~ Rules of the Game ~
by Xenickz

The Disclaimer: Xena, Gabrielle etc are property of MCA/Universal and no copyright infringement is intended by use of these characters.This is a non-profit fan fiction.
The Story: This is a bit of uber fiction.Thought I'd give it a shot.(Heh,pun intented.You'll get it later).
The Author: (That would be me)Would love to hear what you thought.If you liked it,write to me at xenickz@hotmail.com. If you didn't like it,write to me anyway and lie.

      She found herself humming,something quick and cheerful to match her mood.She paused,humming wasn't exactly something she usually did.Still,it had been a good day so far,everything going according to plan,the way she liked.She was a notorious perfectionist,being the best because she insisted on it.
      She stretched lazily,her movements languid,as though she had all the time in the world.She cast a quick glance around at her surroundings.It was old,the walls badly needed repainting.The musty smell assailed her senses. It didn't matter,it would do.It was dark,cast in shadows.Outside,it was broad daylight,accompanied by the sounds of people and vehicles.Outside it was alive.Here,it was as silent and somber as a tomb.Desolate,abandoned, alone.It reminded her of herself sometimes,distanced from society.Still,she liked it that way.Sometimes,she felt the most alone when she was walking on a street with hundreds of other people.She shook her head,as though to clear it of her thoughts and chided herself.Now was not the time to think.She needed to focus.

      She resettled herself on the chair,picking up the black leather bag,taking comfort in its familiarity.She unzipped it and pulled out her rifle,handling it gently,almost lovingly,as one would a prized possession.She ran her thumb over it,gently caressing it,before placing it carefully on her lap,making sure no-one else could spot her.Hooded blue eyes scanned the busy streets below,missing nothing.Her expression stoic,her eyes impassive.She tucked a tendril of midnight black hair behind her ear,watching,waiting.
This was the part she hated most,waiting.Ironically,it was what made her the best in her field,very few had the patience and discipline she did.Still,she hated the inactivity,the endless hours sitting there,adrenaline racing through her veins,excitement flooding through her body.She took a sandwich out from her pocket of her coat and took a bite,chewing methodically,barely tasting it. She had trained herself over the years to focus single-mindedly.She had learnt to distance herself from the emotions;the pain,the anger,the guilt,the regret.She'd taught herself to need no one.She lived the life of a phantom.Few knew her real name.No one could find her unless she wanted to be found.
     A car pulling up on the opposite side of the street caught her attention.A black Lexus,she noted.She checked the license plate?bingo.A quick glance at her watch told her it was 12 noon, on the dot.A flash of brilliant white teeth.Her sources were rarely wrong.
      "Here,kitty kitty kitty,"she murmured,her lips twisting in a sardonic grin.She focused her full attention on the man,her long slender fingers grasping her rifle in a sure grip.He kissed his wife,then his daughter good bye before stepping out of the car.She curled her finger around the trigger,taking aim carefully,biding her time.It was like a game,one where only she knew the rules,one that she was certain she would win.She always did.
     Her face was set in a mask of total concentration;hard,cold,empty,as though it were carved from stone.Only her eyes showed signs of life,gleaming with anticipation.
     She inhaled deeply,enjoying the adrenaline rush,waiting patiently as the car began to drive away,waiting as he took a few steps then faltered as though feeling the intensity of her gaze on him,waiting as he sensed he was being watched.An odd expression crossed his face.Confusion,panic,alarm.He was afraid,but of what he did not know.She continued the cat and mouse game,waiting until he slowly detected her presence,waiting until he spotted the rifle,waiting until his eyes widened with the sudden realization and stark fear was written all over his face.With impeccable timing,she pulled the trigger,startling blue eyes holding his own.His mouth formed a silent o as he looked at the deep red stain growing on his pristine clean white shirt,as though he were unable to fathom what was happening.She pulled away from the window,back into the dark shadows and began to hum.Yes,she decided,it had been a very good day.

Part 2

      Well,that's the end of part one.I would like to state that I don't really know much about assassins so if some parts of the story don't ring true,forgive me.If they were things you liked,things you didn't like,want me to continue,or basically have too much time on your hands,mail me.(xenickz@hotmail.com)

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