *** *** ***

"Come on Jo, please dance. I want you to enjoy yourself. It is supposed to be a party."

I looked up at her from behind the glass of champagne I was sipping, and gave her one of my really annoyed looks.

"Jo, It's my wedding day. Please don't brood. I've chosen my path; whether you agree with me or not I want you to be happy."

"What about you? Will you be happy on this new path?"

Blair shrugged, "I have no idea. I hope so. You know as well as I do that you always take a chance in a relationship?"

"Do you love him Blair?"

"How can you ask me that today?"

"I am. Do you love him?"

Blair looked down and said in very quiet voice so only Jo could hear her, "No."

"Then why?"

"Please lets not do this again. Get up and ask someone to dance with you. Or I will send Daddy over. As brilliant and sweet as he is, my Daddy is also the world's worst dancer. So unless you want your toes crushed?"

"Blair, I really care about you. I can't pretend to be happy."

"I know you do but just don't sit here and brood either. Please, just to please me one of your best friends on her wedding day?"

"I thought that was your argument for me to wear this stupid get up?"

"It was; same argument for your best friend," She gave Jo a sweet pouty face and said in a squeak, "Pretty please?"

Jo rolled her eyes and laughed. "Okay." She got up and went to her own Dad and asked him to dance.

*** *** **** ***

Jo sighed as she stood up and stared unfocused out a window. "I could have told her why I was so upset before her wedding. I could have told her why I miss her so much now. But?I'm a chicken shit!!!" she yelled as she threw a lug wrench across the room.

*** *** *** ***

Jo was teaching one of her night courses. She taught two classes. One was a freshman English class and the other was remedial English course for adults. Tonight she was teaching the latter; she enjoyed it and found it very satisfying to help these people to read and speak better.

She was dressed in black sweater, black jeans and with her black ankle boots. Her hair was down and around her neck was a beautiful locket. Blair watched her from the doorway, smiling as she recognized the beautiful necklace. It was a present from her at graduation. It was a great joy to see her wearing it.

Jo's style of teaching was very casual; she mostly listened and led her students through the day's lessons. Blair was impressed with the patience and compassion her friend displayed. She knew her friend always had a great deal of compassion, but the patience was a really new thing for Blair to see.

Halfway through the class Jo spotted Blair and smiled at her. She gestured that she should sit down for the rest of the class. Blair did as she was told. She continued to admire her old friend's teaching style with one woman who was having a very hard time with understanding how to pronounce a word. Jo took ten minutes just to guide her until she said it correctly.

When the class was over Jo walked over to Blair and said, "Hi I thought you went home?"

"This is home. I just live in Philadelphia."

Jo nodded and looked very uncomfortable so Blair asked quietly, "Would you like to get a cup of coffee with an old friend?"

Jo looked stunned, "Sure?.um, just let me answer my classes questions then I'm all yours?I?I mean?.I'll be right with you," Jo said as left her friend to help her students with a bright red face.

Looking at her flustered friend Blair thought to herself, "God I wish you were all mine."

*** *** *** ****

"You're very good Jo did you ever consider doing it full time?" Blair asked sipping her coffee and watching her stoic friend blush again.

"Thanks, I guess, Yeah. I wanted to but the city only has so much money. I am pretty happy with the work part of my life though. I love my shop and I love to teach. So I'm very content."

"And the social part of your life?"

"I still see everyone from school all the time. I have my Mom and Nat lives here in the city too."

"I meant dating," said Blair bluntly.

Jo put down her coffee cup and pushed her body further back against the booth. She looked at Blair and blushed a bit deeper this time. She was suddenly full of a deep-seated fear so she stared down at the contents of her cup and said, "No, I'm not really interested in dating."

A gentle finger lifted her head up by the strong chin and asked quietly, "Why ever not?"

Jo suddenly had tears in her eyes and pulled away so there was even more distance between them, "'Cause."

Blair hoped she was right about why, so she pushed, "'Cause why?"

"Someone broke my heart a long time ago. I haven't gotten over it yet. I'm really fine, Blair."

"I know everyone you use to date back then. Who broke your heart?"

"It doesn't matter. It's all water under the bridge. I'm going to go get a brownie would you like one?" said Jo standing up and waiting for a reply.

Blair grabbed her wrist in a surprisingly strong grip, "Jo, tell me who broke your heart."

Jo sat back down with a thump and looked away from her old friend, who was still holding her wrist.

"Who Jo?"

"You," she said in a barely heard whisper, which sounded like a groan of pure pain.

They stared at each other for a long time after that. Then Jo whispered, "I have to go." She pulled her wrist from Blair, grabbed her book bag and ran out of the shop.

Blair stared after; she now had her answer, but she didn't know exactly what to do with it. She needed to talk to Jo privately, so she pulled out her cell and called Jo's mom.

"Hi Rose Do you have the address to Jo's new shop handy? I'd like to drop by and chat with her?"

*** *** *** ***

Jo ran home and changed to her work clothes for her shop. She went to the shop and entered by the back door right to her private workroom. That wasn't unusual; she often came to her shop to work out a problem and didn't want to speak to anyone on her staff so coming in through her private entrance worked for her. She walked over to her own precious vintage Harley. She had lovingly restored it 20 years ago and continually refined it to make it better and better. She softly stroked the chrome over the front tire as she spoke out her feelings to her beloved bike.

"So baby, your Mom just made a complete and utter ass of herself once again."

"No you didn't Jo," Said a voice from the dark by the back wall of the workroom.

"Blair?" Jo turned shocked as she watched Blair walk out of the darkness, "How the hell did you get here?"

"I got in my little car and drove over."


"Because we haven't finished our little chat yet."

"I have," said Jo as she went to the toolbox to get her supplies.

"Good. Then you can listen while I talk."

"Gee, it will be just like school, huh?"

"Jo, you didn't give me a chance to say anything. I am so sorry I broke your heart. I never, ever meant to. You are the last person I would ever want to hurt."

"It doesn't matter, Blair. It was a long time ago." Jo said as she started to work on her precious bike.

"It matters. I care Jo."

"Why do you care, Blair?"

"I'm in love with you. I have been for a long, long time."

Jo's head shot up and she met Blair's eyes with her own shocked blue ones, "What?"

Blair nodded, "I didn't really realize it 'til I left here. I dreamt of you. I have thought only of you since I left. I don't know why I married that idiot, but I do know that the only thing that kept me sane were thoughts of you. I really do love you Jo."

Jo slowly stood up and stared at the blonde then in a very controlled voice she said, "Please leave Blair."


"I mean it. I don't want this. I don't want you to lie and pretend. It really is not necessary. You are still my friend and you always will be. I just don't want your pity so please go."

"Jo how dare you!" She came right at the dark woman with eyes glittering with anger. "You are such an idiot! I have never felt sorry for you. I am not deceiving myself or saying any of this out of God Damned Pity! You nitwit! I can't believe you think this!"

That finally snapped Jo out of the brain freeze she had found herself in, "Idiot? Nit wit? Come on Blair if anyone in this room fits those words it's you!"

"Oh really?"

"Brilliant come back."


"No problem!"

They were now nose to nose yelling at the top of their lungs. They then silently stared at each other. Then Blair just did it. She threw her arms around Jo's neck and drew her into a passionate love-filled kiss.

Jo fought for all of a second, then she just capitulated and fell right into the softness of the sweet lips finally touching her own. Her arms went around Blair's waist pulling the woman she loved even closer. They explored each other until they ran out of air.

When they pulled slightly back and opened their eyes they smiled at each other.

Blair gently caressed Jo's cheek; "I love you my Jo."

Jo pressed her cheek into the soft caress, her eyes filling with tears, "I love you too, Blair. Welcome home." Then Jo pulled Blair back to her lips for a deeper more sensual kiss as she thought, Oh God, I'm finally home too.

The End

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