The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - anex -
Stories Found: 7
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1941 by anex     
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 45 pages | Finished | Sep-08
The summer of 1941 was the hottest Rose Taylor could remember. The 18 year old land army recruit boarded a train at Manchester Piccadilly station with two goals in mind; adventure and to serve her country in its time of need.
great story - Anonymous - Sep-08-2008   

thank you! for sharing, this story. - sub - Nov-13-2008   

I just finished 1941 (Dang if it wasn't too short, but such a wonderful story...I didn't want it to end), and you placed me, your reader, right within your story. I was there with Kate and Rose when they had their picnic, and I could see the devastation and smell the smoke with Rose once she reappeared from shelter after the bombing. Thank you for the very worthwhile entertainment and the most welcomed escape from reality...for a few minutes any way. - Sonya - Nov-19-2008   

I love this story! Please please write a sequel. - Liza - Nov-22-2008   

Loved this story. So well written and engaging. Would love to see a novel length version. - Anonymous - Dec-02-2008   

mmm...pleasant. Very pleasant indeed. I could read it in the comfort that I was probably learning a thing or two about how to write short stories that flow well. More than that, I liked your insistence on a bit of character development before the women slobber over each other like a pack of she-dogs in heat (you can tell I've seen too many fics consisting of only the latter). Wait, she-dogs don't go for each other. We will ignore that technicality.

I particularly liked that the girls "obviously had a mind". - Lethal_Teapot - Apr-08-2009   

BEAUTIFUL!!!VERY WELL WRITTEN, ROMANTIC, ENCHANTING... The character Katherine is very charming .The end a little abrupt, but don't compromising .Bravo, Anex, for an unforgettable story!

- Leth Cross - Apr-11-2009   

I had read the first and loved it but I really enjoyed this revision just as much if not more. Keep 'em coming. Take care, Bett - Anonymous - Apr-13-2009   

This is the first time I've read one of your stories and I enjoyed it very much. Rose and Kate certainly had a lot going against them. I really liked the character of Sam.
Anymore going on with these 2? Thanks,Pat - Pat Iserman - Apr-17-2009   

It was a good short read. She says in the disclaimers that she changed the ending because of complains. I'm curious as to the other ending. I also think this story has one of the most poinient lines I've ever read in a fanfic:
"It was like discovering the meaning of life. "

- Amanda - Sep-28-2009   

Really a wonderful, enjoyable, engaging read. Well done. I would specifically read this author again. - Anonymous - Oct-02-2009   

I really liked this story. I liked it so well that I wished it had kept going. - uber goober - Mar-16-2010   

Anex - you are a very talented author ! Loved your short novella and my only wish was it was much longer so I could spend more time with the characters. Thank you for sharing your bardic skills with us here ! - Anonymous - Sep-06-2010   

I enjoyed reading this story. It feels like there should be a sequel to it though. I'd like to see how their lives turned out. This is very well written and even without the romance there's a lot to enjoy about this period in time. Very nice. - Lyn B - Apr-10-2011   

"I think perhaps I maybe turning in to a sex maniac." Freaking hilarious. A very sweet story. - kc - Apr-21-2011   

so much has been said about this story already.. all true.. the fact that several people have quoted lines from the story is a dead give away just how well loved this story is.. - xtra dog - Dec-01-2011   

A to Xena by anex     
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Dec-06
This is an XWP tale of no particular timeframe. Our two heroines are off on a mission to deliver an important and precious document to Athens. A sort of fore runner to Fed-X (maybe the 'X' really stands for Xena!) Anywho& Our girls get into a playful spat and have a few laughs and a little adventure along the way.
XWP got cancelled here eons ago, practically in that time of gods, warlords, etc. This story & others are the reason why I'm still saving for the 6 season box set. anex, thanks so much. To everyone else, prepare for lotsa giggles... - Nici South Africa - Mar-17-2009   

This was a wonderfully amusing story where I found myself laughing out loud and sputtering. Very very funny and witty. It would have worked great as a Xena episode, once again showing how original the fan fiction writers are compared to some of the thin plots the TV writers come up with for the series. - Karon Reiter - Jul-01-2011   

original idea and funny execution.. - xtra dog - Dec-01-2011   

Cute, funny story! The author's depiction of Xena and Gabrielle's interaction is spot on. - Anonymous - Sep-19-2017   

Dying Inside by anex     
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Mar-07
Great beginning to what could be a wonderful story. But very cute in it's own rite. - Intl Warrior - Feb-21-2010   

aww, so cute.. - xtra dog - Dec-01-2011   

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (The) by anex     
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Sep-12
Short, sweet and powerful. - Georgia - May-29-2014   

Short, sweet and powerful. - Georgia - May-29-2014   

Heiresses and Harlots by anex     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 61 pages | Finished | Nov-06
Honors/Awards:  Perennial Favorite Award: #46 in 2006, #19 in 2007     Top-25 #1.    
Part 1 of a Series
Series List: Heiresses and Harlots, Tycoons and Tearaways, Moguls and Mistresses
Darcy Edwards is a no-nonsense self made publishing tycoon, Cassandra Miller is a sassy and penniless hooker. A chance encounter sets the two on a journey of self discovery, friendship and love.
This is such a great story. Very creative charactors and I can't wait for more to come. Very talented writer - Anonymous - Dec-02-2006   

Enjoyed this v much. Easy reading and fun. Can't wait for the sequel! - Mickey - Jan-21-2007   

A fun take on Pretty Woman and a great story. Jonesing for a sequel. - Chan - Jan-28-2007   

great dream)) - krila - Aug-02-2007   

I liked the story very much even though it was very "pretty Woman-ish" it was still a very delightful take on it. - uber goober - Mar-17-2010   

This is a great series full of charm, humor, and is sexy as Hell! Well worth the read - Anonymous - Mar-29-2010   

Loved the twist on "Pretty Woman", alternate style. Cute, fun read for a weekend escape. On to the next short sequel. Anex is a talented author. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2010   

I really loved this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Dec-04-2010   

i think the author wanted to make a statement about 'pretty woman'.. the reference to julia roberts was not exactly subtle.. but it's a good story and i'm curious what the sequels will bring.. - xtra dog - Nov-30-2011   

This is a great series. Very much along the lines of Pretty Woman but even better. Read all three - well worth your time. - Georgia - May-29-2014   

Moguls and Mistresses by anex     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 40 pages | Finished | Sep-07
Part 3 of a Series
Series List: Heiresses and Harlots, Tycoons and Tearaways, Moguls and Mistresses
Torn apart by blackmail and deceit, Darcy and Cass struggle to find their way back to each other. But when Cass's past again catches up with her& can love conquer all?
I'm a big fan of this series. The three stories flow so well from one to the next, each one revealing more of the main characters and deepening the bond between them. Don't be dissuaded by the wealthy woman/prostitute genre, there is a depth to these stories and to these characters, you'll be glad you read them. I especially enjoyed the way anex, with one short exchange, brought the story full circle in this installment. I thought that was very clever and a nice touch. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2007   

This trilogy is a fun read. anex progressively grows the storyline and the characters. - Lee - Sep-20-2008   

What a great story loved all three parts and especially the ending. - uber goober - Mar-17-2010   

Bravo, Bravo ! This novella triology was a sweet, fun read. Highly recommended. Great job anex. Planning to read more of your stories. Thank you for sharing your wonderful bardic skills and talent. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2010   

still loved the second story the most in this trilogy.. although i really enjoyed reading what fate befell mel.. :) - xtra dog - Nov-30-2011   

Tycoons and Tearaways by anex     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 37 pages | Finished | Apr-07
Honors/Awards:  #43 in 2007     Top-25 #1.    
Part 2 of a Series
Series List: Heiresses and Harlots, Tycoons and Tearaways, Moguls and Mistresses
Darcy is presented with an offer she can't refuse from her ex girlfriend. Do the consequences spell disaster for the blossoming relationship between the heiress and the former harlot?
Run...don't walk to read this fantastic sequel. I am so
into this trilogy of Darcy and Cass. It is funny...riviting
romantic. a wonderful sequel to "Hieress & Harlots. - Christi - May-04-2007   

enjoying getting to know these girls better. twisty little plot. - msprism - May-04-2007   

WOO HOO!!!!! A BIG thanks to you all for taking the time & trouble to read my stories. You inspire me to keep Darcy & Cass alive with your kind words and encouragement. Plenty more to come from these two I promise. I'm off to polish my medal now - tee hee... anex xxx - anex - May-07-2007   

Loved this story! Be sure to read the first story so you'll get the gist of the characters but this one is definitely a "must read". Can't wait for the next part! - Dylan - May-17-2007   

This one was even better and left you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the final outcome. - uber goober - Mar-17-2010   

All I can say is thank goodness there is one final story. The triology just keeps getting better and better. Bravo - you kept me hanging. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2010   

great sequel.. better than the first story.. - xtra dog - Nov-30-2011   

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