~ Even the Darkest Heart ~
by Wunderkind

Disclaimers: Nothing STAR WARS related I own. Except for my Yoda action figure who was not cast in any role in the making of this story. The two main characters are mine with a striking resemblance to two ladies we already know. There is some violence in this tale. There is also a loving relationship between two consenting female adults. If this is something you don't like or are not into leave now cause if you stay it's your own fault if you get mad and I don't want to hear about it. There is some mumbo jumbo in here that some, meaning: nonSTAR WARS fans, might not get. If you really care there is a databank at starwars.com that can pretty much answer all your questions. If you don't care, a ship is a ship, a planet looks like somewhere on Earth, and a lightsaber is a pretty light thingy that cuts like a hot knife through butter. Any questions or comments can be directed to me via email which is as follows: theonlywounderkind@yahoo.com

Chapter 6:

The room was darkened when Nomi returned to it. The mummer of the bacta tank had left and the feeling of the room was no longer as tense. Adi stood over her patient intently reading over the charts at the foot of the bed. Had there not been armed guards outside of the room one would think that a normal patient resided here. Nomi softly cleared her throat and Adi turned to greet her friend.

"How is she," The words came out forcibly nonchalant as Nomi did not want to sound like she cared.

Adi nodded once," She will live. Though I think at this point she would rather not." Adi turned back to the sleeping form on the medical cot. "The darkness has rotted with in her for a long time. She has sustained serve wounds physical and psychological. She needs more healing then I feel I can give her." Adi voiced trailed off as the subject of discussion began to stir.

Nomi felt the need to leave the room as quickly as possible but pale blue eyes locked on to hers and she felt herself rooted to the floor.


Adi took the opportunity to leave stating something under her breath about other patients needing to be seen.

"Are you up for more talking?" Nomi's voice barely covered the emotion that threatened to boil over.

"If by talking you mean the continuance of my interrogation," Gauge slowly sat up on her cot, wincing slightly," then yes. If you mean talking like the night at dinner then yes."

Nomi who was going to the small desk and stool that sat next to the bed turned at the latter of the statements," The conversation that happened at dinner will not happen in the course of my official duty…." Her words came out heated as she let initial reactions take over," I was unaware of what was really taking place at that time and I feel that you took advantage of that. I don't want to talk about it."

Gauge's eyes dropped to her hands resting on her lap," Interrogation it is I guess."

Nomi pulled out a data pad and turned to look at Gauge she tried to make her face a passive as possible. Inside her chest was tight and her throat narrow. In her minds eye she saw her hand intertwined with Gauge's at dinner. She ached for the contact.

"Start at the beginning," Nomi stated simply," I want to know everything."

Gauge closed her eyes remembering back to her mother. She was tall and beautiful. A graceful Jedi who was more of a teacher then a warrior. But even the most wonderful people have skeletons in their closet. Gauge's mother was weak and Kessel's spice had over run her life. She began to get into trouble with her provider's and other unsavory types. So much so that she had to do the one thing that no mother should ever do.

When Gauge was five years old a dark man came to their homestead on some back water planet. He stayed for only one night and all of his attention focused on Gauge. He asked her questions. Strange things like what picture was he thinking in his head or how many fingers was he holding behind his back. He would throw things at her when she was not looking to see if she would catch them, which she always did. She did not know it at the time but he was testing her ability in the Force.

In the morning Gauge overheard her mother and the man talking. He stated that he could feel her power and that she would be a great Jedi one day. All that he needed was for Gauge to go with him. So he could train her properly. At first her mother refused but the man was persistent. He stated that he could take her too and make all her problems go away. No more debt and all the spice that she could ever need. All he wanted was Gauge.

Finally, Gauge's mother agreed and they were taken on a ship, the biggest one that Gauge had ever seen, to a space station far into Outer Rims. There Gauge was separated from her mother. She was homesick and angry at the man for taking her mother away. When Gauge was the most vulnerable that was when the training started. It was not the typical teacher and student training. The best students taught the new ones. When a lesson was not done correctly there was a punishment. Gauge found out early on that in order to not be beaten she had to be the best.

First, it was all about focusing her anger into a primary action like moving a rock or throwing a chair across a room. It ended with using Force lighting to burn the flesh off of prisoner's that the man kept just for that purpose. At the age of fifteen Gauge was by far the best apprentice that the man had and he had a small army. Most of them were gained in the same way that Gauge had been. Through the man's control over another's addiction or greed. Gauge quickly moved through the ranks of the other students. She had done so well so quickly that she had become at odds with the top student. They had tolerated each other until the day came that one of the older mentors did not like the way she practiced her combat skills. She had picked up the older boy with the Force and with a snap of her fingers broke his neck. She became a top student that day and gained the respect of all aboard the space station.

After that incident Gauge had been summoned to the man's office where she was applauded for mastering the darkness in her. Gauge had not seen the man in many years, as he never taught himself. He was proud of the woman she had grown into, a distorted image of her mother. Tall, dark and seeping with evil power. It was after she had fashioned her first lightsaber that Gauge saw the man again. She was ushered into the man's office and told to kneel in front of his desk.

"Young Gauge," the man had said," You are my most promising student. You will one day rule the galaxy next to me as my iron fist. Rise a Knight of the Sith."

She stood before him with pride. Thoughts of her old life before the blackness of space and grueling training had long since forgotten. She knew nothing of the love that was once bestowed upon her. She had turned into a jaded soul that was ready to do whatever her Master called on her to do.

"I have something I want to show you," the man smiled through gleaming teeth at her," Something you need to see. It will be the last step into becoming a Sith, the most powerful of your time."

Gauge was almost giddy with anticipation as she was lead through the hallways of the space station. It was later that she realized that she had never been that far before. She was certain that she would never be able to find her way down here again. Finally, they stopped at a door, unmarked and uniform.

"Go inside," the man said," and see your past and where that path will lead you. Return to me and build your future."

Without a second thought Gauge stepped in to the darkened room. Not being able to see she ignited her lightsaber in the attempt to shed light on the room. There was a gasp from a corner of the room and Gauge turned to face it. In the corner she found her mother, huddled on the floor with little more then rags on. Her hair was greasy and she looked half starved. Pock marks covered her skin from the spice rotting her from the inside out. Gauge took a step towards her and had to cover her mouth from the smell.

"Gauge," was all her mother said," My sweet Gauge."

Gauge felt a storm of rage sear through her veins. This woman had abandoned her. Had left her to find her own way in the world with no guide other then the abusive teachers and the cloaked man outside. There was a burning feeling in her eyes but no tears fell. It was the first time she felt the Sith eyes.

"I hate you," was Gauge's last words to her mother as her light saber blade shot out and landed deep into her mother's chest. There was no death gasp, no passing words. There was only a quiet mummer through the Force and then there was nothing. Gauge stood there for a long time having no reaction to her mother's death. A death that was on her hands. She turned and left the room only to see the man and many of her fellow students. All of which looked pleased," Welcome, Gauge," the man said," You are now a Sith. Your power will be unstoppable."

Nomi had long since stopped writing on the data pad. She found herself to be a captive audience as Gauge shared her story. She did not realize that she was even crying until she felt a tear roll down her face. When she went to wipe it away Gauge looked up from her hands for the first time since the story had began.

"I did not mean to offend you."

Nomi shook her head," I'm not offended, Gauge." Nomi watched as the first true smile lit up Gauge's face," What," Nomi could not help but to smile back," Why are you smiling?"

Gauge blushed a small amount of pink and glanced again to her hands," That is the first time you have called me by my true name."

Nomi shook her head," No it's not…"

Gauge looked deep into her past her eyes straight to her soul," No, Nomi it is the first time. I have been waiting to hear you say it since…Well, for a long time now."

Now it was Nomi's turn to blush. She was still rattled by the fact that she felt so intensely for someone that she knew she should not. She decided to change the subject," What's your favorite place in the universe?"

"Besides right here and right now?"

Nomi's blush deepened and she tried to hide her smile," Yeah, besides here and now. You're very well studied, you couldn't have learned all that in some space station."

Gauge returned her smile with one of gentleness, it was a side that Nomi had never expected to see and was grateful for the opportunity," You are very observant, Nomi. I studied Jedi history on Naboo. There is an ancient sect there that follows the way of Anikan Skywalker, your Master's father. Do you know of him?"

"Just the horror stories, the one's of when he was Darth Vader and not Anikan Skywalker. Though recently my interest in him has been awakened," Nomi thought of the talk she had with the specter on the training fields," I would like to see Naboo. Tasha is from there and has invited me to visit with her."

Gauge nodded," It is a beautiful place, untainted by the war even though some of its people played major roles in it."

"What is so special about Anakin Skywalker?"

"He was one of the most powerful Jedi of all times. His fall from the Light was felt by every Jedi in the galaxy. He was the first to try and go beyond the boundaries that the Jedi had set. He had all the qualities that I wanted."

Nomi nodded her understanding thinking that maybe if Gauge knew that Anakin Skywalker had done all that for love her opinion might have changed," So how does one meet with this Sect? There some sort of secret handshake?" Nomi was trying to keep the subject light do to the dark place it had just came from.

Gauge chuckled," Actually yes," she extended her hand to Nomi her calm eyes meeting Nomi's worried gaze," Do you trust me?"

Nomi reached her hand forward and took the offered hand. A tinkling feeling ran up her arm to her chest. She took a deep breath trying to stop the heat that rose within her. She could not deny her physical attraction to Gauge anymore. Nomi watched as Gauge brought Nomi's hand to her lips. Gauge placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand and released it. Nomi's body screamed for the loss of contact. She took two full breaths before speaking again, not trusting her voice," Is that really the secret hand shake?"

Gauge gave her a half smile that Nomi had learned that Gauge was up to no good," No."

Nomi felt rage and then embarrassment over the simple gesture. Her reactions were out of her control and that was not the way she liked to be. But before she could think too much about it her comlink in her pocket chirped to life," Antilles, go ahead."

She turned from the Sith to talk privately with the person on the other line," Commander Ellan, Nomi, just so you know I've got the rest of the interrogation council selected. I want you in the briefing room in about fifteen minutes to go over the game plan as far as the approach we should take."

Nomi nodded," I've made some definite headway this morning, sir. I'll start that way."

"Good we'll see you there."

Nomi turned back to Gauge and saw a clouded set of eyes looking back," What?"

Gauge shook her head," For a minute I forgot that I was your prisoner and that I was an objective."

It hit Nomi harder then she was expecting it to," Gauge, it's not…."

Gauge laid back down," Yes, it is. It is exactly like that. You should go."

Nomi's meeting with Commander Ellan was much patting on the back and congratulations. She did not feel like celebrating much. She remembered how hollow Gauge's voice had been during the telling of her story. She also remembered the elation that was barely hidden when Gauge had heard her name for the first time. Nomi shivered about how Gauge had been brought up. Scared and alone without anyone to chase away her fears. She found herself several times that day rubbing the back of her hand where Gauge's lips had been. The thought of it made Nomi's eyes flutter. Gauge was so gentle with her now, Nomi could see that she was not the calculating assassin that had attacked her.

Nomi walked aimlessly through the halls, since she was being relieved of her position for the afternoon. Commander Ellan was concerned that she was not resting enough and fatigue could slow even the most powerful Jedi. The other members assigned to Gauge's interrogation seemed professional enough. Another older woman, Nomi figured was there as a more maternal figure. Then, two men who had very basic features, the kind that you look at and later on can not recall the description. Nomi was worried that the new faces would do nothing to gain Gauge's trust.

She trusts me, Nomi thought, don't know why. Maybe because she knows that I have every reason to hate her and I don't let it cloud my judgment….Funny how hate isn't as cloudy as other things…..

Her thoughts were interrupted by her comlink chirping," Antilles."

There was a racket in the background and it distorted the voice coming across," Nomi, it's Adi you better get down here."

Nomi did not need an explanation or even to ask where here was. She took off in a sprint down the hall.

Chapter 7:

Gauge could feel the men walk into the room but kept her eyes closed. The essence of them was unlike any of the people that she had encountered in the Jedi Complex before. Though all were somewhat hostile in her presence, she did not need to use the Force to feel the hatred coming off of these men. They were close to the side of the bed now and Gauge felt the ripple through the Force before the attack started but instead of letting them know she knew they were there she allowed it to look like she was suprised.

Her head snapped to the other side of the bed as a closed fist connected with her cheek," Wakey, wakey."

Gauge made her eyes flutter and acted that the punch had rocked her more then it actually had. She saw two men plain in both looks and dress. Though they wore the garb of a Jedi she knew that they were not. They were the contacts that Gauge had been using to send information back to her Master. The men had been chosen for the undercover work do to the fact that they could go anywhere and no one could place their faces. When they left an area no one could remember the details of their features. They made excellent spies.

"How did you get in here?"

The far man leaned against the door blocking the most accessible means of escape. He smiled as he replied," You know he has ties to everything. You didn't think that you would be safe here did you?"

Gauge centered herself on the bed," So what was your great plan? Kill me in my sleep and walk out of here. The Jedi are blind but they are not stupid. They will catch you before you leave this level."

Now the man sitting next to her bed, in the same chair that Nomi occupied that morning spoke," Do you really think he cares if we die? We're doing what we're ordered to do. There is nothing above that. You knew that once. Until you betrayed us, your family."

Gauge knew that the chances of her getting out of this one was going to be a little more difficult then most since she was injured and the numbers were obliviously against her," So then…"

She let her voice linger off as she sprung into action. Force jumping from the bed she hovered by the ceiling for a moment as the man seated lunged at her. As she came down she rotated her feet to the floor and came down in between his shoulder blades. Pinning the man, her hand shot out and the man by the door rose off the floor as if something was lifting him by the neck. Gauge began to close the fingers of her out stretched hand, effectively cutting off the flow of blood to the man's brain.

The room door flew open and the two Jedi that stood guard came into the room with lightsabers in hand. Upon seeing the scene in front of them, they called for back up. They yelled orders to Gauge to lower the far man and put her hands on her head but the commands fell on deaf ears.

The man under her feet laughed," Do you think this will stop him. He knows what happened. He knows why you changed." She moved one of her feet so it was in between his chin and collarbone, cutting off just enough air to make him uncomfortable," You will kill the blonde. Or he will."

Gauge could feel the heat coursing through her veins burning through every inch of her being. She closed her eyes willing the anger to subside but it came on fast and it came on strong. When she opened her eyes again she knew by the reaction of the room that her eyes had changed. Unable to calm her own blood lust Gauge looked down at the man under her foot. He looked back at her with all too knowing eyes. He had done this to her on purpose. With only the force of her physical body she stomped the heel of her foot into his throat.

As the body under her gasped for air she turned her eyes to the man that hung near the door. Her eyes never found him. Standing in the doorway was Nomi with a look of horror on her face. Gauge's concentration faltered and the man dropped. When he hit the floor he rolled and came up in the middle of the room. Gauge stood over him on the bed," He will not have her."

The Jedi from the door ran forward and took the man prisoner. As the cuffed him behind his back he just smiled up at her," You knew there was no trying to go back. And you know there's no hiding from him. He will get what he wants."

Gauge felt all eyes on her as her eyes burned into his," He will not have her." Gauge and the man were separated as more Jedi poured into the room. Gauge knew it was not safe here for herself. She had just hoped that her Master had not figured out her feelings for Nomi.

Nomi came to a stop in front of Gauge's door. There was a mass of activity but she could not see inside the room and she was not the only one trying to get in.

"Move," Nomi shouted over the crowd," JPC, official business move."

There were only a few people who heard her and Nomi could hear the sounds of a fight ensuing. Calming her racing thoughts and clearing her mind she used the Force to part the onlookers blocking her path. Only a few startled gasps followed her as she passed.

When she reached the doorway she saw Gauge standing over a prone figure on the bed and to her right a man was hanging next to her by an invisible hand. Gauge was obviously in the middle of a heated argument with the man at her feet as her face was red. Nomi began to call her name when the argument ended, Gauge unceremoniously stomped the man's throat in and turned to meet her gaze.

The man that was suspended next to her crashed to the floor and Nomi could hear shouting behind her. All she could see was the yellow Sith eyes that stared back at her. She had hoped in her heart that she would never have to see them on Gauge again. Fear turned her blood cold. Gauge's eyes flickered for a moment and Nomi could see the small amount of regret in them. Gauge's eyes turned from her though and Nomi realized that the man next to her was speaking.

Gauge's voice was clear and commanding," He will not have her."

Nomi turned to Gauge not trying to hide her confusion. Then the man spoke again," You knew there was no trying to go back. And you know there's no hiding from him. He will get what he wants."

Nomi was pushed to one side as more Jedi rushed into the room, taking both the man and Gauge into custody. Again Gauge's voice rang out," He will not have her."

The man met Nomi's eyes as he was lead out of the room," Soon, little one, soon."

Gauge sat restrained, physically, across a detention room from her. Commander Ellan ordered her moved to new quarters since Gauge had proven she was well enough to be a security threat. Her cheek was bruised and slightly swollen from the strike delivered by the spies. Nomi was pacing back and forth in front of her trying to put into words what just happened. "Who were they talking about?"


"What do you mean me?"

"They were spies. They know why I could not complete my mission. They know I turned against them. They know about you and you are now a target."

Nomi slammed her fist down on the desk and Gauge flinched away as this was the first time that Nomi had been hostile towards her since the attack on the ship. Nomi's face was only a breath away from Gauge's now. The blue had returned to the eyes. Nomi felt herself falling into them but stopped herself. As much as she wanted things to be different, they were not and she had to play with the cards they had been dealt. Still Nomi stayed close just long enough to see the fear in the eyes. Whatever had been discussed prior to her arriving had spooked Gauge. Nomi thought for half a heartbeat she could close the distance between them, just once. She closed her eyes and stood to her full height," I've been a target, remember," Nomi felt her temper rising but did nothing to stop it," You targeted me. Why should I be afraid of them? I'm more afraid of the things that I think about when I'm with you."

Gauge's eye met hers with a questioning look," Nomi.."

Nomi's tear spilled down her cheeks," Don't you get it. None of this matters. If I die. If you die. We can never be together so what is the point?"

Gauge stood and attempted to step towards her but the restraints held her in place. Nomi took step back anyway since she was sure that if Gauge touched her now she would never be able to let go. Certain that all her training would be for nothing. She looked to her feet ashamed that Gauge had to witness her breakdown.

"Close you eyes," Gauge's voice was soft and gentle. Nomi felt her eyelids drop before she could even think about it. In her minds eye she was standing in the middle of nothingness. Gauge was there standing across from her in the same way she was in the real world only there was no restraints. Gauge opened her arms but did not move forward. Nomi did not need more of an invitation. She moved forward and felt herself wrapped in strong arms. She closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh into the firm chest. For the first time since the Academy she felt safe.

Gauge's voice rumbled low in her ear," I need to meet with Master Skywalker and Commander Ellan. I have a plan but I will need them and you for it to work. You have to trust me, Nomi."

Nomi looked up into Gauge's blue eyes and knew it was love that she saw. No rage or hatred, just innocent love. Gauge may have had the potential to be a monster but Nomi knew standing there that it would never be directed at her. Not again. Gauge was good at heart she just needed guided in the right direction. "I trust you, Gauge," the rest of her statement was lost as lips descended to hers and then they were back in the detention room standing across from each other. Nomi did not break eye contact with Gauge as she called over her comlink for a meeting with Commander Ellan.

Gauge strode up the corridor flanked by Jedi guards but for the first time since arriving on Coruscant she felt at ease. Nomi walked before her with all the purpose and ferocity that Gauge had come to love. It did not take long for Nomi to convince the commander that she needed a meeting and that Gauge needed to attend.

There was no waiting at the commander's door as both Nomi and Gauge were ushered right in. Commander Ellan stood to greet Nomi and motion both to sit," There is a reason for this, I presume and I hope that it will present itself shortly." There was no tone in his voice to make Gauge believe this was a joke. He reached over a flipped on the screen on the corner of the desk. There staring back at Gauge was Master Skywalker. Gauge was momentarily awestruck as she had never had the pleasure to be in his presence. The flesh and blood offspring of Anakin Skywalker, the person that she wanted to become.

Nomi leaned forward," Yes, Commander. Gauge tells me that she has a plan but would not share until you were both present."

"I hope over the coms will work for you, Gauge." Master Skywalker said in a jest since it was a long journey for the Master to be there in person.

Gauge nodded once," As long as the line is secure. With the events of this morning I would imagine it is not safe to talk openly."

Commander Ellan's chest puffed a little," It's a secure line."

Gauge turned to talk to Master Skywalker," I need to take Nomi with me…"

"Absolutely not," Commander Ellan reply was quick and firm.

"It is in her best interest, sir. I would do nothing to harm Nomi," Gauge found herself back pedaling trying not to upset the man farther," I know how to protect her. If she stays here she is in danger. If I stay here you are all in danger."

Commander Ellan turned to Master Skywalker with pleading eyes hoping for understanding," Master, you can't entertain the idea of letting Antilles go with this Sith. It wasn't all that long ago that she was attacking us. This is not a good idea."

Master Skywalker thought quietly for a moment," Maybe you and I are not the ones who will make the decision, maybe it should be up to Nomi."

Commander Ellan's eyes turned from the Jedi Master to the Jedi Knight and suddenly Gauge felt out of place. This was not something that she was used to. There were the ones who gave orders and the ones that followed them. There was never a discussion on whether or not it was a good idea. She let her eyes fall to her folded hands and waited for the Jedi to come to their decision. Through the Force she touched Nomi's mind. There was only a feeling of calm that greeted her.

Master Skywalker's voice came across the speaker but it did not distort the concern within it," Nomi, will you let you life and possibly mine or Commander Ellan's life be in the hands of that woman?"

It was such a simple question and Gauge herself felt she could not answer it but there was no hesitation from Nomi," She has my trust."

Gauge tried very hard not to outwardly react to the statement. Nomi's faith in her was the first of its kind and Gauge was sure that she would not betray it. She felt the corners of her mouth curl into a smile but quickly removed it feeling that it may be inappropriate. Now was not the time for giddiness. She gathered her thoughts as she looked back up at Master Skywalker. He sat for a moment just studying her. Gauge was sure he could see right through her. Could see the joy that the statement had brought her. Seen the happiness that the woman sitting next to her had brought. Seen the love that threatened everyone in the room. She did not shy from his gaze, she needed him to understand. Needed him to see that she would die then harm this woman or things she held dear.

Master Skywalker sat back from the screen," Well, Gauge, share your plan."

Nomi was in shock over Gauge's plan. It was risky for all people involved, herself more then most. Commander Ellan was the most vocal about his disproval. He had almost stormed out of the meeting before Gauge had finished. Master Skywalker being a student of unwavering patience simply told the Commander to listen and his order was followed without question, until the plan was unveiled in total.

Master Skywalker was the first to speak," Nomi, how do you feel about this?"

Nomi raised her brows and tilted her head to one side and back," Well," She turned to meet Gauge's gaze," It's risky. But I think if it works it will be worth it. To hit the Sith like they hit us is smart."

"Yes," Master Skywalker replied," But how do you feel about it?"

Nomi did not answer right away, turning to put her thoughts into words," I trust Gauge. Does that keep the nerves at bay," Nomi paused with a shrug," no not really."

Master Skywalker turned to Commander Ellan," If you could change this plan what would you do differently. From a military stand point?"

Commander Ellan rubbed his square chin in thought," I'd send more then the two to begin with. Put more in the shuttle so backup is already there. There is a high percentage that you two could be seriously hurt before we even arrive. Let alone get into the compound."

Gauge shook her head," No, that will not work. He would feel them. The ship would be checked and they would be found. More people would be put in danger. I can protect Nomi, I can not protect many more."

"I agree," Master Skywalker was quiet, his own mind's eye remembering the day long ago when he had snuck on to an enemy space station. He had already paid his price in the loss of his first teacher," I will meditated on this and return with my answer." With that he was gone.

Commander Ellan stood to dismiss them.

Chapter 8:

Nomi walked next to Gauge down the hall on the way to Gauge's new room. "Thank you," it was almost too quiet for Nomi to hear.

Nomi turned to look at Gauge whose eyes did not meet her own," For what?"

Gauge shrugged," For believing that the plan will work. For trusting me. I know it can not be easy."

Nomi thought back to all the things she had learned since leaving the Jedi Academy and for the first time she felt the weight of being a Jedi. She finally understood that sometimes doing the right thing was not always the right thing. The long lectures about the greater good and always striving for it was never more poignant then it was now. If this plan worked the Sith would once again be defeated or at least the Jedi would again have the upper hand. There was a great risk that Gauge or herself would not survive the operation and it scared Nomi a little. But she had to do it. There was no try.

"You're welcome."

Master Skywalker sat alone on Yavin 4 trying to find clarity through the Force that he could not find on his own. Nomi Antilles was one of his most promising students. He had been disappointed when she had decided not to stay at the Academy to teach but now he understood. It was not her way. Her path would start as one of a warrior. He did not like the plan that the Sith had come up with but he was sure that if one Jedi could handle the mission that it was Nomi Antilles.

The only thing that concerned him was the emotions that were involved. Master Skywalker could easily see the love that Gauge felt for Nomi, it surrounded her. Nomi also had feelings, Master Skywalker knew but she was careful to keep hers hidden. Master Skywalker hoped that that would not be used against her. In the heat of battle is not the time for such things to surface.

Master Skywalker watched the massive gas planet move across the horizon knowing that the mission had to be put into motion. Turning to his desk he switched on his communications display and was soon greeted by the face of Commander Ellan. Master Skywalker did not have to speak to his past student, they both knew the outcome," I don't like it, Master. Too many things can go wrong."

Master Skywalker raised his hand to stop that man," I know, Huitt," Master Skywalker very rarely used the Commander's first name, just in their private talks," We need to have faith in Nomi Antilles."

"It will be done then," Commander Ellan nodded at him from across the galaxy," I start preparations."

Nomi sat on her bunk in the small living quarters that she shared with the other members of her team. They had all given her space when she returned, since it been the first time returning to the small quarters since the attack. She had slept very little in the past days and they respected her time alone. Her team also knew that there was more then a budding friendship between the Master and Jedi. None wanted to breech the subject on the imposter. Nomi made her way into her room and was glad when Tasha opted to stay behind in the common area. She needed to be alone to sort her thoughts. She settled on to her bunk closed her eyes. By the looks of her she was in a calming trance. Inside her head, though she could barely keep up with her racing thoughts. Gauge's plan was bold and that was an understatement. Nomi kept running it over in her head.

Go to Tatooine and pick up Gauge's ship that she left in a dock while impersonating Master Skimpis. If, of course, it's still there. Raise the Sith through the secure channel that is on that ship and request location for rendezvous. Before jumping to hyperspace Gauge would dump the ships waste, a standard procedure, with it would be a trajectory beacon. A JPC flagship will retrieve the beacon and follow. The reason that Nomi was worried is the time span between the drop and the pick up. Gauge had stated that her Master knew she was alive and that her ship would be watched. If the JPC jumped into orbit too soon they would be spotted loosing the element of surprise and leaving Nomi and Gauge without back up. If they jumped into orbit too late the beacon could be pulled into the atmosphere and lost.

Nomi was even more uncertain on her role in the mission. She was going with Gauge and was there as bait. She gave the Sith a reason to allow Gauge to board the ship and not kill her out right. A Jedi Knight to any Sith is a valuable commodity. Gauge told Master Skywalker that her Master would enjoy Nomi because she was under his tutelage. Gauge stated her Master had great respect for Master Skywalker and that would be enough to secure their entrance.

Entrance to a world in it's own right. The Sith compound was made in to a replica of the Death Star. Only half of the original size and without the massive tubrolaser it would be easy to believe that this would be easy to overtake but Nomi remembered Gauge's words, For every one of you there is one of us.

An entire space station of Sith made Nomi more afraid then anything in her life time. Squeezing her eyes shut she tried to push the fear to the back of her mind and out. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Nomi said it in her head over and over again. Thinking of all the Jedi that had come before her, all of who had a mission that they feared and they had conquered that fear. Nomi opened her eyes, they were focused and she felt the fear drain from her body.

Nomi said the words out loud one more time reaffirming their meaning.

The comlink on the bedside table chirped," Antilles."

"Briefing room, 20 minutes. Bring the Sith."

Gauge knelt on the floor in a bare holding cell deep in the interior of the Jedi complex. She spread her senses outward feeling the people around her. There was a hushed urgency in the walls. People were preparing for Gauge's plan, a plan that would only work if Nomi trusted in her. There had been no hesitation in Nomi's voice in the company of the Jedi Master and Commander. After the meeting Nomi was very guarded it was the first time since her true identity had been revealed that Nomi had walled herself against Gauge.

She does not trust you, the dark thought rose into her conscious before Gauge could stop it. She is using you as the bait for the Jedi.

Gauge knew that it was only the Dark Side trying to sway her. Nomi had said that she trusted you, you should believe that. Nomi does not lie.

True but there is a first for everything. You learned to love. She can learn to lie. Gauge shook her head violently, trying to clear her thoughts.

Nomi is a true person. She would not hurt me. I felt it. Gauge licked her lips in remembrance.

Remember your mother, you know that love will betray you. You know this to be true. Gauge's minds' eye flashed to the scenes of Nomi face as she stood over her on the ship after she had attacked the Jedi. Gauge's eyes flew open in a vain attempt to rid herself of the image. Fire traced up her arms and legs, burning a fiery trail to her eyes. She slammed the palms of her hands into them willing the rage to retreat. Bending at the waist she lay her hands on the cool floor. Warm tears passed through her fingers.

A tremor through the Force made her head snap up in attention. Nomi was close and headed this way. Gauge quickly stood and backed to a far corner where the overhead light did not reach. Standing in the shadow Gauge watched the door open. She could still feel the unnatural hate that flowed through her and wished she was anywhere but here at the moment.

"Gauge," Nomi had a questioning tone," Are you alright? I was wondering if we could talk."

Gauge hugged the wall at her back as Nomi came closer, knowing that she was not stable enough to come into the light," I am fine. What would you like to talk about?"

Nomi, as if sensing the danger did not step farther into the room but instead turned and shut the door. Once it was secure Nomi turned to Gauge," What troubles you?"

Gauge looked first to the floor and then to the ceiling for an answer, when she found none she stayed quiet. Nomi took a step forward. This caused Gauge to take an uncertain breath. Nomi heard it but it did not deter her progress. Nomi stopped at arms length just inside the ring of light that filled the room. Gauge watched as Nomi closed her eyes and slowly reached her hand out. Gauge's eyes followed the hand to the point that it reached hers and was surprised at the coolness of the skin. The small fingers intertwined with her own and slowly pulled them away from the wall.

Gauge gave little resistance against Nomi's gentle touch. Gauge took a step forward and Nomi reached out and took her other hand. Nomi pulled Gauge to her until she was standing a small distance apart with their hands held in the middle. Nomi opened her eyes and met Gauge's, who knew that they were still wild and angry.

Nomi's eyes showed no fear or displeasure. She tilted her head to one side and studied Gauge for a moment. So close to Nomi now Gauge started to pull her hands away and hide her face. She wanted nothing more then to crawl back into the shadows. Nomi did not release her hands, holding Gauge steady. Gauge looked at the floor seething at the fact that she could not get away from this woman. She was embarrassed about the control Nomi had over her because it was more then she had over herself.

Nomi dropped one of Gauge's hands and Gauge took the opening as allowance to turn away. Gauge was surprised when the hand came up to cup the side of her face," Gauge," it was barely a whisper," Will you look at me?"

Gauge pressed her cheek into the hand, relishing in the feeling but did not turn her head. She knew that her eyes were still stained yellow and she did not want to look at Nomi with them. She did not want Nomi to remember the attack. She did not want Nomi to fear her.

"It's okay, Gauge," Nomi took a step forward so they were almost touching. Gauge clenched her jaw and let out a rush of air.

"I do not want…." Gauge stopped herself; she did not know what she wanted. She was confused. Everything had changed so quickly and she was reeling.

Nomi turned her face and Gauge found herself staring into vivid green. She felt lost and found all at the same time. Like everything stopped and there was nothing but the two of them. Then Gauge blinked, it was only for a second but the rage died. The fire that ran through her stopped. She took a deep breath as if it was the first one she had ever had. When she opened her eyes again Nomi still stood there. Gauge had half guessed that she would have been alone and this had all been a dream. Nomi smiled up at her and she realized that it was the first time in a long time that she was happy.

Gauge returned her smile and Nomi ran her thumb across the corner of Gauge's mouth. She watched the eyes as the yellow swirled and was replaced with the striking blue that Nomi had come to love. Gauge took a deep breath and rubbed her cheek again into the palm of her hand. The unnatural heat that Nomi felt only moments ago was now gone. Moving forward Nomi covered the remaining distance between them and wrapped her arms around Gauge. There was a hesitation but soon the strong arms held her close," I had to see. I had to know that it wasn't really you. I felt your anger but I wanted to know that it didn't control you."

Gauge nuzzled into the crook between her neck and shoulder," You are the only person that cared to see me. I have hid behind it so long that I was not sure that it did not control me."

Nomi pulled her head off of Gauge's shoulder. Looking up into the face that almost looked like the one that had struck such fear in her only months ago. This face was softer with an open expression. This was the face from her dreams.

"I want to say I am sorry," Gauge's eyes were serious and sad," about your friends. If I could take it back or trade my life for theirs I would."

Nomi put a single finger to Gauge's lips stopping them from continuing," I know. That person is not the person you are now. I know you won't hurt me. "

Gauge's eyebrow quirked in question," You do not know that…"

Nomi reached up and brought the dark head to hers. Their lips met and the ripple that ran through the Force was felt by every Jedi in the Complex. The first kiss was powerful. This was different then the one in the corridor during the attack and the one shared in the mind meld. This was the first kiss that was shared with no secrets and no fear. It was a kiss of love, true and powerful.

Across the galaxy Master Skywalker watched the giant gas planet make its way across the horizon. He watched the training fields as a number of trainees stopped as a ripple tore its way through the Force. Master Skywalker smiled from his perch far above the landscape. Such a joyous stirring in the Force was rarely felt but he knew what it meant. He thought about his wife Mara and the life that they had shared. Both were strong in their own right but together they were almost an unstoppable force. Together they were able to draw on the other's strength and love the other's weaknesses. Master Skywalker knew that if given the opportunity that Gauge and Nomi had that same potential.

Master Skywalker stood on the balcony thinking that there had to be a special place at the Academy for someone with Gauge's expertise. Master Skywalker knew that the Jedi Council would need to be against the idea. Though it may take some very stern persuasion Master Skywalker felt that his effort would be well founded.

Chapter 9:

Nomi stood next to the banged up freighter that would take Gauge and herself to Tatooine. It was a repossessed shuttle that Jedi took in an escape from some of their more aggressive negations. Nomi had tinkered around with ships at her father's shop on Hapes and could tell that this ship was flyable but not by much. It did fit the part though. In order to look realistic it had to look like Gauge and Nomi had blasted their way out of the Jedi complex. With the scorch and pock marks that dotted the hull this ship would fit the profile perfectly.

Once they were jumping through hyperspace the Jedi would send out a generalized signal telling all outlying worlds of the escape and hostage situation. Gauge said this was necessary because the Sith monitor the Jedi's communications from various points in the universe. A message like that would be flagged by the Sith and would be sent to Gauge's Master. The more information that was leaked to him the better. The Jedi would then scramble the fleet trying to locate the escapee and Jedi hostage. That would bring about the ship outside of Tatooine's orbit to intercept the beacon released by Gauge from her own shuttle. When the Jedi find nothing on Tatooine but an empty ship they would then leave orbit and jump away. To the Sith monitoring them on the planet it would look like they had only gone elsewhere to continue the search. In reality the Jedi starship would jump to the location Gauge had left them in the trajectory beacon.

All of this Nomi was alright with. It was the time spent between arriving at the Sith location and the Jedi's arrival that had her worried. While Gauge had reassured all present that her Master was one that did nothing spontaneous Nomi was still worried for both her and Gauge's safety. This was still a Sith Master, they were not known to be predictable. Nomi did not want to overplay her hand but Gauge's confidence in her plan was hard to argue with.

A technician came down the gangplank of the ship and stopped in front of her, pulling her from her thoughts," Everything looks good, ma'am. Here's the beacon," The technician handed her a silver cylinder about the length of her forearm, "All you have to do is transfer it to the other ship and dump it. The coordinates will be sent from your nav computer without any prompting from you."

Nomi nodded," You're certain?" Nomi held the beacon gingerly in her hand. She was afraid to drop it and rendering it unusable.

The technician gave her a firm nod," I designed it myself ma'am, it's not going to let you down."

"Thank you." Nomi slipped the beacon into the bag she was carrying. Inside was her lightsaber, since she had to look like a hostage she could not openly carry her weapon. It would be carried by Gauge for most of the mission and become accessible to Nomi when the need presented itself.

Nomi again looked to the ship that would be the point of the spear the Jedi would use to bring down the beast that was the Sith. Nomi closed her eyes calming breath cleansing her. This war began with Gauge and I. It will end with Gauge and I.

Gauge dressed into her traditional dark leather pants and tunic. If she was going to go running to the Sith she had to look the part. Sitting on the bunk in her cramped quarters she pulled knee high black boots and set about buckling them tight. She had not dressed like this since arriving on Coruscant she knew the reaction she was going to get when she left this room. The same reaction she always got, fear and anger. Standing she clipped her lightsaber onto her belt and felt the reassuring weight of it. Finally, she downed her black cloak. Its length went to the floor and billowed around her in such a way that it looked like a breeze was blowing passed her.

She turned to the door where an armored guard waited to take her to the landing platform. Both Jedi turned and she moved to follow. Walking to the lift Gauge tried to keep her eyes focused ahead. She heard the whispers around her, the hushed tones behind hands and around corners. She would never fit in with these Jedi. She would always be an outsider because she allowed herself to be tainted by the Dark Side. Whether it had been her choice or not.

Other then the unexpected call from Master Skywalker, the morning had progressed as planned. The Jedi readied their ship and the tracking beacon. Now, she just needed it to make it to the planet that was the farthest from here. Stepping into the lift Gauge closed her eyes and calmed her thoughts in a way that Nomi had thought her the night before. Nomi had said that it always helped her when she felt like too much was going on in her head. Gauge listened to the Jedi intently and now putting the practice to work, Gauge was relieved to feel the anxiety decrease, it was by no means gone but it was not over powering her.

The lift doors opened and Gauge could felt the early morning sunlight on her face. Opening her eyes she looked out on to the platform. There was the ship that was to carry her and Nomi to Tatooine. As she had been told, the ship was not in the best condition. Gauge felt a smile tug at her mouth as she noticed Nomi was already there. Nomi was deep in conversation with one of the technicians at the aft of the ship. Nomi sensing her near turned and met her gaze. A smile graced the face in front of her," Are you ready?"

Nomi looked up to the ship," I think so,"Nomi reached up to touch the hull," If this will get us there."

Gauge had seen worse in her days but decided not to share those stories with Nomi," We should go."

Nomi nodded and followed Gauge to the open hatch and inside the ship.

Commander Ellan stood on the bridge of the Jedi starship Alliance. The Jedi on the bridge hurried about with a controlled tension. This was the first major battle that the Jedi had been involved in since the fifty year peace after the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. It was the first large scale battle between the Sith and the Jedi in a hundred years. None of the Jedi present had met this enemy on the battle field and no one knew what to expect.

The lay out of the Sith station had been provided by Gauge but even she did not know all of the secrets of the facility. Commander Ellan's only concern was numbers. He hoped that they had enough. After the transmitter beacon was picked up various Jedi ships throughout the galaxy would be sent the coordinates so the Jedi would attack in a tide, one ship after another.

Commander Ellan was to lead a tactical team of Jedi on to the station to secure it and assist with other ships docking to the base. Prisoners were to be taken and interrogated. Unlike the Sith the Jedi's goal was to keep as many prisoners as possible alive. Discovering the Sith's intentions and motives were what was important to the Jedi Council. They were very clear on not letting the battle turn into a slaughter. It was to remain control no matter the situation.

Commander Ellan was pulled from his thoughts suddenly as there was a spectacular light show across the viewing bay. A junk ship tore across the sky with two Jedi fighters close on its tail. The ship ducked and dived in ways that Commander Ellan could have never imagined that a ship in that condition could do. It turned onto its port side and cut a close line around one of Coruscant's taller buildings and then went vertical into the upper atmosphere. Commander Ellan could not help the look of awe as he watched the ship escape. That's the best damn piloting I've seen since Han Solo's time.

He turned to the captain in charge of the bridge," Wait for the ship's to broadcast that they lost them and then take off."

The captain turned to his crew and began barking out orders. There was a frenzied buzz as the Jedi prepared to follow the ship. There was crackling over the radio system," Wampa One to Base."

The communication officer bent over his station," Wampa One, go ahead."

"They're gone," There was a fine line on disappointed in the voice," Jumped into hyperspace almost as soon as they broke orbit."

"You're clear, Wampa One. Bring you're ship in per the Captain. We'll be pursuing."

Nomi buckled herself into the copilot's chair of the freighter and began the power up procedure. Gauge had said almost nothing since appearing outside. Nomi was not unnerved by the silence but was concerned that the ride might be a long one if this was any indication. She typed the coordinates for Tatooine into the hyperdrive computer.

"Hold on," Gauge stated not glancing up," We have to make this look good."

Without anymore warning Gauge pulled the ship off of the platform and immediately gained speed. Nomi reached over and flipped a switch to activate the shields," Shields up."

Gauge's hands flew over her console. The ship weaved in and around on coming ships and buildings. Nomi was surprised to see that Gauge's eyes were half closed with concentration. Instead of using her physical senses to fly to ship Gauge was using the Force. That explains the lack of conversation.

The back end of the ship shuttered as the Jedi pilots opened fire on their back side," Switching all shields to the rear." Nomi's hand went to work rerouting power to the aft shields.

Suddenly, the ship was on it's side and Nomi was sure that the Jedi had accidentally shot out one of their engines. Gauge turned the ship tight around a building and Nomi felt herself sink deep into the seat as gravity fought to bring her to earth. On the far side of the building Gauge lurched the ship straight up and hit the thrusters. They shot towards space like a laser. The Jedi pilots were in pursuit but could not keep pace.

Outside the atmosphere Gauge turned the ship in preparation for the jump to hyper space. For a second the ship sat motionless in the blackness of space. Gauge turned and rested her hand on Nomi's," When you are ready."

Nomi did not hesitate as she reached over to make the jump.

Gauge shut down all internal functions in the ships cockpit and made her way to the small cabin. The ship could be left unmanned while in hyperspace so it gave the occupants of the ship down time. The cabin's usually housed a game table of some sort to help pass the time. This ship was no exception, a small round table with squares of color sat to one corner. Gauge walked over and turned it on. Fifteen creatures of various sizes sprung to life on the board. The hologram fizzled a little as the equipment got used to being run again. A couple of the creatures made a noise as if to show their impatience at not being played.

"Did you want to play?" Nomi had entered the cabin from the back which stored the galley and racks for sleeping.

Gauge looked at Nomi then back down at the board intently studying the creatures," I have never played."

Nomi took Gauge's hand from behind and rested her cheek on Gauge's shoulder. Gauge felt her eye's close," I can teach you. It's a game of strategy. The goal is for your pieces to beat the opposing pieces until there are none left."

Gauge looked again to the board and started running attacks through her head," Would you play with me?"

Nomi smiled up at her and laid a soft kiss on her cheek," Of course."

An hour later Gauge wished she had never heard of this game. Nomi had beaten her the first game but Nomi had insisted that they play another. Now Gauge starred at the board in disbelief. Her largest player on the board marched forward into a trap and was unceremoniously clubbed over the head by one of Nomi's men. The board flashed and all the remaining pieces that Gauge had laid down in defeat.

"I do not like this game," Gauge said humbly.

Nomi stood up and moved to the seat next to Gauge," It's okay, just think of it this way, you've got room for improvement."

Nomi stood across the small galley finishing a bland meal of rations. She watched as Gauge ate. She huddled over her food as if she was worried that someone would come to take it away. Nomi wondered if it had anything to do with the up bringing Gauge had. Nomi hated to think of Gauge in such place with no one. Nomi was surprised that Gauge had any soul left.

"You are starring," Gauge did not even look up from her food," Why?"

Nomi sat her bowl down and moved so she was standing in front of Gauge," I was just thinking that I'm glad that even with all you've been through that there is still good in you."

Gauge shook her head," It's easier to believe in yourself when someone else does it first."

Nomi laid on the top rack in the sleeping quarters of the ship. The jump through hyperspace would be over soon and the nerves of her first real mission outside the confines of the Jedi Complex were starting to set in. She went through the plan over and over again in her head thinking that if she went over it enough times she would react on instinct and not have to think about what was to come next. The heavy weight of her lightsaber on her stomach was a welcome sensation. She ran her hands over the metal shaft thinking about the hours she had spent to make it. It was her most prized possession and she knew that any Jedi had to feel the same.

Underneath her she heard Gauge begin to stir. Then she heard Gauge begin to mumble angrily. Nomi leaned over the edge of her rack and saw that Gauge lay stiff with her fists clenched. Again, Gauge thrashed and moved her hands into a defensive position in front of her face. Nomi jumped down onto the floor next to the bunk and took Gauge's hands in her own. Speaking softly Nomi coaxed Gauge to wake. When Gauge's eye opened terror greeted Nomi. She had only seen this once before and it was when Gauge was shot during the Sith attack.

Nomi moved to a sitting position on the edge of the bunk and Gauge sat up to greet her. Nomi wrapped her arms around Gauge's neck and whispered pleasant thoughts into her ear. When blue eye's turned to meet green ones there were no words exchanged as their lips meet. The kiss quickly deepened and Nomi felt herself being guided back on to the bunk. Nomi did not think of the mission or the Jedi or even the galaxy for that matter. All she could think about was the woman above her and the way she made her body feel. The way Gauge made her heart beat faster and send shock waves to her core. She loved this woman there was no way around it. She did not care if it would be frowned upon by the Jedi Council and she would be damned if they were going to take Gauge away from her now. They could escape to a far planet and never have to worry about the past or what others thought of them. They could go someplace where they would be safe.

The zipper of Nomi's jacket opened and Nomi began to tug on the belt of Gauge's pants. Gauge shrugged off her own under shirt and Nomi stared at the half naked woman above her. Gauge's well muscled upper body came to rest against Nomi's as she ram her hands ran up Gauge's toned back. Gauge moved her thigh between Nomi's and Nomi could not stop the moan that erupted from within her. She bit into Gauge's exposed shoulder, tasting the salty skin.

"Attention crew," came the automated voice of the ships computer," Coming out of hyperspace in five standard minutes."

Gauge groaned and laid her head down on Nomi's shoulder. Nomi held her against her chest willing everything else to go away.

"Nomi," Gauge's voice was almost a purr beside her ear," We have to get ready."

Nomi still held Gauge to her," I know." A tear escaped and coursed down her face," I just want to have this moment."

Gauge lay quietly on top of her and Nomi reached out to touch her through the Force," Promise me something."


"If something happens to me, you will not turn into a monster."

Gauge lifted her head up so she could meet Nomi's eyes," I promise, love."

Gauge tightened her grip and Nomi felt warm and safe. She relished the way Gauge felt in her arms. She breathed her in trying to take as much in as she could before they had to part," Whatever happens…"

Gauge nodded her head against her chest," I know."

The twin suns burned high as the beat up freighter landed in a bay on the outskirts of Mos Eisley. The resting of the ship caused a breeze that kicked up tufts of sand. The gangplank lowered and Gauge could feel the eyes watching her as she disembarked from the shuttle. She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and paused as Nomi struggled down the ramp with her hands in restraints. She roughly took Nomi's arm and guided her into the office of the landing bay. Nomi's eyes caught hers. There was no fear or loathing there anymore. Nomi knew that in order for this to work Gauge had to appear to revert back to her Sith ways. Nomi knew that it was only for the sake of the mission though as Gauge had assured her that she would do whatever it was to keep her safe.

Inside the dark office a Rodian moved out from behind the desk. The green spikes on his head twitched as she came closer. Gauge tossed the small duffel she carried with her on the counter. Inside was the transmitter for the jump and Nomi's lightsaber. She nodded her head to the green humanoid," Morning, Merdo," Gauge kept her tone low," I need to lose this ship in a hurry. Are you interested?"

Merdo looked back out the office door at the ship that sat in the sunlight. In his own language Merdo replied to Gauge," It looks like you made a hasty getaway. Where did you escape from this time?"

Gauge felt a small smile grace her lips as Merdo was probably the closest thing she had to a friend in the galaxy but she still did not trust him enough to tell him the truth," The less you know at this point the better."

Merdo's saucer antennas perked up at that," Whose she? You didn't steal her from someone did you? Some governor from a system upset because you ran off with his daughter?"

Gauge turned to Nomi who was playing her part perfectly. Nomi had tucked herself into the corner and looked like she would rather the wall just shallow her instead of her being in such a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Gauge figured that Nomi did not speak Rodian and probably did not know that the conversation had turned to her.

"How about I trade the ship for the fare on holding my ship," Gauge offered.

The Rodian looked out again at the ship," The ship and the girl. When you're done with her of course."

Gauge felt the air around her thicken. She took a short intake of breath. The offer was not unusual since it would not have been the first time Gauge had given Merdo her leftovers as payment but it was different this time," She is not up for discussion."

Both Nomi and Merdo had noticed the change in Gauge. Gauge felt the gentle nudge of Nomi in the back of her conscious, calming her. Gauge closed her eyes and tried to quiet her emotions. When she opened them again she fixed Merdo in her gaze," Take the ship as payment. We go back a long time. Take my word and stay out of this for your own good."

The Rodian threw his hands up in protest," You come into my office and threaten me. I thought we were better then that. Fine, go and take your ship, this one will have to do. Don't bring your business here again. Find someone else to hide your ship."

Gauge picked the duffel off the counter and took Nomi's arm again," Do not worry, Merdo, you will not see me again."

She turned and walked out on to the street walking towards the bunker that housed her ship The Rancor. It was a short walk but in the streets of Mos Eisley one could never be too careful.

Nomi had a pretty good idea of what went on between Gauge and the Rodian. Nomi was thankful that he had not pressed the issue. While Gauge was trying hard not to use her Sith powers her anger still flared up without much warning. Out on the street Gauge had pulled Nomi closer to her and now had her tucked under her arm. Without really thinking about it she rested her head on the solid shoulder behind her.

The part of Mos Eisley that they were walking had sewage in the streets and on either side there was a peddler selling something, none of it looked legal. Nomi had not seen this side of the galaxy before and was comforted by the fact that Gauge was with her," How much farther?"

Gauge looked down at her," Do not worry it is not far."

While the two were looking at each other their path was blocked by a scantly clad woman. She weaseled her way in between Nomi and Gauge and wrapped her arms around Gauge's waist," Hasn't seen you 'round in awhile. Lookin' for some company?"

Gauge removed the woman's hands from her waist only to have them wrapped around her neck. Nomi starred in disbelief as the woman began to grind on Gauge's leg and kiss up her neck. Nomi felt like she was going to thrash the woman but quickly calmed herself. Standing behind the woman she cleared her throat loudly," Excuse me?"

The woman turned to meet Nomi and gave her a quick once over," Ya need something, Sweetie, cause trust me you can't handle her. Why don't you leave it up to the people who know what their doin'."

Nomi did not want to think about the implications. She knew that Gauge had been on the Dark Side but this was something completely different. Seeing the look on Gauge's face Nomi could tell that Gauge was more concerned about her reaction so Nomi decided to take a different approach. Motioning her hand across the face of woman Nomi stated very plainly," This isn't the woman you want."

The brown eyes of the woman sort of clouded over and she repeated," I don't want this woman."

Nomi again motioned her hand;" If I see her again I'll go the other way."

The woman droned in echo.

"Move along."

The woman turned up the street and walked away. Nomi took a hold of Gauge's hand under her cloak and continued to walk to the place where Gauge's ship was hidden.

Chapter 10:

There was a small flashing light on the desk of Master Gerton. He stopped reading the sales print out and laid it to one side of his massive desk. The light was an indicator that it was not a company call. This button was used by his personal assistant when his students needed to talk to him. It gave him warning to clear his office before answering the line. Reaching over he hit the button and a female's voice greeted him," Sorry to bother you, Sir, but Chen is on the line and says he has something important to tell you."

Gerton leaned back in his chair, pulling on his tie, and put his feet up on the desk," Put him through."

There was a series of tones as the call was forwarded through. Then Chen's deep voice came across," Master."

"Yes, Darth Chen."

There was a pause and Gerton thought that the signal might have been lost," Master, the two spies were found in the Jedi Complex."

Gerton slammed his fist down on the top of his desk. He had spent much time and effort in placing them on Coruscant. Getting them clearance into the most secure facility in the galaxy and now to find out that it was a failed attempt did not please him. He ran his hand through his slicked back blonde hair," Is there something else or did you just want to tell me your people are incompetent."

Darth Chen's voice did not hide his fear," Gauge escaped from the Jedi Complex. She's been seen on Tatooine. It is believe she brought the Jedi Knight with her. The Jedi has ran it all over their channels, every ship in their fleet has stopped what it's doing to join in the search."

Gerton eyebrows peaked into his dark hair line. This was interesting. Gauge was by far his best pupil but with that she was also his most vulnerable to the temptation of the Light Side. Her mother had been a Jedi Knight and early up bringing in such an atmosphere makes corruption that much harder. He watched over much of her training from the shadows and was proud of her when she struck down her own mother with her blade. The fact that the entire Jedi fleet was searching for Gauge meant that she was pretty important to them which by default made her important to him.

"Is she coming here?"

Chen huffed a little over the private line," It's hard to say Master. If she was smart she wouldn't but Gauge defies logic."

"If she contacts us give her the codes," Gerton could tell that Darth Chen wanted to argue but he thought better of it." She may be bringing the Jedi as a gift. To help beg for forgiveness. Give her the codes and allow her to land. We will figure out her intentions when she arrives. Now do not interrupt me again, I have an important conference call. Is that clear."

"Yes, Master."

The line went dead. Across the room a panel slid to one side to expose a wall of screens. Each screen had the face of an investor that trusted Gerton to take care of their money. They were unaware that their funds were being used to wage a war against the Jedi. All of the men and women in front of him cared only about making money. As long as there was a profit they did not care about the means it took to get there. Gerton smiled," Ladies and gentlemen I have some very good news to report."

Gauge moved into the shadow of a doorway in the end of an abandoned alley. The door looked similar to every other door along this street. The building itself was not big enough to house a small family let alone hold Gauge's modified freighter. Like everything else in Gauge's life this was a smoke and mirrors trick to keep unwanted guests away. On the frame of the door was an expense key pad and Gauge quickly typed in the code. The door slid aside and stairs greeted them as the marched down into the darkness.

Gauge reached out and pulled Nomi in front of her. As they descended the stairs the lights above flickered on. When they reached the base of the stairs the bay lights came on flooding the room with light. In the center of the room sat Gauge's ship. It was a sliver and black disc with the cockpit coming off the left side of it. Gauge felt contentment in just seeing the ship again. It had been the only thing that she had really ever called home.

"There she is," Gauge stood back from Nomi who moved to inspect the ship," She is not much but she is all I got."

Nomi ran her hand across the bottom of the ship as she walked under it," It's a beautiful ship."

Blaster fire erupted beside Nomi's hand. Gauge pulled her lightsaber from her belt and stood between the attacker and Nomi. Nomi was unable to defend since her lightsaber was still secured in the bag that was thrown over Gauge's shoulder.

"Master Gauge?" A humanoid robot stood up from behind a crate at the far end of the bay," Please forgive me. I didn't know it was you."

Gauge deactivated her lightsaber and stepped out from under the ship," Debo, if someone broke in then the alarms would be going off."

The droids head tilted to the side as if thinking deeply," Quite right, Master Gauge. Again my reasoning skills were lacking."

Gauge put her hand on the droids shoulder," It is okay. I have someone to introduce you to. Then we have much to talk about and not much time to do it in."

Debo's head snuck on his metal shoulders," I have a bad feeling about this."

Nomi watched as Gauge interacted with droid at the far end of the ship. She had not moved from her position because Gauge had not made it clear that it was something they could drop appearances for. Gauge walked over to where she stood and again Nomi found herself to be starring. Gauge walked with a confidence Nomi had never seen before. Nomi smiled at Gauge as she came to a stop in front of her and was happy to see it was returned.

"Nomi, I would like you to meet D-BO74," Gauge swept her arm behind her to the droid," Debo for short. He is my droid. He was protecting the ship."

Nomi smiled at the droid," Then I should congratulate you on a job well done but I'm glad you're a bad shot."

Debo nodded his head and gave a robotic sigh," I was only trying to scare you, really. I have been programmed as a repair and protocol droid. Killing is my Master's specialty, not mine."

Gauge looked to the floor at that moment and Nomi moved to her side, sliding an arm around her waist. Debo studied the interaction for a moment before alerting to the change in his Master," I must say," If the droid could have had wonder in his voice it would have been appropriate," This is an unexpected change."

Gauge looked up at her droid and did not let any room for question in her voice," Debo, Nomi is more important then the ship, you, or even me. We are to see to her safety at all costs."

Debo seemed to process the information quicker then anything else that had taken place since walking into the bay," Yes, Master, you said we had limited time, maybe you could tell me what was going on."

Gauge began to brief her droid on the situation starting from when she left him there in the bay several months earlier. As Nomi listened to Gauge speak she again tucked herself under Gauge's arm. Gauge unconsciously pulled her closer for the second time today she knew that she was the most protected person in the universe.

Gauge settled into the familiar pilot's seat in her ship's cockpit. She moved her hands over the controls preparing the ship for flight. Debo took his seat to her right and was busy setting up communications with the Sith contacts. Nomi had not ventured into the area yet choosing instead to remain in the back and unpack the transmitter. Gauge already missed the woman's presence but knew that Nomi would return to her soon.

"Was she the one you left behind, Master," Debo did not look up from the control panel. If the droid felt fear Gauge would have guessed it would have prevented the droid from wondering into the subject.

"She was," Gauge watched as the bay's door began to part in front of them. She brought the ship to a hover a few feet above the ground and guided the ship towards the doors.

"Why bring her then, Master? She's a liability. She would have been safer with the fleet."

"She is safe with me."

Debo looked over this time," Master, no one is safe where we are going. You know by you going back you may not live to tell about it. I was certain you wouldn't return to the ship. I gave you more time then you asked me to stay for."

Gauge felt a small amount of gratitude to her droid. When she left the ship she had told him to leave the ship if she did not return in three standard months. It had been almost two times that when she walked into the bay earlier that day," She will not be harmed. You and I will lay our lives down to make sure she makes it out of this alive. You are going to stay on board this ship and personally see that it happens. If I am not with her or tell you to, you leave. No questions asked. She is your priority."

Debo nodded as the ship cleared the bay doors. Keying the thrusters the ship rose to a height taller then all the rest of the buildings. Gauge turned it to the horizon and fired up the main engines. With a roar the modified freighter jumped towards the upper atmosphere, leaving the sand covered planet in the distance.

Debo remained quite for a moment while he processed his new orders. He had never questioned Gauge's orders before and she knew that he was having a hard time with the new ones. He had always been her back up. Debo would bring the ship to her if she needed a quick get away or honing in on her beacon when she was unable to make it back to the ship. Now she was asking him to forget about her well being and concern himself for the life of someone he just met.

"If she is important to you, Master, then she is important to me. It will be done."

Gauge turned to meet her droid's face and graced him with a smile," Thank you, Debo. When I'm gone you and this ship will be her's. I would trust her safety to no one else."

"It will be done."

Across space a man sat in a communication array with his head resting on the corner of his desk. This job was something that did not take a lot of skill. His responsibility was to transfer destination codes from ships to his employer's space station. Since his employer had to move to where his business took him he was always in a different location. In order for his employees to find him he set up communications arrays to keep the location current. Unknown to the man, the employer did it so he could not be easily tracked. Since most of his dealings had to do with illegal drug trafficking. All credits were laundered though because the man was one of the galaxy's most successful business men. So the money that came down to the man running the communications array could not be tracked to illegal dealings.

The display on the panel lit up as a ship hailed him. The man's head jerked up. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and open the line," Array Delta. State your ship name, pilot, and destination."

A crackle came across the speakers and a droids voice spoke," The Rancor, Gauge, requesting destination codes for the Station Alpha."

"Clear, Rancor," the man clicked a few key on the board," Standby for codes."

"Standing by."

The man looked up the ship's name on the computer and saw that their clearance was the highest level outside that of his employer. There was a note at the bottom of the print out it read that the station was to be hailed after the ship was given the codes.

"Rancor, your codes are as follows…" The man rambled off the codes need for the hyperspace jump. When the ship read them back he confirmed they were correct and ended the transmission. He the called up the message service to the security teams on Station Alpha. He sent the message that the ship was in route and when it was projected to arrive. He then stretched his neck and laid his head back down on the desk.

Nomi stood by the back hatch, in her hands she held the silver cased beacon that was the pivotal point of the plan. Gauge's voice came across the intercom system that was next to her ear," The codes are in the nav computer. Are they reading to the beacon?"

Nomi looked at the unlit green light on the end of the beacon and despair hit her as the light did not start flashing right away," No, not yet." It seemed like it took longer then it probably did but the light finally started to flash at her. She couldn't hide her smile," Gauge, it's working. I'm putting it into the hatch now."

Nomi opened the door to the area that held the debris to be dropped prior to the jump. Nomi carefully laid the cylinder on the floor and secured the doors behind her," It's clear to dump."

Nomi watched as red lights began to flash on either side of the door and through the small port window she watched as the outer door opened and sucked the garbage out into space. The silver canister shined bright in the twin sunlight as it floated out into space. Nomi stared at it a moment longer saying a silent prayer to whatever god that was listening that this would work and made her way back up to the cockpit as the ship made it's jump.

Nomi moved into the cockpit as Debo and Gauge finished the turning down the cockpit. Nomi placed her hand on the small of Gauge's back and felt the tense muscles under the leather tunic. Debo looked over at her," Miss Nomi, I think it best you and Master Gauge should try to sleep before we make contact. It's only a five hour jump so I can run the ship while you rest."

Nomi smiled at the droid that she already begun to like. He obviously cared about Gauge's well being and anyone who had Gauge's best interests at heart was someone she could trust," Thank you, Debo. I was going to see if I could steal her away for a few moments."

Nomi took Gauge's hand and led her into the back of the ship were the crews quarters were. Nomi pulled Gauge into the first room and did not turn to face her until the door shut behind them. Turning Nomi pinned Gauge against the door and brought their mouth's together. Nomi pushed her fingers through Gauge's dark hair and pressed her body into Gauge's tall frame.

Breaking contact Nomi looked into the deep blue eyes above her. They smoldered with love and wanting. Nomi knew that her eye's mirrored what she saw," There will never be anyone else for me but you."

Gauge brought a hand up and stroked Nomi's cheek," I love you, Nomi."

Nomi kissed Gauge again trying to push her emotions through the Force feeling she could not put them into words. Gauge wrapped her arms around Nomi's waist and she felt Gauge's feelings. The power of them made her chest ache and were matched only by the one's she felt.

Pulling her mouth away, Nomi again looked into Gauge's eyes," Thank you, Gauge. I'm sorry about the past. I'm sorry about being scared of you. I'm sorry I shut down."

Gauge hushed Nomi as she lifted the smaller woman up and moved swiftly towards the bunk along the wall. Nomi was laid down gently and was covered by the weight of Gauge body," There is nothing to be scared of anymore, Nomi. I will not let anything happen to you."

Nomi reached up and captured the lips above her. She pulled Gauge's shirt out of her pants and ran her hands over the muscled stomach. Gauge began to unfasten the front of Nomi's pants. Soon the clothes that had separated them were in a pile next to the bunk. Nude bodies touched and explored, shivered and tasted. Neither was new to the act but neither had had such satisfaction.

Each knew the others body as if they had been lovers forever. It did not take long to send the other over the edge. Things then slowed from their frenzied pace. Gauge took her time exploring every inch of Nomi's body. Gauge thought she tasted sweeter then any fruit she had ever had. Nomi ran her hands over Gauge's firm skin and was driven to new heights of excitement feeling the defined muscle under the exposed skin. Soon the two bodies were slick and their actions ran the spectrum from primal to lovemaking.

When they lay exhausted Nomi lay on her back with Gauge's head upon her breast. She gently stroked her hair and stared at the ceiling above her. Gauge turned her head to look at her and Nomi regarded her lover," What is it?"

Gauge's eye were troubled and this concerned Nomi," I do not want you to put yourself in harm's way for me Nomi. Promise me that if I tell you to come back to the ship you will."

Nomi could not hide her surprise," I am not going to leave you, if that's what you mean. I said that I with you, Gauge. That means something to me and I will not leave you just because you think that it's best for me."

Gauge ran a finger up Nomi's side and back down," I can not do what I need to if I am worried about you. I need to know you are safe. I need to know that you will be alright."

Nomi shook her head," I don't like it. You're keeping something from me," Nomi searched the eyes above her and knew it was true. She saw the shadow of fear in Gauge's eyes, it was there not for self preservation but for the life of Nomi," You don't have to tell me. And I promise I will return to the ship when you feel I should."

Gauge kissed Nomi's breast bone and Nomi's eye's fluttered. Regaining her concentration she grasped Gauge's head so their eyes met again," Promise you will find me when this is all over."

Gauge intertwined her hand with Nomi's and looked through her eye's right into Nomi's soul," Even in death, Nomi, I will never leave you."

Chapter 11:

Commander Ellan stood at the helm of the Jedi starship as it came out of hyperspace," Scramble the fighters."

His order was quickly executed. The Jedi fighters were already in their ships all they needed was clearance to fly once the ship was out of hyperspace. The pilots flew out of the landing bay door and quickly formed up to search for the beacon. Each pilot had a tracking system in their cockpits installed while they were in route to Tatooine. Now the pilots scoured the upper atmosphere trying to pick up the beacon's signal.

Precious minutes passed and nothing was being reported back by the pilots. Commander Ellan hung his head and closed his eyes. He called on his inner strength, as his powers in the Force were limited, trying to calm himself. He began to formulate a back up plan though he knew all efforts in saving Nomi Antilles were solely based on her own skill to survive and the finding of the beacon.

"Wampa Three to Alliance," came the excited voice of a pilot.

Commander Ellan's head shot up," Alliance, go ahead."

"Sir," the pilot's voice returned to the monotones that were customary of most pilots," Contacts on the planet confirm that the ship we're looking for landed. The shop keep that now owns it says that they left again almost right away. Undisclosed location."

Commander Ellan felt a smile tug at his lips. The information from the shop keep had been sent to them while jumping to the planet. The pilots were still trying to hail the real planet's nav center on the radio. The message was only radio gibberish so that any listening Sith would think that the trail had gone cold. The term undisclosed location meant that the pilot had the jump codes from the beacon," Roger that. Let's not waste anymore time on this rock. All pilots back to the ship."

Once communication was cut between the pilots and the star ship Commander Ellan turned to the ship's captain," As soon as those ships are on board send the location to the other ships. Security level four. No mistakes. We can't afford them."

It took ten more minutes for the message to be sent out to the fleet. To any ease droppers the message would read that leads at Tatooine were dry and to continue the search. After conformations came in the ship started into jump prep. The captain guessed that they would be in the station's area within five standard hours. That gave Commander Ellan enough time to go over the plan with his tactical team again. He made his way to the staging area for his team and was pleased to see that many were already present. The team included Porkins, Tasha, and Grayson who were as concerned with getting there as he was. In all, fifteen ships would be attacking from space and ten teams would try to penetrate the station to secure it. It was the first battle of it's scale in close to fifty years. All the people involved had not seen battle like this before. To say that he was not nervous would make Commander Ellan a liar but he was not going to let a little nerves stop him from doing what the Jedi before him had done. He would lead his people to battle and they would defeat the Sith.

Debo had been sitting in the cockpit for most of the jump to hyperspace. The few times he walked to the back of the ship it became obvious that his Master and her new companion were not resting. Though the walls were metal it did little to stop the sounds that emitted from one of the crew quarters room. If Debo could feel emotions he was certain he would feel a sense of relief that his Master had turned her back on the power of the Dark Side.

Debo could count the number of times he had to fly into a hostile area and bring his Master out. Injured or covered in someone else's blood he could easily see that it began to take its toll on his Master. She began to get sloppy and not care about whether she returned or not. It had all come to a head when his Master was sent to kill the graduates.

He remembered his Master coming onto the ship holding the back of her head. Debo had sat her down in the ship's small galley and began to patch her up. She had told him about the mission and about the one she had left behind. He had asked her if she had done it on purpose, to leave her there still alive. When he received his answer he knew that something had changed in his Master.

Now the rules had changed. Instead of being solely concerned about his Master and only his Master he had been told to watch her young companion. There was a certain amount of loyalty that Debo felt for his Master but he could not disobey her wishes. If it came down to a choice between saving his Master or her companion Debo had no choice, he had to obey his Master.

He got onto the main intercom system," Master, we'll be coming out of the jump in a few minutes. We should be prepared."

There was silence across the line and then the reply came from the blonde instead," Thank you, Debo. She'll be up in a minute."

Debo like his Master was charmed by the little woman. He decided if there was any way that he could get both out of this alive he would try very hard to do so.

Darth Chen stood out on the landing bay floor watching the familiar Rancor come in for landing. Chen could see the droid was at the helm and was apprehensive on Gauge's reasoning to come back. He had the deck on full alert though one could not tell. There was to be no indication that Chen was going to take Gauge and the Jedi hostage into custody so both can be interrogated.

The ship settled onto the plate metal floor and the engines powered down. The gangplank lower and Gauge strode out with all the rage and power that she usually expressed. She stopped in front of Chen and fixed him in her icy glare.

"Quite the welcoming party you have here, Chen," Gauge looked past him to the Sith posing as deckhands around the bay," Did you really think that surprise would work on me?"

Chen acted as if she did not know what she was talking about," We were taking the proper precautions. You've been off radar a long time."

Gauge eyebrow arched to her hairline," Yes, the hero returns from banishment," she turned away from Chen and he motioned the Sith in the bay to make their way towards the ship," Of course this time I came bearing gifts."

Chen was taken aback by the beautiful blonde woman that stood at the top of the gangplank. Her hands were restrained in the front and her feet were shackled. There was the essence of fear around her. Chen could almost smell it there was no need to try and feel it through the Force.

Gauge took the moment to draw and activate her lightsaber and before Chen could react the hot blade was at his Adam's apple," Tell your men to stand down. Or lose your life and theirs."

Chen had never been on this side of Gauge's blade and now knew why she was the Master's favorite. There was no hope looking into the hollow eyes. It was like he was starring death directly in the face. When she pointed her saber at him Chen came to the clarification that he was going to die and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He rose his hand and the Sith approaching stopped in their tracks.

"I will take this woman to our Master. If I see, hear, or feel anything to the effect that I am being followed then I will find you and you will die. Move," Gauge deactivated her lightsaber, dropped to one knee, and Force pushed into the center of Chen's chest. He felt his feet fly from under him as he was propelled backwards. He did not stop until he hit the far wall. He snuck down the wall and drifted into nothingness.

Nomi watched the exchange between Gauge and the shorter male. She had not seen him before but could tell that he was not excited about Gauge's return to the station. More people from around the room began to make their way slowly towards the two. Nomi reached out through the Force and touched Gauge's mind. Gauge turned to meet her eyes from the top of the gangplank. Reading the message in her eyes Gauge turned and before anyone in the bay knew what had happened drew her lightsaber and held it at the man's neck.

The people around the room froze suddenly unsure what to do. They looked to each other hoping that the group would make a decision. Their eyes returned to the two people standing in the center of the bay as Gauge dropped to one knee. Nomi saw that Gauge did not physically touch the man but she watched as he flew across the room into the far wall.

Gauge stood and turned to all those present. Spreading her arms wide she bellowed," Is there anyone else? Anyone else to challenge my right to be here?"

Nomi watched as the people began to move back into the shadows of the bay. Gauge, satisfied that no one else was going to try their luck turned and walked back up the ramp to Nomi's side. Gauge's eyes did not leave the floor until she stood in front of Nomi. Looking up Gauge looked at her with the painful yellow eyes that Nomi tried so hard to forget. Nomi sent a reassuring thought through the Force, trying to show Gauge that it was alright. That everything was going according to plan. Nomi would have liked the plan better at this point if she did not have her hands restrained and her lightsaber in a bag that Gauge carried.

"They probably will not go away until this is done," Gauge's voice betrayed no emotion. Nomi had to remember that her Gauge was not here. Her Gauge was buried deep within the shell that stood before her. This Gauge was cold, calculating, and a Sith. Nomi could not afford to forget that. For both their sakes.

Nomi nodded her understanding and followed Gauge down the ramp. Gauge did not offer her help now or even hold her arm to help keep her steady. Nomi could not take a full stride do to the length of the shackles chain. She had to quicken her pace just to keep up with Gauge's long strides. They reached a repulsor lift and Nomi took the time to look around the area. Everything was gray and identical. The door to the landing bay looked the same as the doors that lined either side of the long hallway. Nothing was labeled so it just added to the mystic of the place.

The doors to the repulsor slid open and Gauge pushed into the center of her back moving her forward. Nomi stepped inside and turned to watch Gauge step inside and hit the button at the top of the panel. Nomi closed her eyes and centered herself as the repulsor lift began it's assent. Reaching out Nomi touched Gauge's essence through the Force..

Gauge turned to her in the lift and looked at her with yellow Sith eyes. Nomi did not flinch away. Instead she bore into them sending all the emotions she felt for Gauge through the Force.

I am sorry that I lost control.

It's knowing that you were out of control that's half the battle.

Jedi philosophy in the heart of the Sith world. You never stop amazing me.

We're just getting started, Gauge.

I know. When we get up here things might get pretty scary.

I know. I'm ready.

The repulsor lift began to slow and when the doors opened Nomi was startled to be greeted at the door by a gorgeous female," He is expecting you, Gauge. You may take your prize in with you."

Gauge followed the Twi'lek to a large door at the end of the hallway. It was the only door on that wall. Gauge again pushed Nomi from behind motioning her forward. Inside the room was an office. One fit for a business man and not for a Master of the Sith. A huge desk dominated the center of the room. The chair that sat behind it was facing away from the door looking out into space through large bay windows. In front of the desk there was a small circular pattern in the floor. Gauge walked forward and knelt in the center," Master Gerton. It is done. May I give you Nomi Antilles, Jedi Knight and student of Skywalker."

Gauge's eyes remained on the floor as the chair swung around. Nomi's eyes went wide with surprise. She stood still, too shocked to say anything. She had seen this man before. She knew who he was. He was the galaxy's far most supplier in bacta and pharmaceutical drugs. His face was plastered on almost all the magazine covers in the galaxy. He was as well known for his wealth as he was for having his fingers into everything for politics to illegal arms dealing.

"Nomi," the man hissed her name," a pleasure to meet you."

Gerton smiled at the reaction he got from the petite woman. Her face paled as she added the equation up in her head. He loved that reaction, the one that could not fathom that a business man could have the powers of a Sith Master.

"You seemed surprised," Master Gerton waved his hand in front of her and her restraints at her wrists and ankles fell to the floor," You won't be needing those. I'm sure my loyal student will not let you harm me." Walking around his desk he moved to stand by his student.

Gerton put his hand on Gauge's shoulder as she knelt there in front of his desk," Now, what should we talk about?"

Nomi shook her head from across the room," How did you know how to attack the Jedi?"

"How," Gerton moved closer to her now. He could almost smell her fear. "I am the universe. Nothing happens without my knowing it." He ran his hand up the side of her chest. Nomi shivered against his touch but not because she enjoyed it. He dipped his head and tasted the sweetness of her neck. He could smell something else besides the fear on her. He could smell Gauge. She turned…Impossible.

Gauge stood behind him. He turned to meet her and was surprised to see she had no fear or the usual respect in her eyes," You know nothing."

Gerton smiled through the Force he called for Darth Chen and his squad to make their way to the office," Are you threatening me?"

Gauge drew her lightsaber and ignited it. The blue blade hummed to life and she waited for his response. "Very well, Young Gauge, we will do this the hard way."

Gerton raised his hand and Gauge lifted from the floor. Gasping noises came from her mouth as her air supply was cut off. She scratched at her neck trying to free it from the invisible fingers that tightened their grip. He watched as his most prized pupil's eyes rolled up into her head. He only enjoyed the scene for a moment though as he heard the distinct noise of a lightsaber activating. Throwing Gauge into his desk he turned to see her companion standing behind her green blade.

"Well, well," Gerton called his blade to him and as it arched to his hand it ignited," Aren't we full of surprises."

Nomi walked in a circle around the man in front of her. She moved to the point that she stood in between Gauge and her Master. The movement did not go unobserved by Gerton," Did you really think you could protect her? I could snap her neck from here if I wanted to."

Nomi did not let her emotions take hold of her," And in the second that you dropped your guard to concentrate I would run you through. So you're going to have to ask yourself which life is more important, your or hers."

Gerton smiled but there was no humor in his face," See, now that is the real point. My life is important. So is hers. You're not anywhere on that list."

Nomi brought her blade up in a defensive posture as the Sith Master attacked her. The attacks weighed heavily against her and she knew that if he continued to attack in such a way she would run out of strength. Nomi was batting the opposing blade away from her body but she would not give up any space, she would not leave Gauge vulnerable. She ducked under Gerton's violet blade and spinning she brought her blade across his upper arm. Gerton stumbled back a few feet holding his injured arm," Tricky, tricky little girl."

"You should yield now," Nomi stood with her blade pointed at Gerton," Soon the Jedi will swarm this place and all you've worked so hard for will be gone."

"Yield to you little girl," Gerton deactivated his blade. The door behind him came open and the man that Gauge fought with in the landing bay stood there with three similar dressed men," Darth Chen I grow tried of these games. Please finish for me and bring me what's left."

Chen walked forward and two lightsabers sprung to life. The three men behind him followed suit and they slowly made their way around the room, surrounding Nomi. For a moment she was worried about the odds but then the floor of the space station rocked," Looks like the cavalry's here."

The Alliance came out of hyperspace and already had it's guns blazing. In the hanger bays pilots waited only until the all clear was flown and they took off out into space. One whole squadron was out the door before battle stations were announced over the intercom system. Inside a group transport Commander Ellan sat with fifty of the most highly trained Jedi Knight's in the galaxy. They were all strapped into their seats and had enough weaponry with them to take on a small army. Their job was simple. They were assigned to clear and secure the station. Another group of Jedi would meet them somewhere in the middle of the station. First priority for Ellan's team was to find and secure Nomi Antilles and Gauge bringing them both back to the boat.

They encountered little resistance in the ride or landing since they had given the Sith little time to react. On the deck of the landing bay though the Sith were coming out of the woodwork. Commander Ellan ordered Porkins in the front of the door. Carrying a large sub machine gun, Porkins began to lay down some cover fire. Two Jedi at a time left the ship under the cover fire. Soon Commander Ella got the confirmation over his comlink that they were clear and ready to proceed. Staying behind Porkins they made their way into the interior of the station.

"JPC 1 to Alliance," Commander Ellan spoke into his comlink," Be advised the central bay is clear and held. Proceeding to next objective."

"Clear JPC 1. Happy hunting."

Nomi switched her second blade on as the four men moved to attack her. She watched helplessly as Master Gerton made his way to the doorway. He cast her one last look as he headed down the hall. The first of the men attacked Nomi, who with ease counter attacked him. Using her double blade she blocked and immediately brought the second blade up to sever the man's head from his shoulders. Bringing the blades around her back she moved into another block and kicked one of her attackers away. He stumbled and fell to the floor. Nomi turned her attention back to the two other men.

The other men were undeterred as one even jumped over his fallen comrades body to attack Nomi. She took both men at a time. Cutting and slicing at them whenever she could but she quickly felt her strength retreating as she fought. Her arms were beginning to grow heavy and she now began to think of how she could take out at least one of the men before meeting her own end. She separated one from his leg and watched as he fell unceremoniously to the floor. Bringing her second blade down she cut vertically through his shoulder and into the floor. Glancing over her shoulder she saw of the blade of the man she had kicked away earlier that now descended at her back. She turned to block it but she knew it was too late. Her thoughts went to Gauge.

A blue blade came into her peripheral vision and she turned to see a bloodied but alive Gauge standing in her defense. Gauge quickly took the man's saber hand and ran her lightsaber to the hilt into his stomach," Are you all right?"

Nomi had never been so excited to hear a voice in her whole life," I'm fine. Gerton left a few moments ago. Get him, I can handle it from here."

Gauge looked at her and Nomi could see only love in her eyes," Meet me at the ship," It was more a plea then a request.

Nomi winked at her," I'll meet you there, love, just don't be late."

Gauge turned to the door and sprinted down the hallway. Nomi turned to the last combatant in the room. She recognized that it was the man that Gauge had fought in the landing bay. He circled her, twirling his blade as if it would scare her away. She stood firm and without a word arched an eyebrow in a manner as to mock his intentions. Chen immediately took the bait and attacked her with a rare fury.

Gauge ran down the hall with speed that could have only been aided by the Force. Through it she could see Gerton only a few hundred meters ahead making his way to his private docking port. His goal was to escape and to fight another day but Gauge was not going to let that happen. When she reached him she did not slow her speed instead she used it to cut him down in his tracks.

He fell into a boneless heap on the floor unaware of the storm that just knocked him over. He stood with his lightsaber in front of him but he saw no one. Again an invisible hand pushed him to the floor. He chuckled and Gauge felt a chill run down the center of his spine," Just like your mother," he stood slowly, showing her that he was not afraid," Never meet what you fear head on. Attack and runaway."

Gauge stepped out of the shadows and the air around her almost crackled with her power. She would end this man's reign of terror. She would protect her lover from future battles and save the universe from his iron grip. "The running stops here, Gerton."

"So be it," he brought his blade up," Jedi."

Commander Ellan was surprised at the little resistance that the Sith proved to be. Yes, the numbers were large but most were too scared of the on coming forces to fight back. They had no leadership and their efforts to fight back were sloppy and unorganized. Upon seeing the superior JPC warriors many of the Sith surrendered immediately. Commander Ellan was pleased that they would not being receiving the projected losses.

Grayson jogged up to him," Sir, we've cleared all of the rooms in the area. We have roughly a hundred captured. Many of the Sith escaped in pods and the fighter pilots are busy trying to track them, not much luck though. We have one wounded but nothing to be upset about. We're going to move on to the next floor."

Commander Ellan nodded," Good, good. How many floors do we have left to clear?"

Grayson looked to his data pad on the back of his wrist," Four, sir."

Commander Ellan would have never split his forces had they not had this luck but they had not found Gauge or Nomi yet. Seeing no reason why not he made his order," Split the teams up. Ten people to a floor, one team stays here to help with the landing of the ships. Take your team and start with the top floor. As soon as you clear it go to the next floor down and help them. Leave two Jedi at the replusor lifts as guards. Keep coms open."

Grayson nodded once and moved off to delegate to the others the orders. The longer time went on without contact from Nomi or Gauge the more Commander Ellan feared for their safety.

Nomi battled up and across the room with Chen. Chairs were over turned and there were scorch marks dotting the ceiling, walls, and floor. Nomi had a line of sweat across her brow and she was now fighting past the point of exhaustion. The man in front of her did not have the same stamina. Chen was almost totally relaying on the Force to keep him in the fight. She attacked with the bottom blade and having it blocked she spun with her upper towards the Sith's head. Much to her satisfaction he howled in pain and reached up to his ear. Bringing his hand down it was covered in his own blood.

"You little bitch," Chen spat at her and doubled his efforts in trying to finish her off. He brought his blade across to her right side which she easily deflected but before she could react he cut through the center of her handle cutting her blades in two.

Nomi flipped backwards onto the massive desk and twirled the blades at her sides," That's okay I'm good with two blades."

Flipping forward off the desk Nomi flew over the man. He did bring his blade up as she rolled over him. When she landed she knew she was hurt but she could not let Chen know that. She charged him and attacked with both blades together. Chen's strength finally failed him and his lightsaber spun from his hand. Nomi reacted without a second thought. With the blades crossed in the middle she placed them parallel with Chen's shoulders and held them there," Surrender and have mercy."

"There is no mercy for me, Jedi. Just as there is no mercy for you beloved Gauge," Chen did not get to finish his statement as Nomi pulled her arms back. The headless body fell to the floor and Nomi felt no remorse for him. It surprised her since she had always thought of herself as one that would never get used to the idea of killing. Something had changed in her since the Academy. Something inside her had moved from the idealistic girl that was out to save the universe. In that empty room Nomi Antilles came to the conclusion that it wasn't the universe that needed to be saved it was it's people. People who lost their way. People who needed help. Like the men who littered the floor around her. They learned nothing from the past so they were doomed to repeat it. In that moment of clarity Nomi realized that she needed to be more then a warrior. She deactivated her lightsabers and attached them to her belt. She knew the lesson that she had learned here this day was one that no one could have taught her. She knew that she needed to find Gauge because there was no other person in the universe that she needed at that moment.

Turning to the door of the office Nomi picked her way through the rubble. The floor under her feet began to quake but it was different this time then when the bombardment occurred. The Force around her seemed to go white hot and the inside of her head felt like it was on fire. A scream pierced the air and Nomi covered her ears in a vain attempt to not let it in. Nomi fell to her knees as the breath in her lungs was robbed from her. Then as quick as it had come there was a calming peace. Nomi stumbled to her feet and tore down the hallway. In the time that she had known Gauge there had always been a sense in the back of her skull that she knew where Gauge was and that she was okay. Master Skywalker called it a Force meld, what was funny about it is that for Nomi and Gauge they had not made it, it was just there. Now Nomi strained her senses out trying to find Gauge and what she found scared her. Turning down a hallway Nomi felt Gauge slipping. She ran faster thinking the closer that she got the stronger the feeling would be. But it did not, so Nomi ran faster.

Gauge and Gerton were locked in mortal combat. One would attack and one would block. One would Force push the other and while the other slide along the floor they would send Force lightning at the other. One side of Gauge's face was burnt and bloody. Gerton stood with a hunch and favored his left arm do to being thrown into a bulkhead, one that had dented from the man's impact. Gauge's right hand was slippery with her blood that ran from a cut on her shoulder. Gerton's right eye was swollen shut by a well placed punch from Gauge.

"Why are we doing this, Gauge?" Gerton asked as she attacked at the right side. He could see that Gauge was hurt. He was betting his life on the fact that she was more hurt then he was," We were an invincible force, you and I. Like the Emperor and Vader. We would have brought the galaxy to its knees."

Gauge counter attacked and had Gerton pinned between her body and the wall," I don't want the galaxy anymore."

Gerton pushed her away with a well placed kick to her stomach," No now you want that Jedi. Antilles is it. I hope you nothing but misery. You were supposed to be the next great Sith Lord, Gauge. Why give that up for her?"

Gauge sliced at the Sith master three time's each time blocked away. She slashed along his side and hit. Gerton skirted away holding his hand to his exposed ribs," I will tell you why, Nomi loves me. And I love her. That is more powerful than any power the Force could give me."

"You are a fool," Gerton's hand shot out and a ball of Force lightning jumped towards Gauge. She brought her hand up to stop it and Gerton raised his lightsaber. Gauge watched in slow motion as her right hand and lightsaber fell to the deck below. Having no other options she Force pushed both her Master and the lightning away from her. Gerton again slammed into the bulkhead but was then pinned by he own lighting. Gauge kept her left hand up and held him in place. The smell of burning flesh began to fill the hallway. Gerton body burned as he was still alive. His scream was deafening as he drew his last breath.

As his life Force left him it filled the area with white light and a sharp rise in the temperature. Gauge sunk down onto the floor as the Dark Side rushed over her. As it had for her Master, it rotted her on the inside. She breathed it in and it sunk into her pores. She could feel the poison of it ravage her body. Then it was gone. Gauge could barely open her eyes. Across the hall lay the shell of the man that had controlled much of her life. She felt her body starting to shut down. She coughed and was not surprised to see blood spatter on the floor next to her. Looking down at the stump that used to be her hand she felt a small tear run down her face. Nomi was somewhere in this station and Gauge was going to die right here. She felt her conscious mind start to slip away. Drawing the last of her strength she called through the Force to her lover.

Commander Ellan was screaming into his comlink. The blast of whatever it was tore through the bay. Everyone was knocked over by it. Everyone that it except for a droid that ran off of Gauge's ship into the face of it. When the energy stopped Ellan ran after the droid yelling at people to follow. He knew the ship that it had come from belonged to Gauge. If the droid was running into the fire he probably knew where he was going. Commander Ellan had no other ideas other then to follow.

Nomi knew she was close as the scorch marks ran deeper and some still smoked. Nomi turned a final corner and there leaning against the wall struggling for breath was the unmistakable body of Gauge. Much of her leather tunic and pants were smoking and had burnt into her skin. Her hair was nonexistent. Gauge's face was a bloodied pulp and her eyes came to rest on Nomi's. Nomi slid the last few feet on her knees stopping next to Gauge.

Gauge gurgled and blood ran from her mouth," No, Gauge, lay still. Help's coming."

Nomi could hear the rest of the JPC racing through the hallways to find them. Gauge shook her head and again tried to speak. Nomi brought her hand up to Gauge's cheek and held it there. Her tears ran freely down her face and she did nothing to stop their progress," Gauge, please save your strength. I need you to stay with me."

I told you that I'd never leave you.

Nomi closed her eyes as the essence of Gauge filled her mind," Gauge, please. They're almost here. Save your strength."

Gauge gurgled a laugh. I don't think that they will be able to help me.

"Gauge," Nomi pulled the woman into a laying position. Nomi cradled Gauge's head in her lap," What am I going to do without you?"

Gauge looked at her with more compassion then any person had ever shared with her. Gauge tried to bring her hand up to touch Nomi but she forgot that there was no longer a hand there. Nomi grabbed the stump and brought it to her chest trying to stop the flow of blood. Nomi, you are the best thing in my life. I love you.

Nomi's tears bleared her vision," I love you, Gauge." Nomi felt Gauge's breath start to shorten and Gauge's eye began to fog over. The strong connection that they shared through the Force began to falter and Nomi could feel Gauge drifting away.

I know…

Nomi pulled Gauge to her chest as she felt her lover start to die," No, Gauge, no. Didn't you hear me I love you. I need you to be with me."

Gauge had gone limp in her arms and there were no more gurgling noises coming from her," No, please, Gauge. Wake up for me, love. Gauge?"

Nomi heard the first people arrive before she noticed them. She just sat there and hugged Gauge to her. Commander Ellan knelt beside her and tried to move Gauge from her arms.

"It's time to let go now, Nomi."

Nomi's eyes met his with angry disbelief," You don't know anything," she spat it at him. She turned back to Gauge's face and run her fingers across her cheek," Wake up, Gauge."

Nomi looked up as Gauge's droid Debo rounded the corner. Debo took Gauge from Nomi's arms and set her down on a stretcher that was following close behind. Before Nomi could argue or fight she was restrained by Debo who was telling her that there was nothing she could do and to let the medics do their job. Nomi fought against his strong arms as she watched Gauge being carried off by two JPC medics. She screamed and kicked but no one seemed to notice. Finally, Tasha walked over to where Debo held her and gave her a shot into her arm.

"I'm sorry, Nomi," Tasha's eyes were filled with regret," Sleep now. Things will be better when you wake."

Chapter 12:

Nomi sat in Alliance's sickbay looking out into the vastness of space. She had never noticed how big it was until now. So many more things seemed to open their mysteries to her. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion around her. She just looked out the window. In her lap she cradled Gauge's lightsaber. It was the only piece she had of the woman she loved. Commander Ellan was the one that had delivered the news to her. He did not sugar coat it for her and for that she was thankful. He stood in front of her bunk and refused to look into her eyes," She's gone, Nomi, they tried their best but the damage was too expansive."

Nomi had cried all her tears out, she even gave into her rage and trashed the medical room that had been assigned to her. While doing so she tore her stitches out of her shoulder and the twelve inch slice down the center of her back that was given to her by Chen. Adi came into the room and was greeted by a bloodied, raging Nomi. Adi ever the healer took her hand and hummed a sweet melody to her. As much as Nomi fought it she felt her anger drain away.

"I thought losing Renny was bad," Nomi did not look at Adi's face as the healer went about restitching her wounds. Both Adi and Nomi had to stand do to the fact that Nomi had broke every piece of furniture in the room," I can't even think about going outside to face everyone, knowing she's not going to be there. I loved her, Adi, now she's gone."

Adi nodded and listened but did not say anything in return. This was a pain that Adi knew she could not heal. It went deeper then any physical pain could," When you are ready, someone outside would like to speak to you."

Nomi was not in the mood fro visitors all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry herself to sleep. After Adi left Debo came into the room," Master Nomi now might not be the best time but Master Gauge has left her ship and me in your care. When you are ready your ship will be ready to depart."

Nomi looked up at him and pinned him with her eyes," How soon can we be ready to fly?"

Debo seemed startled from Nomi's reaction," I just need a destination and clearance for you to travel."

Nomi stepped away from the window and walked towards her newly acquired droid," I'm fit for travel. You can handle simple first aid right?"

Debo nodded his head in affirmation; he had patched Master Gauge many times.

"The destination is Naboo. I want to be gone before the end of the hour."

Nomi was grateful that Debo decided not to argue her health. She did not think she could get the droid to understand the fact that she wished death. Debo left the room to grant her request. Nomi closed her eyes and extended her senses outward. She couldn't feel Gauge anymore. Where Gauge used to be was a black hole in her heart. It threatened to suck her whole life into it. She would do the only thing that she felt she could, she was going to run and leave it all behind.

Nomi sat cross legged on her balcony in a small place outside the city of Theed. Debo interrupted her mediation to let her know that Master Skywalker wished to speak with her. Nomi thought for a moment that she could turn down her Master but her Jedi code got the better of her. It had been six months since Gauge's death and the thought of that day still froze Nomi's heart. She had evaded every other Jedi that had tried to contact her but she could not avoid Master Skywalker.

She had found the sect of Jedi that studied the ways of Anikan Skywalker. They taught her thoughtful mediation which she used everyday. In thoughtful mediation she would remember times with Gauge. Laying in her arms or the late night talks in the library before the image of Master Skimpis disappeared. In those times Nomi could feel Gauge. She could feel her like she could before Gauge was killed. Nomi could even get glimpses of Gauge's presence as she did everyday tasks like going to the market or watching the sunset. The thoughtful mediation was something that helped Nomi cope with the loss of her lover. Nomi was by no means ready to let Gauge go. There were still days when Gauge felt so close that Nomi would wail in anguish for hours. Debo true to his previous Master's request kept a watchful eye on his new charge. Not only did Gauge leave her with ship and a droid but she left her a large amount of money. Nomi would be able to live for sometime without the responsibility of working to earn a living. Gauge had thought of everything, except on surviving with Nomi to live until they were old and grey.

Walking into the house from the small balcony she stopped by a glass case that hung on her wall. Encased in it was Gauge's lightsaber. There were still traces of Gauge's blood on the black shaft. Nomi brought her hand up to touch the glass and even though she was not deep in mediation she felt the slight touch of her lover. A small smile graced her features and she whispered her love to the air.

She sat down in front of the small com screen and waited for the image of Master Skywalker to appear. When he did Nomi was surprised to see how much older he looked," Nomi, it is good to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Master Skywalker. To what do I owe the honor?"

Master Skywalker smiled at her from across the galaxy," The honor is mine I would guess since you don't accept anyone else's call."

Nomi blushed a little," I gather you've been talking to Adi, then. How is she?"

Master Skywalker shrugged his shoulders," Worried for you of course. That and her certainty that none of her students are grasping the fine art of Jedi healing, has her more then a little concerned about the future of the Jedi."

Nomi rolled her eyes," I didn't grasp it and look where I am," Nomi laughed a little at her own joke," On second thought, Master, I'm not a good example."

Master Skywalker leaned into the screen," Actually, that's why I'm calling. I'd like to offer you a job."

Nomi's eyebrows hiked to her hairline. She had let many people know what she thought about the potential of her teaching. It had not been one of her goals upon graduation but much had changed since that day on Yavin 4. She knew now that the way of the warrior was not for her. She would fight when she needed to but she would no longer go looking to save the day.

Master Skywalker took her silence as a refusal," If you were planning to return to JPC then I would like to let you know that Commander Ellan is ready for your return."

"I'm not going back to the JPC, I will fight if I'm needed to but I do not want it to be all that I do," Nomi flinched at the mention of the JPC. She applauded those who could stay and fight day in and day out but she lost all that was important to her in battle," Tell me about the job."

Master Skywalker leaned back in his chair relief could be easily read across his face," It's kind of a floater position. You'll teach two subjects. Jedi history and Jedi Code, both at various age and skill levels. Plus, I have a new class that just started that I'd like you to sit in if you could."

Nomi thought about it. Both of the classes were things that she enjoyed when she was a student," What's the new class?"

"Sith history and defense," Master Skywalker said it in such a way that he was certain her reaction would be anger.

Nomi smirked and then felt the tears welling in her eyes," That class would have done me and a lot of my friends a lot of good had you had it earlier." Her voice came out harsher then she had intended it to," It will no doubt save many lives. It is a good addition to the Academy."

Master Skywalker looked down to the desk top and then again met her eyes," The thing you have to remember about soul mates is that one's heart is never far from another. Nomi, you and Gauge shared one soul and she will always be with you. I beg you to consider teaching this term. You are a value to the Jedi."

Nomi nodded her head," I will think about it, Master. The thought of teaching makes me happier then I've been for a while," Nomi closed her eyes and searched for that feeling of Gauge. She found it in one word, Go.

Nomi's eyes flew open and she looked around the room. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary she looked to the screen in front of her. Master Skywalker could not hide his worried look," Nomi, are you okay?"

"Master, I accept your offer. I will make arrangements to leave for Yavin as soon as possible."

Nomi stood in the crew's quarters that she had shared with Gauge the night before she died. The room was the same way that they had left it that morning. Discarded underclothes littered the floor and the blankets were in a pile at the end of the buck. Nomi had never stepped foot inside of the room instead she stood outside in the hallway just looking in. She did not want to disrupt the memory that lay so vividly in front of her. On her hip she carried Gauge's lightsaber in place of her own. She stroked the hilt and closed her eyes as the tears streamed down her face.

Nomi backed up to the wall on the far side of the hallway and sunk to the floor she just starred into the open room. Bringing her knees up she rested her chin on them. She took the job at the Academy so that no one else would suffer her mistakes. She didn't want some else to feel the anguish she felt everyday wakening without her love by her side. If she could save one from her pain she would have something to live for. It had to be better then living day to day in constant mediation, trying desperately to relive the past.

The door that led to the cockpit opened and Debo stood over her," Master Nomi, are you okay?"

Nomi wiped her tears with the back of her hand," Yes, Debo. Are we to Yavin?"

Debo nodded," Yes, Master Nomi, I was just making final preparations to land."

Nomi stood and made her way to the cockpit. Sitting in the captain's chair Nomi hailed the Yavin 4 com center asking for permission to land. Once it was granted Nomi locked the coordinates into the computer and began her descent," I think I need to go for a run."

Adi made her way out to the field that the Rancor had just landed in. Adi had requested to greet Nomi alone because she feared a crowd would unnerve the injured soul. Adi strode forward as the ships gangplank lowered. Nomi walked down and waved in a gentle greeting. Adi noticed that her friend was pale and had lost much of her muscle mass. Nomi was now delicate looking with dark circles under her eyes. Adi hoped that her stay at the Academy would breath new life back into the Jedi.

Adi embraced her friend and held her closed," It's been a long time."

"Too long, my friend."

Adi turned to guide the petite woman towards the Great Temple. Adi left her arm draped around Nomi's waist, offering her silent support.

When Nomi walked out into the landing field she felt all the familiar sensations that she came to expect on Yavin 4. The planet's power seemed to invigorate her as soon as she made contact with it. She was glad that only Adi had come out to welcome her. Many more would have been overpowering. She allowed herself to be guided by Adi to the entrance of the Great Temple.

Laughter filled the hallways of the Academy. It was dinner time so most of the students were headed towards the Great Hall. Nomi could smell the familiar meals that were served and remembered her many days spent in this place. She smiled as she walked beside, Adi, her friend. She remembered Renny and his easy smile. Gor'sek and his ability to always know when she needed a person to confide in. The times she remembered were carefree and her dreams had been so much bigger. She wanted to save the universe and was convinced she was invincible. It was a time before Gauge. Before she came to the realization that as a person she was not complete. Gauge was the other half of her soul and now that part of her was gone.

As Nomi and Adi passed the entrance to the Great Hall, Nomi looked inside. There were more students inside then she remembered. Smiling faces talking and sharing stories. Young Padawans and Jedi Masters shared the same tables and this alone restored some of Nomi's faith in the greater good. The rest of the galaxy had moved on, even though Nomi had not. Some of the students turned to her as she walked passed. They recognized her and waved. She gave them a small smile and returned the greeting.

"You've become a celebrity of sorts," Adi put her hand on the small of Nomi's back," The reclusive Jedi Knight that helped bring the Sith down. Some of the younger students think of you as the Obi Wan of their generation."

Nomi continued to follow down the hallway in the direction of the lift that would take her to Master Skywalker's chambers," Great, a fan club, just what I need."

Adi turned to Nomi with a serious look on her face," You've become to these students what Master Skywalker has become to us. You are what they strive to be."

Nomi shook her head and continued on her path," I don't know if I can do this, Adi. What if I let them down?" Her voice began to trail off. Like I let Gauge down.

Adi stopped in front of the life entrance," This is as far as I go, Nomi. You are the strongest person that I have ever met. Go to Master Skywalker and see what he has to say. I think you might change your mind."

Nomi stepped into Adi's strong arms but took no comfort from them. She wanted so much to have the ghosts to leave her dreams," Thank you, Adi. You have always been a good friend."

The lift chimed that it had arrived at their floor. The two separated and Nomi stepped on the lift. As the doors closed she caught a feeling that made her eye's shut and her chest tighten. She shook it off and pressed the button for her desired floor.

There was a pair of eyes that watched from the shadows as the small blonde woman got onto the lift to the Jedi Master's chambers. They began to move towards the Mon Calamari who turned to meet them," Is she going to stay."

Adi's eye's betrayed nothing," It is too early to say."

The eyes stayed on the now shut doors of the lift. Desire to follow was almost over powering but it retreated as Adi reached her hand out," She is still very much in mourning. Let her speak to Master Skywalker. He will know what to do."

The eyes looked to the floor as the internal battle raged within. Nodding the eyes turned away from the lift, feeling their heart shred as they did. Walking with Adi the shadowy figure left the hallway with no clear direction in mind.

Master Skywalker was standing at the entrance to the replusor lift when the doors opened. He quickly moved in and hugged Nomi," Nomi, it is very good to see you."

Nomi hugged him back surprised by the fact that she felt some of the weight lifted from her heart. He let her go and took her arm. As they walked to his desk she realized that he was leaning more on his cane then the last time she had seen him.

"Are you ill, Master?"

Master Skywalker sat heavily into his chair and gave her a boyish grin," No, I fear age has finally started to catch up with me." Nomi's concern must have been evident on her face," That is one of the reasons I called you back."

Nomi's eye brow rose," You needed me for the teaching position."

Master Skywalker nodded a little," Yes, but I also need to start thinking about the future of the Jedi Order. I'm not going to be around forever. I need to have people who can make the transition easier for the students."

Nomi nodded her understanding remembering what Adi had told her on the way to the Master's chambers," The students need someone they believe in. Someone to put their faith in."

Master Skywalker pointed to her," Exactly, you were always a quick study. I don't want you to give me an answer now. I think we should set it up for a trial period. See if you like it."

"But what if I can't do it. What if…"

"You don't believe in yourself enough to try?"

Nomi recognized the challenge as it was thrown down and she paused before taking the bait," Do or do not, Master Skywalker. There is no try."

Master Skywalker leaned back in his chair and gave a hearty laugh. Nomi, for the first time since losing Gauge, laughed with him.

Nomi ran through the woods of Yavin 4. She was only a little disappointed that her legs burned on the run down her usual trail. The same trees stretched across it and she had to duck under the same low hanging branches. She stopped in front of one of the smaller temples that was along her path. She always liked this one best because of a small lake that surrounded it. It had stepping stones that lead across the water to the temple's base and the water was so clear that you could see to the bottom. She sat along the waters edge and closed her eyes. Drawing deep within herself she pictured Gauge in her mind.

The times they talked in the infirmary after the first Sith attack. Nomi remembered the first time Gauge smiled because Nomi had said her name. The warm sensation of Gauge wrapped itself around her and goose bumps rose on her skin. Gauge, I miss you. They say the dead can hear your thoughts. Can you hear me?


Nomi's eyes flew open and a light sweat broke out on her brow. She had never reached that far. She had never heard Gauge before. What was even more unnerving is the fact that the essence of Gauge did not dissipate when Nomi broke contact. The feeling was just as strong now as it had ever been.

Nomi stood suddenly and turned. What she saw she could not grasp. There stood the woman she so longed for but had been denied. Nomi said nothing for a long moment just drinking the site in. Dressed in the simple robes of a Jedi Knight Gauge looked softer somehow. On her face was scarring from the burns she had received but it was the same two brilliant blue eyes that greeted Nomi. In them she could see curiousness, fear, and love," Hello, Nomi." Nomi took a step forward and reached out to see if what she saw was real. Laying her hand on Gauge's chest she could feel the strong heart beat against her palm," It is still yours if you want it."

Nomi rushed into the waiting arms and held the woman close to her," Gauge, how?"

Gauge ran her hand down the back of her head," It had to look like I died or the Sith would never stop hunting me or you for that matter."

Nomi felt anger boil up within her. Gauge had been alive this whole time but it was gone as quick as it had come," Don't ever do that again. Promise me."

Gauge hugged Nomi tighter," I promise, love."

Nomi pulled away just far enough that she could kiss her soul mate. It was like coming home. Everything faded into the background as the two became reacquainted. Nomi broke off first and looked up into the eyes she had so missed," I love you, Gauge." Reaching up she ran her finger over the small scar that she had given the woman," I want to be with you forever."

Gauge leaned in for another quick kiss," Where you go, I am at your side."

Nomi smiled up at her," I was hoping you'd say that."

The End….

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