And Playing the Role of Herself... by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 243 pages | Finished | Jul-05 Cast: Robyn, Liz, Josh, Danny, Grant, Paula, Jules, Kreizeck, Micah, Arturo, Stokley Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #11 in 2005, #11 in 2006, #08 in 2008, #08 in 2009 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Caid Harris is an ex beer commercial actress whoÆs made it to the big time and canÆt believe her luck. A plum role on a hot new cop show has Caid sharing her once private life with a horde of press and media, sharing the screen with a temperamental southern belle who she calls friend, and sharing her trailer with a leggy brunette who leaves her tongue-tied, slightly off-center, and just a little breathless. And the roller coaster ride that took Caid from a beer hawking æBalentine BabeÆ to the role of tough cop Rita Stone gets even more interesting when the showÆs creator wants to push the envelope and decides Caid is just the woman to do it. | |
AWESOME - Anonymous - Jul 27th, 2005 This is an incredibly well written story. The best I've seen in aeons. Do not pass this story by, you will be richer for the experience. - Alison - Jul 27th, 2005 Truly a wonderful story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. - Peg - Jul 27th, 2005 This is an exceptional story, very well written. I highly recommend it. - Chris - Jul 27th, 2005 awsome awsome story! even though I had a midterm the very next day to cram for I couldn't put it down, but definitely worth it! recommend it to everyone!! - blazinangelwings - Jul 27th, 2005 I loved this story. I got completely caught up in it. Highly recommended. - eva - Jul 28th, 2005 I highly recommend this story. It's one of the best romance stories IÆve read in a long time. Don't miss it! - Anonymous - Jul 28th, 2005 Great story! Love the characters. More please. - Anonymous - Jul 28th, 2005 Wow! Definitely one of the best I've stories I've read in a long time. And all my coworkers had to put up with me on 2 hrs sleep the next day. :) - Anonymous - Jul 28th, 2005 This is an awesome story. Not only is it novel-length and complete, it's also really well written. I haven't enjoyed a story this much in ages. A definite must read. - Jen - Jul 29th, 2005 This is a really brilliant story and would recommend it to anyone and everyone, it is well written, and one of the most heart warming complete stories I have read in a while. Could we have a little more plz, maybe just a few chapters to see how they are doing. Thank you for writing it. - LuvTigger71 - Jul 29th, 2005 This story was recommended to me and I feel very fortunate that is was, I want to pass my good fortune on - read this! You wont be disappointed. Wonderful piece that I simply could not put it down. Kudos to the author. - Eden - Jul 30th, 2005 This story was recommended to me and I feel very fortunate that is was, I want to pass my good fortune on - read this! You wont be disappointed. Wonderful piece that I simply could not put it down. Kudos to the author. - Eden - Jul 30th, 2005 This story ROCKS!! This one of the best stories I have read in a long time. I sat up and read it all in one go. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. - Titch - Aug 1st, 2005 This is one of the best romance stories IÆve read in a very long time. It had everything in it û angst, laughter, near tragedy. I hope dabkey submits it for publication, I'd certainly buy a copy. - Kit - Aug 1st, 2005 This is such a great story!! I couldn't stop reading and by the second chapter I knew this was going to be one of my all time Favs. Highly recommended!! - Anonymous - Aug 1st, 2005 This is a truly excellent story. I loved every second of it. More! - Vee - Aug 3rd, 2005 Fantastic story! Great, dynamic characters. Hope this isn't the last time we saw them. One of the best romance stories I've ever read! - BacchusKiller - Aug 5th, 2005 Well! Who could resist after reading all the praise this story has generated. I didn't regret it one bit either, it was a great read and I hardly noticed that it was over 200 pages long. I could have carried on for another 200. - Sai - Aug 5th, 2005 Good god, that was awesome. If a sequel is written, I may just become faint with excitement - doopits - Aug 9th, 2005 it was SO great to read a well-written story with truly unique/original characters that was ALSO rivetting and fantastic - talk about a real treat. this particular author is immensely talented and could easily sustain a professional writing career if she so chose. TrinityB5 at yahoo dot com. - TrinityB5 - Aug 9th, 2005 I just finshed reading it , and just blew mind , cute, very well written novel. congratulations to the writer. - arly - Aug 11th, 2005 This is a terrific novel! The author has done a great job of creating a well-plotted, well-written, and well-edited story that is very engaging. I'd heed the warnings from other readers about starting this story late at night or before a big work day--you'll have a tough time putting it down before you're finished! - Martha - Aug 13th, 2005 Excellent writing, well done novel. This work kept me sneaking back to my computer during breakfast, after work, and just before bedtime. It was one of those magical tales that captivated my attention from the beginning to the ending, and had several unexpected plot twists. Two thumbs up! - JS Stephens - Aug 16th, 2005 Loved it, Loved it, Loved it a wonderful and loving story...Thank You for writing and sharing. - NF - Aug 19th, 2005 This is a really great story. The author outdone herself. Great characters draws out this well told story. I think I found a new favorite author among the others. - xlvr - Aug 29th, 2005 I just wanted to add my recommendation of this story. It grabbed my attention and kept it to the very end. I do agree that I would love to read a sequel to this story it is that good. I would buy this one as well. It is definitely one that I plan to read again. Brava!!!! - wmnwholves - Sep 3rd, 2005 beautifully done, on so many levels. keep writing, and please, think very seriously of a sequel. thank you for this gem. - feral - Oct 26th, 2005 I was hooked on this story. I didn't want to stop reading it. It is well written and the characters are really developed. I would love to see some more of them. This was a great story. - Erica - Oct 29th, 2005 This is a great story . I couldnt stop reading it .I loved the characters .I hope to read a sequel soon. - Anonymous - Nov 3rd, 2005 Wow, of the best story i've ever red. I rarelly comment on stories, but I had to for this one. good job - Ely - Nov 23rd, 2005 Read this story! It's great. dabkey's other stories are also good, but this is one that can be read over and over. - anonymous - Dec 2nd, 2005 I cannot say enough good things about this story! READ IT!!! It has it all. Seriously...the characterizations, the plot, the humor, the romance, the's all good. - Anonymous - Dec 13th, 2005 fantastic story with great characters. it's well worth a read or three. would it be too much to ask for a sequel? :D - Anonymous - Dec 16th, 2005 Excellent story that had me gripped from the beginning. I really hope there's some sort of sequel *hint, hint* - P. - Mar-25-2006 Just finished reading this story and all I can say is...WOW!...BRAVA!!....outstanding story and characters, wonderfully paced, beautifully sensual and erotic, had me wishing for another couple hundred pages. - thejadedapple - Mar-25-2006 Now one of my top ten favorite stories! Don't miss it. - Cam - Apr-09-2006 I think I've read this story 10 times!!! AWESOME!!! - Mich - May-11-2006 It is definitely one of the top ten on my list. I hope you are going to write a sequel. Highly recommended to everyone. - E - May-24-2006 I loved this story! Please keep writting! - Anonymous - Jun-07-2006 This was such an amazing story. - BlueTyger - Jun-27-2006 This is really an awesome read. I just finished reading it for the 5th time and it's still the same as the first time. Wonderful. This author makes you feel like you are a part of the cast. Wonderfuly written and is still one of my favorites. - Robin Hicks - Aug-19-2006 It's one of my favourites stories. I love the story and the characters. Thanks for such a wonderful piece of art. - S G - Aug-31-2006 I have read hundreds of stories and this one is in my top ten. A Must read ;-)) - golem3 - Sep-01-2006 Absolutely fantabulous, I couldn't put it down, literally!! Please, please, please, please look into getting this published it was brilliant. I've read so many stories recently and this was one of the first that was actually truly well written. It has style, great character and plot development and darn it, decent grammar as well! Also now in my top 10 favourite list. - xenavirgin - Oct-27-2006 WOW, you really got it!! Will there be a sequel?? Please... - Peanut - Nov-27-2006 I've been reading a lot of stories recently, but this is still my absolutely favorite: a wonderful original story, with great characters and a lot of great dialogues. And guess what? It's going to be finally released as a book (and also with a very gorgeous cover): - Anonymous - Dec-06-2006 This is one of my favorites. Everything about the story is well done! Read it! - jd - Dec-15-2006 All I can say about this story is I want more. heh Yes I know... Greedy little thing I am. I hope that there are plans for a sequel. Ill be buying this as soon as it is published. A definate must read! - Dierdre - Dec-17-2006 The writing is practically flawless. This story was more than amazing, it was smart, witty, heartlfelt, romantic, and actually very unique. I fell in love with each of the quirky characters, and I'm sure you will too. A must, must, MUST read!! - Damnedchick - Dec-22-2006 Love the story One of my all time favorite FF. I am definately hoping for a sequel in the future - GA - Dec-22-2006 Here we go again. Another story that I can't seem to get enough of. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading this yet you simply must!!!! It ranks on the top 10 list of my favorites, and I have A LOT of favorites. look at all of the other recommendations, surely we can't all be wrong!!!!!!!! - Robin Hicks - Mar-24-2007 Excellent build up, beautifully constructed... The emotional ups and downs are very true to life... the more you read, the worst you start to feel because you know that you must be getting close to the end of the story...well done..i wish the author would write more novels... - Anonymous - Apr-05-2007 Love this story. It's so well written and entertaining. READ IT!!! - Anonymous - Apr-09-2007 This is a story you won't be able to put down until you finish it! If you haven't read this one yet, you're missing a lot! It's sweet and funny and sizzling... treat yourself to this story, you won't be disappointed! - Jay - Apr-13-2007 Folks, this is the third time I have recommmended this story. It is a must read and I just don't want anyone to miss out on this. You won't be dissopointed. - Robin - May-13-2007 I was up till 4am reading this. Exrtremely well written with very accessible, warm charcaters. Write more, write more... please - Anonymous - Jul-06-2007 I really hope that the writer can write this story from Robyn's point of view while she is (hopefully) working on a sequel. One of my all time favorites. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. - VII - Jul-07-2007 I've read this story about 5 times now and have to say that it's still one of my all-time favorite stories. I just love it! - Mary G. - Aug-13-2007 Wow! - there is no words strong enough to express how much I like this book. I read it like 3X already over the last year... and it's not the end of it. I am definitively buying the published book! This one is to keep! Hope there will be a sequel. - Anonymous - Aug-15-2007 I love this story so much. Problably read it more than 10 times. And even bought the book. Hope you're giving us a new story or sequel soon. - Dale - Aug-16-2007 ABSOLUTELY one of the best books you will ever read!!!!!!!!!!! - Robin - Aug-18-2007 There have been a lot of recommendations already, but I'd still like to add another one. This is a wonderful story with great characters. It was a joy to read. - sarah - Sep-12-2007 I just want to add another recommendation for this book. I would rate it as my favorite uber/original fiction story that I have ever read. I even ordered the book to have my own copy. The writing is great...humor, passion, my opinion it has no equal and I will never tire of reading it. - tippinit - Sep-25-2007 I can't tell you how many times that I have read this, only that it is one of the best I have read. If you haven't read it yet, you are depriving yourself of one fantastic story!!!! Make sure that you are comfortable when you sit down to read it because once you start, you won't want to stop. - robin - Nov-14-2007 this is so fantastic I've read it 7 times in 2 years it so great - Anonymous - Nov-24-2007 This is a great story! seriously just read it! - Vanessa Gonzalez - Dec-03-2007 Excellent story; well written; one I read over and over again - Courtney - Jan-29-2008 Definitely worth printing - this is by far one of the best stories on-line. You'll want to read it over and over. I hope we'll get a new story soon... - chatham23 - Jan-29-2008 One of the best i ever read ! Great ! - Ysgann - Jan-30-2008 I'm a librarian - I read a lot. So believe me when I say this is a book that you can read over and over again. It pulls at your heart, it'll make you laugh out loud, and the chemistry between these characters is out of control. - Kim - Feb-06-2008 Amazing story she is amazing. I feel like these characters are real. I really love the dialougue and inner any story that reminds me of Olivia Benson and Abbie Carmichael is a winner - J - Feb-07-2008 Hands down one of the most readable and re-readable stories out there!! I'd love to see more from this author. - Balmain - Feb-07-2008 Gah! This was one of the best things I've read online. The charaterization was AMAZING. Sometimes once the two main characters figure out what is going on between them the story gets dull. But not this. I was on the edge of my seat until the end...and then it did end :(!!! I request a sequel!! Please do yourself a favor and read this amazing story! - Amanda - Feb-23-2008 This is a fantastic story! I liked it so much I purchased a copy of the published book. I carry it with me in my backpack so I always have something great to read. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2008 Great Story - Anonymous - Feb-26-2008 I tryly love this tale!!! fantastico, semplice, intrigante, tutto quello che potresti volere da una storia!!! peccato che in Italia non ci siano storie così! - francesca - Mar-16-2008 Yes, a beautiful story, hope the author will write a sequel. E' vero in Italia non ci sono libri così, fortuna che c'è l'athenaeum e i tanti altri siti di fiction, nonché degli autori incredibilmente dotati. - Imma - Mar-18-2008 I think this has the most reviews of any story on here lol. A-MA-ZING! The characters are ssooooo real! I read it till the very end and wanted more! The perfect story! I want a movie. - Amanda - Mar-20-2008 I love this story! The charcaters are so real you feel like if you turned on your TV you would see them there! Caidance is so dynamic, with her own quirks and insecurities that makes her easy to relate to. The story is a must read, you will not be disappointed! - Jaely - Apr-16-2008 Loved this story! Great writing and kudos to dabkey! - Luie - Apr-24-2008 Brilliant!!! A really awesome story!!! - heinerway - Jul-11-2008 Great Story, Amazingly written i found this story awhile ago and just came back across it and re-read it. It's a stay-up all night even with work at 8am type of story. - Darbi - Aug-08-2008 I must say i only actually read this because of the sheer amount of comments, i felt they were trying to tel lme something :D. however, i am so very glad i did this was a very good story, brilliantly written and the characters are loveably flawed, just like real humans. thanks so much for writing this!!! - givadid - Aug-14-2008 I've read this story so many times I've lost count. I completely fell in love with these characters. I hope that Dabkey keeps sharing her talent with us because I can't wait what she comes up with next. - anonymous - Aug-19-2008 Wow!! What a wonderful story. You must read this story! - Anonymous - Aug-19-2008 A great story,sweet and emotional. Well written. Definitely wonderful. - Manuela - Aug-29-2008 Excellent story! The characters are brilliant, the story is brilliant!! I loved it! I love the acting world, It was brought out so well in this story! - Jemma - Aug-30-2008 Wonderful story,brilliant,excellent !!! Must read this :)) - Manuela - Sep-05-2008 This is still my all time favourite lesbian story. It is the perfect fantasy book. It's hot, romantic, emotional, well-written, great protaganist, exciting.. - suerab - Sep-12-2008 EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!! - tammy - Sep-15-2008 I've reread this story about 20 times and it never fail to amaze me. This is my favorite lesbian story in the annals of lesbian fiction (and I've read thousands of lesbian stories.) This is an incredibly fun, romantic, sexy, character drive story that is the best of the best!! - happykt - Sep-16-2008 Good Story. Amazing characters. I've lost count of how many times I've read this. It's a 10 for me. - Bloo - Oct-21-2008 Smart and sweet. - ab - Oct-28-2008 Tremenda!! One of the best stories that I have read in English. Absolutely recommendable. Engancha desde el principio. Recomiendo leerla. Es muy buena Thaks for it. From Spain - xardok - Nov-02-2008 The best story/book I ever read and I've read a lot!! - Anonymous - Nov-18-2008 I really like this story. Lots of little twist and turns from the various characters. - EC - Dec-28-2008 great story, enjoyed every moment! well worth the read...thanks - punter - Dec-28-2008 Great story..I've read it more times than I can count... - KT - Jan-03-2009 The fact that I can re-read this story indicates how truly wonderful this work of fiction really is. There is just enough angst as well to engage the reader into caring about what happens to the two main characters. Kudos to the author and I hope there is a sequel! - apwsf - Jan-09-2009 One of my favorite stories in the universe, EVER!!!!! - happykt - Jan-19-2009 This story is just... Beautiful! It's a must read. I usually do not like first person stories, but the way this one is written. You'll be missing out if you skip this one. - littlearsonist - Jan-24-2009 After reading this story for 3 times in the last year, i can still say it's one of my favourites. definately highly recommmended!! - Anonymous - Jan-26-2009 So I was just about to start my annual re-read of this wonderful story when i came across it on amazon! wow... if i had known i could get it in my hands in paperback form, i would have a long time ago... anyway. the reason this story has so many glowing reviews is because it is JUST THAT GOOD! so read it. then buy it. that's what i did anyway. - Anonymous - Jan-29-2009 Simply great!!!! I loved it. - poisen ivy - Feb-03-2009 This may just well be the best fanfic out there. It is enjoyable each and every time I re-read it. FANTASTIC story. - halen - Feb-05-2009 I absolutely loved this story and was totally captivated by the characters. Thank you! - Ginger - Feb-12-2009 I am not a writer by any means of the imagination. What I am though is an avid reader. This is one of the BEST stories I have stumbled across in years. I will Now be looking for the name dabkey at every posting. - Janna - Feb-14-2009 One of the best stories I've ever read in 30 years! - happykt - Mar-27-2009 wow!! i couldn't enjoy anything after that! and very WOW - Anonymous - Apr-04-2009 Very well written - a favourite - HM - Apr-08-2009 I've just finish the reading... and I can't help but smile! This IS a BEAUTIFUL story. The plot is quite simple but very exciting! The characters are intense... moving as well as hilarious. So, do yourself a favor, READ IT. - Anonymous - May-12-2009 Quite enjoyable! - Anonymous - May-16-2009 Great! - CAL - May-17-2009 dabkey..what can I said, but you are a good, really really good author. A great story indeed. Both Robyn & Caid have such strong firm characters. Readers should never miss this one out..!! - easteden - May-18-2009 Great story. Loved every moment of it. - Candy - Jun-06-2009 Fantastic Read - DO NOT MISS this wonderfully written tale. - Texas_wild - Jun-13-2009 my favorite story!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jun-19-2009 This is one of my most favourite stories...perfect, sexy and so on....sory for my english, I´m Czech.... - Mageira - Jun-22-2009 Not a week goes by that this story does not get a recommendation and it does not matter how many times you read it,it remains one of those tales that is always fantastic. I highly recommend it as a good place to start for anyone who does not like reading uber,this will change your mind. - LSC - Jul-04-2009 I've read this story three times in the last year. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I bought the book. Please, please, please... keep writing! - heinerway - Jul-06-2009 Definitely a new classic - Anonymous - Jul-09-2009 Xcellented storyline i have read.. - Nien aka David - Aug-11-2009 This is an exceptional story,Highly recommended. Definitely one of the best I've stories I've read in a long time - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 It's one of my favourites stories. Brilliant!!!Brilliant!!!Brilliant!!! Sequel....please - Anonymous - Sep-14-2009 SIN DUDA UNOS DE LOS MEJORES HISTORIAS LEIDAS , SIN DUDA UN TOP 10. - Anonymous - Sep-15-2009 A very good and well crafted story. Had me hooked from the first sentence, and reading well into late night. Loved it! - Georgia - Sep-16-2009 Excellent story, one of the first ubers I ever read, and just as good the second time around. Just one small thing- it really does NEED a sequel!!! Please? - Xenasgrrl - Sep-20-2009 This is one of the best stories ever! SEQUEL PLEASE¡¡¡¡¡ - Anonymous - Sep-21-2009 WOW...what a wonderful read! SEQUEL PLEASE - Anonymous - Sep-27-2009 Excellent story - Anonymous - Oct-05-2009 Great Story - Angelicrainbw - Oct-12-2009 ANNALEIs STAMP OF APPROVAL - Fantastic read over all; and if you have a thing for Angie Harmon (Abby, Law & Order)like I do, then you'll enjoy this even more. - Anna Lei - Oct-13-2009 Excellent writing! It had me laughing from beginning to the end. A must read!!! - Anonymous - Nov-03-2009 Great story!!!! Please please please write a sequel! - Anonymous - Dec-02-2009 Loved it - have re read it so often! More please - lindap - Dec-02-2009 Absolutely, utterly, completely delicious! - Colette - Dec-07-2009 awesome, started reading if several years ago, and I guess I just lost track of it. Glad I was able to find it again and finally finish it! Loved it! - Anonymous - Dec-26-2009 It's my favorite. I read it a couple of times, and still enjoy it enormously. I can relate to Caid. It's a sweet and endearing story. Read it. - - Jan-02-2010 A wonderfully romantic/hurt/comfort/hot read. Well written and edited. Worth staying up late for ... - Georgia - Jan-24-2010 The best!! - jojo - Jan-29-2010 Wow! I'm finding it hard to figure out what to say. This is not the kind of work I usually read but I found it riveting - it was self-aware but not self-conscious, and didn't fall into the sort of clichés that seem so common in lesbian fiction. A lot of thought went into this, and it shows. Brilliant portrait of a complicated set of relationships. - Asterix - Feb-14-2010 Wow! By far the best story I've read on fan fiction so far. Bravo!!!!! - Anonymous - Mar-14-2010 I like this book. Reread it many time. thank you dabkey. - deverax - Mar-21-2010 It's one of my favorite stories. When I first read it, I kept coming back to it over and over cause I loved Caidence! Awkward but beautiful. Smart choice on the part of the author. All the characters have their own charm but the two main characters really draw you in. - Anonymous - Mar-21-2010 This story was even translated in Russian! Ive read it in Russian last week and then reread it every day:-) Its amazing, wonderful, fascinating story! Must read!!! - Olga - Apr-04-2010 greatest story ever - Anonymous - Apr-04-2010 Wow...what a great story the level of emotion that reading this evokes is amazing..truly brilliant..Hope some day to see a sequel..... - Anonymous - Apr-04-2010 Vraiment génial! J'ai commencé à lire dans la soirée et impossible de m'en décrocher...j'ai passé une nuit blanche. - Anonymous - Apr-16-2010 Third time I've read it and enjoyed every word. - readinglori - Apr-19-2010 Very witty and fun to read... - xnalvs - Apr-29-2010 WOOHOO!!!Amazing story and beautifully written. A lot of emotions came forth in reading this. Loved the banter between Caid and Robyn. :) Thank you and a big ^5. You are certainly a gifted writer!!! - mine2give2u - Jun-10-2010 Great sense of humor. Excellent read. - MoSeS - Jul-13-2010 I purchased this book never realising it had been previously published online. I have re-read it countless times and in fact re-reading it as we speak. Excellent book and I'm really hoping for a sequel, and now I've found more written by dabkey I shall be quickly devouring the rest she has to offer - Lesley - Aug-24-2010 I've read this story many times, bought a copy of the book and now I am afraid to read more because the spine is breaking. Great vacation book to read on the beach or plane. - Burke - Aug-31-2010 I LOVE IT! omg! is there a book form for this?? i dont mind purchasing! - Kai - Sep-06-2010 very talented writer. ive read this story a couple of times and love it! it deserves a sequel and hope that there will be one, one day - Anonymous - Sep-06-2010 This story get better and better every time i read it, i love it! - Anonymous - Oct-10-2010 Yes!!! Fan, vad brå är den här historia! - Z Rodson - Oct-15-2010 one word, amazing. - Anonymous - Oct-21-2010 I absolutely adored this book. If it were to be published, or if it is, I would gladly walk to a local book store and grab a copy for my bookshelf today. Knowing I couldn't finish it in one sitting due to a busy life, I found myself constantly aware of when I could come back to it again. Wonderful characters and great plot. All in all; a must read. - S. Austin - Oct-29-2010 I love this story and have read it many times. This story was published in 2006 and can still be bought on @m@zon; author listed as K. E. Lane. I got it in the mail a few weeks ago. - Nelle - Oct-31-2010 It IS published and I own it. Well worth buying. Yiu can buy the ebook format as well. - Anonymous - Nov-01-2010 My God, what a wonderful story. The characters were goofy but real. - cmwulf - Nov-04-2010 This is one of my favorite stories ever! Not only is this story superbly written, but it has lots of sexy, fun, tender, compulsive and very likable characters to follow throughout the story to its magnificent ending. And yes this story was published a few years ago and I bought it from New and used copies are still available online and I will keep my copy until my dying day! - happykt - Nov-10-2010 BRILLIANT!! They should make a movie out of this story! Loved every moment of it!! THANX for the most presureable reading experience! - Leilani - Nov-18-2010 Loved it! Just simply as it sound, I loved it! Can't stop thinking about the characters! - Versi - Nov-24-2010 More please!! Definitely in need of more stories like this and a movie should seriously be in order. - Clarky - Dec-04-2010 Wonderful story! Great writer with full, rich characters and believable dialogue. I plan to read it again and again! - southerndrawl - Dec-13-2010 Over and over again it's my all time favorite book! - Marisa - Dec-17-2010 This story is phenomenal. I agree with all the comments about not having a big day tomorrow because you won't be able to put it down. Sequel PLEASE!! - Anonymous - Dec-30-2010 i've read this so many times and it's as good as the first time So if you haven't read it once ... Get on it! - Anonymous - Mar-19-2011 This is my all-time favorite story, well-written with satisfyingly complex characters. Awesome - Anonymous - Mar-26-2011 I have read a few fanfic stories but dabkey's And Playing the Role of Herself is undoubtedly the best so far. I like it so much I bought both the paperback book and the ebook. I have re-read it many times, in fact at least once a year. I can't recommend this story highly enough. Read it! - heinerway - Apr-05-2011 For some reason I kept putting off reading this one....Don't! It's a pretty good story, with realistic characters who have some depth and wit about them. :) READ IT! - Shel - Apr-21-2011 I have read this story at least twice a year since it came out. I'm just starting to read it again and can't keep my mouth shut about how awesome it is. Read it! - Wizard Dill - May-01-2011 Wow. I never expected to like a story that involved actors. This is one of the best stories I've read so far! The characters are rich, colorful and real, and the story is very complete-there are no unanswered questions like many of the stories here. And, like someone previously mentioned, you won't tire of the story after the couple gets together. This could easily be turned into a series of stories if the author so desires. - TKD Vixen - May-26-2011 I fell in love with Caid and Robyn's story. I miss them now that I'm done reading. This could be the makings of a great film. If I could I would do it! - Romantic fool - May-31-2011 I really loved this story. Awesome job - sassy123 - Jun-20-2011 So, so very good. Such a great read. - Em - Jul-03-2011 wow! nothing cheesy here. bravo! I cannot wait to read it again, stating now! thank you thank you! - Anonymous - Jul-20-2011 wow! nothing cheesy here. bravo! I cannot wait to read it again, stating now! thank you thank you! - Anonymous - Jul-20-2011 never gets old, even with repeated rereading. simply wonderful! - Anonymous - Jul-29-2011 It read just as wonderfully the second time as it did the first. The characters stay true and the story's twists and turns make for one amazing ride. Thanks dabkey. - Anonymous - Aug-08-2011 Awesom - Anonymous - Aug-08-2011 near perfect story... i has held up for repeated rereading and few stories do - Anonymous - Aug-14-2011 This was exceptionally well written, with good character development and nice pacing. I read it and returned to it a few years later and enjoyed reading it as much the second time as the first time. - xenalives - Aug-29-2011 MAKE IT A MOVIE!!!!!! Brilliant!!! :-) - Leilani - Aug-31-2011 I love this story! It is my go to book when I need a good romance, and I have read it repeatedly over the past few years. I was so excited when I found the published book and now I have added it to my collection! I love the characters and dialogue, especially Caid's inner thoughts. Thank you, dabkey, for a heartwarming as well as humorous story. - drake - Aug-31-2011 I have read this 3 times now and I still find nothing to fault. It is simply a wonderful story and very well written. - Peacetat - Oct-10-2011 Loved it!!! - Anonymous - Oct-18-2011 Couldn't put it down. Fantastic story, great development and flow. Just fantastic! For once I don't have anything snarky to say! - Snarky_critic - Jan-06-2012 so what if at first i didn't want to read it? so what if i did? so what if i stayed all night long? so what if my eyes were puffy in the morning and i barely used the misroscope at the laboratory? so what if i got home and finish it as tired as i was? so what????? well let me tell you what: it was freaking AWESOME !!!! i stayed glued in front of my laptop like i was a kid in a candy shop! READ IT and you won't be disappointed. OH and i laughed so much at Liz's antics...LOVED IT...10 ... - braniac - Jan-06-2012 What an incredibly good tale. I can see why so many people recommended it. Great plot and characters that kept you wanting to keep reading more. - uber goober - Jan-31-2012 one of the best ive ever read .. it has topped among my 3 favourites... ijust love robyn - walzee - Apr-22-2012 The best lesbian romance novel ever! I loved reading it. - stonewalldog - May-11-2012 Very good story I find myself going back to read it over and over. - Anonymous - Jun-29-2012 This was a remarkable story. There was real climax, perfect romance and feelings. A story that makes you want to go back and read it all over again. I know I read some of the scenes more than a few times. - AW - Jul-17-2012 Loved It!! A must read.. - Anonymous - Aug-15-2012 one of the best ever.. this and denial by omega13.. the best of them all - Anonymous - Sep-01-2012 Going through the recent 2011 top list; I have decided to recommend this story a second time. This story is on top 5 of my list of all the stories I've read in my 19 years of life. Not to mention this novel seems to be only one or two to have been on the top list of xena-fiction forever as well, since 2005. When you have friendship, Anger, longings, passion, all locked up in one same jar called love, it is bound to be a great story. Just simply amazing. But sometimes I do wish I could read it from Robyn's point of view as well (as in both of em) - Anonymous - Sep-12-2012 A wonderful story that I've read about ten times already. The characters are three dimensional and the plot is really interesting. There is also a book available which has only minor changes but to support the author of this great story I can only encourage everyone to buy it. Unfortunately the author hasn't published anything else. I'd buy it right away. - Alberta - Sep-29-2012 wow... where's the sequel??? i absolutely adored this story! i fell in love with all of the characters. vedy sad to see an end! i want more!!! <3<3 - Anonymous - Oct-02-2012 I don't know how many times I've read that amazing beautiful story since I found it here years ago. Thank you very much for sharing it with us! - Ayla - Oct-05-2012 Still one of my all time ever favorites. I even bought the e-book. Wishing for a sequel... - Peg - Oct-07-2012 love this story. just wish it was a bit longer. could have read another 300 pages of Caid's thoughts. - Anonymous - Feb-11-2013 One of my all time favorite stories I've ever read. This story has it all - fun, romance, great lovemaking scenes and incredibly likable characters. This is definitely in my top 5 for favorite original story. - happykt - Mar-02-2013 This book is my favorite of all time!!! I have read it 5 times and it still makes me feel giddy with just a few simple phrases. It's got everything a girl could want. Action, Romance, Humor. I just can't say enough. This author is amazing and I am very much looking forward to a sequel. SO PLEASE PLEASE MAKE ONE!! PLEASE I"M BEGGING YOU - katie of ohio - Apr-10-2013 I love this story. So much so that I bought the book. It's got emotion and all the fears and joys that come with loving someone unexpectedly. - Yankees1951 - Jun-04-2013 this was one of the first longer stories i read here.. i have reread it twice now.. i loved the friendly banter between liz (whom i suspect of being an uber dite) and caid.. i adored the banter between caid and robyn.. the only thing i would change about the story is the ending.. there are so many things left unexplored.. maybe the other will some day grace us with a sequel.. because this story is screaming for one.. or is it just me?? - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 oops.. sometimes i type too fast.. i meant to say: maybe some day the author will grace as with a sequel.. *blushes* - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 oops.. sometimes i type too fast.. i meant to say: maybe some day the author will grace as with a sequel.. *blushes* - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 oops.. sometimes i type too fast.. i meant to write: maybe some day the author will grace us with a sequel.. *blushes* - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 this was one of the first longer stories i read here.. i have reread it twice now.. i loved the friendly banter between liz (whom i suspect of being an uber dite) and caid.. i adored the banter between caid and robyn.. the only thing i would change about the story is the ending.. there are so many things left unexplored.. maybe the author will some day grace us with a sequel.. because this story is screaming for one.. or is it just me?? - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 One of my all time favorites! Have to read again and again - Anonymous - Aug-11-2013 simply, just love of my favourite story :) i just wish there was a sequel :) - Cris - Aug-28-2013 simply, just love of my favourite story :) i just wish there was a sequel :) - Cris - Aug-28-2013 I love this story. I read it every year. - Anonymous - Nov-20-2013 Phenomenal job with the story. Absolutely loved the characters and the writing, best I've read in a long time. I couldn't stop laughing at certain parts and lines. Just so well done! - Anonymous - Dec-14-2013 Loved it! The back and forth of "does she like me?", "is she into women?", "did I say too much?" was titillating. The drama and plot buildup were spot on. Enjoyed the characters and the believability of the story line. - Anonymous - Mar-19-2014 This is such amazing story!!! Over the years i've read this and everytime i'm moved at the deep characters and plot.. TOTALLY RECOMMEND!! Regards from Brazil ;) - @ManddyM - Jul-15-2014 Loved it! The character development and romance was exceptional. - LMC - Sep-04-2014 Loved this book so much that I bought the ebook - jfh - Sep-21-2014 Excellent story. - Camel - Nov-23-2014 well written, hard to put down, fully realized characters. I enjoyed very much! - Anonymous - Dec-09-2014 I LOVED IT! Very sweet and the characters had HUGE chemistry, not a lame moment while reading this. I really do hope we will see more of Robyn and Caid soon. And seriously, GIVE IT A TRY! I bet you´ll be hooked at chapter 1 ;) - DaniDalt - Jan-15-2015 Ummm I haven't read a great story like this in a looooong time!!! Wow!! Great writing,more at storyline, great characters, amazing job. I was sad when the story ended!! Wish there was more of these characters!! - Nic - Jan-25-2015 Love the characterization and realism. - michCLiz15 - Apr-08-2015 A really great story well worth a read xx - Anonymous - May-14-2015 I first read this story years ago and it remains one of my all time favourites, great characters, great storyline, funny and sexy. Wonder if Dabkey is still writing? Thanks so much for a great read. - AngP - May-19-2015 This is one of my favourite stories just finished reading it for the second time Thanks for writing this amazing story xx - SD - Sep-14-2015 I loved this book! The progression of the characters and their changing relationships was well written. The story itself was well conceived with a slightly out of the ordinary plot. Thank you for sharing your tale. - Kelly Aten - Jul-14-2016 The first time I saw this story, I ignored it. I'm so glad I went back to read it. It was so awesome! - Anonymous - Sep-04-2017 |
Lederhosen, French Toast and Telemarketing by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Cast: Pam, Ken, Kyle, Kim, Greta, Toast, Darcy Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of a Series Series List: Lederhosen, French Toast and Telemarketing, Phone Numbers, Lies and Octopi | ![]() |
It's a real gift when a bard can a)stay on track, b)develop sincere characterizations without the story turning into a thesaurus garbage dump, c)write a sequel just as good as the first part, which incidentally is a complete story by itself and d)come up with bizarre titles so original and witty that actually fit the tale. Kudos to this fine writer! - Kaye - Sep 18th, 2003 What a nice little story. The author has a great voice. I'd love to see these characters fleshed out more. - Anonymous - Apr-24-2008 another winner from dabkey, I love the dynamic she creates with her characters, please keep writing. You really convey emotions light and intense very well. - Anonymous - Aug-19-2008 Very good story. Must read. - Candy - Jun-06-2009 Great story with wonderful characters. Recommended - Lyn B - May-02-2011 Good tale short and sweet. Pretty amazing how good a story dabkey tells with so few words. - uber goober - Feb-01-2012 uhuh.. you never forget your first gi.... - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 |
Noel, Noel by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 28 pages | Finished | Aug-09 Cast: Steph, Sarah, Ally, Meg Links: | ![]() |
Steph meets Sarah Noel at her sister Meg's place when she brings her nephew home from school. Sarah is the sister of Steph's high school volleyball teammate Ally whom Steph had a crush on years ago - maybe this is a chance for Steph to get reacquainted with the Noel's. | |
so glad to see you with a new story!!!! A sequel to " And Playing the Role of Herself" one day?? - Anonymous - Sep-11-2009 Very sweet. - Anonymous - Aug-26-2010 Really cute! Lets face it this author is AMAZING! Adorable story! - Amanda - Sep-04-2010 That was a cute sweet story.It leaves you wishing the tale was a little longer so you can stay and get to know the characters in the story a little better. - uber goober - Feb-01-2012 Love the title......really cute and short - Anonymous - Apr-08-2012 oww.. so sweet.. - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 This is one to start the holiday cheer! - Samantha - Dec-02-2014 |
Phone Numbers, Lies and Octopi by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 22 pages | Finished | Cast: Kim, Pam, Greta, Brenna, Simone, Darcy, Cary, Ken Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of a Series Series List: Lederhosen, French Toast and Telemarketing, Phone Numbers, Lies and Octopi | ![]() |
nice sequel. I want more please. - Lee - Jul-09-2008 Hey Dabkey, you kill me with your humor. I can honestly say I revisit your stories often when I need some quality entertainment. Still waiting to see what your mind comes up with next. - Anonymous - Aug-19-2008 Very good!!! - poisen ivy - Feb-04-2009 Great continuation. enjoyed it very much. - Candy - Jun-06-2009 Excellent story and sequel. Recommended - Lyn B - May-02-2011 Great sequel. This author rocks at story telling. - uber goober - Feb-01-2012 Another great story. Is dabkey still writing? What name is she using? - stonewalldog - Jul-03-2012 you do all kinds of stupid things when you're young.. until you grow out of them.. perfect example.. - xtra dog - Jun-08-2013 |