MYSTI: Mistress of Dreams

****ICE ALERT****

Part 5

"Holy Mother of God!" I gasped.

Max stopped, stone still. She sat before me wearing only red, tartan cotton boxers. Her tanned skin was flush with arousal but, in that moment, her eyes wore the shyness of a timid child.

"What? Oh, the good enough to eat thing." She swallowed slowly as her eyes struggled to find an acceptable place to rest. "Gillian, we won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Okay? I mean, if that disgusts you..." she mumbled.

My mind had difficulty registering her words. So overwhelmed was I at the sight before me, it was a wonder I’d heard her at all. Never had I seen anything so beautiful, so thought-numbing. Her skin was so smooth, so perfect. The tanned neck met strong, equally tanned shoulders that gave anchor to strong, gentle arms. I let my eyes travel along those arms, out to the tender fingertips I had already had the privilege of feeling on my face and hands. Then I brought my now deepening green eyes back to where that graceful neck led toward the most incredible breasts I had, or have, ever seen. Without thought, I reached out and touched a tiny, white scar resting in the creamy flesh at the very top of her right breast. Leaning in, I pressed warm lips to the spot. I opened my mouth just enough to allow my tongue to circle the small scar several times, eliciting the sexiest of moans.

"Mmmm", I sighed. Lifting my eyes to her, partially closed crystal blues, I asked. "What happened here?" Then, without delay, I moved my hungry tongue back for more.

Two strong hands found the back of my head and pressed me nearer to what my mouth wanted. Before I knew what was happening, I was pushed slightly southward and I felt her entire breast my hot, hungry mouth. Feeling her nipple harden against my tongue sent a wonderful, if surprising, sensation directly to my clitoris. Quickly I scooted up against her body, searching for something to press my need against. Our positions had shifted just enough during the disrobing that I soon found myself pressing into her mound. The intensity of the desire that rushed through me caused me to suckle harder on the full, round breast.

"Oh yes. God, that feels" Her body bucked against mine as she shoved her breast deeper into my happy mouth.

"Good?" I asked as I rubbed the rough, flat part of my tongue all around the large globe, still inside my mouth.

"Ummm.." was all she seemed able to manage. Her hips raised up against mine firmly, twice, maybe three times. "Oh, God."

I pulled my lips back slightly and flicked my tongue across the now glistening nipple, watching it stiffen again as another jolt rushed southward. Dragging my smiling, wet muscle across her cleavage, I found the lonely, still dry breast and began to lick it, heartily. My tongue explored every curve as it made it’s way round and round, each circle moving slowly inward toward the darkened nipple. Taking my time, I relished the salty taste of the firm flesh as well as the intoxicating sounds coming from the woman beneath me.

"Christ, you’re good. Gillian, that....oh ..." she moaned in a deep, throaty voice that edged me onward.

Gradually, I licked my way to the impatiently waiting nipple. It stood erect, as if to say: "me now. Me. Take me." I did. Hungrily. Like a starving child, I sucked the hard, tempting point into my fevered mouth.

"Ungh. Oh God." It was almost a cry of pain..only not. I felt her hips thrust forward over and over as I tried to meet them with my own.

Suddenly, the hands in my hair were on my ass, digging beneath my thin panties for flesh. Her breast slipped from my mouth as I threw my head back, crying out.

"Oh. Dear God. Gillian, are you okay?" Max asked, almost as surprised by my cry as I was.

"No. Not okay. Jesus, Max. Don’t stop like that." I pressed hard into her mound.

She chuckled softly and took a firm hold of my rear end. "Don’t stop, huh?"

Digging my knees into the cushions beneath us, I pressed deeply into her. A hot, rush flooded my being as her mound met mine at exactly the same moment and intensity.

"Shit. God, Max." I blurted breathlessly. "Do that again. Please?"

Her strong fingers spread out, taking all of my butt into her muscular hands. With a force I had never felt before she pulled me forward against her at the same instant she thrust herself into me. She grunted and did it again. My mouth sucked her delicious breast to the hard, slow rhythm of the thrusts. I felt her did her heels into the couch, allowing the thrust to be firmer still. Small, trembling hands found the waist of her boxers and clutched tightly.

"Harder, Max, harder." I groaned.

My heart was hammering in my chest, the blood boiling in my veins and arteries. The only thought remaining in my brain was: more, dear lord, more.

"Gillian," she rasped between quick breaths.

Pounding my now aching mound against hers, I clutched tighter to the boxers. "Please, Max. Please. Harder. Faster, baby."

I may never completely know what happened next. Her hands dug into my round behind, her knees came up beside mine, she mumbled something about my holding on and lights started flashing inside my brain. She slid and pounded against my need so hard, so fast, so relentlessly. I felt her steaming mouth take purchase in the spot just above my right breast and suck, hard. I lost all conscious control as my body sought hers, faster, harder, closer, than anything I had ever known before.

"Oh God. Oh God, Gillian. Stay with me, honey. So close now."

"M..Max. Don’t stop. God, Max. Don’t stop, baby. I..."

Lightening and thunder rolled into the room. Four hips froze, mid-air. I clenched and unclenched her boxers and she squeezed my ass so hard I just knew there would be bruising. Cries like nothing I had even dreamed about filled my senses.

"Don’t move, honey. Don’t pull away yet. I love you, Gillian. God help me. I love you."

"Oh, Max. I’m not going anywhere. God’s already helped you. Helped us both. I love you, too. I love you, Max. Hear me, sweetheart? I love you."

"Ummmm. Oh shit, that was...mother of God, Gillian. Do I even want to know where you learned to do that?"

Our sweat drenched bodies had fallen back onto the cushions, still pressed tightly against one another. I could feel her pulse thumping against my breast, as, I suspected, she could fell mine against hers. Hearing her question, I had to smile, then laugh.

Looking up into sated, blue eyes, I leaned my head back and shook my damp hair.

"And if someone taught me, would that bother you?" I teased.

"Yes," came her answer without hesitation. Then the cautious woman who lived there most of the time, took over. "I mean, no, of course not. What right do I have...".

Seeing her struggle, I stopped her with a gentle kiss. She moaned into my still warm mouth. I deepened the kiss and soon felt my passion kicking in again. Gaining control for a moment, I needed to make myself clear.

"Max. No one taught me. I’ve just dreamed of..well, I’ve wanted this for a long time. I just didn’t know who you were before."

She sat up a bit, searching my face for something.

Finally, starting to catch her breath better, she spoke. "You...I mean, you’ve never been with a woman before. Right?"

I opened my green eyes wider and lifted my brows, yet said nothing.

Nervously, Max leaned into me, pressing her lips to my ear. "I’m sorry, sweetheart. Don’t be mad. It’s just..I thought you league straight and...shit. Nevermind." She kissed my ear and started to get up.

"Wait," burst forth from my lips as I pressed her back into the couch. "I.." my tongue reached out and dragged itself across full mouth. "I’m just a little overwhelmed, Max. Don’t read anything into it."

I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t, but I found myself slowly grinding into her again. Christ, she felt good.

"Gilli...oh god." Gulp. "Oh, honey, you are soooo good. It’s just...oh..oh, yes. Keep doing that. Yes, like that. Shit, that feels good."

"Yeah?" I pulled her back down, slightly for a better thrusting angle.

"Gillian!" Hands found their place beneath my underwear again. "You can the best lover I’ve ever had be a straight woman? I must be losing my...oh, Jesus. Harder. Yes, there."



I slowed my grinding, then stopped entirely, pressing our mounds as tightly together as I could get them.

"Gillian, baby, please don’t stop," she pleaded.

"Max, baby. It’s been clear to me for a long time now. I’m not straight."

"Oh," she moaned, trying to pump again.

"I want you, Max."

Digging long fingers into a firm derriere, she began a slow grind that nearly set my panties aflame. Her tongue found my breast and began making hot, tight circles, nearly driving me to the brink of insanity. Desire raging within me, I took her face in my hands.

"Please, Max. Make love to me?"

Those blue eyes of hers looked into my very soul. She lifted her hips up off the pit group and thrust into me as strong hands pulled me toward her passion.

"I love you, Gillian. I love you so much. Make love with me, sweetheart."

Swallowing, I tried to still my desire for a moment. Trembling fingers found the edge of her tartan plaids.

"Off." I rasped through a cloud of need.

"What are" she started. Her eyes caught the movement as I raised up onto my knees. Balancing carefully, I gingerly slid my underwear down past her hands, still holding me firmly. She leaned her beautiful face slightly to one side, then smiled. Laying back onto the couch, she gently lifted my body onto her own. Then, with unbelievably soft hands, she pressed my panties past my knees and ankles and onto the floor.

Sparks seemed to erupt within me at every touch. Max tenderly settled me back onto my knees as she raised up onto her own. Her smile made me feel warm and safe, as she reached long arms around me, holding my weight against her own body. I wondered at the love in her eyes as she lowered me backward onto the other end of the sofa. Looking up at her in mild surprise I saw that eyebrow lift and her eyes sparkle in the candlelight. My heart beat loudly in my ears as I watched her slip her boxers off and onto the floor beside us. I swallowed loudly. She chuckled softly.

Max’s eye twinkled with mischief as she slid her hand behind my calves and slowly lifted my knees to a bent position. I nearly cried out when her long tongue snaked out and licked my left kneecap. That smile again. Then more with that long, thick tongue of hers. She swirled it around the kneecap again and again before letting it slide to the inside and press outward, gently. I swallowed again as I felt my legs tenderly spread apart. The conditioned air against the exposed, wet heat of my crotch did nothing to soothe the growing fire within. Max’s tongue began making tiny circles along the inside of my left thigh, with each full circle moving, ever-so-slowly northward. The movement changed from the torturing circles as the tongue began to drag the full, flat part of itself up the inside of my thigh just to the inner joint, where it tickled the curly hair and then quickly shifted to move down the other thigh. I would feel my own wetness growing and wondered if the pit group could ever be the same.

After about four of five heart rate soaring journeys, the slick muscle seemed to still, just at the edge of where I ached for it to be.

"Lift." Max’s soft voice commanded.

"Huh?" I was nearly dumb-struck when I saw her holding a large cushion we had knocked off earlier.

"Lift." Waggling eyebrows beseeched me. I lifted.

Max slid the well-stuffed cushion directly beneath my ass. I looked at her, questioningly.

"Just setting the table," she grinned.

"Oh god," I whimpered. Meanwhile, the nagging ache between my legs screamed: ‘Yes!’


Mysti continues

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