Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 44 pages | Finished | Cast: Evin, Elizabeth, Kenny, Jacques, Jerome, Gordon, Daddy, Preston, Sissy, Mary, Jane, Patsy, Janet, Albert, Ken Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of a Series Series List: Million Dollar Lady (A), Evin's Revenge | ![]() |
This is one of the funniest stories I've ever read! And it's even better than the first story in the series. I hope there's a sequel soon, because I can't wait to laugh some more. - L'Nara - May-08-2007 I don't know when this story is finished but it has 2004 C in the disclaimer area. I hope the author continues the series because it's a really good one! I can't wait for the next one! - ter - May-12-2007 SING TO THE ANGEL!!!! This story is a rare find!!! Please take a few moment to read to amazingly well put together story that will have you on your seat. Don't forget to read -Million Dollar Lady (a)- first before having a taste of this little jewel. "Little Em" is the third addition to this fabulous series B.Soiree has weaved for us. http://www.academyofbards.org/specials/val1/bsoiree_littleem.html - Kuu - Sep-30-2007 Please write a sequel to this, I have laughed so much that I ended up crying. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for making what was going to be an average bad day something to laugh about. - nondescriptone - Oct-03-2007 please finish the million dollar lady series. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2009 I really injoyed this thanks you so much! - sub - Mar-21-2009 This series is hilarious!!! Don't keep us waiting - Traveller - Jan-03-2011 I really liked these stories. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-04-2011 Nice story and good sequel. However, it did feel unfinished to me at the end. - Lyn B - Mar-08-2011 There is a unfinished sequel Lady Litigators (http://www.academyofbards.org/fanfic/b/bsoiree_ladylitigators1.html) - Ricky - Sep-08-2012 |
Original / Uber | Pre-1900 | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 415 pages | Finished | Aug-06 Links: The Academy | ![]() |
This is an excellent story that I have read over and over. It's one that you will want to have on your favorite list. Great job. - Netta - Sep-19-2007 Another great Western tale with wonderful characters. Sheriff Gaine is one hell of a woman. A terrific addition to the pre-1900 era fics. - Niko - Sep-24-2007 A thoroughly enjoyable read!!! While it took a bit to adjust to the "voice" of Gaine I found her to be very charming once I did. Well done B Soiree. - Anonymous - Sep-25-2007 i love this one!! B. Soiree has woven a delightfully twisted story (my nails may never recover). great characters, beautiful interactions - a must read. - Kat - Oct-11-2007 wonderfull story, beautifully crafted and a must read. - Anonymous - Feb-03-2008 If your looking for something that will hold you until the end and have you waiting for more this and it sequel are it. - F_L_J - Feb-05-2008 A wonderful story, but you have to get used to the accent Gaine uses. - Callisto - Feb-11-2008 Wow! This story was a rollercoaster! I really hope a sequal is in the works! Wonderful read, if you are looking for something fun take a stab at this story! - Jennifer Lee - Jun-05-2008 Bloody outstanding!!! - Lea Ann - May-05-2009 What a fabulous story! The characters just come alive on the page. Anyone who likes westerns, well here is one of the best! - Subtextfan - May-10-2009 love a good western... - rleef - Jun-22-2009 shucks! it's not nearly "done". why oh why do thee left me hanging? ~sniff~ when i got to reading chapter 10, i was afraid it will end soon enough. I know its pathetic but i didn't want to loose the happening of their there-after. hmf. would by any chance make a sequel? my cravings isn't satisfied. haay.. such a wonderful story. READ THIS and i promise you won't waste your time. - belle - Oct-06-2009 Sweet story, worth a read if you like Westerns - Anonymous - Feb-13-2011 Thanks for the recommendation to read this western tale. B. Soiree is a fine author and this story was a pleasure to read. Loved it, the characters and the two leading ladies. It makes me thank my lucky stars that I did not live during this era when women had so few options and rights. I'm off to enjoy the sequel - can't wait to continue. Highly recommended. - colorado fan - Mar-15-2011 This is a really good story, however (and I'm dating myself here), when I was a kid I read a book called "How to Speak Southern." It was a very funny book but you definitely had to sound things out, I'm glad I had that experience and that the story was good enough to keep my attention. - ~M - Jun-13-2011 This is a really good story, however (and I'm dating myself here), when I was a kid I read a book called "How to Speak Southern." It was a very funny book but you definitely had to sound things out, I'm glad I had that experience and that the story was good enough to keep my attention. - ~M - Jun-13-2011 |
Little Em by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Short Story - 14 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 3 of a Series Series List: | ![]() |
heheh loved it :D - Kat - Oct-11-2007 The whole serie has been fabulous thus far ! Please, you gotta write more :D - Bitazh - Jun-15-2008 i had fun reading these stories. good laugh. love it, whew! i really wish you would write a sequel for this. im hanging by the loop waiting. please, please, pretty please..... - rec - Jan-27-2010 I really liked this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-04-2011 It was good. Now I want more! - Anonymous - Feb-25-2011 Nice Valetine's story. It's easy reading and leaves you smiling. - Lyn B - Mar-08-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 15 pages | Finished | Cast: Elizabeth, Evin, Jacques, Jerome, Bobby, Gordon, Mary, Sissy Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of a Series Series List: Million Dollar Lady (A), Evin's Revenge | ![]() |
One (The) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 51 pages | Finished | Cast: Kendal, Savannah, Dwayne, Phyliss, Ann Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of the The One Series Series List: One (The), Third Time's the Charm | ![]() |
it's grate story!!!;) - krila - Jun-01-2006 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 52 pages | Unfinished | Cast: Savannah, Kendal, Sarge, Gordon Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of the The One Series Series List: One (The), Third Time's the Charm | ![]() |
this is a great story... but finding all the links is tough, but oh so worth it! please add some more and feed the dragons... we so need it! - ryan - Dec-02-2006 hey i cant get to part 3 in this great story. Can anyone please help??? - lil_shaz - Jun-10-2008 the link to part 3 is broken. [Editor's Note: As far we can tell, part 3 hasn't been written yet. If anyone knows otherwise, please e-mail us. 11-17-2009] - rleef - Nov-06-2009 Well its a good start ... but it needs to be finished. I am hooked = would love to find out what happens! - Georgia` - Sep-02-2013 |
When We Met by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 438 pages | Finished | May-05 Cast: Lonnie, Ruby, Nicole, Cheryl Links: The Academy Of Bards Chapter 4 link | ![]() |
B. Soiree's stories are a pleasure to read. This story is progressing nicely and I look forward to more from this bard. - Femmester - Oct 18th, 2005 This is a wonderful story; funny and serious at the same time... only unfinished :-(( But it's still a worthy read. - Mel - Apr-26-2007 awesome story!! very sweet. made me smile for days :) thank you! - Kat - Oct-11-2007 Am loving this story..just really getting into the story but can't find Chapter 4...broken link? - Anonymous - Apr-13-2008 I read this story last year and thought it was darn funny! I really liked the character Lonnie and the start of the story had me laughing out loud. For those who don't think it's finished, it is. Below is the link to chapter 4 that will take you through the rest of the story. http://www.academyofbards.org/fanfic/b/bsoiree_whenwemet4.html - Anonymous - Feb-23-2009 I got hooked on this story early on. I also had the problem with the 4th chapter link. I had never read Soiree's work before but I found this story charming at the beginning. Very funny episode to the hospital in the first part of the story. Very good characterizations of Lonnie and Ruby. I had to say that I thought Ruby's story was pretty horrific. Soiree was able to tell that story and not make me have nightmares. Well done! I'd give this story a 4 star out of 5 star recommendation. Enjoy! - govita - Aug-13-2012 Wonderful - Anonymous - Aug-24-2012 **** SPOILER ALERT **** What a great feel-good story. Lonnie meets Ruby in a cafe and both their lives change for the better. i love Lonnie's mom and dad. This is what all families should aspire to. Triumph over tragedy. Love over hate. Justice over crime. In the middle there are two people who fall in love and forge the most spectacular bond between lovers, parents and friends. In the end it all represents the best that family can be. This is a heartwarming tale that I hope to read many times in the years to come. Thank you BSoiree and Athenaeum! - Samantha - Aug-30-2012 Sweet feel good read. - Anonymous - Sep-04-2012 On this read, I enjoyed learning about Portland and hearing a few snippets about Seattle. Thank you so much BSoiree and Athenaeum! Samantha - Samantha - Mar-30-2014 Broken Link to Chapter 4 of this story. - Kugai - Jan-18-2015 This is a great story. The link to Chapter 4 is listed next to Links: Chapter 4. Just click on Chapter 4 and continue reading. Sometimes you can enter the next chapter number on the URL and hit enter. In this case it would have worked if you'd substitute 4 in place of 3 in the URL; chapter 4 does come up. - Samantha - Jan-20-2015 Very enjoyable (Long )story xx - SD - Sep-29-2015 A story I return to often. What a collection of magnificent writers! This is a home away from home. Thank you so much for this wonderful library of fan fiction!! - Samantha - Feb-28-2016 |