~ The Relic ~
by Shandy

Disclaimers: Cody and Katharine bare an uncanny resemblance to Xena and Gabrielle, both of whom are owned by Universal Studios etc etc. As for sex, drugs, rock and roll (maybe not the last two), yes, there is some. Enjoy!

spiceyangel@hotmail.com .

Part 2

Dimitri Alejandros wasn't a tall man, and compared to Cody, he looked short and….large. Katharine thought that he looked plain ridiculous when he walked into her apartment demanding to know why she had left the party early. He didn't notice Cody, who was seated on the bench eating a piece of bread, bare legs crossed under her, until Katharine introduced them.

"Mr Alejandros, this is Cody Sangria, my friend and colleague. Cody, this is Dimitri Alejandros, the archaeologist who has offered to take me, well, us around the temple to look for the presence of Amazons."

Cody jumped from the bench and extended a hand. She watched Dimitri's eyes travel up her undressed state before he took her hand and shook it hard. Katharine was already dressed in a cream dress, with her jacket hanging over a chair back. Cody turned to her. "Katharine, I'm going to head back to my hotel to wash and change, so I'll meet you at the temple.

"Make sure you put on your pants before you leave." Katharine giggled.

Dimitri quickly assessed the situation. It seemed that these two women suited each other and were partners not only in their work - a trait he was used to seeing in women interested in Amazons.


"Tell me again why we're here?" Asked Katharine sullenly.

"You say the woman's ancestor from Aigina." Dimitri replied, confused as he brushed a stray cobweb from the sleeve of his jacket.

"And that has what to do with us examining every dark corner and hole in this old temple?" The temple of Alphai stood on a hilltop, surrounded by pine trees. Katharine ran her hand over the aged limestone.

Dimitri sighed. "This old temple was built around 490BC, you are right about that, but it was a place of worship back until the 13th century BC, I think. So there is great possibility that your Amazon Queen came here." He turned to Cody. "Your friend always this annoying?" Cody grinned back at him. "Now we enter the Cella."

"The Cellar?"

"No, the Cella. The inner room"


After a quick glance around, Dimitri concluded, "There is nothing in this temple to hint that she was here."

Cody frowned. "But even if she had left something, it would have surely gone by now, wouldn't it? I mean, unless you want to see if her name is on a gift tag on a bottle of olive oil in the store room, I guess we wouldn't have found anything of interest."

Dimitri grinned manically. "Yes! That is why there is nothing here." He frowned "Maybe something in Athens."


They stayed on the Pallados, a street leading through to the central markets. Their small hotel room looked out at a small blue and white church opposite. "I'll sleep on the couch." Cody volunteered when they managed to open up the door. Those familiar feelings were coming back - and they scared her.

"Don't be daft." Katharine replied. "It's not like I'm going to tie you up and ravish you in the middle of the night, is it?" The bellboy fled for the door. Katharine crossed to the window. "Oh Cody, its so beautiful."

You're so beautiful, Cody bit her lip. "Come on, lets go up to the museum." She replied instead.

The only recently opened National Archaeological museum was situated at the rear of the Exarcheia district. Nikos Fascianos was the newly appointed head of archaeology. A tall balding man, he took one look at the mask in the photograph and -

"Beautiful! I have never seen such a mask!"

"Can you tell where it's from?" Cody asked.

"Probably a mask was passed down the Queen's line, dating back to the Amazons in Thessaly" He slid the picture under a magnifying glass. "See here! Yes! Some symbols, 'Gab-ri…Gab-ri…' I can't read the last one. Do you have the mask here?"

"No, it's in America." Katharine replied.

The man looked crestfallen, and seemed to swear under his breath. "I think that it is a Queen's mask, but I cannot be sure without seeing it." Both women let out a sigh. "Yet I know a woman who claims to be an Amazon." Nikos let out a laugh. "Perhaps she could help."

"Call me Pinto." The woman said when Katharine and Cody arrived at her small house. "English not good." A young woman rose from by the fire in the main room.

"I will translate for my Mama." She said softly. Katharine took a picture from her pocket and handed it over to the old woman, who began to gabble happily. "Mother says, she has heard of this mask. It belongs to Queen Gabrielle of the Thracian Amazons."

"Yes?" Katharine asked excitedly.

"Mother says, she was not a true Amazon, she gave Queenship to Ephiny, and now, there is a curse upon this mask."

Cody looked up sharply. "Why would she do something like that?" "In love." The old woman said. "Xena" she finished before resorting back to Greek. Cody looked away. Katharine turned back to the younger woman who translated. "In love with Xena, Warrior Princess. They have mutual respect. And they love each other very much."

Cody leaned back in her chair, the talk of respect making her uneasy. "This is stupid Katharine. There is no possible way that this woman can be an Amazon. She's taking us for a ride." Cody stood and crossed to the door.

"Cody!" Katharine shouted, when she slammed her way out of the little house. She turned back to the two women, "Please excuse my friend, she's very tired from our trip."

The old woman began to talk again and her daughter hurriedly translated. "Mother says, don't need sword and furs to be an Amazon, you have to command respect. She says, you're like Gabrielle in many ways. Your friend very tough to get along with, like Xena. It will work out." The old woman leaned back, exhausted.

"Thank you for your time." Katharine said. The woman passed back the photo and nodded.

Cody was sitting on the bed, her head in her hands when Katharine got back. She looked up when she heard the door click shut. "I'm sorry I snapped at her." She said.

Katharine looked away. "It's not me that you should have apologized to." She sat down on the edge of the bed, as far away from Cody as possible. "Do you respect me, even a little now Cody?"

The ex-pirate looked at her. "Yes." She answered simply.

"Good." There was a long pause. "Do you think that you could take a telegram to the office for me? I have to tell Pierre, the editor that I have the story on the mask."


Katharine crossed to the table in the room. "You know what Cody? That woman said that I was like Gabrielle - isn't that funny? She said that you were like Xena too." Katharine glanced at Cody who was watching her intently. She faltered then carried on. "I'd love to be able to try that mask on, don't you think that that would be great? I wonder how that woman knew what Gabrielle was like. Actually, I wonder how she knew so much at all. And you were so sure that there were no such things as Amazons. I guess I proved you wrong, huh Cody? Cody?" But there was no answer. The mighty Le Diable had fallen asleep.


"The telegram's on the table Cody!" Katharine shouted from the bathroom. Small tendrils of steam drifted out from under the door. Cody shut out the vision of Katharine in the bath and slipped quietly out the door. She slipped her jacket on and almost bounced down the stairs. The telegraph office was a short distance away, and on her way, Cody read the telegram Katharine had composed.

Pierre Stop Mask genuine Stop Home soon with story Stop Katharine

Cody smiled ruefully. All she could think of was how Katharine had practically begged her to stay when she got here, well, that and the fact that she'd dreamt of a dark haired woman last night who kept telling her that Katharine was special. Hell, as if she didn't know! And then there was the fact that Cody had thought of the perfect way to tell Katharine that she respected her. At the telegraph office, Cody changed the telegram in her hand.

Pierre Stop Mask fraud Stop Have buyer here Stop Will you sell Question Mark Katharine

Cody grinned happily at the clerk behind the desk and went back to the hotel. Katharine was standing in the middle of the room, a towel wrapped tightly around her when Cody returned. Closing the door quietly, Cody slipped up behind her and wrapped her arms around the tiny waist, loving the way Katharine leaned back into her. Katharine turned in a fluid movement to look at Cody. "Can I ask you something?" She asked quietly. Cody nodded, one eyebrow raised, awaiting the question. "How many people have you slept with?" Cody's arms dropped from Katharine's waist and she took a step back. "I guess that I shouldn't have asked." Katharine said.

Cody sighed. "Katharine, I want to be truthful with you. You know what I did before, and sex was just…I mean….I didn't…..love them. Any of them, but…."

Katharine shushed her with a finger on her lips. "You don't have to explain. I was just wondering." Cody looked up gratefully and snaked her arm around Katharine's neck. She slowly moved in, aiming for the blonde's lips. Katharine tilted her head up to meet the kiss and accepted fully, letting Cody's tongue dance into her mouth. Cody groaned and slipped her arms under Katharine and lifted her onto the bed.

Cody pulled back from the kiss and looked questioningly into Katharine's eyes, waiting for an answer. Katharine responded by rolling Cody down on top of her, closing the distance between their lips. "Oh Cody!" the blonde exclaimed. Cody's kisses trailed down to the top of Katharine's towel which she pulled away quickly. Katharine ran her fingers through the dark hair, pushing Cody down further. Cody's tongue made a wet trail around Katharine's navel.

"Don't get too excited yet." Cody murmured. She sat up to straddle Katharine's hips, her azure eyes glittering with mischief. Leaning down, she claimed Katharine's lips and began again to explore the velvety softness. Katharine's teeth nipped at Cody's bottom lip. One of the ex-pirate's hands slipped down to cover one breast, the nipple hardening under the strokes of her finger. Katharine pushed her hips up for more contact with Cody's dressed body, letting the harsh fabric arouse her further.

Katharine moaned with pleasure when Cody's head dipped down so that her mouth could cover the other nipple. Her heart began to beat faster as the mouth made her whole body tingle. Cody ran her hands down Katharine's sides, loving the feel of the supple flesh. After she was sure that Katharine's nipple's were fully aroused, she moved down lower. Her fingers touched the area she had dreamed about for four years tentatively. She slipped one finger into the warm wetness and Katharine moaned, pushing up against her. Cody's eyes sparkled. "You're a bit wet."

Katharine grinned. "I wonder how that happened."

Cody's fingers pushed up inside her and Katharine's grip tightened on Cody's shoulders. One hand reached to trace Cody's cheekbone. "I love you." She whispered. Cody smiled back wolfishly.

"I love you back.

She pulled her fingers out and used one to find the place that she knew Katharine would like most. Katharine groaned. "Like that huh?"

Katharine panted, "Oh, you noticed?"

Cody reached up to suck Katharine's nipples again, nibbling on them alternatively. Her fingers moved around Katharine. Rubbing the spot and pushing her fingers in the warm wetness. Katharine panted heavily. "There we do, Honey, come on Katharine." Katharine contracted against Cody's fingers and Cody moved quicker, bringer Katharine to a climax. Katharine screamed. "I love you." Cody whispered. Katharine's body arched as she came and then she slumped back against the pillows. Cody sneaked up to lay beside her.

"Did I hurt you?" She asked. Katharine shook her head. "Can I hold you for a while?" Katharine nodded.

"You're going to have to teach me to do that." She whispered, before falling asleep.


Cody woke up to find Katharine looking at her. The blonde was cuddled in against Cody's side, her chin resting on Cody's breast. "Mornin' Darlin'." Cody whispered. Katharine smiled sheepishly. "Oh come on, was I that bad?" Katharine grinned instead. "That's better." Cody's gaze swept over Katharine's body. "I guess your not talking to me because of the teeth marks on your - "

Katharine sat up. "On my where? Cody, you didn't!"

Cody grinned. "You were asleep. You say some funny things in your sleep." Katharine playfully swatted her. "Are you going to come back to New Orleans with me?" Cody asked. Katharine nodded and Cody smiled, knowing that when they got back, the Amazon Mask, a sign of her respect for Katharine would be hanging neatly in their bedroom.

The End.

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