~ Lesbian ~
by TinyLynae77
I'm a lesbian and I don't care who knows
I won't hide or change the fact
I'm happy with who I am
I'm happy with where I'm going
It's nothing to be ashamed of
Those who think its wrong, to those I say love is not wrong
To those who say payers for my immortal soul
I say thank you
For those who scoff and scorn
I say do you have life or do you live through mine
For those who don't understand
I say what is there to understand
I'm a lesbian proud and free
I have no life partner, no one to share my triumphs and failures
But I say I will someday
When it is right
For those who say my past made me a lesbian
To those I say "you Wish" but alas that is so not true
For those who ask what made you a lesbian/homosexual
To those I say the same that made you a heterosexual/straight
For those who say I don't look like a lesbian
To those I ask what does a lesbian look like
So I'm a lesbian, so what
There's more to me than my sexuality
I say