~ Panter's Pride ~
by T. S. Hubbard

Disclamer: Unless you're in my head this story is all mine.

Comment: This story has been running around in my head for the past four years begging to be written. I'm glad I have finally given in to the urge.Thanks for all the people who have sent me emails and kept me writing.

Thanks to Thorie my copy editor she has been more of a support in my writing then she knows.

Email address: thubbar2@insight.rr.com..


Panter started awake. She stilled, listening for what had awakened her. Thud. There it was again. Laughter sounded just outside their door. Movement against her chest made her look down. Tera stirred in her sleep a frown marring her forehead. Panter eased out of the bed halting in mid-motion when Tera murmured. Reaching out she seized Panter's pillow. Pulling it to her she slid back into her dreams. Panter got dressed. Thud. More laughter bellowed from the hallway. She moved quickly to the door hoping to stop it before it woke Tera up. She needed all the sleep she could get. Traveling here had been stressful. Tera hadn't been able to sleep well but she had never complained. Actually being on edge all that time had taken a lot out of them all. Loud voices just outside had her jerking the door open; sliding through the opening she pulled the door shut behind her.

Two men were slouched against the wall. By the smell they had been "relaxing" for quite some time. Hearing the door close they turned to see Panter emerge. The way their eyes lit with glee forewarned Panter of coming trouble.

" Hey, check out the long drink of water," slurred one. He stumbled forward and rested a meaty hand on her arm. The other man gave her a drunken leer and moved to join them.

Panter placed a palm on his chest. A well-placed look pinned the other in mid step. He halted his advance, leaning up against the wall. Wiping his nose on his sleeve he sneered at Panter who noticed while doing so he was careful to keep a safe distance.

" Might give ya a little fight there Tulare"

Tulare hawked and spat on the floor at Panter's feet. " I like em when they struggle a bit"

" I'm the wrong woman to play with" Panter shoved, pushing him back a few steps so she could move away from the door. Having more room to maneuver wouldn't hurt either.

" I don't think so. What I want, I get" Tulare swung a clumsy right at Panter. Blocking it, she stepped forward bringing a fist into his stomach. He bent over as the air left his lungs in a rush. Footsteps alerting her, she kicked back. His friend flew back landing farther down the hall with a thud. He didn't move. She grabbed Tulare around the neck with one hand and lifted slightly. Tulare`s eyes widened as his feet left the floor. He clawed at the hand around his throat trying to pry it loose as he choked. It didn't budge. He frantically gave a quick look at the set face so close to his. No strain showed as she held his full weight up.

" This time you don't." she locked eyes with him. When sweat started beading on his forehead she set him back down. " Get your friend, I think you both will need other lodging's for Festival don't you."

Tulare nervously nodded as he scrambled over and tugged his friend to his feet. Panter followed them both down the stairs. Reaching the bottom she saw Zeva occupied at the bar. Zeva glanced up; puzzlement crossed her face upon seeing Panter closely watching the drunken men moving toward the front entrance.

" Zeva, do you know of a place that might still have rooms?"

"I think The Boar three streets over might have some available space. They tend to fill up last"

Panter relayed the information and then stepped out the door watching as they staggered down the street. Panter turned and went back into the inn. She was relieved it had gone as smoothly as it did. She hoped Tera was still sleeping.

" Problem I should know about?" Zeva questioned.

" It's taken care of " she replied shortly.

Panter made her way over to the bar. The room was filling up for evening meal. She ignored the startled looks she was receiving. People would get used to seeing her; she hoped. Panter joined Zeva behind the bar. She would lend a hand with the customers massing up around the bar.

" Gimme a drink woman"

Panter poured ale into a mug. " That's one copper"

" I wanna run a tab," the man protested

" Sorry no tabs during Festival, owners rule. Pay or no drink"

After making sure to get a copper from the grumbling man she allowed him to take the drink. The next few minutes remained busy as the women waiting tables continued requesting drinks. When it finally died down and they could take a breather Zeva leaned on the bar alongside Panter. They watched the people eating and talking. With festival tomorrow the tables were filling fast. Panter couldn't fathom how Zeva and Saleris did it.

" Is it always like this at festival?"

" All seven days of it, the money we earn is what will get us past the winter. At least if this holds up the entire span of festival." Zeva rested an elbow on the bar resting her chin in palm of her hand." So, what was the escort for earlier?"

" Some drunks loitering in the hall, I was afraid they would wake Tera"

" They were in the hallway?" Zeva was a bit confused.

" Yes, their laughter woke me up"

" Was your door open?"

Panter raised an eyebrow " Nooo…why?"

" The walls are 2 inches thick, the door is made of oak and at least an inch thick, you shouldn't have heard anything." Zeva couldn't think of any way Panter would have been able to hear noise in the hall. Even if the men were right outside the door they would need to be right on it to hear anything at all. Certainly not enough to rouse someone.

" I see…" Panter shook her head " anyway I went out and they decided to get a little frisky. I told them I wasn't interested but they wanted to push the subject. After making sure they understood I meant it, we all came to the conclusion that they should get dwellings elsewhere."

" Really?" Zeva stopped trying to puzzle out what happened and thought for a moment. "Would you be interested in helping to keep the troublemaker's out during the day?"

" There are things that I would need to do during the evening's hours"

" If you did after noon meal to just after evening meal you would have the rest of the evening free… sound good?"

" Sounds fine, I'll be glad to help anyway I can" Panter was just happy to have something to do. Just sitting around made her antsy.

Raised voices caught Panter notice. They stood out amongst all the other people that were laughing and talking. Two men in the corner were fighting. Panter tilted her head slightly to catch what was being said. Zeva spotted the movement and watched Panter curiously. She wondered what was going on.

One man stood, leaning toward the other threateningly. The other man abruptly rose shoving his chair back with a clatter. The first man shoved the other causing him to trip over the chair, sending him slamming into the table next to theirs. Dishes, drinks and other customers ended up on the floor. Before the other man could regain his feet, Panter was over at the table they occupied.

" I think you need to leave, after you pay for the damage," she ordered harshly.

" Leave off bitch" he shrugged off the hand on his shoulder.

" This is over" grabbing his shoulder she dug in her fingers as she spun him to face her.

" Get your hands off…me" he trailed off upon realizing with his height he had to look up…. way up to meet her angry gaze. He paled, as he comprehended his error.

" What's the problem here?" Panter demanded.

Swallowing to try to help his dry mouth he pointed at the man pulling himself to his feet. " He owes me money and refuses to pay"

" And this is the way to make sure you get it back, by attacking him and damaging other peoples property?" She barked menacingly.

He flinched " No it wasn't, I guess I lost my temper"

" Your temper tantrum just cost you more money then he probably owed you"

Zeva bustled over; halting at Panter's side she rested her hands angrily on her hips. " All this is going to cost you at least one silver" She extended her hand.
" Due now please"

He blanched and reaching into his money pouch withdrew the funds and paid her.

" Thank you, now I think for the rest of the week you and your friends need to find somewhere else to eat, don't you" Zeva stated.

The man's friends protested. He shook his head. " But we have rooms here for the entire festival"

Zeva brow furrowed " That is a problem"

" Not really" Panter interrupted.

"What do you mean?"

" If they are staying here then it will be easier to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"But how?" Zeva couldn't figure out what point Panter was trying to make.

" Have him work to keep miscreants from causing problems when I can't"

" Would you agree to this?" Zeva watched as he thought for a moment.

" Yes I agree, having to deal with other peoples anger might help me learn to keep mine under control" They shook on it. The friends left heading back up to their rooms.

Zeva went over to the other table. Offering to replace their meals and not charging them for it and the one that was ruined mollified the angry customers. Panter righted the overturned table and chairs. Waitress's scurried over with cloths to clean up the spilled food and drink. Voices rose as people returned to their own meals.

Panter and Zeva resumed their spots behind the bar.

" Want to tell me how you noticed those men fighting?"

" I heard them"

"In amongst all the other noise you heard them. They were in the far corner. How could you hear that?"

Panter dropped her head then turned to look at Zeva. " Good ears?" She smiled at her wryly.

" No ones ears are that good"

" Hers are" They turned startled. Tera stood behind them. Involved in the discussion Panter had not heard her approach. Panter smiled when Tera moved over and cuddled into her side. It felt good having someone that wanted to be with her like this. She was hooked on this woman. Panter relaxed content by her nearness.

"What do you mean hers are?"

Tera shook her head " We'll have to talk about this later in private"

Zeva frowned. " All right, I'm going to check how things are going with Solaris in the kitchen." She left the front, leaving Tera and Panter in charge of the bar.

"Where are Alesia and the others?"

" In the back helping Solaris"

They both chuckled. " Not what they came here to do that's for sure" Tera joked.

" Sure wasn't"

Tera sobered " What happened while I was sleeping?"

Panter filled her in on the events that had transpired. " I hope it's all right that I accepted the job, I didn't think it would interfere with our plans."

" No its fine, might keep you out of trouble." She flashed to what she had just been told. " Or maybe not"

" Hey, it's not my fault"

Tera hugged her firmly. " Of course it's not" She buried her face in Panter's shoulder to hide the laugh that wanted to erupt.

Panter pressed a kiss to the top of Tera's head, inhaling her scent deep into her lungs. They definitely need to talk soon. Very soon. Something slammed down on top of the bar. They parted as Panter pivoted to face the cause of the interruption.
A grungy group of men lounged on the bar. She was quick to notice that the other customers had quieted and were shooting nervous glances over to them. Weapons were slung haphazardly over their bodies. It was clear the request that weapons be hung on the racks near the door meant nothing to them. Panter came to the conclusion that these must be some of the merc's hired by Tera's cousin. He needed to buy a better class of men, but one does tend to hire in their own level of mentality. In other words it takes one to know one. He obviously preferred to use brute strength to get what he wanted. They could be the most dangerous kind of animal. But they could be outsmarted.

" You wanted something?"

" Yeah some drinks and food, now" the apparent leader snarled. " If you can tear yourself away from your pretty little whore. I'm willing to take her off your hands if you want"

Panter clamped down on her automatic reaction to such an attack, she longed to reach out and rip out his throat. A low growl started in the back of her throat. A warm hand laid itself on the small of her back. She choked it off, swallowing hard. The rage was a hard pit in the middle of her stomach.

" I don't think so, she's my bond mate so resist it " she bit off. Panter felt the small jerk of surprise that the others didn't detect. She met his eyes dead on. His pupils dilated then he blinked and slightly backed off. He could tell she meant business. He shrugged to cover up his unease. For a brief moment he thought her eyes looked funny but dismissed it as a trick of the light.

"That's too bad, not really to my taste anyway. I like them with a little more meat on the bone."

" If you'll find someplace to sit the drink and food will be out in a moment." The smaller woman offered.

The men started to protest. The leader caught the look on Panter's face and nodding shoving his men toward the back of the room where some tables were free. He didn't dare do their normal routine of ousting people from their own tables so they could sit where they wanted. He had a feeling what might transpire wouldn't be in his own best interest. He made a mental note to let his commander know about this incident as he moved to join his men.

" If you do want to get rid of her I might reconsider" He tossed over his shoulder just to have the last word.

Panter clenched her hands into fists below the bar top. She dropped her head abruptly as her vision grayed out. That was a sure sign that her eyes had changed.

" Are you alright?" Tera grasped one of Panter's hands in concern. Her eyebrows shot up in shock when she felt a light gloss of fur under her fingers. Uh oh she needed to get Panter into the back quickly. Gesturing for one of the waitresses to take over she tugged on Panter's hand tugging her toward the door to the kitchen and office.

Panter allowed herself to be pulled along making sure to keep her head down. She heard the clatter of pots as they passed by the kitchen. She caught voices as Tera opened the office door and entered. Panter followed her inside. From the voices raised in question she could tell the gang was all here. Great she really didn't want to do this now but it seemed she had little choice in the matter.

" Hey, what's up Tera everything alright out front?"

"We had a small incident"

" Are you o.k?" Zeva rose to her feet ready to go up front if she needed to. She waved Solaris back into her seat at the desk when she stood to join her.

" Yes fine, a group of Doran's thugs came in and wanted to start problems but everything is fine now" Tera motioned for her to retake her own seat.

" So why are you back here for, a break?"

Well, Panter needed a moment she got upset when the leader decided to hit on me" she explained.

"She had to come all the way back here to calm down?" Zeva wasn't sure what was going on.

" It was better then scaring off your customers"

"What would scare off my customers?"

"This might" was growled out in a low gravelly tone. Panter looked up catching Zeva off guard. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. Zeva gaped in shock. Solaris screamed. Her eyes were the eyes of an animal. Zeva shot to her feet, grabbing Solaris she shoved her behind her in a protective motion. The others didn't miss it.

" No it's o.k. calm down" Tera was disappointed by this reflex action. She had hoped it wouldn't be a problem for her friends.

" She's a demon," Solaris gasped out. She ducked back behind Zeva when Panter looked back toward her.

Alexia and the others refuted that in a loud protest of voices. It rose to a clamor as they all tried to speak over each other.

"All right enough" Tera screamed. Silence descended as the others paused in mid breath.

Zeva frowned; she chewed her lip as she considered this new information. Meeting Panter's eyes again she expected to see an animal but her eyes had regained their human look. She relaxed a bit and had Solaris retake her chair. She didn't comment when Solaris pulled her seat closer to her own.

"Maybe if I explained a little it might help" Panter offered softly.

Zeva inclined her head in agreement and leaned back to listen to what she might have to say.

Panter settled into a small couch with Tera curled beside her, her head resting on her shoulder.

" Have you heard of the Gods' Chosen People?" she asked.

" That's a myth isn't it?" A questioning glance from her mate prompted her to retell it. " I believe it's about a group of people that wandered the lands before it was ever settled. Back in the days when the gods' wars with each other to be the only one worshiped caused death to wander too freely. It was said that a few of the gods were tired of the constant fighting and left preferring to find other lands that they might preside over. They each took a small group of the people devoted to them when they left. Here after many years of struggle the gods decided that a small share of the power was better then none so they stopped the fighting. Every once in a while a smaller power struggle arises but they won't allow the wars to happen again it cost them all too much. That's all I know"

Panter was surprised " Most don't know that much"

" I like myth's and stories"

" Wherever you got the story from has gotten it correct. One of the Traveling gods had chosen my land of birth. She was powerful in her own way but tended to be peaceful. The people she had taken with her were her favorites. The land that confronted them was wild and teemed with danger. Many people where dead within two moons from the animals that lived there. This upset the goddess greatly. She gathered the few that remained: mostly women and children and gave them a gift. It was a gift that belonged only to the females of her chosen since she to was female. It was a reflection of her so they knew that she was always with them. With this gift they survived and prospered. But only by hiding it did they not cause themselves to be annihilated by people who thought them to be demons. As they did not know of the new god that now resided in the land. I am a descendent of these women."

Zeva was intrigued. By the shifting of Solaris body she could tell she was to.
" So can you tell us what this gift is?"

" Tera and the others already know of it, but were not aware of the story"

" Tera you knew?"

Tera played with the long fingers of the hand she was holding. " Of course I did, I love Panter for who she is, the gift is just part of it. Plus I know I couldn't be in safer hands."

Panter grasped Tera's chin and pressed a small kiss to her lips ignoring the snickers coming from Alesia and the others. She'd get even with them later.

" So can you tell us?" Zeva prompted.

" This must be kept to yourself, if the right people found out my life might be forfeit."

" I swear on Tera's friendship it will go no further" she replied honestly. Solaris echoed the pledge.

"I'm a, what did you call it in your language Tera?"

" A shape shifter" she filled in.

"Yes, a shape shifter my human shape is only one of my forms"

"Can you show us the other?" Solaris pleaded. This was getting exciting.

"Well, I have to disrobe to show you the full form but I think I could do a half shift to give you an idea." Tera nodded in agreement. Panter disrobing in front of other people wasn't something high on her list of wanting people to see.

Panter rose from her seat, concentrated briefly and shifted.

Zeva and Solaris gasped as Panters body changed. Glossy black fur spread faster then the eye could see over her body. Her face and ears reformed. Her body weight shifted as her legs changed, causing her to list forward so she stood on back paws. The size she reached compared to her human form was impressive. A normal sized animal she wasn't. When the shifting stopped they pulled their eyes up to meet Panters. The slit pupils of a cat met theirs. Panter lifted a hand and extended her claws.

" They look sharp" Solaris remarked.

" They are" Panters voice replied. From the looks she was getting from the others Zeva came to the conclusion they didn't know Panter could speak in this form. It was guttural but understandable. They watched as Panter shifted back to her normal form. She rejoined Tera on the couch.

Zeva turned and looked at Tera." Now I understand what you meant last night when you said you wanted to do this yourself and you have friends that could help."

" Even if Panter wasn't gifted I do not want the people to revolt"

" But we want to help"

" Why don't you gather the leaders in a meeting and listen to what they have to say. You never know, you might be able to let them help and still not involve the rest of the populace." Panter tossed out.

Tera pondered what Panter had said. That might be the answer to something that had been bugging her lately. " Could you arrange for them to be here later tonight?"

Zeva grinned " Sure can I'll get right on it" She pushed herself to the feet and started toward the door. Pausing by Panter she griped her shoulder in a friendly clasp." I think Tera is very lucky to have someone like you on her side. In more ways then one." She smirked at Tera then darted out the door. She had arrangements to make.

" Are you ready to go back out front?"

Panter hopped to her feet, She tugged Tera up to join her. " Sure let's go. We might have missed some fun"

Tera poked her in the chest" You just like playing with us humans" she joked.

Panter wore an outraged look." Hey I'm human too"

For a moment Tera was worried Panter was angry till she caught that glint in her eye. " You smart butt, come on we have work to do" The rest of the group laughed and followed them up front.


T. S. Hubbard's scrolls
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