Essay (The) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 16 pages | Finished | Nov-09 Cast: Jayne, Sarah Links: | ![]() |
A creative writing professor gets a very surprising essay from one of her students. | |
I've read all Fletcher DeLancey's stories and I have utterly enjoyed all of them: great characters, great plots, wonderful writing. They have it all: emotion, action, well-placed sex scenes... Amazing what she managed to do with this short one! One gets an instant connection with the characters and it's a joy to read how that relationship evolves. 'The Essay" is one of my all time favorites. Seriously. I love it. :) - Maria - Dec-01-2009 i love a stories...keep writing - lina - Dec-02-2009 Very nice. Great tension. - Xenamungrrr - Dec-09-2009 I read this story often - I love the sense of tension and release, and the plausibility in the way your characters act and react. Fletcher, your stories are my favorite. - Kate - Aug-03-2010 Wow. This story had my pulse jumping. Very well written. - Anon - Nov-22-2010 Very well written and enjoyable. Recommended. - Lyn B - Feb-27-2011 Excellent!! Jaw-dropping plot and wonderful dialogue between characters; readers will not be disappointed. - JJ - Apr-11-2011 Don't know how I missed this one, but I'm very happy I found it. It kick start the old ticker. - Wheezie - Nov-28-2012 i loved the fact that the author stated the university rules aren't only there to protect the students but the professors as well.. sometimes they do need the protection.. - xtra dog - Jan-11-2013 It only took 16 pages!...16 pages to get me hooked lined and sunk and yet the story was complete. Amazing! Bravo. I just can't believe I got a great story in 16 pages. In awe... - Katie of Ohio - Jan-14-2013 I love it !! This story was sophistically and maturely written. It is simply spectacular and had my pulse racing from beginning to end. Thank you ! - Thothgirl - Oct-14-2014 The shortest most AWESOME book I have read. Excellent work, bravo! - gabsy - Aug-18-2015 |
First Date by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Nov-09 Cast: Lori, Luce Links: | ![]() |
Into the lives of nearly every long-term couple comes that most insidious of ailments...a lack of attention. Here's how one couple deals with it. | |
It's joy to read Fletcher DeLancey's work. Smooth like butter. - wasabigrrl - Dec-09-2009 sweet and romantic. - Anonymous - Jul-24-2010 Excellent story. Sweet, poignant and romantic:-) - Lyn B - Jun-18-2011 Beautifully written, thought provoking, insightful emotional journey. - Wheezie - Nov-28-2012 awww.. such a sweet, romantic tale.. it's not syrupy (don't know if that is an actual word, don't care either) since it does send out the message that communication is everything in a relationship.. but.. yeah.. still sweet and romantic.. - xtra dog - Dec-30-2012 Wonderful story ! It is romantic yet stern in it's message. I think I just may do a little role playing myself ! - Thothgirl - Oct-14-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 892 pages | Finished | Dec-08 Honors/Awards: #02 in 2009 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 5 of the Past Imperfect Series Series List: Past Imperfect, Present Tension, Future Perfect, No Return, Forward Motion | ![]() |
After seven long years, Voyager is finally home, yet Lynne is still the target of an unknown assassin. As she deals with the ongoing cost of her old decision, Kathryn adapts to life on the ground, Revi faces old demons, and Alison Necheyev finds herself swept up in events beyond her imagining. | |
Yay, it's back! Seriously, if you haven't read these stories yet, you should go click on the first one RIGHT NOW! Best Voyager fanfics out there. - Arassar - Dec-08-2008 WOW,another great one..Can't wait to read the rest of it.Good JOB Fletcher - Diana - Dec-08-2008 What a journey. What a story. This promises to be one hell of a ride. Waiting impatiently for the next update. Bravo, Fletcher. - linda aka cygirl1 - Dec-09-2008 The woman can write! What a gift to those of us who love to read. P.S. Read the bike trip log at her web site. It is like riding along. - BJ - Dec-11-2008 Wow. I was so excited to see the continuance of this story. It remains one of my favs. - Pat - Dec-15-2008 I am so excited. Fletcher's series is the best I have ever read. Her characters, dialogue and plots are spot on. I read all of the other books again before starting Forward Motion. I cannot recommend her books enough! Also, if you haven't read Without a Front, you are missing out. I adore sci fi/speculative fiction, and Fletcher's are some of the best I have ever read! - juliemania - Dec-17-2008 i was so excited that book five is finally ready to share...i love fridays!!! thanks for continuing this fantastic story! - punter - Dec-28-2008 Fletcher! I'm so sorry! I've been sending you emails but neglected to give you any kind of praise here! Well that must change right now. This series is hands down one of the best series I have read in a very, very long time. It doesn't really even matter if you like Star Trek or not. Ms. DeLancey has an extraordinary talent and her imagination is seemingly limitless. What I like most about this author's style is her ability to completely stump me and keep me guessing. She is original, fresh, and entirely unpredictable. If you want some quality fiction then I suggest you start at the beginning read this. You won't be disappointed. And then, like me, you'll be looking forward to her Friday posts of this latest installment with your coffee in hand and absolutely nothing else planned for the day. Great job, Fletcher. You are incredible. - Grayson Kelly - Jan-15-2009 Wonderful it I look forward to friday just so I can read the next chapter. - PinkRomeo - Jan-20-2009 This is an incredible story that just keeps getting better. I am on the edge of my chair waiting for the Friday updates. - Annie - Jan-30-2009 I highly, highly recommend this story. I have never watched an episode of Startrek Voyager and I'm not a "trekkie", but this and all of Fletcher Delancey's stories are worth the read. Watch out though, once you get a taste, you can't read just one. And then you might find yourself searching out other Voyager stories. - Dillon Watson - Feb-20-2009 Best of the best. DeLancey does it again with one of the most rewarding reads in the Voyager universe. This entire series of novels is - by far - the best ever written in terms of character development, storylines, *consistency of writing quality*, and romance. Not to mention the fact that it's damned good science fiction! Great stuff, must be read! - Daemon Kayne - Feb-20-2009 The last installment in a tremendous journey; one of the absolute best voyager sagas that has been written. - Anja - Feb-20-2009 Highly recommended! And this from someone who has read a lot (ie too much) fanfic late into the wee hours of the morning. - Anonymous - Feb-20-2009 Recommend highly, never thought I'd like a Janeway pairing with someone other than Seven, but this exceeded my expectations....a must read. - Kel Davis - Feb-20-2009 These stories are fabulous! I love Friday night so I can get the updates. I am sorry it has ended but hope others enjoy them as much as I have over the years. Thank You! - Shelley - Feb-20-2009 Absolutely some of the best fiction on the web. I highly recommend it to everyone. - Anonymous - Feb-20-2009 Exactly as it should have been writtwn. While I am sorry to see the series end, It's been a fantastic ride. Well written amd entertainging. "To the journey!" - Fletcher O'Flaherty - Feb-20-2009 Read this now. In fact, read the ENTIRE series. - Anonymous - Feb-20-2009 Fletcher has done it again, another fantastic Janeway adventure with past, present and future happening all at once. I am sorry to hear that this is the last in this storyline and hope that she will change her mind and let us see what Janeway's creative crew will develop in the way of the first slipstream drive vessel. - Davida - Feb-20-2009 Just great work! - Anonymous - Feb-20-2009 As a avid reader of fan fic I have seen some great stories. But Ms. DeLancey's work is on a whole different level. Chills, Thrills,epic plot twists,cannoical accuracy, and charcters you grow to love her series of books have it all. I wish I could give a higher rating then 10...maybe a 100? Yeah that would be right. If you havent read any of her work I strongly suggest you do so IMMEDIETLY, you'll find a literary work that should surely go down as quite possibly the greatest fan fic ever. - Marc - Feb-21-2009 What a wonderful journey!!! All story lines completed in fine style!!!..Time for me to go back to the beginning and start again...Fletcher has created characters, worlds and plots that eclipse any written for the original Voyager series. I LOVE these stories. Thank you Fletcher, my friend..but maybe this isnt the end..huh?? Huh??..quiet pleading voice whispers...huh?? - Mel - Feb-21-2009 I can't believe this series has ended. I've have loved the following the series I'm going to be coming back time and again. If you haven't red any of Fletcher's stories then I recommend you run not walk to start reading them. - JayKay - Feb-21-2009 Read this, it's worth every second! - melktert - Feb-21-2009 So few things remain constant over time. The ride Fletcher promised us seven years ago has never veered from its course. It was a wild one to be sure; right up to the gentle end, where we disembark, wholly satisfied that we've been offered our worth for the waiting. If you haven't begun reading this series yet, I can only recommend that you set plenty of time aside for yourself to be immersed in a world that has the heart of Star Trek and the soul of one woman's personal journey. Brava, Fletcher!! Thanks for letting us tag along. - Mad Dog - Feb-21-2009 One of the best stories ever! - Anonymous - Feb-21-2009 This series is one of THE best I have ever read. What a great storyteller. I am frankly sad that this adventure is over-until I read it again, that is. Excellent work. - Roxie - Feb-22-2009 I love this series! One of the best Voyager offerings out there-a must read!!!!! - Anonymous - Feb-22-2009 Wow!!! What an unexpected surprise final adventure for the crew. Thank you Fletcher DeLancey. It was worth the wait. If you haven't read 'Without Front' give it a try. - BJ - Feb-22-2009 Another great story and great adventure. I am sad to say goodbye to these characters. thank you so much Fletcher. If you haven't now! - juliemania - Feb-22-2009 A wonderful read .. genuinely sorry to see it end. - Anonymous - Feb-22-2009 Incredible. Simply incredible. I'm really sorry to see the series end. - Anonymous - Feb-22-2009 Easily on par with Gina Dartt's Just Between series. - RC - Feb-23-2009 Simply wonderful! I have loved this series and everything this talented author had written! I hope these great characters will be back! Thanks for another great read! - Sally - Feb-23-2009 Love the series. I looked forward to Fridays just to see where the story would go. I'm sad that the story is complete my fridays will be lacking.. - Anonymous - Feb-23-2009 So sad to see this book and series end. This is just absolutely one of the best stories around. - aj - Feb-23-2009 WOW!!! DO NOT miss this series! - acorn - Feb-23-2009 wonderfully written story. I always look forward to this author's pieces and, of course, our favorite Starfleet characters. - Anonymous - Feb-23-2009 I'm so happy to spend time with Kathryn and Lynne and friends again. In my language there's a saying: "Laughter lengthens life" - I'm sure Fletcher and Seven have given me a few years, not to mention the tear channel maintenance I'm getting. I do hope there'll be more; they said they're going to live 75 more years! If not, I'll just start from the beginning again! Fletcher DeLancey rocks! This is one hell of a story!!!! - ullahoo - Feb-24-2009 Awesome! stories written so beautifully that will have you engaged in laughter and love until you've read it all. - Zoey - Feb-25-2009 A wonderfull story, these people and their adventures and disoverys, personal or not, really come alive. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2009 This series is a 20! An amazing combination of the traditional Voyager characters we all know and love, plus original characters that are just as compelling and interesting as the original crew. And what stories and plots - impossible to beat. And something that I appreciate tremendously is the literate nature of the writing, as well as the good editing - it's a relief not having to correct spelling and grammar as I read the stories. More than enough sexy stuff and romance too, it's just seamlessly worked into the story lines. Fletcher, I only hope you'll find some way to give us a bit more - the only thing wrong with the series is that it's over, and I will miss it more than I can say. Check out the web site, there is much more besides the series, another full length sci-fi novel, which is incredible, and some great short stories, including 'First Date' which is only one of the best short stories I have EVER read anywhere, by any one. World class! - Lucy - Feb-28-2009 An amazing end to an amazing series. It doesn't matter if you like VOY or not, this is an incredible read. It's got everything a series can have to make it great. Deep characters, unexpected twists, very good writing and a story that will make you feel warm at the end. - RB - Mar-01-2009 Forward Motion is an appropriate cap to what has been an imaginative interpretation of the Voyager series. Fletcher DeLancey never fails to write a good, adventurous read. - DrDeany - Mar-01-2009 *whistles* oh man. it's incredible how consistent this story is in terms of detail without compromising the plot. Not only that, the characters have a such depth that could have only come from becoming a little bit real as the years went by. Not a single thing was left to chance: from the over-all storyline to the minute nuances of the conversations between characters. Thank you, FD. Your works are incredible. The geek in me is utterly satisfied while the woman is simply floored. - blue rogue - Mar-08-2009 Oh, this series totally rocks! I reccommend this to all my friends ... and to random peeps online too! This is so well written, the characters so well drawn ... there are no words to adequately describe just how much this author and this series rocks! Thanks for charing, Fletcher! - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 Darn! The book is complete and no more updates. A must read. Fletcher DeLancey is a great writer. I do not exaggerate. If you haven't read her offerings. Start with her first book and read them all. Make sure you recommend her work to show your appreciation. My favorite is "Without Front", so enjoy. - BJ - Mar-13-2009 The best reads ever. If you still haven't read this series - I just don't know what you're waiting for. Its a classic. Thank you Fletcher for such a wonderful journey! - Rangeela - Mar-15-2009 One of the most darling stories I ever read. I know, that everybody reads here for the womens, and for this I wont rate down because the pairings... But I really envy them (for all males) all in this good-written interesting story, I stand up for their happyness, and I want the same for me, and all other heterosexual pair. - Anonymous - Mar-25-2009 A fantastic ending to a fantastic Sci-Fi series! I highly recommend this series and the outstanding spin off, 'Without a Front'. - Anonymous - Mar-30-2009 This is one of my favourite authors. When I first started her stories I wasn't too sure about not having a J/7 pairing, but her original characters are amazing and truly enrich the Voyager universe.Her stories pull you in from the beginning and keep you entertained till the very end. The action, humour, and romance make it easy to recommend this author to everyone. And if you aren't an ST:V fan, try her original spin off Without a Front, it will be worth your time. I'm only sorry to see the end of the series. Thank you Fletcher for sharing your gift. - Missy Baker - Mar-31-2009 Read in sequence and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! - TCSenga - Apr-11-2009 Outstanding series Fletcher! Highly recommend this to everyone. - Mz Trixie - Apr-19-2009 Loved this Series. It absolutely rocked my world. Must read for every Voyager fan. - Adilp - Apr-20-2009 The moment has arrived! I've been trying to strech it out because I don't want this story to end - but I'll start the Epilogue now! And a bright thought hit me: I can start from the beginning again as it's been a while and I've forgotten a lot! Thank you Fletcher for this most wonderful of stories! - ullahoo - Apr-22-2009 Absolutely fantastic story!! Good close-out to a long series but with room left to continue. - Anonymous - Apr-24-2009 Highly recommend this incredible read! Fletcher weaves intricate and fascinating stories of strong, vibrant women and their exciting journeys. - Anonymous - May-02-2009 fantastic - Anonymous - May-10-2009 This is a great re-visioning of the Voyager tale. I highly recommend the entire series and Without a Front as well. - Essmar N. - May-10-2009 Absolutely fantastic - Fran - May-29-2009 WOW what can i left speechless by the quality of the books just this past 5 mins finished! IT WAST A RIDE THAT LYNNE WOULD HAVE BEEN ROCKED BY! ;-) I have sore eyes a numb back and my partner has hardly seen me for days! lol. All due to me being enveloped into Fletchers wonderfull imagination. Im sure that i wouldn't be alone in saying PLEASE keep on writing and we look forward to your next endeavour. ps I was warmed to hear that it was not only us that gained by your starting to write these stories but you gained too in having all that you now share with your WIFE. Congratulations to you both. Best regards ChrissyTaff - ChrissyTaff - May-30-2009 one of the best series still on the net - Anonymous - Jun-23-2009 Absolutely brilliant! - Anonymous - Jul-06-2009 I read all the 12 books in 3 days flat. Great! - Sifter - Jul-11-2009 One of the best series out there. I couldn't stop reading and reading and reading. - Anonymous - Aug-10-2009 finally finish the whole series. is worth it. every single second. - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 MORE, much MORE - this is one of the best SciFi I have ever read and it such a pity that this is supposed to be the last one. IMHO this got to be rated 15 out of 10. And don't know why the spice rate is so low .... Great characters, great story and as I said: MORE pleeaaase - Anonymous - Oct-09-2009 This whole series is amazing... run, dont walk to read these wonderful stories! - Anonymous - Oct-27-2009 What a fun series. - gayzer - Oct-28-2009 Best Voyager series EVER. I'm in love with Fletcher DeLancey. - PMC - Dec-18-2009 Excellent! I really hate to see the end of this series! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 This series is one of the best I've ever read. - Mar - Jan-23-2010 OMG!!! Outstanding I cant say enough good things about this authors work. Fletcher DeLancey is a gifted author and the full series is sooo worth reading. Im not a Voyager fan but after reading this I think Ill give the show another try. Loved it! - lightstorm17024 - Apr-08-2010 Have just spent the last 7 days reading the "Past Imperfect Series". It's been a long time since I've read such a brilliant series. Thank you Fletcher DeLancey for writting such a fantastic story.... - keelotan - Jun-10-2010 This is a fucking BRILLIANT series of stories and I am not a treckie. I loved every letter in all stories. I actually read Without A Front twice before I ventured into these. I'm so glad I did. BRAVO F.D BRAVO! - JettBlk - Jun-20-2010 You won't want these stories to end! What an amazing author. Must read. - Kara - Jul-20-2010 in Wow..all of your novels are purely outstanding..Hope you can also make a PDF file so i can always read it on my kindle..Thanks so much for such a wonderful ride.. - leia - Jul-23-2010 I has a sad. It's the end. I was never a big fan of the voyager series, however, this series has definitely made me rethink my opinion. I can't believe I waited this long to read all of these and now I can't believe the journey is over. I'm going to miss them. - MoSes - Nov-25-2010 Absolutely the best fanfiction I have ever read! I'm just sorry it took me so long to stumble across it. I just wish the whole series could be made into a movie. Would someone please???? - AZLadyWolf - Sep-25-2011 Wonderful series. Great writing. Must read. I am a fan for life. - Anonymous - Oct-15-2011 Just finished reading this fifth book of the Janeway/Hamilton series and CANNOT give the entire series enough raves! Great writing, fantastic imagination, and wonderful storylines. If you haven't read Fletcher DeLancey yet, you have a rare treat ahead of you, and I'm envious! - S. Stetson - Dec-01-2011 You don't need to know anything about Voyager. I sure didn't. But this is a fantastic series that is exceptionally well written and worth to be read. Don't miss out on this one. - wt-ger - Apr-05-2012 The strength of character and the love shown by many is just phenomenal. Lynne and Kathryn's relationship just grows by leaps and bounds. While they always find a way to resolve their disagreements their relationship it's completely rosey. They have their ups and downs, which is something that lends this story a feel of realism and gives you an empathy for the struggles they face. While their lives are at times difficult and their reactions very human Lynne and Kathryn have a love and understanding that is what we all dream of. The strength of the ties that exist between Revi and Seven are just as remarkable and in someways even moreso because of the horrors that Revi has lived through. She carries so much baggage but she is still willing to try and deal with it. To connect with her mother dispight all that had happened in her childhood took awe inspiring courage and shows the power of our desire for a connection with our parents. The emotional growth shown by Seven speaks of her underlying nature. A nature that is obviously kind and nurturing at its very core. As a whole this story and the series is an amazing tale that has an unpresidented level of emotional connectivity. It pulls at the heart strings and gives you a insatiable desire to know what happens next. - Spiritmaster - May-08-2012 Enjoyed the whole series - BEST EVER. Came across this series while reading Xena fanfic. Melissa Good has Xena covered as best author in my books, but Fletcher is outstanding in the Voyager Series. PLEASE WRITE MORE. This comes from a 50 year old woman who just stumbled across this site - Thank God I did.!!!! - I NEED MORE STORIES!!! - Cathy - Mar-15-2013 Enjoyed the whole series - BEST EVER. Came across this series while reading Xena Fanfic. Melissa Good has Xena covered as best author in my books, but Fletcher is outstanding in the Voyager Series. PLEASE WRITE MORE. This comes from a 50 year old woman who just stumbled across this website - Thank God I did.!!!! - I NEED MORE STORIES!!! - Cathy - Mar-15-2013 I never watched the Star Trek series, but I didn't need to in order to fall in love with these characters! I've passed them on to all my lesbian friends. So much fun! - Anonymous - Mar-17-2013 What a wonderful series. Thank you,, - Claudia - Dec-09-2013 This is a series that I love so much that I keep coming back to time and time again. All the stories I've read from this author are well worth the time it takes to read them, yes they're just that adictive - angelface - Mar-20-2014 Truly amazing series! MUST READ!!! - Anonymous - Nov-09-2014 I don't watch too much tv, so I'd never seen Voyager, and I'm not a big science fiction fan, but I was shocked and amazed by a truly gifted author. I've looked up Voyager after reading this series and I have to say that you have an amazing voice. Please don't stop writing. - Anonymous - Dec-18-2014 I never had an interest in ST:V until I discovered this series. I've now read them all six or seven times over, and can honestly say that I have never read anything that I love more than these characters and the lives they live through Fletcher's imagination. - Lyn - Jan-31-2015 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 659 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 3 of the Past Imperfect Series Series List: Past Imperfect, Present Tension, Future Perfect, No Return, Forward Motion | ![]() |
As usual, Seven of Nine knows exactly what she wants. Unfortunately Revi is not cooperating, for reasons she's keeping to herself. While Lynne settles into her new job and Janeway adjusts to a whole new relationship, the crew of Voyager find themselves one step closer to home -- and beset with betrayal. | |
Another wonderful book that is so worth your time reading. This is an excellent series that I have read many times and cannot recommend enough! - Netta - Oct-23-2007 You really cannot go wrong with any of Fletcher Delancey's stories. There that good, really. - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 This is a very well written and captivating series. I'm on my third read! - Sally - Oct-26-2007 Awesome author. This will leave you wanting more! - Kelly - Oct-26-2007 I love Janeway in this story and I love how she is when she's in love. - Nikki - Oct-26-2007 Sit down,put your feet up and prepare to lose yourself in some of the best stories you will ever read. - Pat Iserman - Oct-26-2007 Great Story. Very well written - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! THE BEST STAR TREK FICTION EVER!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 Fantastic read; very creative and well written. - Anonymous - Oct-27-2007 if you want to be totally captivated, to cry, laugh and love with characters that jump from the page and right into your heart then read this series of novels. i keep coming back to read them again and again, its like visiting old friends - white dragon - Oct-27-2007 Anything Fletcher DeLancey writes is just pure pleasure. A tight plot, attention to cannon, well developed characters leave you wanting more and more. Add to that her quirky sense of humor and you have the most enjoyable reading anywhere. Read these stories! - ln549 - Oct-27-2007 Wonderful story! Great, interesting characters, complex situations, you won't be able to put it down! - Maria - Oct-27-2007 If you are ready to really live a story, then you are ready for a story by Fletcher Delancey. Her characters are absolutely real and the dialogues flow naturally. - Chris - Oct-27-2007 A great read. You never want it to end. - Anonymous - Oct-27-2007 I am in love with these stories. The characters are rich, and well developed. Some of the best stuff on the web! - Chase - Oct-27-2007 Highly recommend all stories within the series. You'll be glad you made the time to enter Fletcher's Voyager. At a minimum, it will make you smile - make you cry - make you wish for more. - mkreese - Oct-27-2007 This is unbelievably great stuff!!! You need to read it immediately! Run...don't's definitely worth the trip. - Lynn - Oct-27-2007 Great series - VERY literate, very hot! - Denver7373 - Oct-28-2007 This story is completely engrossing and very very well written. The series is a must read. - Anonymous - Oct-28-2007 Fantastic series! You won't be able to let these characters go. - Anonymous - Oct-29-2007 Some of the best writing on the web!! - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 Really great - some of the best fiction online. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 Ditto! read my recommendations on book one and two. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-01-2007 love the stories! - Anonymous - Nov-01-2007 Great Story, It makes more sense than most others. - Anonymous - Nov-02-2007 absolutely great read. The author has really captured the essense of the star trek characters. Adding in a new character for janeway was brilliant. you will not regret stating this and you will not stop until you get to the end. - anon - Nov-02-2007 This is by far my favorite of the series. - Anonymous - Nov-04-2007 For all you die-hard J7 people, give Fletcher's fiction a try. I did, and believe me, I live from post to post. The series is amazingly well written, imaginative, and spot on with the characters we all know and love, plus many, many new ones Fletcher has invented. And it is a fabulous ride. IMHO, Fletcher ranks with the best of the best! - Lucy - Nov-23-2007 highly recommend this one and her othe stores. awesome writer! - Anonymous - Dec-02-2007 WOW..i mean...WOW! I must have been crazy not to read this series immediately but i'm sure am glad that when i did, i dont have to wait long to finish reading it. - leia - Jan-07-2008 I recommend anything Fletcher writes. She has a magnificent style and flow to her storytelling, and captures you from the outset. If you're a fan of novel-length fiction with three-dimensional characters and exceptionally developed plotlines, this woman is the writer for you. You will not be disappointed. I envy you the journey of discovering her work for the first time. - Pol Robin - Jan-09-2008 One of the best - Anonymous - Jan-14-2008 amazing! everyone should read Fletcher's stories! - jd - Jan-16-2008 Fletcher makes me wish that I had a cortical node so that I can have this series with me all the time and can read it whenever, where ever. Not so sure about the assimilation part of it though! I have to admit that I was glad I was reading this one at home as I was reduced to tears more than once. - Gwen - Jan-29-2008 Well written and just a fantastic read. If your a Star Trek fan you will love these stories! - ln549 - Feb-10-2008 A great story, a great series and a once in a life time delight. I have read a LOT of stories and fan fiction all across the net and from almost every fandom there is, and these series are amongst my all time favorites. Right along the "I Found My Heart In San Fransisco" series. Everything about this series is beautifuly crafted, and I felt the auther pulling me away into a diffrent world. What a Rush ; ). Thank you for your series and I can't wait for number 5, if it is anything like the first 4 Books I am positive it will be a delight to read. - Gelo - Feb-12-2008 The best startrek fanfiction I ever laid eyes upon. Read them all twice at least ;-)) - Fran - May-11-2008 A writer who answers the unspoken question...Cheers F.D. - Anonymous - May-11-2008 Great read. Like how you wrote Seven and Revi as a couple. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Oh, this series totally rocks! I reccommend this to all my friends ... and to random peeps online too! This is so well written, the characters so well drawn ... there are no words to adequately describe just how much this author and this series rocks! Thanks for sharing, Fletcher! - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 Great writing! - Anonymous - Apr-19-2009 Great series! - Essmar Tenn - May-10-2009 Great series! - Essmar Tenn - May-10-2009 this is my first captain janeway read, and WOW! this story ruined me forever. i feel that if ill read other janeway fiction that it will be a betrayal to this beautiful love story. damn. too bad lyne is just a fiction in this fiction. i dont watch star trek but damn, this story rates number one. it's 6:03 in the morning and i haven't slept yet. but i totally recommend the read. its worth the time. i promise. so its 10/10 rating for me. - rec - Jul-12-2009 The spice on this one is off the charts! But, do read the prequels first... - Anonymous - Aug-24-2009 great story. - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 totally delightful and well done! I love Revi - Anonymous - Oct-01-2009 Wonderful, wonderful story - really great SciFi and great characters, great story and great language. And: I really loved the sex disclaimers - made me laugh everytime there was one Wow, What a great story!!!! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 these stories are simply amazing. you can't help but become completely engrossed with these characters! - Anonymous - Sep-01-2010 Warning: Once you start reading this series of books, you will notice a considerable decrease in your sleep hours, the laundry will increase exponentially, dust bunnies will begin to form and unanswered emails will pile up in your computer.......but you'll have a Damn good time on your journey! - Allison - Aug-04-2011 |
Mac vs PC by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 95 pages | Finished | Aug-09 | ![]() |
smart, completely adorable, sweet and of course, macs rule! - Anonymous - Aug-12-2009 Thoroughly fascinating. What a delightful look at the the Mac vs PC debate. Fletcher almost convinced me(might have to have a new MacBook), but.... PC's Rule. - wasabigrrl - Aug-15-2009 awesome...i learn new things everyday even reading story of Mac & PC. thank you Fletcher DeLancey - easteden - Aug-16-2009 i am soooooo buying a Mac now. this was one really, really, really enjoyable read. i smiled all the way through. :) - Anonymous - Aug-16-2009 Absolutely charming story! Very clever, witty and sweet. I'm so glad I happened to come across it! - Xenasgrrl - Aug-19-2009 Excellent! - Anonymous - Aug-24-2009 As a Mac user... I love this excellent story! - heinerway - Aug-25-2009 Mac Rules!!! Once you go Mac you never go back. Great story. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Aug-26-2009 As always a top of the line story! A very enjoyable read. - ln549 - Aug-26-2009 What a great story!!! thanks for sharing it with us........and of course Mac rules!!! - wolfie67 - Aug-28-2009 what a delightful short story ... not SciFi but definitely IT great! convincing dialogue too coz it have me researching about Mac and cars too. heheh.. too bad its short. if you'll ever write a sequel, know that ill be here to read it. - belle - Oct-02-2009 wow.... this story was a lot better than i hoped. i was a bit skeptic b/c of the title. i am truly a PC-user. my sister though is a mac-user, and yes, we've had the same argument just like any one else so i didn't feel like reading one too. but im soooo glad i did. B/C fletcher is clearly an amazing writer and FD caught my attention until the end. Now, i want more. - crv - Dec-29-2009 Fantastic story! I went and bought a macbook because of it! - Trish - Feb-15-2010 loved this! good humour is so hard to find in femfic so this was a fantastic surprise. - Michelle - Apr-12-2011 Very sweet story. Nice and romantic read:-) - Lyn B - Jun-18-2011 being a pc user myself, i tried relocating the autosave files from word.. it was a bit different in word 2010 but it still worked!! maybe i ought to look into this whole mac thing when i buy my next laptop?? - xtra dog - Jan-11-2013 being a pc user myself, i tried relocating the autosave files from word.. it was a bit different in word 2010 but it still worked!! maybe i ought to look into this whole mac thing when i buy my next laptop?? - xtra dog - Jan-11-2013 |
No Return by
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 860 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 4 of the Past Imperfect Series Series List: Past Imperfect, Present Tension, Future Perfect, No Return, Forward Motion | ![]() |
The reappearance of an old enemy has devastating consequences, and this time Janeway can only watch while those she loves bear the burden. But tragedy sometimes brings unexpected gifts, and the best-laid plans of an implacable foe may bring Janeway the greatest gift of all. | |
This had some gutwrenching parts but I hated to see the end and can't wait for more. - Netta - Oct-23-2007 I read all the Past Imperfect stories in one day. Yes, I know they're a lot of pages, but they are that good. If you're a Voyager fan, you should definitely check them out. - Arassar - Oct-25-2007 You won't regret a minute spent reading this. In fact you'll be looking for the next novel! - Kelly - Oct-26-2007 Great story - Nikki - Oct-26-2007 Every story has to end sometime but I sure hated to see this one reach that point. Fortunately for all of us,Fletcher took a break and than came up with "Without A Front" about a year later. She just gets better and better. Pat - Pat Iserman - Oct-26-2007 I was enthralled by this series from start to finish. The only bad bit was just that....the finish! Maybe one day we'll have another story to look forward to?!?! I loved it and would recommend it for everyone who loves a well written series with great characters and story lines. - Dogz - Oct-26-2007 FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! THE BEST STAR TREK FICTION EVER!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 Excellent series well worth the read :) - Anonymous - Oct-27-2007 I love anything Fletcher DeLancey writes, but I'm really not bias when I say you will absolutely love her stories. The fourth installment of Her Voyager stories just leaves you wanting more. How agonizing to leave us wanting more of the story. You too will want it to never end. Enjoy! - ln549 - Oct-27-2007 Be warned! Fletcher Delancey's stories are addictive! - Chris - Oct-27-2007 Great story! Probably my favorite Voyager stories. The author's new works are also fantastic. She has created a new world and it is a joy to learn about it. - Anonymous - Oct-27-2007 This story is another amazing addition to Fletcher's series. Give it a read, you will most definitely be glad you did! - Chase - Oct-27-2007 Highly recommend all stories within the series. You'll be glad you made the time to enter Fletcher's Voyager. At a minimum, it will make you smile - make you cry - make you wish for more. - mkreese - Oct-27-2007 Fletcher's stories are truly beautiful. Well written, thought provoking and enthralling. You'll want to read them over and over. - Lynn - Oct-27-2007 This series is top quality fiction from a top quality writer. You will not be disappointed but the drawback is, you'll get nothing done until you fin ish it! - tricorder - Oct-28-2007 I don't want this series to end!!! What great writing and wonderful story telling. - Anonymous - Oct-28-2007 Don't miss this series!! - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 My personal favourite of the series, and like the rest... Really great - some of the best fiction online. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 I hated to see this end. I felt like Lynne Hamilton was an old friend. And her portrayals of Janeway and Seven are right on. Revi was an added bonus. Fletcher, more please. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-01-2007 So many people can't be wrong... READ IT! XD You will love it and be hooked! - Maria - Nov-02-2007 Simply amazing! These four books are among the best Star Trek: Voyager fiction I have read (R. J. Nolan's stories are up there too -- I like the stories in which new original characters are introduced instead of the more common Janeway/Seven pairing.) I'd recommend to start reading them on a weekend -- they are hard to put down once started. Here's to hoping the story would continue in the fifth book after the author is done with the (also excellent) spin-off, Without A Front. - SS - Nov-02-2007 This series needs another story at least. Amazing characterization, well written, one of the best series I've ever read. - Anonymous - Nov-04-2007 This whole series is a GREAT READ. Not since G.L. Dartt's "Just Between" stories have I seen the depth and fullness of the characters as shown in these stories. I'm hoping that this series will continue along with the spin-off begun with "Without a Front". DeLancey is giving us a new look into Voyager's world. Take a peek, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. - nljacksn - Nov-04-2007 I love this series (and "Without a Front"), superb writing and great character studies...can't wait for more first-rate material from this very gifted writer! - OmisLiebling - Nov-24-2007 Oh my word! All I can say is that Fletcher is brilliant! Read anything and everything that she has written and beg for more! Thank you, Fletcher, for sharing this with us. I cannot wait for the next story. - Gwen - Jan-29-2008 I have read a LOT of fanfiction from every fandom in every site I could find and there have been a LOT of those that I have found. And by far this Series are amongst the best that I have ever read. Amazing detailes, captivaiting charecters, bewitching plot. I was hooked from the first sentence. In my humble opinion it is right up there with the "I Found My Heart In San Fransisco" Series to name one of the bast series on the net. The auther really shows her love and her dedication to both the quality of the story she wanted to tell and also to us as readers in this masterfully crafted master piece. And I for one can not wait for the Fifth book in the series, I am sure it will be a delight to read as well. Thank you for a wonderfull read and may this be just the begining, you have a true talent and it is a joy to go on an adventures in your books. Keep up the good work. ;) - Gelo - Feb-12-2008 Fantastic series. I'm happy that you are continuing this story. Looking forward to your next part of this wonderful story. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Excellent. I read 'No Return' because of 'Without A Front.' I was not disappointed. I've read 'Front' three times. I was blown away by the story and then the icing on the cake 'No Return.' So far two readings. I look forward to the future writings of the great author. - BJ - Jul-01-2008 Fletcher has now started posting chapters of FORWARD MOTION! The final story of this terrific series. Once again Something to look forward to on Fridays! She picks up where she left off and chapter one is terrific! - Anonymous - Dec-07-2008 Oh, this series totally rocks! I reccommend this to all my friends ... and to random peeps online too! This is so well written, the characters so well drawn ... there are no words to adequately describe just how much this author and this series rocks! Thanks for charing, Fletcher! - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 I've just finished reading the whole series and never wanted it to end. I might have to read it all over again. LOL - Fran - May-29-2009 fantastic - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 The very best SciFi - can match any published book out there easily - humour, adventure, hot sex, insights, story, characters. all you ever want, you'll find here. So great. Thanks Fletcher for sharing! - Anonymous - Oct-09-2009 This is One fantastic roller coaster ride of a series! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 Arictels like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important. - rczumahl - Dec-12-2011 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 414 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 1 of the Past Imperfect Series Series List: Past Imperfect, Present Tension, Future Perfect, No Return, Forward Motion | ![]() |
When Captain Janeway brings the sole survivor of an alien "sampling" mission on board Voyager, she finds herself in the reluctant role of counselor. But her newest responsibility turns out to be more of a handful than she ever dreamed, challenging her to adapt to an ever-changing role while dealing with an alien race whose culture hides a secret. | |
I HIGHLY recommend these books. They are a top notch series that will give you hours and hours of reading enjoyment now and in the future. These are the type of books you will put in your favorite list to take out and reread over and over again. Fletcher I'm glad you posted these here, they are way to good not be where everybody can read them. - Netta - Oct-23-2007 I enjoyed these books several times and highly recommend them. Great stories, great character description and big adventures are ahead :-) - filfil - Oct-24-2007 Before reading Fletcher DeLanceys Past Imperfect Series, I didnt even like Star Trek Voyager fanfiction; however, that changed after a few chapters of her stories. Past Imperfect, the first on the series (now with four, and a fifth on the way), starts with the arrival of a new character to Voyager, and we cannot avoid feeling a very strong empathy with Lynne Hamilton, a woman out of place, out of time. Captain Kathryn Janeway feels the same: an empathy for someone that seems so strong and yet, at the same time, so vulnerable. You see, they share a common trait: they both feel alone. That empathy becomes friendship... which becomes something else. People on Voyager are not oblivious to whats happening: Seven is curious about this 20th century passenger and BElanna finds a new friend, someone that can be as strong minded and stubborn as herself. For me, the most appealing part of this story was to see women that from being strong in their loneliness, can finally share their fears and, ultimately, their lives with someone else. Even if that path has a few hard stones on the way. Being reborn by love, like Janeway is, from captain to woman, is something that every female reader can relate, even the ones that -- like me -- didnt feel compelled to read STV fiction before. As for the hard fans of Seven of Nine, dont worry... along the series there are quite a lot of surprises for Seven too. :) Fletcher DeLancey manages to deliver not only a great plot, but also a *very* well written story. Her characters development is wonderfully done and, in a way, made me fell in love with all of these women, their flaws and their qualities. (I could even have my little hate moment with Chakotay!). The pace of the plot is sure and full of twists... including the action scenes. It made me wish Voyager had different screenwriters. I smiled, stressed, laughed and cried, all in the same novel. That doesn't happen every day... - Maria - Oct-24-2007 You will love this story! - Kelly - Oct-26-2007 This is part one of a terrific series of stories that makes you laugh, cry, & feel every other emotion under the sun. Fletcher is a great writer. - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 If you love the Voyager stories I can guarantee you will love these stories. Read them! You won't be sorry. - ln549 - Oct-26-2007 I LOVE this version of romance for Janeway.It's my favorite of all the combos for the "Captain". I never was comfortable with Janeway and Seven of Nine being a couple. Fletcher has dreamed up such a unique way to present Janeway's love interest into the story.I couldn't wait for each new update when she first started posting these stories. Pull up a chair and dive in because you won't come up for air for days. You won't regret one single moment. Thanks Fletcher. Pat - Pat Iserman - Oct-26-2007 great series, excellent read, don't miss this author - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 One of my all time favorite authors! When I read this series, I immediately sat down and read it again, that's how much I loved it. - Dogz - Oct-26-2007 FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! THE BEST STAR TREK FICTION EVER!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 Entertaining story that moves the voyager universe beyond the typical slash partners. No need to even have watched the show, it's a good read. The entire series hold you until the end - then you'll have to let Fletcher know you'd really like to see the final novel - soon! - raiderL - Oct-27-2007 This is the best fanfic I've ever read! Great vocabulary, natural dialogue, nerve-racking drama, perfectly captured personalities. I'm impressed by Fletcher's way of looking at things from different people's perspectives and making the characters evolve over time. - Alma - Oct-27-2007 Amazing novel, the beggining of a enthralling series (with even a spin off!). You will love it. It's not just about _if_ they get together, but what happens _next_. Very good read. - Maria - Oct-27-2007 Captivating story! You do not need be a Star Trek Voyager fan to enjoy. - Chris - Oct-27-2007 Excellent! Once I started reading, I could not stop until I had read the entire series ... - SG - Oct-27-2007 While I am not a huge Janeay fan this story is so well written that it drew me in and helped me enjoy her character. - Chase - Oct-27-2007 Highly recommend all stories within the series. You'll be glad you made the time to enter Fletcher's Voyager. At a minimum, it will make you smile - make you cry - make you wish for more. - mkreese - Oct-27-2007 This love story is inspiring to say the least. It doesn't get any better than this. Very well done! - Lynn - Oct-27-2007 Simply the best Janeway fiction I have ever read! - tricorder - Oct-28-2007 What a fabulous series! Can't wait for the next book to start. - Anonymous - Oct-28-2007 This is the story that got me hooked on Fletcher's novels. I usually don't enjoy stories that pair Janeway with anyone but Seven of Nine. However, Fletcher's original character, Lynne Hamilton, is so believable and fleshed out, I was won over. Lynne and Janeway's relationship is written realistically. They each have to learn to compromise to make their marriage work. I also like that Fletcher has Lynne older than Janeway by a few years. Lynne knows who she is and is not waiting for anyone to 'mold' her. Plenty of excitement and adventure too. I can't wait until her next novel in this series is done. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Oct-29-2007 Excellent story, well written... - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 After reading all of the great recommendations out there, how could I not read this series. I wasn't disappointed!!!Finished the series in 2 days and am waiting impatiently for the next book... - Anonymous - Oct-31-2007 One one the best Voyager stories aroundsnd well worth the read. - Nikki - Nov-02-2007 From the first word to the last - you will love her stories!!! - From Germany - Nov-03-2007 I was bound and fascinated over 4 books. really great story. every part of this story was thrilling and amazing. please do it again...... - stitz97331 - Nov-25-2007 If ever you wanted fanfiction that read like a novel this is it. A superb story with amazing character depth and plot twists that still remains mostly true to canon. A MUST read! - Emily - Nov-29-2007 If you haven't read this one yet, DO IT NOW!!!! You wont regret it.. - leia - Jan-07-2008 What a brilliant story! I couldn't stop reading, I just had to know more. I would recommend reading this many times over! - Gwen - Jan-29-2008 I have never watched StarTrek. After reading half of Past Imperfect I even bought season 6 DVD's. Fletcher DeLancey's writing exceeds just about anything I've ever read online, has me crying and laughing, but always wanting to read more. I wanted to slow down because I didn't want it to end but now I read there'll be more! Hooray! - ullahoo - Mar-22-2008 Absolutely the best Voyager story pairing Janeway with an original character that I have read. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Oh, this series totally rocks! I reccommend this to all my friends ... and to random peeps online too! This is so well written, the characters so well drawn ... there are no words to adequately describe just how much this author and this series rocks! Thanks for charing, Fletcher! - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 This is my second time reading this story and i still love it! I enjoy reading janeway/seven fanfic but I find that the pairing in this series suits Janeway much better. Delancey is an amazing author and i look forward to reading more of her work in the future. - Anonymous - Aug-26-2009 Its and amazing story. once started i couldnt stop reading till the end - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 Well this is just a perfect novel and an awesome story! - Anonymous - Oct-01-2009 I had no idea about Voyager - but this story is just awesome and a scifi-lovers dream come true. I missed some sleep but this is worth every minute! - Anonymous - Oct-09-2009 Wonderful characters, really captivating story. Amazing attention to details that really bring this story to life. Thanks!! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 Fletcher DeLancey has written a wonderful series. This is one of the best in the xenaverse. What a gifted story teller she is. I absolutely LOVE the characters, the story line, the journey. btw... I had watched Voyager years ago and had not those of these characters in many years. Fletcher's universe pulled me in and created a whole new world. I can't recommend it highly enough. Read it. - Anonymous - Jun-15-2010 these aren't just voyager stories... they're amazing tales inhabited by some of the most amazing & well-developed characters i have found in a story i a long time. i rarely read anything but the original fics, but these stories were some of the best i've read (of any type or fandom). you will not regret the time invested for a moment. - Anonymous - Sep-01-2010 ~cheers~ STAMP OF APPROVAL - reader - Oct-27-2010 Wonderful! - Anonymous - Nov-30-2010 I read all the books, and it is FANTASTIC serial! Don't skip it! - hit.dana - Jan-08-2011 l5W9o9 - mOOzbudAlFbcu - Mar-28-2011 l5W9o9 - mOOzbudAlFbcu - Mar-28-2011 l5W9o9 - mOOzbudAlFbcu - Mar-28-2011 l5W9o9 - mOOzbudAlFbcu - Mar-28-2011 Fabulous beginning to a wonderful series. I absolutely adore the complexity of the characters. I am in awe of Delancey's writing. - JJ - Apr-11-2011 This series is a sci-fi fan's ultimate pleasure. The setting, characters, stories are well thought out and crafted. I am hopeful Ms DeLancey will start a new series that continues their journey. Your know they are just starting out - back in their own space and time. I've thoroughly enjoyed each and every story in the series. Fell in love with all the characters. Brava !! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with those of who lurk here in the Atheneaum. - colorado fan - Aug-20-2011 Prior to this I had never read anything in the Voyager fandom. I didn't think I could like it at all. This was an amazing series and I plan to read it all again shortly - Anonymous - Jan-19-2012 Wow. Reading this series was better than watching the show. What depth of characters and so many small details all tied in together. Truly wonderful writing. Sometimes I forgot I was actually reading I got so lost in the story. Be prepared for tears and outbursts of laughter. You won't be disappointed. - Wheezie - Dec-12-2012 Past Imperfect is a good story, but the best part is getting to read the 4 sequels that follow. Each novel is better and more immersive than the previous... RUN, do not walk to this amazing, must-read series!! - Anonymous - Nov-09-2014 I have heard of this series but never got around to reading it... but i'm sure glad i did now. What a fantastic read. Deeply immersive, well plotted out and just really well-written that i', glad to read it now because it's complete, thank the gods. Great stuff, full 5 stars. - Reg - Nov-06-2016 This is one of the best Voyager fanfic ever. This series is phenomenal. When you get done with these, check out her published work. It just keeps getting better. - Wheezie - Jan-20-2017 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 288 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 2 of the Past Imperfect Series Series List: Past Imperfect, Present Tension, Future Perfect, No Return, Forward Motion | ![]() |
An ordinary away mission to a trading planet turns deadly when Janeway puts herself at risk to protect a former Borg. While Janeway and Lynne cope with the aftermath, Seven of Nine adapts to a newcomer -- and the realization that for the first time since her own severance from the Collective, her mind is no longer silent. | |
Great read! You'll be begging for more! - Kelly - Oct-26-2007 The continuation of a much beloved story. All of Fletcher's writing flows with adventure, passion and pure joy of a story well told. Don't miss it! - ln549 - Oct-26-2007 # 2 in the series won't disappoint.Hurry and read it!!!!!!!!!!! Pat - Pat Iserman - Oct-26-2007 The second in the Past Imperfect Series keeps the story rolling along very nicely. Her original characters are fantastic and have amazing depth. I highly recommend this series. - Dogz - Oct-26-2007 FUCKING FANTASTIC!!! THE BEST STAR TREK FICTION EVER!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Oct-26-2007 I wish I could adequately describe just how good these stories are. - Chris - Oct-27-2007 Well written saga. A must read for Janeway/Seven fans. - Lindsey Wilson - Oct-27-2007 This chapter heralds the introduction of my favorite character yet in this series. Definitely well worth the time spent reading! - Chase - Oct-27-2007 Highly recommend all stories within the series. You'll be glad you made the time to enter Fletcher's Voyager. At a minimum, it will make you smile - make you cry - make you wish for more. - mkreese - Oct-27-2007 What an incredible read. You'll be left wanting more and hoping it never ends. A true gift for all of us. Thanks Fletcher! - Lynn - Oct-27-2007 A veritable page-turner. Wonderful rounded characters. The best I have ever read! - tricorder - Oct-28-2007 Really a great second part of the series. Revi is a wonderful character and a great addition to the story. - Anonymous - Oct-28-2007 Amazing story. Just great! - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 I'm telling you. Part one hooked me and part two addicted me. Fletcher knows how to spin a tale. Once you start reading, you got to have more. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-01-2007 Must read! It doesn't get any better than this. Wonderful series. - Maria - Nov-02-2007 I suddenly find myself reading all her works...Her stories got me hooked. - leia - Jan-07-2008 This series just gets better and better. If you haven't started reading this series ... what's wrong with you! Get Reading!! - Gwen - Jan-29-2008 This story is absolutely AWSOME!!! Can't wait to read the rest - Anonymous - May-02-2008 This series continues to amaze me. GREAT! - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Oh, this series totally rocks! I reccommend this to all my friends ... and to random peeps online too! This is so well written, the characters so well drawn ... there are no words to adequately describe just how much this author and this series rocks! Thanks for charing, Fletcher! - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 great story. a must read - Anonymous - Sep-09-2009 It gets better and better ... don't hesitate with reading - Anonymous - Oct-01-2009 Great original new character! Another great story in a great series! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 My only complaint is that there is nit a limitless collection of Fletcher's stories. I am beyond in love with this series and wish it would never end. The characters are incredibly well constructed and the dialogue is nothing short of inspirational. Thank you! - Anonymous - Jul-13-2011 |
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 68 pages | Finished | May-10 Part 2 of the Chronicles Of Alsea Series Series List: Without A Front, Vellmar the Blade | ![]() |
When Lead Guard Vellmar competes against her mother in the blade-throwing events of the Games, she makes a split-second decision that will win or lose the championship -- and reverberate through Alsean history. | |
I'm a big fan of Fletcher DeLancey, from the first moment that I came across Without a Front. The big surprise of the day was when I discovered another chapter in the story that I cherish greatly. I must say that I devoured these new pages with unique enthusiasm, I felt like a girl with her new toy, and boy toy! DeLancey's talent is more than present in this new job. Although this is a rather short novella, I'm used to a greater volume of pages by this author, DeLancey brings its grandeur in 68 or 400 pages, giving us things that many feel lost, as the meaning of honor, friendship and respect that everyone should practice to others. I hope Delancey continue the good work as she has done so far and delight us with more stories and so admirable job. Tip: Bookmark this author as one of the best. Thanks! - Lucian - May-18-2010 This is a great addition to the Without a Front Universe! A definite must read. - L'Nara - May-18-2010 thank goodness Fletcher Delancey one of the best writers around has graced us with another morsel of Alsean history - kind of a sequel to Without A Front - my only complaint, dear Fletcher, too short, too short! We need more of your wonderful stories. And BTW great beta reading as well!! - bookgeek - May-19-2010 Excellent addition to the folklore of the Alsean world, my only wish is that it was longer ;) - Caden - May-21-2010 Yay! A new story!! This is an excellent addition to the Alsea Saga. Great to see Fletcher writing again. - Kugai - May-22-2010 I really enjoyed this addition to the "Fletcher Library" which continues along the Lancer Tal time 'n space. A little different but still a great piece of writing I recommend that you read WITHOUT A FRONT that sets the stage for Vellmar's follow-up as it helps with context. - CoolNik - May-25-2010 Great read. A great author. Well worth the wait. I will probably read it over and over as I have "Without Front." Thanks Fletcher. P.S. I hope you are working on more Alsea. - BJ - May-28-2010 Excellent follow-up novella to the Chronicles of Alsea series. Not to be missed -- this author has got it going, every single time she publishes! - Thora - Jun-08-2010 I was thrilled to see there was an additional tale featuring the characters of Without a Front - and this is a well-crafted, lovely, engaging tale at that. I keep checking your website for new updates, Fletcher; your writing is the best on the web, and I adore your bevy of characters. I hope to see more soon! And, thank you for your story. You are an inspiration. - Kate - Aug-03-2010 This was fun reading right after Without a Front. What a great story. I can't wait for Salomen's story!!! - juliemania - Sep-02-2010 I loved without a front and i loved this. Pleasantly surprised to have found this sequel, would love to hear more of Vellmar's stories. - bellat. - Sep-07-2010 It really is a shame to see both these stories disappear from the web, they were the best tie-in/spinoff tales I've ever read and fit perfectly in with Fletchers Series. One can understand it, with them having to be rewritten to remove those Voyager Tie-in elements, but I feel we've lost something in the removal of them in their original form. They will be missed. - Kugai - Apr-06-2015 It really is a shame to see both these stories disappear from the web, they were the best tie-in/spinoff tales I've ever read and fit perfectly in with Fletchers Series. One can understand it, with them having to be rewritten to remove those Voyager Tie-in elements, but I feel we've lost something in the removal of them in their original form. They will be missed. - Kugai - Apr-06-2015 |
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 884 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #68 in 2007, #40 in 2008, #96 in 2009 Links: Red Moon - Fiction by Fletcher DeLancey Part 1 of the Chronicles Of Alsea Series Series List: Without A Front, Vellmar the Blade | ![]() |
Raised in the halls of power and holding the highest title in the land, Lancer Andira Tal is used to being prejudged because of her rank. When she meets a woman who sees beyond it, she finds her own lifelong assumptions brought into question at a time when political maneuvering jeopardizes everything she holds dear. | |
This is a wonderful off shoot of "No Return". Lancer Tal,is the powerful leader of the Alsean nation but she's also a warrior whose heart has been badly bruised.If you like strong women,political intrigue,loving families,excellent love scenes and top notch writing,this is the story for you.It isn't all posted yet but Fletcher doesn't start posting her stories until she has finished writing so it only has a few more weeks to go. Pat - Pat Iserman - Oct-29-2007 I loved the other 4 previous books. This new book takes place with one of the characters we met during Voyager's journey and have left the area. Fletcher crafts and developes an intreguing new world and culture. I very much enjoyed getting to know Andira Tal & those close to her & wait for books 8-11. [Editors Note: G. L. Dartt does not allow any website to link to her stories.] This ranks up with G.L. Dartt's wonderful Between Us series, unfortunately not yet linked on the Athenaeum - Kali - Oct-29-2007 I never read unfinished stories, but I couldn't help myself and now I'm dying until the rest of this is posted. Fletcher is such a talented writer and should be publishing left and right. - Netta - Oct-29-2007 Even better than the past imperfect series! Really enjoyable read. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2007 I'd recommend this even more so than any of Fletcher's other stories. Not only is it extremely well-written, it's more accessible for those of us not necessarily that familiar with the Star Trek genre as it takes place in an original setting. - Anonymous - Oct-31-2007 I am continuously impressed (blown away) by the writing excellence in all these works. The characters are fascinating, enhanced by a richly imagined world with so many dimensions interwoven: culture, politics, individual characters, relationships. Stunning. Is there a stronger recommendation than, "Must Read!"? - Anonymous - Nov-01-2007 This series has been FANTASTIC!!! Constantly new and interesting. The plot line keeps the story moving while keeping you interested in what might happen next. Can't wait to see how it ends up and wish it wouldn't. - Dave - Nov-02-2007 I have read everything this lady has written and she is awesome. Without a front is no exception and she will make you laugh and cry and feel like few writers can. This book should be published Ms DeLancey! - tonette1013 - Nov-02-2007 Another wonderul tale from the talented Fletcher DeLancey! Thank you for sharing your gift with us! - Kelly - Nov-02-2007 You know it's Friday because Fletcher posts a new installment. XD This is a GREAT spin off of PAst Imperfect. Even if you haven't read one (what are you waiting for?), it'll make sense and you'll love it. Brilliant read. You'll learn to count the minutes until next Friday's post. XD - Maria - Nov-02-2007 Love speculative fiction? This is a must read. Without a Front is a spin-off of DeLancey's Past Imperfect series--wonderfully developed characters and plot that go far beyond the usual fanfic archetypes. - Honore Harris - Nov-02-2007 When I first learned that Fletcher was working on this "spin-off" I wasn't sure I would enjoy it. Boy was I wrong! This is as good (better in some ways) as Her voyager series. A must read - Nikki - Nov-02-2007 If this story, (as well as her Past Imperfect series), isn't published, it would be a crime. Her imagery is masterful. She breathes heart and soul into each and every character with fearlessness. And the amazing freedom of her own creation has given her talent wings. As incredible an experience as "Past Imperfect" is, "Without A Front" is astounding in its proof that Fletcher DeLancey can captivate an audience, as very few, even published authors, can. Don't miss this one! - Mad Dog - Nov-02-2007 great read. Highly enjoyed the first 4 and have passed on the link to a number of people who also loved it. - anon - Nov-02-2007 Good god, WHY doesn't this woman have a publishing deal? Well, okay...permissions on the Voyager stuff, no doubt. But with a little tweaking, Without A Front wouldn't need all that permissions stuff. Exquisite turns of phrase, superb dialogue, most excellent characterization, and a tightly woven narrative that includes strands of political intrigue and battles both personal and public. RUN, don't walk to this woman's website and pimp her mercilessly to your friends. This is a writer who NEEDS to be read, who should serve as an example to writers everywhere as a master craftswoman. - Andi M - Nov-02-2007 Wow! I'm absolutely stunned its unreal, its 5am in the morning and just wanted to click to book 9 of the unfinished series and now I have to wait!! I thought the first series that this series spins off from was great but this is in another twist in that story that has me completely hooked. I've loved every twist and turn and delacy unveiling in this story and I CAN'T WAIT to read more ... - Dg - Nov-04-2007 Great story! Very well written. Wish I could visit this world and meet the characters in person. - SG - Nov-11-2007 This is such a fabulous read. Every week I am even more delighted than the week before. I love everything that Fletcher DeLancey has written and this is one of her best. - Anonymous - Nov-16-2007 Just read it. It's that good. - Anonymous - Nov-19-2007 What a fantastic story. I am sad to see it end. Fletcher has a way of making her characters three dimensional. She has created an interesting universe; one I hope she continues to write about in the future. BRAVO!!! - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-23-2007 I am about to read the end of Without a Front, and it is a must read for all sci fi fans. Fletcher has created a whole new world, with its own language and customs, and a unique social structure, and as usual, creative plotting, wonderful characters, and brilliant writing. DO NOT MISS!!! - Lucy - Nov-23-2007 Wow!!! Fletcher's work is so powerful! What a great story! It's one thing to take some characters who are familiar to some of us, with a couple of great additions, and build a great story around them, as she did in the Voyager series. It's quite another to come up with an entirely unique group of characters and worlds as she did with this story and pull it off as well as Fletcher has done. Very, very few writers are capable of doing this, or doing it as well as she has. Do anything you can to let your friends know they have to read all of her work ASAP. I have to agree with previous posts and hope that one of the publishers is smart enough to publish Fletcher's work. Awesome, awesome, awesome! - Lynn - Nov-24-2007 This story is now complete! Once again Fletcher has knocked this out of the park. Run don't walk to read it! - Anonymous - Nov-24-2007 Yay, it's done! This is one of my new favorite stories, simply because Salomen is so great. Read it read it read it! - Arassar - Nov-25-2007 Fantastic! I can't say this enough. Excellent read. Original characters. Well written, suspenseful and touching. I'm not even close to running out of good things to say about this but I should save room for others. Seriously, this is one of those stories that you should just read. - Anonymous - Nov-27-2007 Three words: It's over already?! ;_; Awesome, amazing, wonderful... just: wow. An absolutely amazing read! I couldn't stop reading it! - Shayla - Nov-28-2007 Outstanding end to a great series!!! I just wish it could go on for a while! - Dave - Nov-29-2007 Without doubt one of the best stories I have read in the last 10 years. I started reading it after dinner and then suddenly discovered it was dawn and I was still enjoying every bit of it. Brilliantly realistic characters, a must read - nondescriptone - Nov-29-2007 Awesome, just Awesome. never read the rest of the series, didnt need it to enjoy this tale. This has gone right to the top of my faves list, please give us some more from this spectacular world. - Sci Fi Fanatic - Nov-30-2007 Great tale - would love to see it 'fixed' up to be published. it's that good!'s that GREAT! Love this author's work. - Anonymous - Dec-02-2007 I am just happy that it is a "Part 1" and that I will be able to read more. I really love her stories! - From Germany - Dec-10-2007 This story is fantastic - the characters are intriguing, the plot well constructed and completely engrossing. Without a Front is a must read, along with all of the other work by this author. I can't wait for more. - Anne J - Dec-10-2007 great tension, great sense of humour, great build-up, great the whole thing over a weekend, i definetely recommend it... - Anonymous - Dec-27-2007 You are really one of the best writer i have ever read..Your stories are so captivating... - leia - Jan-07-2008 I read this book because it is a stand alone from the Star Trek fan fiction. No need to be a trekky (which I'm not) to love this one. It has it all...great characters, intriguing setting, tight plot, and sound writing. I'd like to encourage Fletcher DeLancey to write more uber and original fiction because she has the chops to turn out some really wonderful stories. Great work, Fletcher! - calabria - Jan-12-2008 What a great story! What a great author! - jd - Jan-16-2008 What a delightful story! I would recommend this to anyone. The attention to detail in creating a whole new world and culture is amazing. I really hope that there are more stories to come set in this world. Maybe a story about Vellmar finding her tyree, perhaps? Regardless, READ THIS STORY, IT IS SO WORTH THE READ! - Gwen - Jan-31-2008 Fantastic story. I would like a sequel. - Anonymous - Apr-19-2008 Fletcher DeLancey is a Sci-Fi writer of the highest caliber. Reading this novel brought back memories of discovering Robert Heinlein's sci-fi books in my high school library. Her writing is just that encompassing. She has created a sci-fi masterpiece - and our alien hero is a FEMALE LOVING FEMALE!! You cannot get any better than this. - Anonymous - May-06-2008 Best sci-fi I have read in a LONG time. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Great! Great! I love science fiction. Read this book it will not disappoint. - BJ - Jun-24-2008 This is an excellent piece of science fiction. It is textured and intelligent. The world that the author has created is not only believable and faithful to it's own rules, but it's mesmerizing. There are so many layers to this work that it continues to entice even during a second reading. My only question is, 'why isn't it published?'. - Wasabigirl - Jul-02-2008 This is best sci fi book I have read all year! I can't wait for her next book. DeLancey is a writer that I enjoy reading her every word and her books multiple times! - juliemania - Jul-21-2008 Shekken, what a fantastic story! Adorable characters, great humour, and a whole new world to learn about. Really speedy! Waiting anxiously for "Forward Motion" - Fletcher's writing is superb! - ullahoo - Jul-28-2008 Simply fantastic. Im not a fan of ST:V as a rule, but this is well worth the read. It's a rare SciFi that is as well rounded and complete as this one. Really is a whole new world. Would happily pay the $25 for a real printed and extended version..... Any chance of meeting with these 2 again for more adventure in the future?? - All that and a bag of chips - Oct-15-2008 Great pacing, intriguing characters. I stayed up multiple nights finishing this series. I usually don't read sci fi, but this story has such fascinating characters I hardly noticed the different world except as a wonderful backdrop to the people. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS! - Anonymous - Dec-07-2008 pleasepleaseplease! moremoremore! - offhermeds - Dec-23-2008 This is overall one of the most thought out wonderful works of fiction I have ever read. Thank You, I would love to see a sequel - Toni - Dec-26-2008 High quality writing - well-balanced, well-paced and very intelligent, both in its plot development and in its exploration of emotion and motivation. - ab - Dec-31-2008 I'm not at all a Star Trek Voyager fan thus I have stayed away from this story for a long time because of the tag line of "Star Trek Voyager". In this novel, the author had skillfully created her own characters and another world that are full of life and intrigue. I love the characters and their relationships. And though the novel is quite a long read, I didn't want it to end. And at the end, I want to read a sequel -- and I'd be content just to read about their everyday life. I was pleasantly surprised that it had little to do with the "Voyager" and hope that the web host of the Athenaeum would not refer it as such. It undermines the author's creativity as described. It has been a while since the last time I have read a story that I thoroughly enjoyed this much. Highly recommended! - BYL - Jan-07-2009 I almost cried when the story was over because the characters had become so real to me. The universe is very different from ours and yet was explained so well that I began to think in their terms. I would absolutely recommend this story to anyone, whether they like futuristic or not. - Chris - Feb-02-2009 This is fantastic! Read it you will never regret it. The story is one of the best I've read. It wasn't long enough. - melktert - Feb-21-2009 This is a great spin-off of a great series! I so recommend this story, both as a spin-off and as a stand-alone. *grins* And I live in hope that there'll be a sequel or another book based in this world... - Gwen - Mar-11-2009 Fletcher, you have managed to write the best fanfiction ever about ST Voyager... Thanks for those wonderful moments spent reading your novels. - Fran - May-29-2009 This is more than just "great sci fi" - it's great fiction. The characters are complex and nuanced, the plot is creative with both mystery and romance, and the writing is smart and tight. If you're one who gets tired of the formulaic "They meet, they connect, they have fabulous sex" of a lot of the stories out there, then do yourself a favor and check out this novel. It really is THAT good. - CarenP - Jun-19-2009 I fell in love with these characters and dearly hated to see it end. This is, quite simply, a magnificent story. Mentioning the Star Trek universe is all but mute because it is merely a jumping point from which Fletcher weaves a mesmerizing original story that will keep you guessing and spinning and on occasion, reaching for the Kleenex. In this humble reader's opinion, "Without a Front" is without a doubt, Fletcher's crowning glory to date. Worthy of publication and as absolutely wide an audience as it can get! - California Girl - Jul-22-2009 Okay - I am in the middle of Without a Front: this is just an amazing book I can't wait to finish and I hate to finish it - if you know what I mean. Hopefully there will be much more about Alsea and much more of this great bard! - Anonymous - Sep-26-2009 This is one of the best SciFi I have read in many years. Such a talented writer, a great world, great characters, awesome story ... excellent beta reading. Why this author is not published will remain a mystery and good for every one of us that she shares her gift so freely. Is there any hope for more of Alsea? This world has lots of potential and I would like to hear more about Tal & Salomen ... I do hope so! - Anonymous - Sep-27-2009 This is just one heck of a story: it ranks IMHO with the best Scifi available and is just such a joy to read. The only thing missing is a sequel What an enjoyable story from begining to end! More Please! - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 What an exceptional story. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I've always loved SciF, and this is one of the best I've read. Also, loved the expanded and openly tolerant view of "family". Now - that's the way the world should be!! - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jan-10-2010 Everyone should read this wonderful author. I've loved all of her stories. You don't need to be a STV or SciFi fan to enjoy this fantastic series. You will fall in love with all the characters and root them on ! - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jan-19-2010 Outstanding read - Mar - Jan-23-2010 Outstanding! Really classy writing and superb plot. Well worth giving this story quality time to enjoy it - Valdez1966 - Feb-23-2010 A great offshoot story from the writer of one of the best Stat Trek: Voyager Fiction Series out there. - Anonymous - Mar-03-2010 Whoops! Forgot to add my Name to the recommendation above - Sorry Fletcher - Kugai - Mar-03-2010 Fletcher DeLancey is a wonderful author and I have read everything she has written. Without a Front is a great story and I fell in love with the characters and the story. I highly recommend it. You will love it. - Anonymous - May-19-2010 I love this story and am glad to hear that there will be more coming in the series! - Susanneke - Jun-08-2010 This is the most fantastic scifi - well crafted and addictive. A must read. - bookgeek - Jun-12-2010 Extraordinary craftsmanship in an intriguing story. I've read Without a Front multiple times now, and have only just recently begun to appreciate the superb attention to detail that must've gone into creating such a society -- and then to populate the story with fascinating, complex characters who make you care about them? Quite an achievement! Fletcher DeLancey is a wonderful writer, and Without a Front would be at home on any top-fiction list. I look forward to reading more! - Kate - Aug-04-2010 i liked this one better than even the voyager series. i loved it. i've reread it several times and the depth of the story and quality of writing holds up every time. it really is amazing to have such a compelling story with such incredibly complete characters who seem utterly realistic. it is by a long way my single favorite piece of fiction here or anywhere. - Anonymous - Sep-01-2010 I just read this again, what a great story. I love these characters. I want more. :-) - juliemania - Sep-02-2010 was here too. ~cheers~ STAMP HERE! - reader - Oct-28-2010 wow have to leave a message because this was simply an amazing story. I'm at a loss of words to describe such a talented writter. I was so into the story that i even read part of it at work! Once you start it's very difficult to stop... - memetricote - Oct-31-2010 quite possibly one of the absolute best ubernovels out there. Lancer Tal captured me right from the beginning. Great plot, amazing characters, exceptionally well written. - Michelle - Apr-12-2011 IT.WAS.AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoyed the interaction between the characters and immersing myself in their world of emotional 'fronting'. Would love the continuation of this series. Keep up the GREAT work Fletcher D. - toni - Jun-06-2011 FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Amazing plot, great characters, always love a strong warrior but enjoyed the inner strength of Salomen. Thanks for the exceptionally well written tale. More PLEASE.... - Anonymous - Jun-06-2011 FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Amazing plot, great characters, always love a strong warrior but enjoyed the inner strength of Salomen. Thanks for the exceptionally well written tale. More PLEASE.... - Anonymous - Jun-06-2011 One of the best science fiction stories I have read in fandom. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2012 So glad to see this series published. Fantastic author and one of the best scifi stories available!! - colorado fan - May-05-2015 |