~ Surrender ~
by Stone
© Copyrighted 2004

Disclaimers: See Part 1

Comments welcomed - Stone0123@aol.com

Part 4

Vicki returned to her table as quickly as she could without drawing attention to herself. Her body was plagued by so many sensations that she just wanted to get to the table and calm her breathing. She had a satisfied smile on her face, but her hands were still shaking and her heart was trying to pound out of her chest.

Susan had witnessed the actions between the two women. She couldn't believe that Victoria's behavior had not only been tolerated but it had prevailed. "Vicki, are you okay? What has got into you?"

Vicki quickly raised her hand to stop the questions. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. "I think so…I just need to calm down." Vicki looked around the restaurant and her eyes fell on the couple that accompanied them to dinner. They seemed to be in a heated conversation. "Oh God…Susan did they see what just happened?"

Susan shook her head no and continued to stare at her friend.

"Thank goodness." Vicki looked at her food and pushed her plate away. Her adrenaline was pumping too much to think about eating.

Susan took Victoria by the arm and pulled her toward her. "What just happened? Why did you kiss her, Victoria?"

"I…I didn't. I mean I did, but she…"

The married couple sitting with them interrupted Victoria's whispering. The man laughed loudly. "What are you two whispering about now?"

Susan spoke up quickly. "I'm trying to talk Victoria into eating something." Susan looked at Vicki. "She seems to have lost her appetite."

The man's wife reached across the table and pushed Vicki's plated back toward her. "Is something wrong with your food?"

Vicki looked down at the plate. "No…the food is fine." She looked at Susan with an evil glare. "I just don't seem to have an appetite."

Susan returned the stare and spoke in a hushed voice. "This conversation isn't over, Victoria. I want to know what is going on with you."

Everyone returned to their meal except for Victoria. She just sat and tried to concentrate on her breathing and on not looking at the Detective.

Meanwhile, Taylor returned to Ms Singleton's table without a comment as to what just happened.

Eve made it obvious that she was examining the red handprint on Taylor's face. "Ouch! You weren't kidding about that one's flame. I take it she didn't like what you had to say." Eve gave Lucky her best seductive smile. "Or was she upset because she thinks you have a new woman in your life?"

Taylor looked toward Vicki's table. "I'm not sure that I'll ever know what makes that one tick." She turned her full attention back to Eve. "I think we should change the subject to something a little more pleasurable."

Eve nodded. "A more pleasurable subject? What do you have in mind?"

Lucky raised her wine glass and gave Eve an alluring smile. We could get back to the subject of you." Lucky took a sip of her wine. "Have you had the opportunity to play since our game?"

"Yes. I was at Dreams Sunday night and I have to admit I missed your presence immensely. The night was not nearly as exciting, but I did easily come away the winner."

Before Lucky could reply, the young waiter approached the table with a nervous smile on his face. He placed their dishes timidly in front of them and made sure they were pleased with their food before leaving them to their meal.

Lucky picked up the conversation as soon as the waiter was out of hearing range. "It's nice to know you're missed, especially in an atmosphere as spirited as Dreams. They seem to cater to almost every desire an individual could have. I'm flattered that you could manage to miss me in that atmosphere."

Eve lowered her eyes to her wine glass and ran her finger slowly around the rim. "Speaking of Dreams and their services, the blonde that seemed to be catering to you that night hasn't been seen since." She cleared her throat and looked at Lucky hoping to see a reaction. "Some of us tend to indulge in some of the …special entertainment more than others."

Taylor wasn't sure what the Singleton woman was fishing for but she was sure that she was supposed to read between the lines. She couldn't figure out whether Eve was interested in discussing her relationship with the blonde or the fact that she indulges in the offered services of Dreams. "Ms Singleton, I don't mean to seem dense here, but I'm not sure where you're going with this."

Eve looked away and a surprising shy smile appeared. "Lucky, I guess I was looking forward to speaking to the blonde on Sunday. I thought she might be willing to give me some insight as to how to spend more evenings with you without losing thousands of dollars."

Lucky reached across the table and lightly squeezed the woman's hand causing Eve to look at her. "Eve…you don't need to question anyone as to how to spend time with me. All you have to do is ask."

Eve's smile was sweet. "Thank you, Lucky."

Lucky tilted her head slightly, her brows furrowed. "For what?"

"For calling me Eve and for making my night."

The sincerity in Eve's voice caused a serious spark of guilt in Taylor. She hated the idea of misleading the woman, but she knew it was part of the job. She had not seen Eve Singleton participate in anything at Dreams other than the gambling. She didn't seem interested in the drugs or any of the more personal entertainment. She was almost certain that the woman attended the games at Dreams for the thrill of a competitive game of poker and the company of other wealthy women. "There is no need to thank me. I've been out of town for a few days, but I was thinking of joining a game at Dreams on Friday. Will I have the pleasure of your company?"

"I wasn't sure I was going until now, but yes, Lucky, I'll be there."

The night ended with Lucky waiting with Eve Singleton for her car. As they waited for the valet to bring the car, Taylor noticed Vicki and her party exiting the restaurant. She held her breath, hoping that the Roberts woman would keep her part of the deal.

Eve looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them. She could see valets in the distance and then she saw who she thought to be Lucky's ex-lover. The woman was watching them with great interest. Eve found herself protective of the attention Lucky was showing her and she did not wish to share it. She looked around them once more and made sure no one other than the woman and her party was nearby, before leaning forward on her toes and kissing Lucky on the cheek. "I had a wonderful evening, Lucky. Thank you. I will be looking forward to Friday night."

Taylor couldn't help glancing at Vicki as she felt Eve's lips on her cheek. Their eyes locked briefly, before Vicki turned abruptly. Taylor smiled, but she also realized that the unintentional little game of theirs was getting out of hand. In the last few days, Victoria Roberts had caused enough trouble for Taylor to arrest her daily. Taylor had already admitted to herself that she had no desire to arrest the woman. Hell, if it weren't for Victoria Roberts, Taylor would have difficultly staying awake at the park function.

It was very late when Taylor arrived home. The drive back to Redding was long and she was tired, but she knew that she was too wired for sleep. She stripped off her jacket as she entered the living room, then released her weapon harness and tossed it on the sofa. She pulled off her ankle boots by hopping on one foot toward the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. She was hoping that a nice long hot shower would relax her enough to sleep.

She tossed and turned all night. Quick pictures of Vicki at the restaurant were running through her dreams. She could see the scene so clearly in her dream. At the restaurant, everything had happened so quickly, so unexpectedly that all she could seem to concentrate on were Vicki's words and Eve's curious expressions. In the dream, everything seemed to slow down. Taylor could see the rise and fall of Vicki's chest with each angry word she uttered. She could see the trembling hands that the woman was trying unsuccessfully to conceal. She caught Vicki's quick nervous glances around the room and, finally, she could see nothing but Vicki's lips.

At the restaurant, the kiss was premeditated. A defense mechanism to protect herself, but in the dream the kiss was not only willingly given but very much welcomed. The kiss seemed to last forever. During the kiss, Taylor could almost feel those bright green eyes darkening. She felt as though Vicki's lips had been begging to be kissed for days and she had finally surrendered to Vicki's begging. But before the surrender was complete, Taylor felt the sting of the slap and sat straight up in the middle of her bed. She looked around her bedroom while trying to catch her breath. Once she was satisfied that the kiss wasn't real and she was in fact alone, she looked at the digital clock on her nightstand. She shook her head and let out a long breath. Still two hours before time to get up, she cut off the alarm on the clock and headed to the bathroom for a cold shower this time to start the day.

After the quick cold shower, Taylor had toast and coffee for breakfast. Instead of waiting until the sun came up she went and dressed in sweat pants, t-shirt and a windbreaker for her morning run. She rushed through her stretches and warm-up and took off at a quick paced jog. After an hour of jogging, she took the last half mile at a full sprint. The jog had done nothing to help keep her thoughts from the dream, so she was trying to run it out. No such luck. She decided to get ready for work and start the day.

Taylor arrived at the station to leave her report concerning the day before. She wanted to touch base with Chad and Jones since she had time before she had to be at the park. When she got to her desk, she found Jones sitting in her chair. "Jones, you're here early."

Jones looked up from the paper in her hand. "I know. I had to get away from Chris. Aren't you supposed to be at the park?"

Taylor was worried that Chris and Jen were still having problems. "I had to drop off my report. What do you mean you had to get away form Chris? I thought things were going good between you two."

Jones smiled. "Things are going good, Taylor. Chris took the week off, which she hasn't done in ages, for the upcoming party for her mother and things between her and me are going too good. I'm actually…sore."

Taylor sat down in Chad's chair and folded her arms on the desk. "Too good? Sore?" She sat quietly and thought for a moment longer. "Oh, I…see."

Jones looked away as a fierce blush covered her face and neck.

Taylor laughed. "You better hope she doesn't see that or your soreness is only going to get worse."

Jones looked back still blushing. "What Taylor?"

"That blush. It's adorable."

Jones reached across the desk and slapped Taylor's arm.

"Ouch! Well, it is adorable, Jen. Seriously, I'm glad to hear things are going so well."

"Thanks, Taylor. Me too."

Chad's voice coming from across the room prevented any further conversation. "Jones! You have a call. It's Sacramento. I'll have it sent to my desk, so just take it there.

Jones stood up out of Taylor's chair to go to Chad's phone. Taylor quickly moved out of Chad's chair. "Duty calls. I'm going to let you take your call. I have to get to the park."

Jones smiled and nodded as she picked up the phone. Jones covered the mouthpiece on the phone. "Taylor, why don't you meet Chad and me here for lunch today? We need to catch up on the case and I'm sure you could use a break from your current…duty."

"Funny. Real funny. I'll see you at lunch."


Once Taylor arrived at the park, she tried to stay busy. She checked both entrances and visited with most of the officers at the site. She even went and found Mrs. Roberts to see if there were any changes in the schedule. She couldn't stop the images in her head. Every image was of Victoria Roberts and each one of them led up to one kiss that she couldn't seem to forget.

The park was filling up quickly. Taylor stood and watched the people mingle and laugh. Her restless energy was making her job difficult. She didn't have the patience to stand still and observe so she headed to the nearest path to find some peace and quiet. She thought the brisk walk might calm her down. For thirty minutes, she walked the path without stopping. She had passed several people on the path outside of the red roped off area of the park. It was not mandatory that people stay within the perimeters, but they were warned about the wooded area and the fast moving river. As Taylor rounded the next where she knew there was a sitting bench under a few large dogwoods, she found Victoria Roberts perched on the bench seemingly deep in thought. Taylor tried to turn and hurry away before she was noticed, but before she could disappear, she heard Vicki's voice.

Vicki felt the same rush of energy she always did in this woman's presence, quickly replaced by an undercurrent of pulsing tension. "Detective, you don't have to run. I'm not going to try to slap you again…unless you plan to try to kiss me or arrest me again."

Taylor stiffened and slowly turned around, but didn't step forward or speak. Taylor stood silently and just stared at the woman while her mind and body decided which would win this time. Her mind wanted to tell Vicki to be quiet and just walk away, but her body had other ideas.

Vicki took the silence as a hint and got to her feet. "As a matter of fact, I need to be getting back. I was just trying to get a few minutes of quiet from the crowd. So enjoy, Detective. It is a nice quiet spot. All you can hear is the swift water of the river, the birds singing and every once in a while you can hear the wind blowing through the trees." Vicki was not ready to see or deal with the woman after what had happened between them the night before. She was too uneasy and confused about what had happened to try to deal with any of it right now. Her intention was to be polite and leave as quickly as possible, but the detective's silence was unnerving and seemed to provoke her. As she walked past Taylor and realized that the Detective wasn't going to say anything, she called over her shoulder. "Don't forget about our coffee date."

Taylor shook her head and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. "You just couldn't do it, could you?"

Vicki took a deep breath of frustration and looked around the surroundings as if hoping to find some inspiration on how to respond without history repeating itself. Without wanting to hit the woman again. Without turning to face the woman, she replied in a poised voice. "What do you mean by that? I couldn't do what?"

Taylor turned so she could see Vicki's face. She was surprised to find Vicki's back to her. "You couldn't just let it be…you had to throw that in. You couldn't just be nice and walk away."

Vicki whirled back around toward her and strode back to where she stood before, but she didn't comment on the accusation. Vicki could see the smirk on the detective's face and she knew if she were to reply, it wouldn't be pretty, so she tried to keep quiet.

Taylor just raised an eyebrow, seeming to read Vicki's silence for the admission it was.

Vicki saw the eyebrow rise and added to the knowing smirk, these two combined caused the familiar urge to throttle the detective to come over her again. She gritted her teeth and prayed for the patience even though outrage bubbled up inside her. "You make that difficult, Detective."

Taylor no longer tried to control her laugher. She laughed as if the woman had just told her a good joke. "I make that difficult? Lady, I didn't say one word. Nothing. How did I make it difficult for you just to walk away?"

Vicki took a quick look around for something to throw, and then decided it would be a pity to shatter a good piece of wood on such a hard head. She narrowed her eyes as they came to rest on the smirking detective's face. "That's what I am talking about." She pointed at Taylor's face. "The looks, the smirks and even your silence can annoy me."

Taylor decided to play this out, hoping to end the complicated impasse they seem to always find themselves in. Taylor took a few steps, closing some of the space between them and looked down at the woman. She pretended to look bored even though she was having to control her own edginess and confusion when it came to this woman before her. "Really?"

Vicki stood her ground as Taylor strode toward her. If the detective thought to intimidate her, she had another thing coming. Vicki had to tilt her chin up to keep eye contact with her and caught the muscle bouncing in the detective's jaw. She took perverse satisfaction in knowing that, as much as Taylor unsettled her, she seemed to have an uncanny ability to annoy her as well. Vicki crossed her arms over her breasts. "Yes, really."

Taylor decided that it was a bad idea to try to end this now. She turned to walk away.

Vicki knew that she had the upper hand once again. "Do you always run when you don't win?"

Taylor spun around and her eyes burned into Vicki's. "We need to stop this before you end up in jail and I end up insane." Taylor turned to walk away.

Vicki narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "We? You are the one that is constantly provoking me."

Taylor turned around, her facial expression showed boredom and her voice was almost teasing. "Me provoking you? Are you really that self-centered?"

"Arrrgh! You infuriate me." Vicki turned to walk away, but came right back. "You're infuriating."

Taylor couldn't believe how angry the woman had become. She watched the woman's green eyes change to a deep forest green and she realized she was enjoying Vicki's loss of control. Taylor crossed her arms over her chest and smiled. "You already said that." Her voice was mocking.

Vicki caved into what had become a habit for her over the last few days. She attempted to slap the woman again.

Taylor took the woman's wrist into her hands once again and stood looking down at the smaller woman. Enough was enough. This behavior between them had to stop. Taylor's voice was controlled and harsh. "I have an idea. Stop insisting on me apologizing to you. Stop insisting on calling me. Stop insisting on having coffee with me. And for your sake stop insisting on trying to slap me. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

Vicki opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She looked away. She looked at everything except the woman in front of her before she was finally able to speak. "I…I…I don't know." When her gaze finally stopped roaming, it landed on confused blue eyes and her voice sounded vulnerable even to her own ears as she repeated herself. "I don't know."

Both women stood staring at each other stunned by the confession. Taylor broke the trance as she slowly released the woman's wrists. She didn't walk away, but she wanted to run. All of a sudden, she had a million questions and no voice to ask them. Before she could find her voice, Vicki turned and quickly walked way. Taylor could see true confusion in the woman's eyes as she turned away. But she thought she saw something else as well.

As Vicki rounded the corner on the path back to the park, her shoulder was grabbed from behind and she was spun around quickly. She stumbled slightly and her eyes locked immediately on eyes similar to her own. Her mother stood before her with a very angry expression on her face. "Victoria, what are you doing with her?"

Vicki was caught off guard badly. She didn't know anyone else was on the path. "What? Mother…I…You scared me."

Vicki then heard Susan's voice come from behind her mother. "I'm sure she didn't mean to scare you, Vicki. She was just worried when she saw you two arguing again."

Vicki's mother took a breath and spoke in a calmer tone. "What were you doing with that cop…again?" When Victoria started to answer, her mother's stern voice interrupted her. "Victoria, I want you to stay away from her. Do you understand me?" When Vicki didn't immediately answer, her mother grabbed her arms and shook her. "Do you understand me? Stay away from that cop."

Vicki pulled away from her mother and stepped out of her reach. "Mother, stop. What is wrong with you?"

Vicki's mother took a few calming breaths and stepped up to her daughter. "I'm sorry, Victoria. I just didn't like what I saw. I don't want you in any trouble. Just tell me that you will stay away from her."

Vicki chuckled and rolled her eyes. "That shouldn't be a problem. It's not like we are friends. We argue with each other every time we lay eyes on each other."

Her mother hugged her. "Thank you, sweetie. I have to be getting back before I'm missed. Just remember what I said."

Vicki gave her mother a warm smile and watched as her mother headed back to the function. She was confused by her mother's actions. She had never seen her mother act like that before and her mother had not used that tone with her since she was a child.

Susan's voice interrupted her thoughts. "What's really going on in that head of yours, Vicki?"

Vicki turned to her friend and smiled. "Hello to you too, friend."

Susan put her arm around Vicki's shoulders and started walking down the path. "Okay, friend. You want small talk first. That's fine with me. Let's take a walk."

Vicki kept pace with Susan. "When did you get here?"

"Not long ago. I couldn't find you, so I asked your mother where you were and we ended up looking for you. What did Taylor do to your mother to get her temper to flare like that?"

"The first time I met the Detective, she tried to put me in cuffs. If it weren't for mother's showing up and telling Detective Cross to unhand me, I would have gone to jail."

Susan laughed. "I shouldn't be surprised with your behavior lately. What's up? What has got into you?"

Vicki's mind instantly went to the cop. "It's that woman. She just looks for ways to push my buttons. I don't know what her problem is with me."

Susan pinched her lips to hide her smile. "Vicki, you know I love you dearly, but are you sure that she is the one with the problem?"

Vicki stopped walking and turned to look at Susan. "Are you trying to tell me that you think that I'm the one with the problem?"

"Well, it was you who went to her in the restaurant and it was you that allowed the argument that your mother and I just witnessed to come to life?" Susan saw that Vicki was not taking her comment well so she continued quickly. "Vicki, all I'm saying is maybe she's not the only one with a problem."

Vicki's shoulders slumped and she lowered her eyes. "I don't know what is going on, Susan." Vicki looked into her friend's eyes and saw concern. "When I'm around her I humiliate and embarrass myself. I'm losing count of how many times I've tried to slap her and you witnessed what happened at the restaurant. I'm confused, angry, and…I don't know what word I'm looking for."

Susan felt that she knew what her friend was feeling, but she didn't know how to tell her. "Is the word you're looking for 'curious' or 'intrigued'?"

Vicki looked at the woman as if she were crazy and started to say something, but then closed her mouth and started walking again.

Susan followed her without saying more. She wanted to give Vicki a chance to think about what she said.

Vicki and Susan walked in silence until they came to the next bench on the path. Vicki sat down and watched Susan out of the corner of her eye. She knew her friend was studying her and she wanted to talk to her about this, but she didn't know where to start. "Susan…I don't know what to say or…where to start."

Susan sat down beside Vicki and took her hand in her own. "Why don't you tell me when the confusion and anger started?"

Vicki smiled. "That's easy. It was the first day. That day the anger came first and then the confusion."

Susan realized that this conversation was going to take a while. "Tell me what happened that day."

Vicki gave Susan the highlights of that Tuesday morning at the park entrance. When she finished with the story, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Now, every time I see her, it's like throwing fuel on a fire that was lit that day. But what I don't understand is why I just don't walk away. We all meet people that we don't get along with, but I have never had this problem."

Without thinking, Susan laughed at her friend.

Vicki suddenly regretted talking to Susan about her problem and tried to remove her hand from Susan's hand. "You're laughing at me? I…I thought I could talk to you. Of all the people I know, I thought you would try to understand."

Susan stopped laughing and tightened her hold on Vicki's hand to stop her from leaving. "Vicki, I'm sorry. I'm just a little surprised at what you're telling me. I didn't mean to laugh at you. Let me explain."

Vicki relaxed and made herself comfortable on the bench. "Fine. Explain."

"Now I don't know where to start."

Vicki showed her impatience. "Just say it."

Susan studied Vicki's body language. She could see Vicki's impatience, but she wanted to buy more time and get more information from Vicki before she gave her friend her opinion. "Vicki, let's head back to the park. I don't want your mother to get worried and come looking for you again." Susan laughed half-heartily. "She will think that you got your butt thrown in jail."

"You're stalling Susan. Stop using my mother and spit it out. Do you think you know why I act the way I do toward the cop?"

"Yes. But it is only my opinion and I don't think you'll like it."

Vicki was starting to get ill with her friend. "Well, that's never stopped you before. Why let it stop you now?"

Susan let go of Vicki's hand and clasped her hands together and put them in her lap. She looked at Vicki's eyes hoping to see something that would help her find the courage to reveal a secret that she had kept from her friend since they met in college. "Because this time is serious, Vicki. We have been friends for a long time and I don't want anything to change that."

Vicki saw and heard the change in Susan. Her anger disappeared and was replaced by concern and confusion. Vicki took Susan's hand back and held it in both of her hands. "Susan, what are you talking about? Nothing can change the fact that we are friends. Nothing. You know that, right?"

Susan squeezed Vicki's hand and smiled. "I know you think that, but things change. People change. There is one thing about myself that I have not told you. It's a secret that I have kept from you since we met."

Vicki was starting to get scared. "What secret? What have you kept from me? And what does this have to do with me and that cop?"

Susan knew that she had gone too far in the conversation to turn back now. "I hope you know that I wouldn't tell you anything that I didn't believe to be true. I have listened to everything that you have told me and I was at the restaurant with you Wednesday night. I think…Vicki, I think you're attracted to Taylor."

Vicki just stared at Susan with an open mouth. It never crossed her mind that she could possibly be attracted to another woman and that hadn't changed. Vicki laughed. "You're wrong. I'm not into women and you know that Susan. I enjoy the company of men just like you."

Susan shook her head and let out a sad chuckle. "Really? Since college, how many men have you seen me with?"

Vicki looked off toward the woods and put her memory to work. "You dated…what was his name? The captain of the football team in college."

Susan smiled at her friend and then got to her feet and started pacing slowly. "I only dated him a couple of months, but that doesn't matter. I asked you how many men since college."

Vicki sat and thought back to all the years that she and Susan had been friends since college. She watched Susan pace in the fallen leaves and suddenly she realized that there was a great possibility that she didn't really know her friend as well as she thought she did. "Your point is made. You haven't dated a lot since college. What are you trying to tell me?"

Susan stopped pacing and looked Vicki in the eyes. "If my point was made then you wouldn't have to ask me that question. Do you remember when we were at the restaurant and you asked me how I knew Taylor?"

Vicki only nodded.

"I told you that we ran in the same circle of friends which is the truth, but I didn't tell you everything. I met Taylor and her girlfriend at a birthday party years ago. Not too long after I met you."

Vicki stood up. "Her girlfriend?"

"Yes, Vicki. Her girlfriend."

It was Vicki's turn to pace. "Susan…are you telling me that you're gay?"

Susan squared her shoulders and took a step forward. "Yes, I am."

Vicki was speechless. They had been friends for so long and she didn't know. How could that be? How could her best-friend be gay and she not know it? "Susan…I didn't know. I…I don't know what to say."

Susan smiled. "You don't have to say anything. I just thought it was time that you know."

Vicki took Susan's hand and led her to the bench so they could sit. "Why did you wait til now to tell me? Why did you keep this from me?"

Susan smiled when she looked at her hand wrapped in Vicki's hands. She didn't see any change in Vicki toward her, but she heard the hurt in Vicki's voice. "In college, I was still hiding. I didn't want anyone to know and when I reached my last year in college I knew for certain that I couldn't live with hiding who I was, so I told my parents. After college, I didn't hide it, but I didn't flaunt it. Some of our friends in college knew and I tried to tell you many times, but the time never seemed right. I knew that there never was going to be a right time to risk losing your friendship, so eventually I just gave up on trying to tell you. After so much time passed, it just became habit."

"Habit? Your not telling me that you are gay became a habit?" Vicki looked away for a moment and then got to her feet again. She turned and faced her friend. "I can't believe you kept this from me"

Susan went to her and tried to take her hand, but Vicki pulled it away and looked away. "Vicki, I know you're hurt, but I didn't mean …"

"I'm more than hurt, Susan. We are supposed to be best friends. We have been like sisters for ten years. I don't understand you. I want to know…why? No! I want to know how you could not share this with me. Jesus, Susan, you hid from me who you are."

Susan had tears in her eyes threatening to fall listening to the disappointment in Vicki's voice. When she looked up into Vicki's eyes and watched as tears streamed down her friend's face, she could hold her tears no longer. "Vicki, I'm so sorry. I was scared. I didn't want to lose you. It was a risk I couldn't bring myself to take." Susan was almost crying uncontrollably now. "I'm…sorry, Victoria. I was selfish and …I didn't trust in us enough to tell you. Forgive me…please, Vicki."

Vicki stood and stared at the crying woman and listened to her confession and her pleas. She was hurt by the fact that Susan did not have enough faith in their friendship to trust her with this. She could see the pain on Susan's face and she knew Susan meant every word she said, but she was still hurt and very angry with her friend. She turned to walk away, but stopped when she heard Susan call her name. "Susan…I do forgive you, but I'm too hurt and way too angry to talk to you right now. I need some time." With that said, she walked away leaving Susan on the bench crying.


Vicki took her time getting back to the park function. She went straight to the closest restroom at the park office so she could clean her face up. Her eyes were beginning to swell. She needed a lot of cold water and time to fix her makeup. After spending a half hour in the restroom, she went through the office to find her mother. She needed something to occupy her mind. She didn't want to think about Susan or the detective. She just wanted the day to end as quickly as possible.

She found the Mayor's wife in the park office, but she didn't see her mother. "Mrs. Whitlow, how are you?"

"I'm good, Victoria. What about you? Where have you been hiding yourself today?"

"I'm looking for my mother. Have you seen her?"

"Yes, child. She had to go to the main entrance for some reason or another. She told me she would be back as soon as she could."

"Thank you. Enjoy yourself today. I hope to see you and your husband later."

"You can count on it. When you find your mother, tell her that the Senator called from the airport and he wanted her to know that he was going home to shower and change and then he would be on his way."

"Thanks. I'll tell her." Vicki headed toward the door while still giving the Mayor's wife a polite smile. She pushed the door open without paying attention to where she was going and literally ran into the last person she wanted to see. Vicki gripped the person's arm to stop herself from falling. "I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." Vicki looked up into the person's face to see whom she had just apologized to and striking blue eyes stared back.

Vicki removed her hand so quickly from Taylor's arm that Taylor looked at her arm to see what caused the woman's action. When she didn't see anything on her uniform sleeve she looked at Vicki's hands. "Are you hurt?"

Vicki didn't answer immediately because she could hear Susan's voice in her head. I think you are attracted to Taylor. Attracted to Taylor. Attracted to Taylor. Attracted to Taylor. Vicki shook her head hoping to free it of Susan's voice. "No, I'm not hurt. I apologize for not paying attention to where I was going." Vicki looked over her shoulder to see Mrs. Whitlow watching her. "Excuse me, Detective." She stepped around Taylor and exited the office without looking back.

Taylor smirked at the retreating figure, as if in acknowledgement that Vicki's statement was dictated only by good manners. After their confrontation earlier what else could it have been?

Vicki could feel Taylor's eyes on her. After hearing Susan's voice chanting in her head, she decided to try to examine her feelings, but she didn't want to do that now. She just wanted to get away. She didn't want to entertain the idea of being attracted to another woman.

Before Vicki was out of Taylor's sight, a man approached Vicki. Taylor thought he looked familiar. She narrowed her eyes and raised her had to block the sun as she took a closer look at the tall man. Taylor remembered seeing him with Vicki the day of the horse show. Taylor continued to watch as the two embraced. She watched Vicki's small hand caress the man's arm as they talked. Taylor's brows knitted. Vicki's actions and body language were completely different toward the man than they had been the day of the horse show. Taylor remembered Vicki's keeping the man at a respectable distance, out of her personal space. As Taylor watched the scene before her unfold one word came to mind to describe Vicki's actions…overzealous. Taylor saw trouble and decided to keep an eye on the woman until time to meet Jones and Chad at the station for lunch.


Vicki was too busy putting distance between her and the detective and trying not to think about the blue eyes that were watching her to realize that Ken was upon her. She jumped and turned quickly when he touched her shoulder. She thought it was Taylor. She was surprised to feel both relief and disappointment when she saw Ken smiling at her. "Ken?"

"I didn't mean to scare you. You must be thinking about something serious. I called to you twice, but you didn't hear me."

"Sorry." She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was hoping it would help get Susan's voice and Taylor's eyes out of her head. "It has been a busy morning, Ken."

Ken stepped back after she broke the embrace. "Well, if all of your apologies come in that fashion then I hope you have to apologize to me more often."

Vicki only smiled as thoughts continued to run through her mind. She looked back toward the park office and saw Taylor still standing on the threshold where she had left her. She turned her attention back to Ken and placed her hand on his arm. She spoke as she gently caressed his arm. "My day started stressful. Would you like to take a nice quiet walk and see if we can change that?"

She didn't have to ask him twice. "Sure."

She looked at him as she linked her left arm in his and continued to caress his arm with her free hand. "I would like to walk down by the river. I love all the large rocks in that area and the sound of the water."

He smiled and patted her hand that was linked through his arm. "Sounds perfect."

They were no sooner out of sight when Ken became more intimate. The kisses started short and friendly, but quickly changed.

The kissing became heated and Vicki felt things had gone a little too far when she felt his hand move under the back of her shirt. She pulled away from the kiss, while pushing on his shoulders. "Ken, wait." She paused for him to open his eyes and look at her before she continued. "Listen, I like you, but we need to slow down."

He pulled her to him and started kissing her neck before he replied. "I think we are doing just fine."

Vicki thought she would try to joke her way out of it. Continuing to push at his chest and shoulders to get him to back off. "What happened to dinner and a movie or dinner and a play?"

Grabbing her by both wrists, he roughly removed her hands from his chest. His whole demeanor had changed. He was angry and he started pushing her backwards towards a nearby large rock. "Ken, let me go. Now Ken...you're scaring me!"

He let go of one of her wrists to cover her mouth. "I don't get it. You were all over me earlier and now you want dinner and a movie? You started this and now you can finish it." As her back hit the rock, she tried to scream, but his hand was pressed tightly over her mouth, forcing her head back against the rock. She attempted to knee him in the groin, but he forced her knee down and put his weight firmly against her center.

"The lady said to let go of her and I believe she said now." Taylor knew that she was at a disadvantage. The man was easily six foot tall, maybe a hundred and ninety pounds and well built. She had decided against pulling her weapon, hoping to defuse the situation without a major confrontation.

Vicki closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of the detective's voice. The man let his hand fall off Vicki's mouth and she grabbed his wrist, but neither of them moved again. She was afraid to try to move away from the man, but she looked around him to see sky blue amused eyes. The nerve. She thinks this is funny. I could have been raped or killed and she has the audacity to be amused. Vicki was ripped out of her thoughts, when the man wrenched away from her and charged the detective. The impact of his pushing away from Vicki bounced her head against the rock and knocked her unconscious.

Taylor saw him coming, but as she reached for her gun, she knew it was too late. The impact threw her to the ground, taking her breath and knocking her gun out of her hand. She rolled over and reached for the gun, but the man's fist connected with her kidney hard, as he climbed up her body. She yelled out in pain, but also with anger. As he grabbed for her shoulder to turn her over, she raised up with everything in her and rammed the back of her head into his face. She heard the crack of his nose as it broke. He yelled in agony, but blindly kept trying to grab at Taylor, his eyes watering and blood flowing freely from his nose. Taylor got to her feet and turned to see the man trying to get up. She swept his feet out from under him, successfully planting him on his back, but as she turned to retrieve her gun, he grabbed her ankle and jerked her legs out from under her. She shook her head to try to free herself of the dizziness and attempted to get up, but failed miserably as his fist connected with her mouth, splitting her lip instantly. She saw the next one coming and moved. He lost his balance and, as he fell to the ground, she raised up and elbowed him in the back of his neck. She got to her feet quickly and planted a booted foot firmly to the side of his face, but still he struggled to get up. When he got to his hands and knees, Taylor kicked him in the groin from behind. He grabbed his manhood and fell on his face. She put her knee in his back and wrestled his arms one at a time to cuff them. She then walked over, picked up her weapon, and holstered it. Reaching up to wipe the blood from her mouth, she glanced over to see Victoria Roberts wide-eyed, rubbing the back of her head.

Vicki had regained consciousness in time to see Ken get his nose broken, but she wasn't sure if it was fear or the fact the world was spinning that prevented her from trying to help the officer.

Taylor helped Vicki to her feet. "How do you feel?"

Vicki continued to gently rub the back of her head. "I've felt better. Why do men think they can get by with that?"

Taylor looked Vicki straight in the eyes. "Because some women let them."

Vicki's tone was angry. "Let them?"

Taylor took a few steps away from Vicki as she opened her Nextel. "Before we get into that I need to get some officers to escort your friend here to a nice comfy back seat of a patrol car." A few moments later Taylor closed her phone and returned to Vicki. Two officers showed up in minutes to take Ken away.

Vicki watched as two male officers pulled Ken to his feet and headed back toward the function. She stood thinking about what caused this to happen as she watched Taylor approach and wanted to blame her, but she sighed, knowing the only person to blame was herself. Her childish actions put her at risk. She was very confused. She knew that she should thank Taylor for her help with Ken, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Once Ken was out of sight, Vicki wanted Taylor to answer her question. "What did you mean earlier when you said women let them do such acts?"

Taylor studied the woman for a moment before saying anything. "What I meant was that some women unintentionally give them permission to do it to someone else. For example, if you do not press charges against Ken, what is to stop him from attacking you again or any other woman that who decides to change her mind or that who says "no" to him? We should really get back."

Vicki followed Taylor on the path. "I plan on pressing charges…right now." Vicki stopped walking and shook her head. She was still dizzy and sudden movements seem to make it worse. "I think I need to sit down for a moment before I go to the police station."

Taylor took the woman by the elbow and led her to a nearby bench. "I think that is a good idea. Sit here."

Vicki instantly sat right down without protest. "I think I'm still a little dazed from what happened."

Taylor sat on the other end of the bench and studied the woman. She didn't think the woman had a concussion, but she thought about Vicki driving to the station and didn't like the idea of it. "I don't think it is a good idea that you drive anytime soon. Does your mother have a driver here who can take you?"

Vicki looked up with fire in her green eyes. Taylor knew that look, but before she could explain that her question was innocent, Vicki ran with it. "I don't need any of my mother's…hired boys or anyone else to do anything for me. I can drive myself to the police station. Thank you very much, Detective."

Vicki started to get up, but Taylor put a firm but gentle hand on her elbow to help her stand. "Listen, I wasn't insinuating that you needed one of them or anyone else. I just don't think you should drive. That is all I was trying to say." After Taylor was sure that Vicki had her footing, she let go of her elbow and looked away for a moment to think of a way to remove the angry tension that she could feel coming off the woman. "I have to go to the station soon for a meeting with my partner. Why not ride with me? You really shouldn't be driving and I have to go so that would solve the problem."

Vicki was skeptical, but she couldn't imagine driving at the moment. "Fine. I'll ride with you, but I will not hear any more from you about what you think of my life...."

Taylor held up both of her hands and quickened her pace. "Fine…Fine. I understand."

Vick quieted and just nodded her head.

They headed back toward the park function slowly due to Vicki's head. Once they arrived in view, Taylor broke their silence. "I have to inform a few people that I'm leaving, so if it's okay with you I would like to escort you to the park office. I would feel better knowing that you're not alone, until we find out if you have a concussion or not. We can leave in about ten minutes."

Vicki stopped walking and looked at her. "That will be fine."

Ten minutes later, Taylor gestured toward the parking lot with her right hand, as her left hand fell onto the small of Vicki's back. "Shall we?"

Vicki gave her a small smile. "Yes, I'm ready."

As they entered the parking lot, Vicki broke the silence. "What are you driving?"

Taylor smirked as a response and continued walking.

"What's the secret, Detective? Space mobile? Horse and buggy? I mean, it's not like I'm not going to know soon enough."

Knowing Vicki was right, Taylor nodded and her smirk returned. "Let's just say, I don't believe that my taste in transportation is something that you will appreciate."

"What I do or do not appreciate might surprise you." Realizing that her tone was defensive, she softened her voice before continuing. "My interest in vehicles does go beyond my Jaguar, so unless you actually have a horse and buggy in mind, let's try to see if you can keep an open mind. Okay?"

Taylor showed doubt but nodded.

Vicki showed a victory smile. "Good. Thank you. Now, where are you parked?"

Taylor pointed at the car. "The 1969.…

Vicki interrupted her with an excited voice. "Camaro. I haven't seen a sixty-nine in such good shape in a long time." She quickened her pace. "I can't wait to see it up close."

Taylor was shocked that Vicki knew it was a Camaro and even more surprised that she had to lengthen her strides to keep up with Vicki's new pace.

When they got close enough, Taylor pressed the remote on her key chain to unlock the doors. The click of the doors unlocking seemed to echo, as the ground beneath their feet trembled.

The massive force of the explosion knocked them through the air, and they landed hard, all the breath squeezed from their lungs. Taylor could feel glass, metal and other debris hitting her and flying all around her. With her lungs heaving, trying to suck in some much needed fresh air, she attempted to sit-up slowly. Thankful that the falling debris had stopped, she could tell that she was on the hood of a truck and could feel the heat from the fire. She looked around frantically, willing her eyes to clear enough to see her surroundings. "Vicki!"

Taylor could hear someone talking to her, but she could not make out what he was saying. She wasn't sure if it was because of the impact of her fall or because the explosion was still ringing in her ears. She knew they had to get a safe distance from the car, so she attempted to get up. She let out a loud groan as a sharp pain shot through her leg. She slid off the hood of the truck to the pavement with a painful thud.

A man in a three piece suit, obviously a supporter of the park's charity function, knelt down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Will you take it easy? You're hurt, Officer." Taylor sat back down and looked at her leg. A piece of metal was sticking out of the side of her calf. A painful souvenir from her Camaro. She looked at the man as she reached for the piece of metal in her leg and pulled hard. She let out another groan in pain, as she threw the metal to the ground. "There was a woman walking with me. Where is she?"

The man looked around, but didn't see anyone. There were a lot of vehicles, debris and smoke to camouflage the area. "I didn't know someone else was with you. I haven't seen anyone else. I was headed to my car when I heard the explosion. I called 911 and then came to see if anyone needed help. That's when I found you, Officer."

Taylor started to get up and the man grabbed her shoulders again to try to hold her down. She gripped his forearms and continued to try to stand up. "Listen, we have to find her and get away from the fire. That car is going to blow again."

The man looked over his shoulder at the burning car as he helped Taylor to her feet.

Taylor pointed to the area that she wanted him to check. "You look for her over there and I'll check this area. Look under the vehicles and yell if you find her."

Taylor remembered that Vicki was on her left, so she walked to the rear of the truck, but she didn't see her. Knowing time was not on her side, she lay down on her stomach so she could see under all the nearby vehicles. She grimaced as her calf muscle flexed and she could feel the blood running down her leg. Scanning the area from her position, lying on the ground, she spotted Vicki within seconds.

As Taylor approached Vicki's motionless body, she could hear sirens in the distance. She knelt down at Vicki's side and checked her neck and arm for a pulse. Her pulse was strong, but she was unconscious. "Hey! I found her. She's here."

Vicki lay there in the parking lot, on the hard asphalt. Her head was pounding and her body hurting everywhere. She knew that a force that she couldn't see had carried her backwards and thrown her to the ground, but she was trying to concentrate on breathing and keeping her eyes open. Taylor's face was suddenly before her eyes and she tried to speak, but blackness swallowed her.

The man came up behind Taylor at a full run. He saw her trying to move the woman away for the burning car. "Here, let me help you."

Taylor didn't like the idea of moving Vicki, especially with her unconscious, but the risk of the burning car's exploding again and throwing more debris at them outweighed the risk of moving her. With the man's help, Taylor tried to stabilize Vicki's head and neck, then moved her a safe distance from the fire.

The crown of the tallest trees disappeared into roiling clouds of smoke. Looking toward the entrance to the parking lot, Taylor was relieved to see that fire trucks had entered. People were now rushing into the parking lot from the park's function, but were quickly moving out of the way of the fire trucks. In the distance, through the trees she could see other emergency vehicles as their sirens began to die, but the beacons still kept flashing.

Within moments, the sounds of heavy equipment were all around her. A man in a bulky, black and yellow coat and a firefighter's helmet knelt down next to her and put an oxygen mask on Vicki's face before speaking to Taylor. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Just help her." Taylor was afraid to touch her, but the need to do so overwhelmed her. She carefully caressed her forehead and pushed her blonde hair out of her face. When Taylor pulled her hand away, she saw blood on her fingers. Knowing now, that Vicki was bleeding from the head, Taylor became anxious and agitated. "I just saw the ambulance enter the park. What is taking them so long? We have got to get her to a hospital."

"Yes, I know. They are coming, Officer."

At that moment, two uniformed officers and the EMTs approached. While the EMTs went to work on Vicki, Taylor turned her attention to the uniformed officers and started delivering orders. "I want this area roped off. Keep everyone back until the fire department can get some of these vehicles wet down. There is still a good chance of another explosion without the heat of that fire getting to the other vehicle's gas tanks.…"

Another explosion rocked the area and everyone instinctively jumped and shielded themselves from more flying debris from her Camaro. A firefighter who was stretching the hose toward the car was blown at least ten feet back, but seemed to be shaking it off, climbing to his feet. Seeing that others were assisting him, Taylor went back to giving instructions. "After they get that fire out, I want this area secure. No one is to go near this area until the CST gets here. Understand?"

The officers nodded and immediately started moving away, while speaking into their radios.

Taylor approached the ambulance as Vicki was being loaded. She climbed in and took a seat next to the EMT. "How is she?"

"She's stable. She definitely has a concussion. Something caught her in the side of her head hard. Some bruises and lacerations. We will know more when we get her to the hospital and she regains consciousness." The EMT then reached to his side, picked up a large gauze pad, and handed it to Taylor. "You're bleeding, Officer. Above your right eye."

Taylor accepted the gauze and pressed it to her bleeding eyebrow. She studied Vicki's face while cursing herself for allowing this to happen. Vicki looked so helpless lying on the backboard with a brace around her neck and shoulders. Her face, clothing and beautiful blonde hair blackened by the smoke and debris. Taylor clenched her jaw. The idea of Vicki or anyone for that matter getting hurt because of her made her see red.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever. Taylor spent most of the ride wishing Vicki would open her eyes. When the back doors of the ambulance opened, the first person Taylor saw was Chad. He looked scared and angry at the same time, if that was possible. He started shooting off questions before she even got out of the ambulance. "Taylor, what happened? Are you hurt? Why didn't you call me? Why aren't you answering your phone?"

Taylor looked down to where her Nextel was hanging and removed it. It was cracked in several places and the display screen showed nothing. She handed it to Chad, as she exited the ambulance and headed toward the emergency room entrance.

Chad looked at the phone, then put it in his pocket. "I see. Are you really okay? You look a little pale and you are limping."

Taylor continued toward the ER entrance, determined to stay with Vicki, until she knew for certain that she would be okay. She yelled back at Chad over her shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine. Just got a little banged up. I need to talk to you. Follow me."

Chad caught up to her and fell in pace beside her. "Taylor, what the hell happened?"

Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. We were headed to my car and it blew up. That's all I know right now. That's why I want to talk to you."

Chad tried to look over the EMT's shoulder to see who was on the stretcher being wheeled into the emergency room. "We?"

Taylor nodded her head toward the stretcher. "Victoria Roberts."

Chad did not conceal his surprised expression. "Victoria Roberts? Why would she be leaving the park with you? I thought you.…" Chad was interrupted by Taylor's impatient voice.

"There was an incident at the park today. Anyway, we were going to the station so she could press charges. That doesn't matter right now. Chad, what I need from you at the moment is another Nextel and for you to go to the scene and make sure that Techman is one of the Crime Scene Techs. I want some answers, but I need to stay with her until I know she is okay."

Chad smiled despite the situation. "You know he hates to be called Techman."

Taylor nodded. "I know, but he will get over it. He doesn't have a problem addressing me with my formal title and you know how I hate that shit."

Before Chad could respond, a short, older woman, with graying red hair rushed between them and took hold of Taylor's forearm to stop her. Taylor realized the woman was a nurse by her uniform as the woman gestured behind Taylor. As Taylor turned to look behind her to where the nurse gestured, she heard Chad and the nurse speak at the same time.

They were both staring at her when she turned back around. Chad looked shocked and all she heard come out of his mouth was her name. The nurse was trying to lead her to a nearby ER cubicle. "Officer, please come with me."

Taylor allowed the woman to lead her to the small room knowing that she had to get her leg stitched up, but she stopped at the threshold long enough to see which room they wheeled Vicki into.

Once she was sitting on the exam table, Chad approached her. "What is bleeding Taylor?"

"It's only my leg, Chad. It's just a scratch."

Chad rolled his eyes. "Just a scratch, Taylor? The sole of your shoe just painted crimson artwork all over that nice shiny white floor. Why didn't you let them take care of it in the ambulance?"

"I had other things on my mind. Like the unconscious woman, a few doors down. My car exploding before my eyes and a ton of unanswered questions, which is why I need you to get to the scene." Taylor shifted to a more comfortable position on the table as the nurse came back in before continuing. "Anyway, it was just a piece of metal from the explosion. I had to pull it out, because it was too painful to walk with it in my leg."

Chad started to speak, but Taylor held up her hand and spoke in a stern voice. "Chad, I'm fine. They are going to take care of this right now. So will you please do what I ask."

Chad gave her a defeated look. "I'll be back as soon as I can. We have to talk."

Taylor looked down at her wounded leg as they cut the uniform pants leg away, then looked back at Chad. "I know."

Chad turned to leave, but Taylor grabbed his hand. Once they made eye contact, Taylor spoke quietly. "Thanks, Chad."

Chad squeezed her hand, and then gestured toward her cut open pants leg. "Do you want me to bring you another pair of pants, when I come back with the Nextel?"

Taylor chuckled despite herself. "Please, I think that would be a good idea."

Chad smiled and squeezed her hand one more time before leaving.


After her leg received fifteen stitches, Taylor went in search of Vicki. She stopped at the Nurse's station to give them some information about Vicki, including a phone number to get in touch with Vicki's mother. She also requested to speak with Vicki's doctor.

The doctor informed her that Vicki did have a concussion, but all the tests were favorable, so far. He was having her moved to a room for observation, but she was already showing signs of consciousness. She didn't have anything broken, no internal bleeding, and the CAT scan showed no swelling or fractures. He stated that she was one lucky lady, receiving only the concussion, a few contusions, lacerations and some serious soreness to look forward to.

After leaving the Doctor, Taylor found herself in a hurry to get to Vicki. She needed to see for herself that she was really okay and resting comfortably. She felt responsible for this. If she had just not insisted that Vicki ride with her to station to press charges. But Taylor thought it was the only way to be sure that Ken got what was coming to him after the stunt he pulled with Vicki.

When Taylor walked into the room, she found Vicki lying in the middle of the bed, the sheet snuggled up around her and her eyes were closed. Her long blond hair fanned out over the pillow. Her face and hair had been cleaned up, free from the blackened smut and smoke. There was a small bruise starting to become visible on her cheek. Taylor knew she should leave and not risk disturbing her right now. She stood at the door a moment longer, looking at the beautiful woman, wondering if this vulnerable, beautiful creature could be the same obstinate, spoilt woman that she had been dealing with for days. Knowing the doctor said that rest was Vicki's best medicine right now, Taylor started backing out of the room.

Vicki's eyes popped open as if she sensed Taylor's presence leaving. She looked around the room in confusion and then focused her eyes on Taylor. "I'm awake," she said in a shaky voice.

Taylor swallowed hard. She was so glad that she had regained consciousness and was going to be okay. She'd taken a hell of a blow. She could have been.…

Taylor shook off the thought. "I didn't mean to disturb you. Do you know who I am?"


Taylor turned to go back toward the door. "I need to get the doctor."

Vicki pushed up to a sitting position, grimacing as she did. Her head was pounding.

"Don't try to get up." Taylor was across the room and at her side before she could move another muscle. "The doctor said that you should rest."

"My head is pounding. What happened, Taylor?"

It was the first time that she had used her first name, instead of Officer or Detective. It sounded strange, but what was so strange was it sounded nice. Taylor placed her hands on Vicki's slender shoulders and lowered her back down on the bed and then spoke in an almost tender tone. "You have a concussion. Your mother should be on the way, but we really need to get someone in here to let them know that you're awake." With that Taylor reached over Vicki and pressed the button on the bed designated to call the nurse. When the Nurse's station answered, Taylor spoke matter-of-factly. "Ms Roberts is awake."

Vicki held her hand firmly to her temple, trying to ease the pain in her head. "Concussion?" How? Why?"

Taylor could see that Vicki was trying to remember what happened. She was biting her bottom lip with her white teeth and Taylor had to look away. The need to soothe the sweet flesh she was tormenting was almost overwhelming. She took a deep breathe before replying. "You don't have to worry about that right now. Just know that you are going to be fine and try to get some rest."

The doctor entered the room and Taylor used the interruption as a way to escape. She informed the doctor that she would return later and left the room without even glancing in Vicki's direction.

Vicki sat and watched the scene between Taylor and the doctor play out with a tiny frown on her face. She was confused, but she knew that she did not want Taylor to leave.

Once out of Vicki's room, Taylor headed to the pay phones in the waiting area. She called Chad to see where he was and to get him to find Jennifer and meet her at the station. He informed her that Techman was at the scene and that he was currently working on getting her Nextel.


Taylor arrived at the station around 7:30 p.m. and was surprised to see the Chief still at the station and Chad in his office. She could see Chad's face through the glass door, the crease lines from the worried frown he wore etched deep across his brow. She tried to see if it was just the Chief and Chad in conversation. In the corner, she saw Jones sitting by the file cabinets under the commemorative law-enforcement plaques, awards and pictures that decorated the room's wall. The look on Jones' face mirrored Chad's worried expression. Taylor shook her head, as she hurried down the hall to join them, dreading more bad news.

The Chief crossed his arms over his large chest. "Okay people, I want some answers here, so start telling me your theories."

Taylor spoke first. "I think it is the Dreams case. I think someone is onto us.

The Chief rubbed his chin and looked unconvinced while Chad nodded thoughtfully.

Jones shifted in her seat to look around Chad to address Taylor. "That's plausible, but what about Victoria Roberts? How can you be positive that it was not meant for her?"

Taylor's reply was more sarcastic than she had intended. "You mean other than the fact that it was my car that got relocated in that little explosion today?"

Jones' voice was almost a whine. "Taylor.…"

Taylor stood and started to pace. "No, Jones, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. You all know how I felt about that car. It really pisses me off that it's gone because some coward chose a spineless way of trying to kill me."

"It's okay Taylor. I understand" Jones glanced at everyone in the room. "The point I was trying to make, Taylor, is it possible that anyone could have known that Victoria Roberts was going to be in your vehicle today? Did anyone know that she was leaving the park with you today?"

"No, it is not possible. I didn't even know that she would be with me until about a half hour before we left. She was attacked at the park today and I wanted to make sure she pressed charges, so I volunteered to let her ride back to the station with me."

Chad stretched his back and then stretched his legs out in front of him, before crossing them at the ankles. "Okay guys, so we know the explosion was meant for Taylor or it could have been a diversion. That would mean that there is a great possibility that whoever blew the car was watching. Maybe a remote of some sort." Chad noticed Taylor shaking her head no, so he ended his theory.

Taylor sat back down beside Chad. "It was a remote all right, but not what you were thinking. I believe it was put on one of the door locks, because when I hit the remote on my keychain to unlock the doors I heard a sound before or after the click of the doors unlocking." Taylor shook her head slowly while trying to remember the sound. "I can't be sure if it was before or after the click of the lock because the sounds were so close together."

Everyone was looking at Taylor now, as if they wanted to say something, but it was Chad who got his thoughts together first. "Wait a minute, Taylor. Are you telling us that the keyless entry that you put on your car a few weeks ago possibly saved your life."

Taylor shook her head yes. "Looks like it."

This tickled the Chief. "Only you, Cross. That is some theory, but I think we should go with it until the Crime Scene Technicians bring us more to go on. Have any of you heard from them yet?"

Taylor answered for everyone. "No, but we have Techman on the scene. If there is anything to be found, he will find it."

The Chief looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Techman?"

Everyone laughed as Taylor filled him in on Techman. "Jim Echols, Chief. I nicknamed him Techman. If you get a chance to talk to him, call him by Techman. He loves it."

Chad's smile grew larger and he shook his head at Taylor's little white lie. "Taylor." He said her name as if to scold her.

When Taylor arrived back at the hospital to check on Vicki, she was surprise to see a man who looked familiar to her at Vicki's bedside. He had his eyes closed, so she was able to study his appearance. He looked very clean cut. His once brown hair was mostly gray, but not a hair seemed to be out of place. His very expensive suit was slightly crumpled and even with his eyes closed, Taylor could see the troubled lines around his eyes.

Taylor intentionally closed the door with sound to get his attention. He opened his eyes and stood up. He stared at her for a moment before speaking. "I'm Senator John Roberts. Victoria's father. I assume you are Officer Cross?"

Taylor crossed the room to take his outstretched hand. "Detective Cross. It's a pleasure to see you again, Senator."

"Detective, sorry for the assumption. That's right. I believe we met at the Park."

Taylor turned to look at Vicki. "No problem, sir. How is she?"

He looked at his daughter and smiled. "She's going to be fine. She gave me quite a scare. Maybe you can fill me in on what happened today. I have made a few phone calls, but wasn't able to get a lot of information."

"There wasn't a lot of information to give you, at the time."

The Senator moved his chair away from the bed and offered it to Taylor, as he took a seat in the other chair. "And now? Is there any information that you can give me?"

Taylor sat in the chair that he offered. "Yes, I can assure you that what happened today had nothing to do with your daughter. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

The Senator's voice took on an edge. "What you mean by the wrong place, at the wrong time is by being with you. Don't you, Detective."

Taylor lowered her eyes and thought about the truth of his statement before returning her gaze back to him. "There really isn't anything more I can tell you, at this time, Senator."

"My daughter tells me that you give her a run for her money. What are your intentions?"

"Excuse me, Senator?" Taylor went from surprised to confused in seconds. He completely changed the subject on her and was asking questions that were making her slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm just trying to find out what you may have in mind concerning my daughter. She can be stubborn and a little high-spirited."

"Sir, at the risk of sounding sarcastic and I mean no disrespect to your daughter in any way, but that is a understatement if I have ever heard one."

The man chuckled despite himself. "I see you have spent some time with Victoria. She is an obstinate woman, but I wouldn't have her any other way. Her trip to the hospital today reminded me of just that."

Taylor shifted in her seat, as she looked at Vicki and let the memory of the explosion go through her mind. "I am sorry that your daughter was inadvertently involved in the explosion today. If I could have changed that, believe me, I would have."

"I believe you. I spent a good long time speaking with Victoria earlier. She told me what happened with Ken and that you were there when she needed someone. She also told me why she was with you in the parking lot and I appreciate everything you've done today to protect her. I'm counting on you to continue to feel that way when she gets out of the hospital."

"Sir, I don't know what you think is between your daughter and me, but I do not want to allow you to put any undue trust in me concerning your daughter. I have no intentions."

The Senator raised a knowing eyebrow. "That will change if my daughter has anything to say about it."

Taylor shook her head and stared at the man with a confused look on her face. "Is arrogance a trait in your family, Senator?"

The Senator smiled. "No, but determination and confidence are traits in my family and as I said before, Victoria is a very obstinate woman. She usually gets what she wants."

Taylor remained silent. She was not expecting this conversation with the Senator, nor was she expecting him to play advocate for his daughter's interest in her.



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