Original / Uber | Middle Ages | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 472 pages | Finished | Jan-07 Honors/Awards: #11 in 2007 Top-25 #1. Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
One of the best stories I've read in this 'verse.I'm still hoping for a sequal Amber :o) - a Fan - Jan-26-2007 What a wonderful story! Definitely read this tale. The characters are just fantasic, and the story is very well done. I look forward to the sequel. - jd - Jan-28-2007 THIS is a great story. I loved it from beginning to end. You are truly a gifted author. - K.LEWIS - Apr-10-2007 Wow! Please Bard, may we have more? A great read for a rainy day. - Sapphire - Nov-08-2007 What a wonderful story, One of my all time favorites. - Anonymous - Nov-13-2007 A great read indeed. Well written and paced, great characters. Absolutely begs for a sequel. - Georgia - Jan-22-2008 Have read this a few times. I absolutely love it. - Anonymous - Feb-01-2008 Wow this story rocks! thank you for a wonderful adventure! - Jennifer Lee - Jun-08-2008 Highly recommend the stories by Amber. She develops great characters and maintains a believable storyline. She is a joy to read. - Lee - Oct-05-2008 Different part of the world & time from X&G but could be their exact lives as previously lead. Nice job Amber. - Lysia - Apr-11-2009 Loved it! Knights, castles, battles, love! Incredible characters, I loved Kaleah and Jess. I was enthralled with the story and wished it would keep going. I definitely hope that there is a sequel. Wonderful work, keep it up! - Chess - Aug-19-2009 i like this story and how you portrayed "gabrielle" and "xena". :D they're both strong and independent(especially gabrielle). if there's a sequal, i'll be sure to read it...is that enough of a hint?? haha - cell - Dec-29-2009 WOW!! what a great story!! Please write the sequel!!! - Anonymous - Jan-18-2010 I really enjoyed this story. The author has good plot development and well developed charachters that draw you in and make you care about them, and when the story ends leaves you wishing that it would continue on. - uber goober - Feb-19-2010 This is going on my bookshelf!!!! Great job Amber :) I would LOVE a sequel. I Don't think their story should end quite yet. Definately a worthwhile read. - Yuri - Jun-09-2010 Nice story, glad Amber shared it with us. Certainly was racy, too - I liked it very much! - Aerows - Jun-30-2010 This is one of the best uber fics I've read in a while. Amber has done a masterful job with this tale. Absolutely LOVED it. Great writing, wonderful characters... read it. I do wish for a sequel - please Amber? - x/g fanfic fanatic - Oct-04-2010 What a great story. Good job. - sassy123 - Dec-05-2010 Awesome. Definitely a must read. - Anonymous - Dec-10-2010 Great writing, had me hooked until the very end I desperately want there to be a sequel so I'll be keeping an eye on this author in the hopes she is currently writing one. There is no far-fetched story lines unlike some fiction I have read lately... The story moves along at the correct pace and draws you into the characters lives... Please write a sequel I want to find out what happens to Jessica and Kaleah - Lesley - Dec-10-2010 I've read this story several times and just can't resist reading it again! This is the first time I have left a recomendation on this site. This story really has it all. It captures you from the very first scene and keeps on the edge of your seat throughout. The personalities of the leading ladies shine brightly through the skill of this writer. I can't say enough good things about it. I for one would love a sequel. Cheers Amber for the hours of joy you have brought me with your talent. - JAM - Apr-19-2011 WOW! Truly amazing story...I love this author and am incredibly attached to these characters. I anxiously await the sequel.... - Stacy - Oct-28-2011 LL2Gtv See it for the first time!!.... - http://shopinq.com/ - Dec-28-2011 What a journey. This story is that good...i could almost smell the dust in the secret passages and the feel the wet floors of the bathing chamber ;) - M. - Aug-02-2012 This is a great story and really hope there is a sequel. - Anonymous - Sep-03-2012 I have read the story several times. I loved it and have been hoping that you would do a follow up story. Their story should not end there but continue. I am hoping that the characters will began to speak to you again so that you will add to their story. - Alfreda48 - Oct-22-2012 Thoroughly good read. Well constructed story. Fantastic loveable characters. - Lelly - Jul-25-2013 Wow - what a wonderful gem of a story!! Nice work!! - Anonymous - Feb-19-2015 very hot je veux une suite - Anonymous - Jul-28-2015 very hot je veux une suite - Anonymous - Jul-28-2015 |
Nights of Silk and Sapphire by A6
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 176 pages | Finished | Cast: Dae, Zafirah, Inaya, Scion, Johara, Nasheta, Shakir, Falak Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
Entertaining and playfully fun. Still looking for the sequel. - Anonymous - Oct 6th, 2004 A truly well written story that delves into the world of pleasure and love. A must read that will leave you longing for more. - Anonymous - Oct 22nd, 2004 A very fun story. Sequel? :D - Og - Dec-18-2007 A great romp where the reader benefits from the "writer's excersize". Read it, but not at work! Amazon Ice recommended. - Georgia - Jan-23-2008 Hot! Hot! Hot! Great story I liked the way the anticipation was built up and the eroticism was well cooked but not overdone. I - LSC - Apr-22-2008 Sequel, Sequel, Sequel. Wonderful presentation; Awesome characterization; Unique in keeping the readers attention toward the next scene. The scene presentation is vivid and the romantic aspect of it is indeed very seductive. - xenamari - May-23-2008 If this was written to "practice" writing erotica one keeps wondering what Amber will do if she really sets out in earnest ... what a riot! Please keep practicing ... a lot ... Please I beg you write a sequel. As I wrote for another of your works wow can you write. - Lysia - Apr-11-2009 Loved this story! - Anonymous - Apr-18-2009 This is what you call practice???? lol - Brutal - Jun-10-2009 Didn't want it to end! - Anonymous - Jul-10-2009 If this is just "practice" I'm a dead woman. - offerhermeds - Jul-11-2009 Holy crap that was hot!! Sequel?!?! - Lea Ann - Jul-30-2009 oh my Goddess - hot - Anonymous - Aug-01-2009 if that was practice, the real thing will kill us!!!! nicely done! SEQUEL!!!!!! PLZ - xf - Jan-09-2010 You must do a sequel. This was a fantastic story!! - Soon - Jan-10-2010 Wow! I would like to join a Harem. What a great story Amber, Thanx! - Tracey - Mar-04-2010 That was NICE !! Yes, a sequel would be great to see how they are doing. Thank you for this great story ! - Anonymous - Apr-14-2010 Absolutely, positively, THE best erotic uber story out on the net. Amber, please finish the sequel. - Peyton Andrews - Jun-10-2010 Arent you practising anymore Amber ? God !!! This is hot stuff.. peasss post more ;) - Rainbow - Sep-13-2010 Amazing story. Definitely recommended for all other readers. - Anonymous - Dec-10-2010 so much romance and seduction, I love it! I wish I could meet Zafirahs' twin someday - Anonymous - Jan-23-2011 OMG!! This story had me from the moment I started reading. If this was just for practice I look forward with anticipation to your future stories. - Rhuah - Feb-04-2011 WOW!!! this story had my attention from start to finish...!!! Hot! very, very god! Z.Rodson - Anonymous - May-07-2011 I loved it. I have read just about every story on this site and I can say without a doubt this is on my top five list. - pickles - May-17-2011 How the h*** did I miss this story for such a long time? I love it! And if this is just for practise.... whooo And I'd love to read more about the adventures of the harem girls and their mistress :) - lyneX - Aug-03-2011 Whew!!! Smoking hot and very sensual story...All I can say is that I need several very cold showers after reading this story. Well done Amber... I applaud you! - Stacy - Oct-28-2011 HOLLY CRAP! i've read this story a few months ago, just remembering it makes me open the fridge and crawl inside it. is it hot in here or is it just me? ohhh yeah.... is the story... - braniac - Jan-06-2012 Very intellectually stimulating which adds the the physical flame that you create within this story, incredibly well written! Not one to judge, just offering what I 'hope' is constructive criticism but...it can get a little repetitive in terms of almost identical paragraphs, if not paraphrased, at times. One of the best written stories I've read, really got my blood to burn and that's somewhat of a challenge these days. - Omega_Spark - Jan-26-2012 Thoroughly enjoyable! Sizzling hot too! - Georgia - Feb-08-2012 :-D just some practice, uh? Well, Amber rocks! She should add a warning for heart patients. At least, you have to be healthy to read this, since it's physically challenging. And it'll be hard to go on living not having your own private harem. - Parsec - Sep-22-2012 Omg, i read to RELAX! This story did every thing but relax me an incredibly erotic and very well written story. I just finished reading it, and I still have shivers going down my spine. - Ange - Apr-02-2013 I'm half way through reading this and although I am enjoying the story and can't seem to quite put it down, I'm a little put off by the fact that even though everyone assures Dae that she doesn't have to participate in any sexual act she doesn't want to they still continue to ask her to join several times within the same activity. Even though she is curious and wants to learn by observing,they ask her to join. She declines and they make it seem like it is okay she doesn't have too but then again a few minutes later they ask her to join again and again to the point where it seems she was pressured to join even if it wasn't fully. Even though everyone seemed to accept Dae's wishes even if they didn't understand them I felt like they weren't as understanding as they were made to appear because she was constantly being coerced to giving in a little more each time until the pressure was too much. Over all it is well written and I'll continue to read but it was just that element in the story that kept happening too much that bothered me. - Anonymous - Jul-06-2015 Amazing story, a definite must-read! - Ajel - Oct-26-2015 sexy and very hot 10/10 spice index - Anonymous - Jan-25-2016 love sexy and hot - Anonymous - Jan-25-2016 Omg HOT HOT HOT NEED A SHOWER AFTER THIS STORY .this will have you wonting release as you keep reading - Anonymous - Jun-20-2016 |
Primal Touch by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 205 pages | Finished | Cast: Ashley, Leandra, Grady, Jack, Casey, Ash, Tarun Links: The Bard's Corner @ AUSXIP | ![]() |
A happy romance in good ole uber style - predictable plot but there's a pleasant second half which develops the story further. It was nice to have a sort of part II to complete the tale...and there're hot zingy bits too.This story is complete. E - E - Apr 2nd, 2003 I really enjoyed this story, could do with a second chapter as I need to know what happens to them both, If you want a really good read, settle down with a flask of coffee, and read, but i warn you, you wont move till you have finished it. - LuvTigger71 - Jul-04-2006 I loved this story! I felt I was crawling in the jungle myself. Apart from the love story and the character development it advocated for a really worthwhile course! thank you Amber! - ullahoo - Feb-21-2008 Excellent story! Read it.....you`ll love it! - Anonymous - Jun-19-2008 A fantasic read ! - Elisabeth - Oct-26-2008 Wow this is so addicting boy can Amber write if you are looking for an uber that's true to form this is it. I hope there's a sequel. - Lysia - Apr-11-2009 Respectfully, I wouldn't categorize this as Xena fiction. It's definitely uber/original [Corrected 4-20-2009] - Wrldpece - Apr-17-2009 Love this story! - Anonymous - Jun-16-2009 Loved it so much brought the book - Luvtigger71 - Jun-20-2009 WOW! Ashley is a wildlife photographer out on assignment in the Indian Jungle, looking for the chance of a lifetime to capture the very rare White Tiger what she ends up finding there is something that changes her life forever, an encounter with Leandra a mysterious catlike woman. What occurs in the depths of the jungle? Love, danger, mystery, adventure...read on you won't be disappointed! Hopefully sometime in the future there will be a sequel. Great job Amber thanks for sharing your talent with us! I should also point out that the story's setting isn't really "Ancient" I'd consider it "Modern" [Editor's Note: Corrected to show as modern. 8-25-2009] - Chess - Aug-20-2009 I really liked this story alot. Very Tarzan meets Jane-ish and very hot and sexy. - uber goober - Feb-19-2010 Good story. Would love to see what happens next for these two - that means the characters got into my head. Thanks for sharing it with us !! - Anonymous - May-06-2010 very very good story ,good writer ...don't miss this story!!! - dakota - Jun-21-2010 A REALLY great story. With a really great message. - sassy123 - Oct-12-2010 Love the story. A sequel would be grrreat! :) - lyneX - Aug-03-2011 Loved it! More please... - Anonymous - Sep-14-2011 Excellent story!! Loved it.. - Anonymous - Aug-09-2012 This was a pleasant change of scenery. It was so hot and tantalizing. You really wont want to put this story down once you start reading it. - Jas - Dec-27-2012 This story is just amazingly brilliant. I would love to see a sequel one day. Highly Recommend. :) - Anonymous - Jan-15-2016 This story is just amazingly brilliant. I would love to see a sequel one day. Highly Recommend. :) - Anonymous - Jan-15-2016 This story is just amazingly brilliant. I would love to see a sequel one day. Highly Recommend. :) - Anonymous - Jan-15-2016 |