As Long As the Earth Endures by
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 221 pages | Finished | Nov-98 Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Meleager Honors/Awards: #43 in 2002 Links: Athenaeum's Scroll Archives | ![]() |
You will enjoy this tale of adventure, comedy and romance as Xena and Gabrielle are enlisted by Meleaguer the Mighty to help him escort the Pristesses of Innana to their sacred home. In transit, amazons and foes collide and Xena and Gabrielle learn some very interesting things about themselves and each other. You too will go throught the wringer on this one, culminating in a very unexpected mass turn of events that will leave you speechless! | |
Beautiful! Wonderful story, excellent character development. Moved with perfect grace and beauty. I love it! - ROCallisto - Jun 20th, 2002 I have read this particular story about 12 times, and it never ceases to hold my interest. This is probably my very favorite fan fic of all time, and I hope everyone out there reads it and enjoys as much as I have! - Anonymous - Nov 19th, 2002 What an amazing story! Don't rush through this one, sit back and savour every word. - carinjo - Jan-09-2007 One of the all time great fics. - michael - Aug-15-2008 I've read this work many times since it was first posted on the web. I always touches me. The author has tapped into the the deep well of spirit and feeling that is the feminine principle. The is a gentle blending of story telling and philosophy. A completely uplifting experience. - wasabigirl - Aug-22-2008 Thanks for writing! - Little - Mar-14-2009 Beautifully written story, highly recommended - JettBlk - Feb-06-2010 Great story!! one of the best I've ever read!! - Xena - Mar-08-2010 i really love this story - sassy123 - Sep-20-2010 Really, really well done. Excellent read. Gives you a whole different perspective on things. - MoSeS - Oct-06-2010 Wonderful! Beautifully written and well thought out story. I defy any subtexter to not enjoy this one. A keeper! - ianic - Mar-28-2011 What a gem of a story. Really enjoyed it tremendously. Thanks Bracer for sharing it with us. Highly recommended. - colorado fan - Apr-18-2011 oh a verryy gggooooodd sotry I recommend this for all XWP lovers - erma - May-30-2011 This is an exceptionally tightly written epic story that is superior to most fan fiction stories. It has impressive detail and maintains its pace even though it is quite long. It has all the elements of a substantial skilled narrative, romance, humor, adventure and myth. The characters are multi dimensional and are easily visualized as flesh and blood along with some original characters that are equally complimentary to the story. This is a wonderful novel that is solid and enduring. What I liked most about this piece was the author addressing a much maligned character within Hebrew myth and the biblical apocrypha and gave her her voice and her power back, a voice that has been silenced by the patriarchs of the monotheistic religions for well over 2000 years, that have slandered and defamed her along with other strong and independent women, demanding they be beaten down into submission and second class status and learn to be sweet to their overlords. This is what they did to Lilith, the first woman before Eve, making her into a demon and succubus. Bracer brings her back to her rightful place before she was villanized by the Sky God religions. This is a highly recommended classic Xena story that is a keeper for the future when the well dries up for want of classic Xena stories. - kazy - Sep-05-2011 Fantastic story, interesting ending and one I will read again and again. If you have not read it, you should! - Starry - Oct-03-2011 This story was brilliant the writer depicted Xena and Gabrielle perfectly... loved every moment of it - Mel - Mar-03-2012 nhuh6A - xIhdsQdyW - Jul-11-2012 3xJgG9 - HvsOLFZplJqg - Jul-11-2012 |
Two Souls by
Xena | General (Mature) | Mystery | Short Story - 30 pages | Finished | Jul-98 Related Episodes Sacrifice, Part II (Xena) Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Artemis, Aleph, Joxer, Dahak, Ares, Callisto Links: The Bard's Corner @ AUSZIP | ![]() |
In this touching projection of one of the possible outcomes of "Sacrifice II," the gods take it upon themselves to lend a hand to Xena, grieving over the loss of her beloved bard. But in this tale, not even Hades knows if Gabrielle is dead, and an even more ancient power than the current gods may yet provide an answer to the riddle. Is Gabrielle lost to Xena forever? You will enjoy finding out the answer. |