~ Princess of Darkness ~
by Shadylady
Disclaimer: Filled with the Halloween spirit I found myself writing this short vignette
Feedback welcome: the_shadylady_629@yahoo.com
Princess of Darkness
by Shadylady
1603?.Long Ago
The Princess vampire reached out and wrapped her arms around the other woman's shoulders, pulling her closer as she whispered gently in her ear - "I want you, all of you." She leaned closer, trailing her tongue down the side of her neck before stopping at her pulse point. The vampire stopped, licked passionately with her tongue as her sharp fangs sank deep into the soft tissue and began sucking all of the blood from the woman's body, leaving her lifeless. Little did the woman know that within 24 hours she would rise from the dead and take her place as the next Princess of Darkness.
2003?.400 years later
As the sun waned in the western sky, the Princess rose from her cool rose-colored bed, seeking another warm body to clasp to her bosom, needing the warm red, flow of energy that would sustain her through the night. She glided along the lane with no destination in mind. As she neared the village, she could see a young woman leaving the chapel as the woman made her way back to her home. The night cast dark shadows over the lane concealing the Princess as she watched the approach of the maiden.
The moon peaked from beneath the clouds as the maiden neared the Princess. The maiden could feel another presence although casting about with her eyes, she saw no one near. She shook off the feeling of dread and continued moving down the lane, again lost in thought.
The Princess floated from her hiding place beneath the trees as the maiden passed closer to her. She reached out, wrapping her arms tightly around the maiden's body, pulling her deeper into the thicket. Princess could feel the rapid increase of her heartbeat as she held the maiden tight to her breast.
Moving into the clearing, she slowly loosened her hold on the maiden. With frightened eyes, the maiden dropped to her knees unable to stand under her own power after seeing the stark figure before her. Pale white skin with classic beauty, jet-black hair, and soulless eyes filled the maiden's vision as she looked up to see who had accosted her on this dark night.
The Princess reached out her bloodless hands and stroked her fingertips down the maiden's cheek. She could feel the tears of fright as the liquid flowed unrestrained from the maiden's eyes. She lifted her fingertips to her lips, tasting the salty taste of the maiden. This whetted her appetite to taste more of this pure maiden.
She reached out and slowly drew the maiden back onto her feet, pulling her closer to stand in front of her. She could feel the trembling of the maiden as she folded her arms around her back, clasping her closer so their breasts rubbed together. She reached up and tilted the maidens head back, lifting her face so she could taste of her ruby red lips.
The Princess slowly bent her head and pressed her cold, lifeless lips to the smoldering hot lips of the maiden. She thrust with her icy damp tongue, seeking warmth to push the chill from her own lifeless body. As she kissed the maiden, she began to feel a flame igniting deep within her soul, sending blue flames throughout her body, turning her lily-white skin to golden warmth.
Never had she been affected in this manner, never made to feel that humanity could give her more than the eternal life she had lived for the past hundreds of years.
As the Princess began to thrust deeper into the maiden's mouth and draw her breath from her lungs, the maiden began to feel a pulling from deep within her own body. She could feel her breasts tingling and a strange unknown tingling in the core of her womanhood.
She was a stranger to passion as she was one of the few virgin maidens left within the village. She had never felt the touch of a man or woman in her life. Now, her body began to burn and her limbs felt heavy as her entire being screamed out for something un-named. She lifted her arms and tentatively wrapped them around the Princess's waist, pulling her closer as the kiss continued.
Thrust, parry, impassioned sighs filled the night air as the unlikely pair continued the dance of love. Slowly the Princess dropped her arms from around the maiden as she sunk to her knees in front of the maiden
The Princess leaned forward and pressed her lips against the maiden's stomach, feeling the warmth and quivering that the maiden could not control. She reached down and slowly slid her hands beneath the maiden's skirt, running her hands gently up her inner thighs, seeking the hot, moist center of passion the Princess knew waited just for her.
As she lifted the skirt out of her way, the moon shone down, framing the maiden's womanhood in all its glory, like a beacon leading the Princess home. The Princess leaned forward, smelling the sweet muskiness of dew that emanated from the maiden's sweet center of desire. Her mouth grew moist as she leaned forward to press her now warm lips against the rising bud of passion found hidden between the nether lips of the maiden
The Princess rocked forward sinking her mouth against the hot bud that rose to her lips. She reached out, touching it roughly with her tongue. When she did, her mouth flamed as though torched. She drew back, looking up to see what manner of woman she held within her arms.
As she watched, the maiden's body began to fade before her very eyes. Where innocence had been, there rose an Amazon much bigger and darker than the Princess. The Amazon looked down upon the kneeling Princess with disdain in her eyes and silently communicated that this was the last time that she would allow the Princess to violate her livelihood.
The Amazon reached out and struck down the Princess with a mighty silver sword, saying as she did, "You live by blood and blood alone, you die for love. When you partake of the kiss of love from the lips of the pearly dew, you poison our clan and for that, you will not live amongst us."
The Amazon lifted her sword unto the heaven and suddenly cleaved it downward striking the Princess in the heart, killing her immortal soul forever more.
The Amazon looked skyward when the deed was done, shaking her head sadly as this was her most favored companion. She knew despite all that she felt toward the Princess, the only way to sustain her clan was through the drinking of blood and anything more would taint their lives and slowly all the members of the clan would die. It was better to lose one, than the entire vampire clan. As the Princess's body slowly dissipated into the air, the Amazon again changed her shape and flew off into the night, to forever remain Guardian of the Clan.
The End

Feedback welcome: the_shadylady_629@yahoo.com
Copyright © 2003 by Shadylady. All Rights Reserved
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