Amazon Queens Don't Fall In Love by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 39 pages | Finished | Feb-09 Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Ephiny, Eponin, Solari & Amazons | ![]() |
With Cupid's Day rapidly approaching, Gabrielle will resort to any means necessary to get Xena to admit her feelings for her. | |
Fun Cupid Day's story. It's got all the good Xena/Gab fanfic features...a little humor, a few fights, and a bit of romance. A nice read! - Anonymous - Feb-17-2009 This is great!!!! The Gabrielle-effect in full force; what can go wrong will . . . and Gabby will make it ten times worse..... I never imagined a naked Amazon Queen on horseback -- and now I can't get it out of my mind. Two thumbs way up!!!!!!!! - AmazonQueen - Feb-24-2009 This story has all my favourites - Xena and Gabrielle. Classic Amazons. Hestian Virgins led by a Xena look-a-like. Gabrielle's efforts to win our warrior princess' affections remind me of classic episodes such as A Day In The Life and Been There, Done That. I could very easily picture this playing out on the telly. - A. Fan - Mar-05-2009 Hestian virgins in the Amazon village. Do yourself a favor and read this right away. You'll be kicking yourself if you don't. - George - Mar-14-2009 As usual, Del's delivered a great story. Can't wait to read more by this author. - Anonymous - Mar-24-2009 Damn this was a good chuckle. Del you are such a cool virgin.!!!:), Thank you so much! Pleased to see Xena and Gabby stories are still working for the best of the bards. - vampireslayer2 - Mar-28-2009 The Gabrielle-Effect in fullforce. Hilarious. Couldn't put it down. - Anonymous - Apr-13-2009 Reads like a Xena episode. So descriptive I can actually see Gabrielle's expressions and hear Xena's voice as she growls out, "Gabrielle............" - Anonymous - Apr-22-2009 brilliant. absolutely brilliant. - Anonymous - May-12-2009 one of my favorite stories. - Anonymous - Sep-19-2009 Awesome read. Like others have said, it reads like an actual episode. Only Gabby can get herself into a mess like this, and only Xena can find a way out of it (once again) - Anonymous - Dec-08-2009 great valentine's ..... oops!.....Cupid's Day story..... - Anonymous - Jan-19-2010 Good story from a good author. - Dani - Feb-19-2010 Ni - ice. - Anonymous - Mar-05-2010 Excellent read. - Anonymous - Jun-25-2010 Excellent read. Great job. - sassy123 - Sep-28-2010 Classic Xena. Romantic. Funny. A great Valentine's Day story. Can't decide if I like this one or "Romancing the Bard" better. Both are such great stories. - Anon - Feb-07-2011 awwww.. funny and romantic.. really loved the end.. - xtra dog - Aug-10-2011 |
I Hear the Secrets That You Keep by
Babylon 5 | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: Passion and Perfection | ![]() |
In Space No One Can Hear Your Heart Break by
Babylon 5 | Futuristic | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: Passion and Perfection | ![]() |
It's a Not-So-Wonderful Life by
Babylon 5 | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 24 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: Passion and Perfection | ![]() |
My Xena, What Big Teeth You Have by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 54 pages | Finished | Nov-08 | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle attend an Amazon harvest festival. And, after being bitten by wolf, a certain warrior princess begins to exhibit some very disturbing behavior. | |
Xena. Gabrielle. Werewolves. Amazons. Everything you need for a well-written, fun story. - AmazonQueen - Nov-12-2008 A treat for anyone who likes to see a deliciously wicked side of the warrior princess. Particularly memorable is the scene where Xena pins the regent of an Amazon against a tree to find out just how 'concerned' about her she really is. - A. Fan - Nov-20-2008 ...the better to bite you with... Nothing's sexier than Xena, Werewolf Warrior Princess. - George F. - Nov-24-2008 this story was HILARIOUS and quite hot at times! OMG i laughed so much. awesome writing. - dee - Nov-25-2008 HOT! HOT! HOT! And, fun..nee, too!!!! - Anonymous - Dec-04-2008 you HAVE to read this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Dec-08-2008 Classic Xena Warrior Princess with Gabrielle and her original Amazon sisters. Thanks, Del, for reminding me why I fell in love with these characters ............. and for rekindling the spark........... - Anonymous - Dec-10-2008 "Xena, I can't believe you ate my regent!" BWA!HA!HA! I can't believe how many times I nearly fell out of my chair laughing! - Anonymous - Dec-13-2008 Oooooohhh .... gotta love big, bad werewolf Xena. - Anonymous - Dec-18-2008 This is a great story, full of lots of twists and turns. Especially love the way Xena is alwasy harrassing poor Eponin. And, Gabrielle's reaction to the chicken feathers in the bed is priceless. - Anonymous - Mar-26-2009 FANTASTIC!!!! ONE OF THE BEST ON THE WEB!!!!! - Anonymous - May-27-2009 This is one of my favorite stories that I revisit over and over again. Whenever I'm in the mood for well-written, classic Xena, I look for fiction by this author. - Blue-eyed Bardlover - Jun-11-2009 One of my favorites. And, with Halloween coming up in a few months, a story that I enjoy reading again and again. - A. Fan - Aug-27-2009 A halloween story with a real bite. - Anonymous - Sep-04-2009 fantastic story. - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 must-see....oops....make that must-read - Anonymous - Sep-15-2009 I've devoured this story -- and with Halloween right around the corner, I'm looking forward to reading it again and again. Excellent work. - Anonymous - Sep-26-2009 Halloween story. Hilarious. Hot. Read it. - Anonymous - Oct-02-2009 This is a funny, sexy story. - Anonymous - Oct-09-2009 Halloween, Xena-style. This is a great read. - Dani - Oct-15-2009 the kind of story to curl up with a warm blanket and a hot cup of cider. - Terri - Oct-22-2009 Marvelous read. - A. Fan - Oct-27-2009 Just the right story to get in the mood for Halloween and a little trick or treating. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2009 One of the best classic Xena stories out there. - Queen of the Amazons - Apr-11-2010 oooh, a werewolf story set well before 'twilight' ---- who's afraid of the big, bad warrior princess? - Anonymous - Jun-25-2010 I enjoyed this story. Very well written and I could read it ten more times - sassy123 - Sep-11-2010 A werewolf story written before werewolf stories became "popular". Excellent read; just right for Halloween. - Anonymous - Oct-31-2010 I love this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-09-2011 well written.. great idea for a story.. - xtra dog - Aug-10-2011 This is not only classic Xena - it's also a classic Howl-o-week story. - Anonymous - Oct-27-2011 H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!!! This one is a must read! It's unique, it's sexy, it's of my fav scenes is when an angry Gabrielle sends a misbehaving Xena to her room and she sulks away with her bone. - Silverwolf509 - Mar-04-2015 Hot. Hotter. Hottest.?? - Anonymous - Jul-08-2016 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 30 pages | Finished | Jul-09 | ![]() |
Love is in the air at the Cupid's Day feast in the Amazon village. And, if Xena doesn't want to spend it alone, she'll have to prove that warrior princesses can be romantic, too. | |
I think I busted a gut from laughing so much! Awesome story, thanks! - Anonymous - Jul-16-2009 The FUNNIEST thing I've read in a loonnnnnngggggggggg time............ - AmazonQueen - Jul-21-2009 oh my god - this was hilarious! loved it - thank you, Del! - Rangeela - Jul-22-2009 I can actually see this playing out as an episode. It's right up there with A Day In The Life and Been There, Done That. Thanks so much for writing this. - A. Fan - Jul-29-2009 Absolutely, freakin' hilarious! - Anonymous - Aug-04-2009 sweet. - Anonymous - Sep-21-2009 If you think the Gabrielle effect is hilarious, you should read what happens when the warrior princess tries her hand at romance. awesome read. - Dani - Feb-04-2010 I love this story, Great job!!! - sassy123 - Nov-30-2010 It was hard to keep myself silent while my neighbors were sleeping 'cause this fic made me laugh soooo hard - talissa - Dec-26-2010 This is classic Xena at its best. The perfect story for Valentine's - ooops - Cupid's Day. Hilarious. Two thumbs way up!!! - Anon - Feb-07-2011 really funny.. going to read other stories by this author.. - xtra dog - Aug-09-2011 This story was ridiculously funny! Excellent on every level. - Copper - Jun-13-2017 |
Saving Talia by
Babylon 5 | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: Passion and Perfection | ![]() |
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 27 pages | Finished | Aug-07 Part 1 of the Through The Eyes Series Series List: Through The Bard's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Warrior, Through The Weapons Master's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Regent | ![]() |
A feast honoring the return of the Amazon Queen as seen through the bard's eyes. | |
I've long been a fan of anything with the Amazons. It was especially nice seeing the same story told from four different views. Del has managed to capture the voices of each of the characters in their own right. The nuances of the differences of the same event (Gabby's view as Queen versus Xena's as her slightly inebriated champion) was handled masterfully. I hope to see more of this author's work in the future. - Terri - Aug-25-2007 part of a 4-part series that simply rocks!!!! - Anonymous - Feb-09-2008 This is one of my all-time favorite series. Del has done an outstanding job capturing the voices of not just Xena and Gabrielle, but also of Ephiny and Eponin. More, please, more!!!! - AmazonQueen - Aug-28-2008 This was a bodacious story; I liked how the same story was told thru different views. you rock....... - anon - Oct-02-2008 If you are looking for just a piece of fan fiction...take a pass on this...if you are in need of an exceptional tale ...this is the one for you... - tippy - Oct-03-2008 Classic Xena with a twist. Relates an amazon party through Gabrielle's perspective. Nailed Gabrielle's voice to a tee. Two thumbs way up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A. Fan - Oct-14-2008 Amazing - or is that Amazon? (sigh) - Anonymous - Jul-06-2009 Love this story. Great fun. - sassy123 - Nov-27-2010 this story messes up a number of romantic ideas i had about xena and gabrielle.. well written though.. - xtra dog - Aug-10-2011 |
Through The Eyes Of The Regent by
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 27 pages | Finished | Aug-07 Part 4 of the Through The Eyes Series Series List: Through The Bard's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Warrior, Through The Weapons Master's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Regent | ![]() |
A feast honoring the return of the Amazon Queen as reflected through the Regent's point-of-view. | |
I was so very happy to see our favorite Amazons. Wish there were more stories with the Amazons. Thanks, Del, for an enjoyable evening. Keep them coming! - Sherry - Aug-06-2007 Thoroughly enjoyed this series. I've never seen anything like it done before. - A Fan - Nov-13-2007 Really, really liked this tale. It's about time a certain cute regent of the amazons got some romance.............the big question has always been would Ephiny choose Solari -- or Eponin????? - AmazonQueen - Oct-08-2008 an excellent read!!!!!!! - a fan - Oct-15-2008 I've read this story and the others in the series and am just amazed that not only did the author manage to tell the same event from 4 different perspectives but also got the characters' voices downpat. - Anonymous - Apr-16-2009 EPHINY!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Sep-26-2009 A really great story. Well done - sassy123 - Oct-16-2010 |
Through The Eyes Of The Warrior by
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 34 pages | Finished | Aug-07 Part 2 of the Through The Eyes Series Series List: Through The Bard's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Warrior, Through The Weapons Master's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Regent | ![]() |
A feast honoring the return of the Amazon Queen as seen through the eyes of the Warrior Princess. | |
I really, really liked this story. Del has managed to set up one story through 4 different points of view and get the characters down pat. I love the way the tales entertwine and things that are perceived one way through one character's sets of eyes may be competely skewed looking at it through someone else's point of view. Del is an amazingly talented writer and I look forward to seeing more work by this author posted in the future. I think the most memorable line was when Xena was trying to sober Eponin up and Ep tells her "water is for bathing, not drinking". Kudos. - AmazonQueen - Nov-01-2007 This is great!!!! - Gabfan - Oct-03-2008 del, you rock! - tippy - Oct-15-2008 THIS is what classic Xena is all about. - Anonymous - May-12-2009 A great story and very funny - sassy123 - Aug-10-2010 one thing has me puzzled in this story: if gab knew that eph loved pony, why would she want to set her up with soli?? doesn't compute for me.. maybe i'll find an explanation in the two other stories?? - xtra dog - Aug-10-2011 |
Through The Weapons Master's Eyes by
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 37 pages | Finished | Aug-07 Part 3 of the Through The Eyes Series Series List: Through The Bard's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Warrior, Through The Weapons Master's Eyes, Through The Eyes Of The Regent | ![]() |
A feast honoring the return of the Amazon Queen as seen through the Weapon Master's eyes. | |
One of the best stories featuring the Amazons that I have read. I really liked seeing a side to Eponin that few authors have managed to showcase. - Danielle - Aug-07-2007 This story goes along with the rest of the Through The Eyes stories. I liked it, but it needs to be put in the index under "amazons" or something so it can be cross-referenced easier. - A Fan - Nov-13-2007 If you have a fondness like I do for a particular Amazon weapons master, this is a must-read. Eponin-fans unite!!!!! - AmazonQueen - Oct-08-2008 it just gets better and better1 - fan - Oct-15-2008 ir doesnt get any better than this..... - bird - Oct-15-2008 Mmmmm. Thank the Gods for Eponin! - Anonymous - Apr-13-2009 Eponin. Eponin. Eponin. Enough-said. - Anonymous - Jul-06-2009 Love this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Nov-27-2010 great story. treats eponin as a 3-dimensional character, someting sorely lacking in a lot of fic. - Anonymous - Aug-29-2011 |
Walking Around in Warrior's Underwear by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 32 pages | Finished | Dec-08 | ![]() |
"It's A Wonderful Life" is a classic..... meets classic Xena. This is now one of my all-time favorite Christmas stories. - AmazonQueen - Dec-29-2008 "What if?" Xena was never born . . . bloody brilliant....... - tippy - Jan-14-2009 Del Robertson continues to excel at classic Xena. Her writing reminds me of why I fell in love w/Xena, Gabrielle and the Amazons. - A. Fan - Jan-23-2009 This was soooooooo funny --- I think I snorted coffee out my nose!!!!!!!! Entertaining with more than enough twists and turns to surprise..................... - George F. - Feb-04-2009 this is the best story i've ever read. - olblueyes - May-14-2009 an exceptional read. - Anonymous - May-19-2009 VERY, VERY NICE. SO NICE, I READ IT TWICE.......... - Anonymous - Jul-06-2009 READS LIKE AN EPISODE. LOVED IT. - Anonymous - Sep-26-2009 IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE XENATIZED......I'LL NEVER LOOK AT JIMMY STEWART THE SAME WAY AGAIN............ - Celtic Princess - Dec-27-2009 brilliant. absolutely bloody brilliant. what happens when xena wishes she never been born? she believes the world will be a much better place without the former destroyer of nations. it's up to the goddess of love to show her just how worse off the world would be. - Anonymous - Jan-28-2010 Well-written, thought provoking "what if" story that is a must-read. If there was no Xena, what would the world be like. More importantly, what would Gabrielle's world be? - Blue-eyed Bardlover - Jun-19-2010 I loved this story. A job well done - sassy123 - Sep-15-2010 Excellent read; "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" for the rest of us. - Anonymous - Nov-17-2010 This is one of my fave Christmas - uh - Solstice stories. Wish it could play out on my tv set. Jimmy Stewart's got nothing on Xena. - Anonymous - Nov-19-2011 This has become a classic Christmas favorite for me. It's tradition, like watching Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman. - Anonymous - Dec-18-2011 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Aug-09 Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Eponin, Solari, Ephiny Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
The Three Wise Men Xena Style. | |
With about 35 Celius today this story was a very welcome distraction - and the ending was just hilarious: three wise Amazons... Grest. rs - Anonymous - Aug-20-2009 A fun read. - A. Fan - Aug-27-2009 I really enjoy this author. A really great read. - sassy123 - Sep-06-2010 fun read, cute story, great author - Anonymous - Oct-31-2010 Xmas with a twist.. - xtra dog - Aug-10-2011 |