Aces and Eights (The Ballad of Little Jack) by
Ghost Town the Movie | Pre-1900 | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 120 pages | Finished | Sep-09 | ![]() |
The story of Little Jack as seen through the crystal blue eyes of Madame Birdie's prettiest prostitute. | |
This is great! Another story from Cheyne! And this one has illustrations!!! - kay23 - Sep-03-2009 This story was such an unexpected delight. Knowing how the movie ends, I didn't expect to be drawn into the lives of the characters that Cheyne has created. Cheyne has created a very memorable tale that I highly recommend! - Anonymous - Sep-06-2009 This is a must read story! This story gives the Little Jack character what the book and movie lacked; substance. Yes it has violence but it's a western about gunfighters and whores. It's a great read. Thanks, Cheyne. - Corky - Oct-09-2009 This was very well written even the dialect. I enjoyed reading this like all of Cheyne's work. It did leave me a little sad. Such is life... Great work, Cheyne! - Theia - Dec-09-2009 I loved this story to death.. I haven't seen the movie yet but I think it will be hard to watch. Compared to Cheyne's story!!.....Vivid..heartbreaking,tear jerker,...absolutely ROC and FLAWLESS. PLease read, you won't regret it. Hey Chenye I love you writting. Did I mention that yet??:) - vampireslayer2 - Mar-23-2010 yes... make sure you read this story. - laurie - Jun-07-2010 It was bittersweet for me. Bittersweet fics usually aren't my cup of tea, but this was wrten so wonderfully and the ending was done so greatly, that I would indefinetly recomend this fic. - Anonymous - Jul-05-2010 This is such a great story, and such a fun take on the Little Jack character. I LOVED Little Jack in Ghost Town and there just wasn't enough of her!!! Plus, with a certain crystal eyed prostitute, my uber-heart just skipped beat after beat. AWESOME!!!!! - twinsparadox - Jan-03-2011 wow.. the talent this author possesses just leaves me stunned.. i haven't seen the movie or read the book, but i'm guessing that this story only creates more depth to the character of little jack.. highly recommended story!! - xtra dog - Mar-30-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jan-09 Cast: Kya, Danielle Part 2 of the In The Light Of Day Series Series List: In The Light Of Day, Chance and Choice, Decisions, From This Day Forward | ![]() |
This was originally written for and submitted to RAOBs recent challenge (#20). Kya talks to the bride-to-be about taking a special date to the wedding. Spoiler or Other Information: This is a blurb continuation of characters from In The Light of Day. If you dont read that first, this won't make sense. | |
Please keep this wonderful story going & Thanks so much for continuing it! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2009 Cute vignette from Kya's POV. - Emily J. - Aug-19-2009 Nice story. Great job. - sassy123 - Dec-27-2010 A good little insite into the character of Kya, the type of person and friend she is. - uber goober - Jul-18-2011 this series is starting to grow on me.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 39 pages | Finished | Jul-09 Part 2 of the Two Cross Side Series Series List: Two Cross Side, Cheating The Pocket | ![]() |
Wow - what an awesome story! - EC - Jul-22-2009 Loved the sequel. Keep up the good work :) - LTJ - Jul-25-2009 Loved the original and the sequel.. - Ginger - Jul-26-2009 Great follow up to the original. Well done! - Georgia - Aug-25-2009 Loved it! - Theia - Dec-09-2009 Love this sequel to Two Cross Side. Well worth the read. - Calloway - Apr-14-2010 a sequel that outshines the original. both are enjoyable but this has so much more weight. - kc - Jul-12-2010 Great story, well done. - sassy123 - Sep-22-2010 Great sequel, just as good as the first story. - uber goober - Jul-20-2011 i totally agree with kc's comment.. the sequel just out ranks the original.. - xtra dog - Mar-29-2012 Love the original and this sequel is great too! Glad that we got to see more of these two lovely ladies. Definitely recommended reading, short but great. - regina - Jan-28-2017 |
Clandestine by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 155 pages | Finished | Jul-07 Honors/Awards: Three-Time Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
A company burned, ex-CIA operative, who seeks absolution in a bottle, is forced into a situation that could be the defining moment of her life. Burnt-out and long ago thinking herself incapable of feeling, her numb complacency is tested when she meets an innocent woman who must now suffer the ultimate consequences of her bad choices. | |
Wowwww!!! This story is amazing, with characters intenses, very well written, impossible stop to read before the end!! Amazing!!! - Leth Cross - Jul-24-2007 I've had the pleasure of knowing Cheyne slightly longer than forever, served with her in the military and spent many wonderful hours laughing and talking and throwing bad guys up against walls with her. Trust me, she knows what she's writing about here. Reading anything she writes is terrific, and this work is no exception. Do yourself a major favor and read everything with her name on it - including a laundry list if it's available. Cheyne could make that sexy and riveting - she's that good. - notelmerfudd - Jul-27-2007 Oh yes, this is such a great story. So much fun to read. I put it right next to "and playing the role of herself". Thank you so much, can't wait for your laundry list. (smile;-) - 29 July 2007 - Inge - Jul-29-2007 aww, i loved it! sequel maybe? - Anonymous - Aug-04-2007 WOW!!! Exciting, suspenseful, sexy and daring!! Plenty of characters to love and a couple to hate. A must read from a spectatular author. Thanks Cheyne!!! - VTXSIP - Aug-16-2007 Cheyne is a master writer. I have read all of her posted work; each story is a masterpiece. Her grammar is exquisite. Her characters entrancing. Her stories--her stories engage you, enchant you--they enthrall. I am grateful to have had the chance to read such work. - discretemage - Aug-28-2007 WOW!!! Another home run from Cheyne! These characters are so well drawn and visual I felt like I was watching a movie. That combined with Cheyne's amazing attention to detail makes for a fantastic story. It's a very well written and thought out suspenseful, sexy, passionate story. I loved the quotes at the beginning of each section and appreciated the full cirle Cheyne created with the first and last lines of the story. This is one for the library. Thanks Cheyne!!! - puddle jumper - Aug-31-2007 EXCELLENT story!!! Well written, well researched, and better than many published books in this genre. - Balmain - Jan-11-2008 I have read it again. It is still one of the best stories. Next to.... and Playing the Roll of.... Great story! Love your style. Hot. Thank you for this. - Bernette - May-11-2008 Great story! One of the best I have read in the genre.Love your work. - Lee - Jul-30-2008 I think I read this story almost a year ago, and I STILL remember practically all the plot details! It says a lot when you read tons of fanfiction and still remember some of them, lol. Mainly, I just want to say that this is a very compelling story and I recommend it. Both characters are memorable, they're not cliché, and it's very well written. I loved the romance. And good sex. :P - Vanessa V. - Aug-27-2008 I'm hooked...where's the rest of the story? - rusty - Jan-11-2009 WOW!!! Exciting, suspenseful, sexy and daring!! Plenty of characters to love and a couple to hate. A must read from a spectatular author. Cheyne, You're the best!!!!!! - Leth Cross - Mar-17-2009 Absolutely wonderful! This story had me up till 3am. I recommend it to anyone. - Syro - Jun-29-2009 OMG! Fantastic!!! - Pearl - Jul-15-2009 This one really rocks! - Anonymous - Jul-23-2009 I thought after reading Renegade you couldn't do again, boy was I wrong. This one is just as brillant. Now I am going to read anything with your name on it. - Loving Cheyne - Jul-23-2009 Amazing, you'll love it. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 Brillant!! - Wolfie67 - Jan-09-2010 Ex CIA Tia Ramone lands herself in a whole lot of trouble. As she struggles to find her way out of it her life takes an unexpected turn. This is punchy, thrilling and hot! - Sai - Jan-27-2010 One of my all-time fave Cheyne stories. She really should turn this one into a book. - Calloway - Apr-14-2010 Very good story. Loved the plot! - Freya - Jun-15-2010 Fantastic story by a great writer!! More please!?! - JC - Jul-18-2010 oh, my, my. what a story. i absolutely adore the fact that fiction does not need extraneous violence, action, etc., to be thrilling and down-right captivating. a+ with a smiley. - kc - Sep-06-2010 I really enjoyed this story. A job well done. - sassy123 - Sep-11-2010 Holy fantastical story!! Could not stop reading. Just so good! - Anonymous - Jan-21-2011 i'm on a total Cheyne-fic bender this week and this one did not disappoint. Another compelling storyline with great characters (and some wonderfully hot sex! ... did i say that outloud? LOL!) - Michelle - Apr-09-2011 ...a great story to read over and over again by Cheyne!! - zieta - Jul-11-2011 Very good story well worth taking the time to read. - uber goober - Jul-23-2011 Very well written and compelling story. I love the flaws of Tia's character. I mean she is far from a perfect person and yet is a hero I could get behind. Great story thank you. - Jen - Mar-19-2012 nice read.. even after a second reading when all the suspense is gone.. loved this line: 'Noises started rising from her belly that could have rivaled the beginning of an MGM movie'.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 Wow, Cheyne does it again. Really enjoyed reading Renegade and Clandestine is even better! Yup, she's a lifelong friend, but even if she wasn't, I'd be saying the same things! - Sydney - Jan-03-2013 |
Day In The Change Of Life (A) by
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 17 pages | Finished | Jan-08 | ![]() |
Our favorite Warrior Princess and her favorite Bard are not as young as they used to be but still very settled in their bliss. Recently, however, Xena has started going through some changes& | |
OMG LOLOLOL!! What a great little tale and a great idea for a story about X and G!! Leave it to Cheyne to come up with this stuff. Laugh out loud funny! Dialogue is perfect ... witty, delightful even precious! - Balmain - Jan-18-2008 Oh, my, this was hilarious! I'm not there yet, but my partner is, so I can totally sympathize with Gabrielle. - libris cat - Jan-19-2008 heheheh adorable :) - Kat - Jan-20-2008 ROTFL "Amazon death pallet" My coffee spewed all over my keyboard when I read that!! This is a very funny story!! I highly recommend it! - TallTale - Mar-03-2008 Loved it! - Anonymous - Mar-08-2008 This is such a great story! I really recommend it! Cheyne you are so funny. Hope to see a lot more of your stories. - Anonymous - Jul-24-2008 Hilarious!!! A MUST read! - BonnieD - Aug-01-2008 Hahaha, this is awesome!! Very funny, I loved the 'what if' scenario!! - Jemma - Aug-30-2008 THIS WAS THE FUNNIEST STORY IVE READ.LOVED IT - TNHANLEY - Oct-24-2008 XDDDDDDD! Very funny! - AikoujOi - Dec-17-2008 Oh gods ! ^^ I think I have never laughed that much ! This one would definitely fit for a Xena funny episode :D - Anonymous - Feb-21-2011 absolutely hilarious.. maybe we will get that xena movie after all?? - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 Absolutely hilarious, and very sweet. We should all be so lucky to live a long and happy life. - Anonymous - Feb-13-2016 |
Decisions by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jan-09 Cast: Riley and Tim Part 3 of the In The Light Of Day Series Series List: In The Light Of Day, Chance and Choice, Decisions, From This Day Forward | ![]() |
This was originally written for and submitted to RAOBs recent challenge (#20). Riley talks to her father about taking a special date to Danielle's wedding. Spoiler or Other Information: This is a blurb continuation of characters from In The Light of Day. If you dont read that first, this won't make sense. | |
I am so waiting for the sequel to this. I am sitting at the edge of my seat for the rest of the story to play out. - EC - Jan-07-2009 Love this storyline. Can't wait to see what comes next. - Diana - Feb-21-2009 OMG You just have to hurry and continue this. I am soooo waiting for the next installments of this wonderful little tale. Jasper - Jasper - Mar-17-2009 A wonderful beginning can't wait to see what transpires next. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2009 Love this series. Cannot wait for the next installment. - tgz87 - May-03-2009 Cute vignette from Riley's POV - Emily J. - Aug-19-2009 Loved this series. Great job. - sassy123 - Dec-27-2010 Another good little vinette but I can't wait to get passed the apetizers and onto the main course. - uber goober - Jul-18-2011 why some people feel the need to fill out the spice factor for a story that only has one of the main characters in it, is beyond my comprehension.. but, anyway.. nice continuation of this series.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 |
The Devil Wears Prada | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 20 pages | Finished | Aug-12 | ![]() |
Andy's feelings for Miranda become reality in an unexpected way. | |
Good God! I had no idea of this pairing but being a huge Cheyne fan it is required reading. ABSOLUTLY FANTASTIC!!! Off to search for more Miranda/Andy. Amazing!! I'm gobsmacked by this pairing completely gobsmacked. Thank you Cheyne!!! You continue to be one of my favorite writers. - Anonymous - Aug-24-2012 Very well done - Scorpio - Aug-25-2012 50 shades of Miranda. - Anonymous - Aug-30-2012 Amazing! Loved how the characters are portrayed! - Anonymous - Oct-06-2012 |
Facade by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 11 pages | Finished | Nov-12 | ![]() |
An annual Halloween bash becomes a trick and a treat. | |
Good story, worth reading! Wish there was more though. - Anonymous - May-02-2013 |
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 58 pages | Finished | Dec-09 Part 2 of the Texas Hold Er Series Series List: Texas Hold 'Er, Forgive Us Our Trespasses, Infanticipation | ![]() |
I wasn't completely convinced of the pairing at first but the amazing writing in this story won me over. Especially loved the ending. Rec read! - money - Dec-22-2009 what a great sequel to Texas Hold 'em, love this pairing. hope we get another story soon. - rleef - Dec-23-2009 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 36 pages | Finished | Jul-09 Part 4 of the In The Light Of Day Series Series List: In The Light Of Day, Chance and Choice, Decisions, From This Day Forward | ![]() |
Riley and Kya brave the storm and attend the family wedding for their first official date. | |
So happy to see another installment in this series. Thanks! - Ginger - Jul-26-2009 Another great sequel to the Kya & Riley series. Hopefully more soon?? - rleef - Aug-17-2009 Loved it and love the series. Please please please continue writing Kya/Riley stories!!!! - Emily J. - Aug-19-2009 loved the story as well as the other 3 in the series. i must say that they left me in an optimistic good mind set. i thoroughly enjoyed the characters in the series and hope there are more stories to come with these gggrreat characters. kudos!! - vicam - Aug-19-2009 A continuation of the In the Light of Day series - great story. Definitely read from the begining. Tempting to ask "and then what?" sequel? - Georgia - Aug-25-2009 A great continuation of the "In the light of day" series, but it isn't linked to the series list (it ends with "Decisions"). For those who wanted to see more of Kya and Riley, this is the story for you! - ILoveUbers - Sep-27-2009 I want more!! - Anonymous - May-03-2010 this entire series was terrific. it got my friend interested in fanfic. now she understands my addiction. - kc - Sep-05-2010 What a great series. job well done. - sassy123 - Dec-27-2010 Good stories. I'd like to see the series continue. - uber goober - Jul-18-2011 this story was hilarious at times, endearing at others.. great way to end the series.. even though i wouldn't be adverse to a continuation.. not at all.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 60 pages | Finished | Nov-12 | ![]() |
One of Jacey Louden's best memories is of a special Halloween night that was a trick and a treat. Five years later, she has the chance to make everything right. There's just one little problem... | |
Wow, what a unique ghost story with a happy ending. A true delight to read. - Stacia - Nov-09-2012 Great story. Not your typical ghost story. It actually made me feel kind of sad, and I don't do sad. So kudos!! - Pickles - Dec-07-2012 Good story. - Anonymous - Mar-22-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Adventure | Short Story - 15 pages | Finished | Nov-09 | ![]() |
It was a dark and stormy night... | |
Great story! Pulls you in and twists you around. Thanks Cheyne for a perfectly rendered Hallows eve tale. - Anonymous - Nov-03-2009 Happy Trick or Treat indeed. well done cheyne - crv - Nov-05-2009 Wow! This one really had me going! Great little read. Thanks Cheyne. - tgrgr - Nov-10-2009 Sad and strange, but very intressting. - Amanda - Nov-20-2009 Great read, loved the twist at the end! - Peyton Andrews - Jan-02-2010 I enjoyed this story and in particular, the twist at the end. Very well written and fun to read. - Lyn B - Jan-31-2011 this story is a treat, albeit a tricky one.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 Wonderful Halloween tale with a great twist at the end. Not at all what I expected. One of the best Halloween uber tales out there. - Stacia - Nov-10-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 36 pages | Finished | Jul-08 Cast: Riley, Kya Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #13 in 2008, #83 in 2009 Two-Time Top-25 #1. Part 1 of the In The Light Of Day Series Series List: In The Light Of Day, Chance and Choice, Decisions, From This Day Forward | ![]() |
When Riley Vaughn wakes up in a strange bed, it leads to awakenings of a different kind. | |
I really liked this story and hope that there is a sequel. - Shelley - Jul-30-2008 Loved the story. A must read. It just begs for a sequel!!! - Nancy - Jul-30-2008 Great story!!! Riley's self discovery, just begs to be continued. - Anonymous - Jul-31-2008 Sequel please!!! - Leigh - Jul-31-2008 It was worth the read just to ponder which line the author touts is "the" line in the intro. Fun read! Thank you. - Dusty - Jul-31-2008 I loved it from the very first sentences and therefore highly recommend it! The only drawback is that you don't want it to I really hope Cheyne is planning a sequel! - Arwen276 - Jul-31-2008 GREAT STORY, I would love to see more on these characters. - brighteyez - Jul-31-2008 I enjoyed this story very much and really recommend it to everyone. And as others have said this story needs a sequel it would be great to know where Riley's journey takes her or maybe just how she gets there. - lily - Aug-01-2008 Another great story from Cheyne, and like others have said...this story demands a sequel. Gotta know what happens next! - BonnieD - Aug-01-2008 WONDERFUL!!! GREAT STORY !!!! YOU MUST READ IT !!! - Manuela - Aug-02-2008 I really enjoyed this story - hope there is a sequel - it's criminal to end it at that point! - gillian - Aug-02-2008 Thanks so much for a really GREAT read! Please say there's more...what happens next for Rye & Kya? Sequel...Sequel...Sequel...PLEASE - Anonymous - Aug-02-2008 A tender and sexy story about a woman who wakes up in bed with a woman and is forced to analyze her sexual preferences. Very good! - happykt - Aug-04-2008 Love all the stories by this author! - Anonymous - Aug-04-2008 oh my god...I need a sequel!!!lovely! - Anonymous - Aug-04-2008 that was brilliant, very do you say WOW!!!! another way. definitely worth the read - vampireslayer2 - Aug-05-2008 This story is so sweet, it truly deserves to continue. I hope there will be more to come ... - jaeygatsby - Aug-05-2008 Truly great story.Would love to read more about these characters. - Anonymous - Aug-06-2008 OMG!! I so loe this story!! It makes my imaginations come up for more scenarios. PLEASE PLEASE make a sequel for this. This will is going to be BIG! - Fan940 - Aug-07-2008 Yes! Captivating from start to finish, but is that the end? A sequel would only add to the intensity and complexity of this well written story. So how about it? - aj - Aug-07-2008 I really enjoyed this little story. I laughed in so many parts that I had juice fly out of my mouth. Very fun story with fun characters. I highly recommend this story. - Meg - Aug-07-2008 I don't know why I put off reading this. It's extremely cute and I really enjoyed it. :) Definitely worth the read. - Hillsys Stalker - Aug-11-2008 fantastic - Anonymous - Aug-13-2008 I'm not a fan of short stories because they create good plots and then leave you hanging at the end. This one does that but boy is it good! Please read it. - Amanda - Aug-15-2008 I thoroughly enjoyed this... just like everyone else I am hoping you are in the midst of writing a sequel...great job! - xenalover68 - Aug-26-2008 I'm not the one to read short stories, but Im glad I read this one. It's sweet, tender, and sexy. Adorable characters indeed. Thanks for this one. :) - Cris - Oct-12-2008 ok, everybody is sooooo right, this is great story, but i must admit, my favorite is the cameo by the wicked witch of the east, aka aunt virgina. Hey every truly good drama needs a truly evil villian so we have someone we can direct all our negative energy at. Keep it coming Cheyne. GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!! - toni - Oct-13-2008 I loved this story from the get go. Amazing writing, funny situations and characters. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!! - Emily J. - Aug-19-2009 You will never want it to end, such a great short series. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 As with all of Cheynes shorter stories they're inventive, well structured and a pleaure to read and they're especially great for slipping in inbetween something longer and more intense. This little collection is no exception. - Sai - Jan-27-2010 Very sweet -- - nagol - Apr-02-2010 excellent serial, it's a lot of fun, thank you cheyne - stitz97331 - Apr-13-2010 I really liked this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Dec-27-2010 I really enjoyed this story. I want to read more about these two ladies. Riley's scene with Aunt Virginia is hilarious. It's very well written and a very enjoyable read. - Lyn B - Feb-11-2011 Loved this. I seriously sat bolt upright and almost dropped my coffee when i got to the end and read "The End" before i remembered there was already a sequel. Phew! It was too good to finish that quickly! - Michelle - Apr-09-2011 Very interesting start the this series.Well written with a good plot and characters. Looking forward to reading the next tale in the series. - uber goober - Jul-18-2011 "Gina says you think I'm hot." Don't know if that's the "best line" mentioned in the intro, but it sure is my favorite! Fun read. Leaves you wanting more! - Hera - Nov-14-2011 very nice read.. curious to see what happens next.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 |
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 27 pages | Finished | May-10 Part 3 of the Texas Hold Er Series Series List: Texas Hold 'Er, Forgive Us Our Trespasses, Infanticipation | ![]() |
Third in a series. "Texas Hold 'Er" and "Forgive Us Our Trespasses" were the first two. You should probably read them if this one is going to make any sense. | |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 98 pages | Finished | Dec-10 | ![]() |
Caprice Gallagher has been a fan of singer Hannah Brishen for years. One night, she finally gets the attention she has always desired from the sultry, gorgeous woman. Maybe some fantasies should stay just that. | |
this was painful and i mean that in a really good way. it is a tough topic and it was really well written meaning, as a reader i felt as though i was watching. thank you for artfully & honestly tackling a really tough topic. i would love to see a follow up story that fills in the gap between the end of the main story and the final paragraphs. - Anonymous - Dec-07-2010 Damn disappointing about the turn of the events. You know you usually use to see hard trough relations and get back together in the end. Well, this was unexpected. And very real life like. I was shell shocked with depth of brutal reality. Surely beat up all sappy stuff you normally read. Strongly recommend !!! - AMAZONKA - Dec-08-2010 Thanks for tackling this tough subject. It's a story that needed to be told to generate awareness. Hard to read. I'm glad you choose to end the story the way you did. It is life and very realistic. - Anonymous - Dec-09-2010 Yes. - Shelly - Dec-11-2010 Thank you for this magnificent piece of literature. The issue definitely needed to be talked about. - Jaye - Dec-15-2010 A dark and disturbing, but necessarily so, tale of events that need to be brought to light and hopefully be banished from our community -- lesbian rape. Thank you Cheyne for having the forbearance to tell the tale...and for the ending that brings some light to the main character. - squinty - Dec-16-2010 Cheyne tackles a difficult subject with her usual grace. She's the consummate writer and gift to the Athenaeium. Due to its necessarily violent nature, it would be inappropriate to give this a spice rating. - offhermeds - Jan-03-2011 I found this story very powerful to read. It was disturbing to read what happened, but the writing was excellent. Well worth reading, but be warned. It's very dark in parts. I've given no spice rating because of the content. - Lyn B - Jan-31-2011 This was a very hard read but a story that needed to be written. I don't know women like this, or do I? - ~ Robin ~ - Feb-10-2011 Bra! Super! Oh Gud hon kan skriva! Intressant och gripande berättelse...Jag rekommenderar att läsa. - Z. Rodson - Jun-24-2011 What a powerful and extremely well told story. You get totally drawn in, and while reading you are aware that something terrible is about to occur, even so you can't help but wish that somehow, it's going to stay a 'fantasy' come true for the character. IMO this would make a fantastic novel, and would help get the terrible truths of this story out there. - Ange - Oct-03-2011 Good grief, you made me nervous in those last couple of lines!! Knowing the topic before reading the story was enough warning to "safely" get through it but those very last couple of paragraphs I think was the most terrifying; not knowing who she was talking to. Bravo! - Tori - Nov-14-2011 i've read this story about 2 years ago.. and i still vividly remember every last part and detail of it.. it blew me away at the time.. due to the subject i am reluctant to read it again, but it is one hell of a read.. highly recommended!! - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 Omg very powerful story . Rape seems bad enough when it's between man and woman but this is so horrible . Very well written and well told even if I felt sick with what happened . - SD - May-27-2016 I can't say this was a great story, because it was heartbreaking and eye-opening all at once. But it was necessary and beautifully written. Well done, Cheyne. - Kelly Aten - Jul-05-2016 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 582 pages | Finished | Dec-09 Honors/Awards: | ![]() |
Two military undercover agents infiltrate the first male/female integrated basic training/law enforcement school program in hope of finding a murderer in a race against time. The two women unveil a lot more than is intended during their stint as 'trainees', encountering blatant sexism, harassment, discrimination, dead-ends, betrayals and love as the boundaries of friendship, obligation, loyalty and honor are tested to the limit. | |
what an incredible story. It's rare to encounter something so nuanced, lush and well-paced. it's inviting and informative without a hint of prescription. I am completely blown away. READ THIS STORY! and please, Cheyne, give us more. - Anonymous - Dec-20-2009 I absolutely love this captivating story. It is so wonderfully complex, I look forward to each update. Dale is an amazing strong woman and I am mesmerized by her journey through the military. I really enjoy the details of the military, I feel that with each word that I am there experiencing what the characters are going through. Great characters all around; Anne Bishaye and Shannon Walker are especially favorites. You manage to convey so many emotions from one end of the spectrum to the other! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work! - Chess - Dec-20-2009 fanFREAKINtastic! a must read. you MUST follow this story! it's great. and funny! and kinda hot when it wants to be. ;) - Anonymous - Dec-25-2009 This is a great story, but take warning, IT IS NOT FINISHED YET. I look forward to the rest of this one. It is well written and the characters are well defined. Please finish this one. [Editor's Note: It's now finished. 12-28-2009] - Anonymous - Dec-26-2009 This novel is AWESOME!! You gotta read it...great story, great characters, and I'm extremely pleased that the conclusion did NOT fizzle out and disappoint!! - Sthpaw30 - Dec-28-2009 Wow amzaing story, the twist at the end was so unexpected. I recommend this story big time to anyone who would like a great read. - Anonymous - Dec-28-2009 AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you so much Cheyne for this profoundly great story. - Anonymous - Dec-29-2009 I like it!! Fabulous story and a great read - do yourself a favour kiddies - Courtney - Dec-29-2009 I never say anything, even though there are alot of great stories here. This one rocks so much that I was compelled to recommend it! I loved every minute of it and was sad that it ended!! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2009 Great read. I am glad and yet sad that the story has ended. Each page keeps you wanting to continue reading until the end. Any chance for a sequel?? - Anonymous - Jan-01-2010 Wow! This story had me from the first page. I totally loved it and would love to read a sequel. - Barb - Jan-01-2010 This story was absolutely wonderful. - Anonymous - Jan-01-2010 Wow! what a ride. Great story. Won't waste more words, just read hers. 'nuff said. - Anonymous - Jan-02-2010 I enjoyed it very much. The writing is good and she tells a great story. Few typos, to glaring. Worth the read. - Ginny - Jan-03-2010 An exceptional story. Fully-fledged characters, interesting situations and a concrete story-line full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing till the very end. - RB - Jan-09-2010 This author is one of the best online, she has a way with words, and her stories never disappoint. - Brighteyez - Jan-10-2010 One of the best I've read!! Would love to see a sequel :0) Thank you for this wonderful piece of literature!! - Anonymous - Jan-10-2010 The devil is in the details and I can happily say I've been burned. 6 hours...and it still wasn't enough. - Shelly - Jan-16-2010 I must concur, this one IS begging for a sequel. I hope Cheyne will here our pleas! I'm re-reading it again. So funny and interesting and great. she's got a way with words. - Fan - Jan-18-2010 Excellent military story. Dale Oakes finds herself back in basic training working undercover for the US Army. The author has provided at length so much attention to detail that you feel you are doing the basic training along with Dale and her co trainees. This story is not only informative but exciting to read. You get pulled into the relationships new and old and find yourself trying to unravel this complex mystery right up to the very end where it kicks you in the pants! Awesome and very well written. - Sai - Jan-20-2010 I have to agree with all the other reviews. This is an excellent story. At first glance it didn't appear that it would appeal to me, but boy was I wrong. It had excellent characters, plot and humor. It was worth every minute. I hope there will be a sequel. - Anonymous - Jan-23-2010 Awesome, one of the best I've read for a while, couldn't Put it down well worth a sleepless night. PLEASE LET THERE BE A SEQUEL. - Chris - Feb-10-2010 Out of all your stories and others I've read, this by far has to be the best story I have have read. It was excellent and the attention to military detail was superb, Thank You for another wonderful read.. - Jasper - Feb-10-2010 Great story! I don't know much else to say, that hasn't already been stated. The plot and character development are wonderful. The story grabs you from the start and keeps hold of you through "The End". I look forward to this author's future work. - TCloud - Feb-13-2010 This was an amazing story,the military details seem very accurate and the plot is highly intriguing. I didn't expect that ending, surprising and very well executed. I'd love to see a sequel or another stand alone with these characters. - renegadewolf - Feb-13-2010 Truly outstanding story and well worth the time to read it. You are an amazing writer. We hope the muse continues to be good to you. Thanks. - JettBlk - Feb-20-2010 Absolutely fabulous! This story should be published if it hasn't already been. I'd pay good money for this in paperback! A detailed, delicious read. Major kudos to the author for a terrific read! - Robin - Robin - Feb-24-2010 i'm reading it again. :) it's just so good! - Anonymous - Mar-12-2010 As a former Army MP, I can honestly say that Cheyne's descriptions are dead on. Ya had to have been there grrl. Good to read such a great story by a fellow grunt. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2010 The story is so good. I couldn't put it down. I loved the military detail and the flawed character of Dale. Wonderful. Good on ya, Cheyne! - Blue - Mar-19-2010 ANNALEIs STAMP OF APPROVAL - the 'brass' this story has earned is well deserved. - Anna Lei - Mar-28-2010 brillant !!! really enjoyed this wonderful story - Trish - Apr-07-2010 I love, love, love this story. Detailed, different and good to the last word. I was a Jarine and I still liked it! Do yourself a favor. Read it. You won't be sorry. - Calloway - Apr-14-2010 Great story. Was a pleasure to read. I'd love a sequel, hint, hint... - Anonymous - Apr-29-2010 Really great story. Very good insight into how the military actually operated back then. Speaking as someone who was a military brat for 18 years, nothing much has changed, its still a SNAFU - MoSeS - Jul-03-2010 WOW. This was an amazing story. I'm sure your busy, but you really need to write a sequal. I would love to follow these characters. Thank You - Paladar33 - Jul-22-2010 What a great story!! Keep up the good work! Thanks!! I never leave a comment.... So this says alot!! - Anonymous - Aug-07-2010 Great read! Would love a sequel to know what happens to these people! - lyneX - Jan-04-2011 "Permission To Recover," was unlike anything I have read in the tens of thousands of previously read books. It was a new and refreshing look into the undercover military police lifestyle and nuances of the women in the late 70's. The story was informative and insightful. It is obvious that the you did major research on the material, had military collaboration, or lived the life. I felt as though the story was experienced as a participant, and not just read as an observer. I was captivated by the complex nature of the characters and their developement throughout the story. It was an emotion journey, from humorous and passionate, to the sadness of useless death. I would give it a five star rating for an oustanding literary performance of a non-Uber, Original piece. Thank you once again for a thoughtful, well written novel. Please, continue to grace us with new adventures. Gloria p.s. Did someone say " Sequel" or "Series"... (grin) - Gloria - Jan-22-2011 I'm simply at a loss for words. I just love the characters Anne Bishaye and Dale, so wonderfully complicated. Cheyne, everyone's hoping for a sequel...maybe a love triangle involving Dale/Anne/JJ ? - Anonymous - Feb-08-2011 ...I think I heard someone say "Sequel" too...nope, I'm sure of it! Sequel! Sequel! Sequel! Pleeeease! - Mas - Mar-09-2011 Awesome book. Accurate, exciting, suspensful. Sequel PLEASE. Need to follow JJ and Dale. And don't forget about Shannon and Anne. Great book - E-12 MP - Mar-13-2011 An amazingly great read! i love a story that is so rich in detail that you are swept away with the story and characters. Despite this already being such a wonderfully long story i could have easily say there for another two days and kept reading. Thank you. Thank you! - michelle - Apr-09-2011 I wanted to rush to the ending, but i really was not looking forward to the writing ending i wanted it to go on forever, such an intriging story, Thank you Cheyne for sharing. - Lizzie - May-01-2011 great story, hope there's more to come. - Anonymous - Jun-10-2011 Cheyne puts a lot of attention to detail in Permission to Recover and she does that in a truly captivating manner. You can feel the work and effort it took for this story. And it is a wonderful one at that. - wt-ger - Jul-12-2011 That was a good story if a little long on the military discription. The end was definitely not what I was expecting. Definetly did not see that coming. All in all worth the time it takes to read it. - uber goober - Aug-01-2011 Wow!!!as a Soldier, I was impressed with every single detail that was written about Basic Training and being closeted in the Military. The flow of the story is intriguing and kept me up all night to find out what was going to happen next.It also brought back a lot of my Basic and AIT memories... THANKS for a great novel... - DL - Aug-10-2011 I DESPERATELY WANT A PART 2 TO THIS!! Like SERIOUSLY! Sooo damn good! Read it like 5 times already... - Massa - Sep-13-2011 I tried reading this story months ago, but I couldn't seem to get my mind wrapped around it. I then came across it again yesterday afternoon, and I couldn't stop reading til I was finished. Every character drew me in and captivated me. Dale and Shannon have you wishing that you were them because they seemed to make the best out of any situation. I hope that there is a sequel in the works because I want to find out what happens with our two leading ladies. Where their lives are going to take them? Especially Dale and JJ. So I would like to reiterate what everyone else has mentioned. SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!!! Thank you for the great story!!!! - Kim - Sep-29-2011 when i seen it was over 500 pages i didn't want to read it, but it sucked me in from the beginning. A MUST READ!!! - saphic_lover - Nov-30-2011 F-ing fantastic. Long but very worth it. I wish it hadn't ended as suddenly as it did but I loved it none the less. - Pickles - Jan-19-2012 This story is the bomb. it has everything you are looking for. Read it and you will pray for more. Big up urself Chyne. You're a great writer. - Chinwe - Jan-29-2012 This story is the bomb. it has everything you are looking for. Read it and you will pray for more. Big up urself Chyne. You're a great writer. - Chinwe - Jan-29-2012 Wow. You won't regret reading this story! If it isn't already, this one needs to be published. It badly needs a sequel as well! - TKD Vix - Mar-07-2012 i can't even begin to imagine how much research preceded writing this story.. unless the author has a military background, it must have been a huge amount.. and yet the story never feels like reading a documentary.. there is a romantic aspect to the story, but the main part is the suspense factor.. and that part keeps you on your toes till the very end.. well done!! - xtra dog - Apr-02-2012 excellent !!! - soopi - Jun-24-2012 If you can get beyond all of the military details (some are great and some just aren't necessary for the story), it ends up as a great mystery. The interactions between Dale and Shannon are hilarious! - Anonymous - Aug-08-2012 This was such a good book. I hated for it to end. - Anonymous - Mar-22-2013 This ranks up there with the best stories I've read! As prior service it was wonderful to read such accurate detail. These characters are just begging to be taken out for another spin & I’m begging for a sequel! - Anonymous - May-01-2013 **** SPOILER ALERT **** I spent the last two days lazing around the house, dragging the computer with me wherever I went, and keeping my eyes glued to the screen. This story is ADDICTIVE! Some complaints I have (oh, who am I kidding. The ONE complaint I have) is that the way the story left off was so open. I'd have loved to see what progressed between Dale and a certain someone. I would be happy with something as simple as a short story detailing their lives as one working and one not, or whatever the two decide, and how the relationship develops/developed. I'd even be pleased if they ended up as just friends (not ecstatic, mind you, but I wouldn't say no to more of their story). All-in-all, I loved the story, absolutely. Thank you for taking the time to upload the entirety of it. - BabbityRABbity - Aug-06-2013 zbCTyI - HBtkdVcGADHOIvudGnu - May-19-2014 8HXRvK - CUwGPZofR - Jul-19-2014 Very Long story but really great read just would have loved to have seen more to Dale and cassidy story xx - SD - Sep-17-2015 Ywbp9p - TzDyVlLdi - Jan-07-2017 Great story! But omg, how can you give us this unbelievable sizzle between Dale and Anne? I'm so rooting for them that i can't root for anyone else being with either of them... sequel please with them? - regina - Jan-29-2017 |
Pocket Watch by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 24 pages | Finished | Apr-11 | ![]() |
Jenna Coleman and her partner, Brynne, have a committed, loving relationship. A frisky beginning to a beautiful Indian Summer morning becomes one of continuous horror woven into the fabric of everyone's history. | |
Good story, but what a tear jerker. - Netta - Apr-23-2011 Heavy but beautifully written. - crv - Apr-24-2011 Another extremely well written story from Cheyne. It's a tough read but well worth the time. - Anonymous - Apr-28-2011 Oh my goodness--- what an amazing story and such a touching, unique perspective. I felt like I was right back to that fateful day. Great work! - TWINSPARADOX - May-07-2011 This is an excellent story. It's powerful and very moving. I think everyone should read this story, if they can. My words can't truly describe how it touched me. Excellent. - Lyn B - May-15-2011 Although I usually read for pleasure, there are times when a story is deeply moving - this is one of those stories. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this story to you. Not only is it well written as you would expect from Cheyne, this story brings the horror, pain, dedication and honour that was all part of 9/11 and the days following to life. Sadly, I believe it to be true that many of the people who went far beyond their duty that day, are now suffering from life threatening illnesses - it seems as though they are paying the highest price one can ask - they are giving their lives so others may live - please let their dedication and life mean something. - CoolNik - Oct-27-2011 Good read. - Anonymous - Feb-26-2012 wonderful writing skills displayed by the author.. a very moving story.. the end had me in tears.. - xtra dog - Mar-28-2012 What I wouldnt give to have a dabtee with you about this. You just say so many things that arrive from nowhere that Im pretty certain Id have a fair shot. Your weblog is great visually, I mean people wont be bored. But others who can see past the videos and the layout wont be so impressed together with your generic understanding of this subject.VA:F [1.9.7_1111]please wait...VA:F [1.9.7_1111](from 0 votes) - fPyHSCvaBJxDLTg - Jul-08-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 33 pages | Finished | Aug-16 Part 2 of the Renegade Series Series List: Renegade, Present Moment (The) | ![]() |
A day in the life of the Sheridan family six years after we last visited them. It’s the Sunday before Halloween. The reverend and a few church members are not thrilled about the sheriff’s new addition to the harvest festival, the gang at Wilbur’s just want to be left to their card games and Trace finds an intellectual equal to discuss her life with. | |
Renegade by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 280 pages | Finished | Feb-08 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #03 in 2008, #35 in 2009 Links: The Academy of Bards Part 1 of the Renegade Series Series List: Renegade, Present Moment (The) | ![]() |
Blazingly Brilliant!! Cheyne, again, thrills with her attention to detail in this time bending tale of love. A very satisfying story that successfully bridges, and blends, not only time but also gender, race, and culture. An EXCELLENT and ABSOLUTE must read!! - Balmain - Feb-14-2008 What a great ride!! I LOVED this story! I highly recommend this one! - gcc - Feb-26-2008 Very good read. This story embraces our differences and shows how a group of people can join together for a common cause and perserver over a common enemy. - Anonymous - Mar-05-2008 Link between chapter 12 & 13 not working.It just keeps looping back to chapter 12. - Anonymous - Mar-10-2008 cross between future and past works well. nice to run across a different kinda tale. well written and recommended for those who like going into the past. - Anonymous - Mar-14-2008 A wonderful story. Though, it ends with chapter 13. Is this finished? - Anonymous - Mar-28-2008 A wonderful story. For those that are having issues with the links, simply change the number in your address bar, ( if it says renegade13 somewhere at the end of the link, change the 13 to 14 and hit enter.) That should bring you to the next page. - Anonymous - Apr-05-2008 This is by far the best western story I've read. Cheyne woves tales that hook you from start to finish. A great read! - Anonymous - Apr-24-2008 Brilliant! Captivating and engaging with wonderful character development. - Anonymous - May-13-2008 Took a little while to get into, but stick with it. It's well worth the effort. Good read. - Ape - May-21-2008 This was a very entertaining and adventure filled read. I highly recommend it for readers who are looking for kick butt adventure, redemption, and some fabulous love-making. - happykt - Jun-13-2008 fantastic - Anonymous - Jul-12-2008 I hate westerns but I loved this. My only complaint (not the fault of the author) is that you have to go directly to the RAB website to find part 14 Otherwise this is an absolutely Craacking read. - LsC - Oct-28-2008 This is the first time I read anything by this author and I loved this story! It was fast paced and intriguing. Liked the characters, liked the storyline. - carole - Nov-08-2008 Okay, so it's possible that I have a weakness for Westerns and maybe I'm a bit biased...with that being said, I absolutely loved Renegade. If you're a fan of the genre you have to give it a read. The love story was beautiful and the plot engaging. Two Thumbs! - nicole938 - Dec-03-2008 The BEST western story of X/G imo!! Highly recommended! - Luie - Feb-19-2009 Wow, this is a great story! Wish I had read it sooner. - Arassar - Feb-21-2009 ****spoiler**** A dirty cop finds herself in deep do do and the only means of escape is to travel back in time. Not by choice she lands back in the old west where she quickly starts down a road of trust, love and redemption. At first I found it tough to read as it starts by throwing a multitude of names, dates, places at you. As you get through that and really start the story in earnest you quickly realise all that gubbins (clutter) was necessary. Well worth a look. - Sai - Mar-12-2009 love it, very good story. wow!!!! - lady - Mar-25-2009 This is one of my altime favorites. The link to the conclusion is not working. - rleef - Jun-10-2009 This was a good read. Lots of humor, a good western background, two lovely ladies... I really enjoyed this one! - filfil - Jun-20-2009 If you havent read this one, put it on your 'must read list'. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009 Nice plot. Well written... got me to delay my college studies this week...! Argh!! AND two big dark rings under my eyes. Be careful with that, whoever read this one. - Millie D'Cast - Nov-07-2009 OMG!!!!! this Novel is UNF!!!! After a long time, I found a story that I absolutely love!! I wil definately by this one!!!! This a bestseller!!!A nice mixture of Sci-Fi, Action, Romance & who can forget..... THE OLD WEST. - hellraizer77 - May-18-2010 Interesting storyline, good characterization, well-plotted... Nice job ! - Condorcet - May-20-2010 After Clandestine (full of angst and passion) and the sex-tensed Permission To Recover (which I found very informative and well done), I didn't expect this, less dark and with lots of funny parts. Plus, it may rather be classified as Pre-1900 instead of Modern, or both, since the 4/5 of the story are WWW. Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. - M. D. Gibralta - Oct-22-2010 Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. One of my favorite ubers! Sequel please? I wanna see what Trace, Rachel, and the gang are up to:) - Anonymous - Jan-08-2011 Yes! Do read it. I love a good Uber Wester,I have read it a few times and even bought the book in print. A sequal is in definate order. - cpo - Feb-18-2011 While the beginning felt somewhat forced, and while the... Transition (When you read it you'll know what I mean) could have used some work it really picks up after the first part. It's a kick ass story that is truly worth a read. If you have even the slightest urge to read something western related, I suggest you read this. You won't be disappointed. - Laziel - Feb-24-2011 The BEST story of all stories, not just by this author. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2011 I've now read this story twice,and I highly recommend it. - Anonymous - Mar-10-2011 exellent story - agata - Jun-14-2011 Just read this again, and just loved it again. - ~M - Jun-22-2011 What a great story. Job well done - sassy123 - Jul-12-2011 That was excellent! I think this is the best Cheyne story I've had the pleasure of reading yet.Well done! - uber goober - Aug-07-2011 Really great to read. i couldn't stop reading it once i started - Anonymous - Sep-09-2011 Really great to read. i couldn't stop reading it once i started - Anonymous - Sep-09-2011 Wow. Was that ever a good read. Well worth investing the time! - Georgia - Sep-14-2011 This was a great read. The author uses an interesting strategy, setting up the story's major themes in one setting, then unexpectedly transporting the main character to a completely different environment where the same themes are then fully developed. Really very entertaining, with a satisfying ending. - XenaLives - Sep-24-2011 Great read! - TKD Vix - Feb-29-2012 nice read.. i especially liked the honey confusion.. :) the convergence between 21st and 19th century was well written.. but the author had a discrepancy with time in a totally different way.. *** SPOILER ALERT *** the baby was born after a nine months pregnancy, but being that trace and rachel got married after 2 months pregnancy, it was impossible that they were only together for six months when the baby was 1 month old.. and if the cranes were to be only gone for 2 months, how come they only returned when rachel was already 8 months pregnant, knowing they left shortly after conception?? small details, but it makes the story less believable.. - xtra dog - Mar-29-2012 Action, romance, danger and emotion blended beautifully for one heck of a fantastic read!! My only complaint is that there isn't a sequel. (g) I very highly recommend this story. - Stacia - Feb-02-2013 This is a really good read. A modern detective story turned western. Sound implausible - read it and find out. Well structured, well paced, well edited and very funny in places. - Georgia - Feb-12-2014 Very good. - Anonymous - May-19-2014 What an interesting tale! So much more than just romance and sex. Quite a plot line. Loved it! - LMC - Sep-06-2014 I have just re-read this and enjoyed it every bit as much as the first time. Tihi was one of the first stories I read on Athenaeum and remains one of my favourites. The characters are very believeable and behave with conviction. I didn't think I would enjoy "western" type stories but this opened my mind to the possibility. Give this a try. I don't think you will be disappointed. - Anonymous - Jul-01-2015 A Sequel ... Please . I love this story. Thank you. - R.L. - Jan-11-2017 Great story! At first i was thrown by the transition between the time periods but both were well-written and i was actually hoping to see if there would be a return later. But still, very enjoyable story and i really like the bucket loads of chemistry between the two ladies and was definitely rooting for them and all the lovely characters in sagebrush. Would be nice to have a sequel in the future where they go back. :) - regina - Jan-28-2017 |
Requiem by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jan-09 Cast: Carly, Alana | ![]() |
At her daughter's funeral, a mother blasts the hypocrisy of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' | |
Wow...this caused me to tear up. How true and painful the way it was put across. - Anonymous - Jan-06-2009 This was a beautiful peace that honors our fallen gay and lesbian soldiers and those who still serve their country in silence because of a prejudice rule. Hopefully it will go the way of the same rule that didn't blacks and whites to serve together. Well done!! - mapsnika - Jan-10-2009 Thank you. - rleef - Jan-11-2009 This is an absolute "Must Read". A powerful emotional and intellectual indictment of unequal treatment. - wasabigrrl - Jan-12-2009 Amen. - jls - Jan-15-2009 YOU GO GIRL !!!! - TONI - Jan-16-2009 You said it all, well written. Bravo! - Dawn - Feb-20-2009 WOW! You said so much in so little a space. Great Story! - Charlie13 - Apr-14-2009 Yes ma'am! - Anonymous - Apr-28-2009 Highly emotional and highly insightful; and right on target. This piece should be mandatory reading for every military officer and our commander in chief. - jt - Apr-29-2009 Stunningly brilliant. A mother's rant that is spot on. How many times in real life has this been repeated? If only change would come from this. Maybe a copy sent to all politicians ... - Georgia - Apr-30-2009 OMG!!!! This is a wonderful story.... I wish more people would read this and let Our Government know that Gays in the Military should have the same rights.... They serve and die just as much as other people do.... I am ashamed of how are Government and citizens treat Gays in the Military and to those who are not... We are people too just because we don't have a man in our live doesn't mean we can't love too... People need to get a life and not worry about what we do in our homes..... - Xenafan33 - Jun-15-2009 As we used to say in the Army, Hooah. Outstanding. - Roselle - Jul-23-2009 Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Awesome real story and real issue. Read it;I repeat myself READ IT and join the cause of all the families that want equality for all - xenamary - Sep-17-2009 Damn. Really cuts to the heart of the matter, doesn't it? - xivren - Dec-07-2009 wow.....just wow...+++ - Trish - Feb-01-2010 I remember reading this a while back and it still move me. A great way to show up the hypocracy of a system that drastically needs changing. - Kugai - Feb-06-2010 I am stunned - not being in the US, not having any connection to their army (I assume its the same for the other forces?) - in 2010 it seems impossible to have this type of horrific mentality. Thank the Goddess that the someone other than a Bush is in the Whitehouse and has the courage to look at change......thanks Cheyne for bringing this to the attention of other women....and to any spouse or entlisted person, my heart goes out to you.....we are thinking of you - Anonymous - Mar-29-2010 This was the Cheyne story that hooked me. It don't get anymore real than this. - Calloway - Apr-14-2010 Excellent. Powerful. A must read. Cheyne is very eloquent in showing how hypocritical DADT was. - Lyn B - Jan-31-2011 wow.. this short story really got to me.. i am speechless.. i have no doubt that that is reality.. as a european i just don't understand.. i do believe that 'don't ask, don't tell' was installed with the best of intentions, even if it was a cop out, but it obviously backfired tremendously.. thought provoking.. - xtra dog - Mar-29-2012 |
Shards by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Jun-10 | ![]() |
What a powerful message. Your tale was very moving! It was too short, I know it had to be. You did such a wonderful job with so few words! Thank you for sharing this with us! - Pixieydust - Jun-14-2010 Wow. This is a powerful short story. I like the stories that Cheyne writes because the topics are always so varied and thought provoking. This one conveys so much. Read it. - Lyn B - Jan-31-2011 how anyone can write such a powerful, albeit sad, story in only 999 words is not only a great achievement but also a marvel.. wonderful author.. - xtra dog - Mar-29-2012 |
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 55 pages | Finished | Jun-09 Related EpisodesLoss (Law and Order: SVU) Cast: Olivia Benson, Alex Cabot; Abbie Carmichael Links: Passion and Perfection Part 1 of the Texas Hold Er Series Series List: Texas Hold 'Er, Forgive Us Our Trespasses, Infanticipation | ![]() |
A year after Alex's exit, Abbie returns to NYC with an interesting proposition for Olivia. | |
I so enjoy Cheyne's writing. Thank you for the hours of entertainment. - rleef - Jul-07-2009 what a great story. the writing was compelling and natural. you're a really talented writer! - Anonymous - Nov-13-2009 Love it, wish there were more Abbie/Olivia pairings. - GB - Dec-18-2009 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 18 pages | Finished | May-07 Honors/Awards: #93 in 2008 Top-25 #1. Part 1 of the Two Cross Side Series Series List: Two Cross Side, Cheating The Pocket | ![]() |
A bored executive, in town on business, meets up with an attractive little pool shark who is enticed into a game that just may change her life. | |
FANTASTIC! Definitely worth your time to read. Hopefully Cheynes' muse will grace us all with a sequel on these two intersting characters. - Christi - Jun-04-2007 Great story!! - lyneX - Jun-07-2007 FABULOUS!!! Engaging, well-written, beautifully sequencethis enchanting story proclaims a very promising author. - discretemage - Jun-13-2007 WOW! I want more! I hope your doing a sequel! - leia - Jun-16-2007 Don't miss this yummy little story that, in glorious detail, celebrates the chance encounter. Ripe for sequel. Thank you Cheyne. - Anonymous - Jul-05-2007 This story is FANTASTIC!! I don't know how on earth I missed this one as I'm a huge fan of Cheyne's writings! Short but detail packed, this story is a visual and brilliant little nugget of sultry fun. Definitely TWO THUMBS WAY UP and permanently ensconced on my "read often" list!! - Balmain - Jan-05-2008 This is one hot little story. What are you waiting for? Go! Read!! - gcc - Jan-11-2008 BLEEDING FANTASTIC! Definitely needs a sequel - Anonymous - Jan-17-2008 Criminy, I need a cold shower! Gotta sharpen my pool cue now... Too bad the spice index only goes up to 10. - Dusty - Jun-21-2008 fantastic! - Anonymous - Jun-25-2008 Very sensual story about a stranger in town who dares a pool shark to a winner take it all game! I want a sequel or an expansion of this story! - happykt - Aug-04-2008 more!more!more! sequel? plz! - Anonymous - Mar-18-2009 How could you do it? How could you write a story so short and then so perfect? It's bleeding HOT, bleeding SMART, bleeding everything! Wow! So well done! Congratulations! - Anonymous - Jun-10-2009 I give this the three S's. Short, sweet and sexy! This oce is ideal if you're looking for something to fill the gap between longer stories. - Sai - Jan-27-2010 Good story. It's beautifully written and the sexual tension that builds throughout the story is great. I like how the story draws you into the characters lives. Well worth reading... make that, definitely worth reading! - Lyn B - Jan-31-2011 This story is fairly short but very well written. It definetly leaves you wanting to read more of these two interesting characters. - uber goober - Jul-20-2011 very engaging and hot pwp.. i do like the sequel better though.. - xtra dog - Mar-29-2012 Nice short story but HOT - SD - Sep-17-2015 Love it! Came here looking for more after reading Renegade and this was such a short and yet charming (and sexy!) story. Definitely read the sequel too, love these two. :) - regina - Jan-28-2017 |