Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 289 pages | Finished | Apr-02 Cast: Sonny, Jack, Laura, Leslie, Peter, Sarah, Chloe Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #44 in 2002, #02 in 2003, #77 in 2004, #19 in 2006, #47 in 2007, #79 in 2008, #72 in 2009 | ![]() |
Inspired the movie 'You've Got Mail,' this finished work is a fine romance. | |
This is a very well written and interesting story, I love the characters but what I would like to know is when the next update is. - Marian - Jan 2nd, 2003 Not only does she have great taste in music but, she writes too! This romantic story is very well written and it was a lovely treat for this very warm afternoon. Keep up the good work and write-on! - nlw - Jun 12th, 2003 A refreshing tale with delightful twists. I really enjoyed this story and will be reading more from this author. - Meg - Jun 23rd, 2003 This story is one of my favs. Had me captivated from the beginning. I love her work and would highly recommend this fantastic novel to all readers. - Clare - Jun 24th, 2003 outstanding, great story,much better than the movie that it inspired, sequel, sequel, sequel.......loved the interplay between the major an minor parts, a very good and enjoyabe read, MORE PLEASE! - dusty - Oct 24th, 2003 This is my first time commenting on a story and all I can say is, what an absolute awsome story!!! Not since the Billie and Cat series by KD Bard has a story and its characters, totally captured me. It kept me glued to my PC for hours. I have never seen the movie, but I am betting that Ambrosia's rendition blows the movie away. I would pay great money to see this one in production. I am hoping to see a series of stories based on all of the characters. - Anonymous - Nov 4th, 2003 Well-written story, but frankly it was just plain mean after a while. I wanted to smack Jack for stringing along Sonny. I wanted to smack Sonny for being willfully stupid and cheating on her girlfriend with someone she'd never even met face to face. I kept wondering if someone really could be that naive.I just couldn't wait to finish it to see how much more stupid Sonny was going to get. Not to mention how long it would take Sonny to grow up and see that Jack put her out of business on purpose. She's supposed to forgive & forget and then fall in love with her after that? I know this is fiction, but really! - Anonymous - Nov 20th, 2003 This is an extremely well written story, which made the sweet plot even more enjoyable for reading. I can't wait to read more from this author. - Dimples - Nov 21st, 2003 An fantastic read for all, but wanted to slap both of them at one stage or another. - LuvTigger71 - May 31st, 2004 Very good story, worth the price of admission, Engaging and very funny at times. BUTTo borrow a line from one of the characters, I wanted to scream at both of them at several points along the way "Have you lost every bit of sense you possessed!?" and at others slap them both into next week. - -Aerows- - Dec 15th, 2005 Oh how I loved this story!!!! Sure I lost a few hours sleep and suffered through a long day at work the next day but this one I couldn't put down. An interesting twist on a classic. A definite must read!!!! Opus - Anonymous - Aug-03-2006 What a wonderful story!!! It is a must read one. I can't count how many times I repeated this story,lol. Read this and your time will not be wasted...For the author, please write a sequel for this, PLEASE.lol... - Fan - Nov-19-2007 Beautiful and funny story, started reading and couldn't stop until the end. I recommend this story to everyone you definitely won't regret reading it at all. - Anonymous - Dec-15-2007 Cute story! Wish there was a sequel. Highly recommend it! - Xenangabfan - Feb-20-2008 A great story that had me captivated to the end, even though Sonny annoyed me when she refused to admit her true feelings. SEQUEL!!! I want to know more about Chloe and Briana!! - Revalis - Feb-27-2008 excelente historia, desde el principio me quede super enganchanda, recomendada absolutamente - Ale - Nov-10-2008 loved the movie but this story is better. I have become a fan of Ambrosia's work. Thank you. - rleef - Feb-02-2009 EXCELLENT story..........I couldn't stop reading I was too addicted to the story..... Maxine - Anonymous - Feb-03-2009 Wow... amazing,wonderful,I couldn't stop reading !!!! Great Job,Ambrosia,you really ROCK ;-) - Manuela - Feb-06-2009 What a wonderfully entertaining story and even though it was based on the movie "you've got mail" it was still a great read and well worth taking the time to read it.So if you want to be well entertained for a bit, pull up a chair and dig in. - uber goober - Feb-23-2010 I loved it! It was simply great! Ofcoarse I wanted to slap a few of the characters at certain points. But it had me captivated from strt to finish and I simply loved Jack's humour, constantly had me laughing. But if I was Sonny I'd be pretty annoyed at Jack for hiding the fact that she was Blueyez, she should have just told her when she arrived at Disneyworld .. - ROCer (Sheronah-Hope) - Sep-28-2010 I so love reading this story :) Jack is evilly funny and Sonny is blushingly cute!! Affair to Remember is for anyone who wants to fill their heart with good humour. Hihgly recommened. - zackie - Mar-16-2011 Not even finished with this yet and still have to say what a great story this is! Well written and god the characters are great! Makes you keep your fingers crossed for the "bad guy" - Anonymous - Jun-29-2011 ***SPOILER ALERT*** though a romantic story at its core, it is also very funny at times.. the flintstones part was simply hilarious.. and the banter cracked me up a couple of times.. well done.. - xtra dog - Jan-23-2012 I wish there was more about during and after the cabin sequence at the end. But the build-up was amazing! - Anonymous - Apr-11-2012 i loved this story... jack is a helpless romantic, so i crossed my fingers for the bad guy too ;));)) :D - braniac - May-07-2012 What a wonderful story. Really held me captive. - Wheezie - May-27-2013 Really nice. it's been long since I read such a scintillating tale. Read it you'll not regret it. - sandy - Oct-23-2013 Extremely enjoyable read. I loved the humor and wit! - Ricky - Jan-05-2014 REALLY ENJOYED THIS STORY .Must say I enjoyed this better than the movie well done great job xx - SD - Jun-25-2015 REALLY ENJOYED THIS STORY .Must say I enjoyed this better than the movie well done great job xx - SD - Jun-26-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 187 pages | Finished | Oct-06 Honors/Awards: Three-Time Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
WELCOME BACK AMBROSIA!!! I just finished reading this story and loved it! Very well done, as with all her stories. Too bad there aren't too many kissers who rate consistant 12's in real life! A good story to cuddle up to in the chilly days ahead. Thanks for the awesome return after 364 day hiatus...ya still got it!!! - dez - Oct-20-2006 Just finished this gem... Definitely a must read. - jac - Oct-22-2006 Bravo - Great story, Ambrosia! Warm and Fuzzy :) Couldn't put it down. - Kat - Oct-24-2006 Just what I needed. Fantastic! - Kim - Oct-25-2006 Wow!!! Very well done and highly recommend to everyone!! It is just like baby bear soup...just right!! - Rachel - Nov-04-2006 I have been reading fan fic for 4 years now and....this is by far my favorite. I couldn't stop reading. From start to finish this is a beautiful tale about the miracles of love and life. Thank you Ambrosia for this wonderful gift. - cass - Nov-09-2006 Highly recommended! This story made me smile, made me cry, made me want to read all of the author's other works. If you choose to gove this one a miss, you're missing out. Remember to let the bard know how much you enjoyed it, too. - Dal - Nov-28-2006 I so very much enjoyed this story; it's definitely one I will get back to time and time again! Great work. - querdenker69 - Nov-30-2006 Yeah!!!! very well writen, mystery romance passion jelousy I just love it....Damn - arly - Feb-11-2007 Wow! Who would believe that finding a baby on your doorstep left by an ex- would lead to your one true love? This story was amusing and romantic all in one. Great read! kudos to Ambrosia - toni - Apr-16-2008 D*mn good!!! My good what a wonderful story. Dada is sweet ;) - Yani - May-08-2008 Awesome story, so current to life issues. The story is so vivid to the readers mind, furthermore, its a jewel in regard of its narrative approach and truly romantic. Sequel, yes indeed. - xenamri - May-30-2008 enjoyable,fun a very good read. Would love to see more of Dylan & Layne pleaaaassse? - Anonymous - Jul-17-2008 Fan-friggin'-tastic. - Anonymous - Feb-08-2009 Lovingly sweet! Had me laughing and eager to read on. Great job! - 1234 - Sep-27-2009 i love the baby..so cute.. - Anonymous - Nov-30-2009 A great love story that was heart warming and very touching. I think Ambrosia is a very talented author and I highly recommend reading her stories. - uber goober - Feb-24-2010 What a great story with a wonderful twist on the supernatural. Loved it. Also, glad I found this fantastic author. What a treat. - Anonymous - Aug-11-2010 Love it! So totally read it! - Anonymous - Dec-18-2010 What a great story. I really enjoyed it. - sassy123 - Feb-21-2011 Such a beautiful story. - hit.dana - Mar-14-2011 brilliant.. i loved the time switches, the pacing and the dialogues.. am i glad that i read this story the last, because this is the author's best story.. at least i think it is.. i hope ambrosia will post more stories here in the future.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 ,,Cause it's you and me And all of the people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me And all the other people that just want to see a love that comes true... :D'' touching story! read it! - braniac - May-12-2012 This story started out great, but towards the end it dwindles down a bit ... - Ricky - Mar-23-2014 Enjoyable story x - SD - Jun-25-2015 *****SPOILER ALERT****** This is a beautiful, poignant story that hit home for me especially as my now wife and i spent seven months of our engagement apart stop she could finish her schooling. The story was captivating in its simple beauty and at times i both laughed and cried happy and sad tears. Well recommended finished them both back to back in one day. Bravo bard! - Carmen - Aug-03-2015 |
Cherish by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 412 pages | Unfinished | May-04 Cast: Jaden, Georgie, Vanessa, Georgina Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #08 in 2004, #25 in 2005, #88 in 2006 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Real Estate agent Georgina Anne Franklin stuck gold! Not only had she sold Jaden Connelly, singer extraordinaire about to retire, her dream house and made a bundle in commissions, she had made a friend. The gorgeous dark-haired, blue-eyed lankly singer and she just seemed to click together so perfectly...however, they could only be friends...or could they? Would Jaden's past mistakes be in their way? Could Georgie be just a friend? You'll have to read this enchanting and engrosing tale to find out! | |
A very touching story so far. I can't wait to read more of it. - Bug - May 18th, 2004 Gods, what a fantastic story. It really touched a part of me. You see, I can compare myself with Jaden. I am HIV pos aswell. So this story really, really touched me. I hope to read the rest soon. - Anonymous - May 30th, 2004 Brilliant start to the story, want more soon plz. - LuvTigger71 - May 31st, 2004 I think it's a very good story, when does part 4 come? I need to read it! - H - Aug 3rd, 2004 great story so far, cant wait for the rest! - blazinangelwings - Sep 4th, 2004 I'M IN LOVE!! ... whith this story ... uhm ... Anyway, this story is truly amazing, it's super, it will totally blow you away. Need I say more? READ IT! Don't walk, run! You'll be grateful to me, even when you're sitting behind the computer in the dead of the night with bleary eyes and you know you have to get up to work in few hours but you just can't put it down. Believe me, it'll happen! :D - Bacchus - Jan 17th, 2005 truely enjoyed your story and I anxiously await it's continuance and conclusion. The sex life should be welcomed and informative for many people. When can we expect more? - keylimegal@webtv.net - Feb 3rd, 2005 WOW!!!!!!!!! This story is just wonderfull I LOVE IT!!!! I was hanging on to every word . waiting to see what would happen next....I have a feeling where you left off is gonna be that Van is with child which I had suspected :) The Issues between Jae and G and how G wanted to be with her anyway even after knowing she was HIV positive was so sweet....durring this story I laughed and cried you just feel so much from the writing and that makes one awsome story.I recommend this story with high honers you will be stuck in your seat till the wee hrs of the morning (as I was) and still not want to leave it...I can't wait for more keep up the awsome writing...... - Xenasbards (XB) - Mar 19th, 2005 A truely amazing storyline, so intense in so many ways. Please Ambrosia...invite your muse over for dinner or something...allow your patient audience another taste of your talented mind...maybe a chapter or two or three?? - dez - Apr-04-2006 PLEASE.........MORE---NEED AN ENDING! OR A NEW BEGINNING?! THIS IS TOO GOOD NOT TO FINISH. - Anonymous - Apr-08-2006 Very cute story. I loved every minute of reading it. Hope someday there will be an end to this wonderful story. Definitely touched my romantic side. I absolutely recommend it to every woman searching for a lovely story. - Ines - Sep-03-2006 Please, please, please finish the story. I love it!!! - Anonymous - Sep-12-2006 Very sweet. Hope you finish it soon. - Anonymous - Nov-08-2006 This story just keeps getting smarter and the cast of characters become even more endearing with each new chapter. So very happy to see this story continued. The love relationship, careful and tender in nature, is bound to be an eye opening experience for anyone who reads it. And knowing the story is still in progress and many things yet to be resolved, keeps me checking this sites 'What's New' section on a daily basis! - dez - Dec-12-2006 great story, I love it! Can't wait to read more of it, so please update soon! - Anonymous - Jul-07-2007 I was beyond happy to see Chapter 12 posted and as with all of Ambrosia's works, always worth the wait. The characters are so quirky and we all learn a lot more about each of them, especially the minor characters in this chapter. VERY interested to see where the author goes with it next! - dez - Jul-07-2007 OH MY GOD!! This is one of my favorite stories ever. I love the plotlines and the characters. I can only pray that Ambrosia will find it in her heart to finish this story SOON!!! I highly recommend this story. - Xenangabfan - Feb-20-2008 OH MY!!! What a wonderful story to end my day... Hope you finish it soon :) - Anonymous - Mar-05-2008 I never read stories that are not finished anymore. But I figured with 412 pages I would be tired with it by the time I got to the last posted chaper. I was SOOO wrong. Jaden and Georgie are written so perfectly they seem like close friends. This story deals with some real-life issues and it has opened my eyes to a new world. I hope to be walking in my first AIDS walk this April. Please post the next chapter soon...I'll hold my breath so hurry! - Anonymous - Mar-26-2008 Great story but would be even better if it was finished - Anonymous - May-02-2008 This story is great please don't leave us hanging. - Toni - May-06-2008 Please Ambrosia finish this story..It's awesome...and Jaden & Georgie so deserved a happy ending. - Grace - May-08-2008 I have read, then reread the 12 available chapters so many times...it seems almost real..in a daydreaming sorta way. Last I heard, this talented bard is working on the 13th chapter. I would write corny poetry or senseless songs to her daily, if it would help to get the next chapter posted sooner...Maybe a cheer?? "I scream, you scream, we all scream for thirteen!! Yeah!!!" um, please?????ma'am?? - mayplemuse - May-08-2008 This is one of my all-time favorite stories. I keep rereading it over and over again. I would LOVE to see the author continue this story. - Anonymous - May-12-2008 I love this story. It needs to be finished soon. We have been waiting forever. - jules - Jul-18-2008 please,please finish this. It does deserve an ending and possibly publishing. It is a beautiful story - carro - Jul-25-2008 No ending yet? please we're begging... ;) - Yani - Jul-27-2008 I love this story....I am soooo waiting for the next chapters. - Anonymous - Jul-28-2008 i love the story just needs the ending please send the rest our way and soon. - artemisia - Aug-14-2008 I cant see reading something thats not finished. Maybe is should be pulled from web since its been years since there has been an update. If ever finsihed will read. Until then, pointless to do so. [Editor's Reply: The last update to Cherish was July of 2007, so I suppose that does equal 'years.' Two years between updates is hardly unusual; there have even been stories that have gone 5 or 6 years between updates. Cherish is clearly shown as UNfinished, so if you can't see yourself reading an unfinished story, don't read it. Suggestions that we remove the story because its unfinished status somehow annoys you will be treated with all the consideration it's due. - 9-2-2009] - Anonymous - Sep-01-2009 Unfinished as it may be, it hasn't stopped me from reading the 412 available pages again and again, because it is that good!! I do the same with "The Speed of the Beat..." Ambrosia and I used to YM weekly until about a year ago then *poof* no more contact..I hope she is okay, I really miss her sense of humor. If anyone has heard from her, let her know the muse is a grannymuse now!!! Hope we see her back with or without the next chapter... - mayplemuse - Sep-04-2009 PLEASE!!! Finish this story!! This story is too good and too important to be left with an incomplete! I'm sure I'm not the only reader who wants to read more about Jae and Georgie and their journey together!! I'm begging!! - Anonymous - Dec-11-2009 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Please, Please finish this story - can't wait to see how the wedding comes out. - Traveller - Mar-06-2010 I REALY hope Cherish gets completed. It's a wonderful story and I would love to read the conclusion. - Barb - Mar-18-2010 Even though it's not finished, this is a great story in many ways and it's worth to read. I sure hope the author WILL finish it SOMEDAY. But even if the author didn't, I will still re-read it, because I think it's THAT good. - Eliane - Aug-07-2010 one of my favorite of all... i hope ambrosia will finish this story - Dwee - Sep-16-2011 ***SPOILER***I'll admit that I didn't want to read this story for 2 reasons. 1 it is unfinished and 2 with the topic of HIV and AIDS in the book I figured it would have a sad ending. TOTALLY WRONG! It's a great read! Plus, there isn't an official ending. Some parts of the story are slightly confusing on who's talking but the story left me sleepless for 2 nights and days!! Completely hard to put down.Since reading this book, it's made me realize how lucky I am that I never had the urge to indulge in drugs or well... unsafe events and it has made me more aware of this disease. It's no longer the death sentence that it was years ago.It's totally endearing. Please read this! - Katie of Ohio - May-27-2013 Must read this story. And please finish it. :-) - diamond24 - Jan-02-2014 Immensely, fabulously entertaining. I give it a 9 instead of a 10 only because there is no conclusion. Of course it is regrettable that it isn't finished but we receive so much while reading what the author has given us. Thank you. - orcsage - Jan-17-2015 Please finish the it is a great story it needs an ending please please xx - SD - Apr-22-2015 How can you not finish this story why put all your time into something and never finish it so sad would love to read the rest :( - Anonymous - Oct-06-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 87 pages | Finished | Apr-04 Cast: Erin, Court, Vicki, Toni, Michelle, Lindsay, Alice Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #06 in 2004, #53 in 2008 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Erin Tucker wakes in her bed to the sweet delectable scent of peaches. When she opens her eyes she finds blonde hair and the sleepy green eyes of a naked stranger cuddled against her. Finding herself naked as well, and having little memory of the night before, she is indeed perplexed. Who is this person, and what's she doing in my bed? Erin is saved from further musings, when her girlfriend (make that ex-girlfriend) appears near the bed demanding an explanation. Things quickly get more complicated for Erin after finding out that she married this stranger the night before. Erin wants an annulment but Courtney Calloway has a slightly different proposal. Find out what that proposal is in yet another great read from Ambrosia! | |
All I can say is BRILLIANT!!!, I couldn't stop till I finished it.Ambrosia,great story! - Anonymous - Apr 23rd, 2004 great story!! the characterizations were very real and believable. It made me cry and made me smile. Awesome! - peaches - Apr 29th, 2004 Brilliant story. Brilliant writer. I read all of Ambrosia's stories and liked them all. I laughed and I cried. Truly a piece of art. I hope to read some more in the near future! - Bacchus - May 1st, 2004 Another great tale from a wonderful writer! Although it was somewhat predictable (at least to me), it's not the destination, but the journey getting you there! And Ambrosia takes you on one that you wish didn't end! I highly recommend this story! - gail - May 4th, 2004 Great story. Really enjoyed it. - xluvr - May 17th, 2004 Cute story! - Xenangabfan - Feb-21-2008 This is absolutely amazing. The title does not prepare you for the gem hidden beneath the whole story, neither does the teaser. There's great depth and meaning behind the plot. At the end I was reminded again that life is so precious and to treasure every moment and everyone that I have now. An excellent read! Totally recommended. - xiu - Feb-26-2008 My God! Such a wonderful story. It can brought you tears and happiness at the same time. I feel so luck to have found it. I highly recommend this story to all of you, not only this story is the best but also the author. I read most of her stories and they were all awesome. Take a look and have fun you guyz. - Anonymous - Mar-13-2008 What a sweet story. The characters are amusing and easy to like and it's very well written. If you don't fall in love with "Courtney" there's something wrong with your taste in women LOL Good one Ambroisa, thank you. - Tracy - Apr-12-2008 Wow, that was great. And, I had tears in my eyes at the end along with a huge goofy smile on my face. Bravo, Ambrosia. Bravo! - Jennifer - May-05-2008 Very awesome Story! Have about an hour in you day read this! :) - Ami - Jun-20-2009 exellent - Anonymous - Jun-21-2009 That was a great story. Loved the plot and characters.A short and sweet love story that leaves you with the "warm and fuzzyies" - uber goober - Feb-26-2010 Waking up married to a stranger?! Crazy! But the story is sweet and endearing. I've read it many times and each time it ends, it makes me want to read it all over again. I rate it 10 out of 10! - Maria - May-02-2011 oooo i loved this story, i have to say what happened before the surgery made me wonder what the end would be. brilliant story - braniac - Jan-07-2012 the story started out great, but towards the end it dwindles down.. it feels like the ending was rather rushed.. - xtra dog - Jan-25-2012 What a beautiful and great story! I loved it very much! Thank you for sharing. - Anna - Jan-26-2012 Nice story x - SD - Jun-25-2015 |
Eternal Love by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Apr-02 Related Episodes Ides of March (Xena) | ![]() |
This fanfic takes place after the episode 'Ides of March,' and has Xena and Gabrielle finally sharing their true feelings. | |
I remember this story because it was the first EVER Xena fanfic i read, being a teenager, completely oblivious to the world of subtext. I will always cherich it :) - Kat - Oct-24-2006 and so it begins.. - xtra dog - Jan-22-2012 |
Exclusive by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 24 pages | Finished | Jul-03 Cast: Gabrielle, Logan, Xena, Ricky, Eve Honors/Awards: #89 in 2003 | ![]() |
Here's an alternative X&G story, though there is a hint of Uber as well. Also, it's a post AFIN (Friend In Need) story that's a bit on the unusual side. | |
What a sweet little story! Definitely recommend it for anyone needing to brighten up their day. - Carinjo - Dec-06-2006 I really enjoyed this story. Nice ending for FIN. - Anonymous - Sep-14-2009 I liked this story. I thought it ended the series so much better than fin. - uber goober - Feb-26-2010 really nice story.. good twist at the end.. and a delight for those of us who hated FIN.. - xtra dog - Jan-25-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 55 pages | Finished | Jan-04 Cast: Brittany, Ben, Dave, Michael, Xena Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #11 in 2004, #59 in 2006, #83 in 2007 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
While in a catatonic state, Hannah Webster was actually reliving a past life. Her past life with a woman named Xena. It all ended when she died in Japa, her last memory being on a boat holding a small jar filled with her ashesąand then Hanna regained consciousness in the present. Some people, especially her parents, though she was not quite right. Now a best selling author, Hanna is not prepared for what her parents are capable of. But she will come to doubt her sanity herself when she meets up with Activity Coordinator, Brittany Sparrow, whose kinda familiar face and kind azure eyes are not those as a stranger at all. | |
I CAN NOT believe there's not a recommendation on this story. This is one of the best Ubers I've ever read, it's at least in the top 5 best ones I've ever read catagory. READ THIS!!! you will not be disappointed It's one of Ambrosia's best works. - Draco - Oct-27-2006 OMG It's very good!!!!!!! If you haven't readed this than please do. If you don't like the last eps of Xena and its ending than this story is a must read. - Kuu-chan - Apr-10-2007 Awesome story! - Xenangabfan - Feb-21-2008 Oh, now this was great!! What a wonderful conclusion to FIN!! So glad I stopped to read it...you will be too!!! - JC - Mar-08-2008 Wow. I loved Cherish and this was no execption. This is the kind of story you cannot get out of your mind. I rushed home from work to finish it. Although it is shorter the charaters very well developed. Great read! - Amanda - Apr-06-2008 Loved the premise. This would have made a great part III to the fin ending. - rleef - Feb-06-2009 You know a story good when it gets your emotions going. For example this story had me very very anger at Hannah parents! Read and find out why I was so anger. - Ami - Jun-20-2009 Your right about Hanna's parents. But, their stupidity aside, another great xena urber tale added to the authors growing list. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 Ambrosia is a very talented author that writes great love stories and this one is no exception. I really like her tales and if you read them I sure you will too. - uber goober - Feb-28-2010 Oh my god...this is how it should have ended. briliant plain briliant, read it people. - Anonymous - Jan-07-2012 Oh my god...this is how it should have ended briliant plain briliant, read it people and you - braniac - Jan-07-2012 first of all: this was an awesome story.. second: i don't get the referals to FIN some of the other readers have made.. i think the story reflects more on the IOM episode.. the author cleverly used that episode to get a break through in the story.. and ultimately: some people have less sense than the day they were born, but unfortunately those are often not the ones who end up in a mental institution.. - xtra dog - Jan-25-2012 As my late husband Draco said 9yrs ago, "this is one of the best X & G Ubers I've ever read". Ambrosia tied IOM in the plot very well w/ a hint of FIN to round out this great work. - Lysia - Mar-17-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 367 pages | Finished | Apr-02 Cast: Desiree, Piper Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #69 in 2002, #23 in 2003, #57 in 2004 | ![]() |
Desiree Love had a hectic day, however this claim is probably a total understatement. First of all, she slept late, then she was caught in bumper to bumper traffic on the freeway, whereas it would usually move along smoothly, because she left early enough. Since there was a traffic jam, Desiree ended up almost being two and half-hours late, which her boss berated her for. Desiree, known for being a rather patient person most of the time, acted the complete opposite then. Next thing you know, she was packing her belongings...Then she found out her boyfriend had found someone else...Could it get any worse? Later that night, out to get ice cream, a cold barrel is put to her head and she's told to drive. Things might have gotten worse...maaaybe...but those blue eyes were electric! (Originally begun posting April 2002 - Revised May 2003) | |
This was a story that made you laugh and cry! It's an excellent story about finding innocence in the one you love. - Jenni - Nov 15th, 2002 This was a great story. I'm waiting for the rest, hopefully not in vain. - Alex - Mar 18th, 2003 I meant this story (Hostage of the Heart). I need some cafeine, please. - ip_reverso - Mar 20th, 2003 A brilliant story, can't wait for the next installments to be written, when you read this story make sure you are sitting comfortably in a nice comfy chair, because you will not want to move until you have finished it. - LuvTigger71 - Jun 2nd, 2004 This one had me hooked from the beginning. Read this one - you'll be glad you did! - Opus - Apr-22-2006 Ambrosia sure knows how to tell a good story. She mentioned that she would be writing a sequel to this story. I hope that she does.Piper and Desiree are awesome characters! - Xenangabfan - Feb-22-2008 Ambrosia sure knows how to tell a good story. She mentioned that she would be writing a sequel to this story. I hope that she does.Piper and Desiree are awesome characters! - Xenangabfan - Feb-22-2008 must read greay story and nice twists - me - May-03-2008 what a great read. It has its ups and downs but is a great ride. - rleef - Feb-06-2009 Great story. But, dang it where is the sequel. You cant leave us hanging like that<pouting>. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 This was an okay story but I didn't think it was one of Ambrosia's better efforts. I found that I liked the secondary character Taj better than I liked either of the main characters, Piper or Desiree. - uber goober - Mar-06-2010 *** SPOILER ALERT *** hmm.. i liked the story but i got side tracked a lot.. maybe there was too much information on all the characters?? there was also one aspect of the story that was simply impossible.. emily's letter to her sister defies all logic and time.. she could not have related what happened that night since she was physically no longer possible to do so.. - xtra dog - Jan-24-2012 because of this story i wanna be a hostage :)):)):)) great read! - braniac - May-12-2012 fast paced, you just read and read and read and don t want to stop. - opensource - Feb-28-2013 I read this story a long time ago just reading again and I found myself wisbing Piper and Larissa got together instead of piper and Desi - B - Jun-11-2013 Good story but have mixed feelings seem to be a lot going on got a bit put off at times with this story - SD - Jun-26-2015 |
How I Spent My Tartarus Vacation by
Buffy | Ancient | General (Mature) | Humor | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Apr-02 Related Episodes Sacrifice, Part II (Xena) Cast: Gabrielle, Angel | ![]() |
This is quite a different and interesting 'Buffy' crossover, featuring Angel and Gabrielle, in some darkly funny moments. | |
not being an angel fan, this story was not my cup of tea.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 38 pages | Finished | Cast: Brooke, Julie, Tanya, Kyle, Berry, Cooper, Jamie, Karen, Destiny | ![]() |
Short but a brilliant story. Made me cry and smile! Loved it! - Yani - May-08-2008 I really liked this short little better late than never love story. - uber goober - Mar-05-2010 aww this is such a sweet story.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 What a cute story! - Ricky - Mar-30-2012 Awww, what a sweet story! The ending was just perfect too, leaving the reader with a hint of what may happen next. - Stacia - May-22-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 28 pages | Finished | May-05 Cast: Chase, Micah, Elise, Melissa, Mic, Caitlin | ![]() |
Liked it enough to recommend it! Good reading, this one. - Mile D'Cast - May-09-2007 Ever wanted to take one single moment in your life and get a do-over? Well for author, Chastity Sinclair, it was meeting Melissa Ward, the woman who pretended to love her just to steal the novels Chase authored. Chase gets the chance at a glimpse of just how different her life could have been with a certain tall, dark haired blue-eyed ... hmmm makes me want to make a birthday wish... Thanks Ambrosia, another GREAT story - toni - Apr-16-2008 **** Spoiler Warning **** Should have a sequel, they should somehow get back at Melissa. - Anonymous - May-31-2008 Have you ever wanted a "do over". This story will give you the chance. - rleef - Feb-06-2009 What an incredible story. I belive one of Ambrosia's finer efforts. I wouldn't mind a sequel to this story either. This tale chockes you up, tuggs at your heart strings and leaves you feeling good with it's upbeat ending. - Uber Goober - Mar-06-2010 great title to a great story.. a cross over between a fairy tale and fate.. well written, good job.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 Wow, what a different story because at the end we don't really know if the girl keeps the girl. A satisfying read right up until the end, when you're left thinking "that's it?!" Begs a sequel!! - Stacia - May-22-2013 ****SPOILER ALERT**** Good story but the ending annoyed me because it happened so quickly after Desiree slept with someone else. - Anonymous - Jun-11-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 26 pages | Finished | Cast: Joely, Blaire, Otis, Perris, Stacy, Performed | ![]() |
Very clever; very much like the real thing. Once I caught on, I must say I was very amused and curious to finish. Nice work! - R8drGrl - Dec-16-2008 very unique and entertaining story! Kudos for coming up with something so inventive ... your stories are so damn different than the norm. Robin - Anonymous - Apr-06-2010 funny uber rendition of one of the episodes.. the fifth robe was hilarious.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 |
Switch (The) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Cast: Taryn, Mia, Nancy, Sharon | ![]() |
I thought wife swapping was a thing of the '70's! Now, the 21st century version is truely depicting an "alternative lifestyle"! Throw in the homage to "Been There, Done That" and "Groundhog Day" and Ambrosia turns infidelity into a quest for the greater good!!I LOVE IT!;D This story would make for a very enjoyable "Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits" episode! Too bad network heads are such prudes, TV might be worth veiwing if that wasn't the reality we all have to endure, at least for now, we can read and dream!!! - dez - Aug-04-2007 Hot and mysterious! - Anonymous - Oct-01-2009 I really enjoyed this story. i didn't anticipate the twists. The writer managed to combine humour, poignancy and longing very well. I wasn't sure how it would end but it was very satisfying. Good read. - Lyn B - Feb-10-2011 this was a very sweet story.. and hot.. - xtra dog - Jan-26-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 63 pages | Finished | Apr-03 Cast: Kori, Skylar Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #14 in 2003, #34 in 2004, #27 in 2005 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Kori Eaton remained in her usual hiding place, patiently waiting for everyone to vacate the expansive building. Glancing at her Mickey Mouse watch, she noticed the time. 8:48 p.m. Based on the last few nights she'd spent here, she knew that everyone would be gone by 9:15. Then she would have the versatile department store all to herself. However, unbeknownst to the 5'5" blonde, not everyone had left Shopholics... Ambrosia does it again, creating a quirky and wonderful romance! | |
The story of Kori Eaton and Skylar Whitney. An unusual meeting turns into an unforgettable night. A recently singled Kori, has been "living" at the Shopaholics Department store when one night, she finds out she is not alone in the store. A soon to be unhappily married Skylar, loses track of time (in the ladies room) to discover she was locked in the building with this stranger till morning. The events of the night would change both women forever. This tale was fun-loving and creative in nature, but most of all it had loads of that romantic stuff I crave. I would happily recommend this story. - Di Bauden - May 6th, 2003 Liked this story, its a must read if you are a fan. - LuvTigger71 - Jun 2nd, 2004 I loved this story. I really dont usually read uber but I am glad I read this. Thanks to Ambrosia for writing this. - Anonymous - Mar 28th, 2005 Ambrosia has one the most vivid imaginations I've ever "seen". The bard's descriptive abilities are so clear, I can SEE Kori and Skylar driving the length of aisle 3,it still cracks me up just thinking about it! - dez - Oct 27th, 2005 Ambrosia has a way with putting quirky characters together. I was laughing through the funny parts, sighing at the romantic parts and grining at the good parts. It's a great story to read when you need an "Ambrosia Fix." Go on and read it. It's guaranteed to make you smile. - Mary - Jan 7th, 2006 One word, SPEECHLESS!!!! From what I can tell, one of the BEST all around, funny, captivating, compeling, etc... story I've ever read!!! If you are browsing and wondering on story to read next, this is not a proposal but a command, READ THIS!!!!! - Kuu - Jun-06-2007 What can I say.... Ambrosia rocks!! - Xenangabfan - Feb-22-2008 Lol, I love this story, my fellow Xena urber lovers, give it a go. You will loveeee it. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 I really liked this story a lot.It was very cute and sweet. - uber goober - Mar-09-2010 ok i just read this one for the first time and it was great. i really wish there was a second one though so i could find out what happens to these girls. - pickles - May-16-2010 call me a mushball but this story is giddyingly sweet, softly romantic. you want a silly grin on your face, read this and get that nice goofy feeling. - kc - Aug-21-2010 Awww! I so totally loved that! Great story and so cute and funny. I laughed a lot. Thank you! - Anonymous - Dec-18-2010 holy smokes loved this story! i couldnt stop reading it - Jayleen - Dec-07-2011 couldnt get link to work - Anonymous - Dec-14-2011 what a fun little valentine ditty.. the scenes at the stores are where the best dialogues were held.. amazing what a song can set in motion.. so thanx to the author and to shania twain.. ;) - xtra dog - Jan-25-2012 A funny and sweet story - I really enjoyed it! - Ricky - Feb-24-2012 link broken - Anonymous - Apr-01-2012 Beautiful! So very awesome! I would have loved to see Sky meat Kori's family though. (: - Anonymous - May-21-2013 Great story! - Samantha - Feb-02-2016 link is broken - Anonymous - Oct-06-2016 |