~ Rules of the Game ~
by Xenickz

Disclaimer: Xena, Gabrielle etc are property of MCA/Universal and no copyright infringement is intended by use of these characters.

The Author: (As much as I hate to admit it,that would be me-Yes,I'm the one that's responsible for this whole mess.Although I strongly believe my muse should shoulder an equal part of the blame.She started it,I swear.I'm innocent…) Would absolutely love,adore,appreciate,cherish,regard,value any feedback sent proclaiming how great,wonderful,amazing,astounding,superb I am.(I had a thesaurus here,did you guess?)

Drop me a line…or two or three or four: xenickz@hotmail.com

Part 3

Danni stared at the sea.From what she could see,the waters seemed calm, almost flat,like the surface of a smooth blue-green stone.The sound of the waves crashing gently on the shore and the cries of the sea-gulls circling overhead surrounded.She watched as the foamy water ran up the beach to where she sat,licking at her feet before retreating and flowing back into the ocean.

It was late;she squinted at her watch.One thirty.

A gentle breeze stirred,playing with her hair,carressing her cheek.She inhaled deeply,relishing the somewhat salty sea air.The section of the beach where she sat was secluded.She had found it by accident once and had returned many times since.She came here often to reflect whenever she was troubled.Something about the tranquil sea soothed her turbulent thoughts,healed her tortured soul.It was one of the few things in her life that brought her peace.

It seemed incredibly ironic to her that someone of her turbulent nature would seek peace.Someone like her,whose life was a cycle of never-ending violence.In her field,it was kill or be killed.She remembered the first time she had had to make the decision to kill.It had been one of the hardest times of her life.She had been on autopilot,killing simply because she knew it was something to do,thinking in the back of her mind that in doing this she would have peace.That the blood-thirsty monster that lurked in her would be satisfied.What a joke,she thought.

She brought the bottle to her mouth,the strong smell filling her senses,intoxicating her.She took a deep drink,enjoying the way the amber liquor stung the insides of her cheeks and flowed down her throat,leaving a burning sensation.

What do I do now?she wondered. She ran a hand through her hair and groaned inwardly.

She had the cheque after all;she couldn't exactly march back into his office and claim she'd changed her mind.It would look too strange.Besides,what would she tell Antonio?

I can't do this,I feel bad?

She wondered if he would piss in his pants laughing or just faint straight away?

Not to mention what that would do to her reputation.By sunset,everyone would have heard how The Destroyer had passed up a job because of a sudden attack of her conscience.

She paused,startled.Is that what this was?she frowned.The feeling was so unfamiliar,so foreign;it had been a long time since she'd had any qualms about,well,anything.

She stood up and began walking along the shore,enjoying the feel of the soft,wet sand beneath her feet.

What am I thinking?She shook her head,as though trying to clear it.I can't not do this.

But I can't do it either,the thought wormed it's way into her consciousness.How was she going to find it in herself to murder a woman she felt such an affinity with?

Why not?a little voice hissed.Why is she different?Who is she to you?You don't know her, just as she doesn't know you.If she did,if she took one look into your blood-stained soul, she would run out the door screaming .

Danni really hated that little voice.Maybe because she knew it spoke the truth.She'd killed many,more than she could remember.Why should this woman be any different?This was just another job.

Another day,another killing.

Hadn't she joked about that once?

She looked up at the sky.The stars were out tonight.

Her lips curled into a smile as she remembered she and her brother used to make a wish whenever they saw the first star.

Star light, star bright

First star I see tonight…

She paused,wishing that she was seven years old again and believed that hoping would make everything all right.

She turned back and trudged to where she had left the bottle and her shoes.She shivered.It was cold and she wore only a tank top over her jeans.

She made her way to her car,stopping on the way to throw away the half full bottle.She had a job to do and that meant she needed to be sober.Painfully sober.

She opened the door to her black Mercedes convertible and slid in, her gaze falling on the file.

She flipped the file open and looked into sparkling green eyes.She felt her heart sink for some absurd reason,as though she'd been hoping that the photograph would change,that she had been mistaken and the woman she'd been hired to kill was not the one she'd met earlier that afternoon.She dropped the file back onto the seat.She couldn't help feeling a twinge of regret,wondering what might have been, if only…

Anyway,it didn't matter.She had a job to do and she intended to do it.She had made too many sacrifices to get to where she was today.

Unconsciously,her shoulders straightened,her eyes hardened,her resolve strengthened.

She started the engine and put the top down.The engine purred to life and she slowly backed out of the space she had parked in,switching on the radio as she did so.

The road was deserted and she pressed her foot down on the accelerator,delighting in the feel of the wind whipping through her hair.

Recognising the song,she began to sing along,increasing the volume until it was so loud she could barely think.

Perhaps that would make her forget the innocent green eyes imprinted in her memory.

Julia opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling.Blueberry pancakes.She sighed.What I wouldn't do for a stack of blueberry pancakes.With butter.Ooh,and maple syrup.

Her second somewhat conscious thought was Wait a minute,that's not my ceiling.

She froze,doing her best not to panic.Then it all came back to her.

She shuddered as she remembered just how narrowly she'd missed the jaws of death last night.She had been too afraid to go back to her apartment that night so she'd gone to Elaine's and spent the night.

She forced herself out of bed-in truth Elaine's sofa-and padded to the kitchen.

Elaine sat at the kitchen table,reading the newspapers and drinking something out of a mug.

"Good morning,"Julia said,her thoughts already racing ahead as to what her next step would be.

"Morning,"Elaine said with a smile.

First things first,Julia decided. "I sure hope that's coffee you're drinking,".

Elaine laughed. "There's some in the pot over there.I made some extra for you.Don't forget,I've seen you when you don't get your daily dosage of caffeine,".

Julia gave a weak smile and poured herself a cup.


"Hmm?"Julia answered,knowing what was coming and trying to stall her as long as possible.

"Do you want to tell me what happened last night?You came tearing in like the devil himself was on your heels,".Elaine's tone was light but Julia could sense the underlying worry.

Julia sat down at the table and deliberated.She'd already decided that she didn't want to involve Elaine anymore than she had to.She'd already endangered her by coming here.

She met Elaine's gaze. "Elaine…I think this is something I have to work out myself,".

Elaine frowned. "Are you sure?"

Julia nodded firmly. "Yes,but I do need you to do me a favour,".


"I won't be coming to work today.I…have some things I need to take care of.I need you to cover for me,"Julia said.

Concern filled Elaine's brown eyes. "Jules,what…,"

"Elaine,please,"Julia interrupted. "I need your help,".

Elaine studied her for a moment before nodding,not looking pleased.Julia shot her a grateful look and stood up to gave her a quick hug.Elaine hugged her back,surprised. "What was that for?"she asked.

Because I needed it.Because I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.Because I might never see you ag...Julia stopped,pushing the thought away.

"Just because,"she said with a small grin,praying that the fear that was sending shivers down her spine could not be seen in her eyes.

Elaine searched her face,sensing that something was not right beneath the confident facade.Still she could not put her finger on it. "All right.I'm going for a shower.Do you need a lift somewhere?"

Julia shook her head. "I'll let myself out later,".

Julia waited until Elaine left the kitchen before she sat down heavily on a chair.

Now what?she wondered burying her face in her hands.

Danni sighed and leaned her head against the headrest.She rested her hands on the steering wheels,tapping against it absently with her fingers,keeping her eyes fixed firmly to the door across the street.She had been sitting here for a few hours now.It had taken her all of twenty minutes to find out where Julia was.

She had more connections than the mob.

People who owed her favours.

People who could be persuaded to come up with the information she wanted if she came up with the right amount of change.

They were never wrong.

She idly wondered if Julia had connections as well.After all,she was an investigative reporter.

Maybe we could sit down together and compare sources,she thought to herself,amused by the mental picture of the two of them chatting.

She tensed as the door opened,relaxing her muscles only when she realised that the blonde woman who left the apartment was not Julia.

The woman was slightly taller with long,curly hair.

She racked her photographic memory searching for the information to match the picture.

Elaine Johnson,she recalled.The colleague and confidante.

The second child in a family of five.

She had started out wanting to practice law to follow her father's footsteps who was co-partner of Johnson and Williams.Midway she had switched to journalism,graduating with top honors from UCLA.


Worked out at the gym every Saturday morning.

Loved cheesecake.

It was her apartment that Julia was spending the night at.

A tiny part of her couldn't help feeling relieved that Julia had such a good friend to turn to.

It was the same tiny part that had been grudgingly admiring when she had realised Julia had been smart enough not to return to her place.It had also been the same part got the little voice going.

She wondered if that was the same tiny part that had wished she didn't have to kill her.Wondered if the tiny part was a small fragment of her shattered soul.

Her soul,she mused.It was an interesting idea.

Too bad it wasn't true.

Julia left the house and hour later.As she walked down the street,she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.She could feel eyes on her back as though the gaze was burning her skin.

Watching her every move.


She shivered and cast a weary look around her.Had she been less preoccupied,she might have noticed that it was a beautiful day.To her the world was cast in shadows,danger lurking under innocent faces.

Despite the warm sunshine,she felt cold.Fear sent chills scurrying up and down her spine.Dread filled her.Everywhere she looked there was potential danger.Was the man sleeping on the bench really homeless?Or was it just a very clever ruse?What about the man carrying that huge briefcase?

Everything seemed fine.

But was it?

Julia,you're just being paranoid,she told herself.

It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.

Panic filled her suddenly,washing over her like a wave,almost smothering in its intensity.Suddenly she couldn't move,couldn't think,couldn't breathe.

Fear coursed through her the way the icy venom of a cobra would through its victim's system.

Her heart pounded in her ears and her chest felt tight.She felt as though she were underwater,everything around her seemed to move in slow motion.Suddenly she felt weak and was terrified that her knees would give way right there on the street.

Mercifully,the storm abated after a few moments,leaving her shaken but more determined then ever.

This is ridiculous,she thought to herself.A man walking past her shot her an odd look and she realised that she had spoken aloud.She cringed at the picture she must make.

I'm walking around town talking to myself like a freaking lunatic.

Well,she didn't care,she decided.She hadn't done anything wrong.She wasn't the criminal here.

Her fear fueled her anger,sparking it and making it burn even brighter.She threw her shoulders back defiantly and began to walk,a new spring in her step,a new fire in her eyes.

If she was going to go down,then she was going to go down kicking and screaming every inch of the goddamned way.

She didn't have proof,not yet anyway.But she would get it,one way or another and no one was going to stand in her way.

Watch out boys,she thought with a wicked grin.It's a whole new ball game and I'm up to bat…

Danni watched with interest as Julia strode into the phone booth.Gone was the woman who had been casting suspicious glances around her,looking as though she would have a nervous breakdown any minute.

Suddenly the woman who met her eyes was self-assured,resolved and ready to kick some ass.

Danni considered herself an expert on body language.She'd spent constant hours watching people and could read subtle movements like a book.

Amused,she watched Julia turn on the charm,speaking softly into the receiver.

When that didn't work,she started talking faster and gesturing wildly.

Danni squinted,trying to read her lips.

Something about…her eyebrows flew upwards.

Damn,looks like little Miss Innocent has a nasty side after all.I'd hate to be the person on the other end of the receiver,she thought with a chuckle.

Julia slammed the phone down and began walking briskly.

In a flash,Danni was out of the car and trailing her.She moved on the balls of her feet;quickly,lightly,silently.Her eyes were on the blonde woman at all times,stalking her the way a predator would its prey.She began whistling cheerfully.Ahh,the hunt of the chase,she thought.

What she termed as the hunt was her favourite part.

A deadly dance of death,rather like a battle.She would even go so far as to say it was a delicate art.One that required skill and traning,knowledge and experience,patience and capabilities.

And above all,the killer instinct.

After all,at the end of the day,there could only be one victor,right?

Unfortunately,for some strange reason,she wasn't enjoying it as much as usual.

Usually,her blood would be singing,her muscles aching to strike that fatal blow,longing impatiently for that final moment where she would feel that rush of power racing through her.

That's what it was all about.Power.

So why didn't she feel like that this time?

The mere thought of the life going out of those eyes made her break out in cold sweat.

Ahead of her, Julia darted into an abandoned alley.


Ever since she had met this woman she had been assailed by doubts,consumed by regrets,thinking thoughts that she had long since buried.

Azure eyes narrowed.

This had to end.Today,here,now.

There was a cold serenity pasted over the dark clouds in her eyes.

Julia was standing with her back turned towards her.

Danni reached into her jacket,pulling out her revolver.

Do it now,while she's unaware.She won't know what hit her,the little voice whispered silkily.

Her skin felt clammy,the revolver unusually cool in her hands.

Hurry up.

Her stomach clenched,as though someone had dealt a blow to her stomach,leaving her breathless and disorientated.

Stop wasting time.

She raised the gun steadily,her hands trembling so much that she could barely keep it straight,her vision swimming before her eyes.


Her head ached and she longed to sit down but she knew she had to finish her job.Focus,she reminded herself.Focus.

She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath,steadying herself.Then she opened them one last time.

She took aim.

I'm sorry.I'm so sorry.

She fired.

To be continued…

Continued in part 4

Well,that's the end of Part Three.I'd like to apologise to my fans(all one of you) for the delay.

If you liked it,mail me.If you didn't,mail me anyway and lie. xenickz@hotmail.com

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