Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 24 pages | Finished | Cast: Lucia, Susy, Megan, Isabel, Meggy, Jenna | ![]() |
This story is great! Visualizations are perfect. I could almost feel the flexing leg muscles during the "lap dance". Now if this comment doesn't get someone to read this story...nothing will! Thanks for the great short! - jlnickymaster - Feb 24th, 2004 Yeah. nice story. :D - lyneX - Apr-05-2008 this is the very first story i'd read and i forgot to rate on it. i like it very much. A.K.Naten all short stories is good, barb readers should check this one out! - easteden - Aug-17-2009 Great read !!! Sequel please !!! - Manuela - Aug-21-2009 A great juicy little story that leaves you wanting a little more. - uber goober - Oct-11-2009 Nice short story. The secondary characters are fun and the watching the relationship develop worked well for me. Good read. - Lyn B - Mar-14-2011 Thys was hot...in a real way! The build up,the lust and angst the shy interaction all of it!! It was a joy to read! - Tee* - Apr-17-2011 Sequel!!!!! - Anonymous - Jun-30-2011 This is a great story. Well written - Anonymous - Aug-09-2011 Really good! - Anonymous - Aug-24-2011 Really enjoyed this one. Just couldn't stop reading. Well done. - Annie101 - Nov-06-2011 Nice short story! - Ricky - Mar-14-2012 A nice little story. ;) - M.E. - Mar-13-2013 |
New Life by
Original / Uber | Pre-1900 | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 44 pages | Finished | Oct-03 Cast: Emma, Danny, Edward, Isaac Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #55 in 2005, #91 in 2009 | ![]() |
How many chances does a person get at a 'new life'? 'Period piece' set in the 1850's Oregon territory; Drama; Angst. | |
New Life, Turning Tides and Second Son (not finished) are well written by this author. I like what A.K. Naten does with erotica in these three. Could limit some of the 'head talking' that each character gives to 'tell' us what they're thinking etc in Turning Tides...but it did keep me reading until finished. I think this will be a book Aug2005 according to A.K.N. page. I love stories that have the X character as she is in these pieces...gender straddling/dominance. S. Anne Gardner's great writing also comes to mind for strong X character's not to mention intriquing plots. - Anonymous - Jan 12th, 2005 This was good. I'm not really a fan of a butch man like Uber X but this worked. Some good H/C. - Amanda - Sep-02-2008 Wasn't sure if i'd like this story, but it is good - nay, VERY good. Good descriptions, and it felt pretty realistic - no rushing into things, and no magical miracles that can ruin an 'authentic' feel. Would like to see more from this little-known author. - Anonymous - Sep-05-2008 Very sweet story. Interested plot...gave me alot to think about...absolutely loved the ending!!! - BlueButterfly - Aug-09-2009 It all begins with that one look doesn't it. This is a really nice story. - Hot Tamale - Aug-17-2009 missing link? [Editor's Note: I just tried it, and it works fine for me. 9-2-2009] - royukki - Aug-28-2009 Wonderful! Love triumphs over adversity. - Anonymous - Sep-08-2009 A good love story that's well worth taking the time to read. I really enjoyed it a lot. I would highly recommend taking the time to read it. I give it and author Naten a big thumbs up. - uber goober - Oct-12-2009 This is a very well written story. I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold. Very nice:-) - Lyn B - May-16-2011 nice enough read.. - Anonymous - May-27-2011 Another great story. Great job - sassy123 - May-30-2011 Bravo!!! - Anonymous - Aug-24-2011 Wow, so many emotions and a glimpse of what life was like for a lot of women in this period piece. For sure this isn't for everyone (pay attention to the disclaimers) but it provides a nice counterpoint and healthy dose of realism in the fanfic world. - Stacia - Feb-19-2014 |
Red Tide by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | Aug-08 Part 2 of the Turning Tides Series Series List: Turning Tides, Red Tide | ![]() |
Naten, you are a wonderful writer that is for sure. I love your Allison & MJ series. please keep writing them and i am eagerly looking forward to reading another one. they are getting married, they are having a baby, more....... - Anonymous - Aug-18-2008 It was nice to see Ali and MJ in happier times in this small follow up to the terrific but emotional roller coaster 'Turning Tides'. It's very apparent that the 'old' MJ is still lurking just beneath that beaufiful exterior. I would love A.K. Naten to get back in the saddle and give these girls another go round. After all 'Turning Tides' is one of the best. Whaddya say? - Sai - Aug-21-2008 WooHoo!!! I was really hoping there would something that followed Turning Tides, and this is a pretty nice addition. Any more you want to dust off would be greatly appreciated - Sarmentosa - Aug-25-2008 Glad to see you're back! Very nice story. - Anonymous - Aug-27-2008 This is such a wonderful little story about one of my favorite couples. I know you've had some troubling times, A.K.Naten, and i'm sure glad to see you trying to resurface. I miss reading you! Please write more soon! - Anonymous - Sep-05-2008 The early Valentine's gift is just great. I had to laugh out loud :-). - Anonymous - Oct-09-2008 What a great early Valentine's Day gift! hahaha. =) - BYL - Feb-08-2009 I really liked this short story... Left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside... - BlueButterfly - Aug-11-2009 A VERY NICE FOLLOW-UP TO "TURNING TIDES"!!! VERY SWEET ENDING! - Hot Tamale - Aug-19-2009 What a great story. A bit of a roller coaster ride but well worth reading every up and down and twist and turn. It certainly kept me wanting to read more.I highly recommend reading this talented authors work. - uber goober - Oct-18-2009 Another great story. Good job. - sassy123 - Nov-01-2010 Nice sequel. They're a nice couple and this is a sweet story. - Lyn B - Mar-14-2011 really loved the way their relationship has evolved.. i'm also thoroughly relieved you didn't make this an epilogue of the turning tide because the styles of both stories are quite different.. the second tide is far more light hearted than the first tide.. so making the former into an epiolgue of the latter would have decremented both tides.. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2011 Welcome back! Thank you so much for your stories. - Anonymous - Aug-24-2011 sequel please please please please please please! - braniac - Feb-23-2012 A lovely addition to a novel 'Turning Tides' :) They became a very cute couple. - M.E. - Mar-13-2013 This book is just taste of thing to come. It's worth reading. Hopefully, the author would expand further the relationship of Allison and M.J. in another book. I know it been awhile since the author last book but I'm hoping she write again. she is too talented to stop. - Anonymous - Nov-26-2015 |
Second Son by
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 280 pages | Finished | Sep-04 Cast: Anton, Aldred, Gwynneth, Edgar, Weldon, Marquess, Alice, Earl Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #89 in 2004, #73 in 2005, #58 in 2006, #63 in 2007, #27 in 2008, #41 in 2009 | ![]() |
A Medieval-era tale that follows the story of two people who are brought together under less than ideal circumstances, and must learn to adapt to each other, as well as their new lives. Deception, heartache, and twists of fate complicate feelings and alter futures, and relationships struggle between bouts of love and despair. | |
Excellent! This is going to be a whopper of a romance. Naten does it again. Please finish..soon!! Like "Turning Tides", I am sure this one will blow us away. Love this writer and boy oh boy will I be checking every day to see new installments.Wonderful. - Califa - Sep 29th, 2004 beautifully written and a great romance story! cant wait for the upcoming chapters! - blazinangelwings - Jan 13th, 2005 Though there has been a huge gap in posting on this story, it's been well worth the wait. A.K. Naten has not let the lapse deter from the story's focus and momentum and I am looking forward reading to this continuing saga. - Kaye - Aug 6th, 2005 very romantic and touching story, glad to see another new addition to the story! - steph - Apr-22-2006 Is this ever going to be finished? I'm so involved with this story! I hope you finish soon! :) - Jamie - Jun-27-2006 This is one story I await with great anticip.......ation. MORE PLEASE!!! - Reese - Aug-14-2006 wonderful story found myself hooked right away is romantic and loving and am hoping to see update soon as they say good things come to those who wait so by all means read it - nancy aug16 06 - Aug-16-2006 Love the story. Would like to see it finished. - Anonymous - Aug-17-2006 Please... finish. Don't leave it hanging. - Anonymous - Aug-17-2006 This is an amazing story. I hope you continue it. - BlueTyger - Aug-24-2006 Please finish soon. :) I can't wait to see what happens! - A - Oct-19-2006 Love it! Can't wait to read what happens next! - Anonymous - Oct-29-2006 I hope you finish this! :) It's so good; I can't wait to see what happens with Anton and Gwynneth. - A - Nov-04-2006 Agree with previous recommendations. I check every day in the hopes of seeing an update to Second Son! It is one of my ALL TIME favorites and I would suggest everybody read it! Also, please, A.K.....Please grace us with another brilliant update!! Thank You!!! - Asgard229 - Nov-19-2006 Is this story ever going to be finished? - Jamie - Mar-19-2007 I love this story. One of my all-time favorites. Honestly - If you miss this one, you're missing out. A.K. Naten...YOU ROCK! - Reese - Jun-15-2007 Happy dance... happy dance...Its finished... WOW! Worth the wait. Thank you A.K.Naten - RA - Jun-15-2007 omg thank you so much for finishing the story I was dieing without knowing the ending thank you...thank you...thank - Anonymous - Jun-16-2007 Great fic, so glad it's done. Definitely a favourite - Anonymous - Jun-18-2007 Wonderful story to read, glad to see it finally complete. - stephanie - Jun-19-2007 WOW! This is one of the best stories i have ever read! If you havent read it yet, read it ASAP! - leia - Jun-20-2007 great great read! interestingly narrated, really puts you in the shoes of the characters plus adds understanding of another culture; it can't have been easy to be them. thank you A.K. Naten - Kat - Jun-23-2007 Thanks very much for finishing this story...I was dying to know the end. - golem3 - Jul-02-2007 All I can say is READ IT...NOW...in one sitting, if you can. Wonderful!!! - Dal - Jul-07-2007 Loved, loved, loved this story. Great characters, compelling plot. What was best about it was the understanding of what it might have been like to live in the time period described. How might have any woman or man adjusted to what was expected of them for their entire lives, if that was not what they expected of themselves? Read it. You'll enjoy it. - micah6 - Oct-22-2007 abso-fricking-tastic - Anonymous - Mar-06-2008 fantastic read - Anonymous - Mar-15-2008 Great story! - anon - Mar-16-2008 Great read thank you A K Naten for sharing your work with us -- Marlo - Anonymous - May-05-2008 Wow. Just...wow. Why is this story not published with someone?! - Anonymous - May-15-2008 READ IT!!!! READ IT!!! READ IT NOW!!!!GOOD....GOOD....GOOD!!! - k.lewis - May-22-2008 Excelent read it please more from this writer Elsa July, 2008 - Elsa - Jul-03-2008 Extremely well written. Filled with much angst and raw emotion...these characters are positively captivating. I give it my highest recommendation! - JC - Jul-27-2008 Two thumbs...two big toes...Way up!!! - Ravenbull - Jul-29-2008 Very well written, was hooked from start to finish, thank you A K Naten. - xenagirl - Aug-10-2008 I highly recommend not only 'Second Son', but anything written by A.K. Naten. A consistent, high quality, sensual read. - Dusty - Aug-24-2008 I've read this a couple of times and loved it each time. Great story. Definitely read this one. - Bloo - Oct-21-2008 Beautfully written and wonderfully romantic! - Xenangabfan - Nov-04-2008 Good - xardok - Dec-16-2008 I absolutely LOVE THIS STORY. PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS ONE. - hellraizer77 - Jan-13-2009 I have never left a review before, but I just had to with this one. I was hooked from the start! It has angst,sorrow,elation and ultimately love. Truly a must read story...so do it! - XNU - Jan-31-2009 Just read this story again, and it's as frickkin awesome as ever! There may be imitators and copiers out there, but they will never come close to this - it is the original, and the BEST - make no mistake about it! - Anonymous - Feb-19-2009 I've said this before about Natens work. The characters are pushed and pulled through the proverbial ringer more times than most, taking you right along with them. I always feel exhausted while reading Natens well weaved tales. Very good! - Sai - Mar-12-2009 OMG OMG what a great story i loved it. i would recommend everyone to read this beautiful tale of love. - diana - Mar-19-2009 This was a wonderful story!!! - Anonymous - Jul-03-2009 Loved this story. I was hooked from start to finish!!! - BlueButterfly - Aug-09-2009 one of the best stories i've read in a long time.. hope there is going to be a sequel. - Ceri Murray - Aug-15-2009 One of my favorite stories ever! Definately recommend! Great story! Great author!!! - Hot Tamale - Aug-18-2009 After reading some of the other stories by A.K. Naten I felt she was a good writer, but after reading Second Son I now believe she is a great writer. This was truely an excellent story. When I started reading it I didn't want to stop, and when I had to take a break for whatever reason, I couldn't wait to get back to reading it again. A.K. Naten you've definetly hit one out of the ball park with this story. A truely excellent piece of work. A definent must read. - uber goober - Oct-20-2009 wow! this story is awesome. my interest was peeked from start to finish. great writing! - gwen - Nov-26-2009 Nice... loved this story. Thios story got my attention since the first sentence... Usually, I skip a few parts of acient stories due to the endless descriptions of places and situations and their paraphernalia... IT DOESN'T HAPPEN WITH THIS ONE. It's very objective and focused on the graceful love storyline. Well, done, Naten. - Millie D'Cast - Nov-28-2009 Splendid. Read it even if you're not a fan of Medieval period pieces, because the way it's written is very accessible to many tastes. I don't want to give anything away because I don't want to be spoilery. But I was surprised on many levels with this story, and with the unique circumstances in the beginning that make the foundation the story is told on. And I found there was a good amount of internal dialogue where there should have been; sometimes, Uberfics tend to gloss over some of these issues, and not give them the thorough justice they deserve. There is much emotion in this, but it's a strong story, a tale of love, family, and where we place our trust. I loved this story and I can't recommend it enough to other readers. - S. - Dec-14-2009 Great story. The plot and characters are well written. - MK - Mar-11-2010 Excellent! Very good read. I look forward to reading more from this author. - Anonymous - Jul-17-2010 I totally loved this story. A great job writing it. - sassy123 - Sep-11-2010 Oh my God what a story! <3 - hit.dana - Oct-27-2010 Wow! What a beautiful story! Such emotionit moved me! This is a must READ-don't miss this! A.K. Naten, you can certainly write! Please write more!!! - Tena - Nov-28-2010 one of the best medieval stories online. highly recommended. - carbon - Jan-06-2011 Great medieval story! Will definitely read this one again!! - Jaime - Apr-15-2011 i absolutely hate stories that are situated in the Dark Ages.. but decided to give it a go after having read other stories from this author.. surprise: i absolutely loved this one!! splendid read!! - Anonymous - May-29-2011 Loved this story! GREAT READ!! - hovercat1 - Aug-16-2011 Enjoyed this very much. Excellent writing, good story! Thanks - Anonymous - Nov-07-2011 wow... wow... wow, this story is the best middle ages story i've ever read and my first of this bard. i can say it won't be the last. - braniac - Jan-15-2012 Wonderful story - Jay - Sep-05-2012 Finish it for the third times, still one of the best story I've ever read. - DK29 - Mar-06-2013 One hell of a story!!!! Really good and sexy parts Don't want to miss this one - Ash - May-26-2013 Fantastic story! I'd love to read a sequel. - Lauren - Jul-23-2013 Wonderful tale, enjoyed it very much :) - Stardawn - Oct-28-2013 Amazing Stuff , finished it in two days couldn't stop reading this !! - Malaki - Nov-13-2013 amazing story. must read it - Diamondv - Jan-29-2014 Sigh, what a wonderfully romantic tale this is. A sweet fix for an incurable romantic. For those of you who love tales of olde, Knights and Warriors, Castles and Swords, and a Lady in peril, this is highly recommended. Our hero, or shall I say heroine is the stuff fantasies are made of. I could so easily fall inlove with both the Lady and her Lord. Thank you for this wonderful story A.K. Naten. It is always wondrous to escape from reality for a while. - Thothgirl - Feb-06-2014 Second Son is a must read! The characters are so vibrant and full of life, including the full range of emotions. Unlike a lot of stories, the author doesn't wave a magic wand and make everything better. Like life, relationships, especially ones with betrayal, take a long time to heal. This story is no different and it leaves the reader really wanting more. Very nicely done! - Stacia - Feb-19-2014 definitely recommended! this is a great story. hats off to the author... - Aahi Young - Mar-24-2014 Such a great story. Lots of angst, drama and love. Wonderful. :) - SG - May-03-2014 I would give this book a spice index of 15! If I could! Bravo!!! - gabsy - Aug-19-2015 WOW AMAZING I have passed over this story so many times as I am not so keen I ancient story's but this is FANTASTIC so glad I took the time to read it WELL DONE and thanks so such for this fantastic story xxx - SD - Mar-27-2016 Love this story have read it twice now I think it is well told. - Anna28Carm - Aug-18-2016 |
Strike Out by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 43 pages | Finished | Feb-04 Cast: Evelyn, Jackie, Maggie, Evie, Kristin, Taylor, Lauren, Coach, Jacqueline | ![]() |
A woman who is unlucky in love meets up with someone who could change her losing streak. Will they get a hit, or will they strike out? | |
Softball and sexual tension? Of Course! Characters are beautifully rounded out. Story line flows. Heat of passion is tremendous. There is some well written mother/daughter angst. Good READ! - jlnickymaster - Feb 24th, 2004 Loved it. - anon - Mar-16-2008 Cute story. Great character development and plot. Sweet ending... - BlueButterfly - Aug-10-2009 I really enjoy this author's style, she's so smooth you forget you're reading and just hear the story being told. A very nice read. - wasabigrrl - Aug-24-2009 I have yet to read a story by A.K. Naten that I didn't like and here is another one that was truely enjoyable and well worth taking the time to read. - uber goober - Oct-21-2009 Loved it! Cute, funny, well developed, and hot to boot! - Anonymous - May-14-2011 Quirky story that is very well written. It has romance, drama and humour in it. I liked the characters. Everything felt realistic too. Good read:-) - Lyn B - May-16-2011 finally a story where the children are allowed to express their puberescent narrowmindedness.. good interaction between evie and taylor.. with a couple of stretches in some parts, this story can be easily converted into a novel.. - Anonymous - May-28-2011 Great read. Softball, lust, passion and a bit of angst. Highly recommended. - colorado fan - Dec-01-2011 sweet, seet, sweet and a shot heavy, spicy mix -> - opensource - Feb-05-2013 Great story, worth a read. - M.E. - Mar-13-2013 Awesome story that could have been longer. A very nice read. - Ricky - May-01-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 272 pages | Finished | Dec-03 Cast: Alli, Madison, Liz, Ray, Allison, Whitton, John, Mark, Raiford, Stevenson, Vice, Elizabeth, Calhoun Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #17 in 2004, #82 in 2005, #37 in 2006, #42 in 2007, #12 in 2008, #31 in 2009 Part 1 of the Turning Tides Series Series List: Turning Tides, Red Tide | ![]() |
Love is rarely perfect... sometimes it seems impossible. A young woman leaves her troubled past, determined to start a new life in a new city. When she becomes hopelessly entangled with a domineering, emotionally embattled individual, she doesn't know if it's a dream come true, or her worst nightmare. | |
This is a FANTASTIC story and I am waiting with baited breath for the rest of it! - Sprout - Dec 18th, 2003 This is a intensely moving story. A.K. Naten really brings her characters to life and we really feel their pain and their joy. It is a great story and a must read. - Charles - Dec 29th, 2003 This story produces addiction. I couldnĘt stop reading till the end, and then, I couldnĘt stop thinking of the characters. Great one. - Pru - Jan 23rd, 2004 Very well done. Great character development. Plan some time when you read this, you won't want to stop. I'm hopeing there is a sequel ones of these dyas. - Anonymous - Feb 9th, 2004 Turning tides is a great read. It portrays the helplesness in the maelstr÷m of love and sexual attraction/need quite well.Naten could have fleshed out some parts in more detail, added perspective or a bit more conclusion, such as: what of the "sneaky stepbrother"?. His machinations and the plans/deals he apparently made during his vacation are not referred to again further in the story. Perhaps a sequel is in the making? Also the need for anonymous, strongly dominant sex. That, to my mind, could not just disappear overnight, so to speak. But well, those are just my thoughts.I really enjoyed reading it and certainly recommed it to others!Letterwolf - letterwolf - Mar 12th, 2004 Yup, this story is definitely addictive! Hoping for a sequel too! If you like Turning Tides, you may wanna check out Poetry in Motion and When You Dance with the Devil by Harley. - UberCrazy - May 3rd, 2005 this story made me late for my classes, work, and everything the past 2 days.. nicely weaved! - ibh - Jan 25th, 2006 kept me reading all night and the following day :) loved it! loved it!!! - Katrina - Feb 15th, 2006 Phew! A.K. Naten takes you on an emotional rollercoster ride with Alli and M.J. and quite frankly there were times when I wanted to smack the both of them around the head because they were just so frustrating at times. However, this story is well worth the read, but I warn you if you like only happiness in your fiction then this may not be for you. These two drag themsleves through the mill, not just once or even twice, noooo several bloody emotionally fraught times. It would be nice to have a sequal and see the characters have a few good times now that they've come out the otherside. - Sai - Apr-03-2006 This is just incredible. I really love this story. I can't believe I never heard of it before. A.K. Naten just made me roll with the incredible emotions in this story and I loved it all the way. I highly recommend taking some time to read this. It's absolutely terrific. - royuki - Jul-28-2006 this was a very good story, I could feel and see all theses chartcters in this story.... I also felt the pain and the sorrow, and the passion.....as I read each line... I was very glad to see MJ finally face her fears... and go after Allsion.... this was long to read, but well worth it.. I will read it again. Thank goodness, it had a happy ending! - Anonymous - Aug-14-2006 I can't believe this story is in any top 10!!! An absolutely fabulous story. It doesn't matter what you read from Ms A.K. Naten it is alwaya great. Inge - 04.07.2007 - Inge - Jul-03-2007 this story kept me awake..i couldn't put it down..i loved it - leia - Jul-25-2007 I saw this story listed as unfinished, but I was quite sure I had read it a while ago & enjoyed it very much. It was different from many other stories out there, taking several twists & turns to get from point A to point B, so I remembered the title. It is finished - 10 parts on your site, so you might want to update that. I wouldn't want to put anyone off reading this one, as I generally won't start reading unfinished stories - just too frustrating. - LAL - Aug-18-2007 VERY hot - Anonymous - Mar-06-2008 Terrific story! Would love to read a sequel or anything else from this writer! - Anonymous - Mar-16-2008 What a fantastic read!!! You will love the characters' development in this story... A sequel is a must in this story lol:)).... Read this amazing tale and you will not regret it. - Fan - Mar-31-2008 Great story. I found it a lil hard to get into, but when I did, I could not stop reading. - lyneX - Apr-05-2008 Great story. The only thing I didn't like is that Allie didn' manage to once say really no. - Anonymous - Apr-06-2008 I really liked this story. It is one you cannot put down. M.J. is such a good strong woman you just want to find out everything about her. The only thing that bothered me was the wordiness in some parts. Overall very well written great angst piece. READ IT! - Amanda - Sep-02-2008 I think I spent the last twenty pages just yelling "Just tell her you love her damn it!" It was quite possibly the most frustrating and at the same time engaging story I've read. Stayed up until 3 am reading it and was almost late for my property law class the next morning. You've taken a law student away from her case books. That's saying quite a lot. - Kerowyn - Sep-17-2008 A rollercoaster ride of deep yearning and emotion! I haven't looked to see if there's a sequel but if there's not there certainly should be...loved it!! - JC - Nov-26-2008 Maybe the most: Intensive,exciting, and sometimes...frustrating than I have never read.Completely AMAZING!: READ IT - xardok - Dec-18-2008 One of the most intense story that I have ever read! A lot of angst and sexual frustration along the way, but in the end it was all worth it. Thank you. - BYL - Feb-07-2009 Great story!!!! if you like angst this story is full of it. this is now one of my favorite stories. - dalila - Feb-17-2009 WOW!!! Stayed up all night reading this...my eyes are puffy. Great story... - BlueButterfly - Aug-11-2009 OMG this is one of the best UBER-Xena i have ever read. It is one of the only that i actually wanted to read again and again. The characters stay with you, and its a highly emotional roller coaster for people who are like me, and that's what keeps your eyes glued to the screen. One day i hope to write a story as good as this =] Kudos - CadeyStar - Aug-17-2009 that's definitely one of the best stories I've ever read, I read it all over again a few times a month, MJ is one of the best characters on here and she might have ruined me for everybody else :) you just have to read this. - Helena C. - Aug-18-2009 WOW, WOW, WOW!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! GREAT STORY!!! - Hot Tamale - Aug-19-2009 Seriously, this one was way too good. Deliciously angst filled and incredibly sexy. Excellent read. Do yourself a favor and start early; you won't want to stop until it's over. - Xenamungrrr - Aug-24-2009 It's probably because I thought I had read all of the "must-read" stories on this website, It's probably because I'm still so glad that one proved me wrong... it's probably because all of that, that I'm so gratefull to A.K Naten for her talent. I spent such a great time reading this, reminding the very first jem I found here. I recognized the longing growind deep inside of me, the utterly addictive crush I felt for the heroins... It takes genius put reader's mind under this kind off spell. - yuka - Aug-24-2010 One of my all time favorite stories. A job well done - sassy123 - Sep-15-2010 One of my all time favorites. The characters stay with you long after you've finished reading. I don't understand why it doesn't have more ratings. - Clarky - Dec-22-2010 very in depth writing where the characters' feelings and insecurities are concerned.. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2011 One of my all time favourite stories here, it stands up and proves its quality over multiple readings. I have no doubt it will come back to this work many times again - Anfor - Jun-21-2011 thanks for the recommendation. If you enjoy a well written story with lot's of angst, drama and sizzling chemistry, stop and read. AK Naten is a wonderful author. Highly recommended - colorado fan - Jun-23-2011 what a wonderful story of love and fight between Angel lady and Scorpion woman. Recommend! - Anonymous - Oct-09-2011 what a wonderful story of love and fight between Angel lady and Scorpion woman. Recommend! - Anonymous - Oct-09-2011 OMG! This is one I couldn't put down! Do yourself a huge favor and read this one post haste. - Anonymous - Nov-18-2011 a roller coaster ride of emotions... love it.. keep it up.. ^_^ - ckgirl - Nov-28-2011 I really loved this story. I was so frustrated with both leading ladies at time I cursed aloud. Great writing, great read. - Anonymous - Jan-21-2012 One of the best stories I've read, and really HOT! - Anonymous - Jan-22-2012 oh my God! this is an incredible story! i can't believe i haven't read it before! great plot,beautiful characters and i cried like a baby! - braniac - Feb-22-2012 O.M.G! Absolutely fantastic!! There is so much I could say about this story and how wonderful it was, but I don't think any words can do justice to the monumental effect it leaves lingering... Truly, a must read for any romantic. :D - ~Still believing in fairy tales...~ - Mar-16-2012 Loved it! I'd love to know what comes next! - Anonymous - Jul-05-2012 thank you for this story - Anonymous - Sep-04-2012 Excellent story! - Anonymous - Oct-30-2012 Truly enjoyed this read. A bit too much *unneeded* drama, nonetheless it's a good read. Just wish there would be more, I'm a bit disappointed, we didn't get to see how everyone reacted on their relationship at the end and few unfinished things, but well, still it's a story well worth reading. ~ Sorry for a possible Spoiler *?* - M.E. - Mar-13-2013 Really sweet. One of the best I've read. - Anonymous - Aug-21-2013 :D - Aahi Young - Mar-24-2014 Could not stop reading until i finished...i fell in love with the book, its characters & the writer :) - Kathreptis - Aug-11-2014 Awesome ! Profound, rich characters, very good writing, I could not stop reading. Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo ! - orcsage - Oct-13-2014 Really great story would love to see a follow up to this couple xx well done and the short follow up was funny little wind up from alli to mj - SD - Sep-20-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 20 pages | Finished | Jul-04 Cast: Claire, Dan, Georgie | ![]() |
They say that sometimes, 'a girl likes to be asked.' But I don't always find that to be true. Sometimes you don't need to ask. Sometimes you just can't. Sometimes, it's just best if it remains... unspoken. ...Or, is it? | |
Great story - is there going to be an answer to the unspoken question? I'd love to read more... - Anonymous - Sep 26th, 2004 This was a great read. It had happiness and sadness and every emotion in between. I especially love the one characters mantra of "wtf"! Very funny. Thanks for writing. Keep up the great job. - jlnickymaster - Oct 10th, 2004 Great story from A.K.N., as usual. We need more from this elusive writer! - Anonymous - May-15-2008 I really liked this story...Great work as always!!! - BlueButterfly - Aug-11-2009 I like how this story was written. It cries out for a sequel though. I'd like to know more about the characters and what happened to them. Good read. - Lyn B - Feb-02-2011 nice read.. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2011 Very good!! - Anonymous - Aug-09-2011 What a sweet story!! I would love to read more about these two ... - Ricky - Mar-05-2012 |