The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Harlequin -
Stories Found: 2
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Janice and Mel Adventure (A) by Harlequin     
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 43 pages | Unfinished |
Cast: Janice, Mel, Jan, Tessa, Melinda, Argo

Within Her Eyes by Harlequin     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 85 pages | Unfinished | Mar99
Cast: Amos, Emma, Desdemona, Kalinda, Sal, Alcatraz, Fairfax, Vance
Links: Athenaeum's Scroll Archives               
Amos Duncan is inmate number 54983 in New Alcatraz Prison for female offenders. Only the worst of the worst offenders are sent to this hell hole that is run by the most ruthless warden to ever live. Warden Desdemona Tempest is known to be heartless and runs HER prison with a iron fist that rivals any dictators. Miraculously, Amos is set free, and one of her first acts is helping a blond writer in distress on the streets...Amos saves her life. Enter Emma Riordan, who's attraction to Amos is as innevitable as Amos' is to Emma. Follow this unlikely and powerful Uber to the triumph of romance and destiny and keep an eye for those familiar characters.
One of the most amazing ubers i have ever read. Please finish it!! - Bacchus - Aug-15-2006   

There is something about this ex con /ex conqueror uber. The odds seem insurmountable yet there is hope in the budding relationship. At the moment this is a 3 chapter cliff hanger & I've no clue when it was actually written as there is no date & the author's web site link is no more so the hopes of an ending are likely slim. That said it is exciting and worth reading. - Kali - Nov-08-2006   

Great storyline and characters. Unusual combining conqueror and uber, but it really works. Read it. - gillian - Nov-12-2006   

A Conqueror-ish uber, very interesting idea, it kidna works. The characters have a lot of obstacles to overcome, hope we get to find out if they make it someday... - Anonymous - Nov-20-2009   

I like these characters and the plot is interesting, definitely worth a read even though we probably won't ever get an ending. - Anonymous - Nov-23-2009   

I like the plot, the writing is a little off, some POV issues I think. Overall a pretty good unfinished story, kinda sad we probably won't find out how it ends... - Anonymous - Jul-08-2010   

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