~ Breaking The Silence ~
Part 3
by T. Stratton

Disclaimer: See Part One.

"Any sign of her?" Sloan asked when she ran into the house.

Even shook his head, "no."

"No? Why not?" Sloan questioned her dad.

"We called every motel within one hundred miles. Your Mom and sister are still driving around and asking anyone they come into contact with if they have seen Keegan or her motorcycle." Evan walked Sloan back out the door.

Sloan let her Dad guide her outside and down the steps to the porch. "I just came back to get you. I figure we could check things out further than what we are looking."

"Sounds like a plan." Sloan opened the door and sat down. She looked over at her dad when he opened the driver's side door. "I will not come home without her."

"We won't stop looking until she is home where she belongs." Evan started the car and headed down the road praying they find her soon. "What way do you think you want to try first?"

Sloan looked one way and then the other. She closed her eyes and waited for a sign on which way to go. She heard a neigh and opened her eyes. Majestic was standing by the fence to her right. He reared up on his hindquarters and pawed at the sky. "That way."

Evan nodded and turned down the road knowing they had their first clue to where Keegan was.


Keegan walked out of the bathroom drying her hair. "I am so glad I thought to grab a towel and soap." She tossed the wet towel over the old brown chair that sat in the corner. She grabbed the clothes she had set out before and quickly dressed. The sweatpants and flannel shirt were very welcome, as the room was still pretty cold even though she had gotten the old heater to work.

As she slipped on a pair of old gray wool socks she couldn't help but think of Sloan. "Why didn't I try harder? She is the most thoughtful person that I have ever met and yet I screw it up."

Keegan grabbed her shoes and tugged them on. Then pulled her coat on and walked out the door locking the deadbolt before she walked to the old woman's room to ask if there was a place to get something to eat.

The sound of snow and ice crunching under her boots were the only sounds she heard. The peacefulness of this place was something she wasn't sure she liked. It almost felt too quiet; like something was lurking behind the scene, waiting.

Keegan stopped right before she knocked on the old door when she noticed it was slightly ajar. Slowly she pushed it open and looked in. The smell of cigarettes and stale alcohol invaded her senses and made her eyes water. She walked in letting the light from the fading sun guide her forward into the room. Hearing a gurgle, she moved toward the other side of the unmade bed.
"Oh god," Keegan knelt down next to the woman to turn her over. When she caught sight of the blood oozing out of a large cut on the woman's throat she fell back on her butt. She looked into frightened eyes that were draining of life.

"Hello Keegan." A dark voice said from behind Keegan.

Keegan stood up and looked over into the corner. There, sitting in a chair was the devil himself.

"It's been a long time." He said as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. "You sure have grown into a beautiful woman."

Keegan quickly jumped over the bed and ran for the door. As soon as she hit the sidewalk she lost her footing and landed on her side. "Fuck!"

"You can run but you can't hide." The man laughed with glee. "Your Mother and Father couldn't stop me. What makes you think you could?"

Keegan stood up and brushed off her pants. 'I will not run from him, anymore. I will have my life back and he will be punished for what he did to my parents."

The man stood in the doorway glaring at Keegan. "Do you know it's really all your fault. If you hadn't been born then I wouldn't have had to resort to killing my sister and her husband."

"What?" Keegan's mind screamed. The she noticed that they shared the same color eyes and facial features. "Oh my God."

"That's right your mother was my sister. They used to give me what ever I wanted, but that all stopped when you were born. Oh, sure they would do little things for me, but after awhile…nothing." He spat as he stepped outside. "They just pushed me aside as if I didn't matter."

Keegan took a step back whenever her uncle took a step forward. She noticed something shiny as he stepped out into the late evening sunshine.

He raised his hand up and gave Keegan a good look. "This is the same knife I used to kill your parents as they screamed my name. Edward, please stop. Please don't." He mimicked with a snort. "It's been with me waiting until the time came for when I would have you."

Keegan stopped walking. She looked at the man, who should have loved her, not hate her to the point of killing. She clenched her hands into fists. Her mind filled with pictures of her mom and dad laughing and playing with her. Then it flipped to them dead and covered in blood. She shook her head to clear the images away.

"What's the matter? You remembering that fun filled family night of so long ago?" Edward asked as he cleaned his fingernails with his knife. "I tell you, it started me on the road that I was meant to live. The power of deciding who dies." He pointed towards the motel. "I could have let that hag in there live, but I wanted you to see what will happen to you. Only one difference."

Keegan felt a deadly shiver run up her spine as her uncle took a step closer.

"You my dear niece will die very, very slowly." Edward lunged at Keegan.

Keegan jumped back just missing her uncle's hands. She turned around and ran towards her motorcycle. She jumped on and started it with a push of a button. She flipped the kickstand up and twisted the throttle making the back tire spin in the snow and ice.

"I don't think so," Edward picked himself off the ground and ran at Keegan. He was able to grab her arm and stop her from giving the motorcycle any more gas. He pulled her off and let the machine fall to the ground still running. "You are mine and we are gonna finish what I started so long ago."

Keegan tried to fight him, but he was too strong. So she stopped and let him lead her toward her room and her future. What that held she wasn't sure, but she knew that only one person would be coming out of that room alive.


"Look there is Donovan's truck." Sloan pointed to a gas station they were about to pass. "Lets go see if he has found out anything."

Evan turned the car into the drive and stopped next to the gas pump. "I'm gonna fill up the car. You go in and talk with Donovan."

"Okay, want anything to drink?" Sloan opened her door and stepped out letting the cold hit her face.

Evan started to put gas in, "Ya. I'll take a coffee and maybe something to eat."

"I'll be right back." Sloan replied as she walked to the front entrance of the store.

Evan watched her daughter trudge through the snow. He noticed the slight slump in her shoulders and the way she dragged her feet as she walked. "We will find her." He vowed out loud to himself. "We have to, or I will not only lose one daughter I will lose two."


"Now you are sure that you saw a motorcycle drive by?" Donovan asked to make sure he wasn't just hearing things.

The young cashier nodded his head, "yes. I was outside changing the window cleaner when it went by. I thought to myself that it was odd, because it was so cold."

"Thanks," Donovan smiled for the first time that day. "You have no idea how much that helps."

They both looked up as the chimes rang when the door opened.

"Sloan," Donovan stepped over to her. "He saw a motorcycle go past about three hours ago."

"Was it Keegan?" Sloan asked with excitement that they might be close.

"Not totally sure, but who else would be nuts enough to travel in the middle of winter on a motorcycle?" Donovan stated.

"You're right, she is the only one who would." Sloan lifted her shoulders a little higher. "Which way was she heading?" She walked over to the coffeepot and poured two large cups full. Then grabbed a couple of hot dog buns out of the warmer and made herself and her dad something to eat.

"Heading south," the cashier pointed.

"What's out that way?" Sloan asked as she shoved the hot dogs in a bag.

The cashier thought for a second. "Well, there is this old motel about twenty-five miles down the road, but it hasn't been open for years. Mrs. Tucker still lives there in one of the rooms, but she doesn't rent them out any more."

"Do you think she would if someone just stopped by?" Donovan asked as he helped Sloan carry her purchases to the checkout counter.

"She might if the price was right. She isn't really rolling in the cash if you know what I mean?" The cashier rang up Sloan's order. "Just keep on this road and you cannot miss it."

"Thanks, did you get the gas for the car out there?" Sloan asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Yep, got it all." The cashier nodded. "I hope you find who ever you are looking for."

"With your help we just might. Thanks," Sloan stuck her hand out to shake his hand. Then grabbed her stuff and left with Donovan on her heels

The cashier nearly fell off his stool when he looked in his hand and a one hundred-dollar bill stared up at him. "Wow."


"What did you find out?" Evan asked when he saw Sloan and Donovan emerge from the inside of the store.

"She went that way." Sloan gestured with her head. "We are hoping that she stopped at run down motel about twenty-five miles down the road."

"Well lets go. You want to come with us Donovan?" Evan asked as he opened his door.

"No, I will take my truck. Just in case she decides to make a run for it we will have a better chance of following her." Donovan hurried to his truck and started it up.

"Lets go Dad." Sloan ran around the car to the passenger side door and jumped in.


"Have a seat. You aren't going anywhere." Edward pushed Keegan onto the bed.

Keegan landed on the bed next to her bag, never taking her eyes off the madman as he slowly closed the door. The fading sun vanished on the horizon bringing in the night and the demon of her nightmare.

"How about we get to know one another before I kill you." Edward stood in the corner by the heater.

"Like I want to know anything about you." Keegan thought with disgust as she rolled her eyes.

"I have no clue what you are thinking but you better stop it right now." Edward spat. "You should never have been born. Your mother and father tried for years and nothing. Then they took me in when our parents died. They treated me like the baby they always wanted. I got everything I wanted. All I had to do was ask and there it was." He turned to look right in Keegan's eyes. "Then you were born and everything stopped."

Keegan shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how scared she was.

"Don't act like you don't care. I know you do." Edward stormed over to her and grabbed the back of her head. Bringing her to a standing position. "You will miss out on time with your precious girlfriend."

Keegan closed her eyes as she tried to stop the tears from falling from the pain of his hand grasping her hair.

"You know, I won't have as much fun killing you as I had hoped. You can't scream out like everyone else." Edward slowly let her hair loose. "That is such a shame too. As I love to hear the last scream die on my victims lips."

Keegan shoved the man up against the wall. Her anger soared hearing him mention killing innocent people. She grabbed the chair that was next to the table and smashed it over his back. She began to kick any body part she could reach.

Edward grabbed her foot as it made contact with his body and forced Keegan off her feet. She landed next to the bed with Edward straddling her body. "Damn he moves fast."

"There is no way I am gonna let you leave. You can beat me all you want, I enjoy it as a matter of fact." He brought his hand up to a small cut on his face and wiped the blood off with a finger. Then with an evil smile licked it off. "Yummy."

Keegan had to force herself not to be sick. She tried to push the evil man off her stomach, but he just laughed.

"You're strong for such a small woman. Must be all the time you spend mucking up those stalls." Edward looked around the floor for the knife he dropped when he was hit with the chair. He spotted it about three feet away. "Family get together is done."

Keegan took a deep breath and pushed up when Edward reached for his knife. He lost his balance and fell backwards. She quickly stood up and reached for the door. She tried to open it but it was locked. "Damn it." Keegan cursed as she tried to open the deadbolt. A searing pain shot up her arm as Edward slashed a deep cut across her forearm.

"You have more fight in ya then you parents did." Edward backhanded Keegan across the face.

Keegan let the tears fall now as her arm and her face hurt. "I should have stayed at the ranch. I may have been unhappy with Sloan so near, but I wouldn't be dead."


"There is the place." Sloan said when she spotted the old building. "Look there is Keegan's motorcycle."

"I don't know if I like the way it's lying on the ground like that." Evan stated as he put the car in park.

"Me either," Sloan opened the door and looked around. She could hear the soft sound of the motorcycle's engine as she stood up. "She is in trouble. It's still running."

"Lets go," Evan left the car running and stepped out.

The two in the car didn't bother closing their doors as they slowly made their way to the side of the run down establishment. They waited until Donovan pulled up next to the car and got out and walked over to them.

"What's going on?" Donovan asked when he reached Sloan and Evan.

"Keegan is here, but something is wrong. Her motorcycle is lying in the ground with it's motor running." Evan answered as he watched his daughter look around the corner to get a better view.

"Okay, do you have any idea where she is at?" Donovan walked over to stand next to Sloan. "What do you see?"

"I see a door that is wide open." Sloan pointed.

"You think she is in there?" Donovan looked.

Sloan shook her head. "No, he has her somewhere else close by."

Donovan was about to step around Sloan and go take a look when Sloan stopped him and pointed down a few doors. "Look. Those curtains moved."

"Where? Are you sure? It's getting dark out." Evan asked as he looked.

"In room nine." Sloan turned to look at Donovan and her dad. "I want you two to stay here. I am going to go check things out."

"No you're not," Evan grabbed Sloan's coat sleeve. "Let's call the police."

"No, it's now or never. He has got Keegan and no telling what he has done to her already. I will not sit back and wait until some backwaters country lackey with dreams of making it big gets here." Sloan pulled her arm free. "It is my fault that she took off. So it is my responsibility to get her safe again."

"No, it's nobodies fault, but that rat bastard who started all this so many years ago." Donovan stated with emotion. "You have to get her away from him."

"I will," Sloan slipped quickly and quietly around the corner. The only sound the two men heard was the crunching of Sloan's shoes in the snow slowly fade as she got further away from them.


Keegan kicked out one of her legs and connected with Edwards's groin. "How does that feel you asshole."

He fell face first into the bed spread moaning. "You fucking bitch." He rolled over and grabbed hold of one leg as Keegan tried to scoot away. He brought up the knife and imbedded it deep into Keegan's thigh.

Keegan closed her eyes as pain shot over her body. She quickly reached down to extract the knife out of her leg, but Edward just pushed it deeper into her.

"You are so much fun." Edward teased as he moved closer to Keegan. "I love the way that your life is slowly becoming mine." He lay next to Keegan.

Keegan fought to keep her mind from shutting down. She knew that the fight wasn't even close to being done and she wasn't about to let him win. She brought her elbow down on his face and she smiled when she heard a crunch. She tossed his arm off of her as she tumbled to the floor. She dragged herself to the door and pushed herself up. With a shaky hand she pulled the knife out of her thigh and tossed it to the ground. She glanced over to her uncle and quickly tried the deadbolt. Her hands were slippery from the blood that covered her hands. She finally heard the click of the door being unlocked. "Thank god." She flung the door open only to be grabbed by the back of the hair and pulled back into the room.

"Oh, no you don't. I am so not done with you yet." Edward yelled. He spit a mouth full of blood onto the carpet. "No more playing around, you will die and you will die now." He stalked closer to the bed picking up his knife as he got closer.


Sloan heard voices as she snuck closer to the open door, but they weren't coming from that room. They were coming from a few doors down. She moved faster along the wall hoping the crunching sound of her boots didn't alert the wrong person someone was near.

She peeked through the door and saw Keegan on the bed with blood covering her hands and legs. Then she saw a man with a knife in his hands walking closer to the woman she loved.

"I think you better stop right there." Sloan growled as she stood in the door. "Take another step and I will kill you."

Edward stopped and gave Keegan a lecherous grin. "Looks like I get to take out more of your family than I thought." He turned to look at Sloan. "I guess I'll kill you first. Then continue my little fun with my niece."

Sloan's heart stopped. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, she is my little darling niece. Her mother was my sister." Edward grinned. "To bad you won't get to hear the whole story."

Sloan crossed her arms across her chest. "Why is that?"

"Cause I'm gonna kill you." Edward charged quickly at the tall brunette who stumbled backwards when she hit a patch of ice.

Keegan didn't know what happened next. All she knew was that the monster was going after someone else that she loved. "NO," she screamed and jumped off the bed on top off Edwards's back. She grabbed hold of the knife with one hand not caring that it cut deep into her palm. "No more will you kill the people I love."

Donovan and Evan heard the screams and ran towards where they saw Sloan lying on the ground trying to stand and Keegan on the back of some man struggling.

Sloan got her footing and jumped up to help Keegan. She grasped the hand that held the knife so Keegan could let go. Then she brought her knee up hard against the man's stomach making him lose his balance.

Keegan jumped off and staggered until her back hit the building. She slid down still staring at the action in front of her.

"Get back up you fucktard. I want you to feel the kind of pain that you have put Keegan through all her life." Sloan grabbed ahold of the back of Edward's shirt forcing him to stand up. "This is for Keegan's Mom." Bringing her fist up into a quick right hook she shattered his jaw. "And this is for Keegan's Dad." She stepped back and delivered a roundhouse kick to the groin rendering the man unconscious.

Evan grabbed Sloan in a bear hug to stop her from doing any more damage to the man he himself wanted to pummel. "You have to stop." He whispered in her ear. "Let the authorities handle him."

"No, I want to kill him." Sloan growled through clenched teeth.

Evan tightened his hold on his daughter. "Baby, you need to calm down. Go to Keegan she needs you now more than ever."

Sloan stopped and sought out Keegan. Her heart broke when they landed on the small bloody body. "Oh God." She gasped.

Evan let his hand loose. He watched as Sloan jumped over the fallen man and skidded to a stop in front of Keegan. He walked over to Donovan who stood about a foot away from the downed man. "I'll call the police."

"Okay, I'll keep my eye on Edward." Donovan replied coldly.

"Edward?" Evan asked as he pulled out his cell phone.

"Keegan's mom's brother." Donovan answered softly.

Evan looked from Keegan to Edward. "Oh my, he killed his own sister and brother in law."

"Always knew he wasn't right." Donovan kicked Edward over so he lay on his back.


Sloan reached out a shaky hand to wipe off a drop of blood on Keegan's white face. She nearly started to cry when Keegan flinched at the contact. "It's me Keegan, Sloan."

Keegan looked into Sloan's eyes and didn't find what she had expected. Instead she found concern, fear and most importantly love. She let the suffering and anguish out as tears fell.

"Oh, sweetheart," Sloan scooted closer to Keegan and scooped her up into her arms. She held on tight as Keegan lost herself in her grief.


"Over there," Shannon pointed when Stephanie and her ran into the emergency rooms waiting area.

The two Addams women ran up to the three people sitting in the corner patiently waiting for any news about Keegan.

"Sloan, what happened?" Shannon asked as she hurried to her daughter. "That isn't your is it?" She gestured to Sloan's bloody clothes.

Sloan shook her head as she hugged her mom. "No."

"Keegan?" Shannon held Sloan tighter when she felt her daughter's head nod slightly.

Stephanie sat next to her dad and grabbed his hand. "What happened?"

Evan softly told his youngest daughter the events of the past several hours as he watched his oldest cry out her pain for her lover.


"Sloan," Dr. Lancer called out as she stepped out into the chilly night air.

Sloan didn't take her eyes off the sparkling stars above. "Hello, Dr. Lancer. What are you doing here?"

"Keegan asked for me. So I came." Dr. Lancer stepped up next to the tall woman. "She is one lucky lady."

"Well if you call having her Uncle being the one who killed her family and so terrorized her nights with dreams that she would wake up screaming." Sloan spat out with anger. "You know that the only time I have ever heard her voice has been when she is caught up in a nightmare. Not while I make love to her as she releases her body to me. I have never her heard her say I love you. I knew that when I fell in love with her that I might never hear that, but damn it I want it."

Dr. Lancer nodded her head. "I know all that and I understand what you are saying."

"In all fairness I don't think you do." Sloan replied.

"Okay, you're right," Dr. Lancer agreed. "But, I think now that she has closure to all this it will make a big difference."

Sloan closed her eyes and let the tears fall. "No matter if she ever talks again or if she starts talking a mile a minute I love her, and will do so until I die."

"No one has ever questioned your love for Keegan." Dr. Lancer stated softly.

Sloan looked down at the smaller woman next to her. "Keegan did."

"That is something you will have to talk with Keegan about." Dr. Lancer patted Sloan on the back. "I'm gonna head in. They have taken Keegan to her own room. You can go and see her anytime."

"Okay, I will go in, in a few minutes." Sloan turned to look at the night sky.

Dr. Lancer watched Sloan for a few seconds before she turned to go in. Then she stopped, "Sloan, remember half of peoples problems can be solved by talking them out. It's just that it takes a very strong person to start the conversation."

Sloan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Thanks, Doc."


Keegan sat in the darkness of the room. She let her mind grasp exactly what had happened the past day. "My Uncle killed my family. He is now in jail and hurting bad with the broken nose and jaw he received from me and Sloan." She sighed when she thought of the tall dark haired woman coming to her rescue. "I screwed up big time. I have been in my room for awhile and she hasn't even shown up yet."

Keegan rolled over on her side and curled up onto a ball and cried. She didn't hear the door open or the soft sound of someone walking closer to the bed. She jumped up when a hand brushed away the tears as they fell.

"Hi," Sloan whispered. "I love you."

Keegan looked deep into Sloan's eyes as she breathed out slowly, "I…lo..love you."

Sloan's heart stopped her soul soared. "You spoke."

Keegan nodded and waved her hand in front of her.

"When? How?" Sloan muttered as she tightened her grasp on Keegan's hand.

Keegan used her free hand and grabbed the notepad that sat next to the bed. "I talked with Dr. Lancer. I told her about how I yelled out at Edward when he came after you. So I know I have it in me now not to be scared I have to get myself to talk. I will get better as time goes on, but I wanted you to hear me say I love you. Writing it down is not the same. Having you hear it will make you understand that I made a big mistake leaving."

"No, what I said and the way you took it was a big misunderstanding. I shouldn't have said it in the first place. I realize now that we were both under a great amount of pressure." Sloan stood up and started to pace. "Here you were with a freaking madman after you. After you from the very moment you were born and all I could think of was my own selfishness."

Keegan watched Sloan berate herself. "NO." She forced out through clenched teeth.

Sloan stopped and turned to look at the small figure on the hospital bed.

Keegan smiled and patted the bed next to her leg. "Let the blame fall away please. It is over and we can start new. Please."

Sloan leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Keegan's mouth. "For now we will stop, but we will talk about it. Maybe in our next session with Dr. Lancer."

Keegan nodded as she entwined her fingers in Sloan's long hair to bring her closer for another kiss. "I am home."


"Sorry I haven't been around a lot. I kinda needed to get some things taken care of. I went up to where my parents are buried and said good bye." Keegan opened the stall door and walked in gently pushing Majestic back so she could get all the way in.

Majestic nudged her coat pocket then nipped at the soft brown leather.

"What do you want?" Keegan laughed as she patted along the stallion's strong neck. "You think I have something in there for you?"

Majestic pawed at the straw covered ground and nudged at Keegan's side.

Keegan reached into her pocket and brought out three pieces of peppermint candies. She opened one and popped it into her mouth. She nearly swallowed it whole when Majestic snorted in her face.

"Okay, okay here ya go. You are so spoiled." Keegan opened the clear wrapping and held out her hand so the big black stallion could get his treat. "Thank you for being around when I needed someone to talk to. You were the only thing in a long time that actually listened to me. You never judged me or cared that I couldn't speak. Not like you could understand me if I did. You only understand me now, when it is just you and me talking like this."

Majestic nodded and grunted as he sniffed for the last piece of peppermint.

"Keegan you in here?" Keegan heard Sloan call out.

"In here," Keegan replied back.

Sloan stepped up to the stall and smiled. "How's he doing?"

"He is alright. Just missed me is all." Keegan stated as she looked over Majestic's back. "You want to come with us and go for a walk?"

"Wouldn't miss it for anything." Sloan grinned as she opened the stall door. "Where do you want to take a walk?"

Keegan waited until she was outside of the stall with Majestic on one side of her and Sloan on the other. "I'm thinking the clearing."

"Some how I knew you were gonna say that." Sloan draped an arm around Keegan's shoulders and bumped her with her hip. "Let go, before it gets dark."

"Why? I love walking in the dark with the stars blinking at you." Keegan bumped Sloan back as she wrapped her arm around Sloan's trim waist. 'It's peaceful and so romantic."

"You are right it is romantic, but damn cold when the sun goes down." Sloan pretended to shiver. "During the summer we will have to go camping. That way you can stare at the sky all night long."

"I think I can think of doing something much more fun than stare up at the sky if you will be with me." Keegan wiggled her eyes brows.

"Where you go I go." Sloan kissed the top of the blonde head.


Keegan and Sloan watched Majestic run around. He was happiest when he was here running free.

"I think I am gonna let him run loose." Sloan whispered into Keegan's ear.

Keegan tilted her head up so she could look into Sloan's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"We have hundreds of acres used as a wildlife refuge. Along with two herds of wild horses. I think he would love to be free again." Sloan tightened her hold on Keegan. She knew how much Majestic meant to her.

Keegan watched as the stallion pranced around and nodded her head. "Great idea. Do you want me to tell him?"

"Go ahead," Sloan replied.

Keegan gave Sloan a slight squeeze before she walked up to the stallion. "Hey boy, how would you like to be free?"

Majestic reared high and neighed.

"I figured you'd like that. Sloan has a lovely place for you to go" Keegan wiped the tear that fell down her cheek. "You deserve to run and I hope you have a great life. I will be able to check on you and make sure you are behaving."

Majestic snorted and bumped his head softly against her chest. He didn't move it away as she rested her head against his forehead.

"You will always be my friend."
Keegan wrapped her arms around the horse's head before she walked back to Sloan. "He would love to be set free."

"I thought as much. We'll take him up tomorrow." Sloan wrapped Keegan up in a hug and held her. "Come on lets head back. I'm getting cold."

"Okay," Keegan agreed but didn't move.

Sloan waited for a few seconds before she rested her cheek against the top of Keegan's head. "What are you thinking about?"

Keegan smiled to herself as she lowered her hands to cup Sloan's butt. She gave each cheek a slight squeeze. "You and me in that big bed of yours."

"You mean that big bed of ours," Sloan cupped Keegan's face and leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the waiting lips. "What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine."

"Some how I think I made out better in that deal than you." Keegan looked deep into the blue eyes that held her soul.

Sloan caressed Keegan's cheeks with her thumb. "I think you are totally wrong." She kissed Keegan again. "I got you and nothing beats that."

"I love you," Keegan stood on her tiptoes and kissed Sloan.

"Those are the sweetest words I have ever heard." Sloan stepped back from Keegan and knelt down on one knee. "I want you to be in my life forever and always. Will you join with me and become my wife."

Keegan sucked in a deep breath and started to sway a little.

Sloan jumped up and steadied her love. "Are you okay?"

Keegan grabbed hold of Sloan's jacket and pulled her into a strong hug. "You have made me the happiest person in the world."

"Is that a yes?" Sloan mumbled from Keegan's neck.

Keegan loosened her hold. "It's a yes."


Sloan and Keegan walked out of the stable hand in hand. When they reached a rather big mud puddle Sloan stopped.

"I think I owe you something." Sloan put her hands on her hip and looked at Keegan.

Keegan looked around as she tilted her head up. "What are you talking about? What do you owe me?"

"This," Sloan pushed against the smaller woman's shoulders and watched as she waved her hands out and landed in the cold puddle.

Keegan glared up at Sloan as she slapped the water around her. "What in the hell do you think you are doing?" Drops of water and mud clung to her hair.

Sloan bent over and slapped her hands together. "WHAMM!"


"I cannot believe you did that." Keegan walked into their bedroom wrapped in a plush white towel. "Do you know that I had mud in places mud was never meant to be?"

Sloan lifted her head up and wiggled her eyebrows. "Bet I've seen those places before."

Keegan unwrapped herself from the towel and tossed it at the tall figure on the bed. "You are such a bonehead."

"I know, but you love me anyway." Sloan moved the towel off her face so she could watch her naked lover walk around the room. "Whatcha doing?"

"I'm getting ready for bed. What do you think I am doing?" Keegan open the top drawer of her dresser and pulled out a long nightgown.

"Why don't you forget that for now and crawl in with me and I keep you warm." Sloan started to unbutton her shirt as she sat up. "You always did say I could keep you warm if it was thirty below."

"True, I have said that, but after you pushing me into a puddle of freezing cold water. You think you are gonna get any?" Keegan dropped the nightgown over her shoulders blocking Sloan's view of her naked body. "I don't think so."

Sloan stood up from the bed and stalked over to Keegan. As she went she slowly stripped her clothes off. "I think that maybe I should inspect your lovely body to make sure that you got all the mud off." She ran her fingers over the top of the smaller woman's flannel covered breasts.

Keegan's body immediately responded to the light caress, but she wasn't going to let Sloan off that easy. She slapped the hand away and walked over to the bed. "I'm not in the mood." She flipped back the blankets and slid into bed.

Sloan grinned to herself she had noticed Keegan's nipples react to her touch. "Oh really?" She turned her naked body towards the reclined woman in the bed. "You are not in the mood? What if I kissed you along your neck down to your beautiful breasts and sucked one of your nipple into my mouth?" She took a few steps closer to the bed never breaking eye contact. "What if I slid my fingers deep inside of you and ran my tongue along your center? Tasting all of your essence."

Keegan's heart started to beat faster and her body reacted to the sultry voice talking to her. She closed her eyes and swallowed. "Not gonna work." She croaked.

Sloan knelt on the edge of the bed on one knee. "I think your body disagrees with you. I can smell you from here."

Keegan opened her eyes and stared into lustful blue. "God I love you."

"Good, because I love you too." Sloan smiled as she crawled up and straddled Keegan's thighs and placed a hand on either side of the smaller woman's head. "Now I want to make love to you." She leaned down and placed a tender kiss on soft lips. "Please."

Keegan brought her hands up to Sloan's neck and brought her back down for a deeper kiss. They broke apart gasping for air. "You never have to say please. I am yours body and soul."

"You are mine and I am yours. Together forever and forever together." Sloan kissed a path down Keegan's slender neck. "Let's get you out of your night gown."

"Good idea." Keegan wiggled around until she had the ends of the nightgown and pulled it up over her head.

"What an exquisite sight." Sloan whispered when Keegan's whole body was uncovered. "You take my breath away."

Keegan's whole body flushed with arousal. "Like you are a goddess."

"Not compared to you." Sloan rested her body in between Keegan's slightly bent legs. She lowered her head so she could run her tongue around Keegan's pert nipple of her right breast. With her other hand she cupped the left and pinched the nipple between her fingers.

"Oh yes, that feels so good." Keegan moaned as she arched her back.

Sloan let the nipple go and wrapped her arms around the smaller body under her she flipped them over in one swift motion. She captured the left nipple in her mouth and brought her hand down Keegan's side and in between their bodies. She slipped her fingers into slick wetness and into Keegan's opening.

Keegan's body moved on it's own when Sloan entered her with her fingers. Her body loved the feeling of being filled and caressed to the point that heaven was the next plane of existence.

"You feel so good inside me." Keegan stated as she moved her hips faster.

Sloan watched Keegan through half-closed eyelids. She could tell that Keegan was getting close to release. "Come for me baby."

Keegan heard the words and her body shuddered. "OH GOD YES."

Sloan continued her movements even though Keegan's body stopped. When she was sure that Keegan could not take any more she slowed her hand and removed her fingers. She brought her hand up to her mouth and licked off all the juices. "Best snack I have had all night."

Keegan rested her head on Sloan's shoulder as she waited for her body to stop shaking. "You leave my whole body like Jell-O."

"Watch it wiggle see it jiggle." Sloan sang out with a little laugh.

Keegan slapped at Sloan's arm. "Smart ass."

Sloan giggled, "yep that be me."

Keegan started to kiss her way down past Sloan's breast only stopping to lightly nip each nipple. "My turn to turn you into a bowl of wiggley jiggley Jell-O." She mumbled as she continued her trek across Sloan's stomach down to her curly moist center.

Sloan growled when she felt Keegan's tongue come into contact with her clit. "Love that."

"Love what?" Keegan asked softly.

Sloan moaned, "when you are down there making love to me with your mouth."

"I love it too," Keegan smiled before she sucked the enlarged clit into her mouth.

Sloan's whole body came off the bed as she grabbed hold of Keegan's head. "Oh damn."

Keegan entered Sloan with two fingers. She moved them in a fast motion wanting her lover to feel what she felt a few minutes ago. She felt Sloan's muscles contract against her fingers.

Sloan lost all thought of everything but that her body was being well loved and she was about to be sent into outer space. She could feel it growing and growing. Then like a flash of lightening she was off. "KEEGAN OHHH YES YES."

Keegan waited until the last quake left Sloan's body before she removed her fingers. She crawled up next to the now quiet woman and pulled the blankets up over their naked bodies. "Love you."

Sloan nodded and mumbled. "Love you too."

Several minutes went by with the only sound of two hearts connected for life beating as one and two people breathing softly.

"Night my sweet," Sloan whispered into the night.

Keegan cuddled up next to Sloan's body. "Night, my love."



I want to give a shout of thanks out to Vdub, Wizzy, Debbie Dee and all the great crazy people over at the Fans of Fate yahoo group…Thanks Kaptain Kaia and General Jo for letting me test this new story there. I really appreciate it!

You all are a great bunch of people and my days sure have gotten a boost from all of you.

Tinstrttn@aol.com feedback is welcome and will be responded to..

May 2003….property of T. Stratton

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive