~ Somewhere Only We Know ~
by thatgirlmct

I appreciate all feedback and can be emailed at thatgirlmct@yahoo.com
These characters are my original creation.
The subject matter of the story depicts two women in a loving relationship and is for mature audience only.
Synopsis: Kendall fears the changes in her life and realizes the best surprises come in small packages.

"One, two, threeeeeee!" The firm foot hold on the rail was released. The ground pulled further and further away. She felt the lightness in her head build up. Kendall knew what a bird felt as it soared through the air. A quick reflex on her bungee cord and her body went back up closer to the bridge. Her heartbeat faster as the rails of the bridge were within her hands grasp and she thought she would crash into it. As her hands brushed against the cold steel the tips of her hair on her arm tingled from the coolness, then she pulled away. Kendall's eyes stayed shut too afraid to see what she would be colliding with now. It felt as if she broke through glass as water filled her mouth and nose, then air filled her lungs as she choked on the water coughing it out. Kendall opened up her eyes and the reflection of surprise in them reflected back in the water. Kendall hung inches above the river's water upside down the bungee chord kept her from plunging back in.

Whistles from top of the bridge from Donny and Cathy, her brother and girlfriend, echoed in her head. The sensation of being upside down was starting to take its toll on her. Most of the blood in her body was rushing into her head as the ears vibrated from the adrenaline. Donny had teased her and betted fifty dollars that she wouldn't jump off the bridge. The bet was a challenge that she couldn't refuse their sibling rivalry was one that existed since the day Kendall was born when Donny was three.

Kendall swam to the rocks towards Cathy, who waited for her holding a big beach towel. The towel along with Cathy's arms kept Kendall warm. "Whenever you get a chance." Kendall's hand was outstretched toward Donny.

Donny pulled out a bill and placed it into his sister's hand. "We agreed on fifty." Kendall surprised at the twenty in her hand. Kendall looked up to her brother who only was a few inches taller than her almost six feet stature with her matching set of green eyes.

"That was if you jumped without a chord. Do it again and I'll pay you fifty." Kendall looked at him defiantly the bill crumbled within her hands grip. She threw the bill at Donny and walked towards the bridge ignoring the tight hold on her arms by Cathy. The blonde pleaded with her eyes in silence, but she conceded knowing Kendall had to prove something to herself.

Kendall stood on the bridge she kept her eyes closed. The cross that was on a chain around her neck was brought to her lips. She placed a light kiss on the metal chain leaning back as the air blew by her wrapping her in a flapping blanket. The shattering of the water again came; yet this time her skin felt as if it would be shredded within its folds. Her skin was on fire as the water filled her lungs, Kendall's arms swung faster in rotation with the other, as air broke through and the sun burned onto her face.

The swim back was paced and every muscle ached as she moved her arms above her head and back to her side. Cathy waited patiently holding the beach towel, her girlfriend's arms held tighter than the last time as she dried her off. "My fifty." A smug look ran across Kendall's face. Donny dug through his trunks pockets, the bill was slammed into her hand shaking his head he left the two women standing by the water.

Kendall hated how he could make her feel like a fool after he taunted her into a dare. He knew how it would end she could never turn away from a challenge whether it was a race, a girl, or work. The bill went into her pocket still holding onto it Kendall took it out of the pocket and placed in between the front of Cathy's bikini top. "Buy something nice we're going out and Donny's treating." Kendall ran up behind her brother jumping on his back bucking his body like a horse wrangler. Her hand tussled his curly, sandy colored hair, Donny let out a large laugh, there was never a time where he could stay mad at her for long. She knew he baited her because he secretly envied her fearless ways and he wanted to be everything she was.

She had the type of girl he wanted, she worked with their father at his business as his second manager and even was a junior to their father, Ken James.

Ken James had founded the James Restaurant Equipment Auctioneers & Liquidators company thirty years ago out of his garage from winnings off his boat racing days and it had grown through the years into four large warehouses and ten restaurants. They were acquirers of dreams as Kendall described her job when anyone inquired about what she did for a living. When a restaurant shut its doors to the last customer and the ovens and refrigerators were rusting away, that is where her company came in to save the day and bought up the equipment for pennies on a dollar. Now if the business was very popular and just needed tweaking with then they would modernize it with their own style mixed in and reopened it with many of the original accents still in the atmosphere. Ken James was never known for having a soft heart, he was a business man and when an offer was put on the table you took it or left it. Kendall had a different vision for the next thirty years and she hoped her father would agree with the changes or move out of the way or be crushed underneath them. She would prove he had made the right choice in making her his successor, Kendall developed her business skills on her own, put herself through college and ran a catering business for eight years during and after college. And when the elder James realized he had put his eggs in the wrong basket she gladly took over the family business.

Kendall walked holding Cathy's hand and wrapping her other hand around Donny's shoulder.


The last few weeks had been hectic and the four days she was out of town on business for her father all hell had broke out. Her Father and brother were fighting and neither would tell what it was about. Her best friend asked the biggest favor out of her for the next few days that took up 24/7 of her time.

"Kendall you need help?" A female voice from the door ajar shouted.

There was no way Kendall James was going admit she had never changed a diaper before in her thirty years. She managed a team of five men who would rather slit their wrist than contradict her orders, but Trish her goddaughter didn't seem to care if she wanted her to stop wailing and go to sleep.

A combination of carrots of corn invaded the room. The yellow paint on the walls blended with the brownish spots created a random design that gave off a stylish neo-deco look. Brown goo was sprayed across the window and all across the changing table. The plastic diaper that all this seeped from sat on the changing table next to a wailing, salty teary eyed, wrinkled layered skin ten pound terminator.

A few quick swipes with a baby wipe on her hundred dollar silk blouse turned the brown stain into a off colored orange amoeba shape. Kendall finished changing Trish's diaper, her arms swaddled the baby. Up and down Kendall rocked the baby as she kept a steady pacing across the bathroom floor.

"Shh. Trish be nice to your Aunt Kendall." She bounced the baby up and down at arms length.

"Are you sure you have everything in control?" The woman earlier walked into the bathroom her hand waved back and forth in front of her scrunched up face. Her girlfriend Cathy had waited outside for ten minutes while she attempted to change the diaper.

"Hard to believe that much stink came from such a small area. She didn't eat more than four ounces of her formula." Kendall exhaled she had held her breath since taking the diaper off and was trying to control her breathing.

"Let me help you." Cathy arms reached out for Trish.

"I've got it." Kendall had agreed to watch her best friend Andrea's new baby. Kendall was starting to rethink the original idea to show Cathy that she could handle anything and was mature. Cathy held the door open for Kendall and Trish to exit the bathroom.

Can a person the size of a shoe box make life completely out of control? Kendall pondered. Wall to wall strollers and contraptions that folded up from four legs standing to less than a couple inches closed up. Each sticker on the high chairs range from forty to eighty dollars, the shelves below barely had one underneath each display proving people will pay anything to keep their progeny in the best that the store had to offer. Kendall couldn't understand the need to have an entire store devoted to the little terrors.

The outing today was to find a gift for her new goddaughter, Kendall had avoided until this moment to go to the foreign store that never had been part of her universe. "Have you seen where the bouncers are?" Kendall asked a female store employee. "Next to Pooh world." The woman answered. The blank expression Kendall gave back must of indicated that she needed more help than that. The young woman directed the trio to the back of the store.

Cathy bent down and caressed a bouncer with snoopy designs on the borders. "I love snoopy." She gushed.

"But does Trish love Snoopy?" Kendall brought the baby to her face and then turned the baby towards the subject of the conversation. Trish drooled all over the bouncer and a large grin lit up her face. "I guess it's snoopy then." Kendall grabbed the box with the same design and they continued through the rest of the store as Cathy pushed the cart.

Cathy twisted her face up and made strange noises as her face pushed into the baby's stomach. The glow on her face had slapped Kendall across her own with the thought of her girlfriend's interaction with the baby. The pounding in her head ranged out in a repetitious beat as the tightness in her arm made her reach for a part of a shelf to lean on.
"Kendall are you alright?" Cathy rubbed Kendall on her arms. To take the pressure off her head she bent her head down in between her knees and took in deep breaths.

The store manager and other employees gathered around Kendall. A cup of water was given to her by the same worker from earlier.

The water was gone after two large gulps. "I'm okay I just felt a little light headed. I skipped breakfast this morning." Cathy looked at her accepting her explanation.

Trish cried uncontrollably and Cathy had to bring the baby up into her arms to calm her. One arm held the baby and the other wrapped around Kendall. The embrace calmed Kendall more than she thought a slight touch could do. "We can pay for this and then we can go eat some lunch." Kendall stood up leaning partially on the shelf again.

As they stood in line to pay for the bouncer Kendall's breathing returned to normal. Cathy took Trish out of her carrier when they got to the car. Her nose rested by Trish's hair and inhaled the scent of the baby powder lotion that was all over Trish's body. The glow on Cathy's face came back over her face again. The look on her face hadn't been this animated since the night Kendall gave her the promise ring.

The first year after eight months they had started dating she told Cathy that she loved her, the second year Kendall or Cathy would spend one night a week at the others apartment, the third year Kendall took up drawer space in Cathy's dresser and Cathy got a side of her closet at her apartment. The fifth year Kendall knew that no one would ever be as special to her and she gave her the promise ring to show what she meant to her. Kendall suspected that Cathy wanted to move the relationship further and faster but understood from the beginning that Kendall would have to set the pace. Bowing down to convention was not ever going to happen, many of Kendall's friends had in the five years time that they were together moved in broke up and moved in with someone else. She had learned her lesson the first time she fell in love.

The redecoration of her condo with the various Tropicana and Victoria Secret beauties that graced her walls was something she wasn't ready to part with just yet. The two bedroom condo's second bedroom was an office and the space for another person wasn't there; things were the way she liked it.

"So where can I take my two special ladies?" Kendall beamed at Cathy. The top rolled down in her mustang and Cathy gave out a sigh. The car was a constant sore spot with the blonde who wanted her to get a more family oriented car. The back could hold a car seat and the top down let in a lot of sunlight for a kid to absorb. What could be better.

"I think that Trish will have another delightful meal from Isomil and I would enjoy a nice garden salad with some pasta." Cathy's hand clasped on top of Kendall's hand.

"So Miss Trish will that be formula al dente?" Kendall couldn't help teasing the baby.

"Your nothing but a big kid. Leave the baby alone."

"She likes it." Trish gurgled from the back answering her Aunt Kendall in baby talk.

"Stop it." Cathy sternly said, a smile cracked through as she spoke.

"Make me." Kendall goaded her.

"I'm going to get you tonight."

"Hoping on it." Kendall said with lust in her eyes. A slight brush on her lips from Cathy would have to hold her for the rest of the night.


The softness of Cathy's skin felt amazing and Kendall didn't want to get up and deal with the outside world. She wanted to delay the moment she had to face the world outside, the sun hadn't come up yet but the clinking of trash cans in the alley reminded her that it was the beginning of another work day. Cathy stirred in her arms, but Kendall pulled her close to her and shush her to go back to sleep. Kendall's cell phone rung as her hand reached for it Cathy enveloped her hand before she could unfold the phone. "Not yet."

"I have a meeting today which I am already going to be late for." Kendall's hand forced the phone to flip open. "Hello." Kendall saw the irritated look in Cathy's eyes. Kendall got up wrapping herself in the blanket that had been their cocoon during the night when they made love and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later Kendall came out of the bathroom fully dressed. Cathy's nude body laid across the bed. Fiery eyes followed Kendall as she left the room neither woman wanted to admit they were wrong in the argument so silence gave way to a non-defeat as it had before for them in the past.

Cathy stroked her hand down her breast the memory of Kendall touching her, the warmth of her hand still burned her skin. Her eyes closed tight she imagined Kendall rubbing her nipple. Cathy could feel the nub hardening from her touches. "Missing me already." Cathy's eyes opened up to green ones that radiated with lust. Kendall's hand touched the nipple that Cathy's hand held. Together they caressed the flesh the blonde bucked up and down on the bed as the two women massaged the nipple. Kendall slowly kissed down the length of Cathy's body taking in the landscape caressing and studying each inch of her. Cathy adored how Kendall always worshipped her body as if it was the first or last time they made love. Soft kisses rested on the inner thigh Cathy breathing increased from the anticipation of the feast that her lover was about to take upon and then as she waited Kendall's lips caressed her folds feasting on her bringing her to climax . The phone ring never registered in her head as the blood rushed to her brain she didn't hear the noise. "I'm on my way." Kendall wiped the bottom of her mouth. Cathy's face pleaded with her to not leave but without hesitation Kendall redirected her eyes and walked towards the door. Cathy frustrated from the tension that still laid between her legs reached down on the floor and grabbed her shoe. The leather footwear hit the back of her lover but Kendall unfazed by the discord in the room continued to open the door and walk out.

The phone call could have been delayed, but the intensity of their connection was making her head spin. Kendall wondered if it was possible to be drunk off of love. She had to get her bearings and when ever she was with Cathy all common sense flew out the door. "I'm on my way put a couple of outfits in the bag and I'll be there in ten minutes. The call was not exactly the business call she lead Cathy to believe. Andrea hit a tight spot and Kendall offered her services to take the baby to her Grandmother's. The fact she forgot to tell Cathy of her appointment would feed to the woodpile that she never puts her in front of anything or anyone. The callous action had a better chance of being forgiven Kendall secretly hoped.

The interaction with her goddaughter would allow her to see if she was ready for a picket fence and a life partner. The sweet smell of baby powder engulfed her nose as Kendall held the baby in her arms. Andrea placed a protective hand behind the back of Trish's head, which was appreciated by Kendall. The baby was the first she ever held and she worried that she might drop her and she would break like a water balloon. Trish was the only baby in their circle of friends. Andrea and her partner Victoria were together for two years and met on a blind date arranged by Kendall.

"You might get to use your skills on your own next year." Andrea said her hand stroked the curly locks of her daughter.

"My own what?" A confused look canvassed across Kendall's face.

"Baby silly." A hip brushed up against her side Kendall moved back a little from the thrust.

"What baby?"

"Yours and Cathy's." Andrea's hand wrapped around the baby's back as Kendall holding loosened as she talked.

"I can't commit to a pair of pants to buy. I have a toss up between style or comfort.

"You gave her the ring. You unknowingly said you wanted to grow old with her?"

"I do want to be with her, but a baby is too much of a big step." The baby giggled as Kendall made animal sounds and funny faces.

"Love is the easiest thing to do. You love her, she loves you and you make beautiful babies."

"Why does every serious relationship have to end up about kids?" Kendall was tired of her friends clinging to old fashion hetero values.

"It doesn't have to, but you want Cathy and you knew going into the relationship that she loves kids."

"Just because she worked at a daycare doesn't mean she wants her own." Kendall grabbed the diaper bag.

"You two are going to have to talk about it.'

"We don't talk anymore we just grunt, avoid fight, fuck or fight."

"If you don't want to get serious cut the ties now before you or her get hurt." Kendall frowned at Andrea's statement.

Kendall swung the diaper bag over her shoulder. "We're off to see Grandma Trish say goodbye to Mommy." Kendall held Trish's little hand as she made her wave to her mother. Kendall needed to figure out a way to communicate her doubts to Cathy without alarming her. She pulled out her phone a few phone calls she made would make her apology believable. ____________________________________________________

The sunset was breathtaking but Kendall couldn't decide which was more beautiful Cathy or the sun. "You're in deep thoughts again." The accusatory words made Kendall cringe.

"I'm thinking about the beauty here." Kendall arranged for dinner at a garden restaurant Callie's which was one of the restaurants that she was trying to acquire.

"The sunset is wonderful."

"It is. But I was talking about you."

"Thinking that sweet talk will get you in my pants? I should lean back against the wall and spread my legs and let you come inside." Cathy said seductively. Kendall stood frozen. The two women eyed each other.

"You keep talking like that and I might take you up on it." Kendall panted.

Cathy eyes smoldered as she looked into Kendall's face she gave a low growl like a wild beast. Cathy couldn't maintain her serious face anymore a laugh escaped from her lips. "The way you were looking at me and talking. I couldn't help it."

Kendall hand reached for Cathy's arm with brutal force and without a lover's gentleness. The restaurant's garden French doors were in front of them. Cathy's arm was turning reddish in her grasp. "I don't want to hurt you." Kendall released her hold. "Go through the doors. I wanted to make up for this morning and might of made it worse." Kendall couldn't bring her eyes to look at Cathy.

A candle holder sitting atop a peach floral linen cloth flickered in the dark room. "It's wonderful." Cathy gushed.

"I can't seem to touch you the right way or even the words to say to you. I just want to please your body, your heart and your soul." Kendall said softly.

"Did you just quote a cheesy 90's song?"
"I'm trying to say I'm sorry. You are first in my life and I need to start proving that to you."

Soft lips touched Cathy's waiting mouth the kiss wasn't with passion but gentleness, want and uncertainty.

They sat at the table after dinner Kendall cradled a glass of bourbon in her hand. "I want to ask you where do you see this relationship going?"

"I hope my wearing your ring shows where it's going." Cathy twisted the ring with her other hand.

"Okay I'll be more direct. In five years, I want to be married and having wild passionate sex." Kendall hand rested on top of Cathy's.

"In five years, I would like to be married, have a house, and making mad passionate love to my wife." Cathy blushed at the statement.

"So we are on the same page. No angst or cold feet about our commitment?"

"None." Kendall smiled again at their understanding. "And in a couple of years have a baby. I would want a girl, but most importantly a healthy baby."

Those eyes beamed again the way they did when Trish was in their care the other day. Why always did her eyes have to light up like that? Water wrapped itself around Kendall as the chair she sat in submerged deeper into the darkness, her hand tried to lift her body up but gold clasp snapped in place around both wrist. Kendall struggled to break free from the chair, the water, and from her and Cathy's children. Then the water disappeared and the clasp unlocked and it was just Cathy and Kendall alone in the restaurant room.

"A girl?" The words cracked as she said it. "Do you have names picked out?"

"Nothing concrete you have some input too."

The liquor went hard and fast down Kendall's throat. "You would like a girl too wouldn't you?" Kendall gave a uncomfortable smile that was forced hoping not to alarm her lover of her concerns. The camouflage worked as Cathy continued on with her conversation. "I knew when you held Trish you couldn't resist wanting our own."

"You know watching someone else child is different that giving birth and raising one. I don't know if I can do nine months of?.." Kendall couldn't think anymore about it her stomach was flip flopping inside.

"Don't be silly, I'm going to be the one to carry the baby. You can take care of me and rub my back, and feet. And at three in the morning get me some Lornadoones, with whipped cream topped with sardines or olives."

"Those are not cravings that is just sick." Cathy laughed at the way Kendall's face turned up.

"They say that a woman gets real horny when she is pregnant." Cathy's thumb massaged Kendall's wrist.

Kendall wasn't sure if Cathy knew what she was doing but she knew it was soothing to have this contact between them. Could she be that much of a comfort to Cathy when her back ached and she wanted to cry. Ten grueling hours of labor would be painful and there was a chance she might not make it out of the delivery room. The thoughts of not having the other half of her heart there clouded her head and she put to words what her soul feared. "NO!" Kendall shouted her arms brought the smaller woman into her arms closer.

"No? What are you saying No to?"

"I don't want us to have a baby. I don't want you to carry a screaming, kicking brat. "

"I really want us to be a family."

"We are a family." Kendall held tighter to Cathy. "You're my family."

"A baby would seal our love more." Cathy's face drowned with tears.

"There is no way I could love you more or less, because of another person." Kendall's hand wiped away one side of the tear drenched cheeks.

"You just said we were on the same page and now you tell me you don't want kids."

"We are on the same wavelength." Kendall wondered how their pact five years ago was crumbling right in front of her.

"I told you I loved kids when we met."

"You work with kids and I love that nurturing nature of you. I'll buy you the biggest house and surround it with a beautiful garden for my beautiful wife." Cathy eyes wouldn't make contact with hers. "Tomorrow we'll go to the pound and pick up any dog you want, even if it looks like it has mange. That will give you something to baby. And we can go back to normal."

Cathy looked at Kendall and at the glass of water on the table. The glass ended up in her hand as the glass contents flung across into Kendall's unsuspecting face. Cathy said nothing as she ran out the door. Kendall shook out the remaining droplets that soaked her hair. Kendall took another gulp of the alcohol letting the cloudy sensation take over her mind.


The phone ranged continuously Kendall ignored it. Donny walked into the office and answered the phone. He talked to the person on the other side booking a meeting for later in the day.

He saw the figure in the shadows. "Your door was open and didn't know you were in." Kendall stood on the other side of the room. Donny felt the distance between them. "You feel okay?" Kendall nodded her head, the fact that her back was facing him he knew her body contradicted her words.

"Just had a rough couple of nights that's all." Kendall kept her back to him.

Donny moved closer. "Is Cathy alright?"

"I wouldn't know I haven't talked to her since Tuesday." Kendall turned around Donny saw her face was drenched in tears.

"What did you do now?"

"Does it have to be me. Why can't it be her."

"Tell me what she did?"

"She broke a promise." Donny looked at her in disbelief. "She said she would love only me."

"Cathy might be crazy to date you but she wouldn't cheat on you."

"She wants to start a family." Kendall pouted.

The biggest smile came across her big brother's face. He brought her into his strong arms squeezing the air out of her lungs. "Come here you big idiot."

"This isn't a good thing." Kendall pulled out of the hug.

"The fact a gorgeous woman wants to have your babies is crazy, but she does want to which means your lucky."

"You think it's so great. Why don't you have babies with her." As soon as the words escaped out of her mouth she regretted it.

"I would if I stood a chance. I almost had a chance." Sadness clouded Donny's eyes.

Kendall wasn't happy with the fact she brought up a painful moment in both of their lives. If circumstances had been different she would be the one at Cathy and Donny's wedding anniversary this week. The chance meeting at the dress rehearsal gave another chance for the two siblings to compete against each other this time over the same woman. Donny was the first to see the attraction between the two women, His fiancée had snuck up on Kendall thinking she was him and planted a kiss on her neck. He couldn't blame her he tried to explain to her when they started dating the uncanny resemblance they had. He gave Cathy a chance to back out of the wedding with little controversy. Donny even though his heart was breaking, still was Kendall's big brother never allowing their father to know that she stole his bride before the wedding. Both siblings might of competed against each other for their father's love and attention, but Donny never had to compete for Kendall's heart.

"I'm sorry Donny. More than for what I said just now."

"I want both of you happy. Why don't you call her and tell her you love her and you will talk about what she wants."

"There is nothing to talk about. She wants children and I will never bend on that topic."

"Relationships involve bending and working together ." Donny put her cell phone in Kendall's hand.

"Some women don't deserve or need to be mothers." The coldness came out in her words.

"Your not talking about Cathy are you?" The one thing that both siblings had agreed upon to never discuss was bearing to expose its ugly head. "She isn't Anastasia."

"No she isn't. But I haven't changed and this will past as everything does between Cathy and me." Kendall went through a folder on her desk.

"Tell her about your demons and make her understand why she can't have this baby."

"You think you can tell a woman when she can or can't have a baby. Once it's in their mind there is no turning back. She will have that baby and to hell with what everybody else thinks."

"Do you want to end up like Dad or me alone with work and card games as the highlight of your week?"

"If it wasn't for me you could of given Cathy what she wants most."

"I couldn't give her the love that she thrives on. She loved me when we were engaged, but she wasn't in love with me. I saw the first time when she met you how her face lit up. I never did that for her."

"She does that whenever she is around children." Kendall exhaled. The photo of Cathy laid on top of her desk. Kendall's daily ritual involved every hour for five minutes of her day staring at the most beautiful woman in the world, who had her love.

"Then talk to her about some middle ground. Me and Dad love you and your money, but we want you spending your time with your own family." Kendall laughed at him. She knew she was the worst poker player and it allowed Donny to even out what he paid on their bets on one of their challenges.

Cathy kneeled down with the child's shoe cradled in her lap. She held laces upright in the air, each loop in the hole had a cute child's lullaby accompany it. The song delighted the little girl whose shoe was used as a demonstration for the other children surrounding her. The girl had gold hair just like Cathy and Kendall wondered if she had a child would they have her blue eyes or maybe if possible her own emerald green shade.

"Miss Paul. Miss Paul." The young girl tugged on Cathy's jacket little fingers pointed to the stranger in their midst.

Cathy smiled. "Say hi to Miss James, children." A united vocal assembly from each child shouted "Hi Miss James."

The kids were adorable. Kendall raised her hand to wave at the children. "Hi." Kendall put her lips next to Cathy's ear. "Can we talk."

"Well we are having snack time. If you help we can talk while we serve their bowls."

Kendall would do anything to get some time with her. Her head nodded in agreement. Cathy threw a shawl at Kendall's chest.

"It can get a little messy." Kendall grimaced at Cathy's information.

Bowl after bowl on the large tray Kendall carried was placed in front of each child on the long table. Cathy and another assistant Beverly sat the rest of the three year olds down at the table. "I miss you. I called your house but you never returned my phone calls." Kendall whispered as she stood next to her. "For six months."

"Well I have been here Monday thru Friday. Work is important for me too. I don't just sit all day thinking about getting pregnant." Cathy tied a large bib around the last seated child at the table.

"Thank you Miss James." The little blonde girl beamed.

"Your very welcome?." Kendall looked towards Cathy for the child's name.

"Karen." Cathy said.

"Your very welcome Karen." Kendall smiled at the little girl which caused her to giggle at the attention. "Cathy I know that this is very important to you. But I have a lot of pressure on me at work. I have new accounts that have to be handled by me. My father can't work with Donny because of some tension between them that I still don't know what is about.

"Hope they can work it out."

"Come over to the house Friday and visit maybe you can talk some sense into the both of them they haven't seen you in months. And I haven't seen you either." Kendall added wistfully.

"I can't." Cathy cleaned the table as if her life would depend on it her eyes never left the table.

"Are you working?"


"Something to do with your parents or sister?" Kendall couldn't take the thought that Cathy had a life that didn't involve her anymore.

"I have a date." Cathy whispered and walked away.

"A date?" Kendall shouted the outburst startled one of the kids and he spilt his milk glass. "Shush." Kendall comforted the child upset at the incident and the tension he could feel between the two adults.

Cathy swiped a towel across the table soaking up the milk. "I have plans with Beverly." Wringing the towel on the grass.

A firm hand reached out to Cathy's arm. "She the reason you don't want to work it out?"

"No. You're the reason." Cathy pushed Kendall's hand away.

Kendall kept her voice down. "What does she give you that I can't. You want a quick fuck? I'll give it to you if that's what you want." Kendall fought the urge to put her hand under Cathy's skirt. What does she have or do I can't give?"

" A Baby." The word came out cold and harsh.

"Unless she has some special equipment I'm not aware of I don't know how she can give you what you need and I can't." Kendall put the tray down and walked towards Beverly the teacher's assistant backed up when the intense stare from the woman that she knew as Cathy's ex shook her to her knees.

"Kendall not here with the kids around." Cathy pleaded.

Kendall's hand grabbed Cathy's and dragged her to the side of the building away from Beverly and the kids prying eyes. Kendall didn't know what to say she knew she had lost the battle but refused to declare defeat. Her head dropped to the blonde's shoulders as borders that Cathy had set around herself fell. "I need you."

Cathy stroked Kendall's head as she sobbed. "I need you too."

"Then why her? Why?"

"I can't talk to you about it. You never listened before." Kendall's eyes pleaded for an answer. "Beverly and her partner are coming over and telling me about nursing tips and general information for my pregnancy to look into." Kendall's hold on her shoulder loosen up.

"Your still going through with the procedure even though we're not together?" Kendall couldn't believe that Cathy was thinking recklessly.

"I want to be a mother, because it's time. I would of liked us to raise a family together, but I know that isn't where you see yourself at now. Don't think I'm angry with you. I didn't even know I had such a strong maternal urge. Those few days you had the baby and I helped you out; something hit me."

You sure it wasn't a baby bottle. Kendall thought about how she wanted her goddaughter to bring new meaning to her life she never thought it would be such a profound one.

"Waking up with you in my arms and her in between us. I couldn't tell you how it made me feel. My insides ached."

"Babies are expensive. There is daycare cost." Kendall remembered Little Kids gave free tuition to workers. "Okay scratch that. But health cost, diapers the list goes on. And how are your parents going to feel about this choice of yours?"

"Their happy about it. Emily has two kids that are teenagers it's time to have little ones running around. As my Mother said the other day."

"Their happy about it?" The whole time they dated Cathy's parents had not been happy about any of the choices she had made in her life.

"Their ecstatic. My Dad wants me to come back home and he was talking about adding on to the house."

"Move all the way to Seattle." Kendall saw her life crashing around her and the conformation that there was not going to be time to work on the relationship later. The next thing that happened she couldn't believe she did. Kendall took Cathy into her arms and kissed her.

Cathy pushed Kendall away. "This is how we solve all our problems we sleep together and we feel good but nothing gets accomplish."

Kendall kissed her again. "Move in with me Cathy Paul."

Cathy was knocked off her feet by the statement. "I can't go through this anymore. My mind and health have to be sound to have a successful pregnancy."

"That's what I said I want you to have." Cathy pushed Kendall away. "Why fight me when I'm willing to work this out."

"Because I don't have anything to work out. I have to think about my baby and making a safe home for her." Cathy rubbed her stomach.

Kendall looked down at the stomach in shock she had notice a little pouch on her usually trim ex-girlfriend. "Are you pregnant?" Cathy beamed as she nodded her head. "How far long are you?"

"I'm four months pregnant." Cathy gushed with pride. Motherhood definitely looked good on her.

Kendall stood there saying nothing she knew she had to choose her words wisely right now or she would loose Cathy forever. "Congratulations." The two women hugged. "Move in with me and we can deal with all this later."

"My child is nothing to deal with. I think you should leave now." Cathy pulled out of Kendall's arms and walked towards the children.

I can't loose you Cathy nothing else matters. Kendall whispered. "Give me a call if you need anything." A protective hand was on Cathy's arm with a tight squeeze given for emphasis.


The name on the doorway read K. James as Kendall entered her Father's office. The pictures of the boats from his earlier years as a racer adorned his walls. Trophies decorated a stand to the right of his desk, 1st place trophy cups, 2nd place ribbons. The most cherished of his prizes stood on the wall behind him. The year 1983 written underneath the photo that stood at least half her height, a younger Ken James leaning against a sailboat teaching two precocious children how to tie a seaman's knot. The boy looked nine in the photo and the girl about six with sandy hair lightened by the sun enraptured with what their Father was teaching them.

Kendall smiled at her Father as she entered the room. "Papa." two loving arms wrapped themselves around her body and tugged tight on her lean frame. Their Father had looked in the photo the way her and Donny did now and could have been their clone, but years of hard work and drink made him look ten years older than he was.

"Kendall." She turned and realized her brother Donny was invited to the meeting. The unexpected presence of Donny made her happy since her return on the last business trip a rift had been built between father and son.

"Ken update us on the new acquisitions." Ken James requested. He had called her that nickname since she was eight.

The file Kendall brought in was dropped on her father's desk. "I have been talking to the Spencer people and will have the paperwork drawn up by Tuesday. The Flores liquidation is already complete and I have already had some interest from a few parties, so those fixtures might not even cool their feet in the warehouse at anytime before their off our hands."

"Donny said you were talking to the Andrade's lawyer about selling?" Two set of green eyes looked towards Donny.

Kendall showed her Father the pictures of the property the Andrade's restaurant had been the "it" spot in its early Hollywood days. "Papa I got Mr. Andrade to speak with me over a lunch meeting tomorrow." Donny said as his father went over the file.

"I hadn't heard they were going through difficult financial times." Ken James asked.

"The senior Andrade is in his sixties and none of his children or grandchildren want to take over the restaurants." Donny proudly said; for he was privy to information that hadn't reached their competition yet.

"Ken you go instead." Ken James ordered without pause. His face buried in the folder never looked up at either of his children as he spoke. "I've wanted that place since I was a kid and before I had this business."

"Papa Donny is the one who arranged the meeting."

Ken James looked into his youngest child's eyes unbelieving of her insolence. "Then go with her to the meeting." His eyes dashed back towards Donny.

"The meeting is about him possibly selling to us. There is no need for Kendall's services, she is great for the liquidation and negotiating the price but I need to discuss some things after the meeting with Andrade."

"Donny I don't want you handling anything that is taking away from the auctioning house. You need to centralize your interest there."

"Papa Donny has a lot of new ideas about the restaurant." Kendall wanted her father to see that her brother was more than a filer and tag monkey for the warehouse.

"I have a rapport already with Mr. Andrade." Donny emphasized.

"A locust like me and James Liquidation house don't need to be on the scene. Leave it to Donny I'll draw up the contracts when your ready." Kendall directed her comment solely to her brother.

"I don't like to be contradicted." The elder James fumed The folder held little interest for him now. "I'll go up there taking care of it myself if you won't Ken."

"He doesn't need an old codger or a locust ruining the deal. You send me in when you want to eat up the scenery. Donny got all the charm in the family and from what I heard Andrade has a very attractive granddaughter who is his lawyer. I have every faith in you Don."

He smiled Kendall only called him Don twice in their lives when he saved her cat from getting hit by a car when she was ten and the night of the rehearsal he found her and Cathy together and he told her to follow her heart. "Thanks." Donny mouthed to Kendall.

"Papa Andrade's is synonymous with glamour. We could change our family fast food image and go to full blown restaurateurs with this place in our fold." Kendall was going to bring the business into the 21st century kicking and screaming if she had to.

"I want a full listing of all the equipment at all their locations if it doesn't work out. Do you hear me?" Ken James gave in, a request from Kendall would always be granted and she knew it. Like any daddy's girl she had him wrapped around her finger.

The moment his wife presented him with his son he thought life could not get better and then three years later Kendall was here. The first born should have been junior, but the boys mother insisted on naming him after her own father. Full of life and the carbon copy of him he saw that he had named the right child Kendall James II. He had put all his hopes into Donny but when the boy showed little aptitude at achieving part of his aspirations he envisioned for him, he turned his attentions to his daughter.

"I might have a new interest that could blend in with what Donny has been working on. You both have been to Calli's?" Kendall decided to spring the first half of her plan.

"The little dark hole on 25th and Broad street?" Donny stopped adding anymore once he saw the gleam in her eyes.

"You got those gold double ovens they have?" Ken James knew his most requested piece at the warehouse and who currently locally had such items.

"No. Papa the restaurant has a great garden dining experience."

"Also French doors and handcrafted windows we could get top dollar if you get that bid in." Dollar signs danced in the Elder James head.

"Their not closing. I'm thinking of opening a restaurant with a different garden theme in each section." Kendall had drafted a few financial reports and gave a copy to each of the James males.

"How is this going to increase revenue?"

"For James Restaurant Equipment Auction & Liquidators nothing, but for our restaurants endless potential. Restaurants like Calli's and Andrade's have a chance to be the hottest thing in town."

"Until the next hottest thing comes along." Ken James put down the report barely glancing through it.

"People will pay top dollar to hang out with young celebrities and dine with the
Best chef's. A few have already shown interest. Our signature could be imported beers at the bar and?."

"You can slap a ten dollar label on but you still got piss in a bottle." Ken James snickered. "Didn't I teach you low overhead and higher profits. You want to renovate and add new stoves. "

"Ten even more for beer and they'll pay it." Kendall pulled the financial report back in front of her father. "As for the renovation most of that can stay the same. I did listen when you told me."

"She is right. On a Friday at Calli's there is a line a mile back to get in." Donny turned the pages of the report.

"If Donny, excuse me when Donny gets the place I'm not going to dismantle it. I want to christen it as our latest location for fine dining." Kendall looked at her brother showing him she had complete faith in him.

"Ken I have faith in you and Donny." The fact The elder James paused at including his son in the acknowledgement was not lost on the two siblings. "Get it wrapped up as soon as possible and don't loose the main focus of getting items for the auction house and the warehouse."

"I will have everything written up by end of the week." Donny emphasized for his father.

"Ken I want you and that pretty little lady of yours at the house this Saturday for dinner."

"Papa I would love to show up, but I don't know if Cathy will make it." Kendall had yet to inform her father of the breakup.

"She might have to do some work that day. You know everyone is having babies, so she'll never have a shortage of business." Donny assisted his sister. The double edge comment along with the assist didn't get past her. "Daddy I will bring the lovely granddaughter Andrade, Isabella, Saturday. So, there will be one beautiful lady you can flirt with at the table."

"See here. Ken he did get the charm. You got my business savvy and he has the way with the ladies as I did back in my younger days." Ken James had drunk, caroused and still built an empire in his fifty plus years.

"I knew you two would of hit it off." Kendall knew her brother had a bit of more than usual interest in the account.

"How did you let that one get past you Ken?" The older James always had to goad his son to be competitive with his younger sister.

"Well as you know Papa I am an sort of an old married woman now and I can only look, but can't touch the merchandise."

"In my day I would have had that Andrade girl, the restaurant on the auction block, and a few of the waitresses numbers already on speed dial." Ken James was nothing but blunt.

"Was that when you were with Mama?" Donny could play this too.

"Yeah Papa." Kendall had to join in too.

"No. With a woman like your Mother no other woman could hold a candle too her. She tamed me and I purred like a kitten before her. She was a keeper like your Cathy."

Kendall always envied the love her parents had for each other and hoped only for an ounce of that kind of love. "Cathy is a keeper." Ken James picked up three glasses from the bar and poured scotch into each glass giving the other two to his children.

"Your brother here seems to have found a woman. I think that this one is a keeper too. Even for a business dinner I can't see you bringing her over if you didn't want more from it." Ken James beamed enthusiastically to his daughter who was uncomfortable lying to her father about the status of her relationship. "Do you think a double wedding might be on the menu for next spring?"

"I don't know about Donny but I'm in no rush."

"There is an expiration date. Those eggs aren't going to stay fresh on the shelf forever." Kendall choked on the liquid as it went down her throat.

"Kendall has a few oats to sow, but Daddy this could be the one for me and you might have a few bouncing grandchildren for the next Father's day." Donny again to the rescue Kendall thought.

"Well let's toast to the next Mrs. James. May she give strong sons?.." Ken James looked at his daughter with pride. "Or daughters and may my wayward youngest get enough sense and make an honest woman out of her girlfriend."

"Here. Here." Donny jibed.


Kendal buried herself into her paperwork, but occasionally her mind would wander back to the blonde that had made her life complete for the last five years. Ring! Ring! The clock next to the bed read 3 a.m. Kendall jumped up to get the phone the only reason someone called at this hour was if there was an emergency. "Hello." The familiar voice was on the other side.

"Did you mean it when you said you would like to help me out?" Cathy asked.

Kendall tried to remember exactly what she had said to the expectant woman two weeks ago. "Yes." She figured she would deal with the fallout later.

"Would you do me a favor and get me some chocolate ice cream and some Lornadoones?"

"This is one of those late night cravings?"

"Yeah." Cathy shyly answered.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes." Kendall hung up the phone. She was surprised that Cathy turned to her but she definitely wasn't going to let an opportunity to get on the blonde's good side go by.


The apartment keys were underneath the cactus plant holder like it had been for the last five years. Kendall had discouraged Cathy leaving herself so vulnerable, but she was glad the key was waiting for her. The apartment was pitch dark but Kendall remembered where the kitchen was and stumbled to the back of the apartment. A bowl with a couple of scoops of ice cream surrounded by some cookies adorned the plate she brought to the master bedroom. The room still was decorated with all the pictures of their life together on the walls.

Cathy laid resting on the bed completely taken by sleep. Kendall laid the plate next to the bed. The blonde stirred on the bed, Kendall grazed her temple with a slight peck. The blonde woke up startled until she got her bearings and recognized Kendall "I brought you a snack."

The pregnant woman devoured the plate and requested that Kendall bring back two more servings of the same. By the fourth bowl Cathy appetite seemed sated. Kendall sat on the other side of the bed amazed at how much her ex consumed, when they were dating the blonde never ate or ordered desert when they went out to dinner. Cathy put the bowl on the table after she scraped up what little that was left in the bowl. The blonde grabbed her lower back. "It hurts?" Kendall asked. Cathy nodded her head. "Lie on your side I'll rub it." The feeling of flesh that she hadn't touched in months made her tingle all over. "Is this comfortable." Again the blonde nodded.

A guttery groan released from Cathy's mouth and her head leaned back on Kendall's chest. Kendall moved her hand ministration to the tense neck muscles. The moans from the blonde made Kendall wet between her legs, every part of her fought to not kiss Cathy's exposed flesh on her neck.

Cathy's hand reached back and guided Kendall's left hand to the front of her pajama bottom and near the drawstring waist. Together the two women untied the string and slid their intertwined hands into the blonde's pants. The softness of the hair hypnotized Kendall, the two hands moved up to Cathy's breast together as they gave a mutual moan. The mere touching of the body she hadn't felt in months was sending Kendall into almost an orgasmic state. She told herself to think about baseball, work anything to get control over her body.

Kendall unwrapped her hand from Cathy's grasp and leaned the woman on her back. Kendall straddled the smaller woman making sure to avoid her abdomen. Kissing down her hips then a leg, Kendall caressed a limb as her tongue massaged her inner thigh. Cathy rubbed her hands through Kendall's hair in rhythm with the strokes. "Ahhhh!" Cathy moaned. "Ohhh! Oh!" The blonde pulled up to the bed head post. The blonde laughed; in the twelve odd years of making love to a woman Kendall had heard a lot of things but laughing wasn't one of them.

A hurt face rose up to a jovial Cathy. "Feel here." Cathy took Kendall's hand and directed it to her belly. The rolling of waves crashing underneath her fingertips tingled her hand. Then followed by a push then a shuffle to another part of the belly and another repeat of movement. "She is awake. She is definitely going to be a morning person."

Kendall smiled at Cathy about the wonderment she had been privy to this morning but her mind raced off to what her body had experienced only moments before. The need to possess her girlfriend was undeniable and she had to have her now. Kendall's hand slid down from the resting place of Cathy's stomach to her inner thigh. Once again the familiar moans that greeted her when she made love to her resumed. As her fingers waltzed slowly to the inner folds Kendall had to remind herself to keep breathing. The smoldering look in her lover's eyes proved she was headed in the right direction. Abruptly a firm hand held Kendall's wrist from further exploration and she looked again into her lover's eyes and only found a turned head. "Hold me." Cathy begged.

"We'll take it slower." Kendall wrapped her arms around her lover.

"Can we just hold the rest of the night?"

Kendall looked at the woman she desired more than breathing at this moment and couldn't believe she had actually wanted to only hold. "I want to make love to you."

"I can't the baby."

"She is fine. I won't go fast and there is no pressure on your abdomen." Kendall pleaded. She never pleaded for sex in her life but the need to feel the other half of her soul was too strong and all pride flew out the window.

"She is awake." Cathy sat up retying her pants drawstring.

"Wrapped up in amnio?. whatever she is not going to hear a thing. I promise I won't enter you. I need this. I need you." Kendall saw the same face that had told her that day that she and her baby would be fine without her. Two arms embraced the small blonde to lean back as the two bodies melded into one. The night sleep was hard for Kendall but as the somber sounds of her companion reminded her that she had made the right choice she fell asleep as well.


The night was unusual to say the least for Kendall she had held the woman she loved and didn't make love to her. The five years they were together she had never spent the night with Cathy or any woman before and not had sex. The tenderness of making Cathy feel safe moved her, but she didn't if know she could go nine months without sex, let alone eighteen years. The softness of her ex-girlfriend's skin was like a drug it made her light headed and defenseless. Kendall's hand wandered towards Cathy's breast as the blonde stirred under her touch she guided their hands to her abdomen, the kick from the baby jolted Kendall and she leapt off the bed.

"I can't do this." Kendall dressed leaving Cathy in shock at the sudden change in mood.

Kendall sat in her car the last thing she needed was the stress of 2 a.m. feedings. Medical payments and toys thrown across her condos floor. She had sealed one of the best contracts in town and was going to treat herself to two weeks in Hawaii. There was no room for spit up, mommy and me jamboree, the clubs had the hottest women and a different one could be in her bed every night of the week. There was definitely going to be sleepless nights ahead, just not with baby tears and post partum syndrome drama. Kendall sped away in her mustang letting the wind take away her stress, responsibilities and longing for her old life with Cathy.


"Kendall!" The pounding on the door continued. "Kendall!"

Kendall opened the door her hair covered her face wearing a tank top and shorts. Donny brushed past her and entered without waiting for an invitation. Clothes and leftover plastic containers covered the apartment floor. Her brother kicked everything out of the way as he made a pathway through the room to the couch. The piece of furniture had more clothes than the floor combined all over the arms and seat. Donny grabbed a straw from a long ago abandoned cup. The plastic object shifted a couple of socks and a shirt to the floor clearing a spot for him on the chair's arm.

"Dad's been trying to get a hold of you for days. We have to deal with the Andrade representatives and the Spencer account doesn't have a file on my desk yet." Donny was speechless as a half dressed brunette walked in with tussled hair. The young woman came in to give Kendall a kiss on her cheeks, she removed the mug out of Kendall's hand and took a sip. Searching for something her eyes glanced around the apartment the young woman spotted what she was seeking, and grabbed a pair of pants off the floor and walked out of the apartment. "Guess that explains why we haven't seen you at the office lately. New roommate?"

"Just a new friend." Kendall went into the kitchen and brought another cup of coffee for Donny.

"You think you could find a friend who is cleaner than you next time. I'm sorry politically correct way would be to say some one who isn't domestically challenged." Donny always had to taunt her about her apartment and how she kept it. Her filing and paperwork was meticulous but for some reason her personal life unlike her work life would not fall in order.

"Don't worry about my personal life big brother." Kendall acted mesmerized by her mug leaving the conversation dead hoping that he would change the topic.

"Your out every night probably don't know who or where you wake up at."

"I got it under control." Donny picked up a bottle of whiskey. "I only had a glass or two my friends drunk most of it" Kendall said in her defense.

"Can't be much of friends if they let you drink yourself into a stupor." Donny picked four bottles and stacked them on the floor side by side to each other as he spoke.

"They serve their purposes."

"Dad is worried about you not showing up for work, delegating things to other staff members when he specifically ask you to do it.

"You can handle it. Let him give you some of my work load." Kendall sighed.

"He doesn't want me on it. If he did he would of never asked you."

"What is going on with you two. You have been at odds for the last few months. Does he want you to take on more responsibility at the firm." Kendall knew this was not a subject he wanted to deal with.

'Leave it."

"You can do this in your sleep take up some of the slack. I promise I'll be back next week Monday rested and ready to handle the Spencer account." Kendall's eyes were bloodshot the only part the white shown was a pin drop by the eyeball.

"I don't want to pry, but is all this about Cathy and the baby?

"Then don't." Kendall knew she messed up any chance of getting back with the young blonde, the last olive branch given was burned down with a declaration of "I can't do this."

"Alright. Tell me how to smooth over the Andrade account Sue sent the wrong documents and the deal is about to fall through." The wrinkle on Donny's forehead deepened as his face tightened up.

"How much of an offer did you put on the table?"

"Five hundred-fifty." Donny went into his briefcase and handed Kendall a folder. "Which is fair market value."

Kendall glanced over the document. "No wonder he balked at your offer. You gave him no buyers option and restrictions in opening another restaurant for twenty years. This was an insult to the man whose family owned this business for over a hundred and twenty years. And you tell a man, himself over sixty he can't run another restaurant even if it is a hole in the wall. We're buying the man's family name and reputation not just stone walls. Go to his people tell him the five hundred-fifty still stands, but with option to buy up to ten percent of our company stock. Also put an offer for Mr. Andrade to work as a Proxy-CEO for the soon to be Andrade-James restaurants to open soon.

"Thanks Kendall you saved my ass again." Donny tugged at her shoulder as he walked out the door. "I'm going to say this since your going to have time to think about it. I'm just saying six words: pick up the phone and call.

Kendall stood in the room sipping on her coffee thinking about what Donny said. Pick up the phone and call her. Kendall's eyes glance around for the phone and she stared at it.


The third trimester was the most difficult one for Cathy. The blonde would burst into tears or laughter without a moments notice. Kendall wanted to make her point across that no matter what happened in their relationship they would always be friends. The last few months of a pregnancy were hard on a woman her brother told her. She needs to feel special and loved. Kendall set up Cathy's apartment with baby safety features and assembled the crib and changing table. The room theme was snoopy with the bedding and window adornments matching the cartoon pattern. The special surprise for Cathy was when she put tiny sticky figures from the Snoopy universe on the wall to match the rest of the room.

A couple of hours a week Kendall found time to go to Cathy's place and help with anything she needed. One day it was to chase a wayward possum out of her apartment which was fine until the critter got confused about who was the chaser and the chasee. She avoided getting rabies shots by jumping up a tree branch and staying put for an hour. The lack of a hasty return alarmed Cathy and upon the hearing of her name from a distance Kendall figured she better take her chances and run to the house before her pride was bruised.


Kendall arrived at the apartment after a call from Cathy said to hurry over. "Come in the doors open." Cathy shouted. "Thank you for coming right over I need a favor." Cathy called on the phone Kendall didn't ask why she just came.

"Sure. This doesn't involve a furry four legged anything does it?" Cathy shook her head. Kendall blew out a sigh of relief.

"Beverly's car is not working and she had to put it in the shop." Cathy buzzed around the room picking up magazines and newspaper and piled them into the magazine rack near the fireplace.

"You need me to run any errands for you no problem."

"I need you to take me to my check up appointment at three.

"Okay are you ready right now." Kendall didn't know what else to say she was worried that there might be something wrong and she didn't want to voice her concerns. "I'll even put the top up on the car.


Hospitals were always cold and sterile and Kendall thought. The combination smell of urine along with bleach wrapped its way up her nose. The waiting room was packed with other expectant mothers and their husbands or significant others. Kendall felt out of place knowing she wasn't either, Cathy smiled back at her while she filled out some paperwork. The need to rush for an appointment that the doctor office kept you waiting anyway for always boggled her mind.

Kendall went down to the car and brought up a pillow for Cathy's back. The cold plastic chairs in the obstetrician's office were not comfortable and the few cloth ones in the room were still unbearable for a pregnant woman. Kendall rubbed the back of her ex to relieve the stress in her muscles, if she was honest she would be able to admit it was about her enjoying the physical contact with Cathy.

"You have to feel here." Cathy eyes glided from Kendall's hand to her stomach.

"Getting gas? Feeling pain? You want some 7 up?" Kendall asked anxiously. Cathy shook her head.

"The baby is making her presence known and demanding attention." The two women laughed. "She is so demanding she reminds me of you."

Cathy took Kendall's hand and guided it to her stomach. The baby kicked and put a push on her hand. "She is real strong. Just like a James should be." The words came out before she could keep them in her mind.

"Ken would get a kick out of her making a ruckus." Cathy also said something she wish she kept silent.

"Papa has asked about you. He would like to see you. He would love to know that there was going to be another beautiful woman he could charm."

"Have you talked to him about us and the baby?"

"He doesn't know we aren't together. But I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart. That old fool would marry you if he thought you would say yes." Kendall looked lovingly into her eyes.

"I'd probably take him up on the offer."

"My father and brother have more sense than me to make an offer of marriage to an incredible woman. But I told him that you already had somebody."

"Who would want me I'm six months pregnant and can't even see if I matched my shoes." They both looked down towards Cathy's feet.

"Their matching, though I probably wouldn't of worn pink tennis shoes with your green shirt. And I definitely can think of someone who would want you." Kendall and Cathy looked at each other and before they got the chance to explore what Kendall could of meant by it. They were interrupted by a voice from behind them.

A older man came out with a chart. He wore a lab coat and his name tag indicated he was the doctor. The doctor directed Cathy to the back of the office. Cathy looked back at Kendall as she followed the doctor. "I'll be here waiting for you." The eyes of her ex softened at the words she had just said.

Kendall chastised herself for telling Cathy about how she felt about her. Tell her you were only speaking figuratively only when you brought up about marrying her. Kendall's cell phone rang the meeting with Donny and Mr. Andrade wasn't going to well. "I'm on my way right now stall him." Kendall walked to the nurses station and waited for one of the women to finish with the other patients doing paperwork or paying a bill. A tall brunette older woman finished first and asked Kendall if she could help her.

Kendall picked up a memo pad and wrote on it. "I came with a Miss Cathy Paul. She should be in there for a while but if she gets out early could you tell her I had an emergency but will be back within the hour." The nurse took the note.

A pregnant woman in the waiting plastic chairs moaned and the nurse moved towards her putting the note into her pocket. Liquid surrounded her seat on the floor the nurse and an orderly realize the woman is going into labor. A gurney carried the woman into one of the rooms. The note long forgotten.

Kendall walked out of the Mother and child's wing and into the elevator as the doors closed Cathy walked out of the office. "Kendall. " The blonde looked around and didn't see Kendall in the waiting room. She went to the desk asking the nurses if the sandy haired woman had said where she went to. None of the nurses remembered talking to anyone of that description.


The dining area looked roomier without the waiters and patrons filling up every space of the restaurant. Kendall found Donny talking to an older darker haired man of Mediterranean heritage at a round booth in the back of the restaurant. "Donny." Kendall called out from the other side of the room before walking up to the men. Both gentlemen stood up once she was next to the table. "It is a great pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Andrade." Kendall extended her hand out to the older man, who turned the hand around and kissed it.

"Always a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman." As his lips released the flesh he held in his hands. "You didn't tell me your sister was so exquisite."

"Didn't I say we looked a lot alike."

"No offense but believe me there is no way I would ever compare you to a man." Mr. Andrade continued with his flattery never releasing his hold on Kendall's hand.

"So, Mr. Andrade I hope that you had a chance to look at the specs of the contract." Kendall played coy knowing he already had.

"I did. But I don't want my restaurant dismantled."

"Don't get me wrong sir. Yes, we are liquidators and I know my reputation alone would have you quake in your shoes, if you had to make this decision right now." Kendall eyes met with Donny they were sunken indicating the deal had taken a toll on him. "Mr. Andrade my mother was a fabulous cook and every Christmas she would bake and prepare the most delicious meals days ahead and her sisters would arrive two days before to help her. They would make a feast for fifty people in my family and when I say my memories are of these times they are not just the food but the bonding of my Mother and her sisters."

"I have been in the restaurant business for years. It's in my blood I don't know if I could turn over my families sweat and tears over to a company that wants to make it the equivalent of a sunshine meal palace." Andrade moved his eyes back and forth between Donny and Kendall.

"I can assure you that James Restaurant Equipment Auctioneers Liquidators is not planning to sully the Andrade's restaurant reputation. This is a vision that Donny and I have for our children and legacy." Kendall put her hand on her brother's shoulder. "We want a place where food is utmost, elegance foremost and quality is always definite. Andrade's -James restaurant will be around for many years with the same aspirations as you had."

Mr. Andrade patted her on the hand. "And you young Mr. James do you follow your sister with the same vision or are you your father's shadow?" Andrade released Kendall's hand as he waited for his response.

"I am my own man." Donny replied.

"And Mr. Andrade, it is I who follows my brother." The two siblings gave a mutual nod of respect to the other.

"I like you both and young James I am glad my Isabella is so fond of you." Andrade directed his comment to Donny.

"Our people have drafted a more pleasing contract compared to last time. With stock options and a offer of employment. Sir, it would do me a big honor if you were to stay on and guide me and Donny to be the visionaries of a family legacy by the name of James."

Kendall put out her hand Mr. Andrade blew out a puff of air. The moment of silence was so thick that Donny and Kendall thought they would choke on it. Mr. Andre brought out his hand and shook Kendall's. Smiles on all three faces appeared.


Kendall arrived back at the hospital within the hour that she had promised Cathy in her note. The front desk informed her that she had already left, the nurse that had received the note was still in the office with the emergency and Kendall couldn't find out if Cathy got her message. Kendall reached in her pocket to get her cell phone. Promptly one of the nurses, who could have been a linebacker for the Chargers pointed to a sign that had a phone with a line through it. Kendall put it away before the woman decided to leap across the desk if Kendall wanted to fain illiteracy of reading signs. The doctor that came and collected Cathy walked up to the front desk with his clipboard writing in it.

"Excuse me doctor." Kendall looked at the name plate and saw the name Carrey. 'Dr. Carrey I came with a patient of yours Cathy Paul." Kendall waited for a sign of recognition. "Did her appointment go well?"

"Who are you?"

"My name is Kendall James."

"Her life partner?"

"Yes." Kendall didn't see the need to correct him at this time, especially if he was going to give her the status of Cathy's health.

"She was fine. She had came out before we started to have you see the ultrasound, but you had already left." The doctor saw the look of concern in her eyes. "Mother and baby are doing just fine. Would you like to know what your having?"

"The earlier test already said it was hard to tell."

"The funny thing about babies they like to hide when we take their pictures until the last moment. Sometimes we miss a few things. Your going to have a baby girl." The smile on Kendall's grew as she thought about the baby growing inside of Cathy. "Would you like a copy of the Ultrasound?"

"I could have one?"

"She had told me that at this time that your not together, but she did set aside a request for you to have a copy if you chose."

"I choose. God yes." The picture from his clipboard showed a shadowy figure in the midst of liquid. The shape bore more resemblance to a reversed version of Casper the friendly ghost than to a baby. "So this is her eyes and ?" Kendall looked at the doctor. "She has ten fingers and toes and no extra legs or tails?" The doctor shook his head. The question was asked all the time from expectant fathers. Kendall hugged the man surprising him and showed the photo to the lone nurse at the desk. "That's my daughter there." The nurse smiled happy for another expectant parent.

Outside finally out of the no cell phone zone of the hospital Kendall dialed Cathy's phone. Her voicemail came on the three times she dialed. "I saw the baby she is beautiful. Sorry, I wasn't back for you when you were done. Love you. Bye."


Several days later Cathy hadn't returned her calls. The daycare center said she showed up to work so Kendall knew that she wasn't sick. Not wanting to miss her on the phone again Kendall swung by Cathy's apartment. Ringing at the doorbell, the side door curtain moved to the side. Kendall had expected her ex to answer the door but was instead greeted by Beverly. "Is she awake?"

"She's up, but she doesn't want to see you." Beverly had a hand up to keep Kendall from entering the apartment.

"I wanted to make sure she was okay. None of my phone calls have been returned."

"After that stunt you pulled at the doctor's office you shouldn't even show your face."

Kendall had a look of shock not quite sure what to think. "I had told the nurse I would be back within the hour."

"She had to get a taxi in the rain."

"Let me talk to her. Cathy! Cathy!" Kendall shouted to the back of the apartment over Beverly's head. I left a message please believe me." No response came from the apartment Kendall retreated from the door as it closed in her face.


Kendall flopped on the couch staring at the ultrasound picture of the baby that Cathy was carrying. A glance to the baby heart monitor that she wore whenever she came to the house sat on top of the TV. Kendall remembered every beat of her heart. Tired of staying in Kendall grabbed her jacket and headed out the door.


"Donny." Kendall pounded on the door. A shave cream covered face greeted her at the door as he ushered her in. The room that he had lived in since birth at the mansion was done in early American motif.

"What do I owe the pleasure of this visit." Donny headed back to the bathroom he gestured for her to follow him.

Kendall got a front row seat on the toilet watching him shave. "Help me fix things with Cathy."

"What do you want me to do. I told you to talk to her about the past."

The past is not what is between us." Kendall knew she was lying.

"Have you ever told her about Anastasia?" Kendall shook her head. "You were young and so was she there was nothing you could do about what happened."

"I could of told her not to have the baby."

"You told me earlier that when a women wants to have a baby you better just get out of her way and let her."

" But she didn't want the baby. I knew that Anastasia wasn't taking care of herself. I was so wrapped up in work that I didn't notice the Mother of my child was drinking." A hand from Donny wiped a tear from Kendall's cheek.

"You can't be someone else's keeper like you can't blame Cathy for Anastasia's choices. Has she gone to her appointments, taken every vitamin and eaten properly?' Kendall nodded her head to her brother's question.

"Anastasia should of never had a baby. I prodded her into getting pregnant. I wanted a grandchild for Papa to make him see I could be the future for this family."

"You are. Kendall the business was nothing before but jackals after the kill, but you have compassion and understanding. I know the truth. The paper trail never lies. You have extra checks on some accounts where in Daddy's day he would paid only pennies on a dollar you have on occasion given them the street value price. Now would that be a Ken senior move or Ken II?

"He would of called me a bleeding heart and softy. Who was contributing to the welfare state." In her best Ken Sr. impersonation.

"But you get to look into the mirror at night and you like what you see. I love the old man but I don't want to be him. Nor do you."

"I found out she's having a girl."

"Congratulations." Donny juggled with his towel and razor, flipping the towel over his shoulder he bent down to place a kiss on her cheek.

"Can I ask you something and I don't mean to hurt you?"

"Go ahead." Donny braced himself for what was to come next.

"We're you deeply in love with Cathy?"

"Yes. I was deeply in love with her. And a part of me still is." Donny could finally admit what was in his heart.

"Not a part of my heart was given to her. I couldn't let her in. We could never live together. I couldn't have her share my life. I had did that before and it had shattered to pieces. Four-seven two thousand and five nine a.m.."

"What? Donny wiped the remands of the shaving cream off his face. Confusion rambled through his mind.

"That's when I could pass by a couple with their baby without feeling my heart crushing into a million pieces."

Donny went into the bedroom and pulled out a dress shirt to put on. "You want to make the old man pride get him his granddaughter over to the house and let him spoil her. And you love his mother for rest of your life. The answer is real easy. Look past all things in between and just see the end where Cathy is and get her."

Kendall went on the tie rack and picked up a coordinating darker color tie to go with his light blue shirt. Donny was the worst at making a tie and many afternoons were wasted on showing him the fine art of wrapping and going through a loop. She had got to the point before she went off to college and still lived at the house with him that every tie he owned was already pre-tied. Donny just had to put his head through and he was set.

"Only one James has cold feet it seems." Kendall glanced her sights as she finished straightening his tie on him,. on the dresser where a velvet box was open. Inside a lovely one carat ring sat in between the felt folds.

"Do you like it?"

"She better I sent him to my jeweler and helped him pick out the set." Their father stood larger than life outside her brother's bedroom door.

"Brave man." Kendall saw the tension still between both men. "So anyone going to tell me what is going on between you two?" Silence from both of the men angered her. "Papa tell me now." Kendall gave him a stern look he couldn't break form her glare.

"I warned him about his Isabella that he would lose her like he did Cathy to you or someone else who actually had a set."

"Why would you say something that horrible?"

"Leave it alone Kendall." Donny pleaded.

"You even have your sister fight your battles for you?"

"Papa stop insulting Donny. I don't want to ever hear you say anything so cruel again." Kendall shot her father a stern look. "There would be no Andrade account if Donny hadn't handled it."
"He had a wonderful girlfriend and tossed her away. Good thing you had the foresight to see what a good woman she was." The elder James glared at Donny.

"Foresight. Yeah. Papa something you need to know and I wish I had a set to have told you about me. Donny didn't let Cathy go the day of the wedding." Kendall looked away she didn't want to see the disappointment in her father's eyes. "I stole his fiancée at the dress rehearsal and made her break her promise to him." The eyes that always beamed bright for her turned black and cold after the confession. "Donny is a good man unlike me he treats a woman right. So let him go at his own pace he knows what he wants. And I would never try to take away Isabella from you." Kendall eyes met with her brother's that softened as she spoke. "I broke a good man's heart and fate was kind to me where he forgave me. Papa there is no reason to be proud of me."

"Nothing you ever did has made me ashamed." The elder James informed his daughter. "She just wasn't the right one for you son and I am sorry I wasn't there to help you get through it.." The elder James calmed down.

"She is made to be with Kendall like Isabella is made for me." Donny added.

"Now maybe Ken you'll go down there and get that girl to marry you and make me some grandkids. Your brother is already going to have one in the oven by the time you get your head out of your ass."

"Well Papa I might of already beaten Donny again." The competition now was on birthing days of their kids. The elder James stared confused at her statement. "Part of why Cathy hasn't been around lately is that she is pregnant and due any day now."

A broad grin grew on Ken James face both of his arms wrapped themselves around his two grown children. "Thank you both."


The clothes and the used plastic containers that littered the condo seemed overbearing at she entered her home. A trash bin from outside was pulled in closer to the door. For the next three hours every piece of clothing and container that had populated her home for months was now headed for a future home in the public dump. A fresh coat of paint on all the walls made it look like a different home.

A ping of sadness crept into Kendall's heart as she tore off Miss October, and the Angels of Victoria Secret's from the campaign two years ago who helped her get through more than one lonely night from her office walls. In its place was shelves of stuffed toys and cabbage patch dolls. The frilly things that never held an interest for her as a child set center stage for the room. The lovely classic white of the crib and changing table blended well with the pink. A swap meet venture found a beautiful made quilt with clouds and lambs draped across the rocking chair that had been in her family for three generations. The room and condo was ready for the arrival of her first born whenever her Mother was ready to come back to her.


Red, blue and purple flowers which were Isabella's favorite colors and the ones chosen for the wedding adorned the garden. The raven-haired bride was beautiful with her white dress. The something old was her Grandmother's hair pin, something borrowed was a brooch that Kendall gave her along with something blue which was a garter, and the something new Donny gave her was his baby she was carrying. The pregnancy glow made her the most beautiful bride she had ever seen, but a thought of Cathy on her wedding day years ago reminded her that Isabella was the second most beautiful.

Cathy's pregnancy was going well and Kendall got up the courage to ask Cathy to come as her guest, which met with some resistance until she reminded her it would please Donny. Cathy agreed to make an appearance at the reception. Kendall spotted the blonde at the refreshment table. The sky blue dress she wore brought the color out in her deep blue eyes. "You look lovely."

"Thank you. You don't look to shabby yourself." Cathy admired the white Armani suit that matched the one that Donny had on but looked even better on Kendall.

"Would you like a drink? I think I can swing a fast pass to get through the line." Kendall came back with two glasses of punch. "How are you feeling? Kendall's hand went down to the blondes abdomen, which if anyone else had did this it would of upset her.

"We're doing fine." Cathy's eyes scoped the room as she searched for nothing in particular.

"Did you come with anyone?" Cathy shook her head. "May I drive you home there are some things I would like to discuss with you?" The blonde agreed. The woman wasn't going to be easy to draw into a conversation today Kendall wondered how she could change this.

A male voice came across from the podium where the wedding party sat. "This is where all the well wishers say a few words and I would like to first ask Donny's best man his sister Kendall to say a few words."

Kendall rushed to the podium her eyes never left Cathy out her sights. The man handed her a glass of champagne. "My brother has the most incredible taste he has always been someone, who I strived to be. He told me the day he met Isabella that he had met his future wife. Like anybody else I did the naysayer's dance. I asked why would you want to tie yourself down to just one girl. He told me he had found the other half of his heart he just needed to claim it." Kendall smiled at Cathy. "Said by a true romantic. My brother is lucky to find a beautiful caring wife and Isabella you are equally blessed to find a man who will adore you until the end of time. To Mr. and Mrs. James. " Kendall raised her glass towards the happy couple and towards Cathy.

Cathy felt sad in hearing the words coming out of Kendall's mouth if only she had felt that way and put caution to the wind and followed her heart they could be raising their child together as a family. As she turned back towards the refreshment table a hand pulled her back.

Kendall gave her the biggest smile, the sun had made her hair lighter letting Cathy know that she had spent many hours recently on her father's boat. "Walk with me and we can see the beautiful garden I planted. I'm testing certain cross buds for the restaurant gardens."

The landscape was beautiful and the bridge that went over the koi pond stunned Cathy with its detail. "It's beautiful out here."

"It's where I come to when I need to think. I was almost tempted to move back to the house, but there is some renovations I did to the condo that I like more." Kendall placed her hand out waiting to see if Cathy would grab it.

Cathy moved her hand closer but slid it down by her side before their hands could clasp. "Donny is a married man I can't believe it." Cathy didn't know what else to say her eyes kept focusing on Kendall's lips and she had an uncontrollable urge to kiss her.

"I want to apologize. You were never given a chance to be judge on your own actions. I have been living with ghost from the past and made you pay the price."

"What price?" Cathy searched in her eyes for a reason.

"Your not Anastasia and you would never be. "Our child is very lucky to have you as her mother. I know now that Anastasia was to immature to embark into motherhood. We both were."

Clarification came over Cathy's face. "You two had a child?"

"After college I had the business going strong and wanted to show my father I was better than a son. And I could give him something Donny hadn't given him. She wanted to party and I worked long hours more than I do now. I didn't know she wasn't going to her prenatal appointments or taking her vitamins. The drinking added to the difficulties for the baby and she miscarried."

"I'm sorry." Cathy's patted her hand on Kendall's.

"Probably for the best the doctor said. He would have had birth defects. No child deserves to suffer. But I thought you should know why I had treated you so bad. You deserved so much more."

"No matter what you said or did I knew you cared."

Kendall hands nervously fiddled in her pockets as she debated on when would be a good time to pull out her surprise. The need to move forward and to take chances won out all doubts. Kendall cleared her throat as leaned towards one knee to go down to the floor. Then she stood up and shifted uncomfortable with the choice of what to do. She saw the confusion on Cathy's face from her nervousness. Ken James and her brother gave her advice about women, but neither told her how to propose. Kendall decided eye to eye might work best.

A bright diamond with an blue tone came out of her pocket. "Miss Paul will you do me the honor of " Kendall stopped speaking. The blonde stooped over and groaned. All the times she had went over in her head this was not what she had dreamed about. The continuous moaning alarmed Kendall her eyes darted down to the river that laid at Cathy's feet. Glancing to the pond she didn't see any over flow she realized that Cathy's water had broke. "Okay. Just relax I'm going to get a doctor." The two women walked back towards the wedding reception.

Cathy through the panting tried to speak. "You were saying something?"

"It can wait.' Kendall's mind was on the impending birth.

"No. Tell me what did you want to ask me? Cathy puffed out heavy exhale breaths.

"It can wait" A tight grip on her wrist pulled her nose to nose with the blonde.

"No. Now!" Cathy shouted. The demand came out two octaves lower than her regular voice.

"Get a doctor over here and call an ambulance." To no one in particular. Kendall pulled her tux jacket off and placed it on a chair for Cathy. Redirecting her attention back to the blonde. Cathy's eyes looked at her the same way they had after they made love. "Cathy I still love you and never stopped. I want you to be in my life for an eternity." Kendall noticed hesitation in her eyes. "And I want us to be a family. With us raising our daughter together. Kendall fumbled in her pockets again dragging out the ring. The sparkles of the diamond glistened in Cathy's blue eyes.

"I don't know. Who knows if I wait maybe some other girl who is commitment phobic might ask me to marry her with a bigger ring. Kendall face scowled at her. "I'm kidding Kendall James II. Yes I will marry you. "Uggh!" The contractions were coming closer and harder.

"Damn it girl it took you long enough to get to your senses." Ken James said to his daughter. "Now kiss her or do I have to tell you how to do everything." Kendall showed her father she knew what was doing and how to treat a lady.

"After several minutes of lip locking Kendall and Cathy came up for air. "Papa your about to be a Grandpa." Ken James chest stuck out with his eyes beaming at his daughter. Kendall knew she had been everything her Papa had wanted her to be.

"You ready for the whole package?" Cathy panted.

"Completely I can't wait to start my life with you and? What name did you decide on?" Kendall cradled the blonde closer.

"Since she is so head strong and stubborn I have been calling her Kendall III." Kendall swooped down and kissed her future bride.

"Hear that Papa another Ken to add to our family tree. What do you say to that?" Kendall shouted which was greeted by an arm raised and a rally chant.


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