~ Don't Promise Tomorrow ~
by T. Stratton
© March 2004

This is my story and may not be copied unless for personal use. The characters may look like a couple of people we know, but alas they are not.

Sex: but of course.

Violence at some points there is. But nothing too graphic.

If you are not over the legal age, go play with some play-dough.

A friend told me this once and I think it is very good advice. So I'm sharing it..

All for one and one for all

United we stand, shoulder to shoulder and we dare anyone to come along and try to knock off the chip, we'll beat the tar out of them and then spit down their dirty necks. Keep on keeping on and don't let some repressed wanna be man tell you what you can or can't write.


Feedback.. Tinstrttn@aol.com

"No way," Tucker tossed down a bundle of papers on her bosses desk. "I just got off an assignment. I need some time off."

"I know, but you are the best one for the job," Mr. Hashman replied as he looked into upset green eyes. "Look at the file at least."

Tucker took a deep breath. "I will look at it, but I am not going to make any promises."

"Thanks, Tucker and if you do the assignment I will make sure you have a whole month off after. The paper will even pay for you to go anywhere you want."

"Anywhere?" Tucker replied with a raised eyebrow.

Mr. Hashman nodded and grinned. "I promise."

Tucker pointed at him, "don't make promises, Hash. You know how I feel about them."

"Sorry," he lost his grin and looked at her. "I swear what I said is the truth."

Tucker nodded and grabbed the large folder off the desk and headed out the door. "I will let you know my decision in the morning."


Tucker walked through her front door. "Home sweet home." She looked around the desolate apartment. "I wonder why I even come here?" She looked around the small room to the bare walls and old hand me down couch she found outside the day she had moved in. It was covered with a thick blanket and had two bright orange pillows tossed at one end. "God I hate the color orange."

"Then why keep them?" A scratchy voice asked from behind the small blonde.

Tucker turned around. "Well it was the only house warming gift I've ever received. Plus if I didn't what would I have besides the smell of stale old cigars to remind me of my cranky old neighbor?"

"Shit-fire, I only gave those to you 'cause I was too lazy to take them to the garbage chute."

Tucker laughed, "how you doing old woman?" She walked over and hugged the old woman. Since she had moved into the building three years ago Freddie was the only one who made her feel welcome.

"I am doing great. Glad to see you home from another assignment." Freddie grabbed Tucker's hand and squeezed. "You better be home longer than a day or two this time." She traced the dark circles under the small blonde's eyes. "You are tired and need to rest."

"I know I do." Tucker grabbed a hold of Freddie's wrinkled hand and brought it to her heart. "The boss wants me to look at one more job and then I get a whole month vacation at the papers expense."

"God damn it. Are you trying to kill yourself with your work. All I hear is one more then I will take time off." Freddie poked Tucker in the chest. "You will get sick if you don't slow down."

"I won't." Tucker rubbed the sore spot on her chest.

"Promise me." Freddie stood as straight as her old body would allow.

Tucker turned around and headed towards the corner which was her kitchen. "You know I don't promise nothing."

The silence in the room was broken by a dog barking.

"Want some coffee?" Tucker asked her neighbor.

Freddie shook her head. "Are you nuts. That instant stuff sucks."

"It's all I have or I can get you some." She opened her refrigerator and spied a half gallon of milk. She opened it up but quickly tossed it back into the fridge. "Never mind."

"How about you come over for dinner. I am making my rigatoni special." Freddie rubbed her hands together with anticipation.

Tucker turned slightly, "with extra, extra cheese?"

"For you anything." Freddie clapped and walked to the door. "Give me about an hour and it should be about ready."

"I will be there. I am going to quickly jump in the shower." Tucker waved as the door closed. "Hot damn a home made supper." She stripped out of her clothes and headed for the tiny bathroom.


"Do you think you can find out who is behind this?" Mayor Hawker asked Tucker after she took a seat in front of his desk.

"I will do my best." Tucker crossed her legs and rested her hands on her lap. "You are sure no one knows about this, but you, me and my boss?"

"That's right. The less people that know about you being there the better." Mayor Hawker answered as he shuffled through some papers. Finding what he needed he handed them over to Tucker. "I want to know who is endangering my firefighters. This city has lost five in the past three months."

"How do you know someone is sabotaging the equipment that caused the deaths?" Tucker asked as she leafed through the paper she was handed. "So I am going to be a new recruit, but I don't have any training what so ever."

"I know," The Mayor agreed. "You are going to go to a firefighter training school. You will be going for three week of intense training and then you will be placed in Firehouse #23."

"I am so not gonna like this training." Tucker moaned as she remembered watching some documentary on the Discovery channel about firefighters and their training.

The Mayor chuckled. "Probably not, but I am not going to send you in there untrained. The school is expecting you the day after tomorrow."

Tucker stood up and shook the Mayor Hawker's hand. "I understand. I will let you know when I have any information."

Mayor Hawker held on to Tucker's hand for a second to make sure he had her undivided attention. "You make sure you keep safe. I know this is a very dangerous position you are entering and could cause you to get hurt."

"Mr. Mayor, I put my life on the line every time I write a piece someone might not like." Tucker squeezed the older man's hand. "Thanks for your concern and I will make sure I am as safe as I can be since I will be running into fires and such."


Tucker pulled into the firehouse's parking lot and smiled. The last four weeks were hell and that was putting it mildly. The amount of training and most importantly the mental strength it took to run into a burning building to save some ones else's life when your instincts are screaming at you to get the hell out of there was astounding. Never in her life had she been more challenged.

"This will be an experience I will never forget," Tucker mumbled, as she turned her truck off and looked up at the big red brick building with the American flag hanging proudly on a large flag pole off the side of the building.

Tucker opened her door and stepped out. As she took in a deep breath a large 4x4 truck with its radio playing louder than it should considering the time of night stopped a few spots down from her. As the engine was turned off a very muscular man with a perfectly shaped beard and wavy dark hair opened the door and jumped down to the ground. He noticed Tucker watching him so he stopped. "Hello sweet heart. You like what you see?"

Tucker reached into her truck and grabbed her duffel bag. She closed the door and walked over to the man. She stood toe to toe with him and looked up into dark brown eyes. "My name is not sweet heart, it's Tucker. You call me anything else but that and I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you won't be able to sit for a week."

The man raised an eyebrow as he put a hand on Tucker's shoulder. "I think you need to have a man teach you how to act."

"You think you are man enough?" Tucker challenged. "Because if you do, bring it on baby."

The man stood there for several seconds. Then a large smile formed before he scooped Tucker up into his arms and hugged her. "What in the hell are you doing here wee bit?"

"Don't call me that Bobo." Tucker slapped the large man on the back.

Bo put Tucker down on her feet and looked at her. "You gonna tell me why you are here? You didn't get a hair up your ass and quit that newspaper job did you?"

"No, I didn't." Tucker glanced around and not seeing anyone she pulled Bo closer just in case. "I am undercover. The Mayor wants to find out who is sabotaging the equipment and causing all the deaths."

"Thank God," Bo stated. "Some of us were wondering if anything was being done about it. I lost three very good friends and I don't want to lose anyone else."

"That's why I am at this firehouse. Three of the five killed were from here. So this is the best place to start and see what I can dig up." The small reporter said as she looked up into her friends now worried eyes. "I will be careful."

"I know you will." Bo smiled.

Tucker swung her duffel bag over her shoulder. "I know I don't have to say this, but no one knows I am a reporter. I am just a rookie."

"Gotcha and I'm so gonna love getting you to clean out the toilets and shower stalls." Bo laughed as he patted Tucker's cheek. "Welcome to my world my friend."

"Gee, I can feel the love." Tucker laughed as they headed towards the firehouse.


The first thing Tucker noticed when she walked in was the large ladder truck with the number 23 in big white letters. It was a magnificent piece of machinery and she couldn't wait for her first ride.

"Follow me Tuck and I will show you where you will bunk down when you are here. It is separated from the men's sleeping room." Bo gestured towards a door.

"Is there any other females here?" Tucker asked as she gave the fire truck one last glance before she followed her friend through the door and up a set of stairs.

Bo stopped at the landing. "Abby and you are the only females in this house. Unless they have more newbies coming in."

"Okay, tell me about Abby." Tucker smacked Bo in the stomach when his eyebrows wiggled. "You are a dog."

"True, but you love me anyway." Bo poked Tucker's side. "Abby McCain has been a fireman for three years. She has proven herself to be one that will do anything to get the job done. She will risk her life for a fellow firefighter in a heart beat."

"That is great." Tucker saw the sign on the door that said 'Woman's bunks'. "Let me drop off my stuff and you can finish showing me around."

"Do I have welcome committee on my forehead?" Bo asked as he rubbed his forehead.

Tucker nodded, "yep. You sure do. So wait for me."

"Okay, wee bit." The muscular man grabbed for the door knob. "You have five minutes."

"Why only five?" Tucker asked as she walked by her friend.

Bo whispered, "cause Cookie is going to make everyone a snack."

"And why is that a reason to hurry?" Tucker questioned as she pushed Bo away.

Bo sighed, "Cookies the best firehouse cook around and every time a new shift comes in he makes a snack."

Feeling a little bit hungry since she was to nervous to eat before she came, Tucker quickly dumped her bag and ran out the door. "Come on buddy. Let's not keep the cook waiting."

Bo laughed as at his friend's back, but quickly followed so he wouldn't miss out on what ever surprise Cookie had waiting for them.


A quick stop to introduce herself to the Captain, Tucker was surprised to find out that Bo was the newly promoted Captain. After congratulating Bo he stated they better hurry up to the kitchen.

Tucker walked into the kitchen/living quarters. On one side was two large couches and three recliners all in front of a large TV and a bunch of electronic devices. On the other side was a large cooking area with a huge table that had twelve chairs surrounding it. Several of the chairs had her fellow firefighters sitting down eating something that smelled great.

She looked at every man there wondering if maybe one of them was the killer. "Hi guys," she said as she got closer.

The men turned towards her and waved. "Come on in and take a seat." An older fire fighter motioned to an empty seat next to him.

"No don't sit next to him. Come over here by me." Another one pulled out the wooden chair next to him.

Tucker smiled and shook her head. "How about I sit here. That way no one has to get their feelings hurt." She grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Smart girl." Bo said as he walked in. "Never sit next to Brad he may be an old man but his hands are fast as lightening."

"Hey now, I would never touch a fellow fire fighter like that." Brad huffed and crossed his arms across his chest.

Bo laughed. "You know darn well I didn't mean it that way. You just want a chance to grab her treat that Cookie has made."

The whole room laughed and shouted out their agreements.

"I don't think you are fast enough to get my food out from under my nose." Tucker winked over to the older man. "I love my food and guard it with everything I can."

"I think I am gonna like you." A deep voice said from behind Tucker.

The voice made Tucker jump. She had never in her life heard anything so deep sounding in her life. "You scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry," Cookie put a large bowl in front of Tucker. "Let me know what you think."

Tucker looked down at the massive amount of vanilla ice cream over hot apple cobbler. "Oh my god. I have died and gone to heaven." She dug in and moaned with every mouth full.

"I think I have just found my new mouse." Cookie grinned as he walked over to where Bo sat and handed him is own bowl.

"Mouse?" Tucker asked curiously.

"Yep, he likes to try out his new creations on a guinea pig and you have just become the next lab rat." One of the firefighters replied. "By the way my name is Harry."

"Hi, Harry. Nice to meet you." Tucker mumbled around a mouth full of food. "So what are we gonna do first?"

"You are going to regret asking that." Bo smiled with a gleam in his eyes.

As soon as her friend said that she remembered what he said about shower stalls and toilets. "Let the fun begin."


Tucker jumped straight out of bed when the loud alarm went off. "Shit, fuck?what the hell?"

The door flew open and Bo's large body filled the space. "Get your ass moving Tucker."

"Right behind you." Tucker stumbled to where her fire gear was. She slipped up the pants and pulled the bright red suspenders over each shoulder. Grabbed the large rubber boots and ran out the door.


"That was so cool." Tucker jumped down off the fire engine before it came to a complete stop. "The way it exploded just as we came up was so intense."

"If you think that was intense wait until a really big fire and the roof collapses that is a sight to see. That sound is like nothing you have ever heard before." Brad stated as he sat down to pull his dirty boots off.

"No the thing that is the most intense is when you open a door and the fire rushes out at you. The sound is like a loud roar," one of the other firefighters said with a grin. "It scares the crap out of you, but is a really intense and unforgettable moment."

"It that what they call a back draft?" Tucker asked as she hooked her helmet on the hook of her open locker where her coat and other things were kept when she wasn't on duty.

"Yes," Bo answered as he stepped by her. "Try to never get into that kind of situation. It could kill you in a heart beat."

Tucker nodded at her friend. All of a sudden she was really tired and wanted to crawl into bed. "Well guys, I'm going back to bed."

"No you're not," Bo responded as he reached in a cupboard and pulled out several white rags. "Newbie cleans the rig."

"All by myself?" Tucker asked, shocked.

"Yep," everyone said together as they slowly walked to the door and up the steps to their bunk room.

Tucker stomped over to a Bo and tugged the rags out of his hand. "You do realize this is totally unfair."

"Sorry buddy." Bo shrugged. "All part of the orientation process."

"Bullshit, this is called slave labor." Tucker walked over to the slightly dirty rig. "I will be here all night you know?"

"We all had to go through it. So just grin and bare it." Bo slapped Tucker on the back. "Breakfast is at eight sharp."

"I will still be cleaning this monster at that time." Tucker groaned as she began to clean the front grill and hood.

Bo shook his head and laughed, "there's step ladder over there."


Abby McCain walked into the quiet firehouse and stopped as the door shut behind her. She looked around and a smile formed across her face. "Love the smell of this place." She unzipped her black leather jacket and started towards the kitchen knowing Cookie would soon be at it. "I love it when I get first dibs."

As she stepped around the large fire truck she stopped as a towel dropped to the ground in front of her. "What the hell?" She bent over and picked up the slightly wet rag. Unable to see why the towel fell she moved around to the back of the rig and jumped up the metal ladder to get a peek.

The site of a small blonde sound a sleep with her face pressed up against a metal pole nearly had Abby laughing out loud. "Hey," she said softly as she tugged on foot. "Wake up."

"Kill Bo," Tucker mumbled as she continued to sleep.

Abby giggled and pulled harder on the foot. "Rise and shine." She said a bit louder.

Tucker stretched her tired body as her eyes fluttered open. The sight of a smiling beauty before her made her stop all movement. "Why are you in my bedroom?"

Abby raised an eyebrow. "You are not in your bedroom. You are on top of the fire truck."

Tucker looked around then closed her eyes and moaned. "I cannot believe I fell asleep up here. What a dork."

"Naw, at least you fell asleep on the top. I slept under it when I had to do it. Almost got my ass ran over." Abby replied as she reached out her hand. "Hello, my name is Abby McCain."

"Hi, Tucker Baldwin." She shook the offered hand and smiled, "so what do you say you help me get these jokers back?"

"What do you have in mind?" Abby asked as she jumped off the truck to the cement floor.

Tucker crawled from her spot and stood on the shiny chrome bumper. "Let me think on it."

Abby held out her hand to help Tucker down. "I think I'm going to like you."


Tucker sat at the table as Cookie slapped Abby's hand away for the millionth time. She like the dark haired blue eye firefighter. She especially liked the way the dark uniform pants fit nicely around Abby's well formed butt and the way she could see muscles hidden underneath the long sleeved blue shirt.

"Good morning all." Bo greeted the three as he walked into the kitchen area and sat across from Tucker. "You did a great job Tuck."

"Shut up Bo." Tucker stuck her tongue out at her friend. "You and the others will get it."

"Right," Bo laughed. "Give it a shot short stuff."

Tucker pushed her chair back and walked around the large table. She knew Cookie and Abby had stopped what they were doing to see what she would do. Unnoticed by the three Tucker had a bowl of the sweet white icing Cookie had made for the cinnamon buns that were cooling off by the stove. She stepped up behind her friend and patted his back. "You know when I say something I mean it."

"The best have tried my friend and they have all failed." Bo smirked.

Tucker looked over to twinkling blue and winked. "I don't fail." She whispered and dumped the whole bowl over the top of Bo's head. She tapped the bowl to make sure it stayed on the man's head. "I'm going to go take a shower now. I seem to have gotten some frosting on my fingers." She looked at her fingers and licked off some icing.

"Really?" Bo said as he sat there with frosting dripping down his face and all over his uniform. "Wonder how that happened?" He pushed his chair away from the table.

"No clue." Tucker stepped back and took off running as Bo stood up and moved towards her.

Cookie and Abby started to laugh as the sight of the smaller blond running from the much bigger man with a bowl on his head.

"I really like that mouse," Cookie said as he took in a breath.

Abby looked over at the cook, "Mouse?"

"That's what I call her. You should have seen the amount of food she put away last night." Cookie shook his head. "She out ate Harry."

Abby stood up straight and stared at Cookie, "no way?"

"Yes, way." The cook replied, "and the wit she has. She will fit in this group with no problem."

"Great," Abby slapped Cookie on the back. "See you in a while. Going to go and check things out."

"Later," Cookie nodded as he started to toss ingredients into a large bowl.


Tucker walked out of the shower and dried off her body. The scars that ran across her stomach were white against the tan skin. "Always there to remind me aren't you?"

She looked up into the mirror and got lost in memory of the fateful night her world changed.

The road was dark and foggy. The loud crashing of thunder and the brightness of lightening filled the night. Tucker looked over at her partner of two years with trepidation. "You sure we shouldn't get back up?"

"No, we can handle this. It is just some drunk disturbing the peace." Christopher stated as he stopped the car in front of a large house. "Let's go around back and see what we can find."

Tucker flipped her hat on her head and zipped up her thick coat. She opened the door and stepped out of the nice warm car. Even before she closed the door she was drenched. "Teach me to grab the wrong coat."

"Come on." Christopher waved at her. "After this I want to go check out that new Chinese restaurant."

"You just want to check out that waitress the others were talking about." Tucker stated with a giggle.

Christopher stopped and laughed. "Like you don't want to check her out yourself."

"Hey, you know I am in a committed relationship." Tucker replied as she passed her partner. "So drop it okay."

"You may think you are, but I honestly don't think Peggy thinks you two are." Christopher mumbled as he followed Tucker.

Tucker shook her head. "I heard that."

"Good, now lets get going." Christopher moved past Tucker and walked around the corner of the building.

Tucker didn't even hear the sound of the gun going off all she noticed was the flash of light she thought was lightening then the motion of her partner hitting the ground.

"Ohh fuck," she yelled as she knelt down next to her friend and partner. "Where is he?"

Christopher pointed off into the darkness.

"Promise me you will stay here." Tucker looked deep into scared brown eyes. "Promise."

"I promise." Christopher mumbled as blood trickled down his chin to mix with the rain drops that pelted his face.

Tucker watched for a second before she called for back up. "Officer down. I repeat officer down. Need back up at 754 North Lake."

Tucker stood up and turned towards the eerie blackness that sucked up her surroundings. She tried to see any kind of movement, but the wind made everything confusing. When a real flash of lightening shot across the sky Tucker saw a figure running down the ally. She took off as fast as she could go, but it wasn't enough as the distance between her and the figure lengthened.

"FUCK!" Tucker yelled out to the night as she stopped running.

Tucker turned back and started to walk to where Christopher sat, but as she continued down the ally a loud engine could be heard coming up fast behind her. Before she could turn around she was clipped by a small red car. Her body went flying up in the air and she landed on a bunch of broken wooden boxes.

"Oh God," Tucker gasped as pain grasped her body. She ran her hand down to her stomach and she felt several large pieces of wood sticking out of her abdomen. Slowly she made her way to her feet and back down the ally. She could feel the blood seeping out of her wounds and down her body. As she was within two feet of her partners body she could see the odd look on Christopher's face as another flash of lightening screeched across the sky. "Oh god no. You promised. You promised you would stay." She said before she collapsed to the ground unconscious.


"One of many promises broken," Tucker mumbled as she reached over and grabbed her underwear and pulled them on. Then she reached for her sports bra and pulled it over her head and over her breasts. "I wonder what my life would be like now if that night had not happened?"

Tucker swiped her shirt off the counter and pulled it on. Her reflection from the mirror caught her attention once again. "I can't do that. The what if and what would be will only drag me down. Need to live for the now not the past."

"You always talk to yourself?" Abby asked from the door.

Tucker lowered her head and blushed. "Sorry, didn't know anyone else was around."

"I just got here. I didn't hear anything, just some mumbling." The tall firefighter stated. "Was wondering if you wanted to come take a look around the firehouse to get yourself familiarized with everything here?"

"Sure, give me a few to finish getting ready," Tucker smiled slightly as she buttoned up her blue shirt. "Meet you in our room."

"See you in a few," Abby replied before she quietly closed the door.

Tucker shook her head, "I need to watch what I do. Everyone is going to think I am nuts if I continue to talk to myself." She stopped all movements and closed her eyes. "Damn it. Doing it again."


For the next couple of hours Abby went from room to room showing Tucker the way things worked and where all the equipment was stored if it was not on the truck. The last thing she showed Tucker was the back of the firehouse. This was a special place for the men and woman of the house; it gave them a much needed escape, though it was still within close proximity to the firehouse.

"My god this is beautiful." Tucker gasped, as her eyes took in all the colors and smells of the small garden and pond. "Where did this come from?"

"Jacob Miller did this on his down time and sometimes on his days off." Abby moved closer to one of the benches and sat down.

"He was one of the firemen that has been killed. Right?" Tucker already knew the answer to her question, but didn't want anyone to know she knew more than the average person.

Abby nodded her head. "He was a great person. Always ready to help anyone who needed it. He used to help down at the homeless shelter either talking with the people or doing just about anything. I remember once when he asked a bunch of us to go with him on one of our days off to help with a new roof." Abby wiped a lone tear that fell down her cheek. "We all showed up the next day ready to work. Jacob pulled up and he had on this crazy clown outfit. It was one of the kid's birthday and he wanted a clown. Being that no one could afford it he went out and rented a costume. I have never in my seen that man more happy than at that time when the kid came outside and saw him. The way his eyes widened and the excited scream was priceless."

"That is great he did that." Tucker made her way over to a bench and sat across from Abby. "Tell me more."

Abby's tear filled blue eyes looked into soft emerald. "Some asshole killed Jacob. He was doing his job to save people and someone snatched his life right out from under his feet. All he wanted to do was help and now anyone who knew him will never see that smile he always had on and anyone who was supposed to meet him will never know the joy of his pure heart."

Tucker reached over and grabbed hold of Abby's hand. "The person will be found and brought to justice."

Abby looked down at the small hand holding her hand. " I know, but will it be to late or will someone else die?"

"I sure in the hell hope not." Tucker stated before she stood up. She tugged on Abby's hand. "Come on. Let's go see what Cookie has for us in that kitchen of his."


"Don't people see the big ass truck or hear the loud sirens?" Tucker yelled as they slowed down because some car in front of them wouldn't pull over like the driver was supposed to.

Harry shook his head and yelled back. "Hell no. Stupid ass people don't give a shit when they see us coming."

Tucker leaned back and looked at Harry. The way he answered her made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "Going to have to look deeper into your file, Harry."


Tucker grabbed an ax and walked over to where Bo stood. "Where do you want me?"

"Go around back and break out any window you can see." Bo pointed to the side of the house. " Go."

Tucker moved as fast as she could with the heavy fire proof pants and jacket along with the big black helmet that protected her head. She flipped down the shatter proof cover when she reached the back. Taking in a deep breath she swung at the glass of the first window and watched as it crumbled down around her feet. "One down three more to go." She mumbled as she headed to the second window.


"Abby, I need you and Harry to go in and check out to see if everyone made it out of the house." Bo ordered before he walked off to give more directions to his men.

"Come on. Let's get this show on the road." Harry shrugged on a bright yellow oxygen tank and Abby followed suit.

"Right behind you," Abby fixed her black helmet on her head after bringing the face mask over her head to hang around her neck for when she needed it.


Tucker broke the last window and stood there to watch the smoke billow up into the sky. A soft cry for help caught her attention. She looked around to see if maybe the sound was coming from outside and not inside like she dreaded. When she heard the noise again she knew that somewhere inside was someone hurt and needing help.

Tucker looked around to see if there was anything she could use to help her get up to one of the window's she just smashed. An old picnic table caught her eye and she ran over and tugged it closer to the house.

"I know I am going to get in so much trouble." Tucker mumbled to herself before she lifted herself up through the window.


Harry and Abby stepped into the dark smoky entrance of the house. They looked around deciding where they should go first.

"Let's start upstairs and towards the back." Harry pointed towards a set of stairs.

Abby nodded as she adjusted her equipment and followed Harry. They checked every known hiding place a scared child might hide. Coming up empty handed they headed down the stairs. The smoke from the fire that started in the basement from some unknown source was thicker as they descended down the stairs.

"Let's hurry this up." Harry ordered through his air mask.

Abby caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. "Hey , I just saw something."

"Where?" Harry asked as he looked around. "I don't see anything."

"Over there," Abby pointed with a glove covered hand.

The two firefighters slowly made there way to what looked like a kitchen. They could feel the intense heat as they got closer and closer to the room.

"I hope you did see something. I think we are right above the fire and the flooring could go at any time." Harry said as he looked around.

The air slammed out of Abby's lungs when a body slammed against her and shoved her to the ground. A set of frantic black eyes glared at her.

"What do you think you are doing in my dungeon of hell?" The crazed man growled. "You were not invited to join me. The master just wants me."

Harry tried to grab the man off of Abby, but the man kicked out with his feet and nailed him in the knee dislocating the knee cap.

Abby watched Harry drop like a ton of bricks. "Shit, get off me." She yelled as she tried to get loose.

"Don't you understand the master wants me. Just me. Not you. You are trying to get him to leave me." The man pushed off Abby's air mask. "He will not take you. I will kill you first then he will have no choice."

"Get off me you fucking lunatic." Abby fought and tried to get the advantage but the air tank was digging into her spine with the added weight of the large man on top of her. She closed her eyes as she felt the man's large hands wrap around her neck. "Oh God." She gasped for air.

In what seemed like hours but in fact were just a few short seconds the man was shoved off her. Abby rolled in the opposite direction as quickly as she could until a wall stopped her progress. The sounds of grunting and fighting drew Abby's attention and she looked over to where two bodies fought.

Harry dragged himself closer to Abby. "You okay?"

"I think so. Any idea who that is fighting the nut?" Abby asked as she reached around to find her air mask. She lifted it to her face and took in several deep breaths.

"No, but we need to get out of here. No telling how much longer the floors going to hold." Harry stated as the smoke was growing thicker and darker.

Abby nodded and reached into her jacket for her mic. "Captain come in this is Abby."

"Go ahead Abby." Bo answered.

"We need some help. Some guy attacked us and Harry is down. I am okay but someone is fighting with the man. We are towards the back of the house in the kitchen." Abby said as she watched the two still struggling figures through the smoke.

"Ok, back up is on its way." Bo replied as he pointed to two men that passed him. "You two get tanks on and go help Abby and Harry. Harry is down. Be careful we might have two people in there that are not in their right minds." He pressed the button on the mic. "Repeat, back up is on its way."

"Copy," Abby responded as she watched the smaller of the two fighters get slammed up against the wall. That was when she noticed the figure had on a fireman's coat. "Harry, that is one of our guys."

"Who?" Harry asked as he groaned from the pain that shot up his leg as he moved.

Abby coughed as she pointed over to the two fighting. "The one who knocked the crazy man off of me." She winced as she saw the fire fighter get a knee to the stomach. "I have to do something to help."

Abby stood up and slowly made her way closer to the two fighting. She wasn't too sure what she would do, but she had to help get the situation under control before the fire spread and someone got hurt or worse.

"You will not defeat me. I am the chosen." The crazed man yelled as he punched the small firefighter in the face.

Abby watched as the fireman's body slumped to the floor. Without thought she jumped up and wrapped her arms around the man's body to prevent him from tossing anymore punches. She felt like she was riding a wild bull. The man bucked and twisted hoping to get her off. Abby lost her grip when the man grabbed her hand and bit it.

"Ouch," Abby screamed as she jumped down off the man's back. "I can't believe you bit me."

"I am the chosen." The man turned to look at Abby. "I will meet my master. I will be brought to him through the fires of hell."

"Not today you freak." Tucker grabbed hold of the man's arm and turned him so he faced her. Blood trickled from her nose and mouth. She drew back her fist. "Time for you to check out." She hit the man with all of the strength she had.

The two women watched as the man stood there for a second before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he dropped.

Abby looked down at the man and back up to Tucker. "Time for you to check out?"

Tucker shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't have enough time to think of a good catch phrase. So sue me."

Just as Tucker and Abby went to pick up the man two other firefighters walked in with bright flashlights.

"Hey guys," Abby waved as she grabbed under the man's arm to pull him towards the front of the house. "Grab Harry."


"What in the hell do you think you were doing?" Bo asked as he stepped up to Tucker as she sat down on a curb.

"What do you mean? What was I doing?" Tucker looked up with tired green eyes. "I was doing my job."

"Your job was to break out the back windows." Bo paced back and forth. "If I wanted you in the house I would have said, go into the house."

"I heard a scream. So I went in to help." Tucker explained.

Bo stopped and crouched down so he was eye level with Tucker. "What you should have done was buzzed me on the mic so I could send someone out back to see."

"I felt I didn't have time. So I went in." Tucker glared up at Bo.

Bo closed his eyes and then slowly opened them to look directly at Tucker. "You are now a part of a team. You cannot just go in and put your life in danger without putting someone else's life in danger as well. What would have happened if you had gotten in there and a wall or something fell on you?"

Tucker sighed, "I don't know."

"We have certain ways to do things. These things help us to keep ourselves safe as well as the people we are trying to help." Bo patted Tucker on the shoulder. "I know you are used to doing things for yourself, but try and remember you are a part of a team."

"I will." Tucker nodded her head.


"So what are you going to do on your days off?" Abby asked as she stepped into the room drying her hair.

"Not too sure yet." Tucker replied. She looked up from her book. "How do you feel?"

"Well, I feel like someone tackled me and tried to strangle me." Abby stated with a grin. "I want to thank you for saving my life."

"Your welcome, but there is no need for you to thank me. You would have done the same for me." Tucker closed her book and rested it on her chest. "How's Harry?"

"He will be off duty for a few months." Abby tossed the towel she dried her hair with on her bunk. "How about you letting me take you out to dinner as a thank you."

"You don't have to do that." The small reporter said as she watched Abby crawl into her own bed. "But I am not someone who turns down a free meal."

"Great, how about you come over to my house and I will make you dinner." Abby smiled. "I'll get you my address before we leave tomorrow."

"Sounds good." Tucker reached to flip the light switch. "Good night, Abby."

"Night Tucker," Abby mumbled from under her covers.


Tucker spent her first day off looking over files. She still had no suspects. Usually within the first few days of an assignment she had at least a suspicion of who the guilty party was, but so far nothing.

"Everything looks too clean," Tucker said tossing a file down on top of the others. "Too perfect," She rubbed her hands over her face to try and wake herself up. With a big sigh she slouched back in her chair. "I am missing something."

A knock on her door broke Tucker from her thoughts. "Who is it?"

"Your friendly neighborhood, Freddie." Yelled Tucker's neighbor.

Tucker laughed, "get your ass in here."

"Whatcha doing?" Freddie asked as she opened the door and walked in. A cigar hanging out of her mouth.

"Working," Tucker answered. "You want something to drink?"

Freddie nodded, "sure what ever you have is good."

Tucker stood up and walked to the tiny kitchen.

"So, kid, how do you like being a firefighter?" The older woman asked as she watched her friend. "Did you get to slide down the pole," She wiggled her eyes as a dirty thought crossed her mind.

"You know I don't slide on no poles." Tucker handed Freddie her drink. "Well, unless the pole is attached to a gorgeous female body and is made of rubber."

Freddie closed her eyes and smiled.

"Don't you even," Tucker laughed. "Dirty minded old bag."

"Yes, I am and if I can't get any I have to live with what my mind conjures up." Freddie took a long drag of her cigar. "You want to come to dinner?"

"Sorry, but I have dinner plans." Tucker counted to five in her head waiting for Freddie to start the bombardment of questions. She only got to three.

"What? With who? Do I know them? Is it a date? Are you gonna get lucky?" Freddie rambled as she leaned forward putting her drink on the table next to Tucker's files.

"Slow down. My goodness you are gonna give yourself a brain cramp." Tucker leaned back and brought her feet up on top of her coffee table.

Several quiet seconds passed before Freddie slapped one of Tucker's sock covered feet. "Tell."

"Fine," Tucker stuck her tongue out.

"Careful you might need that later." Freddie pointed and wiggled her eyebrows again.

"Gutter head," Tucker smiled. "And no I will not need it later. I am just having dinner with a fellow firefighter. She is making me dinner because I just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

"Really, does this fellow firefighter have a name?" Freddie asked before she took a large drink. "Is she pretty?"

"Pretty does not describe her." Tucker replied as she shifted through the files until she came across Abby's. "Take a look at her and tell me if she is even close to pretty."

Freddie reached for the file and nearly choked on the ice cube she was chewing on. "Dear lord have mercy on my soul." Gasped the old woman. "She is beyond anything I have ever seen. Check out those eye."

"They are even more piercing face to face." Tucker informed Freddie.

"I bet they are." Freddie opened the file. "When do you go?"

Tucker glanced up at the clock she had on her microwave. "Shit I need to start getting ready."

Freddie tossed the file down and stood up. "Well you better hurry. No way can you can keep that beauty waiting."

"It's not like that." Tucker walked her friend to the door. "Not that I wouldn't mind, but not gonna happen."

"Come on," Freddie stopped just as she stepped one foot out into the hallway. "Even you need a little bump and grind."

"No, I am just fine. You know I don't get into the one night stands. Plus I am working with her. I don't want to ruin it." Tucker gave Freddie a small shove. "Talk to you later."

"You bet your sweet ass you will." Freddie grinned.


Tucker pulled her car up the drive way to park next to a large truck. "Well let's go."

As Tucker walked up the front steps to the door she could hear loud music and lots of laughter. "Maybe I'm at the wrong address." She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the slip of paper with Abby's address. She looked at the numbers and then over to the street where the name matched with what she had on the paper. "I guess I'll find out what is going on." Before she could knock the door swung open and Abby was standing in front of her. "Hi."

"Hello, did you have any trouble finding the house?" Abby asked as she motioned for Tucker to come into the house. "Here let me have your coat."

"Thanks, and no. No trouble at all." Tucker watched as Abby opened a coat closet and hung her coat up. "I have dinner going. It should be done in about thirty minutes."

"Sounds fine." Tucker followed Abby up several steps. "What ever you made sure smells good."

"Thank you, I hope you like beef roast." Abby turned and smiled. "I used my Mom's recipe."

"Sure I eat just about anything, but tomatoes." The small woman made a face. "Hate them."

"Gotcha, I'll remember that." Abby laughed.

The music seemed louder the closer they got to the kitchen. When they reached the doorway Abby turned to Tucker. "Sorry about the noise. My mom decided to drop in and use my swimming pool."

"No problem," Tucker shrugged her shoulders.

Abby sighed, "maybe no problem for you..yet."

"And that means what?" Tucker asked very curiously.

"I made the mistake of telling my Mom that I was having someone over for dinner." Abby guided Tucker into the kitchen to the small table where a couple of empty glasses sat. "Well, ever since I was old enough to date she has made it her life's goal to intrude."

"Why would she want to intrude now? This is just dinner." Tucker asked as she fiddled with one of the glasses.

"Well, I guess I should tell you that, I am gay." Abby shoved her hands into her pockets.

Tucker raised an eyebrow, "so?"

"You don't have a problem with that? Most people do." Abby stated.

Tucker shook her head slightly. "Naw, I don't have a problem with that at all. If I did I would never be able to stand to be in the same room with myself."

"So you are?"Abby pointed and started to laugh. "This is going to get my Mom in a hyperactive mood."

"Matchmaker is she?" Tucker leaned back and crossed her ankles.

Abby snorted, "you have no clue. In the dictionary her picture is right next to the word matchmaker."

Tucker laughed, "she must love you very much."

"And I love her." Abby acknowledged.

The back door opened and there stood Abby's Mom with a great big smile and a cotton towel wrapped around her body.

"Shit, love to swim in your heated pool, but so hate getting out." Ginger McCain shivered with her arms around her body. "Well, hello who are you?"

"Tucker Baldwin. I work with your daughter at the firehouse." The small blonde held out her hand.

Ginger grinned as she took the small woman's hand. "Your cute."

"Mom," Abby moved closer. "Please, don't."

"What?" Ginger replied as she continued to size up Tucker. "I was just making an observation."

"Why don't you go and get dressed and then... Ohh I don't know?go home and see Dad." Abby stated with a smirk. "I am sure he misses you while you're gone."

"Oh, your Dad is at the stupid poker game of his." Ginger walked through the kitchen towards the hallway. "I have no clue why he even goes. He loses all his money and comes home smelling like cheap cigars."

"He is having fun and now that he is retired he can do what he wants." Abby turned to check on the dinner in the oven.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The older woman shook her head. "I think it is what they call male bonding."

Tucker covered her mouth with her hand to try and stop from laughing.

Abby looked over at the small firefighter and giggled. "She is a hoot. You should see her when the game is held at her house. She stands there behind Dad and ask why he needs this card or that one."

Tucker couldn't hold it in any more. "That is funny."


"Thank you for dinner. It was really good." Tucker said as she put her coat on.

Abby leaned against the wall with her hands in her front pocket. "I am glad you liked it."

"So I will see you at the firehouse." Tucker fiddled with the door knob. "Ummm, it's stuck."

"Damn, that thing is always sticking." Abby grumbled as she tugged hard on the door. "I have been meaning to get this thing fixed."

"You do know that this is a fire hazard don't you?" Tucker tapped the door with her finger. "How about I come over tomorrow and fix it for you?"

"I couldn't ask you to do that." Abby replied.

Tucker tilted her head and smiled. "You didn't ask. I offered and it is the only way I could think of to come over for leftover."

"Well since you put it that way. See you around eleven thirty?" Abby gave the door a final tug which resulted in the front door flying open and colliding with Tucker's face.


"What hit me?" Tucker mumbled as she raised her hand to feel her swollen face. "Ouch."

"I am so sorry. The door just opened," Abby replied as she wiped a blonde strand of hair off of Tucker's forehead. "I need you to open your eyes so I can check to see if you have a concussion."

Tucker blinked several times before she opened her eyelids all the way. The sight of Abby's remorseful blue eyes looking at her took her breath away.

"Are you ok?" Abby asked as she placed a warm palm against Tucker's flushed face. "I think maybe I should get you to a doctor."

"No, no I am okay. Just give me a minute." Tucker replied as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath to calm her heart. "I have a hard head. It takes more than a door to knock me loopy."

Abby held on to Tucker's hand as she gave a small giggle. "Open your eyes again so I can check them."

Tucker complied again and waited for Abby to make sure her pupils dilated like they were supposed to.

"They look good, but you are not going anywhere." Abby stated as she stood up. "You are going to stay here just in case."

"But, you said I was fine and I really need to get home." Tucker sat up on her elbows. "Plus I don't have anything to wear."

"Well you can use one of my shirts to sleep in and we can wash your clothes after you change." Abby placed her hands on her hips. "Don't try to change my mind."

"Fine, you win." Tucker stood up. "This time."

Abby waved her hand in front of her body. "Right this way."

"Well, since this is now a slumber party. Do we get to stay up all night and watch movies and pig out?" Tucker asked as she followed the tall brunette.

"Sounds like a plan." Abby agreed.


"Love the crazy shit in this movie." Tucker said just before she shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Abby nodded her head in agreement. "I think my favorite stunt was at the beginning when they all fell off the damn."

"I can't wait to see if they do a third one. I hope that Cameron, Lucy and Drew all come back. Once you change who the angels are it screws up the connection." Tucker yawned as she looked down at her watch. "Well, I think we better head to bed. It's after four."

"No way." Abby asked in shock. "Boy, time flies when you are having fun."

"Yes, it does. So if you want me wide awake to fix that attack door of yours you better show me where I am sleeping." Tucker rubbed her head and smiled.

"You are such a nut. Follow me." Abby stood up and headed towards the spare bedroom. "You will find this room quite comfortable. If you need anything just knock."

"Sure thing, but I don't think I will need anything." Tucker bit her bottom lip. "See you in the morning?"

"Well, since it is already morning." Abby rubbed her hands together. "How about I'll see you later."

"Okay, see you later. Sweet dreams." Tucker scooted inside the room and gave a little wave before she closed the door.

Abby stared at the closed door for a few seconds. "Sweet dreams." She whispered into the empty hallway.


Abby shot up out of bed and looked around. "What the hell?" She asked herself as her eyes adjusted to the dark room. Then she heard it again. A soft whimper.

Slowly Abby crawled out of bed and slipped on her robe. She stopped at her door and opened it just a sliver to see if she could pin point where the moans were coming from. When another whimper came from across the hall from behind the closed door of the guest room Abby opened her door all the way and knocked softly on the door. "Tucker?"

When she didn't get a response she reached for the door knob and opened the door. She slipped into the dark room.

Tucker sat up suddenly. "Damn."

"Are you okay?" Abby asked as she turned on the small light on the table. The sight before her broke her heart. Tucker's hair was drenched with sweat. The look in her eyes was of someone lost and all alone.

Tucker jumped when she felt a hand wipe away some of her hair off her forehead. "Don't." She croaked out through parched lips.

"Tucker please let me help you. Tell me what the dream was about." Abby begged as she held onto the smaller woman's hand.

Tucker shook her head. "No one can help."

Abby's cupped Tucker's face with her free hand. "The way you look and the way you sounded before you woke up it doesn't look like you are doing so great with this on your own. You need to talk. You need to share it with someone." She rubbed off a tear that fell down the distraught woman's cheek. "I want to help you."

"No one can do anything." Tucker looked deep into caring blue eyes. "No one."

Abby bent closer to Tucker and placed a whisper of a kiss on the dry lips. "No one person maybe able to do it, but I bet we can do it together."

Tucker closed her eyes. "Am I able to share that part of myself with someone else? Am I willing to put myself out on a limb for someone else to shatter and bury under love that doesn't exist? Am I willing to maybe lose what sanity I have to step out on that limb?" She opened her eyes and realized the person before her she could trust. How she knew that she didn't know. She just felt in deep within her soul. "Together, you and me."

"Yes, you and me." Abby smiled.

"Can we do it in the morning? I'm tired," Tucker stated as she tried to keep her eyes open.

Abby nodded, "tomorrow is good."


Tucker sat on her couch looking from folder to folder. She thought back to the morning last week she had woken up in Abby's arms and grinned. "Boy, is she sexy as hell when she is sleeping." She got lost in the memory of the way Abby's mouth opened slightly as she breathed in and out. The way her eyes moved under her eyelids dreaming. "Wish I knew what she was dreaming about."

Lost in thought she shock her head. "Never did get around to our talk." She stood up and tossed the now closed folders onto her coffee table. "In a way I'm glad, thank God for her noisy mom." She ran her hands through her short hair.

Tucker walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. She looked around her apartment. "Since spending the night over at Abby's this place is just sad." She plopped down on the couch and accidentally knocked one of the files on the floor. It happened to be Abby's and she picked up the photograph and brushed her finger across the smiling woman's face. "Why can't anything be easy?" Tucker yawned. She looked down at her watch and groaned. "Shit, one thirty in the morning and I have to be at the station at six."

Just as she was shutting off the light to go to bed her phone rang. "Hello?"

"Tucker there's been another accident." The Mayor stated sadly. " Two fire fighters have been killed."

"Fuck, where?" Tucker looked around for her boots and coat.

"Down by the river. You can't miss it. It's all lit up." Mayor Hawker informed Tucker.

Tucker hung up the phone and quickly put her boots on and coat and hurried out of her apartment.


Tucker stood in with the crowd scanning all the faces seeing if she recognized anyone. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a large figure with a black hooded coat on watching her. When she turned to get a better look the figure darted out behind the crowd and down an alley.

Tucker took off towards the dark figure. As she ran past a large smelly green dumpster a drunk stepped out and tripped her. She fell hard against the black asphalt. "God damn it."

"Hey there pretty thing. You don't have to fall to get my attention." The drunk wiggled his eyebrows.

Tucker rolled over onto her back and looked up at the dirty old man. "You asshole."

"Hey now. No need to call me names." The drunk held out a green bottle filled with god knows what. "Wanna drink?"

"Why don't you shove that bottle up your ass." Tucker stood up and brushed her hands on her pants.

"I already did that. Quite enjoyed it. Figured it was worth a drink," replied the old man. "You sure you don't want a drink?"

Tucker glared at the stinky man and walked away.


"Good morning Mouse," Cookie bellowed out from the refrigerator he had his head stuck into. "What can I do for you this bright sunny day?"

Tucker grabbed a chair and slumped into it. "What ya making for breakfast?"

"Well, I am going to make scrambled eggs and sausage." Cookie answered as he sat three dozen eggs on the counter top. "With white toast."

"Sounds great," she smiled as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in the chair. "You must really like to cook?"

Cookie stopped and looked over at Tucker. He shrugged his shoulders. "It's all right." He reached for a pan from under the counter. "I wish everyday that my back wasn't smashed and I could go out on a run."

"What happened?" Tucker asked as she stood up and walked over to watch Cookie make breakfast.

Cookie cracked eggs into a big bowl. "It was a warehouse fire. My partner and I were sent in to check to make sure that all the workers got out. As we went up the metal stairs to the second floor we got separated by the ceiling falling down. I was trapped with a large piece of wood across my back and my partner was engulfed in flames."

Tucker stared at Cookies' eyes as they turned cold and distant.

"My partner screamed from the intense pain as the searing fire cooked his skin off his bones." Cookie lowered his head. "I couldn't do anything to help him. I was stuck and in pain."

"Didn't you call it in?" Tucker asked as she saw the man's hands grip the counter.

Cookie looked over at Tucker. "I tried, but the damn mic I had broke. All I could do was call out and hope someone heard me." He closed his eyes. "But no one heard me."

"Damn Cookie I am so sorry." Tucker whispered.

Cookie took a deep breath and blew it out. "Ohh well. That is the past. Can't change it so I just have to live with it."

Not knowing what to say Tucker went back to her seat and grabbed a magazine to look at while she waited for breakfast to cook.


"Hey Abby," Tucker waved at the tall brunette as she stepped into the fire house.

Abby smiled an waved back. "Hey Tucker. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good." The small woman grinned. "What are you doing on your next day off?"

Abby stepped up to Tucker and thought for a second. "Nothing that I can remember. Why?"

"Would you like to go on a bike ride with me?" Tucker sat on the back bumper of the large fire truck. "I know of a few good trails we could go on."

"Sounds like fun." Abby replied as she leaned against the truck next to Tucker.

"I will pack a picnic for us." Tucker was about to see what Abby wanted when the loud alarm went off. "We'll finish getting this set up later."


Bo jumped out of the fire truck's cab and looked around. "We'll get this secured on this side and work our way west. Call in for the foam truck to get here fast. I don't know what kind of stuff that semi was holding but we need to get it covered and cooled down before it explodes." He pointed to Brad and his partner Winston. "You two get some water on that thing while we wait."

"Sure thing boss." Winston and Brad quickly ran to the back of the fire truck to get a hose going.

"Tucker," Bo yelled. "You and Abby see what kind of injuries we have and if there are any hot spots I can't see from here."

"Gotcha," Tucker replied as she put her air mask over her face. She waited for Abby to do the same. When she got two thumbs up the two hurried into the massive amount of smashed and bent steel.


"You got anything over there?" Abby yelled through her mask. She saw Tucker look into a small brown car and shake her head. "Damn."

"No survivors yet," Tucker said as she stepped up to Abby.

Abby nodded her head. "We need to go tell the Captain."

As the two firefighters turned around they heard a soft cry.

"You heard that?" Abby placed her hand on Tucker's shoulder.

Tucker looked over at Abby and gave her a slight nod. "Someone or something is alive. Somewhere."

"It sounded like a small child." Abby guessed as she tilted her head slightly so she could listen.

A few seconds went by and they heard the cry again and looked to their right.

"It's coming from the truck under the back of the semi." Abby pointed. "We need to tell the Captain. We can't get that close without knowing what's in the semi."

"We can't just stand here. We need to help." Tucker started to move towards the smashed truck, but a strong hand stopped her. 'What?"

"You can't go over there. You could get sick or worse." The older firefighter stated in concern. "Let's go tell the Captain and get us some help."

"You go tell Bo. I am going to go se if I can maybe help whoever is in there." Tucker pulled Abby's and off her shoulder.

Abby quickly grabbed the smaller woman's elbow. "No, you cannot get close to that semi. We have no clue what is in it and what kind of effect it will have on you."

"I don't care what is in that damn semi. I will not let someone be in that kind of situation without someone else being there." Tucker eyes glared with pain. "So either you come with me and call for help or go get help. No matter what you choose I am going over there. So let go of my arm Abby."

Abby eyes turned smoky gray. She pulled Tucker into her body. "No way in hell are you going over there. I want to help whoever that is too, but by putting yourself in danger makes my job harder. Right now I have one person to rescue. I don't want to have two."

"Fine, I'm staying right here. I won't go near the truck unless I feel the situation has turned. " Tucker's stubborn steak flared high as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Abby knew by the looks she was getting that no way was Tucker going to budge. "Fine, stay." She ordered and walked away.

Tucker watched her friend walk away and started to feel guilty by the way she treated her. "Fuck, I royally screwed things up."


"Cap. We need help over here. We have something trapped under the semi." Abby said as she ran up next to Bo.

Bo looked around, "where's your partner?"

"She stayed. She wouldn't come." Abby answered as she looked around at all the chaos.

Bo growled, "damn it Tucker are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"What do you mean by that?" Abby questioned looking at Bo.

Bo lowered her head. "I can't say anything. Just get your ass back there and make sure she keeps her ass out of trouble."

Just as Abby turned to go back to Tucker a large explosion tossed her backwards.


Continued in part two

Feedback is always welcome?.Tinstrttn@aol.com

Thanks VDUB!!

© April 2004 T. Stratton

Go to www.thesandbox101.com for all my stories. Plus several other fantastic bards can be found there as well.

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