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Panter sucked in a breath as her shift pulled at her wounded shoulder.
Wiping the rain off her face she grabbed her last cloth torn from her cloak and pressed it to her wound. She cast a look around her, so far no one had followed her, and the false trails she had made seem to have worked. Right now a dry warm place would have been very welcome, it had been a long while since she was welcome around any ones fire. That thought caused her to remember her home. She could not believe her own family, her own clan had cast her out had exiled her for being different, for being unclean. Panter knew she was different but she considered it a blessing not a curse.
A crack of a stick breaking caught her attention, she knew better then to not be aware of her surroundings. A tang drifted on the air, it was a bit stronger then the rest but not by much. She had smelled it before but where would not come to mind. Panters rose from her seat under a water-laden tree and faded back into an over hang of a cliff just behind her. Three figures emerged from the trees into the small clearing. With the rain coming down so hard it was difficult to see anything. Lifting her head and taking a deep breath she was able to sort through the scents and realized that they were three women. The sharp trace of metal she smelled said they were also armed. She watched silently as they started to scout the area. One of the women found the tree she had been crouched under and picked up the rag that had been on her shoulder. Damn, she knew better then to leave that laying there what was wrong with her.
"Tera, over here, look, this blood is still fresh whoever is hurt is around somewhere close".
Panter noticed the woman Tera had light hair and eyes as she neared where Panter was concealed. She could not help but be wary of these women. They could be like the ones from her home, welcoming until they found she was different and then the words and abuse flew. Many times she had barely escaped with her life. The woman who had found the cloth drew her attention, it was the woman who had shot her two days ago!. As the woman who wounded her grew closer to where she was hiding Panter let loose the rein she had on her anger, she would pay. Lunging forward she could feel the changes start and tried to control them as she collided with the woman. Screams erupted as she struggled with her and tried to pummel her face. She wanted to get revenge for nearly getting killed by her. The woman braced her feet and suddenly Panter found herself airborne. She crashed into a tree trunk and fell to the ground aflame in pain. Hearing the heavy sound of rushing feet she looked up with a snarl contorting her face, if she was going to die it was going to be on her own two feet. Rising she turned to face the women running toward her. The woman she had attacked ran toward with her sword drawn and raised.
Panter rushed her and ducked the swing at her head; tackling her she slashed at her with her right hand. Cry's exploded and Panter was once again launched away from her body. Another woman ran toward her with a hoisted sword preparing to skewer her with it.
The woman stopped in her tracks as she responded to the yelled command .The pale haired woman came forward, pausing when Panter raised her upper lip and snarled. "Where not here to harm you, we found a blood trail two days back and have been following you ever since".
Tera pulled back briefly when the dark woman snarled at them, for just a moment she could have sworn she saw fangs but quickly dispelled that idea. She was after all just a woman. Stepping forward again she slowly extended her hands.
"Please no more fighting we just wanted to help, why did you attack one of my people?"
Looking up the woman cocked her head and met her gaze full on; she had the most mesmerizing golden eyes. Shaking her head Tera paid more attention to the words she said.
"The female was the one who attacked me two days ago, I only want payment for the hurt inflicted".
Tera turned as her second started protesting.
" I never harmed her, the only thing I hunted two days ago was that animal that was wandering around the camp and it defiantly wasn't human".
Tera turned back to the woman "What my second says is true, but it seems that what you have spoken is also true, since you are both wounded I would say that payment is rendered wouldn't you?"
She watched as the woman fully stood and blinked in amazement at the height difference. She was at least six feet if not more. Fully rooted to her place she didn't move as the other woman came toward her. Noticing the restlessness of her people she once more paid mind to her.
"Yes, what you say is acceptable I will no longer hunt your second. What is a second?"
Tera smiled " She is my second of command over my peoples defenses, my warriors I guess you might say" ' Please tell me your name if we are to assist you, I can't keep calling you she now can I?"
The dark woman quirked a lip slightly "I suppose not, my name is Panter of the Vestran," she stated with an odd tilt to her head.
Tera stepped back slightly "Vestran?" "Isn't that a land across the waters to the north. How did you end up over here?"
Panter looked away " I would rather not reply to your question right now I do not know you enough to tell you such things."
"I suppose you are right I am Tera Hander of Hawks Peak, please let us tend to your shoulder and accompany us to our camp."
Panter was unsure what to make of the woman walking ahead of her. The aid to her hurts was appreciated but anyone not knowing of her "condition" would have done the same. She would just have to watch and see what unfolded in the time spent in their company.
Suddenly the slight change in the breezes direction caught her awareness.
The female Tera had also told her that only women were under her command and in her village, but the salty sweat she detected was not of them it was of males and now her sensitive ears also picked up heavy breathing and the cling of metal.
Silently she moved up beside Tera. " There is trouble ahead and to the left, there are males and they lie in wait." Tera paused "You know this for certain?" Panter nodded.
Tera gathered her women around and issued hurried orders and turned back to Panter but before she could say anything Panter stopped her.
"Do not worry I am not unarmed, I can take care of myself"
Tera nodded and went with her second.
Panter waited as they moved out of her sight around the bend them then pulled her awareness to the matter at hand. Following her senses she preceded into the trees and traced down the males waiting grouped in low brush by the trail. Pausing she concentrated and let a feral grin cross her face as she watched her hands, long wicked claws had formed and she knew from experience they were very deadly weapons. Quickly she climbed a tree that curved over the group and skimmed to a limb overhead. Throwing back her head she roared with delight and dropped into the middle of a sudden mass confusion below.
Chaos rained as she slashed from left to right a bright fountain of red following her movements. Men screaming in agony were music to her ears. Spinning in the flow of her motion she failed to notice a bright blade in time as it slashed downward. Pain blossomed across her chest, she bellowed in agony and ripped outward toward the source of hurt. Blood cascaded over her skin as the man who caused her agony fell at her feet. She heard the other female fighters crash through the brush and join the battle; Panter looked up and glimpsed Tera fighting towards her before the wound took her senses and caused her to fall into the pool of darkness that opened before her.
Tera heard a roar just before she and her women burst into the clearing.
She almost stopped in astonishment at the sight of Panter dropping down into the group of men; she heard screams and shouting erupt almost immediately. Tera continued into the fight and blocking a blow coming towards her head she lost track of Panter for the moment. The scuffle was swiftly over and as she caught her breath she looked around for Panter. Spotting her lying beside one of the many bodies that were scattered around she went to her and gasped as she noticed her hands. It was no wonder Panter said she was not unarmed; the claws her hands sported were no small weapons.
Instinctively she moved to shield her from the others sight, she could not explain why she just knew she must. Tera silently watched as Panters hands slowly resumed their normal form, just as it was completed Rena approached with the healing kit and stated looking over Panters injuries.
Rena opened Panter's tunic and wiped off the blood that pooled on her stomach, the blade had caught her just under her breasts between there and her abdomen. It wasn't too deep but enough to warrant a few stitches that Rena swiftly put in. Just as she finished Panter started to stir, opening her eyes she quickly sat up and flinched as the movement pulled the stitches. Panter drew in a breath at the jab of pain that went through her lower chest, sliding her fingertips under her tunic she touched fabric and understood what had happened. Standing she looked around and noticed all the bodies laying around. The other women went from each one searching their bodies for any important items that might have been left.
A slight clearing of someone's throat pulled her attention back, glancing to her left she realized that both Tera and Rena stood at her side. Rena gestured out to the clearing.
"That was one hell of a fight the guys you fought really got torn up, what weapon where you using to cause that?"
Rena stiffened slightly as she realized that she had failed to take that into consideration when she had used her "gift". Some people would normally ask questions and now she was caught with no answers.
" Here, I think you dropped this"
Panter and Tera's eyes met. She could only see calmness and trust in those light blue eyes. Looking down she saw a curved dagger laying in her palm, reaching out she grasped the handle and removed it. It was a type that would explain the wounds on the men.
"Yes I guess I did, thanks"
Somehow she knew that the conversation would not go any farther than that.
"Do you know who these men are and why they were laying in wait?"
Before Tera could reply one of her people came up and handed her something. She watched Tera's jaw clench and take a deep breath before she looked up her eyes stormy.
"Yes, my cousin"
It had been a quiet two days following the attack. They had waited for a day before continuing on their way back to the village so that the wounded could rest a bit before traveling. Tera glanced back and glimpsed Panter staying toward the rear of their group. She wasn't sure if she was doing that to stay out of the way or as a protective measure. She had seemed a bit on edge since the incident. Tera was still wondering about her and what she had seen during the fight. She knew that the woman was a mystery and more than likely not one to be solved quickly or maybe even safely. She did know one thing though; no matter what Panter was hiding from them all she wasn't going to make it a problem or an issue. Just the bit of time they had been together made her more interested in getting to know her better.
A call rang out. Tera pulled her attention back to her surroundings; they had neared the village border. At a gesture one of the sentinels raised a horn and sounded the response. Women dropped from the trees and emerged from the wooded growth from both sides of the trail lowering their weapons as they did. Seeing Tera they joyfully greeted her and joined the group as they neared the gates blocking the access to their village. Sentries posted at the walkways above the gates shouted down for them to be opened. The opening gates revealed a widespread gathering of dwellings arranged in a circular pattern with her home on the last circle to the rear of the village. The stables and armory with its practice fields were to the far right and the
Barracks and assorted town businesses to the left. It was a well-protected community.
At the sound of her name being shouted in delight Tera turned and was immediately engulfed in a full contact hug. Pulling back she smiled down into bright blue eyes.
"Sis I didn't think you would be back quite yet" she leaned down and brushed her lips against her sisters cheek and pulled her back briefly into a tight embrace.
'So tell me what's been going on while you've been off and about" Her sister eyed her uneasily as the smile on her face dimmed slightly.
Tera's smile faded in concern "We can talk a little later, now there's someone I want you to meet. Clasping her hand she pulled her sister toward Panter.
Medan allowed Tera to pull her towards a group of her warriors that were standing grouped together over by the armory. As they neared, they parted and allowed her to see a dark skinned figure kneeling next to the weapons master. They seemed to be arguing about something. Getting closer words started coming clear.
"You must be crazy, there's nothing wrong with this blade!"
A low voice calmly replied, " There is a flaw in the metal, anyone using this sword would soon be defeated because of weakness of the blade"
Medan watched as her sister stepped forward and raised her hands. Silence
Descended as the women became aware of her presence.
'What is going on here?"
The smith turned and Medan suppressed a start when the dark figure stood and stepped out from under the armory overhang needing to duck slightly as she did. By the goddess she had never seen anyone so tall or so?. Feral before, she knew without a doubt this was one person no one in his or her right mind would play with. The smith gestured contemptibly to the dark one.
" This person in her learned option says that one of the best blades crafted is inferior".
Medan returned her focus to the other woman. Her sister turned towards her.
"Medan I would like you to meet Panter of the Vestran, she aided us in a slight scuffle a few days ago."
Medan extended her hand and jerked slightly when her lower arm was engulfed in a large hand. She quickly caught on and clasped Panter's lower arm also. "I am honored to be acknowledged" was softly spoken in low tones and Panter stepped back pulling into her own space.
Panter stepped back after the greeting. The small boned woman seemed likeable at first glance but she knew from experience the mind that could hide behind such facades. She would not extend such trust again. The lesson had already been taught fully enough to be learned well. She did not need another schooling. Panter pulled back her awareness at the sound of her name. Tera seemed slightly distracted; it must have been the female who had greeted her so. ?Energetically that was the cause.
Panter's eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced over to the small fair-haired woman. Raised voices once again claimed her attention. The weapons master still seemed angry from being told that the weapon she currently held was flawed. Anyone could clearly see that, couldn't they?
When Tera took the weapon and extended it to her she took it and again looked at the blade. Yes there was the slight crack running across the center. Any great pressure would cause it to fracture and snap in two.
"I will resolve this matter"
At that announcement silence descended as all their attention focused on her. Grasping the hilt in her left hand she grasped the blade in her right, she applied pressure, with a creak and a loud snap the sword broke and shards of metal erupted and flew skyward. Raising the pieces she turned to the slack mouthed smith and emotionlessly dropped the pieces at her feet.
Panter stepped back and silently removed herself from the hushed cluster.
Picking up her pack she moved off and retreated to the practice field to watch and stay out of everyone's way. She got the feeling that she once again made herself out to be different and knew that problems could soon raise their head. She tightened her lips she should never had agreed to stay on as Tera put it, too many things might happen. Especially if she naturally used her gifts one too many times. She had unconsciously done so before and it always ended up bad?real bad. She leaned on the railing surrounding the practice field and watched the women practicing within. They weren't too bad but they needed more work. Her head rose slightly and cocked to the left as she caught sounds of approaching footsteps; she had already caught the scent before even hearing the steps. She knew who was there before any words were spoken.
'You know that's not the best way to make friends. She's not very happy to be proven wrong. Especially in such a way."
Panter turned and faced Rena, Tera's second." She would just join a long line of those who are not".
"Well anyway I'm to show you a place to stay, the main barracks are full right now but we have a small secondary one close to them where you can settle. There will be a few others there but they shouldn't get in your way."
Panter grabbed her pack and followed Rena to her lodgings.
It had been a busy two days since she had arrived here. Panter was starting to chafe at being around so many with nowhere to go.
She waited till it was dark and many had retired before she emerged from her barracks. The surrounding area was very dark. That didn't faze her she could see better at night then most could at the light of day. Silently she wove her way through building hugging the shadows and neatly evading any of the standing watches. Many had no idea how close she came to them as she made her way past. Finally she reached the wall surrounding the village. The women on the wall had not reached this area yet on their walk. Looking up she judged the height and backing up a few paces she ran forward and just before reaching the base of the wall leapt straight up.
Without a whisper of sound she disappeared over the wall.
Panter breathed in the calming sounds of the forest as she leaned against a tree. No one knew she was gone and they wouldn't know when she returned, she was sure. She dropped into a crouch and concentrated. First warmth and then a feeling of bones and muscles pulling as they shifted. When the sensations ended she opened her eyes again. She stretched and moaned in pleasure as power rolled through out her body. The sound came out a deep purr and she smiled, sharp fangs flashed in the dim light. Feeling hunger she set off at a good run to find a meal. The moons beams flickered on dark fur as it left the clearing.
The next day arose warm and bright. Today was the day that she would be in the ring with the other warriors. They wanted to know what she could do. Panter smirked; if they only knew they would probably run screaming.
Arriving at the practice field she noticed the group of women in the middle of the ring, from the conversation she could hear they all wanted to be the first one to best her. Shrugging she unwrapped the bundle she had brought with her. Sunlight glimmered off a sword just a hair smaller then a broad sword. This was the one thing she had been able to leave with when she had left home. This sword had been handed down through the family to the eldest of the men born to the clan. Her family must be insane with anger when realizing that it left when she did, but to her mind she was the eldest so rightfully it was hers, so she took it.
The sword was all but art; by some fluke of fate the decorations engraved onto it was a true reflection of who she was. The blade emerged from the open mouth of a large cat, the handle and guards resembling the rest of the animals body with the tail winding its way around the handle to allow grip when wet. Many people would not use this weapon for you had to use it two-handed; unlike many she had the strength to be able to use it one-handed.
Glancing up she notice that it had been finally decided who was first. A blonde almost as tall as she and almost as built stepped forward casually,
going through sword drills as she waited.
Panter rose to her feet and entered the ring; murmurings began immediately upon spotting her weapon .The other women laughed.
"What a two handed weapon? This will be short and sweet".
Panter arched an eyebrow and curled her lip.
"Never assume, it might kill you"
The woman continued to laugh as her friends sang out encouragements.
" That's what they all say, "she stated as they started to circle one another.
Panter ducked as a wild swing flew above her head. Not even close. Sliding to her left she turned and blocked a blow that was aimed for her back. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the disbelief on the other faces as time went on and she easily continued to fight using the blade one handed. Anyone who fought knew how much upper body power that took. Getting a bit bored she casually swept the other sword to the side and twisted causing the woman to loss her grip and thus disarming her.
Panter held the tip steady at her throat.
"Yield, it is not bad to loose to one who has more skill"
The woman nodded and silently stepped aside. None came to take her place. Wordlessly time passed till yelling pulled their attention away.
There was a commotion at the trees that were running on the edge of the field. With her sight Panter could easily see what the problem was. One of the women training had gotten entangled and was in danger of falling. Dropping her sword she took off. At the moment no one could get to her, the others training were scattered among the other trees. This tree was huge and no one could easily get up there to give aid. As she got a little closer her gaze sharpened, OH GODS ITS TERA her mind yelled in panic. That fact caused her to lengthen her stride. Seeing her slip made her run faster, faster then one was able too, but she didn't care right now. With Tera's grip failing she didn't hesitate. Panter was thankful that she had come barefoot. She allowed her body to sift partially to give her what she needed, never pausing when she reached the base of the tree. Pushing by the ones gathered below she dug her fingers and toes into the bark and clawed her way up to Tera.
Tera cursed again as her grip slipped. This was not good; she just had to pick the biggest tree didn't she. Hearing the shouts below she risked a quick glance. The women were staring across the field in amazement. Wondering what could possibly be more important right now she looked too and saw a sight no one would ever believe. A woman's form ran toward them at a fast clip, a very fast clip. As her grip slipped again she caught herself and sucked in a breath as the woman's speed almost doubled, she was almost a blur moving toward the tree. Pulling her attention away she tried to keep from slipping but she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold on. A sound that caused the hair on her neck to rise floated from below; a slight shudder shook the tree almost causing her to loose her grip. Sounds of bark tearing and pulling away drifted to her ears
Turning her head she was startled to see Panter, her eyes widened in shock and a little fear when she saw her hands. Once again claws had emerged from the tips of her fingers and as Panter shifted nearer she also notice her feet had changed also, the claws there just as lethal as the ones her hands sported, something else was different about them but that thought left as she saw her eyes, HER EYES. They were still golden in color but the pupils were now vertical slits, looking into those were a little peculiar but not uncomfortable she found. When Panter reached out she automatically jerked away and ended up in the way of her claws. A line of fire crossed her cheek she sucked in a breath in pain.
" Damn I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"
Tera shook her head "No its not your fault, its mine"
Panter moved closer brushing against her; she could smell the musky scent that clung to her skin.
"Ease onto my back"
Meeting her eyes again she obeyed the softly spoken words when a husky" please" followed. Wrapping her arms around her shoulders she just went along for the ride as Panter made her way down the tree. When her feet hit dirt a glance passed between then and then Panter was gone, moving with a grace and speed no one could ever hope to match.
Tera turned as her second ran up to her.
"Your hurt, what did that unnatural thing do to you?"
Tera protested but it fell upon deaf ears as with a yell her people gave chase.
Panter ran as fast as she could, aware of the uproar she had left behind her. She could hear it. Blinking back tears that welled up she turned to avoid the women running toward her. Somehow they had already been informed of what happened and seemed to want to cut her off.
Cutting across the field she jumped over the railing enclosing the training yard. Barely slowing she swiped up her sword and headed toward the nearest wall. If she could reach it she would have a better chance in the surrounding forest. Risking a glance over her shoulder she noticed she had a large lead due mostly to the speed she was able to reach. She flinched, as an arrow flew by her shoulder. Obviously it wasn't not far enough. Suddenly she stumbled and allowed her body to flow into a forward roll and rising back to her feet cursed at the pain in her calf. Someone got lucky; she pushed on ignoring the stream of blood. Finally she reached the wall and gritting her teeth she summoned enough strength to jump over and faded into the nearby trees.
Branches snagged and tore at her as she fled through the trees keeping abreast of the pursuing women. Panter swore under her breath as she ran, she needed to lose her followers soon to take care of her injury. Glancing around she caught sight of a large tree. Really it was two trees twisted and merged into one, creating a flat base she could just see in the thick growth. It was perfect; a lofty secured place that she could easily reach yet others would not be able too. Quickly she ascended and lying flat, watched as her hunters slowly came into view. The trackers really impressed her, she knew as a rule she barely left a trail if any and to get this far they really had to be good.
" I thought you had the trail, so where is the animal!"
" Rena, I told you there really is no trail, I've been guessing half the time to get this far." "Besides you know Tera told us to let her alone, what happened was not her fault, she would have fallen if not for her."
"Did you truly see it?" "The claws it had did not say human to me, and the marks on Teras face were no small thing either, she may not do anything about it but by the gods I will!"
"Rena, I really think you should reconsider, if Tera finds out your going against her orders you'll be in a world of trouble".
Rena turned and got into the other woman's face, "If your not going to do something about it then I will."
"I refuse to hunt a person who has done nothing but help us since we met up with her" the tracker shook her head " No way am I helping you, if I find her I'm taking her back to see Tera as ordered."
Rena flushed in fury "Fine, I'll do it myself, I won't be back until I find it."
Panter watched amused as Rena stomped off. She waited as her footsteps faded and she could no longer hear her. The rest of the trackers were still walking around below looking for any sign of her tracks.
She decided to go back and see what Tera wanted, that was a female that intrigued her. Panter dropped down from the tree causing the trackers to scream in fear till they realized whom it was.
A hush fell over the crowd gathered around Tera's dwelling as Panter and the trackers approached. They all stepped back to give her room to reach the door. Pushing back the cloth she entered the room.
Blinking as her eyes adjusted she looked around and spotted Tera sitting on a low couch placed by the fireplace toward the center of the dwelling.
Clearing her throat she smiled slightly as Tera jumped before turning to meet her gaze.
Panter winced, when she spotted the cuts on Tera's face.
"You wished to see me Tera?"
"Yes, I'm sorry my people acted the way they have it was unacceptable. You only helped and in return you were attacked" Tera's expression made it plan how she thought of that subject.
"It's happened before. But let's not dwell on something in the past. You said that you wanted my help before all this happened. Tell me about that"
Panter was uncomfortable with having what happened brought up; she did not want to have to explain who she really was quite yet. She liked it here and did not want to leave so soon.
"Are you hungry? I'll get us something to eat if you are"
Panter almost smiled then frowned to herself that was very much unlike her to do that. What was different about this woman that caused her to want to lower her guard when she was around her?
She pulled herself back to the conversation at hand when she heard a slight clearing of someone's throat.
"I would like to break my fast, thank you"
Tera went to the door and leaned out, after speaking to someone she came back in and settled back down across from Panter.
"It will be here soon"
"How to explain what's going on can be very difficult but I will try to make it as simple as possible"
Panter gestured for her to continue.
"In my family the eldest gets to inherit when the head of the family dies. I have a cousin that is a few months younger than I am.
When my father died the estate was to go to me but as I was away at the time and did not know what happened, by the time I returned my cousin had stepped in and had taken the inheritance.'
Panter was confused " I thought you were the eldest how did it happen he took something that was yours and not his?"
Tera shook her head " Unfortunately there is a time limit of 6 months and I was gone for much longer, so he took over"
"Is there any way that you can get it returned to you?"
Tera looked down at the floor and then looked to Panter " Only one way, by force of arms"