Apocalypse: Book 1 - Nemesis by
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 114 pages | Finished | Jan-03 Cast: Gabrielle, Mira, Virgil, Xena, Ares Part 1 of the Apocalypse Series Series List: Apocalypse: Book 1 - Nemesis, Apocalypse: Book 2 - Inferno | ![]() |
Set 12 years after FIN, this story follows an older, life-hardened Gabrielle as she reluctantly returns to Rome to help an old friend. Here she is plagued by painful memories, a crippling heat wave, and a growing menace that threatens to engulf the warrior, her friends and the entire world in its evil. Facing personal demons and enemies old and new, Gabrielle is led to a shocking confrontation that will change everything she holds to be true. If it doesnÆt kill her first. | |
Great start to a series. Quite an engaging read. - Anonymous - Oct-15-2006 I loved THIS!! Lots of action and character like the show! This would be a great movie if they made one! I can't wait to read the 2nd one!!! - CurlyCue - Jul-23-2007 This post-FIN story and its counterpart are XWP storytelling at its best. Amazing description, dramatization, characterization. This story is so believeable, so compelling, it should be the basis for the Xena movie we've been waiting for, or the premiere for a new XWP series. - Spyrel - Jun-06-2008 Easily the best Post-FIN writer ever. Erotic, poetic and full of action. Finish this please!!! - Poppyflame - Jun-16-2008 I wanted this story to go on and on. Good read!! - purplehawke - Jul-10-2008 Great read. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 This is such a good story and I'm so effed off cause I didn't realize that part 2 was not finished!!! I'll probably go read it anyway and deal with the repercussions later. I love how this writer has written the evolution of Gabrielle. I'm such a died hard Xena loyalist because of her strong character traits that I didn't give Gab much of a look, but thinking of her like this, less naieve, she's won me over. Like I said, I'll read more and curse myself later. - JettBlk - Feb-07-2010 One of the best - if not the best - post FIN stories written. Had it not been a post FIN story - it still would be one of the most outstanding stories I've read. This is a review for both Books. There was so much detail. The author certainly did a lot of research about the ancient world, taking advantage of history (wow, what a concept)- even though she mocks herself in the disclaimer that she butchered history, it sure does feel real to meas I read the story - way more than the TV series. But that's just a bonus added to the actual story itself as we read about Gabrielle 12 years after losing Xena. Her depiction of Gabrielle and all that she embodies -- all the misgivings and sorrow and suffering and heart that she endures without her partner makes this story so tragic and so agonizing to read but you keep reading it anyway because as tragic as Gabrielle's emotional and mental state is - there is hope. This was one of my favorite all time Xena stories - ever. It left such an impression on me and stayed with me for weeks. Damn, it's still with me, now. It was an exceptional, superior read. Thank you Brigit. What is it with the Morgan authors? They're all fantastic writers. Mary, Brigit - there's another one too, can't remember. If they ever want to make a movie that would bring Xena back, this would be it. - Karon Reiter - Jul-01-2011 I want to thank Karon Reiter for the many recommendations she has done on stories through out the Athenaeum. She has been descriptive enough to make you want to read the story without giving the whole plot away and so far she has been spot on. This is an awesome story!! - Krafty - Jul-29-2011 I read this first one and it gave me pause. It was harder than most because of the unique writing style but that was also some of why I liked it. The characters were unique, pained, and engaging to me. I liked how the author showed the constant machinations of Ares, as well as painted a good picture of what Gabrielle would have become post fin and without the other half of her soul. Well done! - Kelly Aten - Sep-04-2016 |
Apocalypse: Book 2 - Inferno by
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 273 pages | Unfinished | Feb-03 Cast: Mira, Gabrielle, Virgil, Eve, Joshua, Nero, Gallus, Aphrodite, Ares, Nemesis, Agrippina, Cyrus, Quirinal, Sibylline Part 2 of the Apocalypse Series Series List: Apocalypse: Book 1 - Nemesis, Apocalypse: Book 2 - Inferno | ![]() |
As the scalding heat wave continues, Gabrielle and her friends must smuggle Eve and the Cult of Eli out of Rome. Complicating matters are the dark machinations of Ares, the madness of the Emperor Nero and the warriorÆs own doubt in her abilities. A doubt compounded by the painful confusion caused by her battle with the mysterious Assassin of the Gods, Nemesis. | |
I still think this is some of the best writing on the net. The story is great and it's damn near poetic. It's really, really hard waiting for part 4, but you can't rush genius. One thing I don't understand is why does the title of the book appear to change with parts 2 and 3 from Inferno to Penumbra - Sharon - Oct 23rd, 2003 ok you cant just leave it hanging there....this is an excellant tale........... - floss - Apr 14th, 2004 I believe this is the best post FIN story I have come across. - Anonymous - May 21st, 2004 This is a great story! I can't find the right words to phrase it, except excellent! - Anonymous - Jun 30th, 2004 Haunting, erotic, poetic, brilliant. This is the first time I've felt the need to write a comment, but after reading Book 1 & 2 over 2 weeks ago, I still can't get this one out of my mind. I'm spoiled now and find anything else I read a bit mundane. Morgan is a wonderful author, probably one of the best I've read. Go get published already! Original plot, excellent grammar and spelling and real intrigue. I do hope it will be finished? thanks so much. - Ldyswoman - Jan 21st, 2005 If you could only read one classic story ever again youÆd have to choose this one. BrigitÆs words are lyrical, sensitive, stirring, moving and down right heartbreaking at times but she tingeÆs them with a glimmer of hope.The only negative thing I can say about this series is itÆs not posted quickly enough for my greedy habit. IÆve been reading this regularly for what must be three years now and IÆm just dying to read the conclusion. Having said that, you can see why from the quality of BrigitÆs work that itÆs produced expertly and lovingly without fault and that takes precious time.When you here ætalkÆ about making a Xena movie, IÆd be very happy indeed if someone told me they were going to use this novella to do it.Go read this now! - Sai - Feb 17th, 2005 Brigit Morgan's Apocalypse series is absolutely, mind-blowingly brilliant. Masterfully written, plotted, and executed, this series is one of the best works of fiction I've read in any fandom, any genre. Period. - leavethesky - Oct-07-2006 Quite sad that this one is not finished. It's well plotted, well written. Really sucks you in and then, well, leaves you hanging... - Anonymous - Oct-15-2006 What can I say that hasn't been said already about this story? About this writer? She is absolutely brilliant. She definitely needs to be published if she isn't already. This kind of writing is the reason why I read fan fiction, why I trudge through the mediocre writing, in hopes of finding something this moving, this enthralling, this riveting. For those who already don't know, part 2 of Apocalypse Book Two: Inferno is completed and finished over at the Bards of the Universe the url for part 2 is: http://www.futuremuse.com/xena/stories/inferno1.htm It is a little difficult to navigate the parts at the bottom of the page where it says it's concluded in part 4 when in fact it is not. It says at the bottom of part 4, continued in part 2 and even though there is a part 2 when you hit this link it actually goes to part 5. Then at the bottom of that page there is a part 6 and then that will take you to some extra parts to the actual conclusion. the webmistress of The Athenaeum might want to know this and contact Ms. Morgan to get the remainder of her story on this site as well. I wish Brigit Morgan would write more classic Xena fiction. We need more writing like hers to keep the Xenaverse alive. - Karon Reiter - Sep-08-2007 Brigit is the finest XWP fanfiction writer ever. If you have never read one of her stories do it now. Brigit, if you are reading this... please continue what you are doing. We love you and your work and I always look forward to anything you write. You are a legend. Kez - Kez - Sep-15-2007 Does anyone know whether this will ever be finished? It is a real shame to leave such a masterpiece like this. Brigid, are you still around? - Kez - Oct-06-2008 Beautifully written. Morgan is so imaginative, original, and fluid. The story is gripping, though sometimes there's a lot of over-detail, especially in fight scenes which is more television than fiction, but this is easily forgiven by the prolific,beautiful language, and original craftsman/woman-ship. Go get published! - XSDARKLORD - Feb-08-2009 The best post-Fin story I've had the pleasure of reading. Can't help but wish the author had finished it. Still... I am in awe of the awesomeness. -Cookies - Cookies - Feb-24-2009 A Very good story. It's disappointing it doesn't have an end. I wasn't drawn to it first, but as I read on, I found it fascinating. The authour's knowledge of Latin terminology and different aspects of Roman life is quite notable. She knows how to weave the fabric of a story. - XS-DARKLORD - Feb-27-2009 This is an amazing read, I sincerely hope the author will one day finish it. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 Wish it was done - JettBlk - Feb-08-2010 Awesome read. Nice job - sassy123 - Oct-14-2011 It's 2015 and this story is still the best I've ever read, post-FIN or otherwise. If the author is still about, she should know we're still reading and still hoping for a continuation. Agree with all those who said this would have made the perfect film follow-up (or follow-up to a new series). Cinematic storytelling of high caliber and an emotional punch that stays with you. What really stands out is the subtle and poetic economy of the writing. Simply outstanding. - PoeNoe - Jul-10-2015 I actually just finished with this one yesterday and I'm sad about one thing. There does not appear to be a third book, which would finish out the story. However that being said, I did get some satisfaction from the third book and enjoyed the pacing immensely. It is an emotional read and very much in the character's heads. If you like that sort of thing then definitely give the first and second story in this series a go. If you just cannot live without a proper end that ties up the story line... give it a go anyway. The first two are still very good! - Kelly Aten - Sep-04-2016 |
Blonde (The) by
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 13 pages | Finished | Cast: Otis, Syene, Nomads, Rho Part 2 of the To Rest Series Series List: To Rest, Blonde (The), Silent Country (The) | ![]() |
Set three years Post-FIN, this story follows the young daughter of a gladiator, her daily life helping out at the arena and her conflicted impressions of a certain soul-damaged blonde gladiatrix. | |
This is, hands down, my favorite fanfic ever. The portrayal of Gabrielle is so real, I feel like I'm in her skin, just as lost and adrift as she is. This is a damaged Gabrielle, completely estranged from the girl she used to be. The most gut-wrenching part is she knows it, when she allows herself to feel or think anything at all. A must read for any reader, and especially any writer. - Spyrel - Jun-06-2008 Superlative writing. I cannot recommend this story strongly enough. - ab - Aug-01-2009 |
Five Hotels by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 45 pages | Finished | Nov-04 Cast: Carcen, Lela, Brooke, Missy Honors/Awards: #78 in 2004 | ![]() |
A day in the life of beautiful, syndicated sci-fi actress Carcen Ashe; a woman doomed to attend a small town fan convention and to have some of her most tragic flaws and mistakes tear her apart. | |
Why have i not known about this author before?!!! It's hard to believe that she's made something that is miserable and so beautiful at the same time. And I'm talking about all of her work. Truly amazing. - Anonymous - Oct-11-2006 It's a really good story.....but I don't get it... might just be me... - Nicole - May-04-2009 Beautiful and harsh this is an emotionally challenging read but well worth it. Highly recommended if you need a break from fluff and want something with a little more depth. - jos - May-07-2009 Dark, dark, dark. But so wonderfully written. This writer is truly a first-class wordsmith. She uses words to paint pictures so clear in the mind's eye. If you appreciate the skillful use of language, you will be impressed with this author. - Anonymous - May-10-2009 This writer is a master wordsmith. She has painted word pictures that elicit feelings to share with her story. Yes, lots of angst, sadness and other deep feelings, yet to read this story is to know this author is a master of her language. Writers out there should definitely make this writer a MUST READ. - Anonymous - Feb-20-2010 This writer has what it takes to make it big. I normally like writing that's less abstract but she sucked me in and made me care about this character. I just wish the writer would finish the story as it feels like a chapter in a Novel rather than a short story sketch. I'd like to know what happens to this character... - JC - Dec-05-2011 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 18 pages | Finished | Cast: Io, Alexander, Jason Part 3 of the To Rest Series Series List: To Rest, Blonde (The), Silent Country (The) | ![]() |
A somewhat directionless Gabrielle finds herself as a mercenary working for the wrong side in this story set five years Post-FIN. | |
Brilliant. - ab - Aug-01-2009 Pure absolute brilliant writing from the best bard I have ever read. Superb characterisation and true respect for Gabrielle. I love this! - Kez - Sep-12-2013 |
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 32 pages | Finished | Jan-04 Cast: Stranger, Ty, Darl, Demerol | ![]() |
What's stronger: the eternal bond of soulmates or the potentially soul-corrupting reality we live in? Set in the near future, the story follows Zoe, a disaffected young woman adrift in the undertow of urban decay and the woman she loves, The Stranger, an angry, reckless writer and drug abuser. | |
Possibly her best... - Autolickis - Feb 10th, 2004 truly a wordsmith. written images that pull emotions, deep and dark. a different kind of read. - Anonymous - Aug-02-2007 Amazing, just like the rest of her work - d - Oct-03-2007 This story will draw you in with beautiful language and crush your heart with its tragedy. - poppyflame - Jun-16-2008 Jesus, that was intense. Really great read! - JettBlk - Feb-09-2010 This was a really well written, intense story. I highly suggest it to anyone who is looking for a great read but doesn't require bunnies and rainbows. - Kristen - Feb-11-2010 |
To Rest by
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Lycaea Part 1 of the To Rest Series Series List: To Rest, Blonde (The), Silent Country (The) | ![]() |
A short Post-FIN tale that follows Gabrielle on perhaps the saddest day of her life. | |
My favourite of Brigit Morgan's storys. A very sad and haunting story and so beautifully written it's almost like poetry. - Mark - Nov 4th, 2003 Since the series ended I have, along with nearly every XWP fan, been heartbroken by the series chosen ending, killing off Xena, regardless if there were hopes for resurrection in a movie ( who wants to watch a repeat sad ending of our hero?). So much so that I could not read anything but Uber, nor even watch the series in reruns knowing what laid ahead...until someone suggested reading Brigit M. Morgan's Apocalypse stories. I started with To Rest because, in essense, it's emotionally where I left off with XWP. There was not one wasted word in To Rest. It literally placed me next to Gabrielle in her grieving, exactly where so many fans were left after the series ended. What a moving work of art. You certainly understand loss. Thank you for continuing writing right through Apocalypse:Book 2-Inferno. - Anonymous - Feb 20th, 2005 Stark, bared emotions. Very raw. Well written and hits you right in the heart. Fantastic series. - Plif05 - Feb-12-2012 |