~ Little Bard ~
by Stardawn

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Little Bard: Chapter 16


Xena peered across the camp, briefly checking on Gabrielle. She and Asen were exchanging the occasional giggle and talking animatedly. Watching them, the warrior, couldn't help the subtle clenching of her jaw, as Gabrielle suddenly laid a gentle kiss on the boy's cheek. She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help feeling that perhaps her bard was being a little too friendly. After all he was only a child, but then so was Gabrielle, sort of. The idea of the complications involved was starting to give her a headache.

Tearing her eyes away from the two she surveyed the rest of the camp. The preparations to leave were almost complete. One of the women had taken over leadership of packing up, while the children, including Gabrielle, had been shooed out of the way. Xena was just doing a last exchange of the prisoners, letting them deal with personal needs before they hit the road. After securing the last man back into the caged wagon, Xena give out a quick whistle, getting Gabrielle's attention and then motioning her to join her.

"I hate it when you do that you know, I'm not a horse," Gabrielle scolded, answering the warrior's call.

"Yet, you answer," Xena smirked.

Gabrielle glared at her. "Maybe next time I won't."

"Un-huh. You all set?"

"Yeah, Argo's all loaded up and ready. You know it's a lot harder to pack her up then it used to be. I had to stand on a fallen log reach her."

"I know, I saw," Xena replied, almost absently dismissing what Gabrielle had just said.

The little bard narrowed her eyes, the glare quickly returning, but Xena's attention had already been torn away. The warrior gave off a louder whistle, which brought Syrus trotting over. "Let's move out. I want you to take point, Dion and Calix on either side, and Gabrielle and I will bring up the rear."

Getting a nod of understanding, Syrus left to relay Xena's message to the boys and then find his mount. Xena quickly crossed over to where Argo was patiently grazing, closely followed by Gabrielle. The warrior mounted, and then reached down to assist the little bard, but Gabrielle took a step back.

"Actually, Asen invited me to walk with him. I thought maybe I could tell some stories to him and the other children."

The warrior stiffened, but pulled back her hand and nodded. "Alright, but stay between me and the boys, and not too close to the wagons."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "Of course."

Blue met green for a moment more before Xena's eyes broke to again survey the camp. With a loud whistle and a hand signal, they headed out.


Xena sighed as she saw another small child slip run underneath one of the wagons. It was not only dangerous, but she'd already made a point in telling them to stay clear of them… twice. She was now becoming irritated. The women all but ignored them, Syrus was taking his point duty all too seriously, and the boys, Dion and Calix seemed more interested in the women than anything else. And Gabrielle, Gabrielle was an all too different matter. She hadn't left Asen's side the whole morning, as they giggled and quietly chatted with each other.

Finally having enough, she called out, "Gabrielle!"

The little bard looked up at her expectedly, and then made her way over. To the warrior's dismay, Asen followed her.

"I thought you were going to keep the children busy by telling them stories," Xena asked.

Gabrielle shrugged. "They weren't interested."

"Well they are going to get hurt, especially that little blonde boy. They are running around too much."

"Who, Erian? He's just having a good time," Asen interjected.

Xena gave him a cold look before addressing her bard again. "Gabrielle, someone is going to get hurt, and if you aren't willing to do something about it, I will."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "Fine, let's take a break. I'll talk to them."

"Fine," Xena agreed, before trotting off to tell Syrus to hold the line.

Watching her go, Asen turned to Gabrielle, "What was that all about?"

The little bard shrugged. "Xena's in one of her moods. Come on and help me round up the kids," she encouraged, gabbing his hand. "You can help me convince them to be good."

Asen snorted. "Maybe we should put them in one of the wagons and get the men to walk."

Gabrielle shook her head, smiling. "Yeah, don't give Xena any ideas."


"Hey! Come back here," Gabrielle yelled as one of the little girls slipped by her, running under the wagon again. At least this time the wagon wasn't moving, but telling the children to stay clear, only seemed to encourage them. The little bard groaned and looked to Asen for help. Being the oldest 'looking' of all of them, she hoped that they might actually listen to him.

Asen did manage to help, as the four other children heeded his call and paused for a moment to see what he wanted. The help however didn't last long. Half way through Asen's lecture, Erian decided to start an impromptu game of tag. Whacking Asen on the arm, and calling out the obligatory "You're it!" and the game was a foot. Gabrielle stood slack jawed for a moment at the sudden turn of events. Smiling, Asen turned to her, and passing the torch with a swat to the arm, the little bard found herself the next 'it.' It only took a moment for the bard to respond and took off after the quickly retreating boy.

Dodging right, Gabrielle managed to avoid getting tagged again by the youngest girl, but then found herself quickly changing directions as Elian was caught, and tried to pass the torch with a swipe at her. Not even thinking she ducked under the closest wagon, taking a moment to catch her breath behind one of the wheels.

Peering out from behind the wheel, and seeing all of the other children franticly running and dodging one of the other girls, she smiled. Deciding on a strategic retreat, she turned to double back and circle around, but ran right into a pair of big black boots instead. With a grunt, Xena reached down and helped the little bard to her feet by grabbing the back of her top.

"Hi, Xena," Gabrielle tried.

The warrior let go. Crossing her arms across her chest, and raised a single eyebrow.

Gabrielle rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. "Uh, just trying to wear them out?' she tried again.

The warrior shook her head, not saying a word. She turned away, stalking over the group of chatting women, and grabbed the closest two. She then half dragged them over toward the rest of the children, who had suddenly paused, as they watched the dark warrior approach. Gabrielle wasn't sure what Xena said, as she was too far away, but by the animated pointing and excited gestures, she could tell that Xena was not very happy. She seemed to assign the three girls to one woman, and the two boys to the other, leaving each with their newly appointed babysitters, before she turned and headed back toward Gabrielle.

The little bard's mouth suddenly went dry as Xena got closer. The warrior, however didn't pause as she grabbed Gabrielle's upper arm and quick-stepped her over to Argo. She lifted the little bard up first, and then mounted herself. Letting out a loud whistle, and gesturing to Syrus the group quickly resumed their journey.

"I'm sorry," Gabrielle said quietly, inwardly cringing as the only answer she received was a grunt from Xena.


The sun had just begun to set as the group reached the village. Xena body language told the bard that she'd relaxed a bit, but she'd also had been very quiet, which was never a good sign. After the ups and downs of the last few days, Gabrielle was hovering somewhere between being downright angry and a nervous wreck. Part of her was furious about how the warrior treated her, placing and forcing her to ride on Argo all afternoon, but then Xena hadn't yelled or scolded, or really said anything to her. She had no idea what the warrior was thinking, and if nothing else, the last few days had taught her that Xena could still surprise her.

Xena dismounted and then brought Gabrielle down. They were greeted by several citizens, and the town magistrate, who Xena gladly handed over custody of the prisoners too. Gabrielle watched silently as Xena issued a few directives before she informed the warrior that she was going to their room. Getting a nod of acknowledgement, she couldn't make her legs work fast enough, as the tears started before she even reached the stairs.

The tears only increased, and by the time she reached the room, she'd become almost incoherent. Quickly closing the door, she sank down against it, and let the sobs of frustration overtake her. After letting the pain and memories of the few hours, and days run through the tears, she found herself able to settle down, and eventually her head started to clear. She wiped the last tear off her cheek with the back of her hand and then stood. Walking deeper into the room, she paused. She looked at the corner, and then across to the table. Both places didn't exactly hold pleasant memories, but taking a deep breath she make a decision. Crossing the room to the table, she noticed her unfinished scroll that she'd left there the day before. Sitting down, she dipped the quill in fresh ink and started the quiet scratching as she began to put her feelings to parchment.

It was over an hour later before Xena made it back to the room. Entering quietly she was surprised, to find Gabrielle scribbling away at the table. "Hey," the warrior greeted.

Gabrielle looked up, giving Xena a slight smile. "I'm almost done, then we can talk."

"Alright," Xena agreed, giving Gabrielle some space as she got more comfortable.

Xena removed her weapons and armor, before plopping down on the bed. She was lost in her own thoughts, and barely noticed that Gabrielle set aside her quill, and had crossed the room to her side. The little bard crawled up onto the bed, kneeling next to Xena, who acknowledged her by turning on her side to face her.

"Mad at me?" Gabrielle asked in a quiet voice.

"Should I be?" Xena returned.

Gabrielle shook her head. "I hate when you do that."


"Pin it back on me. For once I wish that you'd just… just be straight with me."

"Alight," Xena answered slowly. She readjusted herself, and reaching out grabbed the little bard by her arm, lifting her up just enough to plant one good swat on her backside.

"Hey! Ow!" Gabrielle protested, glaring at Xena.

The warrior shook her head, suppressing a chuckle. "Feel better now?"

"Not really," Gabrielle whined, rubbing her backside. "Do you?"

"Little bit," Xena confessed, earning another glare from her bard.

After a moment, Gabrielle glare faded and she sighed. "I guess I deserved that. I should know by now to be careful what I ask for."

"You of all people should be careful what you ask for," Xena chided. "Never know what god is listening."

"Gods," Gabrielle muttered. "What do you say when we get done here, we go bust up some temples, just for the fun of it?"

Xena chuckled. "Sure why not? Cause them a little strife for a change."

Gabrielle sat back on her heels, her grin fading. "You know, Xena, its ok for you to get mad at me, and call me out when I mess up."

Xena's grin also faded. "I know, but I also want to make you happy. It's important to me that you are happy. I just want to give you what you want."

"I never wanted this," Gabrielle argued with a shake her head. "I need you, Xena, especially when I mess up. You keep me from going too far."

"Not to mention, safe, warm, and well-fed," Xena added with a hint of a jest. "But I need you too, Gabrielle," she continued, her voice becoming more serious. "How many times have you stopped me from hurting someone, or crossing that line? You're not the only one who needs a good tongue lashing once in a while."

Gabrielle managed a smile, and added with a tease. "Not to mention the occasional swift kick in the butt."

"Un-huh, I'll kick your butt," Xena returned, tweaking the little girl's nose.

Gabrielle giggled, and pulled away. Watching as Xena lay back down, and patted the pillow next to her as she invited the bard to join her. Gabrielle obeyed, enjoying to coolness of the sheet, and the closeness with her warrior.

Xena reached out and tucked a bit of hair around Gabrielle's ear. "You know there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. Even if it comes to locking you in a tower as you go through puberty again."

Gabrielle snorted a laugh. "Sounds like some sort of fairy tale. A beautiful Amazon queen, locked away in a tower by an evil warlord, her only means of escape to let her hair grow long enough to make her own rope ladder…" The bard trailed off, getting a look of disbelief from the warrior. "What, like it couldn't happen?"

"Remind me to keep your hair short when I lock you up," Xena reasoned, earning a real laugh from the little bard. Xena raised an eyebrow, "You think I'm kidding?"

Gabrielle giggled again, letting the moment pass between them before asking "Xena, you know what I'd really like right now?"

"Hmmm… dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm starved."

"What's new?" Xena teased.

Gabrielle sat up, and stuck her tongue out at the warrior. Both of Xena's eyebrows shot up, but before she could respond the little bard was halfway across the room. "Race you downstairs," she called out already opening the door.


Gabrielle executed a short bow at the round of applause. She was on her fourth story of the night, but it was getting late and she was getting tired. She was just debating doing a fifth when she noticed a slight frown on Xena's face. Wondering if the frown was more from the fact she was obviously tired, or the fact that the last story was one that painted Xena in particularly heroic light, she decided to take the wiser option and bow out for the night.

"That was really wonderful, Gabrielle," Syrus greeted as he helped her down from the chair she'd been standing on. "If I'd had known you could tell stories like that, I would have asked you do them every night."

Gabrielle blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thanks," she paused stifling a yawn. "It's been a while, since I've been able to do that."

"Tired?" Xena asked, joining them.

"Little bit," Gabrielle confessed.

"Ok, let's head on up then," Xena started to say, before getting stopped by a hand on her arm.

"Actually, Xena if I could have a moment?" Syrus asked.

"Alright, I'll be up in a minute," Xena directed, waiting for the little bard to head toward the stairs before turning back to Syrus.

"Ah, Xena. This may sound a little weird, but Gabrielle, she's not really a little girl is she?"

"Ah, no," Xena replied, her tone almost sarcastic. "Just happens to look like one at the moment.

"She told my wife a tale about Aphrodite changing her. That was true?"

Xena nodded, and sighed. "Maybe it's a good sign, if you can see it, maybe that means she'll change back soon."

"So, she's your lover then?" Xena's eyes narrowed, and for a moment Syrus was worried he'd gone too far. "I mean no disrespect," he quickly explained. "It's just you're so gentle with her. I see how you look at her, and how she looks at you."

"You have no idea what you are talking about. You need to mind your own business."

Syrus took a step backwards. "I'm sorry, I just assumed with Aphrodite involved…"

"If it's not Aphrodite, it's Ares, or Poseidon, or Hera, or Cupid and his son Bliss, and of course Hades, and well Callisto and Velasca, although they were different matters, sort of…" Xena clenched her jaw. She shook her head, the list even surprising her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you. Let's just say that this isn't the first time a god has meddled with our lives."

Syrus blinked, looking at Xena as if she'd suddenly sprouted another head. "So those stories that Gabrielle told about you…"

"True," Xena grumbled.

"And you can go through all that, but not see that you are in love with her?"

Xena narrowed her eyes again. "It doesn't matter how I feel about her, and I thought I already told you this was none of your business."

Syrus held up his hand defensibly. "Alright, alright. I apologize. You're right. I'm only an old man who's been hearing stories of woe and heartache for decades. Give someone a little drink and they'll tell you anything…" he trailed off, as Xena shook her head and headed toward the stairs.

"Goodnight, Syrus," she called over her shoulder.


Hearing Xena's the clear dismissal of Syrus, Gabrielle quickly and as quietly as possible made her way the rest of the way up the stairs. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but upon hearing her name she couldn't help it. Heart pounding in her chest she made her way into their room. She quickly crossed the room and was looking for a shift when Xena entered.

"Thought you'd be in bed already," the warrior casually remarked.

The little bard shrugged, slipping the shift over her head. "I was just getting ready." She then crawled into bed, where Xena joined her a few moments later.

Not having slept the night before Xena was exhausted, and fell asleep almost the moment her head hit the pillow, Gabrielle however, had a hard time joining her. She was warm and comfortable, tucked up against Xena's long body, but her brain just couldn't stop turning. Was what Syrus said true? Was Xena secretly in love with her? Xena didn't exactly deny it, but she didn't confirm it either.

Gabrielle ran her fingers delicately across Xena's stomach. Noticing how little her hand was she frowned. It's not like any of it mattered anyways. Even if it was true, they could never be together, not in that way, not now, not while she was like this. Not bothering to wipe the tear way that streaked down her cheek, she closed her eyes, and waited for Morpheus to take her.

Little Bard: Chapter 17


It was still dark out when Gabrielle awoke. Something didn't feel right. The room was pitch-black, not even the light of the moon shown through the drawn curtains. She could feel Xena next to her; the warrior's breathing making her chest gently rise and fall. Gabrielle slowly lifted her head off of Xena's chest. Her ears tuned in, listening for the slightest of sound, while her eyes scanned the dark room.

She moved her hand, brushing it across Xena's waist, and then froze as she realized that her arm reached all the way across. Not being able to contain herself, she let out a shriek of joy, suddenly sitting up and shaking the whole bed in the process.

Xena instantly responded to the noise and movement. The warrior was out of bed and had her sword in her hand before Gabrielle could blink. Gabrielle froze, afraid to move, or even breathe, not wanting to startle Xena. She'd heard the metal scrape against the side table as Xena picked her sword up, and knew that Xena was poised, ready for any threat.


"I'm here, Xena," Gabrielle answered in the softest of whispers, fearful that even her voice might alarm the warrior. The room fell back into silence, except for the soft swishing of Xena's leathers as she moved across the room. After a long moment, Gabrielle saw a tiny spark ignite as Xena struck a flint and lit a nearby lamp.

"Gabrielle, are you alright?" Xena finally asked, as she adjusted the light, letting it grow brighter as it caught. "Gabrielle…." Xena said again stopping before she could get any further, a huge grin suddenly spreading across her face.

Gabrielle echoed the grin, splitting her attention between Xena and her now adult-sized hands. "It worked. I'm not a kid anymore."

"No, you're not," Xena agreed, unable to contain her excitement as she dropped her sword and flew back toward the bed, only to be almost bowled over by an equally exited bard. As they embraced Gabrielle let out a squeal of surprise as Xena lifted her off her feet and spun her around.

Xena slowly put her back down, her grin abruptly fading as she became trapped in a pair of bright green eyes. Fighting off the butterflies that seemed to have suddenly materialized in her stomach, she forced herself to break the contact, stepping back and surveying the bard from head to toe. "Well, you're still a little on the short side, but…" Xena raised an appreciative eyebrow, "I suppose you'll do."

Gabrielle's cheeks reddened, half from annoyance from the short reference, and half from embarrassment as she realized that after the conversation she'd overhead the previous night, the look that Xena was giving her was anything but innocent. Not sure how to respond, she went with her first instinct, and attacked with a single scolding finger. "You watch it, warrior. I'm big enough to kick your butt now."

"Oh, yeah?" Xena challenged, catching an offending finger that was poking her in the chest. She held the hand for a moment, as blue met green, and time seemed to slow. Xena broke the trance with a gentle smile. "It's good to have you back, my bard."

Gabrielle slowly pulled her hand away, before running it thought her hair. "It's good to be back. Boy, is it good to be back."

Xena responded with a chuckle. "And you are all back? You're sure? You're memories…"

"Are all here," Gabrielle interrupted. "I remember everything. From the first time we met, to how sweet you were with me when I was little, to when you… well, caused me to want a pillow at the dinner table a couple of nights ago."

Xena raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk appearing on her lips. "You were pressing your luck, and it's not like I didn't warn you."

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose. "Yeah, I should have known better than to call your bluff."

"But I…"

"Never bluff? Xena, you bluff all the time. You just don't like to lose."

"You think you know me so well?" Xena huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.

Gabrielle snorted. "Please, Xena, you have no idea what I know about you. I probably know you better then you know yourself."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Xena challenged. Her tone was a little huskier, but Gabrielle knew the change was only a mask. She'd put Xena on edge, and couldn't help but savor the moment. Before she could stop herself, a small giggle escaped.

"Gabrielle, you really are a brat sometimes."

The smile on Gabrielle's lips suddenly disappeared. "Seriously, a brat? Is that how you really think of me?"

"Well, I…" Xena suddenly stammered. "Gabrielle, I…" Xena continued, suddenly being cut off as the bard stuck her tongue out at her.

Xena's eyes went wide with surprise, giving Gabrielle just enough warning to try and flee. She bolted toward the door, managing to get her hand on the knob as Xena caught her. Before Gabrielle knew what was happening she found herself being lifted in the air and placed, like a sack of grain, over the warrior's shoulder.

"Xena! Put me down," Gabrielle cried, futility trying to wiggle free.

With a grunt, Xena obliged, taking three large steps across the room, and depositing the bard on the edge of the bed. "What's gotten into you?"

Gabrielle couldn't help the small pout. "I'm just in a really good mood. I'm so happy to be big again. I just thought that now…" she paused and sighed, "never mind, Xena. It's late, still in the middle of the night, for Zeus's sake. Maybe we should just try to get some sleep."

"No, no. You don't get to brush me off like that. I don't know if the spell hasn't totally worn of yet, or of I'm missing something, but you are not acting normal."

Gabrielle frowned. "I'm sorry. You're right. Maybe it's still the kid in me acting up, or maybe I'm just really excited to be me again." The bard took both of Xena's hands, gently squeezing them. "I don't know how to explain it, but I am me again."

Xena sat down next to Gabrielle, continuing the contact through their hands. "I want to believe you. I want it so bad, but how can I be sure? Really Gabrielle, there has been so much that has happened over the last few days. I'm not sure I can take your word for it."

"Xena, you told me a long time ago, that it's better to act then react. Over the past few days all I've done is react. I've reacted to my feelings, and my fear. I've reacted to what you've said and done, but through it all I've learned so much about me, and about us."

"Us? What do you mean, us?"

The bard smirked, suddenly coming closer. When she was almost nose to nose with the warrior, she whispered, "I'm tired of reacting, Xena."

For an instant blue wrestled with green, each searching for an answer to a question that neither one knew how to ask. Almost as if instinct, Gabrielle tilted her head to the side, as Xena pushed a little closer. For the briefest of moments their lips met.

Suddenly Xena pulled back, but Gabrielle tightened her grip on the warrior's hands, not letting her escape. "It's ok," the bard reassured her warrior, pulling Xena closer once again. This time Xena didn't resist, but welcomed her bard as they shared another brief moment of eternity as their lips touched a second time.

"Wow," Gabrielle exclaimed when they finally had to break for air.

Xena raised an eyebrow, a smirk appearing on her lips. "Wow doesn't even begin to describe it."

Gabrielle echoed the warrior's smirk. "Does that convince you, Xena?"

"Well, you never did that before."

The bard winkled her nose. "We've both done things in the last few days we've never done before. For example, last night, I found myself eavesdropping on my best friend."

Xena's eyes went wide. "You, what?" The warrior suddenly stood, taking two large angry steps before she turned on the bard. "You had no right. How could you? What if… Damn it, Gabrielle. You're lucky you're not still little."

"Why, Xena?" Gabrielle's eyes narrowed. "Afraid of me now that you don't have the power over me? You're still bigger and stronger than me. Nothing has really changed between us, has it?"

"Nothing? Nothing! Everything has changed. Everything! Why don't you see that?" Not waiting for an answer Xena turned her back to the bard. She clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white, and then in a sudden burst of anger she struck out, punching the wall.

Gabrielle jumped at the sudden noise. The sheer force of the blow, cracking the very boards in half and leaving a fist sided hole in their place. For a moment she stared at Xena's back. She barely noticed that the warrior had withdrawn her hand and her body was now physically shaking, but when Xena quickly fell to her knees, Gabrielle realized that the warrior's shaking wasn't from anger, but silent sobs.

Seeing Xena so emotionally exposed caused Gabrielle's heart to ache. She wasn't sure what happened next, but she found herself opposite the kneeling warrior. Gabrielle reached out, gathering Xena in her arms. Xena surprisingly didn't resist, the contact only making the tears flow freer. It was as if the touch was permission to let go, and Xena did, allowing all the pain, heartache, and frustration of the last few days, months, and years finally escape through the simple gesture.

Gabrielle rocked the warrior, letting the tears soak through her shift, and waited for Xena to once again regain control. After a while, the warrior did settle down, and the sobs were reduced to occasional sniffle and a stray tear. "I'm sorry," she finally managed to mumble.

"No," Gabrielle reassured her, "Don't be. I think you needed that. We both did," the bard continued, wiping a tear from her own eye. She'd been so busy concentrating on Xena; she didn't realize that she'd been crying as well.

"No, you don't understand," Xena said more firmly. "Gabrielle, when Aphrodite changed you, I was lost. Suddenly, I realized how much you meant to me, and how I've been taking advantage of you."

"Xena…" Gabrielle started, suddenly getting cut off as the warrior silenced her, putting a single finger to the bard's lips.

"Please, hear me out. I didn't realize how much do you around camp, for me, how much I depend on you every day, or even how much I care about you. Gabrielle, these last few days… every time you disappeared, or got yourself in trouble: the tree, the roof, running off and getting kidnapped, yesterday with that boy and the wagon, and tonight... when I think about what I could have done here… Damn it, Gabrielle, it was so dark in here, and I could have easily… if you would have moved or made a noise… I wasn't expecting you to be big again…"

"Xena," Gabrielle whispered, suddenly overwhelmed by the overflow of words and emotion that seemed so out of character for the warrior. She wasn't sure how to respond, but let out a grunt when Xena suddenly grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"Just don't ever scare me like that again," Xena threatened, tightening her death grip around the bard.

"I'm sorry," Gabrielle repeated again, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. When Xena finally let go, she reached up and wiped both her eyes with the back of her hand. A moment later she looked up at Xena, realizing she wasn't the only one crying.

"Don't you realize how much I love you?" Xena asked. "The thought of losing you would just crush me, especially if I were the one…"

"Shhh," Gabrielle interrupted. "I'm ok, you're ok. Well most of you is," Gabrielle joked, motioning toward the warrior's injured hand. "I understand it now, all of it. It wasn't you… it was me."

"You're wrong…"

"Am I? Whose fault is it really? You've always been there for me, Xena. You protect me, take care of me, and always put me first. I just wasn't seeing it," Gabrielle explained.

Xena shook her head. "Aphrodite said it wasn't me, but I don't think it was really you either. I think it was both of us…"

"Well," Gabrielle agreed as she moved in closer to Xena, wrapping her arms loosely around the warrior's neck. "Maybe Aphrodite has a point. She does know a thing or two about love," she added with a wink. "And I do love you, Xena. I love you so much; I can't even find the right words. You're my family, my world. I couldn't image being here without you."

Xena couldn't help a slight blush as the words hit home. Not really knowing how to reply, she found herself instead, just lost in a sea of emerald green, realizing for the first time that she didn't need to hide how she was feeling, or suddenly look away.

"Xena?" Gabrielle breathed, bringing the warrior out of her trance. "Let me see your hand. You hit that wall awfully hard."

Xena blinked, looking up at the wall and then down at the hand she had clenched in her lap. She moved it, flexing it cautiously, and grimacing at the pain. "Not broken, can't say the same for the wall."

Gabrielle managed a half smile. "Well, we'll just add that to our bill. Come on, let me clean it. You're bleeding."

Xena nodded, letting the bard help her to her feet and then guide her over to the table with the water bowl. At Gabrielle's insistence she sat down on the edge of the bed and allowed the bard to administer to her.

"For the record, Gabrielle, I believe you."

"Believe me?"

"Yeah, you're you again."

"Oh, good," Gabrielle managed a smile. "And I think you'll live. This is just superficial. Knowing you, you'll be punching things by dawn again."

"Well maybe not that soon," Xena grimaced, flexing her hand again. "Ah, Gabrielle, I still feel like I owe you an apology."

"Don't worry about it, Xena. We've both had a few difficult days. Even I wanted to punch a few things." Xena shook her head, as Gabrielle sat down next to her. "You're not talking about losing your temper, are you?"

"No. I'm not. In a way Aphrodite did us a favor. By changing you, I think she made us both realize a few things."

"She ended up changing us both," Gabrielle agreed. "Somehow I don't think things will ever be the same between us again."

"I have to ask, that kiss… did you do it because you thought it was what I wanted?"

Gabrielle bit her lip, thinking carefully before she answered. "Xena, I told you that I was done reacting, but I think that was a lie. That kiss was probably the most impulsive thing I've ever done. I've loved you for a long time, but didn't think you felt the same. Over hearing that conversation last night was like a dream come true."

"Normally I could never condone lying or eavesdropping, but I think in this case I can let it go, after all it was for the greater good," Xena smirked.

Gabrielle had to laugh at the warrior's grin. "So where does that leave us then?"

Xena shook her head. "I'm not sure. We have some talking to do."

"Do we have to?"

"Have to what?"

"Talk?" Gabrielle answered with crooked grin.

Xena raised an eyebrow. "Well, I've always been more of an action girl myself."

"That's probably the one thing I've always loved best about you, Xena," Gabrielle returned as she leaned in and met the warrior's lips with her own.

"Mmmm," Xena commented, as they once again broke for air. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that."

"Gods, I hope not," Gabrielle murmured, letting Xena pull her up onto the bed.


From the far corner of the room Aphrodite let out a squeal of delight. She was invisible to both of the mortals, but was totally getting a high off their love vibes. She'd been trying for years to get these two together, but there always seemed to be an old lover, or warlord, or some epic hero that interfered. This time her plan had been perfect. Nothing makes you appreciate something more than if you lose it, especially if it's still right in front of you.

The goddess was suddenly pulled form her self-congratulations as she noticed that Xena was looking in her direction. With a smirk, she blew her a kiss at her, leaving a slight dusting of her essence in the room before she disappeared in an invisible burst of pink hearts and rose petals.

--*-- The End --*--

Little Bard: Chapter 18

^^--^^--^^ Epilogue ^^--^^--^^

"Come on, Gabrielle, this is ridiculous."

"Oh no, warrior mine, you promised, and now you have to pay up."

Xena scowled, shifting on the log she was sitting on. Watching the bard turn her attention back to the scroll she was writing, she sighed as her mind flowed back to the day before…


It had been almost a week since Gabrielle had returned to her old self. Together she and the bard had tracked down the remnants of Darnan's gang, bringing them to justice along with their comrades, who were already being detained in town. Life had again quieted and the bard and the warrior had moved on. Not having anywhere particular to go, they headed back to the clearing with the waterfall, with the intention of spending some time doing a little fishing and just being together.

The last week had been quiet between the two. Since the kiss they'd been more open to each other, sitting closer together, holding hands, and cuddling in the evenings and at night. They'd even shared a few moments of heated passion and heavy groping, but had found trouble progressing any further than that. It was frustrating because it wasn't just one of them; Xena had broken it off as often as Gabrielle had. For some reason the situation just hadn't seemed right to progress any further, so they had both agreed to just let nature take its course and not to push anything too fast. Over all it was just an odd feeling, for even through their new found interest in each other was growing steadily, and they both had to admit that they hadn't been this happy in a long time, there was still something between them that seemed unresolved.

The night before, Xena remembered Gabrielle squatting down next to the fire, stirring up the flames with a stick before she added another log. The fresh fish that was simmering on in the pan was making her mouth water.

"Xena, it's almost done," Gabrielle had called out, not realizing that Xena had already left the water, ending her swim just a few moments before.

"Smells wonderful," the warrior whispered in the bard's ear, causing Gabrielle to nearly jump out of her skin.

"Xena," Gabrielle responded with a backhand to her arm. "You scared me."

"And you should be paying more attention to what or who comes up behind you," Xena gently chastised, softening the scold was a kiss to the cheek.

"Uh-huh, like anyone could sense you coming," the bard responded, leaning into the kiss.

"Well, I do have many skills," Xena teased back as she grinned.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes. "Well is one of those skills fetching our plates? Think this fish is ready, and I'm starved."

Xena retrieved the requested plates, and as the bard filled them up, they both settled in for another night of cuddling and quiet whispers. It had been like this every night since the night Gabrielle returned to normal, and it was becoming a routine that they both enjoyed. As the hours passed and the night's sky welcomed the stars, they'd curled up together on their bedroll.

"I still think it looks like a bear," Gabrielle quietly murmured.

Xena snorted at the old argument, answering, "Go to sleep, Gabrielle."


Of course that was last night, before Xena had accidentally incurred the bard's wrath. It was an innocent mistake, really, but Gabrielle had been furious with her when she returned to camp a mere five hours later.

Xena supposed it was her fault. She's left for an early morning ride and a quick scout of the immediate area. How was she supposed to know that the Goddess of Love would be making an appearance…


Xena had just brought a cupped hand of cool water to her mouth when she felt it. That strange tingling sensation that signaled there was a god about. She tuned in on the feeling, wondering what Ares wanted this time, but took her time as she splashed the cold water over her face. It was going to be a hot day. Already the sun was causing beads of sweat to trickle down her neck.

The presence was getting stronger; it was more than a prickle now. There was someone standing not ten feet away. With a growl she turned on it, "What do you want…?" she trailed off. Expecting to see Ares, she was a bit thrown by the pink-gossamer and crossed arms of the Love Goddess. She raised an eyebrow. "…Aphrodite?"

The goddess shook her head, but couldn't help cracking a smile. "Perhaps there is something I can help you with."

"Haven't you done enough helping? Go away and leave us alone."

"Ha, that's gratitude for you. I'm responsible for you two, you know. Without me it might have taken you the next seventeen years to figure it out."

Xena snorted, "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"That you two are in love of course."

Xena rolled her eyes at the goddess. "I already knew that."

"Yes, but you never acted on it." Aphrodite sighed heavily. "Just took a little of this goddess's wonderful abilities for you to admit it, warrior babe. Although you and your bard give a new meaning to the term: taking it slow."

"Taking it slow? Seriously how much slower would we have had to take it if she were to remain a child?"

"You and I know that was just temporary. Besides it was necessary."

"Necessary!" Xena balled her hands into fists. "You have any idea what you put me through?"

The goddess of love smirked.

"Don't you look at me like that," Xena scolded. "I had to put up with the worry, the tantrums, and the questions! I didn't think it was possible, but she actually talked more when she was younger. I even had to spank her, can you believe that?"

Aphrodite shrugged. "From what I saw she was asking for it. Although, it's not like she never asked for it before. You were just doing a better job of listening this time." Xena's eyes narrowed, but the goddess brushed her off, seemly unconcerned with the warrior's wrath.

Xena gritted her teeth and looked away. She tried to hold on, but couldn't help it as she felt the tension ebb away. Maybe it was the presence of Love that was affecting her, or maybe it was that she knew deep down that Aphrodite was right. After a moment, she took in a long, slow breath. "You know, with all your meddling, you do have a point. You did do something for us, something very special. Aphrodite, I hate to say it, but thank you."

Aphrodite smiled, her grey eyes sparkling. With a sudden squeal of glee, she threw her arms around Xena in a joyful hug. "Oh, you're so very welcome, warrior babe."

Xena's eyes went wide, half in surprise and half in panic, but before she could react the goddess had released her.

Grinning widely, the goddess ignored Xena's discomfort with her affections. She held out an empty hand, and after a tiny flash of light, the emptiness was replaced by a small pink vile. "I have something for you. Now, I know you and Gabrielle are having, well issues. And it's not from lack of trying, believe me," Aphrodite winked. "But this, this will help."

"No offence, but I think you've done enough for us."

"Now Xena, hear me out. I'm giving this too you out of respect. Normally with mortals, I'd just slip a few drops of this into a drink, or a bowl of stew, but you and Gabrielle. Well I want you to be happy."

"There is no way I'm going to slip some sort of love potion into Gabrielle's food."

"Not just hers, Xena. Yours too. Just a couple drops, and your inhibitions will fall away, and you'll finally be able to…"

"Aphrodite," Xena growled a warning. "Gabrielle and I, that's our own private business…"

Aphrodite interrupted her with a giggle. "That's where you're wrong, Xena. It is my business, it's kinda what I do."

"The scorpion of love," Xena muttered as she rolled her eyes. "If I take the vial, will you leave us be?"

"For now," Aphrodite promised. She then placed the vile in Xena palm, before disappearing in a flash of pink hearts and rose petals.

"For now?" Xena called out, not surprised that she didn't get an answer. Muttering to herself again, she looked down at the vial in her hand. "I should just bury this thing. Not worth the trouble."

She tucked the vial in her bodice, for safe keeping as she did just that. Using her chakram to dig a shallow hole, she fished back out the vial and covered it back up with dirt. Tapping her boot gratifyingly over the dirt, she lifted her fingers to her mouth to signal Argo, when she felt something shift inside her bodice. Curious she reached down, only to fish out the vial once again.

"What..." she trailed off, suddenly second guessing herself. Did she forget to put the vial in the hole? She distinctive remembered it in the dirt, but… Confused she drooped to her knees and used her chakram once again to dig the hole. Shifting through the dirt she found no vial.

This time she carefully laid the vial in the hole. She was positive this time that it got covered with dirt. And this time when she tapped her boot to pack down the earth, she was satisfied that she'd never see the vial again. That is until a few seconds later, she once again felt something shift inside her bodice.

Letting out a sting of curses that would make even Ares blush, she threw the vial on the ground. It lay there for a moment before suddenly disappearing and returning to her bodice. She tired throwing it in the water, throwing it as far as she could, tying it to Argo and sending the horse in a different direction. She even tried to smash it with her sword, and as a last resort to slice it through with her chakram. It seemed no matter what she tried, it always returned to her, as whole and as pink as ever.

"Damn, stupid, mother of a bacchae…" she muttered as she felt the vial return again after her last attempt to destroy it. Apparently fire had no effect on it either. It wasn't even hot. She sat for a minute; maybe she was going about it the wrong way. With a smirk, a new tactic occurred to her. She fished out the vial again, this time uncorking it, and poured out the contents. Maybe she couldn't get rid of the vial, but it was what's on the inside that mattered. She recorked the vial, satisfied that she'd finally out-smarted the goddess.

She then tossed the vial back into the fire. When it reappeared, she fished it back out, and then started a new string of curses, finding that the vial was once again filled with liquid. Almost in tears at her frustration, she tried half a dozen other tactics, but only half-heartedly. No matter how clever or desperate she got, the vial - full of liquid - always managed to find its way back to her bodice.


Xena again shifted on her log. It was probably the most uncomfortable log she'd ever sat on, yet she didn't move. She felt the lump in her bodice, but by this time she didn't care. She almost gotten used to it. She hadn't told Gabrielle about it yet. She wasn't sure she wanted too. Maybe it was better to let the bard think that she had just gotten distracted, or needed some time alone. It certainly sounded better than that truth.

She thought back to when she returned to camp. It had only been a few minutes ago, but Gabrielle was waiting for her, and the bard was not happy…


"Xena! Thank the gods you are ok. Where have you been? I've been worried sick."

Xena slowly dismounted Argo. By the position of the sun, she'd been gone half the day. She'd only intended on being gone an hour or two. She couldn't blame Gabrielle for being upset. "I'm sorry, I guess the time just got away from me."

Gabrielle frowned. "What do you mean the time got away from you?"

"Ah. Just that," Xena answered, the bard's gaze making her a little uncomfortable. "I was out riding, stopped to get a drink, and before I knew it was getting late."

"What aren't you telling me?" Gabrielle's eyes narrowed. Xena was purposely being illusive, and she didn't like it at all.

"Aren't you making a big deal out of this?" Xena asked, giving Argo a pat and watching at the horse trotted over to the nearby stream. "It's not like I was gone all day."

"It's after noon, Xena. You might as well have been. I thought you wanted to leave today. It's too late now…" the bard continued to lecture.

Xena signed and promptly tuned her out. The vial in her bodice was making her itch, but she daren't draw attention to it now. For all she knew Aphrodite enchanted the thing so that she couldn't tell Gabrielle or perhaps something terrible would happen if she tried. Besides even if it was safe to tell the bard, she knew it would upset her, and right now, at this moment, that was the last thing she wanted to do. Regardless, she knew that whatever the goddess was thinking, she'd obviously put a lot of effort into that stupid pink vial.

"Xena, are you even listening to me?"

"I, um. I'm sorry?" she tried. "I swear, Gabrielle. I never meant to worry you."

The bard crossed her arms across her chest. She regarded the warrior for moment, as if studying her. Finally, she took a deep breath. Xena stepped forward, thinking that she was off the hook, but Gabrielle shook her head. "See that log over there, Xena?"

Xena looked in the direction indicated. "Yeah…"

"Go sit on it."

"Um, what?"

"You heard me, Xena." Getting a stunned look from the warrior, Gabrielle continued, and elaborated, "And don't look at me like that. Remember, you promised me. You said that if you didn't hold up you end of the bargain; I could make you stand in the corner. Since I don't have a corner, that log will have to do. Now, go have a seat, and stay there until you're ready to tell me the truth."

"Promised? Gabrielle, oh, come on. You're not serious…" Xena frowned, as she was suddenly cut off by an angry glare. "Ok, fine," she muttered as she turned and headed to the log.

"Damn, stupid, little, pink vial from Tartarus…that's what it is," Xena muttered as she kicked a rock with her boot. A whole five minutes passed before Xena ran out of rocks that she could reach. Another two or three minutes passed before she discovered a line of ants also occupying her log. A few minutes later, and the ant population of southern Greece was suddenly diminished.

Finding nothing else to occupy her she called out, "Come on, Gabrielle, this is ridiculous."

"Oh no, warrior mine, you promised, and now you have to pay up," came the unhurried reply.

Xena scowled, shifting on the log she was sitting on. It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable log in all of Greece, perhaps even of all the known world. She watched Gabrielle turn her attention back to the scroll she was writing. The bard seemed to be in deep thought, almost like she was meditating. Xena grinned, getting an idea; meditation, that was the ticket. Maybe she could channel some inner peace until the bard got tired of this game.

Xena closed her eyes, seeking that place that she'd feel warm, and relaxed, and anywhere but sitting on the most uncomfortable log in all of the known world. She tucked her legs up, crossing them beneath her, trying to assume a more peaceful pose. She was almost there… when suddenly she felt the world spin, and she realized that she lost her balance. She toppled over, landing on her back, her legs and arms a jumble.

"Xena, what are you doing?"

Xena opened one eye and then the other, giving the bard a slight smile. "Meditating."

Gabrielle put her hands on her hips. "Well, stop it. You're supposed to be thinking about how you broke your promise, not messing around. Are you ready to tell me where you were yet?"

"I have been thinking about it," Xena replied, her voice almost slipping into a whine. "I've been over here for hours. You've got to believe me, I'm sorry."

"Xena," Gabrielle admonished. "You've only been sitting on this log for 15 minutes."

The warrior's jaw dropped. She couldn't help but check the position of the sun, only to confirm Gabrielle's claim. With a frown, she meekly accepted a hand up, and allowed the bard to help her get resituated on her log.

"I can't do this anymore," Xena pleaded, looking up into Gabrielle's eyes. "It was Aphrodite, it was all her fault."

"Aphrodite?" Gabrielle asked. Curious, she sat down on the log. "What did she do, send you on some secret mission?"

"No, not exactly."

"She needed help to save one of her temples from vandals?"


"Oh, I know. Baby bliss got into some love potions…. And you needed…"

"No, no. Nothing like that," Xena sighed. "She gave me this," Xena finally relented, putting the little pink vial from her bodice. "Damn thing is enchanted. I can't get rid of it."

Gabrielle looked confused, as she took the small vial from Xena. Xena cringed, waiting for it to blow up, or lightening to strike, or even for it to disappear and find its way back to her bodice. Yet as the bard held it, none of those things happened. In fact nothing happened at all.

"What is it?" Gabrielle asked.

Xena shrugged, "Something to help us get over our inhibitions. I'm supposed to put a couple of drops into our food or drink."

"Oh," Gabrielle replied.

"Oh? I thought you'd be more upset."

"Well, I am. At least a little bit. I never thought we'd need something like this. After all, I love you," Gabrielle reasoned, giving Xena a small peck on the cheek.

"And I love you too," Xena returned, stroking the back of her hand over the bard's cheek. "It's just that something been preventing us from… well, you know."

"So what is it then?" Gabrielle asked. She held up the vial, noticing how it seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. "It's pretty. Almost as pretty as you."

"It's a pain in the butt, that's what it is," Xena mumbled.

"Like me?" Gabrielle's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Sort of, but then I don't want to get rid of you," Xena chuckled. "And I wouldn't mind if you kept finding your way back into my bodice," she continued, her voice dropping down into innuendo.

Gabrielle playfully pushed Xena, her face reddening at the thought of actually getting into Xena's bodice.

Xena grinned, as she grabbed one of Gabrielle's arms and pulled her closer. "Did I embarrass you, my bard?" she whispered into Gabrielle's ear, before allowing her lips to gently kiss it. Gabrielle involuntarily shivered, as Xena lips continued to move down to that soft spot right below her ear, and then down to her collar bone.

"Xena," Gabrielle warned. Despite a cool afternoon breeze, she was suddenly feeling very warm. "Xena, wait…" Gabrielle warned again, this time, this time getting the warrior's attention.

"You want me to stop?"' Xena asked with a frown. Xena mentally braced herself, waiting for the bard to pull away. They would tease and torment each other like this. They'd been doing it for days, but it never seemed to go any further.

"No," Gabrielle interrupted. "I want to get more comfortable." Gabrielle stood. She gently put the small vial down on the log next to Xena, and then smiled as she repositioned herself so that she was sitting on Xena's lap, straddling her hips, and facing her.

Xena smirked. She wouldn't she wouldn't have left the most uncomfortable log in all of the known world for a throne on Olympus itself. For a brief moment their lips met.

Xena couldn't help but let out a small whimper. "You are an evil woman," she murmured.

"I am huh? So what you gonna do about it," Gabrielle teased.

"Maybe I should turn you over my knee," Xena returned the tease.

"You wouldn't." Gabrielle suddenly pulled back, not at all liking the glimmer in the warrior eye. The bard then yelped as Xena made her move. She pulled back, managing to knock the vial off the log and into the ground. Both she and Xena froze, as it broke in half, and the liquid within seeped out into the dirt.

Xena braced herself, waiting for it to magically reappear back in her bodice, but as the seconds ticked by, and it didn't, she wasn't sure if she should feel relieved or disappointed. She didn't like the idea of it, but at the same time, it was like a safety net that has just been ripped from them.

Seeing the crestfallen look on the warrior's face, Gabrielle bent and picked up the pieces. "I'm sorry, Xena, I didn't mean too…"

Xena held out her hand, and the bard handed over the broken pieces. The warrior then sent them down next to her hand grabbed Gabrielle's arm. "Xena, what? Hey!" She tried to flee, but the warrior already had a firm grasp. Before Gabrielle knew what was happening she found herself staring at dirt and the two halves of the broken vial. The warrior had successfully pinned her over her lap, and she knew no amount of struggling was breaking that hold.

Gabrielle found herself conflicted. Her memories flashed back to the last time she was in this position, but this time it was different. She also felt a warmness deep down inside her gut. She swallowed, and found herself shivering involuntarily again, as Xena ran her fingers across her upper thighs. "Xena," she squeaked, feeling a half-hearted swat to her right check.

"Yes, my bard?"

"You're supposed to be the one in trouble…"

Xena laughed. "Who said anything about trouble?" Xena let her hand wander further up the bard's thigh, lightly swatting the left cheek, and then tickling that sensitive spot where that cheek met her leg.

"Xena," Gabrielle squirmed, trying to retain her composure. Xena knew that was one of the spots she was most ticklish. "You're torturing me on purpose."

"Un-huh," Xena agreed, before lightly slapping the cheek next to her hand. "Come, on, honey," she then encouraged, releasing the pressure and pulling Gabrielle back up, allowing her to settle in her lap instead of over it. "You have any idea how much I love you?" she asked as she gathered her bard closer to her.

"You're not mad at me?" Gabriele asked.

"Of course not," Xena returned.

Gabrielle giggled as Xena continued to tickle her, although this time it was along her neckline with a series gentle kisses. "Gods, Xena," she murmured. "You have any idea how much I want you right now?"

Xena pulled back long enough to catch Gabrielle eyes. She smiled, seeing nothing but love and pure joy reflected. Gabrielle giggled, and suddenly descended on Xena with renewed vigor. Xena raised a single eyebrow, and couldn't help but be pulled into the bard's enthusiasm.


"Woah, Mom, I figured you were the one behind this," Cupid appeared next to his mother who was giggling with delight as the warrior and bard, lay next to each other, both fast asleep. Xena was half propped up against a log, her armor lying in various piles around them, her leather battle dress, suspiciously hanging in a nearby tree. Gabrielle was in no better shape. She was still only partially clothed, and unceremoniously draped over her warrior pillow.

"Yeah, it's wonderful isn't it?" the goddess practically squealed.

"I felt the vibes half way across the known world. Psyche and I were trying to have a quiet dinner… and well after that. Bliss just might be getting little brother or sister soon."

Aphrodite smiled, kissing her son on the head.

"So what did you give them? Must have been some powerful stuff. Lilac oil? Essence of Chocolate?"

Aphrodite wrinkled her nose, still giggling at her cleverness. "Water, and they didn't even drink it."

"You're kidding. Water? Damn, you are good, Mom."

"Well it was a little more complicated than that; age regression, a little fear, anxiety, and little paranoia. All the good tricks."

Cupid looked at his mother as if she'd suddenly sprouted horns, but she only giggled. "I know. You still have a lot to learn, kiddo."

"I have my own tricks you know," Cupid rolled his eyes. "Hey someday I'm ever going to have my own holiday. You'll see."

"Sure, every mother's dream, honey. Well, I need to be going. Have a princess up in Trace who has been pinning over the blacksmiths son."

"Yeah, Psyche is waiting for me. Thanks for the vibes, Mom."

"Anytime," Aphrodite returned, giving her son an affectionate kiss on the cheek before she disappeared in a burst of pink hearts and rose petals.

--x-- The End -x--

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