The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Izzy -
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Choices by Izzy     
Buffy | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 333 pages | Finished | Sep-09
Related EpisodesPost season 6 with some alterations
Cast: Buffy, Faith, Beth, Willow, Xander, Giles, Dawn, Angel, Amy
Links: Wicked & Divine               
An Alternate Universe exists where Buffy and Faith met in high school, became lovers, slayers, have a daughter together and get married. After defeating a demon, AU Faith and her daughter are transported to the "Real World" Sunnydale. Tara didn't die when she was shot but is in a coma (no "Evil Willow" happened). Spike got the chip taken out and is going after Buffy. And the "Real" Faith is just out of prison and helping Angel.

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