~ Present In The Snow ~
by T. Stratton

No violence.
Some bad language.
A hint of sex but nothing graphic.

Thanks Nancy for giving me the idea for this story. The friendship you have given me is something I cherish!

Thanks DD for always being there with a laugh and a smile. I will forever value your friendship!


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"Stupid ass snow. I knew I should have waited until after Christmas to leave." Drew King mumbled to herself as she hit the switch to make the window wipers to go faster. "But what do I do I leave my nice warm apartment to travel over the mountains. To do what? To sit there and listen to my Mother tell me how I need to settle down and get married."

"You need to find that special woman and settle down. We want grandchildren." Drew mimicked her Mother speech. "We want to be young enough to enjoy having them around."

"Yada yada yada," The dark haired woman turned the knob of the radio hoping someone was playing some kind of decent music. "Fuck why do they think everyone wants to hear Christmas carols?"

As Drew continued down the road, something large darted out in front of her car. She quickly turned her steering wheel in the opposite direction to avoid hitting whatever it was. Her front tires hit a large patch of ice, which made her car skid and slide.

"Oh shit," Drew yelled as her car went over the embankment and down a little hill towards a patch of trees. "this is gonna hurt." She thought just before her head made contacted with the steering wheel.

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"Don't move. I need to make sure nothing is broken." A soft voice said.

Drew blinked her eyes to clear her vision. "What happened? Where am I?"

"You are on my land. You seemed to have gotten hurt some how." The woman replied as she ran her hands down each of Drew's legs. "Nothing seems to be broken. You just have a large cut on your forehead."

"Feels like I butted heads with a ram." Drew groaned as she sat up.

"You really shouldn't be up." Drew felt hands gently guide her back down onto the bed.

Drew realized she wasn't in her car or in a hospital bed. "Where am I?"

"You are in my home." The woman answered as she brought over some warm water and bandages.

"Why wasn't I taken to see a doctor? I could have internal injuries." Drew asked as she got her first good look at the woman who was helping her.

The light from the fire cast tiny shadows that skipped across the woman's angelic features. Corn silk color hair that was braided down her back gave her a halo effect above her head. When sparkling green eyes looked at her, Drew's heart stopped beating for few seconds.

"No doctor close enough and besides with the storm we aren't going anywhere. When the weather does clear I'll get you to the Doc." The woman smiled. "This may sting a bit, that cut on your head needs to be cleaned out."

Drew closed her eyes when the woman scooted closer to her. "What's your name?"

"Cameron," The blonde answered as she concentrated on her task.

"It's nice to meet you Cameron." The tall dark haired woman said as she felt the soft hands of her caretaker gently clean her wound.

"Nice to meet you too." Cameron sat back. "There all done. Just need to but a bandage on it so it will be protected."

"Okay, thanks." Drew opened her eyes and smiled. "Do you happen to have a phone? I really should call my parents."

"Phone?" Cameron shook her head and looked at her with curiously. "No, no phone."

"You live clear out here all by yourself without any means to get a hold of anyone? Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Drew leaned back against the headboard of the bed.

"I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone to care for me." The now fuming blonde stood up and walked over to the fireplace. "I have lived out here without anyone for several years. I take care of my land and my animals just fine."

"Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean anything by it." Drew apologized.

"No, I should be the one to say I'm sorry. I just get so tired of everyone thinking I can't handle myself." Cameron turned to look at Drew. "I don't need any help and I like being by myself."

"I understand. That is why I moved away from my family. They always wanted to get involved and interfere with my life." Drew shrugged her shoulders. "Now I have my life that I really like. I have my job which I love and my own apartment No one tells me how to live my life."

"That's what I like about living way out here. It's just me and me alone. I don't have to count on anyone and I don't have to wait until someone lets me down." The small green-eyed woman stated. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Sure what ever you have handy is good.." Drew yawned. "So how far is your closest neighbor?"

Cameron poured Drew a cup of water from a pitcher she had sitting on the table. "Ohh, about five or six miles."

"Wow, you really are secluded out here aren't you. My closest neighbor is two inches it feels like. Especially when he thinks everyone wants to here his music." Drew smiled up at the blonde when she was handed a cup. "Thanks."

"Your welcome, maybe you should get some sleep. I need to go check on the animal in the barn. It shouldn't take me to long." Cameron grabbed her coat off a peg on the wall. "Think you will be okay here for a bit by yourself?"

"Yes, and I am tired so I should have no problem falling asleep." Drew sat the now empty cup on the bedside stand. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, sweet dreams." Cameron opened the door and stepped out into the cold snowy night. She heard Drew's good night as she closed the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning Drew woke up feeling a little chilled and hungry. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around to see if she could spot her hostess. Not seeing her she sat up and flipped the covers off her body. The coldness of the room made her shiver slightly. "Brr, wonder where the heater is?"

She stood up and grabbed a blanket the laid across the bottom of the bed. She draped it over her shoulders. "I wonder where Cameron is?"

Not two second later the door burst open and Cameron scurried in and slammed the door shut. "Gesh, it cold out there."

"Good morning," Drew smiled as she watched Cameron take off her coat and boots. "Still snowing?"

"No, thank god." Cameron ran her hands through her long hair. "How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling pretty good. Hungry and cold at the moment to be totally honest." Drew clasped the ends of the blanket tighter.

"Well, let me get the fire going and then I will be able to feed you." Cameron made her way over to the large stone birth. Within a few seconds, she had a roaring fire and a pan of bacon frying. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled is fine with me." Drew stood there and watched the small woman go about making breakfast. As she watched a small smile formed across her face. Her heartbeat picked up.

"Scrambled it is then. If you want to go have a seat at the table I will bring this over as soon as it is done." Cameron gestured towards the small table, which had two chairs around it.

"If you point me in the direction of the plates and silverware I will set the table." The tall dark haired woman said as she looked around the small cabin. Then it hit her just how small the room was. "Where did you sleep last night?"

"I slept by the fire." Cameron answered as she stood up with two hot pans. "The plates and stuff are in the cupboard over there."

"You didn't have to do that. I could have slept there." Drew stated as she stepped over and pulled out two sets of dinnerware.

"Are you nuts? You are hurt and needed a soft place to sleep and this old hard floor sure would have made you feel ten times worse." Cameron laughed.

"Well, you could have at least crawled in bed with me." Drew sat the plates down and then the silverware.

Cameron stopped and frowned. "No, it is better that I stayed on the floor."

"No, that bed is plenty big enough for two." Drew motioned over to the bed. "I bet when it's just you, you need a map to crawl out of it."

"Ha ha, I am not that small."

"Yes you are." Drew teased as she scooped some eggs and grabbed a couple pieces of bacon.

Cameron looked over at Drew as she ate. The feeling that crept over her when Drew suggested they sleep in the same bed made her tingly all over.

"This is great." Drew moan with delight. "Did you do anything special to the eggs?"

"No, they are the same eggs I use everyday. Straight from the chicken to the pan." Cameron grabbed her fork and started to eat. "I am glad you are enjoying them."

"I am," Drew looked up and right into Cameron's eyes. "Thank you for everything you have done."

"No need to say thank you. I am just glad you are here." Cameron put her fork down. "I'm not glad you are hurt or anything. I am just glad that I will have company here for Christmas."

"Today is Christmas isn't it? How could I forget? I need to get a hold of my parents." Drew stood up and looked around. "How am I going to do that? I don't have my cell and you don't have a phone."

"What is a cell?" Cameron asked totally confused. "And a phone?"

"Huh?" Drew stopped pacing and looked over at the small blonde. "You don't know what a cell phone is or even a phone?"

"No, not a clue." Cameron looked up at her curiously.

"How long have you been out here not to have heard what a cell phone or for that matter a phone is?" Drew questioned.

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"You're serious?" Drew sat on the chair totally dumb founded. "So what you're telling me is that the year is 1822."

"Yes, what year did you think it was? Cameron asked as she stared at her new friend.

Drew shook her head. "2003."

"Boy you must have hit you head harder than I thought." Cameron laughed as she stood up and cleared off the table. "Maybe within the next week we will be able to go see the town doctor."

"You must think I am crazy. But I tell you I am not." Drew sighed and rubbed her face. "Can you tell me where you found me?"

"I found you out by the grove of trees behind the cabin. You were just lying there. I figured your horse bucked you off and then took off." Cameron explained.

"Well, I wasn't on a horse. I was in my goddamn car when something darted out in front of me and I skidded on the ice and crashed into a big ass tree. When I woke up. I was here." Drew combed her fingers through her hair. "I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone or something." Her fingers grasped her hair in tight fists. "What in the hell has happened. One minute I am in my car driving down the road. Then WHAMM I am in the 1800's. No phones, no cars, no..nothing but fucking snow."

"Calm down," Cameron moved closer to the distraught woman.

"Calm down." Drew stood up fast shoving the chair she sat in across the floor. "You want me to calm down? Are you fucking nuts? I am some how transported back in time and absolutely no fucking way to get home. And you want me to calm down."

"Getting all upset is not going to solve this problem of yours." Cameron stated as calmly as she could. "If some how you are from the year, 2003 then there has to be a way for you to get back."

"If you have any suggestion on how that is supposed to happen I am all ears." Drew waved her hands in the air.

Cameron stood there and frowned. "I'm sorry. I have no clue where to even look or what to look for."

"What I wouldn't give to get a hold of a computer that is set up to the internet." Drew walked over, picked up her chair, brought it back over to the table, and slouched down into it.

"I won't even ask you what you just said." Cameron walked over to the door of the cabin. "I need to go check on the animals."

"Okay, I'll stay here and drive myself slowly mad." Drew lowered her head and banged it on the tabletop.

"Why don't you come with me. Maybe it will help clear your head." Cameron reached for Drew's coat that hung up on a peg by the door.

"I am so not up to feeding the animals." Drew mumbled from the crook of her arm.

Cameron quietly walked up behind Drew and patted her back. "I have no clue what is going on, but you can't sit there and feel sorry for yourself." She gently tugged on the blanket the tall woman still had draped over her shoulders. "Come on."

"Oh, all right." Drew stood up and grabbed her coat. "I should warn you though. Animals and me do not mix."

"Well, you can just sit on the hay stack while I do the chores then." The smaller woman said as she opened the door. "I will tell you a story my Grandmother told me a long time ago."

"Sounds like a plan. Lead the way." Drew smiled and followed the rancher out the door into the white playground of snow.

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"So, what is this story of your Grandma's?" Drew asked as she climbed up on a stack of hay and sat down.

"It's called Present in the Snow. It's about a woman who never looked at anything around her. Just went from day to day doing nothing. Not caring about herself or life or what she was missing." Cameron leaned back against a wooden fence. "Most of all she was letting love disappear out of her life."

"Well, sometimes life is busy." Drew played with a strand of hay before she placed it in her mouth. "Some people don't have a life where love is manageable."

"How can that be? Love is one of the greatest things a person could feel, could give." Cameron shoved her hands in her coat pocket.

"Love can hurt you so bad that it breaks you into tiny pieces and nothing will ever put you back together." Drew snapped. "Love is nothing but a crock."

Cameron clenched her fist together. "Love makes you stronger and makes you free."

"You live in a fantasy world. Love is nothing but an emotion that tears you down." Drew shot back.

"Really, let me tell you that love gave me the courage to move away from my family. To live the life I wanted to live. Not what they had planned for me since I was born." Cameron took a step towards the sitting woman. "My guess is that you never felt that kind of love. The kind of love that with one look your heart melts. The kind of love that makes you feel when ever that person calls out your name you could fly."

"Maybe I had that once and the person I loved slammed it in my face and walked all over me like I was a rug." The seated woman growled back. "Love is for suckers."

Cameron watched as Drew jumped off the haystack and stormed out of the barn.

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The small rancher finished her chores. She stepped out of the barn and looked around. "Wonder where my guest went?" She looked around the snowy wonderland. A set of footprints caught her eye. "Okay, up the hill we go."

For about ten minutes Cameron followed Drew's trail up and around the small hill that was just off to the side of the barn. When she spotted the dark silent figure, she stopped and watched. "How could anyone be so mad about loving someone?"

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Drew stood out in the cold staring at nothing. Her mind was off in it's own world of when the love she once believed in disappeared and left her cold.

"How could you do that to us?" Drew screamed as she stood in the doorway after she caught her girlfriend in bed with a stranger.

The beautiful long legged blonde stood up naked. "Jane why don't you get dressed and we will continue this at your place."

"Why?" Cried Drew as she stepped closer to her girlfriend. "I thought you loved me. We gave each other promise rings and even talked about setting a date for our commitment ceremony."

"I so didn't want you to find out like this, but I guess in the long run it is easier that you see it and not be told about it." Missy stated as she ran her fingers through her hair. "You ask why, well let me tell you. I don't love you. Never have and never will. You were just a distraction until something better came along."

"How can you say that?" The heart broken woman asked. "What we had meant nothing to you? Nothing at all?"

Missy stood there in front of Drew naked shaking her head. "You were just a time killer. I was going after all your money, but shit the way you live."

"What do you mean by that?" Drew questioned as her anger.

"I mean that you have tons of money yet you live in a regular apartment You don't live with in your means. You live below them and that is just so wrong." Missy casually picked up her shirt that was on the floor. "I deserve better. I deserve someone to spend their money on me."

"So you're just with me for my money?" Drew gasped as tears ran down her face.

Missy nodded as she slide her shirt on and started to button it up. "Yes ma'am, and since you are the biggest cheap skate in the world I found me a new bread winner."

"You fucking bitch," Drew screamed. "I loved you. I gave you my heart and you could care less."

"I never wanted you heart. Only your money." Missy replied coldly back.

Drew took in a large breath of air as the last memory filtered through her mind. "I need to let what Missy did to me go. Not everyone is a bitch like her." The sound of someone coughing caused her to lower her head and grin to herself.

"Are you doing okay?" Cameron asked softly wanting so much to comfort the upset woman.

Drew turned around and looked at the small blonde. She liked how the cold weather made Cameron's nose slightly red along with her cheeks. "I am ok. Well, ok considering everything." She turned her head to look out at the valley. "Just remembering something that happened a while ago. Something I needed to let go of."

"I wish there was something I could say or do to help you." Cameron stepped closer to the tall brunette.

Drew smiled and turned back towards her new friend. "You have already done enough. You have feed me, sheltered me, taken care of my injuries, and most importantly gave me your friendship." She reached for Cameron's hand and held it in a strong grasp. "Thank you."

"I am glad I was here to help." Cameron returned Drew's smile. "Now how about we head back to the cabin and get warm?"

"Sounds like a plan." Drew agreed and let Cameron lead her down the hill towards the cabin. "Maybe you can tell me that story."

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"I'm not sure if I believe that." Drew shook her head. "Sure Christmas is the time for miracles and all, but come on."

"I swear it was the truth." Cameron stood up to grab the teapot.

Drew followed Cameron movements out of the corner of her eye. "How could someone find a single lost earring in a snow storm? Tell me how that is even possible."

"That is just part of the miracle. It was her present in the snow." Cameron stated matter of fact. "If something is wanted and it comes straight from the heart then somehow it is granted."

"Okay so if I wished to go back to my time it will be granted?" Drew asked as she held up her cup so Cameron could add some hot water.

Cameron nodded, "if it is coming straight from your heart. Then yes it will be granted." She looked straight into Drew's blue eyes. "Is this what you want?"

Drew stood up as she sat her cup on the table. Slowly she stepped around the table and stood in front of Cameron. "What I wish for right now is for me to kiss you."

"That wish will be granted." Cameron replied.

Drew leaned down and placed a feather soft kiss on Cameron's waiting lips. She tilted back an inch and looked into glistening green eyes. They held such passion and love that Drew's breath was taken from her.

Without thought, Cameron closed the distance and kissed Drew. She had wanted to do this ever since they stood on the hill. "Take me to bed."

"Are you sure?" Drew asked breathlessly.

Her answer was two hands unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it off her shoulders.

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"I have a new wish." Drew mumbled as she felt Cameron stir awake the next morning.

Cameron raised her head and smiled. "And what would that be?"

Drew lightly brushed a strand of hair out of the still sleepy woman's eye. "I wish I could stay here with you forever."

"That is a wish I do not know will be granted." Replied Cameron's sadly. "This is not your real time and you being here could have drastic effects on the future."

"Why was I brought here then?" Drew positioned herself so she leaned against the headboard with Cameron resting against her side.

"I do not know." Cameron caressed the inside of Drew's leg.

Drew's insides quivered as Cameron's fingers moved closer and closer to her center. "You are driving me crazy."

"I know," Cameron giggled.

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"Merry Christmas Eve," Cameron said as she watched Drew wake up. She had woken up a few minutes before and was getting the fire started.

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too." Drew smiled as she stretched her long body. "What do you do to celebrate this joyous event?"

"Since it has just been me for several years I just make my favorite dinner and if the weather permits I sit out on the porch and watch the stars." Cameron informed her lover.

"Sounds like a perfect evening." Drew tossed the blankets off her body and stood up. "What would you like me to do?"

"How about coming over here and give me a kiss." The small rancher watched as Drew glided across the floor to sweep her up and kiss her until she had no air left in her lungs.

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As the two sat out and watched the star twinkle a thought came to Drew. "I think I figured out why I am here."

"Why?" Cameron asked as she snuggled deeper into the blanket she was sharing with Drew.

Drew took a deep breath. "I am here to live again."

"What do you mean?" Cameron asked as she turned her head to look up.

"I told you about what happened with Missy and ever since then I've not felt alive. I just went from day to day. Doing nothing but what would keep my mind occupied." Drew confessed. "But since being here I have felt more and lived more. These last few days have awakened me."

"I'm very happy to hear that." Cameron grabbed the hand on her leg and squeezed it. "Do you think maybe now that you have figured it out that you may leave?"

"I hope not. I do not want to leave, like you said." Drew kissed the top of Cameron's head. "This is not my time."

Several seconds went by without a single sound but the heart beats of lovers knowing their time could be up at any moment.

"Will you look for me when you get back?" Cameron asked without looking.

Drew lowered her head and whispered. "I won't have to look. My heart will lead me to you as yours will lead you back to me."

Cameron stood up and held out her hand. "Then if this is the last night until that time I wish to show you exactly how much I love you."

"You soul is mine as mine is yours. Through time and space we will be forever connected." Drew took her lovers hand and let herself once again be guided inside the cabin.

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Drew woke up with an excruciating headache. She brought her hand up and flinched when the pain sharpened from her touch. "Damn what happened?" She groaned as she opened her eyes slowly. "Where the hell am I? Cameron?"

She let her vision focus and she gasped as she saw the front window of her car shattered. "Ohh, God no, please don't do this. I just found her and then you take her away." She cried out pounding on the steering wheel.

A soft knock and a mumbled voice stopped Drew from her pounding.

"Are you alright in there?" Asked the voice.

Drew sighed. "I'm okay. Just a little banged up and cold.

"Let me try to open the door." The soft voice replied just before Drew heard the door screech open and a light from a flashlight shone in her eyes. She noticed that the person was wrapped up in a thick wool scarf and royal blue ski cap.

Drew squinted her eyes as the flashlight light beamed right into her eyes. "Do you mind?" She gestured towards the offending light.

The woman looked from her to the flashlight. "Oh shit, sorry."

"No harm done." Drew leaned back and rested her head against the headrest of the seat. "You don't happen to have heat in the car you drove up in do you?"

"Well, I only have my snowmobile." The woman answered. "I am sorry, but my truck is stuck back at the house in a ten foot snow drift. My name is CJ."

"Drew," she held out her hand and gave CJ's a little shake. "How far is your house?"

"I'd say less then fifty yards." CJ pointed over the car's hood. "Just down that way."

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Drew stepped into the warm secluded cabin. As she looked around the neatly kept room a knowing warmth surrounded her body. "What?"

"Are you okay?" CJ asked as she guided Drew to a large chair next to the fireplace.

Drew just nodded her head as she took in the very familiar room. It looked almost the same just some added furniture, like a couch where the bed used to be and a couple of standing lamps on both ends that gave off a small amount of soft light.

"I'll be right back with some warm tea." CJ looked at the tall woman with concern as she stripped off her winter attire. "Would you care for something to eat?"

Drew slowly turned her head. The sight before her nearly knocked her out of the chair she sat in. "Ohh my."

CJ walked closer to Drew. "Did you hit your head. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring you here. Maybe I should go get the Doc on my snowmobile?"

Drew was shocked to see an exact duplicate of Cameron standing right in front of her. The only difference was this woman hair was short.

"Do you think you will be alright here by yourself for a little while?" CJ questioned the still silent woman.

After several seconds Drew cleared her throat when she realized CJ waited for some sort of answer. "Sorry, you just remind me of someone I know."

CJ nodded. "Do you want me to get the Doctor?"

"No? there is no need. I am fine. Just a little banged up and bruised is all." Drew smiled not taking her eyes off CJ.

"If you're sure?" CJ watched as Drew nodded her head. "Okay then, I will go get something to warm us up."

Drew took in a deep breath as soon as CJ left the room. "I can't believe this. It looks just like it did when I was with Cameron." She stood up and walked to the fireplace where the mantle held several pictures. In one faded black and white photo was a woman standing next to a tall man with black hair. "Cameron looks like you found happiness after I left." She whispered softly to the picture.

"That's my Great, great, great grandmother and Grandfather. They lived in this cabin until their deaths." CJ placed a tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Come on over and get something to eat."

Drew carefully caressed the front of the picture before she walked to the couch. As she reached for a ham sandwich, a book that lay on the table caught her eye. On the front was a picturesque valley with snow gently falling to the ground, but sticking out for the eyes to see was a small red box wrapped with green ribbon and a large golden bow. The title made her smile. "Present In The Snow." She grinned.

"That is a story that has gone down from generations to generation. I thought others should benefit from it so I wrote it down and luckily it was published." CJ opened the front pages to where a dedication was written. "I found a paper written by my Great, great, great Grandma and thought it would be a perfect dedication."

"May I read?" Drew asked as she sat her sandwich down and held up the book.

Not all presents are easy to give. Not all presents are easy to take. Not all presents can be understood. Just remember that if you do get a present to hold on and give it what you have as you may discover that certain present comes from the heart and should be held in the heart.

Look away from the past but never forget, as the future may be right in front of you.

Never forget when you are given a chance to love. You could have only moments or forever

Look up and you will see your true Present In The Snow.

Drew knew for whom this was written and without any thought looked up. Her loving blue eyes locked with sparkling green. "Present In The snow."

"Yes, Present In The Snow." CJ smiled knowing deep in her heart her Great, great, great Grandma had sent her what her heart has been longing for. "Thanks Grandma." CJ thought as she leaned back and sipped her tea.


Feedback is welcome?.Tinstrttn@aol.com
December 17, 2003

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive