~ Texas Revenge ~
by Shandy

Disclaimers: These are my characters…even if they do look like a certain warrior and bard owned by Universal etc, etc, etc.

Violence: This is a western, so….yeah, lots of violence but no more than the usual Xena ep.

Sex: Once again, it is a western. And it does involve Xena and Gabrielle lookalikes. So either leave now or….well, stay.

spiceyangel@hotmail.com .

Part 2

Morgan rode like there was no tomorrow. Argo's hooves pounded into the earth and echoed the thumping in Morgan's head.

She slipped down near a small grove of trees. She knew that she would eventually need to go back. Even if she wasn't emotionally tied with this woman, her provisions were on the back of the horse. She sat at the base of a tree for over three hours, trying to clear her thoughts. She knew that having a cluttered head was dangerous in her profession.

Only one thought remained after her relaxation session, Candia. Argo snorted patiently when it came to sunset and Morgan boarded the horse obediently.

She took off across the plains again, back the way she had come. Dulce was illuminated by oil lamps when she finally turned up and she wasted no time in finding out where Candia had gone.

There was a small hotel in Dulce, nothing fancy, just four rooms atop the saloon with a small kitchen underneath.

Candia's room was number three and located at the top of the stairs. Morgan knocked softly and was surprised when the door was flung open.

"Oh! I wondered when you'd come back to apologize." Candia said.

"What for?" Morgan asked, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"For lying."

"Lying? I didn't lie. I just forgot to mention something." Morgan smiled.

"Don't you realize that I could have been put in jail for cavorting with an outlaw?" Candia asked seriously.

"We didn't cavort." Morgan protested.

"Humph." Candia sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you going to stay the night?" she asked suddenly.

"If you're sure that I won't cavort with you." Morgan smiled.

"I brought your bags up, and the bed is big enough for two. I just…I just can't believe that you wouldn't tell me." Morgan sat beside her on the bed.

"I didn't want to hurt you." She said softly. "Everyone I've ever been close to has died." She kneeled on the floor and tilted Candia's chin to see her eyes.

"Let me make it up to you. Let me take you out somewhere. Oh, and I'll promise not to cavort. I won't even sleep in the same bed."

Candia looked upset then forced a laugh. "In Dulce? Where were you planning on going?"

"That's for me to know." Morgan smiled and stood to change her shirt.

Less than an hour later, Candia and Morgan were seated in a small restaurant, well, the only restaurant in Dulce. There were other people around them and a noisy poker game was taking place in the corner. Morgan ordered for them both, the waitress doing a double take when she realized that they were both women.

Afterwards, they wandered slowly through the darkened streets back to the hotel, chatting quietly about unimportant things and dwelling over how great the weather had been.

February 18th


Morgan had awoken Candia early and they had set off at a quick pace to Jemin. They reached it just after lunchtime, their earlier rift almost forgotten by them both. The town was empty and a few windows boarded up. It looked more like a ghost town than anything. Morgan cocked her pistol in case trouble should arise and sauntered lazily over to a general store. Candia followed slowly, looking about nervously as she went.

"Morning." The storekeeper drawled. He didn't look up at the women, instead he went on with reading his paper.

"Afternoon, actually." Morgan said absently, picking up a small bottle of cod-liver and inspecting the label.

"Something I can help you with?" The man asked, reaching over to take the bottle from Morgan who scowled at him.

"Actually we're looking for someone, Jake Daniels?" Candia replied quickly to escape a scene.

"Can't help you."

"Jacob Daniels?" Morgan asked.



"Can't help you."

"But I know that they were here." Morgan hissed, slamming her fist down on the counter and making Candia jump.

The storekeeper licked his lips nervously. "There was a Jacob Daniels." He said slowly. "But he's up for armed robbery. Gonna be hung this afternoon too."

Morgan reached to pat the man on the shoulder and Candia thanked him profusely. They walked out into the brilliant sunlight again. Immediately, Morgan began to head into the centre of town to where a platform was being hastily erected. A tall man, handcuffed, with a red beard stood to one side, smiling evilly at some children. There was a crowd gathering around the platform. Candia stopped to take a few deep breaths of air.

Morgan, meanwhile, headed over to the platform and only stopped when she was about ten feet away from the bearded man. Impulsively, she pulled her gun on him and was jumped instantly by two police officers.

"What's the difference how he dies?" She cried out, struggling to free herself from the sheriff and his associate. Immediately, people began to look in her direction. Eventually, Morgan agreed to give the sheriff her pistol until after the hanging and made her way back over to Candia who was shivering despite the sun.

"Lets go, Morgan." She whispered quietly.

"I want to watch him die." The taller woman replied. "You go on."

"No." Candia shook her head fiercely."


"Morgan!" Candia snapped. "Don't patronize me. I have a right to watch too."

Morgan wanted to remind her that a hanging was not a pretty sight, but bit back the words. Damn stubborn woman. She'd fall apart later and be no good to anyone. So she wanted to act tough huh? Well, we'd see how long that lasted for. Mumbling about the inconsistency of Candia's mind, Morgan stalked back over to the sheriff. Candia called out her name behind her, but she ignored it and kept on.

To Candia's horror, Morgan walked up to the platform where Jacob was now standing. The deputy and another man were holding onto Jacob like their lives depended on it. Even though he was still handcuffed, they didn't want to take any chances. Morgan stopped in front of the condemned man. Candia couldn't hear what she said to him, but she noticed the way the man's eyes widened then his throat began to vibrate as he said something back to her. Morgan gave him one of her smirks and walked back to Candia.

"What was that about? You two have a business deal or something?" Candia asked, meeting her at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to remind him of his visit to my farm. I went into detail about the agony of choking to death, then I told him that his brothers would be joining him soon, and then -"

"Enough!" Candia snapped, cutting off Morgan's almost happy chatter. Candia felt sick. Morgan was being too awful about this whole thing. It wasn't natural.

A murmur passed through the crowd as the preacher stepped up to Jacob and said a few words about his sins. As he stepped away, Morgan had achieved a bored look and Candia thought that she looked as if she was enjoying this.

The sheriff placed the noose around Jacobs's neck and backed away. Jacob began begging for his life to be spared. Candia's hand on Morgan's arm squeezed tightly. Morgan tensed up.

The lawman gave a smirk and motioned to the executioner at the base of the steps. A hush fell over the crowd. A wet stain began to darken on the front of Jacobs's trousers. "No!" he cried as the executioner gripped the handle. "No! Don't do it! I'm begging you!"

The executioner pulled the handle back hard and the trapdoor swung open, hurtling Jacob to his death. Candia swayed and fainted.

Morgan didn't wait to see Jacobs swinging body, instead, she scooped Candia up into her arms and carried her out of the crowd. It gave her no satisfaction that she had been right about her sensitivity. Morgan glanced back over her shoulder at Jacob. An eerie quietness fell over the crowd. It was done. Daniels was dead.

It was only a few minutes before Morgan organized a room for the night and had Candia safely upstairs. She pulled open the buttons of the woman's shirt and began to cool her throat. Her fingers brushed on a scar over her left breast and she wondered how Candia had gotten it. This woman had touched her where she thought that no one else would. With her warmth and her passion and her spirit. She had wanted to see Jacob dead as much as Morgan herself, but wasn't ready for the harsh reality of it. She was so strong and yet so gentle. Realization hit Morgan as she realized that she had fallen in love with Candia Fairland.

Continued in Part 3.

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