The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Crystal Michallet-Romero -
Stories Found: 22
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Addendum - A Fan Fiction Chronology by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | General | Drama | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Aug-03
Lists Crystal's work in chronological order, with review and information and descriptions.

All Hallow's Eve by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished |
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Argo, Eve
Combining elements from many different ghost story formats, Crystal creates a delightful Halloween tale that can be enjoyed year-round. Xena and Gabrielle embrace the traditions of Halloween only to find that some of those traditions are not as tame or controllable as they would prefer. Just when you think the writer has revealed the secret of the story, another layer opens up to be explored. This one will have you checking the room behind you just to make sure all is well.
This story really scared me. Maybe I'm a wimp but the author really had me a bit spooked. I've a read a few of the Xena fan fiction ghost stories, some quite good, but this one really had me going. A great read - highly recommend. - Karon Reiter - Jun-30-2011   

Ari Speaks Out by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished |
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Alti

Comfort by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jul-07

Confetti Promises by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jun-07

Curse of Higuchi (The) by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 601 pages | Finished | Jul-03
Cast: Zara, Nadrah, Gabrielle, Abu, Xena, Moroccan, Badr
After 21 months of research, L. Crystal Michallet-Romero has produced the finest FIN tale ever written! Crystal not only utilized her tremendous skills as a scholar to painstakingly research the history of the times, but she includes vast knowledge into the religious aspects of Islam, Hindu and Egyptian religions. When she promised us a roller coaster ride at the beginning of this tale, she was not kidding. The Curse of Higuchi brings out a wide range of emotions, and is filled with such depth and detail as to take your breath away. From the very first chapter, all the way to the end, I felt as if I was a part of the story. Even after I go back to re-read the story again, I come across so many details that were previously missed before. I have read every FIN story ever written, and I truly believe that COH will become the definitive tale for the continuation of X:WP. If TPTB are looking for a script for any future movies, they need not look further than COH. COH is a must read for all Xena Fans.
This story is a fantastic. The characters are wonderful and the plot is fantastic! This is a must read FN. - sterling - Jul 30th, 2003   

What an epic story! It has a depth seldom seen in fanfic; it's simply breathtaking. - pa9 - Aug 3rd, 2003   

I would soooo recommend reading this story, I called in sick to work so that I could read this story; I didn't want to stop for anything, not even the world. I settled in with snacks, drinks and a cute ælil laptop to read this .. I've laughed out loud, cried like a baby from sympathetic pain and giggled like a little girl again at some of the funnies. The research that has gone into this and keen insight into personal drives and psychology make this a very well developed character driven novel. I loved my 24 hour stint reading this, every minute was worth it. Thank you L. Crystal Michallet-Romero for furthering the FIN ending of Xena and her bard Gabrielle and providing me with a memorable day of reading and pleasure. - Cath - Oct 28th, 2003   

I never wanted to read fan fic stories involving FIN or Post FIN. I saw many recommendations for this story and after looking into it, found it to be around 600 pgs. With that many pages, this story had to have some substance. I had hoped anyway. So I took a chance. Luckily, I wasn't disappointed; in fact, my socks were totally blown off. This story is simply, in a word, brilliant. I stayed awake so many nights until my eyes would betray me and close from exhaustion. The characters introduced in this tale were so rich, I couldn't wait to read their storylines in addition to following Gabrielle and Xena's. I grew to adore Zara and was so happy Gabrielle had befriended her. Once more, the author gave historical facts before each section; I actually learned about other cultures while reading this story. There is way too much to discuss in this type of arena, but do yourselves a favor and give this story a read. It truly is incredible. Fantastic job, Crystal. - Di Bauden - Mar 4th, 2004   

A fantastic classical Xena fiction and one of the best post-FIN stories ever. I find myself returning to this work over and over. - Anonymous - Mar-22-2008   

The best FIN I've ever read! - Anonymous - Apr-21-2008   

This is script material, and an absolutely fantastic tale. I'm a Xena loyalist and I didn't think I could deal with any other character loving Gab. BUT, I fell in love with Zara and was torn between who would be best, I wanted them both to have her. It is a beautifully written story and I didn't ant it to end. Please write more about Zara, I felt so sorry for her. Her fate just broke my heart. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to know that things turn out ok for her. Well done, I'll be hanging on to it as one of my favorites to go back to. - Lea Ann - May-01-2009   

Amazing - Bighteyez08 - Oct-08-2009   

Wow. This really is the best ever post fin work. Incredibly rich and detailed story. totally addictive. Would love to see Zara's story continued. If you haven't read this, read it now there is no better fin tale out there. - Blown Away - Nov-14-2009   

What a talented bard. This is an epic story well worth reading. Engaging, compelling - it will take you through a range of emotions. ****spoiler**** although, I have to say that it was very hard to read as Gabrielle became involved with another woman. My mind struggled to accept even through I could 'understand', somewhat. Thank goodness Xe/Gab came through in the end. - Anonymous - May-30-2010   

Omg! This has to be just about the best Post FIN story ever written. Beautifully written. Do yourself a favor and check this one out. A masterpiece! - RCP - Aug-19-2010   

This story was beautifully written. Nice characters, dialogue, setting. Great research done. And it's long! Safe to say, the writer has the right stuff. But I did not like it. And no, not because of the Islam thing. That I have no problem with. It was actually refreshing. No, due to some (for me) uncharacteristic (and at the same time very characteristic. I know, it's confusing.) portrayals of Gabrielle, basically the whole premise of the story felt... Wrong.

Again, it's not a bad story, really. But because of my own feelings on how X&G's relationship is built the story didn't work for me. I had a pit in my stomach the whole time. And I'm starting to suspect that I'm turning people away. Read it! Try it out! While not right for me, this well written story might be just right for you. - Lazy Laziel - Oct-06-2011   

Have read more than once and have enjoyed it each time. Would highly recommend to anyone wanting a story that continues after the death of Xena. It is awesome! - Anonymous - Oct-06-2011   

I was seorisuly at DefCon 5 until I saw this post. - POFQaANGVDRcl - Dec-11-2011   

Esta Noche (This Night) by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Short Story - 11 pages | Finished | Aug-06
A lone vampire finds an interesting way to spend her night out.
wow! What can I say without giving away spoliers except that this is one of the best vampire tales that I've read. It has romance, humor, erotica and a clever twist at the end! - Dee - Aug-15-2006   

This is a wonderfully written tale of a vampire finding a way to liven up (pun not intended) her immortality. But will her amusement spell disaster for the humans in her path? We're talking about vampires after all. This will make you squirm in more ways than one. Best not read at work. - Gina - Aug-15-2006   

I did not think that I would enjoy a vampire story but Crystal's work has changed my mind! She is truly a gifted writer and I highly recommend this story! Just as others have mentioned, I was completely taken off guard by the conclusion of this story. If you want a well written work of lesbian erotica, this short story is for you! - Arati - Aug-17-2006   

Great story, but all is not as it appears! Run, don't walk to read t his -- but not if you're at work! - jerseygirl - Aug-17-2006   

Awesome and totally unexpected. I loved it. lol - xefan - Aug-24-2006   

Fallen by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jul-07

Fearful is the Night by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Oct-06
Cast: Katja & Alina
An original adult lesbian Halloween story.
Once again Crystal has done it! She has created a brand new tale that begs for a sequel!!! I've been following her writing from the beginning and with each new story she just keeps getting better and better. This is a wonderful Halloween story that is sure to get many looking over their shoulder on a cold winter night. Brava, Crystal!!! Keep them coming! - E. - Oct-04-2006   

Oh my, someone should really put a warning not to
read this at work! LOL While this story held
elements that were frightening and had my heart
racing; the imagery gave it an even balance. Even
though I found myself blushing at the very erotic
nature of this tale, it didn't stop me once from
reading it at work, lol. I am going to highly
recommend that this story be read at least once,
twice or more before and after Halloween!!
Excellent work, Crystal!
- Arati - Oct-06-2006   

Suspenseful, thrilling, chilling, scary and yeah, downright erotic! I wish my wife would write something like this for me lol. This is a perfect story for Halloween. Thank you Crystal for another wonderful tale and a big thanks to your wife Jessica for sharing her birthday gift with us! - Dee - Oct-12-2006   

I am the Earth by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jun-07

I Fear the Storm Outside by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Sep-06

Illyria by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | May-07
I wouldn't have read this story if a friend didn't forcefully urge me to. What a loss it would have been if I had not listened to the urgings!!! This is not just one of the best lesbian fairy tales that I've read in a long time it is THE BEST one that I've read!!! Not only have I read it to my children but I did not take the authors suggestion to censor part of her wonderful story. My kids loved it!!! At age 4 and 6, they are picky listeners when it comes to bedtime stories and so far, they've asked me to read it to them three nights in a row!!! Thank you Crystal for not only writing a story that children would love, but for writing one that lesbians will enjoy and cherish for many years to come! - Diana - May-25-2007   

Aww. That was so cute! Reminded me of the fairy tales I used to read as a child. Very creative. - Anonymous - Apr-29-2009   

In Your Arms by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jun-07

Moon Chaser by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Sep-07

Morpheus by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | May-07

Mundaneness by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Sep-07
So very sweet. You're a lucky lady... - LDR - Mar-20-2011   

Origin of the Hong Kong Martial Arts Movie Genre (The) by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | General | Adventure | Short Story - 15 pages | Finished | May-03
Cast: Kong, Robert, Confucius, China, Xena, Buddha, Tapert, Vampire, Buddhist, Taoist, Kung
This Senior thesis was written in the Humanities MLA format, and traces the origins of the Hong Kong Martial Arts Movie Genre and their influence on the American television and movie industry from the 'Warring State Era' in China through the present.
What a pleasure it was to learn the roots of where my favorite show came from! - Anonymous - May 27th, 2003   

Crystal is not only a talented bard, but she's a scholar as well!This thesis is a must read for any Xena fan who wants to better understand our favorite show. - Arati - May 28th, 2003   

wow ... what can I say ...The way L. Crystal Michallet develops the roots of Wuxia from the confucius and buddhist eras, traveling to the Chinese revolution and linking to Xena and modern movies is a strike of pure genius...I recommend that all Xena Fans do watch Brigitte Lin in the Bride with white hair to see how the persona of Xena was developed... - Aalavih - May 28th, 2003   

I was almost not going to add my comments because I figured there were so many who already spoke up, but then I decided to go ahead and throw in my praise for this work. Never have I read such a detailed account of a mythology which is still alive today. I always knew that the Xena show had a positive affect on me, but I never realized how important the show is not only to the American culture, but to the Chinese as well.Bravo, Ms. Michallet, this is a fine piece of research and I hope you get an A+ for it. I know it's the grade that I would give it if it was within my power to do so! - Jay - May 30th, 2003   

She Beckons by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | May-07
Wonderful testiment of true love! - Dee - Jun-03-2007   

Beautifully written prose that holds so many truths. - Anonymous - Apr-21-2008   

Way (The) by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | May 02
Cast: Chandanda, Ganges, Gabrielle, Xena, Kapila, Rajani, Pallavas, Muni, Shiva, Crystal, Eli, Chalukyas
Wow, this was truly my first thought when I finished reading this short story, The Way, by L. Crystal Michallet-Romero. Like many Gabrielle fans, I was very hurt when the bard threw away her Amazon staff in favor of the path of peace, but after reading The Way, I found myself filled with hope! Not only did the author find a clever way to explain what occurred after the battle with Indrajit, but she managed to tastefully depict the true love between women, both in the two new characters she introduced, and Gabrielle and Xena. I may be a bit biased, but I have to admit that What I also found equally intriguing was the way in which Ms. Michallet-Romero weaved a classical myth from my own culture into her story. I was truly impressed by the imagery and exacting detail which the author included in this story. Even though historical information was included in the story, it did not feel like a lesson, but only enhanced the plot of the story. Not only did the story remain true to the Xena episodes, and the love of our two heros, but the mythical tale weaved into it caused me to become nostalgic. Even after a few readings, I continue to see things contained within the story that I previously missed. I would highly reccommend this to anyone longing to see the love demonstrated between two women, and most importantly, the love bond of our two beloved heros, Xena and Gabrielle.

Winds of Change by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
X-Files | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | Nov-01
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle
Part 1 of the The Immortal Series
Series List: Winds of Change
In this first story of her Winds of Change series, L.C. Michallet-Romero has created a very intriguing and believable blending of the Xenaverse and The X-Files episode, 'Nothing Important Happened Today.' The story also provides one of the author's many ideas of why FIN happened. This particular idea gives the latter part of Season 6 a unique twist. Sit back and enjoy the ride!
help can't find anything after p.2 - opiraeus - Jan-17-2008   

You Should Have... by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 14 pages | Finished |
*This review contains spoilers for the story* What began as a short tale to cheer up her friend, turned into the set-up for Crystal's novel, 'The Curse of Higuchi.' This first work for Xena fandom reveals the complexity of the bard's imagination through the many disparate motivations working under the surface of the tale. The story opens with Gabrielle a month or so into a ship's voyage back from Japa. The captain has taken a fancy to our bard (yet another Gab-fan in the world) and Xena is jealous but won't admit it (even death won't change some things). Gabrielle's reaction to the situation is wonderfully complex and thought provoking. Still in the anger and denial stages of grief, she uses the captain's interest to make the point that her hard-headed ghost should have thought of some things before stopping Gabrielle from bringing her back to life. It's not a pleasant lesson for Xena, but hard heads tend to call for big clubs. The captain's interest also provides a way for Gabrielle to have an evening's respite from the loss of her lover. But how far will Gabrielle go? You have to read to find that part out! The banter between Gabrielle and Xena is like a poker match, with bluffs being called all over the place, sometimes gently and with humor, other times with the stinging tinge of anger. Through it all, Crystal keeps her characters true to what we have come to know from the series itself.

Your Morning Kisses by Crystal Michallet-Romero     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Jun-07

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