The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Dinasbran -
Stories Found: 6
  Displaying: 1 - 6

A Warwick, A Warwick! by Dinasbran     
Original / Uber | Middle Ages | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 51 pages | Unfinished | Oct-07
It is the early spring of 1469 and King Edward IV now rules England, his easy hand having apparently brought lasting calm. However, the storm clouds of treachery are building in the most unexpected of places and Hal Sutton, ex-archer, soon finds the peace is deceptive as hard-earned happiness comes under threat and loyalties are tested.
Damn! I didn't notice that this wasn't finished.
Lovely, and well written, a nice historical piece that isn't too heavy handed with historical back-story.
I hope that we will see more very soon. - Rocky - Dec-13-2008   

Distance by Dinasbran     
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 204 pages | Finished | May-08
Honors/Awards:  #00 in 2008    
Part 3 of a Series
Series List: Thirty Days Hath September, Return of the Raven (The), Distance
Distance, they say, makes the heart grow fonder. With Red back in her home state and Evadne still in Boston, the first part is certainly true. With old enemies, new friends, and their usual ability to get into trouble, will our two heroines save the day and finally succumb to the truth both have been avoiding?
This is absolutely fantastic... a must yourself a favor...spend some time with Red and won't regret it... - T - May-12-2008   

i loved the first two stories in this series, and the first part of this one is just as good. I am waiting anxiously for the conclusion. There is one, right? You wouldn't leave me hanging now, would you? Come on! You're killing me here! - BadSquirrel - Jun-03-2008   

I agree with badsquirrel...finish part 2...i really want to know how it ends...or does it merely begin a new era in the lives of red and evadne...please dinasbran...don't leave us hanging - T - Jun-04-2008   

Ladies...i suggest you put everything down and read this story...absolutely fantastic...lets give Dinasbran a round of applause and get her to a well deserved number one spot... - DW - Jun-10-2008   

Ladies...i suggest you put everything down and read this story...absolutely fantastic...lets give Dinasbran a round of applause and get her to a well deserved number one spot... - DW - Jun-10-2008   

Thank you! It was worth the wait! I love these characters. This author has a gift for building suspense and mystery. If you have not read her stories, you're missing out. - BadSquirrel - Jun-11-2008   

Thank you! It was worth the wait! I love these characters. This author has a gift for building suspense and mystery. If you have not read her stories, you're missing out. - BadSquirrel - Jun-11-2008   

Now we´re talking finally Edvane and Red together and what a sexxxy reunion. I hope the next story don´t take to long to give us one more great reading. - chris - Jun-11-2008   

It's well written, excellent characters and is a lovely mixture of the paranormal with a healthy dose of gritty realism. Make sure you read the two previous works which are just as good. - Ape - Jun-15-2008   

Ladies...we are almost there...Dinasbran is at number 2 for Distance...lets get her to number 1...start won't regret it... - DW - Jun-17-2008   

Fantastic read. Hope to see it in the #1 spot. This story deserves it. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
- Nancy - Jun-20-2008   

I can't say enough about this series.. I'm more than thrilled it will continue.. This writer is exceptionally well versed. She combines suspense, intrigue and the supernatual, all wrapped up in a wonderful period piece. Hurry and take the time..before a wise publisher snapps it up! - jac - Jun-20-2008   

That was a great tale !! Please say you are going to continue with these two lovely characters. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. This was the first story I've read and I plan to go back and catch them all !! - Anonymous - May-26-2010   

Long and the Short Of It (The) by Dinasbran     
Ghost Town the Movie | Pre-1900 | Alternative | Adventure | Novella - 59 pages | Finished | Sep-07
Cast: Little Jack, Linn, Marshal Morgan Duckett, Harmon Teaster, Violet Teaster, Victor Burnett, Will Burnett, Sheriff Parker, Doc Morrison, Jackknife Jack, Copperhead, Cole Sorrells, Captain Ketner, Judd and Madame Birdie
Little Jack has survived the shootout that destroyed the rest of the Burnett gang. Severely wounded, she finds herself at the mercy of the people they've been terrorizing for years. Can she avoid her well-deserved comeuppance and evade the annoyingly persistent Marshal Morgan Duckett in order to find a new life?
oh yeah! good little read. Giddy up. - vampireslayer2 - Sep-07-2007   

A well written story. I enjoyed the read. - filfil - Oct-04-2007   

this is a better ending then the movie...a good read - rleef - Oct-27-2010   

Return of the Raven (The) by Dinasbran     
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 146 pages | Finished | Sep-07
Part 2 of a Series
Series List: Thirty Days Hath September, Return of the Raven (The), Distance
Red Wolverton, ruffianly private investigator, and Evadne Lannis, widowed socialite, are now, to the surprise of many, partners in the Wolverton Investigation Agency. However, their unlikely friendship is about to come under an almost unbearable strain as hidden family secrets come back to haunt both woman.
great continuance of part one. Here's to hoping there is a part 3! - rhybeka - Oct-21-2007   

glad this is an ongoing series... Red and Evadne have great chemistry - T - May-12-2008   

A plot with genuine surprises and layered characterisation makes this both a gripping, twisting story and a pleasure to read. - ab - Jan-27-2009   

Thirty Days Hath September by Dinasbran     
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 168 pages | Finished | Sep-07
Cast: Red Wolverton, Evadne Lannis
Honors/Awards:  Perennial Favorite Award: #27 in 2007, #34 in 2008    
Part 1 of a Series
Series List: Thirty Days Hath September, Return of the Raven (The), Distance
Red Wolverton is, in her own words, a bad-tempered bulldyke with the manners of a teamster. In 1920's Boston her attitude, dress and choice of lover, let alone her position as the cities only female Private Investigator, can only cause trouble. Evadne Lannis, widowed socialite from the best of the Boston families, has always been considered a little odd, but her decision become unpaid secretary to the notorious Wolverton causes even those that previously backed her philanthropic good-deeds to doubt her sanity. Together the apparently mismatched pair combat both supernatural and human foes and their own and others prejudices. In the process they solve two murders, uncover a mystery with a sting in its tale and, perhaps most surprisingly of all, form an unexpected friendship. [Removed for publication.]
If your looking for a well written story with great characters, this is the one! - Kristen Ryan - Sep-19-2007   

Loved this story. Strong--and amusing--characters and a great plot. Read it... - micah6 - Nov-26-2007   

Congratulations on 14 weeks in the top 24 with Thirty Days...Raven was a great part 2 and Distance part 3 is my favorite...looking forward to more Red and Evadne adventures... - DW - Jun-24-2008   

Good site! great job, thanks - viagra - Nov-13-2008   

Great escapist fiction - Lose yourself for a while in the gothic atmosphere of Dinasbran's 1920s Boston - ab - Jan-26-2009   

World's Worst Patient (The) by Dinasbran     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 22 pages | Finished | Dec-08
Honors/Awards:  #98 in 2008     Top-25 #1.    
A New Orleans' nurse learns more about her most troublesome patient than she ever wanted to know.
what a nice little visit from two of my favorite characters! if you like red and evadne, this is a must. very sweet and funny. and even a touch naughty! nicely done, dinasbran. nicely done. - badsquirrel - Dec-09-2008   

I am Dinasbran's beta reader...this is a marvelous short story between Red and that I admit I failed to beta read thoroughly and I fall upon my own sword for the errors...please look beyond them and enjoy a tale of mirth, love and some naughtly bathroom intimacy between our girls...I promise you this story will make you laugh and smile... - Trouble - Dec-09-2008   

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